(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, well we're in 2 John and so what we've been doing on Wednesdays is we've been taking different doctrines in the Bible regarding Jesus Christ and just kind of preaching through them some of the lesser-known things that people typically Christendom-wide aren't familiar with and you know obviously as you know our church is a Bible believing church we want to make sure that we're familiar with these things not just in the month of December but it is a good time to visit these different doctrines and make sure that we hammer them home. Now what I'm preaching about to this evening is the doctrine of rewards look down at verse number 8 it says this look to yourselves that we lose not those things which we have wrought but that we receive a full reward. Now obviously I don't have time to you know go into it you already know he's not talking about losing your salvation believe it or not I've heard people use this verse as a proof text to explain that but that's just ludicrous not it's not at all what it's talking about it's not even possible to lose your salvation you guys know that but what is he saying there he says look to yourselves right he's saying hey there's some things that you need to consider about your ways there's you know the way that you behave the way that we conduct ourselves as Christians we need to look to these things and he says that we lose not those things which we have wrought the word wrought in the Bible means to work we are working hard as a church right we go out and we preach the gospel we edify one another you know we look after each other we pray for things we stand up for the truth and what you know what John's saying here is that hey we need to make sure that us believers don't lose the things that we've worked very hard for and then he goes on to say but that we receive a full reward and that's what we're gonna be talking about this evening the you know making sure that we're able to maintain and keep our full reward you know nothing would be worse than spending eternity just thinking like man I could have had more I could have had so much more you know I believe that when we get you know to heaven and we look back on our lives we're gonna you know all of us are gonna have what hey and stuff we're gonna talk about that a little bit this evening as well but you know it would be terrible to be like man it really wasn't that bad no it really wasn't that hard to get up and go to church it wasn't that hard to give something to a brother or a sister or to go out and give the gospel right it wasn't that hard you know cuz like I always say you're gonna spend more time in eternity than you are here in this physical world but because we live in the physical world you know this is what we see this is what we taste smell and see it's just the here and the now and so there's just that temptation to get complacent to put the things of the Bible aside and I get that I understand that but we're gonna talk about that now real quickly go over to Revelation chapter number 22 Revelation chapter number 22 so again the title of the sermon is the doctrine of rewards the doctrine of rewards now look at verse number 12 revelation 22 12 last chapter in the Bible and look at what Jesus says here he says and behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be we have to understand that what we do in this body whether it be good or bad we will give an account to the Lord Jesus Christ of those things someday look at verse 13 he says I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end the first and the last blessed are they that do his commandments that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the city and again we're talking about rewards we're not talking about heaven and hell right now we're not talking about salvation okay so if people bring you here to try to prove that you need to understand these things right because it's easy for people to just flip open to certain passages and especially the last book of the Bible the last chapter of the Bible it's an easy way for people to remember that because I've had people say you know it says in the last chapters of Bible if we don't do his commandments you know we're not gonna be you know in heaven with Jesus we're gonna be with a sorcerers we're gonna be with the dogs and that's not at all what he's talking about verse 15 he says for without our dogs and sorcerers and whoremongers and murderers and idolaters and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie and a side note that's a good verse to use to somebody when you're giving them the gospel if they're kind of confused you know cuz sometimes we ask them well you know how many murders does it take to be a murderer and they always say well just one you know how many lies it take to be a liar and like well you know depends it depends on the nature of the lie they'll say well says whosoever maketh a lie but look at verse 16 he says this I Jesus have sent my an angel to testify unto you these things in the churches I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright and morning star obviously I wanted you to read that to get a little bit of context this evening that church is important to God the local assembly is very important to God it's not important to the community it's not important to modern-day Christianity unfortunately but you know what there's going to come a day where people are gonna look back and say you know I really wish I didn't forsake the gathering of ourselves together as the manner of some is now turn to Deuteronomy chapter 32 if you would Deuteronomy chapter number 32 and so two Wednesdays ago we took a look at the seven once's of Christ last week we talked about how Christ broke down the middle wall of partition and we broke down what that really means now today we're talking about the doctrine of rewards this is something that I believe that God wants us to consider that he wants us to look towards that he wants us to constantly have on our minds okay now Deuteronomy chapter 32 is basically it's a song that Moses sang to the people basically prophesying unto them their demise you know he's basically saying hey I know that in the end you know in your latter times that you guys are gonna forsake God statutes you're gonna forsake his commandments and you're gonna go whoring after these other gods and he's making them sing these things now there's an interesting statement here at the end of the chapter look at verse number 28 verse number 28 so as he's delivering this song you can see God's heart obviously God gave him these words and you can see God's heart regarding what we're talking about today look at verse 28 he says this so he's saying you know after you've gone a whoring after these false gods after I'm gonna consume you he says this for they are a nation void of counsel neither is there any understanding in them verse 29 oh that they were wise let's just stop there for a second so