(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. All right, so we're in Mark chapter number 3. Look down at verse 27. Mark chapter 3 verse 27 it says, no man can enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods except he will first bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house. The title of my sermon this morning is toxic masculinity. Toxic masculinity. Who's ever heard of this term before? Toxic masculinity, that's right. Yeah, so basically the principalities, the powers of darkness, the powers that be, they're trying to promote this idea that being a man, the way God says being a man should be, they're trying to say that that is toxic to society. And we're gonna talk about that this morning, but I'll tell you that the implication with that is actually to destroy females as well. So ladies don't think that I'm just talking to the men this morning, I'm talking to everybody. And we're gonna see that. Now keep your, keep a bookmark or something here in Mark chapter 3, because we're gonna come back to this later on, but turn to Ephesians chapter number 4. Ephesians chapter number 4. So basically toxic masculinity, according to the world, is connected to what has been called the unisex movement or the gender identity or gender equality movement, which is connected to the sodomites, right? It all goes hand in hand, which are connected to the devil, okay? And so this is just another avenue of approach to basically control the world, to enslave people, to make society easier to control. Because I mean, what does the verse say here? It says, no man can enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man. So there is a mission today by the world's elite, by the powers that be, to bind a strong man. And we can't let that happen as God's people, and we're not gonna let that happen. Not in this church, not at all. Now I'm just gonna read for you the history of this term, just to kind of give you some perspective here. So this is an article talking about toxic masculinity, okay? It says this, over the past several years, toxic masculinity has become a catch-all explanation for male violence and sexism. So when this term was first coined, I think it was back in the 80s, right? People use this to describe people that go around and beat their wives and, you know, commit acts of violence, which obviously no gender should be doing. I mean, we're gonna get into that here in a moment. It's like, look, of course we're against that. But, you know, what I want to know is I want to know why the powers that be don't take the rap albums off the shelves that talk about beating, you know, women and calling them hoes and skanks and just, I mean, all this wickedness and this malice and this evil speaking. But, you know, that's, we'll get into that. It goes on to say this, the appeal of the term, which distinguishes toxic traits such as aggression and self entitlement from healthy masculinity, has grown to the point to where Gillette, you know, Gillette razors, Gillette invoked in a viral advertisement against bullying and sexual harassment. Around the same time, the American Psychological Association introduced new guidelines for therapists working with boys and men warning that extreme forms of certain traditional masculine traits are linked to aggression, misogyny and negative health outcomes. Now that word misogyny there, that is a dislike or a prejudice towards women. So, for example, a woman should bear children and guide the house. The world would look at that and say, any man who has that belief has that, um, that, that, that, that form of, of rule in their house is a misogynist or a chauvinist, right? You see what I mean? You see what, what they're trying to do here. They're trying to break down God's natural order for the family that way. Well, I mean, as a result of that, what was going to happen? Divorce, right? Men and women aren't going to get along. It's not going to work when we step outside the bounds of God's rules and regulations and his wisdom in regards to running our family. What happens? Destruction almost every single time, right? And with that comes a society that is easier to control. So it goes on to say this, a predictable conflict has accompanied the terms rise. Many conservatives alleged that, uh, that charges of toxic masculinity are an attack on manhood itself at a time when men already face challenges of a higher, um, higher rates of suicide and drug overdose. Okay. And you know, kick God out of the government buildings. You want to kick God out of schools. You want to kick God out of society. A result of that is also going to be a drug overdose, right? And what else? Suicide. All, all these things are going to happen when you want to kick God out of society. It's not a result of men trying to be men, but I'm getting ahead of myself here. He goes on to say many progressives. Now a progressive is a liberal and according to Isaiah, a liberal is a vile person. So many progressives meanwhile, contend that they are to talk that the detoxification of masculinity is an essential pathway to gender equality. This is why the liberals are always running around saying, you know, you know, we, we need to do something about bullying there. Look, and of course we shouldn't be bullies. We all understand that, right? But what they're saying is that men shouldn't be men. Men shouldn't take strong stances on anything. You should be tolerant, loving, nonjudgmental, coexist like a, like a monk, like one of these Baha'i faith monks, right? They're like, well, the one we talked to yesterday, that, that, that would suit liberals just well. They would be super happy if we all just went down that road. So it goes on to say, amid this heated discourse, newspaper and magazine articles have blamed toxic masculinity for rape, murder, mass shootings, gang violence, online trolling, climate change, the Britain exit and the election of Donald Trump. And this is true. If you go look up these different things in magazines, which I don't advise that you do, you're going to find some liberal that holds the belief that males have a tendency to be toxic just because they want to act male. You see, God designed males and females with different tendencies. Just watch how little boys play and interact versus little girls. There's little differences there, right? I mean, we all know that it's, you don't need to be a scientist to figure that out. Now, the problem is from the time that they're little to the time that they grow up, those care, their, their character can be influenced and the world understands this and the world knows that. And so that's what they're trying to do. They're trying to influence your children to basically act in this like unisex mode. Basically, they don't want men to act like men, but they, but the, the, what's the implication here that it's okay for women, to act like men, because the people that are promoting toxic masculinity, they're not saying, well, if a woman wants to be a good fighter or be the boss of the house and be the chief breadwinner, they don't say there's anything wrong with that. They don't call that toxic femininity, right? So you see what I'm, you see what I mean? It's just, it's just another tool of the devil to divide and conquer society. So I had you turn to Ephesians chapter four, look at verse 31, Ephesians chapter four, look at verse 31. It says, let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice and be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake, hath forgiven you. Well, what are, what are the liberals saying that, that, uh, they're saying that basically, you know, men wanting to be men, men wanting to be tough and, and rumble around and be decisive and be courageous, that that's toxic, that that leads to rape, that that leads to, uh, uh, mass shootings, gang violence and all this other stuff, right? Well, those traits really aren't just prescribed to men. I mean, women can scrap too. Okay. I mean, women can get just as feisty. Look at Kinley. I mean, and Kylin, you know, I mean, there are a couple of little feisty little girls right there. You know, we had to train them out of that to act like ladies, right? But what the world wants to do is they want to train women to act like men and they want to train men to act like women, right? But the things that they're listing here that are apparently a result of being toxic, Paul says, Hey, we shouldn't act like that anyways. You know, he says, Hey, let all bitterness and wrath and anger, right? The clamor. So all of these things, you know, we should put away from us as being Bible believing Christians. And I'm not saying there isn't a time and a place to get angry and to hate sin. You know what? That, that, that's obvious to, to, to any Bible student, to any believer. Turn to Colossians chapter three, and we'll look at a similar passage here. Colossians chapter number three, and then we'll go to Titus chapter three. So Colossians chapter three, look at verse number eight. Look, Paul tells the Colossians the same thing. He says, but in verse eight, but now you also put off all of these anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. Verse nine, lie not one to another, seeing that you have put off the old man with his deeds. So as Christians, we are supposed to put off the old man with his deeds. We should make an effort every single day to walk in the new man. I don't think anybody in here would debate that, but does that mean that I'm being feminine by doing that? Are you feminine? No, no, not at all. But according to these people, according to the people that want to push this toxic masculinity ideology, they're saying that, well, men are more 10, you know, have more of a tendency to be like that just because of how they're, they're wired or how they're programmed, right? That we should be all just more and more loving like, like women are. And, and we already talked about this, but Paul's