(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, Exodus chapter number 23, if you would look down at verse number two. So the Bible says, thou shall not follow a multitude to do evil, neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many, to rest judgment. We're gonna break that verse down today, but just real quickly look at verse three. It says, neither shalt thou countenance a poor man in his cause. In other words, thou shall not show partiality respect of persons to poor people. We're gonna deal with that next week. Kind of go over it just a little tiny bit tonight. Keep your place there in Exodus 23 and go to Genesis chapter number 18. Genesis chapter number 18. The title of the sermon this evening is Social Injustice Warriors. Social Injustice Warriors. Obviously you know what we're talking about there. We're talking about social justice warriors. Say, why preach this? You're trying to get a bunch of views? And the answer is no. It's because I'm constantly running into people these days that go to these local churches in the area that are bringing up social justice issues. Basically implying that the church, quote unquote, is responsible to get into this fight and to help these things out. And this will make sense here in a little while. And obviously you should know the answer that that is not what the church is for. Not at all. We're gonna prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt. But anyways, what is a social justice warrior? Who's ever heard that term, a social justice warrior? Yeah, a lot of us have. It's basically a pejorative term to describe somebody who's on the internet vehemently engaging in debates and scoffing and mocking people. Basically just trying to build up their own reputation. That's basically what it is. In a nutshell, okay? That's the basic general definition. I'm gonna get into what it really is. Tonight we're gonna learn the actual danger of this system because social justice or social justice warriors, these things are very rarely ever defined and widely misunderstood. And after studying this out and kinda contemplating like, why is this now? After three and a half years of being here, why am I seeing this so much out in town? What is going on out there? I learned that obviously there's a very, very, very big danger to this. And we're gonna talk about that this evening. So let's do some term definitions. First, what is social justice? Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political, social rights and opportunities and privileges, okay? And you're gonna see here in a little while that means accept the white boy, okay? Accept the white boy. We'll get into that here in just a minute, okay? But that's basically in a nutshell what the internet says that is. Now, just from that definition alone, there should be another phrase floating around your mind that starts with a C, ends with an E, or Y, commie, communist, you know? That's basically what it is, okay? It's a communist movement. It's just a cloak of communism in my opinion. People would disagree. It doesn't matter, it's evil. You're gonna see that tonight. It's wicked, it's evil, it's not right. I mean, we just read the entire chapter of Exodus, chapter 23, okay? You wanna know what justice is? You wanna know what judgment is? There you go, okay? And that's just a small fragment of it. If our government would just adopt these principles, life would be much better in this country and throughout the entire planet. So let's talk about some more definitions here. So we just saw what social justice is. You gotta ask yourself this question though. Why the modifier? Why social justice? Why aren't people just talking about straight justice? Okay? Could it be because justice happens to come from this book and people have figured that out and they know that because God's laws are written on their hearts and people are growing more and more animosity towards the things of God? Could that be it? We're gonna find out. But let's break down justice, okay? What is justice? Well, according to the dictionary, justice is a legal structure or system that is designated or designed to judge in a general sense who should be accorded a benefit or burden when the laws apply to a person's factual circumstances. Basically, in other words, it means to the world, what the world is trying to say that justice is basically you get what you deserve, okay? In a nutshell, that's what they're saying, okay? The problem today is that that's not quite what they mean. People today, when they hear the word justice, the word social sneaks in behind it in what a lot of people are teaching, what a lot of people are pushing are communist, satanic ideas, okay? So Genesis chapter 18, let's go to the Bible and get the definition of justice, okay? We're gonna read verse 19 here in just a moment, but let me get you kinda caught up to what's going on here. So the beginning of the chapter here, it takes place in the plains of Mamre, okay? The Bible says that the Lord is going to visit Abraham, have a discussion with him, and then the very next thing you read is that three men appear. Three men show up to Abraham, and he is very hospitable to them, okay? They begin to tell him, you know, your wife is going to bear a child, and she laughs in her heart, if you're familiar with that story. And so after that stuff takes place, in verse 19, God is going to reveal some information about the plans for Sodom and Gomorrah, which, by the way, was filled with what? Abundance of sodomites and idleness, an abundance of idleness, right? What's the driving force today behind these communist and socialistic ideas? That you shouldn't be working more than 40 hours a week. You should get what you deserve. You should get yours. Everyone should just be equal. Eat the rich. There should be no rich people. It should just be an even playing field, right? That's what they say. That's what they push. But the idea is totally false when you consider it against the Bible. So in verse 19, I want you to look at this very carefully. Look at what the Bible says. So this is God speaking about Abraham, and he says this. For I know him, okay, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall, don't miss this, keep the way of the Lord. Okay, the very next words are very, very important. Look what it says. To do justice and judgment, that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him. So the very first time in the Bible, you see the word justice. What do you see? You see judgment, okay? You see the way of the Lord. What does that mean for us? That means that without the Lord, without the kingdom of God, without the truth, without God's church that he's building here on this planet made up of every believer, okay, and I'm not talking about the universal Catholic church, okay, you know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the kingdom of heaven. I'm talking about believers, okay? Without that, there is no justice. There is no justice outside of the Bible. There is no justice outside of God's kingdom. Why do you think the first time that we read that word in the Bible, you find all of these nuggets, okay? They shall keep the way of the Lord. So God's like, hey, I know I can trust Abraham, right? I can reveal my plans unto him on how I'm