(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) puffed up but the power for the kingdom of God is not in word but in power what will ye shall I come unto you with a rod or in love and in the spirit of meekness let's pray well I thank you for your word thank you for this church Lord that seeks to preach directly out of your word and I pray that you would fill a pastor with your Holy Spirit as he comes forward to preach the message today in Jesus name we pray amen all right amen so we are in 1st Corinthians chapter number 4 this morning the title of the sermon is what to expect that shield of faith Baptist Church what to expect that shield faith Baptist Church we get a lot of questions from time to time people calling people talking about wanting to come here but they have some maybe some misconstrued ideas of what it's like to be here what you know about what we believe and and it's it's a lot of people okay I mean we get text messages emails phone calls all the time you know I had a guy call me from California and he said hey I'm getting ready to move I really want to move to Boise I really want to come to your church and he says my wife you know she's she's saved but she's not on board with pants are you gonna get mad and kick us out you know and so this but you might be surprised but that question gets brought up a lot okay or another person called and said hey I want to attend a church you know I want to come but I don't know how to go sewing you know am I still welcome and so a lot of people you know they watch us online they see me getting excited I see you guys getting excited getting upset you see us out in the community and they get this impression that like if you're not you know a hundred percent on board with everything or you don't have your ducks in a row right you don't have your ducks in a row when you walk in here we're just gonna toss you and that's not the case at all right and so we're gonna take a look at some of those issues this morning and just address some of those questions and hopefully put this on the website that these guys are building for us so that when people have questions you'll have a place to point them to and say hey no no it's not like that at all in fact there's a sermon all geared towards what you can expect when you come to Shield of Faith Baptist Church and so I'm just gonna go over some of these things here this morning now number one I just want to start talking about the church services why why are our services here looked upon as different than the other churches that may be in the community and number one look down there first Corinthians chapter 4 verse 17 Paul says for this cause I have sent unto you Timotheus who is my beloved son and faithful in the Lord who shall bring you into remembrance of my ways which be in Christ as I teach everywhere in every church so just by that verse alone you should see that church is a place where you should be able to come to to learn the ways of Jesus Christ right his teachings his statutes his commandments it shouldn't be a fun center right you shouldn't always come to church and every single service is just a pat on the back a 20-minute pep talk a Tony Robbins type speech look if you want that motivation no speakers right don't seek out some liberal church like that because those places do not make God happy right and I mean you can see that here just I mean just back up a couple verses look at the verse number 14 he says I write not these things to shame you but as my beloved sons I warn you so church is a place where you should be warned about doing things that are wrong things that are harmful to your life things that are destructive to your life right how are you going to get warned how are you going to change if nobody comes up here and preaches to you the full counsel of God it's not going to happen look at verse 15 he says for though ye have 10,000 instructors in Christ yet have ye not many fathers for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel so he's like he addresses us again in chapter number 14 where he's like do you all have a Psalm do you all have a hymn do you all have a word of knowledge you all have this right and so he's saying hey you guys have a lot of people that are puffed up with knowledge and they all have something to say they all have a new doctrine they all have this and he's like that's just not the way church should be and then look at the rest of the verse here he says for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel wherefore so he's like for that for that reason so wherefore I beseech you be followers of me right so he's saying hey follow me because I follow Christ I've got the doctrines I've got the words I taught you these things at the beginning but you have strayed from them right so church is a place where you should be able to come to to learn right now church isn't a place where you should come to and if you don't have your ducks in a row we're gonna come audit your life and come to your house and make sure that women are wearing skirts the men aren't wearing shorts you know too short that's ridiculous I don't have time for that I don't want to do that that's cultish that's what the cults do right I mean I've heard that the Mormons go around and follow up with people and make sure that they're giving their tithes I don't do that I mean look I don't we don't have anything to worry about I just trust God look we went from brother acres house to my house to this building we don't have a problem okay I just trust God with the finances that's just the way it is right you know how many sermons have I preached on giving to you giving tithes zero that's right now eventually I'm gonna have to address it because it's part of the full counsel of God but we don't browbeat people I don't treat somebody who doesn't give any differently in fact I probably don't even know okay and so let's just keep that into perspective you don't have to have your ducks in a row to come here right but you should come here ready willing and able to learn right because this is to benefit you this is to get you fit for the Masters use all right so turn to Ephesians chapter number three Ephesians chapter number three so church is a place where you should come to be able to learn the ways of Christ now you their church different I think this article here is gonna do a good job at explaining that now this article here is about this ministry it's called exalt ministry and it's ran by some ladies at a church called foothills Christian Church in Boise okay now these women I'm gonna I got a had a PG this here they have a ministry where they go to a club where ladies dress immodestly if you don't understand what I'm saying you're probably too young right everybody kind of understand what I'm talking about okay so with that in mind I'm going to curb some of the language so if I start fumbling it's because I'm trying to come up with you know words here but this here is an article from Christian living magazine calm which I guess they publish a magazine here locally and they leave it places I'm trying to get them to publish some stuff from our church see if they'll like any of our soul winning stories right about how some of the ladies prevented a woman from committing suicide down in Mountain Home you know and then you know administered to her and took her to the hospital cared for her got her saved you know I'm gonna see if they want to publish that instead of junk like this but anyways that's I'm gonna start getting angry here all right listen to this it says every community has its underbelly and some of the some of the goings-on in that this thing is just garbage it says that our unsavory undesirable and actually lawful within the otherwise wholesome family atmosphere of Treasure Valley there are clubs legally operating within city limits men go there for entertainment and women go there to work okay so they're saying that every city has its red-light district every city has its undesirable places that people go to to commit evil and wicked acts now it goes on to say this now there's a small group of women who go there for an entirely different reason to tell the ladies that are working there that they're loved the women of exalt ministry an outreach of foothills Christian Church in Boise walk into these clubs with a message of affirmation for women who nightly go to work there and commit a modest acts all right so I'm kind of translating this if you want to read the article you can go to Christian living magazine calm and read so for you but I think you get the gist this is a ministry like I said where these ladies take it upon themselves to go into a nightclub now this nightclub here is a place where not only modesty goes on but that's really just the gateway what really happens at these places is drugs prostitution fornication all manner of wickedness okay now it goes on to say this on a surface level it may not sound like much and what the women of exalt do is pretty low-key they carry gift bags full of things women enjoy like chocolates jewelry and in the clubs they give them to the ladies also encloses a card telling the ladies they are loved by God full of grace and they give them contact information should they want to leave this industry behind anybody see a problem with this how about this I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes I hate the work of them that turn aside you see the problem with this willingly setting these abominations in front of your eyes and calling it a ministry of God that my friend is an abomination in and of itself that is wrong that is not okay that is not Christ like Jesus would not do that you know people take the fact that he talked with publicans and sinners and they say well he would have gone into these clubs he would have gone downtown he would have gone into the weed shops he would have been with the people doing the things that the people do you know what that is wrong but you know what I could stand here until midnight and show you story after story after story church after church after church and this valley that would support this and do support this and think that this is a good thing so why is shield of faith Baptist Church a different church because we have understanding which comes from the ways of Christ just like Paul taught in the book of Corinthians it goes on to say this doing this takes courage Dana Mitchell exalt director and Jennifer Frisk foothills Church outreach coordinator confirmed that they say this it's not an outward an outreach that we look forward to it's one we brace ourselves for maybe it's because it's not natural to put yourself in a situation like that there's no biblical basis for it whatsoever it's wrong and their conscience is smoting them how about we just say that it goes on to say this their courage lies in the fact that the women of exalt ministry will not be intimidated look you ain't that tough those places have people that are very bad they have men stealers there you know what a man stealer is it's somebody who kidnaps people look people go missing in these places all the time so it goes on to say this will go no matter what I'm gonna skip some of this for sake of time it says exalt launched three years ago prior to that Dana studied with a faith-based organization called treasures ministries in Los Angeles and that was started by a lady who was in this industry to the team and she had a knowledge a word of knowledge from God and turned her life and gave her life to Christ right the typical story I turn from my sins that's the goal of this ministry is to get them to turn from what they're doing they don't care about getting them say because in their minds you can't get saved unless you have the works right that's what is really going on here so it goes on to say this the ideal grouping for an exalt visit to a strip club I'm sorry I messed up well cats out of the bag it's three or four ministering women or four women in two men then it goes on say the men remain in the car and they are there for support and protection if needed nonetheless Dan and Jennifer have have gone into the clubs completely alone I don't know a man alive in this church or in our friends churches they would be okay with this we can go to any old IFB Church right that's it's right on their gospel even some that aren't right on a gospel and probably I say would you allow this and they would say no way you are nuts I know heathen people that would not allow this I know several heathen people that would not allow this people that reject the gospel all together they want nothing to do with God that would never allow their wives to go into an industry like this okay so it goes on to say this the parking lot is the most scary you think when the two women are walking from their car into the front door of the club men in the parking lot think that they are on their way to work and get a little too friendly with them you know what you reap what you sow good good that's what you get for your lack of knowledge the Bible says that my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge why is shield of faith Baptist Church different because I don't want to see us go down a road that's even close to this this is wrong this is blasphemous this is disgusting and this is not profitable these are the type of people that are in Matthew chapter 7 that will say Lord Lord have we not done many wonderful works you know what's the Lord gonna say depart from me I never knew you so you go she goes on to say this we have felt scared and then mentions a time she felt a strong sense of evil at one of the clubs at one they're all evil right they're all hurtful that's what they are you just felt evil presence at one something is wrong today in people's minds because don't say this we pray a lot before going and then pray in the car once we get there we also have a prayer support group upholding us well you know what God may listen to the words coming out of your mouth but he's not going to hear your prayer that prayer is a miss this is why it's important to understand the manifold wisdom of God that James taught us about is any of this can you see any of the seven pillars of wisdom in this no is it pure no is a peaceable no like do we need to go down the list is this full of mercy and good fruits no is this without partiality no is this full of hypocrisy yes okay once inside it's about a ten-minute encounter with mixed reception they receive hugs and smiles from some of the workers who gladly gladly accept the gift bags others brush them off and say things like I sold my soul to Satan I don't need your help she goes on to say the managers and bouncers generally don't give us any trouble and you know why you think about it you have to pay to get into these places so what does that mean that means they're supporting the industry you say well they're not doing it you know knowingly I don't care you're still supporting it you're giving them money that's why they are in business for money right the okay I'm gonna skip some more of this here as I'm thinking you understand the gist here listen to this says Dana and Jennifer go to a club every eight weeks and are working to find the sweet spot of when they should go how about never you know and these people will probably look at us to be like oh well you're just trying to hate on our works you know and yes I am trying to hate on your works because they're stupid it's retarded it's ridiculous yes I said it's retarded retarded it's dumb it's not profitable look we've reached more people in this industry last week than they have in their entire lives by knocking on their doors before they take and then disrobe themselves so think about that so I don't want to hear any of this all you're bashing us and we do more than you know you don't you don't do any you don't do more work than we do and we're the ones telling you you don't have to do any works to get saved so they've gone 18 times in three years they say that going to these clubs and creating rapport with the ladies is their primary focus and they'll have established strategic relationships which are basically going to help them get out of the industry and help them apparently come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ they don't say like that but they think if they can get them to turn from them the the sins that they're into that then they'll get saved right this is lifestyle Christianity is what they're promoting here this is Todd White's deal this is basically human achievement look at what I did look at what look at the life that I turned from aren't you proud of me now I can get baptized now I can do these good things okay exalt ministry is planting a seed that could bud somewhere down the road yeah they are the planning a seed of the devil that's what they're planning they're not planning the Word of God they don't even believe that the Word of God has power and keep this in mind this is a large church in this community that is endorsing this that is funding this that is sending these people out so they go on to say this they have not yet seen one of these ladies turn their life around but they won't be deterred from continuing the work of exalt ministries because their commitment is strong and then it goes on to say both of them are married and they have the support of their husbands for this ministry Dana said her husband has been one of the drivers who waited in the car for her to return from inside of this club and Jennifer said my husband told me to get involved in this ministry to go with my compassion for others look I don't know do you want to go inside I mean what's what's the deal here and at a bare minimum it just shows you what can happen to a person's mind right who who claims to be a Christian and lacks understanding lacks just the most basic foundation fundamental ideas and teachings in the Bible all right three more things here real quick says Danny and Jennifer said that their favorite outreach time is Christmas when the bags contain special Christmas cards and angels on the cards with a biblical Christmas story probably from the message Bible right that's probably what's going on they've held fundraisers to pay for their gift bags they've held dinners where everyone comes to help out and put together gift bags and for worship and prayer yeah sorry it's hard to read this not laughing but it says though it's an outreach with some fear involved both women feel it's worth it to tell the young women in these clubs you count in we care you know and how about you just get saved why don't we start there you know why don't we start there how are you ever gonna rightly divide the Word of Truth if you don't even have step one and you're not all right so let's move on here I just wanted to read that because that kind of does a good job at putting into perspective what it's like out there what kind of ministry you want to get involved in ministry right a lot of people say you know I wonder what God's will is for my life you know I've heard people say that for years we have people say that out in soul winning right I wonder what God's will is for my life I think that God sent you here to me and then we never see them right because they want to get involved in something and then they know that what we do is real and it scares the heck out of them I mean think about this these people would rather go to a club like this than go knock on someone's door what do you think about that that is that is terrible so let's move on here you're there in Ephesians chapter 3 let's continue talking about the church service it says in verse 10 Ephesians 3 10 it says to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers and heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord it is God's expectation that we learn the manifold wisdom manifold meaning many outlets there is a lot of wisdom there's an endless supply an endless fountain of wisdom in this book this is why we have Church three times a week you know because he says hey what did what did the writer of Hebrews say hey you need to fellowship even more as you see the day approaching right as you see that and I don't think that's neighbors I think I might have misquoted that but you get the point right the more faster that the day comes we need to be you know on guard look somebody needs to preach against these things and speak out against them because this is harmful this is a dangerous mentality that is just filling the minds of Christians all throughout this country and even all throughout the world all right go to Acts chapter number 7 Acts chapter number 7 so people say why why are your services different why why why is the preaching like an hour hurts my back well I'd rather have you hurt have a hurt back then you know have a singing up here for an hour and a half and rolling around and you know the fog machine and coming up here and crying being because God loves you and just say that 20 times in 20 minutes or something to that effect you're not gonna learn that way okay you're not gonna learn anything that way you're not gonna even get close to the manifold wisdom of God in fact you're gonna wind up going and doing some stupid ministry like I just read for you so what is Church what is Church the word Church in the Bible means congregation when God's people get together and when they congregate the Bible says that there's a certain order and we're gonna get into that there's a certain order that he wants things to be done now he's given us a lot of autonomy right I mean we sing what four songs each service right four songs I mean if we wanted to do six or seven God's not gonna come down on us okay well there's some there's some room there to change things and he's given us you know like I said he's given us his word and how he wants to do things but he's given us things that we should never do right things that were that that we shouldn't do and in fact the whole book of Corinthians is full of things that you should not do as a Christian in church but anyways let's move on here what I want you to get out of this is I want you to see that we don't believe in the universal Church doctrine okay we're not Catholics here you know what Foothills Christian churches they're Catholics every person who's a Protestant is a Catholic right if you don't believe me study what Martin Luther actually said you know you want to find out about an organization kind of look at its founder right he didn't really disagree with a whole lot on the Catholic you know in the Catholic doctrine I mean he had his 99 thesis or whatever but really he believes the same salvation you know works he believed a lot of that stuff here we don't believe any that we believe in the local church okay so Acts chapter 7 look at verse 37 he says this this is Stephen talking here right he says this is that Moses which said unto the children of Israel a prophet shall the Lord your God raised up unto you of your brethren like unto me him shall ye hear verse 38 this is he that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the Mount Sinai and with our fathers who received the lively oracles to give unto us so he says hey Moses was in the wilderness with the church because church means congregation because a lot of people say well you know in the church age right Church just just began right it just started when Jesus came around well the Bible is just letting us know hey church means congregation okay so something says hey what's church it means congregation because the idea here is well because there are verses in the Bible where it says that the church is the body of Christ and people will take that and say okay see even if I don't go to church you know I'm still in church even if I just go down to Starbucks with my two buddies on Wednesday you know we just read a few verses and we talk about how great the message Bible is and we talk about how many sins we've turned from this week and we pat ourselves on the back that's Church right whoever two or three are gathered together in his name there he's in the midst right well that's Church that's not Church that's not a congregation might be a congregation of three or three people but is there a pastor is there somebody who meets the qualifications is there an order of services or their songs you know there is a way that Church is to be ran in those group meetings don't have somebody really proclaiming truth no what do you think about this verse well what do you think okay we all think different things we'll have different Bibles great you know God look God's not the author of confusion okay and that is what those meetings do so we don't believe in the universal Church doctrine I believe it is a dangerous doctrine I believe it promotes Christians being content basically complacent you know it just gives them a logical excuse to miss Church and be on their own so go to first Timothy chapter number three first Timothy chapter number three the next thing that we believe here about Church is that Church should be ran by pastors that meet the qualifications that are laid out in the Bible this is not popular in today's day and age okay this is not popular at all a lot of churches in fact I would say probably most have no problems ordaining a pastor who has no children who has not read the Bible through cover to cover even one time believe it or not even one time look these pastors of these liberal churches haven't even read their liberal false Bibles through cover to cover and that's a fact first Timothy chapter 3 verse 1 says this is a true saying if a man desire the office of a bishop he desireth a good work right it's not like hey if you heard the calling of God you know in a in your sleep you actually heard his voice call you then you can be it now if you have the desire you know do you meet these qualifications you know then then go for it verse 2 a bishop then right a bishop is an overseer that's what that means a bishop then must be blameless the husband of one wife vigilant sober of good behavior given hospitality and apt to teach that disqualifies a lot of people right there's there's all kinds of pastors today that aren't married or have been divorced and remarried who's heard of Paula White right Paula White violates the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation okay but especially this a bishop must be blameless the husband of one wife is she the husband of one wife no she's the wife of many husbands she's the exact opposite of that I was talking with a guy one time and he was talking about how he goes to Mars Hill Church over in Seattle it's a big mega church and you know he's talking about how he's been blessed by Paula White and her ministry he's like do you listen to Paula as I know I thought she's not qualified to be a pastor says right there in 1st Timothy 3 you're supposed to be the husband wife I showed him these things and this is what he does he goes I'm gonna go call my girlfriend's dad he's a pastor I don't give him a call then see what he says in fact put him on the phone he goes outside and he comes in no joke he goes just called my girlfriend's dad you don't speak Greek oh you're right you finally said something true this evening okay you finally said something that's right you know what a cop-out and then I said you know what your pastor doesn't speak Greek either you know or your whatever he is to you your your girlfriend's father I was like this conversation is over my friend we're not going anywhere here and so look at verse 3 it says not given to wine no striker not greedy of filthy lucre but patient not a brawler not kavich's look I'm not saying you can't defend yourself okay that's that's it's a whole nother sermon but he's saying you shouldn't be somebody who's going out and picking fights with people and going to these clubs and just just swinging on people there's people like that okay you know and he's saying hey you shouldn't be like they shouldn't be greedy of filthy lugar you shouldn't be greedy of money right you know why a lot of these people desire to be mega church pastors because it's lucrative right there's a lot of money to be made in that and that's what Rick Milphy thought about me let's just get real for a minute okay that's what Rick Milphy was going around saying about me that I was in this for the money the pastor Menes is in this for the money the pastor Anderson is in this for the money right that is not okay that is not true look I'm not in this for the money I'm in this because I have a vision I'm in this because I have a vision to serve God and I want to reach this community not only with the gospel but with our doctrine right I want to fill this whole entire area with our doctrine and I want to stick it to the devil right and we're gonna continue to fight this battle as long as I'm breathing it won't compromise or change on anything verse 4 it says one that ruleth well his own house having his children and subjection with all gravity now kylan and kenley have been a challenge but I found out just kid I'm just teasing girls calm down verse no verse 5 it says for a man know not how to rule his own house how shall he take care of the church of God and that is a great question if a person can't take care of his own household how are you gonna manage you know administering and helping a church a congregation God's people it's gonna be a challenge for you you you you're not gonna be able to do it okay verse 6 says not a novice was being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil the Bible says hey if you don't read it if you don't study it you're a novice says that in Deuteronomy you says that when you don't read the Bible you make a choice to neglect your Bible reading you get lifted up with pride because you're gonna fill that gap in your mind with something and what usually happens is people start watching a lot of videos or they start reading some commentaries and they get all these facts and knowledge and you know little knowledge bites and it puffs them up you know the knowledge goes up it provides a false balance because they don't ever put it into practice because a lot of its false it's fake right and then that wisdom just starts to sink down until it becomes nothing and the Bible says that a false balance is an abomination to God so we need to seek to have a strong biblical balance here so he says not a novice less being lifted up with pride right that is why pastor Mendez makes it a rule you have to read the Bible through cover to cover at least ten times before he's even gonna send you out right I think I might be wrong but I thought you had to even read it maybe five times to even get into the class I might be wrong about that now I'm not sure but you see I'm saying and I'll be honest you when I finished my tenth time I had this thought I was like I might just not even do this because I feel like I know less now than I did when I started you know it is a humbling thing to read the Bible you know but you just got to keep going you got to keep on going and just keep reading it through and you'll learn more and more right and applying these things to your life so verse seven it says moreover he must have a good rapport of them which are without lest he fall into the reproach and snare of the devil so turn to Acts chapter 12 Acts chapter 12 so why is shield faith Baptist Church different it's because we believe the Bible we believe that the that the pastor that the overseer should meet qualifications right we're different because most churches today do not have a pastor that meets these qualifications so you're there in Acts chapter 12 the next thing I want you to see is that church is a place where people come together for prayer right when you guys fellowship before and after the service or you fill out the communication card and you request prayer look that God said in Isaiah 56 and in Mark chapter 11 hey my house should be called a house of prayer this is the place where we can come together learn each other's burdens bear one another's burdens and pray for each other the iron sharpened its iron and part of that sharpening is praying for each other's needs if you don't believe me look at Acts chapter 12 verse 5 he says Peter therefore was kept in prison but prayer was made without ceasing of the people at Starbucks right of whether two or three are gathered together of three friends on Call of Duty taking a little time out to pray no it says without ceasing of the Church of God for him okay it is important to come to church because there is a push in a movement today that says look you don't really have to go to church just go once in a while you know just just do your good deed you know but as long as you're in your small group on Wednesday or Thursday or what you know whatever you're gonna you're gonna be fine look a lot of independent fundamental Baptist churches they are giving up their Wednesday services for what's called small groups this is one thing that the trendies are doing you know Josh ties pastor polka dot all those idiots I can't name them off right now cuz you know I don't like here right now but you get the point right those people that are coming out of these Bible colleges they must be they must be getting lessons to say that this is a good thing right and what they're doing is they're throwing out