(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Harlot All right, amen well I like to thank everybody again for the week off in and the gift card with all the comments not just the lowest card I actually haven't had a chance to go to those yet You know we're always looking at the YouTube comment section You know not not for you know just so how many encouraging comments did we get but who's talking trash? You know and it's nice to know that when we get a card at least we get a card from this church You know and it's got comments on there. It's like oh, okay. I can trust you know these are all good comments Very encouraging and so I really was encouraged by that and I really appreciate it So it's it's good to be back up here and doing my normal thing And so we're gonna pick up kind of where we left off so what we've been doing is We've been going through end times scenarios On Wednesdays, and we're gonna continue with that and today's sermon is actually gonna be a two-part series And I actually came up with a title for this last year, and I've been holding on to it And so I'm ready to go ready to get this thing going here I think it'll be a blessing so we're in Genesis chapter 34 and what we're gonna Do is we're gonna focus on the story between Dinah and Shechem okay, and we're gonna talk about that So what's the topic about today? Well? It's about fornication, which is going to be very prevalent Which is very prevalent today? But it's going to be more prevalent as the day approaches as the Antichrist gets ready to come on to the scene And even after he's on the scene you're gonna see that this attitude this philosophy Which stems from the world is going to be pushed very very hard in fact if you would keep your place there But go to revelation chapter number nine revelation chapter number nine now the title of the sermon this evening Is shacking up with Shechem? Shacking up with Shechem. I figure you will remember this one way or the other So going back to this thought here about Fornication you know there used to be a day in our country when even the world by and large looked down on it even people That just went to church casually or weren't really believers But just kind of living their lives There used to be a time in this country where that was looked down upon, but you do not see that anymore today in fact It's the exact opposite Fornication today, which if you don't know what fornication is it's the physical relationship outside of marriage, okay? The Bible says that that is wrong the Bible says that is very very disgusting. It's a defilement Okay, it's something that we need to hate as God's people and I'm gonna show you that I'm gonna We're gonna. We're gonna talk a lot about it, but if you would here We're gonna read Revelation chapter 9 now just to give you a little bit of a background here when you start the chapter off You know the story we've gone over it before it's where the bottomless pit gets opened and literally you see a bad and come out and The these locusts, and there's just basically what's going on here is literally hell is being poured on this earth There's plagues all kinds of torment the Bible says that death is gonna flee from these people and by the way We are gone. This is during the time of God's wrath We don't have time to get too much into that But it's important to understand that for what we are about to read Okay Because you would think you know if these locusts were coming out of hell and then the Bible says that their sting is like that Of a scorpion, you know and you were just under this torment and the world was really just filled with all Kinds of plagues that people would maybe change their tune, but that's not what we see here in fact look at verse number 20 It says this and the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues Yet repented not of the works of their hands that they should not worship Devils and idols of gold and silver and brass and stone and of wood which neither can see Nor hear nor walk you say what is that? Well that is extreme confusion Which is another thing we've talked about a couple weeks ago now look at verse 21 It says neither repented they of their murders nor of their sorceries now here It is nor of their fornication nor of their thefts now You can go back to Genesis chapter 34 and so in the midst of hell being released on this earth What is one thing that they just will not give up besides idolatry besides the murders its fornication? Right and why is that we have to think back to all the work? That's been you know that has been done leading up to this point obviously Society pushes a rejection of God a rejection of everything that the Bible teaches about God and about Marriage and the world says we don't need any of that We need to turn that upside down pull it inside out and push that on the people and that's exactly what you're seeing today But by the time you get to this here It's so bad that literally when they experience hell on earth like you know what we don't care. Yeah, this is bad This is a pandemic like times 20, okay, this is an extreme pandemic We don't need CNN and MSNBC and Fox to tell us how bad it is right. This is the real deal here But we're just not gonna repent. We're gonna keep going with this fornication. We're gonna keep killing each other We're just gonna keep doing all of this defilement and disgusting Filth and you know what that like like I said that attitude is just being thrown out there today for example, dr Fauci right when this whole coronavirus thing Started off last year right and they said, you know, we're gonna lock everybody down and you're not going anywhere blah blah blah The question was posed to mr. Fauci, you know, well, what about tinder date hookups? What was his response? It's unclean It's defiling It's disgusting Shouldn't do it six feet mask. Oh That's not what he said, in fact, he said it's okay as long as you understand the risk Well, you know what? I think it's okay for me to go eat at a restaurant and I understand the risk You know, but what does he say about weddings? He was asked the same thing later on. Well, what about weddings? No indoor weddings Outdoor weddings should be on zoom Who's behind that agenda is it God Or is it the devil? It's the devil. That's exactly it. And we get mocked all the time. All you think everything's there the devil blah blah blah blah Hey, shut your mouth you loser because that's exactly what it is Now you say why is this so important why talk about Fornication. Well, I've already given you one reason. Here's the other reason if you type in the word fornication or a Fornicator in the Bible it comes up like 31 times in the New Testament How many books are in the New Testament? 