(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, amen. So we're in Genesis chapter number two and I just want to say again Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there and mothers-to-be. This sermon is primarily geared towards moms but there's something in here for everyone. Okay, even dads, teens, everybody can take something from this and apply it to their lives and I'll show you that here but let's start off at look at verse number 24. In Genesis 2 look at verse number 24 it says this, Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh. We've spent a lot of time recently talking about this verse but I want to look at it from a different angle today. I want you, especially you moms out there, okay, to realize that the influence that you have in the lives of your sons and your daughters, it doesn't just affect that child, okay, because what does the verse say there? It says that someday that child will leave and cleave unto the other spouse, right? So you're actually affecting that other person, okay, and so this is what I want to focus on today and the title of my sermon is How Mothers Roll. How Mothers Roll and it's part one in a two-part series. We're gonna do the fathers here on Father's Day next month and so how mothers roll, what do I mean by that? Well, it's just basically a play on words, you know, people say well this is how I roll, this is how I am, this is how I do business, okay. So this sermon is about how mothers should roll, i.e. the roles that you play in the lives of your sons and your daughters. Now you can leave your place there in Genesis and turn to 1 Timothy chapter number 5. 1 Timothy chapter number 5 and just to kind of show you what this looks like as you're turning to 1 Timothy chapter 5, think about this. So all the sons that daughters and kids that Jacob had, right, with his wives, Leah, with Rachel, you know, the concubines, right, you take, let's just say for example, you take the ten sons versus Joseph and even Benjamin, okay. There's a vast difference in their personalities, isn't there? But they had the same father and I'm not undermining the role of a father, okay. I'm not saying that at all but what I am saying is that those ten sons that Leah and the concubines had, you know, they were difficult, weren't they? They were different but what was it about Rachel's influence that made Joseph the man that he was, the great man of faith that he was, and all the stuff that he went through? How was he able to endure the prison? How was he able to not be bitter for the rest of his life? How was he able to overcome that and trust God? And I would submit to you that a large portion of that guy's faith is because of his mother Rachel, right. I mean think about all these children had the same dad, okay, and again I'm not undermining, I'm not undermining the father but the fact is dad is usually gone more often, right. We have to work, we're out in the, you know, in the workforce and doing things but the mom should be home and usually is home with the children more often, right. And so there's a very special bond, a very special connection there and that's what we're gonna be focusing on this morning. Now just if you're sitting here and you're like okay well my kids are grown or I, you know, I don't have any children, I don't even have a, I don't even have a spouse, that's okay the sermon is still for you. I want to show you something here. Look at 1 Timothy chapter 5 and verse number 1. It says this, rebuke not an elder but and treat him as a father and the younger men as brethren. Now look at verse 2, it says this, the elder women as mothers the younger as sisters with all purity. So even if you're an elder woman and you say well I never had children that's fine you still have a lifelong history of experience that you can pass on to the younger women that are inside of the church, okay. Now you might be like well what about you know the younger women? You know what you're still older than some of the younger girls in the church and as you've learned things in your life as you study the Bible you can also help raising these children by passing on your knowledge to them as well and so it's very very important that we see that and understand that. Now turn to Proverbs chapter number 1. Proverbs chapter number 1. In fact I was looking at the word mother throughout the Old Testament and between first and second kings it appears like 39 times, okay. You say well what's the big deal? Well the big deal is not all those kings were very good kings were they? So and it's kind of interesting that it always gives their mother, right. Why is that? And it's because of the influence that the mother have. You know it's like you take a look at some of the moms they did impart wisdom unto the kings but they decided to reject it. Whereas other kings they decided you know I'm gonna hold on to this later on in life and apply these things and be the king that God wants me to be. Now Proverbs chapter 1 look at verse number 8. It says this. My son hear the instruction of thy father, and don't miss this, and forsake not the law of thy mother. Okay hold that thought and go to Proverbs chapter number 6. Proverbs chapter number 6. Anytime you see something in the Bible it's important I get that. But anytime you see something in the Bible more than once it's very very important it's something that we need to hold on to and make sure that we are not missing this concept here. So Proverbs chapter 6 look at verse number 20. It says this. My son keep thy father's commandment and forsake not the law of thy mother. Now I know some of you might be sitting here saying well the law that my mom taught me didn't work out for me very well and you know I was raised in the world. But I guarantee you there's something that your mother did. There's something that your mother taught you that was wise. Right I mean think about it. You're sitting here this morning you could be doing anything else but you decided I'm gonna come to church. I'm gonna learn the Bible. I'm gonna be with the brethren and I'm gonna edify other people. Okay but he says forsake not the law of thy mother. So this is assuming that the mom is studying the Bible learning the commandments and is willing to pass these things on to her children. You say well what is the law thy mother? Well we're gonna learn here. Look at verse number 21. It says bind them continually upon thine heart and tie them about thy neck. Notice that word there continually. Okay so you kids you need to make sure that you're listening to your mom because if your mom goes to this church there's a good chance that she's trying to teach you the Bible. She's bringing you to church for a reason for spiritual growth so that you don't make these mistakes that you see other people make out in the