going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, on how I'm going to bless him, how I'm going to bless his family after him and bless all the nations of the earth through him, through the gospel that is, and that his family, so Abraham's servants, his children, his wife, obviously, that they will keep the way of the Lord. What is the way of the Lord? To do justice and judgment. That's what is written down here, and so therefore, anything other than that is false. It is false doctrine. It is not true. Leave your place there and go to Leviticus chapter number 19. I like that definition far better than what is on the internet about the subject, okay? It's the way of the Lord, right? We as God's children, we need to know how to get into some of these conversations, okay? Because you have preachers out here that are trying to blend critical race theory, they're trying to blend all of these quote, unquote, woke social issues with Bible doctrine, okay? And it ought not to be so. But because of that, we need to learn how to navigate the speech and how to slide in there and correct this false teaching and this false doctrine that is out there. Take a look at Leviticus 19 verse number 15. Look at what this says here. It says, ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment. Let's stop right there, okay? Who's heard of critical race theory besides just a few moments ago? Most people have. It's a hot topic right now. Politicians are debating whether or not this should be taught in school. I'll let you decide. We'll talk about it here in a moment. But one of the key tenets of it is the rejection of white people, okay? Like I said, we'll get into that here in a moment. But the Bible says very clearly here, ye shall not do unrighteousness in judgment, right? We're told over and over again throughout the Bible not to have respect of persons, okay? We're not supposed to look at people's skin color and make a judgment based off of that. That is ridiculous. That is not the way that we are supposed to act. However, that's the way that we are accused today, okay? And you guys already saw what happened when we had the protests out here, okay? In this church, there are more brown people than white people. What did the protesters say? You had white people coming up to us, coming up to Brother Kevin, who was a black person, and saying that you're a white supremacist, okay? That is the world that we live in today, okay? That is what's being taught. That is what's being pushed. And we need to know how to combat those stupid ideologies. But let's finish the verse. Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment. So just right off the bat, you can tell where this is going. They do unrighteousness in judgment, okay? They talk about, oh, don't marginalize us. You're marginalizing these people. You're trying to say these groups of people are insignificant. And if it's the alphabet community, absolutely, they're insignificant, okay? But I'm not saying that people that are born in Africa or whatever country that just by default, you're garbage. We've never said anything like that. They're the ones, in fact, that are saying that about us, right? What about the fundamentalist, okay? What about the person who loves the Bible? What about his opinions? What about his teachings? What about his or her stance? It's not accepted, okay? It's not accepted. It's not allowed. And so that is a violation of the scripture. Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment. Thou shall not respect the person of the poor, nor honor the person of the mighty, but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbor. So again, you can see a very clear description on how we should be bringing forth judgment and what justice is really all about. Go to Proverbs chapter number 31. Proverbs chapter number 31. So ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment. The Bible does not say that we are to put the poor above the rich or the rich above the poor, the mighty above the weak or the weak above the mighty. And again, we'll talk about this in more detail next week. We'll talk about how should believers respond to the poor? What does that mean? What's our role in that? We'll answer some tough questions and it will be a blessing. Proverbs 31, look at verse number eight. The Bible says this. Open thy mouth for the dumb and the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. Open thy mouth, look at verse nine. Open thy mouth, judge righteously and plead the cause of the poor and needy. So I'm not saying that the poor and the needy don't have a place that we shouldn't stand up for them. We'll talk again, like I said, in more detail later on. But right off the bat there, what do you see? You see that, hey, you know, we shouldn't have respect of persons to the poor, right? Exodus 23 verse three says that we shouldn't countenance a poor man in his cause, meaning we shouldn't be like, oh wow, yeah, that's some good stuff. Yeah, and you're right, no one should work. We should all just get free stuff, okay? Again, we'll hit that hard next week. Go to James chapter number one. James chapter number one. You say, well, why read these? Because one of the buzz words obviously for the people that push social justice, which is primarily the Democratic Party, okay, and I'm not up here pushing Republican, Democrat. I understand that they're both shaking hands when no one's looking. They're on the same team and they serve the same puppet master, which is your rich billionaire who ultimately serves the devil. We get that, we understand that. However, I am reading this book and it's very interesting. It's called Everybody Lies and it's written by a Google analyst and the stuff that he's got in this book is just astounding. First of all, don't read the book if you're not over 20. Okay, I'm just gonna put that out there right now. But one of the things that they've done with your searches, your emails, your text messages, and this is all in the book, is that they've been able, and a lot of you already know this, but they're able to tell based off of a few things that you say just in general conversation what you stand for. I mean, they can tell whether you lean left or whether you lean right. And so because of that, it's opened up a whole bit of opportunity for people that wasn't there before. So for example, they know in areas like this, well, probably in this part of town, you're probably gonna be able to sell some more liberal newspapers. They're gonna push liberal type ads here. But you just go up the street more towards Meridian and that all changes, okay? And you say, well, how do they know to do that? It's all by this mega data that we'll talk about here as the weeks go on. Just a very quick bit of information on that. But as I was reading that, I was thinking, you know, they do talk about the poor a lot, don't they? The Democrats, isn't that one of their big pushes? Like, oh, we're here to help the poor. We're here to help the poor. Look, that's a big lie, okay? They are anything but help to the poor. They are anything but help to black people or brown people or white people or any people for that matter, okay? They are here to serve the devil, plain and simple, okay? I think Pastor Mena said it best, you know? It's like, look, there's still some Republicans out there