(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. I can't see. All right, brethren, we have met to worship. Starting on the first. Lord, our God, will you pray with all your power while we try to preach the word? All is vain unless the spirit of the Holy One comes down. Brethren, pray and holy manna will be showered all around. Brethren, see poor sinners round you slumbering on the brink of woe. Death is coming. Hell is moving. Can you bear to let them go? See our fathers and our mothers and our children sinking down. Brethren, pray and holy manna will be showered all around. Sisters, will you join and help us? Moses' sister aided him. Will you help the trembling mourners who are struggling hard with sin? Tell them all about the Savior. Tell them that He will be found. Sisters, pray and holy manna will be showered all around. Let us love our God supremely. Let us love each other too. Let us love and pray for sinners till our God makes all things new. Then He'll call us home to heaven. At His table we'll sit down. Christ will gird Himself and serve us with sweet manna all around. Amen. Brother, can you open the service in the word of prayer, please? Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that we gather here today and hear Your word preached and sing praises to You, Lord, and please bless the fellowship after the service and that we will all get home safely after church tonight. Amen. Amen. Now if you would, go towards the front of your song books to 146. Song number 146, A Shelter in the Time of Storm. Song number 146, A Shelter in the Time of Storm. Starting on the first. The Lord's our rock, in Him we hide, A shelter in the time of storm. Secure whatever ill be tied, A shelter in the time of storm. Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, A weary land, a weary land. Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, A shelter in the time of storm. A shade by day, defense by night, A shelter in the time of storm. No fears alarm, no foes affright, A shelter in the time of storm. Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, A weary land, a weary land. Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, A shelter in the time of storm. The raging storms may round us be, A shelter in the time of storm. We'll never leave our safe retreat, A shelter in the time of storm. Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, A weary land, a weary land. Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, A shelter in the time of storm. Oh, rock divine, oh refuge dear, A shelter in the time of storm. Be thou our Helper ever near, A shelter in the time of storm. Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, A weary land, a weary land. Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, A shelter in the time of storm. weekly church service time Sunday mornings at 1030 Sunday evenings at 6 and Wednesdays at 7 p.m. underneath there is a list of our soul winning times so winning is a time where we go out in the community and preach the gospel to the lost if you have any questions about the times or the leader thereof come see me after the service let's see here praise report so we are at okay so it's okay oh that's right that's right for for the month of December and that's 100 year today so praise God for that let's see here back page so we're in the book of first John on Sunday evenings it will be in chapter number two this Sunday December 18th at 5 p.m. is the ladies Christmas potluck slash gift exchange bring a dish to share and a gift of $20 or less New Year's Eve potluck slash game night Friday December 31st at 8 p.m. see here look ahead we'll be starting our New Testament Bible reading challenge on January 1st I'll have the sheets for you Sunday and I said today but hopefully Sunday I'll have those sheets birthdays anniversaries for December so next week we've got a looks like we've got a birthday and an anniversary so we got Marissa and Kevin and Lex's anniversary next week so don't forget to say happy birthday to Melissa or Marissa you know what why don't you do this just say Melissa Melissa Melissa like five times just do that next week also you know we're gonna have this space available here so on the 15th either on or before the 15th so I'm looking forward to that that ought to help out a lot with these events coming up let's see here this week's memory verse is Proverbs 31 3 which says give not they strengthen to women nor their ways to that which destroyeth Kings we are a family family integrated church and that means children infants are always welcome in the service if you need privacy there's a daddy baby room right over here mother baby rooms right across the hallway all set up ready to go don't forget to turn your phone off or place it on silent so it's not a distraction and the very bottom line says spiritual division helps avoid a worldly collision some two Sundays ago so we will have one more song before we receive the offering and if you did not get the song raise your hand I'll come by and pass it out for you all right at this time we'll be singing a chorus of the month go tell it on the mountain start at the top go tell it on the mountain over the hills and everywhere go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born while shepherds kept there watching or silent flocks by night behold throughout the heavens there shown a holy lie go tell it on the mountain over the hills and everywhere go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born the shepherds feared and trembled when lo above the earth rang out the angel chorus that hailed our Savior's go tell it on the mountain over the hills and everywhere go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born down in a lonely manger our humble Christ was born and brought us all salvation that blessed Christmas go tell it on the mountain over the hills and everywhere go tell it on the mountain that Jesus Christ is born all right well let's go ahead and pray thank you so much Lord for allowing us to be able to meet here this evening and spray bless the service Lord and the fellowship afterwards and we thank you for all that you do for us Lord in Jesus name I pray amen all right at this time we'll bow our heads and have a word of prayer over the prayer requests and praises dear Father God we just come before you this evening to lift up our prayers and praises to your holy name and we want to start off by praying for the opportunity to preach to unsaved family friends and co-workers pray for all of our church families to stay healthy and safe it's always keep their sights on the things of God pray for more spiritual growth and maturity as a church throughout the year and throughout this coming year and we pray that our church will be able to afford new expansion pray for more people in the community to want to become disciples and that more of our converts would visit church pray for the safety of our children and for them to continue to grow strong in the Lord pray for the expecting mothers in our church to stay in good health and that they can have healthy babies and safe deliveries and we pray for like-minded churches to continue to grow and for our friends churches to be protected from wicked people and evildoers and we pray for the commies and reprobates to be removed from local offices here in the Treasure Valley and the state of Idaho in general and we pray for continued medical freedom with vaccines and COVID mandates pray for brother skulk safe soul-winning efforts in South Africa and we just pray for for all the souls getting saved and we just pray for all the efforts that are going over there in South Africa Lord we just pray that you be with brother skulk and his family and we also have a unspoken prayer request for a brother skulk Lord you know all the details in that matter and we pray that you meet the needs of that Lord pray for my family back in California and my grandmother and we also have an unspoken prayer from this dawn and an unspoken prayer for miss Melissa and an unspoken prayer for brother Canyon and we also have praises to lift up to your name Lord we just praise you father God for baby Titus and we pray we just praise you for the safe delivery everything going smoothly with the birth of baby Titus Lord we thank you for him and we just thank you for looking over the Mabel's family and their health Lord thank you for a pastor's new job and we just praise you for the better work culture there for pastor to work in Lord and we also praise you for Alex's father we praise you for giving him good health and that he is a feeling better despite the circumstances Lord and we also praise you for baby Aiden Lord and we just praise you for just bringing him into the world and having him be healthy Lord and we praise you for all of our church members being in good health throughout this whole year we praise you Lord for all of our new church members and the family members have been able to get saved and their continued growth in the Lord and we praise you Lord for the freedom to continuously preach the gospel every week and for you keeping us safe during the battles we all fight and where we pray all these things in the matchless name of Jesus Christ amen everyone can please turn their Bibles to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 all right and when you get there starting at verse 1 the Bible reads now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him that ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that the day of Christ is at hand let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition who opposed and exalted himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he is God sit in the temple of God showing himself that he is God remember ye not that when I was with that when I was yet with you I told you these things and now you know what withhold it withhold it that he might be revealed in his time for the mystery of iniquity death already work only he who now leadeth will let until he be taken out of the way and then shall the wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and sign and signs and line wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness and then that perish because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved and for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie that they all might be damned who believe it not the truth but had pleasure and unrighteousness but we are bound to give thanks always to God for you brethren beloved of the Lord because God hath from the beginning chosen chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth whereunto he called you by our gospel to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ therefore brethren stand fast and hold the traditions which he had been taught whether by word or our pistol now our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God even our father which had loved us and have given us every last everlasting consolation and good hope through grace come for yourselves come for your hearts and establishing every good work every good word and work all right amen second Thessalonians chapter number two look at verse number seven look at verse number seven says for the mystery of iniquity doth already work only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way title the sermon this evening is the mystery of iniquity the mystery of iniquity we're gonna talk about that today obviously if you study this out you'll see that it has two sides it's got a religious aspect to it and a political one we're just gonna focus on the religious side of that today now keep your place there because we will come back to explain all this but go to 1st Timothy chapter number three 1st Timothy chapter number three and so we're told in this chapter not to let any man deceive us and Paul's constantly saying hey don't be ignorant of the last days don't let people deceive you when it comes to prophecy and these sorts of things so you know these doctrines and these topics are very very important for us to understand we need to know what's going on we need to you know have this at the forefront of our minds especially in the day and age in which we live because there is a lot of false teaching out there when it comes to prophecy there's a lot of false teachers out there when it comes to a lot of things to be honest with you and it does take its toll on our community and so we need to have the answers now before we get into the mystery of iniquity we're gonna look at the mystery of godliness because there's more information on that obviously than there is in the mystery of iniquity and so let's start with that here look at verse number 14 so first Timothy chapter 3 very famous chapter we talk about this chapter all the time when we're dealing with the qualifications of a bishop or a deacon and so right after Paul gives Timothy these qualifications in verse 14 he says this he says these things write I unto thee hoping to come unto thee shortly but if I tarry long that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God which is the church of the living God the pillar and ground of the truth now what does that mean there well keep in mind what does the word church mean it means congregation that's right it means congregation church is a congregation that is supposed to be a congregation of believers people that believe on Christ now does that mean that unsafe people can't come in of course not we want all kinds of people to come in here in hopes that we might get them saved and discipled and so on and so forth but Paul is telling Timothy hey there's a certain way that you need to behave in the house of God amongst the brethren and that's why he gave him that list of qualifications that's why he told him how to behave himself in the house of God look at verse 16 says this without controversy great is the mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh justified in the spirit scene of angels preached unto the Gentiles believed on in the world received up into glory now go to Ephesians chapter number three now in that last verse there in verse number 16 it says preached unto the Gentiles okay now does that mean it wasn't preached unto the Jews of that time no of course not it was preached unto them as well but there's a reason why that is phrased that way and that's what we're gonna take a look at because there's a mystery surrounding that phrase which Paul obviously will tell us now in verse 16 there that we just read it says and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness and then he goes on to just give a very short summary of God's nature right we have to understand this and we do understand this in this church that Jesus Christ is fully man fully God okay because what's becoming more and more popular today is this idea well now Jesus was just God's son okay and so that's just like the human part and then the God part you know is after he died and resurrected and there's all kinds of weird ways that people twist that and teach that I think manly Perry kind of heads down that road if I'm not mistaken and that's false doctrine okay and you're gonna see things like that increase as we get closer to the end and you ask why well because in order for the mystery of iniquity to really work and to come to its full fruition a separation between the Word of God and the Word of God has to happen okay this is why you will see people fall away and we'll get into that more here in a moment the very next chapter you don't have to turn there it says this same thought now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter time some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of Devils do we've spent time this