(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. The title of the sermon this morning is attributes of the seven seals in Revelation chapter number six. The attributes of the seven seals in Revelation chapter number six. So we're primarily going to be in Revelation chapter six. We're also going to go to Matthew 24. So just keep that in mind. We'll be in a lot of places but specifically those two areas right there in the Bible. Let me give you an introduction here regarding this subject. Now to me personally this is an interesting subject always to study in regards to end times. Alright and I like preaching on prophecy. I like preaching on the the second coming of Christ and the tribulation and the wrath of God simply because a lot of these things aren't really talked about so much and so they're kind of they're just a unique subject to to study and to talk about and it's just good just for us to know about to prepare ourselves for these coming events. Now let me start off by saying by way of introduction that the seven seals are found within Revelation chapter 6 all the way to Revelation chapter 8. Now six of those seals are actually found in Revelation chapter 6. The seventh is found in Revelation chapter number 8. The six seals deal primarily with what we would call the tribulation whereas to the seventh actually opens up the wrath of God. So it's very important to note that that those six seals are found in Revelation chapter 6 which is very easy to remember right because chapter 6 six seals the seventh is the one that you see in Revelation chapter 8 which opens up the wrath of God and so and you say what's the best way to study Revelation chapter 6 well what can I go to well parallel passages within the Bible that will teach on this will be Matthew 24 mark 13 and Luke chapter 21 these are parallel passages that will give details okay to the events found in Revelation 6 because if you just study Revelation 6 there's a lot of details that are left out okay it's revealing a lot of things but there's other portions of the Bible that actually reveal what's the specifics of what's taking place in Revelation chapter 6 so the specifics you can find in Matthew 24 you'll find a mark 13 and Luke 21 and second Thessalonians first and second Thessalonians and of course other portions in the Old Testament so just keep in mind also that the book of Revelation is written in chronological order all right this is very important so revelations chapter 1 through 12 is the first portion dealing with the first century AD all the way to the wrath of God then the story repeats itself and revelations 13 all the way through 16 now revelations 13 through 16 give different details that revelations 1 through 12 left out okay then you find revelations 17 and 18 have to do with the fall of Babylon 19 Armageddon is found along with the millennial reign and then chapter 20 is the white throne chapter 21 to 22 is the new heaven and the new earth this is just an overview of what the book of Revelation is if you don't understand you can see me afterwards we'll go through the chronological order again but look down at your Bibles of revelations chapter number six what we're gonna do today simply go through each seal and explain what it is okay now before we look at verse number one the reason God calls it a seal okay it's because this is something that's being revealed so they're opening a seal and we're gonna look at what's inside the contents thereof you think of a seal seals is basically dried up wax okay back in those days when they'll send out a letter they would roll up the scroll and typically you think of Esther chapter 8 where the king sent out letters to the Jews and he used his ring to seal up the letters okay and so what happens when someone reveals it they break open that seal they could look at the contents found within that letter well in Revelation chapter 6 there's a lot of things that been covered up but of course this is the book of Revelation right so God is revealing the contents of what's taking place in the end times so each seal is gonna be open and we're gonna see the contents thereof so verse number one we start off by reading here and I saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and I heard as it were the noise of thunder and one of the four beasts saying come and see and I saw him behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer so this is the first seal and the first seal has to do with the false Christ okay well we would call the Antichrist now four attributes that give this away immediately is number one first of all he's on a white horse okay you say well you know what how does that give away that that's the Antichrist well if you read Revelation chapter 19 who else comes on a white horse Jesus Christ and if you look at the definition of what Antichrist means it simply means someone who comes in the place of Christ okay someone who is impersonating the Lord Jesus Christ and throughout the book of Revelation when you study the Antichrist you'll see that he has a lot of resemblance to the Lord why because he's coming to deceive people okay so he's on a white horse just like Jesus is in Revelation chapter 19 but not only that he has a bow okay we're not talking about like a bow like over his head or anything like that we're talking about a bow that's a weapon of war okay the third attribute we see is that he has a crown so this indicates that he has authority this isn't just some regular Joe Schmoe this isn't the guy in Russia he's not the guy in Mexico this guy has actual authority religious and political authority so he comes with the bow he comes with the crown and the Bible says he's coming forth conquering and to conquer okay the guy in Russia I mean he only has that little portion there okay this guy is gonna rule the world so this gives away immediately that this is talking about the Antichrist based upon these elements we can safely conclude that now this is actually a very pivotal event and times due to the fact that it gives us a reference point to the second coming of Christ okay you say what do you mean by that go to 2nd Thessalonians chapter number 2 2nd Thessalonians chapter number 2 now the reason the first seal is so important to know and to understand who it's talking about is because there is a false teaching out there called the pre-tribulation rapture okay and the pre-tribulation rapture will teach and it simply teaches that the rapture actually takes place in Revelation chapter number 4 we're not gonna take time to reach at Revelation chapter 4 but if you look at Revelation chapter 4 it's John right who's being caught up unto heaven in the spirit he hears a voice like a trumpet but he's up there to see and to be revealed to him the events that are gonna take place in the end times well the rapture is not one person the rapture is not even in just in spirit it's it's a bodily resurrection okay and here's the thing John comes back after Revelation chapter number 4 okay so it can't be the rapture it's John being caught up to be revealed these things you say why is that important for the seal or why is that important why is that a pivotal aspect of end times prophecy well look at 2nd Thessalonians chapter number 2 and verse number 1 says we beat now we beseech your brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him so right off the bat he's talking about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and then he says the gathering together he said what is the rapture it's when we're gathered together to be raptured to be caught up with the clouds with the Lord that's what it's talking about verse 2 that he be not soon shaken in mine or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letters as from us as that that day of Christ is at hand what does that mean that day is not like right around the corner okay it's not gonna happen tomorrow it's not gonna happen today and he says there don't be soon