you know the Bible talks about David being a man after God's own heart and that's not just for David that needs to be us and that's really the bottom line for the sermon is that we need to be a church we need to be a people after God's own heart we shouldn't just do the things and do these works you know just for the sole purpose to get rewards because in the end that's just gonna cause you to fizzle out we need to do these things because we love God because we're thankful for what he did on the cross okay and I believe that that's another reason why you don't see specific details of what these rewards exactly are okay is to because God wants us to focus on him he wants us to love him but right here he's saying oh that they were wise and so you know you need to pay attention to what he's saying after this he'd look at what he says oh that they were wise that they understood this that they would consider their ladder and that they would consider their ladder and he's saying it was my heart's desire that the children of Israel would consider their works that they would consider the ramifications of the decisions that they are making right we need to have that same attitude we need to consider how we work as a church how we treat each other how we conduct ourselves as ambassadors as the children of Christ now you can leave your place there and go to second Corinthians chapter number five second Corinthians chapter number five and so obviously to consider means to think carefully about something typically before making a decision the Bible also uses the word prudent right but we need to make sure that we're people that are considering our ladder in because like I said at the beginning it's very easy for us to get caught up in the things of this life it's too easy and if we don't consider the ramifications if we don't consider the trouble that that could cause us I will tell you right now it could you know it could set you up for failure it could set you up to completely not receive a full reward right and who wants to spend eternity looking back thinking man I could have done so much more it really wasn't that difficult it really wasn't that hard and you say well no in heaven everybody is you know equal and this and that well then why did John say that we need to consider basically our full reward right that we don't lose our our rewards now you know I was looking at Facebook right before the live stream here and you know that pastor Michael Johnson you know he's a pastor in North Carolina of Temple of the dog hunger strike Baptist Church and he's uh obviously you know been attacking different pastors and stuff that are friends with us he's attacked pastor men as basically you know attacking his ordination if you will which what does that do well that attacks me and my ordination and he's endorsing these trolls on the internet and I've talked about this before but you know what I'm not saying that this guy isn't safe let's say he is safe he preaches the right gospel but obviously at this point in time in his life you know he's caught up in envy he's caught up in trying to gather a following after his own self now what he's doing is he's posting videos all the time you know obviously attacking pastor Anderson because he's got some beef with him you know but in these videos he's slandering like he's literally accusing pastor Anderson of being a Calvinist and that's what these videos are geared towards now think about that is that the way that we should treat a brother now does that mean we're never gonna have disagreements that we're gonna have different opinions on passages no of course not does that mean if somebody's you know preaching false doctrine we just look the other way no of course not but that's not the case here if you you know if you study the subject out he's he's literally accusing him of being a Calvinist he's literally accusing pastor men as of not being legit not being ordained and he can't prove that from the Bible we've talked about this a couple weekends ago there's no way you're gonna go to the Bible and prove that my ordination or even pastor men as his ordination is in question that it's not you know legit there's no way you can do that I challenge anybody anybody to try and do that you're not gonna be able to do that you're gonna get smoked but can you know this guy what he needs to do is consider his ways because the way he's treating the brethren is gonna come back to literally haunt this man if he doesn't change his ways I mean think about that you know you guys that have children you know does it make you happy when they fight each other no of course not does it make it does it make you happy when one's like you know what you know and they lie about the other one no of course not that gets you upset that should get you upset as a parent and you know what I believe Jesus looks down and says you know what that's a problem there Michael you know you lying and just railing against these other pastors and he's all they lied about me no they didn't you're the one making fake YouTube accounts and trying to discredit pastors and trying to use them for your own advantage and to gain a following instead of doing it the old-fashioned way in studying and just trying to preach sermons that people want to actually listen to and do your own work right what happened to that mentality what happened to just being quiet studying and do your own work you know what not everybody I look I wholeheartedly believe this I don't believe that every pastor in the movement is called by God to be an internet sensation I mean didn't Paul say are all apostles do all speak with tongues do all you know work you know miracles and stuff like that of course not right God's given us all different abilities and different gifts but yet these guys get this idea well I have to be the top dog why aren't people listening to me as much as they're listening to him and then you know what happens envy takes over and then once envy takes over your consideration of your ways goes out the window and the next thing you know you were losing the rewards that you have wrought previously and you do not want to be that person you do not want to be somebody like that whatsoever now I'm gonna read for you first Thessalonians 4 6 which says this that no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter because that the Lord is the avenger of all such as we also have forewarned you and testified you know what that's talking about that God will avenge his children meaning if one child's like you know what I'm gonna go ahead and do all this bad stuff to my brother guess what God is going to avenge that brother you watch and you mark my words he will fall harder than he has previously it's going to happen if not if he receives no chastisement then what then we know he's not saying okay now 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 look at verse number 10 it says this here's something for us to consider