(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right. Amen. Well, again, it's good to see all of you guys this morning. Happy Easter. Glad to be here. Glad today is the last day of March Madness, if I haven't mentioned that already. It's not that bad. I'm just teasing. All right. Well, we've got to get this thing started. Obviously, today being Easter, we're going to talk about the resurrection. And I titled the sermon this morning, The Day Death Lost. The Day Death Lost. And so what we're going to do is we're going to look at what the resurrection is and what the resurrection does for humanity, what that does for us. And so you're in Romans chapter six. We're going to come right back here. But if you would go to Acts chapter number two. We're going to start off this morning with a definition. Now, obviously, there are a lot of false teachings out there in the world about the resurrection. For example, the Jehovah Witnesses teach that Jesus did not raise bodily and things of that nature. We'll take that apart another time. Okay, we're going to take a look at what it is and what it is not because I just want to make sure that everybody understands the full true definition that the Bible gives on what the resurrection is. And it actually has two different components. Okay. And again, you know, you've got a lot of people today celebrating, you know, oh, it's today's resurrection Sunday. It's not Easter. Easter is Ishtar. Okay, get that stuff out of your mind. Easter is just a word for Passover. There's nothing wrong with saying Happy Easter. Okay, Jesus is our passover. Okay, so with that being said, if somebody were to ask you, hey, what's the definition of resurrection? Would you be able to answer that correctly? And if not, I want to help you understand that. You're gonna get your definition right here in Acts chapter number two. Now you're gonna look all the way down at verse number 31. And so what's going on here is Peter's preaching obviously to unsaved Jews on the day of Pentecost, and he's quoting something written in the psalms by David. Okay, look at verse 31. So he says this here. He says he's seeing this before. So obviously, David, under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, seeing this before, he says he's seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ. Now here it is. Okay, pay attention to these next two things. Number one, that his soul was not left in hell. Number two, neither his flesh did see corruption. So again, for some organization to come out and say, hey, you know, Jesus didn't rise again, bodily was more of a spiritual thing. They are incorrect. They are wrong because the Word of God says that his flesh did not see corruption. Okay, now, obviously, along with that, the Bible says that his soul was not left in hell. That means that's where he went after he died. You say, well, that's blasphemy. That's not true, blah, blah, blah. Well, think about it. Okay, what does the Bible say that Jesus took on himself? Well, the Bible says he bore the sins of the entire world on himself. Where do all sinners go if they're not saved? They go to hell. He is the ultimate offering. Okay, and that's not what this sermon is about. We'll have to take that apart another time. We do that every year here. But there's two components to the definition of resurrection. If you miss one or the other, you are wrong and we don't like to be wrong. We go to the Bible to define what we believe, and the Bible is very clear here. What is the resurrection of Christ? Well, it's the fact, number one, that his soul was not left in hell. Okay, death could not hold him. And then neither his flesh did see corruption. So his flesh did not rot. Okay, he did not stay in the grave like so many people wish and want to believe. Now look at verse number 32. This Jesus hath, now look at this, God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. And so again, what is the difference between the God that we believe in, the God that we serve, the God of the Bible versus all the other gods that are out there? Well, number one, our God is triune in nature. We talked about that about two weeks ago. Okay, no other God can be described this way. Man could not conceive that on his own. So that's the first thing you see there because you see that this Jesus hath God raised up, but we know that these three are one, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Okay, but also, look at that word there, raised up. Okay, resurrection. Again, what does it mean? Come back to life. Okay, death could not hold him down. He defeated the physical death, he defeated spiritual death. Okay, now we need to look at why. Why did this have to take place? What's the point? Now go back if you would, to Romans chapter number six. And we'll start off here looking at the problem of mankind, the problem that plagues humanity and the solution that God provided for it. Hey, Romans chapter number six. Look down at verse number 14. Okay, so the Bible says this, for sin shall not have dominion over you. You got to ask yourself this question, who's the you? Okay, well, the you there is referring to those that are saved that are born again. He's saying for sin shall not have dominion, it will