(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, so we're in Leviticus. Don't fall asleep. It'll be all right. You know, it's not a boring book. You know, throughout my Christian life, I've always heard people say like, ah, you know, I just can't seem to make it through Leviticus. But I think by the end of the night, you'll see that there's a ton of things that you can learn from there. Now, so if you remember, we did Genesis. We've done Exodus. Now, Genesis can be summed up real simple, right? We see the fall of mankind. In Exodus, what do we see? We see the redemption of man, right? We see God begin to rescue the nation that he began to build at the end of Genesis. And we see the plan for redemption and we get to see that nation move forward. And now in Leviticus, we see the standards and expectations being set forward for that nation so that they would be a peculiar people unto God. Now to set the context even further, go back to Exodus chapter 40 here real quick. And let's look at verse number 33. So Exodus chapter 40, look at verse 33. It says, and he reared up the court round about the tabernacle and the altar and set up the hanging of the court gate. So Moses finished the work. So if you remember the end of Exodus, the last few chapters, last several chapters, actually God is giving Moses instructions on building the tabernacle and all the things that would go into it. And so we see that the work is now finished. Now look at verse 34. It says, then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. And Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation because the cloud abode there on and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. Verse 36 says, and when the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the children of Israel went onward in their journeys. But if the cloud were not taken up, then they journey not till the day that it was taken up for the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle by day and fire was on it by night in the sight of all the house of Israel throughout all their journeys. So that kind of sets the pace of what's going on here. And if you look at Leviticus verse one, Leviticus chapter one, verse one, what you're going to notice is that the book of Leviticus, they start in and in the same place. So verse one says, and the Lord called unto Moses and spake unto him out of the tabernacle of the congregation saying, so if you remember in Exodus, God took Moses up to Mount Sinai and spake to him, right? Now he's speaking to him out of the tabernacle. And the very last verse in the book of Leviticus, you don't have to turn it. I'll just read it for you. It's Leviticus 27, 34. It says, these are the commandments, which the Lord commanded Moses for the children of Israel in Mount Sinai. So we can see that it starts and ends in the same place. So what's going on here is the children of Israel literally marking time. They're just waiting while Moses is receiving the instruction. And there's a, there's a ton of stuff that, um, that you're going to get to see here in Leviticus. But, uh, to, to put this into simpler terms, what the book's about, it's about sacrifice. It's about sanitation and it's about sanctification. So what's, what's the sacrifice offerings, right? There's a lot of detailed instructions on how God wants his offerings done. And you're going to see a lot of stuff in here about sanitation, about cleanliness, about how to live right, right? How to use a, you know, how to stay healthy and things like that. And a lot of that stuff is still very applicable even for today. And then of course, sanctification, which is separation or holiness onto God. And so we're going to go through some of these things. We're going to start out here by talking about sacrifice here real quick. So why don't you guys go to, um, yeah, just turn over to Leviticus chapter two. I'm just going to read for you out of Exodus chapter three, verse 18, which says, and they shall hearken unto thy voice and now shall come thou and the elders of Israel unto the King of Egypt. And you shall say it to him. The Lord God of the Hebrews has met with us. And now let us go. We beseech thee three days journey into the wilderness that we may sacrifice to the Lord, our God. So God's been planning this sacrifice. God's been planning these instructions since the very beginning when he first approached Moses. Now, like I said, a lot of people think, well, you know, there's just not a whole lot that we can learn. I think you're going to see the total opposite tonight. So first of all, you just need to remember this, that God calls for a physical nation separated unto himself, right? Number two, God calls for that nation to do sacrifices. That's what I just read for you out of Exodus chapter three. And then now we're going to take a look at what God says here. And God gives us very specific instructions on how he wants his sacrifices done. Now where people tend to go wrong when reading Leviticus or even hearing about this, or just being Christians in general, as they say, we don't do these sacrifices anymore. We don't do a lot of the things that are in this book. Therefore there's not a whole lot to glean from it. And that's the mentality that a lot of people have. And you're just, it's just simply not true. So you're there in Leviticus chapter two. We'll just take a look at a quick example. For example, we'll just take a look at salt. Okay. So look down to verse number 13, Leviticus chapter two, verse 13. It says in every oblation of thy meat offering, shalt thou season with salt. Neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the covenant of thy God to be lacking from thy meat offering with all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt. You could read about salt a lot through the Bible. It's always mentioned in a positive light, unless it's lost its savor, right? So would you, you might read this and think like, man, that's a lot of salt these people are eating. You know, that's not healthy. That's not what the medical doctors and the medical professionals will tell you. But I think what you'll find is the exact opposite. I mean, I grew up here, you know, my mom and dad always like, Oh, we got to limit our salt intake. We've got to watch how much salt reading, you know, don't eat too much salt. And yeah, too much of anything is definitely bad. And yes, there are people in this world that are sensitive to sodium and I'm not a medical doctor, but I will tell you that I think that a lot of us could probably benefit from increasing our salt intake. Okay. ... ... for several years from wrestling. And it's always, you know, when I get down to about half a squat, it would always hurt. Well, just recently, I want to say within the last like month, month and a half, I increased my salt intake in my water. Every day I make it a point to have more salt than I thought. I don't know the exact number, you know, milligrams, don't ask me that, but nonetheless, it's gone away. It's completely gone away. And I think that, you know, that would be a beneficial thing for everybody in here to maybe take a look at yourself. You