(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we are in first Corinthians chapter number two if I were to title this sermon it would just be words to live by words to live by and I'm gonna explain what that means in just a moment verse number we'll start in verse number one where the Bible reads here and I brethren when I came to you came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of God for I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified so this is kind of a continuation of the thoughts that we see in first Corinthians chapter number one where you contrast the wisdom of this world and then the wisdom of God and God the apostle Paul explains that even the foolishness of God which we understand there is no such thing but he's kind of being facetious about it it's still better than the wisdom of this world and that's for unsafe people but especially for safe people because sometimes safe people will go to the world they'll go to the resources of the world to learn spiritual meanings now that's not to say we can't look at parables in this world and people who have made bad mistakes bad examples people who are a byword and a proverb and not learn from them we could definitely learn from those things but what God is saying this is when we undermine God's word for the wisdom of this world okay that's what we shouldn't do but he says here the apostle Paul says this that he doesn't use he never used wisdom when he preached the word of God he says there in verse number one he says and I brethren when I came to you came out with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of God now we understand that you if you look at verse number six it says how be it we speak the wisdom among them that are perfect so it doesn't mean he doesn't use any wisdom at all right it doesn't mean he doesn't use the wisdom of God but obviously when you preach into an unsafe person you're not going to go into the deep things of God with them they don't understand the deep wisdom of God so he says he doesn't use excellency of speech or the wisdom uh when he declares the testimony of God now I want to specifically focus on the fact that he said I determined not to know anything save Jesus Christ and him crucified so when he's preaching the gospel the bible says that he's determined not to know anything save Jesus Christ and him crucified now why is that why would he say I determined well I think personally because if you read in second Corinthians chapter number 12 the apostle Paul speaks of a man who obviously went up to the third heaven paradise right and he saw things that were not lawful for men to speak of right he saw that he was he was given revelations of God and that's why the bible says he was given a thorn in the flesh to basically keep him humble so he was someone who obviously knew the word of God he knew doctrine he knew bible and he knew a lot of what the bible said and obviously he was taught by Jesus Christ himself he knew what the word of God said he could interpret the bible so when he went out to preach the gospel you know what he had to do he had to determine when he's speaking to someone not to know anything save Christ and him crucified why maybe because the temptation was to expound on other doctrines because he knew so much now I think this is very important because you know people in our church regardless of what level of spirituality you're at you're going to learn a lot of bible here okay and in fact you'll probably know more about bible than your average church member going to an independent fundamental Baptist church okay you'll know a lot more bible a lot more doctrine and the temptation may be because you're not preaching on a constant basis as far as the pulpit's concerned that you want to go out there where you're out sowing and talk about the deep doctrines of God you know you're preaching the gospel and you want to you want to tell them about the riper rate doctrine you know you want to tell them about post-trave and replacement theology you want to expound all these all these wisdom uh these doctrines and the wisdom of God but you know what we have to do we have to determine on purpose that when we speak to people who are unsaved not to know anything save Christ and him crucify you know that's when I think people are become a little become a little bit too thorough in their gospel presentation because they just want to expound all their wisdom but you know what Paul the apostle who knew the book who knew the word of God he was given revelations of the Lord he tried to keep it as simple as possible and the bible says that he determined to do that you know because he knew a lot of bible so I think we as Christians ought to do the same you know when we go on and preach the gospel I'm not saying be simple but the fact remains when we go out there we got to just talk about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ if someone tries to get you off topic going on to some other subject or doctrine you know and it doesn't seem as though they're receptive then hey it's time to go you know one thing I learned at the soul winning conference and by the way there's always room for growth amen don't ever say you arrived there's always something new to learn okay but when I went there something that pastor Anderson said that by the way he learned from brother Garrett Kirschway he says I learned this from brother Garrett Kirschway and I picked up on it I was like man I'm gonna start doing that from now on he said that basically when you're talking to someone giving them the gospel and I'm sure everybody who's gone so many has ran into a person like this where they're listening they're just like yeah yeah yeah you know they're just kind of like not paying attention and you're just trying to give them the gospel and you know they're not paying attention pastor Anderson said that brother Garrett basically taught him and said hey I got about seven more minutes in this gospel presentation you got some time still and 90% of the time what they'll do is they'll either say um no you know I gotta go or they'll say yeah yeah go ahead I'm sorry and then they'll pay attention but you know why he does that so you can save time so you don't have to waste time because why would you want to waste time with someone who doesn't want to listen to you you know you don't want to force the gospel down someone's throat you know when there's someone else around the corner who's willing to listen to you who's willing to get the gospel so and I had to do that today I was talking to a guy he sounded like he was interested and and I was giving him the gospel and he had a buddy around the corner who was smoking pot you know and he was just kind of looking over at him he's like you know he's just and he's like oh yeah yeah and he's just like listening and I kind of looked over and I saw he was kind of making you know his eye contact with his buddy and I said hey in Spanish I said I you know I got about seven more minutes in my presentation do you want to listen he says yeah I do but I don't got time right now so all right cool well that's the invitation if you have any questions you can come by and see us all right see you later and he's like all right thank you and that was it I don't want to waste my time I don't want to waste my time with someone who who doesn't want to hear when there's someone out