(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶 Alright everyone, welcome to Shield of Faith Baptist Church Wednesday evening prayer and Bible study If you would, please grab a song book And turn to song 64 Shall We Gather at the River? Song number 64 Song number 64 Shall We Gather at the River? Starting on the first Shall we gather at the river? Where bright angel feet have trod With its crystal tide forever Flowing by the throne of God Yes, we'll gather at the river The beautiful, the beautiful river Gather with the saints at the river Flowing by the throne of God On the bosom of the river Where the Savior King we own We shall meet in sorrow Neverneath the glory of the throne Yes, we'll gather at the river The beautiful, the beautiful river Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God Ere we reach the shining river Laid we every burden down Grace our spirits will deliver And provide a robe and crown And provide a robe and crown The beautiful, the beautiful river Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God Soon we'll reach the shining river Soon our pilgrimage will cease Soon our happy hearts will quiver With the melody of peace Yes, we'll gather at the river The beautiful, the beautiful river Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God Amen, brother Moses, would you open us up with a word of prayer please? Amen, brother Moses, would you open us up with a word of prayer please? Amen, you go forward in your hymnals to three hundred and twenty-eight I want that mountain Three hundred and twenty-eight I want that mountain On the first, I saw the giant of prayerlessness upon the mountain high. He laughed so hard at my unbending E. I'm no longer in the wilderness I'll stay and so I cry, I want that mountain, it belongs to me. I want that mountain, I want that mountain, where the milk and honey flow, where the grapes of vegetable grow. I want that mountain, I want that mountain, the mountain that my Lord has given me. There was a giant of laziness who said I wouldn't go and witness for the one who set me free. I'll come from out the wilderness, I'll witness now I know, I want that mountain, it belongs to me. I want that mountain, I want that mountain, where the milk and honey flow, where the grapes of vegetable grow. I want that mountain, I want that mountain, the mountain that my Lord has given me. One faithless giant upon the crest of he runs lofty high, as now that he's the one to make me flee. I'll climb from out the wilderness and trust Jehovah's might, I want that mountain, it belongs to me. I want that mountain, I want that mountain, where the milk and honey flow, where the grapes of vegetable grow. I want that mountain, I want that mountain, the mountain that my Lord has given me. Let every giant of distress and unbelief and sin get ready now to make it for you see. I've come from out the wilderness, I know I'm going to win, I want that mountain, it belongs to me. I want that mountain, I want that mountain, where the milk and honey flow, where the grapes of vegetable grow. I want that mountain, I want that mountain, the mountain that my Lord has given me. We'll have somebody grab you one. So let's go through these announcements here real quick. Front page of the bulletin, weekly church service time, Sunday mornings at 10.30. Sunday evenings at 6 and Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Underneath that you can see a list of our soul winning times there. We've got Saturday mornings at 10.30. Sunday afternoons at 2 with brother David. Mondays at 6.30 with brother Mauser. We've got Wednesdays at 11 a.m. with brother Briley and Thursdays around 6.30. Again, if you're going to go Thursday, don't forget to call or text, let me know, 208-391-5323. Praise the report for July. So we're up to six salvations now. So if you've got one saved and I did not mention it, just let me know. So let's see, let's just go to the back page here. So next Sunday we'll be in 2 Samuel chapter number 8, next Sunday evening. Birthdays and anniversaries coming up. So it looks like on the 23rd, what is today, let me know. 21st. 21st, okay. So yeah, the 23rd is Ms. Dawn's birthday. And then we have Melissa and then we have Sophia's birthday coming up as well. This, well last week's memory verse is Proverbs 16 32 which says, He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he that rolleth the spirit, then he that taketh a city. We are a family integrated church and what that means is children and infants are always welcome in the services. There's a daddy baby room right over here to your left, a mother baby room right across the hallway over there, all set up ready to go. Don't forget to turn your phones off or place them on silent so they're not a distraction. And the bottom line from a couple weeks ago was America's independence is an illusion. So I'm going to be coming around and passing out the next song or actually, Miles is going to do it. So if you need the song, just raise your hand and then we will have one more song before we receive the offering. All right. At this time, we'll be singing our chorus of the month. Mansion over the hilltop. Brother Moses handing them out right now. Mansion over the hilltop. Part of the first. I'm satisfied with just a cottage below. A little silver and a little gold. But in that city where the ransom will shine. I want a gold one, that silver line. Just over the hilltop, in that bright land where we'll never grow old. And someday yonder, we'll never more wander. But walk on streets that are pure as gold. Though often tempted, tormented and tested. And like the prophet, my pillow was sold. And though I find here no permanent dwelling. I know he'll give me a mansion my own. I've got a mansion just over the hilltop. We'll never grow old. And someday yonder, we'll never more wander. But walk on streets that are pure as gold. Don't make me poor or deserted or lonely. I'm not discouraged, I'm heaven bound. I'm just a pilgrim in search of a city. I want a mansion, a harp and a crown. I've got a mansion just over the hilltop. In that bright land where we'll never grow old. And someday yonder, we'll never more wander. But walk on streets that are pure as gold. Amen. All right, let's go ahead and pray. Thank you so much, Lord, for allowing us to be able to meet here this evening. Let's pray that you bless our tithes and offerings, Lord, and help us to continue our mission in the community. Thank you for everything that you do for us. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. Amen. All right, at this time we'll be going through our new prayer sheet. If you don't have one, just raise your hand and someone will grab you one. So we'll start off with a prayer request. Let's just bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Dear Father God, we have prayer requests today that we want to lift up to your name, Lord, and we just pray for the opportunity to preach to unsaved family, friends, and co-workers. We pray for all of our church families to stay healthy and safe and to always keep their sights on the things of God. We pray for more spiritual growth and maturity as a church throughout the year. We pray for Pastor Dad's transition to the VA system to go smoothly. We pray for Briley and Marissa's sister, that she can have her heart softened to hear in the gospel. We pray for Miss Patty, that her sister's heart can be softened to hear in the gospel as well. We pray for more people to follow up with. We pray for more people in the community to want to become disciples and that more of our converts would visit church. We pray for the safety of our children and for them to continue to grow strong in the Lord. We pray for a steadfast Baptist church as they go through persecution and trials because of the Sodomites. We pray for the expecting mothers in our church, that they can have healthy babies and safe deliveries. We also have an unspoken prayer for Miss Rachel. We also pray for Miss Kara's dad for his health, Lord. You know all the details in that. And we also have praises to lift up to your name. We praise you for our church members being in good health. We praise the Lord for all of our new church members and the family members we have been able to get saved and their continued growth in the Lord. We praise the Lord for the freedom to continuously preach the gospel every week and for the Lord keeping us safe during the battles we fight. We praise the Lord for Guadalupe being safe before he passed away. We also praise the Lord for the safety of those around the world who traveled to the conference this weekend, Lord. We lift all these prayers and praises in the matchless name of Jesus. We pray. Amen. Alright, turn with me in your Bibles please to Psalm 58. Alright, Psalm 58. And when you get there, beginning in verse number one, the Bible reads, Do ye indeed speak righteousness, O congregation? Do ye judge uprightly, O ye sons of men? Yea, in heart ye work wickedness, Ye weigh the violence of your hands in the earth. The wicked are estranged from the womb. They go astray as soon as they be born speaking lies. Poison is like the poison of a serpent. They are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear, which will not hearken to the voice of charmers, charming never so wisely. Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth. Break out the great teeth of the young lions, O Lord. Let them melt away as waters which run continually when he bendeth his bow to shoot his arrows. Let them be as cut into pieces. As a snail which melteth, let every one of them pass away, like the untimely birth of a woman, that they may not see the sun. Before your pots can feel the thorns, he shall take them away, as with a whirlwind, both living and in his wrath. The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance. He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked, so that a man shall say, verily, there is a reward for the righteous. Verily, he is a God that judgeth in the earth. Brother Victor, would you pray for us, please? Thank you, Heavenly Father, for allowing us to live another day together, and listen to your word. I'm so grateful to you. And I want to thank you for your faith traveling with a passionate family in our great community of California. I appreciate it. Bless your service. And I wish you a scholarship to come, and still catch up with me on this whole trip. Thank you for your commitment to this place in part. Christ, you can sing. Amen. All right. Amen. Well, I'm definitely glad to be back. So we're going to stop the soul-winning series for now. We'll obviously do more later on. But I've kind of hinted, and I think I've mentioned this before, that I'm going to start a new series called Stop New Evangelical Abuse. So we're going to start that. And we'll go until I feel I've got everything off my chest for the next few weeks. And then we'll move on to something else. And so we're going to start the series called Stop New Evangelical Abuse. And the title of the sermon this evening is called Spell Makers, Spell Makers. And I'll explain that here in a minute. You're there in Psalm chapter 58. So speaking about the wicked, look down at verse number four. It says, their poison is like the poison of a serpent. They are like the death adder that stoppeth her ear, which will not hearken to the voice of charmers, charming never so wisely. And as I was reading that and kind of just meditating on that word, charming there, as part of the definition of a spell. So what does it mean to cast a spell on somebody, or what is a spell? Well, a spell, the definition is an incantation, charm, or enchantment, or bewitchery. It's a magic formula intended to trigger a magical effect on a person or objects. The formula can be spoken, sung, chanted. An incantation can also be performed during ceremonial rituals or prayers. And I would say that does a pretty good job at summing up most New Evangelical church services. So what's a New Evangelical church service? The basic definition is a coalition of churches, nonprofit organizations that basically are moving. What they say when you look this up is they're trying to move Americans away from conservative values more towards liberals. So basically what they're saying is that we're trying to be right in the middle of the road. So if you translate, what they're really saying is that we want to be like the Laodicean church. We want to be lukewarm, and we're proud of it. That's their agenda. Well, what did Jesus say in regards to the Laodicean church? He said, I'd rather that you were hot. You'd just either be hot or cold. And he said, what, I will spew thee out of my mouth. Because nobody likes a lukewarm drink. If you go to the coffee shop and you order a hot coffee and it comes out lukewarm, this is garbage. You're going to go back hopefully and mention that and say, hey, this isn't even hot. It's not even warm. It's lukewarm. Same thing if you ordered a cold drink, right? It's not what you expect. Well, he expects us to either be hot or to be cold. And the problem with, well, there's several problems with the New Evangelical church. But one of the things that they're widely known for is basically playing the victim. They want to distort reality and assume that they're the victim. And in all New Evangelical churches that I've ever been to, I've always met people in these churches that are like, well, I'm a recovering Baptist. So I used to go to the Baptist church, but they're abusive. And then we start, well, what do you mean by that? That sounds horrible. Did somebody really physically abuse you? And unfortunately, in some cases, that is the fact. But let's just stop right there. There is physical abuse in all churches, all organizations. Did you know that there are people that get abused by sodomites in New Evangelical churches? There are people that get molested in all types of New Evangelical churches, OK? So this let's stop independent fundamental Baptist abuse, OK? They're not talking about physical abuse so much. What they're doing is they're saying that we're the spell makers, that we're casting spells on people, that we're too mean, we're too harsh because we take a fundamental stance on the Bible, that we actually believe the foundations, and we preach these things, and we build upon those. They look at that as an abuse. And you know what, that is not abuse, right? We are called to believe the foundations, to believe the fundamentals of the Bible, and to preach and to teach these things, whether they're in season or out of season. And so when you have a very, very large group of people that come along and say, well, that's abusive, right? Because there's this third side of the coin that no one ever wants to think about, right? The gray area, you know, when people say that and they push that kind of agenda, they are the ones that are abusing the community, OK? One of the reasons why our country is in the perils that it's in is largely in part because of the New Evangelicals. Because not enough Baptists, not enough real Christians got up and preached against these people to stop them and to tell people the truth, OK? And that's the point of these sermons. Now, we had the perfect story out of soul winning today to basically start this thing off. So Marissa and Kylan knocked on this guy's door and tried to invite this clown to church. And apparently he wasn't interested. And he gave all the right answers. And, you know, Marissa did what we tell you to do. When they give you the right answers, ask them if they believe the Bible. Guess what his answer was? No, I don't believe the Bible. Apparently he doesn't only believe the Bible, but he believes that the entire book of James doesn't belong in the Bible, OK? And so he follows the ladies out there. She's doing a good job of roasting them. We're kind of listening. But it just got to a point where his voice started escalating. Well, what you don't understand is that Moses is giving the gospel to somebody. And she's starting to get distracted. She's starting to kind of like, I could see her kind of looking around. So now I'm seeing that, OK, this is an issue. I got to go shut this guy up. And I kind of felt like, you know what? This guy's just not going to stop. He's actually going to go. And he's probably going to follow them around like a lot of them will do. So I figured, you know what? I'll just go down there. Well, as I'm walking down the stairs, I hear him say, basically, his big beef was that James disagreed with Moses, right? So he's saying, well, Abraham got saved. Or he said, well, Abram, he got saved in Genesis 15. We don't believe God. No problem. We believe that. But he's saying, well, James wrote down that he got saved. He was justified when he was about to sacrifice his son on the altar. And so James disagrees with Moses. And he's wrong. And that book doesn't belong in the Bible, OK? That right there really sums up a lot of new evangelicals. Because when you run into these churches, it's like, wow, it sounds like they really believe the same as us. They're just liberal. You need to understand, they don't believe the Bible. I don't know how many times I have to say this. They don't believe the Bible. They don't believe it at all. They'll either go to one extreme. Well, in the original languages, it was good to go. Or they'll do something stupid like that and say, well, this entire book doesn't even belong in there. And she's trying to teach them the context. And he's just not getting it. So I'm coming down the stairs while he's saying this. And I'm thinking to myself, OK, what this guy is doing is he's getting the word. He's trying to, he's mixing up the word justified with righteous, OK? That's what he's doing. In fact, if you would, just turn to James and keep your place there. I just want to show you this here because this is what these types of people will do. This is the result of new evangelical Christianity in your community. You think, oh, we got problems with the Mormons, and we do. But we have a bigger problem with these people because, unfortunately, there are more new evangelical churches than there are Mormons. And to make matters even worse than that, there are more people that will just stay silent about new evangelicals and not say anything at all. Which what? Enables them, right? You get a lot of bad people. Well, I don't want to say anything bad about them. It's like, wait a minute. They're preaching work salvation. I don't care if we