Wednesdays they're throwing out Sunday evenings for playtime at the park and then really they're just left down to one service a week and that's Sunday morning at 11 and it's like I like a little fun center service that's kind of got the cloak of a little bit of fundamentalism in it it's bizarre but anyways what I'm trying to say here is in verse 5 we see an example where Peters locked up and who is it that makes prayer for him it's the church right because church is a place you go to to learn the ways of Christ to get warned to get an edification to get knowledge to get wisdom and then by so doing that it puts you in the right place at the right time and so the church here is making prayer for Peter and what happens he gets freed right he gets free what happens when we pray for people a lot of times they get healed or they get what they need right I mean we've prayed for several of your family members to get saved and they have gotten saved we've prayed for their health conditions and they've gotten healed prayer is important so if you need prayer let somebody know write it down on the card don't be afraid look I I'm with you you know I'm one that won't fill out the communication card I'll just keep it to myself and I'll just blow myself up until I crash all right that's pride that's that's not okay don't be like me don't do that you know I had to learn the hard way not to be like that and to just ask for prayer so let's move on here go to 1st Corinthians 14 1st Corinthians 14 the next thing I want to talk about here about Church why is shield faith Baptist Church different is because that we believe that Church is a place for the saved now that does not mean that unsaved people cannot come in here because we want unsaved people to come in here so we can give them the gospel right but our job and our stance and our standard is that we're gonna go out into the community and we're gonna knock the doors we're gonna take our feet we're gonna get out of here and we're gonna go try to reach people and get them saved we're not gonna just rely on that one two you know three times a month where somebody comes in here that's new to get people saved right that's not doing the first works going out and knocking on doors you know three four times a week like we do that's how we're gonna get it Church is a place where the believers come together for edification so you're there in 1st Corinthians for 14 I'm sorry 1st Corinthians for 14 verse 4 look at look at that verse it says he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edify itself but he that prophesy edify the church so the Bible saying here very clearly the the preaching the prophesying is what edifies the church now before you would have gotten to this verse you would have read 1st Corinthians chapter 1 hopefully so if you would turn to 1st Corinthians chapter number 1 1st Corinthians chapter number 1 and look at verse number 2 1st Corinthians 1 2 look how Paul starts this letter off and the second verse here he says unto the church of God which is at Corinth now don't miss these next words to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus now let's stop right there the word sanctified we're gonna talk about this a little bit tonight but it means to be set apart and made holy so he's not here's what he's not saying he's not saying to those of you who have decided to turn from your sins those of you who have decided to live right for Christ he's saying those of you that have the new man right when you get baptized into the body of Christ 1st Corinthians chapter 12 the Bible says your place in the body when you get saved your place in the body of Christ it's a done deal you got the new man you're saved you can't lose your salvation you're sanctified in that aspect now we should seek to sanctify ourselves after that right by growing and giving up things and and and and all of that good stuff but here he's saying to them that are sanctified he's saying to them that are saved right to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus called to be saints with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord both theirs and ours so you see how he starts the letter off he's talking to the saved that's who he's talking to he's not talking to lost a lot of people today say well church is a hospital for the lost right and okay if it's a mobile hospital maybe maybe if you get your butt and gear and go out and do something go knock on somebody's door or goes go meet somebody that needs the gospel and you give it to them okay I get that right but it's not that we just come together three times a week and hope people come in here so that we can get them saved I mean if we did that up into this point the last ten months that we've been independent if we did that how many people would we have gotten saved none and we've given the Gospels to a lot of visitors who have come in here but I maybe I'm wrong I don't know if we've gotten any of them saved maybe I'm wrong I mean eventually we will you know eventually we will for sure but I mean think about it those hundred salvations didn't come from a hundred visitors that came from us going out there and doing the work turn to Acts chapter 20 Acts chapter 20 why I'm just gonna read for you Ephesians chapter 1 verse 22 and 23 which says and hath put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church which is his body the fullness of him that filleth all and all so that would be a passage there that would be kind of where people would might bring you and say well see the body of Christ is a church so you're always in church right and so but that wouldn't make sense because how could you forsake the kid of the assembly if you're always in church you just roll out of bed you're in church you go to work you're in church it doesn't make sense it's not true right but you know what Jesus is building his church there is gonna become a day when we're all in heaven and we all come back you know after the millennium you know that we're all gonna be one congregation we're gonna have one ship you know we're not gonna have you know pastors churches and stuff like that it's not gonna be like that we're gonna have all the understanding but that's in the future right now there is the local church we believe in the local church and we believe that the local church needs to get out into the community to preach the word and by the way I don't believe that it's right for to be in a denomination you know why because a denomination who's in charge of a domination it's either a president or somebody who calls himself a governor or a principal or a superintendent or something like that right it's a man who is in charge of that well the Bible says that Jesus Christ is the head of the church he's the head of all things so that leads me to my next point who is in charge of the church so at Shield of Faith Baptist Church we believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is in charge of the church we believe in being independent I love it how puffed up people get in this community I'm non-denominational every time I go so any I don't know I don't know if you guys have the same thing I'm pretty sure you do but every every time I don't care when it is I run into somebody well I'm done on I'm non-denominational and and you know what 90% of the time they're being lied to they are actually a domination right David and I had this lady she really got adamant about this non-denominational stuff and he went looked up her church her church is actually a denomination it's a member of the four-square denomination but she's like I'm denomination you guys you guys are denominations I was like no we're independent says independent we don't have anybody over us she's like well you're Baptist that doesn't mean that we're denomination we're not a denomination we're an independent church there's nobody that look there's nobody that's telling us what to do the government's not gonna come in here and be like oh don't preach this don't preach that that's not gonna happen right Pastor Mendez doesn't call me up and say oh did you preach this in contrary to popular belief Pastor Anderson doesn't call me and tell me what to say and when to go soul any he doesn't care he doesn't have time for that he's got his own problems okay so we are not a denomination Acts chapter 20 look at verse 27 it says for I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God so again why are we different because we preach the full counsel of God there's no topic that we're not going to cover or that we're afraid to talk about verse 28 take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers don't miss this to feed the church of God which he hath purchased with his own blood now understand that church is a very important thing to the Lord Jesus Christ that he purchased it with his own blood is he talking about the body of Christ yes right but God wants us in church but he says in verse 27 for I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God and he says look at this in verse 28 he says take heed therefore so he's saying hey look because I gave you the whole counsel of God you need to be careful and you need to take heed and you need to pay attention because if you don't the chastisement will come problems will come destruction will come my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge Bible says that doesn't say that just so that you can flippantly read over it says that so that you can know that understand it and apply that to your life right most Christians today they cannot take heed therefore unto themselves because their preachers are not preaching the full counsel of God they're not going to church and getting warned and you know it if that's too much for people to him stay then so be it at least we've got a strong group of people here who've decided not to be like that not to be weak and you know what this church and churches like ours they really are like the special forces of Christianity that is a fact I mean that's true there's nobody else going out there doing a work doing the work look sometimes I'll run into these people and they're like I just believe in house church it's just me and Joel Osteen or you know even sometimes yes me and Joel Osteen just my family we watch Joel I get that a lot or and it's like you will never accomplish anything for Jesus Christ doing that is this the same Joel that supports Kanye West and his pride and arrogance and his Yeezus campaign in his fleecing the flock and him being guilty of promoting filthy lucre that's what that person is all about filthy lucre both of them are birds of a feather flock together there's a reason why those two yoke up together money cash money that's why turn to Acts chapter 7 Acts chapter 7 again why turn to them or if you Ephesians chapter 5 verse 23 says this for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and he is the Savior of the body so he's saying hey look Christ is the head of the church not some Pope right not Russell Nelson this bozo Mormon president who when he speaks apparently that scripture no no that's not right Jesus said over