39 It's almost in every book of the New Testament in the books where you don't see that word You will see the concept being preached against so this is obviously something very important that we need to understand Um Let's go back to my childhood I had a kind of an experience with this when I was 14 years old my dad So so during the sermon I'm gonna try to use Euphemisms. Okay, I'm gonna try to speak some things that may you may have to you may have to focus a little bit You may have to read between the lines You know The Bible doesn't use the three-letter word for the physical Relationship to describe that the Bible often uses a term like to know or to lay things like that So I'm gonna try to speak in that same language to communicate these truths to you. Okay, but When I was 14 years old came home from playing with my friend, you know, we're out doing stupid stuff I can't even remember but just a random day out of the blue. My dad says, oh, hey, I've got something for you You know, you're 14 years old now. Here's a box of pregnancy preventers At 14 years old and here's what he says. He says these are for you Do you know what they are and I said, yeah Which was bad Yes, I understand what those are and he says have fun, but do it responsibly Have fun, but do it responsibly that is the most unwise thing that I ever heard that man say and Thank God I never did use them. I never did go down that path and I'm not knocking those of you who have Because let's face it just like Shechem right you read this story here in Genesis chapter 34, right? And it's not like he's a super duper Reprobate or something like that. He's just of the world, right? He does everything backwards and we'll talk about that as we go through the story Okay, everything that he does is obviously wrong and there's two ways that you can look at the story, right? Some people read Genesis 34 and they say well, I think he he took advantage of her in in raider I don't take that position. I'm not gonna knock you if you do I think it was consensual and I can prove that to you and we could talk it talk about that more in detail As we go through the sermon However, we need to understand that most people especially if you get saved later on in life and especially, you know Take it a step further. If you don't go to church, you're not taught these things, right? You have a very high chance of falling prey to this sin, which is a stronghold But I've got encouragement for you because there is hope there is healing and there is Restoration for anybody who has had a past like this and we'll talk about that at the end of the sermon now Let's start this story off here Genesis 34. Look at verse number one It says this in Dinah the daughter of Leah, which she bear unto Jacob went out to see the daughters of the land This is problem number one right Dinah takes it upon herself to say, you know what? I'm just gonna go out and kind of see the world I'm gonna go out and see what these people are like see what they have to say see what their customs what the The way that they conduct themselves is and just go meet some people have some fun make some friends sounds kind of innocent, right? But you need to understand that it's not we should never ever ever allow our daughters You understand me? We should never allow our daughters to go hang out with the shekems of this world It is not okay and you say well, I trust my heat. Look you do whatever you want to I'm not a dictator But I am up here preaching the Bible to you and I will impart unto you some wisdom, which I believe will keep you from Experiencing the pain that Jacob and Leah and Rachel and all the people if that household Experienced because they were not on guard We need to protect our daughters We need to keep them pure until the time is right where they decide You know what? I have found somebody to marry myself to and to commit my life to before God That is the way that this is supposed to work But it says that Dinah the daughter of Leah which she bear unto Jacob went out to see the daughters of the land Now what you want to understand here and I'm going to show you this go back to Genesis chapter 30 Is that Dinah was pretty young during this event here and you say well, how young I'm gonna give you what I think An approximate age of Dinah would be here. Now. Look at Genesis 30. Look at verse number 20 So it says this and Leah said God hath endued me with good dowry Now will my husband dwell with me because I have born him six sons and she called his name Zebulun verse 21 says this and Afterwards she bear a daughter and called her name Dinah and God remembered Rachel and God hearkened to her and opened her womb and She conceived and bare a son and said God hath taken away my reproach verse 24 And she called his name Joseph and said the Lord shall add to me another Son now go to Genesis chapter 37 and I'll show you what this means And so we can see Genesis 30 verse 21 We're told that Dinah was born to Leah and then shortly after that the Bible tells us that Rachel gave birth to Joseph Okay, so by reading that I think it's pretty safe to say that they were born around the same time We don't know exact but probably pretty close together right now. Look at Genesis 37 in verse number 2 It says this these are the