for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad well that tells us a lot first thing it tells us is that we're not saved by works right because it's Cape it's possible for us to do things that are bad it's a very real possibility everybody in here does things that are bad but what is he talking about here this is an obligatory statement we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ see how does the sermon apply to me well because we're all going to appear before the judgment seat of Christ so if you're here playing games this evening if you come to this church and your heart's really not in it it's somewhere else you need to check that thing and make sure that that's you know not a hindrance for you because guess what it will come back to bite you you know who would like to get to the judgment seat of Christ and God looks at you you know Christ looks at you and he's like hey guess what I'm on to you I realized that you were playing games this entire time that it wasn't real that it was all fake then what then what's gonna happen how many rewards are you gonna get that's a bad thing you will reap what you sow this is a very real thing look I've been taught my whole Christian life at least until I wound up back in the Baptist circuit you know that you if you when you get to the judgment seat of Christ if you know basically you know it's just a free-for-all you know you bad there is not really what it means in the original language you're just gonna everybody's gonna get a reward some people's trophies might be a little bit taller than other people's look that's ridiculous you have no idea how this could affect you right and so we need to have the right heart and we need to understand this you will we will all appear before this judgment seat so check your heart and get it right and consider your ladder end before it is too late look at verse number 11 he says this knowing therefore the terror of the Lord we persuade men this is why we try to persuade people out in the community after they get saved hey are you interested in coming to church are you interested in getting baptized are you interested in being a disciple why because we know the terror of the Lord we've read the Bible we've read the stories we've seen how God works against our enemies we've seen that in the short two years that this church has existed we've seen that and we know that and with that knowledge you know we it pricks our hearts doesn't it and it's like look these people that just completely neglected you know I'm just gonna take the grace and run they will pay a price eternally now does that mean that God's gonna roll out the whiteboard and be like look at all these sins you've done no that's dumb that's stupid you know the Bible is very clear that he paid the price for our sins you're not gonna get up to the judgment seat of Christ okay this day you flip this guy off you know you know this day you said a cuss word you had an evil thought that all that stuff is paid for now does that mean he's not gonna chasing us in this life no of course not he will however our works you know God's gonna basically balance the books you know the our works are gonna be put on blast and whatever remains after that fire whatever that looks like is what we will be left with for all of eternity so go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 8 1st Corinthians chapter number 8 1st Corinthians chapter number 8 look at verse number 12 it says this but when you sin so against the brethren and wound their weak conscience you sin against Christ now who here is starting to get the picture here about God's attitude towards believers that want to sin purposely against the brethren right look at verse number 13 look at what Paul says here he says this wherefore if meat make my brother to offend I will eat no flesh while the world standeth lest I make my brother to offend that's a pretty mature statement that's a pretty bold statement because really what Paul is addressing here to the Corinthian Church is basically saying you know some people they have these doubtful disputations right one person's like well I'm a vegan another person's like well I do the keto diet another person like well I'm on trim healthy mama well I'm doing this bodybuilding calm diet you know and people want to fight over stupid things like that that don't matter in eternity right you know but when we turn that into a real fight where we're starting to offend somebody that's a believer you better realize that you're sinning against Christ and your rewards are in jeopardy right so that's why Paul says wherefore if meat make my brother to offend I will eat no flesh while the world standeth and so the question I have for you is have you considered that have you considered how you treat your brother have you considered how you treat your sister have you considered that that is a sin against Christ when we neglect the brethren go to Romans chapter number 14 Romans chapter number 14 and you know that verse that read out of 1st Thessalonians earlier says that no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any manner you know that's exactly what I see Michael Johnson doing that's exactly you know the attitude that he has he's trying to defraud pastors he's trying to defraud this church of leadership you know he's trying to defraud Pastor Anderson of his reputation he's trying to defraud Pastor Jimenez of his reputation and his office of a bishop now what I mean seriously think about that somebody needs to go up to him be like hey have you considered your latter end he's like well I'm defending my friends oh your friends that are preaching heresy about hell your friends that are preaching heresy about Jesus Christ you're defending them so now what you agree with them this is a problem this is a big problem today and by the way that's not really the best way to defend you know is by railing and slandering people you know what you need to do your own work and actually find out what they're teaching that's wrong and come out against them with that but he's not gonna do that because his goal is to build I guess some kind of a network to built a an SIF be a soy independent fundamental Baptist movement you know he calls us the the SIF be the savage independent fundamental Baptist and you know makes fun of us regarding that and that's ridiculous you know all you guys you know keep using the word savage and so I'm gonna just call you the savages you know ridiculous look if you're if you're a clown and you're preaching false doctrine you know then you need to be called out for it you know but what's the what's what what should you do that situation you know the people that he's you know attacking it's it's it's ridiculous you know if I mean if I was in his shoes like I said and I preach something that somebody didn't agree with and they preach a whole sermon against me I've told you before you wouldn't find me over at treason files you know endorsing those people why would you go