know, a lot of people in their diet and they'll say, oh, we need to monitor our carbs. We need to monitor our protein and our fats, but everybody just forgets about salt. I mean, salt has vital nutrients in it. It has magnesium, it has a lot of different, I had to write them down, but just a lot of different minerals and stuff that your body doesn't naturally produce. So you need to take in salt. And it's a positive thing here in the Bible. And so there's a lot of stuff like this in Leviticus that you can read about and just apply to your lives. And we'll go through more of it. But what I want you guys to do is to turn to Leviticus chapter four. Because even though, you know, there's a lot of the things that you're reading here, we don't do. We don't sacrifice animals. We're not cutting them up and roasting them on these altars and things like that. But that's okay. There's still a lot of spiritual application that we can learn. So while you're there turning a little bit to chapter four, I'm going to read for you Romans 15 form, which says, for whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. So what does that tell us? That we need to read these things with patience and trust that it will bring us comfort so that we can grow. That is the point of it. That's why God preserved these things for us because there's still a lot of meat in here. And I will submit to you, if you read, if you study Leviticus, you read this book, it's going to really help you pull more out of the Old Testament because when you read the things that they're doing in there, if you have, if you don't have a deep understanding or, I'm sorry, just a surface understanding of the different laws, a lot of stuff may not make sense to you. I had somebody challenge me today on some of these things, just, you know, like I said, every time I'm going to preach about something, it seems like, you know, something comes up in my life where I can preach about it and they're asking me questions about the law and about this and about that, you know, and I began to bring some of these things up, you know, about how they still apply to us today and what the difference of it. It'll be like, well, why did Jesus say, you know, that you're supposed to bring your gift to the altar, but I don't, I've gone to church my whole life and I've never seen people go up to the altar and ask the priests and churches don't have priests. It's like, well, number one, that's just ridiculous. That's just stupidity. You know, it's like, I can tell by your language, you've never been to church, maybe a Catholic church and you think that's Christian, you know, because we don't have priests. It's ridiculous. But nonetheless, when you understand why they did these things, it really can help you understand the rest of the gospel and just give you some deeper insight on those things. So you're there in Leviticus chapter four, look at verse 25. Here's just a small, tiny little application. So Leviticus 4.5 says, and the priest shall take of the blood of the sin offering with his finger and put it upon the horns of the altar of burnt offering and shall pour out his blood at the bottom of the altar of burnt offering. Now, if you take a look at this and you think about this for a second, a horn, it's narrow at the top, right? If you were to take the horn of an ambulance narrow at the top and then it spreads out, it gets wider as it goes down. Well, that's symbolic of the small, tiny amount of faith that you have to have that you just do and just put your faith on the Lord Jesus Christ, right? His blood, just a little bit of that blood starts out small, but it just runs down in a wide, it covers a broad range of things, right? That's what's symbolic of how Christ's blood would cover all of our sins. It's not just a tiny little portion. It's not just what you, a lot of people think, well, if I get saved, I'm only saved from the sins that I did up until that point. In fact, I had a guy tell me that today at work. He's like, do you think I'm going to help you because I sent some customers today? He's like, I thought it was good the last time I worked with you, but today, I don't know, I've been kind of bad. And I was just like, you just don't get it, man. It's not about turning from your sins. The blood of Christ covers all of your sins. But the world doesn't understand that and big surprise there. So there's just a lot of little things like that. I want you guys to turn to Hebrews chapter 10. Hebrews chapter 10. You can read a lot of stuff in the Old Testament here in Leviticus about the blood. For example, Leviticus 17 and 11, I'll just read this while you guys are turning to Hebrews 10. It says, for the life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls. For it is the blood that make it an atonement for the soul. Now I just read that to you out of the book of Leviticus and we understand that that blood, the blood of rams and bulls and ghosts, that doesn't really take away our sins. Look at Hebrews chapter 10 verse one. It says, for the law, having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of things can never with those sacrifices, which they offer year by year, continually make the corners thereunto perfect. So you need to understand that this wasn't done to make them perfect. They didn't get all their sins forgiven because of this. They were saved by the future, by the slain, by the death, burial, resurrection of Jesus Christ. Remember the Bible says that Jesus is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. These things are a shadow of good things to come. So when you read these things in Leviticus and you read these things in the Old Testament, you need to have that in mind. Remember the New Testament sheds light on the Old Testament. So when you're reading these things and you're kind of like, man, that's just kind of weird. I wonder how that works. Just remember these are a shadow of things to come. You have the New Testament, you have that light. And so when you understand that you can pull a lot of spiritual applications out of the book of Leviticus. So just keep that in mind. Now look at verse two. It says, for then would they not have ceased to be offered because that the worshipers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins. But in those sacrifices, there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. And you know, you need to remember that too, because a lot of dispensationalists will say, well, if they didn't do the sacrifices, then they didn't get saved. They went to hell. I've heard them say that. It is not true. It says in Hebrews 10 four, for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. These things were a shadow of good things to come. They were symbolic even back then. Look at verse five. Wherefore, when he cometh into the world, he saith, sacrifice and offerings thou wouldst not. But a body hast thou prepared me, and burned offerings and sacrifices for sin, thou hast had no pleasure. And verse seven says, then said I, lo I come, in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do thy will of God. Above when he said, sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings, and