(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the harvest truly is great but the laborers are few pray ye therefore the lord of the harvest that he would sent forth laborers into his harvest go your ways behold i sent you forth as lambs among wolves carry neither purse nor script nor shoes and salute no man by the way and into whatsoever house ye enter first say peace be to this house and if the son of peace be there your peace shall rest upon it if not it shall return to you again and in the same house remain eating and drinking such things as they give for the laborer is worthy of his higher go not from house to house and into whatsoever city ye enter and they receive you eat such things as are set before you and heal the sick that are therein and say unto them the kingdom of god is come nigh unto you but into whatsoever city ye enter and they receive you not go your ways out into the streets of your of the way and say even the very dust of your city which cleaveth on us we do wipe off against you notwithstanding be ye sure of this that the kingdom of god is come nigh unto you but i say unto you that it shall be more tolerable in that day for sodom than for that city woe unto thee korazin woe unto thee beth's best side for if the mighty works had been done in tyree and sidon which have been done in you they had a great while ago repented sitting in sackcloth and ashes but it shall be more tolerable for tyree and sidon at the judgment than for you and thou cap capernaum which art exalted to heaven shall be thrust down to hell he that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me and the 70 yeah 70 return again with joy saying lord even the devils are subject unto us through thy name and he said unto them i beheld satan as lightning fall fall from heaven behold i give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you notwithstanding in this rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven in that hour jesus rejoiced in spirit and said i thank thee oh father lord of heaven and earth that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and has revealed them unto babes even so father for so it seemed good in thy sight all things are delivered to me of my father and no man knoweth who is the son who the son is but the father and who the father is but the son and he to whom the son will reveal him and he turned him unto his disciples and said privately blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see for i tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which he see and have not seen them and to hear those things which he hear and have not heard them and behold a certain lawyer stood up and tempted him saying master what should i do to inherit eternal life he said unto him what is written in the law how readest thou and he answering said thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy strength and with all thy mind and thy neighbor as thyself and he said unto him thou hast answered right this do and thou shalt live but he willingly to justify himself said unto jesus and who is my neighbor and jesus answering said a certain man went down from jerusalem to jericho and fell among thieves which stripped him of his raiment and wounded him and departed leaving him half dead and by chance there came down a certain priest that way and when he saw him he passed by on the other side and likewise a levite when he was at the place came and looked on him and passed by on the other side but a certain samaritan as he journeyed came where he was and when he saw him he had compassion on him and went to him and bound up his wounds pouring in oil and wine and set him on his own beats and brought him to an inn and took care of him and on the morrow when he departed he took out two pens and gave them to the whole host and said unto him take care of him and whatsoever thou spend this more when i come again i will repay thee which now these three thinkest thou was neighbor unto him that fell among the thieves and he said he that should shoot mercy on him then said jesus unto him go and do thou likewise now it came to pass as they went that he entered into a certain village and a certain woman named martha received him into her house and she had a sister called mary which also sat at jesus feet and heard his word but martha was cumbered about much serving and came to him and said lord does thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone bid her therefore that she helped me and jesus answered and said unto her martha martha thou art careful and trouble about many things but one thing is needful and mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her brother anthony would you please two word prayers right amen so luke chapter number 10 look down to verse number 18 luke chapter 10 verse number 18 so the bible says and he said unto them i beheld satan as lightning fall from heaven we're going to talk about this verse tonight the title of the sermon is satan fell as lightning so if you haven't noticed the church is kind of like a 401k you know that you know who's ever heard of a everybody in here sort of a 401k right where your employer says well if you contribute five percent we'll contribute five percent as well well you know back in june you know the the old pride month right the world contributes five weeks devoted to pride so we devoted five weeks devoted to pride so i figured why not continue that trend in october and devote every wednesday until halloween uh you know a sermon geared towards what the world is getting ready to celebrate okay now look everybody in here has had their conversation in the world i'm not looking down on people who've you know celebrated halloween or or whatever but it is evil it is wicked and you know you stick around you stick with us i'll prove that to you from the word of god from the bible um you know i mean look i got saved when i was nine years old okay went to church for a while i was a bus kid parents took me out long story but i went trick-or-treating 18 years old so i went in the military took the military to talk enough sense into me to be like stupid what are you doing you're not a kid anywhere so again you know please don't don't think that i'm looking down on you if if maybe you haven't come to this knowledge yet i would never want to give that impression okay now again verse 18 says and he said unto them i beheld satan as lightning fall from heaven we're going to break that down we're going to talk about that we're going to see why did jesus say this what does it mean and also jesus talked about giving the 70 power to tread on serpents and scorpions so we're going to take a look at that what that application was and what's the application for us today do we have any power as far as the demonic world goes okay now just before the service brother joe maples sent me an infowars article and he was he's rightfully so upset about how um alex jones is or was describing the bible in this video so it's this article and look they've got a lot of good stuff a lot of awareness a lot of information on infowars a lot of stuff that's true okay but a lot of stuff can can scare people