(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . going to learn what the bible says about women in church leadership and of course a byproduct of that will be connecting the dots between modern versions and disobedience because there is a connection there. Now we get questions often about this subject believe it or not. One of the articles in the newspaper was my unwillingness to cooperate with the ecumenical council that's around here in the treasure valley. And if you were around back then you know that the media basically said hey would you ever be willing to talk to somebody about your views which is yeah any day of the week. If I've got the time I'll talk to you. So yeah I'll talk to anybody if they want to come down here and talk. And the first person they send to talk and really didn't want to talk they wanted to tell me how wrong I was and how I don't understand the bible and how we're a cult. But was a so-called woman pastor. Okay and I got some emails from a supposed deaconess. And so you know sometimes we get questions about this subject from sincere people they just don't know they just don't understand. And so this would also be for them but this is the reality that we're dealing with today and this is an important subject and this is something that needs to be preached about. I'd say at least a couple times a year you know with honorable mentions frequently because this is something that is definitely on the rise. It's been on the rise for a while but you're going to see this more and more in so-called churches. Women in church leadership is a big big problem so we're going to take a look at that tonight. So let's start this off here Romans chapter number 16 look at verse number one. So Paul says I commend unto you Phoebe our sister which is a servant of the church which is at Cintrea. Verse two that you receive her in the Lord as become the saints and that she assists her in whatsoever business she hath need of you. For she hath been a succour of many and myself also. Okay so again the question being what is a deaconess we'll answer that here in a little bit. Now you keep your place there in Romans 16 we're going to we're going to look at it again but I'm going to read for you out of two false Bible versions this evening. I'm going to read Romans 16 verses one and two from the NIV and the contemporary English version. Okay so I'm going to start with the NIV and I want you to look down at the King James Bible. Okay so the NIV let's just start this off NIV says this I commend to you our sister Phoebe a deacon of the church in Cintrea. Verse two I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of his people and to give her any help she may need from you. For she has been the benefactor of many people including me. Okay anybody notice a difference there between the NIV and what the King James Bible says. Right the King James Bible says a servant. Okay and we're going to break these verses down in Romans 16 at the very end of the sermon so we're definitely going to come back I just want you to get the context here. Alright here's the contemporary English version. Verse one says I have good things to say about Phoebe who is a leader in the church at Cintrea. So I don't do this too often because I can't do it with a straight face. I have good things to say about Phoebe who is a leader in the church at Cintrea. Welcome her in a way that is proper for someone who has faith in the Lord and is one of God's own people. Okay help her in any way you can after all she has proved to be a respected leader for many others including me. So I mean I guess right off the bat this isn't the answer I'm going for here but it definitely applies. What is a deaconess? Well apparently a deaconess is the result of a bunch of liberal commentators on the Bible. A bunch of people who wanted to change the Word of God. Okay that's where deaconess started okay but the question is what is the office of a deaconess? Is there such a thing? There is at the liberal church okay obviously but not here and definitely not coming from the Word of God. There is a big difference between servant and deacon let's get into this let's take a look. Acts chapter number six go ahead and go to Acts chapter number six and we will get started here. So let's start off with what is a deacon? What was the need for a deacon? How did this come to be? Now this passage that we're going to start reading in Acts chapter number six it doesn't explicitly say these seven guys are deacons. Okay we kind of broke this down several several months ago when we went through the book of Acts. But you'll see especially if you study the subject matter out that all these guys pretty much more or less started what we call today deacons and so on and so forth. So we're going to start here in Acts six so that we can get an idea of why did the office of a deacon arise in the first place before we even get into the qualifications. So up until this point here Acts chapter number six if you were to read through Acts chapter number five you would find the apostles doing what the apostles did. Starting churches preaching the Word of God and then getting in trouble. And towards the end of Acts chapter number five you'll see