don't want to say anything bad. They love the Lord. They're Christians. Now, that's the wrong attitude. They don't love the Lord. They're accursed, especially when they're preaching a false gospel, OK? So if you look at verse 21, it says, was not Abraham our father justified by works when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? And he was saying, see, right there, that disagrees with the Bible. No, it doesn't disagree with the Bible at all. In fact, the word justified means being having done for or been marked by a good, legitimate reason, OK? Or you could put it like this. Having done something which basically declares your actions or yourself righteous in the sight of God. So when Abraham did this, he was justified in the sight of God. But you know what? When he went and he rescued Lot, guess what? He was justified then, too. Everybody sitting in this room right now, guess what? God looked down and said, you're justified. Because it's reasonable and it's acceptable what you're doing. You sacrificed your time to come to church on a Wednesday. That's a spiritual sacrifice, right? I mean, you could be doing anything else. So I could say, well, you're justified by coming to church. Does that mean you're saved? No. Obviously, I know everybody in here, you were saved long before today, OK? That is what he's talking about. The Bible is just telling you that was a justifiable action. You know, it's like when a doctor saves a patient's life. Does that mean that the doctor just became a doctor the day he saved someone's life? No, it just means his actions were justifiable, right? That's what that means. And then he goes on in the chapter here and starts talking about how Rahab was justified when she protected the spies. It's not saying that's when she got saved, OK? And so because these people don't believe the Bible, they can't rightly divide the Bible, and thus they cause issues. You know, this guy's just being super arrogant to me, like, right off the bat. You know, he's like, oh, hey, buddy. Hey, pal. You know, and he's claiming he can speak Greek. He can't speak nothing. The guy can't even understand basic English words like justified. He can't tell you the difference between the word justified versus righteous or versus saved. And you know what? That's what these new evangelicals do. Now I'm just going to stop right here and give you a disclaimer, OK? There are new evangelical people that I know in my life that I would actually consider friends. That might shock some of you. Like, how in the world could you say that? Well, you know, there are people that I grew up with, people that I've known before I moved here, whatever. We've been through it. And for whatever reason, they just like that sort. I'm not saying they're reprobate. I'm not saying you can't trust them. You know, whatever. It is what it is. And I'll even go as far as to say there are new evangelical preachers out there that do teach a lot of good truths. And you know what? I've got no problem with stealing from the rich and hanging with the poor. I'll steal their ideas all day long, and I'll be like the Brian and see whether they're so, and I'll re-preach them to you. I don't care. I'll read their books because you know what? They do have some good information, but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to call them out on their garbage because they are damaging the hearts and the minds of people all across this country and all throughout the entire world. And so I'm sick of it. I'm sick of these people emailing. I'm sick of them, you know, just being disrespectful and saying that we're being abusive because of our stance against the faggots and all this garbage that's going on. And you know what? We're just going to put a stop to it. So I am absolutely done with these people. So go back to Psalm 58 and we'll get started with this passage here. All right. So Psalm 58, look at verse number one and keep in mind that this was spoken obviously under inspiration of the Holy Ghost, but it was meant to be sung by the congregation of Israel, right? This is a very intense passage of scripture here, which guess what? You're probably not going to hear read in its entirety in any new evangelical church. I'll even say a lot of old IFB churches aren't even going to read this passage here. You could do this sometime when you get a chance. If you're in a good conversation with somebody, you know, maybe they go to a different church, read them this and say, is that a Bible passage? Watch the expression on their face. You know, God would never, you know, David would never pray for God to break people's teeth out or that they would melt as a snail. I'm sorry, but this was meant to be sung. And before you say, or before anybody ever comes to you and says, hey, this is pretty gruesome. It's not meant for us to be read out loud. We're commanded to sing to ourselves and sing to the Lord. Sing to ourselves in Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Well, these are Psalms. You know, you guys could put this to music and hand it out during the, you know, the chorus of the week. I don't care. It's good to go. We're going to read it and we're going to teach it. Verse number one. Do ye indeed speak righteousness, O congregation? Do ye judge uprightly, O ye sons of men? Well, obviously David is the king at the time that he's writing this and he poses a rhetorical question. He says, do ye indeed speak righteousness, O congregation? So he's putting these people in a check and he's saying, you need to ask yourself, are you really teaching righteousness? Do you really stand for that? He says, do ye judge up rightly, O ye sons of men? And the answer is obviously no. And this is exactly the question that we need to ask these new evangelical Christians that are out here today. Now, obviously the ones that go to church, we want to get them saved, but the leadership, the leadership by and large is corrupt, okay? And a lot of them are absolutely very wicked people, okay? They are wicked. It is a wicked thing to not tell the whole truth of God. It is a wicked thing to tell somebody that they have to turn from their sins in order to be saved. Look at verse number two. Ye in heart, ye work wickedness. Ye weigh the violence of your hands in the earth. So he's saying actually in your hearts, by and large, you work wickedness and you weigh the violence. So you weigh the fact that you violate people and you say, well, it's not as bad as the Gentiles. It's not as bad as these other groups of people out here. And that's what they'll do too. They'll say, well, we've got our issues, but they're not as bad as you. At least we don't make fun of queers. At least we don't preach against them. At least we welcome everybody into our church. But that's a wicked thing. In fact, that's a violation of human rights when you think about it, because those people are dogs. Those people are violators at heart. And when you let them into your church and you let them into your families, all they do is destroy. That is what they do. Look at verse number three. It says this, the wicked are estranged from the womb. They go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Now we're gonna stop right here. Turn to Proverbs chapter number 22. Proverbs chapter number 22. This is gonna be kind of the first thing that we're gonna hammer in this evening is this phrase, the wicked are estranged from the womb. I've had somebody actually bring this up to me before. And they were like, you know, the Bible says that the wicked are estranged from the womb. So that means that they're actually born to be wicked. So God does choose some people to be wicked and other people to be righteous. And if you're not familiar with this or what this means, I could see how somebody just at a quick glance could actually maybe mistake that. But the problem is someone's trying to cast a spell on you. And by the way, that's what new evangelicals do. They make up spells, they make up incantations. An incantation is a series of words said as a spell or a charm. That's what most new evangelical sermons are. They're incantations, they are spells. And they're constantly, aren't they constantly making up new doctrines and new things to keep up with the times? You know, how much world can I bring into my church if you even wanna call it that, because it's not. You know, how much of the world can we bring in here to actually influence people? Why do you think new evangelicals are so hell-bent on their music program and the fog machines and the lights and all of the stuff that they have there? Because that seduces people, it helps play to the emotions. It sensationalizes the people, and then they're able to slip in their spells, right? So they're constantly making these spells appear. And when somebody brings verse three and says, well, the wicked are estranged from the one, there's just nothing you can do about it. They're just born that way. No, that's not what it's saying at all. Let's talk about this. What does it mean to be estranged? What does that word mean? It means no longer close or affectionate towards someone. So let me read the verse for you. Stay in Proverbs 22. It says the wicked are estranged from the womb. They go astray as soon as they be born speaking lies. That's not teaching Calvinism. For example, when someone's born after the devil, they decide in their hearts they've rejected God and they want to actually follow the devil. They wanna become a child of the devil. Well, you know what? They're now estranged from God. They're estranged from authority. They are separated from those that love them and maybe try to teach them. And they are literally estranged from righteousness as they're born to the devil. But that's a secondary application here. What that word means, again, is no longer close or affectionate towards someone. So you take a look at these wicked people. You have to ask yourself, how does this happen? How does somebody get so wicked? How does somebody go up in front of thousands of people inside of a congregation just to turn them into merchandise, just to get their money, just to tell them what they wanna hear, right? That is a very wicked thing in the sight of God. And I'll tell you, you are there in Proverbs 22, look at verse number six, train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. So let's say this, you take that wicked person, right? Oftentimes they come from wicked people. There are people that are very, very good at manipulating their children. And one of the things that they do either knowingly or unknowingly is that they estrange them from birth, meaning they're not that affectionate towards their children. I'm actually watching this unfold in two separate scenarios as I am speaking to you. And what these people will do is they'll keep their children at a distance. They'll restrict, they'll withhold that affection, okay? What are they doing? They're estranging themselves from their children. More often than not, what winds up happening is these kids grow up and they wind out being wicked people. And that's exactly what this verse is saying here in Proverbs 22 verse six. Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. So what happens when we don't do that? We are estranging these people from the truth and they have a greater, greater chance of winding up becoming wicked. Look at verse number 15, same chapter. Same chapter, verse 15. It says this, foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. What happens when we don't administer the rod of correction to our children? Well, guess what? We start to estrange them from righteousness. It contributes to abuse. And what often happens is they wind up growing up being terrible, terrible human beings. Go to Proverbs chapter number 29, Proverbs chapter number 29. And so you say, great, what's the application here? How does this apply to what we're talking about? Well, it really applies because a new evangelical preaching team, if you will, they are going to estrange their congregation from the truth They do not allow the King James Bible inside of their churches. In fact, at this day and age, it seems like every time I talk to one of these people that really wants to knuckle down and really stand for their organization in their church, every time I talk to them, you know what they do? They mock the King James Bible. They mock the fact that God has preserved his word. This is a real fight. And I'm telling you, Brother Stuckey said this several years ago. He said he thinks that the new fight someday that will be coming up within independent fundamental Baptist churches, including New IFB, will be over the King James Bible. And you know what? We're actually starting to see that play out here. And you think, no, you're crazy. Look, you can't trust these fanboys. I love them. We want to come here. We want them to come in here. We want them to get right. We want them to listen to the preaching. But what we want is for them to become a fan of God, okay? Because what we were noticing about these fanboys is they're not believing the Bible. They're listening to sermons. They're getting great truth, but they're not getting the roots in the word of God. And they take a look at what's going on here and they just assume, oh, that's not how this church would do it. That's not how that church would do it. And it's like, wait a minute, pal. I know those pastors better than you. And they would tell you the same thing I'm telling you right now. Get over yourself. You're not that smart. You don't have that much discernment, which is why you're new, which is why you don't come to church all the time, which is why you're starting out. Look, there's nothing wrong with starting out. There's nothing wrong with being a babe in Christ. But what happens to these fanboys is they estranged themselves from the truth and they wind up doing wicked things. They do. They wind up railing. They wind up stopping soul winning presentations. They wind up causing trouble in church. They get offended. They get frustrated. They leave and they wind up at the journey or they wind up at the local mega church. Well, this is where it's at. Look, I know somebody who's sat in a new independent fundamental Baptist church who I went soul winning with for years who is right now friends with a youth pastor and goes to his church, some liberal Calvary Chapel type church. You see, how does it happen? Because he couldn't get over his fanboyisms. And what happened is he estranged himself from the truth at the beginning. The womb is the beginning. Okay, so when you read that verse in Psalm 58, remember that. The womb is the beginning. And then we're gonna talk about it even more here, okay? This is very important. Look at Proverbs 29 and verse 15. It says this, the rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame. So again, you can see that there is estrangement. When we estrange ourselves, when we separate ourselves from righteousness, from the truth, from the word of God, guess what? The results are always disastrous. And that's exactly what the New Evangelical Church does. And the Bible is saying that that is a form of abuse. So they wanna cast a spell. Oh, I'm a recovering Baptist. You know, I'm a liberated Baptist, right? They'll often say that. I can't tell you how many times in my life I've heard someone say that. Now look, in my hometown of Port Orchard, Washington, the church that I got saved at when I was like nine years old and I became a bus kid. Look, I'll be honest. There was a, you know, when I got back out of the military, we started going to church, you know, in Port Orchard again. We tried to go back to that church, but it was worse. It was worse than the New Evangelical Church we were going to. The discernment was just out to lunch. I mean, they were just lukewarm, middle of the road. I mean, the first service we went to, the pastor's grandsons were playing Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana in the hallway inside of an independent, fundamental, King James only Baptist church. And the associate pastor there, I looked him up because he seemed a little weird. You know, he got his theological master Superman degree from some left wing, you know, just lunatic type Bible college. You know, and I was looking it up. It was like, this is all NIV, NASB, ESV. And I'm like, what's going on here? Well, they're headed down that road. So at the time I didn't really know better because I wasn't reading much myself. I mean, I obviously knew he was garbage. So we went to the Calvary Church. I figured, you know, because, you know, we went in there and they were like, oh, you know, you know, we know that 9-11 is an inside job. Like they knew all the conspiracies. I figured, you know what? It's a matter of time before they figure out that the new King James is a conspiracy. Guess what? They haven't figured it out to this day because I just checked. They haven't figured it out to this day. They're still up on the conspiracies, but they haven't figured about the conspiracy regarding the Bible. And you know what? There is a conspiracy today in this country regarding the word of God. So while you have multiple Bible versions, it's for profit, it's for money. It's to turn people into merchandise. This is what Paul was telling Timothy. And you have to understand that. Go back to Psalm 58, if you're not already there. Psalm chapter number 58. And so again, if you look at verse three, it says, the wicked are estranged from the womb. They go astray as soon as they be born speaking lies. Now look, how old's Solomon? A year and some months? A year and what, six months? A year and, he's speaking a little bit, right? He hits me with the chucks and stuff. So he's got good understanding, but he doesn't speak lies, right? Think about that, like what about baby Kyla? She's speaking, right? But she doesn't speak lies. You know, she gives fist bumps, right? So with that in mind, okay, right? Read the verse again. The wicked are estranged from the womb. They go astray as soon as they be born speaking lies. So when a Calvinist comes up to you and say, see, God ordained it from the beginning of time. You have to realize, no, you need to look at the real application here, right? He's speaking, you know, methodically here. He's not saying that they start speaking lies as soon as they're physically born and come out of their mom's womb. Wouldn't that be kind of strange? You know, Solomon's just like, just like right now, he starts lying. He's like, you know, dad, you need to start reading the ESV. You need to get off this King James garbage. I mean, you'd be like, whoa, you'd be pretty blown away. Man, maybe God did ordain this guy a prophet, you know what I mean? That'd be crazy, right? So obviously it's talking about the beginning, but there's application there, I mean, for the child that's born as well, because when parents is strange, when they separate the affection, they separate the truth from their children, they don't teach them, what winds up happening? They often become wicked and they go down a path that is very destructive. And this is where we arrive here in verse four, we open the sermon up, look at the results of that. So hopefully we understand that now. Look at verse number four. It says their poison is like the poison of a serpent. So again, look, is it saying that these people like spit on you when you go into their church and you get sores and you have to go to the hospital and get like medication to get the venom out? No, it's metaphorical. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent. They are like the death adder that stoppeth her ear, which will not hearken to the voice of charmers, charming never so wisely. So what David is saying here is these people, when they become full grown beasts, full grown wicked prophets, and they start speaking, they start teaching, one of the ways that you can recognize the fact that they're just gone, they're just done, is when they won't listen to influence. Kind of like that clown that we dealt with today, right? I'm calling the cops and he proceeded to follow us around. So you're abusing us, he's like, you're abusing me. You're harassing me. No, you got your clock cleaned by Marissa and you're ashamed of it. Think about that. That's why he was upset. That is why he was upset. But these people won't listen to influence. They won't listen. You can try to charm them. You can try to say like I did several years ago, go into their church and try to change their whole organization and make them right. It's not gonna work because their poison is like a serpent. It's deadly, it kills. It's a reference to verse number three. So their malignity, their bad spirit, the stuff that they throw out of their mouth, basically what you have to understand is that it's penetrating and it is very deadly and it needs to be stopped. And I don't know too many other churches in town here that are gonna try and do it. And you know what, we're not gonna try to do it. We are gonna do it. We're gonna make them hate us. We're gonna draw the line in the sand and we're gonna make sure that they understand that this church is not playing games here. We disapprove of what they teach. And you say, well, how do you know what they all teach? Because we talk to your parishioners on a weekly basis and they act like complete imbeciles. It's embarrassing. It's embarrassing that they cannot even define basic words. They're stupid. And I'm not trying to be mean. I'm not trying to be degrading. But this is a problem. I mean, these are souls at stake here in the community. And if we don't do something about it, who's gonna do anything about it? Nobody. Nobody at all. Turn to Matthew chapter number 23. Matthew chapter number 23. And so I just wanted to kinda hammer this point home here about these wicked people, these false teachers, these false prophets. And the Bible says that their poison is like the poison of a serpent. So think about that. You think, oh, they're just lukewarm. They're not harming anybody. No, they are harming people. They have poison and it's deadly and it's penetrating, which is why John the Baptist said in Matthew chapter three, verse seven, he said, oh, ye generation of vipers. Where do you think he got that language from? He got that from understanding the Psalms. He got that from this passage right here. That's where Jesus got it as well. Look at Matthew 23, 33. Again, another passage that your new evangelical doesn't wanna quote. Look at what Jesus says here to these guys. Ye serpents. Oh, but Jesus only spoke love. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? He's saying, hey, because you won't respond to correction, because you're calling me a devil, because you're saying my miracles are garbage, because you have stopped your ears like an adder. Everybody, anybody in here ever seen like little videos of people in India, you know, with a little flute or whatever and a cobra's like, oh, you know, he gets on the spell. David's basically saying, hey, there's some snakes that ain't gonna fall for that. Those are the ones you gotta watch out for. You're not gonna be able to entertain them. You're not gonna be able to bring them into your family. You're not gonna be able to bring them into your little circle there and not be harmed by them. They will harm you. You know, like I told you guys, get meals all the time. Hey, you know, why don't you come to this Greg Lowry event that we're having? They email me every single week, and I think somebody who we kicked out signed me up for this, but I can't prove it. Somebody signed me up for their stupid list, but you know, they're like, why won't you come? Hey, Pastor Jones, we're having this big prayer thing downtown, we want you and your church. I never go, I never respond. I don't wanna yoke up with these types of people because I know what they are about. I've read the Bible, I study the Bible, and this is what they are about. By and large, these people are vipers. And Jesus is saying, how can you escape the damnation of hell? He's like, because you're not. Look at the next verse. Wherefore behold, I ascend unto you prophets and wise men and scribes, and some of them you shall kill and crucify, and some of them you shall scourge in your synagogues and persecute them from city to city. And obviously you see that come to full fruition in the book of Acts. Now turn to Psalm chapter 140. And so see, people say, well this Psalm here, it wasn't translated correctly, Psalm 58, or it doesn't belong, you know, you shouldn't sing it, you know, you shouldn't preach it, you shouldn't mention it. Well, where do you think Jesus got these words from? Okay, from understanding Psalm 58. Understanding that there is a viper out there metaphorically speaking, aka a false prophet, and what do they do? They foam out their shame. They can't help it. They can't be saved, right? That's why Paul said, hey, if anybody brings a false gospel to you Galatians, let him be accursed. What does it mean to be accursed? Does that mean, oh, just let them sit down on the side till they figure it out, and you know, they'll come around? No. Now, here's what I'm not saying. I'm not saying that people that go to these churches can't be saved. I'm reprobating everybody, okay? So please understand that. I'm simply saying that by and large, the leadership of these new evangelical churches are a very big problem, and their poison is abusive, it's penetrating, it's debilitating, and we see the effects of it, and we need to stop it. We need to at least do some damage. We need to at least go to the end of our lives and say, hey, we fought with everything we had. We let them know God disapproves, and we even saved some of them. That's the attitude here. So to answer the question why and how they make spells here, Psalm 140, look at verse number one. It says, deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man. Preserve me from the violent man. See, what does the new evangelical say today? Oh, bring them unto us. Bring us the pedophiles. We will reform them. We will reform the Sodomites. We can help them. That's why, you know, when California's like, hey, we're gonna make a law that says, you know, you can't have counseling for Sodomites to turn them straight. I agree with California in that, because we know that counseling doesn't work anyways, okay? So understand that here. Look at verse number two. Which imagine mischiefs in their heart continually are they gathered together for war? And this is the point that everybody misses, okay? You have to understand this. These new evangelical churches are at war with us. They are at war with the King James Bible. They are at war with doctrine. They are at war with taking a hard stance on anything whatsoever. I mean, you get around these people, if you can get past their skinny jeans and the gauges in their ears and the barbells in their nose and their Christian tattoos and all the trash that they have, if you can even get past the ugly side of a lot of these people, you know what? And you start saying, you know, you start getting adamant about anything. Orange juice, let's just pick that. You wanna start like talking about how you love orange juice and you're passionate about it? They're gonna be like, that's just too much. You just gotta relax. You just gotta calm down. No one's better than anyone else. No one drinks better. I mean, seriously, it spills over into every area of their life, okay? Understand that. But I don't know why I'm talking about that. Look at verse three. They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent. Adder's poison is under their lips. So we need to realize, this is why we preach these things in depth often is because our enemies, and they are our enemies. I'm not saying that parishioner for parishioner. Congregation for congregation, that you need to just pick an enemy. Go down to the journey right now and everyone there is your enemy. That's not what I'm saying at all, okay? But if they preach a false gospel, if their leadership preaches a false gospel, I'm not saying if their congregation believes a false gospel, we can work with that. We can disciple them. We can try to show them the truth. But when the leadership of these organizations, Life.Church, right? That's a big one. That guy's a heretic. He preaches a false gospel, okay? We need to understand, they practice. They study what we say, but they will never admit it. They watch our videos. They go to our websites. They learn our methods. And then what they do is they try to find gaps. And they try to find ways that they can slip in something to make you just feel inadequate or look stupid. Look, no one in here has got the answers to everything. But they sharpen their tongues like a serpent. And this is why it's so important that you read the Bible for yourself. That you don't remain in that fanboy status. That you don't just remain as somebody who just comes to church and listens. And then maybe throughout the week you watch a couple of sermons. That will not cut it. You will wind up getting offended. You will get frustrated and you will leave church. I can't tell you how many times I've seen it. You need to change. You have to read the Bible every single day. If you don't, you're wrong. And somebody emailed me not too long ago saying that I was mean for saying that. Take it up with God then. And we'll see at the end who was right, me or you. They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent. Adder's poison is under their lips. Verse four, keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked. Preserve me from the violent man who have purposed to overthrow my goings. So just like people in David's time are trying to overthrow him constantly. Constantly trying to set up rebellions and all the different things that we read about in Samuel. You know, we need to realize that that is going on today right now with this church. It's going on right now with our friends. It's going on everywhere in the world where there's a church and a pastor that stands up and says, hey, thus saith the Lord. Go to Ecclesiastes chapter number 10. Ecclesiastes chapter number 10. So just right after Proverbs, Ecclesiastes chapter number 10. Look at verse number 11. Ecclesiastes chapter number 10, look at verse number 11. It says this, surely the serpent will bite without enchantment and a babbler is no better. And isn't that the truth? People that just babble and won't shut up. It's like, ugh, this is frustrating. But notice the beginning part of that verse there. Surely the serpent will bite without enchantment. Well, what happens when you run into a serpent that won't take enchantment at all? They're gonna bite you. So when you're talking with somebody and they're like, hey, I'm the 32nd youth pastor at such and such, love all life church, whatever their church name is, okay? What happens when you're talking with that individual and everything you say is just bouncing off of you? Now here's the deal, you gotta try. You have to defend yourself. You have to explain why we teach what we teach, why we're doing what we're doing. But when they're just constantly like, uh-uh, I'm not having it. You need to realize you're dealing with somebody who wants to bite you. So the answer isn't what I've heard recently. Oh, well, you gotta force them to hear the gospel. That doesn't work. It doesn't work. And the reason why you think it works is because you don't understand the Bible. Go to Romans chapter number three. Romans chapter number three. Surely the serpent will bite without enchantment. You know what? A lot of these apartment bullies are the same way. You know, there's some of these people, like that guy we dealt with today, there was nothing I could have said to stop that guy. He was already fuming when I got to him because Marissa roasted him. And he would have followed us around regardless. He would have stopped Moses from giving the gospel. I mean, how many times have we seen this? Someone's about to get saved, and then boom, the devil comes out. How many times have you seen it? It happens all the time. All the time, right? Look, and so the only explanation, the only answer that you can, the only thing I can come up with is just to rebuke them sharply. And if they call the cops, then so be it. What are you gonna do? Oh, they hurt my feelings. She told me I was wrong, and that guy told me I was wrong. I don't think our place is that dumb yet, Ken. Look at Romans chapter three in verse number 12. So Paul's actually referencing the same concept that we're talking about here in verse number 12. He says, they are all gone out of the way. They are all together become unprofitable. There is none that doeth good, no, not one. Their throat is an open sepulcher with their tongues. They have used deceit. The poison of asps is under their lips. So again, we need to realize that these false prophets out here, you know, don't look at them, and oh, because they have Christian in their title, because they have some of the same language that we have, that they are on our side. You know, the youth pastor, the carpet pastor, the chair pastor, the band pastor, the drum pastor, these pastors that wanna stick it and just say, you know what, you have to have works, and that's what they teach, and that's what they preach. You need to understand you're dealing with a devil. You are dealing with a viper, and it's important that we understand that because their venom is going all throughout this country, and it's a big problem. It is deadly, and it's destroying people. So we need to realize that, and we're gonna move on here. Now go back to Psalm chapter 58, Psalm chapter 58. And so again, now you say, why did you go through all of those verses? Hopefully it was enough for some people, because apparently I don't use enough Bible verses in my sermons, even though I didn't have the least amount of verses at the Red Hot Preaching Conference, because I went back and checked. You know, anytime I receive criticism, I'm like, well, maybe that's true, because somebody was like, oh, that was great, but you don't use enough Bible verses in your sermons. Here's the deal. If I pass out a piece of paper right after the service, how many of you think, without looking at your notes, without anything, you could write down even half of the verses that we went over? Who remembers the bottom line from three weeks ago? Yeah. This is why we have to preach things over and over again. I'm not saying anybody in here is stupid. I can't even remember, and I wrote it! Okay? So you know what that is, though? That's an example of subtlety. And I'm getting really sick of it. You know, I'm getting really sick of people just taking subtle jabs. And so you know what, I've just decided on my heart, I'm just gonna start roasting people. I am. I think I've been a little too nice. That must be why people are doing it. So the next time somebody takes a subtle jab at me, you're gonna get blasted. You will get blasted. And you could be like, woo! Look, I'm not afraid of anybody. I love the word of God, I love the Bible, and the days of me just being too nice to some of these people that wanna be subtle are over. You're gonna get it. 100%, I'm just sick of it. The Bible actually says that I'm permitted to do that. I don't have to let anyone despise me. You know, but there's just some people out there that have another agenda. And sometimes it's hard to figure out what that agenda is, but you know, it's tough sometimes, you know it's not a good agenda. And I'm just sick and tired of it. But anyways, going back to these people, right? They claim, oh, you're the abusive one because of something like I just said. Because my pastor at Quay Church, with the holes in his jeans, he would never say anything like that, he loves everybody. And he talked about the edge of the quarter, the third side, see there's always a gray area that you missed. Well, why don't you go down there on Fairview and sip coffee with him then? And let me know what kind of works you do. Abuse is defined as any action that intentionally harms or injures another person. That's what the dictionary says. I don't quite agree with that. I think there's some people that need to be hurt. In fact, I know our laws don't allow for that and I can't be a striker and I'm not saying I'm gonna beat people up, okay? Even though I want to, that's just me being honest, okay? But some people need their butts kicked, for real. I'm serious. The Bible says a fool's mouth calleth for strokes. You know, you take a look at some people and oh, this guy just punched me in the face. Yeah, because you were harassing him, you actually deserve that. I'm the kind of guy that'll just look away. I'll be like Galileo, I care for none of those things. Whatever, man. Really what abuse is though, it's the improper use of something. Now obviously, it's the misuse of things, right? New evangelical Christianity, what do they do? They're misusing the word of God. They're misusing the Bible. But they're accusing us of doing that because we take a hard stance on things. And I'm just absolutely sick and tired of this. You know, they misuse the word of God all day long. Now, the title of the sermon is called Spell Makers because that's what they do. They make up spells and they try to cast them on their congregates and they're hoping to seduce the whole community, which is why they send out their surveys and their flyers. What do you like in a church? They're trying to enchant the people, okay? Now, there's another situation that just kind of happened recently. So those of you who don't know, Steadfast Baptist Church used to be pastored by a guy named Donnie Romero and he did some horrible things and had to step down. And unfortunately, you know, obviously his family was devastated and his wife was definitely probably horrified, okay? Well, it just came out recently that she made this YouTube channel, I guess called Spell Breakers. Well, what does that imply? That her old life, while she was in these churches, that she was under a spell, okay? I can't tell you how many times, again, that I have seen this play out in my life. That is what new evangelicals do. They'll flock to her, they will. Say, well, I used to believe all these things. They used to make me wear skirts. They used to make me do this and make me do that, make me feel guilty for this, make me feel guilty for that. Well, that's what the word of God does. When we are wrong, the word of God will make you feel guilty. But you know what? Just because you feel guilty, just because you've had your toes stepped on, you know what, that hurts, but that's not really abuse. That's called correction. That's called righteousness. That's called God, okay? We are sinful people. Everyone in here has problems, all of us. We all have things that we need to work on. We all have things that we need to stop doing. And that's what all of us do, okay? And you know what, we should never get so offended no matter what happens, that we just say, you know what, I'm out of church, I'm just gonna make a channel like this. She makes this channel called Spell Breakers. And she's basically accusing us of all sorts of stuff. Even though when all this happened, a lot of people prayed for her. A lot of people gave her, even our family did. My wife went and looked at her Amazon page and realized she's pregnant at this time and here's some needs and she bought some things for that. And she's coming out saying all this stuff, oh, nobody helped me, they didn't give me this, they didn't give me that. You know, it's like, well, wait a second here. I see what's going on. You're craving that platform. You're craving that attention. And what better way to do it than to join the new evangelical movement by saying that we are abusive, that we are the problem because of the way that we are, just for simply preaching the word of God, which you should do. Now you guys know, you can listen to whoever you want. I don't care. I really don't. Have I ever got up here and say, don't listen to these pastors. Well, false prophets, right? But even if you do, you know, whatever, you know, hopefully you're doing it just to pick something out and correct it or, you know, maybe they had an insight or something, you know, whatever, okay? I don't manage your lives. I get up here, I prepare a sermon and I preach it and then we fellowship and I'm out. It's up to you whether or not you wanna follow it. I don't have a checklist. I'm like coming up to you at every quarter. Let's do a congregational review. You missed this many services. You didn't go sowing this many times. Here's your percentages. You didn't give it. I don't do stuff like that. I don't have time. I don't wanna do it. That would be a cult. That would be abusive if I did that because now I would be violating the word of God, okay? So back to this lady. She's got this page. Now a couple months ago, I was scrolling through Facebook and I saw a picture of her. It was like recommended friend. And I noticed she was wearing pants and had her wedding finger clearly out like without the wedding ring on. Does that make sense? So what are you trying to say? People express themselves by the way that they dress. They express themselves on Facebook by the pictures that they post. All of us do that. The things that I post, I'm trying to convey a message, whether hopefully good or bad. I don't post that much, but you understand. Your profile picture is trying to convey a message to somebody. You just can't avoid it. It is what it is. So she has this and I thought to myself and some of my friends thought the same thing like this is probably gonna be bad, right? This is probably gonna be bad because when you do that, now it's like, okay, what is she signifying? Divorce, okay? Obviously, that's gonna cause some backlash. People are probably gonna say, hey, you know, praying for you, don't agree, whatever. You never know. And so they have to find ways and she's probably thinking, well, I gotta find a way to combat this. Well, what better way to combat this than to make myself the victim and get support? And that's basically what she is doing, saying that we're casting spells on people and her channel is gonna somehow break them. It's gonna free you, you know? And so this guy, he's got this YouTube channel called Dirty Donnie, okay? And she goes on there to post her video. That's horrible, right? Let's just let this guy live his life. How about you just pray for this guy? But obviously, this is a person who's offended and wants to make a name for himself so he's trying to exploit the situation out here. You say, well, why are you bringing this up? It's because this is New Evangelical Christianity, is what it is. It's the same story, it's the same thing. It's what most of them say. Oh, you go to the Baptist church? Oh, but they're real strict. Oh, do they make you do this? Do they make you do that? And it's like, you have to understand how to explain yourself. No, but the Bible says these things. You know, and I did some digging around and there's like, you know, on her page there are like people with the rainbow circle around their profile picture, you know, being friendly. You're not gonna find out on my page. If you find somebody with a rainbow profile, you know, around their profile picture, read the comment, it's usually very nasty. Kill yourself, you know, they're usually saying something like that to me. I want you dead, right? That's how we know we're doing a good job, you know, and getting these messages. It's like, okay, great. But going back to this, you know, I don't, I got a lot of people on my Facebook and they're not my friends, okay? We'll talk about this more in detail this weekend, but they're not my friends, but they're Facebook friends. And a lot of people on my Facebook apparently don't like us and I didn't know that and I just, I don't have time to go through it all and to purge them. I need help. So if you know people on my Facebook that are garbage, let me know and I'll swipe them off as I get time. But one of the people that I've had on there had a family member who I know make a comment about this Spellbreakers video. Here's what she said. She said, tragic, I'm so happy to see her healing from abuse, right? So she obviously watched the video that Leslie made and said, this is so tragic. I'm so happy to see her healing from abuse. Stop right there. The person who said that, I used to go to church with. My wife's gone soloing with. Pastor Thompson has bent over backwards trying to help this person out. And she goes to I'm not loyal because I'm a snake in a coil, Boyle's church. I'm not gonna call her name out because I don't, you know, it doesn't matter. I think that's what they want. But think about that statement. I'm so happy to see her healing from abuse. So going from skirts to pants to railing on people that helped you, like Pastor Anderson, who came down there and sorted that mess out when he didn't have to and helped you and you're gonna bite them like a serpent. And you got people saying I'm so happy to see her healing from abuse. So now healing from abuse. Think about that. You have someone in a supposed independent, fundamental, Baptist, King James only soloing church saying that she's healing from abuse. Let that sink in for a minute. Because if you watch the video, and I don't recommend you do it because it's all lies. A lot of it's just lies and railings and it's just trying to get attention. It's trying to become the victim. She's saying that that is a form of healing from abuse. So really, I read that comment. I'm like, whoa, wait a second here. What's gonna happen down in Florida here pretty soon then? If that's the mindset, what's going on when no one's looking? So this poison is deep. It goes very deep. It penetrates and it does damage. Because think about that comment there. I'm so happy to see her healing from abuse. So, do you wear skirts? You always post some pictures of yourself wearing them and being all righteous and out-soul-winning. Are you saying you're under a spell? Are you saying that your pastor is a snake? Well, I'm saying that. No. But is that what she's saying? From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. And this stuff goes deep, man. It goes real deep. And though I'm not on there all the time, I do pay attention. I'm not gonna be on there all the time. All the time, I do pay attention. Because like I said at the Red Hot Preaching Conference, choice reveals priorities. I pay, I do. I'm not a cult leader and you know that, but I do pay attention to the choices that people make. For my protection and for your protection. I need to know who's on our side. And when I see people making choices like this, I can know, okay, there's a situation. There's some smoke coming from here. There's something about to boil over. Just like when someone comes in the church, and they start saying weird things. They start taking subtle jabs at me. I take notice of that. Because that person had a choice to keep their mouth shut, which is the best choice. Keep your opinions to yourself if they go against what we teach. And when they decide to override that and to speak and take these subtle jabs at me, I'm like, okay. I'm coming for you. And you're not even gonna know it. And I'm gonna get you. You've done it before 20 something times. I'm gonna keep doing it till the very end. And then we're going back to this. This is wicked to say that she's healing from abuse. But you know what? That's the attitude that I see a lot of times from these new evangelicals. Oh, I'm a recovering Baptist. I was a victim of a Baptist church. Oh, and it's like, oh crap, you know. Sometimes when I hear that still, I'm like, all right, this is a great time to break out Romans one and Leviticus 20, kinda explain how that all goes together. And it's like, no, we're abusive because we took a hard stance on something. Because I said that husbands should love their wives. That the wives shouldn't speak out in church or whatever it is, right? That women should not wear that which pertaineth to a man. Deuteronomy 22 five. Oh, that's abusive. No, what's abusive is you making a video railing on people that's financially supported you, that spiritually supported you, that tried to help you out, and that still probably care for you. But we're the abusive ones, huh? No, that's a new evangelical attitude and that needs to be stopped. So let's finish this off, let's wrap this up. Psalm chapter 58, look at verse number 56. So here's what David's prayer is to those wicked people. And I'm not saying that the spell breakers lady, that Leslie, I'm not saying she's a reprobate. I don't know her. I don't know her, I don't know that. I think she's just somebody who's hurt and trying to play the victim, okay? But to those out there that wanna preach the false gospel, they wanna portray themselves as righteous, as holy, because they're neutral in everything in the world. Here's what David would say about those people. Break their teeth, O God, in their mouth. Break out the great teeth of the young lions, O Lord. Let them melt away as waters which run continually. When he bendeth his bow to shoot his arrows, let them be as cut in pieces. Can you imagine singing this? We gotta learn this one here. We've gotta learn this one here, this is great. Verse eight, as a snail which melteth, let every one of them pass away like the untimely birth of a woman, that they may not see the sun. So you know what the application is there? We need to pray that God gives us the victory in the community over these people. We need to catch the people who just move here and are about to walk foot inside of a new evangelical church and at least get them saved. Because if we get them saved and they still go, there's nothing that we can do about that. Don't let your heart break over that too much, a little bit, but not too much, right? Because we can always fast for them, we can always pray for them, we can always move forward. But you know what, when we do that, we at least stop them from becoming like this. We at least won that victory, right? But David's saying he wishes that these false prophets, that these wicked people with the poison under their tongues would melt as a snail, that they wouldn't even see the sun. You know, so it's a good thing when we can stop it before it even happens. Look at verse nine, before your pops can feel the thorns, he shall take them away as a whirlwind, both living and in his wrath. Now look at verse number 10, the righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance. He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked so that a man shall say, verily, there is a reward for the righteous. Verily, he is a God that judgeth in the earth. And that's the goal, that's the vision here for the series, that's the vision that this church has in addition to soul-winding. It's having the right attitude towards the wicked. You know, and it takes guts. Because when you run into these people, a lot of times, especially when you're working with them, like on a crew or something, they can seem so friendly, they can seem so nice, and it's like, well, you naturally, your instincts are naturally to wanna pick out the things that you have in common and then foster a relationship. But I'm telling you, right now, you have to understand this, that is a deadly move. Don't let those people get close, because you will get bit. You will get bit by them. You know, now obviously, if they're just the type of people that are mixed up in it, and they don't know any better, you know, have those conversations, tell them, try to stop them, try to change their mind. Yeah, try to steal them from their church. Yeah. You know what? We are trying to steal people from their churches. We're trying to save them from this poison, from this wickedness, from the spells that these people make and they make them on a weekly basis, which is why when you look at our bulletin, we've got so many soul-winding times. You know, it's a great opportunity for you to get out there and to actually make a difference. But when you're working with somebody and they're just a done deal, gone false prophet, I would have very little to do with them. In fact, my position, I would always get along better with the people that didn't know what to believe, or just, you know, were a little on the rough edge, you know? I felt like I always had more in common with them, because at least they were on fire for their garbage, you know what I mean? And they would usually be willing to, oh, let's just let bygones be bygones and work, you know? And it's more enjoyable than the guy that's like, oh. You know, so you think it's by faith alone, one saved, and they always want to bring stuff up. The reason why they do is because they're goners, and they're trying to ruin you. They're trying to ruin our family and the kingdom of God. And you know what? We're not gonna let them do it. Not without a huge, huge fight. So let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Thank you again so much, Lord, for another opportunity to preach your word. I just pray, Lord, that you would instill the right vision in us regarding the wicked and those that preach false gospels out there, Lord, those that make these spells and these false doctrines to try to cast them into the community. I pray that you would use our church mightily, Lord, in the battle against them and help us to stop their lives from spreading as fast as they currently are. In Jesus' name, I pray, amen. All right, please grab your songbooks one more time and turn to song 63. Song number 63, what a day that will be. Sing it out on the first. There is coming a day when no heartache shall come. No more clouds in the sky. No more tears to dim the eye. All is peace forevermore on that happy golden shore. What a day, glorious day that will be. What a day that will be when my Jesus, I shall see. And I look upon his face, the one who saved me by his grace. When he takes me by the hand and leads me through the Promised Land. What a day, glorious day that will be. There'll be no sorrow there. No more burdens to bear. No more sickness, no pain. No more parting over there. And forever I will be with the one who died for me. What a day, glorious day that will be. What a day that will be when my Jesus, I shall see. And I look upon his face, the one who saved me by his grace. When he takes me by the hand and leads me through the Promised Land. What a day, glorious day that will be. Amen, Brother Jeff, would you close the service out on a word of prayer, please? Dear Lord, thank you so much for this beautiful message. Lord, I pray you can develop the right kind of attitude for those of you that are going through the Lord that have poisoned the minds and hearts and count the people. Lord, just help us to have the answer to the Bible, Lord. Just written down in our notes, in the back of our Bible, in our hearts, in our mighty scripture, Lord. Help us be wise people, Lord, and be able to fight against the poison, Lord. Keep it safe, rest in peace, Lord. Thank you for being pastors and for being home safely, Lord. And God bless you. We're not preaching confidence, we're not talking. We're not against the Lord. He's only soul in death, Lord. We love you. And we'll be with you, Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen.