(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All right, well, let's go ahead and pray. Thank you so much, Lord, for allowing us to be able to meet here again this evening. I just pray you bless the service and the fellowship afterwards. Bring us back again safely this weekend. And again, we do thank you for all that you continue to do for us and the body of Christ. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. . We're just going to go over our prayer and praise list at this time. If you need one, just raise your hand, and Brother Kaden will grab you one if you need a pen and praise list, or prayer and praise list. Everybody have one? I think they're new for this month if you don't have one. But if everybody has one, does anybody have a prayer to add at all? Got skulks. So, remember, we'll go through it together, so make sure everybody has the same prayers on their sheet, and then we'll pray over it together. So, at the bottom there, I believe everybody has, up until the Unspoken for Pastor Jones family, that's the newest one from last week, an Unspoken for the Jones family. And then we also have a prayer for Skulks' brother, Eric. We want to pray for his spiritual growth. And I believe that's it for the new prayers. Prayer for Skulks' brother, Eric, for spiritual growth. So, let's all bow our heads and have a word of prayer over these things together. Dear Lord God, we want to come before you as a congregation, Lord, during this midweek service to lift up our prayers to your holy name, Lord. We want to start off by praying for opportunities to preach to unsafe family, friends, and co-workers. We pray for the health and safety of our church families. We pray for the spiritual growth and wisdom of our church as a whole. And we pray that you would continue to meet our church financial needs as we continue to grow in number and in space. We pray for the spiritual needs of our communities, that they would desire the sincere word of God and to want to grow in doctrine. We pray for the safety, health, understanding, and wisdom of our children as they have to grow up in this decaying world. We pray for the like-minded churches to continue to grow and be protected from those that wish us evil. And we pray for the wicked leaders in our local, state, and national governments to be removed. We pray for continued health freedom. We pray for those having a hard time with allergies, colds, and any illnesses. Lord, especially during this season as the cold weather rolls in, Lord, we pray for an extra head of protection from those things. And we also want to pray for the safe and healthy pregnancy of our expecting mother in the church. We also want to pray that David Roth, he lost his, at the voters box for Idaho Senate, for Idaho Senate. And we just pray that he's completely removed from politics as a whole and from the face of the earth. We also want to pray that the buggery blisters runs its full course amongst the buggery community. We also want to pray for emotional healing for Michael Flake. His dad passed away recently, Lord. You know all the pain and hardship that he's going through, Lord. We just pray that you set comfort to him, Lord, and that he be comforted during this trying time. We also want to pray for the pastor's family. They have an unspoken Lord. We just pray for that, Lord. You know the details in that matter, Lord. We just pray that you meet their needs in that, Lord. And we also want to pray for Brother Skolt's brother, Eric, over in South Africa. We want to pray for his spiritual growth and his Bible reading, Lord, that he's able to glean wisdom from it, Lord. And we also want to pray for those who watch and support us online. We pray for the health and well-being of Brother Joe Maples' family. We want to pray for the health and safety of everyone who supports us again. And we also want to pray that the Canadian Internet Censorship Bill fails, Lord. And we also want to pray that the Sosa family is able to move back to the States, Lord. And we pray all these things in Jesus' name, Amen. And this time we're going over our praises. Does anybody have any praises to add to the list this week? No praises? We have one new praise. It used to be on the online request that we were praying for Brother Joe Maples' son, Joe Jr., that he'd be approved of his dental work. He got approved, so that's a praise that we're going to add this week. So let's go over these things. Remember to keep this all in the back of your mind throughout the week. Pray on these things and remember all these praises. Let's praise God that all of our church families, for all of our church families and those we've been able to get saved this year, I believe we're almost at 100 salvation give or take, not counting the mountain homes so many times. I don't think we've got the numbers from you guys. So I think we're well over 100, so praise God for that. Also praise God for our freedoms to continuously preach the gospel every week and for the Lord keeping us safe during the battles we all fight. We also want to thank the Lord and praise God for exposing anybody who would come into the church to cause division or do harm. We also want to praise God for Miss Joanna's new baby, that it was a health and safety delivery. Praise God for that. And we also want to praise God for Josiah's recovery from his allergies. We also want to, again, praise God that David Roth lost the election for Idaho Senate. And we also want to praise God for Brother Joe Maple's son, that he got approved for his dental work, the anesthesia that he needed. So keep that all in your mind this week as we go through our busy schedules. And that's it. Turn to Psalm chapter 9. Psalm chapter 9. Psalm chapter 9, verse 1. I will praise Thee, O Lord, with my whole heart. I will shew forth all Thy marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in Thee. I will sing praise to Thy name, O Thou Most High. When mine enemies are turned back, they shall fall and perish at Thy presence. For Thou hast maintained my right and my cause, Thou statest in the throne, judging right. Thou hast rebuked the heathen. Thou hast destroyed the wicked. Thou hast put out their name forever and ever. O Thou enemy, destructions are to come to a perpetual end, and Thou hast destroyed cities. Their memorial is perished with them. But the Lord shall endure forever. He hath prepared His throne for judgment, and He shall judge the world in righteousness. He shall minister judgment to the people in uprightness. The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And they that know Thy name will put their trust in Thee, for Thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek Thee. Sing praises to the Lord, which dwelleth in Zion. Declare among the people His doings. When He maketh inquisition for blood, He remembereth them, He forgetteth not the cry of the humble. Have mercy upon me, O Lord. Consider my trouble, which I suffer, for them that hate me. Thou that liftest me up from the gates of death, that I may shew forth all Thy praise in the gates of the daughter of Zion, I will rejoice in Thy salvation. The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made, and the net which they hid is their own foot taken. The Lord is known by the judgment which He executeth. The wicked is snared in the work of her own hands. Higan selah. The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. For the needy shall not always be forgotten. The expectation of the poor shall not perish forever. Arise, O Lord, let no man prevail. Let the heathen be judged in Thy sight. Put them in fear, O Lord, that the nations may know themselves to be but man. Selah." Dad, will you lead us to a word of prayer? All right, amen. Psalm chapter number nine. So if you would, look at verse number five. Psalm chapter nine, look at verse 15. So the Bible says, The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made, and the net which they hid is their own foot taken. I was reading that and I was thinking about the pit that the heathen are digging for us. Okay, what's a heathen? A heathen is somebody who does not believe, who makes an act of choice to not accept the truths of God, people that want nothing to do with it, that are not saved. And the Bible here says that the heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made, and it says that the heathen are sunk down in the pit. Obviously a pit is underground. The goal of the heathen is to drive us, who are the beacon of light, the salt of the earth, underground. And the title of the sermon this evening is The Coming Underground Churches of America. The Coming Underground Churches of America. Now you may be thinking like, Oh man, are you saying, are you predicting this is going to happen? I'm not predicting anything. I'm just simply saying I find it hard to believe that we won't be driven fully underground in my lifetime, okay? I could definitely be wrong. I'm not sure. I'm not preaching this to scare you. I'm just simply going to give you some information this evening to show you why I believe that this will happen in our lifetime and what we're going to do about it. So, with that being said, we are going to take a look at a bill that passed today, that passed the Senate, which will go then to the Office of the President and become full law in this country and what that means for you and I. You know, I was also reading this article today from Fox News, and I think I may have mentioned this figure before, but right now in this country there are more churches closing every