not dominate, it will not overpower you. And then he tells you why, for you're not under the law, but under grace. So sin cannot have dominion over those of us that are saved. But what you have to understand is that sin does have dominion over those who are not saved. Okay, now skip down to verse number 19. So Paul says this, I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh. What is an infirmity? Well, it's a sickness, it's a disease. So the first thing we see here is that unsaved man is dominated by sin. Now Jesus paid the debt for that sin, right? He paid the bill for that he's not charging sin to the world. You get that in Romans chapter four, he's not imputing sin to the world anymore. And so therefore, we know that the only thing a person has to do is to receive that gift of eternal life. Okay, they're saved, they're born again, they now have divine righteousness. Remember, nobody goes to hell because they're sinners. They go to hell because they lack divine righteousness. That's why people go to help right here very clear. I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh. So our flesh, this old man has an infirmity, it cannot go into heaven. There needs to be a cure. Look at what it says after that. For as you have yielded your members, servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity, even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness. So what Paul's doing there is he's reminding them of the fact that they're saved, they're born again, they have two natures. And he's saying you need to walk in the new man every single day is a battle, every single day is a battle of the mind, you know, every decision that you make, you've got that old man saying, hey, just knock them out, just hit that person in the face, it'll solve your problems. And then you got the spirit like, hey, you know, back off here, you know, you being in jails, not gonna solve anything, okay? But you get the idea, okay? Sin dominates the world, mankind has an infirmity, mankind has a sickness. Now go to Romans chapter number one. And we'll look at something here, Romans chapter number one. So again, knowing this, and then knowing the world and knowing mankind, okay? Man has improved just about everything in life, except for humanity. I think about that. Man's got a lot of inventions, you know, we've got all this air conditioning, we've got electricity, we've got technology, we've got all these improvements going on. All these so called geniuses out there trying to make life better. And on a lot of aspects they have. But one thing they have absolutely failed to do is to improve humanity, improve this infirmity of the flesh that the Bible tells us about. Now look at this here, Romans chapter one, look at verse number one, the Bible says this, Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle separated unto the gospel of God. He always starts his letters off that way. Verse two, which he had promised a four by his prophets in the Holy Scriptures concerning his son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh. Okay, now here it is in verse number four, and declared to be the Son of God with look at that next word power, okay, declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead. Okay, the reason why we have power to become and to stay the sons of God, John chapter one, the reason why death will not defeat us the reason why that we are cured from this infirmity is because of the resurrection, which is why we defend this so hard, which is why we go to the scriptures to learn the true definition and to hold the line with what the Bible says is because that is the power of God. If you take out the resurrection, you take out the power, okay, that's why our enemies are so hell bent on trying to disprove the resurrection and come up with all of these other theories and lies and doubt is to cause people to question and to not go down this road and to never receive that free gift of everlasting life. Look at verse five. So he says by whom we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for his name. Okay, people say, Oh, you got to be obedient to the law in order to be saved. That's not true. You got to be obedient to the faith, meaning you got to ask for salvation, believe on Christ. So verse six, he says among whom ye also the called of Jesus Christ. So if you've answered the call, you've heard the gospel, you've believed it in your heart, you're saved. Well, you've answered the call, therefore you are the called and all of that to say this, okay, this is the main point for this morning. The resurrection is a revelation of the cured infection. Okay, mankind has a disease and mankind will never on its own come up with a remedy for this disease. Okay, man's not going to die for your sins. Man's not going to be able to do anything to help our sinful condition out. Therefore, God had to step in to humanity, had to step into our reality and live a perfect life and die on the cross and be buried and rise again the third day so that he could cure that infection. And that one time event cured this infection from Adam all the way to the last person that will ever live. It spans throughout all time, those who haven't lived yet and those who have lived beyond or before us. Okay, now what I want you to do is to go to Genesis chapter number three, Genesis chapter number three. So we've got our definition and we understand that the resurrection has two components. Number one, that his soul was not left in hell and number two, his flesh did not see corruption. Okay, that is the resurrection of Christ. And what is that to us? Well, that is the power. That is the cure. The resurrection is a revealing. Okay, it's a demonstration. It's an open show of the cured infection. Okay, that we have as people. You know, I'm just reminded of this too. Somebody emailed us not too long ago. You know, I heard your church believes it. Jesus went to hell and this and that. And he told me, you know, he went there to preach the gospel to the people that were in prison. And it's just like, do you not understand? There's no second chances. You get one chance and that chance is in this life to be saved. So these people want us to believe that he went down to hell and was like, you know, knocking on different cages down there. Hey, you know, I'm just here to give you another chance. Think about it. That's not what the Bible teaches. Okay. The resurrection is a revealing of that cured infection and you get this life to figure that out and to receive it and to understand it. If not, it's over. Okay, so what I want to do now is I want to go through Genesis and kind of look at the detailed events of this problem. Okay. This infirmity, if you will, how it all started. You guys all know this here, but let's look here at verse number nine. This is obviously after the serpent had deceived Eve. She gave her her husband. We did talk about that last week. Now look at verse number nine. And so it says in the Lord, God called unto Adam and said unto him, where art thou? Okay. Obviously a rhetorical question because God is all knowing. He's all present. He knows exactly what happened, but he wants Adam to be the man and a man up to what he just did. Verse 10. And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself. Okay. So look at his conscience here. Okay. Actually thinking that he can hide from God. And isn't that like us sometimes, you know, we start doing things we shouldn't be doing like, Oh, you know, the Holy ghost inside, like, Hey, what are you doing? And the next thing you know, you're in this position here. Like, like the Lord doesn't see inside my thoughts. We're actually going to talk about that tonight. But the first thing that I want you to see here, this event that happens is that we became separated from God. Okay. Now keep your place Genesis three, cause we're going to keep going back to it. We're going to be in Genesis three, go to the new Testament and come back. It's kind of a different style of sermon this, uh, this morning, but go to Philippians chapter number three and let's look at this here. So man became separated from God at this event here. Yeah. Let's take a look at that and what the cross does to restore this aspect. So Philippians chapter number three, remember Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, look at verse number 10, actually back up to verse number nine. So Paul says this, he says, and be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness, which is of God by faith. So remember, okay, there's this so-called righteousness that man says, Oh yeah, you know, I can, I'm good enough. And we had somebody tell us that yesterday, you know, knocked on the door. Well, I haven't killed anybody, you know, I'm pretty good. Luckily that woman got saved. Good job, brother Evan. Verse 10. It says this, that I may know him and the power of his resurrection. Okay. Again, that's really the theme for this morning. The power of resurrection. What does that do? Well, look, the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death. So when we get saved, when a person goes from death unto life, they get converted. They're born again. Okay. They are literally being, becoming like him in his death. We're placed into Christ. So we are living examples of this restored fellowship that was broken the day that Adam and Eve took of the, the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Okay. Go to first John chapter number one, first John chapter number one. So very important there to see that the Bible explicitly says that the resurrection is the power that restores that fellowship between us and God. Once we're saved. First John chapter number one. And look here. Verse number three. John says this, he says, that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that you also may have fellowship with us. And truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son, Jesus Christ. So you see that there. Okay. The importance of fellowship. Now, obviously having fellowship with like-minded people is very, very important. It's very good for your sanity. It's very good for your health. It's good in many ways. We're going to deal with that in a couple of weeks. But again, the point here being is, okay, mankind messed up. Okay. And what does the resurrection do? Well, it cures that infection. And one of the ways that it cures that infection is it brings us back together with God. Now we're going to look at that even