(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Lord plant my feet on higher ground Lord lift me up and let me stand my faith on heaven's stable land a higher plane that I have found Lord plant my feet on higher ground my heart has no desire to stay where doubts arise and fears dismay though some may dwell where these abound my prayer my aim is higher ground Lord lift me up and let me stand my faith on heaven's stable land a higher plane that I have found Lord plant my feet on higher ground I want to live for faith has got the joyful sound the song of saints on higher ground Lord lift me up and let me stand my faith on heaven's stable land a higher plane that I have found Lord plant my feet on higher ground I want to scale the utmost height and catch a gleam of glory bright but still I pray till heaven I found Lord lead me on to higher ground Lord lift me up and let me stand my faith on heaven's stable land a higher plane that I have found Lord plant my feet on higher ground. Amen wonderful singing let's start our service with a word of prayer dear God and my father we thank you so much for God for bringing us back to your house Lord God safely Lord God and I do pray that you please Lord God again just bless our service with God this evening I pray that you please just be with the singing unto you Lord God and I pray that most of all that you please bless the preaching of your word I pray that you would please bless pastor Lord God fill him with your Holy Spirit guide him again through the scriptures Lord God and I pray that we would be edified Lord God tonight as a congregation and leave here the doctrinally sound Lord God as well who apparently who pray now these things in Jesus name Amen you may be seated song number 335 if Jesus goes with me song number 335 song number 335 if Jesus goes with me we'll see you on that first verse it may be in the valley where countless dangers hide it may be in the sunshine that I in peace abide but this one thing I know if it be dark or fair if Jesus goes with me I'll go if Jesus goes with me his habit to me wherever I may be if he is there I counted a privilege here his cross to bear if Jesus goes with me I'll go where it may be I must carry the blessed word of life across a burning desert to those in sinful strife and though it be my lot to bear my colors there if Jesus goes with me I'll go and he where is heaven to me where ever I may be if he is there I counted a privilege here his cross to bear if Jesus goes with me I'll go where but if it be my portion to bear my cross at home while others bear their burdens beyond the bellows fall I'll prove my faith in him confess his judgments there and if he stays with me I'll go if Jesus goes with me go where does heaven to me where ever I may be if he is there I counted a privilege here his cross to bear if Jesus goes with me I'll go Oh where see on that last verse it is time to send the judgments of my Lord it is but mine to follow the leadings of his word but if to go or stay or whether here or there I'll be with my Savior content and if Jesus goes with me go and he where is heaven to me where ever I may be if he is there I counted a privilege here his cross to bear if Jesus goes with me I'll go where all right great singing thank you for being here this evening just a few announcements here before we sing our next song excuse me which will be 296 follow on if you want to get that ready 296 our services are as follows Sunday morning is at 1030 Sunday evening at 5 p.m. and a Thursday night Bible study at 7 o'clock and of course as I mentioned this morning the back room for the mother-baby rooms is closed temporarily until further notice and so the fellowship hall is converted into fellowship hall slash mother-baby room so ladies you can use that just make sure that no one is going into the back of the room there so make sure you supervise your children so they're not doing so if you look at the bottom there you see the list of expecting mothers congratulations once again to miss Rhea and brother Chevy on their pregnancy and so pray for them that they she would have a safe pregnancy and a healthy delivery that all would go well with that you see the important reminders there at the bottom and of course the upcoming church events Saturday March 18th is the ladies tea party you can see my wife for details about that all the activities at our church of course are free and so feel free to come by invite your family to that but just make sure you are as VP with my wife and then Easter Sunday is coming up on the April 9th Sunday April 9th we'll have a breakfast potluck and Easter egg hunt for the children and it's a great time just to invite a lot of people to church we want to break attendance on that Sunday and so I want to encourage you to invite your family friends co-workers neighbors on that day don't worry it's not gonna be some crazy sermon about reprobates or anything I'm like I won't scare off your family members but just make sure they don't show up on Sunday night though I'm just kidding because I can't promise that on Sunday night and so invite them I'm gonna we'll preach the gospel to them we'll try to get them saved and so Lord willing we'll have a great Sunday that day we'll break attendance and so keep that in mind then of course the ladies prayer breakfast is coming up Saturday April 1st and you can see miss Janelle Gonzalez for more details on that you see the regular reminders there at the bottom please make sure you silence your phones during the preaching so as to not be a distraction during the service it's going to take some so many numbers from this past week salvation is from Monday to Thursday salvation is from Monday to Thursday we had two in Barstow and then what about Friday and Saturday yes two okay anybody else this afternoon salvations for this afternoon one brother Ulysses team one for brother Cody's team one for brother you lead our Marcos's team six for brother Maurice team one for brother Glenn's team I'm missing anybody else okay going once going twice keep up the great work on so winning let's go to see our next song 296 follow on song number 296 song number 296 song number 296 follow on see it on that first verse down in the valley with my Savior where the flowers are blooming and the sweet water's flow everywhere he leads me I would follow walking in his footsteps to the crown be one follow follow I would follow Jesus anywhere everywhere I would follow on follow follow I would follow Jesus everywhere he leads me I would follow on down in the valley with my Savior I with this and to leave me I will never never fear danger cannot frighten me as my Lord is near follow follow I would follow I would follow follow follow I would follow Jesus everywhere he leads me I would follow on down in the valley or up on the mountain sea close beside my Savior would my soul ever keep he will be me safely in the path that he has brought up to where they gather on the hill of God follow follow I would follow Jesus everywhere everywhere I would follow on follow follow I would follow Jesus everywhere he leads me I would follow on amen wonderful singing at this time our we'll be receiving the offering you you good evening tonight we're in Acts chapter 11 Acts chapter 11 Acts chapter 11 in the Bible reads the apostles and brethren that were in Judea heard that the Gentiles had also received the Word of God and when Peter was come up to Jerusalem they that were of the circumcision contended with him saying that when it's into went into men uncircumcised and dis eat with them but Peter rehearsed the matter from the beginning and expounded it by order unto them saying I was in the city of Joppa praying and in a trance I saw vision a certain vessel descend as it had been a great sheet let down from heaven by four corners and it came even to me upon the which when I had fastened my eyes mine eyes I considered and saw four-footed beasts of the earth and wild beasts and creeping things and fowls of the air and I heard a voice saying unto me arise Peter slay and eat but I said not so Lord for nothing common or unclean hath at any time entered into my mouth but the voice answered me again from heaven what God hath cleansed that call not thou common and this was done three times and all were drawn up again into heaven and behold immediately there were three men already come into the house where I was sent from Caesarea unto me and the Spirit bade me to go with them nothing doubting moreover the six brethren accompanying me and we entered into the man's house and he showed us how he had seen an angel in his house which stood and said unto him send men to Joppa and call for Simon whose surname is Peter who shall tell thee words whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved and as I began to speak the Holy Spirit fell on them as on on us at the beginning then remembered I at the word of the Lord how that he said John indeed baptized with water but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost for as much then as God gave them the light gift as he did unto us who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ what was I that I could withstand God when they heard these things they held their peace and glorified God saying then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life now they which were scattered abroad upon this persecution that arose out about Stephen traveled as far as Phineas and Cyprus and Antioch preaching the word to none but unto the Jews only and some of them were men of Cyprus and Cyrene