(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, the part of the chapter we're going to focus on this morning is found in verse number 25 of Romans chapter 11 where the Bible reads, For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery lest ye should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part is happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in and so all Israel shall be saved as it is written there shall come out of Zion a deliverer and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob. The title of my message this morning is all Israel shall be saved, all Israel shall be saved. Now before you cast me out of the church or I just uh just hear me out first all right all Israel shall be saved. By the way I'm taking it straight from the from the from the Bible amen all Israel shall be saved we're gonna explain what that means you know there's a lot of confusion over this verse and before we get into any of that I want to first say that we as a church we are a post-trib pre-wrath rapture Church okay and if you believe differently we're not against you if you believe differently you're not inferior to us but we want you to understand what the Bible says about this subject okay and by the way some of you in here were probably pre-trib before and you came to the knowledge of the post-trib pre-wrath and what happened you you you converted you saw what the Bible said and you said I'm gonna go with what God says not what man's opinion says amen well not only that but we are a a replacement theology Church okay if you didn't know that I mean we just we got the scripture here but you are a chosen generation amen and we believe that the Jews are no longer God's chosen people we believe that we are the chosen of God why because God has chosen the New Testament Saints to be God's chosen people we're gonna explain some of that and just a little bit but often when you talk to people who believe in it in a pre-tribulation rat or excuse me pre-tribulation doctrine and even that the Jews are God's chosen people they will often refer to this verse right here they will go to Romans 11 26 and say no no well hold on a second brother Bruce the Bible says all Israel shall be saved and let me explain something in the Bible when you are trying to prove a doctrine and let's say there's about 10 verses that prove this thought I mean clear scriptures that prove this doctrine and you get one obscure verse that you know kind of maybe it seems like it's saying the different thing go with the ten all right but let me say this we know that the Bible is perfect it's an errant and there is no contradiction in the Bible so that goes to show that that one verse is not teaching something contrary to those ten verses it just means that one verse you're just misinterpreting that one verse let me say this the other side of this of this issue will agree with us on that on on that point right there because if we're they would say look if there's ten verses that prove that salvation is by grace through faith right and maybe there's that one verse you know endure they that endure to the end they shall be saved right we all know what that means if we don't we'll explain just a little bit we obviously have to go with the ten verses and they would say explain to people out you know when they're out sowing or whatever it may be and don't say that's not that one verse is not what you think it means you got to go with the ten and here's the thing there's scores of verses and even chapters in the Bible that teach that the Jews are not God's chosen people I mean God has dedicated full books in the Bible to talk about that subject right there full scriptures things that are clear as day to tell us that we are God's chosen people but what happens they'll get that one verse Romans 11 26 is I you know I agree with that but here's the thing all Israel the Bible says shall be saved and here's the thing I've been wanting to preach this for a long time and the reason why is because that's the most common verse the people will use to try to disprove us and here's the thing unfortunately not only pre-tribbers are confused about this I've met people who believe in a posture pre-wrath who will they stumble at this verse okay I met people who will say yeah I believe in a posture pre-wrath but you know maybe God does have a plan for Israel at the end I mean the Bible does say all Israel shall be saved you know and it's almost like a stumbling point where pre-tribbers can use and say yeah but you don't know what to do with this verse right here well we're gonna put that thing to bed today and by the time you leave the service you will have no doubt in your mind what that verse means in fact you will be equipped all right to face the pre-tribbers the Mafia when they come to you you'll be able to say I'm gonna tell you right now you can't I can't tell you in the beginning of the sermon because then you're gonna leave before then no see in order to understand when all Israel shall be saved we need to get the we need to get certain foundational principles laid out first and if you want to write this down you can write this down go to revelations chapter number one first and foremost we need to understand the chronology of the book of Revelation okay we need to understand that the book of Revelation book of Revelation is written in chronological order of events all right and what you have in the book of Revelation is this obviously there's 22 chapters and it's broken up really into three different parts there's chapters 1 through 16 that records the first century AD it records the tribulation it records the rapture it records the the the wrath of God it records the the the Armageddon millennial reign the new heaven and new earth it records everything right but that's broken up into two parts you have chapters 1 through 11 and then you have chapters 12 through 16 to repeat the same thing okay and you say yeah but that's a long stretch what do you mean they're repeating the same thing the Gospels are four books and they repeat the same thing too because here's the thing chapters 1 through 11 there's certain aspects of the tribulation that we see in Revelation chapter 6 that's not mentioned in chapter 13 right but there's certain aspects in chapter 13 that clarify what's going on in revelations chapter number 6 and then vice versa so it's written in chronological order we need to understand that okay and the way the chronological order works is this chapters 1 through 3 is really talking about first century AD that's why the Bible says that it's it's to the seven churches and by the way let me let me explain something to you these aren't dispensations okay because they're often say these are different church ages different dispensations and no these are literal churches okay these are literal churches that existed at one point that don't exist anymore and let me say this the primary interpretation of that is it was written to those seven churches yes we could get a secondary application yes there's certain characteristics found within those churches that we can apply to our church as a whole today but here's the thing there were literal churches the Laodicean church does not exist today oh wait let me take that back maybe they do exist in certain areas right they're still Laodicean lukewarm I'm so sorry I was off on that right look I'm a man I make mistakes and so but these literal churches don't exist anymore well then you have chapters 5 through 6 there is the narrator John the Apostle John given his experience when he's taken up in spirit to see these things that are cut they're gonna come to pass chapter 6 we see the tribulation before the Rapture okay we see that we see the six seals and the seven seal that opens it up to the seven trumpets and vials and then we see what we see Armageddon taking place and after Armageddon what takes place is the millennial reign and then the white throne judgment new heaven and the new earth so we need to understand the chronology of this and we're gonna go get back to this in just a little bit revelation chapter 1 verse 18 says I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive forevermore amen and have the keys of hell and of death write the things which thou has seen and the things which are and the things which shall be hereafter it's denoting chronology and one common phrase that you'll see throughout the book of Revelation is this after these things denoting what chronology in chapter 7 you'll see it and throughout the chapters after chapter 7 you always constantly see that phrase after these things are something similar to it it's telling you this is in chronological order okay so that's the first thing we need to realize there's a chronology to the book of Revelation and they'll really help you to understand it because here's the thing pre-trippers will they literally believe that the rapture is found in Revelation chapter 4 now I remember I used to hear that the people would say yeah they believe that revelation and chapter 4 is the rapture and I'm like you can't no way I don't know they're not that dumb you know it's like revelation chapter 4 but I remember being in Bible college sitting under an intensive when a pastor literally got up and said yeah I mean John being caught up in the Spirit is the rapture so is that the only guy that saved if he's the only one because he's the only one that went up in Revelation chapter number four and the Bible says that it was in the Spirit well we know that the rapture is what is a bodily resurrection our bodies are gonna meet him in the air they which which are dead in Christ shall rise first and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up with them in the air it's a bodily resurrection so revelations 4 is not the rapture but revelations chapter 6 we see the seals being opened we see the answer is Antichrist coming in the economy changing and of course the persecution of Christians and then after that the sun and moon are being darkened that's the day of the Lord which is the same day as his wrath and that opens it up after and then you see the 144,000 who are coming from heaven to here they're not Israelites that get saved here okay oh yes it's I'm telling you okay now here's the thing we have you say how do you know that because the two witnesses the olive trees they come from heaven right so what's why is it so hard to believe the 144,000 can come from heaven as well all right we're gonna prove that in just a bit then we see the wrath of God and see here's the thing we will often get criticized and people will say no you guys you guys want to believe you guys want to go through the tribulation you guys want to go through the wrath of God no we're pre-wrath we're not we're not mid-trippers because as people like to call us we're post trip here before the tribulation excuse me yeah before the tribulation excuse me after the tribulation but before the wrath of God is what we believe okay we're not here for the wrath of God because the Bible says that God has not appointed us to wrath bottom line and I'm saying is anybody who's believed on Christ I mean since the book of John it tells us that we're no longer under the wrath of God so the chronology of the book of Revelation is very important to understand very important to memorize very important to know where everything is but not only that we're gonna look at the components of the rapture the particulars go to Revelation chapter number one and verse number seven what does it look like you know if you've seen the the what's that called the the movie tell me the movie left behind you know your clothes are left and you know planes are crashing and all these things and that's not the rapture and here's the thing in in in that movie left behind it shows the battle of Gog and Magog in the very beginning well that's why I said it's important to know the chronology of the book of Revelation because that doesn't come to way after okay revelation chapter 1 verse 7 says behold he cometh with what clouds and every eye shall see him and they also which pierced him and all the kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him even so a man the Bible says so first of all we understand that one of the components of the rapture is this he's coming with clouds it's not a secret rapture you know it's just like yeah and you just disappear it's not how it works the Bible says that every eye will see him we're gonna behold him people are gonna wail because of him why because the great day of his wrath is come the Bible says now go to Acts chapter 1 I know a lot of stuff is like yeah I know somebody see but here's the thing there's some people in our church even today that don't know these things and you need to get used to listening to these things because we're gonna talk about it over and over and over again because we need a mature spiritual because even he look there's a lot of people who even believe in a posture pre-wrath but they don't even need necessary know how to explain it yet right or they don't know all the specifics the details of the posture pre-wrath position revelation chapter what I have you turn to Acts chapter 1 verse number 8 the Bible says here but ye shall receive power and after the Holy Ghost has come upon you he shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the othermost parts of the earth and when he had spoken these things while they beheld he was taken up and a what received him out of their sight you say that's not the rapture well let's keep reading and while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up behold two men stood by him in white apparel which also said ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in what like manner as he have seen him go into heaven so how did he leave in a cloud he said that's the same way he's gonna come back in a cloud does that make sense go to Matthew chapter 24 Matthew chapter 24 Matthew chapter number 24 verse 29 the Bible says here immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars of heaven the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heaven shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man every eye shall see him coming into what clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he shall send his angels with the great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other now the preacher the preacher preachers what they believe is this their revelations for when the Bible says that the angel had a voice like a trumpet they say that's it but no the Bible says it's a literal trumpet they're gonna hear it everyone's gonna hear it and the Bible says here that he cometh with clouds and when does it come after the Sun and moon are darkened okay go to 1st Thessalonians chapter number 4 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 and they'll often say well Matthew 24 come on you know she know what I'm about to say Matthew 24 is not for us buddy it's for the Jews and we're looking in just a little bit but if you were to ask them so why do you believe in a pre-trib pre-tribulation rapture they'll often say it because the Bible says what no man know at the day or the hour he cometh as a thief in the night right well guess what that's found in Matthew 24 that's one thing I'm just like so you're saying it's it's for the Jews then yes Matthew 24 is for the Jews what about no man know at the day or the hour don't you believe in that yeah where's that I don't know I'll show you what that's a Matthew 24 hey it's like what are you doing it's right there Matthew 24 and by the way Matthew 24 mark 13 and Luke 21 are all parallel passages okay and mark 13 says something that Matthew 24 doesn't say and I think he put it there specifically for the pre-trib guys what does it say what I say to you I say into all watch first Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 15 says this for this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout and with the voice of the Archangel and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord wherefore come from one another with these words this the rapture is not a secret it's not something that just in a twinkling they like to say this it happens in the twinkling of an eye and here's the thing they say they basically say it's like a secret rapture but the Bible says wherefore if they shall say unto you behold he is in the desert go not forth behold he is in the secret chambers believe it not he says so the Bible specifically tells us when they start telling you that it's like a secret don't believe it don't believe it go to let's see here go to Matthew go back to Matthew chapter 24 the rapture is not a secret which leads into my next point okay so first we saw the chronology of the book of Revelation then we looked at the components of the rapture now we're going to look at the contradiction of the pre-tribulation rapture okay and look we don't look down on people who are pre-trib but when they start when you show them the clear verses you know and they still don't want to accept it now I'm gonna start looking down and I'm gonna start thinking okay then you have a an agenda then okay because here's the thing again I was pre trip okay but when the truth is shown and the evidence is present you could you do one of two things you could resist the truth and say no my gang is the pre-trib mafia and I'm never gonna change or you can say you know what I love the Bible and I want to make sure that I believe right I want to make sure that I'm right on this you know I'm gonna switch positions you know regardless of the cost if everyone abandons me or not this is what I'm gonna believe because this was this is what God wants me to believe but there's a lot of contradictions within the preacher right the greatest flaw of the pre-tribulation rapture is the teeth this teaching of immanency which means it could happen all of a sudden okay Matthew 24 verse 36 this is what they'll take you to but of that day and hour knoweth no man know not the angels of heaven but my father only and by the way we believe that because I've been you know and this is something that's been said to me personally because you guys put a date you guys are putting the date and here's the question what's the date right what's the date we know that it's after the tribulation but just because we say it's after the tribulation doesn't necessarily mean that we're putting a date to it because we don't know the day or the hour because here's the thing the thing that kicks off everything is the covenant that is signed by the Antichrist with many right for one week but we don't know when that is so we don't know when everything really starts we just know that when the abomination of desolation is set up from that time for we have about 75 days okay but we don't know the day we don't know the hour all right and anybody who accuses of that just ask them so what's the date in the hour that we say that what's the time they were putting to it they won't be able to tell you because we've never done anything like that verse 42 says watch therefore for you know not what hour your Lord doth come but know this that if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come he would have watched and would have not suffered his house to be broken up therefore be also ready for in such an hour as you think not the Son of Man cometh go back to 1st Thessalonians chapter number 4 we're gonna go back and forth on these scriptures and we're gonna go back to Revelation and I'm just giving you a foundational some foundations here in order to understand all Israel being saved 1st Thessalonians chapter number 4 verse 15 says for this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord should not prevent them which are asleep now skip down to chapter 5 in verse number 1 so pre-tribbers and post-tribbers we both agree that 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 is the rapture I mean that's clear right I mean we would agree we would say yeah that's that's the rapture but look at chapter 5 and here's the thing the Bible is broken up into chapters but God didn't put those chapters there you guys understand that right man put it there so we can understand it better so we can so we can have some some organization so we can you know memorize verses and stuff like that and we know where things are at so on and so forth but man put it so this chapter 5 is a continuation of the thought that we have in 1st Thessalonians chapter number 4 right and look what it says but of the times and the seasons brethren ye have no need that I write unto you for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night amen and by the way they would agree with that too they would say yeah he comes as a thief in the night you don't understand this is how you know that we don't know the day or the hour when he's coming it's not after the tribulation because he cometh as a thief in the night verse 3 for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape but ye brethren are not in what darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief gotta keep reading sometimes you know look and by the way Romans 11 26 they'll quote all Israel shall be saved and they'll completely disregard the rest of the verse there's more to the verse than all Israel shall be saved you guys know that right I mean it's not done yet okay and by the way don't just disregard everything even before that they'll say all Israel shall be saved let's just make that its own verse you know the King James translators decided not to do that for some reason okay there's a reason why it's all together and look what it says but ye brother are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief ye are all children of light the children of the and the children of the day we are not of the night nor of darkness therefore let us not sleep as do others but let us watch and be sober for they that sleep sleep in the night and they that be drunken they're drunken in the night see a lot of pre-trippers they're drunks spiritually they're a bunch of alcoholics okay why cuz they're just like yeah you drink and be married for tomorrow's the rapture you know eat drinking you just live live it's gonna be okay we're not gonna suffer any of these things no we need to be sober and see here's the thing they'll look at us and say you guys are a bunch of you know conspiracy guys and no we just want to be sober we want to watch we want to be alert during these during these things and so here's the contradiction of the pre-tribulation wrath our pre-tribulation rapture is this they believe that it just can happen at any moment let me say this don't worry he's not coming today he's not even coming tomorrow now talk to me in about three years then I will see the signs of the times and maybe be able to say something but it's not happened even for the three years okay because there's certain things that need to take place before that happens there's a great confusion about this and here's the thing we need to realize that but where are in the end times right now these are the last days you know and it's it's surprising to Daniel says the Bible of the book of Daniel talks about how how God's people are gonna grow in understanding during this time and that's why these truths are coming out because why because God doesn't want us to be asleep he wants us to be watchful he wants us to understand that these things there's certain things that need to take place before that happens go with me if you went to Jeremiah chapter number 30 Jeremiah chapter number 30 pre-tribulation doctrine and Zionism or being pro-israel they go hand in hand because the pre-tribulation doctrine is heavily dependent on the Jews being God's chosen people okay let's start by saying this I don't hate Jews okay I really I don't hate them I hate homos but I don't hate Jews okay I don't hate them at all I've witnessed to Jews I've witnessed to rabbis I mean how many people could say they witness to a rabbi you know you know and he of course he rejected it because he had his covenant but or has his coming right and but here's the thing is I don't hate them I want to witness to them I want them to be saved but look we're not second-class citizens according to the Bible okay we are God's chosen people and the Bible clearly defines that for us Jeremiah chapter 30 verse number 7 says alas for that day is great so that none is like it it is even the time of Jacob's trouble but he shall be saved out of it now this is a key verse for them they love referring to the tribulation as the time of Jacob's trouble okay now even I heard a sermon the other day actually a couple weeks ago of a pre-trib pastor and he was saying he goes what these post-trib guys don't understand is you know they need to go through Daniel's trouble or like Jacob's 70th week it's like it's Daniel 70th week the other one's called Jacob's trouble sometimes you got to teach them what they believe it's actually called it's called Jacob I don't believe in Jacob's trouble the way you believe in it but it let me just it's called Jacob's trouble okay and here's the thing they'll use this verse and they'll say there it is the time of Jacob's trouble the the seven year tribulation is for the Jews it's God dealing with the Jews we know that to be true why because the times of the Gentiles shall be fulfilled at the rapture and after the rapture all Israel shall be saved we see the 144,000 and of Jews which are not Jews they're of Israel the Jews are gonna be saved and then in Revelation chapter 19 they'll see Jesus Christ you know coming in his white horse and they'll say oh we were wrong let's believe real quick do you really think that's how it's gonna go down here's the thing people say that all the time they're like yeah I think that makes sense because how can you not believe when you see him on the white horse they saw him come in a donkey and they still didn't believe right he came into his own his own received him not and then here's the thing in Revelation chapter 19 he comes with a lot of wrath and he's coming to kill a lot of people and the Gospels he came resurrecting people he came performing miracles he did things that no man has ever done and they still didn't believe on him so don't tell me that just because he comes on a white horse if it's a black horse if it's a pink one no they won't believe no matter what horse he comes in that's just the bottom line and here's the thing if you go to Revelation chapter 19 there's no account of any Jew believing there's no account of any Israelite believing but here and if you tell them it'll say yeah but Romans 11 26 all Israel shall be saved yeah but Jacob's trouble says they he shall be saved out of it those are our text verses you're using the Old Testament to prove something that doesn't exist in the New Testament doesn't make any sense okay they believe that Jacob troubles it is Daniel 70th week or what they would term as the seven-year tribulation that when they believe that all Israel shall be saved go to Revelation chapter number seven they say the Jews salvation is found in Revelation chapter 7 and revelations chapter number 19 it says in verse number three saying hurt not the earth neither the seed nor the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads and say there you go they're being sealed in their foreheads when you get saved you don't get sealed in your forehead okay you can see what the Holy Ghost you know when you get saved and then until the day of redemption but guess what the day of redemption has just happened right here verse four and I heard the number of them which were sealed in there and there were sealed in hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel of the tribe of Judah were sealed twelve thousand etc all the way down to verse number eight goes through all some of the tribes there and they'll say there you go there you go see all Israel shall be saved we'll go to Revelation chapter number 14 because remember we got to know the chronology of the book of Revelation right brother David you could can you turn on the AC is it is it hot in here it's a little warm right okay turn on the AC revelations chapter 14 so you gotta understand some there's a chronology right so revelations chapter number one all the way to chapter 11 is the first part of Revelation right ad all the way up into the the the very end and then chapter 12 all the way to 16 it basically repeats the same story so revelations chapter 14 is a parallel passage to revelations chapter number seven it's just gonna give different details of what's taking place look at verse one says and look and I looked him and lo a lamb stood on the Mount of Sion and with him a hundred and forty four thousand having his father's name written in their foreheads now let me ask you where is the lamb during this time heaven so the hundred forty four thousand are where heaven so as they're not like in Jerusalem in some cave somewhere and they just pop out it's time guys the time has come for all Israel shopping to be saved it doesn't work that way they're in heaven and look we're not gonna get into it but you look at the the characteristics of these Israelites there were virgins there are men who had no guile you won't find that today whether Jew or Gentile okay but if you're to if you were to cross the span of all the years and decades and hundreds of years that have passed by you will find 144,000 virgin men with no guile and we don't know how God specifically how it happened but look we can definitely say within the last 2,000 years for that 5,000 years you will definitely find 144,000 Jews who are men or Israelites there were men as well or there were virgins excuse me they had no guile in their mouths and who knows these men for some reason God chose them to say you know I'm gonna you they obviously neglected or they they they didn't know they didn't experience a lot of the pleasures of this life for a reason but guess what they're gonna get theirs when in the end times I mean God's gonna honor them God's gonna uplift them during this time that's who the 144,000 are and they start off in heaven so they're not in Jerusalem for they're in heaven and then in Revelation chapter 7 we see that they're here okay where'd you have you turn are you in revelations chapter number so they believe that the times of the Gentiles start in 606 BC and will end in the Rapture in chapter number four and look a lot some post-trip pre-wrath people actually believe the same thing believe it or not they believe that the word they say how were you in the times of the Gentiles right I was like no this is not the times of the Gentiles okay and they'll say well you know I thought the times of the Gentiles was now up until the rapture and then you know it's it's what takes place after that no the times of the Gentiles begins actually around the time of the abomination of desolation and according to the Bible it actually lasts for three and a half years so you got a problem there because if they say the times of the Gentiles are from 606 BC up until the rapture that's not three and a half years when the Bible clearly teaches that there that that Jerusalem shall be trodden underfoot of the Gentiles for 40 and two months that's three and a half years but it does make sense according to revolution Romans 11 26 if if all Israel shall be saved when the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled three and a half years before that yeah that makes a lot of sense okay I hope that didn't go over your head if you look at revelations 19 you will find no account of the so-called Jews getting saved by looking on him and here's the thing they'll go to some verse in Zechariah okay they shall look at him on whom they have pierced there it is it's the salvation of the Jews we've been we've been we've been trying to corrupt some sort of scripture in here to try to fit that it does that won't fit that already happened go to Romans chapter 11 go back to Romans chapter 11 so the chronology is very much important okay you got chapters 1 through 3 talking about revelations chapters 1 through 3 in the first century AD and same thing with chapter 12 okay it goes back to the birth of Christ and it gives some it shed some light on that chapters 4 and 5 is John the narrator explaining his experience as he goes to heaven to be shown these things chapter 6 is the seals that's where we see the tribulation okay chapter 7 is the grit when the great multitude appears in heaven which is which is the safe people and I think it's kind of neat sometimes when I read that I'm like man I'm in there like in Revelation chapter 7 I'm like when John John saw me with his own eyes you know he saw us with his own eyes because he saw a great multitude which no man can number we're there okay and that's the rapture chapters 8 all the way up to 11 is recording the wrath of God and then chapters 12 all the way through 16 repeats the story again so I keep repeating this because we need to know these things all right thereafter we have of course Armageddon where God comes with and destroys the the the armies and then the millennial reign is set up the white throne judgment the new heaven and the new earth right so keep that in mind but always remember they all these events that we're talking about right now is from chapters 1 all the way to chapter 16 and then 1 through 11 is one section 12 through 16 is the second section so we need to understand that that the chronology of the book of Revelation the components of the rapture it's not a secret he's gonna come with clouds the Sun and Moon are gonna be darkened the abomination of desolation has to be set up first 75 days after that is when the rapture takes place then we have to understand the contradiction of imminence okay we got to understand that imminence doesn't exist in the Bible all right the Christ can come in at any moment the confusion over Jacob's troubled that's just the verse that they just took out of context it doesn't mean that there's the Israel's gonna go through seven years of tribulation and here's the thing this is how you can know it doesn't mean that it's they're gonna go to tribulation for seven years or that the tribulation is seven years because there's a time during one of the seals in chapter 6 where we're being martyred right and what does it say he says how long will Lord you know so and I'm paraphrasing here go to write revelations chapter 6 we're gonna look at it I don't want to paraphrase I want to just read it revelations chapter number six we'll start in verse number 8 Bible reads here and I looked and beheld a pale horse and his name that sat on him was death and hell followed with him and power was given unto him over the fourth part of the earth to kill with sword and with hunger and with death and with the beasts of the earth and when he had opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God and for the testimony which they held and they cried with a loud voice saying how long Oh Lord holy and true the stout not what judge and what avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth so we see here that God has not poured out his wrath yet because if they're saying how long to you avenge us and pour your wrath on them that goes to show that the first the first couple of seals that we see there up until the fifth seal is not the wrath of God because they're saying how long till you do that and of course that's when the seventh seal comes the sixth and the seventh seal that opens it all up now here's the thing if the if all of it it's tribulation then you got a problem because these obviously these Saints are wrong then right cuz they're saying how long he why didn't he tell them what are you talking about I'm already doing it do you