saying, Hey, look, we shouldn't be any of these things. We shouldn't be full of wrath all the time. We should put off these things. Okay. Go to Titus chapter three, Titus chapter three. So just because you're born a male or just because you're born a female doesn't mean you're automatically inherently going to be prone to rape and that we have to reprogram your mind. This is just some bizarre stuff. So look at Titus chapter three, look at verse number three. He says, for we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived serving diverse lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another. But after that, the kindness and love of God, our savior toward man appeared. And then verse, it just goes on from there. But look what he says there again in verse three says, but, or he says, for we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, right? Well, the people that are doing these things that are raping, that are murdering, that are pillaging, it's not just because they're men. Okay. You have to be educated into that. You know, you, you have to, you have to just live a life where you, you reject God or maybe your parents are just horrible. You're come from a broken home or something like that. It's, it's not because a man was born a man. Okay. That's what I'm trying to say here. These traits that the liberals are claiming that men are only prone to. Well, Paul's saying, Hey, everybody's prone to these, right? When I read for you, Ephesians four, Colossians three or Titus chapter three, did anywhere in there say anything about, about being a man? No. So even women could fall prey to these. Anybody can, right? Look at Titus three, three again for we ourselves, did he say for we men? No. He said for we ourselves also were sometimes foolish. Look, disobedient, deceived, serving diverse lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy. That applies to both genders, right? But the world's saying that, no, only men get like that because of their tendencies and because you know, they want to be the head of the house and because they want to make decisions and be courageous and all this stuff. It's really just a big deceptive life. You look up the definition of masculine, just means male. Okay. It doesn't mean, it doesn't mean that, uh, if you're masculine, you're going to automatically be subject to these tendencies is what I'm saying. Now are men more aggressive than women? Yes. Are there differences? Yes. And we're going to get into that here. Um, turn to Genesis chapter one, Genesis chapter number one. So this article goes on to say that, uh, traits of being masculine are these being harsh, unforgiving, intolerant, warlike, aggressive, courageous, decisive, and having strong leadership. Okay. So according to the liberals, they're saying that these traits are toxic. And that's why if you look at the corporate structure of a lot of big businesses, they're trying to push females into power or I'm sorry, into positions of power over men. They're doing that for a reason. You see the powers that be the people that control the banks, the people that control a Sony records, you know, the producers, right? The music producers, the news producers, the Hollywood producers, these people all work together to promote these trends. And we need to be a people that are going to buck these trends that aren't going to subscribe to them at all. Now I saw, um, Jessica sent me this, this article of GQ magazine who's heard of GQ magazine. Well, there's this guy, I guess, is it November that he's going to be on the cover? So there's this guy, I just learned what his name is. His name is a Farrell, P H a R R E L Farrell Williams. And I guess he's a rapper. Is he a rapper? He's a rapper or pop star. He's, he's a musician. Okay. I guess he's really popular. He sells a lot of CDs. I guess if you listen to secular radio, which you shouldn't, you would hear his music on there and he sings songs for Disney movies. Um, all those cartoon types. Uh, there's a movie with a penguins. Is that Disney? Happy feet. Is that a Disney movie? I don't know. It doesn't matter. It's Gar. It's garbage either way. Okay. It's junk either way. But nonetheless, he sings a song for that movie. But on GQ magazine, which it stands for a gentleman's quarters, Jen, I didn't write it down. Yeah. Either way. It's a stupid magazine. Okay. But on the cover of this magazine is this guy, Farrell Williams, and he's wearing a dress. Okay. He's wearing a dress. Now this dress looks like a sleeping bag and in, I think it's called a sleeping bag dress. It's got a hood on and everything is Brown. You know, he's got his hair, uh, dyed blonde. And in, in, in the idea here, what the, what the editor of GQ magazine, whose name is a will Welch or something like that, um, is they're trying to change what it means to be a man. Okay. And so in this magazine, if you look at the articles, there's all these pictures of this guy, Farrell Williams, he's wearing cardigans, he's wearing super skinny tight jeans. I mean, he looks like a pastor of tree city church in Asreen or bogus basin or create church or one of these other soft soap type preachers. That's what he looks like to me. Okay. And so in this article is, you know, he's advertising his new clothing line. You know, he's got like these $800 sweaters, these $500 shoes. $8,000 jacket. And this, this clothing looks bizarre and you might think I'm crazy, but you know what? These people set the trends because people listen to this music, they allow the frequency to program how they think they go to the store and they think it's cool and they will buy it, you know? And so we need to be on guard as God's people against this kind of crap. This is trash. And that editor, you know, I read his whole biography and he's like, I am on a quest to change what it means to be a man. You know, he's like, men need to get more in touch with their feminine side, right? With the Shekinah glory type garbage that that's promoted out there. And and he's using this rapper or this guy to basically pave the way because he has a lot of influence. That's what the article says. They're like, look, this Farrell Williams guy, he's got tons of influence. We're going to use him and other artists alike to push this agenda because being male, the art of manliness today is the is basically propagating rape and murder and so on and so forth. And I said at the beginning of the sermon, well, why don't you get all the rap albums out of here or all the rock CDs or all the country songs, all the secular music? Why don't you get that stuff off the radio and then let's see what happens to society. You know, I mean, come on, you know, a lot of us grew up in the world. I did. I listened to that stuff when I was younger. I know what it says. I know what Ice Cube taught. You calling people crackers and women hoes and skanks and you know, Dr. Dre and all this other garbage. I mean, come on, get real. You know, but, but this, this, this magazine here is all about basically saying, well, if you get aggressive, you know, if you're the kind of man that wants to make a decision or be a decisive, be a real leader, that's toxic. But is that what God says? And the answer is obviously going to be no. And so I've got three points for you this morning. So you're there in Genesis chapter one, point number one is God created male and female equal, but not interchangeable. Point number one is God created male and female equal, but not interchangeable. You see, God has created men for a purpose in women to be and help meet on to him. Okay. Men and women have different roles. And look, listen to me, you will be much happier if you abide in the role that God has given you. Then if you buck that system and try to live in the role that the world wants you to live in, you're not going to have success. You're going to have pain. Look, I go into people's houses every single week. I see these families out there that try to have the wife as the head of the house and the man as, as, as the wife. And you know what? They're unhappy. I can tell because you know, I'm in their kitchens, I'm, you know, I'm fixing stuff and they're just fighting and anger, big, you're bickering all the time in front of me. It never fails, man. They're always fighting and bickering. I'm thinking to myself, like you can't even keep yourself straight for an hour while some dude, you don't even know is in your house trying to fix something for you. So what do you think it's like when I'm not there? If they can't contain when a stranger is there, it's the result of people rejecting the wisdom of God. So point number one is God created male and female equal, but not interchangeable. Look, male and female, both human. Okay. Both human, but not interchangeable. I cannot get pregnant and give birth. That is something that is special to women. Right. But, and I feel stupid for even having to preach this sermon, but in 2019, you know what this needs to be preached and this needs to be understood so that we can straighten people out because there are a lot of people out there that are going to get just more and more brainwashed. And like I said, we need to straighten them out. So you're there in Genesis chapter one, look at verse 27, Genesis one 27. So God created man in his own image and the image of God created him male and female created. He then verse 28 and God blessed them. And God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the foul of the air and over ever, I'm sorry, every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Go to Genesis chapter number two. So even by those two verses there, you can see the agenda today is trying to be subverted, right? What's the idea today that we should worship the creature more than creator animals have more rights than we do today. And that's true. I don't know if I've told the story yet, but, uh, again, in somebody's house, this lady's just talking to me about her divorce. I'm