(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey, man. Yeah, it was me. I forgot to turn my ringer off. I don't follow my own advice. I don't follow my own preaching. Just kidding. I follow the Bible. I don't follow the bulletin. All right. And you guys don't either. So don't give me too hard of a time. All right. So this morning, what I'm preaching about is eternal security, right? Eternal security. The title of my sermon is eternal security defense. All right. So I've got seven questions that I picked that I feel are the most common that we hear out in this community. And what I want to do is I just want to go through these questions and answer them. This is designed to give you strength. A lot of this will be familiar to you. If it's not, then praise God, you know, you're going to learn something new, but by the time we get towards the end of the sermon, so questions five and seven, especially, you're going to really need to pay attention because it's, we're going to get into a little bit of meat, right? So just do the best you can try to pay attention. And I think that you will be blessed by this. So we're in John chapter 11, look down at verse number 25. It says, Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life. He that believeth me, though he were dead yet shall he live. So he's trying to explain to her, Hey, you know, Lazarus is sleeping. He's not really dead, dead, right? Because what he's trying to get across to her is, Hey, when a believer dies, guess what? They don't really die. They don't go to the second death, right? Where do they go? They go to heaven. What's heaven? It's rest, right? And so that's what he's trying to get across to her. But then in verse 26, this is really the verse that I want to preach about this morning. If you look at verse 26, it says, and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this. Now just think about what he's saying here. Just think about this. What are the two things in here that you absolutely have to believe? And don't forget that Jesus is saying these are his words. It says, and whosoever lives. So whosoever is alive, right? Whosoever is alive right now and believeth in him, right? So you have to believe in him. We all get that. I'm sure we all understand that. But then he says, shall never die. Believest thou this. Why does he ask her that? Think about this. What is he saying? Whosoever believeth in me shall never die. So what he's saying is, hey, when you trust in him, when you believe in him, you'll never die. That's eternal security, right? Though this body will go into the grave someday, right? This body, this old man is going to pass on. The new man inside of you, if you're saved, is going to go to heaven, right? And I just love this verse. You know, when we're out soul winning and I can only, you know, maybe give somebody one verse a lot of times, I'll just give them this one because it packs in their eternal security. And Jesus said himself, believeth thou this, meaning you have to believe in eternal security to be saved, right? That is a fact. Jesus said it himself. It's all throughout the Bible. If you do not believe in eternal security, then you are not saved. And we're going to go through that this morning. So go to John chapter three, John chapter three. We're just going to get right into this because I got a lot of material to cover. And so what he's saying to her is he's saying, hey, look, whosoever liveth present tense and believeth in me shall never die. I mean, that's good news, right? That's the gospel. The gospel isn't, hey, whosoever believeth in me, right? And continues to turn over a new leaf and continues to work hard and go to church and be a good person. We'll never die, right? He doesn't say that. What does he say? Whosoever believeth in me shall never die. So question number one is what is eternal security? What is eternal security? You're there in John chapter three, look at verse 15. It says that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life. Notice what's missing. Let's read the verse again. That whosoever believeth in him and gets baptized and goes to church and puts money in the plate and stops cussing. Oh wait, it doesn't say that, does it? Whosoever believeth in him, right, should not perish. What's the perishing that he's talking about there? Death, that's right, hell. He says shall should not perish but have eternal life. The word eternal means to never end. It's very important to understand that. Eternal means to never end. That's why Jesus said, believeth thou this, right? Thou shall never die. Believeth thou this. Look at verse 16, I'll prove it to you. It says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. So he defines what eternal life is. It's everlasting life. It's life that is eternal that never ends, right? So if you get saved today and you get eternal life, right, and you think, okay, well, five years from now, God takes that away from you, then that wasn't eternal. That's five year life. That's not eternal life. God doesn't give five year life. God doesn't give 10 year life. God doesn't give temporary life. God gives eternal life. And this is so important to understand because the community, this country is being hoodwinked by false gospel preachers every single week. And especially in the Treasure Valley, a lot of people here go to church and I bring this up every week. But you know what? When we tell people, hey, you know, you're familiar with eternal security. No, I have no idea what that means. You know, or they'll just blow smoke and say, Oh yeah, I believe that. And you say, Oh, what do you have to do to be saved? Follow the commandments, follow the Bible, get baptized, right? Stop sitting. A guy told brother Jeff yesterday, you got to stop cussing. He got saved. You know, praise God. Jeff was able to give him the gospel, right? But that's what he thought. He wasn't sure he was going to heaven because he has a foul mouth. Okay. Just like try not to laugh, but he's like, I've got good news for you. Okay. God promises everlasting life. So the point question number one, very basic and we're going to move on here is what is eternal security? It is life that doesn't end and you get it when you get saved. It's secure. I mean, think about it. If a fireman rescues somebody from a burning building, they're saved, right? It's not that hard to understand. Now, does the fireman ever say, okay, look, five years from now you don't pay your bills. I'm going to go light a fire in another building and put you back in. They do. They don't do that. Right now. The government may try to do that too. Just kidding. All right. So question number one, very basic. What is eternal security? It's your security that you're never going to lose your everlasting life. Okay. It's eternal life. Life that never ends. It lasts for ever. So the next question is number two, when do you get eternal security? When does a person actually receive this gift? Turn to John chapter 10, John chapter 10. This is a big one here. I think just spent about 15 minutes trying to explain this to this guy yesterday and his wife, you know, that you actually get eternal life the moment you're saved. Okay. I'm going to prove that to you. Like I said, we're going to be all over the Bible this morning. So John chapter 10, look at verse number 28, very familiar passage. I think most of us probably use this out solely John chapter 10, look at verse 28. It says, and I give unto them eternal life, right? This is Jesus talking here and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish. Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. And he goes on to verse 29 to say this, my father, which gave them me is greater than all. And no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand. Now let me ask you a question here. Who in here thinks that they're stronger than God? Nobody. In fact, every person that we say that to out soul winning, they agree. I don't think we've had anybody yet disagree, right? Look at verse 29 again. He says my father, which gave them me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand. So when you get saved, when you get born again, you get everlasting life that very moment. Turn to Romans chapter four, Romans chapter four. So he says, and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish. Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. So when you get saved, you literally get placed into the hand of Jesus Christ, right? And you're not stronger than Jesus Christ. We're not stronger than God. So can you ever lose your salvation? No, you can't. It's impossible. You're not stronger than God. You cannot pluck yourself out of his hand. Neither can anyone else pluck you out of his hand. You see, because a lot of people that we explain this to, they'll say, well, what if, what if you're, what if your friends, you know, come by and you know, you're, you're weak and they entice you to sin and you get drunk. If you don't ask for forgiveness for that, then you're going to go to hell, right? Don't most people say that out here, right? That's what most people say. But what does the verse say? I, and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish. Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. So those people, if that situation is true, did entice you to do something bad and you're weak and you fell for it, they couldn't even pluck you out of his hand. That's what, that's what the verse is saying, right? So when somebody says, I don't believe that, I don't believe that I think you can lose your salvation. That is blasphemy. You're saying that you're stronger than Jesus Christ. You're saying that you're stronger than God. And that's what people are telling you when they say, I don't believe in eternal security. I don't believe that you're really placed in his hand. You're saying that he's weak. That's what you're saying. So Romans chapter four, these are some good verses that, uh, that I've had a lot of success with lately, stumping Mormons, but not only that, also really showing people that all of their sins are forgiven when they get saved. Okay. So remember, what are we trying to answer here? Question number two, when do you get eternal life? When you understand these verses, it's going to make a lot of sense. Okay. Look at Romans chapter four, verse seven says, saying, blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven. What does that mean? That's your past sins, right? And so Paul saying, Hey, blessed is the person whose past sins are covered or her whose past iniquities are forgiven, right? That's your past sins. Now, now read the rest of the verse and whose sins are covered. There's your present, right? There's your present sin. So your present sins are covered. And like this Mormon guy tried to tell me yesterday, because he said, okay, so when a person gets saved, they get saved from their past sins and they get saved from their present sins, but then they have to live a perfect life or close or pretty darn close to. Right. And if you don't, well, then you're going to go to purgatory. That's what you said. Purgatory. Yeah. I didn't know Mormons believed in purgatory, but apparently they do. Now, verse number eight, blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. There's, there's your future sins. So when you get saved, you're literally saved from your past, your present and your future sins. So why would somebody say that you don't get eternal life the moment you're saved? Unless someone's lying to you. See, it's