see the first seal that was me no that wasn't him that's the Antichrist okay so we need to understand the confusion over Jacob's trouble and then lastly the corruption of Romans 11 25 to 26 go back there this is what we want this is what I want to talk about here Romans chapter 11 and verse number 25 let me turn there as well and I'm telling you I've had more people swing this stick at me than I can then I can think about Romans 11 26 Romans 11 26 let's read it again verse 25 says for I would not brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery lest you should be wise in your own conceits and often the other side will say see you guys are just trying to be wise in your own conceit you're by proud people that blindness in part is happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be committed so all Israel shall be saved that is as it is written there shall come out of Zion of the deliverer and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob so in order to know when Israel shall be saved we need to know what that what the times of the Gentiles are right go to Daniel chapter number eight and hold your place there in Roman chapter 11 and we mentioned before but the times of the Gentiles is not the church age okay there's no such thing as the church age you know you have the church in the wilderness in the Old Testament and Ephesians chapter 3 it says glory and be in the church throughout all ages right Daniel chapter 8 verse number 11 says yea he magnified himself even to the prince of the host and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away and the place of a sanctuary was cast down and an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression and it cast down the truth through the ground and it practiced and prospered then I heard one Saint speaking and another Saint said unto the certain Saint which spake how long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice and the transgression of desolation to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden underfoot and he said unto me unto two thousand and three hundred days then shall the sanctuary be cleansed so we see two things taking place during this time we see the transgression of desolation or we would refer to as in the New Testament the abomination of desolation and also the trotting of the sanctuary underfoot in Daniel chapter 8 you guys get that we see that right they happened almost simultaneously go to Luke chapter 21 Luke chapter number 21 in verse number 20 the Bible reads here and when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies then know that the desolation thereof is nigh why because the Antichrist is about to make Jerusalem desolate then let them which are in Judea flee to the mountains let them which are in the midst of the of it depart out and let not them that are in the countries they're into excuse me enter it they're into for these be the days of what vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled so who is this vengeance on the Jews these be the days of vengeance you say man I think that it's a stretch by saying that keep reading but won't to them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days for there shall be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people and they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive into all nations and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the time until the excuse me until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled then there shall be signs in the Sun and in the moon and in the stars and upon the earth the distress of nations with perplexity the sea and the waves roaring so we see what upon them is coming this vengeance then it says there's gonna be signs of the moons and the stars why because the Sun and moon are gonna be darkened right and then soon thereafter is the rapture we're gonna see that just a minute men's hearts failing in verse 26 for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of heaven shall be shaken and then shall they see the Son of Man coming in clouds with power and great glory and when these things begin to come to pass then look up and lift up what your heads for your redemption draweth not so the vengeance is on them redemption is for us so we see here the abomination of desolation is being set up and what does he talk about he talks about Jerusalem being trotted down under the foot of the Gentiles until the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled which is three and a half years afterwards go to revelations chapter number 11 revelation chapter number 11 how do you know it's three and a half years revelations chapter 11 so we see desolation Jerusalem is trodden and then we see the rapture revelations chapter 11 verse number 1 the Bible reads here and there was given me a read like unto a rod and the angel stood saying rise and measure the temple of God in the altar and then that worship therein but the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not for it is given unto the Gentiles and the holy city shall they tread underfoot forty and two months not like thousands of years forty and two months is when they tread it so what happens after that 42 months is Armageddon right you see you're repeating yourself I'm doing it for a reason go to Roman go back to Romans chapter 11 Romans chapter 11 so when does that take place because if we have the abomination of desolation taken place right if we had the the the Gentiles trotting Jerusalem underfoot forty and two months well forty two months three and a half years then you have the millennial reign well according to Romans chapter 11 verse 26 all Israel shall be saved front of scientists shall come forth they deliver and shall turn away on godliness from Israel well if you look if you study where that by the way anytime the Bible says as it is written what does that tell us we need to go back to the Old Testament right so don't quote all Israel shall be saved and then leave the rest out because that's giving you a hint when that's actually taking place so when it says out of Zion this shall come forth to deliver all Israel shall be saved as it is written the deliverer shall come forth out of Zion and ungodly shall be turned away from Jacob that's referring to two areas in Jeremiah Jeremiah chapter 23 and Jeremiah chapter 33 and in Jeremiah Jeremiah chapter 33 and 23 it says this Judah shall be saved and by the way pre-triples will use they're like there you go Judah shall be saved but let's go let's go there Jeremiah chapter 33 I'm sorry 23 first we'll go to 23 first Jeremiah chapter 23 in verse number 5 the Bible reads here in Jeremiah chapter 23 in verse number 5 behold the days come saith the Lord that I will raise unto David a righteous branch who's that branch talking about Jesus capital B right and a king shall reign and prosper and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth when is he gonna do that in the millennial reign because the Bible says in Revelation that he's gonna rule with the rod of iron right the Levitical law is gonna come back we're gonna execute the laws and justices of the Lord and it says here the days will