like, I'm really just thinking to myself, I'm not interested in this. I need to get this work done, you know, but she just won't stop. And she's, you know, her dog is like crawling all over me and I'm picking them up. I'm like trying to politely, you know, put them aside. So he just loves service, man. You know, he's, he just really likes, he likes the electricians. He likes the plumbers. He loves appliance repair guys. You know, he just wants to help you out. I'm like, yeah, I know it's, it's just really hard to get these wires. You know, these wires are real thin just kind of hard to connect them with a dog on my face, you know? And she's like, yeah, he's just, he's just anxious because you see, because of my divorce, right? Where we're, we have a custody, we share custody of this dog. I forgot what his name was Fido. We'll call him Fido. And she's like, she's like, do you think that's weird? I was like, yeah, I do think that's weird. I've never heard that before, you know, and I'm just getting angry, man. And she's like, she's like, yeah, well, you know, daddy's going to come get them at three. And so do you think you'll be done by three? I'm like, I sure hope so. It kind of depends on how this goes. And she's like, oh yeah, that's right. Well, yeah, you know, he's going to take them to get a bath and you know, and he takes them three days, one week, and then I take them four days. And then the next week I take him four days and he takes them three days. And so he's, he's happy, but he just loves man. I'm just like thinking to myself, God created us to have dominion over them. But apparently in your family, apparently in this society, the animals have dominion over the people. It's disgusting. But apparently that's just the way it's going today. Look at Genesis chapter two, verse number 18 and the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone. I will make him and help meet for him. That verse right there would be considered misogynistic to the toxic masculinity crowd. Verse 19. And out of the ground of the Lord, I'm sorry. And out of the ground, the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every foul of the air and brought them onto Adam to see what he would call them. And whatsoever. Adam called every living creature. That was the name thereof. Verse 20 and Adam gave name, saw the cattle into the foul of the air and to every beast of the field. But for Adam, there was not found and help meet for him. Verse 21. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept. And he took one of the ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof. Verse 22 and the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman and brought her on to the man. And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh shall, or she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man. Again, that passage of scripture there is very offensive to the liberals. It's very offensive to the world today. They don't want to, and it's not a bad thing. God created women to be in help unto man. It doesn't mean that men are better than women. It doesn't mean that at all. It just means that we have different roles, right? But what is the world trying to say today? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Women and men, men and women are interchangeable. A woman can do anything that a man can do. And you know, in some cases, that's true, but in others, it's not. There's a reason why there's not a ton of diesel mechanics today that are female. Okay. There's a reason why today there's not a ton of men giving birth to children. There's obviously a difference today. Okay. Men and women are equally human, but they are not interchangeable. Verse 24, therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked and the man and his wife and were not ashamed. So go to Genesis chapter three, who will take a look at the aside, the gender assignments that God has given to mankind after the fall. Okay. So here you, we're going to start to see a very, very clear difference here. And the roles that God has assigned to men and women. Look at verse 16, Genesis three 16 on. So this is after the fall. It says unto the woman. He said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception in sorrow. Thou shall bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall roll over thee. Uh oh. Now we're in trouble with the liberals. Now we're in trouble with the liberals. Now we're all the same. Oh, well, it's got a misogynist. That's what Richard Dawkins says. He says that the God of the Bible is a misogynist, that he's a chauvinist, that he's a, um, that he's a bigot. Those are his words. That's what he said. He gets that from these verses here. But you know what? That guy's going to split hell wide open. This is God's word here. This is not a joke. This is not optional. This is the way it is despite what man wants to say. He got saying, Hey, your desire is going to be toward your husband. And look, not everybody is in a situation right now where they can fulfill this. But nonetheless, when your desire ladies is towards your husband, you're going to be happier than if you decide to buck that commandment. If you decide to step outside of that, then it says, and he shall roll over thee. Those are fighting words to the liberals. Look at verse 17 and unto Adam. He said, because thou has hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee saying, thou shall not eat of it. Cursed is the ground for thy sake and sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life. Look at verse 18 thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee and thou shall eat the herbs of the field. You know, these thorns and thistles, I mean, I don't care what your job is. There are thorns, there are thistles, there are things in your job that make it difficult, right? I've had a lot of different jobs and they all have their problems. So just think about that before you decide to jump ship and get a different job. Okay. You know, work has its thorns and it has its thistles and has its problems for all of us. So verse 19 and the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground for out of it was thou taken for dust thou art and unto dust shout thou return. Again, the world doesn't like that. God's saying, Hey, you were formed out of the dust, but what does man think? I can become God. Isn't that what the Mormons teach? Isn't that what Kanye West teaches, right? He says he's a God. Isn't that what Joyce Meyer teaches? Kenneth Copeland. Look, a lot of these religions teach that, that you're more than that. You're something special. You know, it's like, get out of here. Verse 20 and Adam called his wife, his wife's name Eve because she was the mother of all living. Now go to Mark chapter number 10, Mark chapter number 10. So just real basics. It's clear from the Bible, from God's word that there are clear differences in the roles that have been given to males versus females, right? Women can give birth. Men can't. God's telling Adam, Hey, you're the one that's going to have to go out to work now because of this. What's so, what's the, what's the role for the women? Does she supposed to bear children and guide the house? And he's saying, Hey, in sorrow thou shall bring forth children, right? There's a clear difference there, but according to the world, they're trying to make it to where there's just no difference at all. It's obviously satanic and that's what the devil does. He works in opposites. Yea hath God said, right? He would, that's what he does to people. Yea, hath God said that homosexuals shouldn't be able to come into church? Well, no, that's not what he really meant. Mark chapter 10, look at verse number six. Jesus reaffirms all of this and he says, but from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. There's no gender fluidity. Okay. People want to say, Oh, I'm a, I'm a gender fluid, blah, blah, blah. I just today I'm a male tomorrow. I'm a female. It just kind of depends on my mood. Look, when I was working in Sacramento, I, I went into this house to install a dishwasher and two dudes opened the door with long hair and they've got a sodomite flag probably from the edge of that wall there to that edge of that blue sign. They're just a huge flag. Okay. I'm like, dang it. And it just so happens I got my manager there with me, you know, doing a little evaluation or whatever. I'm like, great, this is perfect. He says, my name is Sandra or something like that. And I'm like, what? Whatever. So I go there, I start working, there's a problem. I need these, these two queers are, they're renting a house from somebody else. So there was an issue. I couldn't install the dishwasher. I needed his permission to install an outlet or something like that. So I call this guy up and I'm like, Hey, you know, can I get the permissions? I, yeah. He's like, Hey, can you put her on the phone? I said, there's no her here. And then I can hear the dude right here. He's like, no, he's talking about me. He's talking about me. I was like, he's looking for a female and my manager is getting uncomfortable. He's getting real uncomfortable. And I was like, Oh, well, I give him the phone, finish up the job. And the whole time I'm like, Hey dude, Hey man. You know? And he's like, Oh, I'm a, I'm a she, you know, started kind of talking about these pronouns, right? They don't use them. You know, my name is Sandra, you know, and this is clearly a dude, right? And I just wouldn't buy off on it. I was like, no, you're a dude. I didn't say that, but I just kept saying, all right, man. Hey dude, you know, I just kept really pouring that on. So I finished the job. I go outside and manager's like, man, you're a liability. He's like, you're crazy. I'm like, you can't tell me that that didn't make you uncomfortable. He's like, it does, but I don't, I don't know what to do. And this guy's like from Saudi Arabia, that's where he grew up. Okay. And I, and I knew it and he's Muslim. And I knew that even that made him uncomfortable. I said, you can't tell me that didn't make you uncomfortable as I get dead. He's like, but man, you're a liability. He's like, you just kept calling him dude. I'm like, what am I, look, I'm not going to buy into the lie, right? If somebody who is clearly male wants to be called a female, I will not subscribe to it. I will not do it. That is a perversion there. Look, you're trying to molest my mind by making me do that. We cannot allow that. We cannot allow these people to influence the truth. Basic truth. God created them male and female. If you're male, I will call you a male. I will refer to you as a male. I will not compromise. Nobody should. You say, what if you lose your job? Then so be it. I'll go do something else. God will take care of me. God will take care of you, but we should not ever buy into the lie. Oh, just call them what they want to be. No, no, that's not how it works. That is not biblical. That is not what God would have us to do. Because as soon as you do that, you have now crossed the line and bought into their ideology, their garbage. That's what they want. These people are implacable. They're never satisfied. They're impossible to be placated. They want to molest you any way that they can. And if the only way they can do it is by having you refer to them and the gender that they want, then they won. And we can't let that happen. What am I reading here? Verse seven. All right, let's start over again. I'll start this whole sermon over again. Look at verse six. It says, but from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. Okay. Verse seven. He says for this cause. So for this reason, so because God made them male and female, he says for this cause, shall a man leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh. So then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put us under. So he's saying, Hey, because God has made male and female because they're different. And because the two of them come together, that is a perfect union. That is a perfect thing. And that is a reflection of God's image. That is what he's saying here, that the twain will become one flesh. Now turn to first Corinthians chapter number 11. All right. First Corinthians chapter number 11. I'm going to read to you a little bit of science now. Okay. So you say, well, I'm not too sure about all that stuff that you just read. Well, let me just read to you the science, you know, and, and, and just listen to this and maybe have this in the back of your mind, be able to sum it up very quickly because this can help somebody out, right? Because somebody may be confused and you know what it's like, Hey, look, if you're not gonna believe the Bible, well then you have to believe the science because the science always falls in line with the Bible. Otherwise it's not real science. So this year, I took this from like a creation site here. It says, genetically except for, um, inoculated blood cells, every human body cell is either male, meaning XY chromosomes or female XX chromosomes. All healthy humans begin life with sex chromosomal differences. The Y contains over 200 genes of which 72 code for proteins while the X contains over 12 times as many. It says, uh, fully 874 genes after a fertilized egg is formed. Thousands of genetic differences are created due to an epigenetic process called imprinting. This system turns off a wide variety of genes in males and a wide variety of other genes in females, depending on whether the gene came from the father or the mother. The result is that many genetic differences exist between the genders well before birth, right? And that's exactly what we read in Genesis chapter one, Genesis chapter two. I mean, it's, it's very clear. I mean, think about this. God gave different plans of recovery for women in the Old Testament, whether they were pregnant with a female or pregnant with a male, right? If a woman is pregnant with a girl and delivers a girl, her recovery time is longer and that could have something to do with the complexity of the hormones that women have and because they have to give birth and so on. I don't really know. I'm not a scientist. I'm just guessing. But nonetheless, there is a reason for that. Think about that. It goes on to say this, these male female genetic differences have profound ramifications in medicine. It says for years, only males were generally tested to determine proper drug dosages. So back in the day, these scientists, they didn't understand this because they're taught to reject God, you know, day one after colleges, right? It says, so what, we'll just test all the medicine on men and it'll work equally for females. He goes on to say this. Then it was discovered that the popular sleep drug Ambien is metabolized differently in females. Consequently, women initially attained about twice the proper, uh, systemic dose resulting in some female users being overmedicated and this produced a rash of traffic accidents. One reason for a drug dosage difference is due to the major hormone variations between males and females. And look, we all know there's differences in hormone levels between males and females, especially if you're married. You're just something, you just understand this. Okay. He goes on to say this, adult males and females also have different, uh, physiological reactions to alcohol. Think about that. You know, there are some men depending on how big they are and I'm obviously I'm not at all advocating alcohol, but the bigger a person is, the, the more it takes to get that person drunk. But also it's gender specific here. He says adult males and females also have a different physiological reaction to alcohol due to variations in, uh, alcohol detoxifying enzymes, alcohol D hydro Ganassi. I might be saying that all wrong breaks down ethanol and as a result, or I'm sorry. And as a result, females exhibit higher alcohol metabolic rates than males. In other words, liquor tends to have a stronger effect on women, right there. They just realize that scientifically. I mean, you could probably just observe that in society. I mean, the heathen know this, the people that go out to the bars and the clubs, I mean, since back in the day, you know, I mean, even in the biblical days, they had to have understood this, that alcohol affects women differently than it does, uh, males. And this article goes on to say that, uh, they studied the different sleep patterns between, you know, women and females and females tend to sleep better. I don't know if that's true. I know it's not true for Jessica cause she doesn't seem to sleep very well. But, um, it also talked about, um, uh, the anytime that they just study the brain patterns and, uh, of males versus females that they're always different. Like if you just show, like for example, you show this picture to a man and you're able to look at the little brain activity would be different than if you showed it to a female. That's, that's basically what they're saying here. And it goes on to say that, uh, occupationally as a whole, women tend to make better neurosurgeons due to their superior fine muscle coordination and men make better diesel mechanics due to their super gross muscle coordination. And obviously that's true. There's a difference between males and females and we could see that because just look around here and I can just, just tell you that right off the bat. But the world wants to blind your eyes and say, no, no, no, it's not like that. And am I saying that women can't work hard? No. Look, when I was working at the shipyard, I had this woman that worked for me and she was super strong. She was out working dudes left and right. I mean, and I loved it because, I mean, I'm in the workforce and obviously I don't subscribe to that, but whatever, you know, I would go to these guys. I'd be like, man, you know, she's working you into the ground. I mean, doesn't that make you feel bad? And he'd be like, what? No. Oh, that's not true. I'll work her. And I would stir these guys up and they would, if the laziest guy would get, you know, his ego would be like, oh, I'm not gonna let that happen. And then I would get them all to just work super hard. It was great. But you know, she eventually moved on and stuff. But, uh, you know, I'm, I'm just saying that as a whole, females tend to be weaker. There's a reason why the top UFC champ doesn't fight the top UFC female champ. Why is that? Why aren't there a lot of NFL linebackers that are females today? There's a difference between male and female. That's why it's obvious. It's so obvious. So I had you turn to first Corinthians chapter number 11. Let's take a look at some further proof of differences between men and women. First Corinthians 11, look at verse number two. Paul says, now I praise you brethren that you remember me in all things and keep the ordinances as I delivered them to you. But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and the head of the woman is the man and the head of Christ is God. Again, these verses here are considered misogynistic towards the toxic masculinity crowd. Look at verse four, every man praying or prophesying having his head covered dishonor with his head verse five, but every woman that prayeth or prophesy with her head cover, I'm sorry, uncovered dishonor with her head for that is even all one as if she were shaven. So what he's saying here is, Hey, we're, what we're, what we're about to do, we're, we're kind of done with a whole genetic difference. That's obvious. That's step one. Now we're talking about God's standards between men and women. See, God wants a big stark, a big drastically difference between the way males look versus the way females look. And he's saying, Hey, if a woman's going to have short hair, she might as well just shave it all off because it's the same in his eyes. Okay. And this isn't talking about a physical head covering either. Like the Mennonites want to tell you, go knock on a door and somebody that answers the door is a Mennonite. They're going to bring this up right away. We'll do your women wear head coverings. Well then God doesn't hear their prayers. And that is so foolish. And you'll see why here. Actually, look at verse, just, just real quick, we'll come back here. But look at verse 13 jump, jump down to verse 13 verse 13 says, judging yourselves, is it commonly that a woman pray into God uncovered, right? And this is where the Mennonites going to see, got to have that hat on, that head covering. Look at verse 14, does not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair, it is a shame, a shame unto him. Verse 15. But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her for her hair is given her for a covering. So are we talking about a hat or are we talking about hair? What's the covering? Is it a hat or hair? It's hair. Exactly. Now go back to verse number five. He says, but every woman that prayeth or prophesized with her head uncovered, dishonor with her head for that is even all one as if she were shaven. So again, he's saying, Hey, you know, you might as well just shave it all off. You want to be disobedient. You want to be a unruly, then just shave it all off. Verse six for if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn. But if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. Okay. This means that all the Christian rappers with the long dreadlocks, right, are in violation of God's word. You want to see what toxic masculinity makes people? It's this right here. There you go. And we talked about this when I preached against this bozo here, but this, this is what GQ magazine wants. This is what you're going to find when you step outside a Baptist, a Baptist church. You're going to find people that endorse this. You're going to find people that either support it or won't say anything about it, which is just as bad. Okay. This here, I mean, he's going to make GQ magazine someday, probably right. The new faith. This is their masculinity. Well, I got big muscles. He's still weak. This guy's still weak. Look at his hair. You say, Oh, you're judgmental. You're darn right. I am. Thanks for noticing. Thanks for telling me the obvious. Yes. This is a judgmental church. The spiritual judge is all things. The Bible says. So verse number seven, for a man indeed ought not to cover his head. Again, we're not talking about half for as much as he is the image in glory of God. But the woman is the glory of the man for the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man. Oh, Oh, well, I hope nobody's getting offended here because this is God's word. Verse nine. Neither was the man created for the woman, but the woman for the man verse 10, for this cause of the woman to have power on her head because of the angels. And no, I'm not sure what that means. Verse 11, neither, or I'm sorry, nevertheless, neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man and the Lord for as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also the woman or by the woman, but all things of God. Verse 13, judging yourselves, is it comely that a woman praying to God uncovered does not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair, it is a shame on him. So he's saying, Hey, look, remember how we talked about last week about the general revelation out there about nature and people that, you know, they can learn about God. They can learn about the power of his Godhead just by day into day, night into night, just by the trees, right? That makes it obvious that there's a God that there's an order, right? Well, that same nature teaches you that a man having long hair is wrong. It's not okay. Right? Men should not have long hair. And here's what people want to do. Well, okay, well, how long should my wife's hair be then? You know why he doesn't give the inches and the centimeters, because if he said, okay, a woman's hair should be exactly seven and a half inches long. Most men would basically start cutting their hair at six inches. Right. They'd want to live right up to the edge. What God is saying here is, Hey, let's make the biggest difference between male and female. That's what we should do, especially as Bible believing Christians because what the world's doing is saying, no, we should blend the lines. We should blur the lines of gender, right? We shouldn't have a difference between the clothing or the appearance of male and female that, you know, a woman should be able to have short hair and a man should be able to have long hair, right? Isn't that what Todd White saying by his appearance? Oh, don't judge a book by its cover. Well, yeah, I am looking for a 16, but if any man seemed to be contentious, we have no such custom. Neither the churches of God turned to Deuteronomy chapter 22, Deuteronomy chapter number 22. So the Bible saying here, Hey, you know, women, you should have long hair, man. You should have short hair. You shouldn't be, if your heart is like, well, how long should my hair be before, you know, I'm a violation of God, you know, that should not be your attitude. Right. Just that, just, just subscribe to what God's plan is. The message here is very clear. It's obvious that you should have long hair and the men should have short hair. That's it. Okay. That's, that's what he's saying, you know, but people that want to get down to the inches and the centimeters and the actual length, it's like, look, what are you a Pharisee? No Sadducee. And you want to, you want to just argue over, over stuff like that. It's, it's not the will of God. It's not what's taught in this chapter at all. God is saying, Hey, I want beats with, I want my people to be separate. I want them to be holy, right? I want there to be a difference. And is it, and look, it's no strange thing that the world today wants the exact opposite because who is the prince of this world? It's the devil. It's the devil. That's what he wants. He wants to blur the lines of gender today and he wants men wearing cardigans, right? Who's heard of that stupid Christian group Zonti. Did I talk about them? Zonti. Now, how many views does that guy's video have? It's like a million, right? So there's this Christian rap song and this guy, he's wearing capris. No joke. He's wearing capris. He's wearing a pink shirt, right? His friend's wearing like his pink bandana and they're doing all this, you know, this, this, you know, wrist rap dancing type stuff. And, and, and this one guy has got a cardigan on and it goes down to his, like his knees. And it's like, what, what in the world is this? And then, of course they're doing the pistol stuff, right? Because every rap song has got to have somebody doing this with it, with a gun, with a gat, right? They got to pop a cap or something like that. But it's, it's effeminate. And the, you know, if, if, and the devil's like, Hey, look, I'm not going to let Christians out of this. I'm going to try to influence them to subscribe to toxic masculinity as well. And so that's what we're seeing even in the stupid Christian rap garbage. But you're there in Deuteronomy 22, look at verse five. And we'll, we're going to take a look at clothing here. Deuteronomy 22 five. So not only right, not only did we just learn that there should be a difference with between male and female regarding hair, but also in dress Deuteronomy 22, verse five, it says, the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man. Neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God. Pharrell Williams is an abomination to God. Any man that wants to put on a female garment is an abomination to God. Any woman that wants to put on that, which pertaineth to a man also is an abomination to God. Look at the verse again. It says, the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man. This is where everybody wants to fight. This is what people, all your Baptist, your women get to wear pants because we're free in Christ, bro. Right? Isn't that what they always say? Oh, you're, you're trying to follow some old Testament law. Well, the Bible says all scriptures profitable for doctrine, for proof correction, you know, we, we, we should be able to apply this to our lives. So I'd like to ask you, okay, the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man. What is that garment? Is it socks? Is it a shirt? Is it a hat? Is it a dress? Oh, wait a minute. For, for thousands of years, what's been, or at least at least for hundreds of years here in this country, what's been the symbol on the bathroom, right? If I go to the store, at least in Idaho still, this is great, right? If I go to a restaurant and I'm walking up to where the restrooms are, usually what's the sign for the male bathroom? It's just a dude, right? What's the one for the female? What's the, what's the shape on the female door? A woman wearing a dress or a skirt. Do you know what used to be illegal in this country for women to wear pants? It's true. It was, I mean, it was something that was highly frowned upon. But in today's day and age, even Christians, even Baptists, even safe people want to argue and fight over this. But God says very clearly here, the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man. Neither shall a man put on a woman's garment. So when Kanye West puts on a dress or a skirt, what does that mean? What does that tell you? Does that, does that mean that he's, you know, free in Christ? No, it means he's an abomination. What is the message he's trying to send? What's the message that Pharrell Williams is trying to send when he wears a skirt or he wears a long dress that does a sleeping bag? What's the message? We hate God. We don't care what he thinks and we're going to destroy. Man, remember, we're going to bind the strong man. That's what the sermon's about, right? It's like a plan, the plot to bind the strong man. And the byproduct of that is to bind the strong woman in Christ. You