which when they were come to Antioch spake unto the Gratians preaching the Lord Jesus and the hand of the Lord was with them and a great number believed and turned to unto the Lord then tidings of these things came into the ears of the church which was in Jerusalem and they sent forth Barnabas that he should go as far as Antioch who when he came and had seen the grace of God was glad and exhorted them all that with purpose of heart they should cleave unto the Lord for he was a good man and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith and much people was added unto the Lord then departed Barnabas to Tarsus for to seek Saul and when he had found him he brought him unto Antioch and it came to pass that a whole year they assembled themselves with the with the church and taught much people and the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch and in these days came prophets from Jerusalem unto Antioch and there stood up one of them called named Agabus and signified by the spirit that there should be a great dearth throughout all the world which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar then the disciples every man according to his ability determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt in Judea which also they did and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul let's pray dear Lord God thank you for salvation first and foremost and thank you Lord that going to heaven is as easy as believing on Jesus Christ by faith alone Lord and just thank you for the Bible we thank you for pastors well Lord we pray that you bless him right now and fill him with the Spirit Lord as he preaches your word Lord and that's the congregation here we could be edified by the preaching Lord and we go away learning new truths out of your word Lord we pray this all in Jesus name Amen okay we're in Acts chapter 11 this evening and I'm gonna continue my sermon from this morning on Catholicism the bastardization of Christianity this is part two we're gonna take a break from the series that we've been going through on Sunday nights entitled drama at the church at Corinth because we kind of want to get on Catholicism a little more and there's a lot more to say of course of why Catholicism is the bastardization of Christianity and how they essentially degraded Christianity and took it adopted a lot of its teachings and essentially amalgamated it with polytheism and paganism and so we're gonna go through some of those things this morning now look at our this evening excuse me look at Acts chapter 11 verse 25 it says then departed Barnabas to Tarsus for to seek Saul and when he had found him he brought him into Antioch and it came to pass that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church and taught much people and the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch now this is a pretty significant scripture here because of the fact that Catholicism really rests on this historical viewpoint that the reason you know they're in Rome and the reason the Vatican's in Rome is because of the fact that the Apostle Peter was a pastor or a bishop in Rome now no one's gonna argue the fact that he was a pastor at Rome and in fact we see him first and second Peter that he's writing from Rome which he called Babylon but obviously Catholics either obviously Catholics just in general are ignorant of the scriptures but those who are in charge are essentially you know you know they're basically depending on the ignorance of the congregants to not know what's going on because of the fact that the church at Rome didn't get started to wait later okay you have Peter getting ordained as the first Pope supposedly in Matthew chapter 16 but he doesn't become the Bishop of Rome the pastor of Rome until way later and in fact the church at Rome doesn't really get started until Paul's third missionary journey okay so you say were the churches then in Jerusalem they were in Antioch they were in Asia Minor okay many of the churches they were started on this first and second missionary journey that's where they were and of course the main church the first church was in Jerusalem and so Peter didn't become a pastor he didn't start pastoring that church until or at Rome until way later in his life until many of the churches were already started he said then why do they make such a big deal of the fact that Peter was in Rome and that's where the Vatican is it's because of the fact that that is essentially the centerpiece for the union of church and state because they want political power so they want to couple that with the scriptures so they can have some sort of authority as to why they do the things that they do understand and so here we see the disciples are first called Christians in Antioch not in Rome and even then it doesn't mean that that's where Christianity started Christianity has always existed obviously was labeled this in Acts chapter 11 but the beliefs of Christians the beliefs of the believers of Christ have always existed men began to call upon the name of the Lord all the way from all the way back to Genesis chapter number four there have always been believers in the Word of God and in the Bible this is essentially what they're referring to as someone labeling them as Christians little Christ's okay people who are representing Jesus Christ because of their beliefs okay and so let me go through a couple things here go to Acts chapter 8 if you would you're in Acts chapter 11 go to Acts chapter 8 of course this morning I talked about the bastardization of salvation how they twist salvation they take what the Bible says and put their own pagan spin on it we also talked about the bastardization of the final authority for all faith matters of faith and practice their final authority is not God's Word okay our final authority is of course God's Word and any bishop or pastor church leader that deviates from the doctrines of Christ meaning the Word of God you know as far as that which is essential to doctrine salvation the Trinity the Godhead they're excommunicated from a local assembly okay and but here's the thing is that the Pope they according to the Catholicism he possesses infallibility and they'll say that doesn't mean he's perfect but what they're referring to is the fact that he could just come up with his own doctrines if he wants to and it's basically taken as gospel it has divine authority and Catholics are expected to essentially submit to it by faith not to submit to the Word of God by faith but to submit to the Pope's teaching by faith whatever it is that he says okay and then I mentioned how they bastardize the office of a bishop as well and you know they don't necessarily have bishops but the the the main culprits of each congregation so to speak are priests and of course the priesthood was an office of the Old Testament okay it was essentially the person of the tribe of Levi who people would go to to make intercessions for them via the sacrifices and so forth but that office doesn't even exist anymore in the New Testament and in fact the Bible specifically says that all believers are a part of the royal priesthood okay the spiritual household of God anybody who's a believer in Christ is essentially considered a priest of God because of the fact that we can go to God ourselves right we can come before the throne of grace to obtain mercy to help in the time of need the Bible says we don't need to go to Aaron or Aaron sons we don't need to make a sacrifice to have him atone through a daily sacrifice or intercede for us through prayer we can pray to God ourselves and of course they had that liberty in the Old Testament but they were under that Levitical law and so priests don't exist anymore okay and let me say this the priests in the Old Testament were married how do you know that because it's called the tribe of Levi the house of Aaron and the way you produce a house and the way you produce a tribe is by getting married and having children having descendants you see that priesthood in order for it to exist they had to propagate and have more children and so they were obviously supposed to have children this isn't you know what the Catholics believe that they're wearing some sort of bandit backwards collar band-aid collar or whatever and they're just celibate their entire lives that doesn't exist in the Word of God and in fact the Bible says that that is a doctrine of Devils okay when they're forbidding to marry commanding to abstain from meats and I just really find it funny that everything that the Catholic Church does the vast majority of what it does there's like a clear scripture against it it's like crazy it's just like you know some of these other religion false religions you know you can get secondary applications from the Bible to refute it obviously the Word of God has everything that pertains to life and godliness but it's almost as if the Catholics went to 1st Timothy 4 and we're like they're like forbidding to marry command abstain from meats sounds good to me let's teach that and so you know that's why it's so easy to refute Catholicism okay but you know they do have a stronghold though in this world they have a stronghold in communities I mean I remember and I mentioned this morning the Catholics are very much open to the gospel but there are parts and locations where they're very much hard into the gospel as well okay where they're not necessarily as receptive as your backslidden lukewarm Catholic which is the ones we want to win to the Lord amen but I remember being in the bus ministry back at our old church the church we I got saved at and I had a bus ministry to a city called Wilmington okay and in Wilmington there is like a huge Catholic Church there and man it was so hard to win people to Christ there because they were so just enveloped and deceived by the Catholic Church they want nothing to do with Baptist or anything outside of the Catholic doctrine and so they can become hardened to Christianity and I even remember going with my bus captain one time we're preaching the gospel and my bus captain he's witnessing to this guy he's a Catholic and he's kind of going back and forth with him on Catholic doctrine and you know he's just like you know one thing I don't respect about you guys is that you guys don't respect the Virgin Mary right and you know we're trying to tread lightly because we want the guy to be saved obviously you know so we're trying to be wise as serpents harmless as doves we're trying to answer with meekness and fear because we're not trying to scare the person away but we got to show him that that's wrong right so he's showing them scriptures about Mary and we'll go over that just a bit but you know he tells them you know Jesus you know or Mary doesn't have any divinity you know and here's the proof is that Jesus rebuked his own mom you know those instances where he kind of like corrected his mother and he rhetorically asks the guy thinking that the guy would agree he's just like I mean do you think like Jesus sinned for doing that and the guy was just like yes that was wrong for him to do he should have never rebuked his own mother Virgin Mary and then my bus captain was floored I mean we were just like whoa and he the guy didn't bat an eye on it he was just like that was wrong for him and my bus captain was like all right well we're done here you know it's like what else can we do when someone literally degrades Jesus Christ and blasphemes and says that he sinned because he rebuked the Virgin Mary it's like well the Catholic Church doesn't teach that the Catholic Church provides enough heretical foundation to produce a person who will say something like that right and so you know they obviously when you look at Catholic Catholic theology Catholic doctrine is very easy to be debunked but it's important that we go over these things and teach these things no matter how simple they are in our minds none of us in here will ever be converted to Catholicism none of us will ever be deceived by Catholicism but we need to keep it on the forefront of our minds because the Bible says to have no fellowship with the unfulfilled works of darkness but rather reprove them the Bible says till I come give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine right and he says meditate upon these things give thyself holy unto them for in doing so thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee so the Bible seems to indicate that we as Christians need to continuously take in a diet of Scripture and doctrine even in things that we already know about we need to make sure we stir our pure minds by way of remembrance right and remind ourselves how wicked the Catholic Church really is because what happens is when churches don't do that and they begin to get soft on the Catholics then they start saying well maybe some Catholics are saved and some Catholics are going to heaven and there's popes that are in heaven maybe Catholicism is Christian and then they start making stupid movies which influences a bunch of lukewarm Christians who don't read the Bible because at face value when you talk to Catholics they're not going to disagree with you on what you believe they'll tell you to believe in Jesus they're like I believe on Jesus for salvation they'll say I believe in the Bible they say they believe in the Trinity but you know we gotta dig a little deeper though you know when we get the sword of God's Word one little prick is not good enough we need to put it all the way in because when you put it all the way in then you realize oh okay you lied you just lied to me because it's not just believing on Jesus this is like you got to keep the sacraments and then they're sacramentals and then you have to believe in transubstantiation you also have to pray to the Virgin Mary I mean all these things that they add to it and so we need to make sure we stay fresh up on our Catholic doctrine per se so we know how to refute it and and you don't get tripped up by some Catholic you know someone in our church told me last week that they that Catholics were knocking on their door trying to evangelize trying to proselytize them which is crazy I've never even heard of such a thing how many you've ever had a Catholic knock on your door trying to proselytize you Marcos Wow you just have to be that one person huh you just gotta ruin the illustration don't you Marcos but you know he said he had someone knock on his door and there are Catholics and he just like rebuke them and he's just like we have no interest in this and he just closed the door on him but you know there's if this is what like a common thing now where there's actually starting to go out and try to proselytize obviously that poses a big problem and that's that's why we need to make sure that we educate ourselves and know what the Bible says about these things okay so let's talk about a couple other things that they teach that obviously goes contrary to the Word of God now I'm gonna leave a lot of the silly stuff out because there's so much silliness in the Catholic Church like holy water for example you know and it's they're very Catholics are very superstitious and you can see why because you know if they've amalgamated with these pagan paganism and polytheism that's where they kind of adopt those things from right and when you when you ask Catholic answers about superstition like we're not superstitious no that's bad that's really bad you know superstitious is the demonic we believe that these have supernatural abilities that you just did that superstition and holy waters one of them now here's the thing is that holy water is actually mentioned in the Bible did you know that it's only mentioned once I think it's like a number chapter 5 but it's not something that's being sprinkled on people to keep vampires away and you know to cross yourself with or whatever in number chapter 5 it's used to determine if a person has committed adultery you know they mix it with dirt and it's you know if the spirit of jealousy come upon the husband she used to drink of that holy water and if it becomes bitter in her belly and her thigh begins to rot you know what I mean then you know she's guilty or whatever but here's the thing is that and let me say this is that if you were to drink some some of that holy water from the Catholic Church your belly would probably get bitter and your thigh probably would rot just because it's so filthy and disgusting and everyone's putting their hands in there and stuff you know but they really view that water as being divine and and they even have rules regarding holy water that you cannot use it for unsanctioned you know what do you call it a unsanctioned practices of keeping spirits away or Devils away or zombies away because one of the things is is that they believe like what typically in the Catholic Church if someone dies for example and they'd have a Catholic funeral they'll sprinkle holy water on the body and that originally came from the fact that they believe that this potential this person can become a zombie that was like a belief back in the days okay you know but has anybody seen Mother Teresa walk around as of recently it looks like that ain't you know what I mean that doesn't really help her because she's burning in hell okay but you know they use that for that so it's just like yeah you can't have it for unsanctioned practices of zombies and vampires or whatever you know obviously that's silly that's easily refuted you can't find that in the Word of God and well let's get right into it so let's talk about indulgences and penance right the bastardization of the payment for sin okay now this is a very hot topic when it comes to Catholicism because it is a blotch on Catholicism due to the fact that they're basically saying you can pay money to have your sins forgiven now remember what I said in the beginning this morning I said they'll try to gaslight you and they'll say no we don't believe you have to do that we don't believe you could pay for your sins to be forgiven because Jesus paid for you so they'll say something like that and then they'll say but you can't give charity a charitable offering some sort of monetary gift as a form of penance to receive absolvement of sin okay you just said the same thing so it's like we don't believe you could pay for your sins using money but we do believe you can pay for your sins to be forgiven though because that's what they believe now let me read this it says you can do it for yourself or someone who's dead you can't buy one because the church outlawed the sale of indulgences in 1567 okay so 1567 they're like oh man how could we have let this go on for so long oh you just in 1567 when the when the Catholic Church has became filthy rich already from thousands of years of just collecting money from people they're like oh this is outlawed but charitable contributions combined with other acts can help you earn one so it's just like man this stuff is expensive cuz they're like you can buy one I mean you could you could give I mean you can give a charitable contribution but you also got to do