(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, amen. Well, first John chapter number five. So this evening, we're gonna be defending the Trinity. The reason why I'm doing this specifically is just because we've been sowing every single day this month, and there really hasn't been a location where I haven't gone and not seen the Jehovah Witnesses out. So I figured, you know what? Might as well, right? These doctrines gotta be covered on the regular anyway. So that is the reason for that. So you're there in verse number seven. The Bible says, for there are three, the bare record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. So we're gonna attempt to break this down and understand it, and I'm gonna give you some reasons why understanding this can definitely help you in your everyday life and all of those types of things. So if you would, go to Galatians chapter number three. Keep your place there in first John chapter five. We're gonna come back to it in a little while, but go to Galatians chapter number three. So if you read Romans chapter number one, which everybody here has read that. I was gonna have you turn there. I was like, nah, what am I thinking here? You know, we'll go there another time, but it's very clear that the Godhead or the Trinity, okay, remember the word Trinity is not in the Bible. You can think of it as triunity, meaning three in one. Okay, but the Bible is very clear in Romans chapter one that the Trinity is available for sight to mankind. Okay, it is available through sight in nature. Okay, so we could say that nature tells us that God created everything, that's very obvious. Okay, the Bible says that, we all know that. Even people who say they don't believe that, that they believe in all this science and falsely so-called, okay, they're lying to you. That's what they're doing. If you could get a glimpse inside of their heart, inside of their conscience, you would know better that they are lying to you. Okay, they're just rejecting it. So nature tells us that God created everything. However, how do we understand who God is? And obviously that is through scripture, that is through the word of God, through the Bible. Now, a couple of things right off the bat with the Trinity. I try personally, and you can do whatever you want. I try personally to stay away from analogies. Every once in a while, I might catch myself, trying, going to the analogy road again. And I'm like, wait, I gotta stop doing that. What am I thinking here? Okay, I personally don't do that. And the reason why is because as you study this out, you're gonna find the statement to be very true. And that is the fact that God is infinite and eternal, whereas man is finite and limited, okay? So because of that, it's very difficult for us to get a perfect, all-knowing understanding of that in this present time, okay? But however, the Bible does give us plenty of information, plenty of verses to go to to explain this, not only to ourselves, but also to other people. Now, why study the Trinity? I'm gonna give you three big reasons here at the end of the sermon. Why? This is a good thing to learn in depth. But let me just kind of start off here with some misconceptions that people have about the Trinity. So there are a lot of people out there, like oneness Pentecostals, modalists, okay? What they teach, their view of the Trinity is basically that God changes hats. So one split second, he's got the Father, then he's quickly Jesus, then quickly the Holy Spirit. And it just kind of does this rotational type thing. It's just one person just changing hats very, very rapidly, very quickly. Have you ever heard anybody put it that way? Yes, I have. In this very town, I have had people say that to my face. They are out there. In fact, these people also knock doors because there are so-called apostolic churches around here that actually do go door to door and reprobate people, just like the J-dubs, just like the Mormons. Then of course, there's this other way that people try to teach God. And that is basically like, if you think of a circle split and freeze, like a pizza, okay? A Caden and Josh slice pizza. Big piece, okay? Three big pieces of pizza. And they'll say, well, God, each part, so you got God the Father, you got Jesus and the Holy Ghost, and each one of these makes up a third of God. And it's called partialism. That's not what the Bible teaches. And then there's what the old latter-day Satanists teach. And that's that God is three separate beings, okay? Or three separate people, like completely separate that just work together. Now, if you're part of the LDS church and you believe in millions of gods and planets and Kolob and all of this other junk, of course you're gonna believe something weird like that. So don't let them fool you and tell you that they're Christians too and that they worship the same God, because that's called, what is it called? Tritheism or something like that. I forgot what the word is specifically, but it's called something like, this is heresy, okay? That's what it is. And this is Danville heresy, by the way. Not just some regular stuff. But with that being said, you're in Galatians chapter number three. I'm gonna read for you Deuteronomy chapter number six, verse number four, which tells us who God is. So let's take the Mormons for example. So they say, okay, well, it's just three separate powerful beings that work together. We call them God right now in this earth, okay? Just that alone, like really, really, really denies who God is, okay? So let's just get a couple of verses here. What the Bible says about God. So you're in Galatians three, we're gonna read verse 20 in a second. Deuteronomy 6, four says hero Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord, okay? Completely different than three