(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. The part of the chapter we're going to focus on this morning is in chapter 2, verse number 9, where the Bible says, But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, and holy nation of peculiar people, that ye should show forth the praises of him who had called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Verse 10, Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which have not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. And the title of the sermon this morning is this, A Chosen Generation. A chosen generation. When we think of a generation, we think of an entire body of individuals. They're born and they're living around the same time. It's a term that's really used to group people together that have the same ideas, problems, attitudes, failures, and successes, right? And we could spend a whole sermon talking about the failures and the successes, the wicked and the sinfulness and the godliness of many generations. We think of the greatest generation. That describes those who grew up in the United States during the deprivation of the Great Depression and then went on to fight in World War II. This is what they would call the GI Joe generation. This is the tough generation. These are the people who knew how to struggle and knew how to strive and knew how to be content with what they had because they didn't have much. I also called the greatest generation. Then you have the baby boomer generation. These are the children of the greatest generation birth. Baby boomers are associated with the rejection and redefinition of traditional values. They're really the ones who are responsible for like the sexual revolution. You know, all the wickedness that came into our country during their time, they're the ones who introduced that. And by the way, commercial break right here, I'm thankful this year, this week, I got some good news that Hugh Hefner died. Amen. That's a blessing. Amen. I'm thankful that adulterous, fornicating, wicked man is burning hell today. That's a good thing. And by the way, he's a pedophile. No, no, no, no. He was just all about, no, no, no. He promoted pedophilia in his playground magazines. He died at the age of 91 and guess what? Two million died in a suit. Amen. Because he defiled many minds of many people and he's responsible for what's taken place or what took place in the baby boomer generation. I'm thankful he's dead. That's a good thing to rejoice about. I got that notification. I said praise God that guy's dead. I'm thankful that he's burning in hell today. That's a good thing. Amen. But the baby boomer generation was responsible for the sexual revolution, Woodstock, the acceptance of filth and sodomy. Then you have what's called the generation X. Members of generation X were children during a time of shifting societal values and as children were sometimes called latchkey generation. Some simply because they would come home and you know mom or mom is out working and so they had the keys to the house. They would come in. They had no supervision whatsoever. They're also called the MTV generation because they just sit there and watch MTV and just fill their mind with a bunch of filth and music and garbage. They're characterized as slackers and cynical. Then you have my generation. Uh oh. The millennial generation. Although the millennials are characterized, excuse me, although millennial characteristics vary by region depending on social and economic conditions, the generation is generally marked by an increased use and familiarity with communications, media and digital technologies. These are the, this is the generation that lives in front of the computer, lives in front of the iPad, lives in front of the iPhone. They're just, they know technology more than any other generation. And this is a generation or million that's become very, they're very lazy. It's that hipster generation, right? And all these generations, you can really go through each generation and look at the pros and cons of each, the wickedness of each one, but also the righteousness of each one. Because let me say this, there's always been a remnant, right? Throughout all these generations, there's always been a chosen generation and whether you are a baby boomer or maybe you've known someone who came from the greatest generation or maybe you're sitting in here today and you say, well, I'm a millennial. No, if we're God's people, we're the chosen generation. You see the chosen generation of God has not never been limited to a certain amount of time. It's been here for thousands of years. This is the generation that has existed. This is the godly, righteous, holy generation that God wants to use mightily for his purpose. This is the chosen generation. But we're not, when we say chosen, we're not talking about that Calvinist crap, okay? All the elected, those are the chosen. No, we don't believe in that, all right? We'll preach on that in the future, but let me say this, the stupidest thing about Calvinism, okay, is that Jesus told the disciples, have not I chosen you twelve and one of you is a devil? How can you be a devil and be chosen, right? That flies in the face of Calvinism right there. Anytime I talk to a Calvinist person, I say, well, what about Judas? He was chosen. In fact, Jesus said, have not I chosen you? And yet he called him a devil. Doesn't work. Now, before we get into the secondary application, let me give you a primary interpretation of what we just read. Go to, you're in 1 Peter chapter number two, verse number nine, we're going to read this again. It says, for ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Now, go with me to Exodus, Exodus chapter 19. I'm going to show you where actually this comes