that the apostles are you know they're going through trials just like they did. And this guy named Galileo puts forth a question he's like hey if what they're doing is from God you guys aren't going to be able to stop. So he's trying to tell the council members this. He's like you guys can keep trying to fight against it just isn't going to work. So let's just put them forth the space for a little while you know just let them alone and if it's not from God it's going to come to naught. It's not going to come to you know fruition and he gives his reasoning for that. The very next thing the council beats the apostles the apostles rejoice that they were worthy to be to suffer for the for the name of the Lord. And then they go out house to house and preach the gospel. So that's kind of the cycle there. So right off of the heels of that this chapter starts off with this word it says and okay. So and in those days so in those days when the apostles were being beaten they were being put on trial they're starting churches there. Well they haven't started a whole lot of churches yet but they're in the process of doing that they're preaching the Word of God they're making disciples look what it says. It says in those days when the number of the disciples was multiplied there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration. Okay so here you have it you got guys just going out there spreading the Word of God they're getting people saved but on top of getting people saved they're making disciples. So they're making people go beyond just salvation people that say you know what I like this message I love this message I want to help spread this. I want to go forth and be a worker in the Word of the Lord and then simultaneously you have some logistics or some admin type issues that spring up and they need to be dealt with here. So this has created a problem so look at verse number two it says then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them and said it is not reason that we should leave the Word of God and serve tables. Okay so here you have the apostles calling the disciples and they're like hey we hear what's going on you guys have given us a report you know there's a murmuring that has arose this has to be dealt with but we cannot leave the Word of God to attend to these physical type things. Verse number three wherefore brethren look ye out among you seven men of honest report full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom whom we may appoint over don't miss this this business okay this business. Verse four but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. So there you have it you have the apostles addressing the issue and stating the importance here we can't just stop preaching the Word of God in order to take care of this physical administrative problem. So he tells the disciples hey pick out seven guys that are full of the Holy Ghost and you know that have these qualifications we will appoint them to handle this business so that that way they can continue to preach the Word of God. So you say okay great what's the point here what's the role of a deacon? Well if you see here these people these seven guys that we're about to read about here were appointed so that they can handle the physical and logistical needs of the church so that the disciples and the apostles can continue to freely preach the Word of God. So why any pastor who's a real pastor a church leader wants to have a deacon as soon as possible so that the Word of God can flourish. And it kind of makes you ask the question well what about people that don't have a sowing ministry? Why do they have deacons? Why do they have all these so-called elders? What are they doing? Okay I mean if you don't have a door-to-door ministry I mean look at the end of Acts chapter 5. I mean look just look at this look at verse 32 back up to chapter 5 real quickly look at verse 32 let me get there myself not verse 32 but let me get let me find where I'm at here. All right Acts chapter 5 look at verse I'm sorry 42 we'll start in 41 says and they departed from the presence of the council rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. Okay again why were they suffering shame? Preaching the Word of God look at verse 42 and daily in the temple and in every house they cease not to teach and to preach Jesus Christ. So again that was the mission that's what they were doing they were evangelizing and they were also edifying one another and they said hey we can't let this other stuff take place of that. We can't let these physical and logistical things bog us down so the question that I have for these other liberal churches out here is I don't see you doing the end of Acts chapter number 5 there so why do you need a big staff? Why do you need these deacons? Oh that's right because you're nothing but a fraud that's why you don't do the work of the Lord you're full of crap and you know it. Okay so stop messaging me stop emailing me well when you get larger are you going to actually have deacons? Man shut your mouth. Okay are you ever going to go preach the gospel to somebody? No probably not because you reject the gospel and the Word of God so how about that? Anyways back on track here we see