(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . So again, we're going to get into this here in a moment about distinguishing the physical and the spiritual. We're going to look at a good example here. Just wanted to kind of lay some, some groundwork. I just want to show you the benefit to studying the Bible. Okay? It actually says in the Bible that we, that is how we get God's approval is by studying the word. Not just because we're special or because we were kind to the guy downtown or because we fed people with ham sandwiches. Okay? That is not how we show ourselves approved unto God, you know, which by the way, a lot of these churches around here, they gloat about that. And they brag about that. Oh, we've got this multi-meal ministry and we're just slopping it up to people and we do all these works. And so we're approved unto God and you're a hate preacher and blah, blah, blah. It's like, yeah, well, you don't even know what chapter the Bible talks about when it, you know, when I mentioned the parable of the towns, you know, you start asking these people specific things in the Bible, basic things. Okay? A conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus and most of them are like, well, I think it's in Luke, you know, but, but it doesn't, it doesn't matter. Doctrines for, you know, scholars, you know, that's the attitude today. And that's why we have a world filled today with people who on one hand say they're Christians and definitely aren't approved by God. And then we have people who are saved and are Christians, but they're unlearned and they definitely are not approved unto God. Okay. So we're talking about studying the word of God. It showed you the benefit. Now let me give you a warning here. Okay? The Ecclesiastes chapter 12, look at verse number 12. So Solomon and his wisdom given to him by God says this, says, and further by these my son be admonished of making many books. There is no end and much study is a weariness of the flesh. So I just wanted to throw that out there to kind of let you guys know that you definitely want to have some balance. Okay. And you want to obviously do your Bible reading. And I would say, you know, if you want to really be up on studying doctrines and things like that, do not neglect your reading because that is such an integral part. And it adds balance because I'm telling you right now that studying in anything is a weariness of the flesh. You know, I have to study for my job. I have to study for these sermons. And some days I'm just seeing double of everybody. And I'm just like, man, when is this going to stop? When is this going to be over? But at the end of the day, I love it. Go back to second Peter chapter three, and we are going to get started here. Second Peter chapter three, one more time. And by the way, because study is such a weariness of the flesh is a reason why so many people don't do it. It's why so many people don't want to study the Bible. They want to maybe go online or go get a commentary, just get the cliff notes, you know, and some people watch sermons to get through it. And that's great. You know, watch as many as you can handle, but just understand that much study is a weariness of the flesh. And you want to make sure that you're studying along with those sermons that you're watching so that you absorb it and that you can explain it in a way that makes sense to you and other people. So one more time here. Second Peter chapter three, verse 16. Peter says, this is also in all his epistles. Again, we know that's talking about Paul, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable rest, as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction. So let's break this down here real quickly. Go to Acts chapter number four. Let's talk about unlearned and unstable. Let's talk about these groups here for a moment. What does it mean to be unlearned? What does it mean to be unstable? Are there any other examples in the Bible? Acts chapter number four. Look at verse number 13. Acts chapter four, verse number 13. The Bible says this. It says, Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled and they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus. So what this means here, and I've heard people use this verse and say, Well, you know, what this means is that Peter and John, you know, they could barely speak, they couldn't write. It's, you know, but God just miraculously did this. Now, God did a lot of miracles to them. But what this means here, okay, by unlearned and ignorant men regarding Peter and John, is that from a worldly perspective, they were not worldly educated. However, these people here took note that they were spiritually educated. Okay? And that's the camp that we want to find ourselves in. Which means we don't need to go to some Bible college, fork over a bunch of money to get an education. Okay? And we ought not to be ashamed of that. You know, one of the big accusations about pastors like me, people that come to a church like this, is they'll say, Where did your pastor go to Bible school? I want to see a degree. I want to see this. I want to see that. And it's like, Hey, here we have an example of two apostles that obviously knew what they were talking about. They were inspired by God. They were sent on a mission by God. And people knew that they had knowledge, but they weren't educated by the world. Okay? That's the camp that we find ourselves in. That is the type of people that we desire and want to be. Go to 1 Corinthians chapter number 14. 1 Corinthians chapter number 14. Which, by the way, kind of gives you some insight on people's mindsets when they do throw out those accusations. And a lot of saved people will do this, too. There are people that are saved that, you know, and I had a pastor a long time ago. He's like, You will not make it if you don't go to Jeff Fuget's Bible college over in Kentucky. You know, he was just real big on that. Love the guy to death. Great pastor. But, you know, some of these guys, they just can't let it go. You just have to have that signed degree. Otherwise, you are nothing. But, you know, we want to be perceived as unlearned and ignorant in the world's things, but learned and not ignorant in spiritual things. And the way you're going to do that is by studying the Bible, reading the word of God, coming to church, fellowshipping with people, so on and so forth. 1 Corinthians chapter 23. Now, let's look at the real definition of unlearned and these unstable folks. 1 Corinthians 14, 23. Great speaking in tongues chapter here. The Bible says this, If therefore the whole church become together into one place, and all speak with tongues, which are languages, and there come in those that are unlearned. Now, look at this distinction here, okay? So, he says, If those that come in and are unlearned or unbelievers, will they not say that ye are mad? Okay? So, again, you have this distinction. You have people that are unlearned. So, you have people that are saved. Maybe they called upon the name of the Lord, but they haven't been coming to church. They haven't been reading the Bible, okay? And what Paul's basically saying here is the church service needs to be ran in decency and in order, so that when people come in, they're not like, What is going on here? Is this a circus? Is this some kind of a freak show? Which, by the way, is what you're going to see if you walk into a Pentecostal church, okay? It's just absolute mayhem. Look at verse 24. He says, But if all prophesy and all, and there come in one that believeth not, right, so somebody who's unsaved, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all. Okay? So, again, the idea here is you don't have an open mic type system where one guy gets up, preaches for a little bit, another guy gets up, says something a little bit different, another person gets up and says something different, you know, or you just have, like, 20 people getting up and just preaching different messages. People are going to get confused, okay? God wants the church service ran to where it is very simple, very clear. Why? So that it is a testimony to people that are unlearned or just not saved, and when they come in here, they see that and they get convicted and they accept the word of God, okay? So, whereas the unlearned, the idea is that he would get the desire to want to study the word of God and grow so that he can move from unlearned to circumspect and, obviously, the unbeliever that he may get saved. Now, go backwards, same book, 1 Corinthians chapter number 2. 1 Corinthians chapter number 2. And again, understand, people that are unlearned and unsaved, what do they do? They wrestle with the scriptures, okay? So, easy question, should we be going to these types of people to get our commentary, to get tips about studying the Bible? Obvious answer is no. Okay, and understand that these unlearned people and these ignorant or these unbelievers that Paul's talking about, some of these people make it very high up on the worldly educated side and they write Christian books and they write Christian commentary and they give speeches, they start podcasts and they say a lot of things that may make sense and they dupe a lot of people, okay? But at the end of the day, they wrestle with the scriptures to their own destruction. Here's another example. The other day, a side clip of Donald Trump using, he was quoting somewhere in 1 John. I want to say it was 1 John chapter number 2 and he applied these verses to the United States of America and it's like that is not at all what that means or what that's talking about. You're way off base. You know, talk about somebody wrestling with the scriptures to their own destruction. That guy is definitely an example of that. 1 Corinthians 2, look at verse number 12. So Paul says, Now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God. What is that? That's the indwelling of the Holy Ghost which gives us comfort, gives us understanding of the scriptures. Okay, rest of the verse. That we might know the things that are freely given to us. Okay, and that is so important. Things that are freely given to us. You do not have to go to a Bible college or become a scholar to receive the deep things of the word of God because these things are freely given to us. Verse 13, he says, Which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth but which the Holy Ghost teacheth. Comparing spiritual things with spiritual. And that's what we're going to do here in just a moment. Understand you have the indwelling of the Holy Ghost. And when you read the Bible, the Holy Ghost gives you ideas. The Holy Ghost teaches you and helps you to understand these things. Look at verse 14. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness unto him. Neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned. Okay, that is so important for us to understand that the word of God as a whole is spiritually inspired. It is God-breathed and only the children of God have the capability to really teach and understand these things. Verse 15, But he that is spiritual judgeth all things. Yet he himself is judged of no man. Why does it say that? Because if you really study the word of God to the point to where you seek to be approved unto God, guess what? You're going to have to make judgments. You're going to have to look at your surroundings. You're going to have to look at what's being pitched to you. You're going to have to look at situations and you're going to have to make spiritual judgments about those things. And it says, Yet he himself is judged of no man. Why? Because remember what Paul told Timothy that when you study the word of God and you find yourself approved unto God, you are not to be ashamed. So let's move on to our example. Go to the book of Isaiah. Isaiah chapter number seven. Isaiah chapter number seven. Now about two years ago now I taught, almost two years, in July it'll be two years, I taught a series out of the book of Isaiah and I mentioned this verse here and I actually got a few people very mad at me. And you'll see why here in a second. And so I purposed in my heart to one day come back to this and do it all over again. Just kidding. Isaiah chapter seven verse 15. So basically we're just going to spend the rest of the time here breaking down this verse and I'm just going to show you an example here that you can hopefully use in your own time on how to distinguish the physical and the spiritual and how those two can actually come together and how you can get a deeper meaning out of the Bible. Isaiah chapter seven. Look at verse 15. This is the verse right here. This is talking about the Lord Jesus Christ. It says this, talking about the Messiah says, butter and honey shall he eat that he may know to refuse the evil and choose the good. I don't know about anybody here. I don't know if these weird things just happen to me because I'm going to tell the story and you can learn from it or what. But I've heard, preached many times this and it sounds good that, you know, if you eat butter and honey, there's science now and it really demonstrates how good it is for the brain and the body. And look, I agree with that. I agree with that. And I said that the last time I talked about this. I agree with that. But this is not talking about physical butter and physical honey. So you saying Jesus didn't eat those things? I don't know. They were available probably. Okay? But let me break this down for you. Let's see. What's the deal here? Okay? So you look at a verse like this. Okay? Butter and honey shall he eat that he may know to refuse the evil and choose the good. So let's say you come across this verse. You come across a verse like this. One thing that you can ask yourself to understand, okay, does this have like a different meaning? Does this have a spiritual meaning? Is to just read it in the physical. Okay? And ask yourself, does butter and honey by themselves, do they teach people to actually refuse evil and choose good? So, for example, okay, let's go solany. Okay? Because I preached this last time and I said this wasn't talking, you know, this has like pretty much zero physical application and somebody got really mad. Oh, I can't believe you're basically saying you can eat jack in the box. Look, I don't know what to tell you. Okay? But if butter and honey get people to choose righteousness, to choose good and refuse evil, then why aren't we taking it out soul winning and giving it to people at the door? Why don't you give it to these freaks out here? Okay? Why don't you go down to the jailhouse and give it to all the reprobates? Or just give it to the people that are just having a rough time, that just always seem to wind up there. They're not reprobates but they're just always winding up in trouble. Okay? You know how much money the United States government could save if that was the case? And I told this person that through another person. And oh, you're just hating on people that follow diets and want to be healthy. No, I'm not. It doesn't work that way and you know that. You can give somebody who's always in trouble, somebody who's just evil to the core. You can give them as much raw grass fed butter and honey. You can give them the most expensive style and guess what? It will not change their behavior. It's not going to happen. If this was the case, we wouldn't have had so many problems in churches from Peter's day until now. Okay? Because we would just have a jar of butter and a jar of honey that people could just take right away. You know, just every single day. You come to church, no arguments today. It's obvious that those two things by themselves don't do that. Now I'm not saying that they don't have physical healing or properties or whatever. Okay? Yes, I'm sure they are good for you, but they are not going to teach you to refuse evil. It is not going to happen. That doesn't work that way and these people should know that. But again, the Bible says the natural man receiveth not the things that are the spirit of God. Okay? So we just have to understand that and be okay with that. So let's ask the question then What does this mean? Well, what you want to do is you want to take these words in a verse like this. So we'll start with butter. Okay? Go to Judges chapter number five. Keep your place in Isaiah, but go to Judges chapter number five. You want to maybe take these verses. So we'll take butter, we'll take honey, we'll mention eating, and we'll break these things down and we'll kind of look at the physical in the Bible and see if there's another spiritual meaning that we can draw from this verse. Okay? Judges chapter number five, verse 25. So this, we're going to read this verse here just to get you caught up to speed. This is the story of the woman jail who winds up smiting a man named Sisera. God used her to deliver the children of Israel. So with that in mind here, look at what it says in verse 25. It says he, meaning Sisera, he asked water and she gave him milk. She brought forth butter in a lordly dish. Okay? So when you're studying the Bible, you want to pay attention to things like this. So it says that she gave him milk and then says brought forth butter in a lordly dish. So obviously those two are teaching you that this is a dairy product. Okay? And that this is what she brought him specifically. Now go to 2 Samuel chapter number 17. Okay? And if we had time, we could really get into the story because really Sisera's on the run and he comes to jail and he's thirsty and he needs her to hide him and he asks for something to drink and she's like, sure, you know, you want some water? I'll give you some butter, right? Because that's going to comfort you. Okay? That's going to put you to sleep. That's going to really quench your thirst. Here's another example of that. It's going to satiate you. It's going to sustain you. Here's another example in 2 Samuel 17 verse 29. It says, and honey and butter and sheep and cheese of kind for David and for the people that were with him to eat for they said the people is hungry and weary. Now look at this and thirsty in the wilderness. So in the physical here, we see that honey and butter do what? Well, we see that the butter sustains because people are hungry, but we see that the honey, I'm sorry, we see that the butter quenches thirst. I'm sorry. The butter quenches thirst and the honey is what satisfies their hunger and also the cheese and things of that nature. Okay? So we can see that these two things here satiate and they also quench thirst. Okay? Go to 1 Samuel chapter number 14. And I'll mention this here again, but basically just two verses. What do you get out of butter? Okay? Well, you get that butter satisfies. Okay? It satisfies thirst. It satiates. It really helps out. But what about honey? Okay. We already kind of saw that it can help with hunger. But 1 Samuel chapter 14 verse 27 says where Saul is beginning to lead the children of Israel. He makes this stupid covenant says nobody's going to eat anything. And Jonathan just didn't hear that. He didn't understand that. He went out and he fought the Philistines. He's exhausted. Okay? He is just, I mean, almost out of his mind exhausted. And look what the Bible says here. 1 Samuel 14 verse 27. It says, but Jonathan heard not when his father charged the people with the oath, wherefore he put forth the end of the rod that was in his hand and dipped it in an honeycomb and put his hand to his mouth. And look at this. And his eyes were enlightened. Okay? So what do we see here physically about honey in this verse? Well, we see that Jonathan, after fighting, after war, after complete exhaustion, gets a little bit of honey here on a stick and his eyes were enlightened. So it restores his mental focus. Okay? It's good for his hunger, good for his clarity. It kind of brings him back to himself here. And so we can see that this sweet, you know, refreshing treat is obviously good for the mind. It actually helps with exhaustion. Okay? Go to Psalm chapter 119 and you're going to go deep into Psalm 119 to verse 103. And let's get the application. What could honey mean? Well, we see that butter is a picture of sustenance. Butter is a picture of satiating hunger. Well, what about honey? We see that honey in the physical restores mental focus. It also acts kind of like the butter does and it helps with hunger. But look at what the Psalm says. Psalm 119, 103 says this, How sweet are thy words unto my taste, yea, sweeter than honey to mine mouth. And of course, there's tons of verses on this. Psalm 19 verse 10 talks about the Word of God being sweeter than honeycomb. And so you can, you know, you look the word honey up, you're going to find honey, Word of God oftentimes mentioned in the same passage. And so we can come to the conclusion that the honey is a representation of the Word of God. Okay, everybody following? Go to Proverbs chapter number 30. Proverbs chapter number 30. So just, you know, real quick study, butter is a picture in the physical of satiating your hunger. Honey is more of a picture of the Word of God, enlightening the eyes in the physical, like with Jonathan. Hopefully you start to see where this is going. Okay, look at this here in Proverbs 30 verse 33. So the Bible says this, Surely the churning of milk bringeth forth butter and the ringing of the nose bringeth forth blood. So the forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife. And so I want you to pay attention to the first part of that verse there. Surely the churning of milk bringeth forth butter. So let's start to apply this. Now go back to Isaiah chapter number seven. Okay, so for example, when you look at a gallon of milk, you don't see butter. Okay, now you might have a visual of butter, but it takes some serious work to actually extract the butter out of that milk, doesn't it? It's the same thing with a honeycomb, right? When you see a honeycomb, if you've ever seen one that's not at the store, you know, out in the wild, or you see one on a YouTube video surrounded by bees, you know, you have to get through the bees. You have to get through the honeycomb. You have to get a lot of it to extract that honey. When you look at a honeycomb like that, you don't see the jar of honey that's, you know, on the shelf all done for you, just all perfectly ready to go for you to put on your toast or whatever it is. Okay? There's a meaning behind that as well. And that's kind of what this verse is talking about. The churning of milk bringeth forth butter. Understand it takes work to do that. Isaiah chapter seven, verse 22. So again, same passage where we started. Look at what this says here in verse 22. It says, and it shall come to pass for the abundance of milk that they shall give, he shall eat butter for butter and honey shall every one eat that is left in the land. So obviously there is a lot of positive references in the Bible to butter and honey. Okay? But in order to have those things, there needs to be an abundance. So what did we say? We said that the butter is a picture and the physical of being satiated. Honey is a picture of the word of God, which like Jonathan, when he said it opened his eyes, meaning he came to himself. You need an abundance of those things in order to get those. Okay? So large amounts of physical milk are needed to get butter. Large amounts of spiritual milk are needed to get spiritual butter. And that's the conclusion that you could come to in that case. And so seeing that, you know, hopefully you can kind of apply that. We'll apply that here to the verse where we started in Isaiah chapter seven, verse 15. Just for now, go to, go to Deuteronomy chapter number eight. Deuteronomy chapter number eight. We're getting closer to being done. Deuteronomy chapter number eight. And I mean, if you really think about it, anything that takes a lot of work like that to get is obviously going to be better. Now, obviously milk, you know, real milk, you know, not milk that's been polluted by oil and water, which by the way, some milk companies do. I used to work as a food inspector a long time ago and part of my job was sending milk samples to a lab. And I can't tell you how many times I have caught these people adding water and oil to the product. Just going to throw that out there. I'm not saying they still do that today, but I've caught them in the past. I'm talking big name milk manufacturers. It is what it is. Just wanted to say that. Take that for what you will. Okay. Hopefully that keeps the, some of the guys that are really hunkering down on this, these diets, you know, not so, not so mad at me. All right. I'm with you. Okay. I'm just, we got to rightly divide the word of truth here. That's all I'm saying. So let's take a look at this here. Deuteronomy chapter eight, verse three. Okay. So this is going to apply to the verse that we're talking about in Isaiah as well. Okay. Because we looked at butter and honey, which said he shall eat. So let's talk about that concept of eating in the Bible, which is very simple. Deuteronomy eight, three says this says, and he humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger. So this is obviously talking about God in accordance or in reference to the children of Israel says that he humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know that he might make thee know that man does not live by bread only. So God does this all throughout the Bible. He takes something physical, but it has a spiritual application. Okay. Look at the rest of the verse. But by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live. Okay. So what God is telling us there is that, you know, when the children of Israel are whining and complaining and they were having to wander in the wilderness as chastisement, that God fed them with manna, God is saying, hey, that is a picture that you were supposed to take the word of God and eat it every single day because that is how we live. That is how we avoid wrestling with the scriptures to our own destruction. Okay. Spiritual hunger and thirst are signs that there is a shortage of the word of God. And that's where we come in. Okay. That's where we come in with our soul winning program and go out to help the community better understand these things. A lot of people have been told some wack things about different verses in the Bible and it's going to take somebody with the spirit to be able to steer them in the right direction. Let's see here. Go to Isaiah chapter seven one more time and then we're going to go to second Peter three again and then we will be done. So quick review. Okay. What do we see about butter in the physical? We saw that it was satiating, satisfying. What do we see about honey? We saw in the physical that it was enlightening. It was, uh, I don't know, it helps with recovery. Very, very good. But we also saw the main application that it's a picture of the word of God. Okay. To the believer, the scriptures, the Bible, the words of God are a delight to your new man. That's what Romans chapter seven teaches. And just real quickly with Deuteronomy chapter eight and verse three, we can see the eating is literally taking in the word of God. Our study, our reading, all of that put together. So let's look at Isaiah seven 15 with all that in mind. Okay. Butter and honey shall he eat that he may know to refuse the evil and choose the good. So with everything that we just talked about here, okay, we could say this. The hidden knowledge of God's word because there is a lot of knowledge in here that is hidden. It's hidden from the world because the natural man receiveth not the things of God. Okay. We know that. We understand that. It's just like butter. When you look at a gallon of milk, it is hidden. It takes the right knowledge and work to extract that. The same with the honey. So we can say that the hidden knowledge