you know because they report you know a lot of the stuff that these wicked evil people in our world are doing and if you're not learned if you're not up on what the bible says and how things are really going to play out it could lead you to some unnecessary stress but he just said listen to this guy for just a few minutes and it'll boil your blood and he was right you know the the video was called uh satanic anti-human off-world something like that okay and and then the video he starts off talking about this interdimensional war between these uh what do you call them fallen off-world species okay the bible calls them devils okay we just read luke chapter 10 you can see that the 70 come back and they're excited because they had devils being subject unto them and we talked about this last week but in in this video here alex jones makes some pretty bad statements about the bible you know he's like if you guys would just go read the bible like a science fiction book it would make sense to you okay he's like but you don't want to believe it like a lot of these preachers he didn't even say a lot he just said you don't want to you don't want to listen to it or read it like these crazy control freak preachers in the world do well he's talking about us i mean who's he talking to you know he didn't specify that but are we to read the word of god like a science fiction book you don't read a science fiction novel as if it's the word of god you don't read it i mean it's it's fiction you know i mean it's made up it's make-believe so that statement makes absolutely no sense and in this video he's talking about how he's been to the third heaven i didn't know he said stuff like that it's been years since i've really listened to him a lot does anybody in here has anybody in here ever heard him say that yeah i have to show you guys the video after the service he actually says i have been to the third heaven and he starts describing all these things it's like wait a second here you can't even give the gospel the simple most basic fundamental doctrine in the bible he gets it wrong and you expect us to believe that you've gotten more revelation than the apostle paul did the start of the the church is it's absurd it's absolutely crazy but he he's talking about this stuff here and then he goes off on this crazy tirade which is partially true about how the elite want to reduce the population and things of that nature and you know of course they do i mean the bible is very clear for example jesus said in matthew chapter 24 that if he doesn't come back you know that the days uh the the final days if they weren't shortened for example okay there would be no flesh saved but for the elect's sake he's going to cut the the wrath of god that last three and a half period he's going to three and a half year period he's going to cut that short okay and so again all i'm just just bringing this up because it was very applicable bringing that up to say you know the world and the people out there okay that start to learn a little bit of truth they start to to go down these these rabbit trails you know what do they find they find a guy like alex jones who teaches wrong who doesn't provide comfort of the word of god and people get confused they get worried then the next thing you know they're on all sorts of medications and stuff like that and i have seen it with my own eyes this week i have talked to people this week that are so tripped out so scared to be alive right now that they're i mean they're just acting in in the most bizarre ways i don't have time to get into it talk to me after the service and i'll break it down for you but you know these types of sermons are needful for us we need to understand the battle that we fight you say are we really fighting a fallen world species look yes we are in spiritual warfare that is very very clear there's been spiritual warfare going on since the garden of eden yea hath god said we talked about that last week so tonight we're going to learn a little bit about that what to do a lot of good stuff so let's start going here luke chapter 10 back up a verse if you would and look at verse number 17 luke chapter 10 verse 17 says this in the 70 returned again with joy saying lord even the devils are subject unto us now now don't miss this through thy name okay through thy name so again it's the name of christ it's the name of god it's his word and it was his power that he gave unto the 70 to be able to do these things i bring that up because there's denominations out there today who claim to practice throwing out devils and healings and things of that nature we don't have time to get into it you know and they'll stand up and appear to shout how they give glory to god but really they do that for a show okay if you don't believe me you got to ask yourself this question how do these televangelists get so rich how did kenneth copeland benny hinn and guys like this get so rich right by appealing to sensationalism by appealing to to to curiosity and things that really aren't written in the bible here and you're going to see why this is a danger but these guys coming back from this mission and even when you keep reading throughout the gospel of luke the gospel of matthew you know towards the end of jesus's ministry he talks about this situation here he talks about this mission and he breaks down like hey that was a special circumstance you know i i told you to go without extra clothes i told you to go without an extra scrap i told you to go without all these things but now you need to grab all those things and we'll come back uh in our matthew series on sunday and we'll break that down even further but going back to the verse here you can see these guys come back with joy they're excited they're happy because you know the word that jesus spoke to them the power that he gave them they got to see it with their own eyes they got to actually demonstrate and use this okay and what i find interesting here about the 70 okay you've got this mission trip if you will going on and there's the 70 well you know you think about after the flood you read through genesis chapter number 10 and genesis 10 is what's known as the table of nations and basically what that refers to are the 70 nations that come up from shem ham and japheth so if you break it down shem had 26 descendants uh listed in chapter 10 ham had 30 j fifth 14 and of course there were more that aren't listed there you know we're told in the bible not to fight and squabble over genealogies because they just bring up questions but i think that that's kind of like you know nothing's in the bible by coincidence you know i think that god leaves us numbers and clues and things like that to tie verses together tie situations together you know what i see when i compare those two uh chapters genesis chapter 10 luke chapter number 10 what you're going to see here is the intent that jesus really has which wasn't to keep just this physical nation of only people that were born in it like we're told to believe today but know that the gospel would go out to the entire world that's the idea that was the goal okay so with that in