shaken in mine you know I mean don't think oh man could it be today no don't be soon shaken and he's gonna explain why verse 3 let no man deceive you by any means for that day referring to the gathering together referring to the day of the Lord that day shall not come except they're coming to fallen away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition who opposeth and exalted himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that he is God so what do we see here he says look that day the coming of Christ the gathering together the rapture don't worry that's not gonna come because the first thing that has to happen is that there has to come a falling away and the man of sin has to be revealed well that goes great where revelations chapter 1 or excuse revelations chapter 6 in verse number 1 and 2 when the first seal is open and the Antichrist is there okay now if the rapture is found in revelations chapter 4 but the Antichrist is revealed in revelations chapter 6 it's backwards you have the rapture before the Antichrist whereas 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 says no that day the supposed revelation chapter 4 rapture shall not come until the Antichrist first is revealed okay you say well where is the rapture well the rapture if you read in revelations chapter 6 of course the latter end and then in revelations chapter 7 you see a great multitude gathered together in heaven okay which no man can number now you can number John it's one guy but you can't number all the believers that have been saved from the beginning of time up until now that's what when John looks he said there's a multitude of people which no man can number okay gathered together and what we're gonna look at more in revelations chapter 7 in just a bit so go to Matthew chapter 24 so the first seal is the Antichrist okay the first seal that's open reveals this man he's sitting upon a white horse why because he's coming in the place of Christ he's coming to deceive people to make people think that he is Christ he has a bow which is a weapon of war he has a crown he's given authority and he's conquering he's going forth into conquer the Bible says look at Matthew 24 and verse number one the Bible says and Jesus went out and departed from the temple and his disciples came to him to show for to show him the buildings of the temple and Jesus said unto them see not all these things verily I say unto you there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down and as he sat upon the Mount of Olives the disciples came unto him privately saying tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world so obviously right off the bat we see that what what Jesus Christ is going to talk about after verse number four is referring to his coming and the end of the world now they didn't say tell us about your third coming right you said talk about about thy coming and in fact if you compare that to Acts chapter number one and verse number eight where the Bible says that they're given power from on high they shall be witnesses he says you don't have the authority the power to know the times of the seasons and they wanted to know when the kingdom of Christ was going to come he's like it's not for you to know the times of the seasons not in your power but you shall receive power from on high when the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me okay now let's read on verse number four says in Jesus answer to send it to them take heed that no man deceive you now that's not cliche there's a reason why he's saying that right off the bat let me just tell you don't let anybody lie to you don't let anybody beguile you don't let anyone deceive you think the Lord knew that there's gonna be a jinn on the latter days that would try to deceive people in regards to his coming and the end of the world of course verse 5 for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many now look you say well brothers there's a lot of people today they're saying they are Christ okay so you know that that's already been fulfilled yeah but remember he's talking about his coming and the end of the world okay and he says many shall come in my name and by the way yes there are many people and I think it's gotten to the point where these false Christs are conditioning people right to think oh they're gonna come and yeah where is the promise of us coming right go to Revelation chapter number 13 so we see the first part the first seal was already revealed in Matthew chapter 24 where he says that many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many well that's the first seal because the Antichrist does come that's the first seal he's on a white horse what does the white horse indicate that he's trying to be just like Christ he's saying I am Christ revelation chapter 13 in verse number 11 is a parallel passage to Revelation chapter number 6 okay so we're gonna be referencing this as well verse number 11 says and I behold another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon and he exercised with all the power of the first beast before him and caused with the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed so here's the thing one aspect that we see of the Antichrist is that the whole world is worshiping him we don't see everyone worshiping the guy in Russia not everyone is worshiping the guy in Mexico I mean I don't know who other those are the two only ones that I know about the famous ones right but here we see that the beast that comes out causes the world to worship this beast whose deadly wound was healed and obviously as we look further into Revelation chapter 13 that's referring to the Antichrist he receives a wound to the head by a sword according to the Bible now you don't have to turn there actually go ahead go back to 2nd Thessalonians chapter number 2 and we're gonna read verse number 6 so we're gonna do a lot of Bible turning here so just kind of get used to it amen 2nd Thessalonians chapter number 2 in verse number 6 says and and now you know what withholdeth him excuse me that he might be revealed in his time for the mystery of iniquity doth already work only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way verse number 8 and then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming even him who coming whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders and with all deceivableness and unright of unrighteousness and then that perish because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie that they all might be damned who believe not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness now look God is not sending a strong delusion to the entire world today the one who's deceiving everyone today as far as spiritually speaking is Satan himself okay he's the God of this world he's the one who's blinded the eyes of them who are in the world who are not safe so they can't be saved but here we see that God is actually the one who's bringing the strong delusion to those who are rejecting the Lord so this strong delusion is not taking place today the strong delusion will take place one day in Revelation chapter 6 when the first seal is open now mark 13 in Luke 21 we'd have to turn there but it says the same exact thing it says I am Christ shall deceive many I am Christ in the time draweth near go ye not therefore after them now let me say this this deceit that the Antichrist is gonna come is gonna be a very strong deceit anybody with any IQ will not fall for that guy in Russia or in Mexico it's like that's stupid you know the guy just looks like the guy in the pictures of Jesus and the stuff that he's teaching is just like who's gonna be fooled by that stuff you know anybody with any sense won't follow someone like that obviously those people out there they're just dumb they're dumb people that's offensive they're dumb people okay they don't think for themselves but the Bible says here that this deceit that the Antichrist is gonna have