(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. All right, we're in 1st Corinthians chapter 13. We're kind of over these last three chapters, we've gone a little out of order. And on Sunday we went, Sunday morning we did chapter 14, Sunday night we did chapter 12. And then tonight we're going to do 1st Corinthians 13. The reason we did that is because on Sunday it was kind of like a charismatic service, not necessarily the service, but just the sermons were on the charismatics. You know, Sunday morning we had the sermon on healing, Sunday night we had it on tongues. And so I thought it'd be fitting to talk about those back to back and just kind of get those out of the way. But now we're in 1st Corinthians chapter 13. This is a chapter that's commonly used like in weddings and you know, love letters, guys, if you want to get some, you know, want to try that out or something like that. But it is a great chapter really to expand on the definition of what love is, okay? But it's not just that because sometimes we focus on that aspect where it talks about charity and love, but there's actually a lot of good doctrine found within the scripture we're going to look at this evening. Look at verse number one, it says there, though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity, I am become a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. Now I don't want to beat a dead horse here, but when it talks about tongues of men and of angels, again, it's not referring to a heavenly language which no man can understand but God and this Pentecostal charismatic false doctrine practice where people speak this gibberish coming out of their mouth and no one can understand them but God, you know? And I'm not going to re-preach my message on Sunday, but that's what a lot of people think that that means. And they'll say, what do you mean? If you ask them, what do you mean speaking in tongues? They'll say, well, it's the tongues of angels. Well, we explain what tongues of angels means, okay? Tongues of angels, really, there's two interpretations of that. Number one, first and foremost, you got to understand is that every time an angel spoke in the Bible, it spoke in an actual language. So any time an angel talked in the Bible and never had this gibberish or this weird, you know, just language that no one could understand, this operatic, just weird gibberish, it never had that. Every time an angel spoke in the Bible, it always spoke an actual language, okay? So that goes out the window right there, okay? Tongues of angels is not referring to this heavenly language. It literally means that the language of an angel, which is the languages that we see in the Bible, obviously in the Old Testament was Hebrew and New Testament, it was what? Greek, okay? So anytime an angel spoke, it spoke in a known language. But not only that, let's say, and we say that's not referring to those heavenly angels. Well, we know for a fact that in the Bible, angels often refers to a messenger, okay? And we understand that the messengers in the Bible are those who prophesy, okay? Those who are preaching the word of God, which would work in tandem with chapter 12 and chapter 14. Because in chapter 12 and chapter 14, what do we see the gift that we ought to earnestly covet more than anything else? Preaching. Amen. So in between that, we have 1 Corinthians 13, where it says, though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, those messengers and have not charity, I am become a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. Now that would make sense in context. Why? Because we understand that charity means love. Well, if you preach without love, that's a violation of the word of God. Why? Because the Bible says that we ought to speak the truth in love, okay? So it's not referring to this tongue flapping, weirdo doctrine that we see in charismatic movements and churches today. This is referring to an actual language preaching, so on and so forth. So let's read that again. It says, though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity, I am become a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. Now the sounding brass and tinkling cymbal works great in tandem with these chapters right here, because if you flip over, go to 1 Corinthians chapter 14. We see that similar phraseology used in chapter 14. In verse number six, it says there, now brethren, if I come unto you speaking with tongues, what shall I prompt you, except I shall speak to you either by revelation or by knowledge or by prophesying or by doctrine, and even things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the sound, how shall it be known what is piped or harp? For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle? So in 1 Corinthians 14, the distinction of the sound is referring to verse six, where it says by revelation, knowledge prophesying or doctrine. So what shall I prompt at you, if I'm speaking in a different language, if you don't even know what doctrine, what revelation, what amount of wisdom I'm giving you because you don't understand the language that I'm speaking, I'm not giving it a distinction. And he's giving that example there of a pipe, a harp, it says, how shall we know what is piped or harp if it doesn't give a distinction? Well, in like manner in chapter 13 and verse one, when it talks about the sounding brass and tinkling cymbal, it's basically almost relating the two. Because if you don't understand my language, how are you gonna stand my doctrine, right? Now, let's say you understand my language, but I don't show any love in regards to that. What good is it to you? You know, there's a saying that says, people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. You know, that sounds a little cheesy, but in reality, there's a lot of depth and understanding wisdom to that phrase right there. You know, because who cares how much you know, if you really don't love the people you're speaking to? You know, who cares if you know the gospel, if the people don't really genuinely know that you love them when you're out there giving it to them, okay? You know, the motive of going out there and seeing people saved ought to be that you love lost people. You love people, not so you can boast, not so you can say, I'm such a great soul winner, or I'm a part of a great soul winning movie. No, it's because you love people. And look, what good is it if you have the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity? It doesn't profit you. You become a sounding brass and as a tinkling cymbal. Now go with me, go to James chapter number two. James chapter number two. So in chapter 14, what good is it if you don't understand the language I'm speaking, but what if you do understand? What good is it if I really don't love you, okay? It goes to show you that love is very important to the Lord. And obviously we don't know who genuinely loves people and who doesn't, that's a matter of the heart in a sense. All we can see is the fleshing out of that love in regards to