mind here we're going to read verse 18 again but i want you to ask yourself a question okay and remember okay these guys are excited because the devils are subject unto them now who is their commander who are the devil's commander who's the chief devil satan exactly okay so look at verse 18 says and he said unto them so this is jesus and he said unto them i beheld satan as lightning fall from heaven okay there's a lot to unpack here this is a very a very deep long statement here you know it's a quick verse but it means a lot and so initially what i see here and what i believe jesus is telling the 70 is that he literally did see satan fall as lightning while they were out casting out devils meaning i'm sure that satan's countenance and his power i mean he had to do something about this okay you've got the chief devil i mean satan himself right he's got his own kingdom he's got his own army and they're being mopped up by these guys they're being mopped up by the 70 so of course he's going to fall he's going to come down and see what's going on you see the devil is not all-knowing like we're told to believe okay he's not all-knowing at all and if you don't believe me go read matthew chapter number four okay he wasn't even super sure that jesus was the son of god right you go read the temptation you know and he's like well if you are the son of god then fall down and worship me if you are the son of god i'll give you all these kingdoms right so the devil he's still trying to figure out you know all the stuff that's going on so i believe when jesus says this to the 70 it's to encourage them it's to confirm that yes i did give you this power to cast out devils and to do these miraculous things and he's simply saying i beheld satan as lightning fall from heaven okay now keep your place there if you will and we're going to go to the book of isaiah isaiah chapter number 14 and we're going to compare some scripture here because if you read through luke chapter 10 jesus actually quotes and applies isaiah chapter number 14 in luke chapter 10 and i want to highlight some things because i think it'll be a blessing and a benefit to all of us so isaiah chapter number 14 we're going to start reading here and verse number three so isaiah profit during the time of hezekiah king of the southern kingdom of judah okay not the only king but what you have to understand is that isaiah is prophesying here against that nation and he's telling them hey there's going to be a time when the babylonians come through here and they basically take you guys captive okay and you guys remember we've talked about this before you know when i what was it hezekiah starts showing the guys from babylon around after he recovered from his sickness and isaiah's like what are you doing like why are you showing them the kingdom why are you showing them everything that you have don't you know that they're going to come and basically take your sons captives are going to make them eunuchs which is not a very good thing and hezekiah what's his what's his response it's just well good as the word of the lord my day you know it's like it's good with me you know i won't be here so who cares basically that was his attitude so with that in mind okay isaiah is prophesying to the coming king of babylon now what we're about to read is deep and there's a lot of application here there's a lot of meaning this is a prophecy for those guys back then and it's a prophecy for us today and it's a prophecy for the future as well so let's break this down here and i'll show you how this applies to luke chapter 10 verse 18 so verse number three look what it says and it shall come to pass in the day that the lord shall give thee rest from thy sorrow and from thy fear and from the hard bondage wherein thou was made to serve so you got to remember after hezekiah you know they're going to go up and down they're going to have josiah but they're going to have some pretty evil kings they're going to have some kings that completely turn their back on god and god gets fed up with them and says you know what i'm sick and tired of this nation i'm done you're going to be taken captive okay so it says uh after the comma there in verse three and from the hard bondage wherein thou was made to serve look at verse four that thou shall take up this proverb against the king of babylon and say how hath the oppressor ceased the golden city ceased okay now initially if you were alive back in this day you were to take that obviously as the coming oppressing nation the babylonian empire okay god is simply saying here there will come a time where that oppressor is going to cease he's going to get what's coming to him as well as his system that's what the golden city uh is a reference to okay so you have the beast if you will which is the king of babylon and you have the golden city which is obviously the political uh the the economy uh that sort of thing it's it's the system okay it's what you see today okay what you see today in our nation is the building and the construction of the beast system okay now the beast himself hasn't been revealed yet okay well we'll talk about that at a another time but notice what it says here at the beginning of verse number four thou or said that thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of babylon okay this is also by the way proof that god preserves his word okay because back i mean if you do the math and you add the kings from hezekiah all the way until this happens okay after the persians take over the babylonian empire they were supposed to speak this proverb they were supposed to confirm this this was proof that god preserves his word just like to highlight that look at verse number five it says this the lord hath broken the staff of the wicked and the scepter of the rulers so again this nation the nation of babylon okay their tools their policies their uh their media if you will is wicked okay this is what the rulers do and it says the scepter of their rulers okay so very easy to to discern and understand what that's talking about but look at verse number six it says he who smote the people in wrath with a continual stroke he that ruled the nations in anger is persecuted and none hindereth so god's just bringing up something that's very simple he's like hey there's when you see this this destruction come to babylon there's no stopping it okay and when you think about it it's going to be the same way when jesus comes back okay so picture this antichrist is ruling he's reigning he's causing people to take the mark of the beast people are worshiping him they can't buy or sell and god's like okay today is the day of my wrath the heavens roll back you know people are looking up like uh-oh hide us from him who sitteth on the throne right there's there's no going back there's no changing it god's word will always prevail but look at how it talks about the king of babylon how does he rule says he rules the nations in anger you know it's almost like the administration that we have today which is pretty much a halloween freak show 24 7 okay that's pretty much what it is you know they literally are trying to rule