offering for sin, thou wouldst not. Neither has pleasure thou are therein, which are offered by the law. Verse nine says, then said he, lo I come to do thy will of God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second. So you guys can leave your place there and go to Leviticus chapter 10. So the first like seven, eight, nine chapters of Leviticus just uh basically paint in great detail the way that they were supposed to sacrifice. The way they were supposed to slaughter the animals. How they're supposed to be divided up. What to do with the parts that were unclean and so forth. But in Leviticus chapter 10, it takes a turn and it kind of gives us the story here. And I want you to to look at this. Leviticus 10, look at verse one. It says that Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer and put fire therein, and put incense thereon and offered strange fire before the Lord, which he commanded them not. Now look at verse two. And they went out fire from the Lord and devoured them and they died before the Lord. And Moses said unto Aaron, this is it that the Lord spake saying, I will be sanctified in them that come nigh me and before all the people I will be glorified. And Aaron held his peace. So if you look there at verse number one it says at the end of the verse there it says and offered strange fire before the Lord which he commanded them not. What you have to understand is God's commandments are not suggestions. They're not just out there for you to decide which ones you want to keep and how you want to keep them. They are to be followed to a T. That is God's standard. That is his expectation and it hasn't changed even though you get to the New Testament. There is a way that God wants church to be ran. There is a way that God wants his people to live their lives. And when you do things differently, God hates it. And so you know what he does? He decides to kill these people to make an example out of them. Now look at verse number four. It says that Moses called Michelle and Elisaban, the sons of Israel, the uncle of Aaron, and said unto them, come near, carry your brethren from before the sanctuary out of the camp. So they went near and carried them in their coats out of the camp as Moses had said. Verse six it says and Moses said unto Aaron and unto Eleazar and unto Ephmar his sons, uncover not your heads neither rend your clothes lest ye die and lest wrath come upon all the people but let your brethren the whole house of Israel be wailed the burning which the Lord hath kindled and ye shall not go out from the door of the tabernacle of the congregation lest ye die for the anointing oil of the Lord is upon you and they did according to the word of Moses. And of course they're going to do according to the word now because they just saw two people die. Right? God says you know what I'm going to make an example out of these people. You got to remember this is the early days. God is now giving these instructions. He's giving these commandments and right away what happens? They disobey. They disobey and they say you know what we're going to do things our way. Right? We're going to bring in the rock and roll music. We're going to bring in the steam and the fog machines and the purple lights and we're just going to have ourselves a great old time. I think God will be just fine with that. We're going to have people roll around in the aisle. We're going to have people doing whatever the heck they want to do and I think God's okay with it because God's tolerant. Right? God loves everybody. God doesn't really care or mean what he says. You know what? That's foolishness. When churches do things like that when we don't follow the protocols God has set forth that is a strange fire unto the Lord and God hates it and we need to understand that. So don't let people bully you around and say you know what my church is just like the world plus Jesus and he's okay with it. You know what? No he isn't. God speaks all these words and they are for a reason. He wants us to follow him. You know it and that's the lesson that you're going to learn here and if you look at verse six read it again it says in Moses said unto Aaron and to Eleazar and unto Ithmar our sons uncover not your heads neither rend your clothes lest you die. You see sometimes in leadership you don't get to show your emotions like everyone else and that's important for parents to understand when you discipline your kids and you have to make those hard decisions you can't always wear your emotions on your sleeve. Can you? You have to be above that. You have to be a brother of approach otherwise how are they going to follow you? How are they going to listen to you if you're just all over the place emotionally? It doesn't work. If you want to be a great leader whether you're a mother whether you're a father whether you're a teenager an older brother a sibling or someone at work or someone at school you need to learn to control your emotions and be strong and that's what's going on here in verse six he says hey don't rend your clothes don't get mad don't show the people that you're upset that these people died. God killed them and you know he did it because he offered strange fire. You know you ought to be on the side of God you know when God does something when God removes something when God removes a plague when God removes a bad church from the community you know you know you have not to just be a leading heart and just you know being like oh you know I feel so bad for those people you know that's not the right attitude you ought to be on God's side. Look at verse seven says and ye shall not go out from the door of the tabernacle of the congregation lest ye die for the anointing oil of the Lord is upon you and they did according to the world and so we're going to finish up here we're going to move on go to Leviticus chapter 12 and so like I said the first part of the book here deals heavily with sacrifices and basically just teaching us that the standards and procedures that God has set forth that they are to be followed to a T and so now we're going to kind of shift gears here we're going to look at some sanitation because I said there's a lot of there's a lot to be said in Leviticus especially in the coming chapters here about sanitation about healthy living and so what you're going to find here in Leviticus 12 is purification after child birth look at verse one it says and the Lord spake it to Moses saying speaking to the children of Israel saying if a woman hath conceived seed and born a man child then she shall be unclean seven days according to the days of separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean so we can see that there is a time that a woman should rest after bearing children but what do we see today we see the exact opposite see women giving birth and you know just get going right back out in the workforce taking more drugs and more more medicine more whatever it is just to get out there and to keep pushing and then we have all these diseases we have all these rare things that cause us to get sick and be and you know just be laid up in bed and