more in detail here. Go back to Genesis chapter number three, and let's look at verse number 11. Okay. So Adam's hiding from God. They're like, you know, well, we just realized we forgot our clothes. So we need to kind of hide behind the bush here. And God's like, what are you doing? Look at verse 11. Okay. And he said, so this is God speaking here, Genesis three 11. And he said, who told thee that thou was naked? Has thou eaten of the tree? Where have I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? Verse 12. And the man said, the woman, and again, this is what we do here. We just blame the women, right? This is the easiest thing to do. And sometimes it's and the man said, the woman whom thou gave us to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I did eat. Okay. And I go to Hebrews chapter number four, because what you're going to see now number two is that the fall of man caused us to now have need of a garment to have need of clothing. Now this is for all you deep, you know, drinkers here. It's a little bit meaty here, but just, just hang with me for a second. Okay. So number one, what does the cross do? Well, it restores that fellowship that was lost between man and God. Okay. Number two, the fall of man here also, aside from that, it causes us to have need of a garment to be clothed again. So let's take a look at that here. And what I, when I'm saying this, so look at it like this. Okay. Adam and Eve, they went from being clothed in innocence to being clothed with shame because you're like, well, I don't get it. You know, they were just, you know, in the garden, no problem. All of a sudden they sin, they eat of this, this, this tree here. And now all of a sudden they're naked. Like, I don't get it. I don't understand what's going on. Well, there's something spiritual that took place here. So before they sinned, before they took part in that, they were clothed in innocence. After they did that being disobedient, they became clothed in shame. And so therefore this, um, the, the body became messed up, if you will, it became separated from soul and spirit. Hebrews chapter four, look at verse number 12. Look what this says here. It says for the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword. Look at this piercing even to the dividing asunder. Okay. Asunder means in hassle, dividing in half here. So something is being cut in half. Okay. Something is being, being sliced up, sliced in half here, divided into when it says piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, which we know we have, but we can't see. And of the joints and marrow. Okay. Well, what's joints and marrow? Well, that's the flesh. That's the body. Remember the flesh has the infirmity. Okay. Which is why we had need of Jesus dying on the cross to pay for our sins so that he could cure that infection. Okay. So what does the word of God do? Well, the word of God pierces even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and as a discerner of the thoughts and intense of the heart. Okay. Now we could preach for the, on, on this verse here for hours. Okay. For, I mean, there's so much here. It will be impossible for me to do it justice, but in regards to what we're talking about this morning, when Adam and Eve did that, okay, how did the, all of a sudden, how did they think or realize, Oh, wait a second. We need clothing now where we're naked. And it's because God had given them words that don't do this. Serpent comes in, tricks them or tricks Eve. And she's like, Oh, okay. Yeah. It's going to make me wise. Adam's like, okay, I guess I'll eat it. And he eats it. And the next thing they know, they're like, Oh, we're naked. Yeah. Now we can see good and evil. And this is, and this is bad here. Well, what did the word of God do in that moment? It separated. Okay. It divided something. And what was that? It was the flesh from the soul and spirit. Now man has become lost. Now, what do we do? Well, now we hear the resurrection or the word of God. And when a person believes that the word of God also again, puts a spiritual division between the old man and the new man. So when a person saved, the Bible says that the Holy Ghost indwells you comes inside of you. He's there forever. He preserves you until the day of redemption. So that soul and spirit become one new man, waiting a new body that you'll get in heaven someday. Okay. While this old man just kind of decays and we'll go into the ground and that's how that plays out. There's hopefully that makes sense. It's a little bit intense, but it's there for you. If you need to reread this, rewatch this. I understand. Go to Revelation chapter number three. So again, the fall of man causes us to have need of a garment. Okay. Which is why we need a new body, which is why we need to be saved, why we need to be clothed again because of that division that happened in the garden of Eden. And that's what the resurrection did. That's what the death on the cross provides us. Okay. Here's a couple of quick mentions. Revelation chapter three. This is written to the church in Sardis. Look at verse four. So John writes this, these are the words of Christ, but he says, thou hast a few names, even in Sardis, which have not defiled their garments and, and they shall walk with me in white for they are worthy. Okay. So the idea here is, and people twist this all kinds of ways. They'll say, see, you can get this new garment and you can defile it. And then you have to get re-saved and you just have to keep living. It's like, no, that's not what he's talking about there. Okay. Look at verse five. He that overcometh the same shall be clothed in white raiment. Okay. So what does that say? Well, he that overcometh the same shall be clothed in white raiment. And I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my father and before his angels. Now you were just in first John a little while ago, but go back to first John and go to first John chapter number five. Okay. So we see in verse four, the God says, Jesus says, you know, Hey, you guys have a few people in here that have not defiled their garments that shall walk with me in white for they are worthy. Okay. So right off the bat, we know if you're born again, okay, you already get your preserve forever. You are getting this new garment. You were getting this new covering that we did not have in the garden of Eden because we sinned as humanity. Okay. And then in verse five is very clear and says, he that overcometh. Okay. So if you've overcome, and we're going to get to that here in a second, you're worthy. That's why I talked about this on Wednesday and I said, you know, that, you know, people will teach this and they'll say, well, if you take communion and you're unworthy and you have unconfessed sin and this, you know, that God could possibly kill you that, that, that's impossible because the Bible is very clear. If you're saved, you're guaranteed this garment. You're guaranteed this covering. Okay. And therefore, you are worthy, not because of anything that you did. Okay. But because of what he did on the cross because of that one time event, because the resurrection is a revelation of the cured infection. That is why now you, if anybody ever comes to you guys, oh, you know, it says he that overcome, he that overcome the sin. Okay. It's not what he's talking about here. First John five, look at verse number five. Who is he that over cometh the world? Well, that's a good question, but he that believeth that Jesus is the son of God. So when a person believes that Jesus is the son of God and they are converted, okay, they believe in the resurrection. Guess what? You have now overcome the world. You are now this worthy person described of in revelation chapter number three. Okay. You will be clothed in white raiment. You are guaranteed that event. You are guaranteed that to happen. So again, that's the second thing that I see that the resurrection does. That's what the cross does. It gives us that garment that we defiled in the garden of Eden. Okay. So go back to Genesis chapter number three. Now let's move on here. Look at verse number 13. So the bible says this, and the Lord God said unto the woman, what is this that thou has done? The woman said, the serpent beguiled me and I did eat. And she's definitely telling the truth. Verse 14, and the Lord God said unto the serpent, because thou has done this, thou are cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field. Upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. Verse 15, and I will put enmity, okay, enmity here is not a good thing, okay, this is, I'll just describe it like this, beef, okay, God's putting problems, beef, enmity, okay, problems, warfare. I will put enmity between thee, who is he talking to, who is the thee, the singular, who that is the serpent, or the devil. I'll put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed, okay, so the serpent has a seed, and there's there's a doctrine out there called the serpent seed doctrine, that's what we're talking about here, I'll dispel that another day, but he says, and her seed, it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Obviously, this here is a picture of what Jesus would do, that he would come in to earth, and that he would live a perfect life, but yet he would be betrayed, and that he would be nailed to the cross, killed by mankind for what he taught, for what he brought to the world, and die for the sins of humanity, okay, but what I want you to see here, is what this event did in the Garden of Eden, not only did it cause us to be separated from God, not only did it require us a new garment, but what it does is it started a war between the children of God and the children of the devil, okay, go to Colossians chapter number two, and we'll take a look at how the cross solves this issue, okay, now Colossians chapter two, so again Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, okay, chapter two, look at verse number 13, Bible says this, so Paul speaking here, he says, and you, talking to the saved, and Colossians, so and you, being dead in your sins, and the uncircumcision of your flesh, just another way to describe unsaved man, he's not talking about a physical, you know, you gotta be circumcised to be saved, it's not true, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you, all trespasses, again a person doesn't just get saved and they're only forgiven for the sins they did from, you know, childhood up until