this nation in anger with their anti-god policies trying to change the way that we talk and can describe things i mean this is an assault on the most basic fundamental freedom that we've been given by god which is obviously free speech saying you cannot necessarily call a woman a woman you cannot necessarily call a man a man unless you have a degree in biology unless you're a left-wing super mega common okay but more on that another day look at verse number seven the whole earth is at rest and it's quiet they break forth into singing now you can see evidence of that after the persians take over the babylonians right you read in ester you read about a hazardous you read about a lot of these persian kings right a lot of them were not hostile towards god in fact it was because of them that the children of israel were even able to go back and rebuild the temple and come back into the land you know so you can see how this is a double prophecy because obviously after uh the the antichrist is dead after the devil is thrown into hell the whole earth will be at rest it will be quiet there will be singing there will be a new heaven and earth all of that good stuff so let's keep reading here look at verse number eight it says yay the fir trees rejoice at thee and the cedars of lebanon saying since thou art laid down no feller is come upon us now we all know in here that trees don't talk unless you're playing kirby or some kind of you know video game you know are you watching a cartoon here and so obviously that is a reference to the nations okay there's healing after the babylon Babylonian king is silenced after he is put to death after he is done same thing after the antichrist who obviously is a babylonian ruler as well uh leaves earth now this is very interesting here we talk about this a lot but let's read it again isaiah 14 look at verse number nine so next verse it says this hell from beneath is moved for thee stop right there who is that the initially talking about it's the king of babylon that was just brought up in verse number four but you're going to see as we keep reading that this is also talking about satan himself okay so verse number nine hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming it stirs up the dead for thee even all the chief ones of the earth it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations okay now obviously since this is written there's been a lot more packed down in hell you know and you're gonna have even more okay bill gates george soros um i mean the list goes on you know the raw childs and a lot of these guys are white you know but that doesn't mean that all white people are bad okay that's just a joke we were talking about that last week it's just anyways okay verse nine hell from beneath is moved for thee okay initial application if you were back in this time and isaiah was preaching this he was reading this to you your mind would immediately go to what he was talking about the king of babylon the coming oppressing nation okay but you're going to see here in a moment this is obviously also talking about satan himself the devil so you know just reading this and studying this here okay and understanding the ultimate destination of satan why in the world would you want to dedicate you know they say it's a day right oh it's just halloween it's just one day no it's not it's pretty much all month i mean just go drive around town i i don't know where i've been the last like two years but it seems like more and more i'm seeing these like 14 and 15 foot giant devils witches and skeletons and people's yard has anybody else been seeing these things it's just crazy it's just mind-boggling to me that you know the the world and a lot of christians for that matter don't see anything wrong with that i mean that is just crazy we need to be above that we need to be a discerning people and understand there's no point in glorifying anything that the devil has this is his destination why would we want to support that okay of course the world's going to look at us and be like oh you know you just don't know how to have fun it's just about the kids look i'll buy all the kids in here as much candy as you want and then get lynched by your parents i look i'm willing to take that risk okay you know i'll never forget i'll bring this story up every year i'm gonna continue to do this several years ago okay working on a military installation in the middle of the night okay i'm working with this guy who was a wiccan he was a high priest his name was mondell even his name sounded satanic he's probably dead now so i can say his name he's down here with these guys i'll tell you that you know we were talking one night and you know two o'clock in the morning is not the not a not a good time to be talking about bible doctrine especially with me i just i i turn into a different person at night you know it's just it is what it is but he starts bringing up things about the bible and i was like man shut up you know this is this is stupid he's like you know what he's like it seems like to me like you're on his side that's what he says i'll never forget it you know it seems to me like you're on his side i'm like who's his like what are you talking about here it's like you know guy upstairs jesus and i told him i said yeah i'm saved and i'm a christian and i'm born again he was like well he starts trying to talk to me about all this stuff and wanting me to read these books about witchcraft and stuff i'm like i don't want nothing to do with that man okay this just ain't going anywhere and i think i told you what happened next you listened to me last year this guy threatened to cast a fireball well i'm still alive i'm still here okay it didn't work he's played way too much street fighter you know to where he thinks he can do stuff like that because that's what these people do but you know we're talking about this throughout the night and it was just it just became very clear to me how he hated god you know like i can't believe you know you probably talk with people all the time around here you try to turn them to his side and people need to be able to make up their own mind i'm like exactly people need to make up their own mind so why are you sitting here trying to convert me to your religion and then he starts going off about how such a good person he is and if if he was wrong and there is a heaven he would go there because he takes every halloween off and he's like and you you know you probably think we're sacrificing animals out in the woods and some of them do do that and i've got the proof on that too but i was like i don't know what you do on halloween i think it's weird you take that day off but here's what he said he says you know i take every halloween off and he says we we put on this this this these we do these rituals and you know that we do these chants and and we're all about helping nature and things like that and we bring kids we invite the community and stuff like that he just goes right back to talking about his good works you know but he said this you know he said i will admit i will admit i am glad and and you'll you'll recognize where