on to that website why would you go on there and leave comments and endorse what they're doing you know I've told you before they use you know that Jeff dollar guy who's a Methodist who teaches baby sprinkling and you know that what's that guy yeah Robert no rebuttal total right this guy here is a clown and the highest degree you know teaches repenting your sins what you don't think that's a problem I mean what do you think Christ is looking at you know what do you think his attitude is regarding that he's got to be angry it's got to be upset so what in the world is an independent fundamental Baptist doing on their website enabling trolls who hate our guts to further you know make videos against us to further bring us down to further try and cause damage now most people with even a quarter of a brain can watch those videos and be like this is just nonsense this is just ridiculous right but you know what there are people out there that someday will be on the fence and maybe not sure just unlearned you know barely on the milk of the word and see stuff like that you know and their weak conscience will be wounded and you know who's gonna have to answer for that mr. captain Christian Michael Johnson and people of that sort this is a big deal and it's like man you have got to consider your ladder and you have to consider your ways this is so wrong look nobody I hope nobody in here would ever think about going on there if you got mad you know and leave comments do your own work look if you get mad at me and you want to leave the church at least go somewhere where there's soul winning and they're preaching the right gospel and just do your own work you know study the Bible and then make your videos about what we're saying that's wrong you know don't just run up and yoke up with you know Methodists and trolls and people that have no understanding whatsoever of the Bible why would you do that and people are gonna say you know what you're out to lunch on this stuff you're just you know ignorant whatever you know say whatever you want to there's a reason why these people have never called me in the past hey where do you stand on this issue where do you stand hey what about this probably because it could see my attitude maybe they just know I'm just not gonna put up with it or it's because I don't have the following right I don't have the necessarily the following on the internet that they desire could that be your reason why because think about this all these guys that are trying to be different out there right they're trying to be different and trying to bring down our movement and trying to bring us down so they can elevate themselves you know what what's what's the end goal of that gonna be what why do they do that why if you know what they say is well we're just trying to to love one another and you guys are just too harsh and blah blah blah well why haven't anybody called me why haven't you called me you know we've been dealing with this stuff for well over a year never got a phone call from any of them you can't say they don't know who I am because they sure know who I am in the comment section on some of these stupid videos so why is that I mean that should send a red flag to people because it's not about a friendship it's about a following it's about fame it's about having people follow you it's about the desire of preeminence that's what they want they want to be the top dog and that's exactly what I see this Michael Johnson guy doing and he will drag a brother down in order to get that fame and you know what the Bible is very clear when we treat our brothers and sisters that way there's gonna be a price to pay so you're there in Romans 14 look at verse number 10 Romans 14 look at verse number 10 Paul says this but why does thou judge thy brother or why does thou set at not thy brother for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ now again if if a brother is you know out of compliance and there is an issue we're gonna deal with that right he's not saying oh just look the other way you know oh so-and-so's you know stealing stuff out of the store you know whatever the case is just just look the other way don't judge him no that's that not what he means he's saying like you know I shouldn't judge you in an unwise manner is what he's referring to here now look at verse number 11 he says this for it is written as I live saith the Lord every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God so then every one of us shall give a count of himself to God well where are you going to do that at believer at the judgment seat of Christ this is a real thing look most of Christianity say they have no concept of this doctrine look you will not go to Stonehenge or to create and listen to a sermon really hammering on this because this is the harsh reality of what our God has ordained for us he would look the Bible is very clear we are saved unto good works it is his expectation it is his standard that we do good works and guess what there's gonna be a period of judgment where we will be judged based off of our works I've already been judged on our sins and we've been found guilty and he's paid the price for that so now that we've accepted that truth right now that we have accepted that truth it's time to work because your life our life on this planet is short nobody knows what tomorrow holds right so you better get your heart ready today for the rest of your life however long that may last so look at verse 13 let us not therefore judge one another anymore but judge this rather that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his brother's way you see that you have a disagreement with a brother you know like let's just use the old vegan keto thing right or a person who's like you know I'm on this carb diet which I would really I think that's the one I follow the cookie carb diet that's that's that's kind of like my thing you know and let's say that I get this pompous attitude right well I'm like see you struggling right you know I'm like yeah look at these cookies boy they're good wish you could eat them you know and just start ragging on making you feel like dirt and just cause you to stumble you know because I'm basically projecting myself as being better than you or having more Liberty because the Bible is very clear also in the book of Romans that week you know we can afford ourselves certain liberties and we'll get in we'll get into that at another date but some people are mature enough to afford themselves certain liberties not alcohol okay but you know just just different things and that may offend other people that may offend a brother who's weaker minded who doesn't know yet I know a story of two brothers when one guy was you know talking about playing a video game I was something harmless you know like Tetris or something like that and another brother was offended by that not in this church but in another church you know and they start to argue now let's take Tetris guy for an example