the need for the office of a deacon which is what this is eventually going to be called. Okay so look at verse number 5 it says this and the saying pleased the whole multitude and they chose Stephen a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost and Philip and Prochorus and Nicanor and Timon and Parmenas and Nicholas a proselyte of Antioch. Now we don't have time to obviously break all these names down a lot of them this is the only time you see their names here but what about Stephen? Okay let's just stop for a second does that mean that these seven guys were only to attend physical needs and administrative needs and logistical needs? Well no right because we see Stephen later on losing his life for what? Preaching the Word of God for a sermon that he preached to the Jews that they did not like because it was anti-Semitic that's why he lost his life. So we have this guy who is functioning in the role of a deacon he is still preaching the Word of God still advocating for the faith loses his life and what about Philip? Yeah exactly you don't have to turn there but let me just read a little bit about Philip Acts 21 verse 8 it says this you just listen to this Acts 21 it says and the next day we were at or we that were of Paul's company departed and came on to Caesarea and we entered into the house of Philip the evangelist which was one of the seven and abode with him and the same man had four daughters virgins which did prophesy. See why bring that up in the middle of this? Well because in a little bit we're gonna go take a look at the qualifications for a deacon okay and you can see there that obviously Philip met those qualifications. Nothing is in the Bible for chance or for filler or by coincidence that is listed in there for a reason and that's not the only time we see Philip right? I mean Philip did a lot of work I mean did he not get the Ethiopian eunuch saved you know did he not do baptism I mean come on now these guys are definitely still functioning in the Word of God but they have another duty or another role as well. So let's move on here look at verse number six it says whom they set before the Apostles and when they had prayed they laid their hands on them. Now this isn't a Nehemiah style laying on of hands obviously here this is what they did to acknowledge this position here so kind of like when I got ordained Pastor Meneth laid his hands on me prayed for me set me on my way that's what they did here the same type of thing. They ordained this as a position within the church so let me ask you a question what was the result of this decision here what was the result look at verse number seven and don't miss this and the Word of God increased you see that and the Word of God increased. So as they implemented this office this position here the Word of God increased because now you have these seven guys that are able to take care of these physical and logistical needs and on top of that still preach the word still make disciples and still stand up for the Word of God. So the natural result is this and the Word of God increased but also don't miss the second part and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith. Look again that's not there by coincidence that's there to let us know I mean how many priests back then actually got saved and continued on in the faith. You know most of them people in the synagogue that got saved and said you know I'm going to confess the Lord Jesus Christ what happened to them they would get the boot or they would get mocked they would lose their family they would get excommunicated if you will. But here we see a good thing because of this wisdom because they were able to meet the physical and the logistical needs we see that the Word of God increased and the number of disciples multiplied and they have great testimonies as a result. So you have those three things as a salvation have they upheld this verse. If you knock on someone's door or someone comes in here and says you know I'm a deacon from so-and-so's church and you start questioning them about salvation and they can't give you a straightforward answer have they met these quals. No absolutely not. Verse 9 holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience look at verse 10 and let these also first be proved then let them use the office of a deacon being found blameless. So there is such a thing as the office of a deacon just like there is such a thing as the office of a bishop but you have these spiritual anarchists out there today that want to say well you know there shouldn't be a pastor we should just meet and do whatever and it's just kind of a free-for-all because you know hell is kind of like this lukewarm place and God loves everybody and only Hitler and Mao and you know a few bad guys go there. That's the picture that's being painted for you today. One of the pictures that's being painted for you today. But verse 10 is very clear and let these also be first proved and let them use the office of a deacon being found what blameless. So you say well what does that mean we got to be proven on these things that he's listed here okay and you also have to take a reprobate test and I'm not kidding about that. Actually I am. Okay look at verse 11. Look at verse number 11. I gotta find a surf about that later but look at verse 11. Even so okay even so remember what what's the question here what is a deaconess even so must their wives be grave not slanderers sober faithful all things. Now your average dyke is going to stop reading right here and be like well my wife you know is it meets these calls. Oh really did you bother to read the rest of the verses. Okay let's take a look here look at verse 12. Let the deacons be the what the husbands. Wait a second let the deacons be the husbands of one wife ruling their children and their houses well. Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife. So if you're not a husband the only way to be a husband is to be a man to be a male. Okay I don't care what anybody else says even those freaks don't even believe that they know we're saying is true. The Bible says let the deacons. Okay let the deacons be the husband of one wife ruling their children and their houses well verse 13. For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchased to themselves a good degree and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus. I mean is that not the example that we saw in Acts chapter number six. Is that not the example that Stephen set for us that Philip set for us and I'm sure the other as well. Of course it is okay but here's the kicker go back to chapter number two. Go back to chapter number two because before you would have gotten here you would have gotten another bombshell truth. They would have slapped any kind of silliness out of your mouth and out of your head and there's no way you would ever be questioning whether or not a pastor or a deacon should be a male or a female. First Timothy chapter number two. Now this is where we're going to get into the answer of tonight's sermon. What is a deaconess? Okay look at verse number 11. Look at what Paul says here. Paul the apostle okay. Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. Okay now when this stupid news reporter you know emailed or whatever she did texted me I can't remember. But she's like you know this uh equality council has reached out to you and they said you haven't responded. And I said I said if somebody if some pastor here wants an answer basically that I'll give it to them but so far I haven't been contacted by any. Well so and so and I forgot what her name is who cares okay. Some female I think she is at Cathedral of the Rockies okay. When she reached out to you I was like no no no and I started quoting her these verses here you know. First Timothy two I put on first Timothy three. You think she put that in the newspaper? No. She just said oh I asked the pastor about it he was being very rude and mocking and he was just sent me a bunch of verses saying the women ought to be subservient to all men. It's not quite what I said okay. But the Bible's clear. Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. Verse 12 but I suffer not a woman to teach okay. I mean look it doesn't get any clearer than that. To teach what? To teach anything in the church right. But I suffer not a woman to teach. He says the same things to the Corinthians in chapter 14. First Corinthians chapter 14. We don't have time to go there look it up on your own time. The point is he's not budging on this. This is the word of God. In fact in first Corinthians 14 he talks about hey this is how it was back in the Old Testament and it's still the same way today. No change no compromise. But I suffer not meaning I allow not. I suffer not a woman to teach. Don't miss these next three words. Nor to usurp okay. Nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence. Everybody see that okay. No one in here disagrees. So we read the qualifications in first Timothy chapter number three right. Before you would have gotten to first Timothy three you should have read first Timothy chapter number two. We'll get to Titus in a minute. Guess what's missing? Deaconess. It's not on there because there's no such thing. So if you go to a so-called church and they open up a so-called Bible and it says NIV or whatever it is. They even halfway have a good heart towards the NIV which is not a good heart but a bad heart. You know a heart knitted unto that. Guess what? That person has lost his pastor card. Okay. He needs to step down immediately because he has not held the faithful word as he has been taught. Meaning in most cases he hasn't even been taught. Okay. But we'll get to that here in a moment. Let's go back to the question. What does it mean to usurp? I had someone write back and say well that just means to exercise authority. Okay. And I was like no it doesn't. That is not what that word means. Usurp is always negative. Okay. It means to take a position of power either legally or illegally by force. Not legally but illegally by force. Okay. But in our case if a woman quote unquote takes it legally by our laws that are out in town or whatever. It's still illegal because it goes against the word of God. Because Paul said let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence. So what does this mean? What is the answer to the question? That means that a woman who calls herself a deaconess or a deacon whatever it is. A pastor is a tyrant. That woman is a tyrant or a bully. And you say how did you get that? Because those two words are synonyms of the word usurper. The moment she starts to teach. The moment she says oh now I'm a deaconess she has usurped authority because it goes against the word of God. It doesn't matter if the pastor is like oh we're going to vote on it. You know I was doing a little search today and I typed in deaconess Baptist Church. And sure enough there's some videos out there and so I hit one with like 21,000 views on it. This ought to be good. I got 10 minutes in and I got so mad I had to turn it off. You know I'm like I'm supposed to be doing my job here and going to these customers fixing this stuff and I'm going to wind up all upset. But anyways this guy's like okay in about a week's time frame guys he's talking to his church and he's like the board of elders is going to vote. And they're going to vote on something very important. Something we've never done before guys. Never done before. People are like wow you can see people's heads bob looking at each other in the camera. And he's like we're going to vote on the future deaconess of the Bible. And he's like before you get mad, before you leave, before you get upset, hear me out. Next thing he does, he goes right to the Greek. And he's like all that means, the word diakonos or whatever it is in Greek, you know it's like all that means is servant. That's all that means. So before you hear what I have to say, before you judge me, before you become judgmental, he's like I want you to just listen to what I have to say. Because in a sense we're all deacons if we're serving. Right? So he tries to level the playing field. And he's like furthermore I just want to get this message to you guys. Because I really care about you guys and I want you guys to pray and to even fast if possible about the board's decision on making our very first deaconess. And the YouTube comments were like split 50-50. That's sad. Like half of them were for the deaconess, the other half were against. It's like what in the world? Hey where's my vote man? Why don't you call me up? Why don't you call somebody in our church up and ask us what we think? Okay? Completely ridiculous. The moment she takes a position to teach in the church, she has usurped automatically. It's an automatic indication. It's a definitive statement to say she has become a usurper. A synonym to the word usurper is tyrant or bully. We don't need the dictionary to figure out what that means. It is not good. And you say well I've met some that are very nice. You don't see what they're like when the lights go out. You don't see what they're like when that family door closes. Because the Bible says they usurp. The Bible is against it. And look I'm not trying to be down on women. I'm not trying to be down on that at all. I'm just preaching the word of God. So if this stirs something in you and you feel a little bit of anger towards me, you got a heart problem. And you need to check yourself. Because it's not right. This is the word of God and it's what it says. You say but why did God allow? Look he's going to tell you in a second why. Look at verse 13. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. Verse 14. And Adam was not deceived. But the woman being deceived was in the transgression. So the Bible is clear there. Look Adam went along with Eve's program. He became a simp and that's why we're in the condition we're in. Sorry Adam but you know it is what it is man. We're cool. Don't worry about it. Everything's fine. But we all would have done the same thing because we're of him. I get it. I understand the point here. But it says Adam wasn't deceived. He knew full well what he was doing. But the woman was deceived. And you say yeah but I know some women are smarter than men. So do I. I know some women that can beat some men up with jujitsu and wrestling. And you say that's impossible. No it isn't. There are some women that can mop you. It's a fact. And I'll tell you what. I've had some women that are excellent bosses. I'll just come right out and say that. That have their stuff together. There are great women in the Bible. Let's talk. You want to talk about Deborah for a while? You want to talk about Ruth? I mean you want to talk about the Proverbs 31 woman? Look I'm not down on women. We have more women preachers here. Think about that. We have more women preachers here than any other church in this valley. Because our women preach the gospel door to door like they did in Acts chapter number 5. But up here when it's time for church it's a whole different story. We're going to follow what this book says no matter what anybody says. And that's just the way that it is. So that's why because of verse 14. Go chew on it. Go meditate on it. That is why you say explain more. Okay look at verse 15. Not withstanding she should be saved and childbearing if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. So why does he just insert that? Because he's bringing back what the role of the woman is. It's to guide the house. To bear the children. That is the role of a woman and that is in a sense leadership. But it's not inside the church. It's not in front of the congregation. It's not usurping authority. Guiding your family. These types of things go to Titus chapter number 1. Titus chapter number 1. So hopefully you're starting to see there. What is a deaconess? A deaconess is a tyrant. A deaconess is a bully. A deaconess is a false position. It does not exist in the Bible. You say what about my NIV? The NIV is not a Bible. It is a satanic commentary. It is an openly satanic commentary which had a dyke and a faggot on the board of translation. There goes our YouTube channel. But anyways. Titus chapter 1. So let's take a look at this again. So just in case. Just in case for whatever reason. You know. You didn't get through 1 Timothy 2. You didn't get through 1 Timothy 3. No problem. No problem. It states it again. Titus chapter number 1. Let's take a look at verse number 5. So Paul's telling Titus who became an elder, a bishop. He says this to Titus verse 5. He says, For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city as I had appointed thee. So what do you see there? You see right off the bat part of Titus' mission is to ordain elders because there were things wanting or things that were lacking. So we don't have time to get into it. But when these guys in the Old Testament, sorry in the beginning of the church in the New Testament, when they started churches, they would often get a group of people saved. They would try to make disciples and they'd bounce and then check on them later. That's just how they did it. And the fact that they survived and thrived and eventually got to this point to where they could even have an elder, that said a lot about that group of people. And what else does it say? It's miraculous. Because they didn't even have the full completed revelation of scripture then, did they? So don't ever like knock the way that we start churches. Sometimes, like for example, this church was started without a physical pastor here. Yes, Pastor Jimenez was the pastor of this church. But you had different guys coming in on Sundays to preach. And some people outside of our circles would mock that. I mean you had guys from Faithful Word come here. You had guys from Pastor Thompson's church, Sure Foundation come here. Verdi just kept rotating. And people are like, that's terrible. That's no way to run a church. That's kind of how they did it in the New Testament in the beginning. And it worked out just fine, didn't it? And the fact that we had a lot of bozos when it started, it didn't matter. We're still here. We're still here. We're still doing great things. It's fine. It's okay. It's the way God has set it up. But anyways, that's a rabbit trail for tonight. Look at verse 6. He says this, if any. So what are we talking about? Ordaining the elders, okay? And we saw that the ordination of a bishop and deacons had very similar qualifications. He says this, if any be blameless, the husband of one wife. There you go. You have it again. Okay, the husband of one wife. How can a woman be the husband of one wife? It's impossible. It is absolutely impossible. And look at the language here. If any be blameless, the husband of one wife. Having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly. Verse 7. This is the obligatory statement for a bishop must be. Must be. This is a commandment. This is set in stone. There is no alteration. No changing this. For a bishop must be blameless as the steward of God. Not self-willed, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre, but a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate, holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the game-sayers. That throws like 98% of preachers out of the office today. Because if you open up an NIV, that is not the faithful word. I don't care if it's an NASB, I don't care if it's the CV, the ESP, it doesn't matter. It is not the word of God. He has not held fast the faithful word. But it's kind of funny that the same group of people will constantly come in here, constantly call, constantly message and say, where did you go to seminary? Shut your mouth. I got taught the faithful word and I'm here, pal. And it's kind of funny how when I start throwing out Bible verses, you start ducking and running and claiming that you could speak a language, which I know for a fact you can't speak. Holding fast the faithful word as what? As they? As he that is masculine, as he has been taught. That what? He may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the game-sayers. We don't have time to get deep into that, but look at verse 10. For there are many, this is the reason why these qualifications are here. For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, especially they of the circumcision. Oh, that's anti-Semitic. Who cares? It's the truth. Put it on the website. Call the Southern Poverty Law Center. Call the ACLU. Call Hamlet Beta on Twitter. Who cares? Because the Jews can't keep their mouths shut and they keep spreading lies. Guess what? We have a job to preach the word of God and to convince the game-sayers. It is our job to do this. Instant in season and out of season, no matter what. Verse 11. Whose mouths must be stopped. The mouths of who? The Jews, the circumcision. Whose mouths must be stopped. Who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not. For what? Filthy lucre's sake. See that connection? The money and the Jew. It's true! The money and the Jew is always true. Put that up on the wall. Somebody write that down before I forget. Come back to Romans 16, we're almost done. I'm going to stop right there. That's really a different sermon, but you get the point. All right. Romans 16. Almost done here. Just got to break a couple more things down and we will be out of here. All right, so right where we first started, obviously we understand what a deaconess is. A deaconess is a fraud. A deaconess is a tyrant. So is a woman pastor. Look, Paula White. How do you think it would be to be married to that woman? It would be terrible. Absolutely. What about Joyce Meyer? She looks like the Joker. You're being mean. I'm being honest. She is a joke. I mean, come on. The character, the Joker and Joyce Meyer, they're the same person. It's the same role and just happen to have the same face, but whatever. If you want to send people to hell, I'll say anything. I don't care. I'm throwing out. Insults, I'm coming for you because I want your mouth stopped and I want you to burn in hell. I want you to die and go to hell. That's what I want because every time we knock on someone's door who's been influenced by these people and they can't get the gospel because of the seed of the wicked one, it really pisses me off. It's Romans 16, look at verse 1. It says, I commend unto you, Phoebe, our sister, which is a what? A servant. Doesn't say deacon. Look, if she was a deacon, the King James Bible, the translators, the Bible would have told you that. It would have stated that. Which is a servant of the church, which is at Sentrea. And I can tell, I can prove this to you. Look at verse 2. That ye receive her in the Lord as become a saint, that ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you. For she hath been a secourer of many and myself also. So obviously you can see the way that she serves. She's very compassionate. She's very comforting. She is just a sweet person to be around obviously. But just hold that thought there for a second. Let me read for you the NIV one more time. So again, look down at King James verses 1 and 2. I'm going to read the NIV. I really want you to see what this does here. I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon. Okay, so the NIV just comes right out. Makes that jump. Just twists the word of God. It says, I commend unto you our sister Phoebe, a deacon. They took the liberty to add that in there. Even though it's a violation of 1 Timothy 3, 1 Timothy 2, 1 Corinthians chapter number 14, and Titus chapter number 1, and the entire Bible. Okay, but let's not go off on that. It says this, I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Sentrea. Verse 2. Don't miss this. I ask you. This is what the NIV says. I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy blah blah blah. You see that? What does the NIV do? The NIV transfers leadership from Paul to Phoebe. From a man to a woman. It does the exact opposite of what the word of God does. How does the devil work? In opposites. Look down at the King James Bible. What does it say? Verse 1. I commend unto you Phoebe, our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Sentrea. So Paul comes right out and says, hey, she's a servant. I commend her. So he gives her reputation which precedes her. Verse 2, he says this, that ye receive her in the Lord as becometh saints, and that ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you. So the question I have for you guys is this, who gave the commandment? Paul did. So who's the leader here? Paul. Exactly. Is Phoebe a leader? Nope. That means the NIV is a liar, the CEV is a liar, and anybody who uses those or endorses those or is soft on those is a liar and a fraud. That's what that means. So again, it's very clear to see there. The King James says, hey, Paul gave the church the commandment. If she was a leader, if she was in charge, if she was a deacon, he wouldn't have needed to exercise his authority over that church and give the command. Look at verse 2 again. This is a command. He says, that ye receive her. He's not asking. The NIV twists that around and says, I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cintrea. I ask you to receive her. Look, Paul's not asking. He's telling. Hey, Phoebe's a great sister in the Lord. Receive her. And here's why. Completely different books. Totally different books. One's the word of God and one is a fraud. Look at verse 3. Great Priscilla and Aquila, my helpers in Christ. Jesus, we're going to talk about them here in just a second. He says this, who have for my life laid down their own necks unto whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles. And so he goes on here and in verse 6, he lists someone named Mary. So again, that just proves also that Paul wasn't a chauvinist. He's not just down on women. We are not just down on women, but what we are down on is frauding the word of God. That's what we shame. That's what we frown upon. And that's why they hate us. Last place I'm going to have you turn is Acts chapter number 18. Because I want you to see something else here, you know, and