he got this statement from he says i am glad that at least one night a year even christian parents give their children an opportunity to see the other side there's someone else who said something like that but it wasn't quite as uh watered down as that does anybody know who that is anton levey he said as a satanist as a high what what is he the highest satanist the chief satanist the hype something like that it is some joke some guy wearing a cloak they're just you know some blood guzzling idiot but but he he's famous for saying i'm glad that at least one night a year parents give their children an opportunity to worship the devil that's what he said that's almost like what this guy mundell had told me this night and i was just thinking about this and thinking about these verses and it's like you know there is a problem in the christian community you know there are christians out there right now who would want to scream and argue and fight against me just for even bringing this up just for even saying this you know what what does the word of god say whose side are you on i mean how many times does that come up in the bible whose side are you on that's a question that we all need to answer for ourselves and i hope that these verses help it uh become clear but back to what we're talking about here okay notice how hell from beneath is moved for thee the king of babylon obviously you're gonna see the devil in a moment to meet thee at thy coming it stirs up the dead for thee you know i i the imagination can't even comprehend what this would even look like here you know the jehovah witnesses what do they say well after you die there's no hell it's just immediate lights out and you're just done okay if you're not part of the 144 000 you're done but that's not what the bible says the bible says that there's people down there that are stirred up that are moved that can meet you okay and obviously a lot of people that are down there are the chief ones of the earth it says it has raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations look at verse 10 all they shall speak and say unto thee now let's stop right there okay because the bible talks about people in hell as being dead okay now most often when you read about a christian dying in the bible what does it say he's asleep okay so these people are dead okay but notice here how the dead look at verse 10 all they shall speak and say unto thee art thou also become weak as we art thou become like unto us okay let's take our little travel portal our little time portal go back to isaiah's day we're listening to this we're hearing him talk about the coming oppressor and how the king of babylon would be in this situation here okay and you you think about this conversation think about what these guys are saying to the king of babylon right they shall speak and say unto thee art thou also become weak as we they're asking him this question okay don't you find out a little bit interesting like they didn't know this art thou become like unto us notice the deception that this king has been able to implement on the earth and this is exactly what the anti-christ will do okay these people in the king of babylon especially and a lot of these kings from back in the day uh roman caesars are guilty of this as well uh they are guilty of portraying themselves as gods okay and so these people in hell are deceived they're like whoa wait a second here i used to see your face on a coin i used to go to some of these rallies i know who you are you're just like me now right and then all of a sudden that light bulb goes off in their head and they're like wow i spent my life viewing you as above man and now i get the truth now i can see now i understand that and you know what it'll be the same thing when people look at the devil in hell when they look at the anti-christ the beast the false prophet they're gonna be like whoa have you become as weak as we you know and they're gonna have these same thoughts so think about how strong that deception is and look that deception is what we are fighting right now in this time real time with the bible with the word of god okay now notice this transition here look at verse 11 thy pomp is brought down to the grave and the noise of thy vials the worm is spread under thee and the worms cover thee not a pretty sight not i mean that is not look that is if you need a little bit of soul-winning motivation this would be it here this is the fate of people that reject christ okay it is his way or the highway verse number 12 how art thou fallen from heaven oh lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which didst weaken the nations sound like luke chapter 10 verse 18 i saw satan fall as lightning okay again it's kind of hard to depict and to tell you exactly what that's like but guess what jesus the bible says that jesus is the word of god right so he sees it in the future when the devil obviously gets cast out of heaven by the angels and comes down knows his time is short possesses the anti-christ goes forth and makes war with the saints and then eventually god comes back and destroys him with the word of his mouth we get that we understand that jesus sees that jesus saw the fall of satan here as a picture of the babylonian king and i mean this just goes deep he saw him fall while the 70 were going around and proving that jesus is god by his spoken word and by the power that he gave them so again like i said this goes very deep very very intense you know a lot of people they look at these old testament books and like i was just prophecy for them there's no application there's a ton of application here i mean this spreads from the time it was spoken in isaiah's day i mean all the way past our day i mean it's it's it's insane and it's wonderful to read so again verse 12 how there are how art thou fallen from heaven o lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations look that's exactly what he's doing today okay and you know again i've got no issue here with you know these info wars articles and how they talk about reducing the population you know that's every other word out of bill gates's mouth you know the the the king over there in england you know you can find all these guys talking about reducing the population where are they getting that from because all you need to do is to just drive from here to winnemucca winnemucca nevada and then if you can honestly tell me that you think the world is overpopulated i'm gonna slap you okay i'm gonna slap some sense spiritually speaking okay because i'm not a striker but you get it you get what i'm saying right it's pretty obvious go drive from el paso to san antonio the world is not over populated so where are these guys getting that from well they're getting it from their commander they're getting it from satan himself okay it is the devil right now that is weakening the nations why do you think we're so divided you got the black lives matter organization and then you got people and i heard the other day wearing what was it what's that guy's name what's that rapper's name white lives matter who knows come on kanye west okay you got that guy