(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All right. Let's back up here now to verse number four. We're going to read this here real quick, and then we're going to go to Romans chapter number 13. Deuteronomy 32, again, let's look at verse number four here. Okay, so going back to this idea here, we're going to get moving on now towards the subject of the Boise PD. Look at this here. Deuteronomy 32, verse number four. You say, show me how God feels about things. Well, here it is right here. Verse four again. We need to be okay with that. We need to promote that, okay? Because that is part of verse three, ascribing greatness to our God. Understanding the fact that we serve a God of judgment. His word is judgment, okay? A God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he. God's laws all throughout Leviticus, and you know which ones I'm talking about here, okay? Those are just, those are right. Now, in today's day and age, okay, we don't live in Old Testament Israel. We can't implement those laws though we wish that our government would, and our government used to, and society was better. You didn't have to fear for your life. You didn't have to worry about saying the wrong pronouns, and I'm not worried about it, I don't care, but you know what I'm trying to say, right? You know, it is still a concern, you know, because there are people out there who's like, oh, it's not ma'am, it's sir. Okay, now you're in a fight. Now you're having to defend and all this stuff. Back in the day, you didn't have to worry about that because people knew, and they understood, and they saw how God felt, and they implemented the right laws to remove that trash from society, okay? So, understand that this verse here isn't going anywhere. In fact, I'm going to show you very clearly. Go to Romans chapter 13, how this extends into today's times, okay? We're going to break down Romans 13 because we get a lot of people who email in question, you know, and they won't go back and listen to our sermons, they just hear something I said, and they just, oh, you're violating Romans chapter 13, your whole church is against government, you guys are anarchists, and I go to Calvary Church down the street, okay? Hold on, man, back up for a second here. I'm willing to bet you can't even understand what Romans chapter 13 is really saying and really teaching, but I want to make sure that every soul in this room, every soul that comes to this church, even those that are gone today, they already know, can explain what these verses really mean and teach other people what they mean. And we're going to prove to you today that we follow this to a T, okay? Again, we are not anarchists, okay? We understand that the way our society is constructed today, there's police, okay? It is what it is. I wish they would be more like the fire department, you know, and just kind of come out and stop harassing us as we're driving down the street a little too fast or whatever. You know, we don't need that, but, you know, that's a sermon for another day. Look at this here, okay? So Romans chapter 13, verse number 1. Remember, we saw the heart of God. It's all throughout the Bible, but very clearly when Moses is teaching the children of Israel, he reminds them that his ways are judgment because that's always the first thing to be attacked is judgment and truth, okay? So look at this here. Romans chapter 13. And keep in mind that Paul's writing this to these believers in Rome and they're dealing with a lot of the stuff that we're dealing with today. You know, their leaders are corrupt. I mean, you go look up Nero and the horrible things he's done, you know, but I have a suspicion that our society today is actually far worse, far worse. There's more advanced tools and it's far worse than it was even then. But nonetheless, let's break this down. Verse number 1, Romans 13. Look at this here. Paul says this. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers, for there is no power but of God. The powers that be are ordained of God. Now let's stop right there, okay? Notice what this says. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. Notice what it does not say. Let every soul be subject to every person in power. It does not say that. It does not say that anywhere in the Bible, okay? What this is teaching us here is what true, proper, just truth, government should look like so that we can have discernment to recognize what we are really dealing with here. Look at it again. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers, for there is no power but of God. The powers that be are ordained of God. So in other words, God has ordained governments and enforcement organizations, if you will, for His purpose, okay? To enforce truth for safety reasons. Look at verse number 2. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, okay? Stop right there. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, not necessarily the person, okay? I mean, think about it. You know, when there was a conspiracy to kill Paul, okay? You guys remember this. We studied this in Acts, okay? What did the Romans do? They protected him. Think about that. Even as corrupt as they were, the police of that day, they took it serious. They took that threat serious, right? And they protected Paul. And they said, you know what? We need to bring you to a fair trial. Last Sunday, what happened to this church will blow some of your minds, because we didn't even get as much as that. And this is about to get serious here, okay? And I'm not trying to scare you, but I just want you to understand what we are dealing with and what this means going forward. And again, not just for us, but for the entire New Independent Fundamental Baptist movement. Every church out there trying to get back to truth, okay? Every church out there doing the works of the Lord, okay? This doesn't just affect us. What happens at steadfast doesn't just affect them. That affects us. That affects Verity. That affects Pastor Anderson. That affects the whole thing. Look at this verse again. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God, and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. Now, just to quickly illustrate this and to prove this to you, you go knock on the door of somebody who is a defund the police type person, like a total removal, okay? What are the odds of that person listening to the gospel? Pretty much zero, unless it's just somebody who lives there, right? Brother Jeff knows. He knows this very well, right? Some of you guys, you've lived this, okay? Now, ironically, what's the next thing they're going to do? They're going to call the cops on you, okay? But more on that in a moment here. What is this saying here? Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, okay? So all these people, honestly, they're like, you know, we need to get rid of the police altogether, okay? A lot of those people are evil. Hey, now, we say it for a different reason. We say, no, no, no, yeah, yeah, the police shouldn't exist. We agree with that, okay? But if we're going to get rid of the police, we need to institute the entire law of God, minus the temple stuff and all that stuff that's not applicable anymore, right? But we need to go back to Leviticus. If we could implement all that stuff and give power back to the people and enforce God's rule, we wouldn't really need the police anymore, okay? But, again, let's keep moving on here. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God, okay? And so a sign that you're dealing with somebody who's resisting God is when somebody is like, well, we need to remove the Constitution. You know, the Constitution affirms and guarantees our right to free speech and to practice our religion the way that the Bible prescribes for us, okay? And so you have to understand that these people out here want that gone. Why? Because they want us gone, okay? So look what it says. And they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. That is what should happen. But what you're seeing today is that is not what is happening, okay? Look at verse number three. Verse number three, you've got to understand this as well, okay? Because the Bible is going to define for us what a ruler is, okay? And you have to know this. You have to understand this to be wise and to be smart and to be going forth as a disciple of Christ. Look at verse three. He says, for rulers are not a terror to good works. So if someone hands you a test and says, hey, define for me what a ruler is, you need to write this down here. This is the answer. A ruler is someone who is not a terror to good works. A ruler does not terrorize Christians. A ruler does not say, hey, I understand what the law of soliciting is, but you've got to leave anyways. That is a domestic terrorist, in fact. That is someone who opposes God. Think about this. Our law in this city says that what we do in regards to soul winning is not soliciting, it's visiting. There is no law that says that we cannot go and visit people and try to make disciples and make friends and teach the word of God. There's no law prohibiting that. But a lot of police officers will try to prohibit that because they look at us as an easy target. They know that we're carrying Bibles, that we're not going to fist fight them, we're not going to tackle them, we're not going to do anything crazy. And so that emboldens these people and they look at us as easy targets. You see, this is something else that nobody ever wants to talk about. A lot of people that were picked on and bullied their whole lives, you know where they often go? They go to the police department. They become police officers or they become soldiers. They go into the military. The military is full of these types of people. Don't ever just blanket trust all of them is what I'm trying to say here. But the Bible says, for rulers are not a terror to good works but to the evil. This is what God has ordained. Why? Because he is a God of truth, a God of judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good works but to the evil. Is that what you're seeing in today's America? Is that what you saw last Sunday at this church? No, you did not see that. For rulers are not a terror to good works but to the evil. Will thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good and thou shall have praise of the same. So now what I'm going to do, I'm going to reinstate this one more time. The Bible tells you that a ruler, a person in position of power, is supposed to terrorize the evil, not the other way around. A ruler should terrorize the evil and protect the good. So what we have today is we have an agency in the Boise police department and other police departments in their leadership. We have these entities. We have these people today that are in positions of powers but they are doing the opposite. And so therefore the Bible would say, you know what, you're really not a ruler. Because these people are trying to terrorize us. And I'm going to prove that to you right now. So you're going to see me dig through my phone here and it's solely because I need to read some of these comments to you guys. Last Sunday morning. And this has happened a couple of times, but last Sunday morning, the Sodomites, the Satanic Temple of Idaho, whatever they are, these people said that they're going to put on this dance protest to protest our church because we wound up as a light mention back in the news again not too long ago. They didn't even use our name this time and still got them upset, but whatever. So they decided to show up here and it was supposed to be a dance party. And they were here before I got here. They were ready. They wanted to yell at me, whatever. We got out of the vehicle, came inside here, and there are people still showing up and they're just barking like dogs. Literally just barking. That's all they do. You guys know that. That's what they do. So these people show up here. I want to say about 945, 950, look outside there. I see a couple guys with rifles. What the heck's going on here? Look outside again. We see about five, six, what? How many? Five or six people with rifles? Yelling, cussing, threatening women and children. See, the men here, we don't care. We're like, whatever. You want to threaten me, that's fine. Right over the head. I don't even care. Think about this. Now, what made it even more interesting is there's a group out there called the Idaho Liberty Dogs. It's made up of different people that go to different churches around the area, I guess. They don't agree with us on doctrine, obviously. But in their hearts, they wanted to come down here and support us. They didn't want to come and sit in the service. They wanted to just stand out there and I guess pray for us. I wasn't out there during the service. I'm not sure what they did. I don't know if they just talked or whatever. But they stood out there and going forward, I'm probably not going to allow that because it just eggs these people on and we don't need that. This is supposed to be why is the serpents harmless to the doves. Just get in here. I don't have an issue if you've got to say a quick thing, get it off your chest, whatever. I do it. I'm guilty. I've got the flesh too. But going back to this, so we have this group out here. And these people, and Brother Kevin will tell you, a lot of you guys know this, they're out there getting worked up, getting angry and threatening people. I mean, he's not here today, but Brother Denver will tell you that. He walked in and he's like, wow. You're like, what in the world is going on? Think about this for a second. Last Sunday morning, we had several armed protesters with rifles walking back and forth, even blocking temporarily the access to get into this parking lot. And they're starting to get worked up. They're starting to get more agitated. We have a history with these people. We know the Bible. We know what they're like. We know what they're capable of. This was getting out of hand by about 1035, 1040, right before the second song. And the decision was made to call the police, Boise PD. And they said, we're going to send somebody out. By the end of the day, what we left here, like 10 o'clock at night, I hadn't so much as received even a phone call from Boise PD. Ask yourself this question right now. What would happen if we went to that Santa drag queen event on the 18th and just stood there across the street with ARs, AKs, and just maybe a couple of signs and someone called the police? They'd be there faster than anything. Every time the police have been called on us out soul winning, they have been there within 13 minutes. Under 15 minutes, guaranteed they show up. We have armed dogs. And I get where the Boise, I get where the dog pounded the area. I know that these stray dogs need to be controlled. I understand that. But the problem is the government's making our job hard because they're taking away our ability to get any kind of protection. And don't let them fool you. They're online. Oh, we had to do that because they want us dead. We do want you dead, but we want it done legally. We want it done God's way. That's all we're saying. That's all we're saying. We're not going to do it unless it's in self defense. But here's the thing. You have armed protesters out there. You know how dangerous that is? That could pop off in an instant. Because all they have to do now going forward is say that they felt threatened and that someone out there did something. All they have to do is lie. That's what we're talking about tonight in 1 Kings chapter 21, the vineyard incident. All they have to do is lie. And they're going to get away with it. But I can assure you that this is the wrong group to mess with. And I also want to say this before I forget. No woman, no child goes to their car without an escort. That's the change going forward. Now, they're not out there right now. They're not out there today, but there's been a lot of weird activity. Wednesday, we pull up here, get here early. I see someone. Well, I see one of the dogs over there in a van. He didn't get the support so I guess he left. But I pull in here and I see a vehicle in the rear view. You're just kind of watching. It's a newer vehicle. We get in here and I see him just creeping through the parking lot. At this stage in our church life, you know what that means. And so I go back outside and I watch this guy and he parks over there. I just stood behind the sign and I see this head pop out. Like that. And so I pop my head out. And he's like, we're doing this kind of thing, right? And I'm like, what's up? Do you want to come visit? What's going on? And he took off and left. Now, if you want to come to church, chances are you're going to park back here or over here. And you're not going to be like. I was talking with Brother Jeff about this and what I think that was is some super nerdy tough guy sodomite online and said, I'm going to go get him and sit through the service and I'll come back and brag about it. That's probably all that was. He wasn't armed. He didn't look like a major threat. I wasn't afraid. But that's weird. And there's weird things like that. And so all I'm saying is that we are vigilant and we're going to stay vigilant because these people are watching us. And they're dangerous. Now, let's start reading some of these messages here. Again, keep in mind, we have armed protesters out there, people with rifles. They're not afraid for their lives. They're yelling obscenities at us. Making fun of people. Which we do that to them and we're justified and I'll get to that here in a moment. But I want to set the record straight right off the bat. They were not out there with rifles because they are afraid. And I'm going to prove it to you right now. So, the group that was out here, the Idaho Liberty Dogs. This is what they said. Keep in mind, they are not part of our church. They are just their own deal. And they made a post. They took a video and they made this post and said this. The founder and members of the Idaho Satanic Church were protesting at a local church in Boise this morning. This morning, the Satanists harassed. This is their words. This is what they observed. This morning, the Satanists harassed and intimidated women and children as they arrived at the church. All the while screaming obscenities at them and wishing them death. And then he drops the name of their leader and says that this guy is often seen harassing women. This is very typical of him. And then he just says these photos were taken this morning. So, understand that. This is not just us. This is a group of people that don't even agree with our doctrine. They are not King James only. I don't know where they stand on salvation. I don't know a whole lot about them. All I know is that a group of people that came here wanted to stand in the middle. Not hot or cold, but whatever. And do whatever they did. And this is what they saw. And if you watch the video, and if you need a video, I'll send you a link. And they said this is the first time we've ever seen them armed. Because this group follows them all over town. So what this group does is they battle them at the abortion clinics, at the Capitol. And that's what they do. So they're familiar with these. These groups have a history together. And what they noticed, what they saw is why are they so aggressive here? Like this is crazy. Like they came in and told many of you, like I can't believe we've never seen them act like this before. Now, their slob leader, who by the way was kicked out of the main satanic temple here and lost his ordination I guess, is what we're hearing. That clown is on there. Well we had to be on because they want us dead. Well look, just because they want you to die doesn't mean that I'm going to do it. Because I'm not unless you come at me or you tip that muzzle in my direction. It just simply means I'm preaching the Bible. So that proves to you that they're lying. And let's get into it now. Here's further proof here. I've got to be careful reading some of these. Okay. Here's one comment and here's why. Because we're monitoring these comments on Twitter, on TikTok, on YouTube, on Reddit, on all these different threads. We're monitoring what these people are saying. We're monitoring what they're saying a lot of times. And here's one comment. OMG, people protest not going to do anything. No offense, but it would be better if we just started slaughtering all these worthless homophobic Christians. Another person said, amen, leave the alphabet folk alone. Well they said LGBTQ, but you know, I don't agree with their terms. So that was one. That was one statement that came in. So we're looking at this like, hmm. Let me get you another one here. Let's see, right here. Let's take a look at this. Here's another one. It's time to turn their churches into reenactments of the Pulse and Q Club events. Just saying, it is the only way that they will learn and they deserve it. Does anybody in here think we went too far by calling the police? Because we have an armed group of angry dogs out there yelling obscenities, cussing and swearing at our church members. And they're saying things like this as it's going on. Okay. A response to that comment on the Boise thread. This is what we need to do since they want to kill us. Okay. We don't want to kill you ourselves. I don't know how many times I have to say that. They don't like it when I say that because they want their narrative to be true. When all we're saying, look, even the liberal news media backed us up on this. Even the liberal news came down here and interviewed me and we're like, okay, okay, I see what's going on. Yeah, that TikTok awkward chick lied. And they admitted it, but she lied. We tried to splice these clips and basically say that you're telling your congregation to go out and kill people. We don't do that and they know that. They know that. Here's another one. We will not be silent. Another one. That's actually a very good idea. Let's start now. What happens if you threaten the President of the United States and then say you're joking? Do they take it serious? What happens if you could just randomly call somebody out here and you're pranking and you're like, I'm going to come to your house and kill you? Do they take it serious? What happened when someone threatened us back in August or whatever it was? And I reported it to the police. They took it serious. Why didn't they show up last Sunday? Why? Because when Brother Kevin called, he read them these messages and said, I don't want this to escalate. We've got video. We've got these messages. No response. No phone call to this very day. Shame on Boise PD. Shame on their leadership. Shame on the mayor. Apparently from now on, obviously we won't call the police next time. Because they're not going to help us. The Bible says we're living in perilous times. And you need to understand that and you need to be okay with that. Here's some more. Seems like they need a good taste of arson. Can't have a church of hate in Boise. This is not a church. Another person says, amen. We need to boycott all these types of churches. Please be careful, but bravo to showing up and standing up for your rights. Here's some more. We all need to band together and fight this homophobic stuff. Stand strong and proud. Burn it to the ground. Let's see here. I think you get the picture. I think you get the point. I think we all understand. Now, in my heart of hearts, I don't believe that they're capable of pulling anything off. Because as a church full of people that have experience with weapons, I can tell by the way that they're holding them and by their posture that they weren't going to do anything. But they could. These people are deranged. They're sick. They're reprobate. It sucks when you know this, when we know this is the truth, but law enforcement, they don't know the Bible. They don't care about the Bible. It's difficult. What I saw early on, I would say, I could tell they weren't going to do nothing. However, when the decision was made to call the police, their posture had changed. They were getting agitated. They were working themselves up. These comments were coming in. They were reading them. They were getting excited. That's how shootings happen. Pastor Thompson is getting these too on an hourly basis. It's like the same five guys are calling us both every hour, saying the same thing. I promise I'm going to be there tonight. I'm going to beat you up in front of the congregation. I promise I'm going to do this. Constant threats. I'm not saying this to have you feel sorry for us or anything like that or to preach fear. There's nothing to be afraid of. Safety is of the Lord. We just need to be prepared. That's all I'm saying. We need to be prepared. But again, think about this. Think about what this means for our brethren churches in the world. The fact that you had an angry mob of armed sodomites outside of our building yelling threats. We've got several witnesses. We've got video. We've got these screenshots. By the way, I do need to find this one to read to you because this is very important. But again, nothing done. Police didn't show up. One of the people that were definitely out here, she says this. Comments on here now have to be filtered to avoid any comments made that could include arson or violence. I condone those comments. That person was armed. That person was outside here. Boise PD, any PD, any police department should have taken that serious. Again, I'm not bringing this up to scare you. I'm simply just bringing this up because it's the highest level of hypocrisy I think I've ever personally witnessed. One last thing I want to read for you. Idaho Botanical Gardens is holding an event on December 18th which features a drag Santa for a Christmas family event. We need everyone to show up. Stay posted for more information. Now you say, why are you reading