there who does you see what I'm saying so when we go out there we have to determine not to know anything save Christ and him crucify so we have to on purpose do that you know we have to on purpose say look I want to talk to them I want to get the fish that are biting I don't want to fight with any fish I'd rather get the fish who wants to eat who wants to take the bait and wants to get saved okay but I thought that was very interesting that he specifically said I determined not to know anything we have to go out there and as much bibles you know look get them into church church and teach them the bible that you know okay but you don't got to teach them out there you know they give them the gospel see them save have them come to church and then they get they get more of that teaching while they're here verse number three it says and I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling that reminds me of first peter 315 where the bible reads but sanctify the lord god in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear and again it's a reminder to us that when we go preach the gospel we ought to be humble okay don't be a jerk don't be you know this just pompous know-it-all you ought to come with meekness and fear with trembling you know these people on the verge of dying and going to hell you know the last thing you want to do is is offend them you know after they get saved and if they get offended by by the word of god that's a different story but right now we're trying to pull them out of the fire you know we don't want to leave off in a bad note so I like what he says he goes in weakness and in fear and in much trembling now you study the apostle paul's life he was a very bold man you know the bible says he was rude in speech yet not in knowledge he told her how it was he was very bold he preached the word of god he reproved he rebuked and he commanded others to do so but when it came to the gospel he was in weakness and fear and in much trembling I mean you think of trembling what does that what does that signify someone who's afraid you know trembling means you're scared so you come to people and I'm not saying you gotta like hey man can I people don't think you're a crackhead or something but what I'm saying is you want to be there ought to be a meekness about you where you're fearful you don't want to you don't want to offend anybody when you're trying to give them the gospel you understand and look don't get into arguments with people either you know that doesn't help if they're not interested leave off on a good note you say well well thank you so much for your time god bless you I hope you come by and visit if the invitation is right there if you have any questions there's a number there you can call and hope to see you soon right and give them a smile and walk away you know does that really hurt to do that you know I think it's very helpful and it leaves uh it leaves us with a good testimony is what it does okay and look we're going to end up running into these people again someday again especially if we're knocking doors around this area verse number four and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit and of power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of god so here in verses four and five we see two types of preaching the first preaching we see is that which is with enticing words of man's wisdom and the second preaching is that which demonstrates the spirit and the power of god okay very important now the first one enticing words of man's wisdom well what does it mean to entice that means to allure something to do something uh based with with lust right something that's that's uh motivating someone else with something that's not good with it and giving them uh some sort of a desire or an advantage go to Jude chapter 1 verse 16 so basically what you do when you entice someone is that you're offering them something if they give into it right and if you look at all the times uh entice is used in the bible it's never in a good way it's always in regards to sin it's always in regards to something bad so we see that and by the way in james right what does the bible say that people who give into their sin is those who were enticed by it right i'm paraphrasing here but that's what that's basically what it's saying so it's always in a in a negative connotation so when the bible says that there are those who use enticing words of man's wisdom that's probably not a good thing that means they're using enticing words to lure you in not in a good way look at Jude yeah we'll get into Calvinism just a little bit they're notorious for that verse 16 says these are this is talking about false prophets here and teachers these are murmurs complainers walking after their own lust and their mouth speak of great swelling words having men's persons in admiration because of advantage so these people are admiring these false teachers because they're promising them some sort of advantage some sort of pleasure okay this would actually also fit into like the prosperity gospel right your best life now you know when they do the what the throw your 20 dollar bill on the on the altar and you know cleft low dollar and all those these other fools who use enticing words to basically bankrupt the people who are listening to them and look it sounds good i'm talking about to the unsafe person it's just like man you put in some money you get a blessing out of it that sounds logical but you know what it is it's false teachers and prophets who are enticing these people with these words they're not using biblical words they're not using biblical terminologies they're using the wisdom of this world the enticing words of man's wisdom to get these people to give to their ministries go to second peter chapter two second peter chapter two is a parallel passage to jude so in jude 16 it says they speak great swelling words those are enticing words and look great swelling words i often think about like someone who uses like every single word in the thesaurus right like mark just said the calvinist where it's like this guy's just thinking smart this guy's so intelligent i can never get to that point well you know what it is it's just great swelling words is what it is you know they try to make themselves look smart so you can admire them is what it is now look at second peter chapter 2 verse 17 these are wells without water again speaking about false teachers and prophets clouds they are that are carried with the tempest to whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever for when they speak great swelling words of vanity they allure they entice through the lust of the flesh through much wantonness those that are were clean escape from them who live in error while they promise them liberty they themselves are the servants of corruption for of whom a man is overcome of the same is he brought into bondage so again it says there that they allure through the lust of the flesh you know when i think of that i think of the liberal churches right who have the hoochie mamas dancing up on stage you know with their mini skirts and all these you know looking like whores you know what if there's any guy in that church he ain't paying attention to no message you know he's there for he's there to look upon a woman to lust after her in his heart that's what he's doing so they speak great swelling words of