come when he will do that and look what it says in verse 6 in his days in the millennial reign Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely and this is his name whereby he shall be called the Lord our righteousness and by the way it says Judah shall be saved and they shall dwell in what safety why is that because right now they're not dwelling in safety there's a bunch of unsaved Israelites over there go to chapter 33 chapter 33 and verse 15 in those days and at that time will I cause the branch of righteousness to grow up unto David and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land in those days shall Judah be saved and Jerusalem shall dwell safely and this is the name wherewith he shall be called the Lord our righteousness for thus saith the Lord David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of day of Israel so we see here what is he talking about he's talking about the millennial reign and here's the thing preachers will say yeah that's that's what that's what that's what we're talking about brother Bruce they're gonna be saved they're gonna be justified God's not done with Israel no God is done with them now let me ask you this it's got done with the what the saved Israelites of the Old Testament who have passed on no no because God is not a God of the dead he's the God of the living right but once they became once they got saved yes they were of Israel like like Paul said that he was at the tribe of what Benjamin but he was a saved a Benjamin there's a huge difference okay if you don't believe me look at the Benjamin's in Judges chapter 19 a bunch of sons of bill you now go back to revelate to Romans chapter 11 we're gonna keep going back here we're gonna we're gonna so hold your place there in Jeremiah we're gonna go back and forth Romans chapter 11 so look what the Bible says here in verse 26 until the fullness of the Gentiles we come in and so all Israel shall be saved now look at verse 25 where it says this that blindness in part is happening to Israel so according to the Bible he's saying this no and this is what they they say you know the scales will be removed from their eyes and revelations chapter 19 look at verse number let's see here verse number six and if by grace and it is no more of works otherwise grace is no more grace but if it be of works and there's no more grace otherwise work is no more work what then and here's the thing verse 7 is one of my favorite verses because it makes it a distinction between two people it says Israel have not obtained that which he seeketh for but the election hath obtained it so who's the election the safe people and if you read the entire chapter even at the end of Romans chapter 10 it makes a distinction between saved Israel and the unsaved people you know the even David said I pray that those people never get saved I mean that's rough right but look what it goes on to say and the rest were what blinded so blindness in part is happening to Israel why because part of them are blind part of them are still not saved in fact Jesus told the Pharisees what because you think you see you're still blind right does that make sense now look what it goes on to say go back to chapter verse 25 for I would not brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery lest you should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in and so all Israel shall be saved now here's the thing in the millennial reign it's only going to be saved Israelites right and here's the thing even today in Romans chapter 9 the Bible says not all who are of Israel are of Israel so that goes to show us that there are saved and unsaved Israelites in Israel but not all of them who are in Israel really are of Israel because God only recognizes saved Israel by the way saved Israel is right here amen I know my parents were born in Guatemala but hey my citizenship is in heaven I am a I am an Israelite indeed amen saved Romans 9 6 says not as though the Word of God has taken an effect for they are not all Israel which are of Israel neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children but in Isaac shall thy seed be called that is they which are the children of the flesh these are not the children of God but the children of the promise are counted for the seed so explains to us they're not all of Israel okay she said we know these things okay I know you know these things but it's not grievous for me to tell you these things over and over again okay and we're setting something up right here go to Jeremiah chapter number six when you're gonna get to all this we're being saved when you're gonna get to that I'm gonna get to in the next 30 minutes just kidding Jeremiah chapter 6 Jeremiah chapter 6 in verse number 29 is a verse that we use to define what a reprobate is right reprobate civil shaman call them for the Lord has rejected them and we simply know the definition of reprobate means to be rejected okay but that's what we use but often this is actually a very good passage to use to prove replacement theology okay and I'm explaining to you why look at verse 28 they're all grievous revolters walking with slanders they are brass and iron they're all corruptors the bellows are burned the lead is consumed of the fire the founder melteth in vain why for the wicked are not plucked away and then it says reprobate silver shall man call them for the Lord has rejected them so it's saying here that Israelites during this time God rejected them they became a reprobate silver because in obviously in Deuteronomy and Exodus says they were a peculiar treasure they were like silver right well they became reprobate silver rejected silver why because the wicked were not plucked away that means there were ungodly people within Israel they're not plucked away he said what does that have to do with the presidency in China look in Proverbs it says this pay attention take away the dross from the silver and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer then it says this in the next verse take away the wicked from before the king and there shall his kingdom kingdom shall be established in righteousness take away the wicked from before the king and his kingdom shall be established in righteousness when is Christ's kingdom gonna be established in righteousness in the millennial reign well what has to happen in order for that to take place the wicked need to be plucked out the dross needs to be removed by the way that happens in Armageddon the days of vengeance he kills them all off the wicked are plucked away and so all Israel shall be saved now go back to Romans 11 Romans chapter does that make sense I mean it's very clear isn't it so he's saying that the unsaved Israelites are like dross and they need to be plucked away well unfortunately in Jeremiah chapter number six they were not plucked away they were not taken out of the land and that's why the Bible says that they became reprobate silver shall men call him because the Lord has rejected them why because the wicked were not plucked away well guess what in Revelation chapter 19 Christ is gonna come the days of vengeance are gonna be there and he's gonna wipe out unbelieving Israel