single month than there are opening. Now, on some level that's good news, because unfortunately most quote-unquote churches that are open are not preaching the right gospel. They're not using the right Bible. They're not really into the truth. But the problem with that, with that going away, just more signifies the spiritual state of this nation. There are less and less people that are interested in the things of God, and that's a problem. More than half of Americans today say that they no longer go to church. Now, that should alarm you because a lot of those people, a lot of that half there or more than half, have this attitude that, well, you know, church is just wherever two or three are gathered. You know, Jesus is always there. They don't take a stand on anything. They're not about doctrine. They're not about converting people. They're not about the truth, okay. And so, of course, that leads to an issue. So let me just give you the definition of underground. Why, you know, why am I bringing this up? Well, underground in the context of the sermon, the Coming Underground Churches of America, is basically a group or a movement organized to secretly work against a regime, okay. That's what the dictionary says, and that's literally true, okay. The Bible says that the devil runs the course of this world, okay. And you can see that in our Sunday night studies, right. Think about how the northern kingdom of Israel, what, maybe 50, 60 years, roughly, after Solomon died, you got, okay, 50, 60 years, you've got a king named Ahab who shows up on the scene married to a Satanist, a Baal worshiper, and now what do you have in that nation's capital, the capital of Samaria? Well, you have a temple and an altar dedicated to Baal. How did they get that way? Well, it started obviously with Jeroboam. Jeroboam basically saying, hey, you know, here's your new religion. It's the same God, just kind of a new way of doing things. That got published, okay. Now, I get they didn't have CNN and Fox News to publish things. They didn't have the internet back then. But it traveled by word of mouth very quickly, okay. So exactly what you see today, okay. The media has been working overtime for the last several years to basically push this idea that you don't need church, you don't need this, all you need is a loving God in your heart and that should suffice, that's it, that's what the Bible says. And so, you know, that idea has permeated Christian churches and so-called believers in this country. Well, what's the next step after that? Well, to start basically dumbing down people in regards to laws, politics. Who's ever, who's been watching a little bit of the news, just getting little bites maybe on your phone as of recent, okay. Maybe a little word that you keep hearing is democracy, right. Democracy, democracy one, democracy this. You know, this group of people is a threat to our democracy. Well, there's a problem with that in this country and that is this country is not a democracy. This country is a constitutional republic which is supposed to guarantee individual liberty, okay. A democracy was once explained to me like this. Basically, it's two wolves and a lamb sitting down voting for what's going to be for dinner, okay. I mean, that's basically what a democracy is. Democracies always, always, always lead to dictatorships. So, not only do you have Christians today just basically falling away from the faith. I mean, a lot of people that are saved today want nothing to do with the word of God. They just take the grace and run. Again, you know, we say this, praise God that they're saved but think about what you're throwing away. Think about what you could be doing. Think about what would happen if we had a hundred or two hundred people just in this community and we had 70 or 80 soul owners a week. That would make a huge impact on the Treasure Valley, wouldn't it? I mean, think about the little impact that we had this last June, you know, as a small, tiny, little Baptist church. Think about what we could do if we had more people, right. We could definitely stay the hand of the heathen. But going back to this idea about being underground, this is the goal of the heathen. It is to drive us underground. It's to take us out of the spotlight. There are pastors and pastors throughout the country there are pastors and pastors friends of mine that have had their bank accounts seized, money taken from them. I mean, there's a movement to try to get people kicked out of buildings. They tried to get us kicked out of this building and, you know, thank God that the Satanists that were out here back in, what was it, late June or July when they wrote all that stuff on the sidewalk, that actually turned the hearts of the people that own this place and they saw it like, whoa, okay, I see what's really going on here, you know. But that's a pretty rare situation. That's not always the case. So let's start this thing off here, okay. Look down again at verse number 15. So it says the heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made. And a lot of times if you just read right through that very quickly, it's like, oh God, praise God. You know, they're gonna fall one day. They're gonna sink in this pit that they made. But how often do we stop and think that they're actually making a pit? They're actually trying to drive us underground. Why? Because we have influence. Okay, the word of God has influence on people. It converts people. It goes to the heart. It gets people saved. It proclaims the truth that God has established and it harmonizes with the word that's written on everybody's heart, which confirms what the Bible says. So again, the heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made and the net which they hid is their own foot taken, okay. So again, we talked about this control. So if they, according to them, you know, if they drive us underground, then they can flourish with their agenda, okay. There's no resistance. We are the resistance. You hear that a lot, like Infowars and a lot of these other news sites, right. We're the resistance. They're really not the resistance, okay. Look, I'm not trying to be rude, but they're not the resistance. We are the resistance. Not just this church, but believers. A Bible believing Christian with the word of God in his hand and heart willing to proclaim truth to his neighbors, his coworkers, his family and door to door, that is the resistance, okay. And the enemy knows that full well. They very well understand that. So when we are driven underground, what is that like in the world? What is it gonna be like? Basically, it's like what Jesus said in Luke chapter six. You have the blind leading the blind at that point and both will fall into a ditch, okay. What does this net look like, okay. You know, how are they falling? You can kind of see this today. I brought some of this stuff up before, but I just love to bring this up because it just exposes their hypocrisy, okay. You know, I would say not a week goes by where I don't knock on someone's door or go into someone's house who has the big sign out in the yard, right. And it says, this house supports Black Lives Matter, okay. And then right under it's usually something about abortion. So it's like, well, hold on for a second. Black Lives Matter except in the womb. Don't you see the hypocrisy in that? Do Black Lives really matter or is there something else going on? And of course, if you study that organization, okay, of course Black Lives Matter. So do white lives, so do Mexican lives, so do American's lives, okay, people's lives. Now, reprobate lives, they don't matter, but that's a sermon for another day, okay. So you have this hypocrisy in regards to that, okay. And then underneath that, it's like something, trust the science, okay. But what happens when you bring up biology? Male and female, right, that's rejected, okay. Well, it's okay in the animal kingdom, but not in regards to the human race. You should have the right to choose whether or not you want to be male or female. I mean, I can't think of a more aggravated assault against the Lord God himself than to deny the reality of male and female, okay. Think about this for a second. And then underneath that, what is it? Women's rights are human rights, right. But on the other side of that, what do these same people tell you? Well, who are you to define a woman? You can't define a woman because you're not a biologist, okay. Or you can't define a woman because, you know, the individual has to decide that or whatever hypocrisy there is. And how about this one, this one I heard recently. So what was it last week were the midterm elections, right. And everybody thought this red wave was gonna come and it didn't come, right. And Joe Biden's prancing around saying, you know what, Americans chose democracy. And you're right, they did because they want a dictator. Okay, our country has become like the children of Israel were in the days of Samuel, right. Let's bring unto us a king who will fight our battles for us. That's essentially the attitude that you see out there today. But he's running around saying Americans chose democracy, okay. Well, what did he say back in the summer? He said, not one of you can define for me what an American really is, okay. Look, this is the type of net that's being thrown out, that's being sown in our culture today in this country and it is nothing but hypocrisy. And of course, everyone in this church's favorite, love is love, right. Love is love until you decide to proclaim the fact that you love the God of the Bible, right. Then it's a whole other story. Then love isn't love anymore. No, no, that's hate speech. That has to go. You know, I went and checked on our old, you ever heard the saying, you know, when someone comes up to you and they're like, oh, so and so doesn't like you. And you're like, yeah, we'll tell them to go join the club. Well, our church, our whole church literally has a club that people can join, you know. And it's called People Against Shield of Faith Baptist Church. You know, it's just kind of messing around and looking at that the other day and their little banner, their little icon, avatar, whatever you want to call it, is love is my religion, right. It's like, well, we love the Bible, right. We love righteousness. We love the things of God. You know, how come that don't, how come I can't join your group, you know. I want to see what's going on in there. So again, look at that verse there, okay. Verse 15, in the net which they hid is their own foot taken. Again, you can see that today when you really sit down and think about the message of the world, which is obviously being sown by Satan himself because the Bible says that he is involved in the course of the world, which way the world is going to go. And kind of thinking back about the northern kingdom of Israel's history, right. Once the false doctrine got published, once the fundamentals got downgraded, then what happened? Was they were able to enter in Satanism. And then as you're going to see on Sunday nights, what happens? Prophets, people of God being persecuted and all sorts of things. It's the same thing that you're going to see in this country here very shortly, I believe. And I know there's somebody out there, well, Trump just announced that he's going to run in 2024, okay. You know, I heard an interesting theory a while back and I'm not sure if I quite agree with it, but it's very possible. Somebody once said that they believe that he actually is purposely trying to destroy the conservative Republican party. I don't know. But all I know is he's not going to save you, okay. He's going to do what the man wants. He's going to do what his financial backers and oh, he's financially independent, okay. Does he love Leviticus chapter number 20? Does he love John 3.16? No, no, his closest spiritual advisor was a short-haired woman. Don't even get me started on all that. If you would, keep your place there in Psalm chapter nine, but go to Proverbs chapter number one real quick. Proverbs chapter number one. You know, the people of Arizona, unfortunately, are going to find out here very soon how homeschooling is going to go. The woman who just won there, what's her name? Katie Hobbs, I believe. You know, yeah, it was Katie Hobbs versus Carrie Lake and I guess Katie Hobbs won. She has vowed to basically harm the homeschooling program because I guess there in Arizona, it was very easy to homeschool. And of course, people will put up a fight and you never know how those things are going to go. But just the fact that these people are that emboldened to come out and say, hey, like, we, the federal government, those of us who love democracy are literally going to take possession of your children and we're going to make you put them into public school and you will do exactly what we say. I mean, that right there, I mean, people, look, you ever gone and researched the Tea Party? Okay, look, people started revolutions for less, but what does today's American do? Just hangs their head, oh, whoa, oh, whoa, when they come and get, okay, that's cool, but when they come and take my guns, then I'm going to rise up. No, you won't. You'll give them up like gravy is what you'll do because you're a bunch of cowards, okay? A patriot without God at the top in the center is nothing but a weak sauce, little zombie, a little puppet, just ready to get control. That's all that is. All these people running around here is 2A, Idaho 2A. You will give up your guns so fast when Mr. Biden comes and knocks on your door and says, give me your gun or I'm going to force you to buy an electric car. Give me your gun or I'm going to take away your heat for the winter, you know? You will comply 110%. But let me get back on track here, okay? So we're talking about this net. We're talking about this pit that the heathen are establishing for none other than us, the people of God. Look at verse number 22. So the Bible says this. This is, how long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? Okay, so what does that mean? You know, people say, I love to be simple. I want to live a simple life. Hey, that's great. But this is talking about being simple, i.e., without knowledge, you know? Not wise, not smart, okay? He says, and the scorners delight in their scorning. And the last part here I want you to really think about, it says, and fools hate knowledge. The people running around peddling this woke agenda, they are fools, 100%. They're digging this pit for us to fall into so that they can hide us and go forth with their tyrannical woke garbage and someday, you can bet everything you have on this because the Bible says they will perish in that same pit. And that pit is called hell because literally what they're doing is turning this nation into hell and we're gonna talk about that. Go to Psalm chapter nine again and we'll look at the next verse here, okay? Psalm chapter number nine. And so again, with that verse there in mind, with verse 15 here in mind about the heathen being sunk down in the pit that they have made, there is a problem for these pit diggers, okay? And I've kind of alluded to it already, but look at verse 16. Psalm chapter nine, verse 16 says, the Lord is known by the judgment which he executed. I showed some of you this last week and some of you have sent me this and we've talked about it in great detail but who remembers the comedian, the female comedian that went viral for a short period of time where she was talking about, oh, I've got all these boosters, I've got all these vaccines, I still have this, still have my freedom, I traveled, blah, blah, blah and then she blasphemes God's name and says clearly Jesus loves me the most. What happened to her? She fell over and fractured her skull. Things like that don't get in the media every day. Things like that don't go viral every day but things like that happen all the time on this planet. I mean, when you read in Acts about how Herod didn't give God the glory and he fell dead and the worms ate him, God does not take mocking his name lightly, okay? People may not get immediate justice like right now but it does happen often on this planet and I believe as we move forward, as things get worse, you will see more things like this but they're not all gonna go viral because the internet controlled by big tech wants to scrub those things so that God's name can go into the pit but we know that's not gonna work and so the Bible says here the Lord is known by the judgments which he executed, okay? That's where we come into play because we study the word of God, we believe the word of God and we preach the word of God and part of doing that is explaining to people the judgments and again, that's a dirty word today. People don't like that. Oh, how dare you? No judgment. Don't judge. There's a gym completely founded on the principle of no judgment. You walk into this gym and you know what it's called? Planet fitness, okay? And this planet weakness is what it is, okay? It's not planet of the apes. It's planet of the grapes. I mean, seriously, that's what it is. You go in there and you're all about masculinity and being tough and stuff like that. They've got like an alarm that'll go off and alert people. Oh, we've got a toxic man in here. You know, I mean, think about that. It's absolutely crazy. I get they have cheap stuff or whatever and I'm not trying to knock anybody who goes there. It's all good. Okay, but look at the rest of the verse here. It says, the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. So again, every time you read these things in the Bible, there's always encouragement sown in these verses. We need to constantly remind ourselves, yes, it's frustrating, it's infuriating. The article that I'm gonna read for you a little bit later is going to infuriate most of you in this room. But again, remember the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. The problem is because it doesn't happen immediately all the time, we get a little anxious, we get a little irate, but we need to remind ourselves of these things. Keep your place there and go to Psalm chapter number five. Psalm chapter number five. So again, the sermon again has a long introduction and they will get into the underground aspect of it, okay? Psalm chapter number five, look at verse number four. Again, we're talking about why. Why the push now? Why the large drive to get us underground? Well again, it's because of God's judgment. Look at verse four. The Bible says this, for thou are not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness. So all these churches around here, and there's tons of them, okay? And they have gone full woke. They put it on their website like it's a good thing. Some of them have, I don't know, like pegged our church Facebook with an invite. Come join our group. They're doing it to try to taunt us and to try to get me upset. And they're still doing it to this day. I get emails all the time. We just got a package from one of these alphabet clowns, I think it was last week, with all kinds of just horrible stuff in there. Thank God I was smart enough to look at the wording on the front and who it was sent for because it was disguised. And I was like, okay, this needs to go into the trash here. But the Bible says, for thou are not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness. So the God that we serve, the God of the Bible does not take pleasure in the wickedness of this woke mob that is out there today, okay? But what does the media say? What do a lot of these Christian pastors say? Well, a lot of them aren't saying anything, okay? And if you're not saying anything, we have to kind of assume that you're for that. And you say, well, when you talk to them privately, they're not. Well, then you're a coward is what you are. You're weak. You're a coward and you're part of the problem. You're part of the issue here. Look at the rest of the verse. It says, neither shall evil dwell with thee. You know? And that goes to these churches that are preaching that you have to turn from your sins to be saved, okay? Go read Matthew chapter seven. What happens to those people? What does Jesus call those people? Workers of iniquity. Exactly. What does he do with them? Throws them in hell, okay? Look at verse five. The foolish shall not stand in thy sight. Now, this verse here, okay? This here, again, people will be like, that's not a Bible verse. But what does it say? Thou hatest all workers of iniquity. Thou hatest all workers of iniquity, okay? You go read Matthew chapter seven and look at what Jesus called people that teach that you have to turn from your sins, that preach a false gospel, that are pushing works over his salvation, pushing probation over salvation. Jesus looks at those people and he hates them individually. They're workers of iniquity. Jesus hates people. Did you know that? That is what the Bible says. Look, Psalm five through Matthew seven, there's continuity through the whole thing. Nothing that contradicts that whatsoever. But again, the woke mob and a lot of people find this very difficult to receive, very difficult to understand, but it's the word of God, it's the Bible. And because it's the truth, in a very unpopular society today, people feel the need to come up with laws and pass bills to try to drive us from the public eye. Look at verse number six. Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing. The Lord will abhor, that means hate, he will abhor the bloody and deceitful man. Now you can leave your place there, but go to Daniel chapter number 11. Daniel chapter number 11. While you're turning there, we'll just kind of talk for a minute about underground church. What is that gonna look like? Okay, well it's hard to know because it's gonna look probably a little bit different during the tribulation period when the Antichrist is in charge. You know, it's gonna look probably obviously different than possibly how it's gonna look here in maybe the next four years, if it happens. If how I feel and how I see things going, it's gonna look a little bit different. But what you could probably expect is this to go away. It will become impossible probably for the fundamentalists first. They will say, you know, I don't know, social credit score. Or they'll just say, you know, we're not gonna rent you, you're a liability. And you'll see why here in a moment. And so what's gonna be the solution? Well, the solution's gonna have to be applying the wisdom of the serpent and the harmlessness of a dove that we talked about two Sundays ago. And we're gonna have to figure out how to meet in homes or different places, disguising, you know, book club. We'll have to disguise, we'll have to cover and conceal, okay? That's what that's probably gonna look like. What else is gonna happen is soul winning is gonna change, okay? If we're driven underground and it's illegal for us to meet, you know, and I've heard people say this and I just laugh like, I don't care, I'm gonna be knocking on doors. Hey, amen. You go knock on that first door down there in Caronville, because that's where we live. This is Caronville. Someone call the cops on you so fast that you'll be off the mission field. You wanna be a hero like that? Go right ahead. I'm not gonna stop you. I'll pray for you, I'll send you food, whatever. That's if I'm still even around. Because, you see, the issue here is when you're transitioning to this underground system, they've already got this internet footage of who's who and who hates them, and so they might nab a lot of us up first. I don't really know. But soul winning is gonna have to become a little bit different. You're gonna have to get some discernment, okay? You're gonna have to go to where the people are, okay? You're gonna, and again, a lot of this is circumstantial based. There's gonna be anomalies, there's gonna be things like that. You know, an idea may be to find these new evangelicals that are meeting in small groups and try to reason with them and try to talk to them and explain things, because you're gonna have a lot of confused people, okay? When this stuff happens, a lot of people will be looking for answers. We will be wanting to seek them out. But one thing's for sure, we don't stop, okay? We just may not be able to go door to door. I mean, let's think about it. So you get a group of 30 people, like, I don't care what they say, we're gonna go knock on every door, okay? You get arrested, you know, you think you're gonna go get a bunch of people in prison saved right now? Our prisons are filled with reprobates, and I'm not saying that people don't get saved in there, because they certainly do, okay? But you can get more people saved out here than you can inside. That's all I'm saying. Now, that may change someday, that may reverse here shortly, but the tactics are gonna be different, because how are you gonna walk up to somebody's door and be like, oh, I just wanna invite you to church, okay? You know what's gonna happen? If they don't call the, oh, sure, I'll come, and they'll lead the FBI, they're gonna lead the Department of Justice to your house, and they're gonna get you. So all I'm saying is that's gonna be different. It's gonna be a little bit harder. We're gonna have to work a little bit harder, but the point is, it doesn't stop, okay? It's just the tactics change a little bit. And the last one I'm gonna bring up right now before we get moving here is trust. I know for me, trust and loyalty are very important, very big, things I look for in people all the time, okay? And before you say, oh, that's just you, you got this issue with the government, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, look, I was being tested in ways I can't even imagine when I was at Verity Baptist Church. Tested through writing down things on forms. So don't be like, oh, you're coming up with this program on who you can trust? Look, you don't think Pastor Jimenez is going around finding out who he can trust? Or any of the other pastors? They all do it. And you know what? When this happens, I'm gonna do it even more. You know, our church is already pretty good at this. You know, when people come in, you know, they look a little suspect, you know, right? We kind of take heed to that a little bit. We had these people come in here a couple weeks ago. You guys know, they sat right there. And I thought for sure we were gonna have an issue because right before Brother Sculk started reading, they started talking real loud. And I've seen that before in church where people will come in and they'll do little things like that and then they'll be told to stop and they'll be okay and they'll be good for about 10 or 15 minutes and they'll blur it out again, you know? And they'll go back to their friends, oh, we disrupted the church service like four or five times. I thought that's what was gonna happen, but the look that Sculk gave them, I think probably, you know, put some fear in them because they stopped. But the issue with them was we were justified, we were correct by suspecting them, okay? Because those two stood right over there and told me, you know, after I invited them to go in the break room to get some coffee or tea or muffins, whatever was over there that day, like, oh, we're really hungry. We gotta get to the airport. We gotta go eat. They waited outside there for an hour and a half, longer than an hour and a half. Did their plans change? They were parked very conveniently because we went after they left to that parking spot and in your rear view mirror, you can count the amount of people leaving. You can see what they're driving. I'm not trying to scare you. I just found it to be a little bit odd, a little bit weird. I don't trust people, okay? And I believe that God has put me in positions in my life and given me trainers and situations and where I think, in fact, I know this, I'm pretty good at understanding who I can trust and who I can't. So all I'm saying is that when this goes down, there's people that ain't coming along. That's all I'm saying because I can't trust you, okay? And in that time, our goal is to endure, endure to the end. That's the goal. Endure, be covert, but come out at the right time. Get people saved, teach doctrine, reason in the scriptures and then hide again, okay? That's the goal. Now, does that mean I'm not gonna get taken care of? I don't know, okay? I'm getting older and so, you know, there's that, all that stuff to deal with. But the point that I'm trying to make here is that trust is gonna become a very, very, very, very important thing and not that it isn't already, but