other things and maybe you can earn one at that point there is a limit of one plenary indulgence per sinner per day though so don't as I say so don't don't go thinking you can take advantage of this you know this sale this is a blue light special they're just like you can only do it once you know cuz you know people are just I've committed so many sins I don't pay for a bunch of them or whatever they got one per day you know so let me read this it says indulgences the very word stirs up more misconceptions than perhaps any other teaching in Catholic theology yeah I wonder why those who attack the church for its use of indulgences rely upon and take advantage of the ignorance of both Catholics and non Catholics what is an indulgence the church explains quote an indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven so why do you have to pay for it which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under the certain defined conditions through the church's help when as a minister of redemption she dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the sanctifications won by Christ and the Saints let me just consolidate that okay what that means is this you just pay for your sins to be forgiven that's basically what they're saying that's that's the summary of the whole entire thing they put a bunch of words in there and a bunch of statements to chubby like okay so it's not you're not really paying for you you are paying they give a couple myths regarding indulgences okay there's seven myths they say about indulgences that people teach like people like us okay now I'm gonna read the myths okay but just replace myth with fact okay myth number one fact number one a person can buy his way out of hell with indulgences that's what they believe but they say it's a myth since indulgences remit only temporal penalties they cannot remit the eternal penalty of hell once a person is in hell no amount of indulgences will ever change that fact I doubt that you know I'm pretty sure some millionaire came to me like hey million dollars you keep me out of hell Catholic should be like say less give more say less myth number two fact number two a person can buy indulgences for sins not yet committed that's a myth you can't do that yeah now what is it what is what do they what do they mean they're basically saying hey you can't pay for future sins why cuz they keep what they want you to keep making payments that's why so it's just like why are we gonna have a make a once and for all payment for all their sins when we can just have them keep coming back and paying more the church has always taught that indulgences do not apply to sins not yet committed the Catholic Encyclopedia notes and indulgence is not permission to commit sin nor a part in a future sin neither could be granted by any power so don't you think you can just pay some crazy amount of money for your future sins you got to take care of those on their own in the future okay fact number three a person can buy forgiveness with indulgences the definition of indulgences presupposes that forgiveness has already taken place so like you're already forgiven but you need to like you know little something something you know and indulgences a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins blah blah blah whose guilt has already been forgiven how do people read this and not think to themselves this is a bunch of horse crap because you would read this and be like well if I'm already forgiven then why would I need to pay to be forgiven fact number four indulgences were invented as a means for the church to raise money just know this when churches like this lie to you whatever they're lying to you about that's that's actually the truth there we're not it's like we're not trying to take your money indulgences developed from reflection on the sacrament of reconciliation there are a way of shortening the penance of sacramental discipline and we're in use centuries before money related problems appear to like this existed way before all that of course because you know back in the day they just give cattle or something like that fact number five an indulgence will shorten your time in purgatory by a fixed number of days that sucks the number of days which used to be attached to indulgences were references to a period of penance one might undergo during life on earth the Catholic Church does not claim to know anything about how long or sure purgatory is in general much less than a specific person's case so one person can give $10 another person can give a hundred another person can give 10,000 and they're just like I don't know how much this is paying for though you know you're just kind of rolling the dice on that it's like they have that little roller thing they're like so it doesn't matter how much money you give I mean it does matter how much money you give to them but they can't promise you how long or how short your stay is is going to be in purgatory okay a person fact number six a person can buy indulgences the Council of Trent instituted severe reforms in the practice of granting indulgences and because of prior abuses in 1567 Pope Pius canceled all grants of indulgences involving any fees or any financial transactions oh how noble so what they did is basically said hey we're not we can't do this this is bad so instead of saying you can buy indulgences just say it's a charitable contribution so just like can I make a charitable contribution yes but you can't you can't pay for it but you can give money for it though that's basically what they're saying it's like faith and Christ saves you but faith alone can't save it's like one of those things right it's like salvation is by grace or faith but faith without works is dead right so if you don't do the works you're not really saved but works can't save you though but if you don't do the works you're not saved you guys understand what I'm saying and look you said why is it so similar because it's the same devil who created these religions he's like let's wrap this up in a different way which by the way Calvinism is the bastard child of Catholicism they basically believe the same exact thing like yeah but they don't believe in purgatory they believe in Abraham's bosom which is Christian purgatory fact number seven a person used to be able to buy indulgences notice that this is a reoccurring thing here okay one never could buy indulgences they put in quotes the financial scandal surrounding indulgences that gave Martin Luther an excuse for his paper involved indulgences in which the giving of alms to some charitable fund or foundation was used as the occasion to grant indulgences it's the same thing now let me read to you from Ephesians chapter 1 verse number 6 okay because it's sad that this is still going on today there's individuals members of the Catholic Church that part of their penance in order to receive indulgence is they give some sort of charitable contribution to the Catholic Church and I'm sure there's a lot of rich people in the Catholic Church and then they give a lot of their money in hopes that they can be forgiven of their sins but the Bible says in verse number 6 of Ephesians 1 to the praise of the glory of his grace wherein he hath made us accept them in the beloved and whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of the congregants no according to the riches of his grace wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence so the Bible says that we receive redemption the forgiveness of sins not according to our riches not according to our monetary possessions our wealth or lack thereof it's based upon the wealth of God you know the Bible talks about that he you know that he was rich and he made himself poor that we through his poverty might become rich spiritually speaking right because salvation is that's why it has to be a gift salvation is something that the highest amount of money the most amount of money can never purchase the only thing that is capable of purchasing salvation is the blood of Jesus Christ okay look at Acts chapter 8 let's look at an example of this acts 8 verse 14 it says now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the Word of God they sent unto them Peter and John who when they were come down prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Ghost for as yet he was not a falling upon none of them referring to the Holy Ghost only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus then laid they their hands on them and they received the Holy Ghost and when Simon who by the way was formerly a sorcerer saw that through the laying on the on the Apostles hands the Holy Ghost was given he offered them money he's like dude this is a cool power they lay hands on them and they received the Holy Ghost how much you know that one little real like he's like how much he offered them money saying give me also this power that on whomsoever I lay hands he may receive the Holy Ghost he's like how much do I have to pay for this awesome ability this authority because of the fact that he was a once considered a great one amongst the society there but that was obviously stripped from him when the real deal showed up and the Apostles came and they preached the Word of God people were actually getting saved he was kind of demoted as being a great one okay so he wants to be considered a great one again so he's just like well how much do I got to pay but Peter said unto him thy money perish with thee because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money he's like your money