these be the days of vengeance they shall fall by the sword the Bible says they're gonna die God's gonna God's gonna kill them and the dross will be removed that's why his kingdom can be established in righteousness why because the wicked are removed from before the king Romans 11 Romans chapter 11 I hope that makes sense Romans chapter 11 so verse 26 and again this doesn't mean justification because here's the thing we often you know people would use you know they that endurance the end the same shall be saved right and say yes he you got to endure to him and these stupid Calvinist you know you got to make sure you persevere and all these things cuz they didn't do it to the end the same shall be saved we know that's not what it means that means their flesh physically they're gonna be saved but there's more than one way to being saved right I'm not talking about to go to heaven I'm talking about the word saved means different things like for instance you have the way to prove that passage is this in Acts chapter number two it says you know the Sun and Moon shall be darkened and it says for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved right well that's a quote from Joel where the Bible says the whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered does that make sense so delivered and saved mean the same thing but it's talking about your physical body why because when the Sun and Moon are darkened the rapture takes place and if we that are which are alive and remain shall be caught up with them in the air our flesh will be saved does that make sense well here in Romans chapter 11 verse number 26 it's the same thing now this is the way I I've been thinking about what's the best way to explain what this means that all Israel shall be saved obviously we know the wicked are plucked away if I were to tell brother Philip brother Philip I'm gonna be late to the party and camera be like an hour late but I need you to save me a seat or you know I know you I heard you're gonna have five cakes there okay I need you to save me all five and I get there and you tell me yeah I wasn't able to save all five but there's one that I was able to save right when I say save me a seat or save me a cake what's another word for that something tell me reserve reserve me that cake now what if I get there right and and he wasn't able to reserve anything I mean he was able to reserve him like maybe one he goes man I'm sorry but I was only able to reserve one but hey look one of my daughters is gonna have a good birthday next week and don't worry I'm gonna reserve all of them for you in that day all the cakes will be reserved okay keep that in mind does that make sense to reserve and say mean like basically the same thing right there right now look at verse number four of Romans chapter number 11 excuse me let's start on verse number one I say then hath God cast away his people God forbid for I am also an Israeli of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew why you not with the scripture saith of Elias how he maketh intercessions to God against Israel saying Lord they have killed our prophets and dig down thine altars and I am left alone and they seek my life verse 4 but what saith the answer of God unto him I have what reserved to myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to the image of Bell even so then at this present time also there's a remnant according to the election of grace so what is he saying in Elijah's day seven thousand were reserved right well guess what in Revelation chapter 19 all Israel shall be reserved all Israel will be there because throughout the ages obviously there's been unbelieving Israelites everywhere and there's only in the Bible tells us there's constantly gonna be a remnant there was always going to be a remnant well the Bible tells us that in the end times when the millennial reign is set up all Israel shall be reserved not just seven thousand not just a few not just ten not just twenty not even just a hundred and forty four thousand wherever they came from no all of them shall be reserved not saved justified God says I'm gonna reserve these now it's all Israel why because the wicked have been plucked away does that make sense this is not a new teaching it's not a new doctrine but the thing is so much false doctrine has been taught from this verse we just need to go to it and see what the Bible really has to say about it all Israel shall be reserved they shall be saved why is that because the wicked are plucked away from before the king that's what the Bible is teaching there so next time a preacher comes to you and says hey all Israel shall be saved you just tell them have you read verses 4 through 5 have you read verses 9 verse 9 have you read Revelation excuse me Jeremiah chapter number 6 have you read the principle of plucking away the wicked before the righteous so the kingdom can be established in righteousness no Israel is not going to be saved no these unbelieving Christ rejecting Israelites and Jews are not gonna be saved and people are not saved differently throughout all ages we don't believe in this dispensational crap okay that says well we were in the gospel of grace I we've been in the gospel of grace it's been that way since the Old Testament you know and here's the thing well the problem with a lot of pastors nowadays is they're not getting anything fresh from God anymore and the reason why is because they're going to these commentaries to learn these deep truths because they were there's man and and Isaac shall thy seed be called we brethren as Isaac are our other children a problem we gotta do something about that let me go to this unsaved commentator see what he has to say about it okay so what happens they get these commentaries from these unsafe people and they begin to learn a lot of false doctrine and now it's not like we're not we don't have to read in context with text we just need to read just a little bit of the text in order to get it to say what we wanted to say all Israel shall be saved what about the last part all Israel shall be saved what about until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled all Israel shall be saved what about when God says I've reserved to myself seven thousand prophets who have not bowed the knee to Baal you're leaving some things out here okay and it's falling apart the doctrine is falling apart in regards to this why because simply they're not reading in context look don't worry when you when you face someone who believes is false doctrine just explain look save means reserved oh no you're reading too much into it it says it right there in verse 4 that he's reserved to himself seven thousand prophets are not about to need the bail according to the election of grace yeah but the elect of the Jews don't even give me that the elect of the Jews okay so what's the sermon this morning yeah all Israel shall be saved absolutely they will be reserved and then no in in in the Old Testament only seven thousand throughout the ages there's always been a remnant right a righteous remnant a saved remnant but at the end of days all of them shall be reserved all of them will be there