(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we're in second Corinthians chapter number five and we'll start reading in verse number one where it says for we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God and house not made with hands eternal in the heavens. Now right off the bat we know that he's not necessarily referring to a literal tabernacle or a literal earthly house. What he's referring to is actually our bodies. He's specifically referring to his body and one of the reasons we know that is if you look in second Corinthians chapter four right before we end off there in verse 16 it says for which cause we faint not but though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day. So this is a basically a thought that he's carrying over into chapter number five but he says right there though our outward man perish that's referring to the body and we obviously understand that the outward man does perish from day to day. The longer we live you know the more your back begins to hurt starts to give out and you know the body doesn't function the way it used to why because you're perishing in a sense of your body's getting older and older and older and it says right there yet the inward man is renewed day by day and it's kind of almost the same wording that we see in verse number one of chapter five it says for we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God and house made with hands not with hands eternal in the heavens. So we got to come to this conclusion and everyone we have to understand that we're all going to get old you men it's not necessarily a bad thing it's just fact right our earthly tabernacle our earthly body is going to dissolve one day it's going to grow old it's going to it's going to perish one day but we rest assured that the inward man is renewed day by day and look at verse 17 of chapter 4 says for our light affliction and I think that light affliction is referring to the physical infirmities that we get our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding in eternal weight of glory. So what is he saying you know though your outward man perish the inward man is being renewed and it's working for us a far more exceeding weight of glory the Bible says now when the Bible talks about glory it's often synonymous with brightness okay now go hold your place there go to 1st Corinthians chapter 15 we looked at we looked at these verses last week but it's worth looking at again in respect to this matter of this glory that he's referring to or in chapter or in verse 1 of chapter 5 how it talks about the building of God okay eternal in the heavens in other words that body that we're going to get one day is eternal it's not going to grow old it's never going to perish it's not going to get sick it's not going to dissolve you know it's not going to be wracked with pain and sickness it's eternal it's a glorified body is what it's talking about look at 1st Corinthians 15 verse 40 it says there are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another there is one glory of the sun again thinking about that brightness there's one glory of the sun another glory of the moon another glory of the stars for one star defers from another star in glory so he's saying look when you look at the heavens you see the sun and the moon and the stars they all they're all bright they're all shining bright but some are shining brighter than others okay obviously the sunshine shines very brightly the moon shines the stars shine but even when you look at the stars there are some stars that shine brighter than others so he's given that comparison look at verse 42 so also is the resurrection of the dead now what's the comparison there though in the resurrection there are those that are going to shine brighter than others fact and what is he saying in context of 1st Corinthians 5 is this or excuse me 4 and 5 is that he's saying look our outward man is perishing but it should be working for us you see it worketh for us a far more exceeding weight of glory and we ought to use this body to work for us for that better resurrection so we can shine brighter so we can have a greater glory when we're resurrected verse 42 says so also is the resurrection of the dead it is sown in corruption it is raised in incorruption it is sown in dishonor it is raised in glory it is sown in weakness and is raised in power it is sown in natural bodies raised the spiritual body there is a natural body there is a spiritual body go to Daniel chapter number 12 so we see that there's different differing glories there just like with the sun the moon and the stars well that's the way the resurrection is going to be some people are going to shine bright when they resurrect some people are going to be like a little light that's lacking batteries or something it's going to be it's going to be very dim all right is that like a little light right there what kind of 99 cent star lamp is that you know it's going to it's not going to be very bright at all you know why because they didn't do anything in their bodies to work for them to get that glory you see our bodies we're to take care of our bodies but the purpose of taking care of our bodies is to work for God is to stay around longer so we can labor for the Lord we'll work till Jesus comes that's what life is about and in fact the parable says occupy till I come you know we're not to just use our bodies to rack them and to just eat drink and be married for tomorrow we die we're to use our bodies for the glory of God so we can have a better resurrection so we can labor for him look at Daniel chapter 12 Daniel chapter 12 explains to us how we can get that that glorious body we are going to get a glorified body but how to make it glorious we can see here in Daniel chapter 12 verse number 2 it says that many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake now this is referring to that resurrection the second coming of Christ okay the day which are excuse me the dead in Christ shall rise first and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up with them in the clouds this is that's what that's referring to there some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt and they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever so it says there that those who are wise are those who in the resurrection they shine as the brightness of the firmament well we know that the tree of life excuse me the I'm misquoting the verse here the fruit of the righteous is the tree of life but he that win its souls is what is wise so we can learn by that that the formula to get a glorious resurrected body is my soul winning people to Christ on a consistent basis winning a lot of people to Christ doing your expanding your life to see people save that is the greatest work you could ever be a part of that's the greatest thing you could ever do it's an even plane for every single Christian whether pastor evangelist or just a regular church member we all have the access to get the most glorious body based upon how many souls we win and it says there they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever so that's what the Bible is talking about when it refers to the weightier glory okay it's referring to those who spend their life winning people to Christ but you know what we have today is we have Christians that are so far caught up and just the things of this world you know they're entangled with the things of this life they're becoming basically unfruitful they're not winning people to Christ they're too worried about the things of life and what happens is the cares of this world the deceitfulness of riches in the lust of other things entering in choked the word the Bible says and he become with what unfruitful you know we need to make sure that we're keeping the main thing the main thing in our personal lives in spite of what you're going through okay in spite of trials and tribulations in spite of sicknesses and I'm not talking about like you're you're sick and you're about to go die okay and so you know hopefully you did some sowing before then amen I'm talking about you know just the things that happen in life these things can cover us so much that we don't keep the main thing the main thing which is sowing we need to make sure that we make sowing a priority in our personal lives obviously in our church but I'm talking about in your personal life why because so you can have a better resurrection so you're not shining like a little light bulb with you know with one battery left one bar left on that battery you want to make sure that you're shining bright and the way you do that is by winning souls to Christ go back to second Corinthians chapter five so the outward man is perishing but as it's perishing we need to make sure that it's working for us I mean you hear about these people who die a hundred years they live to be a hundred and ten but they do nothing for God what a waste of a life you know they live to be a hundred and a two a hundred and five but they don't do anything for God they're not with soul winning they're not preaching the gospel they're not seeing people saved you know that's a waste of a life okay we want to make sure that even if we have 60 70 years 80 years that we're using it to see people saved don't be a self-centered selfish little Christian brat make sure you're doing something for God don't waste your life away well I'm young and you know I have X amount of years you can die tomorrow you know life is but a vapor the Bible tells us okay it's like a flower that faded the way you don't know if you're you're planning you're making plans for this week and you may not even make it to tomorrow you know why don't you go ahead and just say God I want to live for you I want to work for you I want to see soul saved keep me alive so I can see more people saved you know instead of saying well I'm just gonna sow my wild oats and and you know just go and drink and and do all those things and just live the life that I've always wanted to live well you know what you're gonna get a dim dim light during your resurrection you're gonna be ashamed and full of contempt you're gonna be embarrassed at the at the judgment seat of Christ you know God's not gonna bring up your evil sins that you've done in your life but you know what he's gonna try your works to see you know if they're good or bad wood hey stubble gold silver precious stones and if you ain't doing nothing for God you're gonna have a lot of wood hay and stubble how embarrassing is that it's like did anything come out there God it's like you know you know it all burned well what about that well that's someone else's I thought I did something like you know 2018 I think I won like one person of Christ oh yeah here's like your little diamond there you go you know that's that's probably are you gonna get that's embarrassing you know when you're standing in line waiting for your rewards and you get nothing you know you want to make sure that you have a good resurrection all right we're so concerned with the things in this world aren't we we're so concerned with making money and the possessions that we have here and I'm not saying those things aren't important we got to put food on the table and concern ourselves with the temporal things but you know what the temporal things are there so we can take care of the eternal things you know they're there to keep us focused on the eternal things that are going to take place we're going to be there a lot longer than we are here so don't put a bunch of investments in temporal things here on this on this earth make sure you're sending your investments ahead okay go back to in second Corinthians chapter five verse number one it says for we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God and house not made with hands eternal in the heavens and look that that's a good way to think right there you know it's just like if you lose everything if everything dissolves don't worry you have a house in heaven if you've invested in that house in heaven you know it says we have a building of God and house not made with hands eternal in the heavens you know you could lose everything here but as long as you've invested you're going to have something when you get there in eternity now he refers to our bodies as tabernacles Paul and Peter are the only two in the New Testament who actually refer to the body as a tabernacle now the tabernacle in the Old Testament was basically a portable dwelling place for the presence of God and within that it was for the children of Israel and it was portable but within that you had the candlestick you had the table to show bread behind the veil you had the mercy seat with the cherry bins that covered the mercy seat so on and so forth and in that Old Testament is where God's presence would dwell well in the New Testament it's a lot different isn't it I mean we don't have a tabernacle now a physical tabernacle we don't have a physical temple as Solomon built but the Bible says that our bodies are now that tabernacle our bodies are now that temple now go to John chapter 14 John chapter 14 now obviously we understand that the tabernacle in the Old Testament was a pattern was pattern after things in heaven that was something that God commanded Moses to build the temple was something that was procured in the heart of David himself and his son was allowed to carry that out wasn't necessarily God's plan but it wasn't it wasn't bad either and in the New Testament God refers to our bodies as a tabernacle and as a temple and what is the similarities between the two look at John 14 verse 15 it says if you love me keep my commandments and I will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither know with him but ye know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you so in the New Testament excuse me in the Old Testament the spirit of God will come upon God's people but in the New Testament he actually dwells within the believer and we know that according to Ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 to 14 that once we believe on Christ the Holy Spirit of God which is the earnest of our inheritance dwells within us he's sealed there until the day of redemption that's God dwelling in this what tabernacle that's God dwelling in this temple just as he did in the Old Testament go to second Peter chapter 1 second Peter chapter 1 but you know even as the old excuse me the tabernacle in the Old Testament it's done guess what this tabernacle is going to be finished one day too it's not always going to be there and we pick we're a good picture of that tabernacle aren't we because we're portable and where we go the presence of God is with us but just as in the New Testament it changed and it's no longer there well you know when we die we're going to put off this tabernacle according to the Bible look at second Peter 1 13 yea I think it me as long as I am in this tabernacle to stir you up by putting you in remembrance knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle even as our Lord Jesus Christ has showed me moreover I will endeavor that you may be able after my deceased to have these things always in remembrance so the correlation of verse 14 and 15 is that he's putting off his tabernacle and then in verse 15 he says may be able after my deceased so when he dies he's putting off that tabernacle that's what that means now go to Acts chapter 7 I'm going to show you something here so in the Old Testament we have the tabernacle where the worship was done right God God's people that's what they would worship you'd have the high priest going through the veil once a year and that's where they would go to worship and do their sacrifices but you know were God's people always like that were they always worshipping the Lord throughout the Old Testament no right often they would you know rear up golden caps and such often they would even go to the tabernacle and in fact we'll see in this passage they go to the tabernacle of Moloch look at the Bible says in verse 42 then God turned and gave them up to worship the host of heaven as it is written in the book of the prophets oh ye house of Israel have you offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of 40 years in the wilderness yea ye took up the tabernacle of God no the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your God Remphan figures which he made to worship them and I will carry you away beyond Babylon our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness as he had appointed speaking unto Moses that he should make it according to the fashion that he had seen so it says here that when God's people would reject the Lord reject the true worship of the true God in the tabernacle they would worship Remphan the star excuse for the star of Remphan and Moloch in his tabernacle now you say who's Moloch it's the devil he said what's the star of Remphan go to any old IFB church you'll find the star of Remphan somewhere around right it's that Jewish flag that you'll find even in Masonic temples that's what it is no that's the star of David David never had a star David is a star ok he's going to shine as the brightness of the firmament forever but the Moloch is a devil that's what it is so anytime the children of Israel would reject the true and living God they would begin worshiping this Moloch in his tabernacle ok now go to 1 Corinthians chapter 12 1 Corinthians chapter 12 now is it any different today yea we don't have tabernacles physically like the structure anymore you know today we are that tabernacle well guess what today the Jews are that tabernacle of Moloch too why because they're possessed by devils is why just as we're possessed we have the Holy Spirit of God living within us guess what they have the spirit of Antichrist living in them they have the tabernacle of Moloch the Bible says that they are the synagogue of Satan according to Revelation chapter number 2 look at 1 Corinthians chapter 12 verse 3 it says wherefore I give you to understand that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus a curse and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost so the Bible is telling us here that no one who has the Holy Spirit of God living within them is going to blaspheme the name of Jesus no one is going to call him a curse but you know what you read the Talmud you read all these writings by these Jewish Christ rejecting Jews they have no problem calling Jesus a curse they have no problem believing that he's burning in hell in his own excrement you know what that tells me they're the tabernacle of Moloch okay go to 1 John chapter 4 1 John chapter 4 so we are the tabernacle of the living God we have the Holy Spirit of God living within us we're the temple of the living God of the Holy Ghost but you know what these Christ rejecting Jews they are a tabernacle as well but the difference is they're the tabernacle of Moloch they're the tabernacle of the devil 1 John 4 2 some further evidence here says hereby know ye the Spirit of God every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is that spirit of antichrist where have you ever heard that it should come and even now already is in it is in the world now go to 1 John chapter 2 by the way verse 3 is a good verse for the for the modalists isn't it they don't believe that Jesus Christ came in the flesh I think God the Father came in the flesh well you know what the Bible says about them that they're the antichrist but this is also is applicable to those tabernacles of Moloch those Jews look at verse 22 of 1 John chapter 2 says who is a liar but he denied that that Jesus is the Christ he is antichrist that denied the father and the son whosoever denied the son the same hath not the father he that acknowledges the son hath the father also and here's the thing is like you read Revelation chapter 2 to some of these guys who are like Zionists and stuff they're like well the synagogue is saying is referring to like you guys because you know you guys say that you're Jews and you're not well here's the problem with that I don't go to a synagogue this is called a church this is not a synagogue we don't call this you know faithful word Baptist synagogue this is a church that's referring to the Jews according to the flesh they're the ones who meet in the synagogue try to interpret that verse for me thou Zionists thou that loveth the Jews these Jews according to the flesh thou that loveth of the star of Remphan and the tabernacle of Moloch why don't you try to interpret that verse for me if the Bible says it calls in the synagogue of Satan there is no religion they use the synagogues other than the Jews it's talking about you I meet in a church not a synagogue okay but according to these verses man I mean that works great because you have the children of God the true seed of Abraham which has the tabernacle that temple that has the Holy Spirit of God living within them then you have the tabernacle of Moloch who has the devil in them who are the tabernacles these Christ rejecting Jews synagogue of Satan go back to second Corinthians chapter number five I just thought I'd throw that in there I saw that I thought it was good I said hey why don't I share that with the church amen tabernacle of Moloch you know no Christian should ever have that star of Remphan in their car and the bumper sticker or even in their church I commend Justin Zong's pastor who had the star of Remphan in the church and last week he went there he's old IFB too he's not new IFB okay he loves soul winning but you know he has those those old IFB tendencies right and you know he saw the star of Remphan and he says this is a wicked nation I'm taking this down right now that guy's got guts he's got some guts that says a lot you know because once you take down that star of Remphan you got your old IFB buddy say hey well let's worship the tabernacle of Moloch what are you doing you know but he's he obviously he's reading the Bible obviously he's studying I mean he doesn't it's not like he has someone in his church it's not like Justin's like banking on millions of dollars or something like he's paying them he's coming to these truths on his own and you know what he's he's making good decisions and his last name you know what his last name is Mejia telling you something good about these guys right but look we ought to reject the tabernacle of Moloch we're to reject the star of Ren fan we're tabernacles of the Living God we're that we have the temple of the Living God now one day we're gonna put it off amen and and that's that's that's what happens but you know what we have an earthly building you know made in the heavens that's eternal look at verse number two says for in this we groan earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven so he's saying there we want to resurrect the bodies okay look at verse three if so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked for we that are in this tabernacle do groan being burdened not for that we would be unclothed but clothed upon that mortality might be swallowed up of life so what we see here he kind of he's being repetitive he's saying like we're groaning now okay now what is he saying he's saying we're groaning because we're gonna die and that does not a pleasurable thing for anyone even if we're saved it's not a pleasurable thing now to be absent from the bodies to be present with the Lord amen but the vehicle to that destination no one knows how we're gonna get there and everyone's still a little afraid of death as far as the pain is concerned what's gonna happen when we die and we groan about that about that but you know we need to have that attitude whenever we're afraid of dying go to Philippians chapter 1 we need to have this attitude that Paul had here and this is the reason why well this is one of the reasons why we're afraid of dying maybe it may not even be the pain that we're gonna suffer okay because obviously we understand as soon as we die we're present with the Lord you know it's we're in heaven and that's it you know we we finished our race in other words but look at Philippians 1 21 it says here for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain but if I live in the flesh this is the fruit of my labor yeah well shall what I shall choose I want not so what is the same look for me to live is Christ and to die is gain but if I remain in the flesh I can labor more you see one of the reasons we groan is because we we kind of want to stay here so we can work more so we can see more people saved so we can have a better resurrection he goes on to say verse 23 for I'm in a straight betwixt two having a desire to depart and to be with Christ which is far better nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you so one of the reasons why it's it's hard for us to come to grips with the fact that we're gonna die you know it may be you know because we're gonna leave family members you know obviously we're gonna go to heaven but what about our wives our children husbands that's gonna be painful isn't it and in fact when I get back from from from the trip I want to preach a sermon about how to help hurting people I know that's kind of weird I mean is that like that's a weird message to preach or something I'm just kidding but basically I want to talk about you know how to help people when when when they go through a death okay specifically the death of a family member because we need to know how to treat people who go through those things and one of the main things that you need to do to a person that's that's going through that is just let them mourn you know this is false there's a stupid it's a trend of when people die they do this thing called a celebration of death where it's like they don't even mourn anymore now I'm not talking about people who like for example pastor Anderson lost his grandmother but you know what for us when someone who's that old in a sense they they go home to be with the Lord it's not as sad right because it's sad in a sense we're gonna miss them we're gonna miss them and so on and so forth but someone who's taken a little earlier in life that's a little more difficult for example if a mother loses her child you know a parent never expects to lose their child they want to die before their child dies right they don't want to outlive their children well that's a difficult situation to go through and we have to learn how to help people with that because that's gonna happen all right I've known people who have lost their children grown teenage children okay and that's part of it so you know the the the groaning is in a sense of like man we want to when we leave when we especially us as men we leave we want our families to be taken care of right we want to make sure that our wives are taking care of our children are taking care of that we they're established in the faith that they know what they believe so they don't get into some false Church or something and they're carried about with every wind of doctrine you know I don't want my son to be influenced by no preacher amen and I'm putting that on video so that if something happens to me it's on video hey don't be teaching my son no preacher doctrine or Zionism now I'm teaching them replacement theology and post-trip so there's no tomorrow okay and you say oh come on there's more to the Bible than than just that yeah but that's part of the Bible that's part of his training okay you know in fact I forgot we're watching some stupid pastor on online or something like that and my son is all wicked wicked that's right son he's wicked you know but we've grown because we're gonna pass away and we're leaving people behind that's part of the groaning that we feel now go to Romans chapter 8 so we're in the straight betwixt two aren't we you know we wanted to part and be with Christ which is far better it's better to be with Christ it's better to go to heaven but you know what it's also more needful for us to stay here to see people save to provide for our families to train them etc look at Romans chapter 8 verse 22 we'll see the same type of phrases and lingo in Romans chapter 8 verse 22 says for we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth together until now and not only they but ourselves also which have the first fruits of the Spirit even we ourselves groan within ourselves waiting for the adoption to wit that means namely the redemption of our bodies so it says adoption means the redemption of our bodies that's what we're waiting for now we already adopted sons of God you know but as many as receive them to them give you power to become the sons of God even unto them to believe on his name which is funny because when I was debunking this this idiot you know unjust unjust in LeBlanc I predicted that he was gonna say something stupid like that and guess what he did it you know he preached a sermon he said not every Christian is the son of God John 1 12 you know but going his videos and like he has like 200 thumbs down and like five thumbs up the only five people in his church or something he probably makes more accounts so we can at least get those thumbs up we're children of God we're the sons of God but we are waiting for the adoptions of our body we're waiting for the redemption of our body just as our spirit is redeemed we're waiting for the redemption of the body okay now the common word that we see in both of these passages is grown and I think there's a couple reasons for that number one I think we grow because of the infirmities of the flesh you know in this world we're gonna have sicknesses right and we'll have you know you'll you'll have people your family who whatever for whatever reason have cancer or they're going to physical ailments that's part of the sin nature part of the bad decisions you make here on this earth and you have physical ailments you know people who have these physical ailments they look forward to the resurrection sometimes more than we do you know people who have arthritis they're like man I can't wait to the resurrection you know I don't there's gonna be a time when I have to worry about arthritis so there's gonna be a time I have to worry about these aches and pains look at Romans 8 verse 26 in context it says here likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered and he that search at the heart knoweth what is this mind of the Spirit because he maketh intercessions for the saints according to the will of God now go to chapter 7 of Romans chapter Romans chapter 7 excuse me but another infirmity is just sin you know while we're here on this earth we're just gonna struggle with sin there's no deliverance doctrine there's no you know once we get saved you're just like brand-new completely and you know you don't desire to sin and whoever teaches as a stinking liar all these Calvinists these lordship salvation rate comfort you know fools who try to teach people to just because you got saved they're missing this link right here but you're still in your flesh it's corrupt and in fact the Bible says it's not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be oh but it's different for them huh no it's subject it is subject you know my flesh is subject to the law of God you liar you know the flesh is corrupt that's what the Bible calls it in 1st Corinthians that's why we got to put it off it's corrupt flesh and blush and not inherit the kingdom of God why because it's corrupt so don't you know these Calvinists and these lordship salvation fools they want to make it seem as though their bodies already redeemed it's not redeemed yet it has not been glorified yet we're still gonna struggle with that and look at verse 21 in Romans chapter 7 I find in a law that when I would do good evil is present with me for I delight in the law of God after the inward man but I see another law in my members warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members members is referring to the body Oh wretched man that I am this is the groaning who shall deliver me from the body of this death now he obviously knows who's gonna deliver him but that's like a groaning that he had isn't it it's just like man this I'm just constantly fighting the flesh I'm constantly fighting sin and it's just like I the things that I don't want to do I do the things that I would I do not you know it's a war unless we forget hey we need to constantly go to war with the flesh you know there's this doctrine out there that specifically you know like with within youth groups in Baptist churches where it's like surrender your life to God now in these other churches they have that phrase and then what they mean is get saved and they relate surrendering your life to God to getting saved I'm not talking about them I'm talking about people who are already saved and then they tell them hey so just surrender your life to God and these teenagers who go to these youth conferences they're wracked with sin I mean they're doing all kinds of ungodly stuff and they hear a sermon that moves them and they're like man I need to stop doing this sin I'm gonna surrender my life to God but they think that this is just an all-encompassing one decision that they have to make and what happens a week later they're back into their sin and they're just like what have I done you know I surrender my life to God last week yeah that was last week and look here's a better word than surrender okay died itself that's a more biblical word you know crucify the flesh with the affections and lust that's more biblical and that's a decision that we have to make every single day not at a youth conference every single year not when you know you hop around from conference to conference Spanish ministries are notorious for conferences they have conferences like every other month people making decisions and going to the altar and making all kinds of vows and decisions that they never keep that's wicked you know God expects us to if we're gonna make a vow we got to keep it but if God expects us to die to self you know what that means you know you probably had a good day today you want a soul to the Lord or or this week and you read your Bible you prayed you were good to your wife you're good to your husband you didn't cuss once or whatever and you did it you just had a good day but you know what tomorrow's another day you got to do it again you've got to die daily you can't just expect to have it down packed oh man but I but I died like a week ago yeah but you're a living sacrifice so you got to do it again and this is this foolish surrender just surrender your life you know I remember when I surrender my life how long ago was that you know we have to yield ourselves on a daily basis we got to remind ourselves hey you know stay away from this in I got to make sure I don't make precautions for the make make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the luster of it's a constant battle so it's not a matter of surrendering your life it's dying it's making you sure you're making sure you die to self okay today's decision you got to make you know where it really starts it really starts in your prayer life and in your Bible reading you know when you pray and you read your Bible you're reminded of the eternal things you're reminded that you can't get anything out of the Word of God if you're not confessing your sins you're reminded that you can't be right with God if you're not confessing your sins and you're reading the Word of God and you're just saying Lord help me with this today I want to die to self I'm not perfect but I want to make sure that I live a life that's pleasing to you help me not to make provision for the flesh tell me to walk in the spirit how many do things that are pleasing them to you you know and I'm just gonna trust you and do what I can on my part okay that's how it starts it's like oh God help me with this sin as you're doing it you know don't have this superficial old I have be Leonard Raven Hill type of conversation with God it was like oh God you know I'm heartbroken just be honest with him who talks to God like that no one does okay and look we said well people who are heartbroken talk like that no actually people who are are broken can't even talk to God that's why it says in Romans chapter 8 that the Spirit may give intercessions for us with groanings which cannot be uttered you ever been in that place where you're so heartbroken you can't even talk you know you just weep unto the Lord your part you pour your heart on to God you know and then the Spirit comes in and says all right I'm gonna make intercessions for you according to the will of God you know he comes and he comforts you through the Word of God you know not the superficial you know just circus of emotional blabber mouthing and vain janglings be honest with the Lord look at 1st Corinthians go to 1st Corinthians chapter 15 so that's the groaning that we see and we got to make sure that as we the longer we're a Christian we're making sure we get in that habit of walking in the Spirit consciously walking in the Spirit you know you don't by by osmosis walk in the Spirit you got to make it you got to make that decision every single day when you wake up right time to get up time to read my Bible time to pray time to walk in the Spirit you know don't ignore those things don't put those things on a back burner handle those things right away and look the longer you're away from those things the harder it is to get back into it the longer you're away from the Bible the harder it is to pick it up and read it again the longer you're away from prayer the harder it is to pray again that's what anything in the Christian life that's why it's better to just be consistent even though you don't feel like doing it do it because it's harder to get back into it and just keep it going consistently all right look at 1st Corinthians 15 53 it says for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the same that is written death is swallowed up in victory Oh death where is I staying Oh grave where is thy victory go back to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 so there is coming a day you know I love that song what a day that will be amen and it's just a good reminder that there's gonna come a day when we don't have to fight our flesh we don't have to try to fight sin you know we're not about worry well we know we're not we're not these Christians the things are gonna go to the lake of fire you know hey our works might burn well we're not gonna burn we're just gonna suffer shame we're gonna suffer contempt why because if you didn't do anything for God you ain't getting nothing all right look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 and verse number 5 says now he that hath wrought us for the self same thing is God who hath also given us the earnest of the Spirit and what is he saying there basically he's the one who's gonna bring that to pass right to give us the resurrected body and he says he's the same one who's given us the earnest of the Spirit so that's another confirmation that we are gonna get glorified because the Bible tells us in Ephesians 1 for 14 he's given us the earnest of his spirit which is the excuse me the earnest of his spirit which is until the I'm quoting you wrong let me go over there sorry I talk too fast sometimes Ephesians 1 verse 14 says which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchase possession unto the praise of his glory so the reason he's telling us there in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 about the earnest of the Spirit in conjunction with the resurrection is because he's telling us hey he's in you until that day of redemption when he's gonna purchase everything completely all right now look at verse 6 therefore we are always confident knowing that whilst we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord for we walk by faith and not by sight we are confident I say and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord so what is the same when the Bible talks about being absent from the body what is that talking about death right to be absent basically it means you're not there means you're dead okay if you don't know what that means go to a graveyard and go try to talk to the dead people see if they respond they're not there the Spirit is gone only the shell remains so when you're absent from the body when you're in Christ when you have some from the body you will be present with the Lord that's what the Bible is teaching us there now that demolishes the false doctrine of soul sleep or soul annihilation and all these other false doctrines that Jehovah's Witnesses teach and the seven-day Adventist teach where they say when you when you die you just die you know nothing ever happens to you and they always want to quote Ecclesiastes chapter 9 where it says that the dead know not anything you know have you ever talked to the Jehovah's Witnesses like well the dead know not anything you know if you're dead you're dead nothing ever happens but they neglect to go to Ecclesiastes chapter 12 where it says the Spirit shall return unto God who gave it in the same book it says then shall the dust return to the earth as it was which that's our body right because we're made of dust it goes back to the earth and the Spirit shall return unto God who gave it referring to the believer so to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord once you die you're right before the Lord there is no purgatory doesn't matter what doca says okay and Justin LeBlanc you know these idiots who saw let me ask you this riddle me this if you're saved do you go to heaven and then like as soon as the rapture takes place God's like all right I know yeah I let you into heaven but you're just gonna have to go to the lake of fire now you know you've been here all these years so what about all these prophets and all these same people from the Old Testament they've been in heaven for thousands of years and all of a sudden God's gonna be like all right all right guys you know you knew this was coming you knew this day was gonna come you know it's only for a thousand years and it says as a day for me and the days is a thousand years you know but it's only a thousand years stupid foolish doctrine that you know comes out of these devil's mouths a bunch of Devils and anybody in that church if you're if they're not even a preacher they're just sitting there they're Devils too they're a bunch of reprobates as well because they're like hey man you know if you say amen to that you're a devil so what happens when you die you're present with the Lord so shall we ever be with the Lord right when we're resurrected so shall we ever be with the Lord so what if you didn't do any works you know well ever doesn't really mean ever it just means ever until you go to the lake of fire and then we'll become ever again stupid look at verse number nine wherefore we labor and get that you know we're gonna be resurrected God's gonna resurrect us we're gonna get rewarded but it says wherefore we labor hey this is why we labor you know God's given us so many passages of the resurrection in the Bible and we see through a glass darkly we don't know exactly how it's gonna look excuse me but as we read these passages you know what should cause us to do labor wherefore we labor we read that we're like man I got to make sure I stay on top of this I got to make sure I'm still winning I've got to make sure I'm working for God wherefore we labor that whether present or absent we may be accepted of him now what does it mean when he says we may be accepted of him that's not referring to salvation obviously the Bible says that we're accepted in the Beloved according to Ephesians chapter 1 go to Matthew chapter 10 this is all in context of laboring this is all in context of rewards of the resurrected body I'm gonna read to you from 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 12 it says verse 11 excuse me it says it is a faithful saying for if we be dead with him we shall also live with him if we suffer we shall also reign with him if we deny him he will also deny us look at Matthew 10 33 it says but whosoever shall deny me before men him will I also deny before my father which is in heaven now what does it mean when he says denied means the night rewards because in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 he talks about reigning with him well if we deny him he will deny us what to be able to reign to have those rewards so just put yourself in your in those shoes let's say you're that person who didn't do nothing for God you're gonna stand at the judgment seat of Christ and he's just like I can't have that it's like oh but I you know I wanna I'm saved though yeah yet so as by fire yeah anything that's why it should encourage us to labor we want to make sure that we're a laboring Church but you want to make sure that you're laboring individuals as well you know never put it on cruise control in the Christian life you know if you have to downshift and downshift but don't put it on cruise control you know you gotta go in fourth gear every once in a while and then just hit it hard and work hard but every once in a while you got a downshift you know if that's what you got to do pace yourself don't just burn out pace yourself in the Christian life but don't ever put it on cruise control where you're just like I'll just cruise and just chill out and just you know we need a labor we need to work there's gonna become a time when we're not gonna have to labor like that anymore but that day is not now we need to make sure we're putting in the work in order to receive those rewards go back to 2nd Corinthians chapter number 5 and verse 10 so he says there in verse 9 wherefore we labor that whether present or absent we may be accepted of him for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that everyone may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad now there's a lot of people who you know like Pentecostals and so on and so forth they'll use scriptures like this to say see there you go you know we're gonna all be judged by Christ and he's gonna give us according to everything that we've done whether it be good or whether it be bad but it doesn't say whether it be good or be sinful right doesn't say that it says good or bad bad doesn't mean sinful bad this just means useless it's bad you know if I give you a basket of apples and I said just don't eat those those are bad apples does that mean it's not apples they're just not good apples see what I'm saying the quality of the fruit is not good see what I'm saying so we're gonna receive everything that we've done in this body whether it be good or whether it be bad it's just like well you know you didn't want to work here you're cutting corners here that was bad that's what you're gonna get according to your labor okay but it's not referring to sin you know and there the false doctrine that that Tyler Dukey is teaching is that God's gonna remind you of your sins you know that's why you're gonna go to the lake of fire so we're not saying you can't lose your salvation we're just saying that you're gonna go to the lake of fire if you commit sin well the reason you go to the lake of fire you idiot it's because of your sins you know you're not saved you're gonna go pay for your sins you're experiencing the second death you know all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone we're just saying that you're gonna be held accountable where the Bible actually says in Romans chapter 4 that he will not impute sin so when does that happen Tyler Dukey when he says he's not gonna impute sin when does that take place if I'm if he's gonna hold me accountable for a thousand years for them teach show me in the Bible where it says that Christians will go they required to go through a thousand year program of a lake of fire for their sins you know if you don't do any works or whatever that's garbage no here this is teaching us that the quality of the work that we do that would that which we build there upon according to 1st Corinthians chapter number 3 it says there in verse 13 of 1st Corinthians 3 you have to turn every man's work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is if any man's work abide which he hath built there upon he shall receive a reward if any man's work shall be burned he shall suffer loss but he himself shall be saved yet so as by fire so the Bible is telling us that at the resurrection that's when we get our glorified bodies but after that is when we get our actual rewards that's when the day shall declare it look at verse 11 in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 it says knowing therefore the terror of the Lord we persuade men but we are made manifest unto God and trust also are made manifest in your consciousness so this is interesting it says look knowing therefore the terror of the Lord we should persuade men now persuading men is good there's a good way of saying so winning that's what we're doing when we go out there we try to persuade them but the police and I got to talk to someone right before church and this guy was he was either higher he was about to get high but for sure his buddies were stoned and he was just kind of struggling with this concept just different concepts of salvation and we're there for a good while just talking to him and at first he seemed a little proud but then he humbled himself and he understood it we're just we just try to do a lot of persuading according to the scriptures now here's the cool thing is that I'm witnessing to this guy and the guy in the backseat you know as I'm talking I'm like yeah you can't lose you see he's like you can't lose your salvation I'm like no and his buddies in the back yeah bro you can't lose it bro one saves always saved and I'm like yeah that's right so I'm gonna keep talking and then he's like he's like but you're saying that like if I sin and I'm saved I won't go to hell how is that I won't go to hell and then he hears buddy in the background cuz Jesus already went to hell for you bro he's like he already went man that's what he went there for to pay for his sins bro and he he the guy was high for sure and I'm like yeah that's right and that is like are you saved and he's just like yeah the two guys two people came to talk to me this week which is brother George and miss Flores right back there you know his name was Jesse he got saved the guy was stoned as a rock but he knew salvation he's just like he's like yeah it's only about believe bro it's not by working he's like trying to tell his friend this and the guy's just looking over his shoulder he's just like but at the end of the whole thing and he had a hat on and stuff and I'm not saying that people should do this but you can tell the response based upon this he just he took off his head he's like I want to get saved you know and he ended up getting saved and I was like hey this is an emotional thing you know where you're gonna feel something in your chest or anything like that walk by faith not by sight but he couldn't help but like smile and get a little giddy he's like well you know I'm saved you know but it took a lot of persuading that's what we do and go out there we're persuading them not arguing with them persuading them but it says there knowing the terror of the Lord now go to Deuteronomy chapter 10 so because we know the terror of the Lord we want to go out there and persuade men look at Deuteronomy chapter 10 and verse 17 says Deuteronomy chapter number 10 and verse 17 it says here for the Lord your God is the God of gods and the Lord of Lords a great God a mighty and a terrible which regardeth not persons nor taketh reward he doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow and love at the stranger and giving him food and raiment look what it says in verse 17 the latter end it says which regardeth not persons nor taketh reward so we think we have a God that is not a respecter of persons so it's not like when you get to heaven it's just like all right well you're pretty good you know I saw you go to church you know I'm gonna go ahead you could take a diamond or something he's not a respecter of persons and it's not like he's gonna take a reward so you can give him a reward so he can give you a reward no he's not a respecter of persons in other words it's like no you have to work just as much as everyone else has to work okay and yes I gave you some a salvation like I gave someone else salvation but I'm not a respecter of persons you need to work just like everyone else does okay and that's why he's a terrible goddess just like wow he's not a respecter of persons he's not gonna be persuaded by rewards we got to make sure that we work okay and that's why we persuade men now go back to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 we're gonna finish up it says in verse number 12 where we commend ourselves again unto you but give you occasion to glory on our behalf that you may have someone to answer them which glory in appearance and not in heart for whether we be beside ourselves it is to God or whether we be sober it is for your cause so that word beside yourself basically means like mad right it's like crazy you don't have to turn there in Acts 26 verse 24 or verse 22 it says having therefore obtained help of God I continue into this day witnessing both the small and great saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come that Christ should suffer and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead and should show light unto the people into the Gentiles and as he thus spake for himself Festus said with a loud voice Paul thou art beside thyself much learning doth make thee mad so you know what this is saying here he was just preaching the gospel and Festus goes you're crazy but you know what that's what the world thinks of us from preaching the gospel that's what your family thinks of you so local you know you're crazy but you know what we're mad and it's it's for the Lord we're fools for Christ's sake and this goes to show us that we should never be ashamed of the gospel with our family with our friends with our co-workers we ought never to be ashamed when we have an opportunity to preach the gospel because look they're gonna think you're crazy either way they're gonna think you're crazy either way so why don't you just be a fool for Christ's sake and do it and let me say this if they think you're crazy they'll still respect you for it they're gonna they'll think you know what this guy at least he has the guts to do it you know why trolls listen to us on YouTube I'm talking about the people who hate our guts it's because they still respect us because they're probably thinking these guys are crazy but they have to subscribe don't they that's it every single clip that comes on every single sermon that comes on they're just there on it they may disagree but why do you keep watching us then if you know if you hate us you know why because they probably respect the fact that we're taking a stand they don't agree with us at all but the mere fact that we're fools for Christ's sake probably attracts them to our channels but that not just them everyone you know you get a soft lukewarm garbage whack Christian no one wants to be like them no one wants to imitate them you know what they're attracted to the zealous nuts the ones who are standing for right the ones who could care less what anyone thinks about they just let it fly from what the Bible says they're Christians and they're not ashamed of it they're Baptist that's what people are attracted to even the people who hate us they're attracted to that because that's not normal we're fools for Christ's sake okay and look don't be ashamed to be a zealous Christian and if you're not a zealous Christian get zealous stop being a lukewarm Christian stop being whack okay you need to make sure you light a fire under your rear end read the Bible pray has got to fill you with the spirit and get excited about the things of God you better not be excited about football I don't know what's the see what season are we in right now come on come on what all right I thought you gave me a sport I was about to call you out I'm just kidding yeah who cares you better not know what's the what's the latest of you know soccer I don't know what sports are going on right now you know if that's your ordeal you know you need to make sure that you get on fire for God turn off the TV turn off the sports and get into the Bible and get a better resurrection you know I'm not saying sports are wicked and they're they're evil but you know what if you're paying more attention to sports and to the things of this world that's why you're such a lukewarm Christian get on fire light a fire under your rear end and get going for God be zealous be a fool for Christ's sake well I'm just a little embarrassed what people might say they're gonna say it anyways they're gonna criticize you anyways so why don't you just go out blazing and maybe you'll gain the respect even though they don't like you so let me see here go back to second Corinthians chapter 5 I like what he says in verse 14 says for the love of Christ constrain at us because we thus judge that if one died for all then we're all dead and that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which died for them and rose again wherefore henceforth no we know man after the flesh yea though we have no I have known Christ after the flesh yet now henceforth knowing him no more therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new and all things are of God who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and have given to us the ministry of reconciliation I'm gonna keep reading here verse 19 to wit that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and have committed unto us the word of reconciliation now what does that word reconciliation mean it means to make peace so God has committed to us the word of peace now we do a lot of war with this amen we go to war with this this is the sword of the Spirit regardless of what Justin LeBlanc says he's like well the Spirit and the sword he's kind of like using himself and it's just like you're like stone I don't know what you just said I didn't even have to talk in that video I was just I'm just gonna put them on there and everyone's gonna look how stupid he is idiot this is the word of reconciliation what are we doing when we go soul winning we're reconciling a lost and dying world with God through Christ now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though as though God did beseech you by us we pray you in Christ said be reconciled to God now I've heard a lot of times especially throughout my Christian life that an ambassador is a representative and that's true okay but often they'll use it as to say you know be a good testimony you know don't don't you know give Christ a bad name and you know we're ambassadors for Christ representatives but an ambassador really is simply someone who goes into a foreign country retaining their citizenship of their homeland and they're going there to make peace treaties okay that's the primary reason for an ambassador and so and that works in great in context what we were seeing because a real ambassador guess what they do they go make they go reconcile people is what they do and this is in our home we're just the passing through okay we're in this foreign land I don't know we're Americans no this is a foreign land to us well if you don't like it go home well you know what to be with Christ is far better but it's more needful for me to be in the flesh here okay and these people you know these patriotic Christians they're more concerned with the state that they're living in than the fact that they're citizens of Israel the true Israel you know they're more concerned with being American Patriots with their flags then actually being heavily patriotic they're just like well I'm an ambassador here this is in my homeland my homeland is in heaven I'm here to reconcile make peace treaties with people who are lost that's my purpose here and that's what we're supposed to do so not every Christian necessary is an ambassador then because a lot of Christians they don't go so any I don't care what mega churches say it's come to our church you see how much so when we do here if I go there I can guarantee I won't see a whole lot regardless of what you say okay the ambassadors are actually those who actually represent Christ by going out and making peace with others Matthew 5 nice is blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God we're preaching the gospel and reconciling a lost and dying world to Christ and verse 21 of course the famous phrase for he that for he hath made him to be sin who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him and so what's the what's the the crux of the of the of the chapter here talks a lot about the resurrection it just reinforces this matter of gaining rewards and look it may seem repetitive but there's a reason why it's being repetitive you know because it's something obviously we forget and it's something we need to be reminded of lest we grow lax in our Christian life and we just rear back and don't do anything for the Lord hey there's a resurrection coming and look we need you many of us might not even be here for the coming of the Lord you might die before that so guess what at that point you're done you know so you want to make sure that you're laboring today because you you don't know what a day may bring forth you can die tomorrow you know you might not even make it through the tribulation the tribulation might not even be in our lifetime we don't know so what do we do wherefore we labor we got a labor amen this bar hasn't have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 and thank you for this the the tabernacle that you've given to us this temple where the Holy Spirit resides and we know that just as in the Old Testament the tabernacle that physical tabernacle is put away that we must also put off this tabernacle and thank you for that promise of the glorified body you will give us help us to labor hard and labor much so that we are clothed upon and be and have a glorious body eternal in the heavens and thank you so much for forgiveness the privilege to work for you help us to take that serious and to be consistent be steadfast unmovable and always about in the work of the Lord and Jesus then we pray Amen you