he starts you know really just getting after his brother who's offended you know and like hey you know and just just start to push his views and starting to make him feel like garbage you know what the Bible is very clear that we could possibly lose rewards for that if we don't get that corrected that's not the right way to be if you know you're let's say you you you like to play Tetris or something like that something that's harmless right I'm not talking about Call of Duty and this type of stuff here well let's say you afford yourself that Liberty okay but that offends another brother you know what you ought to just not talk about it don't try to rub that in that person's face right if you will afford yourself certain liberties of eating all manner of foods carbs chocolates candies you know and your body stays rock-solid year-round you know what don't go up to that weaker brother who's just sold out on the vegan and be like haha you're weak you're dumb you suck you know glad I'm not you because you know what that is going to come back to haunt you I promise you that is what the saying you're putting a stumbling block before your brother you know and we definitely don't want to do that or an occasion to fall you know think back to this Michael Johnson guy what do you what is he doing here he's trying to put a stumble a stumbling block and he's trying to provide an occasion to cause a brother to fall and we've already proven that that is a false occasion by the way you cannot prove that my ordinations illegitimate you cannot prove that pastor Anderson is a closet Calvinist okay that is not true I get people don't like either one of them you know what people don't like men of God that speak the truth people don't like that and you know what we're always gonna have these people out there we're always gonna have enemies but you know what if you don't like that it's best to just be quiet or don't listen to it you know don't go making videos accusing somebody of being a Calvinist or not legally or biblically ordained do your own work do your own study preach your own sermons and build your own following that way you know my I've always wanted to be a pastor ever since 2001 not always but you know since all the way back then 2001 was the first time oh wait actually yeah I was about 2001 when I first felt the desire to use the office of a bishop you know and I never envisioned myself you know being this you know celebrity type pastor I don't want that and you know what pastor Anderson pastor Ben is they're not celebrity pastors you know who's a celebrity pastor Karl Lentz Joel Osteen you know these people that are recognized by like Hollywood in the media you know those are celebrity pastors and you know but I've never had that desire my desire is to nurture and care for a local Bible believing church and to take this community here that God has given us by storm that is my goal here you know you know we're gonna make more videos in the future on our YouTube channel because we get comments all the time like hey you know how come you don't you know make a documentary make these videos you know my goal is this community my goal is to preach to the Treasure Valley and to fill this place with God's doctrine you know if in the future God says you know what I want you to do more he'll let us know and make it abundantly clear right but what I'm not gonna do is try and draw disciples after my own self off of somebody else's back that is wrong that is not okay what if God doesn't desire that for us see you know and there's people out there there are people who email all the time and I can tell where their hearts at I really want to come there but you're just not visible enough on the internet they don't say that verbatim but you can just tell you know you can just tell that's what it is and it's like you're setting yourself up for failure you're already out to lunch you're already to you know a foot and a half out the door if you will I mean because is that what it's about I thought it was about saving souls in preaching truth right battling communism in Boise right you know that's where it's at it starts here this is where the focus is this group of believers right here and then we spread it out into this local community that is my concern that is my mission that is our mission right not to steal disciples away and look you know just this whole thing it just really bugs me it's really bothers me that this guy's out there you know attacking Pastor Menes the way he is that should bother everybody in here because he was your pastor at one point he was he's the one that started this church anyways does anybody know what verse I'm on Africa let's see here let's start at verse 14 that looks good it says this I know and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself but to him that esteemeth anything to be unclean to him it is unclean so somebody's like hey you know to me this is unclean obviously other things are crystal clear and we talk about those things all the time you know but somebody's like hey look I only eat organic you know don't walk up to him you know with a drumstick with the nuts and chocolate on there be like mmm wish you could eat this huh again he's esteemed that unclean let it be right talk about look there's a lot of other things that you could talk about a lot of other things that you can do together other than that and you know by doing so you're avoiding the offense and that's what we're talking about here verse 15 but if thy brother be grieved with thy meat now walkest thou not charitably destroy not him with thy meat for whom Christ died you see we need to have that perspective we need to consider that we need to consider that guess what Christ died for your brother also Christ died for your sister also right and realize that we're not to judge each other as you know being over each other right I'm not supposed to be like you know I'm so much better than you because I'm the pastor that's not right now if somebody's jacked up in here then and you know something needs to be addressed you better believe I'll address it we've done that before there's a reason why our attendance dropped at the beginning of the year because I did that very thing now look at verse number 16 he says this let not then your good be evil spoken of for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness in peace and joy in the Holy Ghost and if you can remember those things it's gonna be well for you now go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 3 1st Corinthians chapter number 3 and I really honestly think this you know you study this out in the Bible it's very clear here a lot of believers are gonna lose rewards based off their attitude towards other Christians and you guys see this out soul winning all the time you know you knock on somebody's door and I'm already saved to go to church BAM right what do you think it's gonna happen at the judgment seat of Christ for those people if they don't