is gonna die with you you can't pay the power of God with money you can't pay salvation with money you can't pay the forgiveness and sins with money it means nothing in the eyes of God but not according to the Catholic Church I need forgiveness of sin how much you got how much is in the bank layaway but I mean they don't do layaway plans and put it on I'm sure they take credit cards you can probably go in debt to try to pay for your sins but guess what you will still be in debt thereafter neither hast thou part nor law in this matter for thy heart is not right in the sight of God repent therefore of this thy wickedness and pray God if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee for I perceive the dollar in the gall of bitterness in the bond of iniquity go to Hebrews chapter 9 if you would Hebrew chapter number 9 Acts chapter 20 verse 28 says take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over the which the Holy Ghost have made you overseers to feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own blood the only way to purchase salvation is with the blood of Jesus Christ which by the way you see that in the Old Testament the figurative symbolic representation of the bullocks the goats the sheep that are sacrificed without the shedding of blood the Bible says there is no remission of sin that's what the Bible specifically says it doesn't say without you cutting out a check without you making a payment plan without you giving of your resources and possessions there is no remission of senses without the shedding of blood and by the way the shedding of the animal sack the setting of the blood of the animal sacrifices in the Old Testament still wasn't sufficient to take away the plenary of sin that only atoned for daily sins that people committed but the totality of sin was completely covered through Jesus Christ how if he hadn't been born and hadn't died because Jesus Christ has always existed in you a sacrifice he's the Lamb of God who was sacrificed before the foundation of the world because he comes from eternity past and eternity past spans past present and future my friends that's why when we read Revelation chapter 7 for example where the rapture has already taken place John sees every nation and tongue you know a great multitude which no man can number and let me just let you know you're in that group so when John in the first century AD he sees that vision of all believers in heaven guess what he saw you and I maybe he might have looked at you and I at one point why because it's something that's taking place in eternity that's not measured by time okay so Jesus Christ yes physically had to breach time to come here to be born to die but you know what when it comes to the vastness of eternity it's as if he already did it okay and so he purchased it with his own blood not with your money now with your possessions they mean nothing to God and it's almost making God look like he's greedy a filthy lucre or something right it's just like oh yeah you you want forgiveness you want eternal life pay up Hebrews chapter 9 verse 24 says for Christ is not entered into the holy places made up with hands which are the figures of the true but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God for us nor yet that he should offer himself often as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others for then must he have he often have suffered since the foundation of the world but now once in the end of the world has he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself verse 28 sir Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation so he's referring to the people who have believed on Jesus Christ the sacrifice that he made for him it's that he made for them it says here that they're gonna see him without sin unto salvation but according to the Catholics that's not true because even when Catholics die according to their theology they die would still venial sins so when that's why they have to go to purgatory that's why the Pope still go to purgatory because even though they may have you know for their sins forgiven and they have paid for their sins everyone still needs to go to the process of purification and purgatory because not everyone is completely cleansed whereas the Bible says that we will see Jesus Christ without sin unto salvation in other words we will be without sin okay look at chapter 10 verse 10 go to chapter 10 in verse number 10 it says by the witch will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus once and for all and every priest standeth daily ministering and offering often times the same sacrifices which can never take away sins but this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever sat down on the right hand of God and you know what this teaching that you have to pay money and give charitable offerings in order to be forgiven of sins it's wicked as hell and you know what it only shows that the Catholic Church is greedy a filthy lucre they're making merchandise off of the flock of God over just regular people who are supporting them who are attending their congregation and you know what they're gonna split hell wide open for that it's such an evil and wicked thing to take advantage of innocent people duping them into thinking that they somehow will receive the forgiveness of their sins and you know what the people who give some of them I'm sure really sincere they're probably devastated over the fact that they have sins and they're like well this is what my Catholic Church is teaching therefore I'm gonna give and hopefully I'll be forgiven of him and it's a rude awakening when they go when they die like wow you know purgatory sure feels a lot like hell and so in indulgences and penance is made with the purpose of just making the Catholic Church rich and the Catholic Church is very wealthy to say the least okay I mean I've never been to Rome but I heard that Cathedral out there is decked out okay and you know the Pope is decked out all the bishops and deacons or whatever they're all decked out because they're a bunch of false prophets all right let's move on here we're gonna talk about the bastardization of the doctrine of hell and let me let me read to you what they said in their website here it says the catechism of the Catholic Church defines purgatory as a purification so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven which is experienced by those who die in God's grace and friendship but still imperfectly purified it notes that this final purification of the elect is entirely different from the punishment of the damned the purification is necessary because as scripture teaches nothing unclean will enter into the presence of God revelation 2127 and while we may die with our mortal sins forgiven there can still be many impurities in us specifically venial sins and the temporary temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven so basically they created this imaginary place that when someone dies and even if they have their sins forgiven they go to purgatory to be purified of their sins this is why people make prayers for the dead this is another reason why Catholics teach necromancy which is something that's explicitly taught in the Bible not to do right what is necromancy it is the abominable act of communicating with the dead which is why they the dead they do that because it's a conglomerate of paganism and Catholicism which is a conglomerate of Christianity and paganism so they think they're communicating with the dead this is why I remember when we went to when I was a kid I was in Guatemala and one of our relatives passed away and they were Catholic and they would have vigils okay we're basically like for like five six days straight you just show up at someone's house they have candles and the picture and all that and you literally like pray the rosary I don't know a billion times or something like that because you're trying to get them out of purgatory you know and it's just like they and it's just like it's like it's you think like Eminem's there or something praying somewhere you know just singing one of the songs or whatever but they're just that's what they do for like an hour and it's actually kind of creepy especially as a child I'm just like the picture of this dead person is right there and then they're all in unison you know you said what does it sound like you know kind of like a vain repetition that's basically what it is oh wait that's in the Bible oh that's right because they always disobey Jesus when he says to do not do something specifically like say less I'll do it tell me what not to do and I'll do it because what it is it's a vain repetition and what they're trying to do is get that soul out of purgatory sooner than later okay but it's not gonna happen my friends because perfect they can call it purgatory all they want but it's just called hell and they're not being purified they're just being burned for all of eternity it says it is no wonder then that those who deny the existence of purgatory tend to touch upon only briefly the history of the belief they prefer to claim that the Bible speaks of only heaven and hell you know that Bible with all those facts wrong that's what I say wrong it speaks plainly of the third condition commonly called the limbo of the fathers commonly where where is this commonly called the limbo of the fathers that sounds like some freaking pedophile island or something like that the limbo of the fathers where the just who had died before the redemption were waiting for heaven to