you won't be able to just accept everyone who comes up to you like, oh, heard you're part of like an underground small group. Can I join? No, no, no. You better learn to start asking those people questions, you know, and vetting them and like, oh, where'd you hear that from, you know? You have the Holy Ghost inside of you, okay? You have the word of God, you study the stories. There's a whole book here of true accounts of people that have betrayed other people and you can take those things and those attributes that those people have done and you can meditate on them. You can think on them. Think about how you've been wrong about other people. Think about people who have come in here and been part of this and we found out later on, like, oh, man, I don't even think they were saved. I don't even think they were saved, okay? You take all that stuff and you start to put that together and you're gonna be fine, okay? But the next question is can an underground church thrive? And I think you could look to China for that answer. Now, I don't know, you know, what doctrines and, you know, how strong these Christians are in China but their churches are underground over there, okay? And those people will travel 12, 13, 14 hours on train just to meet with other believers. So you have a zeal in that type of situation and that underground church, those underground churches in China, they have exploded, like, they are, like, it's gotten the government's attention, let's just say that. You get caught going to church over there, you go to prison for three years. I've talked to, quote, unquote, Christian people, even a few Baptists who have actually smuggled Bibles into China and, you know, and everyone will tell you they've gotten caught, you know, like, ah, we got caught or this group here, we just paid them off and they're like, all right, just get out of here, you know, it'll come back, things like that. But, I mean, look, that could very, very well come to this country very soon. I mean, you got a president that loves China, that praises China. Bill Clinton used to praise China, okay? Our politicians praise their system of government which we'll have to talk about another time. We got to get moving here. Okay, so the question is, can it thrive? Obviously, I believe it totally can and here's some biblical proof. So Daniel chapter number 11, look at verse 31 just for some quick context here. So this is talking about the Antichrist and if you read through Daniel 11, there's some parallels with a guy named Antiochus Epiphanes. We don't have time to get into that, but just for sake of context, look at verse 31. It says, an arm shall stand on his part and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength and shall take away the daily sacrifice and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate. So right now we're talking about the tribulation period. Now I had somebody try to start an argument with me and I haven't got time to respond to this guy yet. He basically emailed and said, your church's stance on Zionism is wrong because Daniel 11, 31 says that the temple's gonna be rebuilt and it's called the sanctuary of strength. So when they build the new temple, when the Jews build the temple and they start doing the sacrifice and all this stuff, they said, well, God referred to that as a sanctuary of strength. Does anybody in here agree with that? You think that whatever, if they go build a temple tomorrow and start doing sacrifices, are you gonna look at that and tell me that God says that's a sanctuary of strength after tearing the veil in half? Give me a break, but we don't have time to get into that. Look at verse 32. I just wanted to bring that up because it really bothers me. Verse 32, okay, it says this, And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries. Okay, I mentioned to you just a few minutes ago that trust is a very big issue with me and will become very much more so if we get driven underground here. Look at what this says here, okay? And such as do wickedly against the covenant, okay? Now is the old covenant still the covenant? I thought we were in the New Testament, but apparently I'm alone in that. And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries. Look at this. It says, But the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits. Now I believe that obviously happened during the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes. I believe that happened during Daniel's day. You see that throughout the Bible. Why would it be any different during the tribulation period, okay? But look at what it says at the end of the verse. It says, But the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits. We have people today doing wickedly against the covenant, against the word of God, against the truth in the Bible, okay? And one of the ways I believe the devil does this best is by flatteries, okay? Who's ever had someone try to flatter them and fell for it? Maybe as a kid, maybe as a teenager, you know? Right? It's a tactic that people uses. But what I want you to understand here, you know, from reading this, it says you have a group of people. They're doing wickedly against the covenant. We have people today that absolutely swear they hate the New Testament. They hate Jesus Christ. A lot of these politicians say that are out there are more emboldened to say things like this, and it says that he will corrupt by flatteries. Obviously, the Antichrist is gonna flatter the world, okay? He's gonna flatter the world. He's gonna convince the world that he's, you know, a superhuman world. You know, a superhuman, whatever he's gonna do. But the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits. You see this in the book of Acts. You see this all the time that persecution pushes proselytization, okay? It's a fact. You know, a lot of people say, oh, when the going gets tough, then the tough get going. That's true in some aspects. I believe that when the church gets driven underground, for example, I believe you will have some people that say, you know what? That's it. I'm joining up, okay? But that's gonna be few and far in between, I believe. Because look what it says, but the people that do know their God. So the moment they say, you know what? You're done. We're not going to allow you to operate as a church anymore. We're gonna revoke your church license with the state. You can't hold a building. Whatever the case is, okay? It's go time. It's problem time. The people that do know their God, okay, who have done the study, who do know now, and who have studied and have been a part of something, they have to get going immediately, okay? Look what it says. It says the people that do know their God shall be strong. So the people that just took the grace and run, they're gonna be confused. Like, what in the world's going on here? You know, I don't understand what's going on. They're not gonna be the ones that are strong because they don't understand Bible doctrine, okay? It's the people that know God, that understand his heart, that look at the Old Testament, look at the New Testament and say, hey, when I put those two together and I look at the world today, God is not happy. Jesus does not approve of this. In fact, he hates it. In fact, he'll take it a step further. He hates them. You start saying that, okay, then guess what? You will do exploits. What are exploits? These are doing amazing things for God, okay? So with that being said, people, whoever they are, whether it's our kids, our grandkids, or whether it's us, during the tribulation period, we'll do great things for God, okay? But we're not gonna be able to meet here like we do. You say, oh, three to thrive. We might have to meet more often, but just in smaller groups, you know? The point is we can thrive just because, you know, we're underground, it doesn't matter. We don't have to have all the stuff. We don't have to have the building, the camera, the YouTube. You know, at some point, YouTube's gonna kick us off, okay? They kicked all our friends off. It's coming, okay? It's gonna happen. It's just what it is. But look, God's spread his word for thousands of years without YouTube, without social media. He'll continue to do it in our day, okay? Look at verse 33. And they that understand among the people shall instruct many. And when I look at our church here, and we have a church full of people that love the Bible, that love Bible doctrine, that study on their own. You know, a lot of churches I was attending when I was younger. You know, you'd get to church, it'd be just very, maybe, you know, just a small handful of people that would even wanna talk about the Bible. You know, but you go to these big mega churches or just your average Christian church today and you walk in there on a Wednesday, you walk in there on a Sunday, that's the first day that week that person's even heard a Bible verse or even thought about God. You know, I mean, it's just absolutely terrible, okay? But during this timeframe, those that understand will instruct many people, okay? So again, what does that mean? The soul winning doesn't stop. Part of winning souls is obviously taking the lost and providing them with the choice to accept the free gift or life. But another part of that is changing people's thoughts, right? I'm telling people, hey, what you've been taught, what you believe right now is not wrong or it is wrong and here's why, okay? When you can do that, look, you're gonna instruct many, but here's the bad part. Look at what it says next. Yet they shall