that moment, you're forgiven all, past, present, and future, everything, okay, it's a complete wash, so again, one more time, verse 13, and you being dead in your sins, and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together, this is that Hebrews chapter four, verse 12 event, where the word of God comes in, and divides in half, okay, separates old man from new man, because that's what we have need of, God forgives you all your trespasses, look at verse 14, blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, well what is that, well that's the law, okay, remember we talk about this all the time, we even have a living example, the law is only against you, okay, for example, you know, we're down here at the stoplight on Fairview, and oh Mitchell, I'm gonna pull up next to a police officer, and just take off, you know, like it's nothing, I'm thinking it's 40, and I realize it's 35, and he's way back there, I'm like, man, I hope this guy's not gonna pull me over, luckily I, you know, I slowed down, and I got away with it, but you know, the law is there to condemn you, you know, and if that guy didn't have anything better going on, he probably would have pulled me over, you know, but here's the thing, you know, when I slowed down to 35, you know what he didn't do, he didn't pull me over, like I always say, and give me a gift certificate to the Cheesecake Factory for being a good boy, and following the law, well guess what, it's the same thing with God, you know, and if we're being honest, no one's following the law, there's tons of people out there that say they can, but it's all a lie, so therefore, verse 14, blotting out the handwriting of ordinances, that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross, that is what salvation does, he takes the law, and what that, and how that condemns us, and moves it out of the way, he nailed that to his cross, verse 15, and having spoiled principalities and powers, this is the dark side of the world, which we're going to be mentioning tonight, okay, this is the evil stuff here, okay, this Ephesians chapter six, okay, these principalities and powers of darkness, God had spoiled them, and having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it, now brother Joe Maple sent me, he's a brother that goes to Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento, he sent me this article last night, and I guess this has been going on for a long time now, where I guess March 31st is transvestite day, I guess that's what it is, and the United States government has declared that, of course Biden and his freak show of the cabinet are making a big deal about this, you know, and people are right, you know, they're right getting upset about it, you know, and you sit back and you're like, why in the world would you do that, now Easter's on a different day every year, I get that, we understand that, but you know, how is it that their conscience doesn't smite them, how is it that their conscience is like, hey, you know, maybe we're just not to say anything, maybe we ought to just get rid of this thing, it's because they hate God, it's because the resurrection made a show of their masters, which are the principalities and powers of darkness, and the workers of iniquity, okay, it made a show of them openly, and inside they're mad, inside they are furious, and so what do they do, they're trying to push this wicked agenda on humanity, okay, and I know that's not very popular, I know people don't like to hear that, but I don't care, it's the truth, and you know this, okay, it's despicable, if you ask me, but you know what, the resurrection makes a show of their masters openly, and they hate it, they hate God, look, the government wants nothing more than to be your God, instead of Easter, they would rather you just go down and worship a picture of Bill Gates, or Joe Biden, or whoever it is, even Donald Trump, okay, that's what they would rather have you do, than celebrate the resurrection, and understand the true definition, and the power that it brings humanity, the gift, and the blessing that it truly is, now go back to Genesis chapter number three, before I change the entire sermon, and go to June first, all right, Genesis three, chapter three, verse 16, okay, let's just move on, let's get off of that here, all right, verse 16, we got to move on here, we're getting close to being done, so, God pronounces judgment on the serpent, okay, now we learn of this battle, okay, so what's the solution, what does the cross do, well, the cross demonstrates, the resurrection demonstrates, to the entire world, that Jesus is king, which apparently is an anti-Semitic statement this day, this day and age, but hey, Jesus is king, he's the only way to heaven, and he has mocked the wickedness, he has mocked the serpent, and what he did in the garden of Eden, it is on display every single day on this earth somewhere, okay, so let's move on from that here, here's another kind of a small one, I just wanted to bring up, but look at verse 16, it says unto the woman, he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception, in sorrow shalt thou bring forth children, and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee, now go to Ephesians chapter number five, here's something that the resurrection brings to the family unit here, which also by the way, the principalities and powers that be, absolutely despise and absolutely hate, okay, verse 22, Ephesians chapter number five, verse 22, so what the resurrection does here, what you're going to see, is it brings peace to this judgment here, okay, so what's the world say today, what are the feminists saying, hey well, you know, ain't no man gonna tell me what to do, I'll just go get another one, and you know, you need to go out and get all this experience, and you know, and they promote fornication, and all this backwards, just craziness, okay, whereas God said, hey, you'd be happier, you know, you're going to be blessed, if you just allow your husband to rule over you, and lead you, and make these decisions, well guess what, the resurrection and understanding that, actually brings peace in this, because there are plenty of people in the world today, that look at that like, oh, the Bible is misogynistic, and it's terrible, and it gives horrible advice, and it oppresses women, actually it liberates them, and it frees them, if you're being honest, Ephesians five, look at verse 22, it says, wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord, okay, this is real biblical wisdom here, this is what needs to be promoted on YouTube, and all the social media, but it's not, verse 23, for the husband is the head of the wife, just like God had said, that's what he told Eve, even as Christ is the head of the church, and he is the savior of the body, okay, look at verse 24, therefore, meaning for that reason, therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands, into every thing, husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it, that he might sanctify and cleanse it, with the washing of the water, by the word, and so what the resurrection does, is it brings peace to this judgment, that God gave Eve on the day, that they transgressed, and you know, that's how great and merciful God is, a lot of times when we get chastened by him, when we get ourselves into trouble, and we have to go through some trials and tribulations, a lot of times he sends peace, even in the midst of that, you just have to know how to find it, you just have to know how to look for it, and accept it for what it is, and you'll be much happier in your life, so just a bonus one there, now go back to Genesis chapter number three, and we'll get moving here, we're gonna wrap this up here in just a few minutes, so verse 13, I'm sorry verse 17, Genesis 3 says this, and unto Adam he said, because thou was hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and has eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee saying, thou shall not eat of it, cursed is the ground for thy sake, in sorrow shalt thou eat of it, all the days of thy life, see that, that's how he goes from the serpent, hey you're gonna crawl on your belly, there's gonna be war between my seed, basically and your seed, and then here what does he say to Adam? Okay, well he says hey guess what, you're gonna work the rest of your days by the sweat of your brow, or you're gonna earn your bread, look at verse 18, thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee, and thou shall eat the herb of the fields, now we're gonna have issues, okay, anybody telling you that you go through life, and not have any problems, and that you could just have your best life now, has not read the bible, or they've not at least understood the bible, okay, you go to work, you can do a good job, but at some point in time, you are gonna have some thorns and thistles, they're gonna rise up, and they're gonna be irritating to you, and they're gonna bother you, and they're gonna cause trouble, but I'm gonna show you that even in the midst of that, there's peace, look at verse 19, in the sweat of thy face, shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground, for out of it was thou taken, for dost thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return, so the fourth thing that we see here is, now we see the emergence of these thorns and thistles, and the absence of rest now appear, so even though Adam was placed in the garden to till, and to take care of it, now all of a sudden, okay, there's problems that will arise during that, and there's thorns, and there's thistles, and now rest has disappeared, and we have to work, go to John, the gospel of John chapter number 19, and you're gonna see that the resurrection takes that away, and I wanna show you how, okay, the resurrection takes that damage away, John chapter 19, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, John chapter 19, look at verse number five, so the Bible says this, then Jesus came forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe, and Pilate saith unto them, behold the man, kind of interesting to see that comparison there, okay, that God tells man, tells Adam, hey, you know, guess what, you're gonna keep tilling the ground, you're gonna keep working in the ground, but guess what, it's gonna yield up thorns and thistles, and what does the world put on the head of Jesus Christ to cause him to bleed, and to cause him agony and pain, they put a crown of thorns on his head, it's almost like the devil was there trying to bruise his heel, it's almost like he kind of knew what was written, almost like he knew, like he was there the day that man transgressed, okay, but what does our God do, go back to Hebrews chapter number four, I need to invest in bookmarks, and just like have them in every single chair, so you guys could just, you're good though, Hebrews chapter four, look at verse number three, okay, so obviously we know the events that transpired after this, Jesus dies on the cross, and we've already covered that, we're talking about that, we're talking about the resurrection and the power that that brings us, okay, here's how that event solves this rest that has disappeared because of the events of the Garden of Eden, Hebrews four, look at verse number three, for we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, as I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest, although the works were finished from the foundation of the world, so again, when people want to say, oh, you know, our church, we go to church on the Sabbath, and if you don't go to the Sabbath, you're going to hell, I'm on Sabbath 24 hours a day, seven days a week, why? Because I'm born again, okay, that's the attitude that you all need to have, every day is the Sabbath, because we have entered in to rest, now we still have to physically, you know, earn money and stuff on this life, okay, but the resurrection does, is it gives us hope in that, you ever talked to people that aren't saved, and they're just like bitter, you know, I talked to these older people all the time, and I was like, I don't know, I worked my whole life, I was talking to a guy, 80 years old, you know, a millionaire, and I was just asking, I'm like, man, how do you take good care of yourself? Because this guy's just sharp and still strong, he's just like, well, I do take good care of the body, he's like, but I'll tell you what, if I could go back in time, I wouldn't have sacrificed all that time, that I, you know, that I did with my family, because now, you know, my kids hate me, you know, and I'm divorced, and he's got all of these problems, and I'm just thinking like, wow, that's some pretty good advice right there, you know, take care of your family, realize that, hey, oh, he's like, so I guess that's just how it is here, you know, you just work and work and work, you get ahead in life, and then you die, and it's over, you know, there's just no hope after that, it's just one and done, and I thought, what disparity, you know, what a desperate way to live your life, thinking like that, you know, but hey, with us, we don't have to worry about that, because we know that the Bible tells us, for we which have believed, do enter into rest, we can rest, knowing for a fact that someday, all of these thorns and thistles, that we have to deal with, on the daily or over, and really, what else does this do? Well, because the resurrection is true, this gives us the avenue of approach, this gives us the ability to take our problems, and to take all of the things that plague us, and put them before God, and he helps us with them, which by the way, is also the reason that we have church, so that we can also help one another, so that we can edify each other, so that is the last place that we're going to turn, I just want to bring up a couple things, before we close, so because of the resurrection, we've entered into a permanent Sabbath, and the whole point of this resurrection, the whole point, the reason why this had to happen, is because of the infirmity, the sickness, the disease of the flesh, mankind has improved everything practically about life, and they're constantly seeking to do more, and yes, I get the whole government control aspect, but one thing they have failed to provide, one thing they have failed to improve, is mankind in itself, and that's what God did, God said, hey, these people cannot do it alone, I will do it for them, I will step in on their behalf, and die for their sins, because they can't do it, and that resurrection proves that God defeated death, that his soul was not left in hell, neither did his flesh seek corruption, so again, now we understand that the resurrection is a revealing, it's a revelation of the cured infection, it's why we preach salvation, as opposed to probation, it's because we know what the resurrection is, and the power that it brings us, you know, the cross is that tree, that healed all of the damage, that Adam and Eve did, or mankind did, as a result of taking, and eating, and disobedience from the tree, of the knowledge of good and evil, so we're going to stop it there for this morning, and let's bow our heads, and have a word of prayer, thank you so much Lord, for what you did on the cross, and for revealing the true power of the resurrection, I just pray you'd help us to remember these things, and apply them to our lives, and to share them with others Lord, that they might be saved as well, and we thank you again for what you do for us Lord, please bless the fellowship after the service, and bring us back again safely tonight, in Jesus name I pray, Amen. All right, so we're gonna have one more song, and then we'll be dismissed.