having you know these mental emotional problems and doctors just like what in the world's going on you know probably doing a lot of good to actually believe in God's word and actually maybe hey let's let's follow some of this stuff let's apply it to our lives now look at verse three and in the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised I read one time that that is when a child's vitamin k a male child's vitamin k is spiked in his body you know obviously this is written thousands of years ago and God said on the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised he you know so what does that mean that means that God obviously knows something that we don't especially that they didn't know even back then but you know what they had to follow it back then and the result was health right it's a good thing to do these things and to think and meditate upon these things and follow them because you know what it can actually save your physical life sometimes um and then by the way that's also just further proof that we you know a lot of people say oh you know science just proves the bible and medical sciences proves the bible well that's not true because don't they give young males like a vitamin k shot before they're circumcised I could have scored that was something that they I remember yeah maybe I'm wrong about that but no they do they at least try to force that on you if nothing else you know especially organ but anyways let's move on there the reason for that is because that is when the the the procedure of circumcision could be healed the best when you do it on the eighth day that's the point now look at verse four it says and she shall then continue in the blood of her purifying three and thirty days she shall touch no hollow thing nor come into the sanctuary until the days of her purifying be fulfilled but if she bear a main child then she shall be unclean two weeks as in her separation and she shall continue in the blood of her purifying three score in six days so you can see that there's more of a purification time there's more of a rest time required when a woman has a main child what does that mean when a woman gives birth to a girl and you know obviously I don't know what that means but I know that jessica was more exhausted after giving birth to kyle and worse than that oh there she is and especially kinley then she was kate you know with kate she was like okay you know called like a week later she's good to go but with kyle in and all her antics and especially kinley you know she's having the rest a lot longer I think she had to double it up but no I'm just kidding but but you know it is true right there's different hormones there's different things that go on in a woman's body that they need to rest longer and look like I said god's thoughts are above our thoughts his wisdom is above our wisdom his wisdom is above the medical community's wisdom and so right you know what you would be much better off just listening and really studying these things out I wish I had time to really get into deep detail about this but we simply don't with an overview like this so let's move on here looking for a six it says when the days of her purifying are fulfilled for a son or for a daughter she shall bring a lamb of the first year for a burnt offering and obviously you know we're not doing we're not doing that today in a young pigeon or turtle dove for a sin offering unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation unto the priest and you can obviously read about that in the new testament now turn over to uh leviticus chapter 13 real quick in leviticus 13 it's a chapter about leprosy it's about skin spots so if you ever get some weird looking spots on your skin or in between your toes some of you guys that go in locker rooms a lot you know you might want to come over here to leviticus and read this chapter in detail that way you can have a heads up if you have to go to the doctor and what you might have now look at verse number one it says the lord spake it to moses and aaron saying when a man shall have in the skin of his flesh a rising a scab or a bright spot and it be in the skin of his flesh like the plague of leprosy then he shall be brought unto aaron the priest or unto one of the sons i'm sorry one of his sons the priest so you can keep reading the rest of this chapter here and it goes into like i said just great detail about different spots in the skin whether it's raised up or it has a hair in the middle it means different things and so if you like i said you ever get these things in your skin you know it's a good idea to go here i've had some weird things because i work on appliances i get dirty water i get cut all the time and i get sometimes like these weird things that will grow my skin i'm like man i need to go to leviticus to find out if i've got cancer or some kind of a weird play you know no seriously but it it's filled with information and it would do you good it's this chapter is 59 verses we don't have time to get into it but nonetheless i just wanted you to read these first two verses so you can keep with your mind okay now you know the first half or i'm sorry the first you know maybe third of the book is about sacrifices then you got the story of leviticus 10 about need avenue offering strange fire and then now you're moving into sanitation just keep that in mind sanitation remember the book breaks down into sacrifices sanitation and sanctification if you can remember those three things those three essence it'll do you well in the future so turn a little bit because 14 here real quick while you're in there i'm just going to read for you matthew chapter 8 verse 4 where jesus healed somebody without seeing it says and jesus saith unto him see thou tell no man but go thy way show thyself to the priest and offer the gift that moses commanded for a testimony into them you see it's verses like that in matthew they will stand out more to you when you have a deeper understanding of leviticus you see you're only going to gain wisdom you're only going to gain more and more knowledge when you read through the old testament now let's see jump down to verse 33 here of leviticus chapter 14 and we'll take a look so now this is the laws for cleansing houses here and there's a lot of symbology here as well so let's read we're going to read a few verses and then i'll come back and go over it so if you look at uh let's see verse 33 it says and the lord spake it to moses and unto aaron saying when ye be coming to the land of canan which i give to you for possession and i put the plague of leprosy in a house of the land of your possession and he that owneth the house shall come and tell the priest saying it seemeth to me there is as it were a plague in the house then the priest shall command that they empty the house before the priest go into it to see the plague that all that is in the house be not made unclean and afterward the priest shall go in to see the house and he shall look on the play and behold if the plague be in the walls of the house with hollow straits greenish reddish which in the site are lower than the wall then the priest