see, it attacks both toxic masculinity. This doctrine doesn't just attack men. It attacks women because they're implying that, well, it's okay, you know, for women to be rough tumble and to be angry and to be decisive and assertive, but it's not okay for men to, you see, they're trying to flip, they're trying to subvert and reverse these things. So in order for Deuteronomy 22 five to make sense, there has to be such a thing as men's clothing and there has to be such a thing as women's clothing, right? Because that's what he's saying there. The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man. Neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so are an abomination to the Lord thy God. This is what all the heathen nations were doing even in this time. And God's saying, Hey, look, Moses, make sure that people understand this. I don't want my people to look like the world. So you say, well, Christ doesn't judge the outward appearance. Well, according to the Bible, you know, he does. It does matter what we wear. We should be a people that puts the biggest difference between male and female because the world is doing the exact opposite. So even if you don't want to agree with this, you should still have the same mindset that you want to put a difference between the male and female appearance. We should not want to blur the lines at all, right? I want to take a strong stance against anything that promotes the unisex movement. And that means pants, right? A lot of people want to go hard on us and say that we're a cult because, you know, most of our women don't wear pants. They wear skirts. Look, if you're, if you wear pants, ladies, I don't know about it. And if I were to run into you out in town, I wouldn't say anything to you. Okay. I just preach the Bible and you do whatever you want. Hopefully you'll make the right choice. Hopefully I'm communicating this somewhat clearly because I don't see how this verse could be muddled. The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man. It's obviously pants. Even throughout history, who was the first political or the first woman to have her photograph in pants published in like the, the, the federal presidential yearbook, whatever. It was Hillary Clinton. I kind of butchered that cause I forgot all the facts, but she was the first person to actually be photographed like officially in pants, Hillary Clinton. So anytime I hear ladies that want to argue about this, I just kind of think you kind of have that spirit of Hillary Clinton. Is Hillary Clinton somebody that's for gender differences? No, they want to promote this gender equality stuff, right? But really all gender equality is is an attack on God's natural order for the family. God has designed the man to lead the house, the woman to guide the house. Okay. There's a big difference. Now turn back to Mark chapter three. Go back to Mark chapter three. So point number one was kind of long. And it was this God has obviously created a males and females equal, right? They're both equally human, but they're not interchangeable. So we shouldn't take the Christian lady and try to make her do the Christian male's job. You know, it's a, it goes against the order of God. It's, it's not, it's not good. It's not correct. So you're back there in Mark chapter three. I'm going to give you point number two here. So why the attack on manhood? What's, what's the point? Why the attack on manhood? And I'm going to show you this here. So point number two is there is an agenda to break the natural use of a man in today's world, right? They want to break masculine traits. They want to make men indecisive, right? Just no, no discernment, no judgment, nonaggressive. And look, there's a time to be aggressive. We should be aggressive against false doctrine. We should be aggressive against sin, right? Well, there, there, there's, there's a war out there and we should be willing to fight that war and we need to fight that war because if we don't, who will show me one of the other churches in the area and look, I'm not being prideful. I'm not being arrogant, but just show me one that's doing it there. Good luck. Good luck at finding it. So point number two is there is an agenda to break the natural use of a man in today's world. Look at verse 27, Mark chapter three, verse 27, right where we first started. No man can enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods. Except he will first bind the strong man and then he will, and then he will spoil his house. So the elite, right? The devil, the powers of darkness, they understand, they understand this very well. They understand that man, you know, isn't going to be trodden over easily, especially the strong man. They understand this. And so they realize we have in order for us to spoil his goods in order for the world to spoil the families, in order for the world to spoil mankind, they're going to have to, they're going to have to bound. They're going to have to tie up. They're going to have to arrest the natural man. They're going to have to teach society that being decisive, that being courageous, that being strong, that taking a stand, being a fundamentalist is, is, is toxic. They have to subvert God's order in order to accomplish that. And they're doing a very good job today. I mean, think about it. They're doing a very good job today. And if you don't believe me, just go look at some of these pastors around here and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. Now go to Deuteronomy chapter number 23. So as long as men are men, the spoilers are not going to be able to conquer us. The world knows this, the powers that be, they understand this. Okay. So Deuteronomy 23, look at verse number one, Deuteronomy 23, verse number one, it says, he that is wounded in the stones or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord. Now, just for fun, I went and I looked up a bunch of sermons on Deuteronomy 23 from other liberal churches. And they all start in verse number two, every one of them, every single one of them, because they don't have the stones to preach verse number one, they're wounded in the stones. And that's the goal of the world. You know, you say, well, that's kinda, that's kinda good. Look, this is Bible, right? This is Bible here. He says, he that is wounded in the stones or have his privy member cut off shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord. So does that sound like somebody who's wounded in the stone should be a pastor? No stones are a symbol of where a man gets his strength from his physical strength. So how do we apply this spiritually, right? When you remove someone's courage, you remove their foundation, which is God's word. And you take away the natural tendencies and the leadership and the order that God has given to man. When you weaken that and you wound that and you take that away, guess what? You're wounded in the stone spiritually. It's the reason why Rick Melfi is not here today. It's because he's been wounded in the stones. It's the reason why we kick storm out of here because he's wounded in the stones. There's a reason why the guy over at tree city church of the Nazarene looks like an effeminate little queer. It's because he's wounded in the stones spiritually. It's got no guts. Look, who knows who Josh ties is the pastor of Southern Hills, Baptist Baptist church, right? One of the trendies. So you guys know that I don't like these trendy pastors like John guy, pastor polka dot out of West coast bastard college. And who's the other one, Ben Shetler, right? These people are no different than Todd white, right? They subscribe to toxic masculinity. Well, Josh ties just released an article on his website attacking the King James Bible, right? And we're making a video against these people and I can't wait till it's done. And, uh, you know, because these people are toxic Christians and they're not even really saved, right? I'm just saying Christian because they use the lingo and they, they have, you know, church services and things like that. But Josh ties is wounded in the stones. Josh ties, you know, gets on stage and he, he does this little stuff with his wrist and he acts all effeminate and queer and he cries all the time. It's a little sissy. He doesn't stand up for any real truth. You would have to be wounded in your stones to take a stance against God's word, the King James Bible in the English language. Anybody who takes that position, the original manuscript only position, guess what? You're wounded in the stones. You're weak. Go to Leviticus chapter number 21 because I do want to give you a little bit of a background on this verse here. What, what God's telling Moses here, he's not saying, Hey, he, a person who's wanted in the stones can't be saved. He's not saying that at all. So let's just kind of go, go over some background here. So Leviticus chapter number 21, and after this we're going to go to Isaiah, but Leviticus 21, look at verse 17. He says, speak unto Aaron saying whosoever he be of thy speed, I'm sorry, of thy seed and their generations that hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God for whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach a blind man or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose or anything superfluous verse 19 or a man that is broken footed or broken handed verse 20 or a crook backed or a dwarf or that hath a blemish in his eye or be scurvy or scabbed or hath his stones broken. Now what are we talking about here? We're talking about God's priesthood. Right? Remember who were the priests during this time? It was the Levites. Not all Levites were, I'm sorry, not all the, um, yeah, not all Levites were priests, but all priests were Levites and they were all male by the way. That's the way God ordained it. And God's saying, Hey, I don't want, if you have any of these issues here, you cannot serve, you cannot be a, be a priest. He says, or hath his stones