(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Isaiah 55 look down in your Bibles at verse number six It says here seek ye the Lord while he may be found call you upon him while he is near let the wicked forsake his way in the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and you will have mercy upon him and To our God for he will abundantly pardon for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither Your ways my way saith the Lord for as the heavens are higher than the earth So are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts and the title of the sermon this morning is closing the gap Closing the gap now this passage of scriptures is a fairly popular portion of scriptures especially in the book of Isaiah and it's often used as a Remedy as to why good things happen to our bad things happen to good people You know, if you ever had a person who went through a trial They went through a difficulty and they don't necessarily know how to answer that difficulty or that trial They'll often say we know God's ways are higher than our ways his thoughts than our thoughts In other words what they're saying is, you know We don't know why God does certain things and he works in mysterious ways so on and so forth now This is a good application to this portion of scripture. However, it's not the primary interpretation You see he's not saying there that you know that God's ways that God works in mysterious ways Or that he does things a certain way and maybe we may not ever understand why he does the things the way he does him He's actually saying something different look at verse number seven. It says let the wicked Forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord Then he says from my thoughts are not your thoughts Neither your ways my way saith the Lord for as the heavens are higher than the earth So are my ways than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. What is he saying? He's saying look man's way is wicked Man's thoughts are unrighteous. My ways are right. My thoughts are righteous and guess what? There's a big gap between the two is what he's saying There's a very large distance In fact, if you're to measure the distance between how you think and how God thinks It's like as high as the heavens are from the earth If we were to take a measuring stick and say how different are our thoughts than God's thoughts our ways than God's ways God says it's like the heavens are from the earth. That's how far it is That's what he's stating there He's saying that there is a major gap between their ways and God's ways man's thoughts then God's thoughts Look, this is a theme that we see throughout the Bible the Bible tells us in Proverbs 16 There is a way that seemeth right into a man But the end thereof are the ways of death the Bible says in Proverbs 21 to every way of a man is right in his Own eyes, but the Lord pondereth the hearts and what this passage of Scripture is doing is basically saying this Hey, we need to close that gap There's a gap between our thoughts God's thoughts our ways his ways and what we need to do as Christians is close That gap now, how do we do that? Well verse 7 tells us let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return Unto the Lord you see we don't go to God or we don't close the gap by causing God to come to us We don't try to get God to conform to our ways or to try to get God to conform to our Culture or the way that we do things. No, we need to go to God. We need to go to his word Hey, we don't take God's Word and try to change it to simplify it to make it more You know a book for the common people No We need to take the King James Bible which is God's Word and Bring it to the people and help them to understand what the Bible says Well, you know the Bible is just so difficult to understand, you know, we need a new King James version, you know We need the NIV. We need the ESV. No, you need a King James Bible We need to bring society to God's Word Not God's Word and bring it down to the level of intelligence of the society, okay We need to close the gap and today the gap between what man thinks is right What God says is right is becoming broader and broader The distance is increasing more and more as high as the heavens are from the earth This is why biblical Christianity is so radical to some people Biblical Christianity people look at biblical Christianity look at a church like ours and say well, that's a cult No, it's not that it's a cult. It's just that God's ways are higher than your ways It's just that God's thoughts are so much different than though your way of thinking. That's what it is Oh, you guys are just a bunch of bigots. No, it's actually God's ways are just different than your ways They're higher is what it is. It's different There's a big distance between the two and what you need to do is close that gap And one thing you'll notice is that when you're in church for a certain length of time I'm talking about a hellfire damnation preaching church and That gap begins to close you begin to realize that the things that you thought were not normal are actually normal to God You begin to realize that the things that you thought were normal are actually an abomination Unto the Lord why because the more you close that gap of your ways The more you close the gap of your thoughts and you align them with God's ways in God's thoughts You realize hey God God was right this whole time Isn't what I thought it was, you know, the culture seeks to broaden that gap Fake Christians seek to broaden that gap. What we need to do is close it Bring us to God, right? It's gone to the point where the ways of the Lord seem evil to society go to Ezekiel chapter 18 Ezekiel chapter 18 You know nowadays it's like if you adhere to the Bible You believe in the biblical roles within a home that that the husband is the boss Then a wife is supposed to submit to her husband The children are to be in subjection to their parents that that seems just like crazy. Oh, that's too old-fashioned. That's weird That's that's cultish. You guys are bigots. You guys are are they just name us everything under the Sun But what it is is that it's just biblical Christianity And the reason you can't understand that is because your ways are so much more different than God's ways. Okay? Look over to Ezekiel chapter 18 verse 24 says but when the righteous turned it away from his righteousness and Committed the Nick woody and do it according to all the abominations That the wicked man do it shall he live all his righteousness That he hath done shall not be mentioned in his trespass that he hath trespassed and in his sin that he hath sinned in Them shall he die Yet ye say the way of the Lord is not equal What are they saying they're saying that because God says this that's not righteous that's not right that's not equal that's not fair How are you gonna say that these people are false prophets? How are you gonna say that these people are reprobates the way of the Lord is not fair is what they're saying But what does he say here now Oh house of Israel is not my way equal are not your ways unequal He says look the reason you think I'm not fair is actually because you're not fair You're unrighteous you're wicked and your thoughts are not like my thoughts. Okay Look, it's how do we relate this to today? Well put the Bible in the hands of an unsafe person Talk about the reprobate doctrine talk about you know, the rolls in the home to some feminists out there Right, how are they gonna react to it? They're gonna blow up You know why because the