vanity allure to the lust of the flesh through much wantonness the bible says so this is the kind of preaching that we see today unfortunately in many churches okay is the enticing words look come to church and you'll be blessed and look there's truth to that right yeah but it's often mixed with a lot of lies okay it's just like well you know you you come here you give to this god will heal you but you know what the bible says yea all that will live godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution so yeah you will be blessed because the lord's blessing will be on your life you'll be able to understand the word of god more you'll be able to get earn rewards in heaven you'll be able to learn how to sow in and win your family to christ and do that with just right on the side of the lord yes but does that mean you'll be healed of cancer no you know does that mean you will your cirrhosis of the liver will go away no look that's just a built-in consequence to that sin you know but these preachers out there they want to get behind the pulpit because they like the the the tithe and they like the offerings and they want to give the people what they want to hear in order to get the money okay so what do they use they use enticing words you know they say where do baptists fit in all this well baptists haven't necessarily gone to that extreme but you know extreme they have gone to is that every single sermon is a motivational speech okay every single sermon is encouragement every single sir look i'm all for encouragement i think we need it right but i think we need to fulfill the biblical template of how to preach which is to rebuke uh reprove rebuke and exhort with all long suffering and doctrine the problem we have today is we have all exhortation all exhortation all exhortation you know and they like to blame the millennials because you know uh you know the millennials got trophies and stuff like that for only for participation right but you know what those are the kids you raised in church through much exhortation you negated using the reproving and the rebuking of god's word you know we need to have the right balance and you say well you know we need to be more like christ yeah i agree jesus looked on them with anger he preached against the cities he preached against the pharisees he preached against the religious leaders of that day you know you need to read all the gospels if you really want to know what g how jesus was okay go to colossians chapter number two so the first type of preaching we see is enticing words of man's wisdom man's wisdom is a lot different than god's wisdom man's wisdom tries to use the logic of this world to make sense of the things of god okay look and that's why you you shouldn't necessarily watch like the history channel when it comes to subjects about the bible you know what i mean you're like oh the red sea this and the ten commandments that's that's world's the world's wisdom bunch of foolishness bunch of idiots who want to make sense of god's you can't make sense of the red sea splitting it happened okay you know oh no what it was no no no no no moses put his staff down god commanded him to do it gave him the power to do and he did it that settles it well but we need a scientific no you don't faith is the evidence of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen the bible says so we need what do we need to do we just need to believe god okay colossians chapter two and verse number one faith is the substance of things hope for excuse me verse number one says for i would that ye knew that what great of conflict i have for you and for them at laodicea and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh that their hearts might be comforted being knit together in love and unto all rich riches of the full assurance of understanding to the acknowledgement of the mystery of god and of the father of christ and whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge so the bible clearly tells us and teaches us that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found in the lord you know why because he is the way the truth and the life right but look how he follows up that thought verse number four and this i say lest any man should beguile you with enticing words you see there's people out there who want you to undermine the word of god there's people out there who want you to just think you know what the bible is not sufficient you need to go to commentaries the bible is not sufficient you need something else you need this other supplemental book to help you to understand the bible but you know what the bible says is that any kind of treasure of wisdom and knowledge is found in christ you don't need to be beguiled by enticing words of other books oh but i just want to understand this great subject in the bible and i feel like if i buy this one book that's 565 pages long that guy did his homework he was no you know what all you need is the bible that's all you need okay because you got to believe god that he says there that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found in him verse number seven skip down to verse seven rooted and built up in him established in the faith as he had been taught abounding therein with thanksgiving beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after christ what does it mean to spoil well if you remember in the old testament when when a kingdom was conquered what would the what would the soldiers do they come and spoil the goods they take them well you know what happens when you start getting into other books and other philosophies of this world and you undermine the word of god the authors of those books they spoil you you begin to give them credit and here's the thing most of those people if not all of them are not saved and if they're not saved what makes you think you could a babe in christ can understand the word of god more than they can because they're not saved but you know what happens and we'll look at it later people start putting their faith in the wisdom of man more than in the power of god why because they were spoiled their philosophy in vain deceit well you say well how can someone get so fooled and even christian how can people get so fooled because they're enticing words you know they tickle the ear they sounds good they're using a thesaurus they're using the word of the day you know what i mean to entice you it's like wow i never heard that word before i never heard that truth explained to that before no we just need the words which the holy ghost teaches is what we need okay now go to john chapter six so you have enticing words of man's wisdom which we need to stay away from because that could spoil us and look christians can get involved in this okay and look i'll be honest with you there's a point in my life where i started getting involved in this i was i loved reading books i love reading books about the bible okay and and to be honest it got to a point where it's just like and just as we read in second peter those who are saved they end up escaping that stuff you know because obviously we know the voice of the shepherd if we're saved but you know there's people who get involved in these things and they continue in them and what happens they're basically they just god begins to remove the knowledge that they once had that's my personal belief and i've seen people who knew the