profitable business wise to tell people that they have to turn from their sins to be saved and to live a perfect life or they're going to hell because that brings people into church. It brings the wrong kind of people into church, but it brings the cash in and look, I'm not against cash. You know, we need money to operate obviously, and we want people here, but the Bible says that God builds a church, right? And you're not going to build a good church. You're not going to build a real good church by preaching a false gospel. That's right. But you know what this doctrine, believe it or not, this doctrine that says you have to turn over a new leaf. It's popular out there. Why is that? Because it lifts up man and it brings down God because it's all about what you did, not about what God did. That's why it's important. You know, what Paul's doing here is he's quoting Psalms chapter 32. It's the same thing where David said, Hey, blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin and to whom there is no guile. What did Jesus say when he met Nathaniel? He said, wow, an Israelite indeed in whom there is no guile. You think Nathaniel never sinned? Get real. Of course he did. All of his disciples did. And we can go through the Bible and study that out and I could show you, but Nathaniel had the new man and the new man doesn't sin and we're going to get there. Okay. Romans chapter 10, Romans chapter 10. So if I were you, I would just remember this, mark this down in your Bible. Romans chapter four versus seven through eight. It's the perfect place to take somebody when they're confused, right? They're like, well, you know, are you sure you get eternal life, you know, right when you're saved? Because a lot of people are scared out there, right? And they, they don't know this. And look, when you show them that and you explain it to them, it's like a light bulb just goes off a lot of times and they get it. Now, when I, when I do this to the Mormons, they got nothing. Who was with me two Saturdays, brother Dave, you were with me two Saturdays ago. I gave this verse to a Mormon. Was it me? It was three Saturdays ago. Remember that lady? And she's like, I've never heard that before. I'm gonna have to go study that. That you're right. That's weird. Well, what the guy told me yesterday, the Mormon guy, he said, well, we have the book of Mormon and we also have Russell Nelson, our prophet. I'll tell you what that prophet's going to split hell wide open. He's going to split it. You know, he's going to be cannon balling into the lake of fire someday. I'll tell you that right now. That is not true. Look at Romans chapter 10, look at verse number nine. So when do you get your eternal life? So we see why it's possible. It's possible because that new man's forgiven for all his sins. You're forgiven for everything that you've ever done, are going to do or ever will do. Romans 10 nine. It says that if, because it's your choice, right? That if thou shall confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead, what does that last part of the verse say? Thou shalt be saved. It doesn't say thou shall eventually be saved. Thou might be saved. Thou shall be saved. In an instant, at that very moment that you decide to put your faith and trust on the Lord Jesus Christ, you are saved. And when you are saved, you get your eternal life. You don't get it after you die physically. You get it right now. That's what he's saying. Turn to Ephesians chapter number one. Ephesians chapter number one. So I'm going to move through these, uh, fairly quickly after this, we're going to go to Ephesians chapter number four, and then we're going to go to Jonah. All right, so we're already on question number two. When does a person receive eternal life? And the answer is right when they believe. I'm going to show that to you. Ephesians chapter one, look at verse 13. It says in whom, talking about Christ, in whom he also trusted. Now notice this, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. So here's how it goes. A person hears the preaching. They hear the word of God, right? And then they decide they're going to trust Christ, right? That's how it goes. Now, when somebody says, I got saved because God's literally spoke to me, we could tell they're not saved, right? When somebody says, I watched the Billy Graham video, right? It says, I got saved. I watched this Christian movie. I heard this rap song and I got saved. Guess what? You didn't get saved because there's no gospel in those. There's no word of God. There's no power in that stuff, right? So in whom ye also trusted, after that you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Now notice the rest of the verse, in whom also after that ye believed, right? So after you believed, you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise. Turn to Ephesians chapter four. So the Bible says, you hear the word of God, you decide to put your trust in your faith in Jesus Christ. And then what happens? You're sealed, right? You're sealed. Now I heard this idiot teacher on the internet one time, his name's Tim Conway. I heard him say, well, seals are made to be broken. That's what he said. He said, if you don't have works, you're going to hell. And that's what Paul Washer teaches. If you know who Paul Washer is, the Calvinist dirt bag. Who's no different than Russell Nelson, the Mormon apostle or president or prophet or whatever he is. But the Bible says here, very plainly, after you believe you're sealed with the Holy Ghost. Now the question might become, okay, well, how long are you sealed for? Right? And that's a good, that is a good question. And the answer's right here in chapter four, Ephesians chapter four, look at verse 30 and grieve, not the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Has the day of redemption happened yet? No. So how long are you sealed for? Yeah, forever until the day of redemption. And then you get your new body. It's not that hard to understand. It's not that hard to understand, but yet why are millions of people around here confused? And look, we're a small church and we're, we're the ones out there straightening people out. And you say, are you saying you're the only ones that are right? Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Unfortunately, that's what I'm saying. I'm not being arrogant. I'm not being prideful. It's just the truth. Show me somebody else is preaching this out there. Now we're not the only church that believes in eternal security around here. I'm sure there's a couple more, but they're not out helping us. In fact, they hate our guts and you know, it's true. So he says you're sealed until the day of redemption. You're not sealed until the next time you sin. It's not what it says. So when do you get eternal life? The moment you believe that's right. And this is why we exist to teach people this truth. This is good news. It's not good news when you go tell somebody, Hey, you know what? As long as you believe and turn over a new leaf and you can prove that you have works and the good outweighs the bad after you die, when you get to the judgment, see that maybe you're saved. That doesn't provide comfort to people that provides anxiety. The gospel is not anxiety. It's good news. Go to Jonah chapter three, Jonah chapter three. It's question number one. What is eternal life? It's life that doesn't end. It's life that goes on forever. Question number two. When do you get eternal life? The moment you believe and why? Because you're saved from your past, your present and your future sins. That's what the Bible teaches. This is what people need to understand. They need us to explain this to them. So question number three, what are works? Does the Bible define what works are? And yes it does. I'm going to show you this here. Jonah chapter three. Many of you are familiar with the story. We, we go over this a lot, but I just want you to see this. Let's pick up here in verse number four. It says, and Jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey and he cried and said, yet 40 days and Nineveh shall be overthrown. And I mentioned this a couple of Wednesdays ago for those of you guys that weren't here. This is not the only thing he said. Okay. The Bible doesn't record every word that he said. He didn't just walk into Nineveh and say, okay guys, yet 40 days and Nineveh shall be overthrown and then just bounce. Okay. That's not what happened. Okay. And you can tell that by the following verses. Look at, look at verse number five. This is very important. Verse number five. So the people of Nineveh believed God and proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest of them to the least of them. It is important to understand this. Jonah went to Nineveh and he preached, he preached the word of God. He preached the word that God gave him, right? Then what happened? They believed. It doesn't say that they just believed Jonah. They believed God. They understood that what he was saying came from God. Okay. Now what follows after that are works and the Bible is going to go list a bunch of things that they do and it's going to tell us that these are works. Now these are not what saved them from, from hell. Okay. These works that they're about to do are what saved them from physical destruction. Okay. And you got to understand that. So let's read verse five again. So the people of Nineveh believed God and proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth, right? That's a work proclaiming a fast. Guess what? That's a work from the greatest of them, even to the least of them. So he's saying, Hey, everybody did this. Now verse six for word came unto the king of Nineveh and he arose from his throne and he laid his robe from him and covered him with sackcloth and sat in ashes. Guess what? That is a work, but keep in mind they've already believed. Okay. Verse seven and he caused it to be proclaimed and published throughout Nineveh by the decree of the king and his noble saying, let neither man nor beast heard nor flock taste anything. Let them not feed nor drink water. Now you can tell these are babes in Christ. These are baby Christians cause they got even the animals fasting. Okay. It's like, what did they do? But he just wants to cover all bases. He doesn't know the word of God yet. He doesn't know the Bible. I was like, you know what? We're all fasting, even the dogs, even the cats, everybody. Okay. I don't care if it's a hamster, nobody's eating food. All right. Verse eight. Now verse eight, it says, but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth and sounds like a lot of people around here. Okay. Let man and beast be covered with sackcloth and cry mightily unto God. Yay. Let them turn everyone from his evil way and from the violence that is in their hands. What does that tell you? These were a violent people. What does violence mean? It means to violate other people. It means to do harm to people that don't want it. That's what violence is. Okay. A boxing match is not violent. You can say it's gory, but it's not violent because they have both agreed to compete in that venue. See what I'm saying? But the Bible saying here, Hey, these people were violent. They had violence in their hands and they're doing evil. They're committing hurt. That's what the word evil means. Look at verse number nine and says, this is what the King says. He says, who can tell if God will turn and repent and turn away from his fierce anger that we perish not. This Ninevite King here, this King is, he has more intelligence than most people in the treasure Valley do. He understands that the word repent simply means to turn. He understands that. I always tell people this. The other day I was on my way to Albertsons to get grape juice. Then I heard an ad that said it was cheaper at Fred Meyer. So I repented and went to Fred Meyer. That's it. God repents in the Bible more than anyone else. The problem is people have been conditioned. They've been programmed to believe that the word repent means to turn from sin. You won't find that anywhere in the Bible does not exist. Now verse 10 and God saw their works. Now what are the works? A lot of things that I just left, read off to you, but also this, it says, and God saw their works that they turned from their evil way. So when a person turns from their sins, that is considered works according to the Bible. Is it not? That's what it says. Somebody asks you, what are the definition? What is the definition of works? Well, it's turning from sins. Are we saved by works? No, we're not. We're saved by the Lord Jesus Christ. So he says, and God saw their works that they turned from their evil way and God repented of the evil that he had said that he would do unto them and he did it not. So who repented here? Who turned? God. And it said that God was going to do evil. People say, Oh, I can't believe you said that. We need to go back to the Greek and Hebrew. You don't speak Greek and Hebrew. Most people that claim that are just trying to, again, lift up man and bring down God. They're saying, I believe in God. I just don't believe he's powerful enough to preserve his word for people today. That's what you're saying. We don't have time to get deeper into that, but it says in God repented. So God turned from the evil. Evil means hurt. God was going to destroy the city. So they heard the preaching and they decided, you know what? We better take action and we better turn from what we're doing. Right? And God said, okay, I'm going to turn. I'm not going to destroy you. I'm not going to commit this evil act on you. God doesn't have sin. So the word repent has nothing to do with sin. Now, can a person repent of their sins? Sure. We should all repent of our sins every day, right? We should all strive to purify ourselves to get better. That's what we should do. But do we have to do that in order to go to heaven? No, no, because Christ is what makes that new man come alive inside of you. So go to first John chapter number five, first John chapter number five. So question number three, what are works? Turning from your evil ways. That's what works are. We're not saved by works. We're saved by grace through faith, right? And not of works. The Bible says, and we're going to get into that. So while you're turning to first John chapter five, I'm gonna read for you Romans four, six, which says, even as David also described the blessed, the blessedness of the man unto whom God impudeth righteousness without works, the Bible says, as it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one. So how do you get righteousness? It's imputed unto you. It's given to you by God. And it's important to understand that it says without works, without works, our eternal life, our eternal security, our free gift from God comes from God and it's without works. Because a lot of times if you just take people to Jonah chapter three, verse 10, you're given that definition. It might not be good enough for them. So remember in verse five, they believed, right? They believed first and then they did the works. Okay. That's what it's saying. So question number four, does a person have to believe in eternal security to be saved? And that's, that's a good question. That is a question that a lot of people out here want to know. First John chapter five, look at verse 10. He that believeth on the son of God hath a witness in himself. He that believeth not God hath made him a liar because he believed it's not the record that God gave of his son. So before we move on here, let's make sure that we all understand this. If you do not believe the record that God gave of his son, you're calling him a liar. Whether you're doing it intentionally or unintentionally, it doesn't really matter. The fact is you're calling him a liar. You have to believe the record. So the question is now what is the record? Look at verse 11. That's why I love the Bible. And this is the record that God hath given to us eternal life. And this life is in his son. So question number four, what does a person have to believe in eternal security to be saved? Yes. Yes. That's why Jesus said in whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believe it's thou this meaning do you believe the whole thing that I just said to you? If you say I believe in you but I don't believe that I'll never die, you're not saved. If you say I believe in you but I don't believe that you've saved me forever, I don't believe the record, I don't believe that I have eternal life right now, you're not saved. You're calling God a liar. And that's a quick one there. Look, if somebody just rejects this, they're not saved. You could try to show them several other verses, right? I mean, there's hundreds of verses. You know, these types of sermons are hard to write. Because there are tons and tons of verses in the Bible that speak of eternal security. And if you've been with us through John, I mean, it's every chapter. It's every chapter. It's in every chapter of the Bible that we're bad. We can't save ourselves. God has to do it. It's all throughout the Bible, right? So it's hard, but I'm just gonna leave you with that there. First John chapter five, you have got to believe the record. A person has to believe that record or they are not saved. I didn't write this. That's what he wrote. And you don't praise God because I know I can't be good enough to get to heaven. And you know you can't either. So let's move on here. Go to James chapter two. This is where it's gonna start to get interesting. James chapter two. Everybody loves going to James. James chapter two. What about James chapter two? Faith without works is dead, right? Isn't that a every week, man? Every week we hear that, right? You know, it's true. Every week we hear that. So real quick, you're turning into James chapter two. What was question number one? What is eternal security? It's everlasting life. It's everlasting life. Question number two was when do you get everlasting life? The answer was when you get saved. How is that possible? Romans chapter four. You're saved from your past, your present and your future sins. Question number three. What works turning from sins, feeding the poor. What else? Yeah, going to church, praying, getting baptized. There's a lot of things that are worked. This is a big book. There's a lot of stuff in the Bible that we should do, but there's only one thing that you must do to be saved, right? Believe on Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Question number four was does a person have to believe in eternal security to be saved? Yes, it's all throughout the Bible. First John chapter five. You have to believe the record. You have to. If you're not, you're calling God a liar and you don't have eternal life in you. Question number five is very simple. What about James chapter two? What about James chapter two? Pick your verse. All right. The first thing you need to understand, well, you need to understand several things. You need to understand everything I said up to this point to be even qualified to read James chapter two. If you don't know the doctor of eternal security, you have no business reading James chapter two because you're not going to understand it. James chapter two is written to the brethren. Who are the brethren? People that are saved. What is it about? It's about adding profitability to your faith that you already have, that you already possess. It's about adding profitability, about being productive. That's what it's about. It's not about losing your salvation. So everybody starts in verse 14. So let's start there as well. What does it profit my brethren? See, it's not what I just said. What does it profit my brethren though a man say he has faith and have not works? Can faith save him? Now there's a few things that go along with this. Number one, in the context of eternal security, this is a rhetorical question because obviously faith does save you. It's all throughout the Bible. Now, anytime you have 150,000 verses that say one thing like eternal security, you say forever, and then you have one verse that seems like it contradicts that. Who do you think has the misunderstanding? You or the scholar? Well, probably both in that situation. But what I'm saying is obviously we're misunderstanding the one verse that seems to contradict. Okay. So let's break this down. What does it profit? So what does it benefit? What does it prove my brethren though a Christian say he have faith? Is that what it says? No. What does it profit my brethren though a believer? Oh. What does it profit my brethren though a man say he has... So this is hypothetical, right? So there's a little bit of discernment built into this, right? What does it profit though anybody, though a man say he has faith and have not works, can faith save him? Well, think about it like this. If somebody says they have faith, right, and we're supposed to live by faith, we're going to get into that, but they have not works. Is that faith going to profit their testimony? No. Is it going to profit the kingdom of Christ? No. Is it going to profit anybody? No, it's not. It's not going to profit anybody. It's not going to profit the Christian. It's not going to profit his brethren. It's not going to profit the kingdom of Christ. It's not going to profit anything, okay? So that's why he says this here, right? It's not going to help your testimony. It's not going to help your brother or sister in need, right? Now, if you don't, if you have faith but you don't have works, is that going to help you at the judgment seat of Christ? No, it's not because what's going to happen at the judgment seat of Christ? Your works are going to be tried in the fire, right? And if you have mostly wood, hay, and stubble, which is just worldliness and basically nothing, no works, you're not going to get very many rewards, right? But the stuff that abides through that fire, right? The gold, the silver, the precious stones, those will be our rewards, the Bible says. And we obviously don't understand exactly what that means or how that's going to play out. We know what it means. We just don't know how it's going to play out. The point is, can faith without works save you in that situation? When you're standing before the judgment seat of Christ, all your sins are forgiven. They've already been done for. He's not going to hold them over your head, but your works as a believer will be judged. That's what the Bible is saying. And that is what this chapter is about. It's not about losing your salvation. You see, people don't know the Bible today. Yeah, big news alert there, right? Big newsflash there. People don't understand the Bible today. And so they think, oh, anytime I see the word repent, it means I got to turn from sins. Anytime I see the word baptism, it means water. It's not what it means at all. It's not what it means. Anytime I see faith that works dead means I don't have faith. I'm going to hell. That's not what's going on here. Okay. What does that profit my brethren? Though a man say he hath faith and have not works, can faith save him? Let's keep reading here. Look at verse 15. If a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food and one of you say unto them, depart in peace, be warm and filled. Notwithstanding you give them not those things which are needful to the body, what doth it profit? So somebody comes in here and they're like, man, you know, it's a brother like, man, I'm really hungry. I'm down on my luck and we've got a surplus of food and we don't help him. Does that profit him? No, it doesn't. So at that moment in time, our faith is not profiting him. It's not profiting you and it's not profiting Christ. That's what it's talking about here. Hebrews chapter 11 verse one says, now faith is a substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen. That's what it says. That is what the definition of faith is. But you know what? The Bible also says this in Galatians three 11. It says, but that no man is justified by the law and the sight of God. It is evident for the just shall live by faith. Guess what? The Bible really does spend a lot of time telling us how we should live after we have our savings after we get saved by faith. We're supposed to live by faith. The Bible says the just shall live by faith. So every single day we're supposed to live by faith. And I'm not talking about my salvation here, right? I'm talking about doing good works now. After we've believed, we should do good works. We should seek to profit that faith that we have. And the way we do it is by helping people out by soul winning, by preaching the truth and fighting the good fight, running the race. That's what this is about. That's why it says, my brethren, people that are already saved, let's add to your faith profitability. Let's do that. Let's work this forward. You don't have to turn that. I'm just going to read these verses for you. So verse 16 in James, right? James chapter two, it leaves off with what does it profit? This is what, listen to this. John chapter 13 verse 34 says this, a new commandment I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you that you also love one another. So we as Bible believing Christians are supposed to love one another. That is profitable. That's profitable spiritually, it's profitable emotionally, and it's profitable for the kingdom of Christ. The next verse says this, by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples. If you have love one toward another. So can you see now when James says, hey, faith without works is dead. How are we supposed to communicate to the world that we belong to Christ if we don't love one another, if we don't help each other out? How are you going to do that? You can't. At that moment in time, you're not being profitable to Christ. That's why he says this, by this shall all men know that you're my disciples. If you have loved one toward another. This is why these folk Christians get so angry at us sometimes when we go to the door because they look like, wait, you're not a Mormon. You're not a Jehovah's witness. And you're knocking on my door. That's weird. I've never had that before. And we're having a good time and they can tell that we care about each other and we're a team and we're a group. They know that we love Christ and they know that there's a problem. They know there's a problem with them. They know there's a problem with their church and they don't like it. I mean, think about it. You all know the story when we had the Boise bench fight and then we had Rose who came in here. Remember, Scoke and I, we knocked on her door and she's like, you're that guy on the internet. You're that horrible guy on the internet. And your pastor's a jerk. I'm like, I am the pastor. What are you talking about? You remember that, right? She started to tell us how she was hurting, right? She had no one to help her move. So I said, you know what? I'm going to show you that I'm not the monster that you think I am. And we went and we helped her move. Where was her church? Where were they? She tried to make, yeah, they were nowhere. She tried to make excuses for them, but where were they? The only reason that woman was able to move out of here was because of us. Now, did we do that to go to heaven? No, we did that to show this verse here, by this shall all men know that you're my disciples. You have love one toward another. She saw that that last day, those last few moments, she knew that we were the real deal. Whether or not she ever comes back, I don't know whether or not she's ever going to get saved. I don't know. I hope so. We've prayed for her enough. You know, all I'm trying to say is by doing those things, that's what profits Christ that profited her, that profited the kingdom and it profited us. Faith without works is dead. That's what he's saying. Now, James chapter two, look at verse 17. Even so faith, if it hath works, I'm sorry, faith, if it hath not works is dead being alone. All right. A lot of people are just going to take you here. You know, I mean, they, they've got a whole slew of verses here that they can twist and take out of context to try to stump you. Now, keep your place here, but go to first Corinthians chapter number three and I'm going to have a little bit of fun here. All right, so I've got a little skit now, brother David and brother Chris are going to know exactly what I'm talking about. A couple months ago, we broke down out soul winning. Turns out a truck without a starter's dead, right? My truck wouldn't start and it was dead. Now I'm going to re I'm going to reenact. We're going to reenact this for you because I think this is important. So keep in mind, here's what a lot of people do, right? You preach them eternal security. You tell them you're saved forever. There's no way you can lose your salvation. You get eternal life right on the spot. You know what people say? Faith without works is dead. Explain that one. Huh? How come every time I bring that up, you got nothing to say, right? Is that what they say? So let's, let's see how stupid that is. And I got a practical example. All right, so I'm gonna have brother Moses come up here and now this, this is brother Moses's truck. Okay. He's out soul winning and this is his truck. Now the story is I'm the tow truck driver and he's called me for service because I guess, all right, somebody took his battery out of his truck. Okay. All right. So sir, you need help. I heard you have a truck that you need a help with. What's going on? Someone took the battery out of my truck. Well, a truck without a battery is dead. So where's your truck? It's right here. I don't see it. A truck without a battery is dead. I don't believe you have a truck. Where's your truck? You just called me out of my hair for nothing. I don't see it. That can't be it because a truck without a battery is dead. Where's your truck? No. Where's your truck? I don't see your truck because a truck without a battery is dead. You see how stupid that is? Now look, this is obviously his truck, but is it profiting him? Can you drive it? No, because it doesn't have a battery, right? I think that's what you're trying to tell me right now. I'm just kidding. You can go and sit down. I'm just teasing. This is a great truck by the way. It's from the eighties and it still works, but you see how ridiculous that is. Could you imagine if brother David and I were waiting for the tow truck driver and he shows up and he does that. He's like, well, you don't have a truck because a truck without a battery is dead, right? That's what people are trying to tell you when they say faith without works is dead, that you don't have faith. It's like when people say that, when people say this to me and they say, you know what? Faith without works is dead. I say, so you agree with me? You're saying that you can have faith without works? And they go, yeah. Wait, what? Wait, what'd you say? I said, you just said you can have faith without works, right? I'm like, no, I said it was dead. Yeah, exactly. My truck without a battery is dead. My truck without a starter is dead. Guess what? My body without my soul, spirit is dead, but it's still me. It's just not profiting anybody anywhere, anything, right? You see what I'm saying? See how ridiculous that is? And that's a good way that you could explain that away, but that proves that's not what James is talking about. He's not talking about you losing your salvation. Faith without works is dead, meaning it doesn't profit. You're not gaining anything by that. So I had you turn to first Corinthians chapter three, look at verse number 11 for other foundation can no man lay, then that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now, if any man build upon this foundation, gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble, every man's work shall be made manifest. That means made known for the day shall declare. What day is that? The day? Yeah, that's right. The day of redemption because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. So this is the point of the judgment seat of Christ. It is to judge your works. This is why I preach hard. This is why I get angry. This is why I yell and scream. This is why I kick stuff. Okay. I'm just trying to motivate you to do as many works as you can. And look, I'm not mad at anybody in here. We got a great church. This church does a lot of work. We're a small church, but you know what? We're working hard. We're out there four times a week preaching the gospel to people now. Right? We added Tuesday. We're doing the works and we're getting it done and we will fill this valley with our doctrine. I promise you that. Look at verse 14. If any man's work abide, which he has built there upon, he shall receive a reward. This is why we need to do works. This is why, because that adds profitability to your faith. It is profitable for you eternally to do works. Verse 15. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss, but he himself shall be saved. Yet so as by fire. Now let's have somebody come up here and try to argue that one with me. There is no argument. It's case closed. God wins again and the liberal Christian loses. That's what it says. You can do no works. You can do absolutely no works. Die and still go to heaven. You're not going to have anything left out of that fire, right? But you're going to be saved. Your soul, that new man is saved. So yet as by fire. Turn back to James chapter two. And while you're turning there, I'm going to read for you Romans four, five, but to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. The Bible says it's your faith is what's counted for righteousness, not your works, not your works. So let's move on here. James chapter two, look at verse 18. It says, yay, a man may say thou has faith and I have works. Show me thy faith without thy works and I will show thee my faith by my works. Verse 19 thou believeth there is one God thou do as well. The devils also believe and tremble, but wilt thou know O vain man, that faith without works is dead. So he's talking about a vain man, somebody who's empty. Remember this is hype. This is a hypothetical situation saying, Hey, like I've been saying, if you don't have the works, no one's going to know you're a Christian because you know what the world does look at us. When you tell somebody he's a Christian, they have certain expectations of you. When you tell somebody you're a Christian at work and every other word out of your mouth, there's the F word and you're, you're stealing and you're not following procedures. Guess what? They're not going to think you're a Christian and you're not going to profit yourself or the kingdom of God. Faith without works is dead. It doesn't profit. That's all he's saying. That is it. That's all he's saying. And people love to throw this one out there. Well, even the devils believe in tremble. Oh, you know why the devils believe in trouble? Cause they can actually see God. Have you ever read Job? Yeah. Come on, get real. Does not Satan come before God and accuse us? Yeah. Of course he believes in God. He can, he can go to the throne and accuse us. Get out of here. You've got to be kidding me. Verse 21 was not Abraham our father justified by works when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar. Here's another one. They'll throw out. You'll say, Oh, I'll see. And it's again, this just goes back to people not knowing what words in the Bible mean, right? Cause they'll say, Whoa, was not Abraham our father justified by works when he had offered Isaac his son. That's how he, that's how his salvation was, was settled. And that's how it was sealed. It's not what it says. Go to Romans chapter four. I should have told you to keep your place there, but you should be able to find it pretty quickly. Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar. What this is talking about here is he was justified by man when he did that, not before God. You say, prove it. I'll prove it to you right now. Romans chapter four, look at verse one. What shall we say then that Abraham our father as pertaining to the flesh have found. So are we talking about the spirit or the flesh? That's right. Verse two for if Abraham were justified by works, he hath where of to glory, but not before God. You know what? Abraham can glory a little bit in this because he believed God so much as faith was so strong. He believed that God was going to resurrect Isaac after he sacrificed him. Who in here has got that kind of faith? No. Yeah. That's what I thought, right? Most people in here, if I was going to say, Hey, offer up your cell phone and your tablet for two years, you would want to kill me. Okay. So don't tell me you got the faith of like Abraham. So verse three for what saith the scripture Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness, right? That's how Abraham got righteousness. The same, they, the same way that you and I do by believing people in the old Testament got saved the exact same way that we do. Only they didn't call upon Jesus. They called upon the name of God beginning all the way back to Genesis chapter six. So go back, go to, you know, just go to James. I'm sorry. Genesis chapter 12. We'll take a look at this Genesis chapter 12. Why turn in there? I'm going to read for you two more verses out of James. James 2 22 says this seeing or see as thou how faith wrought with works and by works, faith is made perfect and the scripture was fulfilled would say if Abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for righteousness and he was called the friend of God. So even James himself makes this distinction. Hey, there's works that justify you before man and there's works that justify you before a there. There's no works that justify you before God basically, right? It's your belief. That's how you get your righteousness. That is how you become the friend of God by getting that righteousness, that free gift, that eternal life, eternal security. So Genesis chapter 12, let's just look at this real quick, just so you know how to get there if you ever need it. Genesis 12 eight. It says, and he removed from thence unto a mountain on the east of Bethel and pitched his tent, having Bethel on the west and hay on the east. And there he built it an altar unto the Lord and don't miss this and called upon the name of the Lord. Abraham got saved in Genesis chapter 12 when he was 75 years old. How old was he when he sacrificed Isaac on the altar? 99 years old. That's right. And that's a long time after that. You see, Abraham was saved in Genesis chapter 12, but he was justified before man when he did good works later on, right? And Genesis chapter 22. And we're not going to go there for sake of time, but go back to James chapter two. So just so you know that if you ever need to pull that out, you can show somebody, Hey, guess what? James boy, guess what? Person who doesn't understand the Bible. Abraham got saved in Genesis chapter 12 when he believed God, not when he sacrificed his son or attempted to sacrifice his son. I should say on the altar in Genesis 22, there was a lot of stuff in between Genesis chapter 12 and Genesis chapter 22, right? A lot of stuff in there, but because nobody reads the Bible today, they don't understand this stuff. So we got to move on here. James chapter two. Let's finish this out. Look at verse 24. He says, you see then how that by works a man is justified and not by faith only. Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works when she had received the messengers and had sent them out another way for as the body without the spirit is dead. So faith without works is dead also. See, even James uses that same analogy, right? The body without the spirit is dead. It doesn't profit. So James himself is agreeing with everything that I'm saying, everything that we believe at this church. Now let's move on here. Go to Matthew chapter 19. We've got two more questions left. You know, while you're turning there, Maria, for your Galatians two 16, which says this, knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by the faith of Christ and not by the works of the law for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. You see, when you see that word justified in the Bible, you have to know the context. Nobody's going to be justified by works before God, but can you be justified by, you know, in front of man with your works? Yes. Yes, you can. When we helped that woman out in this community rose and we helped her move, guess what? Our, our faith had works, right? Our works basically justified our position as a church, as a Bible believing church to her. That's it. It's simple. That's all it is. But you know what? That doesn't preach well in liberal churches because they don't know how to really get people to do things. And guess what? You can't. All you can do is preach hard, preach the truth and let the chips fall where they may. It's really all you can do, right? But these people, they want to play these hypnotic games with you and get your emotions and your feelings involved with the music like we talked about last week and create a good feeling so that when you, you walk out of here, you feel great. But then what happens Monday morning, you're right back to your old self again because there's no power in that. There's no power in the drums. There's only power in the word of God. That's what the Bible teaches. So let's move on here. Number six, do you have to follow the Bible to be saved? And the reason why I picked this is because so many people say this. This is literally every other door here. You have to follow the Bible. Well, what do you mean by that? You mean follow the commandments? Well, you got to do the best you can. You can't just keep doing what you were. That's what they'll say. You can't just keep sending. You got to follow the Bible. Follow the Bible. This is a big book. The Bible says the thought of foolishness is sin. And there ain't not a man or woman alive in this building that isn't going to have a foolish thought today. And you know what? You're going to forget that you even had that before you have the chance to ask for forgiveness. So by their own logic, I guess we're all going to hell. Matthew chapter 19. Let's take a look at this here. Let's pick up in verse 16. And behold, one came and said unto him, talking to Jesus, good master, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life? Do you see the problem with this guy's statement right off the bat? What good thing shall I do that I shall earn eternal life? This is human achievement, right? This guy is not really interested in the truth. He wants to know how good of a person he has to be to get to heaven. And we know we've already gone over it and you're not saved by your works. You're saved by faith. But look how Jesus responds to him. Answer a fool according to his folly. Verse 17. And he said unto him, why callest thou me good? There is none good but one that is God. But if thou will enter into life, keep the commandments. See, somebody may take you here and say, you got to keep the commandments or you're not going to get saved. But you have to understand that Jesus is answering him according to his own folly. Look at verse 18. He saith unto him, which? Oh, you mean I got to keep all the commands? Well, which one? Jesus said, thou shall do no murder. Thou shall not commit adultery. Thou shall not steal. Thou shall not bear false witness. Honor thy father and thy mother and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. The young man saith unto him, all these have I kept from my youth up. What lack I yet? Now here's what you got to understand. Is this the Holy Ghost saying this? No, this is the Bible recording what this guy said. Big difference. Big, big difference there. This guy is lying. He has not kept these commandments his whole life because we know he hasn't. Nobody has. Verse 21. Jesus said unto him, if thou will be perfect. So he's like, okay, well, you want to be perfect. Go and sell that thou hast and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come and follow me. See, Jesus knows the heart. He knows this guy's lying and he just finds one thing in his life that he knows. He's not going to be willing to give up, right? Verse 22. But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful for he had great possessions. He's all moping and crying. He's like, oh man, I'm going to go to hell because I can't give up my jet skis and my boats. Now obviously I didn't have those things back then, but you get the point. Look at verse 23. Then Jesus said unto his disciples, verily I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again, I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. The reason why he puts this like this is because most rich people think they can earn their salvation. If you don't believe me, I'll take you soul winning in a rich community. And this is their attitude, right? When we go to the rich communities, you know what they say? Oh, I know I'm going to heaven because I'm a good person. That's what they say. That's common. A lot of times these rich people are pretty polite. They're very diplomatic. You know, they'll, oh, good, good, sir. What good thing should I do to be saved? I follow the commandments. I keep all these things. I try to be good. I try to treat my neighbors well. You know, it's true. It's what they say. It's what they always say, right? Now look at verse 25. When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed saying, who then can be saved? Because they're like, uh oh, we know we can't keep these commandments. We know we're in trouble, right? Nathaniel is included in that by the way, if you've been paying attention. But look at the answer here, but Jesus beheld them and said unto them with men, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. So how do you get your salvation? Does it come from man or does it come from God? It comes from God. So he's basically saying, Hey, I just answered him according to his own folly. Cause he's not going to receive the gospel. It's not gonna receive the message. Jesus knows this. So he just throws this out there and says, Hey, with God, all things are possible. Your salvation comes from God. It doesn't come from your works. That's what he is saying. Now go to Matthew chapter five real quick. I didn't have this in my notes, but I want to make sure you guys have this at your disposal just in case you ever need it. And people that try to say, you know, you know where Jesus says this here in Matthew verse 19, chapter 19, verse 24, it says, and again, I say it to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. He's saying that because that is an impossibility. You can't fit a camel through the eye of a real needle. Now scholars, right? You're James White and the people that don't believe that God has preserved his words are always with what they'll do. And this is what they'll say. They'll say, well, there was a gate in Jerusalem. Okay. And that was called the needle. And it was real hard. And the camels had to duck to go in there. All they're doing, all they're doing is trying to justify works. They're trying to make that scenario that Jesus said possible. That's what they're doing. They're lying to you. They are liars. These people are professional liars. That is all they're doing. You show me a man that says that, and I'll show you a man that's not saved. Show me, show me. Matthew chapter five, look at verse 19. Do you have to follow the Bible? Do you have to keep the commandments to go to heaven? Matthew 5 19, mark this down because you may need it someday. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments and shall teach men so he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. So guess what? Jesus said himself, you know what? There's people that break the commandments and even teach people to do so, but what's going to happen to them. They're going to be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. Why? Because when they get to the judgment seat of Christ, those works will be burned and they won't have anything to show. But you know what? They're still going to be saved. They're still going to be in heaven. Read the rest of the verse. He shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven, but whosoever shall do and teach them the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. There's different types of people in the kingdom of heaven. There are the people that worked hard here on this earth that realized James chapter two was about adding profitability to the faith that they're supposed to live by on a daily basis. And then there's people that get saved and bounce say, you know what? I'm just going to take the grace and run. Hey, praise God that they're saved. Thank God for that. Amen. But you know what? They're going to be called least in the kingdom of heaven. Not going to lose their salvation. You can't lose your salvation. It's a lie from hell. So let's move on here. We got to, we got to move on here. Last question. Turn to first John chapter, you know what? Turn to Romans six. I'm sorry. We're going to. So the question number seven is this. What about first John chapter three? I've touched on this in the past, but we're going to go through this and, and, and pretty good detail here. What about first John chapter three? You turned to Romans chapter six. Okay. Now in order to understand first John chapter three, you got to understand first John chapter one, chapter two. But before that you need to understand the doctrine of the new man. Okay. You have to understand the doctrine of the new man before you can read first John. See, cause a lot of people, they get fired up and they say, okay, I'm going to read the Bible. And Oh, first John, that's a quick book to read. I'm going to read it. And then they come away confused and worried and not understanding it. And it's because they missed the building blocks that you need before you read that book. Romans chapter six, look at verse five. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection. This is a promise. This is a guarantee verse six, knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth, meaning from here on out, that henceforth, we should not serve sin. That's the reason why your body will die. Your body will go back into the ground. But when you're saved, your soul and your spirit, that God has sealed, that God has quickened, will go to heaven. Verse seven, for he that is dead is freed from sin. For he that is dead is free from sin. Real quick, go to second Corinthians chapter five, and then we're going to go back to Ephesians. Second Corinthians chapter five. So I want to show you the doctrine of the old man versus the new man. Romans chapter six, knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, right? We have the old man. If you're alive today, you're carrying around the old man. If you're saved and you're alive today, then you're carrying around the old man and the new man. And it's a battle. It's a war. And we're going to see that. It's a war, which one you're going to abide in. Am I going to abide in Christ today, or am I going to abide in the flesh today? Which one is it going to be? Second Corinthians 5, 17 says this, therefore, second Corinthians 5, 17, therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new. This is a problem with some of the other modern versions. They say all things are becoming new. And then the preachers will get up there and say, see, if you're really saved, your works are going to be there. That's what they say. That's what they, you know, it's true. That's what they teach. That's not what the Bible says. Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Why does he say that? Why does he put it like that? Because you're born again. Now, how many times do you have to be physically born to be alive? Once. It's the same thing spiritually. John chapter three, Jesus explains this to Nicodemus in great detail. If you haven't read John chapter three, man, you've got no business reading James. You got no business reading first, John. You've got no business proceeding any further to be honest with you. Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. All things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new. So that new man inside of you is new. It's not going to be new. It is new right now. Turn to Ephesians chapter two. And then we're going to go to Ephesians chapter four, and then we're going to go to Colossians and then we'll get a Roman seven. We'll get into it. I told you the end of this is going to be a little bit, a little bit intense. Ephesians chapter two, verse 15. Having abolished in his flesh, the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances for to make in himself of twain one new man so making peace. Let me read that again. Ephesians two, 15, having abolished in his flesh, the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances for to make in himself, this is talking about Christ, to make in himself in the body of Christ of twain, twain means two, one new man. So making peace. Why does he say twain? Hebrews chapter four. What happens when somebody hears the word of God? What does the word of God do? It pierces you like a sword. It divides your flesh from your spirit in your soul, right? We're a trichotomy, body, soul, and spirit. Before a person is saved, they have body, soul, and spirit, but their soul and spirit is not sealed. It has not been quickened. It has not been sealed. You're literally a walking dead man. That's what the Bible says. After you get saved, that word of God separates that third person, which is the old man, the flesh, the body. And look at this verse again of twain. So soul and spirit, that's the twain there. Your soul and spirit are joined together to make one new man. And then in the resurrection, you'll get your new body. Okay? That's when you'll come back with your three. Hopefully that makes sense. So making peace, he says, this is good news. This is great news that I can cease from trying to earn my own way into heaven and just trust on Christ. Go to Ephesians chapter four. Ephesians chapter four. I'm really getting close to being done here. Ephesians four, look at verse 21. If so be that you have heard him and have been taught by him as the truth is in Jesus, that ye put off concerning the former conversation, the old man. You know what? Let's stop right there. Those of you that are saved, which should be everybody in here. If you're saved, your old man is going to have a conversation with you every morning when your alarm clock goes off. Hit that snooze. Hit that snooze. Every time it's time to go to church, that old man is going to have a conversation with you if you haven't put them under subjection yet. Hey, how about next week? How about next week? How about tonight? How about later on? Right? When you have a choice to do between good and evil, that old man is going to have a conversation with you. Do the evil. You're forgiven. It's all by grace, bro. There ain't no consequences. There ain't no consequences. And that's not what we're preaching this morning. There is consequences for when believers get into sin. Right? Hebrews chapter 12. It got mixed up on this. I told brother Jeff it was chapter eight yesterday. It was chapter 12. Right? Believers get chastened by God. Bible says, for God chaseth every son whom he receiveth. Right? So with that being said, the Bible says here, Ephesians chapter four, verse 22, that if ye put off or that ye put off concerning the former conversation, the old man. So you got to keep him down, right? Which is corrupt according to the deceitful lust. And you understand that your old man is corrupt. Your old man will get you to do bad things. So Paul's telling the Ephesians here, Hey, you need to make a conscious effort not to abide in the old man today and put the new man on verse 23 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind. Verse 24 in that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness, your new man is created by God in righteousness and in true holiness. So when somebody says, Hey, you have to earn your way to heaven. You have to do good works. They are blaspheming God. When they say that you have to do that to get to heaven, you're saying that God can't make a new man inside of you that is righteous and holy. That's this is a big deal. This is a huge deal. It's a huge violation of scripture to say that, but look what Paul's telling the Ephesians. Hey, you have a choice, man. You could either put the old man on today and have his conversation or you could put the new man on and abide in Christ. What's it going to be? And every one of us has this choice every single day. You have got to understand this before you get to first John chapter three, you have to know that you've got to know this. Go to Colossians chapter three, Colossians chapter three, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Colossians chapter number three. Look at verse eight, Colossians three eight. But now ye also put off all these anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds. What are the deeds of the old man? Blasphemy. Isn't that what it says? Filthy communication, anger, wrath, malice, all of these things. These are deeds of the old man. Now, why doesn't Paul say this to the Colossians? But now ye also put off all these anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth, lie not one to another, or you'll go to hell or you'll lose your salvation. Look, if you can lose your salvation, this would be a really good time to bring that up, a really good time to bring that up. But he doesn't say that. He said, hey, put these things away. They don't profit. Verse 10, and have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him. Don't knock the new man. Now turn to a real quick, go to Romans chapter seven, Romans chapter seven, then we'll get right into first John three, we'll be done. So you have a choice. You can either put the old man on or you can put the new man on. If you don't understand that James will throw you off. And to be honest with you, a lot of passages in the Bible could throw you off. You've got to know this doctrine so that you can rightly divide the word of truth when you're doing your Bible reading. And when somebody challenges you know where these things are in the Bible, because you will need them someday. All right, Romans seven, real quick, look at verse nine. This is what Paul says, Romans chapter seven, verse nine for I was alive without the law once, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died. So he's basically saying, Hey, when a person gets to this age and they understand that they violated the commandments, sin comes in and you spiritually die. Like Adam and Eve. And when God told them that they would die, if they were to eat of the tree of the garden of knowledge of good and evil, he said, you know, thou shall surely die. Isn't that what God told them? This is what he's talking about. A spiritual death, not necessarily physically right away. But before I get on another rabbit trail here, look at verse 14, verse 14 for we know that the law is spiritual, but look what Paul says, but I am carnal, present tense, but I am carnal sold under sin. Who knows who Paul Washer is? Calvinist dirtbag preacher on the internet. This guy is a slime ball. Okay. He said there's no such thing as a carnal Christian. Yeah, that's wicked. And you know what he's doing? He's blaspheming God's word. He's blossoming God's word because Paul said, I am present tense carnal. I am carnal sold under sin talking about what the old man, the old man, verse 15 for that, which I do, I allow not for what I would or for what I would that do I not, but what I hate that I do. So he's saying, Hey, look, I preach all this stuff. I believe all this righteous stuff that I'm supposed to do, but I find myself doing the things that I hate. You know who that describes? Every single person in this room, everybody, everybody, every single person. Look at verse, let's see verse 17 says, now verse 16, he says, if then I do that, which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good verse 17. Now then it is no more. I did do it, but sin that dwells within me. So when we send us the sin that dwells in your old man, that's doing it. It's that conversation, that wicked conversation. That's what he's saying. It's not the new man that's doing it. Verse 18 for, I know that in me, that is in my flesh, which is what? The old man, right? Dwelleth no good thing, present tense for to will is present with me, but how to perform that which is good. I find not. Now jump down to verse 22. What is he talking about here? He's talking about the old man. There's nothing profitable. There's nothing good about the old man. Verse 22 for I delight in the law of God after the inward man. So when a person does get the inward man, that inward man is going to delight at the word of God. When you get somebody saved and you start reading them, you know, they have questions for you, right? Who's done this. Somebody gets saved. They ask you questions. You show them, don't they delight in that. Hey, thanks for showing me about circumcision. Hey, thanks for clearing up baptism for me. Hey, thanks for clearing up the doctrine about the sodomites for me. Hey, thank you. You know why? Because at that moment, that new man that's inside of them can now understand the Bible. He can now understand the Bible. So he says, for I delight in the law of God after the inward man. So your inward man does delight after the law, after God, after those righteous things. Verse 23. He says, but I see another law in my members warring against the law of my mind. The mind frame that we read about in Ephesians in Colossians, right? Warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin, which is in my members. So he's saying, Hey, there is a law. There's a war going on inside of me. And it's my old man versus the new man. That's all he's saying here. He's saying, Hey, I have to fight this battle. I have this war going on inside of me. And when I abide in the old man, I don't profit anybody anything. I don't, I'm not doing righteousness. It's hard. And in verse 24, he realizes this. He says, Oh, wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death. Verse 25. I thank God through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So then with the mind, I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh, the law of sin, you have to know the doctrine of the old man versus the new man. Once you understand that it's easy to explain so many passages in the Bible. Now go to first John chapter three, and let's get in with this first John chapter three. So question number seven is what about John chapter three? If you haven't had this happen to you yet, it will happen to you. Somebody will bring you here and try to confuse you about salvation. So now hopefully everybody in here understands that doctrine, old man versus new man. You have a choice every day who you're going to abide in. You're going to abide in the old man, or are you going to abide in Christ? First John chapter three, look at verse one. Behold, what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God. Therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not. So who are the sons of God? We are right now. Those of you that have children, will your children ever not be your children? No, they're always going to be our children. We're always be the children of God. You can't lose your salvation. Okay. Let's move on here. You can read first John. I'm sorry. You read John chapter one verse 12, which explains that we are the sons of God. We got to move on here. Look at verse two. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, not the angels. Okay. It doesn't say the angels are, it doesn't say the Nephilim are, it doesn't say that this half man, half angelic being is the son of God. It doesn't say that. It says beloved, now are we the sons of God? And it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is verse three. And every man that has this hope in him purify himself, even as he is pure. Now I've had people try this. I've had people mumble and stumble verse three to me saying, well, the Bible says that if you're really saved, you're going to purify yourself. That's what they'll say. But what is, what is, what is John talking about here? He's talking about when Christ appears. Everybody understand that he's talking about when Christ appears, it's not clear yet what we shall be. We don't have the full grasp of that yet, but he says in verse three, and every man that has this hope in him purify himself, meaning that the person who understands that like us, right? We understand that we understand that we do want to purify ourselves. We want to work on our faith. We want to work to be better Christians, right? Because we don't want to be ashamed at his coming. I don't want my works getting burned up in a big bonfire. Okay. That's all he's saying here. And I can prove that to you several different ways. Proverbs 20 verse nine says, who can say, I have made my heart clean. I am pure from my sin. Well, Ray comforts your things. He can Paul washer thinks he can. There's a whole slew of preachers out there that think they can, but the Bible says this, who can say I have made my heart clean. I am pure for my sin. Nobody can say that. That's a rhetorical question. No man, no woman alive can say that. Matthew chapter five, verse eight, Jesus said this blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Acts chapter 15, verse eight says this and God, which knoweth the hearts, bear them witness, giving them the Holy ghost, even as he did unto us verse nine and put no difference between us and them purifying their hearts by faith. So God has purified your heart by your faith. But after that, we should try to purify ourselves. We should try to purify ourselves by knocking the old man out, getting them out of the way, going to church, reading the Bible, praying, doing all the things that we always preach about. Right? That's all he's saying here in verse three. Now look at verse four, whosoever committed sin transgresseth also the law for sin is the transgression of the law. This is a great definition of what sin is. Somebody asks you what sin is, is it right here. It's when we break God's law and who has sinned? Everybody. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, the Bible says. Verse five, and ye know that he was manifest to take away our sins and in him is no sin. The modalist can't believe that verse. You know, that's true too. All right. Verse six, whosoever abideth in him, sinneth not, whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him. Stop right there. Go to John chapter 15. Keep your place there, but go to John chapter 15. I almost forgot about this. If you ever moved to Verity to take the spiritual leadership class, you're going to get tested on this and you better know, you better know what you're talking about. Now, if you don't know John chapter 15 again, like I've been saying this whole sermon, you're not going to understand first John chapter three, because they're parallel. Okay. So verse six, what we just read, John says, hey, whosoever abideth in him, sinneth not, whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him. So here's what somebody is going to say to you. Hey, the Bible says that if you're sinning, you're not, you don't have Christ. You're not abiding in him. But what they don't understand is the doctrine of the old man versus the new man. All he's saying is that the new man, when you abide in him, then you don't sin because the new man can't sin. Right? That's all it means. But real quick for John chapter 15, look at verse number one, John 15 verse one says, I am the true vine and my father is the husband. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh away and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit. So what's going on here is now we're not talking about being saved versus being lost. We're talking about being a Christian versus a disciple. They are different things. Now understand this. If somebody gets saved today, but they never come to church, they never read the Bible. They don't pray. They just live a worldly life. Are they a disciple? No. You do have to do some stuff to become a disciple. You have to get the training. You have to get your knowledge in check and you have to get wisdom and you have to do things in order to be a disciple. Right? And what's the whole point of being a disciple? To bear fruit. Right? That's why we go soul in so we can bear fruit. The more that we can purge ourselves, the more that we can purify ourselves, the more that we can abide in Christ, the more fruitful we will be as soul owners, the more fruitful we will be as Christians. That's what John first John chapter three is talking about, but let's keep reading here. Verse three, John 15 verse three. Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken to you. So he's like, Hey, you're, you're clean. You're saved. Verse four abide. There's that word again, abide in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, excepted abide in the vine. No more can you accept or no more can you accept you abide in me. So can somebody who is not saved get somebody else saved? No, you have to be in Christ to get somebody saved. This is what it's saying. Verse number five. I am the vine. Ye meaning plural. Ye are the branches. He that abideth in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me, ye can do nothing. So you say, I want to get more people saved. I want to be more profitable. You need to learn how to abide in the new man, which is Christ, which is made by Christ. See, this is meat. This is not child's. This is not milk anymore. This is meat. Verse seven. If ye abide in me, you're going to, you'll be saved and you won't go to hell. Oh, sorry. I was reading the NIV. Hold on. If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you. How do you get your prayers answered? Well, one, you abide in him, meaning you're not going to ask for foolish things and ask a miss, right? And number two, you abide in him. You walk in the new man. You're profiting your faith. You're going to get profitability. You're going to get gain. You're going to get blessings. Verse eight. Herein is my father glorified that ye bear much fruit. So shall ye be my disciples. Now, are we talking about being a Christian being saved? No, we're talking about being a disciple, a profitable Christian, a profitable disciple. Verse nine. As the father hath loved me, so have I loved you. Continue ye in my love. Verse 10. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love. Even as I have kept my father's commandments and abide in his love. Very simple. We should keep the commandments. We should do these things. We need to learn how to abide in Christ. It doesn't come naturally. You don't just get saved, roll out of bed, start singing hymns and understand Genesis chapter 15. It just doesn't work like that. You're not going to get saved and open up the Bible to Genesis chapter 18 and be able to teach the Trinity. It's not going to happen. You have to learn that. You have to study that. You have to abide in him in order to bear fruit. Somebody, look, I got this guy saved at one of my past jobs. I think I told the story last week and he tried giving the gospel to somebody and he did okay job. He was kind of regurgitating to me what he had said, but it was terrible. And why is that? Because he'd only been saved himself for a couple of weeks. He doesn't go to church. He doesn't read the Bible, right? He believes. He believes everything I said. And even the day that I left that job, he said, Hey, I just, again, I want to thank you for getting me saved. But he wasn't abiding in Christ. So therefore he couldn't profit. He couldn't bear fruit. He couldn't explain the gospel properly. You see what I'm saying? So that's what first John chapter three is talking about. Go back there. First John three, six, whosoever abideth in him, sinneth not whosoever sinneth, hath not seen him, neither known him. So he's just basically saying, Hey, whosoever sinneth mean whosoever is in the old man or whosoever has rejected God who doesn't have the new man. You know, they're sinners. They don't, they don't get it. But he says, whosoever abideth in him, sinneth not because the new man can't sin. Okay. Verse seven, little children, let no man deceive you. He that do with righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. And we've talked about that. You get your righteousness from Christ, from God, verse eight. He that committed sin is of the devil for the devil sinneth from the beginning for this purpose. The son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil. Verse nine, whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him. And he cannot sin because he's born of God. Somebody here may try to use this verse on you. It's very easy to explain away because when you're born of God, you get the new man and the new man doesn't sin. So I'm not going to revisit all these verses that we just went over, but basically that new man inside of you is born again and can't sin. It's simple. So when you read verses that seem confusing, you have got to know this doctrine. He says, whosoever is born of God does not commit sin. It's not saying whosoever's really saved doesn't sin. Because what did Solomon say? For there's not a just man upon the earth that doeth good and sineth not. There are people that we will look to and say, Hey, that's a just guy. Hey, that's a, that's a good Christian man or woman. But you know what? They still sin every single day. Everybody does because we all carry the old man and the old man and his conversation and his deeds are wicked. You're not going to turn. You're not going to change that. It's too late. It's too late. Go to first John chapter five real quick. Look at verse 18. First John chapter five, verse 18. We know first John chapter five, verse 18. We know that whosoever is born of God sineth not, but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself and that wicked one toucheth him not. Right? The new man can't sin. That's all he's saying here, right? But what we've learned up to this point is whosoever abideth in him isn't going to sin because you're in the new man. To go back to John chapter, first John chapter three, we're almost done, almost done. First John three, 10. In this, the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. So what is he saying here? And this, the children of God are manifest and this doctrine, somebody who cannot put on the new man obviously isn't saved. And so therefore they're going to hate their brother. They're going to do all the wicked things that they do because that's what the old man does. He's corrupt. And that's what he's saying here. So for sake of time, let's just skip to the very last one. And that's verse 15. Verse 15 says, whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer. And you know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. So they say, well, if you've ever been angry with your brother, then you're a murderer and you're not saved and you're going to hell. Is that what he's saying? No. And the old man, you can hate your brother. Isn't that what Paul said? Isn't that what John said? Right? I mean, isn't that what we read earlier? What are the works of the old man? Blasphemy, malice, anger, hate, right? Lying one to another, lying to your brother, lying to your sister. That's what the old man does. But you see, if you don't know Colossians, if you don't know Ephesians, if you don't know Romans 7, you see how a verse like verse 15 here would throw you off. He says, whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer. He's just making a statement about the old man here, right? And he's saying, hey, and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. He's basically saying, hey, somebody who doesn't have the new man has no eternal life abiding him. That's all he's saying. Now, real quick, go to first John chapter five, two more verses and we are done. I mean, think about it. And all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Everybody in here has lied before. Everybody in here has told a lie before. So how do you get saved? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved. We've talked about it this whole entire sermon. First John five 20. And we know that the son of God has come and hath given us an understanding that we may know him that is true. And we are in him that is true, even in his son, Jesus Christ, that is the true God and eternal life. Now, real quick, back up to verse number four. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world. And this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. One more time, first John five four. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world. So when you read verses in the Bible that say, hey, you have to overcome the world in order to be saved or something, you know, something like that, or somebody says that to you, you need to bring them here for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world. And this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith and our faith obviously is rewarded by God. Okay. That's all he's saying here. He's not saying, well, if you're truly born again, man, you're not going to sin ever again. You are going to sin because now you have two people. You have two people. You have the old man and the new man. Very simple, very simple. But please just, if you remember just one thing in the sermon, remember that doctrine. You've got to know the old man versus the new man in order to read these verses in the Bible, because people just like to pluck these out, take them and twist them and try to make us look stupid. And I don't want that to happen to anybody in here. And I know all of you, it's not going to happen. So real quick review, number one, what is eternal security? It's life that never ends. It's life that goes on forever. Question number two was when do you get eternal security? When do you get your eternal life? And the answer is the moment you're safe. How is that possible? Because you're safe from your past, your present and your future sins. The Bible says your sins are as far gone as from the East is from the West. Look at our globe here, right? North, East, start here. Let's say you get on a plane, right? And you're going to go East. How long is it going to be if you keep heading East before you go West? It's infinity. It's eternal. You're never going to start going West unless you turn around. So therefore you cannot measure that distance. Well, the Bible says that's how far away your sins are removed from God as far as the East is from the West forever. They're gone forever. Right? Number three, what are works? The deeds that we do, the sins that we turn from, the evil ways that we, that we give up and turn from those, there's a ton of things that are works. Number four, does a person have to believe in eternal security to be saved? Yes. First John chapter five, John chapter 11, verse 26, where we started whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believe it's now this, Hey, Jesus asked, do you believe this? Meaning, do you believe this truth? Do you believe that you have to believe in me and that I will give you eternal life? And if you do, then you're saved. If not, you're not saved. You can't just pick and choose what you want to believe when it comes to salvation. You have to believe that point. Number five, question number five. What about James two? What about James chapter two faith without works is dead, but what does that mean? Your faith, James chapter two is about profiting. It's about benefiting you after you're saved, the just shall live by faith. And we need to learn how to build upon that for our rewards. Number six, do you have to follow the Bible and the commandments to be saved? No, I think we'd beat that to death. I think we'd be that to death. And what about first John chapter three? The answer is always going to be in your understanding of the old man versus the new man. Okay. So I think I've gone way over my time once again, but I think you guys are getting used to it. So let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Thank you so much, Lord, for this church. I thank you for the truth in your word. I just pray you keep us on fire for you. Lord, please keep us with a hunger and a zeal according to knowledge that we can better serve you in Jesus' name. I pray. Amen.