generations of Jacob Joseph being 17 years old was feeding the flock with his brethren and the lad was with the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpha his father's wives and Joseph brought unto his father their evil report now skip down to verse number 14 It says this and he said to him go I pray thee see whether it be well with thy brethren and well with the flocks and bring me word again So we sent him out of the veil of Hebron and came to Shechem, right? So we see here in Genesis chapter number 37 that Joseph was about 17 years old, right? Well when you back up to chapter number 34 where Shechem is about to get overran about to be changed forever We can probably come to the conclusion that Dinah was about probably I would say between 13 and 15 years old Okay, and I don't I want to spend the whole sermon going over that but that's the conclusion I've come to and I've studied This out pretty pretty decently a lot of scholars I you know, I just want to check to see what they said and they're like she was probably about six to eight years old Well, the problem with that is that the Bible always makes it a point to kind of let you know like the lad or the young Child, okay, and it doesn't say that about Dinah It just says that she went out to see the daughters of the land So I think it's pretty safe to say that she was about I would just go with 15 years old Okay, big big big problem. Okay now On Saturday, we decided to go to this trampoline park over here which always a blast except for the day after when I can barely walk and turn my neck but nonetheless, it was a blast and You know you go to these types of places and there's all kinds of people around right now Luckily, it wasn't too crowded and this has been the second time that we've been there and I've noticed that there's a couple of young Bucks in there and they kind of like to look, you know They like to look at my girls and guess what daddy always knows. See they may think oh, you know, I You know dad probably doesn't know I know I just assume everybody's looking at me, right? I'm a little bit paranoid and you know, it's just you know, it is what it is I've read these stories and I don't want Chuck them to go talk to my daughter, you know but you know, I was taking a breather cuz I'm 42 now and I just land literally landed on my head on the floor So I'm sitting down and Caden comes by and he's like, hey I just want to let you know that the girls are up there about to play a nerf play nerf war I was like, oh, yeah, I'm thinking like you want me to go up there and show him And he's like no no, there's other people up there I'm like, oh I get what you're saying We got a little Shechem ism going on here Okay, so I go up there right and sure enough, you know Shechem and his homies were up there and you know The daughters of Shechem were up there and you know, the girls were just waiting around now They all work there right, but I'm really proud of him because he noticed that Right now he might not notice a $5 bill on the ground over here, right? He might not notice the trash on the room in his floor But when his sisters were around the daughters of Shechem and Shechem himself, he noticed that and he says, you know what? I'm gonna go let somebody know You know that is what you say why is my are your family like that you're paranoid Yeah, because I don't want to experience the pain that these people are going to go through I don't want you all to experience this pain that they are about to go through Okay, and so, you know, I just said hey, you know, what do you want to do? I'll just kind of stay up here and just watch And just kind of watch and see how things are going and then as the nerf war ensued, you know I went up there checked, you know just to kind of make my presence known just to let them know hey, I do care I am aware of what's going on and That's it. Obviously nothing happened But you know, I think that that's the attitude that we need to have with our children. We need to protect them Okay. Look, I believe that Shechem was probably much older not too much older I it doesn't say but I believe you know, he's the being the prince of the land was uh, you know Probably maybe even I don't know 25 20 20 years old something like that. I don't know I can't prove it either way, but I believe what he did is he saw her and was like ooh somebody who looks pretty good I'm gonna go ahead and try to get something going with this here and that is wrong on so many levels Okay, we're gonna take a look at that here right now. Look at verse number two Or I'm sorry. I go back to Genesis 34 if I didn't tell you that already and we'll move on here and look at verse number two All right verse number two says this It says and when Shechem the son of Hamor the Hivite prince of the country Saw her he took her and lay with her and defiled Her you say why is she defiled? You see the world will look at that and say wow you scored yourself a hero He's the prince of the land. He's rich. You've made it Dinah, but God says uh-uh You're defiled Where's the commitment? Where's the marriage? So not only do we see that she was young, but what else do we see here Shechem? He doesn't even have that dignity to go ask the father Say why are you so upset because I have two teenage daughters, that's why And I feel sorry for any man alive who would try to do something like this To one of my daughters not to make anybody here feel uncomfortable But I'm pretty sure you know what kind of a person that I am I'm cut from a little bit of a different cloth than most people. I'm sorry, but it is what it is now it says this that he took her and lay with her and Defiled her turn to Genesis chapter 2 and we're gonna take a look at some stuff here Genesis chapter number 2 And so like I said the Bible some people they read this verse here and they think okay Well, he took her and he's just forced her Okay Well if you've read beyond this and you've read the story with that happened in David's household and second