from, Exodus chapter number 19. I'm going to read to you from 1 Peter chapter number one. The Bible says here in 1 Peter chapter number one, Peter, an apostle Jesus Christ, this is whom he's writing to, to the strangest scattered throughout Pontius, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. Now, if you were to ask the most common independent fundamental Baptist church, they'll say, well, the elect are who? The Jews, right? They'll say, that's the elect, that's Israel, and you know, all Zionists, and pray for them, and all these things, right? These people are from Pontius, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. And then he says in verse number two, elect, according to the foreknowledge of God, the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, until obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ, grace unto you, and peace be multiplied. He's talking to people who aren't Jews, okay? And he's saying that you're the elect, that's the elect, those of the chosen generation. Now, where does that come from? Exodus chapter 19, verse number five, the Bible reads, now therefore, if you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, what does that sound like? It sounds like a condition, right? Then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me, above all people, for all the earth is mine, and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the words where thou shall speak unto the children of Israel. So that was the children of Israel back in the day. They were the chosen people of God. He said, well, you never believe the people, no, I believe that they were the chosen people of God in the Old Testament. But it was with conditions, folks. They didn't meet the conditions, so guess what? He's replaced them. Don't say replaced, they've been replaced. Jesus said, I will take the kingdom of God from you, given to another nation, bearing forth the first thing. That's called being replaced. That's just it, okay? Now, go with me through Romans chapter number eight. His chosen people are safe people. And look, when I came across this truth, and I was taught this truth, it was mind-blowing to think, man, God, we're not like second-class citizens in this world as Christians. We are the chosen people of God. And right now, it might be a little strange for people to like receive that, but in a couple years, it's like everyone's gonna accept that. Everyone's gonna understand this teaching that we are the chosen people of God. This is God's lack according to the word of God. Romans chapter eight verse 29 says, for whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate, to be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover, who he did predestinate, then he also called, and who he called, then he also justified, and who he justified, then he also glorified. What shall we say then to these things? If God before us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all? How shall he not with them also freely give us all things? Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justified, the Bible says. Who's talking about justifying people are the elect? I've never read that in the Bible. We just write it right now. Can you explain that to me, please? Go to Matthew chapter, excuse me, go to Romans, go to Romans chapter two. Romans chapter number two. And look, Romans chapter two, we're teaching doctrine right now. I'm going to get into the secondary application, but this is really important. And I'm sure 99.9% of people who are here this morning believe this. But we got to talk about it. Why? Because for years we've been pumped with a bunch of false doctrine regarding this, so guess what? We're going to pump you and we'll put some good stuff. For years on end. We're going to get this ingrained into our hearts. Romans chapter two, this is the verse that I read that really just made it for me right there. It says, for he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly, neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh, but he is a Jew, which is one inwardly. And circumcision is that of the heart and the spirit, but not of the letter, whose praise is not a member of God. Most people say, well, the Jews are God's chosen people because they're God's chosen people. Well, the Bible says it's not the Jews of the letter. What is it talking about? Those who supposedly follow the Old Testament, the law of God. And it says here, whose praise is not of men, but of God. What is that referring to? It's those who God recognizes. Whose praise is not of men. It doesn't matter what people say. What man says, whose praise is not of men, but of God. God is the one who recognizes us as being the chosen people. That's what that means. Go to Romans chapter 10. Romans chapter number 10. And look, I don't hate Jews. Obviously someone's going to post, like on the YouTube as soon as I post this video. Oh, you're anti-Semitic. I'm not anti-Semitic. There's not an anti-Semitic bone in my body. I witness to Jews. Okay. In fact, I witnessed to a rabbi in Monterey Park a couple months ago. He rejected it completely, obviously. By the way, just a couple doors down, I witnessed to a Greek who got saved. Ain't that funny? Witnessed both Jews' hands with the Greek, but the Greek is the one who actually received it. What did the Jew tell me? I have a covenant with God. You know, of course I'm going to have it. I have a covenant with God. And then he told me, don't worry about the Old Testament. He goes, you need to read the Talmud. That's what he told me. So this isn't just something that Pastor Anderson got on and all these people are just, no, no. This is fact. I meant one. I'm betting that Jew doesn't even know who Pastor Steven Anderson is. Romans chapter number 10. So we're