so many. You know, I can't tell anybody's heart, but I can judge righteously to say that if you're going out there so many and given the gospel, you're seeing people saved, I can pass judgment and say that person loves the Lord. You know, that person loves lost people, okay? That's all we can basically tell. We obviously don't understand everything of the heart. We just base everything off of the actions that someone takes, right? Now look at James chapter two in verse number eight. It says here, if you fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. You do well. But if you have respect to persons, you commit sin and are convinced of the law as transgressors. Skip down to verse number 14. So with that context in mind of verse eight and nine, let's look at verse 14. It says, what doth it profit? So it's almost like the same phrase that we see in 1 Corinthians 13, 14, what does it profit, right? What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he have faith and have not works, can faith save him? If a brother or sister be naked in destitute of daily food and one of you say unto them, depart in peace, be warmed and filled, notwithstanding, ye give them not those things which are needful to the body, what doth it profit? Even so faith, if it have not works, is dead being alone. Now the Calvinists like to use James chapter two and all these false cults like to use James chapter two. And those who believe you have to work your way to heaven use James chapter two. Any false religion that I've ever spoken to have always brought up Matthew chapter seven and James chapter two, the worst chapters you can bring up in regards to subjects about salvation. It's like some Zionists bringing up to me Romans chapter 11. It's like they got me with Romans chapter 11, it's like that's the worst chapter you can use to try to prove your false doctrine. Those are the chapters that God uses to debunk your stupid beliefs, okay? But we understand that James chapter two is not referring to the fact that your faith can save you, or excuse me, your works can save you, or how they like to say, and by the way, in the false modern versions of the Bible, it says can that faith save him? It changes the meaning there, okay? But what this is talking about in context is the fact that our works prove that we're saved. To who? To people. Not to God, to people. Because just as we mentioned, look, if I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity, I'm becoming a sounding brass and tinkling cymbal. You know, what is it gonna profit anybody else if I say I have love but I have not charity to clothe someone, to feed someone, you know, to flesh out my faith? Now I could be saved, obviously. You know, to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly. His faith is counted for righteousness, but before who? For God. But in James chapter two, we do need to be justified before man. How do we do that? By basically having charity, by providing, by working, by doing those things that are pleasing unto the Lord, by providing for the needs of other people, okay? That's important. So a lot of people like to render James chapter two as being like a works-based salvation, you know, and obviously that's completely false and that's a sermon to preach for another day, but James chapter two is still in the Bible. James chapter two is still biblical and we need to learn from James chapter two, not just as a means to defend salvation, but as a means to really prove ourselves and say, man, I need to have charity in my life. You know, I need to make sure I have genuine love and make sure that, you know, my faith is, I'm fleshing it out, I'm working. Why? Because the Bible says that we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works. So, and look, here's the thing is in James chapter two, what do we see? The person saying, be warmed and filled. Look, that's a nice thing to say. You know, that seems like a right motive, right? Be warmed and, I want you to be warmed. I want you to be filled. I want your stomach to be full. I want you to be clothed. But you know, what good is it to someone to have someone say that to them, but not actually provide it? That's what he's saying right there, okay? In fact, go to first John chapter three. He said, what are you saying? Well, you're becoming sounding brass and tinkling symbols, okay? You're not given a distinction. You're not proving what you're saying, okay? Look, love is definitely an emotion, all right? It's definitely an emotion. You know what? But biblically, the definition of love is this. If you love me, keep my commandments. So God always relates love with an action, all right? And people will pull that, you know, snippet of what I just said and say, see, that's why we gotta keep God's commandments to be saved. It's like, what? It doesn't say, if you wanna be saved, keep my commandments. It says, if you love me, keep my commandments, okay? You know, the Pentecostals are, oh, you know, if you love me, keep my commandments. See, that's how you gotta make sure you're saved. That doesn't say anything about salvation, buddy. Where are you getting that from? If you love me, keep my commandments, okay? If we love the Lord, we're gonna keep his commandments and obey him. Look at first John chapter three. So it's not just a matter of lip service. You know, there's a lot of people that pay lip service. God wants to see action. But more than that, in order to profit someone from your supposed charity, you need to basically act out upon what you're saying. Look at first John chapter three, verse 17. But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelt the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth. Why? Because though we have the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, we have become a sounding brass and tinkling cymbal. It doesn't profit anybody, why? Because we're not supposed to just love in word. You know, words are nice. Some people, you know, praising people, you know. Some people need words of affirmation. Some people need to be appreciated. Maybe you're the type of person that's just like, man, the way people express their love to me is by affirming their love to me, by saying a praiseworthy thing, you know what I mean? There's nothing wrong with that. But at the end of the day, we like to see action. We like to see something being done. You know, for God so loved the world that he what? He gave his only begotten son. So that's the example that we have in regards to charity. Look at James, go to Titus, excuse me, go to Titus chapter three. That's why James chapter two verse 18 says that if a man say he hath faith, but hath not works, excuse me, let me just read it here. It says, yay, a man may say, thou has faith and I have works show me thy faith without thy works. I will show thee my faith by my works. By the way, going to show that we can show our faith, right, without our works. Okay, so it's not a matter of, no, you gotta have both. They gotta work in tandem. You know, I've been editing like dispensational stuff like all this week. And you know, when you edit, you have to go through like an entire sewage of just false doctrine for hours on end. It's just like, these guys are psychos, you know. But you have to listen to it. So I put it on fast forward, you know. I'm gonna have faith and I have works. You know, it's just like, the entire time it's just like, I can't believe these people believe this stuff, you know. Well, this is one of the main things that they hold to is just like, you gotta have works. And even in the, you know, I'm not gonna repreeze the message just in the Old Testament. It's faith and works, faith and works. Stupid. Look at Titus three, verse eight. This is a faithful saying and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and what? Profitable unto men. You see, when you maintain good works, it profits who? Profits men. Okay, why? Because you're working, you're doing things, you're affirming your love towards people as you do it. So it's not just a matter of lip service. Don't just pay lip service, do the work. You know, a perfect example of this is these liberal fund center churches that talk about how they love God. They talk about how they love the lost, but they don't do any sowing. You know, they have their VBS, whatever programs and you know, their special days when they bring everyone in, no one gets saved. They just sign a membership card, you know, and that's it. No, that's not true love. True love gets out there. True love knocks on the doors. True love preaches the gospel. True love gets people saved. That's compassion. That's having love. That's showing someone that you love. I mean, what greater love can you show for someone than to just reach down there and pull them out of the flames of hell? That's good charity. But obviously, even after that, our charity can be demonstrated through providing for people's needs, just being, just having action, maintaining good work so that they can profit from these things. Now go to Matthew chapter six. Matthew chapter number six. We don't want to be sounding brass and tinkling cymbal. You know, we don't want to be someone who's just like, we got the prophecy down, we got the revelation down, we understand post-trip pre-wrath, we understand the replacement theology, we understand from Genesis to Revelation, but we have no charity, okay? Now look, let me just make myself very clear. In order for you to have proper charity, you have to have proper hate. There's no way around that. Because someone will pull something even out of this sermon and say, how can you say you have charity? You rejoice at the fact that the shooting in Orlando. Heck yeah, I rejoiced at that. Because I hate those people. Because God hates them. So in order for me to have a proper love for the things of God, I have to have the proper hatred. You know, someone who just has all love but no hatred, you know what they have? They have a little bit of love, but the rest of it is just flattery is what it is. You hear what I've just said? You know, they got to flatter people who they don't like, you know? Or they got to flatter people who they naturally should hate. You have to flatter them. No, why don't we have the proper balance and just say, hey yeah, I love the things of God, I love the Lord, I love the lost, I love my family, my children, I love the people in our church, but I hate those who hate the Lord. You need to love the Lord, hate evil. You can't have one without the other. In order for you to have a complete, mature, proper, biblical love, you have to have a proper hatred. You see, people misconstrue hatred. They think when they say, you know, I'm hateful and all these things, it's just, I'm just so angry, you know? You're watching too much Hollywood movies. You know, you're watching too many movies and you've just been brainwashed by Gandhi and by this yoga Christianity, you know, this stupidity out there. You know, I honestly believe, and I've seen it in my personal life, the most hateful people are the most nicest, joyful people. Hatred is an emotion, okay? Hatred means I despise something. Something is abominable to me and I despise it. Now look, vengeance belongeth unto the Lord, right? He will repay. We should not try to recompense ourselves. We understand that. But look, just the mere fact that hell exists shows that God hates. So as much as you want to believe in love, right, that gives everlasting life, then you must believe in hate that gives eternal damnation. You can't have one without the other, okay? So I don't even know where I was going with that, but the fact is is that in order to have proper charity, we have to have the proper hatred, okay? Now, here's the thing is, you know, it's interesting that the Bible says in 1 Corinthians chapter 13 that you become a sounding brass and tinkling cymbals because cymbals are loud, right? And in fact, in Psalms 150 verse five, you don't have to turn there, it says praise him upon loud cymbals. Praise him upon high sounding cymbals. Let everything that have breath praise the Lord, praise he the Lord. Cymbals are loud, you know? So when you become a sounding brass and tinkling cymbals, guess what? That's a person who's very loud in the sense of they're boisterous about the works that they do and how much they love the Lord, but it doesn't mean nothing. They're full of hot air is what they are, okay? And again, the liberal fund centers, love Jesus, dude. Love God, we love, they always talk about the love of God. They're sounding brass, they're so loud about it, but you know what? They have no charity whatsoever, okay? They remind me literally of the Pharisees. Look at Matthew chapter six and verse number one. Take heed that you do not your alms, almost like basically talk about that charity, before men to be seen of them, otherwise you have no reward of your Father, which is in heaven. Therefore, when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before the as hypocrites do in the synagogues and the streets that they may have glory of men. Barely I say to you, they have their reward. So it's saying, look, when you do a good deed, don't just blow the trumpet, don't become a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal, because it just so you don't have any love. You see, someone who has true love isn't looking for the recognition, they're looking for the profit of the person they're giving love to. So they're not trying to blow a trumpet once they give it. Makes sense? That's the Pharisees right there. They weren't living a godly life in order for them to like, so God can see how much they love him. No, they're doing it so they can show off, so they can blow that trumpet. Look at verse number three. But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth, that thine alms may be in secret, and thy Father which is seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly. And when thou prayest, thou shall not be as the hypocrites are, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues in the corner of the streets that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward. You see, the reward is what? Is the fact that God recognizes what they're doing and he's gonna answer that prayer. But you know what, if they're praying loudly, if they're sounding that trumpet, guess what? The reward that they're looking for is that people would recognize how godly they are. And I've seen this. You know, I used to know a guy at my old church, okay, who used to do that. I see some people smiling in the crowd right now, you guys already know what I'm talking about. You know, he'd be walking down the hallway with his Bible, reading it out loud. It's like, who does that? It's like, hey, reading the Bible, huh? He's like, oh yeah, I love the Bible, you know? Praying out loud in the main auditorium early in the morning so that everyone can hear him. You know, preaching in the showers, you know, loud. Well guess what, he had his reward. People heard his sermon. You know, we heard what he was praying about. You know, how godly he was in his prayer life. But you know what, that's all he's gonna get. Why, because he became a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal, loud, sounding that trumpet. Verse number five says, and when thou prayest, thou shall not be as the hypocrites are, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men, but are they saying to you they have their reward? But thou will not prayest enter into thy closet and thou hast shut thy door, prayed to thy father, which is in secret, and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. Look, and by the way, side note here, we need to be a people of prayer. Everyone said, oh, we just need to hit on this because we talk about so many different things. We need to talk about prayer. You know, sometimes I gotta catch myself as like, man, I need to depend on the Lord more. You know, to really express faith before God, how do we do that? By praying. Because when you're asking God for a need, you're expressing I need you. I have faith that you can provide for this need that I have, therefore I am, oh, but I know my Bible. Yeah, but you need to pray. It's a command of the Lord that says pray without ceasing. Okay, to pray in secret. No, I got everything taken care of. Then you know what? Then go ahead, take care of yourself, and when God takes your legs and your paycheck and your possessions, then you'll look for him. Okay, we have to make sure that we seek for God when the rain is there, when the paycheck's there, when we're being fed, when the bills are being paid for. That's when we need to see God. Okay, so to say God, please continue to help me to provide for my family, continue to clothe me, feed me, keep me strong and healthy so I can continue doing the work of the Lord, okay? Verse seven says, but when you pray, use not vain repetitions, Catholics, as the heathen do. Sorry. For they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them, for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask him. You know, vain repetitions, I mean, I don't know how a Catholic can read that and not come to that conclusion. That's a vain repetition. You know the, yeah, exactly, don't read it. You know the 35 Hail Marys, the Our Fathers, which are in heaven, I don't know how many you have to do. They even have a rosary bead so they can keep count, right? They have their rosary and it has a certain amount of beads and as they say their Hail Marys, they're like, you know, passing it on to the next. They're just counting, they don't love the Lord. You know, when it becomes such a drudgery and just a repetitious act, that's not true love. You see, what if I just said the same exact thing to my wife every single day, nothing new, just the same thing every single day. My wife would be like, is everything all right? You know, you sound like a robot. You know, we're not getting anywhere with this relationship here. You know, I know you had a good day today, you know. I know you've been doing this, can we talk about something else? You know, when we talk to the Lord, what is it? We're talking to the Lord, you know. So when you're speaking to God, when you're praying in secret, you know, you're just pouring out your heart into the Lord. Don't be self-righteous before the Lord when you're speaking. Be as humble as you can, talk about your weaknesses, you know, talk about how much you love Him and then, you know, maybe you're one of these types that you struggle with hating, the biblical hatred. You know, by the way, that was me at one point. I had to praise God, help me to hate the things that you hate, because I don't. I struggle with that, you know. I grew up as a Christian not knowing those things and being embedded with a lot of false doctrine. I'm sorry about that, Lord, help me to learn how to hate as I ought to hate, because obviously, my lack of hatred shows my lack of love as well. You know, it's okay to just open your heart into the Lord and just be honest with Him, you know, but in secret. Obviously, you know, you're doing it in secret so the Lord can reward you openly. Go to Luke chapter 12. So, but the Pharisees wouldn't do that. You know, a lot of Christians don't do it. They like to sound the trumpet when they do a good deed. You know, they like to sound the trumpet when they're doing their alms or whatever. You know, they're becoming a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal, just like these Pharisees. Luke chapter 12, verse number one, it says, in the meantime, when they were gathered together in an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, He began to say unto His disciples, first of all, beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is what, hypocrisy. So, what is hypocrisy? It's saying one thing, but doing another. It's saying that you do one thing, but you're actually doing another. That's what a hypocrite is, and that's exactly what the Pharisees were guilty of. Go to Matthew chapter 23, we'll see an example of this. You know, no one's perfect, obviously. We're gonna fail, we're gonna falter, and there's gonna be times when we're hypocrites, too. It's just like, man, you know? And here's the thing is, you say, well, how do I know the balance? Well, the balance is when you figure out that you're being a hypocrite, stop being a hypocrite. Right. It's like, oh, man, I'm being a hypocrite. Lord, forgive me, I repent, help me to get that right. You know, don't be like the other hypocrite who was like, I'm not being a hypocrite. You know, all proud and haughty and just act like you got it all together. We're all sinners, no one's perfect. I'm not perfect, you're not perfect. It's okay to admit that to the Lord, you know? But just don't be this perpetual hypocrite where you don't think nothing's wrong with you. You know, and by the way, people resist people like that. Okay, when you try to make yourself out to be someone who just has it all together, you have no problems whatsoever. Like, life is just a bed of roses and daisies. Nothing's going wrong. You're living in candyland that doesn't exist. And by the way, any person who has that attitude, everyone knows you got issues. Because what kind of person has to say something like that but a person who has a bunch of issues? It's like, this guy's got someone to hide. Whereas a person who's just transparent, no, I'm not saying, look, just go around and say, yeah, I got all kinds of issues. I'm struggling right now. No, I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is this, is just be real. Be real, don't be a hypocrite. Okay, look at Matthew chapter 23, verse number one. It says, then spake Jesus to the multitude and to his disciples, saying the scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat, all therefore, whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do. So because they're sitting in Moses' seat and they're adhering to the law of Moses, Jesus is saying, look, whatever they're telling you to do, do it, because that's a good thing. It's coming from Moses. Look what it says, but do not ye after their works, for they say and do not. What is that? That's a hypocrite, okay? So they like to talk about how they do all these things and how they obey the commandments of the Lord and all these things, but what are they doing? They're sounding their trumpet. They have zero charity and they're sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal, why? Because they say and they do not. We gotta make sure that we're a people of integrity that when we say, we do, okay? We're not all perfect with that, but you know what? We gotta strive to be a people of integrity, that when we call, we claim to be a so many church that we're out there so many, okay? That when we say amen and agree with the biblical role of the home, okay? That we're actually executing that in our own homes, okay? That when whatever doctrine that's being preached, that it's just like, hey, man, I agree with that, but are you living it out? Don't be as the Pharisees that say and do not. They say amen, but do not, you know? We need to make sure that, and by the way, it's okay to agree and say, man, amen, but I'm working on it. Nothing wrong with that, but to say amen and to agree, but completely live the opposite, that's being a hypocrite. You're as the Pharisees which say and do not. Yeah, you sit in Moses' seat, right? You're adhering to the Bible, but you're saying and you're doing not, okay? Now, Luke goes on to say, for they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne and lay them on men's shoulders, but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers, but all their works, here it goes, they do for to be seen of men, not because they love men, not because they love, excuse me, not because they love God, not because they love his commandments, not because they love his word, but because they wanna be seen of men. That's the motive behind their works. You know, we talked about people who go to church and they're not even saved, they go to church for like two, three years, they go sowing, you know, Pastor Anderson's talking about how wicked does a person have to be to get up on a Sunday morning, you know, put on a tie, get their Bible, go to church for an hour and a half, two hours, go sowing, you know, and not even be saved. You're a wicked person. I mean, you're a reprobate, obviously, at that point, because you're just weird, you know? Well, why are they doing it, to be seen of men? That's what's important to them, okay? But all their works they do to be seen of men, they make broader phylacteries, enlarge the borders of their garments. The phylacteries is talking about that stupid box that they put on their forehead, where it has all the scriptures, that make them look like a unicorn, it's like, they're all about that, they want you to know that the Old Testament, the Torah, is in their forehead, but it's not in their heart. And love the uppermost rooms at peace, and the chief seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the Markinsons, to be called of men, rabbi, rabbi. Oh man, don't even get me started on rabbi. I just had an entire argument with this person on Instagram about some idiot messaged me talking about, you know, Paul was a rabbi. It's like, did you read, did you read this verse here? You know? He's like, well, you know, Yeshua, I was like, don't even go there. Don't even bring that crap to me. Amen. No, but you gotta understand the Hebrew, I said, do you speak Hebrew or Greek fluently? I know a couple words here and there, so you're telling me you know a couple words here and there, and you're some sort of expert of what Hebrew and Greek is, and you're gonna teach me what it says? That's foolishness and folly. Well, you don't have to know the whole language to understand what the, yes you do. Amen. He said, well, you know, I encourage you to study. Well, you know what? I encourage you to get off of YouTube. Amen. Okay, and go actually read the Bible. It turns out he was claiming to be King James only, and at the end of the conversation, he's like, yeah, that's why you adhere to that King James Bible and all these things. Yeah, yeah, that's right. Amen. That's why I do adhere to it, because I'm saved. Amen. Right. And it's not Yeshua. Okay, if you want to say it properly in the Greek language is Jesus. Just like in Spanish, Jesus, or Jesus, excuse me. Jesus. Okay, and by the way, in different languages, Jesus too. Amen. It's all a variation of that word. Okay, not Yeshua. And then the idiot goes as far as to say, well, Yeshua, that's how you say Jesus. That's how they said Jesus in the Old Testament. I'm like, the name Jesus wasn't in the Old Testament. What are you talking about? It's in the New Testament. Amen. It's like, well, I meant Joshua. Jesus' name is not Joshua. What's wrong with these people? Anyways, and then that's when we got into the whole rabbi. Well, rabbi Jesus and rabbi Paul, you know, he knew all these, I'm like, it was crap to him. Paul said it was crap to him. Where does it say that it was crap to him? Show them Philippians chapter three. I count it, but dung. Dung means crap. Okay. You don't, yeah, in English. Okay, you didn't need me to give you the Greek lexicon on that one, okay. But here's the thing. They're like these Pharisees who love to be called to men, rabbi, rabbi, with their prayer shawl and their stupid phylactery in boxes on their forehead. Now go back to 1 Corinthians chapter 13. So what does verse number one tell us there? It says, though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity, I am become a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. So you didn't show much love to that guy. Yeah, I'm showing my hatred. Amen. Okay, and I am showing my love. I'm showing the extremities of my love by showing the extremities of my hatred. Amen. Okay, so it tells us there, look, you know, chapter 12 talks about the gifts. There are healings and even of tongues. Chapter 14, the gift of speaking with tongues. But then in verse, chapter 13 says, though I speak with those things and if I don't have love, I'm like nothing, okay? Look at verse number two. And though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith so that I can remove mountains and have not charity, I am nothing. So what is it telling us here? Look, you can have all these gifts, the ability to preach, to have faith in the Lord, to do great works in your personal life. You can remove mountains and all these things. But you know what, if you don't have love, you know, it doesn't really mean anything, okay? Because really people, what it is is this, people respond to love at the end of the day. They respond to love. That's why you gotta make sure that when you're talking to people, you're actually interested in what they're saying to you. Let me just give you a little bullet point here of how to have a good relationship with people in church, with your friends and family. When you're conversating with them, pay attention to what they're telling you. Don't be the person who just zones out while they're talking to you and you're just thinking about what to say next. You guys get that, or did you just do that to me? I'm just kidding. That's, because people see through that. You know, you gotta genuinely show love, and the way you show love is by paying attention to what they're saying, okay? Be genuinely interested in what the person is saying. Don't zone out and then say, man, I can't wait till I get in my next word here. I got something that I wanna bless you with real quick. And then sometimes it's just like, you didn't even ask a question, they're like, and they answer yes or no to the statement you made, it's just like, I didn't ask anything, I just told you something, you know? You know, if you really wanna show genuine love, pay attention to what people are saying. Love is important, okay? So prophecy is very much important, having faith is important, but you know what propels those things and what gets the attention of people is the love that you have, okay, for them. In fact, the Bible tells us, I already quoted it, but Ephesians 4, 15 says, but speaking the truth and love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ. And in fact, verse 14 says that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, carried about with every wind of doctrine. So it's talking about that prophesying, that preaching that'll help perfect people, but then he follows it up with verse 15 and says this, but speak the truth, that doctrine, and love. Now, churches today have misconstrued that verse to say, you know, when you're speaking the actual truth, you know, hating the sodomites or talking about reparations, you're not speaking the truth and love. What is that? So you want me to, hate sodomites. You know, it's just like, hate those who hate the Lord. How do you, what do you, what do you think that means? No, when the Bible says speaking the truth and love, we'll see here in 1 Corinthians chapter 13, that charity suffereth long. So when you're speaking the truth, you're being patient with people. You're being long suffering towards them, okay? You know, and I'm not talking about towards the sodomites. I'm talking about towards people in church. Cause look, not everyone right off the bat, when they come to our church and understand this, is gonna believe the reprobate doctrine. They'll even freak out if I say it from the pulpit, you know, how they all should just die. And they might be like, what in the world? You know, don't go up to them and say, yeah, do you believe they can be saved? What's wrong with you? You know, maybe they're just confused about it. Maybe they're taught differently. We need to be patient with them, have love. So give them the truth about the sodomites. Give them the truth about post-trip, pre-wrath and all these doctrines, but do it in love. What is love? Be patient, be long suffering, okay? Make sure that you're helping them. Because at the end of the day, what are you trying to do? Are you trying to convince them? You know, are you trying to help them? Or are you trying to make yourself look like some zealous Christian? You see, if the motive is, you know, I want to help this person understand this. They don't get fooled, confused by, you know, these churches that are teaching this false doctrine of the reprobates, you know, how they can be saved or whatever, you know, I don't want this person to be deceived, then you know what, you'll do it in love. You'll be patient with people. It's like, oh, that guy didn't understand. I think he's a reprobate. For sure, that guy's a reprobate. Why, because he just didn't listen to what you have to say? You know, why don't you have some love and be patient with him, you know? Now look, after the second and third admonition, okay, you know, and they're just arguing with you, then just let me know and we'll just give them the boot. Okay, nine and a half boot. But there's a difference. There's those who just don't understand and there are those who want to be contentious, they're argumentative, they don't want to hear it. So the second admonition is the patience. You know, that's the patience we're giving because we're assuming these people aren't understanding. But after a while, they're just like, well, no, you know, I've met a person, I've heard testimonies of Sodomites getting saved. You know, they repented of their sin and all these stupid garbage. Then it's just like, okay, this guy's not listening. It's time for you to go, okay? So let me see here. Look at verse three. We need to hurry up. We'll see on verse three. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Now, verse three seems like a contradiction, doesn't it? Because we just read in verse number one and two, having charity, and we talked about James chapter two, how if you really have charity, you're going to provide for people. I honestly think that verse three is talking about the motive, okay? That's what it's referring to. It's not contradicting itself. It's really just saying that, you know, it's referring to the fact that why are you doing it? And just to prove that, there's people all around the world, there's billionaires, Bill Gates, who gives millions and millions of dollars to charity. Does that guy really have love? No. There's a bunch of wicked people out in the world that give millions of dollars to charity. They help all kinds of organizations and health and all these things, but these people don't love anybody. You know, they're not giving their body to be burned. They should. But they're bestowing their goods to feed the poor. But what are they doing? To be recognized by the men. They use it as a tax write-off. That's what they're doing. Okay, at the end of the day, you need to have genuine love, okay? Let me give you an example of this. Go to Luke chapter 18. Luke chapter 18. This is a story of the publican and the Pharisee, okay? And they both go up to the temple to pray. And verse number 11 says, "'The Pharisee stood and prayed thus within himself. "'God, I thank thee that I am