shall go out of the house to the door of the house and shut up the house seven days now go back to verse 33 here because you know you can probably walk up to a lot of people and just read this and say all right tell me what you got and they'd be like you have to wake them up first you know because they just in their minds they just don't get the application here so what do we have here we have a problem right look at verse 35 this guy comes up he says and he that owneth the house shall come and tell the priest saying it seemeth to me there is as it were a plague in the house so this guy says okay i woke up i walked around my house this morning and you know what i looked at the wall and something doesn't seem right it just doesn't seem normal so what is he supposed to do he's supposed to go to the priest the guy who is studying the guy who has the law who has the authority to tell him what is wrong right so number one we need to see that you know we need to be awake we need to be questioning we need to be discerning at all times because you know what none of us knows every single verse in the bible right i mean let's just be honest with ourselves you know sometimes you need to go to other people but in the story you know the guy who comes up about the plague you know you can say okay well the plague represents sin or worldliness which it does in the story and the priest he might represent the bible or he might represent a pastor for that matter right so let's say you you see something in your life that you're just not quite sure of you know you being a king and a priest according to jesus christ revelation you can come to the bible and you can look and see okay is this thing a plague is this thing a worldliness or is there any kind of uh you know a knowledge or or a spiritual application that i can get for my problem right you can go to the priest you can go to the book to the high priest jesus christ is the bible he is the word of god and so that's one application you can get the other one here is like i said the priest in this story can represent a pastor and the plague represents sin so the guy says it's cement to me there is as a word of play in the house so he comes up to the priest he comes up you come up to the pastor you say hey you know what i've been doing this thing i've been copying this thing i'm not sure if that's right then the pastor is going to tell you the truth he's going to go to the word of god he's going to know the word of god hopefully and say hey you know what this might step on your toes this might hurt your feelings this you may not like this but you know what this is a plague in your life and you need to get it out and here are the steps right here are the steps that you need to take to get rid of this plague in your house and look at verse 36 he says then the priest shall command that they empty the house before the priest go into it to see the plague that all that is in the house cannot be made unclean and afterward the priest shall go in to see the house you see if you don't get rid of that crap and that garbage and that sin out of your life it's going to spread that is the lesson here look this is not a game god didn't write this book for suggestions right if you're coming to me or you're coming to this church and there is a plague in your house and you hear clear teaching and instruction you might just want to pay attention and apply it to your life before it's too late does everyone understand that i mean it's not that hard to understand is it god has a set code call in place for us to follow and when we follow it we say hey you know what i think i've got a problem and then i say okay here's x y and z do these steps and if you don't do them you know what it's your fault it's not my fault it's not god's fault it's not the bible's fault it's not the church's fault it's your fault because god said hey these are the steps it says then the priest shall command that to do it you see a good preacher is going to tell you he's going to command what the bible says he's not going to sugarcoat things even if it costs church members he will tell the truth and you know what i pray to god that i would always be like that and i pray to god that more men in this country would rise up and have that same attitude because it's necessary look we didn't get in the mess that we're in today because we were following the bible we got christianity got into the mess that it's in today because they decided to sugarcoat everything they decided that people's feelings were more important than what god said you know god looks down on us and says hey that is strange fire i didn't say that i didn't teach that i didn't allow that you're destroying yourselves god said my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge so look at verse 37 it says and he shall look on the plague and behold if the plague be in the walls of the house hollow straits greenish or red which in sight are lower than the wall then the priest shall go out of the house of the door of the house and shut up the house seven days you know what that tells me as a preacher that when i preach on something i'm going to let it go i'm not going to just keep on hashing and hashing and hashing it unless i see it resurface and resurface it's just not getting through that's what's going on here right you know it's not good to just preach on the same things over and over again that's why i forced myself to go through these overviews that's why i forced myself to go through series that's why i forced myself to go through the books of the bible because it forces me to cover what's in the chapter you know but nonetheless you know when i see a problem in church guess what i'm going to preach on if it doesn't change if it doesn't correct i'm going to keep on doing it until the problem is gone look at verse 38 says then the preacher i'm sorry verse 39 and the priest shall come again the seventh day and shall look and behold if the plague be spread in the walls of the house then the priest shall command that they take away of the stones which the plague is and they shall cast them into an unclean place without the city and you know what that's a good place for your tv that's a good place for your computer if you struggle looking at things that you shouldn't be looking at on your computer you should just throw that thing in the garbage get it out of your life because you know what if you don't it will spread to every member inside your house don't tell me it won't i see it all the time now look at verse 41 and he shall cause the house to be scraped within roundabout and they shall pour out the dust that they scrape off without uh i'm sorry with off without the city into an unclean place and they shall take other stones and put them in place of the stones and he shall take other mortar and shall plaster the house you know what that's saying there the application that you can apply there is that when you decide you know what i'm gonna get rid of my tv i'm gonna get rid of that rock that country music i'm gonna get rid of those worldly people in my life those people that don't care about bad i'm gonna get