change if they don't get their hearts right those rewards are gone if they even had any begin with right if they even had any to begin with now 1st Corinthians chapter number 3 look Everest animal move on here but you know the Brotherhood you know Peter talks about that you know we're commanded to love the Brotherhood right we are commanded to love the Brotherhood now 1st Corinthians 3 look at verse 10 he says this according to the grace of God which is given unto me as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation and another buildeth thereon but let every man take heed how he buildeth thereon verse 11 for other foundation can no man lay then that is laid which is Jesus Christ people all over the world are trying their hardest to lay another foundation anything other than the Bible anything other than Jesus Christ will take it you know people trying to lay the foundation of atheism agnosticism and I guess aliens and all sorts of stuff anything other than Jesus Christ but Paul's making it clear in the heathen realize this there is no other foundation all of that is shifting sands it's quicksand it leads to hell verse 11 for other foundation can no man lay then that is laid which is Jesus Christ now if any man build upon this foundation gold silver precious stones wood hay stubble every man's work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare it because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is meaning what kind it is now it's also interesting here for the people who say well you know what I think that the Buddhists and the Hindus and you know you know the the Muslims that are overseas that haven't heard about Christ I you know I think that their works will save them people tell us this every single week and you guys know this right Christians will ask them that to see you know to basically kind of grasp if they're following us well do you think that you know person who's a Muslim who rejects Christ will go to heaven you know what do they say sometimes well you know depends on how they live their life right that's where their mind often goes to but what does this say you have to have the foundation the only way that you can build that gold and that silver and those precious stones the only way that you can take heat how you build on the foundation is to have the foundation be Jesus Christ right it's crystal clear in the Bible Jesus said you know that nobody comes to the Father but by who by him it's it's a done deal the Bible doesn't teach this coexist this you know all religions coming together that's what you're seeing in the world today you know I mean good night that's what the Catholic Church is like hell-bent on doing trying to unite you know Islam and Christianity so to speak and and that's really what we're seeing today but let's read on here verse 13 again he says this every man's work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare it because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is a look we're all gonna have the sword of wood hay and stubble and you hear me say this all the time because it is so true and I don't want you to get to the judgment seat of Christ be like he never told me right our pastor never told me he'd let us astray now I've told you a bunch of times and I will continue to do so guess what we all have wood hay and stubble but the goal is to not have wood hay and stubble you're with your wood hay and stubble pile outweigh right this the gold the silver and the precious stones now look at verse 14 he says this if any man's work abide which he hath built there upon he shall receive a reward go to Matthew chapter 13 if any man's work abide so if any man's work remains after this fire then guess what it wasn't wood hay and stubble so what does that kind of sound like we need to make sure that we're doing eternal eternal works you know when you edify a brother you may not realize this when you pray for a brother when you help each other out that extends into eternity when you get somebody saved guess what that extends into eternity when you're a silent partner guess what that extends into eternity a lot of people think oh I'm just a silent partner don't ever have that attitude I'm just a silent partner you're just as important as the person giving the gospel because you're there praying you're out there I mean you could be doing anything else that day but you're there in the cold or in the heat or in the rain or in the snow you know with the soul winners praying for people knocking the doors leaving invites edifying you know it's edifying to have silent partners isn't it it's a good thing we need silent partners now obviously hopefully the goal is to move on to be a talker someday but it is needful for you to realize you know what I'm not just a silent partner I am a silent partner you're working for God that is a spiritual sacrifice that we can prove very clearly is acceptable to God no well I I used to go when we were in Tacoma we used to go to I've told you guys this before Liberty Baptist Church and after a while you know they kind of caught on that we weren't quite like everyone else and you know they they just would send us they would send Kate and I or you know you Justin the guy the brother you guys all met Justin they they would send us to like the the hottest part of the battle if you will it's you know we went to church in Tacoma but they would send us to like Federal Way or Fife you know a place that's like 35 40 minutes away to where you know there's a pretty good chance most people aren't going to come to church but there used to be this guy in our church and I forgot what kind of disease he had I think it was MS but he used to ride in a little scooter right he was mentally sharp but he just couldn't really use his body you know and guess what he wanted to go stolen and you know nobody would ever be people just brush him off like oh you know don't worry about it you basically get a free pass well the pastor was like hey you know I know somebody will take you and he was right you know and so he calls you know calls us up and Kate and I we'd go pick him up I'll go get brother Justin or her brother Chris or you know we go pick him up and we put his little scooter in the back and then we'd lift him up put him in the vehicle we'd go you know to the so willing so winning location we take him out put him in the scooter and we just take him door to door a lot of times you know we'd have to go upstairs and he would just be at the bottom we leave somebody with him and one day I remember he said to me he's like man I'm not gonna get any rewards for this be like what are you talking about he's like I'm just a silent partner I'd be like hey don't ever say that you're not just a silent partner I mean you can't even walk you can't even use your fingers you could barely turn your head and there are people that can walk there are people that can use their fingers there are people that don't have any health problems that think