you know wearing that shirt and it's like it's not helping anything you know we need to get back to biblical truth the bible says that man was made in the image of god that ends the debate that ends the story all the nations of the earth were made under one blood of one blood that's what the bible says okay so again this polarizing weakens the nations this restriction of speech this attack on any kind of truth whatsoever this pilot syndrome if you will okay it weakens the nations cancel culture weakens the nation okay that i mean this is one of the reasons why putin's upset i'm not endorsing putin you know he he prevents the gospel from being preached in his nation okay he's got his own issues god's going to deal with him for that i'm just saying that is what the devil does he weakens the nations okay and now you you speak against halloween you speak against abortion you speak against the alphabet people and all of a sudden it's oh boy we need to shut him up we need to put him to death you know the other day i got in the van you know after work and it was like one star review one star review one star i'm like ah somebody must have made another video you know and i get a recommendation twitter so and so made a video about you i'm just like you know what in the world you know what's going on here there's a spiritual battle going on that's what's going on the truth is under attack look at verse number 13 the bible says this for thou hast said in thine heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will sit upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high this is what satan has said but you know what a lot of the chief rulers a lot of the kings the babylonian kings often man they often said stuff like this in their own hearts and it's evident by the things that they said the the laws and the actions that they took okay a lot of our rules a lot of people that we know around here say stuff like this you know what i mean so um chapter chapter 14 verse 13 this is where if you ever hear this statement this is where it comes from the five eyes the letter eyes the five eyes okay that is uh basically the the attributes if you will of satan the devil okay these are things i mean we could preach a whole sermon on these five things but here's something else that's very interesting who in here has ever heard of the five eyes e y e s intelligence agencies anybody ever heard of that go look that up on your own time i don't have time to get into it but it's basically a conglomeration of the united states i think australia new zealand the uk a couple other nations in there and basically their intelligence agencies share information okay and they all have one thing in common and that is google okay and again if you use google i use it for work all the time i'm not down on you i'm just simply saying that google tracks every single thing that you type on your phone or on your computer they know what you want to buy they know what you're looking at all of that stuff okay and this information is being shared throughout these five eyes just thought that was kind of interesting you know the bible says that he weakens the devil weakens the nations obviously the king of babylon did the same thing through his uh you know tearing apart of women and just oppressing people destroying people slaughtering people it's the same thing the anti-christ will do and here's another one okay going back to these i wills i will ascend into heaven okay i mean just listen to some of these woke politicians speak right what what do they sound like i will make my own race right i will ensure that humanity merges with machine i will and they just keep saying that i will just i will stop you from speaking truth i will stop you from doing this i will stop you from doing that what's mark zipperberg doing creating this meta right metaverse what's that all about okay what does meta mean in the greek it means beyond okay see the universe is basically just a compilation of these two words which is combined world combined everything right genesis one one in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth okay the bible is very clear there's not anything created that god did not make okay but what do our ceos and chief rulers of the earth want to do they want to surpass god they want to be at least equal or get god out of the minds of people and so they've come up with this program called the metaverse beyond the universe okay i mean think about that that is satanic okay you can already start to see it on facebook on facebook you can be whatever you want you can be righteous you can be holy you could be a superstar you could be a celebrity you could be all these different things that you really are in the metaverse i don't know exactly how it's going to work but it's going to magnify that you will be able to so to speak live better than you are here at least in your mind but it's a lie it's a trick okay go read revelation chapter number 13 on your own time we don't have time to get into that but i just wanted to bring that up because you know when you understand these five eyes these five i wills you will look at the world differently your your discernment level is just going to go up and you're like whoa wait a second here you know that is definitely not of god but look at verse number 15 this is what isaiah says from god yet thou shall be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit go back to luke chapter number 10 we're getting close to being done luke chapter number 10 luke chapter number 10 and i just want to kind of show you how jesus was quoting from this neighborhood of the bible in this chapter here okay so before he talks to the 70 before he makes our opening statement here i want you to read this luke chapter 10 look at verse 13 so the bible says this in verse 13 woe unto thee chorazin woe unto thee beth sata for if the mighty works had been done entire inside own which have been done in you they had a great while ago repented sitting in sackcloth and ashes okay i'll stop right there okay think about the devil okay so obviously isaiah 14 it's it's got multiple meanings here okay it's clearly talking about the king of babylon clearly talking about lucifer okay it applies to both but what makes it so bad why will the devil just boom lowest health sides of the pit because he got to actually see physically see the glory of god he's in heaven right now he knows the truth he understands that okay now entire inside own sodom and gomorrah they just basically like we're going to do our own thing we're out we're we're not with his god thing okay so their sin is worse okay because some people will read this here and they'll be like you see this proves calvinism this proves that god just chooses some people to go oh he chose the tire side on sodom and gomorrah would just not be able to be saved that's not true they rejected god so it was impossible by god's own standards to then go to those places and do these miracles okay you have to understand that i'm going to break this down in great detail in a couple weeks because we've been under attack uh about these verses in our position