(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) and the battle increased that day how be it the king of Israel stadiums himself up in his chariot against the Syrians until the evening and about the time of the Sun going down he died so bow our heads and have a word of prayer thank you all for bringing us here together to sing praises to you and hear your word we preach we ask you please fill pastor Jones with your hope with your Holy Spirit as it comes forward a priest message that you laid on his heart Lord exactly please give us all ears to hear horse to receive the message the Lord we love you and in Jesus name we pray amen all right so we're in 2nd Chronicles chapter 18 so I'm preaching about this morning is being sensitive the title of the sermon is walking on eggshells walking on eggshells we all know the people that we've workplace are in your own family yeah that you have to walk on eggshells so to speak what that means is you have to basically conduct yourself in a manner that's very very careful so that you don't set off you know that certain individual that's hypersensitive or always getting offended and they always flip out things like that right you know just thinking about this those type of people are a drain on life they really are they're hard to be around because you know that you just say the wrong thing even even if you're right you know it seems like it just doesn't matter it's just gonna bother them it's just gonna offend them they're gonna be upset go tell everybody around you just make your life a living hell and so we're gonna talk about that why we don't want to be like that and I'm not saying anybody in here is at this point at this point in time I don't think there's anybody left in here like that but it does kind of help to understand this behavior because it's something that you can develop over time you know as you're reading the story here and you study the life of a hab he's got a lot of things wrong with him but being sensitive was definitely one of those things and he didn't get that way wasn't born that way you know something in his life made in that way now I'll tell you typically the way people get that that behavior is by being spoiled always getting what they want always getting the things that they ask for or desire and so later in life you know they wind up getting sensitive you know you don't get your way all of a sudden there's hell to pay and so we're gonna we're gonna take a look at the life of a hab this one just kind of point out some things that he did that then talk about this I've got six points in this sermon that are gonna kind of help us understand the behavior and the mentality of people that are just hypersensitive you know you say something wrong and they're just out the door just ready to fight just ready to flip out in today's day and age you know with this whole coronavirus thing going on you start to see this a lot more you know there's people getting upset if you're not wearing a mask getting upset if you get too close to them you know and and you say well what does that have to do with anything well who do you think's making them like that you know the government's basically providing them with that Avenue to act that way you know people that have their head buried in CNN and Fox News and that's all they listen to you know by and large they're freaked out right now they're scared to death because of the various opinions that they hear from these people that they trust and a result is they bring that stuff over here and want to fight and I was talking to a lady I think it was Thursday and she was talking about you know she works at st. Alphonsus Hospital she's not a nurse but she's uh she works in the office they're taking calls or something and she's like I was at Fred Meyer the other day and it was a guy standing probably you know four and a half to maybe five and a half feet behind me with no mask she's like if I could fight I would have fought him I'm like how big was he so I go just you know like your sizes see you're like 120 pounds and you're so upset you know you just wish you just covet that ability to want to fight some guy at Fred Meyer because he wasn't exactly six feet behind you now I get it there's people on the other side of that as well you know I'm not just talking about these you know masculine man bun munchers that are around here but you know that that type of behavior is out there you know and the oldest trick in the book is to divide and conquer you know and that's the people that are in charge the shadow government they're very aware of what they're doing yeah very aware you know and they see how this is playing out how they can divide society and how they can turn people against each other and one way to do that is to make people covetous make people just godless make the society just you know full of pride and wickedness and the result is a society of high percents of people oh yeah you're not exactly six feet I'll knock your block off where's your mask the other day I was at Albertsons and this guy was driving by and he's like you know because I didn't have a mask on get out of here you know is it really are you really that sensitive that you're in your car with your windows up probably 15 feet away from me and you're just sniveling you're just crying like a little baby just because I'm not wearing a mask you know but I've noticed that when I'm wearing my work uniform yeah people tend to feel like they can get one over on you because you know that you're you know you know you're a serviceman you're you representing your company and like I could just say whatever I want to to you and you're just gonna take it you know and that's not worth you know my time I just like yeah whatever people are just gonna be like that but Second Chronicles chapter 18 we're gonna start reading in verse 7 we're gonna go through some of these verses because I want you to understand some things about King Ahab you know in the beginning of the chapter it talks about Jehoshaphat how he joined affinity with Ahab and we talked about that in detail last year so you know that there was a marriage there and that brought him into affinity with the house of Ahab and this is one of the problems of Jehoshaphat had it wasn't a bad King but this was definitely a problem that he had this is what made Jehoshaphat not as successful later on in life because he had a tendency to want to hang out with Ahab right then after Ahab he wanted to hang out with the next king of Israel and then the next one you know he just had a thing for hanging out with the new evangelical of the day you know the false prophet king of the day and so it talks about that and we're gonna pick it up here because Ahab's like hey you know will you go to war with me and Jehoshaphat like sure you know your people are as my people my people are as your people and so let's pick reading up here in verse 7 it says in the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat there is yet one man by whom we may inquire of the Lord but I hate him for he never prophesied good unto me but always evil the same as Micaiah the son of Emma and Jehoshaphat said let not the king say so so right off the bat here what do you see you see Ahab here right saying well yeah there is one guy that'll tell us the truth because Jehoshaphat's like hey I'll go to war with you no problem we're one team here great amen no problem he's like but let's see what the Lord says about this let's get some truth let's just not walk into battle here if the Lord hasn't blessed it and Ahab doesn't want to hear that because he knows he's not right with God he knows that he's a wicked person he knows that God's only sending him prophets it'll tell him all the wrong that he's doing and so what does he say he's he's like there is one guy here because what happened is he brought his 400 guys out right and they're like oh yeah go up you know to go up to Remoth Gilead and you're gonna be successful right anytime you got 400 you know prominent people agreeing on something it's probably a lie Jehoshaphat's like hey you know there's got to be somebody else here that we can talk to you right but look at verse 8 it says and the king of Israel called for one of his officers and said fetch quickly Micaiah the son of Emma and the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat king of Judah sat either of them on his throne clothed in the robes and they sat in a void place at the entering of the end of the gate of Samaria and all the prophets prophesied before them and so then in verse 10 we get to take a look at this guy's Attica right he makes a big show he makes these horns out of iron and he makes this big dramatical showing right saying oh you're gonna win you know and you're gonna push Syria back you know and that's usually the hallmark of a false prophet when they have to get just really dramatic and really try to paint a picture for you to clearly understand they've got a ton of props and I've got nothing wrong with using props here but look what this guy does here in verse 10 says is that a guy the son of Ken and I am had made him horns of iron and said thus saith Lord with these thou shalt push Syria until they be consumed verse 11 and all the prophets prophesied so saying go up to Remoth Gilead and prosper for the Lord shall deliver it into the hand of the king right and so they're just basically putting on a show this is what you can expect if you were to turn on the 700 Club or you were to turn on TBN the Trinity Broadcasting Network right with Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn you know they always have to have this elaborate show or this elaborate story all these guys in Africa you know we raised them from the dead we couldn't catch it on camera but you just believe me you know write me a check for $10,000 you know and they have their 400 false prophets and they basically preach what the king or what the world wants to hear with those types of Christian people want to hear there's nothing new under the Sun and this is what a hab likes this is what he wants this is what makes him feel comfortable as a king hearing what he wants to hear not hearing the truth and so you can already see the stark difference between a hab in Jehoshaphat look at verse 12 says in the messenger that went to call Micaiah spake to him saying behold the words of the prophets declare good to the king with one ascent let thy word therefore I pray thee be like one of theirs and speak thou good right and that's basically the ongoing battle today you know when we come started this church here I'm sure there were people that were like you know I just wish that church would just preach you know pre-trib rapture you know repent of your sins Zionism you know these other Baptist churches around here where we're thinking that you know they're looking at this church starting saying you know he's just gonna tell the truth and they hate us although if you ask them do you hate shield faith oh no we don't hate anybody oh but they do they sure do because they make videos and they mention us in little blurbs here and there right it's exactly what you got going on here you got the false prophets big and Micaiah you know the guy who's got the stones a guy who's got the courage the guy who's you know not self-centered and they're like hey this guy's probably gonna tell the truth and let's try to get him not to verse 13 it says the Micaiah said as the Lord liveth even what my God sayeth that will I speak this is how this man was wasn't sensitive whatever God says that's what he's gonna say verse 14 and when he was come to the king the king said unto him Micaiah shall we go to Ramoth Gilead to battle or shall I forbear and he said go ye up and prosper and they shall be delivered into your hand you might read that and be like well what's going on here is he being double-minded to be in sarcastic well I think if you read the rest of chapter you'll see these being sarcastic but he's basically just saying sure go up go for it buddy that's basically his attitude is I go do it you know go go do it and conquer you know go in go ahead you know because everybody knows except for a hab that they're jacked up the Israel is weak they don't have the strength to do it which is why he called the king of Judah in the first place right keep that in mind so verse 15 look what it says says and the king said to him how many times shall I adjure thee that thou say nothing but the truth to me in the name of the Lord so he even said he's like okay look I know that didn't come from God just tell me the truth right now because maybe he's got some idea in his mind that maybe there's just maybe he's gonna say I'll win this time you know maybe he's gonna say something I actually want to hear verse 17 it says I'm sorry I look at verse 16 says then then he said I did see all Israel scattered upon the mountains as sheep that have no shepherd and the Lord said these have no master let them return there for every man to his house in peace and the king of Israel said to Joshua did I not tell thee that he would not prophesy good unto me but evil see so he's like see Joshua I told you he just offended me he didn't tell me what I wanted to hear I need to hear good news if I'm gonna go to battle I can't hear bad news I can't hear the truth I can't hear what my faults are I can't hear what my sins are I need to hear good I need encouragement I need to listen to that motivational speaker right I need to listen to Tony Robbins before I go to work every day I need to listen to who's another one what was Jordan Peterson yeah there you go there's another one that's popular on YouTube I need to listen to Jordan Peterson before I go to work or before I go to church or before I write my goal list out that's a habs attitude positive only if Joel Osteen was alive in his day he would have been at this conference right here you know that it's true verse 23 then Zedekiah now look at how sensitive he is because remember Zedekiah just made this big showing with these horns and he's putting on a display and he's really buttering the king up he's earning himself some points with the king right then Zedekiah the son of Canaiah came near and smote Micaiah upon the cheek and said which way went the Spirit of the Lord for me to speak unto thee right you see that you see how sensitive this guy is somebody calls him out makes him look stupid not even talking to him all he did was preach what the Lord said and everybody around there kind of has a feeling like you know this guy doesn't lie it's not what we wanted to hear but Zedekiah gets mad and now he smites the prophet on the cheek verse 24 Micaiah said behold thou shalt see on that day when thou shalt go into an inner chamber to hide thyself definitely not what he wanted to hear right and that's kind of like this church right you know some people have come in here before and they want to hear what they want to hear they've already painted a picture of how they are in the eyes of other people and how that they're perceived they come here they hear something totally different than that right they hear a warning like what Micaiah just gave to Zedekiah hey you know you're gonna run and hide because you're a false prophet you're a devil you're a wicked person and instead of just receiving that truth and humbling himself he gets upset he gets angry and that's how some people are that have come inside of this church they hear the truth they hear a warning hey if you don't do this or if you keep doing this behavior you're gonna be a problem you're gonna get kicked out you're gonna backslide and just wash yourself out something to that effect you're gonna destroy your life and all of a sudden the hypersensitive person gets offended and now all of a sudden they start you know doing this you know you say hey how's it going oh good oh good you know basically giving you the signal they're upset they didn't like what you said now all of a sudden you have to walk on eggshells around that person or you at least feel like you have to me being a pastor just for you know a year and a half I've just learned it's just better to just get it off right away you know I feel like if I can sense that like I could sense somebody that is just that sensitive I need to just push them over the edge because you know they're just typically not gonna get better you know if you've come here for three four months and heard all of these sermons talked with us before during I you know after the services and stuff like that you know the truth but you refuse to change I just feel like it's just probably better off to just break those eggshells just stomp them out and just see what happens see if the person's actually gonna you know humble themselves or just take themselves out of here because like I said those people are a nightmare to live around you know you just never know one thing you're gonna say which you didn't even mean any harm by it is gonna upset him I'm just gonna offend him so verse 25 says the king of Israel said take you Micaiah and carry him back to Ammon the governor of the city and to Joash the king's son and say thus saith the king put this fellow in the prison and feed him with bread of affliction and with water of affliction until I return in peace remember they have the same kind of rights since you do here so they put him back in prison sounds like a pretty horrible place feeding him garbage you know water probably moldy bread stuff not not tasting very good verse 27 Micaiah said if thou certainly return in peace then hath not the Lord spoken by me and he said harken all ye people now you can leave your place there go to 1st Kings chapter 20 and so look at the attitude that Micaiah has there how do you think he became a prophet of God how do you think he became a great man of God because I would say that about him anybody who could go to prison with that kind of attitude especially in this day and age they were talking about here has got to be somebody of strong character somebody who's not a snowflake who's not sensitive who doesn't get offended at the truth I mean think about the truth that the king just told him hey you're going back to prison you're not gonna get you know beef you're not gonna be eating chicken dinners you're gonna eat bread of affliction and drink water of affliction and he's just basically keeps on going with the message he's like hey if you return in peace then I was wrong and he's like hey people remember that I said that but notice the sensitivity of a hab here notice what pushes his buttons anything that goes against his agenda anything that goes against his leadership abilities and I'll show you that further here in 1st Kings chapter 20 so this is interesting here 1st Kings chapter 20 we're gonna start reading in verse 10 but up to verse 10 Ben had add the king of Syria he sends messengers to a hab and he says hey I'm gonna take your silver and your gold and they have like okay whatever I have is yours you can take it he sends him another set of messages says hey I'm gonna take your wives and your children and he's like okay fine you can have them right and then he sends a third time and says I'm gonna send guys from the city these are code enforcers they're gonna walk through your house basically and they're gonna take whatever appeals to their eyes they're gonna base basically what he's saying is hey I'm gonna take everything from you right and then he's you know how he responds he's like look I didn't deny you all my silver all my gold my savings my 401k my retirement I didn't deny you any that I would have given you my wives I would have given you my children he's like but I just can't have you walking around my house right and that's kind of how he talks to Ben had add right now look here at verse number 10 it says and Ben had add said unto him and said the gods do so unto me and more also if the dust of Samaria shall suffice for handfuls for all the people that follow me so Ben had dad he's upset here he doesn't like the response that a hab said to him right so he says you know what I'm basically gonna come down there I'm gonna mop the floor with you with so many people and he's basically insulting his