what we're doing tonight is stupid and that they're above it and he's like you know what you're right I never thought about it like that before you know and you know there as time went on you know we would find places where he we could wheel his little you know scooter up to the door and we started teaching him how to how to talk to people and how to give the gospel I'm not sure what happened after I was encouraged to leave but you know what I believe that every time that that guy went so wanting there's rewards for that you know his heart was right he wasn't doing it just so he could get a beamer you know a big chunk of gold at the judgment seat of Christ this guy genuinely loved God and wanted to do the work you know and he'd been told his entire life don't worry about it it's not for you maybe God just didn't have that for you you're just supposed to come to church and be a blessing you know what but the Bible says where there's a will there's a way and he had the will all he needed was a way just needed some people to actually put their pride aside and take him out so all I'm trying to tell you is don't have this attitude like oh I'm just a silent partner I'm not gonna get any rewards because that's not true at all okay look at verse number eight Matthew 13 look at verse number eight so parable of the sower here so remember what do we just leave off with if any man's work abides we're talking about our works that will pass on from here to eternity but Jesus makes a statement here in verse number eight says but other fell she's talking about how the word fell into stony places you know some people you know they they got it they got saved but then they had no root and so trouble came and they decided you know this ain't worth it I'm out still save people but look at verse eight says but other fell into good ground and brought forth fruit some hundredfold some sixtyfold some thirtyfold verse nine he makes this statement who have ears to hear let him here turn to 1st Timothy chapter 3 he who has ears let him hear what is Jesus talking about he's talking about consideration he wants us to consider the principle that's being taught in this parable here and what were the best what's the best group out of the parable obviously to be the ones that produce fruit who go out and get people saved what does Daniel say that people in the millennium or believers at the judgment seat of Christ will be like that turn many into righteousness as yeah they'll be as they'll shine as bright as the stars in heaven now we don't really fully comprehend what that means but you know what it's not a bad thing obviously it's a great thing that's what we should shoot for look you're already at a church that facilitates and and has appointments set up that you could go out and soul in and get people saved and disciple people you ought to take full advantage of that is what he wants us to do that's why he says who hath ears to hear let him hear he's saying the same thing that he had the children of Israel sing about in Deuteronomy 32 consider thy latter end 1st Timothy 3 look at verse number 15 so talking about falling into good ground where do we get good groundskeeping at church look at verse 15 but if I Terry long so Paul tells Timothy this he says hey but if I Terry long that thou mayest know how the artist to behave thyself in the house of God which is the church of the living God the pillar and ground of the truth the pillar and ground of the truth what's a pillar yes it's a support so where do we get our support to be able to go out and get that 30 fold that 60 fold that hundred fold how do we get our hearts to that state of good ground well by the place that's called the pillar and ground of the truth right ground solid surface basically where the buck stops where the bottom line is as opposed to shifting sands quicksand right a lot of people today they view church as shifting sands and you know what a lot of them are because they change their doctrine all the time right they teach you know that hell's forever one moment and then hell's not forever the next moment look I'm just telling you the truth tonight it happens all the time you know I give these liberal churches a hard time a lot and rightfully so because we're the ones out there seeing the fruits of their labors but you know what it doesn't just stop with them it's Baptist also and this is a problem go to Hebrews chapter 10 Hebrews chapter number 10 Paul wanted to make sure that Timothy understood this that we need to consider how we behave ourselves in the house of God in the church the local New Testament Bible believing Church which is called the pillar and ground of truth right we ought to consider how we behave in God's Church which affects who it affects the brethren and aren't we commanded to love the Brotherhood so when people develop this attitude that you know what church really isn't that important no one's gonna miss me I don't care the world's more important or whatever the case is you know God looks at that and says you know what you're not gonna get a full reward you're gonna get trouble what you have rot is going to be robbed and you can't blame Christ the only person that you can blame is yourself Hebrews chapter 10 look at verse 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourself together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching now when he says forsaking here he's not talking about somebody who got called into work or somebody who got sick you know a forsaking is basically with the intent of never returning that's what he's talking about here now is it good to be lukewarm and just show up once in a while to church no it's not okay you say prove it well because it affects the Brotherhood don't we rejoice when we see each other I mean it's such a good break from the world isn't it it's a great joyous thing you know and when we see people we get used to you and you're coming in here all the time and all of a sudden you know it think I'm out for a long time I'm done that hurts that hurts the local New Testament Church that hurts the brethren and who's the avenger of such the Lord God and people think you know what I'm you know I'm gonna go we all get the same trophy well get the same trophy yours might be a little bit taller a little bit wider no I have a feeling that you will regret it for all eternity and that is something that we do want to avoid now go back to 1st Corinthians 3 and we will finish up you know the crazy stuff going on in the world you could definitely see the day approaching sooner you know you could even last year even five years ago I mean nobody knows for sure but things keep going the way they are I mean think about this a pedophile a pedophile and a ho who probably endorses pedophilia is gonna be the next presidential team of this country are things gonna get better for us or worse I've already been reading about the sodomites petitioning you know uncle Joe Biden you know we need we need to strip