broken. Verse 21, no man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron, the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the Lord made by fire. He hath a blemish. He shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God. So again, in Deuteronomy, he's not saying that a person is one of the stones isn't saved or can't get saved. It's not what he's saying at all. Now go to Isaiah chapter 56. He's simply saying, if you have this issue, you can't be in the priesthood, right? So somebody who has no courage, who has no foundation, who has no source of strength, has no business today being a pastor, because a pastor is supposed to be somebody who can rightly divide the word of truth, right? Somebody who is faithful, somebody who will preach, you know, in season, out of season, but somebody who is wounded in the stone spiritually, isn't going to do that. They're going to be like Joel Osteen. They're going to be like Todd White. They're just going to tell you every single week what you want to hear, right? And we can't be like that. We're not going to grow like that. If you don't get constructive criticism, if you won't receive criticism, you're not going to ever grow. It's the same in your job. It's the same with anything in life. And God understands that. And he's saying, Hey, but these people here, I just, they're not, they're, they're able to be saved, but they're not able to serve in my priesthood. But here's further proof that they can be saved. And I'm just giving, I'm kind of going off on a rabbit trail, but we need to understand this because it's God's word. Look at Isaiah 56, look at verse three. It says, neither let the son of the stranger that hath joined himself to the Lord speak, saying, the Lord has utterly separated me from his people. Neither let the eunuch say, behold, I am a dry tree. So does it sound like God saying that eunuchs can't be saved? No, not at all. Look at verse four for thus sayeth the Lord unto the eunuchs that keep my Sabbath and choose the things that please me and take hold of my covenant. Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls, a place and a name better than the sons and of daughters. I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off. Turn to Proverbs chapter 24. So it's clear in the Bible that a eunuch, which is somebody who would be a person in Deuteronomy 23, one can be saved. Okay. But God's saying, Hey, you can be saved, but you cannot be in the congregation of the Lord. And that's during that time. And obviously we can apply this spiritually. Like I've been saying, okay, if you're going to be a preacher, you want to be a pastor, you need to be able to stand on the truth. You need to be able to tell it like it is. And you know what? You want to be a successful father. You want, you know, you want to be a successful man, men, you know what? You need to learn to be decisive. You need to learn to be courageous. You need to learn to do things that need to be done, not taking the easy road. And you know what, ladies, you need to do the same thing, but in your role, right? You need to put your foot down. Sometimes the kids, you need to put your foot down to sin. You need to put your foot down to the old man. We need to be wise. You're there in Proverbs chapter 24. Look at verse five. A wise man is strong. Yea, a man of knowledge increases strength. So what does it say there? If I seek after physical strength in my wise, yes. If I seek after spiritual strength in my wise, yes. Right? Strength is a good thing, but not according to the world. According to the world, a man that wants to seek strength could be toxic and possibly go out and rape and pillage and plunder. No, it's the works of the devil that caused men to do that. And by the way, women do that stuff too. It's just not as often. So you can leave your place there. Go to first Corinthians chapter six, real quick. First Corinthians chapter six. We're getting close to being done here. First Corinthians chapter number six. Look at verse number nine. It says, know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God, be not deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with man kind. So Paul saying, Hey, you know, these unrighteous traits here, right? We shouldn't be like that. We shouldn't act like that. You know, a lot of people like to use this first to say, Oh, well, this is saying that sodomites can be saved because it says effeminate. So abusers themselves with mankind, obviously must be sodomite. Well, that's stupid because if you were to read from Genesis all the way up to this point, I mean, how many times does the Bible use sodomite? You know, it's several times, it's over like 50 times. Okay, so if this meant sodomite, then it would have said sodomite, right? Abusers of themselves with mankind could mean a lot of different things. You know what, being a real toxic male, somebody who does go out and rape and pillage and plunder and do things that's against God's word, that's an abuser of himself with mankind. People that want to go out and party at the clubs, guess what? You're abusing yourself with mankind. Now, mankind can mean male or female, okay? This is not clear to say that, but that other bozo that came in here, what's his name, Travis, right? He likes to leave this verse on all of our videos and send us messages and text messages and say, as were some of you, which were some of you, you know, implying that we have a gross misunderstanding of this verse here, but Paul's just simply saying, hey, know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God, be not deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, right? An effeminate person is somebody who's been wounded in the stones, right? We should not act like that at all. It's a sin, it's not okay. The Bible is very clear that men should act like men, women should act like women, and you should be of the mindset that you want to put as much difference between the genders as possible, right? We want to be different. I've got no shame when we walk up to people's doors and, you know, the ladies are in skirts and, you know, we all have short hairs, we're just nice. There's no shame in that because when we come up there, they know that we mean business, you know what I mean? They understand that, but you know what? When people look at us, you know, what does that say? They know, right? They know, oh, these are people that don't subscribe to the modern way of doing business, of the way the world thinks and wants to push what a man should be. Go back one more time to Mark chapter number three, Mark chapter number three. So point number two is there is an agenda to break the natural use of man in today's world, and this agenda is to make men effeminate. It's to make men not men, and it's to make women act more manly. That's the agenda. It's to break the natural use of a man, and by doing that, they're breaking the natural use of the woman, and the result is broken homes, broken families, and depopulation of the world. It's what it's about. Point number three, point number three, why the attack on manhood? To bind men across the world so that the spoiler can depopulate the earth. That's what we're gonna talk about next. Look at verse 27 again. No man can enter to a strong man's house and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man, and then he will spoil his house. So this is the order that Jesus is saying here. Hey, when men wanna be men, the spoiler's gonna have a hard time coming in and taking what he wants, right? So what the enemy says, okay, I understand that. I need the agenda. I need to break the natural use of the man. I need to bind the strong man. I need to make him weak. I need to weaken his mind. I need to weaken his spirit. I need to make it so that he cannot fight against our order. Once they do that, what happens next? The last part of verse 27, and then he will spoil his house. And that's what you're seeing today, because a large part of this toxic masculinity has already gone forth to work. And so now what you're seeing is the actual overtaking, the actual spoiling of the house of most men in this country. Go to Matthew chapter, I'm sorry, go to Luke chapter 21. Luke chapter 21. So we just looked at the first step, right? Which is to bind the strong man. The second step is to begin the spoiling process. And then the third step is obviously to maintain control. So this same story here is found also in Matthew 12. I'm just gonna read that for you while you guys are going to Luke 11. And it says this, Matthew 12, 29. It says, or else how can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods except he first bind the strong man and he will spoil his house? Luke chapter 11, look at verse number 21. It says, when a strong man armed, it says, when a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace. And look, man, we need to be strong. We need to keep our palace. We need to keep our house. We need to keep our spiritual lives in check so that our goods, our fruits, right onto the Lord, you know, our eternal rewards so that they will be in peace. That's how you apply that to yourselves. Now go to James chapter two, and you say, well, why are you talking about the rich and this depopulation thing? And I'll tell you, you know that the rich bankers of this world, that the elite, that they are obsessed with the world being overpopulated. It's true. And look, I'm not really super duper big into conspiracies, but you know, there's a lot of conspiracies in the Bible. And you know what? There's a lot of conspiracies in real life. A conspiracy is just two or three more people have a common goal of committing evil. That's what a conspiracy is. And the rich, and you know, this is true. The rich have a goal to depopulate the earth. And we're gonna talk about that. And if you don't believe me, James chapter two, look at verse six. Talking about respecting a person's, James says this, look