and over again in the book of John hey the Holy Ghost is gonna bring to remembrance all things which I have taught you not things from a new prophet not things from some Pope not things from the seventh-day Adventist headquarters up in Washington not some things from the Watchtower Society no but the stuff that he taught the stuff that he taught verse 24 says this therefore as the church is subject unto Christ not subject unto some denomination so let the wives be to their own husbands and everything husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it and you know what those verses nobody wants to follow today either you know you're a feminist you're you're you're oh you're not a feminist you're a what do they call us oh yeah biggie oh baby yeah misogynist now thank you yeah you're a misogynist by preaching that stuff husband submit our wives submit themselves to husbands that's misogynistic right that doesn't go along with our toxic masculinity plan today that conflicts with that that's not being very loving that's being weak well you know what you're weak and your 50-50 two-headed monster marriage ain't gonna work out if you keep going down that road so what in the world am I talking about here all right first what were you at Act 7 all right look at verse 37 we'll take a look at this final authority thing here this is another one that separates us from other churches verse 37 this is that Moses which said unto the children of Israel a prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me and he says him shall ye hear think about that him shall you hear well how do you hear him today audibly no you hear him through reading his word Jesus is the word and he had he said over and over again all power is given unto me in heaven and earth that means he has the power to preserve you that means he has the power to preserve his word we believe that today our final authority is Jesus Christ right here that's why we were different today and that scares people because people today don't want to take responsibility for their actions they don't want to be accountable to anybody especially God you know and that is a that's a huge problem that we have going on today so go back to first Corinthians 14 I should have just just keep your place everywhere you know or you just get your fingers ready to just keep your fingers all over the place I don't know just learn how to flip here let's say hey that's another difference that this church this church has right you're gonna have your fingers bleeding flipping through these pages right and that's a good problem to have you should get some calluses I want to see everybody's fingers after service you got calluses on these things huh just all right so a lot of people say well why do you have the order that you do you remember when we got the Boise bench mad in there the over and over again what were they saying what's up with that awful music and why do you do things like that that's this looks horrible what do you guys traditionalists well we're biblicalists and you know if you want to make us you know a stupid name like that and I guess we'll just embrace that too so why do you have the order that you do you know when you come together as a congregation the Bible says there's an order right we should do things decently and in order first Corinthians 14 look at verse number 40 it says let all things be done decently and in order and okay amen we'll do that you see the autonomy there does he say you got to have six songs did you say you got to have that oh just whatever you're gonna do as long as it's biblical as long as you can prove it as long as you can hold fast to it right do it decently and in order the reason why we run the church the way that we do is because that's how I learned from Pastor Menes right now there's some things that we don't do because we don't have 300 people here right but those things are ingrained in me so that when we grow to that level I will be able to implement those things right so just understand that go over to chapter number 16 chapter number 16 so now that people why do you pass the plate right why don't you have a little box in the back corner called the alabaster box where people could just go back there and drop that off well here's one reason look at verse number 1 1st Corinthians 16 verse 1 he says now concerning the collection for the Saints as I have given order to the churches of Galatia even so do ye in verse 2 he says upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as God hath prospered him that there be no gatherings when I come so he's saying hey look you know don't put people on blast all right don't just put them on the spot when I show up and be like you know who's gonna give him $500 can somebody write a check for ten bucks can you write a check for it can you get a hundred dollar bill you know don't be doing stuff like that do it decently Indian order okay that's why we do that so let's move on here go to Hebrews chapter number two Hebrews chapter two so we're we're gonna move on from talking so much about the order of Church what the purpose of churches and we're just gonna briefly address the music program this is a big one and I preached about it not too long ago so I don't want to spend a whole lot of time on it but it is something that turns people off and if that turns you off and that's on you because you're missing out you know there you're missing out big time Hebrews chapter 2 look at verse number 11 so what about shield of faith Baptist Church music program let's take a look at it Hebrews 2 11 says this for both he that sanctified and they who are sanctified are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren verse 12 saying I will declare thy name unto my brethren in the midst of the church I will sing praise unto thee you know why we sing out of the hymnal because they teach doctrine right they teach proper praise people say well what about the Christian rap and the Christian rock and what about Hillsong you know what about rapzilla I hate rapzilla with a passion and I used to listen to Christian music like that back in the day I'll admit it okay and that was foolish and that was just me lacking understanding and knowledge you know what you're gonna find when you go on rapzilla you're gonna find a video of a guy saying that I'm a black boy and I got mad joy and I'm in your hood now and I've got sauce okay does that gonna edify you know people that think that's okay are they gonna edify you know that is trash my friend that belongs in the garbage can that's what I belong and I'm gonna preach against them I'm sick of it you know Kayden's gonna release a video what Tuesday and after that we're going after rapzilla cuz I'm saying they keep deleting my comments man I'm sick of it they're trying to silence me right I post Bible verses on there condemning them and they don't like it I don't know but anyways that's just my own little problem okay all right turn to Psalm chapter 40 Psalm chapter number 40 while you're turning there I'm gonna just gonna briefly read a verse that describes the purpose of songs and that'd be Deuteronomy 31 30 22 which says Moses therefore wrote this song the same day and taught it the children of Israel Moses taught the children of Israel a song and if you read that song in there it teaches them doctrine it teaches them reproof it teaches them what's gonna happen to them if they depart from the commandments and from the statutes of God the reason why we sing the hymns one more time is not to provide you with an emotional rollercoaster right it is to provide you with doctrine it's to strengthen you it's to sing praises to God it's to give him the glory not the person with a beautiful voice right I'm not saying that I'm against people that can sing or whatever I can't sing you all know that right boy and I'm not envious either I'm hey it is what it is I'm the one that made the choice to get kicked out of music class when I was in elementary school and now I'm reaping what I've sung okay but the purpose of these songs the purpose of these hymns is to give you some depth we don't want to be a church that's shallow yeah right we don't want that right pastor men is you his old invites they used to say are you tired of shallow preaching you know and I like that I really like that that that's a good way to put it are you tired of shallow preaching because a lot of people out there you know there are some people out there they understand something's wrong they just can't put their finger on it you know and the the problem the problem is if their church is shallow their music shallow the preaching shallow the people are shallow they're all fake it's a joke and then you wind up with people going into clubs they should never lay their eyes on and defiling their minds so Psalm 40 look at verse 3 again songs in church are meant to strengthen your faith Psalm 40 verse 3 and he hath put a new song in my mouth even praise unto our God many shall see it and fear and shall trust in the Lord now don't miss this here look at that verse again and he hath put a new song in my mouth we're not against new songs okay people say you're against new songs cuz you're you're mad at Rab Zilla no those aren't songs that's trash I'm talking about songs here he says and he hath put a new song in my mouth somebody here wants to come up with a new biblical song let's sing it you know let me read it first but then we'll sing it okay even praise unto our God that is the purpose but he says this many shall see it well how do you see a song remember songs teach right songs paint a vision in your mind why do you think the music industry today in the world puts so much money in promoting the rock stars and the rap stars and the country music stars why is it it's because they want to paint their vision and their mission their mission in your mind and they know right these record producers they understand how music works and they know that it paints a picture in your mind this is why we shouldn't listen to the world's music because it puts evil things into your mind it puts doctrines and commandments of men and traditions above God and into your heart that's what it does that's why he says and many shall see it look you should see a beautiful song you should see a new song that gives God praise not this trash out there not Rab Zilla not Christian hip-hop that doesn't that doesn't paint a biblical picture for you so Psalm 92 go over to Psalm chapter 92 I just want to briefly touch on this thing about prayer and praise nights I'm gonna probably do a whole sermon on this but the liberals are real big on this oh when's your next prayer and praise night have you noticed up to this point that I've mentioned at least three things in the order of church services songs praise right prayer and in preaching right one thing that's lacking with a prayer and praise night is preaching right so these liberals they get together they get the purple fog going and they put everybody in a hypnotic trance and they get the drums beating real loud and they get the frequency just right to get you programmed to do what they want you know which is to give up your wallet or give up more than that and they put you into this this this special feeling mode right and and for what for what to satisfy their flesh right because that music is earthly it's sensual and it's devilish it up it appeals to your senses look there's a reason why a football team doesn't run out to the field you know to bring them in it doesn't give you a fleshly response you see I'm saying they what do they normally want to come out to rock and roll music or rap music or something of that effect so prayer and praise nights we don't have we'll have a game night look we have a boxing wrestling class tonight all that stuff that's that's great but we don't have prayer and praise as we have church and we do it decently in in order Psalm 92 look at verse 1 it is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord and to sing praises unto thy name O Most High to show forth thy loving kindness in the morning and thy faithfulness every night that's why we do the same thing in the AM service we do the same songs or different songs rather but the same order in the PM service verse 3 upon an instrument of ten strings and upon the salt tree and upon the harp with the solemn sound people say well are you against instruments no who in here can play the playing an instrument besides the piano we got Jeff we got some kids that want to learn clarinet and stuff right but we don't have we're still a young church right we're not I'm not against instruments now am I gonna have drums up here no you say show me verse I'm not gonna show you a verse I don't want to even get close to the world okay that's why that's that's just the decision that we've made okay and I'm not gonna sit here and fight and debate about it oh probably the drums are wrong no I don't have to I'm gonna do things we will do things decently and in order and the goal of Shield of Faith Baptist Church is to sanctify ourselves from the world and to set apart ourselves from the liberal Christian junk that is out there today that's why we have come here to draw a line in the sand and say look you're either gonna get truth or you can stay over there and be weak and you know what I wish these Christian churches would just drop the name Christian call yourself something else because you're not serving the God that I know and all you're doing is making our job harder turn to a second Timothy chapter 4 so we're gonna move on from the songs here because we've spent a lot of time on it we have hymns because they teach doctrine somebody says well what's up with him where's where's the the emotional music we don't have it right it's not gonna kill you to listen to hymns pal get your butt into church and serve God so the next thing we're going to talk about is the preaching service and some people will wire the sermon so long why are they an hour why are they 40 minutes why are this why that well because that's where the time needs to be spent so while you're turning into 2nd Timothy 4 I'm gonna read for you Colossians chapter 1 verse 28 which says this whom we preach warning every man in teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus this is why we spend a lot of time preaching the Word of God this is why we have men's preaching nights this is why we're about preaching this is why many of you and most of you listen to preaching when you're not in church right look these liberals out here they're not doing that they don't go home and turn on a sermon they go home and turn on rapzilla they go home and turn on the Christian hip-hop radio station that's over here air one or whatever it's called right they're not interested in truth they don't want to be warned they don't want to be made perfect in Christ Jesus they don't want that accountability 2nd Timothy 4 look at verse 2 so this is Paul here he's telling Timothy hey look you need to do this preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine so he's saying hey look whether these things that you're preaching are popular or not preach them anyways and be instant with it don't be like you know somebody says oh you know do you believe that you have to turn from your sins to be saved look don't just be thinking about it like oh I don't want to offend this guy no it's a free gift instant in season out of season and right now in today's day and age most of the stuff that we talk about is out of season you know what we're gonna be instant anyways you know when people won't and I've seen all you guys do this at the door people ask you know question about doctors just like damn right here people what's your stance on homosexuals Leviticus 2013 man that's it instant in season out of season put them to death that's what the Bible says that's our stance that's not popular and that's not in season but that's what God said should happen to these perverts right you know what are the Baptists doing today a lot of them they're protecting predators right who's heard of kit that Cameron Giovanelli guy yeah he is a predator and look there are men in the independent Baptist world today like Bob Gray and Jack Treiber and in many others I can't think of the other guy's name right now because they started getting angry but these people of influence these people of power are protecting predators that is wrong that is not okay that doesn't display the manifold wisdom of God that doesn't display the seven pillars of wisdom that we've learned about that doesn't display the whole Council of God that is wrong that is no different than sending your ladies to a nightclub to give people chocolate candies and Easter bunnies and angels on cards that's the same thing in fact that might even be more righteous than what Bob Gray and Jack Treiber doing protecting predators yeah you know it's disgusting what's going on today and this is why we are different and Sam Gibb can go to hell too right he can go straight to hell because he's been running on his mouth about this church you know anytime he meets somebody that says he've heard about this he runs his mouth and like I said it always gets back to us you know what but drop dead pal your false gospel we don't need that because you know what they protect predators as well what am I talking about all right preaching service that's right and see instant in season out of season go to 1st Corinthians 14 again 1st Corinthians 14 at this church we believe in hard preaching right whether you're yelling or screaming you know that doesn't necessarily mean that you're preaching hard I've seen good affluent speakers preaching hard but they're just talking about nonsense they're talking about fluff there are people like that right hard preaching is preaching the hard sayings of the Bible things that are not well received in the community right remember when we did our study through the Old Testament what did Amaziah say to Amos you know that judgment that your your preaching is not welcome here right this is the king's court he said you know we like our golden calves we like the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat you know he said that judgment or God said that during that time judgment was as wormwood meaning better people looked at judgment and said that's a blue that's we don't want to be judgmental there's nothing new under the Sun he said it's bitter as wormwood that's what he said that's what God said the times were like back then and that's the times that we live in today but we're going to continue to be instant in season and out of season preach truth look at verse 22 first Corinthians 14 22 wherefore tongues are for a sign not to them that believe but to them that believe not but prophesying service not for them that believe not but for them which believe so he's saying hey those of you back in this time they had the gift of languages that was for the unbelievers that was so that you could communicate the gospel to people that didn't speak your language but he's saying hey prophesying or preaching is for the saved right it's for the same because if you're not saved you're not going to understand God's word verse 23 if therefore the whole church come together into one place and all speak with tongues and there come in those that are unlearned or unbelievers will they not say that year mad and amen they would do not people even today go into Pentecostal churches and say that's crazy all right even people that aren't saved can see that sometimes right especially those of us that are saved look at verse 24 but if all prophesied and they're come in one that believeth not or one unlearned he is convinced of all he is judged of all so what does that tell you that tells you that the preaching should have an element of judgment to it that's what he's saying there right or the unlearned that means it should teach you something right and the result will be a convincing because your conscience is gonna smite you and say yes that is right I need to change that is the goal of preaching this is why we spend time preaching the way that we do right but says of all prophecy that's why we have men's preaching night because they all prophesied they all preach this is why we go soloing because then we can get the ladies out there and they get to preach I've said this a million times I'm gonna keep saying it the ladies in this church preach the gospel and preach more doctrine than Paula White Joyce Meyer any of these female preachers out there right I mean think about it they only get up in front of their congregations once a week we have ladies that go out all the time all throughout the week and preach the gospel and when they get somebody saved guess what they're they're ready to teach doctrine to them and give them the answers to their questions and help them out and that's a biblical thing right we're not saying just because you can't have a woman pastor that you can't preach the gospel or do great things for God because you can and you do and we will continue to do so verse 25 and thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest and so falling down on his face he will worship God and report that God is in you of a truth go back to second Timothy 4 again back to 2nd Timothy chapter number 4 look at verse 1 Paul says I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all unsuffering in doctrine right with doctrine verse 3 for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears this is another reason why we emphasize preaching sermons preaching doctrine because we know that people eventually get the itch right and they want to turn aside and you know and just heap unto themselves teachers having itching ears false teachers things that make them feel good right but there's there's a chance that you won't do that if there's hard preaching in the church if we're talking about the hard stuff and we're constantly you know reproving and rebuking so Paul's giving Timothy the recipe on how to avoid that you be instant in season out of season you reprove your rebuke you do all of these things and the chances of you falling out are going to be slim right there's always gonna be those people that just can't hack it and quit that's just the way that's just the way life is right but the majority will stick through that are here if you look at verse 4 he says and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables but watch thou in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist make full proof of thy ministry so he's saying hey preach the full counsel of God don't neglect to study keep reading and just keep on going he's in and by doing so you'll make full proof you'll make your ministry bulletproof basically all right so let's move on here let's see I'm gonna have you guys go to Acts chapter 1 Acts chapter 1 next thing here is a big one soul-winning this here is one where like I said I've had people call text question me and say hey I want to come to church but I don't go so many are you going to kick me out and you gotta love them right because they're just being genuine they just want to know and the answer is no we're not gonna do that okay in every church there's people that go there's people that don't and we don't kick anybody out we don't treat people differently that's not how you build people up that's not how you love people you know like all these guys go so I'm gonna take care of them but I'm not gonna take it you know we don't do that right without partiality the Bible says that is how you build people up you don't do it by being partial to people now do the people who go out and soul-winning sometimes get extra blessing sure you know and we can talk about that another time but people want to know why the strong push for soul-winning so let's talk about that people think that they have to go soul-winning or the Canada 10 Church that is not true you can come here and you can learn and we hope that you learn and we hope that you will go and we're gonna keep preaching about it but why soul-winning people say why do you do this you know what's the point here so let's talk about that look at verse 8 Acts chapter 1 verse 8 Jesus telling the disciples here telling the apostles says this but ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth so he's not just talking to the Apostles not just talking to the disciples here he's telling them hey what you do Peter what you do guys guess what yeah what you do Simon guess what that's going to have everlasting results because your converts will do the same thing and they will do the same thing and the next generation will go on and the next generation will go on and they will continue to go on until they've reached the uttermost parts of the earth stuff like that but we have power God has given us his spirit he has sealed us he's placed us into his body but he's given us power through his word he has given us the power to understand his doctrines right to understand it to rightly divide the word of truth and he's given us his power and we need to be able to use it because it's a command for acts chapter 4 look at verse 33 he says and with great power gave the Apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and great grace was upon them all now I'll admit some of this power that they had obviously was to do miracles signs and wonders and that was for a purpose okay but we still have power today we have the power of prayer and we have the power of understanding God's Word and being able to use this if you want to see power go soul-winning you will see power you will see this word cut people's hearts in fact sometimes just doing this cuts them to the heart just opening the door and oh you're a Baptist sometimes just that alone just your presence there will cut them to the heart because they know oh these people aren't Mormons I didn't know Christians actually did stuff like this right and sometimes that alone there cuts but it shows and it demonstrates that we have power the Word of God is power now go to Matthew chapter 28 Matthew chapter number 28 so you see why do you go out sowing because we have power look those of you that have you know rifles and pistols why do you go out shoot them because they got power right because you have them and you want to use them we should be the same way as Christians we should want to go out and use our weapon which is the Word of God we should want to be able to use this thing and use it skillfully having a zeal according to knowledge so Matthew 28 look at verse 18 why do we go sowing because it's a command you know it's not a command going to nightclubs Matthew 28 verse 18 and Jesus came and spake of them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and earth go ye therefore so because of that reason because he has the power because he's preserved his word and he's given it to you he says go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I'm with you always even to the end of the world amen now you say well see right there you got to be baptized or you're not saved right Church of Christ right that's what they say have you ever watched Duck Dynasty even they believe that I've had somebody tell me that I'm so many you know what people will often want to throw this at you right look I'll say this before every time you see the word baptized in the Bible it does not mean water people say baptized water okay water listen to this first Corinthians 12 13 for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body and that word spirit there is capital s right so by the Holy Ghost by the Holy Spirit are we baptized placed into the body of Christ right so when he's saying hey get people say get them baptized into the body of Christ and then should we get them water baptized yes amen we definitely should and that is part of our Commission as well making disciples teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I've commanded you that is the goal of church that is the goal of soul wanting to to teach doctrine to fill this valley up with his doctrine why because it's a command people say you think you're the only one that's right that's kind of narrow-minded well you know what's funny is that when a person is burning alive in a building and a firefighter comes up through the window and says hey come out I'm your only way out they don't say you're awfully judgmental you're awfully crooked you're awfully corrupt how narrow-minded of you mr. firefighter to say that you're the only way out of here right now right people don't think like that when their own flushes and trouble do they right but you know what the Bible says that is what it's like out there Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man comes unto the Father but by me so eat that world guess what that's just how it is suck it up that's the truth you saying you have the only way yes that's what we're saying go to 1st Corinthians chapter 2 we're getting close to being done I don't know how long I'm gonna go we're getting close to being done my turn in their memory for you Romans 1 16 for I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek the gospel which is communicated from this book from the King James Bible has power we have power this is why we go out soul-winning what I have you guys turn 1st Corinthians 2 all right look at verse 4 in my speech in my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit and of power look the best attempts you'll see at the lame liberal churches are them you know going around with these little booklets saying oh you know how many different nerve endings are in someone's eyeball guess what that means that means that God had it created because even science doesn't understand it look that's some of that stuff could be cool if you're already saved you know just to hear that once a while right but that's enticing words of man's wisdom because man figured that out God doesn't tell you how many nerve and nerve endings are in your eyeball or what makes up a cell that's I'm not against it that's great stuff but that is not what has power it's the Word of God that has power being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever that is how you get saved that is why we go slowly because we have the power the Bible says for the Word of God it's quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing our it says dividing asunder even you know the soul of spirit and the joints and marrow means the Word of God is what pierces your old man in your new man right and it says it also is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart so Revelation chapter 2 Revelation chapter 2 real quick why the shield of faith Baptist Church go out sewing look it's not to be puffed up it's not to say that we're better than you right it's to get people saved it's because we have power because we want to use that power because it's a command it is a command that this church has been given God says hey go ye you have to do this go do it and you know what he's not pleased when churches stop going soloing I'm gonna show you that here real quick Revelation chapter 2 look at verse 1 he says unto the angel of the church of Ephesus right these things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks I know thy works and thy labor and thy patience and how thou canst not bear them which are evil and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles and are not and hast found them liars verse 3 and has borne and has patience and for my name's sake has labored and has not fainted so he's saying hey Jesus saying hey look Ephesians you guys are doing good you know with with proving things you got some stuff right here right you're proving people that are saying their apostles you're proving them wrong you know that's good but look at verse 4 he says nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because thou hast left thy first love now look people want to stop right here and they'll say well if you go back to Acts chapter 19 when they were starting to preach in Ephesus people turn from their idols and they burn their books and all this stuff and that was the first works look that's not what the first works are does it sound like they have a problem with idolatry here no it doesn't does it sound like they have a problem with reading worldly books here no it doesn't but that's what people teach the first works are you know why because they're not doing the works I mean think about it when you get saved most people want to tell everybody in the world about it right I mean that's that's how you are when you get some some kind of truth or revelation from God's Word you want to communicate that that's the first thing that you want to do so it's pretty easy to figure out what he's talking about here they got comfortable you know just doing battle and proving false doctrines and they neglected the first works they neglected to continue to go out and preach and teach and fulfill the commission that he gave them verse 5 remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first works or else I will come on to thee quickly and will remove thy candlestick out of his place except thou repent this is why you're seeing churches that we call old IFB having their candlesticks or congregations removed from them today it's because they neglect the first works that is why and you