accreditation from you know these Christian schools and these colleges and we need to remove these tax things from all these churches and he's not like oh no we don't want to do that it's just silent will he do it it's hard to say it's hard to say but you know what dogs don't necessarily have God's agenda at the forefront of their mind now do they and so all I'm saying as times get tougher the brethren need the brethren more and more frequently 1st Corinthians 3 look at verse 15 and says this if any man's work shall be burned he shall suffer loss but he himself shall be saved yet so as by fire and why is that because we're not saved by our works we will be judged by our works but we're not saved by our works and so yeah you can rest in that you know but do you want to spend eternity wait I mean look do you think that you're gonna get to the judgment seat of Christ have this big old you know bonfire woodhay and stubble and then you're not gonna get nothing then Christ is gonna wipe your memory clean you just gonna be like oh I didn't know anyways you really think that you're crazy absolutely crazy look at verse 16 know ye not that ye are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you if any man defile the temple of God him shall God destroy for the temple of God is holy which temple ye are and so we need to realize that and when we go around and we trash Church we trash the brethren you know what Christ looks down on that and says don't worry I'm gonna balance those books someday for you and you're not going to get the full reward and so I'm just gonna leave you with this verse here 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 6 says this this is kind of like the disclaimer here says now we command you brethren in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you would draw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly and not after the tradition you've received after us and so I wanted to leave it that because I don't want you to think that I'm up here saying that you should just look the other way when there's an actual problem because that's not the case in fact I would say the opposite right what is Paul telling the Thessalonians here now we command you brethren in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly and not after the tradition which he have received from us so when people are ate up and you've seen them in here and people are jacked up and they're running their mouths they're talking about about me they're talking about about you they're talking bad about our church and the things that we do and our friends you know what that needs to be brought to light that needs to be exposed you don't have to turn the other cheek and just look the other way and be like oh I don't want to offend the Brotherhood if that's your attitude that you've completely missed the boat right because we've had people in here running their mouths and talking trash before and I hear about this and I won't say nothing I'll wait a little bit and I'll preach about something and I can tell you tell that's getting to these people right and these people eventually left you all know and then no message well how come you harped on my sins and not everybody else's because you were running your mouth about me since day one that's why you think I'm stupid it's like get real you think I'm in jeopardy at the judgment seat of Christ no we're commanded in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to walk away to disassociate ourselves from brothers that walk disorderly it's not a show of pride doing that it's to teach that disorderly brother hey you need to get right it's the whole reason why we have a system in place to kick people who are disorderly out of church so that they'll get right that's a loving thing to do and then of course you always have these other churches around there that'll gladly scoop them up oh they'll heap them all up unto themselves look at my following I finally got it I'm the man I'm the best right but what's the consideration there have you considered the ramifications and the latter end of those decisions I doubt it you know we need to consider these things we need to consider that we will all appear before the judgment seat of Christ every single one of us and you know it it's not a bad idea to make sure that people know that that you can teach that to other people you know cuz a lot of times we get these guys saved on the community they're just like well I'm good to go it's like you are good to go as far as hell's concerned amen yes you will be in paradise someday but do you really want a bonfire of wood and stubble is that really what you want do you really think that you're just gonna go through eternity and it's just gonna be wiped from your memory better think twice about that because you have no idea when your number gets called and now all of a sudden Oh judgment seat of Christ is like tomorrow right these things are important everybody you know wants to talk about Oh Christmas you know I'm gonna look at my nativity scene how about you study the Bible how about you really learn who Jesus Christ is and what he expects from his children how about that could you imagine what it would be like if more people realize that these commies would have a really really tough time imagine what it'd be like in the Treasure Valley if we had a hundred people out soul-winning every week think about that I mean people remember us for like a year and a half ago sometimes they like to remind me that through email and phone calls imagine with a hundred soul winners 175 what we could do and the amount of doctrine we could really get out you know in the valley that's the goal that's where it's at and you know what we're gonna get there by loving the Brotherhood and realizing that we need to love Christ we need to be we need to consider our ladder end and make sure that your heart is in it don't just look I'm not preaching this so that you just do this stuff for the rewards that's not gonna get you anywhere you will fail that's your motive if that's your goal you need to love Christ you need to know Christ you need to study and consider these things that's what's gonna get you your rewards because once you learn to love God and you say you know what I'm gonna put the world aside I'm gonna continue to study I'm gonna continue to meditate and do the right things and guess what the rewards are gonna come naturally to you because you'll be a man or a woman after God's own heart and that's the remedy that is where you need to put your heart in your mind so let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer thank you so much Lord again for delivering truth week after week to us just pray Lord that you keep our church with a great spirit Lord a great heart to continuously do things not just for the rewards not just for any kind of glory that's visible to men Lord but to solely please you whether people see it or not and we thank you again in Jesus name I pray amen