going to look at two passages, or not two, we're going to look at two chapters here. This is very important. We'll go into the application just a little bit. Look at verse 15 says, this blows me away sometimes when I try to humbly talk to people regarding the subject and they're just like, no, you know, I'm taking a bow down to the Jews. They're God's chosen people. I want God's blessing on my life. But they can't point to a verse that really explains it. And by the way, I'm open to talk about any verse, right? And often they'll go to chapter 11 of Romans, which we're going to get into right now, which I have a friend who says, that's the first chapter you can use to try to prove that the Jews are supposedly God's chosen people. That's the first chapter you can use. Romans chapter 10 to 15 says this. How shall they preach except they be sent? As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things. But they have not all obey the gospel. For as I say, Lord, who had believed our report, so then faith cometh by hearing here by the word of God, but I say, have they not heard? Yes, barely their sound went into all the earth and their words unto the ends of the world. But I say did not hear or have heard of the word. Their sound went into all the earth and their words unto the ends of the world, but I say did not Israel know? first Moses said I Would provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people and by a foolish nation. I will anger you So who's Isaiah talking to Israel? I'm talking about Israel whose Moses talking about Israel verse number 20 But his eyes is very bold and saying I was found of them that sought me not it was being Manifested to them to ask not after me but to who Israel he said all day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and game saying people and chapter is there now look at chapter 11 verse 1 I Love this people. This is like the third there Romans 11 verse 1 there it is and they'll just read that first verse and listen Hey, let's look at it Romans chapter 1 verse number 1 says I say that God had had God cast away his people God forbid I see there you go. Let's pray Church is over there these guys. It's right there. No, it's not done And let me say this I agree with verse number 1 God have not cast away his people why because the Bible says all that the father giveth me shall come to me and him that Cometh to me. I will in no wise cast ouch He's not gonna cast out his people God has not cast out his people God forbid the Bible says Look what it goes on to say for I am also an Israelite of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin Now who who's speaking there Paul? What is Paul he saved? Now, yeah, he came from Israel the seed of Abraham and travel Benjamin, but he saved He says of course God hasn't cast away his people. I'm still here. I'm saved I'm the elect according to the foreknowledge of God verse number 2 God has not cast away his people which he foreknew and by the way Romans chapter 8 verse 29 says Moreover whom he did predict using first 29 for whom he did for no He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the first born among many brethren Moreover whom he did predestinate then he also called and whom he called then he also justified whom he justified then he also glorified now This is the part where Zionist Christians just kind of breeze over they just verse one. That's it Let's pray and go home. But no look what it goes on to say in verse number two God had not cast away his people which he foreknew Why he not what the scriptures say then here's a problem with a lot of these people. They don't know what the scriptures say What he not with the scripture say it of Elias How he maketh intercessions to God against Israel now I like to look at that and sometimes I just chuckle to myself because you know if they say pray for Israel perfect Well, Elias did but he prayed against them. Yeah, I Mean it's right there He says why do you not want the scripture say that Elias how he maketh intercessions to God against Israel. Look what he's saying He's saying Lord they have killed thy prophets and dig down thine altars and I am left alone and they seek my life But what say the answer of God is him I have reserved to myself 7,000 men who have not battled the needs of the image of fail What is that saying the 7,000 men did not bother me to bail their penalty to God right and what did Israel do? Okay, and he's making the distinction there between Elias and Israel verse number five says even so that means likewise then at this present time Also, there is a remnant according to the election of grace and if it by grace and there's no more works Otherwise grace is no more grace and if it be of works and it is no more of grace Otherwise work is no more work verse 7 what then Israel have not obtained that what she seeketh for but the election Have obtained it and the rest were blinded the Bible says it says look right there Israel has not obtained it the election has who's the election Elias? Who's the election Paul who the election Moses save people First I'm right Okay That's why you gotta read everything, you know, right don't just read one person just make your bird your whole doctrine off of one verse Read the whole thing Verse 8 according as it is written God have given them the spirit of slumber eyes that they should not see ears that they should not hear unto this day Oh now, okay. So first we talked about Moses and Elias Paul, right now we're getting into what David said now I thought I mean why was this is is is very bold, right? I thought Elias was pretty bold to look at the Bible says about David David said let their table be made a snare who's he talking about? In context about who Israel right and a trap in a stumbling