rid of these old habits whatever they are you know what look at verse uh 42 and they shall take other stones and put them in the place of those stones you better fill that void with something you know what if you want to continue with that commitment that you've made you need to replace that with spiritual things right this church offers a lot of activities for christians it does not i mean you can go soloing i mean look we preach you know that you need to read and memorize the bible often you know you say okay i've got rid of my tv great what are you going to do now how are you going to fill that void what are you going to replace that stone with that you just passed out with afghan you know it would be a good idea to commit to doing something volunteering helping out somehow in the church i mean you know there's there's a ton of things if you're looking for something to fill that void come see me i will help you but that's the application i think that would benefit all of us if we would just realize when we want to take worldly things out of our lives we need to fill it with the things of god that's the symbolic application here now you guys can go to leviticus chapter 17 so in these chapters about sanitation you can not only see the physical application right like about how to be clean how to how to have a sanitary life and all these different things but you can also see spiritual application so it's just very important for you to get the dual application when you're reading the litigates now i actually turn to leviticus 17 but in leviticus 15 you'll read more about sanitation like running water right the bible talks about washing your hands and running water you know and if you think about it that advice was ignored even in the 1800s i mean a lot of people were getting sick and dying in hospitals in this country because doctors would just rinse their hands in like this this bowl of water and then another doctor would be operating on somebody to come over and rinse his hands in the water and people were just getting sick and dying they didn't understand why but look the bible written thousands of years ago had the answer it had the cure for that you know washing your hands before you eat is a good thing i remember i worked with this guy and this guy was just nasty i mean i was just straight nasty i remember one time he made me this bacon what was it it was a you know it was a bacon crisco pickled peanut butter sandwich i'm not i'm serious you know he was a real good guy he was just just this old crusty mechanic hands always black you know i mean he would work and the nastiest stuff you can imagine and just eat a sandwich white bread he makes a sandwich for me throws down on the table like open it up you know because this guy was always trying to gain weight and so he'd eat these peanut butter bacon crisco pickled sandwiches there's this nasty i open it up and there's four fingers just black right on there he's like go ahead and try it i'm like i'm not that spiritual i i was like you know what i just ate i lied to the guy i was like you know i just ate i'm stuffed i'm not feeling good you know you know i'm just confessing the fault before you today but you know i was like i can't eat that i threw that thing in the garbage i was like in fact i've got to get going and then later on he's like how'd you like that i was like oh you know uh it was interesting and i don't think i made that all the time i'm not really trying to gain weight like you are okay that's great you know he's a nice guy and i shouldn't have lied i should have just said look that's disgusting that's gross okay this was several years ago but nonetheless that guy was always sick he had no teeth he was always calling in sick and it's because he's eating his lunch oh by the way he had like like he had his blood test you always have to get a blood test his blood was super high in like different types of metals i mean to the point where like i think he got medically retired but you know before he retired he got drastically reduced because he started washing his hands before he ate the doctors they were like look if you just start washing your hands before you eat and you rinse all that metal off your hands it's not going to go into your body and so i i haven't heard we used to call him grandpa fickles i don't know where he's at today hopefully he's not dead but you know a nice-hearted guy but just dirty just straight dirty so if anybody ever offers you a sandwich don't eat it don't be like me and lie to him just be like look i'm sorry i can't that's too much that's too much i mean eating crisco and bacon is too much okay that one probably would have made me barf and i think most dudes in here most women here anyway in here that probably made me barf if not there's something wrong with you so i don't know why that came out of my mind but it just seemed to apply so anyways leviticus chapter 17 look at verse number one it says and the lord spake it to moses saying speak unto erin and unto his sons and unto all the children of israel and say unto them this is the thing which the lord hath commanded saying what man soever there be at the house of israel that killeth an ox or a lamb or a goat in the camp or that killeth it out of the camp and bringeth it not into the door of the tabernacle of the congregation to offer an offering unto the lord before the tabernacle of the lord look at this next phrase it says blood shall be imputed unto that man he has shed blood and that man shall be cut off from among his people and so we can read the consequences for disobedience here now we see here the rest of the chapter it talks about worshiping devils look at verse 7 it says and they shall no more offer their sacrifices unto devils whom they have gone a whoring this shall be a statute forever unto them throughout their generations and so we look at verse 8 says and now shall say unto them whatsoever man there be of the house of israel or of the strangers which sojourn among you that offerth a burnt offering or sacrifice and bringeth it not into the door of the tabernacle of the congregation to the lord even that man shall be cut off from among his people again just proving that these standards were for everyone if you wanted to dwell in the house of israel you wanted to be part of the nation of israel god's rules were the same and so the rest of the chapter if you go through and you can read you read about it you'll see the uh there's commandments in there about not eating blood and that sticks throughout the rest of the uh the new testament as well if you remember the fight that uh that paul had where he had to go back to the apostles and talk about the things that the judaizers were coming to galatia about one of the things he was saying hey we just commanded them not to eat blood we didn't we're not we're not preaching that they need to follow vedical law and all these different things that's what the jew baggers are preaching and so again leviticus 17 would be a great chapter for you to learn and understand about blood let's go on here verse uh go to chapter 18 now chapter 18 this is a hard chapter it's not