world. So that you don't make the same mistakes that a lot of these people made in the Bible. Look these stories are written for your admonition so that you can grow. So that you can heal other people. So that you could be successful in life. He says bind them continually upon thy heart and tie them about thy neck. Okay there's a heart and mind connection that the Bible talks about here and you better make sure that the Word of God and the law of your mother resonates with you and that you're thinking about these things continually. Okay that's what he's talking about here. Now look at verse number 22. It says when thou goest it shall lead thee when thou sleepest it shall keep thee and when thou awakest it shall talk with thee. Right so don't ever have this attitude you kids. Well you know I'm just here going through the motions because if that's your attitude you have already failed and you will continue to fail as a Christian you will continue to fail in life. It's just the way that it is. The Bible gives us the reason on why we need to be aware of these things. Why we need to have these things continuously before our eyes. He said when thou goest it shall lead thee. See because you're gonna go from your mom and your dad someday. You're gonna go out into the world and your success or your failure depends on how you receive the law of your mother. So it says when thou goest it shall lead thee when thou sleepest it shall keep thee. You know a lot of people like to you know email the church and threaten us and you know try to change our address and take our mail and do all kinds of stupid stuff like that to us because people hate God. Right what is it about this church? What is it about being a Bible-believing Christian that helps us to sleep well at night despite the threats? Despite the adversary? Despite all the the drama and all the problems that people try to heap on us? Well it's the law of God that's what it is and you know what you mothers that are out there you have a vital a vital role in making sure that this stays into your children. You say my kids are having trouble sleeping. Well you know what the Bible has the cure for that and it comes from meditating on the Word of God. That's what the Bible is saying. You want to get good sleep think and meditate on the Word of God because it's going to provide you comfort no matter what the devil throws at you. Look at the rest of the verse and when thou awakest it shall talk with thee. Look the most important conversation that anybody has at any given time on any given day is the conversation that we have with ourselves. Right because Christians we're kind of bipolar aren't we? We have the old man and we have the new man. Right the old man says hey hit that snooze button you don't need to go to church there's three services a week who cares? You know you can catch one of them right but is that really the wise thing to do? No. Look what it says again read that read that last part there and when thou awakest it shall talk with thee. Look every day that we get up something talks with us. It's either the old guy or it's the new guy and you got to make the decision whether or not you're gonna listen to the new man. Why? So that you could be successful. Why? So that you could sleep well. Why? So that you can help people out. You see we have to realize you know someday we're going to rule and reign with Jesus Christ. You know where we get the ability to rule and to reign with Jesus Christ? It's now. See a lot of people think well I'm just gonna coast right and whatever happens happens I don't have to really focus too much and go hard on reading the Bible and learning the Bible you know because when I get to eternity I'm just gonna automatically know everything. I don't believe that's true. I don't believe that's true. I believe that the success that you're gonna have as a ruler in the millennium the the amount of responsibility that God's gonna give you comes from how much you know now how much you studied now and guess what you mothers you're not only just training up children to go out into the physical world but you're training up children that will one day rule and reign with Jesus Christ and that is a tremendous responsibility and you are the key that basically holds all that together right obviously dads yeah our job is important too but mothers you can literally make or break a child you are responsible for their success so make sure that you have it on your heart that you're gonna learn the law of God and that you're going to pass on that wisdom to your children but not only to your children but to all the children right because like I said you have experience you have life stories you have things that can help people out because all of us go through different trials through different tribulations and we have that experience and that is invaluable to each other this is why it's so important to go to church look out soul winning lately I can't tell you how many times we've had people say I don't need to go to church right we had some clown walk up to us on Thursday right and he just started mocking Church basically saying you know why there's over 40,000 denominations is because everybody's wrong right everybody's wrong except for him we don't need Church really because that's not what the Bible says oh don't even worry about that because this guy doesn't even believe the Bible you know what he told us he said you know what there's only four books that you need and they can all be condensed down into the red letters and the bulk of those red letters are what you just need to worry about you don't need to worry about what Paul said to the Corinthians you don't need to worry what Paul said to the Ephesians you don't need to worry about what Paul said to the Colossians that is literally what this man told us he said I believe that the Bible is a book of fairy tales he said in that Old Testament you don't need any of that he's like there might be a couple applicable things in there but not really talk about somebody who forsook the law of his mother because I'm sure that his mom would be ashamed whether she's saved or whether she's lost I'm sure that she would be ashamed that such hypocritical nonsensical words would come out of her son's mouth there is no way that you could read this Bible from front to back and come to that conclusion there's no way in fact I don't even really know of a church that's that open about that kind of a belief I mean I'm sure they're something pretty close but you know I mean isn't that crazy just the red letters and just the bulk of what it says right and then he tells us you know what basically he's just telling us that we're judgmental because we're going door-to-door and just trying to find people that want to hear the truth but wait a minute we're