(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, all right so did everybody get one of these charts here everybody's got one if not then raise your hand we'll get you one I think we printed out enough this time brother Mike you got one last time you didn't get one so where we're at we're we're on Wednesday nights where we're studying the Old Testament we're basically just doing a basic overview we're getting to know the Old Testament and where we're at is we're studying the divided kingdom so if you remember after Saul David and Solomon you know those three kings there they ruled all the nation of Israel all 12 tribes well after Solomon came Rehoboam and you know the story you know that Rehoboam basically lost the kingdom because he followed bad advice and so that started a basically a split in the nation of Israel and if you look at your chart you'll see on the left hand side there you'll see Judah and what you have there is a list of all the kings of Judah and so remember during this time period at the same time that Rehoboam lost the kingdom Jeroboam I became king in Israel right 10 tribes of the 12 followed Jeroboam and remember Jeroboam what did he do he instituted his own state religion he set up golden calves one in Dan and one in Bethel their capital became Samaria while Jerusalem remained the capital in Judah so during that time the Levites they wanted to serve God and they wanted to commit the oracles and do the the things of God they had to leave the kingdom of Israel the the northern kingdom of Israel and they had to move to the tri I'm sorry to the kingdom of Judah and go to Jerusalem and so on and so forth and we're going to kind of look at that tonight so where we're at specifically though is we just got done doing Jehu yeah Jehu and the the kings all the way over here on Judah's side if you look down I think we stopped at Jehoram, Ahaziah and we talked about Athaliah last week so we talked about the insurrection last week how if you remember king of Judah king Jehoram I'm sorry king Jehoshaphat he made affinity with Ahab who was a wicked king in Israel they made affinity and basically what happened is that that that false religion that false system in the northern kingdom of Israel infiltrated Judah and it succeeded down through Ahaziah and Athaliah and so what happened is that Judah became involved in Baal worship and so on and so forth it's a lot you know I don't want to repreach all of that it gets complicated so go back and listen to it if you're not sure but if you look over here on the right side you'll see it says Israel northern 10 tribes and you have a list of all the kings from Jeroboam down to Hoshea who was the last king before the northern kingdom of Israel went into captivity now the only king that's missing there is number six you see it says Omriam during Omri's reign there was another king who reigned and his name was Tibni so basically Israel kind of had like this civil war thing going on there so that's the only one that's missing so if you got a pan or you remember write Tibni on number six so that you can remember when you're doing your Bible reading and so this is just meant to help you when you're reading through the old testament when you're studying this you know you can go back and look and be like okay what time period am I really in because let's face it by the time you get done reading kings and chronicles and you get to the big prophets and you get to the minor prophets you know if you haven't read the Bible cover to cover you know I would I would say at least six or seven times you know you're gonna have a difficult time understanding okay who was Jehoram was it the king of Israel the king of Judah and so keep this you know and hopefully it'll be a help to you you can refer back to it and kind of get your thinking straight when you read through those books and what we're going to be covering this evening is we're going to be covering three minor prophets we're going to be covering Hosea Amos and Jonah we're going to start off talking about the book of Hosea so I'm basically just going to give you guys a brief overview of those three books now Hosea was a prophet that prophesied the same time as Isaiah and Micah only Hosea's prophecy was much more difficult than probably any of the other ones because of how God had him live his life God basically told him you know what you're going to marry a prostitute you're going to live your life as a living example of how the nation of Israel has treated me and so that's what we see through the book of Hosea Hosea had three children he had two sons and one daughter and we're going to take a look at that here so you're there in Hosea chapter one look down at verse number one and what you're going to read here is basically a timestamp Hosea starts off giving you a reference so that you can know at what time period that he preached at so look down at verse number one it says the word of the lord that came unto Hosea the son of berry in the days of Uzziah Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah kings of Judah now let's just stop right there so you look at your chart here so let's say okay I've only read the bible through one time or maybe two times what's going on here you know you can pull this chart out and kind of look over here and be like okay there's Uzziah Jotham Ahaz and you can kind of get your bearings okay that's basically what this chart's for don't pay attention to the dates we don't know if those dates are accurate we just copied and pasted names you know and try to make it as neat and organized as we could and those dates just kind of came on there with that so take those with a grain of salt so let's finish the rest of the verse it says and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel so now you understand okay now I know basically what's going on what time period Hosea was talking about and why God was so angry now let's talk about his first son here look down at verse number four his first son's name was Jezreel in verse number four it says and the Lord said unto him call his name Jezreel yet for a little while and I will avenge the blood of Jezreel upon the house of Jehu and will cause to cease the kingdom of the house of Israel and a lot of these minor prophets are basically just proclaiming and prophesying the coming doom of the nation of Israel actually let's back up there let's just read the first four verses uh so verse number one says the word of the Lord that came unto Hosea the son of Beri in the days of Uzziah Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah kings of Judah and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash king of Israel and that's another thing that gets confusing right because who was the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel it was Jeroboam the son of Nebat this is the second guy whose name's Jeroboam so don't get confused there verse number two says the beginning of the word of the Lord by Hosea and the Lord said to Hosea go take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms for the land hath committed great whoredom departing from the Lord so we went and took Gomer the daughter of Diblam which conceived and buried him a son and we just read verse four the son's name was Jezreel and so what's going to happen here is the next few verses God's going to tell us why he wants Hosea to name his children the names that he gives them and basically you can see the point here God saying you're going to live your life as a living example so that the people in Israel can see that and understand their sins remember because not everybody in the northern kingdom of Israel at this time is a satan worshipper right remember there's always people hanging in the balances and God is trying to reach those people so that is the effort that's going on here that's why God has them do that you might think well why in the world would God do that well God wants to wake people up God wants to get their attention you know when I was in some of these other liberal churches they used to play this movie about Hosea and I'll never forget it you know you know and what they want to focus on is they want to focus on the relationship between Hosea and Gomer and they basically play these movies off of that but the thing is is that when you read all of the book of Hosea most of that movie is extra biblical it's not in this passage here you've got to understand that Hosea knew what he was getting himself into he knew that this was a hard thing but yet he was obedient and he did it anyways so when people come up to you and they're like well yeah you know Hosea is such a you know a great story and it really is you know they're like oh the story between him and his wife how he kept bringing her back and and buying her back and all this stuff and they start going off on that just no it's probably you're probably dealing with somebody that doesn't really know the bible because Hosea knew darn well what he was getting himself into and was he hurt by those things sure of course he was you know he's human just like all of us right i mean if god told you to marry a whore i'm sure guys that you would be pretty upset even though you knew what you're getting yourself into you know so obviously there's a connection there but we don't have time to dig too far into that we got to move on here jump down to verse number six we'll take a look at the daughter's name in verse number six it says and she conceived again and buried daughter and god said unto him call her name loru huma for i will no more have mercy on the house of israel but i will utterly take them away and so we can see god's intent you know these people these children that hosea had they would have lived in the community and people would have known what their names meant obviously because hosea was a prophet and then the third one we're going to take a look at his third son here look down at verse number eight it says now when she had weaned laura huma she conceived and buried son verse nine then said god call his name loami for ye are not my people and i will not be your god and why is he saying that to them because they rejected god when jeroboam took over the northern kingdom of israel remember he instituted the false religion most people said oh okay this is great you know jeroboam was smart he understood that you know when the children of israel back in exodus wanted a golden calf and aaron cast in all the gold and out came these calves you know they all went a whoring after those calves jeroboam's like man it's been a few thousand years since somebody's done that i'm gonna try that and it worked and they all not all but most of them nonetheless bought off on that false religious system and god's angry about it because they are not turning you know they keep putting up with these wicked and evil kings they keep going back to bail they keep going back to the devil and it's just this end cycle and god's like look you know i've been patient with you you've gone a whoring after other gods you know i i've tried to bring you back i've sent you profit after profit after profit after profit and you have rejected it all and so god's telling them hey your days are numbered you're going to go into exile you will no longer be a mighty people i am going to destroy you now let's look down at verse number 10 and we're going to see a prophecy here it says yet the number of the children of israel shall be as the sand of the sea which cannot be measured nor numbered and it shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them you're not my people there shall be said unto them ye are the sons of the living god verse 11 then shall the children of judah and the children of israel be gathered together and appoint themselves one head and they shall come up out of the land for great shall be the day of jesrael and so what you need to understand here is he's talked god's talking about the two different types of israel's right we understand there's a physical israel and then there's a spiritual israel today we're going to look at that in romans chapter 9 coming up here in a moment and so it really helps you know to understand that concept because what happens is the zionist people will come to you with this and they'll say see the people in israel today those are god's chosen people it says that they're the sons of the living god hosea prophesied about it i've heard these people say that well you know what that is simply not true right the only way to become the son of god is to become born again so a jew in israel today has to get saved in order to become the son of god remember we talked about this in great detail on sunday when we were studying john what did jesus say you know if you have not the father then you don't have or if you don't have me then you don't have the father it's you can't reject jesus christ and still be a son of god it does not work that way so turn over to chapter three uh chapter number two basically what you're going to read there is you're going to read a parallel god just basically lays out the similarities between gomer and the northern kingdom of israel and so chapter number three we're going to take a look at verse number one you're going to see the same theme going on here look at verse one it says then said the lord unto me go yet love a woman beloved of her friend yet an adulteress according to the love of the lord toward the children of israel who look to other gods and love flagions of one and this is what gomer says here in verse i'm sorry hosea says here in verse number two so i bought her to me for 15 pieces of silver and for an homer of barley and an half homer of barley so what happened here is you know the story she gives birth to these children she goes off back to her lovers she goes off a whoring after other guys after the lust of the world gold silver different things like that and god tells josea hey you know the wife that i told you to marry that whore he basically tells him hey go buy her back right that is a symbol of how god has tried over and over and over to reach the nation of israel now look down at verse number three he says and i said unto her thou shall abide for me many days thou shall not play the harlot and thou shall not be for another man so will i also be for thee in verse four for the children of israel shall abide many days without a king and without a prince and without a sacrifice and without an image and without an ephod and without a teraphim afterwards shall the children of israel return and seek the lord their god and david their king and shall fear the lord and his goodness in the latter days now turn over to romans chapter number nine romans chapter nine well just from this quick overview i'm sure you can see the importance of understanding the divided kingdom you know i just can't say that enough you know in order for you guys to get for all of us actually to get the most out of our bible reading it really helps when we get to these minor prophets the major prophets that we understand the times in which they were written what was going on what was the nation like what were the problems that they were having was there anything that was good that was going on during that time and it just makes these things really jump out at you and and you know and that's how you're going to grow right by understanding these sort of things so look at romans chapter nine look at verse number one he says i say that this is paul talking to the romans he says i say the truth in christ i lie not my conscience also bearing me witness in the holy ghost that i have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart for i could wish that myself were accursed from christ for my brethren my kinsmen according to the flesh who are israelites to whom pertaineth the adoption and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the law and of the service and the promises so look at paul's attitude here right he understands i mean how how many times did paul you know get get beaten by the jews get overthrown by the jews during this time and look he still wants to see those people saved right but he's realistic he understands it in order for them to become the real children of israel that they have to get saved let's keep reading look at verse four again i'm sorry jump down to verse five says whose are the fathers and of whom as concerning the flesh christ came who is overall god bless forever amen and then look at verse six he says not as though the word of god hath taken none effect for they are not all israel which are of israel now does everybody understand that just because somebody says hey i was born in israel i'm an israelite does that mean that god looks at that person that says okay you're my son you're my daughter you're my family no god is not a respecter of persons god does not say oh well you're born after abraham well good you know you get a special blessing you're one of my sons no you have got to become saved and paul's teaching this doctrine here look at verse number seven he says neither because they are the seed of abraham are they all children but in isaac shall thy seed be called that is they which are the children of the flesh these are not the children of god but the children of the promise are counted for the seed and what is the promise it is eternal life the promise and hope of eternal life which god that cannot lie promised before the world began that is what you have to believe to become the son or the daughter of jesus christ i mean read john chapter one you see the problem with a lot of these people that want to teach this zionist doctrine is they've never really read the bible or they've read the bible and they're not saved it's one or the other it's it's one of the other or the third option which i forgot to mention you're purposely trying to deceive people i mean it's you can't get any more clear than what paul just told the romans now jump down to verse number 30 jump down to verse number 30 he says what shall we say then that the gentiles which followed not after righteousness have attained unto righteousness even the righteousness which is of faith verse 31 but israel which followed after the law of righteousness hath not attained to the law of righteousness wherefore because they sought it not by faith but as it were by the works of the law for they stumbled at the stumbling stone remember you can't read matthew mark luke and john and not see the jews over and over and over again trying to put their teachings their doctrines their commandments above god above jesus christ right what did they continuously say and preach that it's all about the works right it's all about the works what do we find when we go out and knock on people's doors it's all about the works you've got to repent your sins you've got to turn from your sins we had some bozo get mad at us who came into our church and he's basically accusing me of preaching a false gospel by saying oh your pastor says that repentance is garbage look i never said that repentance is garbage and if i do say that most of you in here hopefully know what i mean by that right it's repenting of your sins for salvation that is garbage look you know what that if you want that doctrine go down to treasure valley baptist church because their pastor will tell you that you have to repent of your sins in order to be qualified for salvation that's false doctrine my friend if that's what you believe you will die and go to hell you will be just like these jews here just like these israelites that reject god's word now look at verse 33 it says as it is written behold i lay in sion a stumbling stone and rock of offense and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed crystal clear very crystal clear go back to hosea in fact go to hosea chapter number four so again knowledge is very important when you're reading through the old testament you need to be able to discern these prophecies you need to be able to realize the difference between physical israel and the spiritual israel which is all of us who are saved and born again in to god's family if you're there in hosea chapter four i'll prove my point further look at verse number six hosea chapter four verse number six he says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because thou hast rejected knowledge i will also reject thee that thou shall be no priest to me seeing thou has forgotten the law of thy god i will also forget thy children so when we reject knowledge right when we tell you know what i know better than you god we'll do things my way you know what happens our children pay the price future generations pay the price you know why we don't have 150 people in here right now you know why our churches aren't filled with thousands of people right now it's because of our fathers rejecting the knowledge of god that is why god says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because we decide that we know better because we decide we don't need god's law we don't need his words the scholars say it's still dug up in the ground or buried in the ground we need to dig up the latest version because of that mentality we can't receive the words that jesus said are spirit and they are life that we learned about on sunday that's the whole reason my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because we don't want to read these things right we get people in here all the time they have zeal but it's not according to knowledge and what happens to them they wind up out the door because they don't get it they don't understand it's why it's very simple if you want to be successful as a critch as a christian you need to develop a desire and a hunger for knowledge and furthermore you need to apply that knowledge in your life and turn it into wisdom because wisdom is the use of knowledge so let's move on here we're gonna uh why don't you guys go over to amos chapter number one and we'll we'll be done here with josea like i said we're just going to do a basic brief overview of these books we'll come back at a later date you know further on down the road and we'll study these things out right now i just want to put these three minor prophets in perspective so you've got a biblical timestamp in your mind of when these guys preach these things and just a few basic highlights for those things and while you're turning to amos chapter number one um i'll just read for you josea chapter 11 verse 1 which says when israel was a child then i loved him and called my son out of egypt you can find that passage there in matthew chapter number two verse 15 i'll just read that verse for you it says and was there until the death of harry that might be fulfilled which was spoken of by the lord the prophet saying out of egypt have i called my son very popular verse many of us have have i've heard that well if you're wondering where that verse came from it's from josea all right so amos chapter number one starts off very similar to josea by giving us a timestamp so that we can kind of see where we're at so let's just real quick here read verse number one he says the words of amos who was among the herd men of takoa which he saw concerning israel in the days of uzziah king of judah and in the days of jeroboam the son of joash king of israel two years before the earthquake and so again you've got your chart right here you can kind of look at it and be like okay which jeroboam was it the son of nebat or was it the second jeroboam and you can you can get your bearings and be like okay now i get it i understand the time frame i understand that we're about halfway through the nation of israel's existence as a whole nation and you can move on from there now amos is interesting because he wasn't born a prophet god called him out of working in the fields to be a prophet and so he starts off preaching this sermon basically right and he starts off preaching against damascus and he's preaching against edom he's preaching against amin he's preaching against the moabites in all these other nations the philistines um you know i mean i mean the list goes on and on and on and so in the first couple chapters he spends all this time preaching against them you know and and keep in mind amos was from the kingdom of judah right and so he goes over to israel to preach these things and i you know when i read this i'm kind of wondering okay i'll bet the israelites while he's preaching this stuff we're probably like yeah amen yeah the syrians you know they're horrible people the mobiles they suck the amens are terribly you know the ammonites are terrible right but then he gets on judah right and i kind of wonder what it would have been like to be there while amos was preaching these things you know i wonder if okay when amos starts bringing up judah in their coming captivity if they're like wait a minute is he going to start stepping on my toes too you know is he going to start hitting on my sins now you know and sure enough we're going to take a look at that that's exactly the attitude that they have so he goes on they basically preaches hey look everybody's going down the world as we know it having the kingdom of judah and the kingdom of israel as major players in the world that system the world that we know it now is going to change drastically that's what amos's message was you know he's basically saying hey all these nations are going to get overturned they're all going to become as nothing and these big empires are basically going to move in and take over and so number seven here amos basically says okay now it's your turn israel we're going to bring on your sins now go over to amos chapter number three amos chapter three and we'll look down here at verse number one we're going to go through a few things here before we get to the the big uh big chapter number seven which is probably the most famous part of the book of amos the conversation between the prophet in israel aaziah and amos himself but before we get there look at amos chapter three look at verse number one it says hear this word that the lord has spoken against you oh children of israel against the whole family which i brought up from the land of egypt saying you only have i known of all the families of the earth therefore i will punish you for all your iniquities now look at verse number three he says can two walk together except they be agree that's where the statement birds of a feather flock together come from it's from this first right here can two walk together except they be agreed and that's a good question and you know what it's true you know people that yoke up and become friends with each other often have things in common they often have the same visions and goals and so on and so forth and it's just a thing it's human nature and so amos kind of gives us some insight into that here and god's basically speaking through him and he's he's basically saying hey look you know that whole deal between jehoshaphat and ahab you know the reason why that happened is because you two are of the same feather right i mean think about it judah's still israel and israel's still judah i mean these are still god's people here and that's why god says hey can two walk together except they be agreed the reason why judah's going to go into captivity is the same reason why israel's going to go into captivity because they decided to turn from god's word and so god is speaking here through amos to these people and he brings this verse up here and it's just i i just i love this verse can two walk together except they be agreed you know it's funny when you have somebody in your church and what they do is anytime somebody's new or somebody new walks through the doors and they're always going up to them hey can i get your email can i get your phone number hey do you believe in aliens do you believe you have to turn from your sins to be saved because i do you know what are they doing those types of people they're fishing for birds of a feather they're trying to they're trying to feel you out and find out whether or not you are like them we've had people like that in our church and we will continue to have people like that in our church and you know what this here is just a great piece of wisdom can two walk together except they be agreed you know oftentimes and it hasn't happened here yet but oftentimes when you kick somebody like that out of a church what happens right people follow after them why is that can two walk together except they be agreed that's what they're doing they're going around looking for converts people that are simple-minded people that they can influence to do damage for their own cause or do damage to the church let's move on here real quick look at verse number four it says will a lion roar in the forest when he hath no prey will a young lion cry out of his den if he have taken nothing can he bird fall in a snare upon the earth where no gin is formed shall one take up a snare from the earth and have taken nothing at all verse six shall a trumpet be blown in the city and the people not be afraid and now don't miss this next verse here shall there be evil in a city and the lord hath not done it you say are you saying that god does evil yes that's exactly what i'm saying see the problem is with us in our modern vernacular we look at evil as just like satan worship and all this you know bound down to idols or or and that is evil that is hurtful but the word evil in the king james bible means to hurt and god spends the first two chapters of amos describing hurt describing evil that he is going to do to these nations and he is just he is reasonable he is able to do this evil because he's god so don't look at this and be like oh this is a contradiction oh you don't know the greek or the hebrew well guess what you don't know the greek or the hebrew either pal you know we've got a whole documentary that you can watch on that that pastor anderson did but anyways it says shall there be evil in the city and the lord hath not done it look god is gonna bring evil to this nation and we all understand that this nation that wants to promote all this wickedness and sin and sodomy abortion all this stuff look we're gonna pay for this we as a nation will pay the price and you know who's gonna make us pay it's god and that is an evil act but it's a righteous act because it comes from god god is holy god is just he is able and willing to punish the nations of the earth for the evil that they commit and so we need to understand that when we read in the bible that god does evil what that's simply saying is that god does hurt people god does destroy nations god destroyed sodom and gomorrah that was an evil act right we're not saying that god has sin that's not what we're saying at all we're just simply saying the word evil means to hurt and so you like anything else in the bible you need to know the context before you go jumping to conclusions now look down at verse number seven it says surely the lord god will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets the lion hath roared who will not fear the lord god hath spoken who can but prophesy in verse seven there the reason why he says but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets is because there's always going to be less people that know god's word less people that know the truth less people that are awake than people that are you know asleep and so those things are always going to be a secret because most people don't know god's truth i mean think about it most people don't know the real way to heaven that it's a free gift you know all you have to do is believe on the lord jesus christ you become saved born again most of the world what are they doing they're trying to row their way they're trying to do their own works and so it's a great secret it's a mystery in fact what paul what paul talks about so let's move on here go over to chapter number five now what we just read in chapter three in the beginning god basically says hey remember israel you're a special people i betrothed you i married you i brought you unto myself i made you special well he continues on with that theme and uh amos chapter five look down in verse one it says hear ye this uh hear ye this word which i take up against you even a lamentation oh house of israel the virgin of israel has fallen she shall no more rise she is forsaken upon her land there is none to raise her up for thus saith the lord god the city that went out by a thousand shall leave 100 and that which went forth by 100 shall leave 10 to the house of israel verse 4 for thus saith the lord unto the house of israel seek ye me and ye shall live so he likens israel here as a virgin as pure and that's playing off the same message that amos starts speaking about in chapter number three there so you can see that look at verse five he says but seek not bethel neither enter gilgol i'm sorry enter into gilgol and pass not to beersheba for gilgol shall surely go into captivity and bethel shall come to not the reason why he says but seek not bethel is because remember what did cherubal and the son of neba do he set up a golden calf there and made that a center of religious worship and god's saying hey look that's not where it's at that's not where you're going to find the true worshipers you're going to have to go to jerusalem for that look at verse number six seek the lord and ye shall live lest he break out like fire in the house of joseph and devour it and there be none to quench it in bethel all right so god during this time what is he trying to do he's still trying to wake people up he's still trying to get people to follow him he's still trying to get people saved verse seven ye who turn judgment to wormwood and leave off righteousness in the earth now go over to chapter number seven let's talk about that real quick so what god's telling us through amos here in verse seven he says ye who turn judgment to wormwood well wormwood is bitter if you study it out in the bible and he's saying that the people in israel they have made judgment a bitter thing right kind of like in america today don't judge me right we've all seen the coexist bumper sticker we've all been told at the door don't judge me you know we ask people all the time are you 100 sure you're in heaven that's for god to decide not you that's for god to decide that's between me and god why is that because in this country judgment has become like a four-letter word it's become a bad word it's become bitter it's become like wormwood and that's what amos is trying to tell people here in israel and you're going to see that firsthand here in chapter number seven look down at verse number one says thus hath the lord god showed unto me and behold he formed grasshoppers in the beginning of the shooting up of the ladder growth and lo it was the ladder growth after the king's mowings verse two and it came to pass that when they had made an end of eating the grass of the land then i then i said oh lord god forgive i beseech thee by whom shall jacob arise for he is small verse three the lord repented for this it shall not be saith lord now does that verse there say that god has sinned no it doesn't remember the word repent means to turn like i was headed to albertsons the other day found a better deal at fred myer so i repented and went to fred myer right god's saying hey i'm gonna you know the lord repented for this so the lord turned for doing this and we're going to take a look at that in jonah here in a little bit but let's move on verse four thus hath the lord god showed unto me and behold the lord god called to contend by fire and it devoured the great deep and did eat up a part verse five then said i oh lord god cease i beseech thee by whom shall jacob arise for he is small right so amos he's like you know lord you know please explain this to me please help me understand this verse six the lord repented for this this also shall not be saith the lord thus he showed me and behold the lord stood upon a wall made by a plumb line with a plumb line in his hand now a plumb line is a device used to measure a true straight line it's a string with a weight at the bottom i preached about this before uh i think it was last year wasn't it where i showed the example i lost my plumb line if brother stuckey sees me preaching this without showing you guys the example of plumb line is probably gonna try to kill me but i don't have it i'll preach another sermon about it now and we'll do a demonstration and stuff but we need to move on here look at verse number nine it says and the high places of isaac shall be desolate and the sanctuaries of israel shall be laid waste and i will rise against the house of jeroboam with the sword so god's saying hey i'm coming after the house of jeroboam now keep in mind amos is preaching these things in israel right and he's from juda we need to understand that what is he saying god's going to come into israel and he's going to draw a line in the sand and if you want to cross that line you're going down you're going to be smoked you're going to get destroyed now look at verse 10 then amaziah the priest of bethel sent to jeroboam king of israel saying amos hath conspired against thee in the midst of the house of israel the land is not able to bear all his words what do we read about in chapter five that the culture at this time viewed judgment as wormwood right judgment was a bitter thing during this time just like it is in america and you know what the result of that is not wanting to hear god's word guess what in america today people do not want to hear god's word people hate fundamentalism they hate the word of god they don't like us knocking on their doors but you know what we're going to keep doing it anyways that's what amos did that's what we're going to do as well you know he says the land look at his whiny just voice here i mean i could just hear you know he's petitioning the king right i mean this is the joel osteen of this time frame right because remember one of the things that jeroboam the son of nebat did what did he do when he set up his religious system what did he do he made the lowest people of the land priests that's what the bible says so anybody who wanted to get ordained could get ordained and you know we've got a situation going on like that right now i don't have time to explain that but i'm still trying to figure that one out but i i just had to blurt that out sorry that was an inside joke for me and my family and those that watch that uh that know what i'm talking about but that's that's for a later date but basically amaziah was probably the lowest person of the land just somebody who didn't care about god's laws and you and you can see that right and he's like jeroboam the land right i mean the dirt the grass the rocks it can't bear all these words right that's what america is doing today right i mean that's why we have to be