fall by the sword and by flame, by captivity and by soul. So we just have to settle in our hearts right now that this could happen and it's not because we're failing, it's not because we're being chastened, it's not because God doesn't love us or God failed us. No, it's for a testimony unto the Gentiles like we talked about on Sunday. That's why this has to happen. Again, remember, all that the world can do is change your location if you're saved. From here to heaven, that's all that they can do, okay? You know, when I read that there by captivity, I think of America. America houses more people in jails and prisons than any other nation in the entire world and I kinda often wonder, you know, if you study the tribulation, you know the economy is bad, there's a lot of bad things going on, but all these prisons are still gonna be around probably, you know, and all the ones that they say aren't prisons are still gonna be around. So I believe it'll lock a lot of people up and people will just die because of starvation and lack of food and things of that nature, but look at verse 34. I believe that the world will be saved and things of that nature, but look at verse 34. It says, now when they shall fall, they shall be hoping with a little help, but many shall cleave to them with flatteries. And again, you read that. What did it say in verse 32 about flatteries? Is that a good thing? No, flattery is corrupt, okay? That's what flatteries do, they corrupt. So again, this is why trust is such a big issue. You need to understand that when someone is flattering you, that is a red flag. Now I'm not saying you shouldn't compliment people or, you know, oh, you said I did a good job. You're trying to flatter me, you know? Come on, man, we gotta get some balance, all right? But you know when someone's trying to flatter you when it's just way over the top, okay? You know, like we've had people come in here before and they're like, you're the best thing in the world and you never see them again, right? And it's just like, well, there goes another one, you know? We had somebody come in here a couple of years ago. I moved here all the way, I think it was from Arizona. You know, just got out of the military. I'm gonna be here every service and I can't believe I'm here. This is so great. He's taking pens, invites, oh, I can't believe this. Never saw the guy again. You know what I mean? It's just how, it's just human nature, okay? Look at verse 35. It says this, and some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them and to purge and to make them white, even to the time of the end because it is yet, and this is what we need to really cling to here, is yet for a time appointed, okay? The Bible says that the devil gets to make war with the saints through the antichrist. It will happen and he will overcome the saints collectively on a large scale, okay? Why? Because it's a testimony against the world. Because after that three and a half year period of our trouble, our tribulation, God is going to literally open up physical hell and allow hell to be unleashed on this planet, according to the Bible. Go to Acts chapter number 17. Acts chapter number 17. Getting close to being done. Just got a few things I wanna go over here. And we will be done. So Acts chapter 17. Now what we're about to read here is Paul and Silas in Thessalonica, okay? Now I'm not saying that this passage that we're about to read here, all other in the underground church, but there's some heavy persecution that's allowed to take place here and I think we could pull some great application for an underground situation, okay? So look at verse number one. Acts 17, look at verse one. It says this. It says, now when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews? Now, okay, that was back then. I think the worst place you could probably go to right now to try to reason with people would be into a Jewish synagogue, okay? But the point is here, how would this apply to us, okay? When you wanna go to where the people are. So back in Paul's day, back during this time here, a lot of people that were hanging in the balances, a lot of people that just wanted scripture, wanted truth, they would go to synagogues. And so Paul and the apostles knew, hey, that's where we're gonna start. We're gonna go to these places and try to reason with people and try to teach truth, okay? It's gonna be the same thing in the tribulation period. We're gonna have to go to where the people are. We're gonna have to be smart enough to discern, hey, where are people that could possibly be interested in truth? And we're just gonna have to risk our necks. It's just how it is. You're gonna have to just risk your life to preach truth, okay? Verse two. And Paul, look at this, as his manner was. Same thing that was said about Jesus, as his manner was, okay? This is how Paul was. This isn't how he became like right away, you know, just, oh, you know, we're being persecuted. Boom, here's my manner. No, this is how Paul, look, even before Paul got saved, he was a zealot. This guy was zealous. This guy was a wrecking ball. This guy got stuff done. That's his nature. That's how it was. When he got saved, it was like, he already had all this zeal, all this knowledge built up and he's like, oh, now I know how to properly apply that knowledge, okay? So again, having this idea in the back of your head that like, oh, you know what? When things get real bad, then I'm gonna come out and I'm gonna be a force. The odds are you probably won't, okay? And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them and three Sabbath days, look at this, reasoned with them out of the scriptures. Why isn't he reasoning with them with signs and wonders and miracles? Because people don't get saved that way and this far along in the New Testament, that stuff is starting to go away. Where's the power? It's in the scriptures. It's in the word of God. So again, that is always going to be key, the scriptures. That is how we reason with people. That is what is ultimately driving us underground right now but it needs to keep going. We need to keep doing that. Look at verse three, opening and alleging that Christ must needs have suffered and risen again from the dead and that this Jesus whom I preach unto you is Christ. It'll be literally the same thing when we get driven underground. We'll be using the scriptures, we'll be finding where people are at and we will be trying to convert them, trying to get them saved. If they're already saved, trying to get them zealous, trying to get them on board with biblical doctrine. Verse four, and look at this, and some of them believed and consorted with Paul and Silas and of the devout Greeks, a great multitude and of the chief women, not a few. So look, these guys went in there and they literally turned this place upside down. They got results. They did great exploits for God. We will be able to do the same thing. Look at verse five, it says, but, okay, but the Jews which believed not. Okay, now some people read that like, oh, well that's sad, they didn't believe. That's okay though, maybe in the future. Now these people rejected the truth. Look at what they do. But the Jews which believed not moved with envy. Why are they envious? Why are they envious? What does that mean? In our modern vernacular we use the word jealous, but it should be envy, okay, because God is a jealous God and I don't wanna get into that, but these people are moved with envy. Why? Because of their influence, that's why. The Jews want the control. You know what, it's the same thing today. Oh, you're antisemitic. If that makes me an antisemite, then put it on. Put it on the church sign. I don't really care, okay? But the Jews which believed not moved with envy took unto them, look at this, certain lewd fellows of the baser sword. Those are perverts. Look, the Jews, the people that hate God, they know ultimately what is the best tool to come after us. It's the same thing Jezebel did. Get the Satanists, get the Baal worshipers, get the perverts, get them all stirred up because it's easy to get those people stirred up. They hate God with a mega passion here. So he says, certain lewd fellows of the baser sword and gathered a company and sent all the city in an uproar and assaulted the house of Jason and sought to bring them out to the people. Where's the cops? Where are the police? This is kinda like a picture of how this country is going. Someday, you mark my words, this sort of thing will happen. Look, when these perverts were out here in our parking lot and the cops showed up, they said, we don't really take sides. It's like, really? I mean, I understand you're supposed to show up to a situation and figure out who's right and wrong, but we don't take sides? What about the fact these people were threatening us? What about the fact that they were trying to flash themselves in front of our women and children? But I'm the bad guy. We're the bad guys, huh? Look, this is where we're headed right here. So in this moment, the truth is underground. These people have dug a pit for them, verse six. And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying. These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also. Hey, that statement right there, that is what we want to be said about us. Whether we live through the tribulation or whether, you know, America just says we're done with fundamentalism and we're driving you underground. We still want to find a way to get the truth out there, whether it costs us jail time, prison time, should