hard to understand but it's hard to swallow i heard a preacher one time saying in the bath's church he said you know what the whole bible is not made to be read before men he said there are certain things that should never be read to the congregations you know what then someday because of that because he said that i'm gonna do a study through leviticus chapter 18 but right now like i said we're just doing an overview here because there's a lot to learn this chapter deals about nakedness it deals about abominations regarding the physical relationship but jump down to verse 21 it says and thou shall not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to mullet neither shalt thou profane the name of thy god i am lord thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind it is abomination and so you can see that teaching even then verse 23 neither shall thou lie with any beast to defy it to file thyself therewith neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down there too it is confusion i'm not going to get into detail what is it what this is about you should understand it and if you don't understand that you're not of the age to where you should understand that right now but nonetheless it is confusion okay that's what's going on here i remember one time i was at work and uh there was a news article about some people in enumclaw washington that died doing this of confusion and i remember people saying this one guy in particular he was real big on uh evolution and uh you know all that stuff and he would say well love is love you know he said it seems like you're upset joe love is love i said you're an idiot you're stupid that's exactly what i said to him i said i don't want to talk to you don't talk to me anymore we're done you know what that is disgusting i don't want to have i don't even you know i won't even work with a person that is on the side of doing this act of confusion if i find that out in the workplace we're done i will not talk i'd rather lose my job and this is just me you can do whatever you want well i'll tell you what i don't want somebody who is on the side of this sort of confusion in my life whatsoever we're done verse 24 he says defile not defile not yourselves in any of these things for in all these the nations are defiled which i cast out before you and the land is defiled therefore do i visit the iniquity thereof upon and the land itself vomited out her inhabitants so we're studying judges right and god's removing these heathen pagan people out of land you know why because the land is to follow not only the people but god says the land is defiled because they've done these things that's what he's saying here and you know what the sin of sodomy and bestiality it is so disgusting those sins are so disgusting it makes the earth vomit i mean look at this verse here it says and the land itself vomited out her inhabitants the bible says that the dust that you see outside the ground vomits this filth and perversion out it is disgusting it's so gross that even things that don't speak that don't talk that we look at and don't have any feelings vomit because of this sin that's how serious it is that's how disgusting it is so when someone comes up to you and says did god tell the children of israel to to to rep to kill all the canonites say yes he did in libiticus chapter 18 is the reason why so you have to understand these things look at verse 26 you shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments and shall not commit any of these abominations neither any of your own nation nor any stranger that sojourneth among you and again you're going to see that phrase all the time throughout the bible nor any stranger that sojourneth among you one law for all people you see we shouldn't have one law for the refugees in Boise one law for us and then one law for the faggots that's not correct that's not okay that goes against wisdom that is not nice that is not going to profit this society you see if the politicians in this state or in this country were godly or had any kind of common sense at all they would say you know what we should just have one law for everybody that's here that's true that's what should be followed but that's not what we see today what we see are different laws for different groups of people and you know what divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book that's why they do it it's not because really they're that stupid it's because they want to control us and we're going to talk more about that on sunday now look at verse 28 says that the land spewed not you out also when ye defile it as it spewed out the nations that were before you you know what someday portland is going to vomit out the queers and the liberals that are there you know so is san francisco so is seattle and you know what the way voice is going it will do the same here as well so let's leave that and let's go over to leviticus 19 we're getting close to being done in uh leviticus chapter 19 there's something interesting that i want to point out to help you with because i've had people ask me this in the past not here not not a while but people in the workforce will typically bring this up you know let's say okay well you have a beard or like you know like if you shave under here or you have a goatee right people will say well what about that you know they'll say you're a hypocrite because you say you know you believe in the bible and you know all this whatever it is they say but they'll say the bible commands that you not mar the corners of your beard if you look at verse 27 it says you shall not round the corners of your heads neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard and i've had several heathens bring this up to me in my life you know when i was a younger christian i didn't know how to answer that i would think man i got to get a book to teach me how to answer that but really if you just understand what the word mar means it's really not that hard i want you guys to turn to first samuel chapter six so while you're turning there this word mar it appears six times in the old testament i'm going to read for you all six of them and then we'll get to the definition here so we do read this commandment god says you shall not round the corners of your heads neither shalt thou mar the corners of that beard so think about this if you have a goatee you guys you know or you shave under your neck or you shave your mustache off and you just have a beard you know that is not marring your face that is that is a symmetrical cup that is not what a marring that is not a disfiguring that is not a uh a wrinkle so to speak listen to this this is root chapter four verse six it says and the kinsman said i cannot redeem it for myself lest i mar my own inheritance redeem thou my right to thyself for i cannot redeem it i'm going to read that for you one more time just listen to it he said and the kinsman said i cannot redeem it for myself lest i mar my own inheritance so what's going on here this guy's concerned about destroying his own inheritance but the bible uses the word mar mar just like we read in leviticus right so this guy's