be open to them so this is why the Protestants hold to the doctrine of Abraham's bosom this is where dispensationalism gets Abraham's bosom so you know what those guys can't talk any crap to the Catholics because they essentially evolved from them even in their theology and doctrine so you know the Catholics got one on them right so when the Catholics like well you believe in Abraham's bosom you know they're right about that but if they tell a fundamental Baptist who actually believes the Bible they can say I'm like yeah I believe in Abraham's bosom his chest cavity for sure because we all got one after his death and before his resurrection Christ visited those experiencing limbo of the fathers and preached to them the good news that heaven would now be open to them this is what dispensationalism teaches these people thus were not in heaven but neither were they experiencing the torments of hell so they have one up on the Protestants for sure on that one because that's exactly what they teach and we don't believe in this second compartment of hell known as Abraham's bosom where Old Testament Saints went to be to wait or whatever for the the coming of Christ because they're not going to say they're there to be purified of their sins because that's too Catholic they need to clean it up a little bit and this is what they say Christ refers to the sinner who will not be forgiven neither in this age nor in the age to come suggesting that one can be freed after death of the consequences of one sin so what he's saying is like they take when Jesus said when someone blasphemes the Holy Ghost that they have not forgiveness in this life nor in the world to come they're like oh so you're saying there is a chance you guys are seeing I know I'm bringing up memes but there's such a good way to communicate this the dumb and dumber me it's like so there is a chance it's like no there isn't Jesus said they have never forgiveness never means it's not gonna happen and what he's teaching there is that people because you know when we get saved we can we can be forgiven of our sins here and if someone's not saved they can be forgiven of their sins totally when they believe on Jesus Christ what this is saying is that when a person commits the act of blaspheming the Holy Ghost essentially what happens is they essentially relinquish their privilege or the the opportunity should I say to be saved in this world because now they will never have forgiveness ever again he's just being he's just kind of using hyperbole to say like it's never never never never gonna happen okay but they're like well if he says they're not gonna have forgiveness in the world to come that means there's a possibility to have forgiveness in the world well you just keep believing that you stupid priest you know you just keep believing that you drunk in Catholic bag you know just giving wine to children and all this nonsense and molesting children you go ahead and keep believing that because you know what you deserve that strong delusion and then he says similarly Paul tells us that when we are judged every man's work will be tried and what happens if a righteous man's work fails the test he will suffer loss though he himself will be saved but only as through fire so you can see how they twist those scriptures but what is 1st Corinthians 3 actually teaching it's teaching the doctrine of the judgment seat of Christ for our works and it doesn't say people are being tried in the fire it says their works shall be tried of what sort it is it doesn't say the people will be tried which by the way Tyler Doka was teaching that basically Christians will go to the lake of fire and he used this verse to teach that exactly what the Catholics teach then of course there is the Bible's approval of prayers for the dead of what do you mean there's of course he says then of course there is the Bible's approval of prayers for the dead when I read that I was just like shut up what are you what verse are you gonna pull out to try to justify and I was thinking maybe first Corinthians 15 right being baptized for the dead or something I was like that's the only thing I could think of that they would take out of context or something so let me read you the verse that they quote okay it says in doing this he acted in a very excellent and noble way in as much as he had the resurrection of the dead in view for if he were not expecting the dead to rise again it would be it would have been useless and foolish to pray for them in death but if he did this with a view to the splendid rewards that awaits those who had gone to rest in godliness it was a holy and pious thought thus he made atonement for the dead that they might be freed from this sin now how many know where that portion of scripture is in the Bible raise your hand if you know where that is you guys don't know where that's from oh that's right cuz it's not in the Bible where is it from second Maccabees chapter 12 verse 43 through 45 so in order for them to have any evidence to prove this ridiculous notion that God approves of necromancy they're like they're like can you find that there's just like that's too much in here man let's just go to Maccabees let's go to the apocryphal you know apocryphal books maybe we'll get something there and so they obviously can't use they can't use the Word of God because the Word of God wouldn't teach us a stupid thing so they have to go to second Maccabees this uninspired trash that might be good for toilet paper but I don't know I don't even think it's good for that I would not wipe myself with this with second Maccabees because it's not good enough and then it would even provide two-ply it's not even like two-ply prayers are not needed by those in heaven and no one can help those in hell this verse so clearly illustrates the existence of purgatory that at the time of the Reformation Protestants had to cut the book of Maccabees out of their Bibles in order to avoid accepting the doctrine Catholic theology takes seriously the notion that nothing unclean shall enter heaven yeah because they won't from this it is inferred that that a less than cleansed soul isn't fit for heaven and needs to be cleansed or purge of its remaining imperfections sanctification is thus not an option something that may or may not happen before one gets into heaven it is an absolute requirement as Hebrews 12 14 states that we must strive for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord but what people fail to understand is that our salvation is only based upon the righteousness of Jesus Christ because this is implying that we can exercise our own righteousness coupled with the righteousness of Jesus Christ for heaven because then they're not going to tell you or we're denying the righteousness of Jesus they're saying that we have to couple our righteousness with his righteousness in order to be admitted into heaven but the Bible tells us that that we're made the righteousness of God in him he had made him to be sin who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him and the Bible says that salvation is by grace through faith not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works as any man should boast and if by grace then it is no more of works otherwise grace is no more grace so the Bible makes it very clear the salvation cannot be added to once you add to salvation your works your righteousness your good deeds you've made the gift of God null and void or as Galatians put it puts it the grace of God is in vain in your life because those in Galatians at the church of churches at Galatia they were adding the law to it and so essentially they made the gift of God null and void the sacrifice of Christ was was insufficient for them because of the fact that they were adding the law okay and so purgatory is a stupid doctrine but you know it's sad though because you know what many people have died believing in that doctrine and thinking that that's where they were going to go making arrangements for their family to pray for them I mean talk about a rude awakening and look I'm not just talking about Catholics obviously this applies to the Orthodox Church as well right go to go to John chapter 6 John chapter 6 we're almost done how many more bastardizations do I have in here all right talk about the bastardization of the Lord's Supper okay that's a big one or what they like to call transubstantiation okay now what is transubstantiation it's cannibalism that's what it is it's the justification for cannibalism because it's the belief what they teach is the Eucharist right that they consume for the Lord's Supper literally becomes the flesh and the wine becomes the blood of Jesus Christ not symbolically because you know people try to excuse us and say well no they don't really believe it becomes the flesh and the blood of Jesus they just believe it's it represents it no they believe transubstantiation means when you eat the cracker and you drink the wine it literally becomes the flesh and the blood of Jesus Christ and in fact they believe it's so hard that heresy to them is consubstantiation because the Lutherans when they protested the Catholic Church they're like transubstantiation that's weird yeah yeah it is ha ha so they're like well you know we need to keep practicing the the Lord's Supper and observing it and so we're you know the Catholic Church labeled as consubstantiation because consubstantiation is basically saying like when we take the bread and the wine you know it's just symbolically representing that we're eating the flesh and drinking the blood but it's not really that well the Catholic Church is like that's heresy heresy so they're not they're not backing down on it they believe in this okay all right let me read a couple verses here do I have the article here yeah I have a little bit okay so what do they use it to substantiate this or to try to substantiate it look at John 6 verse 51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread that I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world the Jews therefore strove among themselves saying how can this man give us his flesh to eat now I want you to notice that the Catholics are in right standings with the Jews here like they agree with one another but I also want you to notice that the Jews here are the antagonists of the story they're the ones who are in the wrong right does everyone get that so the Catholics are like man these Jews are on to something verse 53 then Jesus said unto them verily verily I say unto you except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood ye have no life in you who so eateth my flesh and drink it my blood hath eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day my flesh is me indeed and my blood is drink indeed he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him as the living father has sent me and I live by the father so he that eateth me even he shall live by me this is that bread which came down from heaven that is your father's that eat man and are dead he that eateth of this bread shall live forever these things said he in the synagogue as he taught in Capernaum many therefore of his disciples when they heard this said this is a hard saying who can hear so they were offended at this because they're just like how are you gonna give us your flesh to eat your blood to drink why cuz they're taking this overly literal interpretation of what he's saying even though he's explaining in his sermon what he means because if you're gonna say that the flesh and the blood of Jesus Christ is necessary to consume for salvation you would have to say that Jesus is a literal tree you would have to say that Jesus is a literal door you would have to say that he's literally bread you would have to say that you have to literally get going to your mom's womb like Nicodemus thought and I come back out again because it isn't didn't Nicodemus also had this overly literal interpretation of what he's saying why because the natural man receive it's not the things of the Spirit of God neither can he known for their spiritually discerned and let me say this unsaved people have the natural propensity to want to partake in their salvation everyone does okay every unsafe person thinks that they have to do something on their part to be saved as well so these self-righteous arrogant spiritual leaders here the Jews they think to themselves okay so that's what we have to do but obviously they didn't esteem Jesus Christ as being anybody other than the carpenter son or as the Catholics they're just like easy we'll just couple this with the Lord's Supper and it just transubstantiation just becomes the flesh and the blood of Jesus Christ and by the way that's how you get saved you cannot be saved if you don't first of all partake of the Lord's Supper in the Catholic Church and by the way you have to believe it's not just a matter of like doing it you have to believe that it becomes the flesh and the blood of Jesus Christ in your body you have to believe it it's not like you can't pay lip service to it just like well I'm just gonna do it no according to their theology you literally have to believe you cannot believe that it's symbolic okay now here's the funny thing okay because they get on this consubstantiation right like it's not symbolic it's not symbolic it becomes the the flesh and the blood and they're really staunch on them but then someone asked what about like vegetarians though because I'm gonna ask that and this is the response well while it is true that the bread and wine are transubstantiated into the body and blood of Christ the appearances of bread and wine remain all that is perceptible to the senses are what is called the accidents of bread and wine that means that we are not consuming Christ in such a manner that a vegetarian could not receive the Eucharist so what are they saying well if it's symbolic that's what they're saying look it's the body and blood of Jesus Christ what about the millionaire vegetarian over there it's symbolic right hey don't worry for you symbolic right bunch of compromises look if you're gonna believe something believe it all the way okay what does the Bible say the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 8 8 but meat commendeth us not to God for neither if we eat are we the better neither if we not are we the worse Romans 14 7 says for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace and joy of the Holy Ghost why did Jesus Christ use such a crazy example to illustrate salvation well because of the fact that he's simply illustrating that he's gonna give his body his body was necessary to be sacrificed in order to pay for the for the sins of the world and you would think that these Jews would understand this why because for thousands of years they were doing what animal sacrifices and they would partake of that animal sacrifice and eat of that animal sacrifice and consume it with the symbolic representation of knowing that Jesus Christ would one day do this for me and I would eat of him just a man like the manna and eating not literally just for me just essentially believing on Jesus Christ okay and in fact look at a verse number 61 it says when Jesus knew in himself that the disciples murmured at it he said unto them did this offend you what and if you shall see the Son of man is sent up to where he was before so I like this he's like are you guys offended and he just doubles down more but good it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing so let's just pretend for a minute pretend for a second that the cracker does turn into Jesus's flesh in our body we know it's not true but let's just pretend for a minute that it does he literally says the flesh profits nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life but there are some of you that what believe not for Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not and who should betray them so we see here that this doctrine of transubstantiation is cannibalistic and they even they even reference that like some people say this is a cannibalistic view yeah because you're saying you're eating his flesh and is drinking his blood how else do you expect people to react to this and like well Jesus Christ said it and Matthew 26 but yeah but then he says I will no longer drink of the fruit of the vine right he says in verse number 29 but I say to you I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until the day when I drink it anew with you and my father's King he's literally telling them it's the juice and by the way you know why is it the Catholic Church has to use alcohol to represent Jesus blood I'll tell you why because Catholicism is a contaminated religion just as the fruit of the vine is contaminated with them when they add alcohol to it and the same thing with the bread they're literally telling people they're they're a contaminated religion based upon their practices now I was a Catholic and when I was a kid I tried to go take communion that that was kind of cool those dumb little kid but they never let me I would go up there and they're just like I had to like go like this or something and then they would like bless me or something like that I'm like man you guys are lame but I remember I literally remember kids going up drinking out of the that fancy little cup that they have and like and then the priest like pulling it back because he you know in his mind he's like hey leave some for me because I went to a Catholic school when I was uh was it a seventh grade I went to a Catholic school it was called st. Barnabas okay and I was exposed to a lot of that stuff and I remember one particular instance because you had to go to Mass at least once a week and we would go to Mass and by the way like Catholic Mass is just depressing it's cold like it creaks it's just like there's there's like a corpse hanging you know like right behind the priest it's not Jesus that's not sacrilegious or blasphemous because that's not Jesus that's like that's that's Cesar Borgia hanging there this is like this corpse just hanging right there but I remember this one instance we were there and and they were doing the whole communion where they break he breaks the bread and normally party you speak to someone who's right you guys know what I'm talking about have you ever been to a Catholic Mass all right so he's just like he does all that and then he drinks the wine right and he just kills that thing the guy killed and I don't remember what his name was his Monsignor something some Irish dude and he kills the thing right and he grabs a little thing and he cleans it out and there's a bunch of people in the Mass he just walks off stage and he leaves you know why he's drunk the guy is drunk and then we're just because you know you're supposed to like conclude the Mass and I don't remember what else you know they have like their their order of service right he's like well my deed is done you know that cleans it out and he's just like and after about I don't know like 10 minutes people are like I think Mass is over and everyone just starts like getting up and like walking out like he said why would he do that because the guy is a drunk like every Catholic priest you say you think he just got drunk after that that cup of wine he was drinking that stuff before service he was just topping himself off all right I must hasten here that last scripture go go to Jeremiah chapter 7 if you would Jeremiah chapter 7 we'll go to Jeremiah chapter 7 in Acts 17 and then we're done okay they bastardize Mary and look you know they want to claim we don't respect Mary we respect her as a believer someone of great faith someone who God used right in a great way but let me just let me just give everyone a reminder here Mary had to be saved Mary needed salvation even though she gave birth to Jesus Christ right she was used of God in a great way if she didn't believe on Jesus Christ she'd be in hell today bottom line if she depended on the fact that she gave birth to Jesus Christ for salvation she was split hell wide open as soon as she died because God is no respecter of people and it doesn't matter how close you were to the Lord folks even his brothers and his sisters had to get saved and look here's proof Judas was with them for three and a half years living with him three and a half years in his ministry he split with hell wide open why because he didn't believe on the Lord so it doesn't matter what role you played in Jesus's life if you didn't believe on him for salvation they went to hell and the same would have been for Mary if she did it but thank God she did you know why because she wasn't Catholic that's why she didn't buy into that nonsense she understood that she needed to believe on the Lord for salvation but they bastardize her they they essentially give her divinity and infallibility she's the co-redemptrix that's what they call her in other words in order to be redeemed you not only need Jesus you need her as well let me read this by the way remember how I said that like Catholics will look at a doctrine in the Bible and they'll look at something the Bible tells you not to do they're just like that's what we're gonna do this is probably the most truest and when it comes to this particular teaching here because you know what they call Mary car the queen of heaven it says Mary as queen of heaven is an ancient address to Mary used in prayers that dates back to that least a fourth century the imagery of Mary as queen of heaven was very popular in the Middle Ages the theological basis derives from the notion of Jesus as King New Testament uses the image of a king to describe Jesus well thank you for telling me that in Israel the mother of the king held the role of Queen mother in essence she held a role of great prominence in the court and the king would usually acquiescence to her wish to her wishes acquiesce excuse me to her wishes in first and second Kings the Kings are almost always listed with their mothers and are depicted as advising their sons as Jesus is king that makes Mary his Queen mother according to Jewish tradition getting to the king through the Queen mother is a natural thought and spurred Christian to ask Mary to intercede with Jesus on their behalf Mary's queenship is a share in Jesus's queenship so their justification is like well when there's a king he's gonna have a mom and they call her the queen so Mary's the queen of Jesus now look at Jeremiah 7 17 it says cease thou not what they do in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem the children gather wood and the father's kindle the fire and the women need their dough to make cakes to the queen of heaven and to pour out drink offerings and to other gods that they may provoke me to anger so the Bible actually says that this pisses God off so when the Catholic Church refers to Mary as being the queen of heaven that pisses God off how do you know because it says here you're provoking me to anger why because there is no queen of heaven there's only a king I don't care what some earthly kings did you know show me a verse in the Bible that states that Mary was the mother of God you're not gonna find it why because she's the mother of Jesus and Jesus existed prior to his birth on this earth do they provoke me to anger saith the Lord do they not provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces therefore thus saith the Lord God behold my anger my fury shall be poured out upon this place upon man upon beast and upon the trees of the field and upon the fruit of the ground and shall burn and shall not be quenched it doesn't sound like he's happy about that so here's the thing you know Catholics are like queen of heaven let's let's just call her queen of heaven because I'm sure they look for it in the Bible they're like I found it just the same thing with holy water right like I found it what does it say I don't know but it's there though we can use it and here's the thing you know why they can use stuff like this verses like this in the Bible out of context because back in the day the Bible was in Latin and no one can read the Bible so they can keep their congregates in obscurity so they can teach the most ridiculous doctrines take verses completely out of context why because no one was able to necessarily read the Bible in the Catholic Church because it was in Latin whereas the Christians the Bible believers they're just like queen of heaven that's a false God and you know what you know what Mary's doing in heaven just facepalming she's just like unbelievable that she's being just her name is just being abused to just teach false doctrine the Bible says in first Timothy chapter 5 chapter 2 excuse me go to Acts chapter 17 first Timothy 2 5 says for there's one God and one mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time I don't have time to read it but you can write this down Matthew 12 verse 48 explain who his mother and his brethren are and you know what she's not a perpetual virgin either after Jesus Christ was born Joseph went in unto her and they had more children after that in fact James who is a prominent character in the book of Acts who pastored the church at Jerusalem is his half brother look well back in those days they would just call people their brother it says it was his literal brethren though here's a verse to summarize the Catholics okay look at Acts 17 verse 22 then Paul stood in the midst of Mars Hills and said he men of Athens I perceive that in all things you are too superstitious you know when you think of Catholics it's just like you guys are just way too superstitious you know you think holy water could save you you think the indulgences can save you you think may doing penance can save you you think Jesus Christ flesh and his blood is going into your body when you eat the cracker and and the wine you think that like these priests are you know the Bible claims that they had their day they shouldn't marry stay celibate all the days of their life you think that there's a purgatory I mean it's just like you guys are too superstitious you think that there's no salvation outside of the Catholic Church ye are too superstitious but let me just close with this as as wicked and as vile as the Catholic Church is you know we still got to get them safe amen and we still got to preach the gospel to them they are still savable now I have zero interest in preaching the gospel to a priest to a bishop or to the Pope I hope they get what's coming to them and they are they denied the Lord God that bought them okay they're the reason why you know the way of truth is being evil spoken of because in America when people talk about Christianity Catholicism is lumped into that but at the end of the day we need to get Catholic saved we need to give them the gospel get them saved and and and show them hey you don't have to pay for your sins Jesus Christ has already paid for it once and for all let's pray father we thank you so much for your word Lord thank you for the clarity and thank you for the fact that the Catholic religion is theology is so blatantly stupid that we can simply just point to just simple verses in the Bible to refute it and and if anybody doesn't like this essentially what they're saying is they just don't agree with the goat with the Word of God our authority is God's Word it's not some encyclopedia it's not some council it's not bishops popes or deacons it's the Bible and so I pray and ask that you'd help us Lord to keep that as the final authority in our lives and that we may win hundreds of thousands of Catholics to you Lord we love you we thank you pray these things in Jesus name amen amen song number 336 constantly abiding song for 336 song number 336 as our last song song number 336 singing on that first verse there's a peace in my heart that the world never gave a piece it can not take though the trials of life may surround my god cloud I've a piece that has come there to stay Oh simply abiding Jesus is my constantly abiding rapture divine never leaves me lonely whispers are so kind never leave Jesus is all the world seemed to see of a Savior and King when peace came to my heart troubles all fled away and my night turned to day blessed Jesus still the abiding Jesus is mine cause in the abiding rapture divine he never leaves me lonely whispers are so God Jesus is this treasure I have in a temple of clay well here on his foot stole my body's coming to take me some glorious day over there to my Oh the abiding Jesus is my still the abiding rapture divine he never leaves me lonely whispers are so high I will never leave thee Jesus is my amen wonderful singing you are dismissed