last few weeks talking about that and so I don't want to revisit that but you know he gives him the truth right Paul gives Timothy the truth he says hey here's a short summary of the nature of God and says hey in the last times you need to remember this is very important that this teaching is going to be just twisted pulled apart blasphemed in every way possible and that's exactly what we're starting to see today Ephesians chapter 3 look at verse number 1 it says this for this cause I Paul the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles if you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you word how that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery as I wrote a four in few words so hopefully by reading just these few verses you can understand that a mystery in the Bible is something that has to be revealed to us by God okay and and keep please keep in mind I think we all get this here we all understand this no one today gets any private interpretation no one's at home praying in their closet and here's an audible voice from God saying hey I need you to go do X Y & Z or this actually means this or here's a private scripture for you go tell it to your church okay and you say oh you're crazy well this happens every day in churches all throughout the world okay where somebody gets up in front of a congregation says God told me X Y & Z God told me to tell you this God told me to say this and that's nowhere to be found anywhere in the Bible okay look at verse number four he says whereby when you read ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ okay so this is something that Paul wants us to be able to explain he wants us to understand it now how do we get that understanding well you get it by reading the Word of God you get it by reading his teachings in what he told us look at verse 5 says which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit so what he's saying there is he's saying you know in times past specifically in the Old Testament times this wasn't widely known the prophets spoke but they didn't quite fully understand what they were saying they didn't know how this was all going to unfold and you're probably like what in the world is he talking about well let's keep reading look at verse number six that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel now this is still a mystery to a lot of people today I've had pastors stand up you know I've gone to churches and this is kind of a shame and I've mentioned this before where they've taught things like you know what in the millennium we're going to serve Jews they will do their sacrifices they will be in their temple they will be God's people and you'll be basically sweeping up underneath them okay you say you're crazy you know that is being taught all over the place okay that's racist that that is that is false doctrine you know and you say well what does all that mean it means it's still a mystery to people why is it a mystery because they don't read the Word of God they don't believe these things oftentimes okay or they're just mixed up okay but what does he say there that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs not sub heirs not below heirs okay fellow heirs and of the same what the same body you see back in these times here even back in the days that the Ephesians were around and their church was thriving and growing you know there were a lot of questions that came up and people were like you know how does this all work what's gonna happen with Israel what's gonna happen with Judea what's what's going on here are they gone forever you know what's the deal here and Paul's revealing to them the mystery well guess what the Israel of God is made up of believers in Christ there's neither Jew nor Gentile there's neither male nor female I had a pastor attacked me one time this is a couple years ago it's I don't like what you said I don't like the fact that she said that like what the fact that I read Ephesians chapter 3 verse 6 he's like yeah and I don't like what you said about you know the Jews aren't gonna be above Christians you know and the end times and you know in the millennium and in the new world to come you're out of your mind independent fundamental Baptist you're crazy to even say something like that that is ridiculous there's you know what he said this is that's right this is what he said he says yeah well also says are neither male nor female so explain that what are we talking about let's back up for a second what does it mean that in Christ there's neither Jew nor Gentile right we're all saying we're all of one but we're all you know the blood of Christ if you will we're all equal in Christ fellow heirs right we're not you don't have to join a country to be the child of God that's what that means so we're talking about position your position in the body of Christ so when he says neither male nor female well guess what what's the position of a male now in the household it's a leader it's over the female it won't be like that in heaven it won't be like that when this is all done away with that's what that means you see but these people can't think about these things and why is that because it's a mystery because they don't care to know they heard something in their college they read something in a book it appealed to their flesh they said this sounds great I'm just gonna go with this look at verse number seven where have I was made a minister according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power unto me who am less than the least of all Saints is this grace given that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ okay and this is where people get derailed we talked about this last week you know Sam Gipp and a lot of dispensationists you know and it's not even just them right I've looked this up there are quote unquote new evangelical types that will say stuff like this well Paul's the Apostle to the Gentiles so if you weren't born in the Holy Land then you really you know put whatever Paul says supersedes anything else in the Bible and we proved last week beyond any shadow of a doubt that even John Peter all these guys not only did they preach to Gentiles but they were also post-trib pre-wrath okay very simple to understand so let's move on from that look at verse 9 says this and to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God who created all things by Jesus Christ so we are supposed to understand what is this fellowship what is this mystery here well it's the fact that we're fellow heirs okay no one's special over the other if you're saved you're in Christ that's your position and you just got to be good with it but you do need to explain this to people because God's desire is that men would know this look at verse 10 he says to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God so again okay what does the Bible say about the Jew in the Old Testament it says that the oracles of God were given unto them okay so if you were let's just hop back to the days of Ahab and Jehoshaphat in the southern kingdom of Judah okay who had the oracles of God yeah Jehoshaphat the people of Judah remember when Jeroboam the son of Nebat took over the northern kingdom of Israel what did you do he told the Levitical priests hey I'm gonna make the lowest people of the land priests I'm gonna set up two calves one in Bethel one in Dan hopefully I got and just basically start my own religion just start things the way that I want to to run them that way I won't lose the people and so now if you wanted to get truth what did you have to do if you wanted to go to the temple and you wanted to serve God well now you had to go down to the southern kingdom of Judah and that tradition carried on until the time of Christ the veil was torn in two torn in half and now we are under the New Covenant okay this is an important doctrine people why you always go off on this because we're told to go off on this it's a mystery it's something that needs to be explained to people look you don't just get saved and automatically understand this stuff it's you know it requires study in a requires thought okay look at verse 11 says according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord go to Romans chapter number 11 Romans chapter number 11 so again mystery something that has to be revealed to us by God Romans chapter 11 continuing off of that same thought there the mystery that the Gentiles would be fellow heirs with Jews with everyone else in Christ in the same body look at verse number 25 it says this Romans 11 25 for I would not brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery you see that there we should not be ignorant of this mystery lest ye should be wise in your own conceits and that's exactly what happens if you don't believe me go read a commentary by Peter Ruckman and you will see very quickly what I'm talking about lest ye should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in look at verse 26 and so all Israel shall be saved as it is written there shall come out of Zion the deliverer and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob now is that what Jesus did when he came back or when he came here the first time how did he turn ungodliness away from Judea by preaching the word of God by preaching them the kingdom of God and how to be saved right I mean think about this what was a mystery to Nicodemus be born again the gospel right exactly now you can leave your place there but go to Isaiah chapter 59 Isaiah chapter 59 because in order to really get a good deep understanding of those two verses it's often helpful to just go back to where it was written what Paul's quoting from so that we can pull some more insight from that and so Paul makes this statement about this mystery and so all Israel shall be saved as it is written well let's step back for a second okay what makes up Israel what makes up that nation it's 12 distinct tribes right we talked about this several several weeks ago remember when I drew that little diagram with the standards and the little flags and so on and so forth right that is what make up the the physical nation of Israel were 12 distinct tribes what happened after King Hoshea got conquered by the Assyrians those ten tribes went away where are they at today they're gone right they're gone and so you are left with the tribe of Judah Benjamin and then obviously Levites and stragglers who came in after that okay so is Israel today in the Middle East made up of 12 distinct tribes no it's not okay look at verse number 20 Isaiah chapter 59 look at verse number 20 this is all part of this mystery here look at verse 20 says this and the Redeemer shall come to Zion well who is that well that's Jesus Christ right this is a prophecy remember Paul talked about this he said and the Redeemer shall come to Zion obviously to Jerusalem to Judea to the Holy Land and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob saith the Lord well I mean think about it when Jesus came did everybody believe on him no a lot of people rejected him a lot of scribes a lot of Pharisees rejected him the whole organization of Sadducees rejected him right they rejected the Word of God as a whole anyways look at verse 21 he says as for me this is my covenant with them who's the them back up to verse 20 and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob saith Lord is that to the people that turn from their sins no that's for people who did the will of God John 640 and put their trust and their faith on Christ and became born again got saved okay so he says as for me this is my covenant with them saith the Lord my spirit that is upon thee and my words which I have put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed nor out of the mouth of thy seeds seed saith the Lord from henceforth and forever now you can leave your place there and go back to 2nd Thessalonians chapter number 2 and so then Paul says in Romans 11 27 you have to turn there he says for this is my covenant unto them when I shall take away their sin so when he says in all Israel shall be saved people say well that's a mystery how does that work out well because you have to be saved to get into the Israel of God okay that's what he's talking about there the mystery of godliness that we as outsiders to that physical nation that was once a thing on this earth that we would be fellow heirs positionally placed in Christ that we could have fellowship like we talked about on Sunday night with Christ that is a mystery it's a mystery to the world it's a mystery even to people who are just saved these are things that you have to learn okay so real quickly let's just summarize here the mystery of godliness can obviously whosoever believeth and is saved is placed into the Israel of God okay that is a mystery that is the mystery of godliness that we who just get saved could have fellowship with Christ increased godliness have our feet washed like we talked about on Sunday night and what does it Center around it centers around the working of Christ okay the mystery of godliness centers around the working of Christ I'm repeating this for a good reason second Thessalonians chapter 2 look at verse number 7 for the mystery of iniquity doth already work okay so the flip side the opposite of the mystery of godliness the mystery of iniquity it doth already work only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way we're gonna back up for a second here see Genesis chapter 3 what do we realize about seed well God has his seed okay the devil has his seed and then you have the masses which are in between which haven't made up their minds one way or the other are they gonna follow Christ or are they gonna follow the devil okay so with that in mind that is what the mystery of iniquity is ultimately geared towards to set the world up in a position to where masses of people would go over to the devil's side that they would want to make him their Savior and this is what Satan is doing he is working towards his mystery which is iniquity iniquity is wicked sin that is what the Bible teaches let's back up here look at verse number one because in order to break down verse number seven we need to take a look at the whole context because what a lot of people will do is they'll say well that's the Holy Spirit okay well let's see we just read the chapter before the service is the Holy Spirit even mentioned in this chapter let's take a look I mean before verse seven let's look at verse number one now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by there by our gathering together unto him verse two that ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled and neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as the day of Christ is at hand again we talked about this last week we're not supposed to be troubled that you know the day of Christ could happen at any moment it could be tomorrow there are certain things that need to take place in order for that to happen like the revealing of the Antichrist look at verse three let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition okay now this falling away is not complete but what's happening is this mystery of iniquity is in the works there are things being done to drive people like us who believe in the mystery of godliness out of the public eye they want us off social media they want us obviously off TV they want us away from people as much as possible because we are influential when we go out and preach the Word of God this is a sword it affects people and they know this and that is why they're trying to stop us now keep your place there in second second Thessalonians 2 go to Luke chapter 8 Luke chapter number 8 because I just want to give