legs of the lame are not equal and so is a parable in the mouth of fools That's how that's why you know when you put the Word of God into the hands of a person who hates God's thoughts and God's ways to them. It's gonna be like well, this is unequal. How can a loving God send people to hell? Right, isn't that what people say? How can you believe in hell? How can a loving God, you know this this mushy God that they made in their own image By the way, how can he send people to hell? How can he do this? How can he you know, say all these things in his word. How can he be against homosexuals? How can he do this and do that? Well, I'll tell you how this is how Because the way the ways of the Lord are equal. That's why okay And the reason you think it's weird is because of the fact that as high as the heavens are from the earth So are your ways in God's ways You need to close that gap. Okay, and look here in the book of Isaiah He's rebuking the nation of Israel and the nation of Judah because of the fact they've gone so far away from God They forsook the Lord the Bible says in chapter number one from the soul to the head Everything is sick in other words from the most average person walking down the street up until the Politicians of that day all crooked all wicked and that's why they have they forsook the Lord Go with me if you would to Jeremiah chapter 32. Oh, you know, how can you say, you know Christianity or how can you say that abortion is wrong? You know, how can you say? Well, how can you say abortion is right? How can you say murdering an innocent child and the most safest location that a child can be in their mother's womb? How can you say that's a right thing to do? You know why because they call evil good and good evil They put darkness for light and light for darkness bitterness for sweetness and sweetness for bitterness That's what the Bible tells us. And in fact, look what Jeremiah 32 verse 35 says and they built the high places of Baal Which are in the valley of the sons of Hinnom to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire into Molech Which I commanded them not Neither came it into my mind that they should do this abomination to cause Judah to sin. He's saying look The thing that you just invented in your minds this wicked act that you're doing. I didn't even come up with it in my mind You're crediting this thing to me it didn't even come into my mind How many times do we see Christians giving credit to God for things that they invented themselves and not God? Well, I think God's just leading me to divorce my husband or God's just leading me to divorce my wife You know, God is the one who's telling me to do this you liar You're a liar Neither came in into my mind the Bible says I think God is leading me to have this abortion and just to start a new Life you're a liar That didn't come into God's mind Go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 2 and this is what people will say, okay And I'm not this is all introduction. I haven't even gotten to my main points here They'll say well, you know, you shouldn't judge You're a Christian. Why are you judging judge not lest ye be judged? Right, you're a Christian. Oh, you're so judging you're judging judge They just judge judge judge, you know, they quote Matthew chapter 7 half of verse 1 and Just completely negate the entire chapter How are you gonna call them false prophets? The Bible says judge not lest ye be judged Well, first of all, it doesn't say lest ye be judged Second of all read the whole chapter Jesus Christ is judging people But They tell you this, you know, you shouldn't judge people like why are you calling them false prophets? That's judging. You don't know their hearts Right. This is the rhetoric that comes from these liberal Christian. You don't know their hearts. They love God Look at 1st Corinthians 2 14 This is why they say these things but the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God For there are foolishness unto him So they think we're foolish You're so foolish for saying something like that and preaching against the homos and preaching and calling out all these false prophets. This is foolish Neither can he know them because they're spiritually discerned. What gives you the right to judge anybody? Well verse 15 does But he that is spiritual judges all things reading look down at your Bible judges all things Yet he himself is judged of no man. Now. Why is it that the spiritual man judges all things look at verse 16 for who hath known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him, but we Have the mind of Christ You know why we're able to look at some wicked person like Joel steam and say that guy's a false prophet because we have the mind of Christ You know why we're able to call out the false prophets and the dog the false doctrine of today and say this is wicked as hell This is not of God. You know why because we have the mind of Christ. That's why we have the Bible How dare you say you have the mind of Christ? He told me let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus We have the mind of Christ and if we have the mind of Christ we had the spiritual discernment to judge if something is righteous or Unrighteous wicked or just we have the mind of Christ You Know go to Ephesians chapter number five if you would It's funny this is this is the question I want to ask people who hath known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him These people who say that the way of the Lord is not equal. You know, that's not right. That's not fair Do you say that who are you to instruct God? What is right? It was not right Shame on you shame on the person the arrogant Christian Fool of the full of a Christian who would dare to try to instruct God and what is moral and what is not We have the mind of Christ the Bible says, you know And the Bible tells us to be not conformed to this war but be transformed by the renewing of our minds that we may prove What is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God to prove? But easy but yes not solar in Christ If so be they have heard him and have been taught by him as the truth is in Jesus that he may prove What is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God? We're gonna close that gap Look at Ephesians chapter number five For you were sometimes darkness, but now are you lying the Lord walk as children of light For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord so the spirit that dwells in us What does it mean to judge? It means we're able to prove what is acceptable unto the Lord We're able to hear a doctrine See a preacher or a pastor a prophet an apostle or whatever and we can prove if this is acceptable unto the Lord or not This is what it means to judge all things to prove these things Why because of the fact that the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth Well, yeah, but you ought to keep those opinions to yourself though If you don't think it's right, you know, it's right for them and you know You should just not be opinionated like that. You shouldn't call out the names, you know, you can prove it to yourself But keep it to yourself If you don't have nothing nice to say don't say nothing at all these Bambi thumper type Christians, right? But that's not what the Bible says because we need to keep reading verse 11 and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather Reprove them. So what does it say prove that which is acceptable and you know what have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness But you got to reprove them