Samuel About his daughter Tamar, right? That was a situation which was very clearly forced, right? I don't have time to get into that But when you read that story and you study it and you compare it to this one You I think you'll see what I'm talking about here. I don't believe that it was forced I believe he seduced her. I believe he Probably groomed her I it's hard to say but he went up to her and he convinced her that being with him was the right Thing to do and God says nope Congratulations, pal Congratulations hero. You just defiled this young virgin of Israel Now when you defile something basically what that means is you may have made it impure. Okay, that's what it means You've made that impure it is now dirty. It has lost its Purity and that is different than when you read Leviticus chapter 15 for example and the Bible talks about the physical relationship and how to Maintain cleanliness if you will in that situation. Okay, the Bible says that that is unclean It's different than being defiled So when husband and wife are together the Bible is very clear talks about this that that is not Defiled the the marriage bed is not defiled it, you know, it is what it is It's perfectly fine God has ordained that activity to be done between husband and wife and you guys all understand that but really the first thing that I want to look at here which we're gonna spend most of the time on tonight is this statement which is fornication Violates the marriage covenant that God has ordained. And so what I want to do is I just want to take a look at that Real quickly look at Genesis chapter 2 and look at verse number 22 It says this it says in the rib which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman and Brought her unto the man and Adam said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man Now if you're new to all this stuff don't fall prey to this I don't know where this came from But when I was newly back in the church because I got saved a long time ago I saved when I was in second grade Well the second time I was in second grade and when I started going to church again Somebody told me he said, you know, if you ever want to stump somebody right and you're you're witnessing to them All you got to do is just ask them if it's a dude ask him. Why do men have one less rib? Don't ever say something like that stupid. Okay That's somebody who's just read a bunch of commentaries have never read the Bible never studied anatomy anything like that Okay, verse 23 and Adam said now this is Bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man verse 24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife now notice this next phrase here And they shall be one flesh and they shall be one flesh We're gonna talk about that here in great teeth great detail here in a moment But God says that when a husband a wife When they're married right they are one flesh Okay Just keep that in back your head look at verse 25 and they were both naked the man and his wife and were not ashamed And we're not ashamed. Okay now turn to Genesis chapter number three real quick Genesis chapter number three and you know the story the Serpent which was more subtle than any beast of the field the Bible says came up and what did he do to Eve? He disarmed her He disarmed her by questioning and sowing seeds of doubt Regarding God's Word, right? That's what he did and she falls prey to this and then something happens here. Right all of a sudden They're like, wait a second We're not closed This is a problem Okay, I said we are naked here look at verse number nine Genesis 3 look at verse number nine and the Lord called Unto Adam and said unto him where art thou now keep in mind here Okay Because God's gonna ask another question God never asks a question in the Bible because he doesn't know the answer These are rhetorical questions. These are designed to get Adam to fess up to just to what just happened Right. So he says where art thou and he said I heard thy voice in the garden and I was afraid Because I was naked and I hid myself Now look at verse number 10 I'm sorry verse number 11 and he said this is God and he said who? Told thee that thou was naked Has thou eaten of the tree where of I commanded thee that thou Shouldest not eat now, isn't it interesting here that God says who not what? But who told you that Right. Well, who's the who there? He wants them to say Satan. It's the devil see this is a principle that's in the Bible You know the devil comes up or your old man whispers in your hey do this and you know It's wrong and then you shouldn't do it and you do it immediately. Especially if you're saved you have guilt You have shame right? That's where this comes from here Okay, and we'll get into why they're ashamed the way they are here in a moment In fact, you can leave your place there and go to Genesis chapter 1 go to Genesis chapter 1 But it's interesting here right that Adam and Eve. They're not like oh We were ashamed because we didn't do our hair we were ashamed because Of our we don't have deodorant on or you know, we have been working out lately So our biceps aren't quite as big, you know, well nothing vain like that, right? See we're ashamed of our Secret areas. Okay, that is what they were ashamed of here And you say well, why is that? Well, it all points back to Genesis chapter 1 in the command that he originally gave Adam verse 26 Genesis chapter 1 look at verse 26 It says this in God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the file of the air and over the cattle and Over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth verse 27 So God created man in his own image in the image of God created. He him male and Female created he them verse 28 and God blessed them and God said unto them now notice this be fruitful and multiply that is a command be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have Dominion over the fish of the sea and over the file of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth So God's original commandment his original attempt for mankind was that they would be fruitful and multiply and he would have a Creation that is righteous and that would worship him because he is worthy to be praised He is worthy to be worshiped right that gets turned on its head in Genesis chapter 3. That was their mission That's what they were supposed to do and there was no shame involved in that at all Right, but when they disobeyed God, you know, they realized and the devil told them ha ha now you can't fulfill that original Mission that we just read about in Genesis chapter 1 now your seed is corrupted right now Everything is different. And so they're ashamed of the secret parts because they can no longer fulfill this Deal here and then so this is why if you just read a few verses down here look at verse number 15 It says this God's tells the The devil this he says and I will put enmity between thee and the woman in between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise Thy head and now shall bruise his heal And so you need to understand now that the mission is obviously and we know this we're no strangers to this The mission is now to go out there and try to be fruitful and multiply right by getting people saved Right getting people born of that incorruptible seed 1st Peter chapter 1 verse 23 right being born again Not of that seed that's corrupted like the NIV or the ESV or any of these other garbage Bibles that are out there today Right that belongs to the seed of the devil and see we need to understand that he has his seed So his objective in his goal today is to go out and make as many reprobates as possible So that that way he can have his army. He can have his creation, right? He's trying to do the same thing, but obviously it's contrary to the way that God has designed it and so it's all defiled It's all garbage and it's all bound to go to hell Okay, so we need to understand that and I'm gonna have you leave your place there and go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 6 1st Corinthians chapter number 6 And so that's just basically a tactic of the devil take what God has said take his mission and try to disarm God's people and thwart the entire thing right and he does that in many different ways say they you know Do you yea hath God said that the King James Bible is true and preserved and you know stuff like that? And people of course not there's no way It's fairy tales. I think I'm up to Four people now that I've heard say that in the last three weeks out soul-winning from those of you who have been asking that question What is it who is out there in the Treasure Valley? Teaching supposed Bible believing Christians that the Bible is a book of fairy tales These are people who aren't look these people aren't just saying oh, I go to church They mean it they can name the church. They can name the pastor. They can name everything Well, I don't you know I think like the Jonah thing We'll get into that more next week, okay, so The devil hates marriage, and you say why because marriage causes us to be faithful right it causes us to be selfless and By itself it's ordained of God and is pure Okay, it is a pure thing and it's intended for us to raise Godly children get them saved Train them up to be soul winners to go out into the world and get as many people saved in Shechem as humanly possible Right it's all about God's family. You see at the end of the Bible. What does God get? He gets a family That's what he gets that is what this is all about. It's about family He is our father the Bible says we are brothers and sisters to ourselves You know Jesus taught us that you know when you get saved And you decide you know what I'm gonna go ahead and draw the line in the sand I'm gonna go ahead and stand up for what is right. I'm gonna stand up for what is true He says you know what you're gonna lose friends. You're gonna lose blood relatives You're gonna have all kinds of problems and issues, but I will replace them with a new family I will give you new parents I will give you everything better than that which will never perish which goes on forever Right and that is the goal that is the objective that is the idea that we need to promote and fornication is a Concept fornication is a real thing that is being pushed to utterly destroy that the reason why dr. Fauci said what he said about that is because he hates God He hates God Because the Bible is very clear when you study it out in great detail that it's filthy It's absolutely filthy in fact Paul is going to tell us that here in a moment you're there in 1st Corinthians 6 look at verse number 12 Paul says this all things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient all things are lawful for me But I will not be brought under the power of any This is the mindset that we need to develop and it is not easy We need to look at things that oppose what God says and say hey, you know what? I'm not going to allow that thing to bring me under its control under its power Look at verse 13. He says meats for the belly and belly for the meats But God shall destroy both it and them so why sit around and argue about food and whatever the heck Right you know obviously we want to eat the right foods, and we want to preserve our bodies I don't have an issue with that But you need to live with the understanding that both of them are going to burn one day Your physical body is going to die and be buried that way you can get your new one That is what the Bible teaches us here now look at the rest of the verse It says this now the body is not for fornication But for the Lord and the Lord for the body so don't ever just you know adopt this Mentality is that all well because I'm saved and I'm getting a new body I could just do whatever the hell I want I could just live however one yes You will be saved, but look you can get yourself into some serious serious trouble here I have had the misfortune of working with Thousands of whores and whoremongers in my life So I know what I'm talking