this, we could go to a lot of places. I just want to leave it here just to leave a good taste for what I'm talking about here. So Paul, right after he talks about Phoebe, he says, hey, you know, she's a great sister. She's a succour of men and she helps people out. And he says, hey, you receive her. Whatsoever she has need of, you guys need to help her out. That proves that Paul is the authority. He is the leader. Not what the NIV says. That's a lie. The NIV is obviously a fraud and a lie, but then he goes on and talks about Priscilla and Aquila. What does that mean? Husband and wife. Okay? And just real quickly here, Acts chapter 18, we're going to start reading in verse number 24. And you're going to see here how God used Priscilla and Aquila to teach a young man named Apollos. I don't know if he was young at this time, but I just kind of envisioned that he was. But either way, young in the faith. Look at verse 24. He says this. So the Bible says this. And a certain Jew named Apollos, born in Alexandria, an eloquent man and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus. Verse 25. This man was instructed in the way of the Lord and being fervent in the Spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John. Verse 26. And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue, whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, don't miss this, they took him unto them and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly. Now, obviously, I believe they waited till the service was over and they took him aside and said, hey, that was great. And they began to communicate to them the way of God more perfectly. Look, there's all kinds of examples in the Bible of husband and wife, of women doing great things for God. So just because God said, hey, a woman is not supposed to be the preacher doesn't mean that the woman has no place in the Christian life. That's a lie. That's a fraud. You know, but these other frauds, they'll get up in front of their church and say, well, there's neither male nor female in Christ. OK. And so with that being said, we're all equal. And so women are allowed to be preachers. They are allowed to be deacons. It's like you're an idiot. OK. And that may sound arrogant, but it's the truth. You're an idiot or you're purposely trying to get filthy lucre. I mean, it's something evil. It is something wicked because the Bible is crystal clear. There's no such thing as a deaconess. There's no such thing as a woman bishop. There is no such thing as a woman pastor. And that is not to shame women at all. OK. I mean, how many people do you think Philip's daughters got saved? I mean, who knows? They preached. They prophesied the word of God. How many women have gotten people saved inside of this church? They probably get more people saved than the guys. OK. A lot of times we'll be, especially on Saturdays, you know, we'll be walking down the street and nobody wants to talk to us. But the lady's had four conversations. You know, the lady's got one. Praise God. Amen. OK. So again, this is the subject here. It comes up all the time. It's, you know, just another backdoor attack on the word of God. It's something we all need to be aware of because it's important. It's part of the battle that we face every single day. So with that being said, let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Thank you so much, Lord, for this truth and for this church that agrees with this truth, Lord, because it is very difficult to find people that agree with the Bible these days. Just pray that you'd help us to make more disciples and that the word of God would increase in our area and abroad. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. Amen. Grab your songbooks one more time this evening and turn to song 227. Saved by the blood. 227. Saved by the blood of the crucified one. On the first. Saved by the blood of the crucified one. Now ransom from sin and a new work begun. Sing praise to the Father and praise to the Son. Saved by the blood of the crucified one. Glory, I'm saved. Glory, I'm saved. My sins are all pardoned. My guilt is all gone. Glory, I'm saved. Glory, I'm saved. I'm saved by the blood of the crucified one. Saved by the blood of the crucified one. The angels rejoicing because it is done. A child of the Father joined air with the Son. Saved by the blood of the crucified one. Glory, I'm saved. Glory, I'm saved. My sins are all pardoned. My guilt is all gone. Glory, I'm saved. Glory, I'm saved. I'm saved by the blood of the crucified one. Saved by the blood of the crucified one. The Father he spake and his will it was done. Great prize for my pardon, his own precious Son. Saved by the blood of the crucified one. Glory, I'm saved. Glory, I'm saved. My sins are all pardoned. My guilt is all gone. Glory, I'm saved. Glory, I'm saved. I'm saved by the blood of the crucified one. Alas, saved by the blood of the crucified one. All hail to the Father. All hail to the Son. All hail to the Spirit, the Great Great One. Saved by the blood of the crucified one. Glory, I'm saved. Glory, I'm saved. My sins are all pardoned. My guilt is all gone. Glory, I'm saved. Glory, I'm saved. I'm saved by the blood of the crucified one. Amen. Amen. Amen.