What does that mean rebuke it call it out? Make sure people understand what is righteous what is not what is acceptable and what is not what are we doing closing the gap? You know what you're doing every time you come to church you're closing the gap You know what you're doing every time you read your Bible you're closing the gap What are we doing when we're proving all things holding fast that which is good We're closing the gap because we need to make sure that as Christians that our thoughts align with God's thoughts We need to make sure that our ways align with God's ways Well, you know, I know this good Christian and he says that the new IFP is a cult and he's not in agreement with you Guys, well, you know what? It's just that he thinks that the ways of the Lord are not equal But who has instructed the Lord? Can he instruct God on how God's men should preach? Can he instruct God can they instruct the Lord on how we are to you know, expose false prophets and teachers? The Bible tells us in Jeremiah 3 15 and I will give you pastors according to mine heart which shall feed you with knowledge and Understanding go to Proverbs chapter number 29 Proverbs 29 Proverbs chapter 29 My goal every single Sunday every Thursday is to close the gap Between Your ways and God's ways And we don't I don't close the gap by trying to make God look more hip I don't try to close the gap by trying to make them look cool We don't close the gap by putting the fog machines here and the laser lights and you know The hoochie mamas and the worldly music up here. We're not that's not how you close the gap. That's how you increase the gap We Close the gap by bringing God's people's thoughts and ways to God's thoughts and ways And look if it's offensive to you, then it just shows you how far that distance is Right, if you're like man, this does this sounds crazy Well, hold on a second prove all things hold fast that which is good if it's Bible then that should show you Okay, you know what the distance the gap is pretty broad The distance is pretty broad The gap is pretty large because I'm actually offended at this because you know what the Bible says great Peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them You know why because when we love the law of the Lord the law of the Lord is not offensive. It's sweet to our tastes It's sweets to us You know, we delight in the law of God after the n-word man That's how we know that the gap is closing when you hear something preached when you read something from your Bible It resonates with your spirit and you feel fed. Amen Well when you get offended, well, you know if it's biblical it just means that the gap is too broad Look at the Bible says in Proverbs 29 verse 27 an unjust man is an abomination to the just and he that is upright in his ways is an Abomination to the wicked you say why read this verse because we need to understand that there's always gonna be a distinction there's always gonna be a line divided and Christians who think that the ways of the Lord are not equal. These are the same people who want to please everyone They're the same people who are the Joel's teen lovers, but they love Rick Warren, you know, they they love Rick Warren They love Kanye West If Satan got saved they'd be jumping for joy These are the same people these are the same people who probably say, you know, Judas probably got saved Because God wants to save everyone I know is I know they call him the son of perdition But you know, you probably got saved who are you to judge right do you know his heart We need to make sure that we know God and then and look I'm not talking about no God as in no God You're saved no God. That's what people like to say, right? We know that we're saved because we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ Well, I thought about no God is know him through his word No His ways his thoughts his doctrine his precepts and the Bible tells us this but let him that glory It's glory in this that he understand it and know with me You know what? God wants us to glory in the fact that we know God because that means we know his judgments We know his righteousness He says that I am the Lord which exercised loving-kindness Judgment don't judge Well, it says here that he exercises judgment and Righteousness in the earth for in these things. I delight say it the Lord, you know, I delight in judging people. I Delight in it because God delights in it You lost there or what? See he judged that this is not the place for him to be And he made his way around to the place where he should be But God says he delights not just the loving-kindness and thank God that he does amen He loves us with an everlasting love the Bible says but he also delights in judgment and in righteousness Okay So let me give you a couple things here How do we close the gap between our thoughts and God's thoughts because obviously this this definitely applies to the main crux of the sermon That I'm referring to that I'm gonna refer to But just we as Christians just in general say people if we're not careful the gap can broaden even in our lives This is why it's important that we stay in church Why because the church is the pillar and ground of truth Right. It's where we come to know. What does God have to say about a specific topic that's taking place in culture today What does God have to say about a specific doctrine? What does God have to say about anything? What does he have to say about everything that pertains to life and godliness? Okay, but We're gonna apply it in a broader sense Let me just say this so how to close the gap between our thoughts and God's thoughts. Well number one we need to sensitize ourselves Okay Go to Ezekiel chapter number nine We need to sensitize ourselves now, what does it mean to Sensitize something. Well, I'm sure you're familiar with the word desensitize What does it mean to desensitize what to desensitize means to lessen the sensitivity of something right to make something indifferent and the world is working 24-7 full-time to desensitize us to the things that offend God Okay, you know they work full-time to vex our righteous souls from day to day with their unlawful deeds So, what does that mean? Well, if you see something long enough you hear something long enough Eventually, even if it was offensive to you at one point it will no longer be offensive to you. That's called Desensitizing you to it. Okay, you know, that's why the United States of America loves fags Because of the fact that it's before them so much They propagate it so much they tolerate it for so long They just think it's normal now Okay, and this goes all across the board for everything So in other words something that used to bother you and maybe it doesn't anymore. It's because you're desensitized to it Okay, so how do we fix that? Well, we need to sensitize ourselves. We need to put the feeling back into our senses Spiritual senses. Okay. Let me give you an example. I remember years ago I had some dental work and they gave me some I think it was Novocain In my mouth like like four shots or three or four shots and I remember my mouth is just no it just like it just felt like swollen and But it was great though cuz I couldn't feel anything You know, I'm like, man, I feel like I'm touching someone else's mouth And I remember like biting down on my lip. I'm like wow, I can't even feel that pinching and everything and You know, I remember like after the dental work was done. I came out and everyone's just like staring at me I'm really staring and then I get to the restroom. I