about here when Paul says now the body is not for fornication When I got my supervisor job when I was working for the government I was blown away with the amount of people that had diseases And that had to be disclosed to me because of the nature of my job See we would oftentimes go into the reactor And there's certain things that you cannot have in your blood and if you have these diseases in your blood you cannot go inside of There because if there's an incident right just the way the atmosphere is that stuff will travel get people sick And it's just an utter mess not to mention the hazards that are already in a nuclear reactor to begin with But that's a subject for another day look at verse 14 It says this and God hath both raised up the Lord and will also raise up us by his own Power okay, so you me we need to understand that our bodies our physical bodies as well Do belong to the Lord we need to learn how to control this old man before he controls us now Look at verse number 15 says this know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ What do you mean my new body? No your body Look he's not stuttering here. I stutter sometimes because I get excited, but Paul is very clear No, he not that your bodies are members are the members of Christ and He's telling them this hey. Why don't you understand this? This is simple doctrine here Corinthian Look at the rest of the verse shall I then take the members of Christ and make them the members of an harlot God forbid Talk about it here in a second verse 16 What know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body for to say if he shall be? One flesh now. Here's how some people read that they'll see well Okay, if you meet a girl, and you know things happen, and you commit fornication You're just married in front of God's eyes We had somebody that used to come to this church that believed that and I had to talk him off that Situation which is one of the people that gave me the idea for the sermon by the way, but he's not here anymore And that's a whole another deal by itself He understands the truth now. Okay. That's not what it's saying, but it is saying When you do something like this when people commit fornication Okay you become one with that person now. You're not married Until you get that marriage license until you take that vow until you make that commitment You are not married, but you're still one flesh You say well, how can that be well because God has ordained the physical relationship to be done within the confines of marriage Okay, and when you bypass marriage like Shechem did you know what you have defiled that? But you still have the result of being one we'll talk about it here in a second verse 17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit flee fornication Every sin that a man doeth is without the body, but he that committed fornication Sinneth against his own body now. I've got a little example here, and I want to show you how this works, okay? so All right, let me see here. This is gorilla tape camo my favorite Camouflage now what I did is. I just tore me off a fresh pure piece of tape. It's sticky It's never stuck to anything other than itself Okay, everybody understand. This is clean. This is pure now watch what happens when I stick it to the carpet, right? I'll vacuum it up later It's all good. It sticks right everybody see that so it sticks Now here's what Paul saying when Shechem or people like Shechem say you know what? I'm just gonna go the way of the world and follow the course of the world and I'll stick myself to this person I'll stick myself to that person I'll stick myself to this person every time you do that even from the first time a part of the other person Sticks to you just like this tape you write them every time I stick it to this carpet It doesn't matter which carpet I stick it to there are fibers that stick to that and you carry those with you wherever You go okay now. I don't have time to sit up here and do this for 25 times so this is what I was playing with before the service now There could come a point to when you do this a lot And you keep doing that right and you keep sticking it it no longer sticks and isn't that like fornicators They just can't stick around Right they just can't stick around they have problems with intimacy they have problems with commitment They have problems with pride they have problems with all sorts of issues That is what Paul's talking about when you decide that you know what I'm gonna be like Samson and go down to the whorehouse Do you not know do you not understand that that whore becomes a part of you? Even science is just now starting to figure this out that when the physical relationship is commenced You know there are all kinds of hormones and different exchanges that take place. There's an emotional attachment There's men there's there's mental pictures all sorts of stuff, so why the Bible calls it to know like Adam knew his wife Okay, there's a whole lot more that goes into that than just oh, what's your name? I know you now no Okay, there's an exchange that happens they become part of each other so every time that people get together like dr. Fauci says is okay as long as you understand the slight risk buddy Right you go around you take a per a piece of that person with you And this is why God says that when Shechem seduced Dinah That he defiled her and you know what when you read the story in second Samuel about Amnon and Tamar You know and you see her attitude after she or he forces her Right you see you could kind of read the story her attitude towards him. She kind of it's kind of weird, right? She's like you know. Why are you kicking me out of here? Why do you hate me now? Why is that why does she all of a sudden cuz at first? She's like you know no ask the king don't do this folly. This is this is wickedness This is this is you know not right, and then what happens he forces her And then she says well you might as well just keep me around. I don't see why you're trying