is gonna be very strong even to the point that it would even be pot if it were possible he can deceive the very elect okay even some Christians if it were possible because the deceit is so strong they could be to see but obviously we know that they won't be okay but that's how strong the delusion is that's how strong the deceit is now go back to Revelation chapter number 13 and we'll skip down to verse number 7 says and it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and power was given unto him over all kindred and tongues and nations see here's the thing is the these Antichrists that are that are that are living today they don't have power over all kindreds they're not power over all tongues they're not power over all nations you see this is referring to what's called the one world government because we see later on in Revelation chapter 16 where the Bible talks about how the other kings of the world will give their power unto the unto the beats unto the Antichrist and he's gonna rule everything there's gonna be a one world government one world religion one world currency one world everything why because he's ruling all tongues kindreds and nations according to the Bible so the first seal right off the bat is the Antichrist and very important because that alone demolishes the pre-tribulation rapture because that day shall not come except to come in the following way first and that man of sin be revealed but one is he revealed in Revelation chapter 6 verse 1 and 2 when the first seal is open so if your rapture is in Revelation chapter number 4 there's a problem there because he's not revealed to Revelation chapter number 6 ok now go back to Revelation chapter number 6 so that's the first seal very important the Antichrist being revealed there and he's kind of you know other than the Lord obviously he's almost like the main theme of Revelation chapter number 6 because he's the one doing all these things okay verse number 3 says and when he had opened the second seal I heard the second beast say come and see and there went out another horse that was red and power was given to him that sat there on to take peace from the earth and that they should kill one another and there was given unto him a great sword so you said what is this seal what is the second seal regarding well three attributes the giveaway what this is is number one we see the taking of peace from the earth number two we see that people should kill one another and number three that there's a great sword being given now a sword is not for spanking a sword is for killing okay so we see here that the second seal has to do with wars there's gonna be you said well there's wars here today no we're talking about world wide wars okay we would consider World War three because this is taking place all over the world all right you say well how do you know that it's actually referring to the wars and rumors of wars we'll go to Matthew chapter 24 so hold your place in Matthew 24 we're gonna go back from Revelation chapter 6 say brother Bruce I already know all these things but you know we need to hear it over and over again okay and maybe there's someone in here who doesn't know all these things okay and they need to learn the sequence of events they need to learn these things and maybe this is the first time they've ever heard it so we're gonna go over it Matthew 24 verse 4 says in Jesus answer them take heed that no man deceive you for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many and he shall hear of wars and rumors of war so right after he says many shall come in my name saying I am Christ the second thing that comes up is that he says there shall you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars goes great with Revelation chapter number six after the first seal comes up the Antichrist is revealed the second seal is the wars that we see the sword people dying see that he be not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet so he says look when you see these things and look war is scary so a lot of people are gonna see this and they're gonna be troubled by it people dying you see it on the news you probably see it live all these things he says look be not troubled but the end is not yet okay and this is why it's important to study end times prophecy because a lot of Christians who are saved they they don't know end times prophecy they might make it to the tribulation and guess what they're gonna be running around like like a chicken with their heads cut off it was like where's the war and you know they're gonna they don't know these things whereas if we see the second seal is like okay this is the wars and rumors of wars we obviously know when this is taking place the end is not yet okay this is the beginning of sorrows obviously with the famine and so on and so forth it says there you should hear of wars and rumors of wars see they be not trouble for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet for nations shall rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places so go back to go to Revelation chapter 13 hold your place there in Matthew to Matthew 24 revelations 13 verse 1 says and I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy and the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast and they worshiped the dragon which gave power into the beast and they worshiped the beast saying who is like unto the beast who was able to make war with him now skip down to verse number 11 now this is just speculation I think this is a possibility because the Bible talks about how he receives a wound to the head okay and look at verse number 14 and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live well one of the attributes that we know this is wars and rumors of wars of the second seal is that people are dying by the sword so it could possibly be that this man this Antichrist was possibly even involved in one of the wars okay and he's he's leading the forefront he's leading the entire thing and he dies he gets killed well in the world's eyes that's an honorable thing when a king goes forth to battle right and they see he's a king he's going forth to battle what happens he dies okay but then what happens afterwards of course I believe that he'll be dead for three days and three nights just like the Lord Jesus Christ he'll resurrect okay that's when he'll be possessed of the devil and that's when he comes back and they're like wow he is like he is Christ you know this guy died he's an honorable man he went forth to battle as kings go forth to battle in the Old Testament in Israel and look now he died because of the war and now he's back he's come back to life that's what I believe is speculation I think it's it's it's very possible okay because a lot of no one really knows how he dies by the wound of the sword okay but we see that it can relate to the second seal of wars and rumors of wars because swords are involved in that killing out so on and so forth now go to Revelation chapter 17 Revelation chapter 17 and verse number 9 the Bible reads here and here is the mind which hath wisdom the seven heads are seven of mountains on which the woman sitteth and there are seven kings five are fallen and one is and the other is not yet come and when he cometh he must continue a short space and the beast that was and is not even he is the eighth and is of the seven and goeth into perdition so we know this is talking about the Antichrist because if he's going into perdition he is the son of perdition okay he is the eighth and cometh of the seventh and of course we believe that the the seventh is referring to the United States okay that's referring to Babylon verse number 12 says in the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet but receive power as kings one hour with the Beast these have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast these shall make war with the Lamb and the Lamb shall overcome them for he is Lord of Lords King of