(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, good evening everyone. Welcome to Show to Faith Baptist Church Wednesday evening prayer and Bible study. If you would please grab a song book and turn to song 162. Song number 162, To God Be the Glory. Make sure we sing it out for this first song. To God be the glory on the first. To God be the glory, great things He hath done. So loved He the world that He gave us His Son. He lifted His life in atonement for sin. And opened the life, did that all may go in. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear His voice. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice. Oh come to the Father through Jesus the Son. And give Him the glory, great things He hath done. Oh perfect redemption, the merchants of blood. To every believer the promise of God. The final misadventure who truly believes. That moment from Jesus a pardon receives. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear His voice. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice. Oh come to the Father through Jesus the Son. And give Him the glory, great things He hath done. Great things He have taught us, great things He have done. And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son. What pure and high and great we will be. Our wonder, our transform in Jesus we see. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear His voice. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice. Oh come to the Father through Jesus the Son. And give Him the glory, great things He hath done. Amen. Brother Bradley, would you open with a word of prayer please? Dear Heavenly Father, we just thank you so much for this day. It's time to come here and hear your word of resource. Please thank everyone out there who has come. For they give us God. Help us out. We give you a blessing for us on this sermon. We give you a blessing as well for all these things that we do at this church. We love you. Jesus give me praise. Amen. Go forward in your hymnals to 228. 228. I love to tell the story. On the first. I love to tell the story of unseen things above. Of Jesus and His glory. Of Jesus and His love. I love to tell the story because I know it is true. It satisfies my long years as nothing else can do. I love to tell the story. It will be my flaming glory to tell the old, old story. Of Jesus and His love. I love to tell the story more wonderful it seems. Than all the golden fancies of all our golden dreams. I love to tell the story. It did so much for me. And that is just the reason I tell it now to Thee. I love to tell the story. It will be my flaming glory to tell the old, old story. Of Jesus and His love. I love to tell the story. It is pleasant to repeat. But seems each time I tell it more wonderfully sweet. I love to tell the story for some have never heard. A message of salvation from God's own holy Word. I love to tell the story. It will be my flaming glory to tell the old, old story. Of Jesus and His love on the last. I love to tell the story for those who know it best. Seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest. And when it seems of glory I sing the new, new song. It will be the old, old story that I have loved so long. I love to tell the story. It will be my flaming glory to tell the old, old story. Of Jesus and His love. Amen. All right. Welcome to Shield of Faith Baptist Church. If you need a bulletin or a pen, just raise your hand. Keep it up. Kayden will drop off the laminated sheets for the next song. All right. Weekly church service time. Sunday mornings at 1030. Sunday evenings at 6. Did I say Wednesday? Sunday mornings at 1030. Sunday evenings at 6. Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Under there is a list of our soul winning times. We have Saturday mornings at 1030. Sunday afternoons at 2 with brother David. Mondays at 630 with brother Mauser. Wednesdays at 11 with brother Briley. And Thursdays about 630. If you want to go Thursday, don't forget to call or text. Let me know. 208-391-5323. Praise reports. We're at seven salvations for July. That's 65 year to date. Six baptisms year to date. Let's see here. Back page. We don't have any announcements coming up yet. Last birthday of the month is Sophia. There she is. You want to sing for us? No? She'll think about it. No problem. This week's memory verse is Psalm 119, verse 10. Which says with my whole heart have I sought thee. Let me not wander from thy commandments. We are a family integrated church. And that means children and infants are always welcome in the service. If you need privacy, there's a daddy baby room right there. The mother baby room is right across the hallway there. Don't forget to turn your phones off or place them on silent so they're not a distraction. And the very bottom line says true friends will help you progress, but friendlies and frenemies couldn't care less. So we're going to have one more song before we receive the outfit. All right. At this time we'll be singing mansion over the hilltop. Our chorus of the month. We'll be singing mansion over the hilltop. Our chorus of the month. We'll be singing mansion over the hilltop. We'll be singing mansion over the hilltop. Our chorus of the month. Mansion over the hilltop. Starting on the first. I'm satisfied with just a cottage below. A little silver and a little gold. But in that city I'm satisfied with that city where the ransom will shine. I want a gold one. That silver line. I've got a mansion just over the hilltop. In that bright land where we'll never walk on streets that are pure as gold. Though often tempted tormented and tested. And like the coffin I feel a stone. And though I find here no permanent dwelling. I know he'll give me a mansion my own. I've got a mansion just over the hilltop. In that bright land where we'll never go. And someday yonder we'll never wander. But walk on streets that are pure as gold. Don't think me poor or deserted or lonely. I'm not discouraged. I'm heaven bound. I'm just a pilgrim in search of a city. I want a mansion a harp and a crown. I've got a mansion just over the hilltop. In that bright land where we'll never go. And someday yonder we'll never wander. But walk on streets that are pure as gold. Amen. Alright well let's go ahead and pray. Thank you so much Lord for allowing us to be able to meet here this evening. Just pray that you'd bless the service Lord. Bless the tithes and offerings. Thank you for all that you do for us. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Amen. Alright turn in your Bibles please to Psalm 119. And we'll be reading the first eight verses of Psalm 119. Psalm 119. Psalm 119. When we get there beginning in verse number one where the Bible reads blessed are the undefiled in the way who walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies and that seek him with the whole heart. They also do no mercy. They walk in his ways. Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently. O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes. Then shall I not be ashamed when I have respect unto all thy commandments. I will praise thee with the brightness of heart when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments. I will keep thy statutes. O forsake me not utterly. Pray for us please. All right. Amen. Short part of the chapter there. So if you remember last week I started a new series called Stop New Evangelical Abuse. And what we talked about was how the New Evangelical style churches, one of the things they do is they, is strange or they separate people from the truth and they like to do this at a very early age. So for example a lot of the people that you and I get saved out in the community and they go to these other churches and you never see them again or you see them a couple years later and they're still talking about how great Calvary is that doesn't mean that they didn't get saved but they're not going to grow. Because you have to understand that these organizations their goal is money and it really is abuse. And these people have YouTube channel after YouTube channel, ministry after ministry, you know with varying different names. All with the same theme, you know. Stop IFB abuse, right. Recovering Baptist. Recovering Baptist Anonymous. I've seen these types of things my whole life and it's very frustrating and so I want to highlight the fact that you