worried about marring his own inheritance about destroying it now you're there first samuel chapter six listen uh look at verse five it says wherefore ye shall make images of your emrods and images of your mice that mar the land and you shall give glory unto the god of israel a pair adventure he will lighten his hand from off you and from off your gods and from off your land so what's going on here is the philistines have captured the ark and god is plaguing them god has sent mice to destroy their fields right and if you ever watch mice in the field what they do they don't do crop circles right they don't do symmetrical cuts what they do is they just go where they will and it just looks ugly it mars the field it destroys it that's what the word mar means look at the verse again it says wherefore so this is the philistine's wisdom they're saying okay we need to get these plates out of here this is what we think we should do he says wherefore you shall make images of your emeralds or hemorrhoids which is disgusting and images of your mice that mar the land so what you can understand from this so far is that the word mar means to destroy it it means to just basically no symmetrical pattern whatsoever just to just to wrinkle or to disfigure now you don't have to turn there you can go back to libidicus i got to libidicus 21 i'm going to read for you the rest of these uh verses second kings 3 19 says and he shall smite every fence city in every choice city and shall fell every good tree and stop all wells of water and mar every good piece of land with stones so here you can see the word mar used again to disfigure or to destroy something right and then in verse 30 i'm sorry joe chapter 30 verse 13 and 9 they this is what it says says they mar my path they set forward my calamity they have no helper so again using the word mar in reference to destroying or to disfiguring that's what's talking about one more verse here jeremiah 13 9 says thus saith the lord after this manner will i mar the pride of juda and the great pride of jerusalem what does god say that he will destroy the pride we know that god hates pride so when he says he will mar it he's not going to symmetrically shape it he's not going to do anything like that he's going to destroy that's what the word mar means it's to destroy so just something i wanted to highlight for you because i've had these people at work come at me with this marred stuff oh your your beard's marred your hair what are you talking about you don't even read the bible you know it would just it would have helped me in my younger days if i've been smarter your mother just looked up the word mar in the bible and you would just it means to impair or to disfigure that's all it means that's what the word mar means so if anybody comes at you with that i hope that helps you can just remember that and so the last thing here that you read in leviticus uh from from the rest of the book pretty much is about sanctification and you can remember it's about the book of leviticus it's sacrifice sanitation and uh sanctification or holiness right being separate unto god being a peculiar people so one verse real quick leviticus 21 it says and the lord said it to moses speak it to the priests the sons of erin and say unto them there shall none be defiled for the dead among his people and you can keep reading there i just want to read for you a few verses about sanctification because that's what the rest of the book is dealing with and really these three subjects are intermingled if you read the whole book in one shot um you'll find all three of these things throughout the chapters but listen to this first timothy 614 says that thou keep this commandment without spot you see you need to understand that being without spot without blemish living a whole a holy separated life unto god is sanctification you know god begins to set forth rules in the old testament for the children of israel on how to do that how to be separate how to be sanctified because he didn't want them to be any way shape or form like the world like the nations that he was casting out and we see that it's really the same for us today as christians not to be saved but to be pleasing to god so again i'm just going to read this for you first timothy 614 that thou keep this commandment without spot unreputable unto the appearing of our lord jesus christ which in his times he shall show who was the blessed and only potentiate the king of kings and lord of lords who only have immortality dwelling in light which no man can approach into whom no man has seen nor can see to whom will be honor and power and everlasting amen so the bible says that god is a light which no man can approach him to that's what it says and you know what it's our reasonable service to be holy and to make the choice to separate ourselves and say you know what i do want to be part of that peculiar nation i want to be separate from the world i want to be holy james chapter 1 verse 25 says this but whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty and continue it therein he being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the word this man shall be blessed in his deed and then verse 26 it says if any man among you seem to be religious in bridleth not his tongue but deceiveth his own heart this man's religion is in vain pure religion and undefiled before god and the father is this to visit the fatherless and widows their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world and really that's what god is doing here at the end of leviticus is he's training the children of israel on how to be unspotted from the world and of course we know that they don't keep up with that god you know brings them in a bondage over and over again so i just wanted you to understand that we're almost done here in leviticus the people are commanded to see the trained religious leaders to examine their spots in the flesh right we read about that in leviticus 13 and leviticus 14 you know they were trained they were told to go to the priests go to where the sources go to where the knowledge is at if you have a problem and we in our day and age we need to do the same thing we just do it a little bit different we need to go to the word of god right if something doesn't seem right we have a spot we have a question about sanctification about sanitation about how we should make offerings we need to go to the word of god and get wise counsel in order to stay unspotted from the world because that's the whole point of this book to keep god's people unspotted you know being religious is a good thing you know i had a guy today tell me you know you're real religious you're real religious you're real religious you just kept saying it over and over again you know throughout the day i was like yeah that's a good thing you know you know it's a good thing i'm glad that you see that you know and hopefully someday you'll come to church and quit bugging me about these weird questions but anyways let's bow your heads and work right well thank you for this opportunity to preach pray for a fellowship afterwards lord and the services this weekend in jesus