separate beings that just come together for a little pow wow, make planets and so on and so forth, okay? Completely, completely different. Now you're in Galatians three, look at verse 20. The Bible says now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one. So if God tells you all, or somebody tells you say, hey, hold on for a second, okay? God, you know, there's three gods right now. They're working together and there's four more over here. Obviously you guys are gonna understand that that is false, definitely not true. The word of God, the Bible says very clearly, and there's many more verses we could go to, I don't have the time, but the Bible is very clear that there is only one God who has eternally existed, remember God is infinite and eternal, whereas man is finite and limited. So with that being said, go to Galatians chapter number one. Galatians chapter number one. Here's another thing to think about, okay? So you go to Galatians one. When man makes a God, okay? When man decides, you know what? I'm gonna make this idol, I'm gonna make a God, okay? That God, whether they call it he or she, is very easy for us to understand, okay? Think about that, very easy for us to understand, but because man didn't make God, okay? God is a mystery to man. You have to have a saved person reading the word of God to be able to teach someone the true God of the Bible. That is something you're also going to find is very true. When man makes a God, that God, lowercase G, very easy to understand, very easy. Why is that? Because finite, limited man designed that lowercase G God, whereas the one and true God, this triune God that the Bible teaches, is separate from anything else that's ever been created or that is out there, and that's another proof in and of itself that God is who he says that he is. So the first point this evening is there is only one God unique from all other gods. Now, the second thing we're gonna look at here is that the Father is God. Just two verses on this, okay? The Father is God, very simple, Galatians 1, look at verse number one. So the Bible says, Paul, an apostle, not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and here it is, and God, the Father, who raised him from the dead. Now go to John chapter number six. John chapter number six. And you'll see another proof of this. John chapter number six. We knew a lot of flipping this evening, it's just kinda how these study type sermons work out. John chapter number six, look at verse number 27. So Jesus says this, labor not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of Man shall give unto you for him, here it is, God the Father sealed, okay? Now let's look at the next one, okay? Go to John chapter number one, John chapter number one. I'm gonna come back to the Gospel of John a couple more times tonight, so just make sure you can find your way there. I guess it's easier than finding Jonah or Micah or one of these other guys in the Bible. But let's look at John chapter one. So we already saw, okay, there's only one God, okay? Made up of three, however, the Father is God, but what you also have to understand is that Jesus, the Son is also God. Jesus, the Son is also God. John chapter number one, look at verse number one. Bible says this, in the beginning was the Word. Somebody's like, well, what does that mean? Well, just a spoken word, a written word, what are you talking about here? That's Jesus, in the beginning was the Word, okay? So in the beginning, so the beginning of time as we know it on this planet, okay? Something already existed, okay? And that is the Word, that is who we know as Jesus Christ, God. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. Look at that, you see that distinction there? So in the beginning was the Word, and this Word was with someone. Who was he with? With God. Now look at what else is mentioned here about the Word that was in the beginning, who was with God. It says, and the Word was God, okay? So hopefully everybody's starting to see this. You're not seeing this partialism, you're not seeing this modalism so far. Anywhere mentioned here, now look at verse number two. It says, the same was in the beginning with God. So it's like, just in case you didn't get it on the first try, how about the second one? Verse number three, all things were made by him. Well, who is the him specifically referred to here? Well, the Word, okay? Who is God, and who was with God, the Father in the beginning, okay? So verse three, all things were made by him, and without him was not anything made, that was made. So people say, well, Jesus is just like the human part of God, okay? And you know, the God part was up in heaven, you know? Don't let people pollute you like this, okay? God the Father is God, Jesus the Son is God. Jesus is fully man and fully God. Go to Hebrews chapter number one. You probably already know where we're going, but go to Hebrews chapter number one. You know, by the time you look at all of these scriptures, it really does blow your mind at how somebody could want to be a Jehovah's Witness, or a Mormon, or anything to that nature, a oneness Pentecostal. You know, and again, of course, it always boils back down to man just wanting to create a God that he can understand. That's really what you're dealing with here, okay? Go to verse number eight, Hebrews chapter one. So for your Muslim hecklers that, oh, where does the Bible say that Jesus is God? There's plenty of places we could go to, it's not what the sermon's completely about, but here's one that you could possibly use. Hebrews chapter one, verse eight. But unto the Son, he saith, well, who is the he in that verse? Well, it's God the Father. But unto the Son, he saith, thy throne, now look at these next two words, oh God. So thy throne, oh God. So that