Kings and they that are with them are called and chosen and faithful so we see here that they're one mind and they give their power and their strength into the Beast and that I believe that's why he's able to conquer so much okay he's obviously someone who who's a man of great charisma a man of great of swelling words to be able to deceive so many leaders to just follow him and give them that his power give him their power their authority now go to Luke chapter 21 Luke chapter 21 again Luke 21 in mark 13 in parallel passages to Matthew 24 in Revelation chapter 6 but Luke 21 in verse number 9 the Bible reads here but when ye shall hear of wars and commotions be not terrified for these things must first come to pass but the end is not by and by by and by simply means immediately right it's not coming yet all right then said he unto them nation shall rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom now this is important to know that the end is not by and by because when you see wars and people are dying you want the end to come and those who are not prepared spiritually speaking they're like when is this thing gonna end well at least though it's not gonna end yet at least we know okay we're making progress all right the second seal has been open you know we're not halfway through but we're on our way to the end now go back to Revelations chapter number six so the first seal is open that's the Antichrist okay and the attributes to give away that this is the Antichrist is the fact that he's sitting on a white horse he has a bow he has a crown and he's going forth conquering and to conquer the second seal we see is the the the wars that are taking place people are dying by the sword and of course we know that the Antichrist because he's conquering he's the one who's creating these wars in order to conquer okay verse number five says and when he had opened the third seal brother David every every week where's brother David at yeah you got it thanks and we had opened the third seal I heard the third beast say come and see and I beheld and lo a black horse and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand and I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say a measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine so he said what is this this is famine famine simply means there's no food okay people are dying of starvation is what it means okay and three attributes to give this away is number one the pair of balances now we don't use balances today I mean I guess if you go to the grocery store there's a form of a balance you know you get your your your vegetables or your fruits and you throw it onto the balance you see how much it weighs and what that does is it basically finalizes how much something will cost all right and then back in the in Bible days obviously balances were used a lot more you think of the verse it in Proverbs where it says a false balance is an abomination unto the Lord but a just weight is his delight and that's referring to basically how to do business God wants you to be honest when you do business and have a just way don't do a false balance you can get more money out of it but we see based upon that definition a balance is something you weigh something with to finalize a cost you say what does that have to do with the famine well the second attribute that we see here is the exchange of goods for money he says they're a measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny so we see the balance there and then we also see the exchange of goods for money now if you look at it penny obviously is not referring to a cent but we would think today and Matthew chapter 20 you see a parable given where a man is hiring laborers for a for a penny a day and care for their labor so basically a penny in those days was simply a day's wages for a full out a full day of work all right which is a lot of money and you see there that a measure of wheat is for a penny and then three measures of barley for a penny what does that mean the expenses are going up the economy has been changing and in Daniel chapter 7 the Bible teaches us that who's responsible for this the Antichrist because the Bible says it's given unto him to change laws and times okay he's changing the economy he's changing the the food expenses so on and so forth and in Revelation chapter 13 we see the what's taking place the the the mark of the beast so that no man can buy or sell well that goes perfectly where relations chapter number six where it talks about the family that's taking place and says and see thou hurt not the oil or the wine this is the high value that's placed on items okay now if you have to pay a day's wages for just a measure of wheat there's a lot of people are not gonna be eating there's not enough money to pay for all that and that's not a whole lot that you're getting and so what's gonna be taking place people are gonna be dying of starvation okay look if you want to lose weight just wait till the tribulation you'll lose a lot of weight there you ain't gonna be eating all right now Matthew chapter 24 verse number 7 says for nation shall rise against nation Kingdom against Kingdom that's seal number two and then it says this and there shall be what famines that's the third seal so we see that everything just lines up perfectly in Matthew 24 in Revelation chapter 6 you don't see that in Revelation chapter 3 you don't see in Revelation chapter number 4 but you definitely see it in Revelation chapter number 6 so these things are lining up perfectly the first seals the Antichrist second seals the wars the third seals the famines now go to Revelation chapter 13 in verse 15 the Bible says and he had power to give life unto the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed and that by the way that's one reason why we know that people the Christians first of all will not be deceived but second of all that no Christian can ever take the mark of the beast because someone who is saved right someone who has the Holy Spirit of God living within him the Bible says that a stranger will do not follow for he knows not the voice of the stranger well no safe Christian will sincerely of heart worship the beast okay it's not gonna happen verse 16 says any causes all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and then no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name now here's the thing 50 years ago we would look at this passage Christian like how is that gonna take place there's gonna be a rubber stamp you know I mean like how are you gonna be on the forehead how does that work well years later we see that that's very much possible you know chip in the hand very much possible you know you would even look at passages where it says that every eye shall see him and the pre-tribulation guys would like see you know how can every eye shall see him well you you think later on that's very much possible you got Instagram you got Facebook you got all these social medias YouTube every eye can see him okay so that this is very much possible here but in Revelation chapter 13 verses 16 and 17 we see the third seal being put into put into place there there's this famines taking place and guess what who the majority of the people of the world that it's affecting the Christians of course because we can't receive the mark of the beast right and even if we did we're probably gonna get our heads chopped off because they're gonna know we know we don't sincerely worship the beast so we see that there now go back to Revelation chapter number six and look at the end of the day when you think about when you think about the famines that are taking place on the third seal don't worry that you're not gonna eat I don't think any Christian is gonna really worry about that I mean do know the truth and know the sequences of events because it's like man we just got like a couple more years to go I mean who cares about food you know I ate all the in and out I can eat I'm ready to go out you know I can afford to lose some weight and fast right maybe you might have just a little bit of meat yet beans and rice okay and by the way my family in Guatemala they that's all that's what they survive on there's beans and rice okay and but I don't think food is necessarily gonna be a necessity for us in the sense of that's not our that's not our focal point that's not what we're concerned about so we're not gonna be storing up food you know what I mean to survive the tribulation is just like well you know we only got a little bit of time on this earth let's do something big for God let's go out with a bang in other words you know we're not gonna be worried necessarily about the food but there will be people starving there will be people dying of it because of it verse number seven of revelations chapter number six the fourth seal and we open the fourth seal I heard the voice of the fourth be say come and see and I looked and behold the pale horse and his name that sat on him was death and hell followed with him and power was given unto him over the fourth part of the earth to kill with sword and with hunger and with death and with the beast of the earth now three attributes to give this away is obviously they're killed with the sword with hunger and death and beasts of the field now we would say obviously as diseases that's taking place because the natural byproduct of war is dead bodies right well when you have dead bodies on a mass scale the cleaning crew can't clean it all up okay you think of the black plague that took place years ago right decades ago and all the disease that came from that well there's a lot of diseases and pestilences that come from Wars come from people that are dying they're not being buried okay and when you have scores and mounds of people dying all over the world there's not enough place to bury them so guess what happens disease begins to spread and then you got to take into account also the famines are still being taken place so people are still dying of hunger so people are still being killed with the sword we said why is that because if you got food people want food they're gonna kill you to get the food so we see possibly that a lot of raids are being taken place people being robbed and killed for their measure of wheat for their measure of barley for the food that they do have now that matches up perfectly with Matthew 24 in verse number 7 or it says for nations shall rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places and it says all these are the beginning of sorrys you say well the earthquakes are not mentioned in Revelation 6 or with the with the fourth seal and you say well and also you know there's earthquakes today but these are worldwide earthquakes earthquakes that are taking places in places that would not normally have earthquakes okay and you got to keep into account take into account that in context of Matthew 24 and in context of Luke 21 and in Mark 13 is talking about his coming and the end of the world okay so you've got to apply what's being said right here to what's taking place in those days obviously there's false Antichrist today okay there's Devils today there's pestilences today there's earthquakes today there's famines today but this is worldwide events are taking place specifically at this time okay and these are the beginning of sorrys by the way this is things that have never happened such as when the world began I mean this is the beginning of sorrows it's the worst type of conditions that are gonna take place then we won't spend too much time on that but when it says the beasts of the field okay because you're wondering like why would it say that people are dying by the beasts of the field well for one when you have earthquakes and you have wars it makes desolation okay it causes areas to become be completely desolate to the point where people can't live there okay well you look back in Jeremiah in different portions of the Old Testament anytime what God would desolate an area he says I'm gonna allow it to be a den of beasts okay the beasts of the field are gonna overtake that place so you have animals coming into these desolate places well if you have bystanders coming through that city looking for food going into houses seeking some sort of measure we are some sort of barley they're gonna encounter animals okay and look there's stories of owners who've had dogs and these owners die and then guess what these dogs do because they have no food they eat their owner happens all the time you you starve an animal long enough I don't care how friendly you are with them they'll eat you that's just the bottom line okay and and look these people who like to house these exotic animals and lions and monkeys and stuff you're dumb okay cuz as soon as you run out of food and during this time they're turning on you yes even the dogs will turn on you okay it's very possible it's happened in the past so the beasts of the field are eating people as well I mean this is horrific things that are taking place today and by the way you say man that's kind of exaggerating well if you look in the Old Testament during the Kings when there's famines people were eating doves dung I mean we can't even like fathom like oh is that even savory like what even tastes like people are eating their own babies cannibalism is taking place okay and you'd be surprised what people do when there is a famine people will go out and eat each other people eat the worst of things okay I've heard of people getting getting stranded in Antarctica you know what they did they ate the rubber rubber soles of their shoes just to fill their stomachs so this definitely is and this is what's gonna take place here in Revelation chapter 6 is a lot worse than that okay so go back to Revelation chapter number 6 I believe it's very possible you know the beasts of the field will come earth there'll be earthquakes people can't live there anymore so what happens the animals come and people who are coming from different states looking for food or different cities unknowingly enter into these cities and they encounter the beasts of the field and what happens they die because of the bears eat them or whatever may be okay verse number nine so that was the fourth seal now the fifth seal it says and when he had opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God and for the testimony which they had and they cried with a loud voice saying how long Oh Lord holy and true does thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth and white robes were given unto every one of them and it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season until their fellow servants also and their brethren that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled so the fifth seal opens up martyrdom and great tribulation okay this is where you know the Bible tells us in Luke 21 we'll look at it you know when those things come to pass when you see your family members being slain and killed before your eyes that's hard I mean we're like end times prophecy yeah we're post your pre-rest but when it gets down to the nitty and gritty of the reality that's taking place this the soldier the souls that are saying how long the soul the soldier they're under the altar that could be you saying that okay that could be your mom or your dad or your brothers or some of the people who are in here and say how long will you have that's possibly you that the Bible is talking about there and when the rubber meets the road that's why the Bible tells us in Luke 21 when you see these things come to pass lift up your heads for your redemption draweth not high okay because it's a sad sorrowful time you know you know I saw I saw a post the other day on Instagram was very it was still touching because they this this lady had posted a picture of someone I don't know if it was her daughter or a family member but it was a young lady who died and and she said we'll see you in the clouds we'll see you in the clouds and we think of the verses that we see when the Bible talks about martyrdom and and sometimes if we're not careful these don't these things don't become a reality to us but these are a reality this is gonna happen okay great tribulation now let me just veer off here to just proved obviously that this is not the wrath of God because those who would believe in a pre-tribulation rapture obviously say that the rapture is found in Revelation chapter number four right and that Revelation chapter six is actually the wrath of God well that doesn't make sense because in Revelation chapter six and verse number ten says how long Oh Lord holy and truth the style not the style not a judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth going to show that he has not done that yet he has not poured out his wrath as of yet and the souls who are in the altar they're saying how long are you gonna wait to do that to you a vengeance well that shows perfectly that God is not doing that by the way the wars and rumors of wars God's not doing that either the famines God's not doing that you say how do you know because you compare it to Revelation chapter 13 those who are dying of famines are those who have the who don't have the mark of the beast and the one who created the mark of the beast is the Antichrist because it's given to him to change times and laws so this is the Antichrist who is doing this it's not God verse 11 says until their fellow servants and also and their brethren that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled now three attributes to give away what this is is Christian martyrdom the avenging of the blood and the fellow servants that should be killed now go to Matthew 24 Matthew 24 matches up perfectly okay I mean the sequence of order is just like shockingly just right on point you know you would think like that God planned this out or something you know like how it's written you know verse 9 says then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted okay so this is after the the the pale horse this is after after the famines this is after the wars and the rumors of wars it says then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake and then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another and many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many now when I believe what the Bible saying many false prophets shall arise I think this is talking about pastors during that time who are not saved okay pastors who are all over the world rabbis and all these false teachers who are in accordance with the Antichrist now obviously we have false prophets and pastors today correct but they're gonna exist in those days as well they're gonna give credence and credentials credibility to the Antichrist they're gonna deceive a lot of people their own congregation verse 12 admit and because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold but heed that shall endure until the end the same shall be saved and of course if you compare that with Revelation chapter number six it matches up perfectly because if you're able to endure the wars the earthquakes the famines if you're able to make it through all the persecutions and afflictions you will be saved in the end not saved justified your flesh will be saved okay and look what it says in this gospel the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for witness unto all nations and then shall the end come now verse 14 is an awesome awesome verse right there because it says in the middle of all this the gospel shall be preached in all the world he said who who's doing that the ones who haven't been killed amen the ones who have been losing weight because they haven't been eating all right my meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work the Bible says so that's gonna be like our light verse during that time we're gonna be out there preaching the gospel seeing people say and running and running from city to city looking for people who are looking for the gospel seeing people say a great work and exploit is gonna be done for God during this time it's gonna be exciting but it's the it's the it's the middle that's verse 14 is between verse 12 and 11 and the rest of it where all this killing is being taken place so this is really where the rubber meets the road I mean you're heartbroken because your wife was just killed killed or maybe your family was just killed and so you're out there just preaching to God I mean this is like this is hardcore stuff right here this is why that's why I understand when people say you know if you're right and I'm wrong what's three and a half years you know well I'll say if you're right then you know you know we'll be here when the tribulation takes place and that's our no you need to prepare for that so it's not just like oh yeah just three and a half years no your family might die in this and here's the thing dad what if you die and you never condition your wife or your children to think that way and to believe what the Bible says what are they gonna do okay you know it's easy to say that as a guy but what about your family what if they kill you and your wife stays here and your children stay here and they've always believed in a pre tribulation rapture you see that's why it's dangerous it's not a matter of like what's three and a half years well I'll show you what's three and a half years wars famines killings martyrdom great tribulation it's not like just something love yeah well you know revelation six it could happen if it if we're here no biggie no it's it's a big thing if you're not prepared for it okay let's read on it says verse 15 and when therefore and when you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet stand in the holy place who so read it let him understand then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains let him which is on the housetop not come down to take away anything out of his house neither let him which is in the field returned back to his clothes and won't to them that are with child and to them that gives suck in those days but pray that your flight be not in the winter neither on the Sabbath day for then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time nor no nor ever shall ever shall be so it's saying as soon as the abomination desolation is set up that marks off the great tribulation okay now what is the abomination desolation it's the image that's set up of the beast to worship him we see that in Revelation chapter 13 the image is set up and they they're causing the whole world to worship it whoever does not worship him shall be killed okay that's why it's great tribulation because that's when it comes to the point where it's like okay Christians save people here and those who want to worship the repper the reprobates here okay verse 22 and except those days shall be shortened there shall no flesh be saved but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened so he's saying look if this is allowed to continue this just goes to show you the amount of killing that's gonna take place during this day because he says if these days are not shortened and by the way three and a half years is pretty short already or 72 days is already sure that's already short he goes if those days were not shortened it's like isn't that short already no no if those days are not shortened no flesh should be saved that means there's killings on a mass scale a lot of people are dying okay now revelations chapter 13 go to revelations chapter 13 so revelations chapter number six and the fifth seal have to do with martyrdom okay now let me ask you a question who is killing the Christians simple questions not your question Antichrist right who's making war with the Christians Antichrist look at revelations 13 verse number 7 and it was given unto him who the Antichrist to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations so this is showing that this is not some symbolic thing that's taking place today okay now is there spiritual warfare today absolutely are we fighting against Satan today yes but when the Bible says that we think it's given unto the Antichrist to make war with the Saints that's taking place during the tribulation why is that because it says he's given power to overcome them and it says that power was given him over all kindreds tongues and nations he's not given that power today he doesn't have power over us greater is he that is in me that he that is in the world we are the overcomers amen now there's only two places in the Bible were war with the Saints is mentioned that's in Revelation chapter 13 and Daniel chapter number 7 now go to Daniel chapter number 7 both revelations 13 in Daniel chapter 7 if you read the verses before and after there are events that are taking place within the tribulation now look at Daniel chapter 7 verse number 21 I be held in the same horn made war with the Saints and prevailed against them we see the exact same phrase used in Revelation chapter 13 prevailed overcome verse 22 until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was given to the Saints of the Most High and the time came that the Saints possessed the kingdom now skip down to verse number 25 you say well how do you know that this is referring to end times and the tribulation how do you know this is not taking place as of now we'll look at verse 25 and he shall speak great words against the Most High and shall wear out the Saints of the Most High and think to change times and laws and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of times so in verse 25 of Daniel chapter 7 we know that that's referring to Revelation chapter 13 simply because verse 25 says that he's speaking great words now we're not gonna turn there but in Revelation chapter 13 verse number 5 guess what it says he speaks great things against the Most High and blasphemies same thing that we see in verse 25 of Daniel chapter 7 but not only that it says this and to think to change times and laws we see that the latter in the Revelation and they shall be given into his hand until the time times and dividing dividing of time that's referring to the three and a half years is well how do you know that that's three and a half years where do you get the definition from times times and a half of times well you compare it this first to Revelation chapter number 13 and verse number 5 he says the power is given unto him for 40 in two months okay so the sequence of what's it go to Revelation chapter 30 hold your place there in Daniel chapter 7 go to Revelation chapter 13 we're gonna flip back and forth so Daniel chapter number 7 verse 25 says he shall speak great words against the Most High look at Revelation 13 verse 5 and there was given unto him the mouth speaking great things and blasphemies right we see that there and it says there and shall wear out the Saints of the Most High well verse number 7 says it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and look what it says and think to change times and laws we see that in Revelation chapter 13 in verse number 16 and then it says this and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of times verse 5 of Revelation 13 says and power was given unto him to continue 40 and two months now if the war with the Saints is taking place now that doesn't make sense because times times and half of times is 40 and two months that's three and a half years if if the war with the Saints is taking place when Satan was was cast out when Jesus said you know I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven that was 2,000 years ago and it says here that it's 40 in two months that's three and a half years so we obviously know that this is actually referring to the three and a half years after this takes place okay power is given unto him for 40 in two months at the end of those 40 in two months we see the of course the the events that are gonna take place in Revelation chapter 19 so on and so forth so the time and times and dividing of times if we compare that to Revelation chapter 13 verse number 5 it's referring to the 40 in two months okay that's how you can tell what it is because there's no other place really in the Bible that really teaches teaches us what that means other than we see in Revelation chapter 13 verse number 5 the 42 months okay three and a half years does that make sense okay Luke 21 verse 11 says a great earthquake shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilences and fearful sites and great signs shall there be from heaven that's referring to the abomination of desolation because remember the Prophet the false prophet is able to do great signs and wonders as well okay verse 12 but before all these they shall lay their hands on you and persecute you delivering you up to the synagogue and into prisons being brought before kings and rulers from my namesake and it shall turn to you for a testimony that's important because in the beginning of Revelation 6 of the fifth seal it says because of their testimony they're being killed right settle the devil therefore in your hearts not to meditate before what you shall answer if I would give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries shall not be able to gain say nor resist now I know we're going deep today all right I know there's a lot of information being taken place but this isn't that's why we got to preach on this over and over again sometimes all right because it's easy to say yeah I'm post trip pretty wrath but it's not so easy to just point from the Bible and give the details specifically of why we're poster pre-rata okay these are these events are very important so the fifth seal is the martyrdom this is when great tribulation takes place now go back to Revelation chapter number six so Daniel chapter seven matches up perfectly with revelations chapter 13 and revelations chapter 13 matches perfectly with revelations chapter number six now we're gonna look at the sixth seal amen this is my favorite seal why is that verse 12 and I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the Sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became as blood and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind and the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together and every mountain and island removed out of their places and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and every bond men and ever free men hid themselves in the dens of the rocks of the mountains and sent into the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb but the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand so the sixth seal is the Sun and moon being darkened referring to the rapture and also the wrath of the Lamb because they take place on simultaneously on the same day now someone who would believe in a pre-tribulation rapture and say see that's where I don't agree with you on because I don't see a rapture in Revelation chapter 6 on the sixth seal and by the way it doesn't say anything about people being caught up obviously it doesn't right we would all say we will say yes it's not there but here's the thing that's what we're looking at the attributes of the seals he said so where do you get the fact that you know there's a rapture right there well if you look at the attributes of the of the of the sixth seal the rapture is there he said why is that well the Sun and moon are darkened stars of heaven fell and the great day of his wrath is come now go to Matthew chapter 24 verse number 27 well there's a there's a patch you guys know who patched the pirate is I think it's past the pirate right well there's a song called do right to the stars fall do right till the stars fall do right and he talks about the Sun and moon and all that stuff these little kids are just singing that like that's poster right there man cuz look that wouldn't be for Christians who believe in a pre-trip cuz I'm gonna do right so that happens if that happens after the rapture in Revelation chapter 4 I love it how they sing what we believe I love it it's great you know even in Revelation chapter 6 one of my favorite songs you know what we're gonna change the song today after the service we're gonna sing it as well with my soul do you guys know that song anybody know that you know that you could play it okay I'll lead it that's one of my favorite songs he said why is that because the latter ego and Lord hates the day when the face shall be side the clouds be rolled back as a scroll the Trump shall resound and who the Lord shall descend and then it says even so referring to Revelation chapter 1 and verse number 7 even so Lord come even so Lord come right and so that's referring to a preacher post trip pre-wrath rapture look at Matthew 24 verse 27 for as the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even into the west how does someone find that song for me and then the hymn book please because I don't know what number it's in so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be for worse over the carcasses there were the Eagles be gathered together and that's a whole sermon in of itself what's that that's referring to the gathering together of the of the rapture verse 29 immediately after the tribulation of those days now what days is he talking about the martyrdom what is it 145 all right thank you talk about the martyrdom the great tribulation that's being taken place he goes immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he shall send his angels with the great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other so the elements that we see in Matthew chapter 24 right here and verses 29 to 31 is that Christ comes in the clouds and then wrath is being taken place as well because they're one in the same to take place on the same day now yeah but that's not where and here's the thing and you may think this and if you think this you're not dumb okay it just means maybe the verses haven't been shown to you and look if you believe in a pre-tribulation rapture you're here I don't think you're dumb I just think you miss you're misinformed that's all that's all it is okay because you'll say well you know doesn't the Bible say that no man know what the day or the hour you know this isn't the Bible teach that no one knows yeah it does look at verse 36 but of that day an hour knoweth no man know not the angels of heaven but my father only but guess what that's in Matthew 24 and if you ask anybody who the elect is referring to Matthew 24 they say all of Matthew 24 is for the Jews then you got a problem because no man know what the day or the hour what they like to use as the rapture is found in Matthew 24 that's supposedly for the Jews let's read on verse 40 then shall to be in the field the one taken and the other left that's that looks like the rapture amen two women shall be grinding at the middle the one shall be taken the other left watch you therefore for you know not what hour your Lord doth come by the way we do believe in the certain of imminence but we believe in the eminence that we don't know the day or the hour but we do know this that it's after the tribulation okay but yeah we don't know the day or the hour and you can't use that to say well Christ can come at any time and the time of Christ the time of his coming is at hand because it's not because we see a whole bunch of events in Matthew 24 in Revelation chapter 6 they have to take place before that and to say well no man know what the day or the hour and the Jews are the elect are the Jews that contradicts itself why because the elect is referring to save people we see that according to different portions of scripture in the New Testament but not just that you can't use that verse if you're using it from Matthew 24 now we're gonna skip the whole lot of a whole lot of verses that I want to go to because we're already out of time now go to first Thessalonians chapter number five first Thessalonians chapter number five verse number one says but of the times and seasons brethren you have no need that I write unto you for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night now here's the interesting thing about that phrase is that people don't agree with us what the day of the Lord is okay I mean those who would believe in a pre-tribulation rapture they say well that's not referring to that's referring to Revelation chapter 19 that's the day of the Lord but they like to use the phrase he cometh as a thief in the night well verse number two says for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night okay for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction and cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape but ye brethren are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief year are all the children of light and the children of the day we are not of the night nor of darkness therefore let us not sleep as do others but let us watch and be sober for they that sleep sleep in the night and they that be drunken or drunken in the night let us who are of the day be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and love and for a helmet the hope of salvation for God had not appointed us unto wrath but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ I like how it says for a helmet the hope of salvation why is that because we're watching and we see that great tribulation is taking place what happens we need to lift up our heads for our redemption draweth 9 okay so we're not obviously we're not gonna go over revelation or excuse me the the seventh seal but I think it's pretty clear crystal clear what revelations chapter 6 is actually teaching is the tribulation and that we will be in the tribulation okay now the rapture takes place afterwards and we see that in Revelation chapter number 7 where the great multitude comes in heaven which no man can number he said why would you teach on something like this because it's important to know the attributes of the events as well okay because obviously if you just read one chapter and you just stick to that one chapter you're gonna have a no man know what the day or the hour you know thing where it's just like no but you got to compare that with Scripture with Scripture you got to see what Matthew 24 says mark 13 Luke 21 you got to see what first and second Thessalonians says you got to compare revelations chapter 13 and revelations chapter 6 and the reason God put it in so many different areas first and foremost is because there's so much content that takes place within these critical days he spread them out throughout all these chapters but none of that it's to prove that it's a post-trip pre-raft okay very important let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for the book of Revelation and we're thankful that you've revealed these things into us and there's so much more we've only like scratched the surface of end times prophecy and of course I don't feel I ever do justice to this subject of course there's a lot of other pastors out there who are far more learned than this and far more eloquent that can expound these truths far greater than I can but if we just look at the scriptures as we did today and we know that you can teach us because you've promised us that the anointing that you've blessed us with the Holy Spirit teaches us all things and leads us into all these truths and I pray that you give us a greater understanding and appreciation that we've been delivered from the wrath to come but we know that in this world we shall have tribulation but we should be a good cheer because you've overcome the world and I pray that you'd help us to have a greater love for these things and not just label ourselves as post-trip pre-wrath because it's the thing to say but know the events that take place within these scriptures and we pray these things in Jesus name Amen you