(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right. Amen. Well, we're going to start, we just read chapter seven, but we're going to kind of go back to Hebrews chapter six, just do a little bit of review, and then go through some of the verses where we left off last week, and then we'll go through chapter number seven. I think we'll be able to get through the whole thing today. I don't think it's going to be much of a problem. So go back and look at verse number eight, because if you remember last week, we spent a lot of time going over these first 12 verses and we compared, you know, this portion of scripture with first Corinthians chapter number three. If you missed it, I encourage you to go back and listen to it because it's not going to make a whole lot of sense going forward from this point. But one conclusion that we absolutely smashed is a lot of people teach from Hebrews chapter six, that you can lose your salvation and they'll bring up verse six and say, well, see, if you walk away that you lost your chance after you've already been saved and you can never come back. And then it says here, just going to be burned in the end. And verse number eight, it's not what it says. First number eight, what does it say? Look at the first two words, but that does that say, but he says, but that which bear thorns briars is rejected and I end a cursing whose end is to be burned. Okay. So again, when the Nazarenes or these other denominations, these Episcopalians or what have you, the Catholics, the Mormons, the Jehovah witnesses, they want to bring you here and say, Hey, you can, if you mess up and you mess up your one chance or whatever it is to be saved, this could be you. You know, that's not what it's talking about. Okay. We proved that last week. Look at verse nine, but beloved. Okay. Does it say, but heathen, but be loved. Okay. Who is the writer talking to here? The saved, but beloved, we are persuaded better things of you. Okay. Better things than for you to turn your back on the truth. Go back to the old system, go back to the world and just basically heap up for yourself a bunch of woodhand stubble, which will be burned in the end. He says, but beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, right? You that are beloved, you that are saved. Remember this all ties back to chapter five, verse 13 and 14 where he says, you guys are dull of hearing. You're on the milk, you're going backwards. Here's the warning. Here's what's going to happen if you go back to, you know, back into the womb, so to speak, back into the darkness, back into the humid, you know, enclosure, if you will, you're not coming out. Okay. And that is not to say you can lose your salvation. We know that's false doctrine. Can't lose it. In fact, chapter seven is going to absolutely smash that for us. But look at verse 11. He says, we desire that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope and to the end. Well, what is that? That's an exhortation to March on, to carry on, to keep going forward. He says, verse 12 that ye be not slothful. Okay. Stop right there. When we see each other becoming slothful in our business as a Christian, this is when the warning needs to come up. This is when the conversation needs to happen so that we can avoid going through what the writer mentions in the first eight verses here. Okay. What does he say next? Says, and we desire or verse 12 that you be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Okay. Now we're going to jump down to verse 13 here in just a second. But it's kind of interesting that at the end of chapter five, he talks to these guys like, you guys are on the milk, right? Just like the Corinthians. It's the same thing. And then he proceeds to just tell them, hey, we're not going to lay these foundations and the doctrines of Christ and the basics again. We're just going to go full speed ahead, right? And that's, that's an exhortation for us as a church, right? We want to revisit the basics, but we don't want to just stay there for the whole time. I used to be part of a church where, where the pastor was an excellent teacher. I mean just a gifted, I mean a God gifted teacher just could explain and teach things very well, but he would never preach out of the Old Testament. He would never visit a lot of the doctrines and things in the Old Testament. Though he knew them upstairs, he would never preach about these things. Every sermon was just about salvation or about certain things. And you know, he had some very good insights and stuff. I believe he saved. I've mentioned him before, but the point that he's trying to make here is, hey, you know, let's move forward. Let's move on. It's always good to go back to the basics, you know, but we don't want to just park it there forever because that stunts our growth, right? Everybody understands that. And so what does he say in verse 12? Be not slothful, but followers of them through faith and patience inherit the promises. So now he's going to start to teach on that, teach on these promises, and then he's going to transition in to Melchizedek who we'll talk about here in a moment. Look at verse 13 chapter six. This is for when God made promise to Abraham because he could swear by no greater. He swear by himself saying, surely blessing I will bless thee and multiplying I will multiply thee. And so after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. Well, who's that he there? It's Abraham. Exactly. What did the Zionists say? Oh, if you say anything against the nation of Israel today, you're done for. You're going to lose your status. You're going to lose everything, right? False doctrine. We know that. Again, going back to the importance of the these, the thus's, the ye's, the use, and the Bible, it distinguishes the conversation. It lets us know who is being spoken to. Is it a single individual? So in other words, in Genesis chapter 12, was God speaking to Abraham or was he speaking to every person who would be born in Israel or Judah or have some quote unquote racial tie to an Israelite? I think you know the answer. He was talking to Abraham. Now who is the seed of Abraham? Obviously