to get rid of me And it's because that exchange happened now. She has a piece of him And this is where it gets real and this is why we need to protect our Children from the shekems of the world and why we want to keep the period you say well I've already made it is it's okay. I said at the beginning of the sermon there is healing there is restoration So again look at verse number 18 Paul says flee fornication every sin that a man doeth is without the body, but he that commiteth fornication sinneth against his own body and It's just like the tape example that I used Right you think oh, it's just harmless. There's nothing really going on. It's I didn't get it STD No, but you took a piece of that person That's what you did And if you're not careful You're gonna take a piece of another person and another and another and then the way God has designed this That's defilement, and so he says okay. Well now you're gonna have to live with the consequences, which you're always what disease That's what always happens disease You don't understand that a lot of these and this is sad But there are a lot of these daughters of shekem they're out in our world today are so full of disease That in my personal opinion. I don't think they should ever marry anyone ever I Know People that are on so many medications So they don't die and you would never know by looking at them you would look at this girl You would look at these guys you have oh wow that's a good-looking person But inwardly they have so many health problems. It's insane I Went to Japan and this girl on my crew was dating three people at one time and Not one of these dudes cared I used to make fun of them all the time because that's the manner of Pastor Jones, that's just what I do Okay, but anyways. I don't know why I brought that up other than to tell you that this is gross And this is why you'll often hear people in the workplace say I need to find me a person I need to find me a date because self gratification is no longer doing it for me It's because there's a Connection like I said in that act that married people are supposed to do that is reserved for the marriage bed And when you disperse that and you say I don't need to worry about that. I can do whatever I want to I'm gonna go out and just fornicate and Throw caution to the wind God says you will reap what you sow So let's wrap this thing up here look at verse number 19 It says what know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you Which you have of God, and you're not your own you see this is the attitude that we need to have as God's children Hey the Holy Ghost lives inside of that ugly old ball of flesh that we all have But in in knowing that that should cause us to say hey wait a minute am I about to do something here? That's going to quench the spirit am I about to do something here that would make him unhappy or Worse yet cause the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme like Donnie Romero Okay verse 20 for ye are Bonked with a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit Which are gods and he's not saying hey be perfect because nobody in here can be perfect everybody sins We've all got problems, but you know what fornication doesn't need to be one of them So You say okay What do we do about this? I've got problems. I've got I've got a past. That's fine That's okay, because like I said you can have healing right and the first thing that I would tell you right now Is if there are thoughts about people maybe in your past because I know a lot of people a lot of people call or they They want counsel, and they're dealing with this situation You know I tell them hey, this is what I tell them now anyways Hey go listen to that sermon that I preach on thought crimes at Verity Baptist Church because that's going to give you a good Formula on how to get your mind right, but you need to understand that it's not an overnight fix I think personally you probably need a good three months of just Meditating on the Word of God and committing to the things that I'm about to tell you in order to get on the right path Okay, and by the way that tape example. I apply that to pornography as well every time somebody looks at that filth and chooses to watch it a Piece of that goes into your mind, and it's probably like hell to get it out. I don't know Somebody asked me one time pretty recently. What would you do if you saw somebody watching porn on the church? I said it's slam his head through the nearest wall is what I would do well. You can't be a striker There's not going to be any strikes. It's going to be your head bouncing off the wall, and you're being out of the church It's a pretty simple concept understand So Back up to verse number 18. What do we do about this? What does Paul say to the corinthians who have already done this in fact? He said there's a there's a there's a fornication That's being named among you which isn't even named among the gentiles. He's telling the cristians Hey, you're worse than the heathens that are out there. What does he say flea? fornication flea Fornication this means that if you have you know ex-girlfriends ex-boyfriends Whatever you need to get rid of all their pictures You need to get rid of all their text messages. You need to get rid of What else letters anything that reminds you of that person you need to toss it out right now That's what you need to do. You need to flee fornication in every sense of the word It's not just enough to see it to stand up here and say oh, we'll just don't do it anymore that doesn't work You need to get down to the grassroots level of the issue and say oh, you know did my past you know You know boyfriend girlfriend whatever give me this thing and every time I look at it It reminds me of them get rid of it Say well, it's a card get rid of it sell it get it away from you if you don't If you don't that subtle creature is going to come and whisper in your ear. Hey remember that good time you had with that person You know how your spouse is