know it's not just independent fundamental Baptist churches that have abuse or have had abusive situations in them but also them. In fact they do a lot of damage to the community and that's what we're going to take a look at tonight. And just remember every organization on the world has had some sort of abuse, some sort of abusive situation. You know Walmart for example, Kroger, right. You know it's so funny, oh I won't be a part of your organization, your church because you're legalistic. It's like okay, what does that mean legalistic? We're going to take a look here and see. Now you're there in Psalm 119. Look at verse number one. It says, blessed are the undefiled in the way who walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they to keep his testimonies and then seek him with the whole heart. Right, and obviously that's our goal as Bible believing Christians, to seek the Lord with our whole heart, not just part of it. But if you look at verse number one, it mentions two different things. It says, blessed are the undefiled in the way and then it says who walk in the law of the Lord. We're going to spend tonight basically going over several different passages explaining how these people violate this scripture, violate this entire passage. The title of my sermon this evening is called, Cops and Robbers. Cops and Robbers. You're going to see what that means here in a second. But let me just give you a definition of legalism. So one of the definitions is, obedience apart from faith will produce legalism. So just remember that. So when somebody gets up and they start preaching or they start teaching that you must be obedient to some man made statue kind of like the Pharisees and the Sadducees used to do, right? That's called legalism. But they love that word and they just love to throw that word on us. We get emails all the time, you know. I would go to your church if you weren't legalistic. I would come to your church or I did come to your church and you're, you know, you preach legalism. They're always saying these types of things and it's because we have standards. It's because we have a desire to be zealous and we actually want to fit into these first two verses here, right? We want to be, well, hopefully we are undefiled in a way. We're going to talk about that here in a second. But we want to be those who walk in the law of the Lord. Just because we preach the law, just because we try to follow these things to the best of our abilities, that doesn't make us legalistic, right? But what happens is they look at that and they see us out in the community knocking doors. They see me up here in a tie or they see you, you know, well dressed or whatever the case is and they automatically think legalist right there. They think you're robbing people of their joy. You're robbing people of their liberalism. You're robbing people of their freedom. But the question that I have for you, is that true or are they the ones that are robbing? And if they are cops, if they are robbers, then that means they're abusing this nation and you need to understand that. Turn to Ecclesiastes chapter number seven. Ecclesiastes chapter number seven. Because some people will look at verse number one that we read here and say, blessed are the undefiled in the way and they'll say, well see back then they were undefiled if they kept the law, if they were born Jewish, right? That's what they'll say. Keep in mind when this psalm was actually spoken, when it was actually penned down, when it was being sang, there were no Jews, okay? There were Hebrews. There weren't any Jews. So what does that tell you right off the bat that their biblical knowledge is grossly defiled? But this verse says blessed are the undefiled in the way and they'll say, well see that means people who kept the law were born Jewish. They're God's chosen people, whatever the case is, but you have to rightly divide the word of truth and you have to understand that that's not what it means. It's talking about people who were born again, people who were actually saved and I can prove that because when you add this verse here, you're there in Ecclesiastes chapter seven, look at verse number twenty. Ecclesiastes chapter seven, look at verse twenty, it says for there is not a just man upon earth that doeth good and sinneth not. So what does that mean? That means that anybody that you look at that seems like they have it all put together, they've sinned. And once you're a sinner, you're always a sinner. It was true when Solomon spoke this, it was true in David's day, it was true all the way back in Adam's day. It's always been the same message. You're born by faith, by trust, by believing on the Lord God. And then once you're born again, you're considered undefiled. However, if you want the true blessing that's mentioned here in Psalm chapter one hundred and nineteen, there's something else that you have to do and we'll look at that here in a moment. You can leave your place there, but go to John chapter number one. John chapter number one. So just to kind of prove to you that this is talking about salvation, the message has always been the same, it's always been by believing, it's always been by trusting, by being born again. We're going to take a look at some more Old Testament verses. Now you're turning to John chapter one, I'm going to read for you Psalm thirty-two verse two, which says this, blessed is the man unto whom the Lord impudeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile. So even all the way back before you got to Psalm chapter one hundred and nineteen, hopefully you would have read Psalm thirty-two verse two, which says that you're blessed if the Lord doesn't impute, doesn't charge you iniquity, meaning sin. Right? So what does that mean? It means that the way to be saved in the Old Testament is the same as the New Testament. It's not by the offerings, it's not by turning from sins, it's not by mentally turning from sins, it's not by your works. It never has been, it never will be. Okay? That is very important. So again, we're in a New Testament book, but the time period in which we're going to read here is actually pre-cross. So what does that mean? Old Testament. Look at this here. John the Baptist, John chapter one. Look all the way over at verse number forty-seven. Verse forty-seven. So here's what Jesus says when he, not John the Baptist, here's what Jesus says when he sees Nathanael. Look at verse forty-seven. It says this, Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him and saith of him, behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile. Now, Jesus said that before he died on the cross. So would you say that Nathanael was undefiled in the way? Exactly. So what's going to happen in the next few chapters here? Well, you're going to see him grow, you're going to see the disciples grow, and they're going to learn doctrine, and they're going to basically become what we just read in Psalm chapter 119, which is what? Blessed. Blessed. That's what we're taking a look at. And so the question that I have for you today is this accusation that's often brought on us that we're legalistic, is that valid? Is that true? And if not, then the question becomes, why do you go to a church that teaches otherwise? Why do you go to a church that fosters an environment that robs people not only of the chance to get saved, but the chance to be a disciple and to really be blessed by God? So let's see, I'm going to have you guys go to John, well stay in John chapter, no, go to John chapter 3. John chapter number 3. John chapter 3. And so again, why go over these verses? It's to basically prove to you that the way that we learned, that Jesus taught, what did he say? He said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh of the Father but by me. He's going to establish that truth in his ministry here. But what you have to understand is that the way has always been the same. They didn't call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, right? But the way was still the same. They called upon Jehovah God. They called upon the Lord. And then did men begin to call upon the name of the Lord. In fact, that's why John the Baptist was sent all the way back in John chapter 1 verse 23. It says, he said, I am the voice of one crying and the wilderness makes straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet, Esaias. So what was the point of John the Baptist coming? Was it legalism? Is that what it was? To get people to turn from their sins? Because that's what a lot of people say today. A lot of these false teachers and these false preachers or people that are mixed up, they'll run around and say, well see John the Baptist was getting people ready so that they could repent from their sins when Christ came. So that he, you know, that's not what it's talking about at all. Basically, what's going on is that the teachings and the preaching of their day had gotten so corrupt that they wouldn't even be able to explain to you what Psalm 119 was even talking about. Right? Undefiled in the way is what it says. Well, they have become defiled in the way so he's going to prepare the way, basically getting them right back on track by saying, hey, you need to get saved, you need to be born again and explains to them what true repentance is. It's believing on Jesus Christ. In fact, to further prove that point here, still Old Testament even though we're in John chapter 3, look at verse number 1, it says this, there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. Okay, so here's the situation we've gone over this several times before. This teacher, this ruler if you want to call him that, in Israel, in Judea, is coming up to Jesus and he has a question. Look at verse 2. The same came to Jesus by night and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God, for no man can do these miracles that thou doest except God be with him. Now look at what happens in verse number 3. Jesus answered and said unto him, verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. So what does Jesus do right away? He starts with salvation. What is the one thing that people constantly attack us on? How dare you ask me if I know for sure I'm going to heaven. That's a personal question. That's rude. That's not okay. See, Nicodemus came to Jesus and was like, hey, you know what's going on with these miracles? We obviously know you're sent from God. He gets right down to salvation. Why? Because that's the principal issue. That's the number one thing that you need to have in order to even have works count. Because our works apart from God are what? Dead. They are filthy rags is what the Bible says. Right? But these people are so misunderstood. They're so just twisted. They have no concept of that. There's no teachers out there that can explain this. Look at verse number 4. Nicodemus saith unto them, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born? And this is why we always say, you know, when somebody's just not grasping basic doctrines of the Bible, it's a pretty good indication that they have not been born again. I mean, this guy, where does his mind go? It goes to the insanity. Right? Jesus says, you've got to be born again. He's like, oh, how am I going to shrink down into a little baby and then go right back into my mom's womb and start life over again? Right? So his mind is going where? Right to the sins. Well, because he knows he's already sinned. So he's thinking in his mind, okay, well, obviously I've messed up, so I've got to start life over again. And that's not the case. But that's what's being taught today. That's what's being pushed. And that's what Jesus is revealing to him right off the bat. Look at verse 5. Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, accept a man be born of water and of the Spirit. He cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. So he's trying to get him to understand. He's like, no, dude, it's not being born physically again. Right now, obviously, we've talked about this before. The Mormons will like to bring this verse up. I've had Mormons around here several times go to this verse here and say, see, you've got to be born of the water, meaning you have to be dunked in a tank. And that's what they teach. But that's a separate issue. Look at verse 7. Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again. Keep in mind here, this is pre-cross. This is before Christ died on the cross. What is Jesus telling Nicodemus here? He's saying, hey, listen here, you Old Testament person, salvation is not by works. It's not by sacrifice. It's not by your bloodline. It's by being born again. Right? Verse 8, the wind bloweth where it listeth, and now hears the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth. So is every one that is born of the Spirit. Verse 9, Nicodemus answered and said to him, how can these things be? So he still doesn't get it, right? He still has no idea. Isn't this what we see today? Isn't this what we see when we knock on doors and people are like, oh, I go to Compass Bible Church. I go to The Journey. I go to Bogus Basin. I go to whatever church. I go to Life Church. I go to whatever community church. It's a tragedy is what it is. It's an abuse. Jesus is exposing abuse. These people, these teachers, these so-called leaders are abusing the nation of Judea. That's what they're doing. Look at verse number 10. Jesus answered and said unto him, art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things? And that's the question. That's the point of preaching these types of sermons. It's like you say you're a Christian. You're a pastor. I'm the 32nd worship pastor of ages three and a half to four at my church. And it's like, and you don't know these things? You have no idea what we're talking about? You think that the question that I asked you is rude? I think it's rude. I think it should be illegal by the way to preach false doctrine. How about that? That ought to really get people angry that preach, oh, you wish we lived in a theocracy. Well, have you ever read about the millennium? Ain't it kind of funny? Christian people, so-called Christian people will contact us all the time and say, guess what? News flash for you. We don't live in a theocracy. It's like, have you ever read Revelation? Do you not understand what's coming? Do you know that rod of iron? Do you know what that really entails? Do you know what that includes? Because guess what? Tolerance of everything and everyone and everyone's opinions and beliefs is not part of that. Especially this false doctrine that we're so prone to see. So again, verse 10, Jesus answered and said, art thou a master of Israel and know it's not these things. So we can see his disappointment here. We can see that he's like, how in the world are you a so-called master? How many times have you knocked on someone's door and they're like, oh, I've got a master of divinity. Here's my certificate on the wall. We see it all the time. I've got my doctorate degree in theology, but you can't tell me what John 3.16 really means. Ain't that a tragedy? How about that for abuse? You say, well, why is it abuse? Because these people are being sent to hell by the drove. That's abuse. They want to get on us. Oh, you're preaching that we shouldn't be in a church. That's abusive. That's not very nice. That's mean. That's unloving. No, that's love. You know, that's Psalm 119 verse 2, because that's us trying to keep the commandments of the Lord and keep the testimonies of the Lord. That's us being a disciple. That's us reading Jude verse 7 and 8 and saying, oh, okay, we're going to go ahead and look at that example and follow that and keep ourselves safe, keep ourselves out of trouble. Skip down to verse number 14. It says, And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. And again, you say, why bring this up? Go to Mark chapter number 4. We'll bring that up to prove to you that undefiled in the way means born again. So again, what are we trying to do? We're trying to expose how to get these blessings here. How do we, as God's people, become blessed? By the time I'm done with the sermon, it should be very clear. So Psalm 119 verse 1 says, Blessed are the undefiled in the way. Well, what is the way? It's the one way. It's the only way to be saved. Once you're saved, you're considered undefiled. You have no guile. You're born of the Spirit. You have, well, in the New Testament, you have the indwelling of the Holy Ghost. But even back then, even though they didn't have the Holy Ghost, they were still saved, okay? They were still not going to get sin imputed unto them. We understand that. So when we read that in Psalm chapter 119, we need to realize that undefiled in the way means saved, okay? It doesn't mean anything else. It's not like, oh, you know, he kept the commandments and the sacrifices, blah, blah, blah. It's very simple. Born again, pre-cross. Jesus confirms that. There's no denying this. There is no argument. There's no, what about this? What about that? No, it's case closed. It's a done deal. There's no arguing. You have to understand that. And you need to be able to explain to these people out here, especially these clowns from Treasure Valley Baptist Church, that want to say, oh, well, there's all these dispensations and there's this and you've got to cut this in half and then add it to this verse and subtract the Greek even though we don't believe in doing that and then add it to Aramaic. Look, that's complicated, right? But that's how they present it to you. That's what they do when they come into here and you ask them questions. Well, I'm dispensational. Did you know that? Do you know who Sam Gipp is? Do you know who our pastor is? Have you ever heard of Treasure Valley Baptist Church? Do you not know that we run a thousand people? Yeah, you run a thousand people that are ignorant, that are not blessed, that are not undefiled in the way and that don't seek after the commandments of the Lord because you can't read a book from the front to the end. That's why. Ridiculous is what it is. Mark chapter 4, look at verse number 19. The next part of that verse that we read in Psalm 119 says, blessed are those who walk in the law of the Lord. And this is where we get ourselves into trouble with these people. This is where they start to say, okay, you're legalistic, you're blah, blah, blah, whatever. Well, let's talk about what that means. And I'll just tell you right off the bat, it means discipleship. Look at verse number 19, Matthew chapter, did I have you go to Mark? Go to Matthew chapter number 4. The T looks like an R on my notes. I usually blow it up, I usually blow the font up to like 14 or 15 so I can see it and this time I didn't do it. It just says M-A and it's like a block. So Matthew chapter number 4, look at verse number 19. Matthew chapter 4 verse 19 that says this, And he saith unto them, Follow me and I will make you fishers of men. What does that mean? Follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Did he say follow me and I will make sure you get into heaven on the last day? No. Follow me and I'll make sure that you're saved at the end of your life when the good outweighs the bad? No. Follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Does that mean he gave them all fishing poles and said you're just going to hook people that are bad? No. What does that mean? Follow me and I will make you disciples. Follow me and I will make you soul winners. I will make it so that you can go out, you can preach the truth, you can get other people converted. Go to Luke chapter number 14. So we can see here that there's obviously a difference in being saved versus being a disciple. Now the problem is the new evangelical community, they abuse a nation by confusing the two and preaching that if you're really saved you're going to have the fruit, if you're really saved you're going to have this and blah blah blah but that's not what Jesus is talking about. He's saying follow me and I will make you fishers of men. I will make you to be soul winners. There's no way you can be an effective soul winner if you're not following Jesus Christ. Did you understand what I just said? There's no way. Look, I've seen this a thousand times in my Christian walk. People that get to church, they get the right idea and they're like okay I'm going to go out soul winning but in their afterlife after church is over and they walk out they live like hell. What happens? The world sucks them right back in. They're done for. They're not soul winners. They tried. They were motivated but you know what? If you don't have discipline you can't be a disciple because motivation will only take you so far. You can watch all these YouTube videos. You can go watch a documentary. You can go watch sermons. Great. Watch all of that stuff but here's the thing. It wears off. Motivation wears off. This is how these motivational speakers get rich. It's off of this fact here. This is valuable information here. Motivational speakers make a lot of money because they keep getting invited back. What happens? They motivate a group of people for a certain period of time. They realize that's going to wear off so they set up another seminar and they set up another seminar and they write books and they write programs and they sell CDs and they sell all these things and they get these long drawn out programs to keep you coming back to them to get that motivation, to get that emotion, to get that feeling but they never give you the real recipe which is what? It's discipline. If you don't discipline yourself to do these things you will never become a disciple. In fact that will carry over to every area of your life. You're not going to be a good worker. You're not going to be a good father. You're not going to be a good wife. You're not going to be a good kid. You're going to be garbage because all you're looking for is emotions and the next thing you know you'll wind up in an emotionally charged church like some Pentecostal nightmare that's out there. So no idea why I'm saying all that but Luke chapter 14 look at verse number 27. Ah, back to the disciple thing. Look at this. Verse 27. Luke chapter 14 verse 27. Jesus says this. He says, and whosoever does not bear his cross and come after me cannot be saved. Oh, sorry. What was this the NIV? Oh, disciple. Okay, disciple. That's what it says. Disciple. Interesting. Hmm. So what does that tell us? That there's a sacrifice and you have to understand that. There's a sacrifice if you want to become a disciple. If you want to go out and you want to be a fisher of men, you want to preach the gospel, you want to lead a godly family, guess what? That's going to require you to sacrifice some things like your reputation in the eyes of the world. Because when you say, you know what? I'm not going to go to that party after hours with my work crew because there's queers, there's drinking, there's all this crap going on. You know what? They're going to look at you and they're going to come after you. Are you willing? Do you have the guts? Do you have the discipline to be able to face that or not? See, what the new evangelical does is they dodge that and they say, well, we'll just become like them. We'll blend in. We're kind of like going behind enemy lines. But really what they're doing is they put on the enemy's uniform and they're just basically sucked into this thing. Look at her swinging. For which of you intending to build a tower sitteth not down first and counteth the cost whether he have sufficient to finish it. So you see that? What he's saying here is he's saying, hey, you guys are following me around and you're saying, oh, I want to be on board. I want to be a disciple. But he's like, hey, have you actually thought about what's going to happen to you? Are we talking about salvation here? No. We're talking about discipleship. That's what we're talking about. There is a cost. There is a sacrifice involved in discipleship. Jump down to verse 33. It says this. So likewise whosoever be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath he cannot be my disciple. And look at verse 34. Salt is good but if the salt have lost his savor wherewith shall it be seasoned. It is neither fit for the land nor yet for the dung hill but men cast it out. He that hath ears to hear let him hear. So what is that saying? He's saying, hey, if you want to become a group of people that lacks discipline that doesn't want to follow me, guess what? You're going to wear you out. You're going to get tired. You're going to go by the wayside. You're not going to be that light that I need you to be. Does that mean you lost your salvation? Absolutely not. It's impossible to lose your salvation. But I bring this up to show you the fact that walking in the law of the Lord not only does it get blessings, not only can you do it by being undefiled in the way meaning born again but it comes with a price which is why you're blessed. But what do we have today? We have these people here. We knock on the door and they say, oh, I'm blessed brother. They've got the language. They say that all the time. And it's like, nice why are you blessed? Well, I've got a place to live and I've got this jet ski and I've got these boats I've got this car. I've got all this money I'm good to go. I know that's why I'm blessed. I know because I have those things that I'm saved. Here's the thing. Really, you're just lucky. Or maybe you were just raised with enough discipline to make enough money and you just happen to be born in the United States and you're just looking at it. It's just a coincidence. Because the Bible that I'm reading, the Bible that we're reading, the King James Bible says, no, no, no blessed are the undefiled in the way who walk after the law of the Lord. So blessed is what? The born again Bible believing Christian who says, you know what? I want more than to just take the grace and run. I want to actually become a fisherman. I want to follow Christ. That's a real blessing. Think about this. The disciples in Acts chapter 5 were called what? They were called Christians. They were first called Christians in what was it? Syria? Antioch, right? Antioch. That's right. So think about that for a second. It was their actions. It was what they were teaching. It's the persecution that they were enduring. It was all of those things that made people say, oh, you're Christ like. Well, just call them Christians. It was a derogatory term at first. And they embraced that. They loved that. They counted that as a blessing. What happens when these new evangelicals get under fire from the media? You're going to see here in a little bit. They run and they hide and they cry and they whine and complain. Go to Proverbs chapter number 4. Proverbs chapter number 4. So again, blessed are the undefiled in the way who walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies and that seek him with the whole heart. That is our goal. That is what we do as a church. That is the whole point of this thing. But the new evangelicals say, no, you're actually you're legalistic. You're robbing people of having fun. Because you tell people they have to wear this and they have to wear that. And you bark orders at people. Here there in Proverbs 4, look at verse 19. It says this. The way of the wicked is as darkness. So there's a way in which you can be undefiled. There's one way to heaven, right? There's one truth. There's one way to that truth. Obviously we know that as Jesus Christ is being born again. But the Proverbs say this, the way of the wicked is as darkness. They know not at what they stumble. Right? So the same way there's the right way, there's the wrong way as well. Let me read something for you here. So there's a church in the Treasure Valley. It's called Compass Bible Church. I went to their website. I forgot what brought this up. Oh, that's right. I met somebody who actually started this church. Compass Bible Church. And we were just talking a little bit. And he happened to run into somebody else who used to go to our church. And they got to talking and that individual came back in here and was like, guess what? I talked to somebody who you fixed their refrigerator for and he goes to a church and they're meeting in a school and they've got a kitchen. Inside joke. They've got a kitchen. And all this stuff. And they only meet twice a week right now, but they're just like us. But they're just a little more lax. That's what he told me. They're just like us, huh? I just shook my head and walked away. I was like, okay. Let me see how much like us they really are. Here's what they believe about the Bible. The 66 books of the Bible were given by the inspiration of God's Spirit and are not the product of human creativity or ingenuity. Or ingenuity. It says this. Every word of the Bible is inspired by God and the original manuscripts. The Bible in its original manuscripts is without error and is completely accurate in all that it affirms. Again, what does Proverbs 4 19 say? The way the wicked is as darkness. They know not at what they stumble. So why is it when we go and we talk to them about doctrine or they want to talk to us about doctrine, they want to come at me or whatever, they're just stumbling and falling all over themselves. It's because their way is darkness. This way is darkness. To be an Omo, an original manuscript only, is great blackness. It's darkness. It's hell. It's scary. It's fearful. Right? And that's why we say, no, no, no, no. We're unashamed. You read that in Psalm 119, that passage we read in those first eight verses. Remember that word? Unashamed. We are not ashamed at what we believe. Look, I am not ashamed to be King James only. A lot of people, I mean, that is a really big issue. We get questions about that a lot. Like, but don't you think, but don't you think, don't you think you should it's like, no, I don't think about that. We're not bringing the NIV in here. You can send me a million dollars. I don't care. Well, we go to your church, but you know, it's just kind of legalistic with the King James only. You know, we give our invites out to people who are like, King James only, but that's just really divisive. Yeah, that's the whole point. Now you don't have to waste your time and come here if you don't like that. And here's another thing that I've noticed. These types of churches here, these new evangelicals, I actually hate the King James Bible. And let me just stop right here because I forgot to give my disclaimer. I don't hate all people that go to new evangelical churches. I don't even hate all the pastors. I think they're wrong. A lot of them are sending people to hell, but I actually know some that are saved. Ain't that crazy? I know some that are actually saved. In fact, Kayden got saved in what I would call a new evangelical church. So what happened was, you know, we used to be ignorant. We used to drop them off, you know, in the little Sunday school class or whatever. And this lady who was a visiting independent fundamental Baptist came in there and was working in there and she gave him the Raman's Road and he got saved. Look, it can happen, okay? Some people can get saved. Some of their leaders, some, very small, are actually saved. Okay, so I'm not preaching this to say that I hate these people. I want to see them get saved. But I'm talking about the ones that have knuckled down, right, that want to attack us, that have drawn the line in the sand and said, hey, if you don't make them the Lord of your life, then you're not really saved. Those are the people that I hate. Because they have actually rejected the Bible. They have Nicodemus Syndrome. Oh, you're saying that I can just do whatever I want to? Right? Isn't that what they say all the time? Oh, I can just do whatever I want to? Look, you know not what you stumble. That's why you say that. Because you're not saved. You're walking in literal darkness. This is an admi- you know what this means here? We don't believe the Bible. Because no one has the original manuscripts. We just don't believe the Bible. I know I bring that up a lot, but I hate it with a passion, and it is what it is. So, I had to go to salvation. So here's what Compass Bible Church believes about salvation. It says, those who repent and put their trust in Jesus as their provision for their sinful condition are declared righteous by God from a human perspective, one is saved after hearing the message of the Gospel, Romans 10-14. So I read that, I'm like, oh, okay. Being convicted by the Holy Spirit of sin. Actually, hold that thought. Go to John chapter 16. We'll look that up here. So this is being convicted of the Holy Spirit of sin mentally turning from sin to God. You say, why are you working this in here? Because these churches are large. They have influence over people in the community that we go sowing in, and I want us to be familiar with what they teach. Because if you're not learned, if you're not trained up on what they teach, what they stand for, the answer that they give you at the door can a lot of times sound accurate. It can be like, okay, well, yeah, maybe they are saved. That's interesting here. And so what do they do? They cited John 16, verse 8. So they said this. So after you hear the message of the Gospel, the next step in the process is you're going to be convicted by the Holy Spirit of sin. This is wrong to put John 16, 8 and 9 in here, and I'll just show you that real quick. John 16, look at verse number 8. So this is talking about the Holy Ghost. It says this. And when he has come, he will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment. And then he goes on in the next three verses to explain what he means. We're not going to take the time to do that because I'm running out of time. However, what does that verse there say? What is the Holy Ghost going to do according to Jesus? When he has come, he will reprove the world of sin. Right? But what these people are saying is that, well, after you hear the Gospel, then he exposes all of your sins mentally, and then you can turn from them unto the Lord. Right? It's like saying again, well, I turn from going to shell gas to eating oranges. It doesn't make sense, does it? How do you turn from sin to God? Are you trying to say that sin's the exact opposite of God? Like, what does that even mean? You turn from following Buddha, you turn from trusting in the Muslim God, you turn from trusting your own works to the living God by placing all your trust on him. But that's not what they believe here. They say afterward, mentally turning from sin to God, and they quote 2 Corinthians 7, 9-11, it's a complete joke. It goes on to say this, placing one's trust in Jesus as the complete and sole payment for sin, at this point, God's Spirit indwells the individual resulting in new birth. So according to them, what is the requirement? You have to mentally turn from all your sin. So the question that I have, and that you all need to ask them when you run into them is, well, have you sinned today? Have you had a foolish thought? And then if they tell you no, obviously, what, they're lying. It's like, you know, all liars shout their part in the language of the fire and brimstone, which is the second death, because the Bible says a foolish thought is sin. Whatsoever is not of faith is sin. We sin every single day. And there's no, no, we're not going to let them just dance out of this. Oh, that's not really what they meant there. Just, you know, you got to have a general, like, you just got to realize you're a sinner. No, that's not what you said. You have to mentally turn. What does it mean to turn? Yeah, go a different direction. So what they're saying is if you have sinful thoughts, right, if you're a sinner, basically, you have to stop being a sinner, because all sin starts where? Well, it starts in the heart. It starts in the mind. Okay. It says, each step in the process of salvation is granted by God, including repentance and faith. The converted individual then naturally bears fruit in keeping with the internal transformation that has taken place. And they quote Matthew chapter 7. Real quickly, let's just go take a look. Let's just go see if that's true. So, according to them, according to Compass Bible Church, it sounds to me like their compass is jacked up. I think they must have dropped that several years ago, and they need to get that thing recalibrated. They need to get a real compass because that is not what the Bible teaches whatsoever. So again, they say this, the converted individual then naturally bears fruit. That is ridiculous. Not everyone who saved bears fruit. It's just newsflash for you. It just doesn't happen that way. If it did, we'd be living in a different world today. Okay? We wouldn't be knocking on people's doors, and they're like, yeah, it's all free. It's all by faith. And then you've got to work as hard as you possibly can. Get on your knees that night and ask God for forgiveness for every single thing you've done every night. Okay? Talk about cognitive dissonance, okay? That is a masterpiece snare of the devil. But they say that's what the Bible teaches. Matthew 7, they quote 17 through 23. Let's back up to verse 15 because we like context at this church. It says this, beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles? Even so, every good tree bringeth forth good fruit. But a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit. Neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. The teaching is very simple. Someone who is saved, someone who is born again is not going to go out and beget them. So what do false prophets do? They make people two fold more the child of hell than themselves. That is what the Bible teaches. So for these idiots here to say the converted individual then naturally bears fruit, that is not what this passage is talking about. In fact, when you read the rest of it, it's saying the exact opposite. It's saying, hey, on the great white throne judgment, there's going to be people that say, Lord, Lord, you know what's going on? Why are we here? Why are we in hell? Why are we about to be tossed into the lake of fire? What does he tell them? Because I never knew you, right? But what do they do? They quote their works, right? They're like, oh, we've got many works. We've cast out devils, right? We've done all these different things. We've prophesied in thy name. What's going on here? He's like, I never knew you. Because you mixed your faith and your works. You taught things like this that people had to mentally turn from sin to God. Look, is that not an abuse? They want to sit here and say, oh, that shield the faith Baptist church, they refuse people. I didn't twist anyone's arm to come here except for the kids. No, just kidding. Just teasing. You get the point, right? I don't go to your house and force you to do this, force you to do that. You do it because you love the Lord. Because you're saved and you read the Bible and you say, you know what? Yeah, I agree with that. It's your choice. It ain't mine. They think that we're the ones just forcing you and we're like, look, are there people like that? Absolutely. Look, I've been to well-meaning Baptist churches and they were kind of like that, to be honest. They were like, you know, they were just come up to you like, look, you have to do these things. They would get new people and be like, when I was in Japan at that Baptist church, Yokosuka Baptist Church, there was this guy, he was like the right-hand man of the pastor, and if he found out you were doing something wicked, boy, he would come after you. I mean, he'd get these guys just yelling at them on the street during soloing. You're not going to get anybody saved because I saw you listening to music at work and blah, blah, blah, you know, and just basically trying to force them. It never worked out. They'd always dip out because it's not from the heart. You have to preach in a way that tells people, hey, this is what God's desires are, but it's up to you whether or not you want to follow it. You know, creating that autocratic-type environment never works. It doesn't work in the workforce. It doesn't work in church. It's not the model that Jesus used. In fact, when people came to him and said, hey, we want to follow you. We want to be disciples. He's like, have you really thought about what that entails? You ready to lose your friends? You ready to lose your family? You ready to lose your job? You ready to be under persecution? If not, enjoy your life. It is what it is. Turn to Psalm, go back to Psalm 119. We'll move on here. And while you're turning back, I'm going to read for you a couple of Proverbs. Proverbs 15, 9 through 10, which says this, the way of the wicked is an abomination unto the Lord, but he loveth him that followeth after righteousness. Wow. But we're the legalistic ones. We're the legalistic ones. Verse 10, correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh away, and he hateth, or he that hateth reproof shall die. So the more that we plead with these people, you know, and we're like, that's not what the Bible says, and we keep showing them, and they want to hear, but they keep resisting us. You know what? The Bible is very clear. It's like someday you're going to die spiritually, and you're going to be a Matthew 7 type person where you get tossed into hell. But don't say that we didn't warn you. But the Bible is very clear. The weight of the wicked is an abomination unto the Lord. You know the way that compass Bible church, I mean, think about a compass. It's to show you the way. When I was in the military, they would drop us off in the woods and be like, you know, find these points. Good luck. Hope you don't get bit by rattlesnakes. Hope you don't get chased by a bear. You know, and we would literally have to trust in our compasses, and we would have to shoot an azimuth, which is a direction, and look at a tree as far as we could see, and walk to that tree, and try to stay on the path, and if you didn't, you'd wind veering off, and then somebody would come scoop you up in a four-wheeler, and laugh at you, and mock you, and all that sort of stuff. It's really the same thing that the Bible says. When you veer off the right path, you veer off the way, there's always going to be trouble. But God says very clearly in his word that their way is wicked. It's an abomination, and he hates it. So what's the point? Why bring this up? Because they are abusing the United States of America. Let's move on here. Psalm 119 verse 1 again it says, Blessed are the undefiled in the way who walk in the law of the Lord. So there's two components to be blessed in this fashion. It's to be saved, and it's to actually want to walk in the law of the Lord. Verse 2 Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart. Right? So if obviously, again, just to recap here, if you're missing one of these two components, meaning if you're doing the works, but you're not saved, you're not blessed. If you're saved, but you're not doing the works, well then guess what? You're not blessed. I mean, you're blessed in the fact you're not going to hell, but you get the point, right? It says this in verse 3 They also do no iniquity. They walk in his ways. Verse number 4, Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently. Look, we as God's people, we are commanded to dig into the Bible and speak the things which become sound doctrine. You realize that? You say, why is that? It's because God's word is always the same. It applies in no matter what area of life you're in, no matter what decade we're in, no matter what century, no matter what the culture's like. Right? We can always go back to the word of God and really break down what it says and measure what we see in our society. That's why Paul told Titus to speak thou the things which become sound doctrine. Oh, you're counting up to do doctrine. Yeah? You know what? There weren't vaccines 300 years ago. Case closed, okay? We're allowed to do that as long as we don't change the word of God. Right? Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently. It's not legalism. Because what? What's the definition of legalism? Obedience apart from faith is what produces legalism. We're not preaching obedience apart from faith. We're preaching Psalm 119 which says blessed are the undefiled in the way which is faith and then the walk in the law of the Lord. So there you go. We're good. Verse 5 Oh that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes. You see, this is what we want to have our heart set to. We want to have that desire. Verse 6 Then shall I not be ashamed when I have respect unto all thy commandments. Now we're going to stop right there because I sent this article last year here and I thought it was perfect because it's about a church in Cincinnati, Ohio and I like Cincinnati, Ohio we went to the fundamental conference last year and so I figured well I'm going to take a look at this here just pay attention to this. So read that verse again read verse 6. Then shall I not be ashamed when I have respect unto all thy commandments. So what I have here is a little article about a mega church in Cincinnati, Ohio and they got protested by the alphabet people. Let's see what happened here. This is from the Christian Post. It says this an Ohio mega church has apologized after a guest speaker from a socially conservative advocacy organization drew backlash and protests from the alphabet community and its supporters. It says LGBT but I call it alphabet. Alright. It says this. Demonstrators gathered on Sunday for a protest at the Crossroads Church campus in the Oakley neighborhood of Cincinnati following a speech made by David Mahon the director of policy with Center for Christian Virtue, Ohio's largest Christian public policy organization Saturday or Sunday July 18th. Now I looked up some doctrine on this church here. There are a bunch of tongue talkers you know make the Lord your king so basically lordship salvation you have to make him Lord of your life. He has to come into your heart and change your ways. That's false doctrine. They're defiled in the way. Okay so you understand that. This is important here. So they have this guy and they come speak for him. This guy comes and speaks for him and they get a protest out. Look what it says next. It says with several campuses the church is the largest church in the tri-state area. Mahon was invited as part of a series of guest speakers and spoke to the audience about gender identity and gender transitioning. I wonder what he said. Oh here it is. During his speech Mahon touched on the effects of puberty blockers on trans identified children and families. Look when we have a conference we speak about their existence. We're questioning their existence. Why isn't the government putting these people to death like Asa did. This guy gets up and he's talking about puberty blockers and helping them out and he gets a protest. Look at this here. According to the inquirer Mahon argued that trans individuals should be viewed similar to anorexic individuals who are suicidal because they think they're fat. I'm not making this up. This is what it says. Mahon reportedly asked the congregation what they would do if an anorexic teen came before them saying she was suicidal because she was fat. He goes on to say what is your response affirmation or do you try to get her distorted mentally of herself to line up with her biological reality. What do we do? And if we do the latter why wouldn't we do the same or why wouldn't we do it with the same dysphoric condition of transgender. So we're supposed to go up to these people and be like you were born a woman. You should go back to being a woman. You were born a dude. You should go back to being a dude and just realize that God loves you. That's what he's saying. To us that's heresy. It's not biblical. But just think about this for a second. It's like is that really that bad? Especially if you've been coming to this church for any length of time. You understand these things. Look at what it says next. The church's auditorium was reportedly filled with applause. I'm sure it was. The article's like it was reportedly filled with applause. Mahon concluded the talk by citing data from a study attributed to the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. Mahon reportedly called it the best science we have on this topic here today. I've got better science. Leviticus 2013. That's the best science I've ever heard of for these freaks. It says this we are hosting a demonstration. Okay so here's what the queer said. The main queer. Here's what he said. That's right. I just jumped right to this. He says we are hosting a demonstration as a response to the crossroads sermon from last Sunday which was primarily talking towards transgender people and transgender youth in which they made a lot of hurtful comments about transgender youth and transgender people. Co-organizer of the protest Jack Cross told Fox 19 news. We came out here to show our support for the alphabet community and also to hold crossroads to account to what they have said and get them to solidify their viewpoints. Wow. You're real tough. He goes on to say in response to the backlash last week Crossroads Church released a statement to WCPO offering money? Yep. An apology. That's right. An apology. So it's all good to go when everyone's clapping. There's no pressure. There's no stress. It's good to go right. They're just like yeah we got them. We got these alphabet people here. All of a sudden one of them pipes up and says that was very hurtful. We're leading a demonstration against your church. Here's what they say. This is their apology. This past weekend Crossroads hosted a guest speaker who broached the subject of children seeking to transition to a different gender. Unfortunately there are many who have been hurt and are looking for clarity. Regardless of a person's sexual or gender identity we love them and welcome them as does God. What was shared this weekend was never meant to hurt anyone