(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, so we're going to continue on, like I said, with our prophecy series. We're going to be talking today about the Antichrist. If you're here last week, you remember that we talked about the rapture. Remember the gathering up together of the saints, and we talked about how it's after the tribulation. There's no verse in the Bible whatsoever that says we're not going to go through tribulation. If these events do unfold during our lifetimes, we will go through them, and so it's important that we understand the events, that we understand how to discern the signs of the times, you know, so that these things don't just creep up on us, you know, and so we don't get caught off guard, and so that we can comfort one another. That's the whole point of this. So is anybody warm? Jessica wanted me to make sure, you guys. It can get hotter over here because of the oven and stuff, so if you guys are warm, just tap Kate on the shoulder. We'll turn the AC on. All right, so the verse I wanted to focus on here out of this chapter is verse number 18. So you're there in 1 John chapter 2. Look at verse number 18. It says, little children, it is the last time, and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time. So why don't you guys turn to Luke chapter 21, Luke chapter 21. So it's important for you to understand that, you know, even back in John's day, he's like saying, hey, look, this already is the last time. So the question isn't are we in the last times or the last days. We already know that we are, and John said we know that because of the many antichrists and false prophets that are already arising. You know, John had to deal with them in his day. Obviously we have to deal with them in our day, you know, and it does seem like it's getting worse, but he says, whereby we know that it is the last time, and while you're turning to Luke chapter 21, I'll read for you out of 1 John chapter 4 verse 3. It says, and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is that spirit of antichrist, where of ye have heard that it should come and even now already is in the world. You know, and so it's interesting when you think about this, I mean, this was written, you know, a long, long time ago, right? And John was trying to instill the sense of urgency and the people back then, right? Not to confuse them, not to get them scared, not to cause their hearts to fail, but simply so that they would have that sense of urgency to go out and reach the lost, right? Because you don't know exactly when these things are going to transpire, but you know what? Every generation since then has thought that it was their time, you know? And so what does that teach us? That tells us that we shouldn't just listen to people when they're like, hey, Christ could come back at any moment, you know, anytime these things could happen, they might happen in a lifetime, but you know what? They might not. And the more you study it, the more I kind of think is definitely a ways out. You know, that's my opinion, but I could be wrong. You know, we, we, we just don't know, you know, and we don't understand completely how all these things are going to play out, right? I'm going to read to you today. You know, we're going to talk about the Antichrist, but you know, it does leave room for speculation because it's, he hasn't been revealed yet, you know, and, and that's a, that's an important thing. In another thing that he, you know, you can see by reading these verses here that John told them this stuff before he even wrote this. So what does that tell you? That it's important to constantly talk about it. It's important to, to know these things again so that we don't have fear because we understand that the wrong kind of fear is a snare on demand, right? It's a trap. So look at this here. You look down at Luke 21, look at verse number 25, Luke 21, 25, it says, and there shall be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars upon the earth, a distress of nations with perplexity, the sea and the waves warring. So this year, obviously we talked about this a little bit last week. You know, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke chapter 21, you know, it's all talking about the end times, different events that'll, that'll, that'll unfold before, before Christ comes back. But look at verse number six, he says, men's hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And so I just wanted you to see that there that, you know, Jesus said that men's hearts at one point in time, at some time will fail them because of fear. Right? I've, I think we've mentioned this a few times up here that, you know, your spiritual condition does affect your physical health. You know, if you just, the type of person is going to allow fear to just engulf you all the time. You're always afraid. You're always scared. You know, it could cause you to have a heart attack. It does affect your physical health. And that's not what this is designed for. That's not why we need to understand these things. We need to understand these things because we win in the end. Amen. I mean, Jesus Christ is going to come back and you know what, yes, the antichrist is going to make war with the saints. He is going to overcome us physically for a season, but you know what? We win in the end. There's no reason to be afraid. There's no reason to, to duck and hide. There's no reason to have your hearts fail you because we read the Bible and we understand that we will win. So keep that in mind as I go through this stuff. Don't let it get you afraid. Don't let it, you know, perplex you, right? We don't want to be like the heathen where their hearts will fail them, right? They're going to look up into the heavens and be like, Oh, I was wrong. I big time, you know, I made a big time mistake and you know what? For some reason now I can't trust. I can't believe because God's already given me over to reprobate mine. You know what? And they will have their hearts fail them for fear. And so let's not allow that to happen to us. So go to second Thessalonians chapter two and we'll do some review. If you remember the last week, one of the things that we talked about also was understanding the difference between tribulation and wrath, right? We talked about that we will go through tribulation that we already do go through tribulation and we talked about who is the source behind the tribulation period that we will go through. And we understand that it's the devil, it's the antichrist, right? It's not God that's persecuting us. Yes, God does allow that to happen, but the ultimate source behind the tribulation is the devil. It's the devil versus the world is the devil versus us, the body of Christ, Christian believers, right? And then we talked about wrath, right? So after the sun and moon are dark and God pours out his wrath on earth, well, who is the source of that? Well, it's God, right? God pours out his wrath. You have to understand that difference and when you understand that it makes reading the Bible prophecy so much easier to understand it and it will help you when somebody tries to tell you, Hey, look, the day of Christ is at hand. It could come at any moment. We understand that there are things that have to transpire first, right? Before that can happen. Remember, we're not appointed unto wrath and let's just, so just for a quick review here, you're in second Thessalonians chapter two, look down at verse number one, it says, now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him that ye be not soon shaken in mind or troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us that the day of Christ is at hand, right? So what's the, what's the teaching here? What's the principle here that we don't have a shaken mind that we don't get troubled that we don't let somebody who says, Hey, I've got the spirit brother. God told me he's coming back tonight. God's told me, you know, whatever we shouldn't let that. We're supposed to try the spirits, right? And how do we try the spirits by the word of God, by our standard, by what's written down here, that's concrete, that's foundational that we can trust. That's how we try the spirits. That's the whole point that Paul is trying to make here to the Thessalonians. So look down at verse number three, he says, let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition. So there's two things that have to happen before Christ can come back. One of them is a falling away, right? Remember people don't fall up, okay? They fall away. This is talking about an apostasy. This is talking about people that are walking away from the faith in a large alarming number and you know what? That does kind of make me think that maybe it is going to happen in our days because when you go out soul-willing and you're talking to these people that go to church, what are they telling you? They're telling you that they have to be a good person and believe on Jesus Christ. That's a falling away. That's an apostasy. Now keep in mind, I'm not saying that the falling away has already happened here, you know, and Christ is going to come back and the anti-Christ is Donald Trump. You know, he is anti-Christ, but he's not, he's not the son of perdition as we're reading about here. And he says, look down at, well, let's just stop there for a second here. Let me just read for you that a second John chapter one, verse seven, which says for many deceivers are entered into the world who confess not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an anti-Christ. And you know what? When you read second Thessalonians chapter three, he says, let no man deceive you by any means. You know, you can see that most of Christianity today is deceived concerning the end times. Are they not? I mean, they, they completely ignore this verse here or they'll try to take you to another language and say that the falling away is the rapture when look, it's not, do you really think the King James translators were that dumb that they couldn't figure that out and just, you know, that they had to, it just doesn't make sense. It says there's going to come a falling away first and someone has to be revealed. And who is that? Someone? Well, it's the son of perdition. If you look down there at verse, verse number three, right? It's the man of sin. That is the anti-Christ and that's who we're talking about. So who is the son of perdition? Who is the anti-Christ? And that's what we're going to take a look at. So you guys turned to second Peter chapter three, but before we talk about the son of perdition, it's going to help to understand what perdition is because maybe you're not familiar with that word, you know, so I want to just take a few moments here and just kind of look at that word in the Bible. So I've just got three quick little statements for you this morning about perdition, about what it is. And number one, perdition is always associated in the Bible with being lost, not being saved. So you stay there in second Peter three, I'm going to read for you, John 17, 12. This is what Jesus said. He says, while I was with them in the world, I kept them in my name. Those that thou gave us me, I have kept and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled. So you see, we see that word perdition there. Jesus mentioned that about Judas Iscariot and we know that he was lost. So anytime you see that word perdition, you're going to understand, or you're going to, you're going to notice that it's talking about somebody who's lost, somebody who cannot be saved. Now number two, perdition is associated with destruction every time you read it in the Bible. And I got that from first Timothy chapter six, verse nine, which says, but they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many hurtful, or I'm sorry, into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. So you're going to see that destruction, perdition, condemnation, right? He's basically saying here, what Jesus was saying in John 17 is that Judas was the son of perdition. I mean, think about that, right? If you're saved, you're the son, you're the daughter, you're the child of God. You're born again, right? There's nothing that you can do to unborn yourself from that family. Once you're saved, you're always saved. There's nothing you can do to change that. And what Jesus is saying here is that this guy was the son of perdition. So what does that mean? That means he's born of hell. He's born of condemnation. He is a reprobate. He is a devil. He is going in. He is in hell. That's what Jesus is saying here. So when it says that phrase in the Bible, son of perdition, just know you're dealing with somebody who is not saved, who cannot be saved. Because I've heard countless preachers in my life say that Judas got saved right before he died when he repented. That is so foolish. That is a sign of somebody who's either lost or does not read their Bible. All they do is read commentaries because I'm telling you that is not the case. That is not true. So you're there in second Peter chapter three. So number one, I said perdition is always associated with being lost. Number two, perdition is associated with destruction. And number three, perdition is always associated with being ungodly. Let's see here. Look down at second Peter. Let's just start in verse number one. Second Peter three verse one. It says, this second epistle beloved, I now write unto you in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and savior. Verse three, knowing this first that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts. And isn't that true? You know, it seems like every time you turn around, there's more and more scoffers out there. More people on TV, you know, cause I go into people's houses all the time, right? And I do appliance repair. And I've always got the Fox news on or some kind of, you know, religious programming or Dr Oz. And there's almost every time that I go into someone's house, man, I'm serious. It's somebody mocking the Bible, somebody scoffing on TV about this. And it's true. And this is how we know that the end days, you know, that the final times are definitely ramping up. It's definitely approaching fast. Now look down at verse number four, he says, in saying, where's the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation. So what he's saying there is, Hey, a large part of the population in the world is going to be complacent. They're just going to not get it. They're going to be like, look, this book was written thousands of years ago and he hasn't come back yet. And he said it was imminent. It was soon, you know, back in the day, where's the promise of his coming. Where's he at? He's not here. You know what? But Jesus said that, you know, that he's not slack concerning his promises. He's patient. He's drawing all men onto him. He's trying to get as many people saved as you know, as, as we can. That's why he hasn't come back yet. So look at verse number five for this, they willingly are ignorant of that by the word of God, the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished for seven, but the heavens in the earth, which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. So I just wanted you to see a few different verses. Just listen to a few different verses about perdition in the Bible. So perdition means eternal punishment. It means damnation. That's what, that's what the word means. And what are we studying this morning? We're studying the son of perdition, somebody who was born, right? Somebody who is the family of eternal damnation, the son of hell. Go back to second Thessalonians chapter two here, and then we'll start moving forward with this. There are two people in the Bible that were given the title, the son of perdition. The first one we already talked about that was Judas Iscariot, right? And if you know the story, you know that Judas was possessed or that Satan himself entered into Judas. You see, now I don't believe that Satan enters into a lot of people. You know, I don't, I don't want to say, you know, how many times he's done it. One time we know for sure that he himself has entered into somebody was Judas Iscariot, right? And if you think about it, it's probably because he said, this is a job that's so important. I cannot let one of the other little minion devils do it. You know, he wanted to do it himself. So he, we see in the Bible that he enters into Judas, you know, and obviously Judas betrays the Lord Jesus Christ. But the second time you see it is he's going to enter in to the antichrist after he takes the deadly wound to his head and we'll get into that here momentarily. So just keep that in mind, right? A lot of people say, Oh, I think, you know, you're possessed by Satan himself. We joke around and we say stuff like that, but realistically, I don't think the devil possesses people as often as we might think. I'm sure, you know, devils do, right? Evil spirits, things like that. You know, no doubt about that. But Satan himself is not just going around, just, you know, looking to possess, you know, your average Pentecostal churchgoer or your community church pastor or these Mormons out here, you know, they, he's got his minions that can do all of that stuff. So let's take a look at some attributes this morning of the antichrist and that's the title of the sermon attributes of the antichrist, you know, and before we start going into this, so there's a lot of stuff in the Bible about this, you know, and like I said, it's impossible to cover it all. I don't want to spend a whole, you know, two weeks or three weeks talking about just this guy cause it's just depressing and it's just going to get you upset, but nonetheless, it's important for you to have a basic foundational knowledge, some attributes, some things that are true so that when people come at you with things that are not true, you'll be able to refute them. So point number one here is the antichrist, he will lift himself up to be God. And so you're there in second Thessalonians chapter two, look at verse number four, it's talking about the son of perdition. We've already read the first three verses, right? Look at verse number four, it says, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is possible. That is called God or that is worshiped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. So this is a person who will at when he's, when he's in power, when he comes on the scene, you know, at some point, and I believe it's right after, cause you gotta, before we get into it, the antichrist is going to have a political rising and he also has this religious rising, right? And you'll see the political part before he gets the wound to his head. After he gets this wound to his head, you'll see that the whole world marvels and they're like, wow, this guy was killed and now he's alive again. Wow. He must be God. Well that, you know, the scholars are right. They dug up some more manuscripts and, and, and we've got the whole pie now. We've got the whole thing. Of course it makes sense. You know, he's for everyone. He loves everybody, right? He's making peace. He's talking coexist. He's tolerant. You know, he loves the sodomites, whatever the case may be. And the world will say, wow, this is God, right? And that's where they're going to have big time trouble. So look down to verse number five, remember ye not that when I was with you, I told you these things and now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time for the mystery of iniquity doth already work. Only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way. And the verse eight, it says, and they are, I'm sorry, and then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy the brightness of his coming. And so you get to see real quick, Paul's just saying, Hey, this is what's going to happen, but don't be alarmed. Don't be soon shaken in mind. We win in the end. And so that's the thing there. Now, a lot of people, I don't want to spend a lot of time on it, but a lot of people will point you to this passage and say, well, the Holy ghost, you know, when he's taken out of the way, then the antichrist comes on. You can't take God out of the way. Okay. You know, he's on my present. The Holy ghost is everywhere. And you know, there is obviously a time where God says, okay, let's let this stuff go. You know what I mean? But it's not like God's ever going to be taken out of the way. So even during these times of tribulation, even during the times, um, of great tribulation for that fact, right? God's still in control. I mean, isn't that what we read almost every time we crack open the Bible, that God is in control. You know, God cares about us. God loves us. God has always provided a way, you know, for us to escape things, you know, and so just keep that in mind. So number one is the antichrist, the thing I wanted you to see here is that he will lift himself up to be as God. He's going to be like, unlike anyone else that we've ever seen. I'm sure we've all ran into people who think they're God, you know, or who we would say that about, but this guy really believes it and he's going to have signs and wonders. He's going to have so much power that people are actually going to believe it. You know, he's not going to be an atheist and they're going to have, you know, a hard time with their atheism because you know, they're kind of look at this guy and be like, wow, we were wrong. That's God, you know? So keep those things in mind. So number two, the next attribute I want you to see is the antichrist's rise to power is of the works of Satan. That's how he gets his power literally from the devil himself. So jump down to verse number nine, second Thessalonians two, verse nine, it says, even him who's coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders. And you might say, well, what kind of signs and wonders is he going to do was, you know, all sorts of things that are going to make people believe that he is God, people that aren't saved, right? People that God has, you know, just said, okay, you've rejected the truth. I'm going to send strong delusion to you and you're going to believe a lie. And so he's going to do signs, he's going to do lying wonders, he's going to do these false miracles. And I mean, it's not that hard to believe that a lot of people are going to fall for it, right? Go walk into a Pentecostal church, you know, go walk into a community church that's soft on the Pentecostals. You know what you're going to find? People that believe that God has people rolling on the floor, barking like dogs, working miracles. You know, I've been in these churches before, you know, even, even just liberal community churches back in the day. And they'd be like, oh, you know, the Pentecostals, they, they really got to put together, you know, you know, they, they, you know, the God's definitely on their lives and, you know, I believe that God, you know, works miracles and makes money appear on the table out of nowhere and comes down and talks to people. You know, you've got a large part of Christianity today that really believes that God physically speaks to them, that God makes things appear. You know, I'm not saying that God doesn't do miracles for us, right? Obviously he does, but there's a way that the Bible says he works in our lives and then there's a way that they say that he works in their lives. And they're two totally different things, right? So I can only imagine another 50 years from now, it's going to be 10 times worse. You know, we're going to be like literally the only ones left, hopefully. I mean, hopefully it doesn't happen that soon, but if it does, it's, you know, there's going to be just a small remnant of people like us that are saying, Hey, you know, the Bible says that when he comes back, you know, it's going to be like lightning, how it flashes from the East to the West, you know, but what do they say? Well, he's in the secret chambers. You know, he comes and visits me in my cellar at night, you know, and isn't it kind of funny that they're always talking about how he said that, Hey, you know, Jesus brought me wine. You know, I've, I've literally heard pastors say stuff like that, you know, just, just the most bizarre things, you know, you can go to Africa and there's all these false prophets over there. Right. And they're always having like these extravagant type miracles, you know, they'll have like some guy in a coffin and they'll have a bunch of people around and they, and they put this stuff on YouTube. It's hilarious, you know, and then they act like they're raising them from the dead, you know, but the whole time the guy's laying on the casket, you can see him like twitching, you know, and it's like, you're not a very good actor, but it's those types of people that continue to go down that path where God says, you know what, I'm going to allow you to just be consumed by this. I'm going to send you that strong delusion so that you believe the lie of the Antichrist whose power is of the works of the devil. And you can see that spirit of Antichrist today in the world, right? In these churches, a lot of times, you know, it's there, it's very prevalent and it seems to just be getting worse. I mean, even the Mormons, Jehovah witnesses will tell you things like, you know, we believe that, you know, God's, you know, come down and speaks to our, our, uh, our organizations. Like they'll say that God comes down and speaks to the watchtower. God comes down and speaks to the, the, uh, the organization over there in Utah and tells their prophets what to, you know, what to say and do. So why wouldn't they listen to this guy? I mean, it's going to happen. And that's what the Bible is saying here. So number three is in, uh, look down at verse number 10, it says, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness and them that perish because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved. So we can see that the Antichrist works with all deceivableness, right? He's very deceptive. That's what he is. He's a deceiver. Anybody who is an Antichrist is a deceiver. Sam Gipp is a deceiver. Sam Gipp is an Antichrist, right? Sam Gipp says that you shouldn't call Jesus your Messiah. We've all heard about that. We've all seen that he's 10 minutes down the road here, right? That church has the spirit of Antichrist. They boast themselves to have a thousand people. I just, the other day I was telling some of the guys on Friday, um, you know, I was doing a job for a guy and this guy just, you know, I don't like people like talking to me while I'm working, you know, it's distracting, but you know, I have to be, obviously I have to be polite and stuff and he's just going off about, you know, Oh, do you know the world? Do you, you know, missions organization in Nampa? I'm like, no, I've never heard of it. Oh, you should check it out. And he's like, um, don't ever talk trash about people from California. I'm like, Oh, okay. You know, I was, I lived in California for a year and a half. It's like, okay, good. He's like, cause a lot of people say bad things. I'm like, all right, man. Hey, you know, I don't know what's going on here, but I, I, I not, not like that. He's like, yeah, because they treat me really bad. And I think that Idaho has a big problem, you know, treating people unfairly, right? And there, and there's a lot of racist people here and there's a lot of people, uh, against the gays and stuff. And I'm like, okay, you know, and so I'm working away and he's like, are you a fundamentalist? I'm like, what? I was like, what? He's then he says, he says, yeah, are you a King James only? Are you a Christian? I was like, yes, I'm a Christian. I was like, but I, I'm really not allowed to, you know, I'm not supposed to be talking about stuff like this with customers because it can get people upset. He's like, Oh, you don't have to worry about it with me. Oh sure. I believe you. Yeah, I believe you dude. You know, he goes, I go to Treasure Valley Baptist Church. I was like, Oh really? With Sam Gipp and you know, the pastor over there that, uh, I almost said, you know, that says you have to repent of your sins to, uh, to be qualified for salvation. And he goes, well, I don't go there all the time. And I was like, how'd you know that, you know, I was King James only. He's like, I just, I can just tell, I don't know, man, this is really weird. I'm starting to sweat cause I'm like, I'm going to get fired. You know, I tell you guys that all the time. I need to get out of here. And you know, he's just going off about all this weird stuff and I'm like, man, he's just, you know, I'm not going to repeat some of the stuff he said, but I think something else, I, there's a little bit more going on here to the store. I think the guy was a sodomite. All right. And I know, you know, we say that a lot, but he, some of the stuff he said, I was like, you know, he's obviously studying churches in the area. He's obviously, he obviously knew who I was. It was, there's no doubt about it, you know? And he's like, where do you go to church? Where do you live? How many kids do you have? And I'm like, Hey, look, man, I can't get into this stuff, right? I don't like to tell customers how many kids I have or where I live. You know, it's none of their business. It's like, Oh, okay. I just, I just, I just wanted to know. He's like, so how long has your church been around? I'm like, okay, look, man. But, uh, you know, I don't know why I went off on that. Let's get back to this here. Look down at verse number 11. It says, and for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. And so that's, I think that's where I was going with this, this guy. He, he fits this mold. You know, he's already believing strong delusion. He's already believing a lie. You know, he, he was telling me about how great, you know, Sammy was and, um, Sam, no lip gift, but, um, and he's telling me about how max Lucado is a great guy. Oh yeah. And he says, uh, I got kicked out of Bob Jones university and there, cause they were way too fundamental for me. And I was like, Bob Jones university. I was like, they don't even really believe the Bible to be true. And he's like, yeah. I mean, I partially believe it. I'm just like, this is just getting weird, but you know, you just, that's what we're faced with today. They, you know, those are the type of people that are filling churches up and thank God it's not like that here. Right. I mean, we have a room full of people who actually believe the Bible, who want to learn, who want to do right. You know, and I thank God for that, but nonetheless, that's the minority. And it's been that way even since John's day, even since Paul's day, you know, and, and, and you can tell by reading this here, you know, this spirit of Antichrist already does work. It's already working and it's just ramping up more. So let's move on here. So go to Revelation chapter six, Revelation chapter six. So number three here, the Antichrist will rule the earth for a period of time. The Antichrist will rule the earth for a period of time, and he's going to do it through war and he's going to do it through policy, right? The Bible says about him that he understands dark speeches that he, you know, is obviously very clever, very well-spoken, probably a guy kind of like Ben Shapiro, right? Obviously an Antichrist devil who's not saved, but if you ever listened to him, he's obviously very intellectually smart, right? He can make somebody look dumb. He's the kind of person that could argue the color of the sky being pink and make you look dumb, even though we all know it's blue, you have to be careful with people like that. The Bible says that those types of people that they sharpen their tongue, like an adder, they sit down and they meditate and they think on these things on how to destroy people, how to make people look stupid. See though, people like that, their goal is not you when they're in front of you, right? They're not just trying to make you look stupid. They're, they're actually looking past you. They're looking towards the people that are hanging in the balances. That's the kind of person that the Antichrist will be. He's a showman. He's going to do things to get the masses and that's what we're going to see here. So you're there in Revelation chapter six, look at verse one. It says, and I saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and I heard as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, come and see. And I saw and behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him. And he went forth conquering and to conquer. So he, what I want you to understand here about verse number two is that he says that he, he's on a white horse. What that means, what that represents that he's like, he, he's a, uh, he imitates Jesus Christ because you can read further in Revelation. You'll see that Jesus Christ comes back obviously on a white horse. So this guy is somebody who has similar attributes. His goal is to become the Messiah of the world, to become the savior and obviously with the goal to destroy all flesh. But nonetheless, he's an imitator, he's an imposter and he goes forth conquering and to conquer. So that's, that's why I said number three, the Antichrist will rule the earth for a period of time. Now flip over to Revelation 12 real quick, Revelation chapter 12 and I already said he's going to conquer through war, he's going to conquer through policy and he's going to conquer through deception, right? He's going to conquer through all the avenues that we have today, probably through the media, probably through the entertainment industry, through all these different avenues. And that's why we preach so hard, you know, against these types of things because the spirit of Antichrist is alive and well in the media. It's alive and well in Hollywood, right? In the music industry. So why would we want to subject our minds to that sort of stuff? When we understand the outcome, we understand who's going to come in and ultimately collect those things and use it for his agenda. That's the whole point, right? The devil right now, he's working with his devils, with his minions to get your minds, right? If he can't get your heart and your soul, the next thing that he can do though is he can distract you. He can distract us. He can send us lies, deception, but he can also cause us to fall into sin to where we have no idea what's going on. You know, we're just so wrapped up and caught up in the end of the sin of the world that we don't know what's going on. And then God doesn't bless us. And then we don't do the great works. And then we have less people saved. We have less edification going on. And so it's just basically a snowball of no return that we don't want, you know, our church to go through there. So you're in Revelation 12, look at verse number 17. It says, and the dragon was wroth with a woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Now, like I said, there's a lot to this. We don't have time to read all of it, but basically there's going to come a time where the devil makes war in heaven. He gets kicked out of heaven, right? This hasn't happened yet. He gets kicked out of heaven and he knows that his time is short and that's when he's like, okay, look, my time is short. I'm going to ramp everything up and then I'm going to go forth to conquer. I'm going to destroy God's people from the earth, you know, and ultimately what he wants to do is he wants to make war with God. He actually wants to fight God, which, you know, again, that's, you know, that's mind boggling how you could be in heaven and see Jesus Christ and know, I mean, the devil, the Satan, he knows, I mean, he sees up there, right? He's the accuser of the brethren. He goes to God and accuses us before God. So he understands God's power and it just blows my mind that he was someday say, you know what, I want to make war with God and actually fight him, you know, with, with physical armies, but we've got to move on here. So go to Revelation 13 real quick, Revelation chapter 13 and we'll start reading here. So we see that the antichrist will rule the earth for a period of time, the whole earth, right? What do we see now leading up to this, a one world government forming, and you can see that, you know, different attempts of that being made in the Bible, right? The tower of Babel, you know, and stuff like that, you know, where people, you know, united for one cause, you know, and obviously God, you know, came down, looked at that and he broke that forth and said, you know what, you guys need to go your separate ways and stuff. But it seems like, you know, ever since then, there's always been people that have had this one world mentality, you know, and you can read about these bankers, like the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, you know, they, and these politicians, right? They, they're just power hungry. They want control. They want to control us. And we've talked about that a few weeks ago. You know, they have the spirit of the king of Sodom where he said, you know, just give me the persons, right? That's what they want. They just want the people here. And this guy is no different. He wants your, you know, he is a little bit different and he wants your soul, right? And so that's part of the deception there is if you get to see the world, the more people he can drag to hell with them, the better, I guess he feels. So let's start reading here in Revelation chapter 13, verse one says, and I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and 10 horns and upon his horns, 10 crowns and upon his heads, the name of blasphemy. Now let's stop right here for a second. You're going to often see this, uh, this phrase here, this word horns. When dealing with prophecy, you read about it in Daniel, you read about it here in Revelation. And the reason why is because if you know, obviously animals that have horns, what do they do? They use those to fight. They use those for war. And so that's why he's using that to describe these nations, because these nations are basically going to be, uh, conquering the world, right? Using their power and their strength, the same way that an animal would. So he just describes them as having horns and you know, and things like that. Look at verse number two in the beast, which I saw was likened to a leopard in his feet, whereas the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority. So who gives the anti-crisis power again, it's Satan himself, right? It's not just some low line, just devil. It is actually Satan. He gives the, he gives the anti-Christ his power, his seat. So his political position, his religious position and great authority. That means large authority. That means authority that is going to spread throughout the whole entire earth. Now you guys turned to Daniel chapter seven and we'll kind of take a look at this because you know, what did we just read there in verse two, right? John's talking about a beast that he saw this kind of like a leopard, you know, and his feet were like the bear and these things you'll read about this in Daniel chapter seven as well. So why are you turning there? I'm just going to finish up here. The last two verses I want to read, which is revelation 13, three and four, which says, and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast and they worshiped the dragon, which gave power unto the beast. And they worship the beast saying who was likened to the beast, who was able to make war with him. And we'll come back to that. I just wanted to show you this vision here, how it's connected to Daniel chapter seven. So Daniel chapter seven here, look down to verse number one. It says in the first year of Belshazzar King of Babylon, Daniel had a dream and visions of his head, uh, and yeah, and visions of his head upon his bed. Then he wrote the dream and told the sum of the matters. Daniel spake and said, I saw my vision by night and behold, the four winds of heaven strove upon the great sea and four great beasts came up from the sea diverse one from another. The first was like a lion and had Eagles wings. I'd be held to the wings thereof were plucked and it was lifted up from the earth and made stand upon the feet as a man and a man's heart was given to it. And behold, another beast second, like unto or like to a bear. And it raised up itself on one side and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it. And they said thus unto it, arise, devour much flesh. After this, I'd be held and lo another like a leopard, which had upon the back of it, four wings of a foul. The beast had also four heads and dominion was given to it, right? And so, like I said, we don't have time to get into all of this, but basically he's talking about the, the, the major world powers that were, that were, uh, gonna rise up. Obviously, if you, uh, have read, you understand that it's Babylon. Then after Babylon, who was it? It was the, the Medo Persian empire. And then it was the Grecian empire, right? The Greek empire and then the Roman empire. And then he's going to talk about a, another kingdom. That's going to come up a fourth kingdom. And that's what John is going to be teaching us about here in revelation, which is the one world order ruled by the anti-Christ who gets his power from the devil. Uh, let's see, look at verse seven. He says, After this, I saw in the night's vision and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly, and it had great iron teeth. It devoured and break in pieces and stamped the residue with the feet of it. And it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it. And it had 10 horns. And so there's your horns again, right? You see that a lot here throughout the Bible. So the anti-Christ has great power. He has a seat given to him by the devil and he's going to roll 10, 10 kings or 10 nations, right? They will be subject or subject unto him. Now look at verse eight. He says, I considered the horns and behold, there came up among them, another little horn before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots and behold in this horn were the eyes like the eyes of man and a mouth speaking great things. And then like, I don't have time to get into it, but the anti-Christ does have a sidekick and we'll talk about it a little bit. Who is the false prophet, right? The guy who points everybody to the anti-Christ after his deadly wounds, healed and says, Hey, this is the guy you need to worship. A lot of people think it's the Pope, you know, we really don't know. I know we're going to have to study that out at another time, but go back to revelation. I'm no, sorry. Before you go back here, let's look at Daniel's vision interpreted. I think this is important to read for you guys here. So jump down to verse number 17. We'll just finish this up here. So Daniel goes on to say this. He says, I Daniel was grieved in my spirit in the midst of my body and the visions of my head troubled me. I came near unto one of them that stood by and asked him the truth of all this. And he told me, make me know the interpretation of the things. So verse 17, these great beasts, which are four, are four Kings. So when you're reading in revelation or you're reading here and you see this word beasts, it's, uh, some people will say, well, that's just the kingdoms, right? Well, it's not, it's both. So when you read in revelation about the beast or the beast, a lot of times it's talking about both. So the anti-Christ is likened unto a beast. We just read that in revelation 13, but so is his kingdom, the one world government that also is considered the beast. So it's important to understand that. So he says these great beasts, which are four are four Kings, which shall arise out of the earth, but the saints of the most high shall take the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever. He says forever, even forever and ever. And again, you know, it's always followed up by the good news, right? We ought to never forget that, that we do win. You can see the Daniel's troubled here. You can see that actually, if you read further, he actually gets sick in his flesh from seeing these things. And I mean, you can't really blame the guy. I mean, the time that he's living in, you know, I can only imagine, you know, what the vision actually looked like. I mean, it had to be a terrible sight. It had to be a great, you know, just, just something that would make all of us sick if we were to actually, to, to see that. But especially back then, I mean, we don't know exactly, but what if he saw tanks and planes and things like that? I mean, those people had no idea about mechanical, you know, things like that. I mean, that would, I mean, that would be a trip. I mean, that would, that would definitely be, be a sight to see, you know, I mean, you just, you know, they had bows and arrows and he's looking at missiles, like coming out of the ocean, you know, and it's like, what is, what kind of arrows are those, man? You know, they just pop out of the sea, you know? And so if I could only imagine if I was there and I saw a vision like that, I would get sick to my stomach. I would have questions. I would marvel. I might be on the floor forever. You know, it would take an angel to come down and smite me on the face and be like, get up, you know, and go forth and tell people these things. Let's finish reading here. Verse 18, but the saints of the most high shall take the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever. Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, which is diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron and his nails of brass, which devoured break in pieces and stamped the residue with his feet. So he's not going to leave any stone unturned. He's not going to be quite like, uh, like the Kings of Babylon or Persia or Greece or Rome, right? He's going to be different. Obviously he's going to have a lot of devices in place. A lot of technology, a lot of deception, you know, he has, he actually has the workings of Satan himself. You know, when, when Daniel, you read the book of Daniel, you can read about a spiritual battle that takes place. You know, the Bible talks about the Prince of Persia, you know, and it says that, uh, the angel that was coming to Daniel to tell him these things, it says that the Prince of Persia was stood me and we had this battle, right? And that kind of gives us insight on the spiritual battle that we can't see. And so these Kings, they had, they had a Prince, right? They had a devil. They had, they had somebody, but it wasn't exactly Satan himself. And that's what causes this fourth beast to be diverse from all the others, because this is a job again, that is too important. It's kind of like back where, you know, he looked at Judas, you know, and Jesus Christ on the earth, he said, you know what, that's a job that's too important. I need to stop this. I'm possessing Judas myself. Well, guess what? He doesn't learn his lesson. The devil says, you know what? I want to try to stop God again. I want to be like the most high. And so he's going to possess the Antichrist. And so that's why it says here that he is diverse from all the others, that there's a great difference, that he stamps the residue with his feet. He takes total control. Look at verse 20. You know, the 10 horns that were in his head and of the other, which came up and before whom three fell, even of that horn that had eyes and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows, I beheld. And the same horn made war with the saints and prevailed against them until the ancient of days came and judgment was given to the saints of the most high. And the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom. So it's kind of funny, just verse 21, just like a beheld the same horn, you know, made war with the saints and prevailed against them. And then the very next verse, it's like, it doesn't even matter. You know, it's because it's talking about the physical in verse 21. And then verse 22, obviously we have eternal life. We live forever makes no difference. It says until the ancient of days came. So once Christ comes back, obviously, you know, it says in judgment was given to the saints of the most high and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom. Verse 23. Thus, he said, the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms and shall devour the whole earth and shall tread it down and break it in pieces. And so, you know what? That's, that's the big difference as well. You know, that's why Jesus said, Hey, when you see the abomination of desolation, you know, flee to the mountains, run to the mountains, you know, get out of here. We were talking about this last night. Your 14 cans of stew and your AR are not going to save you. You can have as much food stockpiled in your basement as you want. Look, let me just tell you something here. This neighborhood that we're in right now, if one company of trained infantry came here, we would die. Your only hope would be to run. I'll tell you this from training from fact, if you cannot shoot, if you cannot communicate, if you cannot move, you will die. Just get that through your head. You will die. These people are trained killers. They will come after you. They're strategical. They have more rounds than you have. They have more gas than you do. They have more vehicles. They have more training. You can't beat them. So, so it just cracks me up. These people that want to say, you know