bible who knew the word of god but because they started placing their faith in the words of man's wisdom what happens knowledge actually begins to be taken from them and simple doctrines that they could just simply understand before they can no longer understand why because they placed their faith in something in the in the sand of this world it's going to sink when the storms come okay they're placing their faith in books commentaries sunday school curriculum right instead of god's word okay so you have that type of preaching which is garbage okay and my my personal belief is that if you get preaching like this you can't go back to that garbage amen this is filet mignon preaching right here okay the kind of preaching you have over there is give me what yeah big mac where is this like tofu right it's soy is what it is you know it's just like yeah it makes you effeminate is what it does soy preaching makes you effeminate remind me to make a clip out of that but that's what it is you know and if someone leaves our type of movement goes to this church and you know i'm not saying they're not saved but good night you know you must be going over there for a reason other than preaching i would hope right because i don't think you can leave preaching like this and go for soy milk type preaching you know cotton candy preaching okay so that's one type of preaching the second type of preaching is the preaching that demonstrates the spirit and the power of god john 6 63 says it is the spirit that quickened it the flesh profited nothing the words that i speak unto you they are spirit and they are life so god says that the spirit and the words are like the same thing why is that because it's it's the word of god that quickens as well you know faith cometh by hearing hearing by the word of god go back to uh first corinthians chapter number two and what we need today is more biblical preaching people criticize that phrase i hear this phrase a lot you know bible preaching well that i mean that's that's what we want what do you want us to call it right you know we we say hard preaching and like oh see he says harper why can't he say biblical preaching but when we say biblical preaching it's like oh look he said look preaching hard preaching biblical preaching kjv preaching hateful preaching whatever you want to call it it's all of the above is what it is right as long as it has the word of god okay as long as we're expounding the word of god and we're going to go verse by verse in this in this session here okay verse number six is how be it we speak the wisdom we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world nor of the princes of this world that come to not so he says here he's not negating he's not saying look don't use wisdom but who do we speak wisdom to those who are perfect what does perfect mean mature complete right i'm not going to try to expound wisdom to some person who doesn't want to hear it while i'm out soul winning i'm gonna i want to give wisdom to those in this church who are perfect who can understand the word of god okay now go to matthew 16 i'm going to read to this verse again verse 6 it says how be it we speak the wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world nor of the princes of this world that come to not so he says this yeah i give wisdom to those who are perfect but let me just make myself very clear i don't use the wisdom of this world to them that are perfect and then he says this nor of the princes of this world what is the prince someone who's a ruler right why because the bible says they come to not in other words that wisdom is garbage right look at matthew 16 verse 4 a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign and there shall no sign be given unto it but the sign of the prophet jonas and he left them and departed and when his disciples were come to the other side they had forgotten to take bread then jesus said unto them take heed and beware of the leaven of the pharisees and of the sadducees skip down to verse number 12 then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread but of the doctrine of the pharisees and of the sadducees so what is he saying you need to be careful with the teachings of the pharisees and the sadducees why because these are religious leaders but they're not saved okay so how would we apply that to today well we would apply it to like baptists who claim to be saved but they're not safe okay like for instance david cloud who's a cloud without rain is what he is he's the guy who puts out a lot of books and a lot of independent fundamental baptists by his books you know what they're doing they're being deceived by the leaven of david cloud the scribes because he just like the scribes and pharisees of those days he's not saved so how can you say he's not safe you read all his material he says you have to repent of your sins in order to be saved okay he said it for years i've known about him for years we've always known that he's been a repent of your sins guy okay it doesn't matter how he wants to wrap it that's what he is but just like in those days how jesus is telling his disciples hey be careful listening to the pharisees and the sadducees who claim to be of god who claim to be like they're saved they're not saved you can't learn from unsaved people well we ought to apply that today as well because the way it was in jesus day it's the same way today you know you have religious leaders who claim to be saved but they don't have the right gospel they're teaching heresy and they're coming under the cloak of being baptists or whatever it may be now go to mark chapter number eight mark chapter eight so he says this beware of the leaven of the pharisees and of the sadducees we would apply that today as saying beware of these religious leaders who aren't even saved right but in a different portion of scripture here in mark chapter eight he says basically the same thing towards but he just adds someone else to it verse 14 says now the disciples had forgotten to take bread neither had they in the ship with them more than one loaf and he charged them saying take heed beware of the leaven of the pharisees and of the leaven of who of harod so now he not only tells me hey beware of the leaven of the pharisees and of the sadducees but now you also got to beware of the leaven of harrod well harrod is not a religious leader he's a political leader he's a ruler he's almost like a prince though he's a king in those days now go back to second current or excuse me first corinthians chapter number two so he says here how be we speak wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world nor of the princes of this world that come to not so we got to understand something is in those days there's a reason why jesus christ is forewarning his people hey even of the leaven of harrod don't be listening to these politicians and if you study the gospels harrod never taught anything but you know what he was he was a wicked ruler he was an adulterer you know oh but you know what but but he heard john the baptist gladly he chopped off john the baptist's head and here's the thing you go you get where i'm going with this because today what do we have how do we apply that today people who just worship donald trump right right as the president and they worship him and they're just like well you know yeah but he has these these christian values but harrod first of all yeah he does it i'm gonna get to that in just a minute don't get ahead of me all right don't get ahead of me harrod heard john the baptist gladly yeah you know he listened to him he's like i like to listen to this guy but then he cut his cut his head off so i was eating value him a whole lot he was just entertained by john the baptist is what he was but where we have today christians who are eating the leaven of harrod okay through what through fox news you know they love listening to sean hannity and all these other catholics who are not even saved mormons and catholics and these so-called you know uh conservatives you know and they get their teachings from these people you know and there's there's like a donald trump paradox that i keep thinking about because i'll talk to people about this and look people voted for this guy and and and here's when i asked i'm like why did you vote for such a wicked man i mean don't you know who donald trump is i'm talking about i'm talking about christians though you know and they'll say yeah but we're not voting in the pastor you know we're voting in a president's what they'll say and i'll and and i often and i think to myself so why did you vote for him and they'll say oh because he has christian values i was like hold on a second you just said that you're not voting him because he's not a pastor you say because he's a president but then when you say why are you voting for him he said oh because he has christian values so you're basically saying you're basically picking and choosing why you want to vote for this guy is what you're doing you know and what so why do they like donald trump well the reason they like him is because he's you know he's kicking out all these sodomites out of the white house and all these things but let me just tell you something okay what would politics typically do politicians typically do is they move the fight for christians so where you're standing here and the politicians start finding fighting the sodomites over here we're like oh wow someone up there is like actually fighting for us so what do we do we move the fight to where they're at right you see what i'm saying they're like yeah you know sodomites shouldn't get married homosexuals and we're like well we believe they should be put to death but yeah yeah let's go fight over here they shouldn't get married and you know what happens 10 years down the line the fight becomes all about them getting married and just like dude didn't you forget what like god said in his word you know well what happens that's what the leaven of the fairs the leaven of hair does it moves the fight is what it does okay why first of all because he's unsaved he's given a bad example i mean just just look up donald trump back in the day and look there's a quote by the hunt troubles like man if i ever run for president i'll be a republican because those people are stupid they'll vote for anybody and the christians are like you know donald trump he was right he got them hook line and sinker a bunch of dumb christians you know but instead they should have been reading the bible and sticking to what the word of god says like oh but you know what if our rights get taken away look we ought to obey god rather than man anyways right you know if they take away our rights that'll just make us better christians so he says we speak the wisdom among them that are perfect yet not the wisdom of this world nor the princes of this world in other words stop preaching fox news behind the pulpit stop using the wisdom of this world you know it's gotten to a point where people can't even say anything negative behind the pulpit about politicians without people getting mad they're getting mad because they they they slammed their favorite president forget you and your president okay if we're going to preach the bible look you said did you vote yeah i voted i voted jesus is what i voted okay right and look i appreciate the fact that he removed all the faggots from from the white house and all that stuff that that's cool but you know what that doesn't move me one bit you know get him to preach a sermon against the sodomites then i'll be all right all right you're pretty cool then you know what i mean but you know that's not going to happen anytime soon okay but a lot of christians today are eating up the leaven of harrod you know they're just getting their teachings from fox news from cnn unfortunately from all these other things that are not the bible and 80 of preaching in november comes from fox news you know and obviously they don't want to they don't want they can't tell people who to vote for i'm not going to tell you who to vote for but i'm just going to tell you this i'm not voting for hillary that's what they'll say i was like oh okay so you're voting for donald trump is what you're saying but you can't say is what you're saying i mean am i crazy i mean that's what that's what they do there's this one fool who put out a video i mean it was like a professionally made video very dramatic the camera was like panning and stuff it's your duty and he's just like and he's trying to get people to vote for donald trump and stuff and all this garbage it's like dude you could have spent that video just saying people hey let's it's time for a revival let's go so winning because this this country's going to hell in a hand basket right but no it's like you need it's your responsibility as a christian to vote you need to vote for i can't say who but it's not hillary but that's what that's what they're doing why because they're eating a bunch of leaven of harret is what they're doing the leaven of harret which in our modern day would be donald trump okay so and look just remember what god said in first corinthians chapter number one i'm going to destroy the wisdom of the wise and another prudent the ruler he goes i'm going to destroy all of it and it's going to come to not okay so you know keep your fox news if you want keep your political views if you want i can care less of that because that stuff's going to come to not the word of god abideth and liveth forever it's always around it's going to be there forever okay now go to isaiah chapter number 30 isaiah chapter number 30 look at this condemnation that god puts on on israel here isaiah 30 verse number one says woe to the rebellious children saith the lord that take counsel but not of me and that cover with the covering but not of my spirit that they may add sin to sin they walk to go down into egypt and have not asked at my mouth to strengthen themselves in the strength of pharaoh and to trust in the shadow of egypt therefore shall the strength of pharaoh be your shame and the trust in the shadow of egypt your confusion that's tough words right there he's like woeing to you because you're not going to my council you know you're more concerned about politics than you are about the preaching of god's word right you know he's like you're going to egypt but you know what egypt's going to be your shame okay because look we're going to get another president after him anyways and that when he when they come it's just like oh man we did vote for this guy you know it's like this guy this is really bad you know the problem with christians is is this is what they need to do is just get some guts get a bible start believing in it start reading it start preaching hard you only have one life to live don't live it like a coward you know just go out guns blazing preaching god's word as it needs to be preached because the fact of the matter is you know knowing therefore the terror of the lord we persuade men okay god is a terrible god and he's far more terrible than any president any ruler of this world okay now go back to uh first corinthians chapter number two and verse number seven i just want to talk about that just a little bit you know the leaven of harrod i preached on that a while back but man christians get caught up in this garbage you know and the the further they get away from god's word and the more they begin to supplement their spiritual truths through fox news and all these politicians the more apostate these churches are going to become okay it's like man i can't believe they're accepting all these weird doctrines i can i can believe all that it's no wonders because they're not in the bible verse seven says but we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which god ordained before the world unto our glory which none of the princes of this world knew for had they known it they would have they would not have crucified the lord of glory but as it is written i have not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which god hath prepared for them that love him now go to matthew chapter 13 this is very interesting i've heard a lot of sermons preached on this verse right here um on verse number nine that i have not seen nor ear have heard neither enter into the heart of man and you know i'm not against the secondary application that you could apply to that but the primary interpretation of this is is this is that some people will never hear yeah well god is hidden from them is what he's saying okay there's people in this world that because they rejected god's word or even christians who have stopped their ears at hearing god's word their eyes shall never see nor ears will ever hear neither will enter into their heart the things that god has prepared for them to love him okay what does that mean they're they're going to stop understanding the word of god that's why this kind of preaching people like christians are like what in the world you know i can't believe you're saying that you know you should love the sinner hate the sin and all these weird doctrines you know why because their eyes can't see it their ears can't hear it okay look at matthew 13 verse 9 who hath ears to hear let him hear and the disciples came and said unto him why speakest thou unto them in parables he answered and said unto them because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it is not given for whosoever hath to him shall be given and he shall have more abundance but whosoever hath not from him shall be taken away even that which he hath therefore speak i to them in parables because they seeing see not and hearing they hear not neither do they understand and in them is fulfill the prophecy of azaias which saith by hearing he shall hear and shall not understand and seeing he shall see and not and shall not perceive for this people's heart is waxed gross and their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes they have closed lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should be and should understand with their heart and should be converted and i should heal them but blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear i mean doesn't that go perfectly what we just read in first corinthians chapter number two i have not seen neither of you have heard you have entered into the heart of man the things that god has prepared for them to love him but there's people who are not going to hear see it or enter into their hearts you know why because verse 15 says their heart is waxed gross their ears are dull of hearing they don't want to hear it anymore that's why you run into safe people they can't take hard preaching right yeah you know you get someone eating mcdonald's long enough a sirloin steak doesn't appease them they're like i want a double cheeseburger because they're used to junk food okay you get them eating crappy food for long periods of time they don't want good food they won't even know if it bit them you know they won't know a good you know filet mignon steak how many of you guys ever had filet mignon okay it's bomb i had it once i think i didn't even get to chew that thing it just like melted in your mouth okay but you know there's people who will never be satisfied with filet mignon why because they're they want the burger king of this world why because they're they've had burger king for so long their appetite is towards burger king you can never they can never have strong meat you know and thankfully there's people who are coming from these churches they're listening to us online or they're coming to visit our churches and they hear and they're like wow this is juicy meat you know this is this is a good meal i never had a meal like this and they might get a little sick you know to begin with you know this they may not they're like crying and they're like get offended and stuff like that but after a while it's just like i'm coming back on thursday i want some more food you know and praise god for that but you know there's people and who are saved they don't want to hear it and in fact i've even spoken to people who avoid it i'm talking when i say yeah i'm talking about this kind of preaching because they know they'll be convinced right and they know they'll like it i've had people even say of the the documentary put out they're like i can't watch it because i know if i watch it i'm gonna have to change some things so they rather just like be blind to the whole thing you know and there's people who will not listen to the sermons because they know full well i'm gonna believe it you know but you know what okay close your ears then close your eyes close your heart you're not gonna see any of it then you know i'd rather be shown that i'm wrong and then get on the right path and enjoy being right then to be wrong knowing that i could be right you know it's like i'd rather just be wrong act like i'm right but knowing that i'm wrong don't ask me to repeat that just watch it over later on in youtube but it's the truth right but there's people like that who just want to close your eyes look at skip down to verse 34 all these things spake jesus unto the multitude and parables and without a parable spake he not unto them that it might be fulfilled which is spoken by the prophet saying i will open my mouth in parables i will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world to go back to first corinthians chapter two it's sad you know and at the end of the day you said what is it it's pride you know it's pride they're not willing to just admit that's why everyone has to say don't listen to them don't go on the internet don't listen to these preachers don't go to visit one of those churches why because they know that once they come once they listen they'll get hook line and sinker we're preaching the word of god they're gonna be like hey this is right what's wrong with what they're saying it's true they just show up from the bible that's what they're afraid of you see if if it was a matter of they're preaching the truth as well they'll be like yeah go for it this person's not gonna get deceived by some false doctrine you know but they have