at verse six. He says, but you have despised the poor. And he says, do not rich men oppress you and draw you before the judgment seats? So look, I'm not saying a rich person can't be saved because we know that that's not true. They can be saved. But by and large, the ultimate rich people, the elite people, they have an agenda and it's to bind us. It's to make what we say illegal. It's to make the words of God illegal, right? Isn't that why we're always getting strikes on our YouTube channels and what, you know, they're trying to censor what we say. Censorship, you know, this whole movement against free speech. You know, what do you think the end game here is? The more sodomites there are out in the world, the more they can poison the food, the more they can, you know, inject us with harmful chemicals and vaccines, the more they can ruin the family through this toxic masculinity, the more of the population they can decrease. And I believe that is one of the goals of toxic masculinity. Now who's ever heard of the Georgia Guidestones? Anybody ever heard of these? Yeah, I'm just gonna read for you what Wikipedia says about it, okay? And you just listen to this. It says, the Georgia Guidestones are a granite monument erected in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia in the United States. A set of 10 guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts. This isn't a conspiracy, this is a fact. This is something you can go to Georgia and see. It goes on to say this, the monument stands at an approximate elevation of 750 feet above sea level, about 90 miles east of Atlanta, 45 miles from Athens, Georgia, and nine miles north of the center of the city, Elberton. One slab stands in the corner with four arranged around it. A capstone lies on the top of the five slabs, which are astronomically aligned. An additional stone tablet, which is set in the ground a short distance to the west of the structure provides some notes on the history and purpose of the Guidestones. The structure is sometimes referred to as an American Stonehenge. And keep in mind, how many different things are inscribed on there? There's 10. Well, what's real popular in the Old Testament? The 10 Commandments, right? You know, that's not a coincidence. There's obviously something going on here. Listen to this. The monument is 19 feet, three inches tall, made from six granite slabs weighing 237,000 pounds. And then it says the anonymity, or the anonymity, ugh, I got cotton mouth this morning. It says the anonymity of the Guidestones' authors and their apparent advocacy of population control, eugenics, and internationalism have made them a target for controversy and conspiracy theory, okay? Because there's a lot of controversy around who actually funded these, who actually set these things up, why they're allowed to remain. I mean, think about that. Why are these things just allowed to be, you know, in existence? And I'll show you that here in a moment. It says this, a message consisting of a set of 10 guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, traditional Chinese, and Russian. Now I'm just gonna read for you real quick these 10 guidelines. Number one, maintain humanity under 500 million in perpetual balance with nature. How many people are reportedly on the planet today? About seven billion. What does this say? 500 million is what they want? And you can't tell me that there's no conspiracy to depopulate the earth, right? Can you see how toxic masculinity, according to the world, how that plan, how that plot is gonna aid in that goal? Promoting the Sodomites, that also aids in the goal? Because what do they do? They destroy whole societies. Genesis 19, Judges 19, I mean, the whole Bible, right? That's what they do. They destroy each other. They destroy the innocent. They steal people's innocence. I mean, that's what's going on here. I mean, and we don't even have time to get into the rest of the depopulation things that are going on. But nonetheless, this idea that men being men and women being women, according to God's role is toxic, they understand. You see, the enemy, they understand the Bible. And they know that if they can subvert it, they're gonna accomplish a goal. I don't believe that they're gonna get to this number, but that doesn't mean they aren't gonna try because these people are fools. And it says, number two, guide reproduction wisely. Improving fitness and diversity. You're gonna have to read into that. It says, guide reproduction wisely. I mean, go talk to the Chinese and how that's worked out for them. See, the Chinese have the opposite problem, right? They've gone and killed so many babies. Now they have more men than women. Look, you don't think that that's part of this plan here? To depopulate the world? Number three, unite humanity with a living new language. Number four, rule passion, faith, tradition, and all things with tempered reason. Number five, protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. Don't we have a fair law here? God's word? Number six, let all nations rule internally, resolving external disputes in a world court. Well, isn't that what the anti-crisis is gonna try to accomplish? Does one world government be the top dog ruler? Verse, I'm sorry, number seven, it says, avoid petty laws and useless officials. Well, they haven't gotten very far down that road yet. Number eight, balance personal rights with social duties. Again, that, to me, that screams their ideology of toxic masculinity, all right? They're trying to balance personal rights with social duties by basically saying, you know, we need to blur the lines between the genders. Number nine, prize truth, beauty, love, seeking harmony with the infinite. Well, what does that mean? What does that mean? Worship the devil is what it means, all right? Number 10, be not a cancer on the earth. Leave room for nature, leave room for nature. It's kind of funny because these idiots reject nature. They reject nature. They reject God, right? Go to James chapter number five. James chapter five, we're almost done here. I just wanted you to see that there is a real legitimate plot today in this world, and there's nothing new under the sun. All of this toxic masculinity stuff, you can even find in the Greek culture, in the Roman culture, if you study these things out, you'll see they had the same agenda, right? The devil's been using the same tricks. Why do you think God told Moses in Deuteronomy and in Leviticus, hey, there should be a difference between the way males and females look and dress. It's because these things have already been tried. This is what the enemy does. This is what he's always done. James chapter five, look at verse one. Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Turn to Revelation chapter six. So James is like, hey, don't envy these rich people. Don't envy them. Don't worry about what they say. Don't worry about this depopulation stuff. It's not gonna work. In fact, there's coming a day when they will weep and they will howl because of the misery that's coming upon them for rejecting God's truth. Revelation six, look at verse 14. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. Verse 15, and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and every bondman and every free man hid themselves and the dens and then the rocks of the mountains. So here you go. Here you have the chief men of the earth, right? You have the top dog Hollywood movie producers. You have the top dog record company producers, the top dog media producers. You have the rich families of the world, right? The ones who think that they are God, the ones who think that they can subvert God, right? You have these people, and look what's gonna happen to them. Verse 16, and said to the mountains and rocks, fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand. This is the end goal for these people. So don't get worried, don't get stressed out learning about these things. It's just a battle that we're in, right? They're gonna get what's coming to them. And look at their attitude too, right? They can physically see heaven. They can physically see Jesus Christ, right? And what do they say? Get them away from us, hide us from him. That's a reprobate. That's somebody who's clearly been rejected by God. You would have to be a reprobate to be able to see the Son of God and realize everything I spent my whole life fighting against is true, and be like, oh, I'm just gonna talk to this rock over here. Hey, hey, can you fall on me and cover me from him? There's no hiding. These people are gonna get what's coming to them, right? That's what we're learning today. So in a nutshell, what is toxic masculinity? It's toxic demonology. It's the toxic plan of the elite. It's the toxic plan of the devil. It's a subversion of God's order to man. Men should be men, women should be women, and we as a people need to make sure, especially as God's people, we need to make sure that there is a great difference between male and female, and not lose sight of that. God cares how you look, men. God cares how you look, ladies, because you know what, the world doesn't care. The world wants to blur these lines, and they wanna make this unisex movement, and we cannot just sit by and just not say anything about it, right? We need to preach the truth, and we need to live the truth as well. So let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Lord, thank you so much for the truth in your word. I just pray that these things would resonate well with us, Lord. We'd be able to recall them when needed. I pray that you would continue to motivate us according to knowledge, Lord, and give us a great zeal according to knowledge that we may live and feel Boise, fill this whole treasure valley, Lord, with your doctrine, and keep winning souls, Lord, and making disciples, and just keep on preaching the truth. And we thank you again for your words. In Jesus' name I pray, amen. Amen.