now? What's the problem here? Here's the problem again. You just heard what happened to us last Sunday. Hopefully you understand the severity and what that means. What that means for every church like ours in America. It sets a dangerous precedent. It emboldens these people is what it does. It makes things dangerous. The worst thing we could do is allow that to stop us from coming to church. The worst thing we could do is allow that to stop us from serving God. We serve a great God who has protected us multiple times. It's not the first time we've had protests. It's not the first time we've had threats and it won't be the last. I believe wholeheartedly God will protect us and show himself mighty amongst our people. But the mere fact that they're going to have this drag Santa event. Again, if we were to do just the same thing. Just stand on the sidewalk with rifles at the ready. Rifles. I don't know, just start quoting Bible verses to them. Everyone in this nation knows those cops would show up. They would not neglect that. Again, we had to call the Boise PD back in June because that dog was out there making these threats. They were coming in the parking lot and they had to be set straight. One of the police officers was cool and the other one was like, we don't take sides. What do you mean we don't take sides? We need you to enforce the law. These people cannot be screaming the fact that they want to attack us as we're coming in and out of church. They can't come on this property. They have been officially trespassed. Think about this. We don't take sides. Yes, you do take sides. Yes, they do. I was there when Verity Baptist Church went through their big mega protest. Most of those police officers had the sodomite flag purposely sewn on their uniform that day. You want to tell me they don't take sides. You're out of your mind. You're crazy. Those are the types of police officers. Look, we don't need to defund the police. We need a refund of the current police. That's what we need. We need a refund on these people and get some people in there that have some common sense that understand judgment and truth. The Boise Police Department, the leadership, apparently they need an overhaul. We need to put that on the prayer list. That the corruption would be exposed. That this would go out and that this would be made public. The fact that they didn't even so much as call should send chills down everyone's spine for a moment. This is very, very serious. Again, let's move on here. Let's get you guys out of here. Let's see. Where are you at? Romans 13? I've been yapping so long. Let's look at verse 4 real quick. Again, quick recap. What did we learn? Romans 13. God ordained the powers for good. Why? Because he's the God of judgment. He's the God of truth. What do we do as believers? We audit our current people in those positions. In other words, when the police are like, you can't do this. We need to stand up to them and say, this is the law. This is what it says. We need to go through all the proper channels to expose them. We have that God-given authority because the Bible teaches us the very fact that these powers were put into place to terrorize evil, not to terrorize good. Look at verse 4. Regarding the person in a position of power, a ruler. For he is a minister of God to thee for good. That is not what we saw last Sunday. That is not what is going on in today's America. Look at what it says. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid, for he beareth not the sword in vain, for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Verse 5. Wherefore, ye must needs be subject not only for wrath, but also for conscience' sake. This verse here in today's day and age has been reversed. It has been completely reversed. They are not the ministers of God anymore. They are not punishing evil. In fact, they are making us afraid and the evil put at ease. Okay. Go real quickly to Genesis chapter number 5. So we're really only going to look at a couple more passages and we're done. Okay. Genesis chapter number 5. So while you're turning there, I'm going to reread for you Deuteronomy 32 verse 4 which is our main text for this morning. Okay. And I want to kind of shift gears a little bit here. Okay. Let's talk about what gets these people mad and why we're justified in what we do and what we say. Okay. So again, he is the rock. His work is perfect for all his ways or judgment. A God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he. Okay. Now what I want to do is I want to ask you a question. What would you say about a man whom God took off this earth, right? Had him bypass physical death and took him right into heaven. What would you say about that man? That he pleased God, right? Genesis chapter 5. Look at verse number 24 just to kind of prove my point here. Talking about Enoch. We're going to talk about Elijah here in a second but look at Enoch here because this happened to Enoch also. Look what it says. And Enoch walked with God and he was not for God took him. So what that means is that Enoch lived his life in a way that so pleased God that God just took him. God said you are now mine. And keep in mind this individual pleased God. Well this happened to another individual in the Bible whom we've recently reviewed. But we need to review it again to get some more application before we're done this morning. Go to 1 Kings chapter number 18. 1 Kings chapter number 18. So we see that in Genesis chapter 5 there was a man who pleased God and God took him. He was no longer on the earth. He bypassed death. So could we say that he pleased God? Absolutely. Could we see that his life and his actions that are preserved are something for us to learn from? Absolutely. Could this give us insight on the heart of God and how God feels about situations. How God feels about evil. And in regards to evil let's talk about wickedness. Let's talk about sons of Satan. Let's talk about those people. How does God feel about those? And what I'm talking about are people that have sold themselves to the devil. Who have been converted to Satanism. How does God feel about those people? Let's take a look at something here. Again we just recently went over this as a church but not everybody was there. So let's talk about this here. 1 Kings chapter 18. Let me give you a quick frame of reference. So basically what's going on is you have Ahab. He is the king of the northern kingdom of Israel. And what's going on here is he has allowed his wife to institute full on Satanism. He's not restrained his wife from going after the prophets of God. And so God has sent Elijah to set the record straight. And so what Elijah does is he comes up to Ahab after having prayed for three and a half years of no rain. He comes up to Ahab and proposes a challenge to him. And this challenge is for him and it's for the people of the land. And what is going on here is he says, Hey you know we need to grab these people basically that haven't made up their minds Baal or God. Which is the devil Baal. These people haven't made up their minds. So let's set a test here. Let's see if Baal is actually real. Let's see if he will actually come down and manifest himself in the sight of his own people. And then what he's going to do is he's going to set up an offering. He's going to set up an altar of earth and he's going to soak this offering and he's going to call upon God. And God is going to answer that and show himself mighty, magnificent and powerful in the sight of the nation of Israel. A lot of people are going to get saved. But along the way there's a couple things that we learn about the prophets of Baal. About these Satanists. And this so applies to us today and why we're in the position that we're in. 1 Kings chapter 18. We're not going to take the time to read everything but look at verse number 26. 1 Kings chapter 18. Look at verse number 26. So it says this. And they took the bullock which was given them. And they dressed it. And they called on the name of Baal from morning until noon saying, O Baal hear us but there was no voice nor any that answered and they leaped on the altar which was made. And isn't this what the snowflake liberals do today? When they don't get the response or the answer they want they throw a temper tantrum. That's what's going on here in this moment. Now I want you to understand something here. Look at verse 27. Look at how Elijah, the prophet of God, the man whom God took to heaven and allowed to bypass physical death. Look at how he responds to their actions. Verse 27. And it came to pass at noon that Elijah mocked them and said, For he is a god, either he is talking or he is pursuing or he is in a journey or peradventure he sleepeth and must be awake. Okay, I mean think about this. Elijah is mocking these satanists. He is mocking these sodomites, these devils, these people that hate God. He's mocking them with words. How do you mock somebody? With words or, you know, little motions. That's what he's doing. You know what you don't see here? You don't see God coming down and being like, hey, that's not loving. Hey, that's not tolerant. You have to ask yourself why. Why? Why? Look at verse 28. And they cried aloud and cut themselves after their manner with knives and lancets till the blood gushed out upon them. So, Elijah preaching the word of God. Elijah mocking them. Elijah doing the work of God. What did that cause? It caused them to hurt themselves. It caused them to commit acts of violence amongst themselves. And that's exactly what I'm talking about. Okay. Now, as far as I know, I don't know of anyone alive who has or heard anything maybe you guys have where someone has said, oh, I decided to shoot up this club because I listened to Pastor Anderson's sermon back there or because I listened to Pastor Jimenez's, you know, Pulse nightclub sermon or listened to one of ours. Okay, no one has said that. Okay, it's always been themselves that have done it. You know, all these queer club shootings are their own people because they're dogs and they return to their vomit constantly and that's what they do. The Bible tells you that. But here you have a situation where Elijah just mocks them, just uses words. They hurt themselves. You know what you don't see? You don't see God coming down saying, man, you shouldn't have done that, Elijah. There's no rebuke for Elijah in regards to that. And you know what? When we mock them, it's the same thing. We are guiltless. We are blameless and we're harmless. I didn't harm you. Harm requires physical action. Harm requires me to go out and to physically do something to you. We're not doing that. We're just preaching the Bible. We love God. We're a church after God's own heart. We're trying to follow the example of someone whom God took from off this earth and bypassed death. Oh no, hard preaching caused somebody to hurt themselves. Even if that happens, it's not my fault. You should have listened better. You don't get thrown out in court anyways, even in today's day and age. I believe that. Look at verse 29. And it came to pass when midday was past and they prophesied until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice that there was neither voice nor any to answer nor that any regarded. Now, for sake of time, skip down to verse number 40. Okay, so obviously after Elijah goes through and proves to the nation who the real God is, miraculously, right, powerfully, look what happens. Okay, a lot of these people, I believe they, okay, this is the true God. This is who we're going to believe on. Look at what happens in verse 40. And Elijah said unto them, take the prophets of Baal, let not one of them escape. And they took them and Elijah brought them down to the brook Kishon and slew them there. Now, that was the law of the land. That was what supposed, what was supposed to happen in Israel in that time. Now, in today's day and age, we're here as ambassadors. So we stay out of that. That's why we don't go physically protest to these people because we're just ambassadors. We just simply say, hey, you know, our kingdom is about to move here on this earth and you might want to get ready. Here's how you can get in. Here's what God feels about these things that you're doing. The choice is yours. That's what we do. And when I do mock these people a little bit, all of us do, and we're well within our rights to do that because Elijah did that and there's no rebuke for that. There's no rebuke. There's no rebuke. You know, so if somebody comes up and so-called Christian people, you know, they're calling the church phone and they're like, you know, I don't appreciate the things that you say and the harsh words that you use for these people. Oh, really? Have you seen what they're trying to do to kids? Are you aware of the fact that a young teenage child, a nine-year-old, could call the library up and order a sodomite book, a pornography book, and the library will bring that to them? Are you aware of that? Do you not love children? If you're not mad about these things right now, there is something wrong with you. You need to be put on the prayer list. You need someone to light a fire under your backside. What's wrong with you? What is wrong with you? What's wrong with you is what's wrong with this nation, not willing to take a stand. And, you know, it is pretty easy to take a stand today. I mean, all we're asking is if people just come to church and love God. You know, I mean, is that too hard? Is that really so hard, so difficult for you? Give me a break. Fast forward, 2 Kings 2, look at verse 11. We've got one more verse after this and we're done. 2 Kings 2, let's talk about Elijah real quick. And we'll visit this again in a couple of weeks, but let's bring it up now. 2 Kings 2, verse 11. And it came to pass as they still went on and talked. This is Elijah and Elisha. And there appeared a chariot of fire and forces of fire and parted them both asunder. And look at this. And Elijah went up by world wind into heaven. For anybody to say that Elijah, you know, was super disrespectful here or that he displeased God, you know, you're crazy. This is very special here. We read about this with Elijah. We read about this with Enoch. You know, I mean, to just sit here and say, you know, that the names that we call them is wrong. Shows me that you don't understand. How do you think, look, Elijah never claimed PTSD. Those people never claimed that. It's not written in the Bible. Right? Elijah said don't let one of these people escape. Why did God allow Elijah and those people to kill those 450 prophets of Baal? Because they're garbage. Because they're infectious. Because all they can do is hurt people. That is all they can do. When someone is a convert of the devil, what you saw last Sunday morning is what you get. All they can do. Look, this guy, they're their leader out there. You know, I don't want to take the time to read the screen show. I'm just going to summarize it for you. But he's got his profile picture, if you will, on Twitter, at least it was last week, was him eating pages of the Bible at the Idaho Capitol or something like that on the National Day of Prayer. I mean, look, these people are absolutely filthy and they hate God. We love God. Hate is the opposite of love. What do we do here? Well, you know what? We do what we've been doing. Stay out of the physical aspect. We go out there and we knock doors. We preach the gospel. We share truth. And we love God, man. That is what we do. And we don't fear. The Bible says that fear is the snare of man. Look, I refuse, and many of you refuse, we will not have a church culture of fear. We are not going to have that. We are not going to allow that. We will grab you and I'll do something to you to toughen you up, man. We're going to make sure that you're good to go. Make sure that you've got courage, okay? And I don't know anybody in here that's got any issues. But go to 2 Timothy chapter 3 and we will be done. And while you're turning there, I'm just going to give you just kind of a quick recap here, okay? Just a quick overview of how God feels about this stuff. How does God feel about Boise PD? Well, God's terribly upset with Boise PD. I can guarantee you that. Say, well, how do you know? Well, it comes from reading the Bible. You start the Bible off here in Genesis, okay? What do you see? You see the first murder, okay? You see that situation between Cain and Abel, okay? What happened to Cain when he killed Abel? God of Mark, okay? You know, God granted his request and said, I understand this punishment is bare. God was patient with him. God winked at that situation and said, okay, I put a mark. You know, you fast forward, you get to Lamech. It does the same thing. It's like, oh, look at me. I slayed some guys to my hurt, you know? It does the same thing. What happens when you get to Genesis chapter number 6? The whole world is filled with wickedness. And God floods the world and destroys just about everybody. Just about everybody. I mean, it's insane. How did the world get that way? Well, God tells you a few chapters later when he starts to establish his physical nation, which was to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. He says, I'm going to institute the death penalty for these things. And the reason why I'm going to do that is so that we don't have a repeat of Genesis chapter 6. So we don't have a repeat of the flood. So we don't have a repeat of that right now, okay? And so because our nation has taken that away, this is what we are left with. We are left with people in positions of power which God has ordained to protect good and to get rid of evil. We're dealt with the opposite of that. And we have to learn how to navigate through that, okay? And, you know, I know people will be like, oh, what happened to some of those practical things you were preaching a couple years ago? You're going to see less and less of that, okay? Because now the practical sermons are how to survive the current culture that we're living in. Because things have gotten very dangerous. And look, this is supposed to be a red state, you know? Have you noticed? You notice the stuff, you know, it does happen in California. It happened to Pastor Me. He has church. You know, his church building out blew up. But I've noticed that these dogs in Texas and here in Idaho, the reason why they fight so hard is because they don't quite have all their woke politicians in positions of power. And so they're trying to make a big scene and, you know, do all this stuff to get attention. But the point being that God showed you in the Bible. He showed us why we need positions of power, why we need truth and judgment, and we need people to enforce the law. See, back in Old Testament Israel, you know, God was obviously in charge and he ordained the people. I mean, go read Deuteronomy chapter 1. Okay? What does Moses say? Hey, you know, you're too many. I had to set up leaders and I want you guys to find people that are, you know, that love God and that are studied, that are wise, and, you know, have them make laws for your current times and your situations and enforce those. That's implied there. Okay? But what we need to understand here is we don't live in those times. It's a very tricky, a very difficult situation in which we're in. Okay? And because Boise PD did not show up last week is why I don't want those people coming back and standing out there. Okay? It's not wise. I lied at one time. It was interesting. Whatever. I'm not going to lie anymore because we don't want to egg them on. We don't want to give them an opportunity to say whatever because now we don't know if the police are actually going to take the side of the law. Okay? Now the good news is these dogs are lazy. Okay? And they, you know, they're inconsistent. They're having their own internal fights, whatever. That's good news for us. And please understand the Bible says great peace have they which love thy law. Do you love the law of God? Do you love the Bible? You will get peace. You will get understanding. And there's nothing to be afraid of. There's no, there's no reason to fear. We love God. We serve God. Let's end on this note here. Second Timothy chapter three, look at verse number one. The Bible says this, this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come. Okay? We're told this. We're here. Perilous means dangerous. Okay? Your beliefs, our beliefs are considered dangerous to the people in the positions of power that God has ordained. We just need to understand that. We just need to realize that we have to stay vigilant. We have to stay awake. We have to stay observant. And we have to more than ever emphasize the wisdom of the serpent and the harmlessness of a dove. We have to put those together. You know, go back and listen to those sermons. I don't have time to get into it right now. Okay? But we have to really make sure that we're doing a good job at instituting that. And a couple of minor tweaks with our security team that we're building right now. And more about that off camera. But again, there's nothing to be afraid of because we serve God. And He, I mean look, you know, there's not too many people left out there preaching the truth. Going door to door. Standing up for what the Bible says. To say that God's not going to protect us or to have that feeling is crazy. You should never feel like that. How many times do we see God protecting people in the Bible? Right? We're not going to trust Boise PD to protect us. You know, but we kind of wanted maybe the common courtesy to maybe just show up and let them know, hey, we as being wise people just don't want this to escalate. That's all. That's all. But they wouldn't even do that. And you just need to be aware. You know? And hey, I'm glad that that happened. Because that's a great lesson for us to understand that we trust in the Lord. He's the one. The reason why nothing happened last Sunday, why it didn't get out of hand even though Boise PD didn't show up, is because God protected us. Because He is looking out for us. That's why. Not because people were standing outside of our building. No. Because God cares about His children. You know, this small remnant that's left that has guts, right? That has the tools to get the job done, to be that light in the world. Shame on Boise PD and shame on anyone who sides with them over what happened. Shame on you. Disgusted with yourselves. And I'm sure, you know, there's officers out there that were like, wow, maybe we should do something. But I don't know. Did they even get the call? Did dispatch relay that to anyone? What happened? Who made that decision? Ask yourself those questions. That's interesting. We need to know that. And, you know, it wouldn't hurt to go on their website, their Google page, and give them a one-star review. Make this known. People need to be aware of this. Because look, all these little fancy Christians out here, they think, oh, I'm glad that shield church is in law. I'm glad they're taking all the heat. Don't worry. Don't worry, fool. We'll be the shield for you. Don't worry. We'll do it. But here's the thing. They're going to come after you next. Okay? The Bible's very clear. You go read Leviticus. After this comes the children and bestiality. And you fools are going to be put on blast to make a decision. And then we're going to know exactly where you stand. You know, they're going to come get you. So, Lutz, I've kept you long enough. But, hey, it was needful today. It was necessary. I'm done with this. We'll talk about it a little bit tonight. And then we'll get back to Matthew and more pleasant things. So let's bow your heads and have a word of prayer. Thank you so much, Lord, for your truth and for keeping us safe. Just pray that you constantly continue to protect us, Lord, and help us to stay strong. And we just pray that you bless the soul wanting today and bring us back again safely tonight. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. Amen. All right. So for our final hymn this morning, let's turn to number 198 in the Red Songbook, Joy Unspeakable. We'll go out singing. 198, Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory. I have found His grace on the first. I have found His grace is all complete. He supplyeth every need. While I sit and learn at Jesus' feet, I am free, yes, free indeed. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, full of glory, full of glory. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory. Oh, the half has never yet been told. I have found the pleasure I once prayed. It is joy and peace within. On a wondrous blessing, I am saved from the awful gulf of sin. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, full of glory, full of glory. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory. Oh, the half has never yet been told. I have found that hope so bright and clear living in the realm of grace. Now the Savior's presence is so new, I can see His smiling face. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, full of glory, full of glory. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory. Oh, the half has never yet been told. On the last, I have found the joy no tongue can tell. Now the twigs of glory roll. It is like a grateful flowing well springing up within my soul. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, full of glory, full of glory. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory. Oh, the half has never yet been told. Amen. Brother Moe, will you close us? We're a prayer. Thank you Lord for keeping us safe. And as you understand, I pray that you're with us as we go our way. So thank you. Can you sing a prayer? Oh, the half has never yet been told. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, full of glory, full of glory. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, full of glory. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, full of glory. Amen.