block in a recompense unto them Let their eyes be darkened that they may not see and bow down their back all way now look Let me show you This is very important. Then when the New Testament quotes a scripture from the Old Testament Just go ahead and find out what that's at and I'll kind of clarify some things Okay, go to Psalms chapter 69 because this is a quote from David from Psalms chapter number 69 And in fact Romans 11 doesn't quote the whole thing Paul didn't quote the whole thing in Romans 11, but if you go back to to Psalm 69 You're gonna see what David the rest of the stuff David said In fact, you know, they would read this today if I said this stuff that David's about to Read then it's like for sure They would they would label David as anti-semitic, you know, even though he's in Israel, right? Psalm 69 verse 22 This is where this comes from Let their table now according to Romans 11 obviously know who's talking about, right? Let their table become a snare before them and that that that and that which should have been for their welfare Let it become a trap let their eyes be darkened that they may not see make their loins Continually to shake pour out by an indignation upon them and let thy wrathful anger take hold on them of them Let their habitation be desolate and let none dwell in their tents for they persecute him whom thou has smitten And they talk and they talk to the grief of those whom thou has wounded Look what it says here add iniquity unto their iniquity and let them not come into thy righteousness Now this is rough right here verse 28 let them be blotted out of the book of the living and not be written with the righteous What is the same claim you let him be saved? That's pretty anti-semitic. You asked me Looks like David pretty much hates these people You know why because they hated God That's a man after God's own heart Saying that so don't come to me and tell me oh you're anti-semitic. No David's way more anti-semitic than I am You know, maybe I need to get right with God and start praying Lord Please let them be blotted out of the book of life and not be written with the righteous Maybe I'm not righteous enough and I don't have enough hatred in my heart for that. I don't know But let me show you something. Look it was Moses Isaiah Paul Elijah and David against it Well, who was Moses Isaiah Paul Elijah and David? They were the chosen generation of that time These were the same people why because the Bible says now we brethren as Isaac was are the children of promise That's a blessing praise God for that Now the secondary application to give you right here is that throughout many generations? There has always been the good the bad the ugly the righteous and the wicked Let me say this there's always been the cold and the hot Right those who decide to live for God and those who just want to be lax and live in their so-called lay of the sea and air All right the chosen generation It's under the who's under the sound of my voice at this time. We are the generation that God wants to elect To use for the work that needs to be done here And let me say this too many times it and this Dispensational garbage that people spew out talking about no, we're living in the land of the sea and air You're late at the scene, but not me, right? You're a little poor, but I'm not You don't want a little sewing, but I do Look I'm sick of it right of your dispensational garbage your excuse to not do anything for God We're nothing mighty. We're nothing wonderful. We're nothing beautiful. But guess what? We want to be used of God We want to be that generation to do something great for God But what's ain't the answer of God's him I have reserved to myself he said 7,000 men who have not found the needs of fail And I want God to look at faith forward Baptist Church here in El Mani and said I have reserved these people Who have not found the need to bail the bail of sodomy the bail of lukewarmness the belt No, Sony the belt of no holiness This isn't late to see a Baptist Church This is hellfire Baptist Church This is the chosen generation Baptist Church God's reserved to himself these 7,000 people who will not bow the knee to bail Okay, no matter how much they criticize us no matter how much they persecute us No matter how much they slander and lie and hate and despise us. It doesn't matter We're the chosen generation who's gonna do something great for God here Warmness no, we are the chosen generation. Oh But you're a bunch of nobodies. You can't be chosen with your little storefronts and your gate Alex said this is to keep us out of my town What You're here with your industry disrespectful cussing preaching by the way, I don't cuss Okay Damn, hell piss are not cuss words These are God's words and shame on the pastor that will look at a word like bastard and say oh you guys are cussing Those are God's words. The words of the Lord are pure words The Bible says the Bible says that if any man speak let him speak as the oracles of God the Bible says Award Philly smoking is like apples of gold and pictures of silver and what better words to speak than the Word of God You guys have no tact That's what they tell you guys head to our industry. There's no path. You guys don't know how to do you guys want us? Yeah, you're right. We're not like you We're the reserved. We're the chosen You didn't take how let it sometime And you know, they didn't teach us to preach like this Okay, you guys are a bunch of fools. We'll go with me to 1st Corinthians chapter number 1 1st Corinthians chapter number 1 1st Corinthians chapter number 1 verse number 26 the Bible reads here for you see your calling brethren How that not many wise men after the flesh a man to that Not many mighty not many noble are called But God has chosen