means the Son is what? God, fully God, okay? Thy throne, oh God, is forever and ever, a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom. We've broken down the last part of that verse in other sermons. We don't have time to do that. Go to Acts chapter number five, okay? Acts chapter number five. So far, really quickly, what has the Bible taught us? Well, there is one God, and one God only, okay? And in that statement, there is plurality. There is God the Father, fully God. There is Jesus the Son, who is also God. Now next, what you're going to see is that the Holy Spirit is God as well. Acts chapter number five, look at verse number three. The Bible says, but Peter said, Ananias, why has Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost and to keep back part of the price of the land? Verse four, whiles it remained, was it not thine own? And after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? Why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? Thou hast not lied unto men. Now look at these next three words, but unto God, okay? So you go back to verse number three real quick. What is Peter saying here? He says, but Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to, who? The Holy Ghost, okay? And to keep back part of the price of the land. Now go back real quickly to verse four. So verse three mentions the Holy Ghost. Verse four uses another name for the Holy Ghost, okay? Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? And after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? Why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? Thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God. So again, a proof text there for you that the Holy Ghost is God, okay? Go to 2 Timothy chapter number three. So for this next one, we're gonna use 2 Timothy chapter number three, and then we're gonna use 2 Peter chapter number one, okay? And we're gonna combine these two verses here, and it's gonna give us another powerful truth that the Holy Spirit is God, okay? Notice the distinction, though, as we're going through this, okay? There's not a partialism here, there's not a mode shift, okay? Leave mode shifters for washing machines. 2 Timothy three, look at verse 16. All scripture, okay, all of the Bible, all scripture is given by inspiration of who? God, okay, very clear. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, not by the inspiration of your stupid scholar or your crooked skinny jeans pastor with holes in his pants that likes queers, okay, and says, well, in the original manuscripts. No, all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for what? For doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, okay? But the point here in this verse, real quickly, is that the Bible is given to us by who? By God, by inspiration of God, meaning the scriptures are God-breathed, okay? Very easy to understand there. Now, with that thought in mind, go to 2 Peter chapter number one, 2 Peter chapter number one, and look at verse 21. So look at what Peter says here. By the way, this is also just an obvious proof that God works in scripture to harmonize it, okay? It's not like the Quran, where you have all these different surahs that have no continuity of thought throughout the entire thing, but it's just straight, just trash, okay? 2 Peter chapter one, verse 21. Look how Peter puts it, for the prophecy. I don't have time to develop this, but he's talking about scripture. He's talking about the Bible. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. So in your own time, write these down. 2 Timothy three, verse 16, 2 Peter chapter one, verse 22, okay? We're told by Paul in 2 Timothy that scripture is given to us by God. Peter confirms that and saying exactly how that happens. The holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, thus proving that the Holy Spirit is God. They are all equally God, okay? Go to Matthew chapter number three and I'll show you something that is better than an analogy, if that is in fact what you're looking for, to explain to somebody about the Trinity. But the important thing here, Bible's clear, there is only one God. Our Lord God is one Lord. That is what the Bible says, okay? And that means that there are three. We read that in 1 John chapter number five, okay? We have God the Father, obviously God, nobody, you know, very few people will debate that. And then we have Jesus the Son, who is also fully God, okay? And you have the Holy Spirit who is also fully God, and these three are one, okay? Here's a good, if you need an analogy like, you know, you're looking for something to show somebody, this might be something that you'd like to use. Matthew three, look at verse number 16. So the Bible says, and Jesus, so maybe you could circle those two words and write number one above it. And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water. And lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw, number two, the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon him. Now look at verse 17 for number three. And lo, a voice from heaven. So you have Jesus on earth, the Spirit descending at the same time like a dove, and you have this voice from heaven, okay? Again, that debunks all of these other isms that are out there, okay? And lo, a voice came from heaven, or a voice from heaven saying, this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. Now go back to first John chapter number five. And so our God is not three forms of God, like modalism teaches, not three parts of God, like partialism teaches, and not three separate beings that are just kind of chilling out and for the time being making planets and, you know, doing whatever they do over at that temple in Utah. We all get that, we understand that. So let's take a look at some more here. First John chapter number five. Okay, the Bible says this here in verse number six. Talking about Jesus, it says, this is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ, not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the, now look at this, the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth. Okay, so obviously in the Bible, as God relates to mankind, you'll see that he relates to us in different functions. The Father creates, Jesus redeems, and the Holy Spirit preserves. And also, you know, executes reproof and rebuke for sin and all the stuff we've talked about recently, we get that. But you're gonna find those generalities as God reveals himself to mankind. But back to this verse here, okay, look at the Trinity in this verse alone. This is he that came by water. God became a man for God was manifest in the flesh, took on human form, we know this. Okay, this is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ, not by water only, but by water and blood. The blood is a very, very important aspect of the gospel. Okay, which obviously we all know some people have trampled under and dismissed. Look at the rest of the verse one more time. And it is the spirit that beareth witness because the spirit is truth. Again, not your Bible college is truth, okay? Not some crazy video you found online where somebody dug up the blood of Christ and had it sent to a lab and tested, okay? No, the Bible says the spirit is truth. This is a spiritual book. If you're indwelt with the spirit, that is how you obtain truth. Look at verse number seven. So we've already seen these roles very quickly here in verse six, look at verse seven. For there are three, John says, for there are three that bear record in heaven. Not one that changes rapidly, not one that breaks apart into thirds, okay? But no, there are three that bear record in heaven. The Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. That is what I almost always start with when somebody has a question about the Trinity, okay? If they're looking for a picture, give them Matthew chapter number three. Real quickly, just two verses, 16, 17, and see how they're tracking, see if they're starting to follow, okay? If not, you understand the simple fact that like, you know, tell people like, if they believe this, okay? They believe the Bible at this point, and you're showing them this, you know, you can comfort them by saying, you know, again, God is infinite and eternal, okay? Whereas mankind is finite and limited. It's very difficult for us to completely wrap our minds around this because the Bible does say that it's a mystery, okay? But with that being said, you just keep repeating what the Bible says. We have one God in three distinct persons. That is what you see here. Look at verse number seven again, for there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one. Now look at verse number eight, and there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood, and these three agree in one. So what in the world is he talking about there? Well, just very quickly, just to give you some context here, go to John chapter number 19, okay? We always want to start to divide the Word with the Word, okay? If you're ever confused about some language in a passage, okay, find out if that author has written somewhere else, and a lot of times that will help you to discern truth and get that surface meaning. So what in the world is he talking about there? And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, the water, and the blood, and these three agree in one. How can that be possible? John, the Gospel of John, chapter number 19. Let's start off here in verse number 30. Okay, so what are we looking for? Well, we know that John obviously wrote 1 John, 2 John, 3 John. We also know that he wrote the book of John, the Gospel of John, as well as Revelation, but we're looking for the answer and some insight on the Spirit, and the water, and the blood, okay? Sound familiar? Hopefully it does because, again, I always say this, okay? I get, you know, these epistles are short, and people like to, you know, get on fire and read the Bible, and they'll look for the shortest thing to read, okay? And that's a mistake, because by the time you've ever gotten to 1 John 5, it is expected of us that we've already read the basics. We've already read the Gospel of John, and so on, and so forth. So John chapter 19, look down at verse number 30. The Bible says, when Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, it is finished, and he bowed his head and, look at this, gave up the ghost. So there's your reference right there to Spirit, okay? Verse 31, the Jews therefore, because it was the preparation that the body should not be, or should not remain upon the cross on the Sabbath day, for the Sabbath day was on high day, besotpilot, that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away, okay? So they're like, hey, you know, Sabbath's getting close, we need to get these guys down from here, get their legs broken, confirmation, or just speed the process up so they die, okay? A very cruel, terrifying way to go. Verse 32, then came the soldiers and break the legs of the first and of the other, which was crucified with him, but, okay, verse 33, but when they came to Jesus and saw that he was dead already, they break not his legs. And of course, many people out there alive today like to push this narrative that Jesus did not die here. And of course, we know they're lying because we believe the Word of God, okay? And because of what is said next, especially compared to 1 John 5. Look at verse 34. It says, but one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side and forthwith, meaning immediately, came there out blood and water. Can you see that? Sound familiar? Hey, that's what John is referring to. This event, which really happened, is a testimony in earth, even until this day. That is what he's talking about. Verse 35, and he that saw it bear record. Okay, sound familiar? 1 John 5, about the record. We're gonna talk about that in a second. And he that saw it bear record, and his record is true, and he knoweth that he saith true that he might believe. Okay, again, these things were written. What's the whole point? These things were written that you might believe the gospel and be saved. Back to 1 John 5. And let's go back to verse number eight again, one more time. So again, we're talking about the Trinity. We serve one God. The Bible says there's one God. The Bible says that God, the Father, God, Jesus, the Son is also fully God, and that the Holy Spirit is also God. And we saw the roles broken down very clearly with a quick picture in Matthew chapter number three. And of course, you see this all throughout the entire Word of God, throughout the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Verse number eight, one more time. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, the water, and the blood, and these three agree in one. Okay, so now we got our picture. We understand what that means. It means that that truth is screaming. That truth is testifying to every person on the planet. I had this conversation with a guy not too long ago, you know, and he was just struggling with believing. And I just said, hey, you know, why is it? Giving him these verses, I'm just like, well, why is it that it's always Jesus that's blaspheming? Why is his name a cuss word? You know, you don't hear people blaspheming, you know, Allah and Buddha and Mohammed and all these, you know, other things. I mean, sometimes people say it, but it doesn't have that same like, like gut wrenching feeling. I don't know about you, but anytime I hear somebody blaspheme the name of God, like it really bothers me. And I'm sure it really bothers you as well. You know, but if you hear somebody say something about Allah or Mohammed or something like that, whatever, he's just a cluck anyways, right? We don't care about that. Look down at verse number nine. So the Bible says, if we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater. And how true is that? I mean, how many people would much rather receive the witness of man than the witness of God? Right? I mean, think about it. This is why man designs God, because it's easier to understand and it's easier to comply. And plus, you know, when God designs a man, you can make him do whatever he wants. And what does man want? Man wants his flesh to be lifted up, his flesh to be glorified. So if we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater. For this is the witness of God, which he hath testified of his son. And there is no way to undo this. And it doesn't matter how many archeologists, scholars, atheists, God haters that are out there, okay? It doesn't matter how much they try to eradicate the truth. It just keeps coming up more and more and more. Why? Because of verse number eight, okay? Verse number eight happened because of verse number seven. And so on, we know this. Look at verse 10. He that believeth on the son of God hath made, so not made, hath the witness in himself. He that believeth not God hath made him, I'm speed reading today, made him a liar because he believeth not the record that God gave of his son. You know, of course, I use this sometimes. I don't know if you guys do. Every once in a while, I will pull this out, especially when somebody says, hey, you know, I already believed that before you showed me. It's like, really? You just told me you had to work your way to heaven. Like you specifically said that. It just happened to me not too long ago. And you don't say, well, what's the record? I don't know. Or they'll say, oh, that you got to follow the commandments. It's like, no, that's not the record. And then I gently show them this. Look at verse 11, and this is the record that God has given to us eternal life. And this life is in his son. Okay, again, in the Bible, you're going to see this as God relates to man. You'll often see that God the father creates, Jesus redeems and the Holy Spirit preserves. And of course we can put that another way because God is infinite. But I'll bring this up and say, well, you didn't understand the record a few moments ago. So how was it that you had eternal life? Sometimes it clicks, sometimes it doesn't. And in that case, like the other day, it was Sunday I had this happen here where somebody clearly told me that they had to work. Just work and work and work. Oh, okay, go through this. Oh yeah, yeah, no, I got that. Man, this is already what I believe. It's already what I'm doing. What I'll do, and you can try this. This doesn't always work at the door, but in a situation like a church or maybe a family gathering or someplace at work where you have the opportunity and time to give the gospel, what I'll do is I'll start referring to them and talking to them like they're saved. I'll start bringing things up like, oh, it's so good that we're saved and we don't have to do any works. Okay, you just keep pushing that in there. And what will happen, okay, and what will happen is either the next thing they say or just very quickly after, they're going to say something like, oh, I really just want to do more works. I really just want to find a church where I could just really get down to following the commandments. And that'll just keep coming up. And the reason for that is because the Bible says, from the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. So if their heart is filled with the doctrine that they have to work their way to heaven, and you try to put something else in, guess what bubbles up and just keeps spilling over? What they believe, okay? So I just keep doing that. I did that on Sunday. It's a tactic I always forget about, but I just do out of nature and it does reveal what they believe. And then I just be nice and realize that there's no room for the gospel at that point, that the devil's just plucking that thing out because it is what it is, a spiritual warfare. It's what we have to deal with. And then I just move on. Go to Genesis chapter number one. Genesis chapter one. I didn't feel right just preaching all New Testament. I want to go back real quickly to the Old Testament, just to give you a picture here of how God works. And three is how God teaches us his triune nature as well. Let's just look real quickly at a couple of verses here in the Old Testament. Genesis chapter one, look at verse number 26. So the Bible says this. God said, now here it is. Let us, so first three words of verse 26. What does that say? And God said. It doesn't say and the God said, but it says, and God said, let us make man, look at this next word, these next two words, in our image, okay? Let us make man in our image. I used to have a pastor all the time. He'd be like, well, this is fine here, but really you got to go back to the Hebrew and his name was Elohim and they started going off about all this plurality in the Hebrew word. You don't need that. Look, God can communicate his triune nature in any language on the planet, okay? And here it is right here. And God said, let us, this is what God's saying, let us. And I get it. People will inject, well, this was before the Nephilim went bad. They had their role in it and the angels were actually helping. And he's talking to the angels. It's like, yeah, how'd you come to that conclusion, huh? Oh, you made it up. You pulled out that big syringe you like to use and you injected that right into the Bible. And God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So one more time, God singular said, let us make man in our image. Go to chapter number two real quick, Genesis chapter number two. So what does God do? Well, breathes life into the first man whom we know as Adam, okay? And then what did God say about Adam? Verse number 18, and the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone. I will make him an help meet for him. And you say, well, wait a second, because here's what somebody did to me one time. They said, okay, they brought me here and said, okay. Well, God said, let us make man in our image and you believe in the Trinity. And then they said, but then he just made one man. And I thought about it for a second, I was like, no, no, cause then he said it wasn't good. And he made Eve from his own flesh. So there's the second person. And then I thought about Seth and all the kids. I'm like, wait a second here. No, okay. Think about mankind. Men, mankind, you get man, woman, okay? Getting married, have children. There's your Trinity, okay? There's your image. So that system, that thing I just said right there, man, woman, children, that is mankind being made in God's image. So there's a picture there of the Trinity in the Old Testament. There's plenty. You go to Genesis chapter 18. It's all throughout the Bible, from Genesis all the way until Revelation. You go to Matthew chapter number 28. We're getting close to being done. I just want to give you three things that three reasons why understanding this is really gonna help you out. Just some information for you to apply to your life, okay? So go to Matthew chapter number 28. So how does understanding the Trinity help our everyday life? Okay, well, we already looked at the obvious one. It's gonna help you teach other people, clear some things up, get people hopefully away from this fall stuff that's out there, and some clarification, which there's plenty of verses to get clarification and teach that to somebody. But again, when you're trying to give this to somebody and they're just reject, reject, reject, reject, abort, abort, abort, okay? It's because the abundance of their heart is already full and they just cannot receive it. And at that point in time, you need to bounce, okay? Let's look at number one here. How does understanding the Trinity help? Look at verse number 19. We're gonna use this verse twice, but look at verse number 19. Jesus giving the great commission says, go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, okay? If God was just breaking up into thirds to do everything, this wouldn't make any sense. If God was just shifting halves, changing modes, this would not make any sense. So there is an emphasis here. Why command that this truth be taught at conversion? What's the point, okay? And if you really break down your guys' gospel presentations, you really do have this worked in, whether you realize it or not. But what's the point? Why do that? And the reason for that is because your perspective of God will grow, okay? Your perspective of God will grow. Remember, it is God's desire that we would learn who he is. Nature reveals that God created everything, but the Bible tells us who God is and there is a lot of information about who God is. So go to 2 Corinthians chapter number 13. 2 Corinthians chapter number 13. So again, this goes back to what I've been saying all night. When man creates a lowercase g, God, it's easy to understand, okay? Because he tells you the story. But because man did not create God of the Bible, he did not create the God of the Bible, rather, like people accuse us, okay? It is a mystery and we have to learn and study and we have to expand our perspective so that we can help other people. Plus it provides us comfort. 2 Corinthians chapter 13, look at verse number 14. The Bible says this. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of who? God. And look at this. And the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all. See that, okay? Understanding God and learning about him is going to comfort you. It is going to bring that communion or that fellowship much tighter, okay? Think about it. Who's got a better relationship, you know? The kids that are living at home, or perhaps maybe the prodigal son who went away. You get the point, you understand. Okay, go to John chapter number 14. I believe this will be the last John reference this evening. Yes, it will. So John chapter number 14. So again, the first reason we ought to understand the Trinity and really understand God is because it increases our perspective of God. It brings us into communion or fellowship with him. And that's the goal, okay? And by the way, that is also the goal of these epistles is to restore and enhance our fellowship with God. It's not rules to follow so that we can stay saved and all that junk. You guys know this. John 14, look at verse number 26. So the Bible says this. Jesus says this. But the comforter, okay? But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you. Imagine if people understood the value in this, understood the role, how the Holy Ghost works inside of us, okay? Imagine how that perspective and how that relationship is going to grow. Now I get it. We don't go out and tell people that you're saved by having a relationship. We understand that when people say that, they really mean words. But after salvation, okay, we ought to work on that relationship and be growing closer to God, okay? Because that is how we survive in this crooked world. Now, I remember one time, this was a couple of years ago, we were out soul-winning, and this guy just walked up to one of our people and was like, hey, why do they call him the Lamb of God, yo? That's what he said. We were just laughing. And you know, it was a good question. The guy wanted to know. And he was just like, well, what's the difference? Holy Ghost and God, you know, what is all this stuff? And that's how this person came at one of our soul owners. And luckily he was able to clear the matter up and enhance his perspective. And the person got saved. Go to Colossians chapter number two. Colossians chapter two. So again, how does understanding this help our everyday life? Well, number one, it's gonna enhance that communion, okay? It's gonna broaden your perspective of God, which is obviously what he wants. Things are only gonna get better through that, okay? And this will also prove it. Colossians two, look at verse number six. So Paul says, as you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him. Hey, well, what are we being told today by modern Christianity? Well, you can do whatever you want. It's all good, you know? Hey, you know, you can just relax. You know, if you need, you know, as long as you keep giving money, of course. If you don't wanna come to church, that's cool. You don't have to, but just keep giving that almighty dollar. Okay, no, the Bible says that we are to walk with him. That's how we should live, okay? Look at this, verse seven, rooted and built up in him. What happens if we're not rooted and built up? Well, guess what? We're gonna be carried off by the materialistic things and the rudiments of the world. We're just gonna be out there doing whatever and backsliding, not being profitable. Hey, so rooted and built up in him and established in the faith as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. So that is the goal of the body of Christ, to abound, okay? The way that you abound is by broadening your perspective of God and understanding your way, your verses and how you're gonna teach the Trinity is going to help you in that. Again, I'm just throwing this stuff out there. I'm just telling you what the Bible says. Remember, it is your job to take these things and enhance. You take these things home and you see whether they're true and you pull up other verses until it makes sense and clicks in your head and then you'll be on your way to this abounding with thanksgiving. And here's why, verse eight, beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ. Again, this is the enemy's tactic here. This is what he does, okay? He obviously can't knock us off salvation, can't take anything away from us. So the next best thing is to get us shut down, to get us not working, not teaching, not making disciples, verse nine, for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. So people say, well, no, no, Jesus is just a third. It's just the human part. Okay, and then you got God the Father. No, all the fullness of the Godhead dwells in Christ bodily, okay? One God, three distinct persons. You say, that doesn't make sense. Well, that's what the Bible says. I'm sorry, verse 10, and ye are complete in him, which is the head of all, and here it is, principality and power. You see, the Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers of darkness and high places, or spiritual wickedness in high places, okay? But when we understand, wait a second here, why am I getting beat down by these principalities? I feel like my thought life's under attack. I feel like people are just coming after me. I've got all these problems, okay? Well, guess who can help you with that? Well, what does the Bible say right here? Okay, and ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power, okay? Our Savior who gave us the Holy Ghost who came from God the Father, okay? Our God is the one who is the head of all that principality and power, and they can do nothing to us unless God authorizes that. Go to Romans chapter number eight. Romans chapter number eight. So again, how does understanding the Trinity help? Well, it enhances our perspective with God and helps us to have that communion so that we can abound, okay, so that we can provide comfort to one another and to other people. Now let's look at number two. Romans chapter number eight, verse 26. Again, we're getting real close to being done here. The Bible says, Likewise, the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities, for we know not what we should pray for as we ought, but the, here it is, the Spirit itself, maketh intercessions, or intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Okay, we broke down the Pentecostal side a few months ago. I'm not gonna touch that right now. But what does the Bible say right here that the Holy Spirit does with us? What is one of the things that the Holy Ghost does for us? Well, he helps our prayer life. He makes intercession, because we don't really understand what we think we do. We don't always understand how to pray as we ought. That's okay. You know, if you've ever felt like that, or ever just came to that realization by reading this, guess what? The comfort in this is the Holy Ghost, okay? The Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Verse 27, And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints, according to the will of God. Okay, he maketh intercession for the saints, not just for anybody that's out there, okay, but for the saints, the saved. So number two is knowledge of the Trinity enhances your prayer life. When you understand that and you realize that, it's gonna help increase your faith. Because a lot of times, you know, we're in these terrible situations and we're praying for God's help. And sometimes we get that feeling like, man, is God gonna help me? Is he really gonna hear me? Well, the Bible guarantees us this right here, that we have the Spirit inside of us that will intercede and get that prayer correctly to God in the way that it should be. And so we can take comfort in knowing that and thus enhance our prayer life. So again, the Bible teaches us to pray to the Father through Christ by the power of the Spirit. One more time here, Matthew 28. And this is where we're gonna leave it tonight. Matthew chapter number 28. One more time. So quick, quickly, three reasons why understanding, the Trinity, understanding our God is because it grows your perspective. It helps that fellowship, okay? It enhances, it tightens up that fellowship, enhances our prayer life. And let's look at number three here, which is also found in Matthew 28 verse 19. So again, Jesus says, "'Go ye therefore and teach all nations, "'baptizing them in the name of the Father "'and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.'" So this perspective here, okay, of who God is, different from all other gods, okay? The people have dreamed up, different from all other gods makes the Great Commission get filled as prescribed, okay? So when people tell you, hey, guess what? Our church fulfills the Great Commission. You already know what I'm gonna say next, okay? The Malta meal ministry. That's what they love to harp on, our food bank. Hey, those are good things, but that is not the Great Commission, okay? Can you teach who God really is? Do you understand the roles that God has given to us to be understood? Do you understand how he operates to mankind, okay? When you understand that, okay, that leads to more people being reached, more people being saved, because this is a command. Teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, specifically mentioning all three. We serve one God made up of three persons. That is what we are being taught here. That is what the Bible says, okay? And so again, a lot of people have a very faulty view. Some people just, you know, they just don't get it. Okay, it's our job to teach them, okay? We need to learn these things so that we can teach them, because that oftentimes will result in people getting saved. But again, people, let's just review, okay? Faulty views of the Trinity is this modalism stuff, where basically God just changes hats real quickly in, you know, just lightning speed. You know, one minute he's got the Father, then he jumps down to earth and he's Jesus, and then he's also coming down as the Spirit. Doesn't make any sense. Why? Because it's not true. It's false. That's what it is. It goes against the Word of God. And of course, the Trinity is not like a shamrock or an egg, okay? Okay, that's partial, and that's just also weird. It's not divided into just thirds, okay? All have distinct roles in the Word of God. And of course, we need to realize that you're never gonna fully be able to comprehend this, obviously, till you get to heaven, because God is infinite and eternal, whereas we as humans are merely finite and limited, okay? And so I think with that understanding, it's gonna help broaden your perspective, which is only gonna enhance your relationship with God, which is what we need in times like this, which leads to better prayers, which leads to people getting saved, which leads to the two-fold mission of the church being executed, which we all know that is, to edify the lost. I'm sorry, to edify the brethren and to evangelize the lost. So, Jehovah Witnesses and all these people definitely out to lunch and a half. And it's our job to combat them. They're going out all the time. Look, they knocked on our door this week, you know? Knocked on our door, which was a mistake, because it was broke and I wasn't home, so. Or maybe that was a good thing. I don't know, we'll see. But with that being said, we're gonna leave it there for tonight. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Thank you so much, Lord, for your truth and for revealing who you are to us. Please help us to retain these things, to learn these things and to be able to teach these to others that have questions, Lord, and to bring them and to know who you are. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.