what? Well, I just got all this stuff stored in my basement. Guess what? They'll take it from you. Your only hope at that point is to run. You know, your only point, your only, your only hope if you want to survive physically is to have knowledge of survival, right? You better know how to live off land. That's where it's at. Not just prepping and hiding stew and in Campbell's soup, right? And having your little AR, Hey, keep your guns. I'm not against guns. You know that, you know, have your AR, but you know what? You better know how to use it. You better know how to move and you better know how to communicate because that is the only way you're going to survive physically. You know, don't think that you're going to say, Oh, I'll just hunker down in my basement. No, you won't. You know, just one basic infantry unit could take this neighborhood within a half an hour. I promise you that. All they would have to do is just block off the exit that you came in here over off bridge tower, drop a bunch of people off by helicopter over here. And we would all be dead by noon. That's a fact. That's a fact. So when you see these things coming, you better know how to use your weapons. You better know how to forge food and you better run because that's your only hope. You're not going to beat these types of people, you know, and this guy has great exceeding power. And so let's keep reading here. Verse 23 says, uh, no, jump down to verse 24. It says in the 10 horns out of this kingdom are 10 Kings that shall rise in another shall rise after them. And he shall be diverse from the first and shall subdue three Kings. And he shall speak great words against the most high and shall wear out the saints of the most high and think to change times and laws, and they shall be given into his hand until a times and times, uh, and the dividing of time. So go back to, uh, go back to revelation 13. And so we kind of read about this at Thessalonians, right? That, that this guy, this Antichrist here, this fourth beast, this, for this fourth ruler, he speaks great words against God, right? And I mean, come on, let's be honest. You can see that even going on today. What's even worse is you can see that going on today in churches. You know, when a pastor gets up and says, you know, well, this word doesn't really mean this, guess what? You're speaking a great word against God. You're saying he doesn't have the power. He doesn't have the ability to preserve his words today. That is the number one doctrine that I hate is when somebody says that we can't trust God's word. I hate that with a passion. I'll never stop preaching that I'll never get away from that because you know what, that is the big battle today, but this guy is going to take that and obviously magnify that. He's going to speak great words against the most high. He's going to say things where Bill Nye, the science guy and, uh, you know, Richard Dawkins and all these famous atheist scientists are going to be like, yeah, that's what we meant. Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Amen. And all the people are going to be like, you know, following this guy because he's going to have, you know, that, like I said, that, that, that tongue, that eloquency, that, uh, those believable speeches, right? He's going to speak in a way that will just sway the masses and look, like I said before, the masses today gets swayed by the news media. They get swayed by the music. They get swayed by movies. Why wouldn't they get swayed by somebody who's 10 times smarter than they are, who's going to come on the scene, who gets his power from Satan, from the devil, let's, uh, let's, let's, let's move on here. Uh, revelation 13, look at verse number five and says, and there was given unto him a mouth speaking, great things and blasphemies and powers given unto him to continue 42 months. Again, we just read the same thing in Daniel, look at verse six. And he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name. And his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven. This guy just doesn't learn. I mean, he's just, he's actually going to say things about the people that are in heaven. Obviously. What does that mean? That it's true, right? That there are people in heaven. So you would think that maybe the masses would be like, wow. You know, so you're saying there is a heaven. There are people that dwell up there. Why would we want to follow you? That doesn't make any sense. But look at verse seven, he says, and it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them and powers given, uh, him over all kindreds and tongues and nations, verse eight, and all the dwell upon the earth shall work, uh, worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. And then he says, if any man have an ear, let him hear verse 10. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity. He that killeth with a sword must be killed with a sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. And before we move on here, I just want to say, look, people that take the mark of the beast, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll get into that, right? So one of the things that the Antichrist does is he causes everybody to worship him, to, to take this mark so they can buy and sell, right? If a person takes that mark, obviously they weren't, you know, their names weren't written in the book of life, but, but understand this, the baptism of John is not going to wash that away. Okay. You can't cut your hand off at that point or cut your head off and, and gain eternal life. It's, it's, it's, it's ridiculous. And the reason why I'm bringing it up is because people like John MacArthur, who is this famous, uh, Calvinist, uh, pastor, I don't know, I can't remember what state is in California, California. Yeah. John MacArthur. He says that you can wash away the mark of the beast. You know what? Andrew Sluder and, uh, these Ruckmanites like, uh, Jean Kim and who's the other ones? Uh, come on, help me out here. Jean Kim, Robert breaker. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah, all these idiots, these, these people down here at treasure valley, they'll teach you that, that, you know, people could take the mark of the beast in the end times and just wash it off. Maybe the baptism of John will wash it off or that you could just cut your head off. Okay. Ah, look, how are you going to accept the Lord Jesus Christ and your heart if you cut your head off? You know, it must be some pretty strong deception going on out there in these churches because, you know, I'm sitting here, I get the stuff written down to talk about it and I'm talking about it. I'm like, I don't get it. You know, does anybody in here understand that it's, it's absolutely absurd. Okay. It's not true. You take that mark. People that take that mark, they're reprobate, they're done. There's no hope for them. Okay. Yeah, it's, it's, it's done. It's over with. So let's move on here. We're going to back up a little bit. So back up to verse number three. So the next point I want you to see is that the antichrist will attempt to copy Christ. Now look down at verse number three. We already read this, but we can talk about it now. It says, and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world wondered after the beast. And so when you're reading here, this is a transitional point where the antichrist goes from just being a great slick political leader to being a great slick political leader and a great religious leader, which in his mind is God. He thinks that he is God. So there's a transition. So he gets this wound, right? Maybe he gets shot in the head. Maybe somebody is just, you know, one of these pepper guys just had enough, you know, because another thing I didn't mention is that, you know, there will be people that aren't saved that they don't want to take the mark of the beast, you know, and they're going to flee to the mountains, you know, and that might be another reason why you want to flee to the mountains when you see these things happen. So you can go get them saved. Um, you know, we, like I said, a lot of stuff, we don't understand how it's going to play out, but nonetheless, it says that he gets this deadly wound, right? So somehow he's going to imitate the death and the burial, obviously, you know, coming back to life or a resurrection of Christ. And we don't know exactly how that's going to play out, but it's something to that effect where maybe he gets shot or maybe, you know, somebody shoots him with a bow and arrow or something like that. And the whole world wonders, you know, there will be no doubt that he is dead. It'll be all over the news. It'll be all over your phone. You'll get an alert on your phone that says, Hey, you know, the great one has died, you know, and people will be crying their eyes out and being, you know, all sad about it, but then he comes back to life. So jump down to verse number 12. We'll just keep reading here. It says, and he exercises with all the power of the first beast before him. So this is after he comes back, right? And causes the earth and them, which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed, right? So he takes this deadly wound into his head, but then it gets healed, right? And that's when people are going to be like, that's it, right? That's the Christ we're looking for. And if you think about it, all the religions of the world today are looking for someone to come back, right? If you go to Iran, you know, there are the Muslims, rather, they're looking for a prophet to come back, right? They're looking for somebody. Uh, but all of them are, all of us are, you know, the Jews, you know, it's often said, well, the Jews are looking for the return of the Messiah, right? They're not looking for a spiritual leader though. You need to understand that. They're still looking for that one King that's going to come back and make them great on the earth. That's that's the difference. And we don't have time to talk about that today, but let's move on here. Look at verse 14 and deceive them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles, which he had power to do in the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword and did live. So after he gets this wound, he comes back to life. The beast, the false prophet says, see, behold your God, behold, this guy here. He's a deity. He is God. You know, the Christians were wrong. The Bible's not true. All that kind of garbage will go on and they'll say, you know, we're going to make an image. Okay. We're going to make an image. And again, we don't quite know what that is. Is it going to be a hologram? Because when you study it out, that image will have the power to kill people that don't take the mark. Um, and we'll have to, we're going to have a lot of this stuff. We're going to just have to talk about next week, but I just wanted you to see there that after he gets that deadly wound and it's healed, the false prophet in the world says, you know what? This is our God. He is deity. He is, he's God. You know, he raised from the dead. Obviously the Christians were wrong and let's, let's, uh, jump back here. Go, go back to chapter 11 real quick. Go back to chapter 11. Look at verse number seven. So he gets his deadly wound and he spends, you know, he, he, like I said, he's a copycat, right? He's an imitator. Now we understand in Acts chapter two, that when Jesus Christ died, that his soul went somewhere for three days and three nights and uh, Acts chapter two, verse 31 says, you know, that the res about the resurrection says he's seeing this before a spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption, but what was kind of interesting here is that when the beast dies, he gets a deadly one. He goes to a place for a little while too, and it's the same place. It goes to hell. Look at verse number seven, Revelation 11 verse seven says, and when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascended out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them and shall overcome them and kill them. Why? Remember, he's the son of perdition. So when he gets that deadly wound, he goes to hell. And what's crazy is that after he comes out, he's not like, whoo, not a little break. You know, he just gets possessed by Satan himself and says, you know what? I'm going to go wear out the saints now and try to make, you know, as many folks come down with me as possible. Now jump ahead. Actually, you know what? Go back to Revelation 13. I'm going to read for you Revelation 17 verse eight, which says the beast that thou sawest was and is not and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit and shall go into perdition and they that dwell, uh, and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world. When they behold the beast that was and is not and yet is. And that phrase there is not a lot of times you'll read that in the Bible. And it means that a person was, so he was living. He was, you know, obviously alive and then is not. So they passed away or they died. And then he says, yeah, it is. So that's an attribute of the antichrist. He lives, he gets his deadly wound to his head. He dies. Obviously he goes to the bottomless pit and then he comes alive again. And so it's important to remember that here. And someday we'll study revelation in more detail. And some of you are already aware of this, that you understand the revelation chapter one through 11. Uh, they go in order and then it starts over in revelation chapter 12 through the rest of the book. And so I just wanted to briefly mention that we don't have time, like I said, to do a full study on that. Well, let's take a look here. Look at verse number 11, because this kind of mentions the sidekick here that the antichrist has with the false prophet. So verse 11 says, and I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth. And he had two horns, like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And, and he exercises all the power of the first beast before him and causes the earth in them, which dwell there in to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed. And so we already talked about that is going to cause everybody, you know, to, to behold this miracle and to worship in verse 13 again. And he do with great wonders so that he make a fire come down from heaven on earth or on the earth and the side of men. And deceive with them that dwell on the earth by the site. I'm sorry, by, uh, by the means of those miracles, which he had power to do and the side of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword and did live and he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. So keep that order in mind after he comes back to life, false prophet, they, they, they have a way of making it an image that will kill people that obviously don't want to play ball. All right. And again, that's that, this is a thing that we don't really understand, you know, is it going to be a hologram? You know, I don't know. It's an image. All right. And somehow they are, I mean, keep in mind, these people have power from Satan himself, from the devil. So they're able to give this image power that it should go forth and be able to kill. I mean, look at verse 15, read it again. So he had power to give life unto the image of the beast. I mean, you know, isn't that what scientists and these God hating atheist reprobates are trying to do today. They're trying to recreate life, right? They're trying to say that they're God, basically, they have the spirit of Antichrist in them. You know, they're basically attempting to do this stuff through cloning and trying to make us think that they're the ones that can give life, you know, that we can basically hijack the, the, the, the science and things in this world to create life. You know, they're going to do something kind of similar to that. They're going to give them their, their, their fuel. They're kerosene on the fire, their magnesium fire, so to speak. And they're going to say, see, now we have power to do this. And that in itself is going to greatly deceive a lot of people. And then verse 16, and he causeth all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads. So there will still be people that obviously call themselves free. Maybe that'll be like America. You know, obviously we're not free, but we have more freedom than other people in other countries, but it does say, it doesn't matter whether you're small, whether you're big, whether you're rich, whether you're poor, free or bond. He, this guy has enough power to cause everyone to take this mark in verse 17 and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. And then he goes on to say, here's wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six. So six, six, six is why it's a popular thing is why you see the rock and roll people, right? The Metallica is the corn, the nine inch nails, you know, these rockers, they are obsessed with that number, like putting it in their music, you know, and all that garbage because they have the spirit of Antichrist in them. But what this beast does, what the Antichrist does after he comes back to life is he causes people to take this mark. And one of the incentives, obviously, for those that take the mark is that they can buy or sell. They can be a part of society, right? You won't be able to get your prescriptions unless you take this mark. You won't be able to buy unless you take this mark. You won't be able to do anything unless you take this mark. So what does that mean? If you want to survive, obviously you better have survival skills, right? Not just those soup cans in your pantry, you know, ain't going to cut it. You're going to have to know how to go out and get stuff here. But you know, this is one of the things that he does is he causes everyone to receive this mark. Now, obviously you have to worship him, right? Let's make that clear. You have to worship him to take this mark. It's not something you're going to necessarily, that people would be like tricked into. You know, like you show up to work one day and they're like, bam, gotcha. You know, just put a mark on you and you're going to hell. You know, it's not like that, right? You actually have to worship this fool. He wants worship. He wants praise. But just keep that in mind because I'm going to read an article to you about this stuff here. Now we can kind of see how this is going today, right? We have cash today. We can see the cash in checks and things like that are going away for what? For the cards, right? What are they doing to the credit cards? They're putting microchips in them, right? They're making it so that you can take your wallet out now and just scan it and pay for things. When I was in Japan, they would give you this card to ride the train system and you could keep it in your wallet. You could bury it, right? And the signal was so strong. All you had to do is just wave it like that and the train would deduct the money from your card, you know? So you can kind of see how that technology is coming today if they were to apply that to a microchip, right? Just do away with cash, do away with credit cards and put all your banking, all your medical information, all your information on the microchip and put that under your skin and then you just scan your hand and you can pay for things or you can make appointments or you can use your cell phone, right? I have an iPad that I use for work. I have to put my thumb on there to open it up and unlock passwords. You know that all these things are basically precursors and steps towards this global beast system. And like I said, I'm not trying to scare you. I'm just trying to prepare you, just trying to tell you the truth. It is what it is. So, Brother Mike sent me this a while back here. There's this article about