not as other men are, "'extortioners.'" By the way, extortion is bad. That gets you kicked out of the church. Unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. So these things, being a publican is pretty bad too, by the way. You know, extortioners, adulterers, being unjust, these are bad things. And this Pharisee's saying, I'm not one of those things. I fast twice in a week. I give tithes of all that I possess. And the publican standing afar off would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but he smote upon his breast saying, "'God, be merciful to me, a sinner.'" I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other, the Pharisee. For everyone that exalted himself shall be abased, and he that humbles himself shall be exalted. So we see that this guy did a lot of good things, but guess what? It wasn't with the right motive. He was basically trying to justify himself. He was self-righteous, as the Bible would call it, okay? Now, there's so much we could say about that, but we'll go back to 1 Corinthians chapter 13. You know, you see examples of that. John chapter 10, where the Pharisees, you know, they believed on him, but they chose not to confess him because, you know, they love the praise of man more than the praise of God. Okay, look at verse number four. Now it gets into the definitions of love here, and we'll just quickly read through them. I think you can, they're pretty self-explanatory, right? Charity suffereth long and is kind. Charity envieth not itself, excuse me, envieth not. Charity bounteth not itself, is not puffed up, does not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked. What does that mean? There's slow to anger, okay? So, you know, if you apply this to marriage, you know, you can't just blow your fuse, blow your top like at the drop of a hat, okay? You can't just be like, what do you want? It's like, I only asked once, you know? You can't have a short fuse, or with your children, you can't have a short fuse, you know what I mean? Now, disobedience requires immediate action, okay? But we need to be patient, okay? We need to be patient with people. We need to be patient with our wives, with our husbands, with our children, you know, with people just in general, okay, but you're not easily provoked. You don't just lose it at the drop of a hat. You know, practice self-control. That's what you need to do, okay, temperance. Thinketh no evil. Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth. You know, when we have a conversation, what do you talk about? Filthy things, do you rejoice in filthy talk, ingestings? Or do you rejoice in the truth, you know, doctrine? You know, talking about the Bible. Bear with all things, believe with all things, hope with all things, endureth all things. Now, I wanna get into this part right here, and we're almost done. Verse number eight says, charity never faileth, but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail. Whether there be tongues, they shall cease. Whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part, but when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. Now, for a long time, verse eight through 10 kind of perplexed me a little bit, and I remember even teaching in Bible college. I taught this chapter, and you know, I kinda, I didn't teach it as thoroughly as I wanted to in a sense of, I wasn't very sure if this was biblical, but looking at it now, it's just like, I believe that this is what it means, and I'm gonna give you my interpretation of what verse eight through 10 means. So, charity never faileth, but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail. Whether there be tongues, they shall cease. Whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. What does he mean when he says in verse number nine, For we know in part, and we prophesy in part, but when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. What I believe that's referring to, what Paul is talking about, when he talks about in part, he's referring to the Old Testament, okay? And this is the reason why I believe that this is what he's referring to, okay? First and foremost, he says we know in part, prophesy in part, why? Because that's what they had. They had the Old Testament. Obviously, during this time, many of the scriptures of the New Testament were being written, but the canonized Bible was not complete at that time. So, they knew in part, they prophesied in part, and in fact, at the end of verse number eight, it says whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. Well, in Hebrews chapter number eight, verse 13, what does it say about the Old Covenant in the Old Testament? It says that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away. And then in First Corinthians, it says therefore, we know in part, prophesy in part, but when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. I believe that's referring to the Old Testament. They knew in part, they prophesied in part, but now which is perfect is come, talking about the Bible, then that which is in part shall be done away. Now, in Hebrews chapter number eight, by that time, I mean, once Jesus died, the Old Testament was done. We understand that. But then again, we see Hebrews chapter eight was where it says that which has vanished, or excuse me, waxeth old and decayeth is ready to vanish away. I think that was just a play on words that the Apostle Paul was using, because it was just, people weren't adhering to Judaism anymore, okay? Because obviously we know, according to Hebrews eight, Hebrews nine, the Old Covenant was done once Jesus Christ was crucified, all right? So I believe that's what he's referring to there. And here's another reason why I believe that. Look at verse number 11. So verse number 11 is in smack dab of this entire discourse here. And it's just like, what does this have to do with anything? When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things. Let me show you something real quick. Go to Galatians chapter number four. Galatians chapter number four. You're in Galatians four, look above to Galatians chapter three, depending on what size Bible you have. Chapter three and verse 26 it says, for you're all children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ, there's neither Jew nor Greek, there's neither bond nor free. There's neither male nor female for you're all one in Christ Jesus. And if you be Christ, then, excuse me, then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. Chapter four, verse one. Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a child, defereth nothing from a servant, though he be Lord of all. Now, what does that mean in verse number one? You know, that the child differs nothing from the servant. Well, obviously he's talking about in reference to those who are saved and those who are unsaved. For example, in John chapter eight, when referring to those who are not saved and those who are saved, Jesus says this, the servant abideth not in the house forever, but the son abideth forever, okay? Now, the servant is the person who is not saved. And what I believe it's referring to in chapter four and verse number one, it says that the heir, as long as he is a child, deferred nothing from the servant, though he be Lord of all. Why is that? Because in the Old Testament, both saved and unsaved people had to adhere to the law of the Old Testament. Because obviously not all of Israel was saved, right? There was unsaved people within the congregation of Israel. And whether there were servants or whether there were children, they were still under that law. They still had to adhere to the governors and the tutors. They still have to do the sacrifices and observe the holy days, the Sabbaths, et cetera. They differed not one from another. Now, look at verse number two. But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father. Now, who are the tutors and governors? Those are the Levites. The Levites were the ones who were governed. They would teach the people, okay? The ordinances there, verse number three. Even so we, not speaking to physical Israelites, now let's talk about to those in Galatia. Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world. So these people in the Old Testament, whether they were saved or unsaved, what were they in bondage to? They were in bondage to the law. The ordinances, meats and drinks and diverse washings, as Hebrews chapter nine talks about. But those who were not a part of Israel, those who were just Gentiles according to the flesh, what were they in bondage to? The elements of the world, why? Because they still had the law of God written on their hearts, okay? They were excusing them as the Bible would say. Now, look at verse number four. But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his son, made of a woman, made under the law to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. So what I believe first Corinthians 13, verse 10 is talking about, is when I say, when I was a child, I spake as a child and stood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things. What is he talking about? The Old Testament that has vanished away. He's putting that away. Why is it? Because there's people during these times that were still adhering to Old Testament practices and teachings. Well, guess what? They're growing up. And look, there's people today that still want to adhere to that. Even though the Bible tells us, therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. You know, all these people who want to adhere to Judaism and they want to adhere to the Old Covenant, all these dipsticks, dispensationalists, you know what they need? They need to grow up. When we were children, we were under tutors and governors. You know, we're under the elements of the world, but you know what? When I became a man, I put away childish things. That which is old is ready to vanish away. That which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away. So in 1 Corinthians chapter number 13, he says there, but now which is perfect is come, the now which is in part shall be done away. And then he says, when I was a child, I spake as a child, understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things. Verse 12, for now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face, now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known. So even during this time, though they were no longer in the Old Testament law, guess what? We're still looking through a glass darkly. Because now it's just like, man, what about the resurrection? How's that going to look? You know, we don't know. Obviously we see details in the Bible, but we can't, you know, we have an imagination that can kind of help us to really understand how the resurrection is going to look, how heaven's in the new Jerusalem and how these things are going to take place. I mean, when we get raptured, it's just, are we going to, what does it feel like to float? I mean, we're going to fly, you know, the body's just going to go through the graves, coffin and all, how does that work? You know, or how about the people who were burned, who were saved, or those who were eaten by animals or whatever, and the ocean, you know, are the bones just going to find each other? How does that look? Obviously we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face, you know, one day we will understand these things, just as those in the Old Testament saw through a glass darkly, the New Testament. You see what I'm saying? In fact, 1 John 3, 2 says, "'Beloved, now we are the sons of God, "'and it doth not yet appear what we shall be, "'but we know that when he shall appear, "'we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.'" We don't know what our resurrected bodies are going to look. Am I going to have a six pack, you know? Full set of hair, what kind of color eyes am I going to have? You know, am I chiseled features? We don't know, probably not, okay? Sorry to bump you up, are we all going to have beards, as far as the guys are concerned? Maybe if my resurrected body will have a beard, you know, whatever. We don't know, you know, it's just, we don't know. But we do know this, is that we shall be like him, right? "'For we shall see him as he is.'" What does that mean? Glorified, okay, we will be glorified. And then verse 13 says, "'Now abide in faith, hope, charity, these three, "'but the greatest of these is charity.'" So we say, look, man, faith is important, you know, hope is important, but you know, we need to have love, okay? And look, that little chunk of doctrine right there was important, that's important to know, because it just reinforces replacement theology, amen? Reinforces the fact that the old covenant's done away with, it's vanishing away, you know, we have the canonized 66 books of the Bible, I don't need no Judaic, you know, literature, that that idiot was trying to, you know, get me to read or whatever, he's like, haven't you read the Judaic, you know, literature? No, I mean, yeah, give it to me, I'll use it as toilet paper. That's the only prophet that that kind of literature will have, okay? I'm not interested in any of that, okay? What I'm interested in is in the 66 books that God wrote for me, the Bible that's already canonized, okay, when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away with, the old covenant is done with, okay? But we need to have love, amen? Love, charity, all right, let's pray. Follow me, thank you so much, pray God that you'd be with us, Lord, and help us to grow in our love, and Lord, you know, it doesn't come naturally in a sense, but it's something that we can grow in, it's something that we can learn, and you know, all of us have an emotional type of love, even for the things of God, but we need to learn how to translate that emotional love into action, and I pray that that's what you would help us in, and how to apply our love, whether it's in our marriage, it's with our children, it's with the brethren, and it's with the lost, I pray God that you'd help us to do so. In Jesus' name we pray, amen. Amen.