that's us. Those of us who are saved. Okay. I don't want to hammer that home too much right now because we've got a lot of material to go through. But look at verse 14 says, I'm sorry, look at verse 15 says, and so after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. So in other words, when God makes a promise, he fulfills his promise. Okay. And so what are you saying is, hey, look to Abraham, look to these other figures in the Bible who through faith conquered and just absolutely did a lot of work for God and look at what they got in the end. I mean, pick Moses for an example. Pick Elijah. We talked about them, not this Sunday obviously, but last Sunday. We talked about how when the Bible says that they died, all that means is that they just transferred location. So if you look at their lives and all the turmoil and the trouble that they had, really it's nothing in comparison to what they're experiencing now in the afterlife in heaven with the Lord. And yes, I said in heaven. Okay. People who die right now, they go to heaven, which is up. He just preached about this last week. And we had somebody try to tell us how soul winning. You don't go to heaven when you die. You go to the new earth, the meek shall inherit the earth. It's like, yeah, but that's not yet the new heavens and the new Jerusalem haven't come down yet. So how are you going to go there right now? And it doesn't make sense. That's a sermon for another day. Look at verse 16. He says, for men, verily swear by the greater and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife. You know, sometimes when I read that, I think about, you know, the, the triple dog swear and the, you know, I double dog there, you know, that kind of stuff there that we used to do when we were kids or whatever. Obviously not a good thing with that, but he's just basically saying, Hey, you know, men swear by greater, but who's God gonna swear by? I mean, he's God, he's perfect, right? And he has promises for you. He says, you're an inheritor of eternal life saying, if you do this, you're going to reap these rewards. It's a promise. It's a guarantee is it's a fact. Why do you reason in your minds wanting to go back to the world? So in other words, to these Hebrews, he's saying, why would you want to go back to that old system? Because if you turn your back now, you're never going to come out of that and you're going to have wasted the time and the talents and the gifts that God has given you to use on this earth to get people saved and born again and edified and all things that go into that. Let's see here. Look at verse number 17. He says, wherein God willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel confirmed it by an oath. Well, what does that mean? That's a big word there, immutability. It means unchanging. God doesn't change, okay? And one thing that you'll notice is that people in the Old Testament did not get saved by following the law or by doing sacrifices. They got saved by calling upon the name of the Lord, okay? Just because now when people get saved, they have to call upon Jesus doesn't mean that he isn't immutable, doesn't mean he isn't changed or that he has changed or anything like that. It's simply saying that, hey, God's promises, his plans, his counsel, guess what? It's good forever. He doesn't change it. So it's not like you're going to start following this program, which is the better covenant, and then all of a sudden he's going to change it up on you and say, well, everything you've just done the last 10, 15 years of your life is for naught because I've got a third covenant. I've got a new New Testament. God's not like that. That's how we are. That's not how he is, okay? Look at verse 18. It says that by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope that is set or that's set before us. And that's the idea here. That is what we are supposed to strive for. Understand the power of God's promises, okay? He has promised us eternal life. He has promised us a reward for our labor. We talked about this last week, okay? He's still trying to hammer that home to these guys here. Verse 19, he says, which hope we have as an anchor of the soul. That's a good hymn. It's a great hymn. He is the anchor of the soul. Now to the new evangelical, is Jesus Christ the anchor of the soul? Absolutely not. It's their denomination. It's their achievements that's the anchor of their soul. It's what I have done. It's the fact that I have given my life to Christ and look at all that I've done. We had a guy yesterday, in fact, you know, and he goes to this church in Caldwell and he's like, oh yeah, I'm saved. I'm good guys. I'm good. I'm so glad you're out here. Oh, this is just so great. Glad you're out here. You know, one of these big, you know, rich houses and I forgot what I said to him right now. I said something along the lines of a lot of people believe they got a turn from sins and it's impossible and he's like, it's like, oh, it's not brother. It's not. And I was like, have a nice day. Okay. Why did I say that? Because I could tell by his body language, I could tell by the way he said that, that he's gone. That's what he believes. He's trusting in his works to save him. He literally believes he doesn't sin anymore. And you know, as a veteran in this game now, I've learned that those people, sometimes it's best to just walk away. Just go next door, next town, whatever it's gotta be. Those types of people, I've never seen one change. Once they've adopted and they've been converted to that mindset, I'm just saying it's very difficult to get through to them. You do whatever you want to do. Look at verse 20. He says, but I'm done with him. Um, let me see. Verse 19, which hope we have as an anchor of the soul. So Jesus is the anchor of our soul, both sure and steadfast and which enters in to that within the veil. Look at verse 20 says, uh, whether the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus made an high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. Okay. Now go to chapter number seven, chapter number seven, verse number one. So now he's going to start teaching on Melchizedek. So it's important, right? It's important to understand that just because you start a new chapter doesn't mean you always start a new thought. Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't. If you were to just, you know, open up in chapter seven for this Melchizedek, I mean, wouldn't you want to know what was before that? Kind of like with chapter six, therefore, right? Don't you want to know which was before that? What you want to know why therefore is therefore. Okay. Look at verse number one. So again, he's same thought here where he's talking about Melchizedek now. And he says this for this Melchizedek, King of Salem, priest of the most high God who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the Kings and blessed him. To whom also Abraham gave a 10th part of all first being by interpretation, King of righteousness. And after that also King of Salem, which is King of peace. So that's what his name means. That's what Melchizedek's name means. Um, let's, we're going to go to Genesis 14 here in a minute. Let's just read verse three real quick. Uh, and four, he says this without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like unto the son of God abideth a priest continually. Now consider how great this man was unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave the 10th of the spoils. So let's just stop right there. Go to Genesis chapter number 14 real quickly. And let's just kind of take a look at this because there's not really a whole lot in the Bible about Melchizedek. You know, you read through Genesis one all the way to chapter 14, all of a sudden you see this, this character pop up and his name's Melchizedek. Now, um, if you're familiar with the story, I've preached about it several times in the past. I'll probably bring it up again next month because there's a lot of good information for today's day and age regarding the story. But basically, you know the deal, Lot, right? Lot's doing his thing. He wanted to be over there in Sodom. He pitched his tent towards Sodom. Next thing you know in this chapter you find him in Sodom. And so Lot and those that are with him get taken captive because these kings from other nations decide, you know what, these Sodomites are weak. They're social justice warriors. They, you know, they don't really have a lot going for them. I bet they couldn't stand up to us and they were right. And so they go and they take, they kidnap these guys in Sodom. They start putting them under tribute. The Sodomites revolt, you know, because they're like, we shouldn't have to put up with this. Um, well that's what it was. They put them under tribute and then the Sodomites were like, well, we're not doing this anymore. And then the other kings were like, oh yes you are. Right? So that's when the kidnapping happened. So Lot finds himself taken because of the sins of the nation that he likes to dwell in. Abraham mounts up, gets his household ready, uh, leads a successful military attack against these other kings and basically rescues Lot and his family and those that are with him and then comes back with a bunch of spoil. So let's pick it up here real quickly. Verse 17 it says this, Genesis 14 verse 17 says, And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of Kedel Leomer and of the kings that were with him at the valley of Sheva, which is the king's dale. Look at verse 18 and Melchizedek, king of Salem. So then, then, then you learn like, oh, there's Melchizedek. Okay, well how did he come into the picture? What's going on with him? Like where was he? What school did he go to? What certificates does he have? Right? He says Melchizedek, king of Salem brought forth bread and wine and he was the priest of the most high God. Verse 19 and he blessed him and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth. So much in here I want to talk about. We just don't have time. But the point being, this is the first time that you see Melchizedek in the Bible. Okay. And it just tells us that he's a high priest and he blessed Abraham and he was a great man obviously because Abraham gives him tithes. He gives him a 10th of all the spoil that he received. Now I'm really fighting hard not to talk about that king of Salem. So real quick you go to Psalm chapter 110. I got to stay on the track here because I'm going to flip out. We could do that. We're going to do that here shortly. Don't worry. You know that's always around the corner here. So the next mention of Melchizedek is just a very short message here in Psalm 110. Look at verse number four. Psalm of David it says this, as the Lord has sworn and will not repent, thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. And then go back if you would to Hebrews chapter seven. Go back to Hebrews chapter number seven. So obviously we read about him a bit in chapter number five and we talked about that a little bit a couple of weeks ago and then we already obviously dealing with chapter six, a little bit of mention there and then he's talked about right here in chapter seven and let's talk about this here. There's two schools of thought with who Melchizedek is. Well I don't want to say two. There's probably 200 but Melchizedek is a highly debated topic. He's a highly debated individual. Now the Mormons, who's talked to a Mormon around here that said I've been ordained an elder after the order of Melchizedek? Has anybody around here been told that yet? I have. I have on more than one occasion. I've heard this in other states as well. It's bizarre but they actually have something over there and it takes place over here on Overland and Cole at that temple where they will ordain people quote unquote after the order of Melchizedek. And as we go through the rest of chapter seven you're going to see how blasphemous that is. That is absolutely blasphemous. And this is personally why when I knock on someone's door and they're like yeah I've been to the mission field and they start pouring it on I'm like peace. Bye. Bye bye. You're preaching another gospel here and it's clear that's what you subscribe to. I've watched countless people go rounds with them and not go anywhere. Go read Galatians chapter one and it will explain to you why that is. You do what you want. You want to waste your time arguing with a Mormon you go right ahead. If I'm your partner I'm going to leave you and I'll go to the next door. We want to get people saved. Time is limited. Okay. I'm out. I'm done. I'm not doing it anymore. Okay. I gave that up years ago. That's not to say that you know all your Mormonites just bounce right. You know if they're willing to listen I'll give it to you. Even if more missionaries I want to hear what you say I'll still do that. Okay. I'll probably okay here's you know here's the gospel but the moment he is but I'm out. I am gone. I'll give you the gospel and I'm literally if the first the first liver I get that you don't believe it I am gone quickly and I'm not playing around anymore because these people have spent two years minimum preaching that you have to repent of your sins in order to get to heaven or Kolob or whatever it is they believe you know we're saved after all that we can do for Heavenly Father you know. Yeah living here has been great. But anyways I don't know yeah back on Melchizedek okay back on more on that here in a moment. So again let me just stop and say this okay some people say okay well Melchizedek was Jesus Christ in the Old Testament you got this other group of people here who will say well he said he was he was a priest and he was just a picture of Christ. Okay. Look don't fight over stuff like this. Okay. And here's why. Here's why. Let's say you insert yourself back into the end of the Old Testament era. Okay you've got the full Old Testament you're in that period maybe waiting for Jesus to come along or let's just say you're at the you're living in the time of Christ where Christ is coming he's preaching he's doing miracles you know and all these sorts of things. Based off of Genesis 14 and Psalm 110 you would not come to the conclusion that it was definitely Jesus Christ. You just wouldn't. Okay. Now here's what those people will say. They'll say hopefully I can I've got this makes sense in my head so hopefully I can you know shell this out here let's read verse two again it says this says to whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all first being interpretation king of righteousness and after that also king of Salem which is king of peace without father without mother without descent having neither beginning of days nor end of life but made like unto the son of God abideth a priest continually now consider how great this man was some people say we'll see it's just a man and you know my question is always like well what about this part here with no father you know mother and they'll say well okay but in the story in the Old Testament there's no genealogy there's no mention of his birth there's no mention of his death and it was just preserved that way in order to be a picture of Christ okay I all I'm saying is I wouldn't fight them okay don't be like you're a reprobate you're a here a heretic you're going to hell you know just whatever that look that's not really worth fighting about is it I mean come on does anybody here think that's really worth fighting about if that's your position I don't think so okay what's worth fighting about is what we're about to learn the main point of this okay so I don't have time to sit here and explain to you why you know why I think Melchizedek you know is an Old Testament appearance of Christ we'll have to go through that another time and I think I've talked about that in the past but we have to get through this chapter here so all I'm saying is in that camp now when somebody's like well you know I think Melchizedek was this and if you read second of Cedrus and second Maccabees and you combine that with some of the scholars walk away okay that's what that's when we're going to start to fight and start to argue verbally hopefully okay anyways let's let's just understand this look at the point here verse four now consider how great this man was unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave eight or the tenth of spoils okay so what is the point here the point is that Jesus Christ is not like the Levitical priests okay please keep that in mind as we go through this that is this is what he's building up to to hammering home here look at verse five it says and verily they that are of the sons of Levi see that's you got it don't miss this point here he says for verily they that are of the sons of Levi who received the office of the priesthood have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law that is of their brethren though they come out of the loins of Abraham okay so let's talk about the Mormons again you know the Mormons they they will quote this and they will take your wages we've we've had Mormons out here like Jack Mormons people who've turned their backs on that religion tell us like they go to work where was that one place what was that chicken place that was that we ain't great what's that wings place we stopped right these guys ran into an individual who worked at Wingstop and he's like yeah my boss you know invited me to would he invite him to church once or twice and then just automatically started deducting ten percent of his wages to the Mormon tabernacle guy hasn't even been fully converted yet and they're like oh well you came to visit you're one of us you know welcome aboard yank you know we're commanded to take tithes of the people you know but hey you know that you want to be you want to play games in false religion and you're gonna get a false sense of security for the rest of your life okay look at verse six it says this says but he whose descent is not counted from them received tithes of Abraham and blessed him that had the promises okay so he's saying here what he's gonna be teaching us is that Jesus is obviously better than the Levitical priesthood but his high priesthood obviously is more after the order of Melchizedek because Melchizedek it doesn't say where he's from doesn't say he's from the tribal Levi there was no Levi's at that time right there were no Levi's at the time but what was the focus of these Hebrew Christians here it was on the old religion right and they were having people come at them and you can see that as you read through the New Testament how come you're not coming to temple anymore you know don't you know we we've sowed the veil that God tore again it's great it's back up everything's good everything's fine but anyway that's a joke but look at verse 8 he says in here men that die receive tithes but there he receiveth them of whom it is witnessed that he liveth look at verse 9 and as I may say or so say Levi also who receiveth tithes paid tithes in Abraham verse 10 for he was yet in the loins of his father when Melchizedek met him so again the point here being is that Jesus is superior that's the theme of the book our profession Bible believing Christianity is superior to the world's religion okay our high priest is superior to the high priest of the Catholics the Mormons the Hebrews it doesn't matter okay our high priest is superior so look at verse 11 he says this if therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood for under it the people received the law what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchizedek and not be called after the order of Aaron okay so what does that mean that means that the intention of the Levitical priesthood was not to be forever okay that's what he's saying here it wasn't meant to last forever it was meant to point you to Jesus Christ he's saying very clearly if therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood meaning the Levitical priesthood ran by men with infirmity meaning sinners themselves were never able to offer up that once and for all sacrifice right I mean if you were to go back and observe the religious system of that time and watch the Levites doing the office and and watch the temple and the things that were going on there I mean you would be blown away this was an all-day an all-week long operation you know constantly sacrificing constantly doing things constantly you know atoning for sins and settling disputes and things of this nature okay whereas our high priest did what the high priest ordained by men could never do okay that's what he's gonna tell us here he says this in verse 12 for the priesthood being changed there is made of necessity a change also of the law okay now some people will look at this and they'll say well that's great the law you know the law the entire Old Testament's just tossed out the window you can't learn anything from it because we can't apply it today well that's obviously a lie okay because he's referring an Old Testament character to teach us this point right he's talking about Melchizedek he's talking about the Levites you know what I'm saying he's just basically letting us know not only is Christ superior but hey the time has come to where we don't have to go back to that why in the world would you want to go back to that sacrificing mediating priesthood and you say how does this apply to me how does this apply to today well go talk to somebody who goes to st. Mark's and ask them why do you go every week you know they're gonna tell you so I can get my sins forgiven so that I can be forgiven of my sins so that I can be in good standing with God what are they doing they're making an open mockery of Christ Hebrews 6 6 talked about that last week that applies in that situation what about the Mormon tabernacle what about the Watchtower Society you know what about the the seventh-day Adventist headquarters over here off of what is it Curtis Curtis and Franklin you know what that is that is an office of a sacrificing mediating priesthood that is a modern-day priesthood is what that is is why I'm against these denominations because they all have a central location a central office governed by these men who think that they hold power I mean it's no different than the Vatican okay what does the Pope say his his official title is he's the vicar of Christ Christ on earth meaning that when Christ was alive he looked at Peter and said all right the rains are passing to you Peter and then Peter passed that to someone else and then just went all the way down until 2022 yeah no I'm sorry that's not biblical Christianity okay so that's how it applies today this is why you need to understand these things here understand and don't ever be ashamed to tell people yes my profession is better than yours look this church is better than st. Mark's this church is better than that Episcopalian garbage over there this church is better than that stupid you know ten million dollar Mormon tabernacle on overland and coal and the one next to it and there's stupid seminary off of Curtis and coal okay it's better than all of that because their central priesthood does what sends people to hell says you need to come to us for truth you need to come to us to be in good standing with God so that we can take your tithes and so that we can ordain you and send you out to make heretics and to make people twofold more than yourselves they don't quite say it like that that's just my interpretation okay that's our interpretation everybody here know I know you guys believe that look at verse 13 so he says this for he let's say for they back up to verse 12 for the priesthood being changed there is made of necessity a change of the law also are also of the law verse 13 for he of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to another tribe of which no man gave attendance at the altar notice that he that is singular for he of whom well who is that he well that's Jesus Christ that's our Savior that's the one who purged the sins of the whole world by himself he by himself purged our sins right singular so what does that mean that means there's no Christian priesthood today as in a sacrificing mediating priesthood right that is not biblical and here's how it looks in the New Evangelical world okay and I say this all the time but you have to know this you absolutely have to be able to spot this what Hebrews chapter 5 told us that you need to have discernment you need to be able to understand contrast you need to know good from evil okay so here's what it looks like from the New Evangelical perspective their path master so-called he gets up in front of his congregation and he says he'll read for example maybe first Timothy chapter 3 for a bishop then must be blameless the husband of one life and then he'll make a statement like this and say well you know what translators right if we were to read multiple versions translators have come to the conclusion that this was meant for male and female they were both meant for leadership it just so happens that the writer had a little beef and frustration and he had problems he had a little issue with women being in charge because of this false god that was reigning over the church in Ephesus okay none of that's in the Bible even the modern versions say that an overseer whatever whatever word they use must be the husband of one life so a lot of these New Evangelicals they don't even follow the book that's in front of them okay but let's look deeper into that statement okay what is what does that really mean because he says that because I listen to this today and I'm gonna get into this later on in the year but when someone gets up and knocks the Bible like that you know what they're saying you must come to me as a man and get your sins forgiven and get truth when a man questions the Bible to his congregation he has inserted himself as a sacrificing mediating priest you need me before you get to him you can't just go home and open up the Bible and read this and believe it because if you do that you're making an idol out of the Bible you're making an idol out of this list that's in 1st Timothy 3 that we see in Titus yeah I heard someone say that today and I'm going to take this man down I'm not gonna let that stand that is horrible a man should never be allowed to say something like that so again verse 13 for he of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to another tribe of whom no man gave attendance at the altar so remember he okay look at verse 14 it says this for it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Judah of which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood so again letting these guys know hey there had to be a change in the law there had to be a change in the priesthood and understand the fact that the high priest our Lord Jesus Christ his office is the same or similar to Melchizedek look at verse 15 he says and it is yet far more evident for that after the similitude of Melchizedek there ariseth another priest oh so with the Levites what do we have do we have a priest or do we have priests plural we had priests plural okay there were a lot of there were priests and then there was a high priest okay we've gone into the order of operations with that in past sermons we don't have time to break that down today so understand that obviously in human history throughout God's nations you know it started off with Melchizedek he just shows up in Genesis 14 you know it's an it's an amazing thing to study and then you have the nation of Israel getting the law and they established the Levitical priesthood which wasn't meant to be long-term it was just meant to point people to Christ we understand that and then now he's cementing the fact that hey Jesus Christ replaced all of that we go to him we don't go to man we go to him he paid the sins for the whole world and he did it with one offering and he used himself as that offering so that last word there is key this smashes this idea of a living breathing 2022 sacrificing mediating priesthood today okay he says arises another priest singular verse 16 who is made not after the law of a carnal commandment but after the power of an endless life why because Jesus Christ has always existed right you see him in eternity past eternity present eternity future look at verse 17 says for he testifies thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek well where did he get that from Psalm 110 right that's where he got that from look at verse 18 says for there is verily a disannulling of the commandment going before for the weakness and unprofitable in this there what does that word mean disannulling means void or a cancellation right this is relating back to that change in the law that he just spoke about a few verses prior to this let's see here verse 19 prove my point for the law made nothing perfect what does nothing mean nothing so did the law make David perfect did the law make David righteous in the sight of God that the law saved Abraham did the law save Noah didn't did Noah have Exodus chapter it's like come on did the law say but I have the Son of Jehoiada did the law save Jehu no the law made nothing perfect how did a man become perfect how did he get righteousness imputed unto him in Genesis 6 7 8 now faith right by calling upon the name of the Lord that's how was so he's reminding them hey the law made nothing perfect so the question is why do we have so many people today who call themselves believers who call themselves Christians running around saying you gotta follow the law or you lost your salvation and your end is to be burned go see Hebrew 6 8 it's ridiculous it's clear that they have not read the book it's clear that they are not saved because if they were saved they would be able to see clearly and to understand and receive the Word of God you know this is a classic tactic that these false prophets will use you know the Mormons they'll love to take a verse you know out of Ezekiel all the two sticks that's the Bible in the and the Book of Mormon you know and because we're not always familiar with all the dark sayings of the Bible at every single moment in time you know people will be like this is how people get deceived because in rather they would rather just go with the flow than to actually say you know I don't know what that means but I don't think it means that I don't know what that means but let me go check you see what I'm saying because what these Mormons will do also they'll come by here and they'll start pointing to certain verses in chapter 7 this is how I heard about this I'll say well I was ordained an elder after the order of Melchizedek and you start asking them what that means and you'll literally want to bang your head up against a concrete wall like a Jew over in the Middle East it's blasphemous who was me like whose office is being compared to to Melchizedek's is it man no it's Jesus Christ fully man fully God it's our Savior so by them saying that they're ordained after the order of Melchizedek and this is a real thing I'm surprised more of you guys haven't heard this I mean this is what they do in this town they do this ordination here by them saying that they are usurping Jesus Christ they're saying you don't matter the God of this Bible he don't matter we are the ones that matter so anyways verse 19 for the law made nothing perfect but the bringing in of a better hope did by the which we draw nigh to God how do we get close to God we draw nigh to him he draws nigh to us okay but understanding the fact you're not saved by your works so when people say that we know they are far from God they are not nigh him they're not next to him they are not close to him despite what they tell us verse 21 verse 20 actually says and in as much as not without an oath he was made priest verse 21 for those priests were made without an oath but this with an oath by him that said unto him the Lord swear and will not repent thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek okay very clear look at verse 22 he says this by so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament okay what does that mean well you read about sureties and you know the book of Proverbs and you know you don't want to become a security for a friend meaning somebody comes up he says hey I owe this 500 bucks would you $500 or hey I want to buy this new car you want to be very careful about co-signing for that person now if you want to do this inside of your family that's a little bit a different story but somebody who's just a friend quote unquote or somebody you don't know you better be very careful you better be ready to lose everything and not be upset about it especially if it's a believer okay but in this context here what does that mean by so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament well in this context it means that he took the responsibility for our actions but God commended his love toward us and that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us that's what he's referring to here and this is a better testament okay that's what he's saying the New Testament the New Covenant is better than the old it's a fulfillment of the old why would you want to go back why would you want to live in that old religious system when you have this available to you you have the privilege of approach you can go to God at any moment day or night doesn't matter like I said this morning when you're stuck between a rock and a hard place the only way out is up you have that access the world and the heathen and those that reject Christ the human achievers they don't have that privilege they can think they do they can stand in a corner and click their heels together and say there's no place like home all day long and you know what it isn't gonna change a thing for them until they call upon the name of the Lord and get saved God does not listen to their prayers look at verse 23 he says this and they truly were many priests because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death right it's all these Levites all the Aaronites all these guys they all died because they were men they get a certain course of life to live and then after that is over they are done look at verse 24 he says but this man because he continued forever he continued with ever hath an unchangeable priesthood okay you say what's the word immutable mean just read a little bit further this is what it means he doesn't change God's counsel never changes if it was good when Solomon wrote it and it was good for them it's good for us when the writer of Hebrews was writing during the period between the resurrection and the conquering of Jerusalem and 70 AD guess what it's good for us today it never changes but this priesthood isn't going anywhere and so he's saying you better just get on board be glad accept the new system it's better it's better for you it's better for your family why look back look at verse 25 so he says wherefore so again so for this reason so because this priesthood the our high priest his office never changes he says for this reason wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them so it's like the old court analogy you know the Bible says that Satan is the accuser of the brethren right he's accusing us day and night he said this he thought this she said this she did this and he's like our district attorney he's the DA right he's the ultimate one who stands up for us and he makes intercession he's like I've already paid for that they're in the family they're in the kingdom you cannot touch them and we get off free right people ask why are these wicked people always going to court and getting off scot-free people are literally getting away with murder they're getting away with silencing us they're getting away with all this horrible don't worry don't worry because they're not gonna get away with it in the end we have already been forgiven he has made that intercession for us and it goes much deeper than this we don't have time to get into it but I'm like you're in dwelt with the Holy Ghost so when you pray you know and we don't really know how to pray guess what the Holy Ghost makes intercession in in channels that prayer and gets it right for us think about that for a second look at verse 26 we're getting close to being done he says for such an high priest became us right so awesome I mean he's always been the high priest right he took on the form of man and never sinned so he says for such an high priest became us who is holy harmless undefiled separate from sinners and made higher than the heavens look at verse 27 it says who needeth not daily as those high priests to offer up sacrificed first for his own sins and then for the people's for this he did once when he offered up himself there you have it okay he did this offering once but when you go back and you talk to the Levites they're doing these things all the time you know there was a time and a schedule and a way to do the offerings and in the atonement and all this stuff you know and they the high priest do you think he was without sin back in the day no he had a sacrifice for his own sins he had to make atonement for himself because he had infirmity look at verse 28 last verse says for the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity okay meaning they are not perfect they have sinned themselves but the word of the oath which was since the law maketh the son who is consecrated forevermore that's the better testament that's the better covenant hey that's the program that we subscribe to so again why would you want to go back why would you want to go down to one of these other clown churches that's teaching that you got to turn from your sins and you got to achieve this and you got to go with this and you got to put on this show it's it's it's not only is it blasphemous it's highly ignorant you know but I'm gonna get fed better down there at the New Evangelical Church and and you know they don't talk about the things that I'm doing and blah blah blah yeah and that's why those people are absolutely atrocious to talk to at the door yeah absolutely disgusting absolutely horrible I'm a bible-believing Christian look I go to these people's homes Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and sometimes on Saturdays I've been to all the New Evangelicals houses in this community practically and you know what it's filled with death people got skulls and crossbones on the fridge nothing but 25 different variations of rum and whiskey and talking about how they get drunk and oh by the way oh you're a pastor I'm a Sunday school teacher how much is my drug has to fix out no problem I had that the other day this drunk super mega Christian you know one to argue about price no for something you know I had to put in the nose this guy's gonna forget everything I told them so when you call just be aware right but guess what he goes to I forgot what churches some some big church around here and they're heavily involved now what am I saying here I'm not saying that just because people have visible you know things like that that they're not saved no no when you knock on their doors they're the ones that want to argue with us that you got to turn from your sins you got to belong to their organization you got to do the works or you're not saved and you go inside their home and it says something completely different it's like what are you doing here you know it's like the guy told us yesterday you know you're going to hell you're going straight to hell because you're not teachable it's like not teachable what are you talking about here oh what he's saying is you're going to hell because you won't listen to me and I'm older than you that means you're not me he's way beyond this chapter he's yeah he's something else but get the point here for the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity what does that mean means for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and that applied back in the Old Testament you were to go back to the days of Aaron and Moses guess what Aaron had sins okay but he was a high priest okay he was a priest understand that our high priest Jesus Christ had no sin he's the one that paid the debt he paid the bill it's a better covenant it's a better testament and that's his whole point here why would you even fathom the idea of going back and you know what that question is still valid today because we still get people that will come into a church like this and they'll get on board and I've said this a thousand times I'll say it a billion times if I'm allowed to you know I just think the light shows better I you know I just want to go back down there what's just a little bit more low-key you know I don't think it's really that big of a deal I think you're making a big deal out of this stuff go ahead but you know what what kind of works are you gonna produce you're gonna produce that which bring it forth you know thorns and bristles and you know all that stuff that talks about in verse 8 of Hebrews chapter 6 that's what you're gonna produce when you go down there because they are not sending people out right those things are nothing more than hell factories that's what I like to call them they're health factories and you know there unfortunately are a lot of safe people around here that go to new evangelical churches we do run into them it seems like on a weekly basis right I mean it doesn't there's not too many so many times it passed where someone doesn't come back or I don't come back I'm like yeah we ran into some people that are saved you know they gave the right answers yeah I went to VBS when I was a kid at this you know this Baptist Church they always say that right I used to go to this Baptist Church I used to go to this King James Church yeah they gave me the gospel yeah I believed it and be saying I know that's what it is you tell me you know your church believes something different yeah but I don't think it's that serious right I either they were well-meaning it's like I wish you could get them and just force them to listen to this you're listening to all of Hebrews man we're gonna cram this in because this is you you're I mean you just want to talk about Hebrews you're literally running back to that system is what you're doing this is a real problem this is what's happening today this is contributing to the falling away what are they falling way to back to the world back to the old system okay we need to understand these danger signs that are being brought up as you read through these chapters as well because you know what sometimes we can catch people and warn them and help them and you know how that goes sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't everybody's got to make that choice for themselves so let's bow our heads have a word of prayer thank you so much Lord for this great truth all these truths Lord just pray to help us to remember these things bring us back safely on Wednesday in Jesus name I pray amen all right so for our final hymn this evening let's turn to 300