treating you right now, right? Probably a good time to go give that person a call just to check up on them. Just see how they're doing And the next thing you know You are eight up and you are in sin, and you are going to have one hell of a time trying to get out of it So you need to throw all that stuff away turn to Proverbs chapter 28 Proverbs chapter 20 last verse I'm gonna have you turn to So you need to throw away pictures flee fornication flee your past You don't have to let those things bog you down. There is healing there is restoration There is an opportunity for you to move forward and to do things, right? The old man is going into the ground and God says you need to forget those things which are behind and look forward to the things That are ahead now Proverbs chapter 28 look at verse number 13 It says this He that covereth his sins shall not Prosper, but who so confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy So the second thing that I would tell you is don't cover Your past now you don't need to go blab it to everybody cuz you know, it's it's just I don't think that's wise Right, but we need to uncover it somehow find somebody who you trust and Maybe if this is something that is bothering you then you need to tell that person and get some counsel Because what does the Bible say here he that covereth his sins shall not prosper and there's different ways that we cover this Right a lot of people cover it they say well, okay, you know what? I'm gonna go ahead and justify this, right? I wasn't saved at the time. I wasn't a disciple at the time And so, you know, I'm just gonna go ahead and leave it but what happens when you do that you're covering it and So those little voices and those little scenarios they come play back into your mind and get into your thought life And then once they become the majority of your thought life what happens? Your actions start to follow that route. It's true physically to write don't tell you in wrestling The body follows the head get somebody in a headlock and you drag them around the the church building Guess what? The body's gonna follow it. Okay. Well, it's the same thing when the devil takes over your thought process Your old man will do what the majority of your thoughts are and so don't justify it Don't leave it covered and don't reason. Oh, well, you know It's okay. It's not it's not gonna hurt anybody Well, obviously if you're having those thoughts you haven't been able to deal with it yet So you need to find somebody you need to get yourself into an accountable position by telling them Hey, you know, this is something that I'm struggling with here. I need prayer You could always fill out a communication card and say hey, I need unspoken prayer I need an I have an unspoken prayer request and maybe have someone else do the same thing Find somebody that you could confide in and get that thing out in the open, right? Don't go down to the local Catholic Church and look at the priests and confess yourself Right, but who so confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy and isn't that what you want when you're bogged down with your Past is mercy Well, how do you do it? Well, it's very clear you confess and you forsake you don't cover and conceal It's like what Paul said with the the first Corinthians 6 18 about fleeing fornication, right? You don't fight it you flee from it You don't keep those temptations around you and constantly struggle You know if you work a job and you're around somebody, you know That's constantly trying to get at you. You might want to just say, you know what? I need to leave Maybe that's the wise thing to do. It wasn't the right thing to do because I gotta be employed Yeah, but what's more important your spiritual health or your physical health in a temporary situation? God can give you much more than what you think he can give you Right and you need to make the wise decision Don't put yourself in a situation like that because it will bite you in the rear every single time First John chapter 1 verse 9 says this if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all Unrighteousness you say well, I'm saying yes, you're saved your sins are paid for the remitted You're not gonna have to pay for them But you know what when believers get wrapped up into this type of sin or sins that are like it you know what it haunts you and What does it say in the Proverbs he that covereth his sins shall not prosper? You see you will get to a point in your life where you're like, man. I'm not getting people saved I'm not able to understand anymore. I can't have an intimate relationship. I can't everything is falling apart It's because you're covering something. That's what it is. This is how we can tell It's one of the ways that we can tell what's that something's not right with people especially believers Is when you do not prosper, it's just always every day month after month year after year. I can't prosper I just can't do anything right. Oh, what was me? Right James Right so you shouldn't say that you know we love James But when you keep justifying and you keep reasoning and you keep covering it of course you're not gonna prosper What do you think you think the Bible is a joke? This is serious business here And so I'm gonna leave you with this you are only as strong as you are honest And let that sink in until next week, so let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Thank you so much Lord for the hard truths that you have Written down in your word Lord that we may preach them learn from them meditate upon them Lord I just pray that you would keep the shekems Lord away from all of our church people Lord and That you would help us to remember these things and apply them in our lives so that we never have to Experience the pain Lord that they did in Jacob's household and even in David's household But we just pray that you would Be with us as we go throughout the rest of the week and bless our soul winning tomorrow Lord Please bless the fellowship