what the foolish things of the world to confound the wise And God has chosen the weak things of this world to confound the things which are mighty Yeah, we're weak little church is gonna evangelize this whole area Yeah, cause week. That's fine. We're gonna reach all of Los Angeles Go ahead make fun of us. We're gonna get Sony after service today Well, you are where you're at home doing nothing Criticizing us and watching our YouTube clips. Yeah once a week Do you know what not to do? We're gonna go ahead and so in Just yeah. Yeah, keep calm this week. Just leave us alone. Call this week We're just gonna go ahead and just do a little down here. We're gonna go ahead and just go so money All right, we're just gonna go ahead and turn the world upside down. Yeah, it's spread doctrine all over Jerusalem. Yeah Hurry up Look we're gonna preach the gospel to every creature minus the Beast We're gonna knock every door in Los Angeles and then some we're gonna come found the wise and the mighty You know the wise Church in the mighty Church with their you know A high steeple few people all the beautiful buildings you see all the way all around all these churches all these well-known pastors We're gonna come down them Because God's gonna use our weak little church to do something great. Yeah Verse 28 and basing to the world. I like what it says here and things which are what? You think we're despised today Since since the start of this church like three weeks ago. I've ever seen more despise comments than I've ever received From friends and family, we're not even talking about the world yet. Yeah, we're despised and let me say this Don't get discouraged when people hate you you can embrace that It's a good thing to be hated because it shows us it gives us a measure to realize that we're doing something, right? Well, once you will miss y'all speak well of you Right, but when you're hated, it's like okay. I'm doing something right, you know, we gotta get to the end of pastor Anderson level words like he's I mean he's We haven't gotten to that level yet, you know Despise The Bible says blessed are you men shall hate you and when they shall separate you from their company But you know the boxes blessed are ye You gotta rejoice Yeah, it's heartbreaking little family separates from you. Of course. Why because we love our family We want our family to join us. We don't want them to criticize us, but you know what? It's either Christ or family and guess what? We're gonna choose Christ It's either Christ or fame. What are we gonna choose Christ? It's either Christ or or the praises of men. No, Christ What? It's gonna cost us a little bit Gonna have to shed some tears It's gonna hurt That's worth it in the end Blessed are you men shall hate you and they shall separate you from their company and shall reproach you and cast out your name That's evil for the son of man's sake they're gonna say you're evil Let me say this may this church be here for decades on end I hope everyone who's here today will continue to come and be here and be a part of the work Why? Because it's a great work that needs to be done And you know what? We're gonna go to persecution people gonna call you people don't buckle stay where you're at. Don't be moved Let's do something for God to go by because we're the chosen generation Verse 28 the first Corinthians chapter number one says and basings of the world and things which are despised have God what? Chosen yay things which are not to bring the things which are that are that's pretty interesting you bunch of nothings Yeah, we're gonna make nothing this nothing is gonna make nothing of what's existing right now All these false doctrines of repent of your sins all this false doctrine of Zionism all this pre-trip false Doctrine we're gonna bring us but that's up to not We're gonna tear down those things and teach the generation to come what the Bible really says We're a bunch of nothing's are gonna bring to nothing the things that are highly esteemed among men, but are an abomination inside of God Look, I'm thankful for a church that where there's two guys standing back then if sodomite comes in they're gonna like doubling them right outside Then I want my children to grow up in a pure church Now I don't think Solomon's are gonna come Elmanis pretty kill I Like the ghetto You know we're not a bunch of what we need to be in a nice place no give us any place Because the Holy Ghost witness it than every city And if they come here then come more rewards for us We'll see First 29 that no flesh of glory in his presence But of him are ye Christ Jesus who of God is made unto the wisdom and righteousness and sanctification And redemption that according as it is written need that glory let him glory in the Lord look folks This is the chosen generation right here We are not the Millennials we're not that well, we're not the greatest generation we're not the baby we're not generation s We're the children generation And I want to use every single person who's here who's the same Person you're elect you're chosen. I've got to do something great in this generation go to James chapter 2 James I'm not skip James, but I'll read you from James to go to 2nd Timothy chapter 2 excuse me James chapter 2 the Bible says in verse number 5 harken my beloved brother Have not got chosen the poor of this world rich in faith and heirs of the King You know one thing that I want our church to have I want to just have faith It takes faith to do God's will It takes courage to do God's will because there are times. It's gonna be scary It's you know we don't know what's around the bend We don't know what the future holds, but if we have faith live by faith and not by sight God says I'll bless that But without faith it is impossible to please God the Bible says second Timothy chapter number two verse number one The Bible says here it down there for my son be strong in the grace That is in Christ Jesus and the things that that was heard of me among many witnesses the same commit down to faithful men Who shall be able to judge others also? First read out there for indoor harness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ verse 4 no man that Warth and Tangled himself with the affairs of this life that he may please him who had what? Chosen him to be a soldier the Bible says and if a man also strive for masteries he is yet He is not proud except. He's tried lawfully it Let me say this you know why a lot of Christians are not being used of God as good soldiers of Jesus Because they're entangled the affairs of his life They're entangled the Bible the Bible talks about how the Deceitfulness of riches and the lust of other things entering in choke the word and they become unfruitful The most fruitful thing that you can do is reach something from the Lord Jesus Christ To save people and this in this city, but you know a lot of Christians Don't do that because they're entangled with a lot of their team with a lot of ministries in their church Okay, let me say this you say So Only Let me say this Sony isn't as a part of this church such a big part of this church that everyone Not one person every man woman boy child everyone can get involved with Sony Be a part of this. We don't want to get entangled with the affairs of this life Don't get so bogged down by the cares of this life and the sequel to some riches the lusts of other things entering in Get the sin out of your life get right with God if you have bad habits sinful habits get rid of them So you can be useful in the hands of God meet for the Masters use as the Bible says You know and what happens they There's a lot of activity going on All right, a lot of activity going on. But guess what not a lot is being done You know, they alleviate their conscience by being involved in all kinds of ministries But the greatest ministry is not being taken care of care. What is that the Ministry of Reconciliation? So What a mark up before sorry, but if let me check the one Living in chapter one Preaching the gospel to be the most important thing in this church it is And I'm excited to see a lot many soul-safe even since we start I mean we just this is our second service here We've already had like 15 people saved since we started the church in Dr. Ruda's the custom we're at the park, you know meeting at the park. We've had like 15 souls saved already Okay, and by the way, that's like what as we're transitioning, you know We're like trying to find a building and Sony at the same time and it's getting getting persecuted We're like doing all things at the same time. We've got 58 people say that's more people than most churches He saved all year. Yeah, that's right. How much more we need to get done now that we're here We have our headquarters right here. Yeah, and look when we start this regional Sony this is big everyone needs to get involved with this region even if you don't have a soul and We need a parry over someone who does so you can do some sowing in your area go to your Decapolis It's all winning people to Christ there cuz look El Mani is where we're at But El Mani is not the only place we're gonna reach you guys understand that right? Yeah overtaking. Oh, yes in the YouTube UCLA YouTube Yeah, that's fine, we're taking over we're gonna go ahead and preach the gospel everywhere Olympians 1 27 says only let your conversation as it be coming the gospel of Christ now whether I come and see you or Or else be absent I may hear of your what Affairs they stand fast in one spear with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel the body is look people are Entangled with the affairs of this life. We want to be entangled with the affairs of the gospel Let our conversation be the gospel of Jesus Christ go back to First Chronicles chapter number 19 Oh It's important we're the chosen generation that God has placed here to do something great for God And throughout the gym throughout the decades and centuries God has always had a remnant that you would use look I'm one of the things that that encouraged me a lot is I'll meet people especially since we started the church It's like man. I haven't had a friend like a long time We come from some Baptist Church that anti-anderson Baptist Church You know and they hate pastor Anderson, and they just like ostracize them and now they're here It's just like I feel like I got friends now. Yeah, man. You know I feel like We have to be like worried that the police the pre-trip mafia is gonna come get us here We're the poster mafia I'm not against if someone's in here who's pre-trick. We don't care Okay, now you're gonna hear a lot of this talk, so you better just it is best for you to just convert Should I say especially you just read the Bible? We're not gonna kick you out when I got ostracized you just because you're pre-trick That's a stupid thing to do. That's very What's the best word I could use retarded? Okay That's a dumb reason you know we believe in salvation by grace through faith We believe in the King James. We're not we're not like we're poster reason USB But no no we're King James only we're soul winners And by the way that the funny thing is here's here's the really funny thing is that these pastors don't realize how many post trip Replacement theology Christians are actually in the churches. Yeah They think like we're the only ones because people are following us and stuff. No no no they're all over your churches Hey, they're in your Bible college Just to let you know that No, it's just no no no they're your students in yours in your sonics