to deter people from listening why because they're afraid that if they listen they might might like it finger licking good preaching where she's like you know what this actually tastes pretty stinking good okay now i love verse 10 it says but god hath revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit search with all things yea the deep things of god so it says look i hath not seen nor ear have heard neither entered into the heart of man the things that gotta prepare for them to love him but god hath revealed them to us by his spirit man thank god for that it reminds me of a verse in matthew 11 25 where it says at that time jesus answered and said i thank thee oh father lord of heaven and earth because thou has hid these things from the wise and prudent and has revealed them unto babes you know it's just like god has favored the babes rather than the so-called wise and prudent of this world you know what that means you know more than john macarthur you know you know more than rick warren and joel osteen and all these fools put together why because god revealed it to you rather than unto them you know and by the way this goes to show that we don't need a stinking greek lexicon we don't need a david's treasury scripture of knowledge to learn the bible you know how much money is wasted you say well you know this is we use these things to get the deep things of god the bible says right there that the spirit searches all things yea the deep things of god you know it's like well it's good to know the greek you know get a greek lexicon so you can get a deeper meaning of that word look if you want a deeper meaning of a word in the king james bible just get it the source amen that's just the way it works okay if you don't understand what something means just look it up in the dictionary you don't need a greek lexicon to do it look i got a greek speaking man right there brother steve polides okay he'll tell you himself you don't need a stinking greek lexicon that is the greek lexicon right there shoot him a text message to call and say is this true we don't need that we get the deep things of god through the spirit because look the bible says that no there's no prophecy of the scripture given of any private interpretation right you know holy men of god spake as they're removed by who by the holy ghost so the holy ghost is is the one who helped these men pen these words down well that same holy ghost resides within us so the author the one who's penning these things down the one who moved these men is residing within us he's the one who can say hey look this is what this means he said yeah but brother bruce i don't understand everything in the bible yet well you know what it's probably good that you don't understand everything as of yet you know because it takes first of all it takes a lifetime to learn the bible okay and and who knows maybe if you understand too much you might need a thorn in the flesh to keep you humble just like paul right so maybe it's the fact that god gives us these things in measure okay and look there's been times in my christian life where a verse did not make sense i just bypassed it over the years as i read it i didn't understand it there's verses i still don't understand but you know what i know that one day i will understand them why because the spirit of god dwells in me he teaches me all things he's he's what the bible calls the unction okay he's my teacher we don't need no lexicon look go to daniel chapter 9 we don't need commentaries and i know that's a dead horse that we beat all the time but we need to say it because there's people out there that still use these stupid books and they are stupid okay you said why why are you insulting these books stupid just means they're without knowledge the knowledge of god's word okay now let me give you a way to study the bible let's use daniel as an example i read this years ago and i've always used this to refute people who told me that i need to use commentaries when i used to teach in bible college like you need to use commentaries and have your people i said i would take them to daniel chapter 9 and say i like using daniel's way of method of interpreting the bible look at daniel chapter 9 verse 1 says in the first year of darius the son of ahazuris of the seed of the meads which was made king over the realm of the caldians in the first year of his reign i daniel understood by books the number of the years there you go commentaries hey i believe in commentaries all right where of the word of the lord came to jeremiah the prophet that he would accomplish 70 years in the desolation of jerusalem so you know what daniel used commentaries but you know who you use jeremiah i i anytime someone would ask me when i was in bible college hey uh are you having the guys read commentaries i would say yeah i'm using 66 of them i use 66 commentaries in my classes and nothing but those 66 hey the word of god is sufficient okay why is that because the spirit of god searches deep things the deep things of god the bible says okay now not right away okay you need time to sometimes it takes meditation it takes by the way it takes reading the bible over and over again in fact if you read what the king james translators i mean these intelligent men of god who helped translate the word of god into the english language if you read what they said how to understand the bible the last rule they gave seven rules they're very basic you say well did anyone include the greek not one of the rules included the greek many of them included memorizing it meditating upon it the last rule that they gave how to understand the bible i mean if there's someone you're going to take a tip from it'd be good to take it from the king james translators he's very intelligent man some of them even spoke 20 languages the last rule said read it over and over again he says the way you understand it is by reading it over and over and over again give attendance to reading now i mean this this is the king these are the king james translators who are given these tips i think that's a very credible group of people to take from right and out of all the rules lexicons and dictionaries they didn't say any of that i say memorize it meditate upon it i can't remember all of them but one of them was pray right open down my eyes that i may behold wondrous things out of thy law not open down my john macarthur commentary that i might be holding open down my eyes because remember we're talking about the eyes that cannot see ears that cannot hear right he says open down my eyes so i can behold wondrous things out of thy law and he says just read it over and over again that's what they said you know why because there's so much information in the bible so much information and we'll look at it later on but the bible says we have to compare spiritual things with spiritual well how can you how can you compare spiritual things with spiritual if you don't know what the rest of the book says right things in the new testament are things in the old testament are given meaning and understanding as we understand what the new testament says okay things in a new test we can understand in a greater way if we understand what the old testament says as well okay now go back to first corinthians chapter number two i'm running out of time verse 11 says for what man knoweth the things of man save the spirit of man which is in him even so the things of god knoweth no man but the spirit of god now he's actually referring when he says the things of man he's actually referring to unsafe people is what he's talking about because we're going to look later on that's what he's referring to but he's saying what unsafe guy knows about the spirit of god there's no unsaved guy who can know about the things of the spirit of god verse 12 now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god that we might know the things that are freely given to us of god now go to first timothy chapter number four so it says we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god so he makes a distinction between that which is the spirit of god and now which is the spirit of this world okay now like what it says in first timothy chapter four in verse number one it says now the spirit speaketh expressly by the way think about that phrase for a moment expressly he puts it plain he makes it plain that in the latter time some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits so he makes the contrast between the spirit that speaks expressly and now which is seducing what does seducing remind you of something that's enticing which was what we looked at in the very beginning of the chapter so he says the spirit speaks expressly it just tells you how it is what sin is fornication adultery all these things whereas what do you have a seducing spirit that entices you with what with words of man's wisdom okay now go to first john chapter four i'm going to read to you from isaiah chapter 11 verse number two where the bible says and the spirit of the lord shall rest upon him in the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the lord these are things that are very expressly explained in the bible first john chapter four in verse number one says beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of god because many false prophets are gone out into the world hereby know ye the spirit of god every spirit that confesseth that jesus christ is come in the flesh is of god and every spirit that confesseth not that jesus christ is come in the flesh is not of god and this is the that spirit of antichrist whereof ye have heard that it should come and even now already it it is in the world excuse me you're of god little children and have overcome them because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world they're of the world therefore speak they of the world and the world here at them so you say well it says there that if you're of god you know you're gonna confess that jesus christ is come in the flesh you say you know joel steen does that rick warren yeah but it says in verse number five they're of the world therefore speak they of the world and what the world here at them yeah you know who the world loves they love joel steen yeah you know the world loves they love rick warren you know the world hates us so this is the way you make the distinction okay we obviously know that joe's witnesses are false you know the joe's false witnesses they're it's a it's a cult because they deny that jesus christ came in the flesh they deny that jesus christ is god but then what do you do after that if someone tries to deceive and say that they believe that well does the world hear them are they popular in the world's eyes if so that they're not of us they're of the world it says in verse number six we are of god he that knoweth god heareth us he that is not of god heareth not us hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error he said brother i know some people who are saved but they don't hear us well if you remember the bible commands christians love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him and the bible says in james that if we love the world right the bible says we become at enmity with god so christians could actually become enemies of god as well okay so if there are those who hate us and hate our message and they're saved people then the bible just says that they love the world and they're at enmity with god okay now go back to first corinthians chapter number two i must hasten verse 13 says which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth but which the holy ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual so here he's saying that we need to teach the bible using the words of god the words of which the holy ghost teaches not words of man's wisdom okay now there's so many ways we can avenues we can take this concept right here from this verse but right off the bat what do we think of we think of false versions of the bible because false versions of the bible such as the niv they're made and they're promoted as being something that's easier to understand so it's man taking god's word and changing it using his own wisdom to help it to be more understandable to the reader that's what he's doing so they're taking they're changing the words which the holy ghost uses to teach and they're changing those words to make it more understandable at least that's what they say that they're doing right now let me give you some examples of this okay because people will often say you know we've had people come here like you know what do you mean you're king james only church you know i use the nasp you know and i explain to the people why and they just they just can't wrap their minds around it okay now at the end of the day they're just not saved if you're showing them from the bible clear scriptures from the word of god you know and they reject the bible they're not saved okay now let me give you an example of what the kjv says in the niv so kjv is the words which the holy ghost teach it the niv is the words of man's wisdom okay psalms 12 verse 6 says the words of the lord are pure words as silver tried in the furnace of earth purified seven times thou shall keep them o lord thou shall preserve them from this generation forever so what is the teaching it's teaching that god has inspired and preserved the word of god make sense look what it says in the niv and the words of the lord are flawless like silver refined in a furnace of clay i feel like throwing up purified seven times oh lord you will keep us safe and protect us from such people forever so it completely just destroys this thing of preservation because you know they don't believe in preservation they believe it's in the greek that's what they believe now here's the interesting thing is that the reign of elare 1960 renders this verse exactly the same as the niv because i've had people tell me hey i know you believe in inspiration preservation but i'm studying that verse and it doesn't talk about the word of god's being preserved it's talking about verses five which is talking about the poor and it explains who that is in verse number seven and i was like no it doesn't and he read it to me in the reign of elare 1960 and it said what the niv said i'm like well that's wrong that's not what my king james bible says okay so this words of man's wisdom what is it doing it's beguiling unstable souls enticing them with words of man's wisdom it's spoiling people okay let me give you another example revelations 22 18 says for i testify unto every man that here at the words of the prophecy of this book if any man shall add unto these things god shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy god shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city