on the sodomites and i'm going to make it very clear and we're going to destroy that once and for all but look at verse 14 says but it shall be more tolerable for tire inside on at the judgment than for you now why does he say that again because christ is in his ministry he's sending people out to do miracles teaching healings raising the dead i mean just doing all these great works and there were still people that just flat out rejected it i mean think about this is human nature think about the millennium period okay there will be people obviously this is the saved there those of us who lived before but there will be people born during the millennium period where jesus christ is ruling and reigning with the rod of iron he is literally on the earth okay the bible says that the devil will be let out for a season and he's going to gather up to himself a congregation of people i mean think about that isn't that insane isn't that absolutely crazy what's the end going to be like for those people who had christ as the world leader everything's perfect there's peace there's true justice the lion lays down with the lamb it's a different world but the devil comes out for a short season and is still able to take captive those people man look this is why we have a hard time understanding some people out here okay because they're people just taken captive by the devil but look at verse 15 says in thou capernaum which are exalted to heaven shall be look at this thrust down to hell again jesus did a lot of his works in capernaum and so that's why he's saying they will have the greater damnation than sodom and gomorrah the entire inside on but people read that you know these soft baptists you know these woke baptists they'll read this stuff and be like see sodomites can still get saved it's ridiculous look at verse 16 he that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me you cannot get to the father without jesus so all these jews running around saying you know we don't worship jesus but we still belong to the father lie not true impossible jesus said it himself so real quickly go back to isaiah 14 and keep your place here in luke we're going to come right back but did you notice that what did jesus say what did the bible say about satan in isaiah 14 you're going to be thrust down to hell you're going to be cast down you're going to be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit jesus says the same thing about capernaum because they saw the works so you hopefully you can see that connection there okay look at uh verse 16 isaiah 14 verse 16 the bible says this they that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee saying is this the man that made the earth to tremble that did shake the kingdoms if you've ever wondered why it says man there again this is a double meaning here it's talking about the king of babylon but it's also talking about satan satan is not a man he is a a fallen cherub he's a fallen angel okay so again look at this the dead they that see thee where are they seeing him in the pit in hell they that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee so think about this people in hell they can still see they can look around they can speak obviously by this verse here they that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee saying is this the man that made the earth to tremble that did shake the kingdom so again they're deceived that's how far this deception goes it goes beyond life here it goes beyond the grave so we're about to finish up with some application back to luke 10 real quick luke chapter 10 and we got like just a couple more verses we're done okay we need to apply this now so luke chapter number 10 and look in verse number 19 so what is the application here verse number 19 behold jesus says i give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you okay in the king james bible ye and you is always plural this is why it's important to have a king james bible okay so when it says ye it's talking to when it says ye it's talking to ye plural to everybody you it's the specific group of 70 that he's talking to here okay so you want to you want to make that distinction because if we were to say thee we need to go back and find thee the singular person that he's talking to so hopefully that clicks okay so what is the significance here he talks about giving these guys power over the enemy right nothing shall hurt you over these the serpents and the scorpions well you don't have to turn there but in ezekiel chapter 2 verse 6 it says this it says and now son of man be not afraid of them so ezekiel is prophesying to those who were taken captive by the babylonian empire and he makes a statement okay he says endow son of man be not afraid of them neither be afraid of their words though briars and thorns be with thee and thou dost well among scorpions be not afraid of their words nor be dismayed at their looks though they may be a rebellious house so it's interesting in ezekiel that god tells ezekiel he basically talks about people that are rebellious and that want to say things and talk trash and speak great swelling words he calls them scorpions because the things that they say sting and they hurt and god is telling ezekiel don't allow that to hurt you and so here that's how we apply luke chapter 10 verse 19 behold i give unto you power to tread on serpents scorpions look you go out and play with snakes you're going to get bit look if this happens all the time you know there's so-called uh pentecostal denominations out there that play with snakes in their services okay and you can always find a recent article of someone being bit not making it to the hospital in time and dropping dead okay because they don't know how to apply these verses they take them literally this was a specific mission for a specific time but that doesn't mean that we can't draw application from this and i'm going to show you how we draw application today okay so i want you guys to turn to second timothy chapter number two second timothy chapter number two okay so we have to also tread today we also have power to deal with serpents and with scorpions serpents would be maybe like your reprobate people your people that are just constantly trying to overthrow what we do calling up landlords trying to get us kicked out you know things of that nature get us off youtube get us off facebook get us off the social media just trying to stop us and then there are people that are just constantly making you know videos against us and our friends you know and saying malicious words oh i bet he looks at this i bet he says this i bet when no one's looking he does this okay we're told that that's our fight today okay not the physical beast not actual snakes and actual uh scorpions okay so you're in second timothy two now i'm going to read for you isaiah 14 verse 17 and just listen to me okay so after the bible says that the people in hell will look upon this king and say you know what is going on with you are you the one that made the earth to tremble and that did shake the kingdoms verse 17 he says that made the world as a wilderness and destroyed the