not matter. We want this said because this is the testimony that we need to be pushing for God. Verse seven, it says, whom Jason hath received and all these, look at this, do contrary to the decrees of Caesar. Right? Isn't that always what they say? You were guilty of hate speech, right? If you go and look at that group that's against us on Facebook, you know, in their little description, it's like, you know, we exist because the people of Shield of Faith Baptist Church need to be, you know, told that hate is wrong and all this stuff, right? They're not just against me, they're against all of us. It's not people against Pastor Jones, it's people against Shield of Faith Baptist Church. And what are they saying? We do contrary to the laws of Caesar. He broke the law, it's hate speech. How is not what he said hate speech? I thought we lived in a constitutional republic. I thought I had the right to free speech. Something that I still think about to this very day is that article in the paper that came out and said, Boise PD, you know, basically figured out they cannot arrest Pastor Jones for what he said. You had to consult someone for that? This isn't Canada. Justin Trudeau is not in charge of this nation, I thought. I'm sure he'd love to be. I'm sure Biden looks to him and, looks to him and, oh, what a good guy, a girl, whatever she is. All right, verse seven again, whom Jason hath received and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar saying there is another king, one Jesus. Verse eight, and look at this, and they troubled the people. Okay, this is what these perverts do. They go out there, they get people stirred up, they create groups, they create books, they get us negative attention and we'll take it, right? We've had a lot of good come out of it. And the rulers of the city, when they heard these things and when they had taken security of Jason and the other, they let them go. Look at verse 10. And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Bria. So again, they're having to operate differently than we would today, okay? So I think that this is literally the wisdom of the serpent, you know, being harmless as a dove. Paul and Silas, they don't say, you know what? We need to go back to those lewd fellows of the base to sort and smash them. That's how I feel, okay, because I'm carnal. I mean, I'm not gonna sit up here and lie to you. I would love to be able to do that, but it's wrong, okay? It just makes matters worse. And so it boils back down to those two points of wisdom, okay? We may have to do things at night. We may have to do things at unorthodox times. And you might have people come up, oh, you know, what about the Sunday? You know, what about the Sunday morning? It might have to be Sunday night. I don't know. All I'm telling you is you have to be ready for change, and if that bothers you because you're so legalistic, you're not gonna make it. You're gonna compromise what we're doing, and you will not be allowed to be part of it. Verse 11, these were more noble than those in Thessalonica in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so. These are the types of people that we need to pray that God would lead us to, and they are out there. There are people in this community that are searching the word of God for truth. They're looking for answers. And you know what? If it would be our prayer that God would lead us to those people, you know what? God will do that, and we will be able to turn their heart towards God. Very quickly, back to Psalm chapter nine. Like I said, I said it was close to getting done. I'm serious. We were just about done. I just gotta read you a couple things here, okay? Look at verse 17. Psalm nine, look at verse 17. It says, the wicked shall be turned into hell. The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God. I'm gonna stop right there and read for you an article. So as I was printing this out, literally, Brother Kevin sent a text message to us about a bill that passed the Senate today. It's called H.R. 8404, okay? And it's being called by some people a radical, what is it called? A radical marriage bill or something to that effect. Basically, it's an alphabet marriage bill, okay? And when I saw that, I was like, wait a second. I thought they already had the right to get married or whatever. What could this possibly be about? And after doing some digging around, it's gonna drive us underground at some point, okay? Maybe not in the next two or three years, but it will. It will definitely, I mean, this is almost the nail in the coffin, this bill here. It just passed the Senate, okay? It's already passed the House. It's passed the Senate. Where does it go next? Sleepy Joe. Sniffy Joe, the pedophile. You're a pedophile president. You think he's gonna be like, this isn't righteous. No, you're gonna sign it faster than he can get up, okay? So let me just read you some quotes from politicians and what they're saying about this bill. And I don't endorse any of these people. I don't like any of these people. But let me just read to you what these people are saying. Here's what Senator Mike Lee said about this bill today. He said, I voted against the motion to proceed to the Respect for Marriage Act. Okay, that's what it's called, the Respect for Marriage Act. Okay, hey, what about the respect for a man and woman getting married? Where's that respect? Because you're not gonna find it on the radio. You're not gonna find it in the music. You're not gonna find it in the media. You're not gonna find it in Hollywood. About where you're gonna find that here is pretty much in churches like this. He says, I voted against the motion to proceed to the Respect for Marriage Act, the Reprobate Marriage Act, because the religious liberty protections were severely anemic. Well, you know being anemic's not good, okay? It means you're unhealthy, low red blood cells, all that stuff, okay? It's like, wait a second. Look at what this politician says. He says, I voted against it because the religious liberty protections were severely anemic. That sounds to me like this somehow usurps the authority of the United States Constitution. He goes on to say, and these liberties are nothing but an illusion in the bill, okay? And that's Republican Senator from Utah, Mike Lee. He says this, while I respect the efforts and emotions surrounding this issue, okay? While I, Mike Lee, respect the efforts and emotions surrounding this issue. Here's your red wave. Here's your Republican hero, okay? Completely disregarding the word of God. He says that he respects the efforts and emotions surrounding this issue. The bill does not simply codify Obergefell as its proponents claims. And so Obergefell, I'm mispronouncing that because I don't care and because I'm tired, but basically that is a Supreme Court ruling that was made a while back on sodomite marriage, okay? And so he's saying that it basically radicalizes that, which it does, and you'll see that here in a moment, okay? Just the fact that these people are saying that this bill attacks your religious liberties, which were guaranteed to you by the Constitution, should alarm everyone. You think MSNBC or CNN is gonna put this on there? No, they're gonna say, wow, this is great. Look at what passed the Senate today. Democracy wins. Here's what else he says. He says, and despite the proposed amendment from Senators Collins and Baldwin, the religious liberty protections are woefully insufficient, he added. Religious Americans will be subject to potentially ruinous litigation while the tax exempt status of certain charitable organizations, educational institutions, and nonprofits will be threatened. And then he goes on to say, my amendment would have shored up these vulnerabilities. It's a shame it wasn't included. Just go to our 1.6 review rating on Google and read through the reviews and count how many people say your tax exempt status should be taken away, blah, blah, blah. Look, I don't care. I'll pay the taxes right now if that's what it's gonna take, but I'm not gonna stop saying the truth and neither should any of you just because of this. And you say, well, I think it's gonna be some time before you better pray. Better pray. You know, I was looking at a story about this guy recently who got, I forgot what his name, I think his last name's Vaughn. Might be a Catholic guy, but he got arrested by the FBI recently in front of his family. Like, the FBI came in, you know, Department of Justice, right, came in all tough and basically hemmed this guy out. And they said he violated the FACE Act, okay, the FACE Act. Just go type that in on your own time, the FACE Act. Basically, it's an act that Bill Clinton signed into law when he was president that basically says you cannot stop someone from going into an abortion clinic, okay? Now, I don't agree with going down to the abortion clinics and stopping people or blocking them from getting in. I don't like people blocking me from trying to get in here like they were trying to do. I don't do that to other people. I just preach the word of God and we'll just let God sort them out, okay? But the fact is that was signed into law, what, back in the 90s or something like that? And you're just now starting to see the president send the DOJ, the FBI, to do his dirty work on people. You see, that's what I'm talking about here. Now, I mean, okay, so some people went and blocked some people from going to kill babies. Does anybody in here think that that should warrant the FBI? No, I mean, it's like, that's a little extreme if you ask me, okay? So all I'm saying is these things that are put into law today, whether it takes 10, 15 years or 10 months or 10 days, it's coming, it's coming. Everything that these people sign into law, they eventually act on. Every weapon that we've ever designed will eventually get used. It's just the way it is. Listen to this. Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts accused Senate Republicans who voted for the legislation, betrayal. I think they're all betrayers, you know? He goes on to say, conservatives are deeply disappointed by the betrayal of Senate Republicans to protect Americans' religious freedom and won't soon forget the votes of the 12 Republican senators who cast aside an essential right in a bill that will weaponize the federal government against believers of nearly every religion. So that's what these people are saying. It's gonna weaponize the government against us, and you better believe it will. It absolutely will. You think Trump's gonna come in and overturn this? Better hope that God turns his heart to do that. I mean, there is power in prayer. If Elijah can basically stop the rain because of the wickedness in the land, certainly we could possibly do that. I don't know, but I don't trust in these politicians. They're all betrayers. It's not just 12 Republicans that are betrayers. 100% of them are. Anybody who's for the alphabet community is a betrayer, in my opinion. Look, this is where it gets really bad. Even Catholics are starting to get upset. This says, Catholic vote president Brian Birch described the vote as politically motivated. Oh, you think? I think it's satanically motivated. But he says it's politically motivated in its timing, warning that it offers the Senate zero benefits but plenty of harm and vicious attacks against religious freedom. We're in bad shape when even the Catholics are scared. If the Catholics are worried about the stuff, like, look, we've got a major fight coming on our hands. We need to make sure that we are strong and ready to go. He goes on to say this. The act violates the First Amendment rights of Americans everywhere. You didn't even need to really say that, but yeah, it does. But most directly, those who live out their beliefs in the public square, where their contributions to society are irreplaceable, he said, this includes those who are explicitly motivated by their faith to advance their community's wellbeing, like churches and charities. But likewise, individuals whose faith informs the everyday work they do, like web designers, wedding cake bakers, and others. Look, this is bad news, that bill. It's bad, bad news. You know what's coming after that? Probably a bill, I don't know when, but there will be something coming up to the point to where they can come to your house and literally snatch your children to be their spouses or whatever. That's what they did in Genesis 19. And these reprobates won't stop until they can have free access, not only to your mind, but to your children. Last one of these and I'm done. We'll finish up with a couple of verses and we're out of here. So he goes on to say there's this Catholic vice president, whatever. It's all about money to these guys. He says, suppose a Catholic college refused to allow a same-sex married couple to live in college-owned graduate student housing for families. That's how it reads. It says, they might be subject to all kinds of litigation, he suggested. Such a college might lose its nonprofit status. Well, I hope these health factories all go down. Look, if we have to go underground to drag down this beast, new evangelical system, which includes Catholics, Mormons, all these people, then let's do it. Let's do it because I don't want this college to stand. So I'm glad they're gonna fall and go down. It says their students might lose eligibility for federal financial aid and their faculty might lose eligibility from research grants from government agencies. Again, that's what it is. So these Catholic, they're not concerned about the truth. It's about the almighty dollar that they're worried about. They're worried about losing money. This would put Catholic colleges and other Christian universities at a real disadvantage when compared to their secular counterparts. They all need to go down as far as I'm concerned. It's not about learning knowledge anymore in this country. It's about how woke you can get. That's the idea. So I'm gonna stop right there because it's just getting me upset. Three verses, we're done. Go back to Psalm 9. By the way, Mitt Romney, to no one's surprise, voted for this, right? The Mormon champion. And just to bring this up because I'm already in trouble because it's over my time, whatever, you know. Look, when we were going through the protest, I want to say, I'll bet you anything, more than 200 phone calls and emails collectively came locally and most of those were Mormon people wanting to reason with me about how loving these people are. You know, so all I'm saying is we live in a very, very heavily Mormon populated state and that president over there and his quorum of 12 buffoons, which they call apostles, they're gonna be complete reprobate here in just another few years and it's just gonna be very interesting to see how that goes. All right, verse 18. The Bible says this. Psalm 9, verse 18. For the needy shall not always be forgotten. The expectation of the poor shall not perish forever. So again, this goes back to this democracy idea, right? Democrats protect the poor. No, they don't. They make it worse is what they do and so do Republicans. They're all a bunch of jokes, okay? But God will remember the poor. He will take care of the needy, okay? And, you know, we fall into that category as well. Look at verse 19. Look at verse 19. Arise, O Lord. This is what David says. Arise, O Lord. Let not man prevail. Let the heathen be judged in thy sight. I think it'd be very good for us to all include this in our prayer life. Look at verse 20. Put them in fear, O Lord, that the nations may know themselves to be but men. That's the attitude and the prayer that needs to be on our minds, that God, like he did to that comedian who mocked him, that more things like that would happen and be made manifest in these days that we live in, okay? And so with that being said, you know, you take a look at the attitude of these underground church people in China. Again, I'm not, I don't know their doctrine. I don't know exact, I don't speak Chinese. I don't know everything that they've got going on but I know this, that they are spreading their message very quickly, okay? And they are reaching people and so if they can do it, we already know, I know what goes on here. I know we have the truth. We have the word of God. We've, you know, we're not peddling NIVs and all this stuff. We've got the tools, the drive and the people necessary to do great things for God. So if we have to go underground, then so be it. Don't let that offend you. Realize, you know what? We can make, I mean, great exploits for God. I believe that. The Bible talks about that and whether it's in the actual tribulation or whether it's a tribulation period that we have to go through just in our lifetimes, you know? Our attitude should be that God would make these people in this country understand and know that they are men or women, okay? That would be a good one too. Let's bring back people understanding basic biology. That's another thing that needs to go on the prayer list. But we're gonna stop here for tonight and pray. Thank you so much, Lord, for again your wisdom in the Bible. I just pray that you would send us some more people, Lord, and that we can train them up and send them out into your harvest. We thank you for all that you do for us. In Jesus' name I pray, amen. Thank you. All right, please grab your songbooks one more time this evening and turn to song 75. Song number 75 on Jordan Stormy Banks. On the first. On Jordan Stormy Banks I send And cast a wishful eye To Canaan's fair and happy land Where my possessions lie I am bound for the promised land I am bound for the promised land Oh who will come and go with me I am bound for the promised land All o'er those wide extended plains Shines one eternal day There God the Son forever reigns And scatters night away I am bound for the promised land I am bound for the promised land Oh who will come and go with me I am bound for the promised land No chilly winds nor poisonous breath Can reach that healthful shore Sickness and sorrow, pain and death Are felt and feared no more I am bound for the promised land I am bound for the promised land Oh who will come and go with me I am bound for the promised land On the last When shall I reach that happy place And be forever? When shall I see my Father's face And in His bosom rest I am bound for the promised land I am bound for the promised land Oh who will come and go with me I am bound for the promised land Amen, good singing. Brother Skolk, would you close the service in a word of prayer please? Dear Lord, thank you for the preaching, thank you for the sermon, Lord. Let us stay bold for you, Lord. Let us keep at it with the soul winning. And when the time comes we can be wise and do the work of the Lord. And still turn the hearts of many to righteousness, Lord. And Lord we love you and thank you for everyone for coming here tonight. And let us travel safe home and view of us the rest of the week. And we can gather here soon. And we love you and thanks for everything. In Jesus' name my friend, Amen. Thank you. Amen.