a guy who this year back in February, his name's Edgar. So there's this big mobile telecommunications event that happened in Spain. And one of the things that they did was they injected a guy with a microchip and they did a live transaction using that microchip. Now you might ask before I read this, okay, do you think that guy took the mark of the beast? No, that's not the mark of the beast right now. You know, it is possible that that's exactly what it's going to be. You know, I don't believe that when that guy got injected with that, that he, you know, lost the salvation. I don't know the guy, obviously I don't believe he saved, you know, and one of the things that I'll read for you here is that that conference, one of the people helping out with this technology is a guy who's in charge of a large atheist church. That's what it is, right? It's a large atheist church in this country, you know, I don't know if you guys knew that, but there's atheists out there and they want to have church like we do, only they just want to do a bunch of blasphemy and junk like that. But just to maybe give you an idea of how quickly these things could happen back in 2006, if you remember, there were no iPhones back then, right? But there was, basically it was in the news a little bit. People were talking about it. Apple was, you know, was talking about it. By 2007, I wrote this down here, millions of people bought an iPhone. So just one year's time, you know, millions of people sought out for this technology of an iPhone and obviously Android came on the scene, you know, and millions of people went that route. So, I mean, just look at the cell phone usage between 2004, 2005 and all the way up till now and how it's just completely just, I mean, gone out there. Like we all have them, like you can go to some states, I don't know if they have them here and they have these little booths set up on the side of the road, right? Where you can get your Obama phone, right? You know about the Obama phone, right? Right. Why? Because the government wants everybody to have a phone so that they can, you know, keep up to date with the latest beast news and get that brainwashing going on, you know, and the Bible also says that when the beast gets his wound to his head, obviously the whole world sees it and now we can kind of see how that's possible if everybody has a cell phone or if everybody has, you know, a way to create an image to where they can watch current events and stuff like that. So I'm going to read this article. This is, Mike sent me this a while back and so I figured I'd read this for you. And this is from True News and I don't know everything about them, so I'm not going to like say I endorse them. I, this is just information for you guys. So this, like I said, this, this event here, it took place in Barcelona, Spain, and it was called the 5G Conference and it's put on by the mobile phone industry. So it goes on to say that representatives of the global mainstream media and major players in the telecommunications industry are cheering the latest technological advance that seems to come straight from the pages of Revelation. At the end of Monday's presentations at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, the, the True News team attended this event and this is one of the things that they snapshotted here. This is a statement from the mobile communications crew, from their leadership. This is what they say about this event. They say it's time for some biohacking. The future of human species is here. Join us as we create a human cyborg in front of your eyes. We will implant an RFID chip into the hand of a willing subject and test its functionality. We will talk about the future of biohacking and human modification and how this will affect our lives in the long run. What is going on in the world of biohacking right now? What you can do to biohack yourself. What does the future of biohacking entail? Well, we already took a look at what the future entails and it's the bottomless pit. It's hell. That's where the future of this stuff's going to wind, wind up taking people. Then it goes on to say, uh, this event was moderated by Sanderson Jones, a comedian and founder and CEO of Sunday Assembly, which he describes as something that is like church, but totally secular and inclusive of all. Of course you got to have that, you know, that all, no matter what they believed, in essence, a church for atheists, he was joined on stage. So why would an atheist want to go to an event like this? If he doesn't hate God, you see that this is just bizarre. This is just very strange. So you need to understand that this system probably is what's going to become the mark of the beast, because why would the most prominent atheist be backing it? The scientists and people that we don't even read about in this article, people that have a lot of money, you can bet they're funding this. They're they're, they're trying to bring this stuff on. Why? Because the devil Satan is their God. Okay. So this guy, uh, let's see, it goes on to say this. It says, Oh, Edgar Pons is the guy's name, uh, founder of Nanoboost, a company focused on neuroscience and biohacking through supplementation to improve human capabilities. And I kind of alluded to that earlier in the sermon today, right? That these people, they want to create life. They want to make their own type of humans. They want to make that. And when the beast comes back to life, they're going to say, we finally got it. We've got the key. We've got the technology. Now we can finally do this and we can implement this. So I'm going to skip down here for sake of time, but it says before the microchip implantation took place, Vitello asked the audience how many would volunteer to have the procedure done on themselves. And nearly a quarter of those in the room raised their hands, you know? So if people are willing to take it now without even worshiping the beast, how much more willingly are they going to take it when they have to worship him and they have to use it in order to buy, sell or trade or whatever, you know? I mean, is the devil even going to have like opposition? I mean, it doesn't seem like there's going to be much. Okay. Let's see here. It says Pons was the guinea pig of the event, volunteering to have the RFID chip implanted into his skin, ostensibly to give him the ability to unlock the door of his house without a key because recently implanted microchips can not be programmed until 48 to 72 hours after implantation. A second man identified only as Powell came on stage to demonstrate how the technology could be used to make a cashless payment. So there we go. We have people alive today that want to get rid of cash. They're, they're, they're, they're, they're trying to get rid of credit cards. They're trying to make it so that we have to fall in line with this system. It goes on to say bank Sabadel, the fifth largest banking corporation in Spain hosted the event. And then it goes on to say this woman here, Anne Pagorale, who serves as its financial services manager, hailed it as a demonstration of what the future payments could be. The convergence of trans humanism and mobile communications is another stepping stone in the telecom industry's advanced toward the launch of the global brain by 2030, but this was foretold in Revelation. They say, so if you have this agenda, they have this goal, they have a timeline to where they want to implement these things in the world. And like I said, I'm not, I didn't bring this up to scare you. We shouldn't be scared, right? We shouldn't be scared. We win. It's, it's, it's okay. It's fine. We will be okay. There's no reason to fear any of this stuff. But it is important to know so that we don't get led astray ourselves, right? I mean, the whole goal here is to teach people the truth with the Bible says about these things and not allow ourselves to be deceived. So I'm just gonna leave you here with these two verses out of John chapter 16, which says, behold, the hour cometh. Yea is now come. The ye shall be scattered every man to his own and shall leave me alone. And yet I am not alone because the father is with me. And then Jesus goes on to say in verse 33, these things I have spoken unto you that in me, you might have peace in the world. Ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world. Then look, that is the lesson for us today. We need to be of good cheer because Christ has over come the world. And it's his goal that we go out and reach forth as many people as possible to give them that comfort and also to comfort other people. Cause look, we get a lot of people saved, you know, and they don't, they're going to come to church right away. You know what I mean? They're not going to just up and become disciples, but you know what? I believe we're going to run into them again, you know, because we're going to keep knocking the doors around here. We're going to keep going out and keep going forth. And you know what? They might be distressed about the things that they see coming on the earth because they don't read the Bible because they don't know. All they know is that they're saved, you know, and it's our job to provide them that comfort. Why? So that we can come for one another, because that's what God wants. He says, be of good cheer. That's a commandment. Look, if you're scared here today, you need not to be scared. It's a commandment that Jesus, Hey, be of good cheer for I have overcome the world. And again, let's close in prayer. All right, Lord, thank you so much for your word. Thank you that you have overcome the world. Please not let, uh, please don't allow us to ever be, you know, consumed by these things to where we're overtaken by fear. And, uh, I just pray that you'll bless the soul winning today, Lord, uh, the evening service. And thank you for all of those that came today in Jesus' name. I pray. Amen.