and we deeply regret that it did. This is a topic that warrants increased care and empathy and we're sorry that didn't happen this weekend. Crossroads also does not financially or otherwise support any political organization and their platforms including the Center for Christian Virtue. Where this weekend's speaker is employed. We have no intention of being activist in this or any other political space. Our main goal has and will always be to bring these people to Christ. Welcome them as does God. It was never meant to hurt anyone. You know why we preach against these freaks? To hurt them. To hurt them mentally, spiritually. Because the law says we can't hurt them physically. Unless they want to come down here and put their hands on one of us. Which a lot of them do. And you know what? These people are molesters. I don't know for sure but every time I've seen them protest one of our friend's churches they've always come with pornographic signs. And they're even so bold as to get on the news and say we're doing this to plant seeds in the minds of their children. That's why I say if they ever protest this church make every child look at the ground and have them walk in looking at the ground. Because they will come here and try to defile their minds. And guess what? That's illegal. They did that at Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento, California. That's what they did. They came with the most horrific signs you could even imagine. Genesis 19 all the way. And you know what? It's illegal in Sacramento to do that. But were the cops arresting them? No. They showed up with queer flags sewn on their uniforms in support of the alphabet people. That's what they did. So I say hey don't walk in this gray area this middle of the road here. You got protested because you're super duper weak. They are abusing Ohio. Look this is why I'm glad they have that fundamentalist conference in Cincinnati. It's to stand up against the garbage like this. These people, this church this, what is it? This crossroads church in Cincinnati, Ohio. They are abusing children. They are abusing their adults. They are an abusive organization and they need to be taken down. That pastor needs to step down immediately is what he needs to do for making that apology. Read verse 6. Psalm 119. Look at verse 6 again. I will praise thee. I'm sorry that's verse 7. Look at verse 6. Then shall I not be ashamed when I have respect unto all thy commandments. Do you think that that crossroads church has respect unto God's commandments? Absolutely not. You say why? Prove it. Because they were ashamed at the weak sauce things that they even said against the alphabet community. Look we're not ashamed. We don't care at all. We're going to preach the word of the Lord whether it be in season or out of season and guess what? You better get ready because it's going to be out of season for the rest of your life. Look at verse 7. I will praise thee with uprightness of heart when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments. And that's the problem. That's another way that they're abusing. They don't teach the righteous judgments. What they do is they yoke up with the hippies and commies of the world and say no judgment. We're all equal. We're all the same. Look at verse number 8. I will keep thy statutes oh forsake me not utterly. So again back up to verse number 1. Who are the real blessed ones? It's those who are saved and desire to take a stand for the Lord. Those are the blessed ones. I mean think about it. Again you know quoting Acts chapter 5 you know when Peter and the apostles when they were beaten when they were being arrested when they were being told by the Pharisees hey don't preach in that name. Don't preach in the name of Jesus. What did they do? They just kept doing it. Right? And then when Gamaliel was like hey you know what we ought to just let these guys go because if it's of God you can't fight against it. They're like okay cool we'll let them go after we beat them. Right? So they beat them and what did they do? They counted it a blessing from God to even suffer for the name of Christ. These people can't even take a bunch of faggots with picket lines out in their front lawn. How is that being blessed? They're cowards. These people are cowards. They're weak. Think about that. Think about how weak these people are. You want to talk about taking estrogen supplements? That's what these people have to be doing. They're taking in mega doses of soy you know spiritually speaking week after week. We're so sorry. Sorry for what? Oh because you said you loved them and you don't want trans people to be trans people? I like what Pastor Anderson said. They're transvestites. They're not transgender. There's no way you can change your gender. That's a lie from Satan himself. So I'm going to wrap this thing up here. Okay so again how are we blessed by God as Christians? Well obviously it's being saved. It's going on to that point of discipleship. Now back to the title. Cops and robbers. Right? Why did I name this sermon Cops and Robbers? Well they're cops. The New Evangelical Church, they're the ones that are cops. They accuse us of being legalistic but they're cops because they're legalistic. They teach obedience apart from faith. They don't believe the Bible which means they don't have faith. It's very simple to understand right? They don't believe the Bible. So they don't have faith. So when they tell their congregations, hey you should tithe 10% guess what? That's legalism because they don't believe in the word of God. Hey you should come every week because they still preach that stuff. They still want their pews filled. They still want money in the plate. They still want people to volunteer to clean. They still want people to hand out ham sandwiches and to send malto meal packets over to Africa. Right? They still want people for all that. But they say no we're legalistic. No they're legalistic. They're cops. They're the evil cops. And they're robbers because they rob people of an environment in which they can be saved the way the Bible says to be undefiled in the way. And the people that are saved in these churches they rob them at their opportunity to really be a disciple. Think about that. They rob them of Psalm 119 verses 1 and 2. That's what they do. So I'm going to leave it with that thought and we'll continue on next week. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Thank you so much Lord again for just a clarity in your word Lord that we understand what it really means to be blessed by you that it's not always materialistic it's not always by peace Lord it's not always by the rest that you give us but it's by understanding that your way is the right way pray that you would keep us zealous Lord keep us on fire for you and that we would continue in the right path Lord and pray that you would help us to fight these liars in our community Lord every single week and that you would help us to draw the line in the sand and we pray for the people that are caught up in these new evangelical churches Lord I pray that you would awaken more and more of them Lord as the time goes on and put us in the right place that we can teach them the truth. Give them comfort and peace through your word that salvation is a free gift and we just pray that more of them would want to serve you the right way and understand what it really means to be blessed just like your apostles who were beaten did. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Amen. Please grab your songbooks one more time this evening and turn to song 82 When He Cometh Song number 82 When He Cometh On the first When He Cometh When He Cometh All His jewels All His jewels Precious jewels His loved and His own Like the stars of the morning His bright crown adorning They shall shine in their beauty Bright gems for His crown He will gather He will gather The gems for All the pure ones All the bright ones His loved and His own Like the stars of the morning His bright crown adorning They shall shine in their beauty Bright gems for His will Little children Little children Who love their redeemer Are the jewels All His jewels His loved and His own Like the stars of the morning His bright crown adorning They shall shine in their beauty Bright gems for His crown Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen