(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) in that thought upon his name, and they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels, and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Then shall ye return and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. Let's pray. Lord, I thank you for your word, and I just pray for Pastor right now as he comes forward to deliver the message that you've laid on his heart, and give us ears to hear, and just hearts to accept your word. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen, amen. All right, amen. Malachi chapter number three. Common chapter people start off with when they want to preach about tithes and stuff. Definitely nothing wrong with that, but that's not what I'm talking about this morning, right? And that's not at all what we're talking about. In fact, a lot of you probably already know, but before we get into it, I just want to give you a quick overview of the book of Malachi. So in chapter one, God's preaching against the northern kingdom of Israel, because they have offered blind sacrifices. He tells them that their offerings are polluted. They're garbage. They're doing it with a wicked heart, and he says that you have offered me blind sacrifices, and he doesn't accept that, and we all know that. And then he says, you know, but even so, I've loved you. I've sent you messengers. I've sent you prophets. I've tried to tell you, hey, this is wrong. You need a change, and he says, all you've done basically is questioning. You've just questioned my word. You've just questioned my authority. And then in chapter two, God decides to get on the priests, right, the Levitical priests, and he gets on them because they're the ones doing the polluted offerings. They're the ones that are facilitating this. They're encouraging it. They're all about it, and he says, the reason why you're doing this is because you have failed to lay up my words in your heart, and so the result is gonna be a curse, and so that's what he tells them, and then later in the chapter, he gets on the southern kingdom of Judah. He's like, you're not gonna escape either. You're foul. You're basically, you're treacherous. You know, you guys have gone down the same road as Ahab, and it just goes on from there, and then we just read chapter three, and I like how chapter three starts off. In fact, we'll just take a look at it here. Look at verse number one. He says, behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me, and the Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in. Behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts, and so I like that there because it says, behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way. Well, who's he talking about? Who was the messenger that prepared the way for the Lord Jesus Christ? Well, it was John the Baptist, right? But notice how he says, he shall prepare the way for me, obviously proving that Jesus Christ is from everlasting, and that you can find the Trinity even in the Old Testament, and that's not what we're talking about this morning, but jump down here to verse number 16, and we'll get into this here. So as you read through the book of Malachi, you read about the cursings and God's judgment. He says, hey, there's still a remnant of people that haven't bowed the knee to Baal, so to speak, that are still after my covenants, they're still after my commandments, and in verse 16, he says, then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another, and the Lord hearkened and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name. Verse 17, and they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels, and I will spare them as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Now verse 18, this is what we're gonna focus on for this sermon here. It says, then shall ye return and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. Now go to Matthew chapter 16. So first book of the New Testament, Matthew chapter number 16. So in verse 18, he says, then shall ye return, and who is he talking to? He's talking to the people that decided they're gonna follow God's commandments, right? The people that talk with each other, the people that bonded together, that said, no, we're gonna serve the Lord even though our wicked government is trying to stop us, even though our wicked king isn't gonna serve God, you know, we're going to. And God said he looked down on that, and he remembered that, and he even wrote a book of remembrance. But he says about those people, he says, then shall ye return and discern between the righteous and the wicked. And you know what, that's what this sermon is about. It's about discerning between the righteous and the wicked. And I like how he compares that by saying this, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. You see, we have the right to discern, right, between the righteous and the wicked, between people that actually serve God and people that don't serve God. And what I'm not talking about this morning, I'm not talking about discerning necessarily between somebody who's saved and somebody who's not saved, somebody who just hasn't made up their mind yet. But more so, people that serve God and then people that say they serve God. You see, because in today's day and age, we're told that we shouldn't judge, right? Don't be critical. Don't look on somebody and say, well, you're not saved. We're supposed to believe that if somebody just says, hey, I'm saved, I listened to Pastor Anderson, just take that at face value and don't question it. But I'll tell you, that is not the message of the Bible, that's not what we read here, and that's not what pleases God. We have discernment if we fear the Lord like these people did, right? If we decide, you know what, we're gonna fear the Lord, and guess what the Bible says? That's the beginning of knowledge. The fear of the Lord is also the beginning of wisdom, and that's why God said, hey, then shall you return, right? Because these people are obviously gonna teach their descendants, they're gonna go into captivity, those people are gonna come back, and then he says, then shall you return and discern between the righteous and the wicked. So it is a good thing that we develop this discernment, and I will tell you, as a pastor of this church, I'm really proud at the way that we handled this heretic that we just kicked out of here on Thursday. So let's get moving here. Matthew 16, look at verse number one. It says, the Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting him, desired him that he would show them a sign from heaven. Verse two, he answered and said unto them, when it is evening, you say it will be fair weather, for the sky is red, and in the morning, it will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and lowering. And then he goes on to say this, oh ye hypocrites, you can discern the face of the sky, but can ye not discern the signs of the times? And then verse four, he says, a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign, and there shall be no sign given unto it but the sign of the prophet Jonas, and he left him and departed. Now, the title of my sermon is Foul Weather. An alternative title would be Stormy Weather, okay? And I went back and forth with this during this last week, like, am I gonna preach this? Am I not gonna preach this? You know, and I just decided I'm gonna go ahead and preach this, and for those of you that may be wondering what I'm talking about, because not everybody was here during the last couple weeks, right, you guys are busy, vacations and whatnot, and so I figured Sunday morning would be a good time, usually we have everybody with us, and we're not the kind of church that likes to sweep things under the rug, right? I want everybody in here to know what happened, why it happened, and what we did about it. So, if you don't mind, turn to Proverbs chapter 22 real quick, Proverbs chapter 22. So, what I'm preaching about this morning is this guy named Storm, right? This guy named Storm that called me up about two weeks ago and said, you know what? I'm so glad that there's a church like this, a Steven Anderson church in Idaho, and I'll get more into the conversation here later in the sermon, but he basically says, you know, I wanna go soul winning. When's the soul winning time? You know, and I explained when, you know, well, the next one's gonna be Thursday, because I think he called me on a Monday. And he starts laughing. Isn't that weird? He's like, when's soul winning? I tell him what it is, he starts laughing. I'm like, okay, I see what's going on here. And then he's like, I said, well, don't you think maybe you should just try to come to church first? And he's like, oh yeah, you guys have church on Wednesdays? Right, so keep in mind, he already told me that he's a Steven Anderson listener, right? And he's looking for an Anderson church, which is obviously the language that our enemies like to use against us, right? See, because I remember before Pastor Anderson was popular, before Andersonites and so on and so forth. And like I said, we'll get more into that later on. But basically this guy comes in here, causes trouble. We booted him out on Thursday. We're gonna go into great detail about those events, because you know what, there's a lot of value when somebody comes in here and tries to cause trouble and we throw them out. I was just thinking about these things. And you know, each false prophet that comes in here, there's little gold nuggets that they leave that we can take and remember those things, right? We can create our own book of remembrance so that when the next devil comes in here, we can have a leg up and just be smarter and more wise, more apt to be able to deal with that. So if you're there in Proverbs chapter 22, look at verse number 10. Proverbs 22 verse 10 says this, "'Cast out the scorner and contention shall go out. "'Yea, strife and reproach shall cease.'" And this guy was a scorner and he did it subtly at first. But I will submit to you now, right? Now that he's gone, how many in here, that had been here the last two weeks feel more comfortable? I'll bet every, see everybody's hands gone up. And the reason why is because this guy was a creep, right? Everybody knew it. This guy was creepy. He was just saying weird things to the ladies, weird things about your kids, questioning the Bible. I mean, all this stuff, right? And what was his motive? We don't really know for sure, but one thing that's for sure is that he came in here to cast out. He's a scorner. And when we cast him out on Thursday, now all of a sudden everybody in here is at ease. We all feel comfortable. I remember when he was in here, I felt like I couldn't even go to the bathroom. I couldn't even go outside. I couldn't even do anything because I was concerned at what he was gonna say or what he was gonna possibly try to do. And so now that he's gone, right? The contention's over. We can, you know, it has ceased for now and we can go on and move on about our lives and just basically get better, all right? We can recover, so to speak. So I've got four points for you this morning about this situation. And if you could go back to Matthew chapter one, we'll start there. So point number one this morning is beware of people looking for signs or evidence regarding basic truths, okay? Beware of people looking for signs or evidence regarding basic truths. And I'm not talking about somebody who's brand new who just comes in here, who just got saved and they're questioning things, like, hey, where do I find this? Or, you know, can you give me some verses about eternal security? I know it's by, you know, by grace through faith, but I need some more evidence. It's not really what I'm talking about. But when somebody has this, well, yea hath God said, you know, did pastor really say, does he really mean that all the versions mean, all the versions are false other than the King James? Does he really mean that? You know, that's the kind of attitude that I'm talking about. You know, when somebody's like, what do you think about Charles Stanley, huh? What do you think about David Wilkerson? He's been a blessing in my life. He's blessed me tremendously. He has motivated me greatly. You know what I mean? Beware of those types of people. Or somebody who's like, don't you think the King James is a little bit difficult? You know, the Vietnamese language is only 200 years old. The these, thus, and nows, they really don't go over into the Vietnamese language, do they? I don't know, Bozo, because I don't speak Vietnamese. And apparently, neither do you. So, I'm a little bit upset this morning, all right? But, I think we can get through this. And it's not just me, everybody in here is upset, all right? So, point number one, beware of people looking for signs or evidence regarding basic truths. Look at verse number one, Matthew 16, one. It says, the Pharisees also, when the Sadducees came, and tempting him, desired him that he would show them a sign from heaven. Now, keep in mind that Jesus, up to this point, he's done many miracles, right? He's done many miracles, he's done many signs, he's done many wonders, he's done many great things. But yet, what do these people want? Show us a sign from heaven, right? Now, even if Jesus were to open up heaven so that they could see, do you think that they would still believe? No, they would say, you have some kind of Rothschild super technology, and you basically are trying to trick people. They would just come up with more excuses, they're not interested in the truth. And neither are people like Storm, neither are people like Josh Ellis, okay? It's the same thing. And those two guys have a whole lot in common, which is freakishly weird, all right? So, point number one, beware of people looking for signs or evidence regarding basic truths, especially when they've heard it and you've told them over and over about it, right? So, number one, I've got four quick stories that I'm gonna go over about this guy, and at the end of the sermon, I've got 15. And then I'm gonna ask for a raise of hands of anything that I missed, okay? Because remember, there is a lot of value to be learned when people like this come into your church. So, number one, Storm asked for evidence regarding the NIV Translator Committee, basically. Now, everybody in here knows that there was a bull dyke on the committee and a sodomite, a male fag, right? Right, we all know that, we all understand that. It's out there, even the liberals don't deny it. In fact, they're proud of it, because it shows, look, we're all inclusive, right? God's love's for everyone. That's their attitude towards it. Well, out soul winning, it was last Sunday, right? Brother David and Brother Riley were with him, and they were telling him about this. I think this is how it went, right? And, you know, you brought it up, right? Brother David brought up the fact that, you know, well, there was a dyke, and there was a sodomite on the translating committee of the NIV Bible. So, doesn't that show you that maybe we should question that, maybe we shouldn't even go down that road, because the Bible's clear about how God feels about that subject, right? And he said, oh, is that true? There was a sodomite on the NIV Translator Committee? I'm gonna have to see some evidence about that. Now, do you think that that's how somebody who's King James only would really act? No, look, I was King James only long before I even learned that, and when somebody told me that, I was like, amen. I believe it, you know what I mean? I'm just gonna step out of faith and believe it. And then, obviously, I learned, and I saw the articles, you know, later on, and stuff, and by the way, I learned that in the old IFB, too. That wasn't, you know, he said that, well, that's just some new IFB doctrine. You know, but what is he doing? He's trying to cast doubt, is what he's trying to do. Show me a sign. He's no different than these Pharisees and the scribes that constantly wanted to seek signs and wonders. They wanted evidence, they wanted proof, right? That's what he's doing. He's trying to sow discord, he's trying to sow doubt. So that's why I'm saying, beware of people that are looking for signs or evidence regarding basic truths. And keep in mind, that Sunday, I preached a whole sermon against him, right, about the King James Bible. And he heard all of it, and afterward, he's like, oh, that was great. And he said a few other things, too, that we'll get into here momentarily. But after hearing that, if that wasn't enough, why is he still asking for signs and wonders and evidence regarding the translating committee of the NIV, right? It's just bizarre. It's just a hallmark of somebody who is not interested in the truth, somebody who has crept in here. And by the way, that's an insult. That's an insult to everybody in here, to think that you can walk in here and question the King James Bible and think we're not gonna notice and think that we're not gonna care. Think about that. That is pride and arrogance before your own eyes. Now, number two, Storm asked why, in Matthew chapter number one, it says there are 14 generations between Josias and Christ. Okay, so I'm gonna go over this story here. I'm gonna reenact what happened on Wednesday, the first time that he came to service, okay? So you guys remember that, the first time he came, it was two Wednesdays ago. Yeah, two Wednesdays ago, right? So after all you guys left, right, I'm looking at him like, you should kinda get going with him, you know? Get out the door. But he takes his flower Bible, okay? He takes his King James Bible that has flowers all over it, okay? You guys leave, he does this. He takes it and he goes, and I'm watching him, because keep in mind, I'm hoping he leaves. And he doesn't leave. And he goes like this, Pastor Jones, I've got a question for you about the Bible. Do you have a moment? I'm like, oh, here we go, yeah. What do you got? And he sits down by me and he's like, let me get there. Okay, in Matthew chapter number one, this is something that's always perplexed me. It's always just kinda bothered me, you know? I'm like, yeah, just get on with it, okay? And he's like, okay, so in Matthew chapter one, it's all these genealogies, right? And between Josiah and Christ, it mentions 14, but I went back and I looked in the Old Testament, and there was actually seven, I found actually 17 or 18, yeah, I did. And I was like, oh, you did? Well, what were their names? I don't really remember, but this is a problem, you see, because I'm trying to translate the Bible into Vietnamese, because no one else cares but me, and I just wanna get your opinion. I just wanna know what you think, pastor. What do you think about that? I mean, because I went back and I counted 17 or 18, but it only says 14 here. That's a problem, don't you think? You know, some of the other versions actually mention the other generation, so how do you deal with that? I mean, how do you deal with knowing that Matthew made a mistake? I mean, doesn't that cause doubt? And then that moment Jessica came up, and I'm glad she did, because I was not happy, to say the least, okay? So the subject changes, and I let it go, and I'm stewing on it. You know, he's running his mouth the whole time about, oh, I'm trying to translate the Bible into modern English because of these, the thuss and the thows, don't go into Vietnamese. Okay, sure, sure doesn't. So we leave, right? But keep in mind, he's looking at me the whole time, like, Matthew made a mistake. Doesn't that bother you? And so, you know, one thing I asked him, I'm like, well, what are their names? You know, because I'm thinking in my mind, if you really went back and looked, you really went back and diligently searched, wouldn't you remember the names of those kings, or at least the book where you read the genealogy, you know? And he had no clue, and I will, I'm just gonna put this out there. I think what he did is he probably went on the internet and found 500 contradictions in the Bible, picked that one, and just decided to come in here and roll with it. That's what he did. And we could prove it, and we have it on video, right? The CI acres have a video library of this guy, right, saying all sorts of stuff, and it's great, it's great. So Thursday, we decided to kick these people out, right? You know how Jesus had John the Baptist to prepare the way? Well, we had Brother Jeff, Brother Riley, and Brother David to prepare the way for Storm to get booted out of here. So these guys are roasting him for 40 minutes. Kaden and I come in here, and the first thing I ask him, I go up to him, and I say, hey, does Ahaziah, Amaziah, and Joash ring a bell to you? And he goes like this, are those people? I'm like, yeah, those are kings in the Bible. Those are the three kings that the Holy Ghost admitted out of Matthew chapter one, and I'm surprised you don't know that, being that you're gonna translate the Bible supposedly into Vietnamese. And he's like, oh, well, I just wanted your opinion. He's going back to this, I just wanted your opinion. No, you're trying to sow doubt. And that proves that he was lying. That proves that he just went and got that fact to try to confuse us, to try to test us, and to see what we're all about. Look, I don't always, at any given time, have all these supposed contradictions at the forefront of my mind, right? You could come up to me after the service was won, I'm being like, I don't know. I used to know, but you know what, right now, I don't know. I'm gonna have to go look it up, and that's basically what I told him on Wednesday. Oh, and by the way, after I preached last Sunday morning, I did kind of