judgmental when you just rendered a judgment that what we're doing is wrong it's ridiculous talk about somebody who forsook the law of his mother you don't you see the blindness in that but you know what that's the kind of attitude look that attitude came to us we didn't even go seek that out he came to us with that let that never be once named among people in this church and you kids you better listen to your mothers go to Proverbs chapter number 31 Proverbs chapter 2 31 so the next verse in Proverbs 6 there it says for the commandment is a lamp the law is a light and reproofs of instruction are a way of life you moms need to make sure that correcting your children right telling them know when it's appropriate telling them what the truth is that that is the weight of your household because the Bible tells us that correction that reproofs are the way of life and there's not a mother in here there's not a person in here that doesn't want to see these children grow up and succeed in life but the way that you're gonna do that is by understanding this concept here that correction and reproofs are the way of life look I get it's hard it's hard to tell them no especially with the chubby cheeks and stuffs like ah you know but you know what we have to do that I get it I get it I understand but if we don't do that then you know what the world's not gonna do that the world's not gonna tell them the wrong one say hey do whatever makes you feel comfortable do whatever makes you feel good and then the next thing you know you run in a bunch of people that are like out here at Overland and Cole at that Taco Bell over there that anytime you go through the window just like another order one taco I can't believe it I can't believe it people are lazy today extremely lazy and don't even get me started on that so again the law of thy mother mentioned twice there we got that in Proverbs chapter 1 we got that in Proverbs chapter 6 why why is it stated twice and I'll tell you why it's because all the book of Proverbs can be summed up basically in these two words and this is the bottom line for the sermon mother's role by providing proactive and preventative instruction to their children let me say that again mother's role by providing proactive and preventative instruction to their children we need to have a this attitude that you know what we're gonna teach our kids these lessons we're gonna make sure that they grow up to be proactive what does that mean we want to raise a group of people that are willing to take initiative right which is something that's lacking today in because in order to take initiative you have to take risks in order to take initiative you have to put yourself out there and it's not comfortable right in the world today they're trying to make everybody so comfortable that they get complacent and that they get gone the world's philosophy is this dilution is the solution if I can just dilute their minds with just all this information all of this stuff then you know what that's the solution it's gonna make them weak that's gonna water them down and that's why there's so many Bible versions that's why there's forty thousand denominations it's not because truth doesn't exist it's because the devil's working overtime to make sure that when he installs his man in his office that he takes as many people to hell with him as humanly possible but you know it's gonna be people like that are in this room that say I love the Bible I love the Word of God I want to see what it says I'm gonna read it for myself I'm not just gonna hear but I'm gonna check these things out for myself and we're gonna make sure that we stick with a family unit as much as possible that God has given us and you know what mothers you are pivotal you are instrumental beyond your wildest dreams in fulfilling that role you have to understand you have to instill proactivity into these children and of course you want to make sure that they understand preventative wisdom right that they don't go out and do all this crazy stuff that a lot of us did when we were younger right my parents they left me to my own devices I can remember I when I was a kid you know second grade I could just get up whatever time I wanted to on the weekends and go out to the woods and not come back until it was dark I would look I don't even let my kids now that they're teenagers out of my sight very often and I'm thinking back to my mom and dad like what were you thinking you're crazy but that's how it wasn't I'm sure some of you have the same story and you know what I got myself into a whole lot of trouble you know I'm thinking you know you Kinley's 14 now you know Colin's about to be 16 came is gonna be 18 next year you know by the time I was Kinley's age I had already been to juvenile hall I had already been to court for throwing rocks of cars because you know sometimes that you can only build so many forts and play so many games of cops and robbers before you just want to up the hitting oh look at them cars down there bam oh this is fun you know I can outrun adults I could hide from them right this is like real war now you know what I mean no one parents did they made excuses for why I did stuff like that it was their fault no it was my fault because I was an idiot okay anyways I don't know why I'm talking about any of that stuff right Proverbs chapter 31 so again continuing on with this idea forsake not the law of thy mother which can be summed up into two words proactivity and preventative instruction preventative wisdom here in the Bible leaves us at the last chapter of Proverbs with an example of this and so we're gonna go through the first nine verses and I got three points for you this morning so Proverbs 31 look at verse number one it says this the words of King Lemuel the prophecy that his mother taught him so what are we doing right now we're about to read the law of a mother to a king look at verse number two says what now notice this next word my son and what the son of my womb and what the son of my vows you see that word there my that's very important that's more important than you may realize and you probably thinking like man what in the world are you talking about well notice what she doesn't say right oh my son I can't wait till the public school opens up so you can get out of my hair oh my son I just can't wait until you just leave the house point number one is this good mothers roll by cherishing the fact that their children are theirs good mothers roll by cherishing the fact that their children are theirs and I get it you know you might be thinking oh what's the big deal I obviously understand that I bore these kids whatever no you have no idea then what it's like out there in the world today every house that I go to just about you know what I hear these kids have been home for