careful what we post on youtube so we don't get strikes i mean there's a reason why censorship is making a comeback today in 2019 you know why because hard preaching works that's why you know why they want to shut us up why they don't want us talking about the sodomites and their filthy acts and the things that they do it's because people wake up yeah there's a lot of people that will reject it yes there's a lot of people that can't hear it yes there's a lot of people that cannot bear these words but you know what there's always a remnant out there that's gonna hear and it does influence and the government knows that and they're scared to death that's why they pay these people to infiltrate our churches and try to make us look stupid try to make us look dumb why it's because they know hard preaching works and because they are a bunch of amazons and they think that this land cannot bear all these words it's the same thing that's going on today in america that was going on in the nation of israel you've got people that are zealous for the truth we're preaching the word we don't hide anything we put all of our sermons online if you want to find out what we can believe we're an open book you can find that out we're not hiding anything you know who is hiding stuff a lot of these liberal churches right these non-denom they will they don't want to tell you what denomination they really come from they don't want to tell you what they really believe because you know what a lot of these people are calvinists and they won't tell you that you have to go there for a certain amount of time and learn that truth but you know what usually by then it's too late usually by then it's too late they've got you in other ways and they've wrapped you up here and so here we see amaziah he views judgment as wormwood he views it as a bitter thing he's mad at amos and he's like the land can't bear all these words you got to do something and help us out you know we're all gonna die because amos is preaching so hard you know and that's what that you know that's like when these news anchors you know when they when they get one of us and they and they they try to pin us down on something you know don't you think what you're saying is hateful so what are you gonna die if i hate you are you gonna die is that gonna give you cancer no it's not no it's not right look i'm not advocating violence you know so when we get up here and we say things about predators these child molesting freaks you know when we preach hard against these faggots and these horrible tight people you know people are like oh you're so hateful you know what there's a door man you know i don't know what else to say you know i really don't want to tell you apparently you're an amaziah apparently you should go to the golden calf church then you know what because i would rather preach the truth i would rather have our kids safe and have the people in our church safe and not have as many people than to risk our lives by letting child predators in our church you're not welcome here not at all we will toss you right on out of here and you know what that's something that amos would have done i mean you know that's what happens when you get fundamental that's what happens you start preaching like amos you start calling out the sins of the world you start calling out your own sins look we'll preach i'll preach against myself i'll preach against anything that i can why because that's what god's commanded me to do that's what god has commanded all of us to do we need hard preaching you know what it does work and that's why amaziah was so mad that's why amaziah had to petition the king that's why our government is trying to come after this they're trying to silence us because they know that our message works they know that we're growing they watch us they keep tabs they understand that look at verse number 11 for thus amos saith jarabome shall die by the sword and israel shall surely be led away captive out of their own land verse 12 also amaziah sent to amos oh thou seer go flee thee away into the land of judah and there eat bread and prophesy there right so amaziah's like hey look you came from judah you're of that you're of that kindred why don't you go back there bring your message there that's kind of like when people tell us hey don't tell me i don't have to work my way to heaven go preach that in your own church don't come out here knocking on my door don't be bringing that type of stuff up go you know go back to judah basically go back to your own people that's what we see here that's the it's the same mentality today there's nothing new under the sun the bible says the same attitude the same hard preachers everything that you read about in the old testament it's still very applicable today the entire bible is you know is written for us and we can always learn from it don't ever open up one of these books here and read it and be like oh i'm just reading this just to get through it you can glean a lot of doctrine and a lot of wisdom from any of these stories in the bible but we got to move on here look at verse 13 but prophesy not i'm sorry but prophesy not again anymore at bethel for it is the king's chapel and it is the king's court this is like when we went to northwest nazarene university and we tried to preach the gospel to those what did they do they gave us verse 13 go back to go back to boise go preach in your own church don't bring that here these kids don't want to hear what you have to say in fact it's illegal for you to talk to them whatever you know you know what guess what we're gonna go right on back because you know what i don't want to see people die and go to hell verse 15 and the lord took me as i followed the flock and the lord sentenced me go prophesy unto my people israel now verse 16 we get to see the response right so amos is preaching hard he's preaching hard he gets called out by a false prophet now does he say okay well i'm just gonna quit preaching hard what does he do no he says you know what listen to this pal look at verse 16 now therefore hear thou the word of the lord thou sayest prophesy not against israel and drop not thy word against the house of isaac look at this he says therefore he says so be therefore means for that reason so because you said this and messiah he says therefore thus saith the lord thy wife shall be in harlot in the city and thy sons and thy daughters shall fall by the sword and thy land shall be divided by line and thou shall die in a polluted land and israel shall surely go into captivity fourth of this land so he says you know what pal i'm not going to shut my mouth in fact i'm just going to keep preaching even harder and you know what when people get mad at us for preaching hard and preaching and standing on the fundamental truths of this book and they leave and they don't want to come back and they want to email me these nasty pictures and these death threats and say they're going to come kill me and all this you know what i'm just going to keep preaching harder i'm just going to keep on going on you know why because god builds the church my friend i don't build it i'm not worried about money i'm not worried about anything i realize that it is god who builds his church and you know all i have to do all that we have to do is just subscribe to god's word and he will take care of the rest that's what amos understood and that's what we need to understand as well so let's move on here go over to amos chapter 9 just real quick and we'll just kind of cement the book of amos here basically what what you're going to see here is that amos tells the people hey you guys have plans to hire the syrians you have plans to hire mercenaries you have plans to escape there is no escape there is no hope you're going down verse number two amos chapter 9 verse number 2 says though they dig into hell thence shall mine hand take them though they climb up to heaven thence will i bring them down so a good way to remember the book of amos the prophet amos is that he went from hurting animals to hurting false prophets to hear his message right he went from gathering sycamore fruit to gathering people for god because when amaziah challenges amos we didn't read this he basically says hey look i'm not even a you called me a seer he's like i wasn't even a prophet he's like god just chose me god just told me hey amos you you have a heart for me you haven't bowed the knee to bail i'm gonna give you a message and i want you to go preach right even though you didn't grow up in the house of the prophets even though you didn't grow up in the levitical priesthood even though you're just you know you're just living your life you're the man for the job right and that's what amos tells amaziah he said hey look i wasn't even born to this and i get it i understand it right i'm just a herdsman i'm just after these sheep i'm just after animals and now i'm rounding up false prophets and telling them the truth and you know i went from gathering fruit to gathering men's souls as a result so that in a nutshell is the book of amos turn over to jonah turn over to the book of jonah go to jonah chapter one now another place that you're going to read about the prophet jonah is in second kings chapter 14 second kings chapter 14 which details jeroboam the second uh reign in israel you don't have to turn there i'm just going to read for you these verses while you get over to amos it's not very far to the right in your bibles but second kings 14 23 says this it says in the 15th year of amaziah the son of joe ash king of judah jeroboam the son of joe ash king of israel began to reign in samaria and rained 40 in one years and he did that which was evil in the sight of the lord he departed not from all the sins of jeroboam the son of nebat who made israel to sin and just remember keep this chart so you can get you can get these names in perspective here verse 25 he says he restored the coast of israel from the entering of hamath unto the sea of the plain according to the word of the lord god of israel which he spake by the hand of his servant jonah the son of amittai the prophet which was at which was of heifer so jonah was a prophet during jeroboam's time frame he often prophesied to jeroboam he often brought forth word and so on and so forth i'm just going to keep reading here real quick verse 26 says this it says for the lord saw the affliction of israel that it was very bitter for there was not any shut up nor any left nor any helper for israel and the lord said not that he would blot out the name of israel from under heaven but he saved him by the hand of jeroboam the son of jonah i'm sorry son of joash so one thing you need to understand even though your chart here we kind of wrote down that these kings were bad because they they mostly followed evil or they did follow evil like aab you know what god still rescued them there's still time periods in their lives where we can see god work through them you know and god's tried to reach them so we don't i don't want you to get the wrong impression here that they were all reprobates they're all just they all just couldn't be saved or whatever right there are still um small victories that a lot of them have and some of them didn't have them but nonetheless jeroboam here he had a long reign he reigned 41 years he saw you know different prophets come through and three of the major ones that we're reading about are minor ones rather as hosea amos and jonah and so verse 28 of second kings 14 says this now the rest of the acts of jeroboam and all that he did and his might and how he warned how he recovered damascus and hamath which belonged to judah for israel are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of israel and jeroboam slept with his fathers even with the kings of israel and zechariah his son reigned in the stead remember these are the descendants of king jehu okay so just keep that in mind real quick we're almost done here we're just going to do a real quick overview of jonah because there's a lot of things in jonah that i want you to understand i want you to know how to get here so um what's jonah about basically you guys know the story right even if you've seen veggie tales you can get a decent gist of it okay you know that jonah was called to go preach to the nenavites they were not of the seed of israel they were not of jonah they were a heathen nation right now god tells jonah hey i want you to go preach to these people he's a prophet right he's been prophesying he's been preaching the whole time that jeroboam has been reigning and he decides you know what i don't want to reach these people right it's kind of like us when we're like i don't want to go to eagle you know i don't want to go to these rich communities because i know how they are right we all get like jonah sometimes and you know we do so i i do you know you're like we did this last sunday we're like you know what forget this neighborhood around here we're going to where we know we can get some people saved and that was a good decision you know that was a real good decision we saw some people saved last weekend so that was great but uh anyways you know he he tries to flee to tarshish and you know the story he gets on a ship he's he's on his way there god makes the sea troublesome to the point to where the mariners on the ship are like okay what's going on so we're going to pick up the story right there look down at verse number five it says then the mariners were afraid and cried every man unto his god and cast forth the wares that were in the ship into the sea to lighten it of them but jonah was gone down into the sides of the ship and he lay and was fast asleep one thing i want you to notice i think is very interesting is there's no atheist in this moment right when the even when the world gets in trouble right they'll call into their false gods all of a sudden they're not atheists anymore you know you ever see somebody that's real proud to be an atheist they get into some serious trouble what's the first thing out of their mouth oh god please help me right you know it's true we see it right here in jonah look at verse number six so the ship master came to him and said to him what mean what meanest thou oh sleeper this is what i tell caden all the time in the morning i wake him up what meanest thou oh sleeper what are you doing kid get up you know he says arise call upon thy god if so be that god will think upon us that we perish not so even these guys see this foreigner right they see jonah asleep and they and they don't say i wonder if he's an atheist they don't say that their expectations well he's got to believe in god right they they obviously understood that they obviously said hey you know i'll bet you know we need to call on every god right because these people aren't saved at this moment right they're like we just need to call on every god wake this sleepy guy up and you know ask him to call on his god maybe he'll save us look at verse nine notice how he describes himself verse number nine says and he said to them i am in hebrew and i fear the lord the god of heaven which hath made the sea and the dry land at this moment in time he realizes that the storm is there because of him because of his actions right and he says you know what i'm a hebrew what does that mean i fear the lord the god of heaven right that is what being a real hebrew is a a child of god he's basically saying hey look i'm saved i know better i shouldn't have done this look at verse 10 then were the men exceedingly afraid and said unto him why hast thou done this for the men knew that he fled from the presence of the lord because he had told them verse 11 then said they unto him what shall we do unto thee that the sea may be calm unto us for the sea wrought and was tempestuous so jonah coughs it up he tells them the truth right now look here at verse number 12 this is what jonah tells them he says and he said unto them take me up and cast me forth into the sea so shall the sea be calm unto you for i know that for my sake this great tempest is upon you right we talked about this on saturday if you're here for soul winning one of our soul winning tips was using this story it was making sure that we explained to people and we asked the right questions to to round up the fact of of what they believe right because a lot of people most people believe they have to work their way to heaven in some way shape form or the other they believe they have to turn from their sins or they believe that as long as they don't do certain sins that they will get saved here and the soul winning tip use this verse here because jonah says all you've got to do you don't have to do any work you just have to lighten your burden that's what he's basically saying you just have to lighten the load toss me overboard you see the symbology there there's not really a whole lot of work involved right it's just toss them overboard just get rid of him and you will be safe you will be saved forever look at verse 13 nevertheless right pay attention to this nevertheless the men rode hard to bring it to the land but when they could not for the sea rot and it was tempest tempestuous against them this is a picture of the world when we tell them hey it's very easy to be saved all you have to do is put your trust on the lord jesus christ a lot of times what do they do they do verse 13 they keep trying to work their way to heaven anyways right they keep rowing that boat right row row row your boat they grew up with that song and they can't get it out of their heads in 2019 right i say this all the time it's that santa claus mentality right if you be good santa will bring you your presence right most people equate that to salvation when that is false doctrine and that's why we do not tell our kids that and never raise their kids that way nonetheless let's move on here verse 14 it says wherefore they cried unto the lord and said we beseech thee oh lord we beseech thee let let us not perish for this man's life and lay not upon us innocent blood for thou oh lord has done as it pleased thee so now it sounds like they've changed their tune now they're not worshiping their gods right now they're like okay obviously the god of jonah he is the god he's the one we need to call to he's the one we need to look up to verse 15 so they took up jonah and cast him forth into the sea and the sea ceased from her raging right what's the lesson here for us right when we are soul winning when we are preaching the gospel to somebody and we're trying to explain salvation to them and they come back at us with that rowing right that working that working we need to keep at it we need to keep showing them verses right this is why we have to be studied up this is why we have to know multiple verses about eternal security so that we can go back to them and basically say hey no you need to lighten the burden right jesus said my yoke and my burden is light that's what he said my work is easy you know it doesn't take much if there's no physical work involved to get saved it's believe on the lord jesus christ it's kind of the same thing we see here just get rid of the burden just lighten the load right just trust god get rid of jonah and you will be safe right and the result and the result is here that they become safe right look at verse 15 so they took up jonah cast them forth into the sea and the sea ceased from her raging when we do things god's way when we follow god's laws and we do it his way the storms often cease you see that and that doesn't just only apply to salvation that applies to a lot of areas in our life when you pray and ask god something don't be double-minded don't be wavering in your mind is he going to give it to me is he not going to give it to me is it because i said this the other day is it because i looked at this guy wrong in traffic the other day you know no don't look ask god trust him believe he's going to give it to you right and the storms will cease follow god's law and life does get easier may not always be right away but the relief will come look at verse 16 then the men feared the lord exceedingly and offered a sacrifice unto the lord and made vows i believe here these men got saved you know jonah obviously made a mistake should not have didn't make a mistake he sinned against god by trying to bail on him but nonetheless we get to see these people here get saved and we get to read about it today we get to glean this wisdom that are in between these verses here now go over to chapter number two real quick chapter number two look at verse number one it says then jonah prayed unto the lord is god out of the fish's belly and said i cried by reason of mine affliction unto the lord and he heard me out of the belly of hell cried i and thou hurtest my voice now one i don't know if you guys caught that but in amos what did we read we read about hell as well right amos talked about it you're going to read that it's not some new new testament doctrine right a lot of people say well hell doesn't come on the scene until in the new testament no even these old testament prophets knew the doctrine of hell it's all throughout the old testament we don't have time to get into it but i remember one time i was talking to a sunday school teacher and he said you know i don't really believe everything in the bible especially the stuff in about jonah he's like i mean do you really believe that you know fish swallowed jonah and i'm like yeah i do believe that because i'm saved you know i believe the word of god you know why wouldn't i believe it jesus spoke of it in matthew chapter 12 verse 40 he says this for as jonah's was three days and three nights in the whale's belly so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth and that is the location of hell we don't have time to get into that right now but we will do that at a later time go over to chapter number three real quick real quick we're almost done almost done jonah chapter three so you know the story the whale coughs him up on the beach there he's like okay you know what i get it you know i got swallowed up by this great whale here this great fish that god prepared you know the bible says that god prepared this fish it swallowed up jonah brought him to location and he says okay i'm going to preach the preaching that you've told me to do look at verse number one and the word of the lord came unto jonah the second time saying arise go to Nineveh that great city and preach unto it the preaching that i bid thee and god's not saying that Nineveh is a great city like these are all just great guys right this tony the tiger type stuff great but when he says great he's talking about a large city right there was a lot of people in Nineveh that dwells that dwell here and we'll see that at the end of the sermon here but it says arise go unto Nineveh that great city and preach unto it the preaching that i bid thee keep this in mind because we're going to talk about this here in a second preaching is usually a lot more than one sentence okay keep that in mind because we're going to keep reading here look at verse three so jonah arose and went on to Nineveh according to the word of the lord now Nineveh was an exceeding great city of three days journey right so not only was it great in size but it was a great journey from where he was at verse four and jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey and he cried and said yet 40 days uh sorry yet in 40 days and Nineveh shall be overthrown and then it stops right now look at verse five so the people of Nineveh believed god and proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest of them even to the least of them now go back to verse four right what does it say and jonah began to enter the city a day's journey and he cried and said yet 40 days and Nineveh shall be overthrown i want you to understand this that's not the only thing that jonah said to the Ninevites okay he actually went there and he preached the bible just doesn't record everything that he said this is a very thick book if we had every word that every prophet spoke i mean this book would stretch from here and wrap around the the earth who knows how many times okay so we need to understand that god told him in verse two hey preach the preaching that i bid thee tell these people what i've told you right verse five we just get a basic glimpse of it and then i'm sorry in verse four and then in verse five we get the result and this is very very important for you to understand you've got to understand this verse right here so jonah preaches right he preaches more than just a sentence verse five so the people of Nineveh believed who who did they believe they believed god and proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest of them to even to the least of them so jonah preaches right they don't just believe him but they believe that he was sent by god they believe god they trust god they believe first right that's how it works you believe first and then you get right with god okay you don't have to get right first with god and then believe that's not how it works the bible says but god commendeth his love toward us and then while we were yet sinners christ died for us it's the same thing here right he preaches they hear the word they accept it they believe it and then they say okay we you know we hear we believe god we're going to do all these things you don't have to turn there i'm just going to read for you matthew chapter 12 verse 41 which says this is what jesus said he said the men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation and shall condemn it because they repented at the preaching of jonah's and behold it greater than jonah's is here now did jesus say that they repented of their sins and got saved no he didn't what did they repent of they repented at the preaching of jonah's right and what was that repentance it's in verse five it says so the people believed god they turned from not knowing about god they turned from not trusting in god to believing him it's that simple right and nothing has changed today in 2019 you get saved the same way you hear the word of god and then you believe very simple to understand but let's keep reading look at verse six for word came unto the king of Nineveh right and he rose from his throne and he laid his robe from him and covered him with sackcloth and satin ashes and he caused it to be proclaimed and published through Nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles saying let neither man nor beast heard nor flock taste anything let them not feed nor drink water but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth and cry mightily into god yea let them turn everyone from his evil way and from the violence that is in their hands right and then he says this in verse 9 who can tell if god pay attention to this if god will turn and repent and turn away from his fierce anger that we perish not so the king of Nineveh he gets saved right a lot of people they believe god and they say okay not only do we believe god but we're gonna do what jonah said and we're gonna stop doing all this nonsense we're gonna stop doing all this bad this wicked stuff and they even make their animals you know start putting on the sackcloth and ashes right they're i mean they're baby baby believers at this point right they don't know anything yet they just say okay we need to believe god trust god and stop doing these things or god's gonna destroy us okay hey you know what even the dogs are gonna be putting on sackcloth and ashes okay everything well right and so we see that here but notice god it doesn't god does not have sin but yet the king has enough sense to say hey who can tell if even god will turn and repent it means the same thing now look at verse 10 always know that you can go to verse 10 when you're trying to share the gospel with somebody because it is a great verse to define works let's break it down real quick we're almost done verse 10 what does it say and god saw the works now keep in mind they believed back in verse five right they heard the word they believed so they've already gotten saved they've already believed and what does it say in verse 10 and god saw their works now what were the works that they turned from their evil way and did god and what happened next look at this and god repented of the evil that he said he would do unto them and he did it not so what were their works turning from their evil ways we're not saved by works right for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves as a gift of god not of works lest any man should boast so when people maybe they don't get that when you're explaining that to them you can always come here and say hey look and you can just give them a rundown hey these guys decided to hear the preaching they decided to hear the word of god they believed god right and then it says and god saw their works and it defines what works are turning from their evil ways now should we turn from our evil ways of course we should i mean get real right we all believe that right who in the right mind thinks oh it's okay i'm just gonna go out and kill people they do all this i mean come on get let's get real here we all believe that we all know that being in church is important we all know that reading the bible is important we all know those i mean there's a thousand there's a million things that we should do but the bible says there's only one thing that you must do to be saved that is believe on the lord jesus christ is to put all your trust on him right and so then once you're saved now you want to do the works right because the bible says that faith without works is dead one time we were soul winning right uh brother dave and i were at an apartment complex i you know i had had my truck out there put the key in started up or i thought i was going to start it up and it was dead turns out my truck without a starter is dead but you know what it's still my truck does everyone understand it if i were to go tell you hey i have a truck i mean you'd have to make the decision whether or not to believe me right and what if i were to tell you okay and you know what my truck doesn't run right my truck without a starter is dead it's not profitable into me so that verse when they come at you with that verse in james right and they say well three of our works is dead yeah it's not profitable what good are we if we have faith when we're saved if we're not living for god if we're not preaching the word you get what i'm saying right we're not doing the works then it doesn't profit anyone no one gets to see your light no one gets to reap that influence no one gets to see the benefits it's the same thing with my truck you know i tried to start it up a bunch of times it wouldn't start because i learned a good lesson that day you know a truck without a starter is dead but you know what it was still my truck it just wasn't profitable that's what that verse means anyways i don't know why i got off on that but anyways remember this verse here and god saw their works that they turned from their evil way and god repented of evil isn't that interesting god's the one that turns here god doesn't have sin right that's why i tell you guys all the time you've got to know the context of these words repent means to turn so god said you know what now i'm not going to hurt the city because they heard the preaching they believed me and so now i'm not going to do the damage i'm not going to destroy them that's all it's saying and god repented of the evil that he said that he would do unto them and he did it not now we're almost done here real quick here jonah chapter four turn over jonah chapter four real quick we'll just finish off the book it says and god said to jonah doest thou well to be angry for the gourd so you know the story right jonah really didn't want to see these people saved he was bitter he was angry why because if you know the time period during israel's uh in israel here while jeroboam was raining they knew the destruction was coming they were getting persecuted by the people by the asyrians and and and the writing was on the wall basically right and so jonah understood that there was beef between these guys here he didn't want to see them saved you know he shot he thought surely god's going to just fire bomb these people and destroy them but god tells him hey look you you don't get the picture here you don't get the greater cause look at verse 10 then said the lord thou hast had pity on the gourd for the which thou has not labored neither made us did grow which came up in a night and perished in a night now look at verse 11 and should not i spare Nineveh that great city wherein are more than six score thousand persons that cannot discern between the right hand and their left hand and also much cattle look there was a couple of bozos that came into our church they came here like three or four times or something like that right and they decided you know they're so stupid they couldn't even get their wolves costume all the way on okay i mean these people are ridiculous and now they want to attack us on youtube and they want to act like they left our church and they were a murderous wicked cult right they're trying to influence the community you know they're going back to my soul and i did a few months ago advancing as a soul owner and saying you don't understand god's grace and he's like you don't know the book of jonah because they all got saved and what they'll do is they'll insert this idea they'll say and some of them were child molesters and some of them were queers and some of them were this and that the bible doesn't say that anyway in fact what god says is hey first of all jonah you need to care about the six score thousand people that just got you know heard the word of god i don't believe that all of them got saved but obviously a majority did right but he says this very important thing here he says that these six score thousand persons that cannot discern understand that they could not discern between their right hand and their left hand and also much cattle so god is telling the jonah here he's like hey the reason why i went after these people the reason why i got them saved the reason why i want their hearts is because they don't know any better now if you read romans chapter one what does it say about a reprobate that they knew god right that they knew his truths that they they they knew let's turn there go to romans chapter one real quick romans chapter one real quick just a couple verses we're almost done here so the people in jonah right the people in Nineveh rather i'm sorry the people in Nineveh they god says they couldn't discern truth they didn't know they did these things in ignorance they didn't know any better but what do we read about in romans chapter one romans chapter one is a chapter that gives us the reprobate doctrine we understand there is a point where you can reject god and he just says you know what i'm done with you i'm going to push you over this line i'm going to darken your imagination i'm going to harden your heart like i did pharaoh and it's going to be too late for you john jesus talks about this in john chapter 12 in great detail but nonetheless look at verse number 18 here i'm sorry verse 17 he says for there is a righteousness of god revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness so understand that right there are people that this passage is talking about they hold the truth in unrighteousness right understand that keep reading verse 19 because that which may be known of god is manifest in them for god hath showed it unto them for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and godhead so that they are without excuse so we understand hey look somebody built this building right somebody made those trees outside somebody created the earth the bible saying here that these people these reprobates these people that reject god that precept that profess themselves to be wise these people know about god right these science professors that want to say oh it's evolution evolution you know in their hearts they know they're foolish they know that there's a god out there the problem is they hate him they decided to reject the truth look at verse 21 he says because that when they knew god they glorified him not as god neither were thankful but become became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened professing themselves to be uh to be wise they became fools and look at this in verse 23 and change the glory of the uncorruptible god into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things right this is the result of the rejection of god they decided to go a whoring after the creation instead of the creator does that sound like the nanovites no because god said that these people and never they could not discern truth look at verse 24 where for god also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own heart to dishonor their own bodies between themselves who changed the truth of god into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever amen verse 26 for this cause so for this reason for this cause god gave them up into vile affections right what are those vile affections well he's going to explain that for even their women did it did change the natural use into that which is against nature verse 27 and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their heir which was me so what do we just read there we read about how a homosexual becomes a homosexual because they know the truth they see the truth they've been told the truth and they reject it and god gives them over that's not what we read about here in jonah chapter 4 is it the nanovites could not discern truth so when these people here they want to come into our church and lie about us and say we don't know jonah no it's you that doesn't know jonah pal it's you that's a wolf it's you that's stupid it's you that don't know the bible because god said these people could not discern truth but god tells us in romans chapter one that the sodomites they can know the truth and you know what come soul wing with us my friend and i will show you a bunch of queers that know the truth right ask brother david about that after the service so the point is here the reason why god allowed these people to be saved even though they did a lot of wicked things is because they could not discern truth they did not know they were in ignorance completely different than the stuff that we read about in romans chapter one anyways i think i went way over my time we need to close this off here bow our heads have word of prayer lord thank you so much for the truth in the bible i thank you so much for your wisdom lord that you continuously give us please keep us motivated to keep serving you lord please bless the fellowship after the service in jesus name i pray amen