cities thereof that opened not the house of his prisoners okay obviously the king of babylon you know the babylonian empire when they took prisoners they weren't about letting them go okay they were not about that especially the more wicked ones towards the end of the babylonian reign but this really applies to the devil the real king of babylon the ultimate king the final boss if you will okay the bible says that he has a house of prisoners this is very important for you to understand and to get to to get our our mission today and to apply this verse so second timothy what i say chapter two all right second timothy chapter two uh look at verse 26 actually back up to verse number uh four 24 24 second timothy two look at verse 24 it says this and the servant of the lord must not strive but be gentle unto all men apt to teach patient verse 25 in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if god paradventure will give them repentance unto the acknowledging of the truth okay verse 26 and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will so the bible says if you are not saved you are not born again okay the devil can take you captive at his will and it is our job to be able to bring the word of god to those people to free them out of that prison okay because see here's the great battle in so-called professing christianity today you've got the charismatics and all of their sympathizers then you got guys like us okay who have soul winning programs who go out and preach the gospel these guys think that they're going to get to heaven based off of their works based off of their show casting out devils so on and so forth okay we're not saved by our works we actually have the greater mission we have the greater power go to first peter chapter three which is to facilitate this jailbreak if you will this prison escape we're out there literally trying to bust people out of the devil's prison so we may not be casting out devils today but we're breaking into his prison and taking people from him okay that's the greater mission that's the one that i'm talking about that's the mission that we need here again three more verses we're done first peter three look at verse 18 for christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to god being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the spirit verse 19 by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison okay so i brought that up because that applies to what jesus said in luke chapter 10 verse 19 where he says behold i give unto you power to tread on serpians and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you okay how do we apply that today just told you we have the word of god we have the knowledge we can contend with everything that exalts itself against god we have the answers right here that takes care of your serpents that takes care of your scorpions and then we have the ultimate mission today which is to go and break people out of the devil's prison i would much rather do that than to claim to cast a devil out of somebody i mean what's more important putting on that kind of show or actually having somebody become saved because we preach the word of god to them and now they go to heaven because they're saved forever okay that is what we are about that is the ultimate mission okay but again this verse here confuses a lot of people it says by which he also went and preached unto the spirits of prison a lot of people say well after jesus died on the cross he went down to hell or abraham's bosom or sheol or whatever and he preached to the dead down there some of them believed and followed him up to heaven that's not what it's talking about at all it's talking about preaching to the lost people that are lost are in the snare of the devil they have been taken captive by him and jesus went and preached to those people he sent people to preach to those people and freed a lot of them and that's why we exist as a church today okay last verse verse number 20 luke chapter 10 go back to luke chapter 10 we'll finish up here with this last bit of application here we're done luke chapter 10 verse 20 jesus says this now notwithstanding in this rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven that's the real rejoicing there to know that you're saved know that you're born again and that nothing can hurt you that is the idea okay so again hopefully this was a help hopefully i gave you some more tools for your toolbox to be able to again help spring people out of prison that is why we exist that is what we are about you know jesus you know people get all fixated on you know i want to go to a church where they cast out devils and there's always something happening okay no you don't i've been to those places okay and it's funny because that's all they rejoice about if you don't believe me i will prove it to you i will take you to their house to their houses we know where they live they live all over the place okay and one of the first first things they'll say we ask them hey if you were to die today are you 100 sure you're on your way to heaven oh yeah i cast out devils in our church man we gotta oh man we're cast out we're healing people of migraines and little twinges in their calves dude it's great now jesus said hey don't rejoice in that stuff so even if they did have that power right jesus said don't rejoice in that but rejoice in the fact that your names are written in heaven you know why they don't rejoice in that because they believe in work salvation they believe in the religion of human achievement and therefore they cannot rejoice in that so understand that that is what i'm talking about that is our mission let's stop right there and bow our heads and have a prayer thank you so much lord again for just the great truth that you give us week after week i pray you bless the fellowship after the service you bring us back safely again this weekend in jesus name i pray amen all right please grab your songbooks one more time this evening and turn to song 75 song number 75 on jordan stormy banks sing it out on the first on jordan stormy banks i stand and cast a wishful eye to canan's fair and happy land where my possessions lie i am bound for the promised land i am bound for the promised land oh who will come and go with me i am bound for the promised land all of those wide extended plane shines one eternal day there god the sun forever rains and scatters night away i am bound for the promised land i am bound for the promised land oh who will come and go with me i am bound for the promised land no chilling winds nor poisonous breath can reach that helpful shore sickness and sorrow pain and death are felt and fear no more i am bound for the promised land i am bound for the promised land oh who will come and go with me i am bound for the promised land on the last when shall i reach that happy place and be forever blessed when shall i see my father's face and in his bosom rest i am bound for the promised land oh who will come and go with me i am bound for the promised land amen good singing this evening brother moses close the service in a word of prayer please you could apply it and now so