say but the mega churches have thousands of people those really aren't churches and they're not Christian yeah we just call them so that's how you fit that into there let's see turn to Matthew chapter 5 Matthew chapter 5 why turn them review John chapter 9 verse 5 as long as I am the world Jesus says I am the light of the world in Matthew 5 verse 14 he says ye are the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid it is not God's intention that we hide the truth that we be covered in a blanket that's not his intentions we are to take the light the light of this word and we are to go out and communicate that to the community and get them saved and to teach them this is why we go so winning this is why we push it so hard because the battle is strong and it's raging and there's a lot of work to be done in this community in this community but does that mean that somebody has to go to be part of this church the answer is no you don't okay are we gonna look down on you no we don't do that okay so last thing we've got to talk about here real second the last thing it's gonna go quick is what about dress codes and dress standards this is probably by far the biggest one that we get what about the dress standards this is the one here that freaks a lot of people out there are I could think of at least ten names right now in instances recently where I've had people say hey my husband doesn't you know believe this or my wife doesn't believe in wearing skirts and stuff does can she still come to church and the answer is yes look if somebody showed up to soul winning let's say some lady showed up to soul winning in pants would I tell them to go home and put a skirt on no here's your invitations let's go you know get them to work you got to have patience with people you have to be a long-suffering now people say well why do your ladies all wear skirts I'll tell you why I'll tell you first of all before we get to the verse I think you know where I'm gonna turn number one just just logical you just think about this is the world today does the world today stand for the separation of the genders no it doesn't not at all so we wanting to be different wanting to be sanctified wanting to be holy because we're a royal priesthood we're kings and priests we want to put as much difference between the profane and the clean as we possibly can even if the verses that we're about to read weren't in the Bible I would say hey we need to put difference between the genders you if you look ladies need to look as feminine as possible according to the Bible to godly counsel righteousness and men need to look as masculine as possible today not according to the world we need that distinction in today's day and age you say well I'm gonna stand out like a sore thumb amen that's why we do it but are we gonna kick people out here because they're not on board no okay now somebody comes in here and starts teaching stuff that's different and backbiting yeah you're gonna get the boot real quick okay but you know people need to be given a chance to grow so turn to Ezekiel 44 and while you're turning them read for you Leviticus 18 21 which says and thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech neither shalt thou profane the name of God I am Lord I believe when a lady says or a man says you know what I want to look as much like the other gender as I can because I believe that that's okay I believe that's what God told me and if you think I'm crazy wait till Kaden puts out his video on Tuesday and you're gonna watch somebody say that you know what that is making God's name profane and God's people should never do that never ever do that you're there in Ezekiel 44 look at verse 23 talking about this is this is what God's desires he's talking to the to the priests of the day and he's saying this is my will for them and he says and they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean this is why we spend time preaching this is why we go out solely and teach people doctrine after they're safe this is why we dress the way that we do is to put a difference between the clean and the unclean that is why look the battle rages on 24 hours a day understand that and part of that is our standards I believe that I believe we should have standards that are above the trash and the blurring of the genders that the world wants to do today it is not okay what they're doing it is wrong it's blasphemous it's disgusting and it's satanic okay so this here is the perfect verse to give somebody hey why do you do that because you know what God's desire is that we be holy not profane you know but a lot of the clothing today these skinny jeans and these blouses the guys are wearing guess what that is profane that is disgusting and that is not the will of God for his people if you would turn to Deuteronomy chapter 22 getting real close to being done I promise Deuteronomy 22 look at verse 5 Deuteronomy 22 5 says this the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so are an abomination unto the Lord thy God so when that man puts on that blouse he is he is an abomination to God that guy that you see at WinCo that's wearing a dress he is an abomination to God right this is why we have standards in dress at our church now does that mean if you if you don't dress right we're kicking you out I've already said no we're not we have patience long-suffering we love people who want to help and we want to teach people the reasons why we do these things we're not doing these things out of tradition we're doing these things out of commandment in the Bible and hoping that that does become a tradition look there's nothing wrong with a tradition as long as it's biblical as long as you had a verse to back it up right so why don't women wear pants people say well people often say this to me why do you not allow ladies wear pants I don't tell you what to wear I just preach the Bible and hope you listen I don't go to your house and audit you I don't I don't that any me I've already said that's cultish we don't do that kind of stuff here but it does say a woman shall not wear that which pertaineth to a man likewise the man won't shouldn't wear that which pertains to one and you know what one of those garments are guess what does not pertain to a man a skirt or a dress that pertains to people like Kanye West who I have seen pictures of wearing a skirt on stage or some kind of a fatty dress but anyways this is why you know like when we started getting into this stuff you know Jessica she wasn't like you know all us right on board she she she took it upon herself I didn't browbeat her into doing this I did at first I realized that it's not gonna work you know but she came to this knowledge on her own by her own Bob reading about listening to preachings like yeah you're right you know look even if this verse wasn't here we should do that to separate between the profane and what is holy that's why we do it you know and even the liberal Christians will pay lip service oh yeah we shouldn't be of the world not of the world right no TW they got the shirt right not of this world well guess what we're not of this world and we're definitely not trying to act like it in our personal lives we actually trying to live what we preach okay last but not least last for today number six if you would turn to Hebrews 5 it's gonna be the last place I have you turn Hebrews 5 our goal is to take everyone from milk to me in this church some sermons you're gonna hear stuff you've heard over and over again some sermons you might hear a little bit something maybe that is new to you not new doctrine but new to you you know I'm trying to teach you something but there has to be a balance right we have to always come back around to the basics because we're always gonna have new people we're gonna have new people that maybe haven't heard this or heard that so it's important that we revisit a lot of these doctrines here okay so why are you turning to Hebrews I'm just gonna read for you 1st Corinthians 3 verse 2 it says I have fed you with milk and not with meat for you hitherto you were not able to bear it neither yet now are ye able for year yet carnal for whereas there is among you envying strife and divisions are you not carnal and walk as men so the goal of the preaching the goal of this church the goal of the sermons that I write you know is to to provide you or to get you from milk to me look and I and from the first time I met you guys so now you're you're on the meat right but we're always gonna have people that need milk as well so there's got to be that balance okay so I just wanted to bring that up that's our goal right but the goal of a lot of other churches just to preach the same 20 minute lovey-dovey hugs and kisses type sermon that never gives them any meat never does it never does and that's not how people grow in fact what you'll find there is what I just read for you envying strives and divisions that's what that kind of because they're not preaching against sin they're not preaching against clicks they're not preaching against this stuff and so that is the result is carnality you see what I'm saying carnality is the result of shallow preaching every time Hebrews 512 for when for the time you ought to be teachers you have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God and are become such as have need of milk and not of strong me for every one of you that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness for he is a babe so this is the goal is to continuously make you able to receive the meat okay it's for personal growth it's for wisdom knowledge understanding right we're trying to avoid a Corinthian catastrophe in this church always and it's an ongoing thing right it's an ongoing thing this is why the sermons are the way that they are you don't have to turn there we're done right here I'm just gonna read for you four verses 2nd Timothy 219 which says nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are his and let everyone that name at the name of Christ depart from iniquity right that should be our goal a willingness to depart from iniquity after we're saved verse 10 20 but in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver but also of earth some to honor and some to dishonor if a man therefore purge himself from these he shall be a vessel into honor sanctified and meet for the Masters use and prepared unto every good work this is the goal of shield faith Baptist Church to make us fit for the Masters use that's it right we want to be used greatly by God that's our prayer every time we go out sowing that's my prayer every single day and he says verse 22 flee also youthful lusts but follow righteousness faith charity peace with them that call on the name of the Lord out of a pure heart right that is why shield of faith Baptist Church is different because we stand on this rock we have a line drawn in the sand we're not backing down we're gonna continue to go that way I don't care what anybody says let's pray thank you Lord for the truth in your word please help us to remain zealous Lord but according to knowledge in Jesus name I pray amen