for classes. They're everywhere What is that? This is the chosen generation? You know what God is doing God is cleaning up the church He's cleaning up churches is what he's doing and he's using zealous Nobodies those who are not to bring things that are to not as about success Like no no, it's just a few people here look. I'm her past retriever Past retriever told my pastor. Yeah, we got him in our church, too I don't know what to do we got another post trip all this stuff is like it. We're everywhere We're gonna go to the mega church, we're gonna go to the little church, we're gonna go to the mediums or we're gonna go everywhere We're gonna take over and let me say this The chosen generation is not here just to be contentious Okay, we don't want to just pick a fight. We're fighting because you're picking a fight with us And what we ought to be doing is this what you ought to be doing is this don't fight us Why don't you join us to fight the world? Why don't you join us to fight the false doctrine? Why are we fighting pastor Anderson for? Why don't you fight pastor Jimenez for? These men of God, why don't we just join forces get stronger and fight the real enemy. That's right. That's what we ought to be fighting You know, I got look there's a huge Chinese population here In Roseview, it's like 60,000 Chinese people I think it's the third largest Chinese population in America and no one's preaching the gospel to them You know, I want to learn Chinese so I can get the gospel to them I asked them to text me and say hey, you know, brother so-and-so who's in a Baptist church They want to reach the Chinese, you know, and by the way brother so-and-so, he doesn't agree with me one bit Okay at all, but you know when I told him I hope he succeeds Yeah, I said in fact he let him I said I hope he takes 30,000 of them and I'll take the other 30,000 I Said I hope he succeed I pray and hope that he reaches those people for Christ because we're not in competition We're on the same side The problem is you made it you against us. Yeah We're not against you. Look, we don't hate our brethren They hate us Why because we're in we're in a time of transition right now is what it is Well, you know my son He's gonna grow up your children are gonna grow up in this movie and Zionism pre-trib all that garbage is gonna be a thing of the past We're in the time of transition right now where we got to fight this and as we're fighting we're winning souls We're doing something great for God. We are the chosen generation. What'd I have to turn first chronicles chapter number 19 verse number six? The Bible reads here in first chronicles chapter number 19 verse number six when the children of Ammon Saw that they had made themselves odious to David Hainan and the children of Ammon sent a thousand pounds of silver to hire their chariots and horsemen out of Mesopotamia and out of Syria Syria Mecca and out of Soba So they hired thirty and two thousand chariots and the king of Mecca and his people who came and pitched before Maviva and the children of Ammon gathered themselves together from their cities and came to battle and when David heard of it He sent Joab and all the host of the mighty men and the children of Ammon came out and put the battle in a raid Before the gate of the city and the and the king, excuse me, the king that were with, that were come Excuse me, the kings that were come were by themselves in the field. Now when Joab saw that the battle was set against him Before and behind, you ever felt like that before? I was like man, I feel like I got like no one before me There's enemies on the front and those who were supposed to be supporting me from the back. Those are my enemies too It's like both sides. What am I gonna do? Now when Joab saw that the battle was set against him before and behind, he chose out of all the choice Choices of Israel and put them in a raid against the Syrians. You know what it is? He basically said alright Let me get the best, the cream of the crop We're gonna put them like in the hottest part of the battle Put them in a raid against these guys Look what the Bible says, and the rest of the people he delivered unto the hands of Abishai his brother and they set themselves in a raid against the children of Ammon, and he said if the Syrians be too strong for me, then thou shalt help me But if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee, then will I help thee Be of good courage and let us behave ourselves valiantly for our people and for the cities of our God And let the Lord do that which is good in his sight So Joab and the people that were with him Drew nine before the Syrians into the battle and they fled before him and when the children of Ammon saw that the Syrians were fled They likewise fled before Abishai his brother and entered into the city then Joab came to Jerusalem What happened these guys basically said look I'm surrounded before I'm surrounded behind We'll get the choices of the people to fight and guess what they won You know what the Bible says we need to be of good courage. We need to be valiant What do you mean men who are strong men who have faith in God? Then we need to have a certain perspective and an attitude that says we're on the winning side But he got the choices of people you know what God is doing now, he's looking for the choices among you And not just the ones who are listening to me right here I'm talking about the ones who are gonna be listening to me soon. Yeah, okay They're in their dorms and stuff There's so many Bible college students that listen to us by the way I was a Bible college student We have a former Bible teacher He was a former Bible teacher. He was actually my student if you believe it or not and they had their own local place You know what they are their choice young man I mean, let me say something don't waste your life Don't waste your life and just do nothing for God and alleviate your conscience by just visiting the same person every single week Visitation I gotta see if so-and-so is gonna come look you've been visiting so-and-so for like the last three months and they haven't come so Instead of that why don't you go ahead and just win a bunch of people to Christ Maybe one may come out of that, but at least you got something done Sure enough someone's gonna criticize me this week. No, I'm criticizing visitation. Yeah, I am Because I did it and it's worthless But I'm talking about, you know visiting the same person to just say you did something you've done nothing nothing nothing Nothing Instead why don't you just learn the gospel learn the rodents road and actually go do something great for God Be valiant be of good courage be a choice person that God would say I'm looking down. I see this church They're not that big. They're not very mighty. They're not they're really nothing But those are the people I want to use to do something great for God We are that chosen generation and it says maybe someone in here you guys you still not willing to get into the fight You're still not willing to be all in you're kind of straddling the fence Let me see this you need to be all in You need to be all in for God be at every service be a soul and when it needs to be done Read your Bible pray give do everything you need to do So you so God can look at you and say I want to choose this person to do something great It doesn't happen coming once one service a week folks. Okay, since I've been saved I've Went to every single service Yes Sunday school Yes, I went to Sunday school. Okay. I went to every single service Because I wanted to do something great for God and I knew the Bible says that you're not supposed to forsake the assembly of ourselves Together as the manner of some is don't be the manner of some is yeah Be the one who says I'm gonna be here no matter what I want to learn I want to be a part of what's going on and I don't know how to sew in but I'll memorize the verses I'll be A silent partner for like three weeks four weeks for a month. I'll do whatever I can. I want to be choice I want to be that chosen generation. I want to do something great for God. I don't want to be lazy I don't want to be slothful. I don't waste my life Amen Look God's giving you a life Use it Don't let it be wasted on the affairs of this life and Christians Those are those of you who may be involved, but you're not in all the way. You just have to get in all the way the worst type of person to jump into a pool is the one who's like Let's do a cannonball Look if it's cold, they don't get warm soon. Yeah, don't worry about that. Just jump in now make sure there's water Let me say this paperwork we got some water It's very deep just jump in The Bible says Be but ye are a chosen generation a royal priesthood and holy nation a peculiar people These are people who are set apart from everyone else They're very distinct from everyone else and there's all kinds of independent fundamental Baptists in America There's all kinds of independent fundamental Baptists in California, but you know what? Let's be the peculiar ones. Let's be the weird ones Okay, and that's just being weird for weird sake. No, so we can do something great for God Why because the Bible says that he should show forth the praises of him who have called you out of darkness into his marvelous life And let me say this we're not trying to be a church that makes money, okay And the money that we get you by the way, you invest in this church You're getting your money's worth. Yeah You're gonna see visible results is what you're gonna see And you're not just gonna put money in the play to say what what happens who's stealing who's embezzling money who's doing this? No, no, it's going to the work of God Okay, I say that jokingly but it's the truth because most pastors that's what they do They just put the money right into their pocket take the special offer for themselves Look money is not the important thing and let me say this the love of money is the root of all evil We don't want to do that We want to use God's resources and use it for the glory of God and the Lord of God is this succeed people saved here We are that chosen generation, but it's your choice if you want to be a part of it or not You know, you can walk out of this room and just say now I just answer your question. Yes Or you can walk out of you say man God help me Maybe that I'm gonna be that father. I'm gonna be that wife. I'm gonna be that child. I'm gonna be that teenager I'm saying this teenager talking to you guys right there. This is for you. You're that chosen generation It's your choice if you want to do this because when we're dead you're sticking around And you're gonna be here to carry that on But it's your choice It's about our heads in the word of prayer Follow me. Thank you for so much for the Word of God. We're thankful for David. We're thankful for Moses We're thankful for Isaiah Elijah all these men who were peculiar in your sight and all these men that really stood out and Quite honest with you. We look back and it's like man. These are the heroes of the faith But in their time they weren't necessarily heroes. These are men who were hated despised Lord I pray father God that you would help us to embrace being despised being hated being separated from the company Knowing full well, but we shall receive the praises of the Lord for this Ready to use paperwork Baptist Church to see a lot of people saved much people saved alive Here in this city and the city surrounding us. Thank you so much for all you do for us in Jesus. Amen