of God's word or butter and his law, his words, the honey shall he study that he may know to refuse evil and choose the good. And of course, as Christ is growing up, you know, when he's 12 years old, you see him with the doctors, you see him in the temple asking questions and increasing in knowledge, increasing in wisdom, increasing in stature. Now go to second Peter chapter three one more time and this is where we are going to finish. So that is what that means. And obviously, I mean, the application there for us is very simple. The Bible says, wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to thy law. So how does a person go from ignorance? How does a person go from an unlearned state to a learned state? How does a person go from unlearned to being approved unto God? Is it by all the super works that you do? Is it because you are kind to people? No, it's because you study to show yourself approved to God. And that is so important for us. And literally, that's the example that Christ set for us. That's what the Bible prophesied that he would do. He is the word of God. So of course, he came on the scene to give us that butter to take the Old Testament, which most people saw as milk, and he pulled out the butter and he pulled out the honey and created the New Testament. And we are to take that in on a daily basis that we might be approved unto God. Second Peter chapter three, let's look at verse number sixteen. Second Peter three verse sixteen. Which says this, as also in all his epistles speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable rest as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction. This is the example that we want to avoid. Verse seventeen. Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before beware. So here's the warning. He says beware. You need to be aware of this. You need to be cautious lest ye also being led away with the error of the wicked. So understand that. The unlearned who could be a saved person as well as the unstable are both what? Both being described as wicked here. Not reprobate but wicked as opposed to righteous as opposed to being approved unto God. So he says lest ye also be led away with the error of the wicked fall from your own steadfastness. This is something that God's children need to always be aware of. That we don't fall from that steadfast zeal that we need to have according to knowledge. And then last but not least verse number eighteen. He says but grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to him be glory both now and forever. Amen. So when you really start to even just study studying the Bible. Okay. What you're going to find over and over again is that he who studies the word of God is the one that is approved unto God. There's really no other way around it. There's you know and I know that sounds harsh to the world. That sounds harsh to the unlearned. That sounds harsh to pretty much ninety nine percent of professing Christianity today. But that is what the word of God says. If you want to be approved it has to be through the study of the word of God. So hopefully that kind of helps you with an example. When you come to a verse I was going to take some verses about Leviathan and apply the same thing. But I think you get the point. I think you understand that you know a good thing to do is to just read verses. Okay. Is this even possible physically. And if not start to to break down those things see what the Bible has to say about those things in the physical and then apply that spiritually kind of like with the butter and the honey and you're going to be able to draw out some great application and hopefully be clear and be able to help other people because that's the goal. That's the idea. That is what the will of God is. And we're going to leave it right there for tonight. So let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Thank you so much Lord again for allowing us to be able to meet here. And I just pray that you would help us Lord to have a zeal to study so that we can remain in that zeal according to knowledge. Just pray you bless the fellowship after the service Lord and bring us back again safely this weekend and bless the soul winning this week in Jesus name I pray Amen. All right everyone for our final song this evening we will be turned to song number two hundred and thirty. Heavenly Sunlight song number two hundred and thirty. On the first walking in sun light all of my journey over the mountains through the deep Jesus has said I'll never forsake the promised divine that never can fail. Heavenly Sunlight Heavenly Sunlight flooding my soul with glory divine hallelujah I am rejoicing singing his praises Jesus is mine on the second shadows around me shadows above me never conceal my savior and guide he is the light in him is no darkness ever I'm walking close to his side. Heavenly Sunlight Heavenly Sunlight flooding my soul with glory divine hallelujah I am rejoicing singing his praises Jesus is mine on the last in the bright sunlight ever rejoicing pressing my way to mansions above singing his praises gladly I'm walking walking in sunlight sunlight above Heavenly Sunlight Heavenly Sunlight flooding my soul with glory divine hallelujah I am rejoicing singing his praises Jesus is mine All right, let's bow our heads in a word of prayer. Dear Lord, thank you for this time we had to hear your word be preached. Ask that you please help us to remember these things and that everyone's travels home would be blessed and protected. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. Amen. Amen.