that can get saved, you know, no doubt, whatever. It's definitely true. But to say that you're a hardcore Democrat, like you're all in, like you're pretty much just about reprobate at this point in time, okay? I agree with that, I believe that. But let's take a look at this here. James 1, look at verse number 17. The Bible says, every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights, don't miss this, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning, okay? Just a quick blast there of an attribute of God. He has no variableness. He is not a respecter of persons. He does not look down on the earth and say, okay, well, I like this group of people because I created them with, you know, white skin and I don't like this group of people because they got darker skin, okay? That's ridiculous, that is absolutely untrue. You know, and think about this too. Is everybody gonna get the same amount of rewards when you get to heaven? Some 30, you know, some 60, some 70, 80, 90. You know, it just depends on your gifts, it depends on your choice, your work, your circumstances, and things of that nature. So that right there should kinda tell you that this idea of equality and economics, you know, privileges and politics and all this stuff is the opposite of the way that God works, okay? The Bible says that the laborer is worthy of his hire. You know, if you bust your chops and you're a go-getter and you're out there working hard and you happen to make it rich, kinda like Abraham was, you deserve that. God has blessed you with that. You should be able to keep that. You should not be on the hook to pay for somebody who is lazy, somebody who does not want to work, somebody who does not even want to support their own family, that is satanic. That is the opposite of justice. That is the opposite of the Bible, but yet you have people today that will literally fist fight you over these issues, and especially tear you up on the internet. I mean, the whole reason we wound up on the news was because of some little social justice warrior named Cindy or Mindy or something, I can't even remember her name right now, but whatever it was, it doesn't matter. You know, Chewy, you know, that's what she's out there like Chewbacca, you know? It don't matter, but you know, that's, in fact, that girl's a perfect example of a social justice warrior, okay? A satanist at that. Go to Proverbs chapter number two. Proverbs chapter number two, and while you're turning there, I'm gonna read a quick verse out of Isaiah 26. Verse seven, which says this, you go to Proverbs two, Isaiah 26, seven says this, the way of the just is uprightness. Thou most upright dost weigh the path of the just. And again, those are fighting words in today's society, okay? Nobody likes to be told that you will be held accountable for your actions, whether you are saved or whether you are lost. People just inherently do not like that. But the Bible says that the way of the just is uprightness, okay? How many of these SJWs, these social injustice warriors, I like to call them, do you see standing and communicating in uprightness? Zero, okay? These are the types of people, honestly, and a lot of you guys know this, that will follow you in apartment complexes, scream at the top of their lungs, cry because you've continued to knock on doors after they've told you to stop, after they've told you, you need a soliciting permit. You know what would happen if we applied for a solicitor's permit? We would get denied. You know why? Because we aren't selling anything. We're not soliciting, we're visiting. It's a totally different game. But when you tell these SJWs that, you know what they do? I don't care what the law says. Oh, okay. Thank you for being honest, at least. But anyways, Proverbs 2, look at verse number 10. The Bible says this. When wisdom enter into thine heart and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul, okay? Don't miss this. Verse 11, discretion shall preserve thee, okay? Discretion, that is the ability to minimize offending people, the ability to discern your surroundings, to pick and choose your fights if you can. Discretion shall preserve the understanding, shall keep thee, to deliver thee from the way of the evil man. And I'm telling you right now, these SJWs are evil. They are evil. And a lot of these big churches right now, you're seeing a shift, you're seeing a turn. They will fully adopt this doctrine that we're talking about, okay? They will put different spins on it, but it will be 100% SJW. They will have to go that way. You know why? Because after this whole coronavirus garbage is over, and I mean, these people are looking around, these pastors are looking around at their empty pews, then they're like, wait a second, how are we gonna pay for this building? How are we gonna pay for all this stuff? Because a lot of people didn't come back. I talk to people every single week, and they're like, oh, I used to go to such and such church, but after the whole shutdown, I just don't go back. I started watching online, and that just kinda floated away, and I just realized that church is within you. And the reason why there's so much hatred and fighting, and the reason why people like George Floyd got killed is because the church has failed to teach social justice. This is what people are starting to say out there, okay? And you gotta ask yourself, where is it coming from? Is this really a big deal? Okay, it is a big deal. You're seeing the beginning of it. So if these people wanna stay rich, if they wanna stay wealthy, if they wanna stay influential, they're gonna have to succumb to these people. You're going to see this happen at an alarming rate. Look at verse 12. Again, to deliver thee from the way of the evil man, from the man that speaketh froward things. This is the society that we live in, and we need discretion to be able to navigate these types of circumstances. Look at verse 13. Who leave the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness, okay? So again, that is the battle today. So you go to Daniel chapter number seven. Go to Daniel chapter number seven. Middle of the Bible, well, past the middle of the Bible, Daniel chapter number seven. So let's go back to this question again. What really is social justice, and what's the reason for the modifier? What is the whole point for the modifier? Let's take a look at some more definitions. So I went to a website talking about this. This was pro-social justice here, and here's what they had to say. They defined their term, or this phrase social justice as this. It's the state or doctrine of egalitarianism. Interesting. They use that word doctrine, okay? It gets worse. So they say it is the state or doctrine of egalitarianism. You say, what is that? Here's what it is. It's egalitarianism is a belief for the removal of human inequality, especially with respect to social, political, and economic affairs. It goes on to say this. This also means and is tied to social justice and is involved in the tearing down of traditional structures and systems deemed to be oppressive and the redistribution of power and resources from oppressors to victims in pursuit of equality of income and outcome. And that's a mouthful. You say, sum that up. It's communism. It's changing something, okay? Here's a better example. There's a picture of this in the Bible. There's a picture of this in the book of Daniel. There will be a person who comes on this earth. Many people believe that this person is alive right now. Who knows? I wouldn't argue with you. It's very possible. But this person is going to do something and use this model that is being set up to actually continue this path. I mean, who's seen on the news all these groups like Antifa going around tearing down statues? This didn't just happen in America. This is a big push also in the UK, also in England. There are people that are just sick and tired of the way that traditional things are and they're tearing down their history as well. This is a worldwide movement that's being pushed and that false crown, by the way, you know that whole Queen Elizabeth, King Charles garbage that's going on over there? They're pushing this stuff, okay? All the while, they're pushing, oh, equality, equality. Oh, we need to all go green. We need to all support each other because a lot of these other countries out there, they aren't wealthy enough to afford an electric car and to go green and we understand it's gonna cost trillions of dollars and we need to learn how to share. I don't think that guy's gonna be sharing. You think he's gonna share his wealth with you? Yeah, I don't think so. But anyways, back to this individual here that will establish a system like this or at least use the work of his pawns that are doing it now. Let's see who this person could possibly be. Look at verse 19. Daniel getting this revelation here, he says this and that verse 19 says, then I would know the truth of the fourth beast which was diverse from all others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron and his nails of brass which devoured, break in pieces and stamped the residue with his feet for sake of time. Go to verse 21. He says, I beheld the same horn, made war with the, what? The saints and prevailed against them. So who are we talking about here? Talking about George Bush? We talking about Joe Biden? Talking about Elon Musk? Or are we talking about the Antichrist? Look at verse 25. The Bible says this. And he shall speak great words against the Most High and shall wear out the saints of the Most High and think to change times and laws and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. So what is the Bible saying here? The Bible's saying that when the Antichrist comes on the scene and I'm not saying he is or isn't, you'll know when the time comes. But basically, what's one of his motives? What is one of the things that he will do? He will think to change times and seasons. And yes, there have been rulers throughout history that have desired to do that and have actually done that. But apparently, this individual will love nothing more than to be able to do that, you know? Probably change the, I mean, why do you think things are changing on Sunday? You know, I can remember growing up and they wouldn't sell alcohol on Sundays, you know? And ooh, big righteous move there, you know? But like bars were closed, if I remember correctly, and there were a lot of things closed early, okay? It's still kinda sort of like that here. A lot of things closed early here on Sundays. But you're gonna see a shift in that. You're gonna see things just completely change. Why? Because society, especially the devil, wants to remove any resemblance of God that they can possibly think of. They want to make war with the saints. And that war's not just gonna all of a sudden start, like go from zero to 60. It's now, it is starting now. Only now we still have the protection of the government in this country to preach the gospel, but you can see that going away because the corporations are taking over, okay? This church will no longer be on YouTube at some point in the very near future. I heard they kicked Pastor Shelley and Brother Dylan off Facebook today, you know? I mean, it's like, when in the world's going on? It is what it is. It's censorship, okay? Who is behind all of this? It's the devil. It is the wicked one, okay? So anyways, when I read Daniel chapter number seven, and especially verse 25, and then I read from a social justice warrior's website where it says, social justice is involved in the tearing down of traditional structures. Now, obviously, I don't care about these stupid statues. You know of our history, whatever. I'm not an idolater, you know, whatever. It's the motive behind it though. I would rather people come up and say, hey, you know what? I was reading Exodus the other day, you know? And I was reading the commandments. I was thinking, you know, maybe we're grateful for some of the things people have done in the past, but we really don't need a statue of them. You know, it's kind of like I heard that there was a statue of Jack Hyles outside of First Baptist Church in Hampton, Indiana. I don't know if anybody knows that's still true, but I would be willing to bet that Jack Hyles would look down and say, yeah, I never wanted that. I never wanted anything like that, okay? What does that point to? Human achievement, the religion of the world, okay? So again, I'm not for these things. I'm not, you know, saying, oh, we need to set up a George Washington statue and really stick it to the liberals. No, that's not what I'm saying here. What I'm saying is I don't like these Antifa people. I don't like these social justice warriors, if you will, and their agenda in doing this, okay? I don't like that being pushed as something that's good because it seems a lot like Daniel chapter number seven, verse 25, and the agenda of the Antichrist. But if you would go back where we started, Exodus chapter number 23. Exodus chapter number 23. And so we saw what the definition now of social justice is. Okay, it's a movement, okay? It's not just whining people on TikTok or Twitter or whatever it is. It's not just a bunch of cry babies that Ben Shapiro makes cry in interviews or, you know, whatever, although those are funny, but it's a lot more than that. We're gonna get into that, okay? It's a movement in basically changing times and seasons. That's ultimately what it boils down to. But what is biblical justice? Well, biblical justice pursues what is right in accordance with the word of God. Very simple, very easy to understand. In other words, biblical justice is based off of truth from the Bible, whereas social justice is a waste of truth and is tribal, okay? The loudest tribe, whatever it is, whether it's the CRT tribe this month, whether it's the Defund the Police tribe next month, whichever tribe is the loudest is the one that gets the attention, but they all work together, and their total goal is to waste the truth, okay? Because they have God's law written on their hearts, and they know what the Bible says is true, but yet they have succumbed to that. They hate that. In other words, they don't like that. And their goal is to eradicate these traditions. And one of the traditions that they would love to get rid of is church on Sundays, okay? I mean, every day it seems like we get at least one message, you know? And it's usually a question, are you gonna miss your tax exempt status or something like that, you know? That is literally what these people are pushing, okay? We're gonna get your tax exempt status taken away. Go