leadership here he's like the the the people that you have there in Samaria they're not gonna suffice they're not gonna be able to beat me right look at verse 12 and it came to pass when Ben had had heard this message I'm sorry verse 11 it says and the king of Israel answered and said tell him let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off now that's one of the best lines that you could probably read in the Bible I mean that's like a Hollywood one-liner that's like something Arnold Schwarzenegger would have said you know in fact a lot of the one-liners they probably put in his mouth may have come from people thinking on this verse I don't know I'm just kidding but I mean think about this guy's mentality here he was just told he's gonna have to give up his money he was just told he's gonna have to give up his wives his children he's gonna have people come through his house and take all of his goods right what set him off though it was the attack on his ability to lead that's what got him you see where where's a priorities here it surely wasn't on his family at the end of the day wasn't so much on his money it was on hot it was all on how he thought about himself how he perceived himself in the eyes of his kingdom when Ben had had sent those messengers and said that to him hey I'm gonna mop the floor with you that's when he's like oh well let's go right he should have said that at the beginning right but a hab was a sense of a little person we don't have time that we could study his life all morning long but think about Naboth you guys remember remember Naboth in his vineyard when what happened when Naboth said no you can't buy my vineyard he went home and he pouted and he cried he was offended and his wife the horrible witch Jezebel had to say oh don't worry I'll set menabeal up and they'll take it for you you're the king just go to sleep I'll get it done for you think about how sensitive that guy is think about what he would have been like to be around every single day you know you around a hab you mentioned something about his kingdom or something he's not doing right he'd probably have you put to death or have Jezebel put you to death or something like that but basically I just wanted to show you that you can leave your place there I'm gonna have you turn to Proverbs go to Proverbs chapter number 11 Proverbs chapter number 11 so again what are we talking about today we're talking about walking on eggshells right those 400 prophets that we read about in first Chronicles chapter 18 they had to walk on egg shells around a hab we've all been around people that we've had to walk on eggshells around so that they don't get offended they don't flip out they don't cry and start you know just whining to everybody else around you you know that is very difficult to deal with and we should make it a point to make sure that we don't ever display that kind of behavior or that kind of an attitude because it's just a drain on church I mean you know in these types of churches you're gonna have a lot of different people you can have people that are newer to the faith people that are older in the faith you know just people on different levels you know we meet together three times a week we have activities and stuff there's gonna be times where you get offended all of us in here are gonna get offended and I'm not talking about a serious offense here I'm talking about you know these small things things that just bother you internally you know I don't like how they put that or I think he meant this by that you know I think he asked me what time it was cuz I don't wear a watch like he does you know that kind of stuff right you just wanted to know what time it was so you could show off your new Timex watch takes a lick and it keeps on ticking that kind of stuff right just reading too much into things right those types of people that is what I'm talking about this morning now like I said I've got six points for you this morning and point number one is this sensitivity and the form that I'm talking about sensitivity is a symptom of pride let me say that again sensitivity is a symptom of pride when you study the life of Ahab what was it that set him off it was the attacks or the calling out of his ability to lead right when Micaiah said hey you know basically you're gonna wind up going up there and you're gonna die because you're not a real warrior you're not really on God's side you're making a big mistake here you're weak you've basically ruined the kingdom here what did he do he locked up that prophet he put him away when Ben had said hey you know what I'm gonna mop the floor with you my kingdom is better than yours that set him off what was it was his pride I mean think about it did he have pride in his money or his children or you know the really the things in his house no it was about how he perceived himself he thought himself to be this great King this powerful leader I've got the robe I've got the throne I've got the horses I've got the chariots and basically I'm the man that was how he viewed himself and when he got put on the carpet when he got called out then he got offended and I'll tell you if you think about somebody that you know right now who is sensitive who you feel like you have to walk on eggshells run I'll bet what you're gonna find is pride excessive pride now I understand that we all struggle with pride but those people struggle with pride beyond measure think about some of the people who have left here recently why did they leave because they perceive themselves up here and they perceive this down here that's right right you don't know the whole matter you shouldn't be treating other families in the church that aren't as spiritual as you like that what does that even mean all that stuff boils down to pride they think that they know the Bible when in reality they don't because they come here and they hear somebody who's read it 20 times preach it to them and they think I don't like that that hurts my feelings that knocks me down a couple of pigs that bothers me see when you come into this type of a church and you think you're all that and you're not these things are gonna cut you low it's not me it's the Word of God that does it it's sharper than any two-edged sword Bible says it pierces even to the dividing us under a soul and spirit the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart it will offend you the Word of God will offend you but that's okay you should allow that to offend you because none of us should ever come in here with the view that we're above anybody else because as soon as you do you are not sober thinking anymore you are drunk on pride and I will tell you people that you have to walk on eggshells around they have pride issues every single time they are stuck on pride you're there in Proverbs chapter 11 look at verse 2 it says when pride cometh then cometh shame but with the lowly is wisdom so what that means is that God entrusts the lowly of his kingdom to be wise to hold wisdom not the people that are puffed up with pride not the people that are arrogant you show me an arrogant preacher somebody who's arrogant like when he's outside of the pulpit just just completely arrogant and I will show you somebody who is not wise I will show you somebody who's not raising his family with wisdom somebody who's not making wise decisions with his finances somebody who's not making wise decisions with the church money that is what you're gonna find because when you call them out guess what then it's war then it's gonna be wartime go to Proverbs chapter 16 Proverbs chapter 16 look at verse 18 it says pride goeth before destruction and an haughty spirit before a fall you can see this in the story of Ahab it was his pride it was the attack on his pride that got him upset that's what made him put Micaiah back into prison right and Micaiah must have knew these Proverbs because what happened Ahab he fell why did he fall was it because he was super wicked that's part of it but it all boils down to pride you know people will come in to church or they'll come into your workplace and they just think that they are so much better than you they think that they were born with better blood I'll never forget this I was riding the ferry one time with this person and she worked in an office with engineers just like you know what I'm so sick of these people and how they view themselves and I was like what are you talking about and she's like I work with this group of engineers and they actually believe they actually believe that their blood is somehow like just genetically better than the rest of humanity like they sit around and they talk about this and they say this is why that we were chosen for these jobs this is why we make this much money they were better than all of these knuckle-dragging tool you know tool wrench carrying people down here you know because I was a person that carry tools you know most of the people that worked at the shipyard obviously you worked with tools and you went on board ships and you did your job and went home but you know there's a whole sect of people that never go on the ships or hardly ever do they sit and they draw diagrams and they're they had their necessary people I mean they they have a very important job but there's a tendency with those people to be really highly lifted up with pride you know they think I don't know because they graduated college or because they have to pass these extreme and extremely intense exams that they just I don't know they just get lifted up with pride and they just begin believing much more about themselves that they're just a higher state of human being like they've reached a higher state of consciousness than you could ever possibly imagine you know they believe that they have a little bit of the God gene and I'm I guess you know that they're they're somehow divine but I've met people that really believe that that sincerely 100% believe that they are just better human beings you know what a lot of these rich people like these billionaires like Bill Gates George Soros the Rothschilds Rockefeller's they do believe that they are so much better than the rest of humanity they believe that I don't know if they believe like Mormons like they're gonna be gods or something but they look at you and me as cattle that's just straight dirt slaves it's fact it's just stupid sheeple and you know what the way society acts a lot of times they're kind of right and you know what the big problem is is all boils down to pride it all boils down to being spoiled this is why Uncle Sam wants to give you everything you want right this is why communist societies just promise their people hey let's just not work as much well we'll compensate you will pay everybody the same we can just all be equal all that does is spoil a society and then it ruins a society then it turns into like a Venezuela situation where there's you got to spend $200 if you want to buy an egg you know you want to buy a loaf of bread or something like that absolutely ridiculous it all boils down to pride people that are sensitive they're easily offended it's all because of pride because there's some view that you have of yourself that you are not willing to forsake not willing to let go if you're not willing to let go of that and guess what you're gonna wind up always moving from job to job because you're just always offended you can always want to be in the odd man out in your family are you gonna come into a church like this and just wind up getting washed out because you just couldn't grow you didn't have the intestinal fortitude to say you know what I'm wrong I'm ate up I need to get right I need to change look every single person in here should have that attitude nobody in here is above the Bible nobody in here is above preaching so turn to 1st Timothy chapter 3 keep your place there in progress because we're gonna kind of come back to that neighborhood here pretty pretty quick one number one the sensitivity being a hyper sensitive person what-have-you is a symptom of pride while you're sharing that memory few proverbs 29 23 which says a man's pride shall bring him low but honor shall uphold the humble in spirit make no mistake it will always be the humble person the person who decides to keep himself in check that is gonna get the wisdom and then in the end we'll get the honor it's never gonna be the other way around people now that might have you know the crowns and the trophies and the glory and the the media's backing and stuff they're all gonna get brought low every single one of them someday Bill Gates is gonna be swimming around in the darkness of hell saying you know to the devil has thou become as weak as we you know high and mighty up here Wanda forces vaccine agenda on the world today but you know what there's coming a day where that's gonna be all brought low all be you know and he's a guy who's probably sensitive I'll bet if you were to know him if you were to get into a meeting with him and talk with him and say something to him you would probably be you'd probably be surprised you probably find out that he's actually a very sensitive person you attack his ability to lead his company you attack his ability or what he said I mean think about it why are these people censoring all the stuff about vaccines and about the kovat 19 on Facebook and YouTube because they're snowflakes because you have to walk on eggshells on those platforms because they're easily offended that's why and they're all full of pride every one of them and you know don't let that bother you though because the Bible says they're gonna be brought low the Bible says that they're gonna be smoked so I wanted to show you this here at first Timothy chapter 3 and this is just a fact newer Christians tend to be more prone to sensitivity it's just a fact okay look at this here first Timothy chapter 3 look at verse 6 it says talking about the requirements to be a bishop or a pastor it says not a novice less being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil so what does that mean it means that God doesn't want somebody who's newly saved to become a pastor now obviously there's some wiggle room here you know there's some autonomy here to where a local church can say hey I would like I would like a believer to maybe be saved five years or seven years before I ordain them or read the Bible ten times through or maybe twelve times two or fifteen you know there's some autonomy there but one thing is a fat that is a fact is that they can't be a novice right and I've noticed this that a lot of new Christians they get fired up and praise God for them you're welcome to come here we love you you know but it seems like when that right sermon comes and steps on your toes it's like ah man I don't know I need to get out of here because you're excited right you got saved you found out the truth you or maybe you've been saved for a while and you found out the truth about Zionism you found out that's a lie you found out the truth about about the timing of the rapture about the sodomites about all the doctrines that basically make us controversial right you find out something like that you come to church like yeah I'm amongst believers and then I preach about something like I don't like church attendance or blasphemy or you know something that you're doing right and all of a sudden you're you washed out yeah and it's all because you weren't willing to let go of that view that you had of yourself you have that a hab mentality well I'm a I'm a king you know I mean I got the truth I know things that most of the world has no clue about and you're right you do but that's only the beginning and if you can't get that through your head you're not gonna last in a church like this you're gonna be like a hab calling up the 400 bozos that are over there or down there or at the journey or at Stonehenge right that's that's gonna be you that's that's what's exactly what's gonna happen turn to Psalm chapter 119 Psalm chapter 119 so the first thing that I noticed studying life of a hab is it's a sensitivity is a symptom of pride people that you have to walk on egg shells around are filled with pride whether it's pride about how they look pride about their intellect pride about their money pride about whatever their position in the world it's something to do with pride and if it goes unchecked guess what you will fall so point number two is this sensitivity proves that you do not love God's Word let me say that again sensitivity proves that you do not love God's Word show me a person that's hypersensitive that's always offended that's just and I will show you a person that's not only filled with pride but a person who does not love God's Word I'm not saying you're not saved I'm not saying they're not saved but I'm saying they don't love God's Word I can prove that to you Psalm chapter 119 look at verse 165 Psalm 119 1 6 5 it says great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them so when I preach about blasphemy or I preach about church attendance or I preach about money or I preach about you know any of these doctrines and people are offended and you just won't let it go here's what I know about you you don't love God's Word where I preach about modesty or immodesty or any of these doctrines Christian living sanctification I preach that it offends you you know what I know you don't love God's Word look at the verse again great peace have they if you're easily offended at everything that I say out of the Bible are you do you have great peace no because when you're offended that hurts internally you feel that physically don't you so you don't have peace and why don't you have peace because you don't love God's law you're not like David your heart is not seeking after God it's seeking after the image that you want to build to impress other people it's very clear great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them so the solution to not being a snot-nosed sniveling snowflake is to learn to love God's Word that's the recipe I should just close the sermon and just leave right now and you just there you go there's your application but we will make application with a hab at the end of the sermon but I just really want that to sink in great peace have they which love thy law just I mean just just make the change just learn to love the Bible I mean why is it that hard if you just force yourself to read it every single day you know what you're going to learn to love it it will become habit it will become a discipline to you and you know what you're going to grow because look we're not Calvinist here I'm not saying because you're sensitive there's no hope for you there's no way you can change I'm not saying that at all I'm saying you can change you can make it right you can grow but it's up to you I can't do that for you you have to learn to love God's Word or it will never happen if a hab would have said you know what you're right Micaiah we need to stand down we need to strengthen the things that we have and get right with God the outcome would have been much different in fact there was a time in a habs life where he did humble himself before God and God said you know I'm not gonna destroy you I'm not gonna do all the things I said I was gonna do unto you I'm actually gonna do them to your children because you did humble yourself think about that you gotta humble yourself that's the only way you're gonna get over being sensitive all right turn to I'll see go to Isaiah chapter 26 there's an interesting one there Isaiah chapter 26 so point number two sensitivity proves that you do not love God's Word while you're turning there I'm gonna remind you what Jesus said in John 14 27 peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you not as the world giveth give I unto you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid so Jesus saying hey I'm going to leave you with peace I give you peace the peace that I give you is everlasting the peace that I give you will help you not like the world giveth because the world gives and expect something in return Jesus says no you can be saved for free guess what you can also have the truth for free and you can rest assured that his truth is unchanging you know what that's just another fact that proves all these modern Bible versions are garbage and that the wrong because they reflect the world isn't the world always changing are we supposed are we commanded not to meddle with them that are given to change right that I mean that that alone should prove it that those Bible versions they don't provide you with the peace that Jesus talked about here in John chapter 14 right because it's always changing and you don't know if you can trust it you have to rely on the scholar you have to rely on the theologian to tell you the underlying Greek meaning right the hidden Greek that nobody else knows but then Isaiah chapter 26 look at verse number three is an interesting statement here it says this says thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind has stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee you say you know what I am a sensitive person it bothers me I don't like to be like that I feel like I'm in prison I'm always bothering everybody around me I'm always in conflict with everyone I go or everyone I meet everywhere I go you know why well first of all it's because you don't love God's Word and second of all it's because you're not putting your full trust on a day-to-day basis on the Lord Jesus Christ you took the grace around you got saved and you're like alright I'm good now the rest of the stuff should just come automatically it's not like that you have to actually work on it you have to put yourself in uncomfortable situations to where you need to trust God and for some of you that might be more church attendance it might mean soul winning it might mean doing something for someone that you don't particularly like it might but it's gonna be something like that you have got to go outside of your comfort zone or you won't grow you're gonna remain that sensitive person right listen to this Philippians 4 verse 7 says this and the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus that peace will only come from the rock that is found inside of this book here that's it when a pastor gets up and says hey the NIV puts it like this but the ESV puts it like this the NASB says it like this all that does is provide confusion that doesn't provide any kind of stability whatsoever and so it's no marvel it's no wonder why so many Christians you talk to today are on these antidepressants and you know when I say that I find out later on down the road oh you offended somebody in the church because you said that what am what are we gonna do just not have church anymore because you know I'm gonna offend everybody in here at some point or another I don't go to your houses and listen to your phone calls I'm look I'm not the FBI you know trying to research your browsing history and writing these sermons I read the Bible I oh that'd be a good sermon to write now sometimes there are things going on in here that I'll address in a sermon I have it all admit it that's my job to be instant in season and out of season to reprove and to rebuke and to exhort with all long-suffering but that's church that's reality I don't want a church full of a-hats I don't want a church full of people that want Makai to get locked up into prison you know save that for the commies save that for the coward commies that are in this Treasure Valley that just love the theologian and the scholar and to wear long robes and have feast of praise to themselves and the rock band and the smoke and all that garbage leave that to them but you know what at the end of the day you know what they are they're all a bunch of sensitive little snot-nosed snowflakes is what they are you go knock on their door and I already go to church I already go to church what are you doing here shut up I mean you're no you're no Christian is that I mean really is that you know we're studying the book of Acts is that how other believers you know acted towards each other no you know I could understand that if you're you know a Mormon option somebody preaching a false gospel but you know a lot of times yeah even yesterday I noticed this out in Middleton you know we knock on something's door I already go to church it's right down the road it's called Gracie Vangelica free cool how you doing I'm fine we don't need anything Wow okay sensitive much easily offended much because somebody with a King James Bible and the saved knocked on your door and just wanted to invite you to church wanted to see if you're saved you act like I killed your mom turn to Matthew 13 Matthew chapter 13 and Jesus talks about this point here about sense that people that are sensitive do not love God's Word Matthew chapter 13 I know you're familiar with this parable here look at verse 18 Matthew 13 18 Jesus says this hear ye therefore the parable of the sower when anyone hear at the word of the kingdom and understandeth and not then cometh the wicked one and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart this is he which received seed by the wayside now look at verse 20 but he that receives seed into stony places the same as he that hear at the word and anon with rich with joy receiveth it so this person hears it receives the word verse 21 yet hath he no root in himself but doer for a while for when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word by and by he is offended this is the person who gets saved who gets on fire walks through this door over here sits down here's a sermon about church attendance here's a sermon about sanctification here's a sermon about watching TV or what have you and gets offended and bounces Jesus talked about look you show me somebody who leaves this church because they're offended by a doctrine or something that I preached that has to do with like Christian living and I'll show you somebody who does not love the Word of God and somebody who's got something else in their life that is the priority over the Word of God they don't wake up every day and think about God they don't wake up every day and want to read his word I'm not saying you have to read the Bible the first thing I think it's a good thing to read some I really do think that I understand that there are situations where that doesn't work out but you know you should at least read the Bible every day you can't tell me that you don't have time to read the Bible at some point within your 24-hour period you do but you know what that could be enough to just offend somebody but notice why do these people get offended yet he hath no root in himself here's the word who receives it with joy and then that's where it stops they never make that application they never actually say I heard what you said you know what I'm actually gonna do that I actually you know I'm gonna apply that to my life I don't want to be like a ham you know I'm actually gonna stop watching Disney you know I'm actually gonna stop watching Hollywood I'm gonna actually turn the radio off root comes from application from applying God's Word you have to work on that yourself like I said it's not automatic you have to put in the work if you don't guess what this will be you you will be offended and by and by you will be out the door go well see here turn to turn to Proverbs 23 Proverbs 23 let's see here point number one was sensitivity is a symptom of pride point number two sensitivity proves that you do not love God's Word point number three is sensitive people take things personally and end up believing the devil's lies and becoming discouraged let me say that one more time point number three sensitive people take things personally and end up believing the devil's lies and becoming discouraged you know there's some times where I hear about things in other churches and it pisses me off and I'll preach about it and somebody in here I guess is doing that and I didn't know about it you know and they get offended and leave or they think oh he's talking to me personally that it's not always case I work like 60 hours a week I don't have time to always know everything that you're doing you know it's not I'm not trying to always make things personal I'm coming after you if you're that person like every sermon is just all about you all about you what does that tell you yeah exactly it tells you Proverbs 23 verse 7 for as a for as he thinketh in his heart so is he eat and drink sayeth he to thee but his heart is not with thee look at the beginning of that verse there for as he thinketh in his heart so is he so if you think in your heart did you hear something when your conscious is telling you you're nothing you know what that's what you are that is who you are and think about these types of people right look at the rest of the verse eat and drink sayeth he to thee but his heart is not with thee they'll come in here go to church they'll go back here they'll drink juice out of these cups they'll drink the coffee but they're a little standoffish or maybe they stand over there in that corner or maybe they come over here and they just you know do this kind of thing and say hey how you doing okay good very good you know their hearts not with you their hearts not with us why for as he thinketh in his heart so is he he thinks he's better than you or she thinks she's better than you and their conscience is telling them no or the Holy Spirit's telling them no you're messed up you've never even read the Bible you've never even read Matthew chapter 18 you've never even read 1st Timothy chapter 3 you've never even read Titus chapter 1 you've never even read Genesis chapter 1 these thoughts that you're having aren't coming for me they're coming from your pride and that's why you're sensitive and it bothers them it bugs them they're they're able to put on a show for a season but the end thereof are the ways of destruction every single time they wind up washing themselves out of here now go to Jonah chapter 2 and Jonah chapter 2 so I said point number 3 is sensitive people take things personally and end up believing the devil's lies and becoming discouraged why because they refuse to accept the truth so what are they gonna accept you're gonna accept something you're they're gonna accept the truth or you're going to accept the lies of the devil oh he's talking to you he's attacking you he's attacking your family right and you're gonna believe that look at what Jonah says here in Jonah chapter 2 of verse 8 they that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy now think about Ahab for a minute what did he observe he observed lying vanities that's right he what when what's a lying vanity what's a vanity something that's empty that holds no eternal value something you've heard y'all know what the terms we studied this before vain and guess what all vanity is it's lying it's falsehood that's what it is okay and people that observe lying vanities like Ahab did he observed the lying vanity that he was something that he was a great leader when he actually wasn't forsook his own mercy and wound up dying a fool's death think about some of the people who have left this church what did they observe Hollywood sitcoms the rock music the things of this world all of those things are lying vanities and you know what they forsook their own mercy because if they don't ever get right if they don't ever humble themselves you know what's gonna happen they're gonna die and hopefully they're saved get to the judgment seat and have nothing for them and spend eternity saying I wish I would have just stayed I wish I would have just humbled myself I wish I would have just applied the preaching but I didn't because it was too stuck on myself all because they observed lying vanities and look anybody in here can go down this road just because you're solid today doesn't mean you're gonna be solid this day next year it's a work in progress man you have got to put in the work you've got to do the maintenance otherwise you will fall go to Proverbs chapter 14 in Proverbs chapter 14 move on here point number four is this sensitive people who are easily offended are weak and unsanctified people sensitive people who are easily offended are weak and unsanctified what does that mean means you have no strength think about the people that you have known that are easily offended let's take it let's just talk about the workplace you know that guy who's always offended as I'm gonna run to HR I'm gonna follow a report on you I'm gonna tell on you I'm gonna do all this stuff to you all because you said you didn't agree with vaccines or or something like that right and they asked you the question by the way right how much work does that person actually get done probably not very much right you know that's the type where you know what they do they're the first one to run back to the boss and say here's what we did today while you're finishing up the job right you know what but it's the same thing inside of churches sometimes the same exact thing you know there's people that are weak tend to do the least come in here oh I'm all about so any no go so any you know like four or five times I'm great yeah amen but the whole time they're doing all this other stuff they're observing lying vanities they've got an image of themselves that's higher than what it ought to be and approves nothing approves that they're weak or they get us or somebody asked them a question and something a little bit out there and all of a sudden are like I don't like that I think I think most people around here are just just attacking me oh it's like it's just all about you you know like what we don't get that from time to time you know there's some people out here that have trained by their churches on how to talk to us did you know that a lot of these new evangelical churches train their people on how to talk to Baptists and I remember that from going to some of these churches back in the day you know they would they would talk about oh if somebody you know asked you you're sure you're gonna go to heaven today you know you need to say this to them and make them think about you know holy living and stuff like that there's all sorts of stuff that they're trained to say and respond to you and if you're not in the word and you go out to battle and you don't have the right defense you know you you might get stumped just saying here but here's the thing are you gonna let that offend you to where you just quit what do you are you a quitter how's that gonna help you out in life if you're a quitter here you're gonna be a quitter in your family you're gonna be a quitter in work you're gonna be a quitter at life so point number four is this again sensitive people who are easily offended are weak and unsanctified why you say why can you say that well because of everything I've already told you because you're full of pride you don't love God's Word otherwise you wouldn't be so easily offended Proverbs 14 look at verse 17 it says he that is soon angry dealeth foolishly and a man of wicked devices is hated you know why Bill Gates is the hated this morning because he's full of wicked devices you know why the people hate these these ultra-rich people because they're full of wicked devices because they're soon angry but you know what that doesn't just doesn't just apply to them this applies to us when we get into this mindset to where we're just flipping out and getting angry over everything everyone says that's a symptom that you need to do a pride check you need to look at your own life and say hey am I bringing my life right now in accordance with God's Word am I applying the preaching am I building that root you know am I am I adding dirt into that root am I trying to grow myself that's the key there that's what this thing he that is soon angry dealeth foolishly and you know what sensitive people are whoa what are they they're like a firecracker right you just watch soon as you walk up to him I mean you could just see that fuse it's just lit you know just say something there's people that have come in here boy if he says this today I'm leaving I'm walking out during the final song and brother Jeff's gonna see me you know it's true I'm gonna walk right out we're gonna make a show I'm gonna sit down and cross my arms and just do you think that those people are strong do you think people like that are strong in the faith how many people are they getting saved how much doctrine are they teaching their kids what kind of example are these setting forth to the body of Christ how many brothers and sisters of Christ are they helping out today zero the week they're unsanctified it's true being like that is horrible turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 3 1st Corinthians is an entire book written to people like this that are sensitive that are babes in Christ that refuse to grow 1st Corinthians chapter number 3 and you know what again Proverbs 14 17 that's Ahab he was I mean he was soon angry but he was soon angry about the wrong things now there's certain things we should be soon angry about right abortion sodomites coming into churches pedophiles being released we should be soon angry over those things that's that's fine that's okay but when somebody's like hey you know I just me and so-and-so and the piano player we just went to see this radar movie and you're like dude that's that's wicked and you get offended over something like that you're the problem and that's happened in this church I've watched people in this church who are no longer here talk about you know what we're gonna go to regal cinemas and we're gonna watch this movie where are they today all three of those people that I'm talking about right now are snot-nosed sniveling little sensitive snowflakes and you know that's true all I mean what do you how do you think look all this stuff just proves my point but yet they'll sit back and say he's mean he's wrong he's there gonna I wish pastor you know they say I wish pastor Mendez would have just come here and left him back in Sacramento you know what he would have done it ten times worse and you would have got to offended ten times quicker that's what would have happened it's like have you ever listened to him have you you've clearly never even gone down there okay it just blows my mind it's like people meet him like once or twice and then they think that they know him no they think they know everything about Verity Baptist Church you don't look if you go to Verity Baptist Church you're gonna get your face ripped off and you're gonna get your toe stepped on and you're gonna get offended and you're either gonna make the change or get the hell out and that's just the way it is so I don't know where this this oh I can't believe you sent somebody like pastor Jones up here that's so wrong he's just so arrogant and mean because he called out my sins and doesn't like rated-r movies and Disney but uh shut up first Corinthians 3 look at verse 1 it says an eye brethren could not speak unto you as unto spiritual but as unto carnal even as unto babes in Christ I have fed you with milk and not with meat for hitherto you were not able to bear it neither yet now are ye able so Paul look Paul's ripping their face off right now he's like hey look I can't give you the meat of the word because one you're not gonna get it you don't have the foundation in two you're just gonna get offended and quit and cry verse number three says for ye are yet carnal for whereas there is among you envying and strife and divisions are ye not carnal walk as men and you know what you show me a place where there's a bunch of people that are super sensitive that you have to walk on eggshells around and I will show you a person who is carnal what do you think a person who is full of pride doesn't love God's Word what I mean what does that what does that mean about you did your carnal that's where it leads to carnality like a Corinthian a carnal Corinthian verse 4 for while one saith I am of Paul and another I am of Apollos are ye not carnal and you know what Facebook I love these people full of people who are saved hey I'm of this pastor I'm of this pastor and they'll sit there and just fight and bicker and argue why because they're sensitive because somebody posted a meme or somebody posted a picture or somebody posted something from a pastor that they've never heard of before and all of a sudden all hell breaks loose you offended me and let's start World War three you gotta be careful on the social media there's a lot of fights about those stupidest things on there and you know why because people have this view of themselves that they hey I got a little shot at truth I got a little bit of knowledge and now man I'm way up here I'm leading the kingdom man I'm good to go and then all of a sudden somebody puts forth a little Micaiah truth and ooh ouch that hurts that hurt but instead of just saying yeah you're right it's oh well you're a rapper babe you're a devil let's go so let's move on here go back to Proverbs go to Proverbs 15 point number five sensitivity makes it difficult to receive counsel and hinders training and spiritual growth and say that again sensitivity makes it difficult to receive counsel and hinders training and spiritual growth people who are sensitive one thing that I've noticed about them wherever that whether they're at church whether they're in your family whether they're at work they are almost impossible to train until you can somehow break through that pride or until they just say you know what you got me you can't train people like that you know the person that's like oh I already know that I remember one time this guy asked me to help him with some wrestling moves now when I was in the military you know I just want to learn a little bit of jiu-jitsu after working on to come work out with you guys at the gym okay no problem I was showing them some basic stuff it's like well if you do that I'll just do this okay I show him something oh well if you do that I'll just do this it's like look there's a counter to almost every move okay but the problem is you don't know any of these moves and I had I just I was just like you know what I was just polite I was like I'm really busy I just never trained with that guy again because oh well if you throw a jab I'll just duck and do this it's like you he you know what that guy's problem was he just thought he was up here he watched a few UFC's he watched some YouTube videos with some Gracie jiu-jitsu guys and all of a sudden he just thought man I've got it made and I'm like why why did you even ask me to come help you with this training if you're not gonna listen I couldn't train that guy how to do anything I couldn't I mean I tried but he wouldn't receive the training but you know it's there's Christians that are the same exact way they get online they hear a shot of truth they get fired up they come to truth they think they know it all and then you can't tell them anything because you're not their hero you're not their fan you know you're you're not the person that they've lifted up on high you know who I'm talking about I'm talking about the fanboys look we love you but fan one thing I've noticed and I've noticed a lot one thing I've noticed and starting this church the fanboys don't have a good track record fanboys are oh and like five yeah oh and 20 I don't know I haven't counted it but until you decide to become a real born-again Bible believing Christian who's gonna think for yourself read the Bible apply the stuff in your own life because only you know you you're not growing you're gonna remain sensitive because everything we say and do isn't like how someone else does so point number five sensitivity makes it difficult to receive counsel and hinders training and spiritual growth Proverbs 15 31 it says the ear that hear the reproof of life abideth among the wise so let me ask you this if a person consistently rejects truth rejects wisdom rejects counsel are they wise no verse 32 he that refuseth instruction despises his own soul but he that hearth reproof getteth understanding you don't want to be like a hab you want to hear reproof you need to hear correction you need to be told that you're wrong if you don't if you refuse that you will go the way of a hab you will be destroyed just like he was verse 33 the fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom and before honor is humility you will never get to the place of honor until you learn to humble yourself never turn to Hebrews chapter 12 Proverbs 6 23 says this for the commandment is a lamp and the law is light and reproofs of instruction are the way of life people say teach me the meaning of life teach me how I should live my life you know how you should live your life through getting your face ripped off through reproof and through instruction Proverbs 6 23 is very cool very very clear that is the way of life you say I want to be wise I want to know the way of life I want to know how things work I want to be that cut above you know what you need to get your face ripped off you need to hear reproofs of instruction because the Bible says that that is the way of life so when somebody who wants to just talk to me for hours on end about the ways of life and they don't go to church they don't love God you know what I just tune that person out you know there's people at my work they're always tweeting little things to try to help you out in life just cut that stuff right off I don't even pay any attention to it in fact the guy said you don't read these things at all do you as I know if it's not like directly to me I don't want anything to do with it you just start shaking his head it's like man because you're not gonna give any kind of reproof from the Bible I'll listen to you when it comes to technical stuff but not about how to live my life are you crazy you know what wisdom do you have you never even read the Bible one time and I understand this verse for the commandment as a lamp the commandments of God are light they are what protect you as you walk through life there what keep you safe it's the commandments it's not the government it's not the cops it's this book right here it's the commandments they are the light it says it says the law is light and reproofs of instruction are the ways of life so let's move on here Hebrews chapter 12 look at verse 11 says now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous but grievous nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteous unto them which are exercised thereby the Bible is very clear look getting your face ripped off getting chastened by God is not fun at the present time but the results last forever that's what it says the fruits of that that lasts for eternity look I say this all the time you're gonna spend more time in eternity than you are in this body you could walk out of this church today and it could be your last day on earth are you ready are you ready to spend eternity in heaven are you satisfied with what you've done are you satisfied with how you conduct yourself as a born-again Bible believing Christian a royal priest or not if not that's okay make the changes turn to first Kings 18 one more time and we're almost done why turn them or if you one more verse about this point here and that's Proverbs 4 13 which says take fast hold of instruction let her not go keeper for she is thy life look instruction is the life of the believer you cannot be successful for God without biblical instruction without hearing it in without applying it to your life you will never succeed it's not going to happen point number six last point sensitive little snowflakes hinder honest open communications undermining our relationships with others think about that I'm gonna say that one more time sensitive little snowflakes hinder honest open communications undermining our relationships with others I'm gonna show you that with a hab again here first Kings 18 look at verse 17 so we already read here about his ordeal with Ben hadad now we're gonna jump down to verse 17 it says and it came to pass when a hab saw Elijah that a hab said unto him art thou he that troubleth Israel now if you know the Prophet Elijah was he somebody that would hold back truth not at all he would tell you just like Makai would how it is and what say habs response to Elijah you've turned this whole country upside down you trouble all my people it's not me and my policies it's you Elijah verse 18 and he answered I have not troubled Israel but thou in thy father's house in that ye have forsaken the commandments of the Lord and now has followed Balaam so Elijah's like hey you're following the devil that's your problem you're the one that troubles Israel but you know what when you're a sense of a little snowflake you can't handle that kind of truth you come to church and I say hey this is of the devil and you mock and you want to get mad and you want to cry about it you know what you're gonna be like a hab you will get destroyed it's a fact it's just the way of life it's the way it works now jump to verse 20 real quick it says an a hab said to Elijah has thou found me oh mine enemy and he answered I've found me because thou sold thyself to work evil in the sight of the Lord now think about that a hab sensitivity hindered his relationship with a great man of God the man of God who was so great to whom the Lord will look down and say you know what you're just coming up with me you're gonna go up by whirlwind Elijah think about that what manner of man was Elijah what manner of man was a hab a hab had an opportunity there to get right to hear the greatest I mean just great biblical insight wisdom and preaching but he couldn't because he was sensitive because he perceived him as some great King he perceived his kingdom as some great kingdom when in fact it wasn't it was nothing so we're gonna go to the solution here a quick go to uh let's see I'm gonna have you go to 2nd Timothy chapter 2 2nd 2nd Timothy chapter 2 the Bible says in Proverbs 9 8 reprove not a scorner lest he hate thee rebuke a wise man and he will love thee and this is just a fact it's not confusing you reprove a scorner guess what he's gonna hate you you know what Elijah did he reproved a scorner a hab was a scorner he's mocking he has no interest in the things of God and so Elijah knows that preaches against him and guess what a hab hated him but the Bible says you know what rebuke a wise man and he will love thee that's the it that's the agenda that's the attitude that we as God's people need to develop and have there when we hear rebuke we just take it because when you do that you will grow you know the people that used to say no pain no gain there's some truth of that not just physically but also spiritually it's very true let's see here let's talk about the solution here so we got to move on cuz I gotta be done so you're there in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 and review Proverbs 10 12 here's the solution here's how we deal with this you don't have to in there but Proverbs 10 12 says this hatred stirs up strife but love covereth all sins you know what as God's people we're gonna do things that offend each other say things that offend each other from time to time and we just need to learn to love the brethren need to learn to love God's Word love the brethren and just put it aside you know is it really worth fighting about now let well I don't have a lot of examples in here other than you know the people that have already left so you guys are making this kind of thing hard on me which I like it's a very good right but let's say in the future you know as we grow you know people want to fight well that's my chair I sit there every day you know it we've had somebody in here that has done that we had a member who brought some guests here and there were people who used to come to this church and they stood right there at that wall like this looking at them just like this shaking the head just glaring at them because they sat in their chair how the hell are they supposed to know they've never been here before now it's bad enough that I'm going to offend them during the sermon it's just just a fact right let alone having our own people that come to this church regularly do it you know I mean it's like a double whammy but but that's what I'm talking about there you know you can look go to this church over here when it opens up and you know what you're gonna find you're gonna find people with their noses straight to the ceiling you sit in there pew I've told you the story when I went to visit John Hagee's Church right and a guy was like hey I have to sit there I sit there every service and he said it just like that like he was selling Grey Poupon serious this is how he talked is I sit there every service I have to sit there and I said is your name on the on the seat right here that's what I said to him I didn't care because I was easily offended back then too I was like well just go but that that's what I'm talking about that's the type of attitude do we need to check and always you know be pushing against make sure we don't become like that okay so hatred stirs up strife so when you have people that are just always offended they're offended because they hate what you say just like a hab was offended he hated what Makai said right is now what he said about Makai there's one guy that'll tell us the truth Josh fat but I hate him hatred stirs up stripes but love covereth all sins we need to learn to love the right things second Timothy to look at verse three thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ I love how Paul puts this here he's talking about us like we're soldiers and we really are we really are and when you study the life of a soldier maybe because I've been a soldier I understand this very clearly you cannot win war you cannot win a battle you cannot win a fight being sensitive it doesn't work like that could you you know that's basically you know that our military now with all these regulations and all you can't say this you can't say this about the queer you can't say this about these people you know this politically correctness you know what that does it breeds a society of weak snot nose sniveling little sensitive snowflakes that's what it does and so someday I have a feeling that our military will go to war with another country maybe like Russia or China and get over there and I'm offended I heard that the Dagestanis and the Russians don't like where's that offends me and it's gonna take their fighting spirit away from them and they're not gonna be able to win it's where we're headed he says thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ you need to endure the hardness of preaching you need to endure the hardness of just tough doctrines need to learn to endure that week after week month after month year after year otherwise look you're not gonna be a very good soldier you're gonna wind up going a wall first for no man that worth entangle of himself with the affairs of this life that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier and again it always goes back to selfless service it goes back to removing your wants and putting God's needs first and you know what God needs you to be here for his people God needs you to read his word and go show somebody in the community hey you are on your way to hell I'm here to help you I can tell you the truth verse 5 and if a man also strive for masteries yet is he not crowned except he strive lawfully so a lot of these people that think you know what I'm just gonna do things my own way because I know the whole matter I've got Matthew 18 figured out I'm the best I'm righteous I'm ultra separated I'm the man in reality they're doing nothing they're sensitive and they're always gonna be that way and all they do is just just make it super uncomfortable for people go to Romans 15 because you have to walk on eggshells around them every time you're on them I don't like living like that does anybody in here like living like that you know what it's like to work with these people in your job they're always going to HR always going to EEO is filing complaint right there a nightmare to work around when you get off work that's all you can think about they plague you after hours and you're not even getting paid for it right you know it's true so let's make sure we don't be like that as God's people and that's why I love being a preacher because when I see that I can just be like ooh I can twist that thing there's no EEO here there's no HR right you what are you gonna do tell Jesus on me he's gonna be like hey I told him to say that we're poof rebuke exhort with all long-suffering you've got no leg to stand on he knows the whole matter not you Romans 15 look at verse 1 it says this we then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the week and not to please our selves our goal should not be to remain weak but to remain strong and the way you're gonna do that is like I've been saying all along is not to have the agenda not to have the goal to just please ourselves all the time we need to work together we need to put other people's needs above our own verse 2 let every one of us please his neighbor for his good or for this his good to edification verse 3 for even Christ please not himself but as it is written the approaches of them that reproach thee fell on me and that's why Paul said in Philippians hey let the mind of let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus right that selfless service mindset not the sensitive snowflake just garbage mindset that's out there today let's see here one more Philippians 2 4 look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others Galatians 6 2 says bury ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ when we decide to do that you know what that's when the sensitivity is gonna go away that's when you're gonna become a person who is strong who is able to receive the meat who is able to grow now lastly just wanted to kind of leave you with this so we started off talking about Ahab right we started talking about Ahab and Jehoshaphat now the Bible says in the New Testament that we are kings and we are priests we are a royal priesthood so don't ever read these stories in the Old Testament about the Kings and say there's nothing in there for me no there's tons in there for you because you are a king according to God you are a king and you are a priest so you need to know what these kings did and what they did right and you know what Ahab did a whole lot of wrong and so as a king you need to be able to look at that King's life and say I don't want to be a king like that I don't want to be a priest like that that's how these things apply to you and you when you put Jehoshaphat next to Ahab you'll see that Jehoshaphat he was a successful King God helped him out he did have success yes I understand he had the issue of yoking up with these bad guys right but you know what when it was all said and done he was a good king to Judah why because he was willing to receive rebuke look it was Jehoshaphat that said hey come on Ahab isn't there a real man of the Lord here besides these 400 guys are all just agreeing with you he wanted to hear the truth now was the end of him or of his kingdom the same as Ahab no because he's written down as a good king Ahab was weak Ahab was a wreck why because he was sensitive because he wanted to protect the image that he built he was only concerned with how he looked in the community how he looked in his kingdom and when other people who were really legitimately strong challenged that and he knew that he fell apart and he wound up losing his life over it Jehoshaphat could take truth without being offended Ahab could not and that's the difference between those two kings so you as a king which one do you want to be because you know what you're like Ahab or you decide someday you're gonna go down that road then you can expect to go the same path that he did spiritually speaking getting shot through the heart getting smoked getting completely wrecked by the enemy that's what will happen I see it time and time again you guys have all seen it it's a fact it's truth you know we need to aim to make sure that we're like these good kings in the Bible as opposed to the Ahabs okay and so that's the whole entire point of the sermon don't be a sensitive snowflake okay all right let's have a word of prayer thank you so much Lord for the truth in your Bible I just pray that you bless the soul winning the fellowship after the service Lord and bring us back all tonight ready to learn in