you a couple of verses two verses to show people when they say well the falling away that's the rapture okay the problem is that's just false okay what did Paul say in Corinthians well how did he describe the rapture the wall be changed we caught up together like in the twinkling of an eye okay it's just gonna happen very very quickly it's not a falling up people don't fall up okay but this is a verse that these pre-trip guys will use oftentimes to say see that falling away in the Greek means caught away it means to be caught up with Christ okay no it doesn't that is a lie that is not true Luke chapter 8 look at verse number 13 Jesus giving the parable here he says this they on the rock are they which when they hear receive the word with joy and these have no root which for a while believe and in time of temptation fall away now is this a falling up they just individually you know they can't play ball anymore so Jesus like us just rapture them up let's just secretly rapture these guys up because they're just not behaving time to come home okay no that's not what he's saying right they don't lose their salvation but look we've seen this in this church you've seen this in all kinds of churches right where people just they just you know they're there you get saved they continue for a little while and then you know trials tribulations tempt hate different things come up and they're out okay it's a part of life it's what we have to deal with now go to 2nd Timothy chapter number one and I'll show you one more 2nd Timothy chapter number one so again same language there fall away a departure from the truth a departure from serving God okay that is what is going on here 2nd Timothy chapter 1 look at verse number 15 and look at what Paul says here he drops two names of people who actually fall away from him 2nd Timothy 1 15 says this this thou knowest that all they which are in Asia be turned away from me now did they go up did they get raptured because they decided they didn't want to be fellowshipping with Paul the prisoner okay and Paul spends time talking in this chapter here hey don't be ashamed of my chain don't be ashamed of you know this bondage that I'm in and all this sort of stuff here you know keep encouraging keep going forward and then he just mentions a group of people in Asia that fall away now does that mean that they're not saved no why did John write you know revelation and you know the letter to the seven churches if everybody in there was not saved or if they all got raptured doesn't make any sense it's obvious what it's talking about here this thou knowest that all they which are in Asia be turned away from me and then he mentions two people of whom are five jealous and homogeneous okay now are the we you know this is the only time in the Bible that these two names are mentioned so we don't know a whole lot about them but if I were to wager I would bet that they were probably saved people who basically were examples of Luke chapter 8 verse 13 who heard the word were excited serve God for a little while obviously temptation came up and they did they turned away from Paul they departed from the truth go back to 2nd Thessalonians chapter number 2 and let's read verse number 3 again so Paul says let no man deceive you what does let mean allow right he's saying he don't allow somebody to hoodwink you don't allow people to trick you with their false doctrine let no man deceive you by any means and look there are a lot of means there are a lot of ways and teachings and channels and books out there that are doing exactly this he says for that day shall not come okay that day what day the day of the Lord shall not come except there come a falling away first that is an apostasy that is a departure from the truth that is a Luke 8 13 a 2nd Timothy chapter 1 what we just read you're going to see that on a large scale we're already seeing we've been seeing it for many years you go out there and you get people saved and you never see them again right or when you do they're like yeah I'm saying you know you talked to me last year I'm already saved and it's like praise God but come on man can't you just come to church can't you read your Bible just do something for God no because they don't want to they're caught up in the ways of the world look at verse with the rest of her it says and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition so people will teach this all the time you guys have all heard this you know it's good to know about the Antichrist but shouldn't spend too much time on it because we're not gonna be here when he's revealed we're not gonna be here when he comes on the scene what does it say here we'll be out of here that horns gonna blow and we're gone we're going up I've heard preachers say I don't care you could stay for the tribulation I'm going up okay okay the problem with that let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except something happened first and what is that something falling away and the man of sin be revealed and who is that the son of perdition okay the son of perdition that's that phrase is used one other time in the Bible to describe somebody who is that that's Judas that's right look at verse number four who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he has God said in the temple of God showing himself that he is God so for context right now who are we talking about talking about the Antichrist verse 3 verse 4 we're gonna come back to that but I'm gonna take a little bit of a break here and have you go to Matthew chapter number 7 Matthew chapter number 7 because I don't want to get too far off in talking about the Antichrist tonight we're working on the mystery of iniquity what could that be what's the goal what does that even look like today in our modern society here well very interesting here in Matthew chapter number 7 we've read these verses several times look at verse number 21 it says not everyone this is Jesus speaking here he says not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that do with the will of my father which is in heaven again what is his will that we would believe on Christ verse 22 many does it say a few does many mean a few no it says many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works very interesting here that at the great white throne judgment there are many people and many means most and what are these people saying we have prophesied in your name that means we taught in your name so that means that this religious system here that we're getting a picture of has to be alive and well today and has to even go off into the time of the Antichrist right prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils now there's a group of people out there that claim to do this and we had a run in with them on Saturday okay the Pentecostals the good old signs and wonders movement the charismatic movement what else is the same didn't I named on many wonderful works it's watching a little video by Kenneth Copeland that I think Chuck James sent this to me and I don't think it was the rap one but he it was Kenneth Copeland right and he's doing his his usual you know running around without a Bible and stuff and he's basically commanding spirit he's like I command this spirit to leave you know my state and this and that and he's like I command the coronavirus to leave here and I command that the scientists come up with a magical cocktail also known as a vaccine that will cure people and I was looking through the comments and I saw one that said man these this is a church that's a brother that's doing a lot of work I mean think about it you're a Pentecostal who claim you can heal people resurrect people do all of these crazy things and you stand up before your congregation and pray for an ungodly disgusting metal-filled Bible full of who knows what kind of chemicals to save people why don't you just do it Kopi because you're a fraud because he's the devil and because that whole movement their whole goal is to separate the Word of God Jesus Christ from the Word of God from the Bible that's the goal because when you do that what are you left with looking for signs and wonders so this charismatic movement literally is working in equity and they are paving the way for people to believe on the Antichrist and you got idiots like John MacArthur he's a Calvinist guy you've got another guy named Andrew sleuter and Bill Grady these other Baptist dispensationalist Sam Gibbs saying that you can take the mark of the beast and then possibly do the baptism of John and get it all washed away or you could just cut your head off or cut your hand off and still be saved and go to heaven that's where we're going that's where they're going okay that let me say that that's where Christianity so-called today is going that's the direction that they're heading when the Antichrist is out and about doing his thing taking power changing times changing seasons you know what you're gonna have you're gonna have these same idiots like Copeland or whoever the Apostle Catherine Crick Catherine Kirk captain Kirk whatever her name is that we talked about in one of our tongues videos you're gonna have them taking the mark and you know what they're not gonna be like oh yeah I took the mark of the beast no it's not gonna be called that you think the Walgreens gonna be like hey come down here and take the mark of the beast no man it's gonna be called something else it's not gonna be that simple you need some wisdom to discern this thing that's why we're supposed to understand these mysteries and these things that are going on in the Bible okay but you will see those congregations take that mark whatever is it's not the mark of the beast in the original languages that doesn't really mean that you know that's why I harp on that so much because that doctrine will play a huge role in not only our day but in the days to come because the goal is to separate the Word of God Jesus Christ from the written word and you can't do that you can't have fellowship with Christ if you're doing that anytime you get up and somebody says back in the original language or in the Greek which by the way typically only happens in english-speaking countries you're not gonna go to Greece and say something like that because they're gonna mock you and they're gonna laugh at you so again verse 22 many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in the name and then I named cast out devil and in thy name done many wonderful works look at verse 23 and then I will profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity you see that there the mystery of iniquity what is it well it's a lot of things and I don't think we're ever getting until Christ comes back we're not gonna have the the perfect picture but here we can see a group of people that are working iniquity in what did Paul say what did John say that both of them said this that it's already the mystery of iniquity already works it's already working okay and that mystery is a push to get people to believe in the signs and wonders because you have to think about this you know even the Muslims the Buddhists you know all these religions they're gonna look at the Antichrist and be like this is the guy you know and they're gonna all come together hey signs and wonders is what is what it's about you know if you believe in the Bible so called you know so be it this CEO Christ means Messiah this guy's obviously a Savior we just had a few things wrong and you know if you really go back to the original language it makes sense now right signs and wonders signs and wonders that is what this thing is all about the mystery of iniquity right so so called Christians you know they profess Christ they profess power but what do they do they remove Christ from the Word of God and all of those people teach work salvation they teach that you have to be good you don't think the Antichrist is gonna end towards that we got a trust in humanity and take the holy chip you know I don't know but something of that nature now go to Genesis chapter number 15 and obviously you know in Matthew 24 we're gonna come to that chapter here in a little while but Jesus said and because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold and isn't that what we see today right the Bible is very clear Jesus told us working iniquity is claiming that you have Christ without the Word of God you have the wrong gospel you have the wrong message of salvation he says you work iniquity you claim you went around and taught him my name and you've done all these works and you cast out demons you have all these signs and wonders but the reality is you're working iniquity like a job that's what he's saying to them now what I want to do now is just give you an illustration of the working of iniquity because we can see this actually in Abraham's life in Genesis chapter number 15 let's just start reading here look at verse 14 so it says this in verse 14 it says and also that nation whom they shall serve will I judge and afterward shall they come out with great substance okay so God's just telling Abraham what's about to happen you guys are gonna go into Egypt you know some things are gonna happen it's gonna be 400 years of hard labor and bondage but then afterwards you're gonna come out you're gonna be way better off than when you went in verse 15 and thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace thou shalt be buried in a good old age verse 16 but in the fourth generation they shall come hither again for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full very interesting when you study this out here now why does he say that the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full well go back to chapter 14 real quick and look at verse number 13 you know give you some insight on to where Abraham's at and kind of who he's dealing with here verse 13 Genesis 14 13 says this says in there came one that had escaped and told Abram so we've talked about this recently right this is when Lot gets taken captive because he's living with the sodomites verse 13 and there came one that had escaped and told Abram the Hebrew for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite brother of Eskel and brother of Enor and these were confederate with Abraham okay so at this time in Abrams life he you know he's got Amorites and there he's living in the land of Canaan and he's dealing with these people and stuff and God's basically saying hey there's coming a time when their iniquity is full go to Leviticus 18 when their iniquity is full and there's no more left there's nowhere it can't get any worse basically he says that's when we're going to pounce that is when I'm going to remove all of those people out of the land and don't worry I'm going somewhere with this you'll see in a moment now the Amorites according to Genesis chapter 10 were Canaanites okay they lived in that land in the land of Canaan so they are in that group they are lumped in with those people so what were some of the things that filled up the iniquity of the Amorites yeah idolatry let's take a look at some more here look at verse 21 Leviticus 18 21 says this and thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God I am the Lord look at verse 22 thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind it is an abomination so look do you see those things today yeah you do how do people sacrifice tomorrow today well through the abortion clinics people sacrifice their children to the God of convenience and this goes on every day in this country goes on in the state here it goes on in the world it's a disgusting abomination to God and you know verse 22 is going on today that's you know what's going on is these things are being pushed to be normal right the government and religions today like the Catholic Church they're pushing these things as acceptable even your new evangelicals guys they are saying hey it's not as bad you know we don't want to go down there we don't want to preach against that because what if somebody's had one in here and sometimes people get put in a jam and you know an abortion could be necessary they're endorsing it and it's gonna get worse you already know this faggotry in verse 22 is being pushed everywhere look at verse 23 neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down there to it is confusion this stuff's going on it's going to get worse in this country okay and keep in mind these are the things that the Canaanites did these are the things that were filling the cup if you will of iniquity for the Amorites for the Canaanites look at verse 24 defile not ye yourselves in any of these things for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you look at verse 25 and the land is defiled so not only you know people say you know to each his own right whatever somebody does in regards to these types of sins just let them do it it's not hurting you know it hurts the land it hurts the earth itself and the land is defiled verse 25 therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it and the land itself vomited out her inhabitants look the stuff that these freaks do that they push it's so disgusting and so vile that the earth itself is disgusted by it go to Luke chapter number 11 so God is giving these statutes and giving this information to the children of Israel so that they would not do the same things so that they would not fill their cup with iniquity because what happened when the Amorites or I'm sorry the iniquity of the Amorites and the Canaanites was full God displaced them God used the nation of Israel to conquer them and to destroy those people and to remove them from the land well what did Jesus say for example about the meek said blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth so when the iniquity of the world is full and the Antichrist is revealed and that whole situation happens what's gonna happen after God's wrath three and a half years later after God pours out his wrath on this earth we're gonna inherit the earth it's the same exact thing and so the mystery of iniquity also encompasses all this immoral stuff being pushed as normal and acceptable on society so Luke chapter number 11 look at verse 29 says this and when the people were gathered thick together he began to say this is an evil generation right and he's gonna tell you why saying this here look after the the colon they seek a sign and there shall no sign be given it but the sign of Jonas the prophet okay so even while Jesus is preaching and he's teaching doing miracles and doing all of these things what if some of the people come up to him and say show us a sign right we want to see a sign what does he say about people that seek a sign and a wonder they're wicked look at verse 30 and he says hey for as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites so shall also the Son of Man be to this generation now go to 2nd Thessalonians chapter number two so again you say what is the mystery of iniquity what is going on with that what is the agenda well I think it's very clear that it's a push to get people to seek signs and wonders signs and wonders miracles take the focus off the written Word of God and put it on to miracles put it on to signs put it on to casting out devils calling fire down from heaven well let's take a look at something here 2nd Thessalonians we just read the chapter before the service but look at verse 9 even him who's that yep that's the Antichrist even him who's coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders now is that talking about wonders that are lying down on the ground taking a nap no no these are lying as in to tell a lie not true okay deception to see these types of things go to Matthew chapter 24 we're getting close to being done Matthew chapter number 24 that is what is going on here Satan is working and trying to prepare the earth to accept signs and wonders exactly what Jesus said was a wicked thing to look for Matthew 24 look at verse number 24 so Jesus says this talking about end times prophecy for there shall arise false Christ and false prophets and what are they gonna do and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect so if you're elect if you're saved if you're born again if you are in that mystery of godliness you're not going to be deceived by these things and the reason why we need to understand this is because the mystery of iniquity seeks to destroy the mystery of godliness okay very very simple and what what are we talking about here Matthew 24 we're talking about the time of the Antichrist right he's saying hey there's gonna come these false Christ these false prophets now look when I look at Kenneth Copeland when you guys look at Kenneth Copeland or Todd White or it or any of these fools we're like you're a joke there's all kinds of videos out there about them you know putting your hand on someone in a wheelchair the guy falls back and can't get up they got to call an ambulance those videos are out there right but apparently it's gonna get worse they're gonna get trickier somehow you know they're gonna get something dialed in and they're gonna make it to where people are gonna be like no no they're not playing games anymore and isn't kind of funny every generation there's like a new charismatic Pentecostal type leader that's coming up and what are they teaching work salvation signs and wonders right and they use the Bible they profess in his name but they teach falsely they teach you to look away from this word here from the Word of God go to go to 1st John chapter number 4 1st John chapter number 4 why turn them or read for you 1st John 2 18 John says this we'll look at this the Sunday but he says little children it is the last time and as you have heard that Antichrist shall come even now are there many Antichrist whereby we know that it is the last time you're in 1st John 4 the first job 1st John chapter 4 look at verse 3 and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and you know I heard somebody ask or say this not too long ago they're like but you know there's only a few people out there right that that would say something like this well no what did we read in 1st Timothy chapter 3 about the mystery of godliness Jesus is fully man and fully God so people twist that subtly right and they fit into this category so he John is saying and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God so when people are teaching you know that well Jesus is just the human part and after he was resurrected oh that's that's the God part or people who deny the Trinity okay they fit this category here they are not of God they are not saved you are given that discernment you were given that discernment so that you could judge other people whether or not they are saved he says this and this is that spirit of Antichrist where of you have heard that it should come and even now already is in the world last place I'm gonna have you turn Revelation chapter 13 and again we've said this before if it was alive and well in John's day it's alive and well and thriving in our day because you can see this whole signs and wonders movement is going to gain momentum it's going to get more powerful you know if you look into a lot of these other religions like the Mormons the Catholics they all agree with signs and wonders oh yeah you just ask them you know do you believe it's possible to just randomly speak in tongues have a heavenly prayer oh yeah we believe that don't believe me next time you guys run into a Mormon out here which will be tomorrow just ask him and they will tell you they will tell you that's what they believe Islam same thing they have people that speak in tongues and who are they looking to well they're looking for a Savior too they're looking for their God to come back revelation 13 look at verse number 3 says this and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast look at verse number four and they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast and they worshiped the be saying who is like unto the beast who was able to make war with him now what's going on here look at verse 12 jump down to verse number 12 forsaken time we got to skip to 12 says this and he exercises all the power of the first beast before him and causeth the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed look at verse 13 and he doeth great wonders so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men so after the Antichrist has his deadly wound okay he dies the the person he's gonna die go to hell and then obviously the devil's gonna come in and possess this guy or a spirits gonna come in and possess this guy and he is going to rise and basically tell the world I am God that's what he's gonna do and he's gonna say this is a sign and then he's gonna do all of these other things and he's going to be doing this to a world that has been primed and conditioned to seek after a sign look most people today that claim the name of Christ they won't even say anything bad about doctrines from Mormons j-dubs Catholics they won't call anybody out anymore and if you don't believe me just go look up any new evangelical look up Steven Furtick if you could stomach it just watch a few minutes of the sermon just just play it on you know super speed and just kind of search the channel there if you've got the time and the guts to do it and you know what you're not gonna hear you're not gonna hear any warnings you're not gonna hear these things being taught and it's not just him it's all of his kindred it's that type why because they are teaching people to look for signs and wonders they are separating Christ from the Word of God once they have done that once they have got you to look to them for their teaching and for their authority and in all of these types of things and guess what they've got you they've got the world so when Islam says oh yeah he rose from that I guess you know that makes sense now we all do worship the same God we worship the same God Jews worship worship the same God that the Hindus worship we worship the same you know and it's just gonna keep going on like that and we can finally have peace and a one big happy family but it's a lie and those people in the great white throne judgment very shortly after this happens here say Lord Lord do we not prophesy in the name and I am cast out that was an in thy name have done many wonderful works what's Jesus gonna say depart from me I never knew you I never knew you ye that work iniquity I lied go back to Jude one book before Revelation one verse and we're done so again the mystery of iniquity seeks to destroy the mystery of the fellowship of godliness so if this mystery can get people away from the Bible away from the Word of God well they're never gonna get saved and if people do get saved what is that mystery trying to do what is Satan trying to do to people who are saved to still get them away from the Word of God so they can't be dangerous so that they can't go out there and influence other people and help people out and get them saved and teach them doctrine and to get them on fire for the Lord that's the mystery of iniquity it's deep it goes much deeper than what I've covered tonight but here's what we need to realize and do Jude verse 3 beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the Saints not once and then again and again and again one time one washing and you're done one time you get saved you're done you get born again you're positioned in Christ that is the mystery that we are a part of but you know what we need to contend for the faith these types of sermons need to be preached often because we need to know what's going on in our day and age so that we can relay the message to other people and to get them out of the snare of the devil that's the goal that's the idea and so you say what do we do about all this well we do what we've been doing we go out and we preach the gospel to the lost you share sermons you you you get you do what you can to get the truth out into the community that's what you do and you don't back down and you don't let people deceive you when something's taught you go right here to this book because the other way just all I just believe everything here you know you don't know if I'm lying to you I've said stuff up here and I've been wrong come back like why did I say that you know I mean it happens I'm human we're human and the only thing that keeps us going the only thing that keeps that fellowship alive that washing of the feet that that that daily cleansing is this book here which is the Word of God that's where it's at that's why it has to always come back to that so when people say oh another message about the Bible blah blah blah you know what you gotta correct them sounds like you sir have a problem and we can't let that happen and we need to be out there because look these Pentecostals I mean we were watching them go door-to-door on Saturday and they knew what they were doing they're out there making converts to their false religion telling people that they have to turn from their sins to be saved so we're out there trying to soul warn and to soul win and they're out there so losing that they're literally telling people you need to work you've got to turn your life around and you need to come to our Bible study and we will show you the full gospel where signs and wonders and all these miracles happen look it's gonna get worse it's gonna increase and we need to be careful and we need to be aware of that and we need to contend with these people because it's only gonna get worse how is it that the majority of the world is going to look to the beast yep that's it look at all these signs wonders because they're being conditioned to it right now and we can stop it well we can't stop it but you know we can at least pull some people out of the fire we can at least leave our footprint here and be washed by the water of the word and that's what we're gonna do just keep doing what we've been doing so let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer thank you so much Lord again for revealing to us the truth about the coming apostasy and the things that are going on in the end times Lord and I just pray that you would use us to continue to contend for the truth out in the community Lord and to make disciples and to straighten people out and we just pray that you'd be with us as we go out tomorrow and be with us as we fellowship Lord after the service thank you for all that you do for us in Jesus name I pray amen all right grab your song books one more time and turn to 432 432 angels from the realms of glory song number 432 angels from the realms of glory on the first angels from the realms of glory now proclaim Messiah's birth come and worship come and worship worship Christ the newborn shepherds in the field abiding watching guard your flocks by night God with man is now residing yonder shines the infant my common warship common warship warship Christ the newborn King sages leave your contemplation brighter visions beam afar seek the great desire of nations we have seen his natal star common warship common warship warship Christ the newborn King saves me for the altar bending watching long in hope and fear suddenly the Lord descend in his temple shall appear common warship common warship warship Christ the newborn King amen brother Jeremiah would you close the service out the word of prayer please you you