have like drool just coming down Just pools and rivers of living water just flowing out of my mouth And I'm like, oh man, this is embarrassing, you know But little by little the feelings started coming back and then I can I can feel the pain again Okay. Now here's the thing you say well, that's not good. Don't you not want to feel pain? No pain is good Because pain is telling you something's wrong right You know, it's not good to put your hand over a fire and not feel pain Like oh, this is great No, cuz then you're gonna be lit on fire and then you're gonna die. Okay Pain is there the senses are there to tell you. Hey, you're in danger Take your hand out of the fire, right? We never want us to grow numb physically, right but more so than that you never want to be numb spiritually You want your senses to be exercised to discern both good and evil the Bible says, okay So we need to sensitize ourselves now, what do I mean by that? Well, I mean specifically we need to feel the way God feels About certain things about all things Okay, we need to make sure that we think like God and feel the way he feels now The most basic point would be this we need to love the way God loves, right? You Know there's a lot of you know, love that's that's with dissimulation out there Where churches and Christians claim to love people, but they don't preach the gospel. They don't go out and see people saved They're not trying to win their families to Christ. They're not trying to win their neighbors to Christ They're not trying to win anybody to Christ. They just you know, they honor him with their lips But their heart is far from them from him, right? We want to make sure that we have the love of Christ And the love of Christ that constrains us to go out there and preach the gospel and see people say You know the Bible tells us for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son and then Jesus What did he say? He says as the Father has sent me so send I you So we need to make sure that we love the way God loves but guess what we need to make sure that we hate the Way God hates to Look not at the exclusion of love We need to love people hey, we need to love the brethren Do good into all men, but especially the day of the household of faith the Bible says, right? We need to love the brethren. We need to love our brothers and sisters in Christ save people by the way Okay, love the lost and give them the gospel But you know, we need to make sure that our hatred is in the right place as well. Okay David said David talked about the perfect hatred Now what is perfect hatred? What does perfect mean complete? Well rounded right? No, you should just hate the sin and not the sinner, you know, well look I love sinners. I Just hate false prophets. I Hate reprobate. How can you say that? Well, then you need to make sure that your ways and your thoughts align with God's thoughts because you're saying that God's ways are Unequal, you know what God says in Psalm 5 5 that he hates the workers of iniquity Explain that to me, mr. Commentator Ye that say that the ways of the Lord are not equal Well, then maybe Psalm 5 5 should be blotted out of the out of the Bible according to you. No, that's biblical He said man, that's too radical. Well, no, no, listen, it means the gap It's too wide for you It means that your thoughts are so disattached from biblical doctrine. That's why it feels like it's stepping on your toes Okay You know the Bible tells us that that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination In the eyes of God and you know what? We need to say the same thing We need it to believe and feel the same way that God feels and believes Who's God gonna spare when he begins to judge this world those who feel the way God feels let me prove it to you Look at Ezekiel chapter 9 verse 1 He cried also in mine ears with a loud voice saying cause them that have charge over the city to draw near Even every man with his destroying weapon in his hand and behold six men came from the way of the higher gate which lieth toward the north and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand and one man among them them was clothed with linen with a writer's ink horn by his side and they went in they went in and Stood beside the brazen altar and the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub Whereupon he was to the threshold of the house and he called to the man clothed with linen Which had the writer's ink horn by his side, so this is a vision that Ezekiel is seeing and These men are gonna come and basically wipe out every single man woman boy girl child Ancient person doesn't matter who it is. No one is spared, right? look at verse number four and the Lord said unto him go through the midst of the city through the midst of Jerusalem and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the Abominations that be done in the midst thereof. Now. What's that mark for so that they don't get harmed What is he saying? He's saying those who actually feel the way I feel spare them Those who sigh and cry for all the abominations that are done in the midst. I want to spare those people You know why because they feel like I feel They think the way I think their ways are like my ways Therefore they shall be spared who's not getting spared the liberal Christian the Gandhi Christian The this is what this is referring to here The Bible says in Isaiah 29 verse 13 wherefore the Lord said it for as much as this people draw near Me with their mouths and with their lips do honor me But I've removed their heart far from me and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of God No by the precept of man You see today Pulpets of America are filled with so much positivity that if you were to mention anything negative It's just like well, that's not very Christlike man. I mean you quote Jesus as a hey, that's not like Jesus man You quote what Jesus is saying You quote the scriptures where Jesus is the one speaking and they literally will tell you. Hey, that's not very Christlike What but you know, here's the thing it's not according to their Christ Because their rock is not as our rocky man They're talking about a different Jesus. How about the the faggoty seizure Borgia? Jesus You know the the Caucasian six-foot-two Pantene pro V-haired dress wearing Christ, that's what they're talking about That's what they're referring to Not the Jesus of the Bible You can't even quote Jesus. Well without people getting mad about that Hey, man, that's not like that's not like Christ. They're the kind of people who tell Christ that he's not like Christ He's gonna come you know, the day of the Lord is gonna come all this judgment is gonna come They're like, hey, you're not being like Jesus Jesus You know why because they created a God in their own image. That's why it's not the God of the Bible Okay Go with me if you would to Jeremiah chapter 2 I'm gonna read to you a couple verses here. Well, what am I saying here? You know, we need to sensitize ourselves We need to make sure that we're constantly making sure that that we are feeling the way God feels regarding certain things, you know Things that are abominable to God should be abominable to us But we are not to tolerate those things sodomy is an abomination in the eyes of God and If God proclaimed that throughout his word, this shouldn't be something that we preach only like once a year Right. This should be something that we consistently talk about throughout the year I'm so sick and tired of hearing it. You know, why because the gap is too big. Oh You talk about