ahead. It's not gonna change my speech. It's not gonna change our doctrine, you know? We're still gonna say the same things. It doesn't matter, okay? You wanna make war with us, we're gonna keep doing what we are called to do, okay? But now you're hearing politicians. I mean, obviously ones on the left being asked this all the time. If you were president, Mr. Newsome, if you were president, Mr. Beta O'Rourke, would you take away tax exempt status if a church spoke against the alphabet people, the monkey pox crew, the monkey pox posse, and what is their answer? Yes, we would, right? That's where it starts. That's how this thing is going to play out and the movements to get people into this is obviously this SJW movement. And so I wanna break these verses down here real quickly before we move on. Exodus 23, two. So the question is, is it a sin to be sympathetic to the SJW movement? What does this mean? Why is this a problem when you see people that go to church out in the community? Why is it a problem that they are going along with this now? All of a sudden, what's going on here? Exodus 23, where we started, look at verse two. This is a commandment. Remember, there are more than just 10 commandments in the Bible. This is a command. Thou shall not follow a multitude to do evil. SJWs do evil, plain and simple. You saw that last month. You see that on a daily basis. They are a multitude and their goal is evil. Do you think that, look, somebody paid for those statues. Either way you wanna look at it. Somebody has paid for those things and obviously we don't agree with them, but you know what? Do you think it'd be a good testimony if we went out there and just started tearing them down? You know, I mean, what would happen if we went and started just knocking down all these Mormon tabernacles around here, right? People would be like, I told you it was a cult. They're breaking law. We would catch so much hell we would never get out of it, right? So again, our warfare and our fight, we wouldn't go and tear down these statues and be like, that's idolatry, you know? Because there's plenty of them out there, okay? We're not gonna do that. Are we gonna preach against the Mormons? Yes, absolutely, okay? But we're not gonna go there and physically tear down their things, but yet Antifa and the people that support that movement, the SJW movement, they've got no problem going out there and tearing those things down though someone else paid for it. What is that? That is evil. That is hurtful, okay? You're hurting those people. What about businesses? What's their, go to Portland, okay? Let's talk about businesses in downtown Portland. How well do you think that's going right now? Not too well, why? Because these SJWs have destroyed them. They go down there and they say, oh, you're for Trump or you're for this or you won't give me a clear answer, I'll burn your whole building down, okay? And the whole time that all that stuff was going on and it's still going on to some degree, what were the politicians on the left saying? Oh, just leave them alone. They're free to express themselves, right? They're free to protest, yeah? But somebody like us, we get up and preach sermons, that goes against culture today and they're like, I wish we could just kill you. I wish we could just wreck you, just kill you. We want you off social media. Look, not only that, but they've even gone farther than that even in the past as far, I mean, they've tried to seize bank accounts of preachers that I know and they have seized bank accounts of preachers that I know, okay? That, I mean, think about that. Where's the up cry for that? Where is the rage about that? There is none because it gets silenced, okay? So again, thou shall not follow a multitude to do evil. So why are people like David Platt? Who knows who David Platt is? David Platt is a very influential, whiny Christian preacher, okay? He hangs out with guys like Francis Chan. He's kind of in like a, on the same playing field, maybe kind of sort of as like John MacArthur, okay? David Platt, this guy is a social justice warrior. Now, of course, he got put on blast for his views on CRT and he's kind of backpedaled here and there. It doesn't matter. We'll get into that here in a moment. But here we have a very clear verse. Thou shall not follow a multitude to do evil. And yet today you're seeing more and more churches promoting though that multitude that does evil, okay? Think about that. Look at the rest of the verse. Neither shall thou speak in a cause to decline after many to rest judgment. What does that mean, to rest judgment? Well, it means to pull. That word rest there, it can mean to pull, to detach from, to twist, to wrench, to take, okay? That's what it means. So what do we have today? We have these social injustice words and what are they doing? What is their goal? It's to rest judgment. It is to take judgment, justice and pull it from society. Okay? Once you do that, okay, what is the end result? The largest, loudest tribe rules because they've eliminated the word of God, right? They said, oh, we don't want the word of God in schools. And guess what? There are plenty of Republicans that are backing that up right now, okay? Just because someone has an R, you know, Republican in front of their name doesn't mean they love God. It doesn't mean that they're saved. It doesn't mean that they have a heart for you and I. Okay, most of these people are only concerned about their own bank accounts. So he says, thou, neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to rest judgment. And as I was studying this subject out, obviously one of the biggest doctrines that kept popping up was critical race theory. So let's talk about it for a second. What is it? Well, I went to a different website talking about social justice warriors and social justice just to kind of see what they say. How do they spin it? How do they put it forth? And let me just give you three quick things about this here, and then we'll move on. So they say this, this is a theory. So they admit that this is a theory, okay? This is a theory that all ethnic groups are born into a society ran by evil white boys. It doesn't say white boys. It says by evil Caucasians or by white supremacists, okay? And it says, thus are victims of white supremacy. And then it says, one cannot accept CRT without accepting intersectionality as a core tenant. And that's just another fancy word for the same thing. Basically the white person's evil. Look, what does the devil do? Divides, right? He divides people, divides in concrete. He tries to divide the truth. When he took Jesus up and he was like, hey, you know, if you fall down and worship me, I'll give you all these kingdoms. What was he trying to do? He's trying to divide the truth. He's trying to divide things. This is what he does. He divides people, pits people against each other. Because when you divide an organization, if you divide a church, what can you do to it then? You can conquer it, okay? This is why this nation is divided. Jesus said it best. You know, a house divided against itself cannot stand. That's exactly what you're seeing today. But furthermore, number three, it says this. Within our worldview, all of these groups that we mentioned are marginalized, okay? Marginalized victims of white supremacy