a year now because the public schools are on and off again and they're driving me absolutely nuts you're like what school do your kids go to are they on zoom still blah blah blah I'm like kids are home school they don't even like realize what's going on you know I mean they're just like what is everybody complaining about your kids are home schooled yeah since day one you know what they always say I could never do how does your wife do that I could never do that that's interesting and then the kicker is always this this is what makes me cringe I'm a teacher what so you're the one doing the zoom coat whoa what you could take care of 30 40 kids Monday through Friday for eight hours a day but yet you view your own children as a burden and the answer is yes that is the major attitude of today that these kids are a bother why do you think birth control gets pushed so hard right because the the world wants you to think you know what these kids are just gonna slow you down they're gonna hinder you moms from fulfilling your dreams and becoming a CEO of a large corporation you're not gonna be able to be GI Jane if you've got six kids it's just not gonna happen think about your future think about you that's the world's attitude but the Bible's attitude is something different because we're reading this last chapter here in the Bible and what does it say says that this woman's a virtuous woman because she fears the Lord so good mother's role by cherishing the fact that their children are theirs turn to Deuteronomy chapter number four Deuteronomy chapter number four so look at some homeschooling statistics here and I found some interesting information so I got this article here and it says there were an estimated 4.5 to 5 million homeschooled students grades K through 12 in the United States during March of 2021 sounds kind of like a lot right then it goes on to say this there are about 2.5 million homeschooled students in spring of 2019 or three percent to four percent of school-aged children and it says the homeschool population been growing at an estimated two percent to eight percent per year over the past several years but it grew drastically from 2020 to 2021 and a small portion of that is because people are realizing wait a second here you know this communist ideology that the public schools are teaching it needs to stop right and so some people are kind of waking up and they're saying you know I'm just gonna homeschool other people are finding it just easier to have their kids at home because they're saving a ton of money on daycare and their kids are behaving better some are right not the majority not the majority at all but 4.5 to 5 million homeschooled students that's eight to nine percent to eight to nine percent of all the kids throughout this entire country that's nothing that's nothing right so that means over 90% of women 90% of families 90% of mothers are like you know what I'm just gonna send these kids to school and look I went to public school and I'm here but it's only by the grace of God it's only because someone else's mother dragged me to church and I got saved that's the only reason and you know what some mothers don't have the option right because of choices that they've made in the past and I'm not knocking you I'm not trying to blast you it is what it is you know there's a solution for that in fact that's a whole nother sermon but the attitude of the world today is the public school is my relief right that's that's what these people are thinking today that's what these mothers are and their kids are going crazy doing whatever they want to they become teenagers they're making all kinds of crazy decisions and the moms like where did I go wrong what's going on they start to blame the public school but you know what God looks down says no I'm blaming you because those are your kids I gave those to you that's your heritage that's your blessing we're supposed to view these children as a blessing from God not a burden that the government needs to be responsible for that is disgusting that is weak it's pathetic so the majority of women including women that call themselves Christians say they view their children as a burden this is wrong this is not the way it's supposed to be and you know what mothers fathers I believe all Christians you need to read Proverbs every single day pick one just pick one proper you know if you can't read a whole chapter that's fine pick one read it and meditate on it and then tell me how your life is 90 days from now I promise you it will be much different so Deuteronomy chapter number four look at verse number 40 says this so the context here of this verse we're about to read it applies to the whole nation of Israel right it says this thou shall keep therefore his statutes and his commandments which I command thee this day verse 40 that it go well with thee and with thy children after thee and that thou mayest prolong thy days upon the earth which the Lord thy God giveth thee for ever so again what is another benefit that we get from preaching the Word of God from teaching the truth what's the benefit that you mothers get do you get to prolong the days of not only your life but the life of your children because guess what mom when your kid gets married you're not gonna just stop worrying about them you're not gonna just stop thinking about them the time is now you need to install that proactive attitude and that preventative wisdom into their hearts now so that you don't spend a lifetime worrying about them after they leave the house when you only get that phone call from them once in a while you better wake up it starts now turn to Deuteronomy chapter number six so there's some popular stories in my family that my dad used to tell uncles used to tell me and so my great-grandfather was notorious because he went to my grandfather's school and threw the principal down two flights of stairs and the reason why he did that is because that one of the teachers had sent my grandfather home with a no basically saying hey your child's been acting up he's a problem and he got so offended by that because his idea was well when they're in school they're your problem I don't want to hear about that that was his attitude my great-grandfather now my grandfather you know what he did he did the same exact thing in front of my dad you know the guy you see wandering around here asking everybody to free him from the country take him back to Mexico or whatever that guy watched his father throw his principal down the stairs too you know my dad did he didn't do the same thing not that I know of anyways and the reason why I think he never went down that road and not because I was good because it wasn't it was just because the laws of change you know you could fight back in the day and not really get in trouble now you get sued and they take your whole take your whole life but I come from a line of men that viewed their children as a burden right my grandmother on my dad's side that was her attitude her out you know and it's kind of funny these people all grew up in San Francisco too you know it's just like to throw that out there because they were working before it was popular they were doing all the crazy things you hear about today before it was you know even a thing you know they feel they viewed their children as a burden they viewed the public school well you need to raise these kids we're giving them to you we're trusting you and my grandfather actually ran for mayor of San Francisco on the Democratic ticket and he said the reason why he picked Democratic ticket is because it was the closest thing to communism that he could find back in that day he was a hardcore communist hardcore you know so I'm look I'm I'm not talking to you today I'm making this stuff up I'm telling you this because I come from a line of people with that ideology that your children are just there you know from what four o'clock till eight when you put them to bed and then shock them off to school and on the weekends just let them go out in the woods and do whatever right and like I said it's only by the mercy of God that I am here today even preaching the Bible look at Deuteronomy chapter number six look at verse number six says this and these words will try commanding this day shall be in thine heart net comes up over and over and over again and the reason why I want this point to be first the reason why I want this to sink down this idea here that your children are yours moms you need to love that fact you need to embrace that because when you embrace that it's gonna make the rest of the points easier it's gonna make it's gonna make the desire that you hopefully have to install that proactive that initiative and all that preventative wisdom in your children it's gonna make you want to do that when you just realize you know what these are mine right I'm not gonna be the type of mom that says you know what it's Uncle Sam's job to raise these kids no it's your job you need to do that and you need to love doing that and he says all these words words which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart verse 7 and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children diligently that means you need to constantly believe in these words first of all but be teaching these to your children see what they're young that's okay you can have these kids are super smart right you guys remember what happened when we kicked the first person out of church because he's you know causing all the trouble the little kids right the chicken nugget brothers were like you're gonna get joshed right they knew fully what was going on they pay attention he's a bad guy right they know they know and the reason why they're gonna continue to know is because of you mothers when dad's off to work you're binding these words in your own heart first and you're teaching them you teach them diligently meaning you explain it to them you show them the sense of urgency that needs to be showed to these kids and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house and when I'll walk us by the way and when thou liest down and when thou rises up this is why we're such big big advocates for homeschooling is because it gives you a chance to sew the Bible into every subject people think they're gonna be saved because of their high level math class that they took right I'm not knocking that I'm not great but guess what at the end of the day knowledge puffeth up we need these moms to start teaching wisdom knowledge applied right and the way we're gonna do that is to make the Bible the center of our home in a good way to do that if you can is to homeschool your children so it says this in verse 8 and thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes go back to Proverbs chapter 31 and so what that there is metaphorically speaking that the way you conduct yourself with your hands with your body right is gonna be according to the Word of God which is a lamp which is a light unto your path right and it says and they shall be as frontlets between the eyes that means the Word of God is gonna be in your brain right between the eyes that is what that's talking about there so again point number one is a mother's role by cherishing the fact that their children are theirs if you can get this if you can learn this if you can understand this you know what you're not gonna have an issue installing wisdom into your children because you're gonna love the fact that your children are with you I mean think about other countries that snatch kids all the time right I think it wasn't too long ago that even in Germany they were locking parents up for even attempting to homeschool their children things might be a little bit different now because the whole virus thing or whatever but you get what I'm talking about think about moms across this world that don't have the opportunity look at Idaho it's easy it's super easy if you've got the will and that's what this sermon is designed for to give you that will to give you that hope to give you that that heart till just love your children and to understand they're yours they're a gift from God they don't have to be a burden look you're the boss you're in charge you raise those kids you instill the fear of God into them and you know what it's gonna be well with you the rest of your life and you're gonna have sleepless nights into your later years of life because when that happens all you get are health problems sorrows and woes and that's not what anybody wants we get enough of that from the world so let's move on here look at verse number three Proverbs 31 verse number three says this give not thy strength unto women nor thy ways to that which destroyeth Kings moms you need to realize this again I'm gonna say this again that you are raising a royal priesthood the Bible says that you are a king if you're saved you are a king and you are a priest that's royalty God looks at royalty and he has entrusted you with those children and that is a tremendous responsibility see the world they don't look at their kids that way they look at him as a burden right but this virtuous woman here this Holy Spirit filled woman here she says this hey Lemuel give not thy strength unto women nor thy ways to that which destroyeth Kings what's interesting about that when I read this here is that it comes from a woman a woman telling her male child hey don't give your strength unto women meaning she understands what that does she understands that when you give your god-given role as a man when you give away your god-given role as a wife and you fall prey to this gender blurring reversal garbage that the government's trying to cram down our throats she realizes that strength leaves that family when that happens so when the man's like oh I gotta ask the boss I gotta ask the boss he's given his strength away because your strength is leadership men that's your strength and you know women you have leadership too you're a boss as well but God has designed us differently to work perfectly as one flesh together everybody understand that point number two is this Christian mothers should roll by teaching their kids the dangers of social pressures Christian mothers roll by teaching their children the dangers of social pressures that is what this woman is doing to her King and you say okay well I get it the politicians of our day they're surrounded with all kinds of temptations and you know lobbyists and people always throwing drugs and money and women and hookers and stuff you know at these people and in my kids they're not they're not having that temptation no there's other temptations that these children are being pressured with the world will always go after the true royal priesthood which is a fundamentalist a Bible believing Christian that is what the world is attacking every law that's being passed out there today every law in the books is being considered today is geared to take away your right of free speech to preach the Word of God that's what it is see I don't believe that well then you obviously don't go solo because the attitude of probably nine out of ten people right now is you shouldn't be here what are you doing in my apartment building with a Bible it wasn't like that fifty years ago it wasn't like that you see the world's the world's trying to pass on this ideology hey the children of God they're the burden right they're the problem and you know what they've got no issues at all condoning that attitude so Christian mothers roll by teaching their kids the dangers of social pressures and what this woman is doing here in this chapter she's saying hey Lemuel you need to realize that God made you a man and with that comes a tremendous amount of responsibility and guess what it's the mom that's helping foster that role and of course she would do that for her daughters as well she would do it differently she would probably tell her daughters hey don't be oh don't be the type of woman that's gonna go out there and try to take the strength of her husband and take that from him and cut him down and batter him and bash him and humiliate him and not respect him that's what she would tell her daughters attorney Ecclesiastes chapter number three Ecclesiastes chapter number three see the feminist ideology today that says hey mom seems home if mom stays home with the kids dad goes to work that's that's like sexist that's misogynistic that's not okay how do you make it if your wife doesn't work God that's how we make it look the Bible's full of wisdom on how to make it full of wisdom on how to be proactive not to just sit by and just let things happen and you're gonna see that's exactly what this virtuous mother is doing to her children I worked with this guy one time and no joke this is what he said to me he's like I really need to get a haircut I'm like go get one then and he goes you know what he goes I went to the barbershop over here you know where we're working in Bremerton Washington he's like I went in there there was only the female barbers working he's like the Bible says that's how a man loses his strength I was like for going to a female barber he's like yeah the Bible says you never let a woman cut your hair otherwise your strength to go from you just like Samson I started laughing because I thought that was just like a silly joke no that's really what he believed that's literally what he believed it's like no and guess what this same guy later on is on the phone with his wife like oh I got the boss was calling me I got to take a break gotta take a break backwards man it's absolutely backwards so Christian mothers roll by teaching their kids the dangers of social pressures now Ecclesiastes chapter 3 look at verse number one it says to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven now go back to Proverbs 31 so the Bible says there is for everything there's a season and to every time and to every I'm sorry it says and to and a time to every purpose under heaven right so everything that we observe everything that we go through everything that goes on in this world everything that your children have questions about there's a purpose for that right and that's exactly what this virtuous mother is about to show us she's gonna show us hey I know you've got some questions about women you've got some questions about alcohol and I'm gonna show you what the purpose of those things are okay this will make sense here in a second look at verse number four so right off the heels of verse number three she just goes right into this she says it is not for Kings o Lemuel remember what is she trying to do here she's trying to teach this young man how to not lose his strength and again she would teach the same thing to her daughter okay it is not for Kings o Lemuel it is not for Kings to drink wine nor for princes strong drink right and a lot of times kids have this question here well what's the reason why is there alcohol why are there drugs why are these things out in the world today right we need to have the answers and explain the purpose of these things and that's what she does here look at verse six give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts let him drink and forget his poverty and remember his misery no more right she doesn't hide this subject from him she doesn't try to smolder him right we ought to shelter our children but not smolder them right pretend like these problems don't exist and what she does is she says hey I'm gonna part into some wisdom I'll tell you there's a there is a purpose for these things but it's not for you it's not for Kings it's not for princes it's not good it will wind up destroying your life you say well I know people have drank socially for years and never had any problems yeah they're the exception that's what they are the other exception there are people that can handle it moderately I'm not gonna lie to you there are people out there like that but most people cannot because what happens is you lower your standards like that and what does the enemy do he comes and starts whispering in your ears right that's what he does and then the next thing you know you're gonna lower this other standard in this other standard in this other standard the next thing you know you're at a church backslidden you've lost your strength you're no longer acting and functioning like a royal priesthood that's exactly what we don't want here and that's exactly why we want to encourage mothers hey teach your children the hard things of life when the age is appropriate because they need to understand they need to know the why they need to know the purpose for things under heaven what's the purpose of cocaine it's a tool of the devil's what it is that's the purpose of it right don't lie to these kids and say oh yeah it's only in Oregon it's just in Oregon don't worry about it no one's here to go knock a few doors starting to smell like Sacramento around here starting to smell a little bit like Portland and some of these apartment complexes let them know man soul winning is like the best way to show kids work yeah aren't you afraid your kids are gonna be they're gonna go up and they're gonna be all sheltered and not be social no they see what the derelicts are like hey they see what the bullies are like they see what these people are like when they literally flip their lids and want to fight us out in the community just for simply inviting someone to church it's not always like that guy so if you're scared of going so and don't be like it's just once in a while okay once in a while once in a while but she tells him hey yeah alcohol is a thing and you know what the purpose is it's for people like verse six verses number six and seven people are about ready to die let them have it you know and think about this too they didn't have pain meds back then but did they have pain yeah they did and that's a lot of reasons why they used strong drink and wine back then they did use it for medicinal they did use it to calm people down you know you get your leg cut off and battle you get a deep gash or something like it you're in extreme pain it gets infected you know they would use this stuff for that and she's saying hey that's the purpose for this she doesn't lie to him so there is a purpose for it and here's what it is and that's the application that's what we need to realize we don't want to constantly exist in a suppressed or a concealed state which is the definition of smoldering right let's shelter them but let's be honest with them and let's make sure that we tell them the truth okay back to Proverbs 31 or you're probably already there look at verse number eight verse number eight is this we're gonna move on here to the third and final point verse number eight so she changes gears again it says open thy mouth for the dumb and the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction now the word dumb there it's not saying hey open your mouth all these idiots okay for like how we use the word right it's for people who can't speak for themselves open thy mouth for the dumb and the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction right people that are appointed for destruction people that cannot defend themselves she's saying hey open your mouth for these people here look at verse 9 open thy mouth judge righteously and plead the cause of the poor and needy okay say okay great what's the lesson here what's the point and it's this mother's role by instilling courage into their children because courage produces productivity I'm serious today look most people that I come into contact today in the world they are not courageous at all they're not proactive at all you know what a lot of God's people aren't very proactive either just to be honest they don't try to be mean but it's true and it's because we lack in the courage department I believe everybody in here needs to do something uncomfortable every single day if it's uncomfortable you know uncomfortable for you to come to church you need to come to church if it's uncomfortable for you to read Genesis 19 judges 19 you need to read those chapters right next month June pride month we're gonna bash pride because pride leads to destruction the Bible says if it makes you uncomfortable to talk to people go so any be a silent partner do something that makes you uncomfortable because that is going to breed courage that is gonna force you to be proactive to take initiative look there's always something that needs to be done and we don't want to raise you look moms you don't want to raise children they're just standing there like this watching the world go by watching the things go by no you need to grant teach these kids to grab life by its handles and say you know what I'm a king I'm a priest I'm gonna make sure that I'm in charge I'm gonna take this initiative I'm gonna go out and get people safe hey I'm gonna tell the government they're wrong I'm gonna tell the government you know you're not gonna tell us we can't meet here you're not gonna tell us how to run church that's not gonna happen what we just went through that's just a that's just a test the Bible says it's coming a day where they're gonna shut all church down not even gonna use a virus as an excuse I'm gonna say we don't want your bigoted philosophies going out into the world because it's destructive then what then we're gonna find out who's got courage then we're gonna find out the moms that taught their children the law of God then we're gonna see who forsakes the law of thy mother God's gonna draw a line in the sand here real soon we're gonna see who's strong we're gonna see who's weak come to church one day and there's 50 protesters outside I want to see who's strong I want to see who's got the courage to keep coming to keep standing up for the truths that are in this book here so mothers roll by instilling courage into their children because courage produces productivity because you know what taking initiative you know what else that you know what you know what that means that means there's a chance you're gonna fail and that's what everybody is afraid of today is failure so a lot of people just want to take this route well I'm just gonna play it safe and I'm never gonna put myself out there I'm never gonna actually try to grow just in case I fall no you have to fall in fact I do this to my kids sometimes I'll put them in situations I'll ask them questions I'll put them on the spot and when they fall that's good you kids you need to fall that's what your mom taught you but you know what you need to teach them how to get back up because when you don't do that you're raising a bunch of pansies is what you're doing and this world's got plenty of those types of people the point to where you can't even go to Lowe's hardly and ask somebody for help to get a barbecue oh man oh man just wait right here just just look around the whole store I'll be back in like an hour it's where things are going man you know why a lot of these businesses are going out it's not just because they were shut down it's because people are too lazy to get their butts back to work it's because we got too many people forsaking the law of their mothers that's why and because Uncle Sam wants to be your mama someone's gonna be your mom a lot of these governors you know in this country they got no problems you sitting at home sniffing coke going out at night and burning buildings down and collecting a paycheck there's always somebody out there that wants to be your mom and the reason why is because they know they can control you but not this church it's not the way that God wants us to be turn to Proverbs chapter number 22 Proverbs chapter number 22 so mothers roll by instilling courage into their children because courage produces productivity what are we talking about today talking about this idea here that mothers you should have this idea here you should have this precept in your heart that you know what I'm a mother that rolls by instilling proactive and preventative instruction into my children hey don't even stop there do it to all the kids you have my kids are acting up and still something in them trying to get Brawley's mom to spank my kids on Wednesdays and Marissa you guys can always spank it man it's no problem especially Caden trying to get Brawley to spank him for months doing all right this one no one in the back there especially she's quiet look you guys know about quiet people my kylin is quiet now I'm just doing she's about to she's like I'm about to come up so mothers roll by instilling courage into their children because courage produces productivity Proverbs 22 look at verse number three it says this a prudent man now remember a prudent person is somebody who looks well to their going okay that's what a prudent person is a wise person it says a prudent man foresee if the evil and hide it himself but the simple pass on and are punished well how does a prudent man develop the discernment to foresee evil well hopefully because he learned from his mother the purpose and the reason for the things that are under the Sun hopefully your parents hopefully moms you realize that that someday your man your daughter is gonna have to be a prudent person and look and foresee evil and hide themselves from that evil because all too often the simple the unwise they can't see evil they can't see what's coming and what happens they just pass on oh it's no big deal nothing to see here and then they get destroyed hey there's a fire in the building now this concerts great I'm not leaving hey there's a guy over here with a machine gun shooting down I don't care I got my beard I'll just flip them off and I'll be good and then they get shot through see a prudent mom and say you shouldn't even be in that place to begin with because it's filth it's garbage it's destructive right install hey install preventative that proactivity in them now so that when they're older they can have the courage to take a stand against their co-workers against their neighbors against the people that want to pull them back into the world it takes courage to say you know what I'm not gonna go to that rock and roll concert to that rap concert with my family I don't care we've done it for 20 years it's not wise I mean think about think about all the shootings that go on at these public schools you know I hate it it's a terrible thing think about the shootings that go on like in these movie theaters and in these clubs these bars you know why a lot of times God's people aren't dead because that because they had the wisdom to begin with you know what there's evil that goes on there and I don't want to be associated with it and I'm just gonna go ahead and hide myself from that no leave that to the world and you wind up saving your life and moms it starts with you you're the ones home with them all day you're the one that gave birth to them you have a special connection with them and they will listen to you you know the Bible says that when they're older they won't forsake what you've taught them if you do it the right way now if you realize you know what they're my children I own them God gave them to me I have this great tremendous responsibility to raise up royal seed because the influence that you have is not just for this life it passes on into eternity as well but so many people today they don't get that they don't think about that they're not taught that they're taught to live for the here and the now they don't think about eternal things it's not important to them but you know what you can't avoid it like pilot said what is truth well two plus two equals four and death is imminent nobody can argue that even the most raunchy atheists that we run into out soloing that ask us well how do you know you're right how do you know truth exists well are you gonna die one day yep there you go you just prove the fact that truth exists and the truth is if you're saved you're born again you're a royal seed and you will one day be expected to know the law of God because the Bible says that Jesus is going to rule and reign with a rod of iron and how are you gonna partake in that if you don't know what the rule is if you don't know what the law is and God has said in his word hey moms you have a law it's my law you need to teach that to your children and you kids don't forsake the law of thy mother I'm gonna wrap this thing up here I'm just gonna leave you with the bottom line which says mother's role by providing proactive and preventative instruction into their children think about this think about the way things are going today in this country but not in this country in this world think about the direction the course of the world that's going on out there and all the the the filth and the Satanism that's being pushed today and moms you need to realize you've got the truth you've got a Bible you've got access to God's Word you have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit you have the ability to raise up a seed with courage that's gonna say not only am I gonna hide myself from the traps and the snares of the devil but I'm actually gonna take a stand against it because that's what we need and realize that those kids these Jill all of us will pass on into eternity with the knowledge that we gained today and moms you have that tremendous responsibility and so don't forget to get your gift here after the final song let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer thank you so much Lord for the wisdom in your word Lord I just want to pray for all the mothers in our church Lord that you would give them the the desire to continuously and always understand that their children are theirs and to have a heart to teach them to be proactive to take initiative and to have preventative wisdom Lord to keep ourselves from the snares of the world that we might reach souls for you and get more people saved and discipled and to grow your church as you said Lord that the gates of hell would not prevail against your church and we believe that we understand that and thank you for all that you do in Jesus name I pray