that so much no, it's just it's just the gap Between your ways and God's ways is too broad. That's why When you feel like you've reached too much of some of some doctrine is because the gap is too wide That's what that's what it is. Okay The Bible tells us in Psalm 34 verse 11 come ye children Harken unto me and I will teach you the fear of the Lord Psalm 45 verse 3 says gird thy sword Upon thy thigh O most mighty with the glory and with thy majesty and in thy majesty ride Prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things. Oh I just can't you just stick to the book of John and the book of Proverbs. No, no, no We need to learn about the terrible things There's a lot of terrible things in the Bible Gory terrible judgmental things You know what? God is not your type of author where there's always like a happy ending at the end of every book You'll find out in Jonah chapter 4 how God sometimes just ends a book No happy ending. It's just he ends up with the rebuke and then you just go on to the next book Because that's life. What is that? That's the terrible things Hey, hey, the terrible things is in Genesis 19 Right where he wreaks terror on a city by destroying it decimating it terrible things is the book of Revelation Terrible things the second Peter chapter number two Terrible things is the book of Jude terrible things is throughout the Bible Look terrible things if you don't like hearing about terrible things you need to just completely avoid the Bible just period But more specific sometimes you just need to avoid the Old Testament period Every single major prophet and minor prophet all negative sermons all negative Why do you think I'm in a bad mood? I've been reading through them the major prophets this week. I Read through Isaiah and Jeremiah and I'm just like, oh man But you know what the book of Jeremiah completely negative Isaiah negative now look are there positives? Yes, but the positive is God reminding his people regarding the millennial reign Amen but guess what? You can't appreciate the coming millennial reign without understanding how wicked and dark it is now and Jeremiah in the book of Isaiah are like newspapers of today. It's what's going on today in our nation There's nothing new under the Sun These are the terrible things that we need to learn about and if God has set forth within his word terrible things and he says He's gonna teach it to us. We need to learn it to close the gap Okay Teach me thy way. Oh Lord. I will walk in thy truth. Look what it says unite my heart To fear thy name. Oh, you shouldn't be afraid of God That's terrible to say, you know fear God doesn't want you to be afraid of them. The Bible says here unite my heart To fear your name. What is that close that gap if I'm not fearing you help me to unite my heart That's fearless towards God and to draw closer to the Lord to fear him more Why because when when we would men fear the Lord what happens they depart from evil the Bible says, okay So number one, we need to make sure that we sensitize ourselves We need to make sure that we put the feeling back in Christianity and we feel the way God feels regarding certain things all things but number two and Here's like the my main point here is this we need to separate from fake Christians fake Christians and fake churches The Bible calls them false brethren these so-called Christians Who named the name of Christ, but they're not saved They teach a perverted way of the Lord and they're there to basically mix the seed between real Christians and non-christians Trying to get us to tolerate Popular Christianity today nothing perpetuates The broadening of the gap between God's thoughts and our thoughts than apostate Christians They do the best job Doing that, okay Look at Jeremiah 2 verse 8 And I'm talking about I'm talking about liberal churches, okay, and when we say liberal we don't mean generous churches We Mean when we say liberal we say churches that are just not biblical at all. They teach a false gospel Primarily that you have to repent of your sins to be saved, which is a false gospel It's works-based salvation. It's something it's the devil's gospel to repent of your sins they use a different version other than the King James Version an unequal Bible and they have unequal ways Who's their authority not the Bible Who's their authority pop culture The the false prophet who's the most popular at that time is their authority Look at verse 8 the priest said not where is the Lord and they that handle the law knew me not I mean how I mean think about that how many Christians go to church with their NIV Bible, but they don't know God They Think it's the law of God. They think it's the Word of God. They take they bring their Bibles, but they don't even know the Lord The pastors also transgress against me and the prophets prophesied by bail and walked after the things that do not profit go to chapter number six So in those days the priests the pastor and the prophet all wicked people Didn't know the law of God didn't know the Word of God claim to have did not know it Look at Jeremiah 6 verse 13 from the least of them even unto the greatest of them. Everyone is given to covetousness From the prophet even unto the priest everyone dealeth falsely man. That's true today Joe Olsteen with his mansion or his football stadium church Making millions of dollars making merchandise off the flock of God Look, don't come up to me and tell me that you're a fan of Joe Olsteen. I'll rebuke you for that That guy is a wolf in wolf's clothing That guy is wicked. He's the devil's pawn. He's not saved and he's given to covetousness and From the prophet even unto the priest everyone dealeth falsely they have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly Deceitfully saying peace peace when there is no peace. So what's the message of these false prophets? The message is this? Hey, don't worry. God's not mad at you Joyce Myers Right. God's not angry with you. God loves you He loved hey, you know, you're involved in fornication We're all sinners Hey, you're a sodomite You're involved in the filth of perversion called sodomy. Don't worry. God still loves you. He made you that way Well, that's only a half truth Because he didn't make him reprobates Same peace peace when there is no peace. God does not want us to bring a message of peace Thundering from the pulpits. He's given us the ministry of reconciliation and that means peace, but that's to the people who are not saved But after that, guess what? There is no peace After that, we're going to war Right, we reconcile a sinner back into God through Jesus Christ But after they're reconciled, what is it? What are we supposed to do now get into the war? It's time to fight It says were they ashamed when they have committed abomination nay, they were not at all ashamed neither Could they blush therefore they shall fall among them that fall at the time that I visit them They shall be cast down sayeth the Lord goes because you're not ashamed of the abominations done in the mist You're gonna be the first to fall God you're not being very Christlike You know, the God of the Bible is not very Christlike according to them Go to Jeremiah 23 We're gonna read a lot of verses here in Jeremiah 23 because I just I want to read it I read it this week and I was just like man. This is just like this doesn't even need explanation It's so good, but it's an entire chapter dedicated to false prophets Look what it says in verse 11 of Jeremiah 23 for both prophet and priests are profane Yea in my house have I found their wickedness sayeth the Lord Wherefore their ways shall be upon them as slippery ways in the darkness They shall be driven on and father in for I will bring evil upon them Even the year of their visitation saith the Lord I have Seen folly in the prophets of Samaria. They prophesied in Baal and caused my people Israel to err I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem and a horrible thing. They commit adultery and walk in lies They strengthen also the hand of the evildoers Isn't this true today? Where you have, you know Hillsong pastors strengthening the hand of Justin Bieber the queer little sissy faggot I Mentioned Justin Bieber a couple weeks under like shame on you for picking on Justin Bieber Shame on you for defending such a faggot II looking guy Shame on any guy who's a Christian will be listened to that faggot II music You're strengthening the hand of the queer doer That None doth return from his wickedness. They are all of them unto me a Sodom and the inhabitants of thereof of Gomorrah You know what he sees Justin Bieber's like a bunch of bags is what they are much of sodomites that's what he's saying Sodom and Gomorrah was referring to homos He says they're on to me like a bunch of sodomites homos perverts transvestites these dogs Therefore Thus saith the Lord of hosts concerning the prophets, you know the pastor of Hillsong Greg Locke Behold I will feed them with wormwood. Oh He's like, I'm gonna feed you with bitterness this is God saying I'm not and did I write the Bible I'm just reading it and make them drink the water of gall For from the prophets of Jerusalem is profane has gone forth into all the land Thus saith the Lord of hosts harken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you They make you vain they speak a vision of their own heart and not out of the mouth of the Lord He said don't listen to him. They're not giving you the Word of God They're giving you a vision out of their own hearts, you know, they tell people not to listen to us But how do you tell which one is the right prophet? Which one's the false prophet? Well, what is the difference between the chaff and the wheat the chaff is the one that burns up It's as different from a hammer that breaks into the rock and pieces the Bible says in Jeremiah But here he says look they're not even they're making you vain. Look at verse 17 They say still unto them that despise me the Lord had said he shall have peace So what's their message they go to people who hate God and say don't worry. You'll have peace The sodomite I'll just repent from the sodomy You'll have peace This is a wicked sermon Ye shall have peace and they say unto everyone that walketh after the imagination of his own heart No evil shall come upon you. Hey, just follow your heart Disney follow your heart. No evil shall come upon you For who had stood in the counsel of the Lord and had perceived and heard his word who hath marked his word and heard it Behold a whirlwind of the Lord has gone forth in fury Even a grievous whirlwind it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked The anger of the Lord shall not return. Oh, man What is he saying? Once I let these dogs loose? They have no name so I can't call them back That's what he's saying. Once the fury has gone forth. It's not coming back The Anger the Lord shall not return until he hath Executed until he hath performed the thoughts of his heart in the latter days. Ye shall consider it perfectly. It's like, okay Yeah, God wasn't really mad about this This was an abomination unto the Lord, I guess I Have not sent these prophets yet. They ran I have not spoken to them yet They prophesied but if they had stood in my counsel and have caused my people to hear my words Then they should have turned from their evil way and from the evil they're doing so he says look This is how you can know that it's a prophet of the Lord are the people getting right with God Right, are they turning from their wicked ways has the unrighteous has the wicked man change his ways and the unrighteous man his thoughts And returning to the Lord if not if they're still involved in fornication It's this if there's still a bunch of drunkards if they're still involved in the most abominable wicked thing. Guess what they haven't changed And these aren't real prophets because real preaching changes lives Real preaching our preaching changes the hearts of God's people. That's what it does This kind of preaching yields money Right Verse 23 am I a God at hand sayeth the Lord and not a God afar off Can any hide himself in secret places that I see? That that I shall not see him sayeth the Lord do not I feel heaven and earth sayeth the Lord I have heard what the prophets said that prophesy lies in my name saying I have dreamed I have dreamed This is talking about the the charismatic apostles of today, right? How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? Yea, they are prophets of deceit of their own heart which seem to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams Which they tell every man to his neighbor as their fathers have forgotten my name for bail The prophets that hath a dream let him tell a dream and he that hath my word let him speak my word faithfully What is the chaff to the wheat saith the Lord is not my word? Like as a fire saith the Lord and like a hammer to break at the rock in pieces Therefore behold, I am against the prophets saith the Lord that steal my words everyone from his neighbor behold I am against the prophets saith the Lord that use their tongues and say he sayeth now today Prophets false prophets don't just come into church houses anymore Now they're part of the music industry You know and one of the most famous false prophets of today is Kanye West this wicked abominable false prophet Antichrist rapper by the name of Kanye West Two weeks ago, I preached a sermon called spotted by the world and he wasn't even like the main crux of my sermon I just I just like chase that rabbit shot it killed it hung it skinned it And went on with the rest of the sermon I posted that clip and the backlash that clip received from these stupid apostate Christians was ridiculous People were so mad And what I said because I call them a reprobate which by the way, I don't take back a false prophet Which I don't take back I say he's not saved which is true Everything I said in there was true I'm glad that they got mad at that because it's just confirming that hey the preaching is fire and it's a hammer But people are just so mad right now Because of the fact that we're saying that this guy is a wicked false prophet He's a reprobate he claimed to be God Think about that Well, you know we need to be we need to pray for him. Oh I pray for him Yeah Yeah, I We do the imprecatory prayers for him That he melts like a snail Well, we need to we need to pray for him. Yeah, he said he was God before But you know, he needs to grow. Well, that's funny because he's still claiming to be God even now He still calls himself Jesus right Claiming to be Jesus Christ He's a blasphemer He's a devil and he's given over to covetousness But then you have all these apostate lame weenie Christians. Oh, we got Kanye West. Oh Yeah We got Kanye was he's he's good. He God's gonna use him in such a girl. Yeah, he's gonna use them to collect all the trash What do you mean by that you He's collecting you He's the bus ministry for you He's coming to pick you up That's what he's there for So yeah, you're right. God is using him He said why are you getting on Kanye West, you know, just leave that because he's leading people astray That's what he's doing and he's perverting the name of God That's what he's doing He's he's a blasphemer And look why get mad at this because I want to feel the way God feels about this That's why why are you so mad because God's mad. That's why Why are you calling him that why are you calling him an abomination because God calls him an abomination God didn't call him an abomination. He said That the person who is esteemed among men Which Kanye West is esteemed amongst Christians right now is an abomination in the eyes of God He's gonna be the fuel for the fire in hell I Don't like when you say that close the gap Close the gap No, no, no close the gap You need to close the gap. That's what it is. And I don't mean like Shut your mouth. I mean the gap between your thoughts. Well, although sometimes that applies. I'm just kidding Let me read to you from Proverbs 17 15 he that justifieth the wicked and He that condemneth the just even they both are an abomination unto the Lord So the Christian who says they Kanye West is just and that same Christian who condemns the just God says that person is an abomination in the eyes of God Proverbs 28 4 says they that forsake the law praise the wicked Kanye Why are they doing that because they forsook in the law Forsaking the law but such as keep the law contend with them But God says look if someone forsakes the law mark it down. They're gonna be praising the wicked But whoever keeps the law they're getting down with the wicked. They're fighting. They're battling going to war with the wicked Let me read this to you, okay Cuz I priest a sermon like two weeks ago, but then I put a clip last week and it's just messages and on social media Condemning me. I can't believe you said this. You don't know it's hard, you know, you're so judgmental f you Yeah, they're like they're like f you you don't know it's hard only God knows it's hard Well, it's funny how you put f you with God right there. It's like right Cussing me out through messages, but then I got this email and I was like man, thank God That this person decided to write this email because I needed some content for the sermon You know, I Needed some content for this and I was just like wow This is like perfect for when I'm preaching right here and I had already written my sermon out Before I even found out about this and then my wife told me she was like, hey someone emailed you I need to check your emails You know She's like condemning you for condemning Kanye West all stuff. I was just like say no more I went on that I was like, oh, this is this is just too perfect Her name is Sherry Wilson Yeah her right and This is what the subject title says God does not save anybody unless you approve with the snap face Good day, I Just watched your video on Kanye That is the most judgmental preaching I have ever seen or heard now She meant it unto evil, but I think that's good. Like I took that as a compliment. I feel like even I like thanks Because the spiritual judges all things, right? I read that. I'm like, you know you blush a little bit Stop it Stop They think this is like criticizing me, you know Let's let me read that apart again, okay That is the most judgmental preaching I have ever seen or heard that means she watched the video a man What a world we live in When Christians are not excited to see people get saved and by the way, I agree with that You know, she's right about that But I mean that's here we get excited about people getting saved We get so excited about people getting saved that we've marked the numbers down. We try to keep track of all the salvations We baptize our converts and if you don't believe that you need to follow us on social media That we're like baptizing every week, you know Baptizing the converts, you know, we go out and preach the gospel. We take missions trip We take trips to a long poke and Santa Maria We invest hundreds and hundreds and thousands of dollars to go far and wide to go see people save and when they get saved We rejoice together We get excited about people getting saved You know last Sunday DJ's like she's like some of most of her family's it's like saved now her dad got saved last week That made me happy like I went home like that's that's great because I know that's a burden when your family members are not saved So I rejoice with that So she's right. Yeah What a world we live in when Christians are not excited to see people get saved. No wonder people stay away from church I thought God can save the worst of sinners then in his son Jesus died for sinners no matter who they are or can change people for the better and in parentheses She's gonna put where she got that from Okay, and let me just let you know no no book chapter verse So, let me read that again just to let you know didn't his son Jesus died for sinners No matter what they are who they are or can change people for the better heard that from Kanye. Oh So it's not like learn that from the Bible or Got that from you know, John 3 verse 16 John 3 36, you know Romans 5 8 no got that from Kanye Well, shut my mouth But look what it says so so keep that in mind look by the way when people It's good when people write things out like this Because you do like a statement analysis And you see what they really mean Because she says heard that from Kanye but according to your doctrine Because everything I said in that sermon was from the Bible so in other words what she's saying according to God's ways according to God's thoughts But according to your doctrine God cannot save or change Kanye's heart now God did change Kanye's heart So I never said that he didn't change his heart The Bible just says that he darkened it He blinded his heart that he should not believe Okay, so I didn't say God didn't change his heart absolutely he changed it he made he gave him a reprobate mind God did that God hardened his heart darkened it and blinded him so he can be a reprobate So Sherry, I don't agree with this. I didn't say that Sherry Because I believe that God changed his heart Gave him the heart of a beast She says this you even mentioned Justin Bieber Do you know their hearts Well look let me just help you with determining who Justin Bieber is if it looks like a fag talks like a fag It's probably a fag He's close Justin Bieber is a queer Who needs to make money off of Christians That's why he even supposedly converted and then he says that she says this do you know their heart? I hear that all the time from liberal Christians. You don't know their heart Do you know their heart the Bible says man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks at the hearts Yeah, you know what he says about the heart that is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked There you go The Bible says you are they which justify yourselves before man, but God knoweth the hearts For that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the eyes of God Do you think that because God's the only one who could look on the heart? It just means that God only knows or he sees all the goodness in her heart. No, he sees the wickedness of their heart He sees the evil and the abominable things in their heart, that's what that means And look this whole verse about God looking on the hour we look on the outward appearance But God looks up on the heart people want to use that As it means to not judge people But that says nothing about that The way we judge is by the outward appearance How do I know if I'm looking at a man if it looks like a man? How do I know if I'm looking at a woman if she looks like a woman So if I say miss Francescini, hey, you're a woman. Are you gonna be like, hey, you don't know my heart Don't judge me like that now obviously in this trans fluid garbage is going on today You can't tell what it is It's it God can do anything he wants to do and if he chose to save and Use Kanye who are you to judge spiritual? You need to pray for him I do And his soul I do If you truly believe he is not saved instead of spewing so much unbelief I Heard more about God from Kanye than you My Sheep hear my voice, right How do you know that I come from God How do you know that I'm a pastor who's filled with the spirit if I'm giving you the Word of God That's how you know Kanye does not give the Word of God. He spews out blasphemy But she's learned more from God more about God from Kanye than me I'm sorry All I heard from you was Kanye is this and Kanye is that? Yes Kanye did say he was a god But if you watch one of his Sunday services, he said he was wrong as that. There is only one true living God Yeah, and he's still talking about himself Why don't you ask him sherry Why he's still calling himself Yeezus? Why don't you ask him why he's still claiming deity? It Was through God that he got his mind back He also said oh, this is funny he also said the devil had him but God delivered him well You're right. He delivered him into the hand of Satan that he may learn not to blaspheme That's what the Bible says They're given over to Satan right for the destruction of the flesh that they may learn not to blaspheme He Also said the devil had him but God delivered him But I am sure you never been to one of his services. So I so I see why you are stuck in the past Yeah, I wouldn't send a dog to his service. I Wouldn't send a rabies filled dog to one of Kanye West's church services. I Also Find it ironic that you say he made the album to get money from from the Christians Yeah, one of the first things that I noticed on your web page is a donation button and also on your YouTube channel a link To PayPal. Oh, yeah, because I'm making like millions of dollars off of my sermons here You know don't judge I at home I got myself a Bentley Versace suits. I got the the diamond grill Unbling blinging Yeah, don't let this fool you I Guess if I were judging like you I would think you only want to get money from Christians, too Thank God your church is not the only one on earth because I would be afraid To come to give my life to Jesus in fear of your judgment good Yeah, I'm glad that I'm glad that I instill that fear in your heart to ever step foot in my church I'm glad that I put the fear of God in your heart because you're afraid if you come to my church Then I'm going to judge you because that's exactly what I'm gonna do You got that right Sherry Sincerely now when people put sincerely they put comma and then they put their name Sincerely learned more about God from Kanye than you By the way, no Bible verses Notebook chapter in verses You know why because the gap is so broad Between God and Sherry. It's as broad as as heaven is from hell And let me tell you where God is. He's in heaven Let me tell you where Sherry is going going to hell. Oh You shouldn't say that well, you know what Sherry should have thought twice Sherry Should have thought twice before Supporting and strengthening the hand of the evildoers. Let me say this anybody in our church who listens to Kanye. You're not right with God Who listens to his music you leave the church parking lot you start bumping them in your car? Gee sus walks You're you're strengthening the hand of the wicked and I don't think anybody's stupid here Because you're an idiot if you still listen to Kanye After all the nonsense that he's pulled and you're a Bible believer you're saved and you're still listening to that guy I don't think there's anybody here who does but you know what if there was someone they're not doing it anymore. I guarantee it Like I'm never gonna listen to him again He's a devil And what Kanye has done? Is he made that gap a little bigger did he not Because there's something something is said when someone who's famous names the name of Christ That apostate Christians are just people in general just flock to him because he has a lot of influence But you know what? I'm not looking to close the gap between the world and God. I'm just looking to close the gap here I'm looking to close the gap while I'm out preaching the gospel and maybe some on the internet. Yeah, that's great But I'm not trying to get Kanye closer to God Kanye shall be destroyed from the presence of the war Okay And my last point just go to Ezekiel 22 Talk about closing the gap. Okay. How do we close the gap? We need to sensitize ourselves and be sensitive to the things that God hates to the things that he loves To be compassionate as God is compassionate, but also have that hatred that he has as well Wrath is found throughout the Bible there's a reason why maybe we should adhere to that and learn why God is so mad about certain things and Align our emotions and our way of thinking to God's ways We need to sensitize ourselves, but only that we need to separate from fake Christians who actually broaden the gap for us. Okay? this this Nonsensical church churches that are out there who think that someone like Kanye West is safe But number three, here's the last point is this we need to stand in the gap How do we close the gap? We need to stand right in the middle of it Okay, and bridge the gap between God and man. We need to bring man to where God is, right? Look what the Bible says We'll skip down to verse number 28 and her prophets have daubed them with untempered mortars seeing vanity and Divining lies unto them saying thus saith the Lord when the Lord hath not spoken The people of the land have used oppression and Exercised robbery and have vexed the poor needy yea They have oppressed a stranger wrongfully and I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and Stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it, but I found none He's like I'm looking for someone to just make up that hedge to stand in the gap to close the gap I can't find anybody. Well, you know what today in 2019 There's plenty of people who can stand in the gap And we want to be the kind of Christians that say you know what this might be radical to some Offensive to others, but let's make up the hedge. Let's bring man to where God is and not the other way around Okay What's the sermon today? It's simply this Closing the gap Making sure that we think the way God thinks That we do things his way and not try to do it our own way and not allow people like Kanye Kane West People like Kane West to determine who God is Amen inspire has another word of prayer father. We thank you so much for your word and Lord thank you for the prophets of old. I'm encouraged by Isaiah. I'm encouraged by Jeremiah these men who are hated by their own countrymen and We could relate to people like that because even today people hate us and Lord I prayed that you would use Kanye West to collect all the trash and all the wicked people who are perverting your word unto him and Lord may you destroy him because he's a wicked man He's done so much damage to the cause of Christ But I pray God that you'd help us as your people to not give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils help us to give attendance to reading to exhortation into doctrine and To always make sure that on our daily lives that we're closing the gap between our thoughts and your thoughts your ways and ours And in Jesus name we pray. Amen