and every white person is a white supremacist. Okay, that's what CRT is. Can you understand why people are upset about this being taught in public schools? And the sad thing is, you know, there are a lot of people out there that are on our side. You know, they're saved, they love the Bible, they've got the right gospel. But unfortunately, man, they're in a position to where they can't take their kids out of public school. You know? But as I always say, there is still wisdom. There is still a way to navigate that. We don't have time to talk about it today. But listen to this. I mean, within our worldview, all groups are marginalized victims of white supremacy and every white person is a white supremacist. After a person becomes woke to the theories of reality, what is he to do? And I'm gonna stop right there and tell you a quick story and then I'll read the big kicker here, okay? So marginalized, what does that mean? Basically, a marginalized group is treated as insignificant. Okay, one of the things in June that kept coming up is, you're marginalizing these people. What are you talking about? I want the government to execute them. They're like, yeah, you're marginalizing them. Okay, fine. Fine, you got me, good. We got that out of the way, okay? So, it was like, I don't know, it was like nine o'clock at night. You know, just doing what I do, studying something. My phone goes off and there had been a lull in all the hate and I was like, well, I'll bite. Let me just see, what do we got here, you know? And it was a Facebook message of me and it was this woman, a local woman here. And she says, look at this white, and then you know how Facebook will just like, send you like a notification, look at this little blah, blah, blah. And so it just gives you enough tension to where you wanna click on it. So I was like, well, I'll click on it. Anyway, and I'll, we're in trouble. I gotta downplay what she said, but she said, look at this white piece of crap, okay, and what he said about our loving, you know, alphabet people, something like that. So I wrote back, you know, and she said some other things in there about how dare you be judgmental, how dare you not act like Christ and stuff like this. So I just said, I wrote back, I private messaged her and I said, why are you so judgmental? You know, and she responds with a middle finger emoji and a bunch of cuss words. You know, how dare you say that, blah, blah, blah. I said, well, you don't know me. I said, I'm half Mexican, my mom's Mexican. She actually apologized to me. She literally apologized to me. She's like, I am so sorry that I judge you and I, please forgive me. I really still don't like what you said, okay, and I wish you'd tone it down, but I will take that comment down. I'm like, wow, that's where I wrote down on my little sermon idea, SJWs. I gotta do something on this because that's a story for the ages right there. So just because I'm half, you know, I'm all American. I was born in America. My mom was born in America. Now her parents weren't, but still who cares, okay? Look, is there white, Mexican, black in Christ? No, we're all one. The Bible's very clear. God has made all the nations of the earth of one blood. Okay, but of course these liars don't want you and they don't want the world to know that the Bible says that so that way they can keep calling us white supremacism so on and so forth. So this author later on goes down and says, basically gives us what they really mean by after a person becomes woke to this theory, what are they to do? So they've got doctrine and then they give you application, okay? Listen to this. Once the repentant person, okay, and I didn't paste what they said before that because I was just gonna flip out like really bad. It was just more like white people are the devil. Every white person needs to basically feel guilty, kneel on a bed rise, just all this stuff. White people just need to have a large chunk of their paychecks taken out to go to everyone else and it's just stupid. But first it goes on to say this. Once the repentant person is born anew, meaning woke, okay, once the repentant person is born anew into this newfound ideology, he must become an anti-racist for life. In other words, he must become a black supremacist and fight for their form of racial social justice. Go to 1 Timothy chapter number five. So I'm reading this article and I'm looking at all these things and then it clicks. This is a religion. This is not just a silly movement of goofball liberals with pink and purple hair. This is becoming a world religion. Like the religion of human achievement needs one more tenant. Don't you already have Buddhism, a lot of Christianity, Mormonism, Jovial, don't you already have all these other subsets of religion you gotta add SJW to? But they have to find a way to bring the quote unquote atheist back into the mix of religion and that is what this will do. Because for too many years, the media have been giving these atheists and these guys down at the college way too much of a platform, way too much credit. Well, knowing that the anti-Christ is gonna want that worship, they have to do something about that. So you're gonna start to see this social justice stuff, this religion, if you will, because that's what I see it as. You're gonna see this become more and more widespread. You're gonna see it merge with these churches out here. I mean, look at the language. Once he's born anew into this newfound ideology, a new age religion is what it is. I mean, I read that and I was like, you gotta be kidding me. So guess what else that means? When somebody really becomes woke, they become spiritually broke, they're a reprobate. They have literally become born again of that wicked one. That's really what's going on out there. So again, that's what the left is pushing. They're taking people from God permanently, okay? It's no longer, well, I just think that we should do this on taxes or that, kind of like it was in the eighties a little bit, just kind of like, oh, we have some differences, but we can still get along. Now it's like, we need them souls. That's basically their attitude. First Timothy five, look at verse number 20. So the Bible says this, and this is why I'm preaching. This is just another reason it says this. Them that sin rebuke before all that others also may fear. Now, obviously that's also in the context of the church. And again, just for quick clarification, it's not saying anytime somebody does a sin that the pastor needs to get up and be like, all right, brother David said all this stuff the other day. I just want you to know so you guys fear. Now we'll talk about that at a later date. But look, them that sin rebuke before all, all sin is open game. It's open season on all this stuff. So when somebody messages later, you can't preach stuff like that. You know, why don't you stick to the Bible? Well, I am sticking to the Bible. I'm auditing what we're living right now with the Bible. What's wrong with that? Them that sin rebuke before all, okay? We are well within our means to do that. Look at verse 21. So Paul telling the pastor Timothy this, I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect angels that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality, okay? What is critical race theory? What is the ideology? What is the driving force behind the SJWs? It's partiality. You know, it's the white boy. Everything's the white man's fault. And it's kind of funny how all these people voted for a rich, old, pedophile white guy. I mean, talk about hypocrisy. We are almost done. Two more passages, 1 John three, and then we're gonna go to Matthew six and we will be done. 1 John chapter number three. You know, and so with that being said there, in 1 Timothy chapter five, you know, where Paul says, hey, Timothy, man, make sure you don't do anything by partiality. You know, you don't want to respect this group of people over this group of people. You know, rich and poor, James talks a lot about it. But what about David Platt? What about his associates like Francis Chan and all the people that go to their churches and that he runs with? I mean, you know what that means, right? That means he's in, we've got way more than this, but it means he's unqualified. It means he needs to step down as pastor or just come right out and say, hey, you know, instead of Christian, we're just gonna say socialianity, social comianity. I mean, just come up with your own deal. You know, come up with your own religion cause that's basically what you've got. You're hiding behind a so-called Bible. You think this guy uses the King James Bible? Not at all. He hates the King James Bible. Most of those people do. They hate it. It's not just, oh, we want a cleaner, you know, so-called easier to understand. No, they hate the King James Bible. I've talked to people like this. They hate it. They despise it. Think about that. Think about somebody who calls themselves a Christian that absolutely hates the King James Bible. You know what you're dealing with there? You're dealing with somebody who hates God because Jesus is the word of God. He is the truth. And this book is the truth. This book is treated in society just like Jesus was. There's a lot of copycats, right? Well, there's a lot of copycats. There was a lot of copycats of Christ. I mean, I'm gonna change the sermon here. We gotta get back on track here. You get the point, okay? David Platt's not qualified. And he's just one of many. Just do your own research. Just type in, you know, social justice warrior Christians. You know, these people pop up and these people get thousands and thousands and thousands, in some cases, millions of views on their videos. You think YouTube's gonna take that off? Absolutely not. Absolutely not. But anybody who supports this stuff, whether it be him, his associates, whatever you wanna call them, or these guys out in town here, man, they're crazy. They're unqualified. And they need to turn in their badges as soon as possible. 1 John 3, look at verse number 11. So the Bible says this. For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. Obviously talking about within the body of Christ. Okay, not talking about loving every single person on the planet. Verse 12, he says this. Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one and slew his brother, and wherefore he slew him? Because his own works were evil and his brother's righteous. That's really it right there, okay? I mean, you've got these social justice warriors. You've got this new religion that has spawned. And I say new, but it's really not new. It's just, you know, the world repackages. It's just another branch of religion that's already been out there. But I mean, think about it. It really is the religion of Cain. The reason why they hate us, the reason why they persecute us is because that they know that their own works are not accepted by God. They know that their own works are evil. So what do they do? They hate us because our works are righteous. We believe in the Bible. We believe that, hey, it's not because of men. It's not because of what we have done, okay? So go to Matthew chapter number six and we'll be done. Matthew chapter number six. So I thought that was very interesting though, how their goal of pushing wokeness is to actually create converts where there's no going back. You know, it's like when you read about the terrors of the field, you know, that terror can never become wheat. You know, once you're a child of the devil, that's it. It's too late for you. There's no going back, you know? And we talk about that a lot. And again, that's the agenda here. And it makes sense, you know, it makes sense that the world is being primed in this way that they need another avenue for the Antichrist. Then of course, if you were to talk to these people, they're like, I don't even believe in that. I believe there are a lot of these people in power, like maybe like George Soros or Bill Gates. They probably don't believe in Antichrist. They probably don't believe in any of it, but they're playing it out and they don't even realize it. You know what? But when he shows up, they're gonna give him his power or whoever has it at the time, they're gonna play ball whether they like it or not or they're gonna wind up dead, wind up absolutely dead. So let's finish up here and ask this question or answer this question rather, you know, because people will ask us this and people have asked me this, you know? Well, what about these social justice issues? Don't you think that Jesus would want us to take part in this and to maybe feel guilty for the things that we white people have done in the past? Like, no, look, I'm worried about what I'm doing. You know, I don't, you know, whatever stuff my dad did or his dad did, whatever, man, you know what, they're dead, they're gone. I'm not bringing them back. We can't change the past, you know? So it is what, I mean, think about it, you know, where social justice issues high on the priority list during the Christ ministry, you know, when John the Baptist was locked up wrongfully, was Jesus like, we gotta spring him, we gotta go to court, we gotta start petitioning, let's get some signatures. What did he do? He's like, oh, okay, I'm gonna go over here and teach. Now, if your dad was, let's go teach because he just changed locations. See, he's got his priorities straight. Obviously, he is God. Look at verse 31. Look what he says here. We've already looked at this, but this fits perfectly. Look what he says. Therefore, take no thought saying, what shall we eat or what shall we drink or wherewithal shall we be clothed? Verse 32, for after all these things do the Gentiles seek for your heavenly father knoweth that she have need of all of these things. Now, obviously, he's talking there about people that are just caught up in the day to day. My clothes, my food, my water, just being obsessed about materialistic things, but really, the issues of social justice, making sure that we all have equal potential in earnings, that no one should have a bigger house than the other. We should all just have, we should all just own nothing and own nothing. I mean, you've all heard that phrase. Where do you think that's coming from? It's coming from the devil. It's coming from Satanism is what it's coming from, but that is against what the Bible teaches. Jesus is telling us, hey, all of these things, all of these issues that the heathen, that the Gentiles are concerned about, you guys don't have to worry about that. You don't have to take thought for that. Why? Because it just produces anxiety. Look, the reason why these people, these SJWs act as crazy as they do is because they are burning with anxiety and they have a lot of health issues, right? These are the people that are in line constantly at the emergency room. You know, I don't know why I'm always sick and got all these issues and blah, blah, blah. It's because 24 hours a day, seven days a week, you are worried about what this white cracker down the street has that you don't have. How about you get your button gear and go work for it? How about you stir something up inside of you and just worry about yourself and just work with your own hands? Why can't you do that? Oh, because that's too hard. And if it's too hard, it's not fair. Okay, look at verse 33. This is what we are about. But seek ye first the kingdom of God. What does it say next? But seek ye first the kingdom of God and what? His righteousness. And all these things shall be added unto you. So think about this. Should we as believers be concerned with, who's making what and all these different things and oh, this group of people over here that was born in this country, they can't become president and we ought to fight these things. We ought to picket and protest. No, absolutely not. That is not it at all. The responsibility of the church, the local New Testament church is what? It's in regards to righteousness, salvation, things that edify the brethren. Now, look, I've seen this whole racist thing a lot in my life. I've told you guys this story before. I can remember very clearly when I think I was, I don't know, third, fourth grade, something like that, my parents decided, you know what? We want to take Joseph to the ocean because he was always talking about sharks and wanting to see the ocean or whatever. I had never seen the ocean up until this point. And so my parents decided to take me down there during the middle of the week. And I'll never forget it. We went into the Shiloh Inn. I went in with my mom and she's like, hey, I've seen the sign outside. It says you guys have vacancies. Keep in mind, this is like a Wednesday, okay? And like March in Washington where it always rains and it's cold, but I was still excited. These people look at my mom and they're like, oh, you know what? We don't have any vacancies. That sign, that's an error. Sorry, maybe you should try this in this hotel down the street. My mom's like, oh, that's too bad. You know, they didn't have any vacancies either. My dad's like, there's no cars in the parking lot. So we get back on the car, and I was like, there's no cars in the parking lot. So we go driving around, we come back. I don't know, a little bit later, I go back in with my dad, talk to the same people. And they're like, yes sir, we have a room for you. And he flipped out. He wound up either getting a night or two free, something like that, because my dad was just like me, but unrighteous, you know what I mean? He could preach sermons, but they weren't biblical. And they included a lot of words that are four letter in nature. And so, a lot of you guys know, you remember, right? Just imagine what you saw there with dementia, but not with dementia. And that's pretty much my dad, you know? When he was still coming here, so. But think about that. I've seen that, I've experienced that. Now I'm not gonna go around and spend my life being like, man, I need to go and tear down every Shiloh Inn because of what they did to my mom. And just start always, man, I'm half Mexican, you guys gotta worship me. You know what I mean, that's ridiculous. I'm garbage, I need to be saved, I am saved, okay? I realized that when I was that age, okay? It's not about that. It's the victim card. That's what they are pushing as well. They want you to adopt the victim mentality because when you are a victim, you're looking for a savior and the savior that they want you to find is not Jesus Christ. It is the United States government or the coming world government, which is ran by a bunch of obviously Satanist wicked people. So again, to sum the sermon up, biblical justice is based off of what? It's based off of truth from the Bible. Social justice is a waste of the truth and it is often tribal, okay? So hopefully that's rhyming enough, maybe you can remember that. But either way, you get the point. I know that, I understand that. And you know, when you run into these people, here's the thing. I'm not saying that every woke person is a reprobate, okay? Because there are people out there who identify with all kinds of things, you know? There are people that'll tell you, yeah, I'm left, I'm this, I'm that. But you know what, you get to talking to them and you can tell they still have a conscience. They're understanding what you're saying. They get it, they can actually have a mutual discussion with you. I actually know people like that. You know, they're not out to cancel you. They're not out to hurt you, okay? We're not talking about those people. We're talking about the ones who have really had the light bulb go off, like their full on, like Margie, whatever that girl's name was on TikTok, that type of person, right? That person's a reprobate. Obviously, you watch half a video, you can tell that. Whatever her name is, okay? But I mean, look, that's just another thing. That's just another avenue that we're out there that we gotta fight, okay? It's another reason why we have soul winning, why this church exists, why we are the way that we are. Okay, why do you guys have to just draw the line in the sand? You're not gonna attract people. We're not trying to attract people. We're trying to attract some warriors, okay? We want people that love the truth, you know? Obviously, look, I was listening to that David Platt guy before I came out here, you know, and he was talking about like, you know, we've modeled our church to be comfortable and we try to stay away from all of these issues like this, like white guilt that I'm experiencing right now. You know, it's literally what he says. And he's like, because we've learned through surveys, you know, that if people have a choice whether they go to a church that maybe, you know, is kind of comfortable, has comfortable seats, but maybe, you know, the message is a little harsh. You know, people are always gonna choose the comfortable church and we wanna be that comfortable church. It's like, yeah, you want the money, you want the fame, you want the influence. And therefore, you are going to lead probably thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of people down this road to become woke or broke, meaning rep, reprobate, okay? And again, just another reason to understand why we are the way that we are because we are in a fight. We are in a war and that war is not physical. That war is spiritual and it has a lot of weird, you know, things behind cloaks and we have to look at and discern and be able to pull the wool off and so on and so forth. So we're gonna stop there for tonight. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Thank you so much, Lord, for your truth. Again, let's pray that you would help us to be able to find people, Lord, that are entangled in this and need help, Lord, and that we might be able to help them and straighten them out. In Jesus' name I pray, amen. Amen, all right, please grab your songbooks one more time and turn the song 173.