(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is that a loving act? To torment someone? To send someone to a place where they are tormented day and night forever and ever? Is that loving? Absolutely not. Is it righteous though? Absolutely it is righteous. Look at verse number 11. It says, Stand before God, and the books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works. Now I find that very interesting there. It doesn't say just their sins, but their works. Why is that? Well because these people, all they have are dead works. You see these guys out here right now with the sign saying to end white supremacy even though most of this church is brown. Okay. I mean it just blows my mind. You guys know God has a sense of humor right? I mean think about that. Think about what that's doing in the spirit world right now. How that's making a mockery out of the devil's army. These people are out there with signs and there's hardly any white people that go to this church. In fact I want to launch a campaign to get some more white people to move here. Okay. I'm just kidding. Someone's going to clip that and be like, see he is a clan member. It doesn't matter. We know the truth. God hath made all the nations of the earth of one blood. There's one race and that's the human race. But anyways, back to this. These people are being judged according to their works because works apart from faith, apart from being in the kingdom of God are dead works. They mean absolutely nothing. But going back to these people, they think that they're doing a good thing. And you guys, we have to understand that there are people out there that believe the narrative. They believe the lie. And the lie is the pride community is marginalized. They're victims. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are bullies. They are after sodomite supremacy. That is their agenda. That is what they are after. And they will stop at nothing to achieve that. But there are people out there that are caught up in the lie. They just for whatever reason don't know any better. And they think they're doing a good thing. And you know what? That activity that they're doing out there will someday be brought up at this great white throne judgment. And are they going to receive love for their folly or hate? Hate. Exactly. Look at verse 13. It says this. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it. And death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them. And they were judged, every man, once again, according to their works. Okay? Verse 14. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. We use those verses all the time out solely. But another thing that keeps coming up over and over again and that will be thrown in your face is your pastor is going to go to hell because he preaches hate. I'm going to read some comments for you here a little later. But go to Matthew chapter 7. Matthew chapter number 7 here. And we're going to come back to Revelation 21 here in a moment. But just go to Matthew 7. Because I want you to see this connection here. Because this guy who says I preach clan Jesus, right, he gave me a challenge and said, I bet you've never even read the Sermon on the Mount. And I kept asking him, you know. Well, after that he says, hey, you need to fast and then read the Sermon on the Mount and then tell me next Sunday how much of that stuff you're doing. So, you know, I told you some of the plans that I have for this individual. And they will be implemented on Sunday if he decides to come up to the door. And it's not violence. It's nothing like that. It's just another roast and he's not going to be ready for it because these people are absolutely stupid. And they're absolutely dumb. Now, let me get back on track here for a second. Matthew chapter number 7. But what these people say, are you going to be judged for your hate? You're going to be judged for your hate. It's like, no, actually you're going to be judged for your works because you rejected the payment that Christ paid for your sins. Matthew 7, look at verse 21. This is what it says. It says, Jesus says, hey, not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. But he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Where do you find his will? John 6.40. Everybody in here knows that. You got to know that. You got to write that down. Because people will try to twist that, right? And say, no, no, that's talking about works. Not true. Look at verse 22. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name have done many wonderful works? No, I will profess unto them, I never knew you. Depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Now, where does that departure take these people? It takes them to hell, to the lake of fire, okay? That is Revelation 20. That Matthew 7, Revelation 20 fit perfectly. Now, just for doctrinal sake, make sure we're all on the same page, is that a loving act? No. Does that mean that Jesus Christ hates? Does that mean that Jesus Christ taught hate? Absolutely. There's no refuting this. There's no way around this. That is what the Bible teaches. If you are a Christian, you have to believe the Bible. And if you believe the Bible, Jesus does hate. Why? Because hate is the opposite of love, okay? Real quickly, back to Revelation. Go to chapter, let's see, go to chapter number 21. Revelation chapter number 21. Okay, let's take a look here. Revelation chapter number 21. Look at verse number 22, okay? So, we're gonna go to Isaiah chapter 66 here in just a moment. But I wanna show you something here. Look at Revelation chapter number 22. So, after the great white throne judgment, right? The millennium is already done. All of that stuff has passed. Now, we are ready for eternity. Look at verse 22. This is what John wrote. It says this. And I saw no temple therein. Right? We don't have time to read the whole chapter, but it's giving you dimensions. And it's trying to give you a glimpse into the glory that's gonna be ahead of us here. But look what it says. It says, and I saw no temple therein, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. Verse 23. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God did lighten it. And the Lamb is the light thereof. I mean, look, there's no way you can read up to this point and not get excited. Not be joyous about this description here. I mean, this is amazing, right? But again, the question is, will there be hate even in this setting here? We're gonna answer that in just a moment. Look at verse 24. And the nations of them which are saved. Oh, wait, you mean you gotta be saved? Does that mean that all dogs don't go to heaven like Disney tried to tell us? I think you know what I'm talking about here. Verse 24. And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it. And the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honor into it. Okay? Glory, honor, love. Verse 25. Look what it says. And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day, for there shall be no night there. Wow, it's gonna be like Alaska all the time. But it'll be great. Way better than Alaska. You don't have to worry about the wildlife and the cold and the extreme temperatures. This is perfection. We can't even fathom this even though we're reading it. Okay? Verse 26. And they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it. Verse 27. And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth. Neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lie, but they which are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Okay, now go to Isaiah chapter number 66. We're gonna get to the answer here in a second. The question is, in this setting here, in eternity, will there still be hate? Well, we just saw love. I mean, there's no way you're reading Revelation chapter 21 and not seeing the love that God has for the saved. The love that God has for his children. So if love is the opposite of hate, there still somewhere has to be an element of hate. Where is it? Well, let's read some verses here, Isaiah chapter 66. We definitely don't have time to get you caught up here, but look at verse 15. Okay? Isaiah 66, look at verse 15. The Bible says this. For behold, the Lord will come with fire and with his chariots like a whirlwind to render his anger with fury and his rebuke with flames of fire. Sound like love? Sound like a real loving event right there? Look at verse 16. Notice what this says. For by fire and by his sword. Who is the his there? That is Jesus. That is the Messiah. For by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh and the slain of the Lord shall be many. Stop right there. I'm going to read for you Revelation 19, verse 14 and 15. Just listen. This is what it says. The Bible says in the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen, white and clean. Verse 15. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of almighty God. Okay? Isaiah 66. The events that I just read for you in Revelation 19. They are connected. Okay? Verse 16 again. For by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh and the slain of the Lord shall be many. You actually see an element of that every single week when we're out preaching the gospel though, don't you? You get to see that when we preach the gospel to people and people reject it, right? I mean obviously we just walk away. Okay, you know, it's your choice. We don't force anybody to do anything. However, it's that word of God. It's that decision that they have to make. When they reject it over and over again, they literally are being slain by the word of God. Verse 17, and not in a Pentecostal sense. Verse 17 says this. They that sanctify themselves and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh and the abomination and the mouse shall be consumed together sayeth the Lord. That's my Disney sermon that I got working. Okay, the mouse there. A lot of people are trying to consume that mouse today but you heard it here first. That's a preview, okay? I'm not going to tell you when that's coming but that's coming, okay? I just got to get my copyright claims here. I'm just kidding. Look at verse 18. It says this. For I know their works and their thoughts. It shall come that I will gather all nations and tongues and they shall come and see my glory. Okay, so you see that contrast there, right? You see God's wrath. You see God's truth, his glory, all of that stuff. Now, for sake of time, skip down to 22. We're going to answer this question now in glory, in eternity, when the new heaven, the new earth, you see the new Jerusalem coming down. There's no more war. The devil's done forever. Is there still hate? Well, the Bible answers that question. Look at verse 22. It says this. For as the new heavens and new earth which I will make shall remain before me, sayeth the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain. Verse 23. And it shall come to pass that from one new moon to another and from one Sabbath to another shall all flesh come to worship before me, sayeth the Lord. Look at verse 24. And they shall go forth and look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me. Okay, this is an eternity here. This is new heaven, new earth. This is the end of the Bible that we're talking about here. What does it say after the colon? For their worm shall not die. Let's stop right there. That is a reference to hell. That is a reference to people burning alive in hell, being tormented forever and ever with no end. Okay, that's what it means there by their worm shall not die. Neither shall their fire be quenched. Again, that is hell. Now look at this. And they shall be an aboring unto all flesh. You see that there? So to answer the question, will there be hate even at the end? When there is time as we know it, no more. And it's eternity. The devil's out. He's done. He's in hell forever. He's never getting out. It's done. He's not coming out of prison for a little season. It's done. Will there still be hate? Absolutely. This is what the Bible teaches. Hate is an emotion that we all have. It just so happens that we're honest about it. Okay, we're honest about it. But we need to understand it as well. So go to Psalm chapter number 25. Psalm chapter number 25. So the Bible's very clear there. It says that in eternity somehow we will be able to witness these people that have transgressed the Lord, that have hated God, that decided to reject truth. And the Bible says that they will be an aboring, which means hate, right? We will see that and hate that and be like, ugh, it's gross. It's nasty. It's disgusting. Why did they choose truth? It says they shall be an aboring unto all flesh. So you will get to a point in eternity where you will see this event somehow and you won't be like weeping like, oh, I'm so sad that they're burning there. You know what? You're going to know perfectly somehow God is going to manifest the secret thoughts of their hearts. Romans chapter two, several other places. In fact, in this passage, it teaches that, that God is the judge of our thoughts, right? This is what it said in verse 18. And you will see this event and it will be a hateful sight to you. You will hate these people. This is Bible. I didn't write this. I'm not making this up. If you're saved, if you're a Christian, you have to believe this. I didn't twist anything. And I'm almost willing to bet there's something similar said to this even in a lot of the modern versions today, which I don't support at all. We all know that. Okay? So let's move on here. Psalm chapter number 25. So what I want to do now is I want to just give you guys a clear understanding of the different types of hate that are out there. Okay? We're really just going to look at two. We're going to start with the world's hate here for a moment, which the Psalmist here alludes to, which David is talking about here. Psalm 25, look at verse number 17. So the Bible says this, the troubles of my heart are enlarged. Oh, bring down me out of my distresses. Verse 18, look upon my affliction and my pain and forgive all my sins. Verse 19, look what this says, consider mine enemies for they are many, and don't miss this, and they hate me with cruel hatred. They hate me with cruel hatred. You can leave your place there. Go to Galatians chapter number five. Galatians chapter number five. What does it mean to be cruel? Okay? Well, it means willfully causing pain or suffering to other people, or even feeling no concern or conscience about it. Okay? That's what it means to be cruel. People like Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bunny, you know, John Wayne Gacy, and these psychopath reprobate type people are often referred to in the media as cruel, and thus they are. Now, have all of us been cruel at some point in time? We always say that. Of course, you know, to a certain degree. Okay? But what David says here about his enemies is he says, hey, they hate me with a cruel hatred. Okay? We're talking about opposites tonight. So if there's a cruel hatred, then that means there has to be an opposite of that in order to make that cruel. Okay? We'll look at that here in just a second. But David says, hey, my enemies hate me with a cruel hatred. And if you've, you know, read through the Old Testament or you've been with us through our Samuel series, you'll know that as enemies, we're always thinking of ways to be cruel. How can we get inside David's head? How can we mess with the kingdom? What evil things can we do to really just mess up God's people, right? That's what he's talking about here. That's what we see today. I'm going to show you some examples of that here in a moment. Okay? But Galatians 5, look at verse 19. The Bible says this. It says, now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, and hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies. And it goes on and on from there. Now, you need to understand this here because what this type of hatred that the Bible's talking about in Galatians chapter 5, it's that fleshly, that old man type hatred, that cruel hatred. Okay? That's the hatred that we do not want to be named with. Now, the media right now is trying to insinuate that's the type of hatred that we have, right? If you just type in Shield of Faith Baptist Church, Boise and News, or Pastor Joe Jones, Idaho, Boise, you know, into Google, and you will find tons of articles about me and about this church, and it'll say what I said or take me out of context. And then the next thing will be, you know, in Idaho, anti-alphabet rhetoric is on the rise. Flags went missing from Harrison Boulevard. There are 30 people arrested up in northern Idaho, and they're trying to link us to all that. Okay? Look, we don't teach cruel hatred. We teach a perfect hatred, which we're going to look at here in a moment. Okay? So, please understand, you know, the flesh, we can have a tendency to have this type of hatred, right? Just because we're saved doesn't mean we aren't sinners. So, we all hate things that we probably shouldn't, and, you know, we start getting these feelings of hate towards people we shouldn't. We all struggle with that. Okay? But what we don't struggle with is a cruel hatred. Okay? A Romans 1-type hatred, which we'll talk about here. Now, let me just kind of give you an example of what we're talking about here, because what these reprobates do is they all start off with this type of hatred, this flesh hatred that Galatians talks about. But the problem is they never get saved. They can't be saved because they can't believe. Okay? And so, what that evolves into, you don't have to turn there. Let me read this for you. Romans 1-30, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things. Okay? You guys have to understand this. The Bible teaches that there is a progression to this. Who's heard of progressives? Right? Liberals like to call themselves progressive. Okay? The thing that a lot of them don't understand is that when it comes to the reprobate crowd, I mean, they're progressing in their cruelty, which they can only execute towards God's people. Okay? Understand that there is a progression to that. Okay? It goes from a cruel hatred to inventing evil things and just things that don't even come into the minds of normal people. It's why these people are deviant, why they're just sick and disgusting. Now, let me just give you a couple of samples of this. Okay? So, here's one that I selected. And I thought this one was, I think they're all kind of funny, whatever. But this guy sends this message and says this. Hey, Joey, my main homophobic man. He says, thanks for spreading your hate-filled message. I love when Christians push away more people from their own faith. Choke on it, Joseph. Choke on all the hate you spew. You know how I know God is not real? He would have struck you dead for spreading such hate. And don't worry, Joey, my boy. I will be making sure you and your bigoted hate-filled white supremacist church never receive a moment of peace. People like you don't deserve to breathe the same air as your Christ. Okay? Starting to make the connection there with what David said. David said what? He said, and they hate me with cruel hatred. David's just asking the Lord, Lord, consider my enemies. Consider them. Okay? Consider them. Look, that message right there, there's literally thousands of them. I mean, I'll never even be able to read most of them because there's so many. Okay? Think about that. What does this guy say? I will be making sure you and your bigoted hate-filled white supremacist church never receive a moment of peace. That is a cruel thing because we don't take time out of our day to go out and mess with these people in the community. And you know what? Normal people, they're taking notice of that. They are. They're seeing that and they're like, man, what's going on? All you have to do, and look, if you're under the age of 20, do not go to our Facebook reviews page because there is some vile. Nasty, wicked, horrible things and for some reason we can't get rid of it. Okay? But I hate Facebook. It's just on there to scoop up people that are honest and want to hear what we have to say. So make that connection. That's somebody who is inventing evil things. He wants to create an environment of fear, which he can't do. These people cannot shake us. These things do not even move me. They don't move this church. Okay? So here's another one. It says this. Hello. As a Baptist myself. Okay? This guy's a broke back Baptist is what he is. And that sermon's on YouTube somewhere in another church. So I've been preaching this stuff for five years. Maybe longer. More than five years. I think I preached that like seven years ago, didn't I? Broke back Baptist. I mean, it was a hit back in the day, okay? Look it up. Hello. As a Baptist myself, I find the message you preach to be abhorrent. Hateful. Touching on the reptilian sermon, the Bible does not, nor does evidence or facts support any claims of reptile people. We agree. Me and you, we agree on that. But you see what's going on here? They hate us with a cruel hatred. So they want to push a cruel, a willfully causing pain type punishment on us. Okay? By not even checking to see what I said. Which, amen, I like that because that exposes their folly. It exposes their intentions. They want to believe that. They want a preacher that believes they're all lizard people, right? But it goes on to say this. The fact that you use Christianity to disguise your own hatred is appalling. Anybody been listening to me for the last 20 something minutes? Okay. I'm reading the Bible. I'm not disguising anything. The reason people are leaving churches are because of liars like you who don't even have a concept of the Bible. If he wasn't a reprobate, I'd be like, come on down, answer a couple questions, and if you can receive any truth, we'll talk. Okay? Now that doesn't mean I'm going to listen to you. You're listening to me because I'm the one running the show here. Look what it says next. Listen. It says, if you did, you would know that the original text in Hebrew doesn't mention homosexuality, and instead refers to child molestation. Okay? Oh. See, you see how this is what people do. They want to bring you down here because they cannot contend with the truth. It's too powerful for them, and we don't let them do that. This is why I preach sermons like this, to make sure that we've got the right answers, the right responses. So he goes on to say this. If you read the Bible, you would know Jesus would never advocate for the murder, lawful or not. Okay? Murder is always unlawful. Let's go back to basics of the English language. Murder is unlawful. Okay? But they want that narrative to stick, that we're advocating for murder. Okay. Murder of another human being. Maybe you should get a theology degree before trying to warp the words of Christ into whatever is self-serving for your bigoted ideology. I'm just reading it as it's copied. Okay? This is how he typed it. I pray you find the actual Lord in your heart, and I pray it happens before you have to face him and answer for the lies and hate you have used his name to spread. Please do this world a favor and stop with the hate-filled lies under a guise of religion. It's pathetic and ignorant. I'll say this. I don't believe there's a man alive in this state that's gone to seminary that can hang with us in the Bible. Okay. Here's another one. What's wrong with... This was a 208 number. Okay? What's wrong with you that you would think just because you didn't say directly that you do believe in murdering people of a different community than yours because you're white Nazis who use Jesus Christ as a background for your hate, and you directly say that you think the government needs to kill people? What the bleep is wrong with you? I'm pretty sure in the Bible Jesus said nothing about killing people. You ever read Matthew chapter 7? Did you read Revelation chapter 21? Did you read 20? I mean, come on. Throwing people in hell? I mean, what are the people described like in hell? Dead. They're dead. I mean, they're still very much conscious, but they're described as dead. Done. Okay? Burning forever in conscious torment forever. Okay? I mean, that's beyond killing. Okay? All man can do is kill the body, but Jesus Christ can throw that soul into hell forever and ever. Okay. Okay. But he says this. I'm pretty sure in the Bible Jesus said nothing about killing people that were gay. There's a lot of killings in the Bible, and there's a lot of other stuff in the Bible that you choose to ignore, like love your blank neighbor, and people like blank, blank, blank. Okay? More blanks. What's wrong with you and your God? Okay? About one, two, three, four, seven cuss words. You're a blanking idiot. But you know, you ain't going to heaven, right? Because your preaching and your belief, you're disgusting. You're going straight to hell because you're against what Jesus actually wanted. It would be for today you realize that right. So we'll see you in hell. Sounds like somebody overseas maybe. I don't know. Or somebody who's just so consumed with rage, they just can't put together a continuous thought, right? So again, what are we talking about here? We're talking about a cruel hatred. These messages that we get, and these were the mild ones that I could actually, you know, read for you. Okay? I didn't even cover the ones that say what they really want to do to me, which is all Genesis 19, which is Judges 19, which is cruel. Okay? These people want to actually murder me, is what they say. Okay? But they'll never go on the news and admit that, will they? No, because they are cruel themselves. They are wrong. One last one that just came in right before the service. And I think this might be the same guy here. I don't know. But he says, you know, I said it once. I'll say it again. There's no greater love like your Christian hate and something new. Okay? So anyways, there you go. That's an example of what I'm talking about. These people are cruel. Okay? They have a cruel hatred. And they're trying to make it seem like that's us. Like what we do is cruel. But that's not the case. Go to Psalm chapter 139. Psalm chapter 139. So if there's a cruel hatred, which is what the world, which is what our enemies, which is what the enemies of the Lord have, and it's what they use, then there has to be something on the other end of the spectrum. What is that? Okay? Let's take a look at that. And this will answer the question, are we commanded in the Bible to hate? And the answer is absolutely yes. David talks about this. Psalm 139. Look at verse 19. So the Bible says this, Now obviously, we're commanded to love our enemies. Okay? And in so doing, we're heaping coals on their heads. Right? We don't take the law into our hands. We don't go out and harm other people. So David is specifically gonna teach us something here about God's enemies. Now, number one, God's enemies are our enemies, but it's a different animal. Okay? It's a different animal than just someone you have beef with down at Fred Meyer or Taco Bell on Cole in Overland. Okay? It's a different animal. When people hate God, we are called, we are commanded to hate them. But our hatred is different. It's not that cruel hatred that we just read about. Let's take a look at this. Look at verse 21. Okay, now who here thinks we should have that attitude? Everybody does. Every Christian should. Or otherwise you don't believe the Bible. Verse 22. I hate them. Stop. Who's the them? The wicked people that hate God. David is saying, I hate them. Right? And he's calling upon the Lord. He's like, look at me. Look at how I am a man after your own heart. That's what the Bible says. David was a man after God's own heart. And the man after God's own heart says this, I hate them with what? Perfect hatred. Now, is perfect hatred cruel hatred? Absolutely not. It's a different beast. I hate them with perfect hatred. I count them my enemies. Search me, oh God, and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts. Like, he's not hiding anything. He's not like Ray Comfort says. He's hiding in his closet and just, you know, secretly praying to the Lord, like, I hate your enemies, God, but I'm not going to tell anybody else. No. We're commanded in the New Testament to sing to ourselves in spiritual songs. So it's like these truths are to be proclaimed. They are to be taught in the assembly. Search me. Verse 23. Search me, oh God, and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts. Verse 24. And see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way of everlasting. So if we have perfect hatred, right? God says that's not wicked. I mean, read the verse again. Verse 24. See if there be any wicked way in me. So we need to have perfect hatred for God's enemies in our hearts. Okay? And God says through David, hey, guess what, guys? That's not wicked. It's not wicked. Okay? They want to say that's wicked, but it's not. We believe the Bible. The Bible says that if we have perfect hatred, which is wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove, that is not a wicked thing. That is a righteous thing. That means that we are after God's own heart. And there is nothing to be ashamed of. There's nothing wrong with it. In fact, we're commanded to be that way. It is a complete hatred. So what does this look like? Go to 2 Chronicles chapter 19. And then we're going to come back to Psalms, and we're getting close to being done. Okay? But 2 Chronicles chapter number 19. What does this look like? What does perfect hatred look like? Let's take a look here. Look at verse number 2. 2 Chronicles 19, 2. You know the story. You know Jehoshaphat and his friendship with Ahab and his whole family. And he was kind of an ecumenical guy, but better than the new evangelicals of our day. Right? So he comes back from battle. He's moping around. He's sad because Ahab got smoked. And he runs into Jehu, who's from the northern kingdom of Israel. And look at what Jehu says to Jehoshaphat. Verse 2. And Jehu, the son of Hanani the seer, went out to meet him and said to King Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord? Therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord. So what application can we draw from that verse? Well, if we love the ungodly, God's wrath is on us. If we compromise, and we go side with Cathedral of the Rockies, and we go, you know, side with this interfaith ecumenical equality coalition that's in the Treasure Valley, you know, guess what? The wrath of God is going to be upon me. You know, and I told some of you this. I guess they've been sending emails and calling the phone. They don't like our voice message, thanks to steadfast. I've got to give them credit because they helped me out with that. But, you know, these people, you know, there's this journalist's message today, and she's just like, you know, why have you not sat down with the leaders of the interfaith equality coalition? I said, because they're weak. They're weak. They're garbage. I've got to go talk with those people. I don't want, I've got nothing to do with Ahab and his cronies, man. Look, I've read the Bible. I know how God feels towards people who do stuff like that, and I want no part of it. I've got enough issues I bring on my own self. I don't need to add to it, and neither should you, okay? Go back to Psalm, the book of Psalms. We go to Psalm 119. So, again, we are getting close to being done. So hopefully you're seeing the difference, okay? Because the world wants to teach you that all hate's bad. Just, oh, if you hate, you're bad. Jesus would never hate. We have put that to bed. We have proven that to be a lie, okay? The type of hatred that we are called to have is a perfect, complete hatred, which is a hatred towards the enemies of God. But that hatred is harmless, but it's wise, okay? That's the thing we need to keep remembering and reminding ourselves here. Look at Psalm 119, 104, one of my favorite verses. Through thy precepts, okay, through thy precepts, I get understanding, therefore I hate every, what? False way. People constantly will ask, how come you hate the Mormon Church? How come you hate the Catholic Church? How come you hate this community? Because it's a false way, okay? So, again, please understand the discernment that this is giving you, that this is giving us. Somebody comes up to you and says, I'm a follower of Jesus, and he would never say the things that you're saying, okay? You know what you need to understand right off the bat, besides the fact they're probably not even saved, is that they're definitely not going through the precepts, through the teachings of the Bible. They're making zero application in their lives from the Word of God, zero. Flatline dead, they're done. Because our Bible, the Word of God, the sharpest two-edged sword in the entire known universe says, through thy precepts, I get understanding. And this is why so many, quote, unquote, Christians today have such a problem with us, is because they lack understanding from not applying the Word of God in their lives, okay? Skip down to verse 113. I hate vain thoughts, but thy law do I love. Now, we all have vain thoughts, okay? But the question is, do we at least hate them, okay? We're commanded to hate. Jump down to verse 128. Look what it says. Therefore, I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right. To be right. What does that mean? That means judgment, okay? That means judgment is right. It should be the law of the land. And I hate every false way. You cannot have love without hate. If this world doesn't teach you that, guess what? Eternity will teach you that, because it's in the Word of God. It is in the Bible. Go to Luke chapter number 14. Again, we're getting close to being done here. Luke chapter 14. So again, we're talking now about the hate that Christians are commanded to have, which is perfect, which is complete, which is wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove, okay? Luke 14. Look at verse 25. Let's answer the question now. Does anywhere in the Bible, anywhere in the New Testament, does Jesus teach his followers to hate? Absolutely. Look at verse 25. And there went great multitudes with him, and he turned and said unto them, So here is our Savior, the Son of God, looking and seeing a multitude of people, wanting to hear from him, and look what he says to them in verse 26. If any man come to me, and what? Hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters, yea, and his own life also. He cannot be my disciple. Look, somebody comes up to you and says, I'm a disciple of Christ. Well, if they put their family, if they put anything above God, they are lying to you. Okay? That's what he's teaching here. You see, but the world reads this, and they say, if any man come to me and murder not his father, kill not his wife, and slay not his mom and kill his children and blow his church up, can't be a disciple? Well, that can't be right. We need to dig up some more Dead Sea Scrolls. Now, how about you just learn the Bible? How about you start to get an understanding of the English language, which you will not get reading an NIV, which you will not get using an ESV or an NASB or any of these other garbage versions that are out there. Okay? This is a perfect hatred. He's simply saying, have your priorities straight. Love is the opposite of hate. Okay? So we love God above all. Okay? He needs to be number one. There is a hierarchy in the family. There is a hierarchy that believers are supposed to follow. Go to Ephesians chapter five, and I'll show you what this looks like. Okay? So very clear. Jesus in the Bible says, you want to be my disciple? You better hate everyone, basically. Okay? But guess what? This is not a cruel hatred. Okay? He's simply saying, guess what? When I'm first, it's not, you know, it's not going to be considered love by the world. It's not going to be considered love by everyone else. Because there will be times, and husbands, you guys know this, there will be times maybe when your wife's like, hey, you know, I don't think this is a good idea, but you know you need to make the right decision. You know the decision that you're about to make comes from the word of God, and you have to stand up and say, you know what, no, you're wrong. This ain't popular today. I get that. Okay? But look, he is number one. It is Christ, and in the home it is the husband and the wife and then the children. Okay? If you love your wife, if you love your children, if you love your friends, if you love anything more than the Lord God, then you hate God. And it doesn't, you know, we all get our priorities mixed up. Okay? There are people who are out of church who are not showing the love towards God that they should. They didn't lose their salvation. Okay? It's just simply there's a spectrum to the subject of hate. But again, we have such a hard time understanding this verse because of what we've been exposed to from the world. The world is lying and saying, well, hate is such a bad thing. If you hate someone, then that's murder. Okay? Not understanding context. When you're reading these verses, you're reading these words in the Bible, you have to pay attention to context. You guys know this. Let's take a look at this here. Ephesians 5, look at verse 22. Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as unto the Lord. Again, to your own husband. Okay? We've had this a long time ago where some people get it in their heads that they're going to come into church and start bossing everyone's wife around. That doesn't fly around here. We don't put up with that. Okay? Verse 23, for the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church and he is the savior of the body. Therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands and everything. Go to Revelation 2. We're very close to being done. Revelation 2, and we'll go back to the book of Luke here at the end, but just go to Revelation chapter 2. Okay, so Jesus said, hey, you want to be my disciple? You got to hate father, mother, wife, children, brethren. Okay? It's not a harmful hate. He's simply saying you have to have those priorities straight because love is the opposite of hate. So if he's at the top of the list where he should be, okay, then that means you're doing a good job. You're hating your wife and your brother and your mother and all these people, but it's not the same kind of hate that is the cruel hatred. It's not bad. Okay? It's the way it should be. He's number one. He's the one that lived a perfect life. He's the one who died on the cross, and he's the one who rose from the dead. He paid the debt. He deserves that spot. That is love. That is real hate. That is perfect hatred. Okay? But guess what? No harm's going to happen to your wife because you follow the Bible. Right? In fact, you'll be blessed in your marriage. You'll be blessed in your families. You will be blessed in your jobs. Okay? Understand that. So again, did Jesus teach people to hate at all? Revelation 2, look at verse number 6. Jesus is obviously rebuking these churches here, and he says this. He says, but this thou hast that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. This is just extra credit. Okay? Look at verse 15. Jump down to verse 15. It says this into another place. He says, so hast thou also then the whole deduction of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate. Again, there's no way you can listen to this sermon and say Jesus never taught hate, because he certainly did. Okay? Go to Luke chapter 6, and we're done. Luke chapter 6, and we're done. And while you're turning there, I'm going to read for you a couple verses out of John. John 7 says this. The world cannot hate you, but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil. Okay? And that's why the world hates this church. It's not just me or you that they hate. It's Christ in us. It's the fact that we are in the body of Christ, and we testify against the world that it's evil. And so the result is hate from the world, which is what? It's cruel. The world doesn't know perfect hatred. We know perfect hatred. We are commanded to display and to live in a perfect hatred. John 15, 18 says this. If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. You say, why bring this up? To give you comfort. Because not everybody's been through hell like some of us have. I've been through hell in my life. Okay? I've been through things in the military and working for the government that are so much harder than what we're dealing with now. Okay? And that's why for me I can scoff and just mock and laugh and I can just take it like it's nothing. Not everybody's like that. Okay? But even aside from all that, at the end of the day, it's these verses that give me the ultimate comfort. And it's these verses that will give you the ultimate comfort when these people start to show their sick, vile filth towards you. Okay? If the world hates you, and it does, it hates you with a passion, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. So again, we find comfort in knowing that we serve a Savior who's not immune to what we're feeling. He knows what we're going through. He understands it perfectly. Don't let the mocking, oh, it's a tiny church. Look, at the end of the day, this tiny church turned this whole state upside down. Literally. Go look on the internet. Luke chapter 6, we're done right here. Verse 22. Blessed are ye when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the son of man's sake. We're done. This verse here is the verse of the year for this church, man. Blessed are ye when men shall hate you. You need to understand, you know, you shouldn't be ashamed of being a part of this church, and I don't know of anybody who is, okay? But understand that we're blessed because of this. See, we're taking a stand. We're preaching the Jesus of the Bible, the Word of God, right? That's all we're doing. We're not going and following people home. We're not starting groups against this bar, groups against that club. We don't care. We know this world's wicked. We're ambassadors. But you know what? We're going to stand up here week after week and proclaim truth. Now, thank God I'm done with this subject for at least a year because I'm getting sick of it, although I do have one more banger for the Red Hop Raging Conference. Check it out in Sacramento next month. You'll love it. I guarantee it. And don't forget about my Disney sermon coming up either. Sometime, hopefully in the next six months. But again, back to this verse here. Blessed are ye when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company. People find out you're part of this church. Some people are going to separate you from their company. It's going to happen. You know this. And shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil. Is that not what they're doing? We're the cruel ones. We're the evil ones. Simply for preaching God's standards, okay? Whatever. I'm going to keep doing it. So hopefully that cleared everything up. Hopefully I gave you some things to put in your tool bag. You need to understand the different types of hatred. The world, they have a cruel hatred, right? We don't want to go down that road. We want to display that perfect hatred, that complete hatred, which is putting God first. And when we put God first, you're going to naturally hate his enemies, right? And what does that mean? Does that mean they're going to die? No. I hate every... Look, any man and woman alive that hates God, I hate them. But I don't see hell being packed with fresh souls this very second, even though it is. You know, but not because of the words that I'm saying. You get what I'm saying? People act like, oh, because you hate them, they're going to just fall over and die, and that's murder. No, you're just a liar. You're an inventor of evil things. And they're saying these things. They're pushing this narrative so that they can get the laws changed in Idaho, right? Again, go look at those articles. Pastor escapes hate speech charge, found not guilty because of a loophole in Idaho law. No, idiot. It's because of the Constitution. I have free speech. We have free speech. Doesn't matter if the state wants to change it. We have free speech. Doesn't matter if the government changes it and goes North Korea. Because I'd rather obey God than men. I'm not really a citizen. We are not really citizens of this nation. We are citizens, ultimately, of the kingdom of God. And we have the authority of our Maker to preach these things, no matter what any politician says. And that's what we're going to do. We don't back down from anybody. No one shakes us. No one can destroy us. We're going to keep moving forward. It is what it is. Have a good night. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Thank you so much, Lord, again for this great month and this truth that you've given us. I just pray you keep us strong, Lord, keep us safe, and be with us as we fellowship after the service. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. Something I've never had. Jesus has taken my sins away. Oh, say, but I'm glad. Oh, say, but I'm glad, I'm glad. Oh, say, but I'm glad. Jesus has come and my cup's overrun. Oh, say, but I'm glad. Wonderful marvelous love he brings into a heart that's sad. Through darkness tunnels the soul just sings. Oh, say, but I'm glad. Oh, say, but I'm glad, I'm glad. Oh, say, but I'm glad. Jesus has come and my cup's overrun. Oh, say, but I'm glad. We have a fellowship rich and sweet, tongues can never relay. Abiding in the soul's retreat. Oh, say, but I'm glad. Oh, say, but I'm glad, I'm glad. Oh, say, but I'm glad. Jesus has come and my cup's overrun. Oh, say, but I'm glad. Won't you come to him with all your care, weary and worn and sad. You too will sing as his love you share. Oh, say, but I'm glad. Oh, say, but I'm glad, I'm glad. Oh, say, but I'm glad. Jesus has come and my cup's overrun. Say, but I'm glad. Amen. Brother Victor, would you close the service out and a word of prayer, please? Thank you, Lord, for this God-fearing Bible-believing church. It takes and distills and reprobates, and I just pray that you must keep us safe. And I just bless the soul when you go out to believe, and bless the fellowship. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. Amen. Thank you. Amen.