cover that, because if you count the names in Matthew chapter one, there's 15 names between Josias, and Josias is number one, and Christ is number 14. You'll actually count 15 names. You go back and read about Joash. You'll understand why he's omitted. Just the same reason why you'll understand that the other three kings have been omitted. Just because of the way they lived their life. They were wicked kings. Some of them only reigned for three months. I mean, there's all this stuff. The main thing that you need to know is that the Bible says that holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. So obviously, those words are inspired. They are God-breathed, where the Bible says where the word of a king is there is power. So that should be at the forefront of your mind any time somebody comes to you with a supposed contradiction. But that wasn't the word that he wanted to hold onto. He would not hear that word. He would not receive that word. And after Sunday morning, he goes, that's good that you brought that up about the 15, because I was gonna ask you that. And he's got this head tilt thing going on, right? He's like, because I was gonna ask you about that too, but you still didn't bring up the other three. And I said I did in Titus chapter one, where it says avoid foolish questions in genealogies. He'd go on like that, and he's like, hmm. Well, I'd still like to know. And at this point, I'm just like, I'm not gonna tell you, because you're an idiot. You're a devil. You're not gonna receive it. Show me a sign, right? He's no different than these guys here in Matthew chapter 16. The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting, desired him that he would show them a sign from having this guy who was doing the same thing, trying to tempt us, trying to try us, and just trying to cause trouble, all right? So, number three here, outsolening with Brother Brierley and Brother David, he says about my example on Sunday, because if you remember, I opened up the sermon with Brother Chris's favorite example in Exodus 36 about how the tent was supposed to be made of goat skins, right? And how the NIV, I think it says dolphin skins, and the ESV is like porpoise. I can't remember them all right now. I don't have that memorized. It's kind of a silly thing, but you know, all the modern versions have a different saying in that passage, right? Some say ram skin, some say durable leather, you know? And so if these modern versions can't get that right, what makes you think they can get anything else in their stupid versions right? You see what I'm saying? So if you won't hear that, if you won't hear that example, then you're not gonna hear anything else. But he tells these guys on Sunday, well, that wasn't a very good example, right? Isn't that what he said? He says that wasn't a very good example. There's better examples in the Bible, you know, proving that the King James is a superior version. And he liked to emphasize that word version, you know? And I understand it says KJV, we're KJV only, but it's really the Bible, it's God's word. It's not just a verb, it's the English version. It's the one that we should be using, right? But if you can read between the lines, which all of you can and all of you did, he doesn't, he's not really saying there's better ones to use. He should have picked a better one. What he's saying is I need more proof. I would like more proof. Don't you think there should be more proof than that? That that's silly. And that's basically what he said, that that was a silly example. Again, proving he's Matthew 16, verse one. He's nothing but a scribe and a Pharisee that is not interested at all in the truth. Now, the last one here that I'm gonna mention for right now is the sodomite issue, right? So when he first came in here on that Wednesday, he walks right around this corner here with his little skinny jean jacket on, right? And he's like, I'm so glad to be walking into a Steven Anderson church. That's the first thing he says, right? And again, I was like, how did you hear about us again? And I was like, you're the guy I talked to on the phone, right, and he's like, yeah. He's like, well, I called down to Sacramento, and I was like, and who'd you talk to? Oh, I don't remember. Okay, he didn't even know who Pastor Menes was. We fed him that, we told him that. Well, you mean Pastor Menes? That was a mistake on my part. I should have pressed the issue a little bit more, but he said, yeah, yeah, Pastor Jimenez, right? Pastor Jimenez, that's how he would say it, right? That's how he would put that forth. So he comes in here, and then it was Thursday. Was it Sunday that he told you guys that he disagreed with the sodomite issue? Yeah. It was Sunday at the first, right? Or was it? Thursday. Thursday, when you guys were preparing the way for him to get booted, that's right, okay. So he says basically to these guys on Thursday, well, I agree with everything that this church stands on and the new FBE and Pastor Anderson and all that, and he liked to just keep bringing that up because that's how he thinks we're just gonna accept him and turn a blind eye, right? And he says, except for that one just minute issue about sodomites not being able to be saved, okay? Now, I'll say this. You don't have to believe that to come to this church, okay? There are people that come to these types of churches that don't believe that. They believe they could be saved, but you know what? They don't argue about it. They still go soul winning. They still serve God, and if that's you, that's fine. That doesn't mean we're not gonna preach it, but that is not where this guy is at. He's trying to cast doubt, and we can see that because that first day that he walked in here, he tells us this big sob story. By the way, he comes in here, and right off the bat, he's just opening his trash can mouth and just telling us this elaborate story about everything. You know, I live in Vietnam. I've lived there for eight years. He tells one person, 10 years, another person, and we got him on video saying 13 years. We don't know what it is. Somewhere between eight and 13 years, if he even does live there. The internet says he's registered at his address here in Boise, Idaho. That's where it says that he lives. You know, I don't know, but it's not important. We know that he's a liar. So with this, though, he's back there telling us, well, the reason why I'm here, guys, you're never gonna believe this, is that my ex-wife, and he said wife, and we've got tons of witnesses, my ex-wife is actually a dyke. He says that she was gay, right, or a lesbian, and she died, and so her partner has custody of my daughter, and I've got to fight to get her back. I'm going to court, and it's in another county. See what I mean? So he's trying to get us on his side by mentioning this fake story. I personally believe it's fake. I don't believe it, right? He's telling us this story, right? But on Thursday, we find out he doesn't even agree with the doctrine that they cannot be saved, which the Bible's very clear they cannot be saved. So again, that's just further proof that he, well, show me a sign, right? And so he's asking, well, what do you think about this? And so Brother Jeff shows him a bunch of scriptures, and he's like, okay, I guess he said he agreed with you at the first, right? And so when I come in here, and we're kicking him out, you know, David asks him again, well, what's that one thing you don't agree with, you know, with our church, and he's like, well, or with Pastor Anderson, and he's like, well, just 99.999% that my new detail that sodomites can't be saved, it's like, wait a minute. I thought you just listened to Brother Jeff and said you agreed, and then he's, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. He showed me John chapter 12, and I get it. God's blinded him, and I'm wrong, guys, I'm wrong. He's trying to save himself at this point, right? He's trying to save himself so that we won't give him the boot, so that we won't kick him out. And so, again, what is his motive here? Point number one, beware of people that are looking for signs and evidence regarding basic truths. That's what he was doing. He's doing that with the sodomite issue. Big surprise there, right? I mean, think about that. Think about that. Doing that with the Bible. Doing that with just about everything. And it gets way worse than this, and we're gonna talk about this. So let's move on here. Point number two, understand the main problem with these sign seekers, okay? We need to understand the main problem with these sign seekers. I'm gonna show you what I mean here. Look at verse four. Matthew 16, verse four, says this. A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign, and there shall no sign be given unto it but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them and departed. Now, keep in mind, these people aren't really interested in the truth. They just want a sign. They just want their supposed proof. They just want their evidence, when in reality, they want their way. They want their glory. They want their fame. That's what they want, and they're envious that Jesus Christ is getting all the recognition. And so they say, show us the sign, but look at the response that Jesus has towards these types of people. He says, a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign. And why is that? Why is that? And I'm gonna show you this here. Go to Romans chapter number eight. Go to Romans chapter eight. And he says that no sign shall be given unto it but the sign of the prophet Jonas. What is he talking about there? What's the sign? Well, that's the word of God. That's the Bible. That's what we have. And guess what? The key fact here is that you have to believe that by faith, right? You have to believe the Bible by faith. We're saved by faith. The Bible says in Hebrews chapter 11, verse one, it says, now faith is a substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. And so when you turn your back on that and you say, no, it's not by faith, it's by works. No, it's not by faith. It's by what we can see. I want a sign. I want evidence. Jesus says, no, that is a wicked and adulterous thing that you're doing. And it's a wicked and adulterous generation that seeketh after a sign. Why is that? Because they're rejecting faith. You see what I mean? They're rejecting faith. That's why he said that to them. Keep in mind, these are not people that are just confused about salvation or they haven't made up their mind yet. These are wicked people that have already hardened their hearts to the truth, right? They've already been hardened. They've hardened their hearts and God has hardened their hearts even further to the point to where they cannot be saved. Then he says, you know what? You are a wicked and adulterous generation. Romans chapter eight, look at verse 24. It says, for we are saved by hope, but hope that is seen is not hope. For what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. We are saved by hope. We are saved by that thing which we cannot see. You have to believe the Bible by faith. I can't go back and show you all the scrolls leading up to Moses where God's given him the first copy from the settled word in heaven. I can't do that. Nobody can do that, right? But what do we have today in our society? We have these scientists and these atheist-type people and what's their attitude? Show me a sign, give me proof, give me evidence. I want evidence. The last time, I think it was about three weeks ago, this actually was in Mountain Home the last time we went there. Knocked on this guy's door, went through the questions. He says, I believe in science. You know, I told you this last Sunday, right? In Seattle, that's a popular answer you'll get, especially near the UW campus. He says, I believe in science. I believe in what I can see. I believe in proof. Well, there's no proof of your religion of evolution. I didn't say that to him because I know he wouldn't receive it. I just quoted him Hebrews chapter 11, verse one, and you know what he said? He's like, I never thought about it like that. He's like, that makes a lot of sense because I explained that to him. I was like, we're not saved by what we can see. We're saved by this hope. We have to hope for this. We have to just trust it. That's how God has ordained things. That's how he set it up. And that's what we have to do. We have to believe that. And he's like, okay, yeah, I'll think about that because I was raised in church and it was a pleasant deal. You know, he didn't want to hear the gospel at that time, but hopefully that's it. Someday we'll get watered and maybe he'll get saved. You know, we don't know. But people that take that and they take it a step further and they completely reject that truth, guess what? That person then becomes a wicked and adulterous generation, right? So understand this, the problem with these sign seekers, these evidence people, is their absence of faith, the rejection of faith. That is the big problem here. And that's the problem with Storm. We could discern that. Everybody in here could discern that, right? Everybody in here could tell because of the weird questions that he had, right? Show me a sign. That triggered every single person in here. Hey, something's wrong with this guy. Everybody came up to me. Hey, something's definitely wrong with this guy. I mean, he came in here Wednesday. We didn't really talk about it because everybody left in different intervals. By Thursday, everybody who I talked to, like, hey, that dude's weird. Something's wrong with him. And why is that? Because you guys know, right? We've been through this. You've learned and we know that there's a problem when somebody constantly questions the doctrine, especially after they've been told numerous times the truth, right? He has no faith. He lacks faith. He has no hope. I want to see more evidence. The example you gave, pastor, wasn't good enough. I want to see more. The example that Brother David gave me about the Sodomites on the NIV committee, that's not good enough. I want to see more. When he really doesn't want to see more, he just wants to convert us to his subversive way of thinking. That is what's really going on here. So let's move on here. Number three, point number three. The difference between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not is the receiving of God's words, okay? So the difference between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not, like we read about in Malachi chapter three, verse 18, is him that receives God's words. So when you tell somebody God's words and they don't receive it, you can understand, okay, I'm dealing with somebody who is not saved, right? I mean, think about it. A lot of people want to criticize us for doing this, but we do it every week, right? Hi, I'm from Shield of Faith Baptist Church. Just like to invite you to church. Hey, more important than church, are you 100% sure you're on your way to heaven today? Why do we ask them that? So that we can discern between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not, right? That's why we do that, and that is acceptable inside of God, and that is a doctrine that is taught in the Bible. Turn to John chapter number 10, John chapter number 10. Now, the Bible does give us several verses of discernment and wisdom that we can use to discern whether or not somebody's saved, okay? And how to discern whether or not somebody's actually a devil, right? And in Malachi, it's making a distinction, like I said, between those who serve him, those who are saved, and those who serve him not, meaning those that are wicked, right? And I'm leaving out the people that are in between, the people that just haven't made up their mind yet, okay? We can do that, and we can learn to do that, but you know what? We don't always know 100%, right? I mean, think about it. You know, the disciples didn't really know that Judas was a bad guy until the very end, so he played it off well, and someday we're gonna have somebody come in here like that and we need to be on top of our game so that we can spot him early on before he does damage, okay? So John chapter 10, look at verse 22. And so with that being said, you know, when somebody, sorry, when somebody's wrong about everything, okay? I mean, just everything. You ever, you know, you ever talk to somebody and they're just wrong about everything? They're wrong about the Bible issue. They're wrong about the Sodomites. They're wrong about salvation. They're wrong about these preachers that are out there on the internet. I mean, it's just everything we would bring up, this guy was wrong about it, okay? Perfect indicator the dude isn't saved. So John chapter 10, look at verse 22. It says, and it was at Jerusalem, the feast of the dedication, and it was winter. And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch. Then came the Jews round about him and said unto him, how long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly. So again, just like Matthew chapter 16, what do we have? We have people, hey, if you're really Christ, if you're really God, if the word of God is really true, it's really been preserved, just tell us plainly. And it's like, look, he's been telling you plainly for however many days and weeks and months he's been doing his ministry, right? Did he not open the eyes of the blind to do all these miracles and wonders and people are hearing about it? They're seeing the evidence, they're seeing the signs, but yet they just don't believe it. They're just like, well, just tell us plainly. Quit causing doubt. It's because they're blind and they don't get it. And that's like this guy that came into our church. Verse 25, Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not. He says, the works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me, but ye believe not because ye are not of my sheep as I said unto you. Remember, he says that my sheep hear my voice and I know them, right? So when we've told Storm, hey, you know what? You probably shouldn't be translating the King James Bible into your so-called modern English. He didn't wanna receive that, right? He didn't wanna take that warning. And by the way, we have him on video swearing before God, which obviously is a terrible, horrible, bad, blasphemous thing to do, right? But every time that we would try to correct this man, he would just be like, quit causing doubt, just tell me more, I don't believe this, I don't get it. And you know why? It's because he will not hear the word of God. He will not receive the word of God. Look, all of us from time to time, we're gonna have things that we don't agree with each other on. That's okay, that's normal. But you know what? We should be able to come here, at least to this church, and get some value, get some education, get some doctrine, and get some fellowship. But you can't have fellowship with somebody like that who will not hear the word of God. Now, go to 1 John chapter two, 1 John chapter two. So like I said, point number three is this, the difference between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not is the reception of God's words. So when you're dealing with somebody that just will not receive truth, it will not receive the word of God, understand this, you are dealing with somebody who has rejected God. And they're pretending, they're playing games, they're trying to perform this act, they're trying to tell you or portray themselves that hey, I am like you, I serve God. It's kind of like what we read on Wednesday in Ezra, how the people came up to Zerubbabel and said hey, we worship your God too, we wanna help you build, we wanna do this, and they had the discernment to say no you don't, you're not gonna help us, we're gonna do this ourselves. That's this church and that's how we need to stay because you know what, this stuff isn't going away. So you're there in 1 John chapter two, and keep in mind what we just read here, these guys are saying hey, tell us plainly, and Jesus answered them, look, I've told you, and ye believe not, he says the works that I do, I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me, he says but ye believe not because ye are not of my sheep. So again, when they reject the plain teachings of the word of God, we can know you're not of the same fold. That's why I told him sitting over there, I said you're not like us, you are not like us, you are a devil, you don't believe like we do, you won't hear correction, you won't hear the word of God. I mean, think about this. Most people that subscribe to the original manuscript only as a more scholarship only, Bible version only position, right, well, we can use all versions, most of them don't know whether or not they're safe. Is that not true? Most of them don't know about eternal security and because they don't believe that God can even preserve his words. You see what I'm saying? So Jesus is saying here, he's saying the works that I do, I do in my Father's name, he's like telling them over and over up even before this point, believe on me and you shall have everlasting life. Look, if God can preserve you and your salvation, what makes you think he can't preserve his own words? That is ridiculous and so when somebody rejects that, Jesus says, hey, you're rejecting the works that my Father gave me to do and he says, my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me. Now people will take this passage here, he'll say, yeah, well, my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me so if you don't follow him, then you're not saved. And he was kind of bringing some of this stuff up and it slipped out of him when he was telling me his testimony here and I'll get into that a little bit later but let's move on here real quick with this teaching. 1 John chapter two, look at verse number one, says, my little children, these things write I unto you that ye sin not and if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous and he is a propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world and hereby we do know that we know him if we keep his commandments. Again, people will take John chapter 10 and they'll try to turn it against us. They'll try to take this verse and turn it against us. They'll say, see, if you don't follow the commandments, if you don't keep the commandments, you're not saved. Right, they'll often say that. It is because they don't know the Bible, they won't really hear God's words. They can't hear what he's really saying, they can't rightly divide the word of truth because the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned, the Bible says. How do we rectify this? How do we solve this? You don't have to turn there. I'm just gonna read for you Matthew chapter five verse 19. You might wanna write this down or know where to go to because it's actually a good verse out soul winning but Matthew five 19 says this, whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, right? Whosoever shall break one of these least commandments and shall teach men so he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven but whosoever shall do and teach them the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. So in Matthew chapter five verse 19, we have two kinds of people. We have people that break God's commandments and teach men to do so and God says, hey, they're gonna be called least, where? In the kingdom of heaven. So that proves that people break God's commandments and still go to heaven, right? And so when we compare that to what we just read in first John chapter two verse three and hereby we do know that we know him if we keep his commandments, we can discern, okay, we have to divide this because obviously understanding Matthew chapter five, right? Hopefully you've read Matthew chapter five and all of Matthew before you've even got to first John, right? Let's talk about that too. So how do we rectify this? Well, the solution is in the next few verses. He's not talking about the 10 commandments. He's not talking about following the law and not sinning. He's talking about the word of God as a whole. I'm gonna show you that here. Look at verse number four, first John chapter two verse four. He that saith, I know him and keepeth not his commandments as a liar and the truth is not in him. So again, they're gonna keep with the same theme and they're gonna say, hey, you don't keep his commandments. If you don't follow him, you don't know him. You're not saved, but that's not true. That's not what he's saying. Look at verse five, but whoso keepeth his word in him verily is the love of God perfected hereby know that we are in him. So he interchanges the word commandments with word because all of God's words are commandments. They're all of his words. They're all his testimonies. They're all his statutes. It's a different way of saying whoso keepeth his word, whosoever keepeth the Bible. So when this guy stormed, when we discerned that he would not keep the word of God, right? When he would, he said, well, you know, I'm King James only but he kept casting doubt on the Bible. That's how I knew I'm dealing with somebody who has not kept the commandments. And I'm not talking about the 10 commandments, lying, cheating, stealing, murdering, adultery, blasphemy. That's not what he's talking about. He's talking about the word of God, right? Keeping the seed. That's what he's talking about here in John. And to further prove that, Psalm chapter 119, you don't have to turn there. Verse 172 says this, my tongue shall speak of thy word for all thy commandments are righteousness. So all other places in the Bible, you can see the word word and commandments used interchangeably to describe the word of God. And so that's what you have here in 1 John chapter two. He's not saying we can judge a person's salvation by whether or not they keep the 10 commandments. That's not what he's talking about at all. It's when they keep the word. It's when you're dealing with somebody at the door and they're just like, well, I'm not sure about the Bible. It's been changed so many times. I mean, we had this yesterday. Brother Jeff had this. He knocked on the guy's door, and the guy's like, I'm from San Francisco. I grew up doing iguanas or doing this Christian stuff, talking about his youth activities. And he grew up in church. He's a Christian. He knows he's saved, right? But then by the end of the conversation, the guy's questioning the Bible. Well, you know what I thought of? 1 John chapter two, right? How, look at verse three again. And hereby we do know that we know him if we keep his commandments. Obviously, this guy hasn't kept his commandments. He's casting doubt, right? He doesn't really believe them. Verse four, he that saith I know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him. So the guy that Brother Jeff was talking to out soul-winning yesterday is a liar. Whether you're calling him that willingly or unwillingly doesn't change the fact that he's a liar. He doesn't really keep the commandments. He has not kept the word of God because he's like, well, what about the books of the Bible that the Catholics use that you guys don't use? What Christian on earth would have that position? And just like, haven't you read those books? They're weird. I mean, I read for you a couple of weeks ago, the Prayer of Manasseh, which is an apocryphal book, right? And how weird was that? It's obviously, I mean, just by reading that, right? As a saved person, you know that shouldn't be in the Bible. And the King James translators knew that. That's why they put them in between the testaments for historical reference, just saying, hey, we just went ahead and just translated everything so you can see it for yourself. So that's what's going on here. Remember John chapter 10, Jesus saying, hey, they don't know me because they won't hear my words. John's reaffirming that here in 1 John chapter two. So let's move on here. Look at verse number six. He that saith he abideth in him, ought also himself to walk even as he walked. And yes, we should walk in the commandments. That's obvious, right? There's a lot of things in the Bible that we should do, but there's only one thing that you must do to be saved and that is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. That is how we do it. You know, think about this. The Bible says for we walk by faith, not by sight. So the walk that he's talking about here is the walk of faith, right? So guess what? When you're reading through the Bible, you're walking by faith. You believe these things by faith, not by sight, not because you saw some scroll, not because some angel came down and told you face to face, hey, that you have to, you know, believe this, right? That's what the Pentecostals will tell you. And by the way, that's how we know they aren't saved because they don't keep his commandments. They don't keep his words, right? And that brings me to another point about this guy back here who was here when he said this. He said, I went to Mexico several years ago because God told me that the USA is Babylon. How stupid is that, right? God who has sun-dried times and diverse manners spake in times past, you know, by all these different manners, but he's basically his Pentecostal demons slipped out of him at that point. It's like, wait a minute, Mexico is 10 times worse than the USA. Yeah, I believe USA is Babylon, but you know what? In the early days of Babylon, when the children of Judah were getting, or were being taken captive in the different waves, what was God's attitude? You're better off in Babylon than you are in Judah, right? That's why Zedekiah had his eyes burnt out after his children were killed in front of his eyes. So look, it's like more evidence that this guy doesn't know the Bible. Just because we're Babylon doesn't mean we have to flee and go to another country. And guess what? Vietnam's a much more wicked country than this place is, even though we're Babylon. I'd rather be here in Babylon right now than in Vietnam. Vietnam's a communist country, right? And guess what? They are soft on pedophiles. They are soft on, I looked it up yesterday, and we'll get into that here in a minute, because he's trying to tell people, oh, there's no pedophiles in Vietnam. Well, I suspect him, I do. I believe he's possibly a pedophile, and I'm not railing. Everybody in here, you guys know what he did and what he said about the kids and how he was watching them. Look, if it quacks like a duck and it talks like a, it's a duck, that is true. And you know what? Our job is to protect these kids, right? My job as a pastor also is to protect this church and protect these kids. And when somebody's weird like that, I'd rather just have them gone and not even worry about it, right? You know what, even beside all that, I don't want these kids looking at some man that went to the Bible bookstore and picked a Bible on purpose that had flowers on the cover. Okay, that is weird, man. That is not right. And we have pictures, right? We got pictures. We got people that know how to espionage in here, okay? So, all right, let's move on here. Point number four. Go to John, 1 John chapter four, 1 John chapter four. So point number four is this. We are commanded to try the spirits. Point number four, we are commanded to try the spirits. Look at verse number one, 1 John chapter four, verse one. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God. Here's why. Because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Many means most, okay? So if you take every church in the Treasure Valley, I would submit to you this morning that most of them are false prophets. Most of them are wrong. And that's not arrogant. That's not being boastful. That's not being prideful. That's being a Bible-believing Christian because that's what this says. Many false prophets have gone out into the world. And that's why we need to try the spirits. It is a good thing, but not according to them, right? Of course not. Of course they don't want us to try the spirits because we'll expose them, we'll uncover them, and they don't want that. But he says because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Look at verse two. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God. Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God, and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already is in the world. So we need to understand that the spirit of antichrist has been working in the world since the days of John the Baptist. I'm not John the Baptist, I'm sorry, but since the days of John, okay? You get what I mean. So understanding that gives you a leg up on 99.9% of modern Christianity today. It really does. Understanding there's many false prophets that have gone out into the world, that the spirit of antichrist doth already work, right? And this is like 2,000 years ago. So guess what? I mean, how much more do you think he's working today than even back then? Verse four, year of God little children, and have overcome them, because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. They are of the world, therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. Keep that in mind. The world heareth these false prophets. The world hears Joel Osteen. You know what? The world hears City Church of Boise. Who's heard City Church of Boise? Anybody heard about that? Yeah, guess what? Jessica was showing me some things about this church yesterday. They have an ad, was it on Facebook? Yeah, an ad on Facebook about the teens, right? Yeah, they're trying to promote how they're all about the teens, and they've got all these different activities. You know, come find your identity in Christ at our little seminars or at our little thing. And then she goes to the website, and guess what? They have pub night. No joke. They have a group dedicated to drinking beer and wine, and come down here and see our beer drinking pub fest. I'm sure it's not worded like that, but it does say pub fest, okay? It really does. And now think about that. And furthermore, we were looking on their website, and they had this big letter. Was it their website or Facebook? It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. But I guess it was in May they sent them on that vacation, right? Was it May? Yeah, you can nod as. She's trying not to. I'm not trying to trick you. All right, so this guy here, this pastor of City Church Boise, their congregation sends this dude on a three-month sabbatical, right? Because he needs to come back refreshed, and he does a lot of hard work. It must be hard writing one sermon a week, not going soul-winding and drinking booze every Friday. It must be real taxing on your body. Look, I'm not bragging, but I work 10 or 11 hours a day every week, Monday through Friday, and we come here. I go soul-winding at least three times a week, preaching these sermons. It's hard work, but I don't really even feel that burnt out. You know why? It's because I have the Spirit of God in me. You know why? It's because I have people like you that have that same spirit and discernment that help us out and look and watch out for things, so I don't feel like I need that. But that's a gross misuse of God's resources, to send your liberal pastor, who doesn't even believe in the Word of God, on a three-month sabbatical. What are you, are you insane? But these are the times that we're living in. I mean, this is bizarre. But you know what? They are of the world, therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. The world hears that. That's why they have thousands of people in services, because they speak of the world, and the world heareth them. Verse six, we're of God. He that knoweth God heareth us. He that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the Spirit of truth, and the Spirit of error. Notice what he says. Hereby, because we know God, because we know his Word, because his seed was in us, and we kept it, we've kept his commandments, therefore we know the Spirit of truth, and we know the Spirit of error. So we are, as Christians, we're supposed to know the Spirit of error as well. We're supposed to know that so that we can recognize that. And thank God that this is a church where we've seen that, and we know that now. We know the Spirit of error. Obviously because we first knew the Spirit of truth. So that's what he's saying there. I'll go back to chapter three real quick. First John, chapter three. First John, chapter three. And look down, we'll see, we'll start in verse number six. So remember, point number four, we are commanded to try the spirits, okay? And when storm came in here, we had to try him. First of all, because of his weird laugh when I told him he could come to soul winning. I mean, who does that? It's almost like, like I have suspicions that somebody hired him or somebody sent him in here. I might be wrong about that, okay? But it was just so weird how he laughed at me when I was like, yeah, you can, you come down. I think he was laughing like, oh man, this is actually working. It's not working, I just wanna know what you're all about. But anyways, let's move on here. Verse number six, listen to this. First John three, six says this. Whosoever abideth in him, sinneth not. Whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither know him. Again, we understand that when you're born of God, right? There's a new person inside of you, that person doesn't sin, that's what he's talking about. Verse seven, little children, let no man deceive you. He that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. Verse eight, he that comitteth sin is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil. Whosoever is born of God, doth not commit sin, for his seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. So that seed is the word of God. So when you hear the word, right, Ephesians chapter one, verse 13, what happens? And you accept it and you believe it, you trust you're sealed until the day of redemption. Right, Ephesians chapter four. It's simple, you're not sealed until the next time that you sin, but that new man can't sin because it's born of God. So that new man that God made inside of you and you got saved, that can't sin. Now can the old man sin? Yes. And you have to know that doctrine before you can even read First John. If you don't understand that, you've got no business reading First John. Because that's how you're gonna discern that, because some of the verses in First John, he's talking, you know, hey, if we sin, we have an advocate of the Father, right? What is he talking? He's talking in the context of the old man, right? But here in chapter three, right now, he's talking in context of the new man, and we need to understand that. So let's leave here, go over to Second Corinthians, chapter 11, and I'll finish reading for you out of First John three. So he says again, whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin, for his seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin because he is born of God, verse 10. In this the children of God are manifest, right? That means made known, that means made visible, made to be understood. He says, in this the children of God are made manifest, and the children of the devil. Whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. And you know what? You could tell that somebody does love a brother when they take him aside and try to cast doubt on the Bible. That's when you know, hey, I'm dealing with somebody here who does not love the brethren, because he's trying to cast doubt on the Bible, trying to cast doubt on doctrine, trying to cast doubt on me, out soul winning, right? But he says in verse 10, in this the children of God are manifest. What does he mean by in this, in that seed, in the word of God? So when somebody has the seed, the word of God in their hearts, we can know, we can make manifest whether or not they are saved. That is Bible doctrine. We can't always know for sure, like I said, but you know what? It is a biblical doctrine to go around and try to find out whether or not somebody's saved, whether or not somebody serves God, or whether he serveth them not. That is biblical. That is Bible Christianity. That is what we're reading about here. That's what we're learning about. Second Corinthians chapter 11, Second Corinthians chapter 11, look at verse 13. We're almost done, kind of. Heh heh heh heh heh. Second Corinthians 11, 13 says this. For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ, and no marvel. For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light, and understanding that brings forth light. Look at verse 15. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works. And what is it that these people work? Discord, doubt, deceit, right? Subversion, that is the works that they do, right? But he says, therefore, it's no great thing. Marvel not. Don't think it's a big deal that we have these people coming in here, because that's what they do. That's what their father the devil is about. So of course their minions are gonna do the same thing. He came in here, I'm saved, I'm so glad to be around a bunch of like-minded believers. He said, I'm glad to be around Andersonites. That's what he says. People that are like us, we don't say that, okay? We don't say stuff like that. So it's like, again, yeah, we're Christians. We're Bible-believing Christians. We're not Andersonites, okay? Yeah, I like Pastor Anderson. I listen to his stuff all the time, right? But you know what, he doesn't wanna be referred to as having a bunch of Andersonite churches. He doesn't like that. It's like, get real. So it says that these people transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, right? And it says who's and shall be according to the works. So what I'm gonna do right now is I've got 15 things. I'll go through them pretty quickly. 15 things about Storm, Storm Martin, right? And number one is the first impression on the phone. I wanna bring this up again. When he first called me that Monday, right? The first thing he says is, hey, I live in Vietnam. I wanna take soul-winning back to Vietnam. When's the next time I can go soul-winning? Again, nobody does that, right? People just show up to church and decide, okay, I wanna learn to go soul-winning. And furthermore, people bring their Bibles. See, again, that's another weird thing about this guy. He brought his Bible the first time out to soul-winning. I think he had it on Sunday with you guys. He had his flower Bible out the second time, right? But Thursday, he shows up without his Bible. Sound like somebody we all know? Yeah, that's weird. Sounds just like Josh. Sounds just like Josh, getting progressively worse as time goes on. So he calls me up, hey, I wanna go soul-winning. I tell him, hey, we have church on Wednesday. Don't you think you wanna come to church? Oh, yeah, oh, you have church on Wednesday? Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. So that's weird, right? That's what he's trying to work. He's just trying to work his way in here and transform himself into a minister of righteousness. But right off the bat, we knew that he wasn't. Number two is the first impression that we all had of him in person when he came in here, right? He came in here with his flower Bible, with his little skinny jean jacket on. First thing he does is go up to Jessica, right? Because we're the first ones here. Instead of coming up to me, he goes right up to her and wants to talk to her and find out about her, find out a little bit about her, but really pour his story out there, right? He's like, I live in Vietnam. I mean, he's really pouring out, I live in Vietnam. There's no good churches. They'll arrest me if I go soul-winning, but I wanna bring soul-winning back there. And it's just contradiction after contradiction. And it's like, okay. Usually when somebody who's new comes in here, they don't try to pour on their whole life story right off the bat. They wanna find out what we're about, right? Like the other guy who came in here about a month ago, right, remember Daryl? He was cool, right? He didn't come in here like that. And he didn't even agree with us on a lot of things, but at least he was nice about it. At least he just had honest, genuine questions, you know? And it just wasn't for him, so that's okay. But this guy was different. He really wanted us to believe his Vietnamese story. Just kept talking about Vietnam. Hey, a dollar for a bowl of soup in Vietnam. My rent's only $100. And he's like, I've got three kids, and my wife is in Vietnam. Oh, and I don't know if I mentioned this, but his first wife, right? Remember how I said that he told us that she died? He went on later that week to say, well, I was never really married to her. And the reason why he said that is because he probably found out that we would never send somebody out of here to start a church that's been divorced, okay? And so, no, I was married to her in my heart. That's what I meant. And he kept changing his story. Even on Thursday, he told me, I'm not very good with words. And I'm like, why are you trying to translate the Bible, then, if you're not very good at words? He even admitted to us he didn't speak fluent Vietnamese, right? And so, on Sunday, Jessica gives him this website of this place that prints King James Bibles out in Tennessee. They have a missionary there. We met him. They're nice people. They do a great work. But it has all the different languages that they've printed parts or all of the Bible in. And Jessica's like, they have Vietnamese on there. Maybe you should contact them. And he just, right away, well, it might not be right. I've never heard of it, blah, blah, blah. I'm gonna contact them. So Sunday comes around, hey, did you call them? No, I emailed them, but they haven't got back to me, right? Putting a blame on them. So I'm like, okay, I call them. I call them. I ordered some Bibles. They actually gave me a nice deal on them. That's pretty cool. But anyways, I call them and I'm like, hey, have you ever printed the Vietnamese Bible out or the King James out in Vietnamese? It says that on the website. She's like, yeah, we have John and Romans and we do it when it's requested. I'm like, okay, let me ask you a question. If somebody's not fluent in Vietnamese, would you ever allow them to work on a translation? No, never. And this is an old IFB person, never. No, that's absurd. And I'm like, okay, I knew that's what you're gonna say, but I just wanted to verify. So there's that, okay? Obviously, again, proving his works. His works are to cast doubt, right? Pouring on his whole life story. I'm gonna save Vietnam. It's all me, right? And let's move on here. The next thing that I've already brought up here is his dyke ex-wife. So when he tells us this back there, right? He's like, oh, my ex-wife is gay and she died and so that's why I'm here to get my daughter. Okay, this is really weird. So when he said that, I said, you mean your wife's a dyke, a bull dyke? He started getting really squirmy and really uncomfortable. He didn't like that. He's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, a dyke, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, she's gay, yeah. Yeah, I'm like, she's a dyke? Dude, that's terrible. That's nasty. And you're telling us right now that her partner has custody of your daughter? Were they married? He's like, no, they were married, but. I'm like, how does that work? Is that even possible here in Idaho? I don't think it is. I don't think it is. I think he's lying about that. I don't think he has a daughter. I think that whole thing's made up, which is probably why he told us he was going on trial in another county, right? No, it's in another county, because we're looking. We're trying to find out where this trial is. That's just weird. Isn't that weird? That's just bizarre. It's in another county. The government's granted her custody. You're the father, dude. And what took you 10 years to come out here and get her in the first place? You see what I mean? It's just like Josh, man, lie after lie. This dude came here for two services and two soul winning times and then the third time to get booted. And I mean, I've got 15 things here and we haven't even scratched the surface. We can't, but these are the most important. Okay. Number four, he wants to start a church in Vietnam and translate the Bible into Vietnamese from English, meaning his version of English, okay? And when we called him out on this on Thursday, he sits over there and he's like, he's like, I'm not lying. He's like, and I don't speak the language fluently, but I was gonna send my modern version to Pastor Anderson and Pastor Jimenez. Yeah, I was gonna send it to Pastor Jimenez. And then it's like, I told him, I was like, they would probably suplex you, okay? But they're not interested in a new Bible version. And he kept telling us the whole time, I've listened to thousands of sermons, I've listened to hundreds of sermons and then all of a sudden it's, well, in Vietnam, you can't get Pastor Anderson or Pastor Jimenez, right? You can't get him. And then all of a sudden over here, he's like, but right before I left, I found out this way where I could soup up my computer and link over here and download all these sermons. Just lie after lie after lie after lie, man. It is just weird. But again, that's apparently with a new technique that these devils have. Just throw around Pastor Jimenez or throw around Pastor Anderson and we'll just go drop our guard. Come on in. We trust you. Sure, ask questions about my kid. Sure, pet my cat on the head. Sure. Get real, man. These people really, these devils are stupid. Dumb. All right, brace yourself for this one. I'm not sure how many of you have told about this one. Number five, weird comments about Vietnamese girls being super hot. So after you guys left and after we had our little mini squabble over here about the Bible, we're walking out. I'm walking behind him. Jessica and the girls back here. I think Kaden's throwing something in the dumpster. We're, I'm right here at this door. As soon as I kind of close the door a little bit, he goes, oh, by the way, man, every girl in Vietnam is super hot. That's what he tells me. They're all super hot. I'm like, what? This is a confirmation this dude's a devil, you know? He should not speak like that, especially in church. And he goes, and to make matters worse, I almost committed adultery on my wife twice. That's what he says. And he's, you know who saved me? I'm like, you don't know how to say it, but sure who? And he goes, Steve Anderson. Steve Anderson saved me from committing adultery on my wife twice. And he goes, to make matters worse, all the girls in Vietnam think I'm super hot. I'm like, this is gross, man. I was like, ah, yeah, whatever, man. You know, I gotta go. But that's what he tells me. He's like, and they all think that I'm rich. That's what we're dealing with here. You know, he waited till you guys left, and I don't know what he's thinking. You think I'm that stupid, where I wouldn't catch on to you? He's telling me this by myself, because there's nobody else around, obviously, right? From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. You know, these fools that cannot help but manifest their folly, right? The Bible says it is sport to a fool to do mischief. And it's sport to him, that's why he's doing this. At least we're gonna get some value. At least we're gonna get some fun out of this. But who does that, man? Nope, we just don't talk like that. That's not how Bible-believing Christians separate the holy and the unholy. You don't do that. Be holy in all manner of conversation, the Bible says. But this guy, he won't receive the word of God, so therefore, we can tell he's a devil. You know, he's just not gonna get it. Just weird comment after weird comment after weird comment. Number six, okay, I already went over number six. Let's see, oh, yeah, number seven. So on Wednesday, he tells Jessica that he got saved by listening to Pastor Anderson. He got re-saved or however he worded it. Thursday, we go soul-winding, run into a lady. She's like, what is KJV only? He starts to say stuff. I say, I do this, nope. And then I go on and tell her what being King James only is. You know, I give her a quick rundown. And I didn't realize I was holding my hand out there, but that was it. That's the only time he tried to interrupt me. And I explained that to her. We're walking down the stairs. He's like, yeah, you know, I had this disease when I was like younger. I think he said like 19 or 20. And this woman took care of me. She paid my hospital bills, right? Because every girl thinks he's hot apparently. And he's like, yeah, I was in the hospital. You know, I had to wear this like mosquito mesh thing over me so that I wouldn't itch my skin so bad. And she gave me an NIV Bible. I read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all in one sitting. And I got, they messed me up real bad, right? And then on Thursday when we confronted him about this, right, I said, you told me on Thursday you got saved out of the NIV. And he says, no, I got saved when this guy came and gave me the gospel. I don't know what version he used, right? Didn't he say the guy came out of the woods? Like this little midget comes out of the woods, right? And he's just like, hey, you know, let me get you saved right here. Here's, you know, and he believes it. And then he got an NIV and read it. It's just like, just this guy came out of the woods. This guy just appeared unto him, you know, just showed up and gave him. He's like, and I'm not sure what version he used. So now you got saved by Pastor Anderson. You got saved out of the NIV and now the mystery man in the woods. Which one is it? Which one is it? Oh yeah, number eight. So we're knocking on doors and he goes, you do soul winning different than the other pastors in the movement. And that's what made me think, uh oh, has he been to any of the other churches? You know? And I said, what do you mean by that? And he was like, oh, you know, he's just a little bit different. I was like, what does that mean? He was just like, oh, I don't, you know, I just, just some of the videos I've seen, this is funny because when I first started soul winning, I watched all those videos and I copied them. You know what I mean? I did, you know? That's how I got my training in the beginning. I watched all the videos about soul winning from the movement and I just copied them. I just did what they said, you know? And now I might use different verses or whatever, but at this point I hadn't even given the gospel yet. And he's telling me I've done it different than the other pastors in the Bible. Again, just more doubt, trying to cause more discord. Oh yeah, number nine. His weird job about working, or his weird deal about working at Family Dollar, right? His story is he's here for a month to go to trial to get his daughter back, right? And Thursday we go soul winning, we get out of the vehicle and he says, I just started working at Family Dollar today, as a manager, of course. Now think about this, you live in Vietnam, right? To get a job at Family Dollar as a manager, you have to fill out a W-2. You have to provide ID. You have to have some form of residency. You have to have an agenda to be here longer than a month. So at a minimum he's lying about that, right? And he came in here on Thursday with this fake name tag, right? It's like this, what was it, like an index card with like some stickers on it or something? But I went and looked up employee ID tags at Family Dollar because I haven't been there for a long time and it wasn't like what you described at all. Just this bizarro name tag here. And he makes it a point for these guys to say, well, I better take my name tag off at Family Dollar because I'm a manager, right? Yep, time to put that away and go soloing, yep. No, it takes three weeks to get your first paycheck at Family Dollar after you start working. He's here for a month. That math doesn't add up, right? Because he kept saying, hey, I'm taking care of my family in Vietnam and then I gotta feed myself here. That's just so weird. Again, I'm so sorry. Number 10, his odd behavior towards the children. By the end of Sunday morning, he had inquired about Kinley, he had inquired about Kylin, he had inquired about little Jasmine, about all of you girls that were here, all the ladies, all you guys up here, right? He's bothered all you ladies at this point, and especially the young boys. Now I was back here and I was watching him when brother Jeff closed in prayer and he's doing this. He's looking around like this, looking at everybody, seeing who's vigilant, seeing, now why, we confronted, brother David confronted him on Thursday about that and he said, you know what his response was? What, you're supposed to have your eyes closed when you pray? Is that in the Bible or something? And he looks at me and I'm like, hey, don't challenge me, don't, you know, come at me with that junk. You tell me right now why you're doing that. And he's just like, well, if you guys don't want me here, I'll just leave. Never addressed the issue. Why are you doing that? He did that Sunday night as well. Just looking around, you know, and then he wants, give me a Bible verse right now that says I have to have my eyes closed. No, that's not the issue. You're not praying is the issue. He wasn't praying, he was watching everybody in here. I don't know why, other than maybe he has a pedophile, but you know, touching kids just really interested in what they're doing, keeping tabs on them, going to the bathroom and being like, oh, you're finally out. Just very, very, very odd behavior, all right? And so he says, well, when he was confronted about this on Thursday, he said, well, there's no pedophiles in Vietnam. That's not true. Type in pedophiles in Vietnam and there's story after story after story about how lenient they are. In fact, they're harboring pedophiles from London there right now and they won't kick them out. They won't do anything about it. They say it's fine. They say it's okay. I mean, what do you expect from a communist country? There's no pedophiles there. They flourish there. There's tons of stories about human trafficking in Vietnam between there, Japan, Thailand, all these countries, and then back to America. There's not a country on this earth that doesn't have an issue with that, at least in my opinion. So moving on here, Sunday night before he leaves, he says, what do you, and I already brought this up, but he says, yeah, what do you guys think about Charles Stanley? Is he on the mark? Is he a good preacher? But what about David Wilkerson? I'm like, I don't know much about Charles Stanley. I mean, I listen to him like 2000, like a couple times, a scene on TV or something. But he's like, what about David Wilkerson? To this day, I have not looked him up, but he's probably repenting or sins. Does anybody know? I don't know. Maybe he is. I'm pretty sure, most people aren't. Okay, let's just face it. But why did he do that? We were talking about all the different pastors. Brother Adrian's like, there's so many preachers that you can listen to that are preaching right today. We don't need to go outside of that umbrella. There's so much preaching, you can't even keep up with it all. There's no way, right? There's no way. But why is he doing that? Because he's an idiot. He doesn't wanna receive the word of God. He's in here to destroy, to transform himself as a minister of righteousness so that he can, under the table, start chopping people down. That's his whole goal. Oh yeah, and then while you guys, after soloing in between the services, he's like, I need to practice my Vietnamese. And so he's in here with his shoes off, right? As I let him go and there was nobody else here, he's in there with his shoes off, sitting like yoga style, and he's rehearsing Vietnamese words on a tape. And we're all out here like, if you speak Vietnamese, what business do you have translating the Bible if you're not fluent in the language? But again, he's doing that so that we'll buy the lie that he is all about the Vietnamese people, so on, so forth. Several inappropriate comments made by this guy, which we can't get into. And then I already mentioned number 15, saying, I'm so glad that I found an Anderson church, you know, and I called Sacramento and then they told me about you guys. He didn't know anything about Sacramento because I called Brother Oliver and he said, I get a lot of calls, but I don't remember that guy. The last guy that called about us was Travis and he turned out to be a devil as well. So lots of devils. Let's move on here, go to Proverbs chapter 15. Proverbs chapter 15, we're almost done. And I'm sure I missed stuff, but you know what? You get the point, right? Each devil that comes in here provides just a whole new way of looking at things. So let's move on here. Proverbs 15, look at verse number two. Proverbs chapter 15, verse two says this. The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright, but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness. Every time this guy would open his mouth, anything that would come out of it was foolishness, pure foolishness. Look at verse four. A wholesome tongue is the tree of life, but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit. So when he was telling me about how hot these girls are and all this other junk, I knew there was a breach in his spirit. I knew there was a problem, we all knew that. When he started talking about your children, you knew that there was a breach in his spirit. And we all as a church recognize we have a devil amongst us. Proverbs chapter 17, if you can get there, verse number four says this. Proverbs 17, verse four says, A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips, and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue. And I'm thankful that in this church, no one gave ear to these false lips, like the Melphys would have. Yeah, you know it. You know it's true. It is true. They would have bled that heart out all over this place for this guy. And you know that. That's harsh, but that's truth. That's reality, my friend. And what does this say? A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips, and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue. And that's why I was like, no. I was like, we can't talk about this. These comments you're making is not right. Oh, I just don't use words right. Yeah, you're right about that. You use them like a devil. So I'm just gonna read for you James chapter one, verse 26, which says this. If any man among you seem to be religious, in bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. So him coming in here saying, hey, I serve God like you guys do. I'm saved. I'm a brother, right? Isn't that what he told us on his way out of the door? I still look at you guys as brothers. No, your religion is vain because you can't bridle your tongue. You can't shut your mouth. And that's how we know. And I'm just gonna close with this, Malachi 3.18. Then shall ye return and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. And the key thing to remember is to talk about these things because that's what they did in Malachi, right? They got together, those that were saved. They talked about the things of God. They sharpened each other. They continued on. They moved forward. And God said of that seed, of that generation, that remnant, they will be the ones that go back. They will be the ones to discern between him that serve God and them that serveth him not. And because of our past experiences as a church, we were able to discern that. And I'm really proud to say that. I'm not being arrogant, but I love this church. And I'm proud of that, that everybody in here knew that. We don't have anybody left anymore that would give heed to a lying tongue. You know, that's great. I'm excited about that. And I look forward to what the next round is gonna be because it's coming, it's coming. Last verse, 1 Peter 1.7. That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ. So Peter's telling people this, you know, your faith's gonna be tried. We're gonna go through these trials, right? We will have another devil come in here. I don't know when. I think we might get a little bit of a break now. You know, hopefully we get a little bit of a break, but if not, we need to understand that these things, you know, are gonna bring forth eternal rewards, gold, right? And guess what? The fact that that guy came in here and tried us, that proved to give us some gold, some little gold nuggets, you know, for the next one. And so let's just embrace it, accept that it's coming. Remember these things and move forward, all right? Let's pray. Thank you, Lord, for these truths in the Bible. Thank you for all that you've done for us, Lord, in protecting us. And I thank you for this church, Lord, and the discernment level that we have. I just pray you continue to bless us, grow us and help us, Lord. And please bless the soul-winding today and the evening service. In Jesus' name I pray.