(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, amen. Well, I gotta say I'm definitely excited to be here and I want to thank Pastor Shelley for inviting me It's been great. I love this building that you guys have here and I have been to Texas before but it was a long time ago I think it was 2006 is when I was here last and so it's great to be here again I want to thank all of you for showing up and if I haven't got to meet you yet You know, please say hi after the service. I look forward to spending some time and fellowshipping with you guys I've been watching you guys for a long time, you know since the beginning Been rejoicing with you guys through your victories and praying for you guys through your struggles you know and the biggest struggles obviously or having Dylan been in Alberto I can I You know, we have same kind of guys in our chairs, I'm just kidding those guys are great. I'm just teasing I'm just teasing but no seriously I'm just glad to be here and again don't don't leave before saying hi You know, even if I've offended you, you know, it's all good. We can definitely get over it, right? So again, let's go ahead and get this thing started here So we're in 1st Samuel chapter number 30 and just to give you some background here This is the time period where David has been with Achish king of Gath in the Philistines and if you remember Saul had been trying to kill David and trying to hunt him down And so David comes up with this idea Well, you know, I better just go to the Philistines because Saul certainly won't find me there He's not going to come try to you know attack me over the land of the Philistines and so he comes up with his idea to go to the land of the Philistines and Achish king of Gath gives him a place for him and his family and the families of his men called Ziklag Okay, and so you know how the story goes it comes to a point in time where the Philistines are gonna wage war with Israel The five Lords of the Philistines say hey Achish. What are you doing with this guy David here in all these Hebrews? What were you thinking send him back to where you know? He belongs basically tell him to go back to Ziklag and so we're gonna pick the story up where David has come back to Ziklag and Realizes that his family and the family of his men have been kidnapped by the Amalekites so if you would look down at verse number six first Samuel chapter number 30 look down verse number six, it says this and David was greatly distressed Stop right there Okay, so David was greatly distressed Why because he's got six hundred men that are weeping the Bible says until they can weep no more So he realizes the decision that he made to go to the land of Philistines It didn't just affect him But it affected the six hundred men and their families along with him and look at this next part there so it says for the people spake of Stoning him because the soul of all the people was grieved every man for his sons and for his daughters but David encouraged Himself before the Lord his God, okay and so obviously David is under a tremendous amount of grief right now because of the decision that he's made because he doesn't know what's happened to his Family the family of the men that he led but also because now these 600 people are speaking of stoning him They literally want to put him to death because of that decision. So what does David do? Well, he encourages himself in the Lord So he goes to Abiathar the priest and he says hey We need to inquire the Lord and figure out what to do Which obviously could preach all by itself and so jump down to verse number nine If you would it says this so David went he and the six hundred men that were with him and came To the Brookbeats or where those that were left behind Stay. Okay. So what I see here are two groups of people. There's 600 of type number one. There's 600 people that are at a total loss They see a problem a very big problem families gone families been kidnapped and they become paralyzed by this problem And then I see one guy who's faced with the same problem who has extra stress on him because now his men want to stone him and he becomes Mobilized by this problem. And so here's the deal Anytime you can take 600 people that want to stone you and turn them around and make them follow you into battle. You're a boss Okay, that is exactly what you are. You are a boss The title of my sermon this morning is are you a boss or a total loss? Are you a boss or a total loss now? I get how the world uses that, you know that term, right? Oh, he's such a boss and you know, I'll get into that more here in a moment But we need to reclaim this word because the title of a boss Somebody who's in charge somebody who takes ownership for the role that they've been assigned You know that is a real boss not what the world says right a lot of people LeBron James. He's such a boss Oh, you know these UFC guys. They're such bosses. No, they're a bunch of losers is what they are They are a total loss. Okay, and so this sermon is designed to help us Overcome what I call boss prevention because there's a lot of philosophies. There's a lot of teachings There's a lot of problems that we all face that prevent us from becoming bosses. And here's what I'm not talking about I'm not talking about husband wife being co-members, you know and stuff like that Okay, so we'll we'll get to that but that's definitely not what I'm talking about here now Keep your place there in first Samuel because we will come back to it But if you would turn to first Timothy chapter number four first Timothy chapter number four And so we got to realize, you know bosses they don't get to control I mean, they don't get to lose control of their emotions Right David. He didn't have that option, you know He's faced with the same thing that his men were faced with and even greater and he doesn't get to say Oh woe is me. What are we gonna do? I'm such a loser and just throw himself down on the ground and throw a little temper tantrum Start playing the blame game start playing the victim game. He didn't do that What he did is he saw a problem a great problem a problem that probably none of us in here have ever even Experienced and what does he do? He becomes mobilized he encourages himself in the Lord And that's what we're gonna learn from today and that's exactly what we're gonna do just to kind of show you what this looks like, you know, what a boss is a Boss is somebody who puts up a billboard that says the sodomite deception in 2021. That's a boss You know what a total losses Somebody holds up make America straight again conference and then a year later posts a clip of some guy preaching at his church Saying that trannies can be saved That my friends is a total loss And I know that might sound harsh But that's reality and you know what part of being a boss part of being a boss in Christianity is speaking the truth whether it be in season or out of season First Timothy chapter number four I want to show you why this is so important here look down to verse number 12 It says this it says let no man despise thy youth So Paul's telling Timothy this the pastor this he says hey let no man despise thy youth but be thou an example of the believers now notice these next things that follow in word in conversation in Charity in spirit in faith in purity You notice what he's telling Timothy there. He's saying hey Timothy when people look at you I Want them to say you know what that's not just how oh, that's just how a pastor should be I want them to think oh, that's how all Christians are So what he's saying is these things apply to all of us. We all need to be that example that's listed here I mean if we were to just stretch this that this out these six attributes here word Conversation right how you converse with the new man versus the old man if we were to stretch all of those out into a job Description do you know what you have you have a leadership position, so don't sit here this morning I think well. I you know I don't have a leadership role. That's okay. That's fine Not everyone can have a leadership role in the church or at your work, right? But you're all leaders because the Bible is saying here that leadership is influence leadership is Influence that is so true and then because we know that right because we know that we need to live that we need to know What that means for us and look in this day and age? We need a bunch of people that are willing to be the example right because these liberals out here. They're not cutting it They're not making it work. They're not doing us any favors whatsoever They're not bosses. They're total losses Anytime they run into a problem any time a sodomite comes to their church like oh, yes I'll do whatever you want. Oh, oh, well, whatever you want. I'll do it right. We're not going to be like that And this is why we preach these types of sermons This is why we need this type of teaching in our lives is because the temptation out there from our families Right From our neighbors from our co-workers the temptation and in the pressure that they try to put on us It's all around right and there's always that old man willing to say just this one time just compromise Don't speak your mind. Don't say it. Just don't say it. Don't say that sodomites about don't say this Don't say that, you know, just just just be calm, right? We need to learn how to overcome that We need to be comfortable with the position that God has given us which is listed right here amongst many other places You can leave your place there, but go to John chapter number three John chapter number three And so I get a lot of these sermon ideas because I do appliance repair and so I go to people's houses all the time and I talked with a lot of different people and Just recently. I was in this house and it was a faux Christians house. There's a lot of those up where we live and this guy's Saying, you know, I heard that you that you are a preacher, you know You're a pastor and he starts telling me about all these liberal guys that he listens to like Steven Furtick You know that sort some other guy Greg Groeschel, you know these these these mega church type pastors and he's like the thing I like about him is they're such bosses I'm like, I've got to preach this sermon, you know How could you look at a dude wearing skinny jeans that he clearly had somebody paint on for him and didn't even do a good job and Say, oh, there's a boss. Hey, there's somebody that I would like to look up to crazy But that's the world that we live in today and I heard one even worse than that like a couple houses later It's persons, you know double mass. Do you just just you know that whole thing? Just have you got your shot yet? You know what? I want to do now and this is what I'm gonna start doing I'm saying do you have AIDS? Because I Thought it was kind of like bad manners to start asking people about their medical Things, you know in their history. So I'm gonna start doing that and so I'm gonna look for another job also why I do that, but But he's like, you know what I I'm just really big on the stuff. You know, dr. Fauci. He has to put up with a lot You know, he's a lot of criticism. He's such a boss This guy's got a polka dot mask on I'm Like if you think dr. Fauci is a boss don't even listen to this sermon man, because they're I don't think there's any hope for you That guy's like beyond a loss. Okay but seriously You know you you you little kids you munchkins out there that can listen to my voice You need to understand the leadership applies to you as well You guys need to realize you need to take ownership of the fact that you're a child When your mom and dad tell you to do something you need to decide that you're gonna own that You're gonna do that You're not gonna be like these other rugrats that are out in town that are kicking and punching their moms and cussing them out I see it every single day where these kids are just running their parents That's not how it's supposed to be. You guys are better than that and you know that you know in your teens You guys are about to head into the adult years Now is the final time for preparation You need to decide right now that you're gonna. You know you're gonna listen to these things here You need to work on being a leader. You need to work on your boss ology if you would right now Because it doesn't just come automatically you're not gonna Just turn 18 19 20 get a job and automatically be that person it starts now. You need to learn to do some things You know it and obviously moms Dads husbands wives you have a leadership role God has given you a Specific role and you need to rejoice in the fact that it's different a wife's job a wife's role is different in the home than Husbands and you need to rejoice and own that because the world's always looking to you for you to fail They're always gonna try to pressure you don't let your husband say that you know and these guys I'm serious these guys out there like oh, and I just love my wife You know I you know I I gotta ask my wife before I could spend this $200 to fix the refrigerator Never mind that the food's rotting. We just went to Costco yesterday. I gotta ask the boss That's weak That's ridiculous, and if you're an elder in here You know what don't just sit here all my times expired my time's gone now You have more value than you could possibly imagine you have lived a life Filled with experience victories and struggles, and you know what that wisdom that you have we need it very very badly It is crucial to these churches Don't think that you don't matter don't think that you don't have anything to offer because it's a lie So we're gonna go ahead and move on here John chapter number three and so what I want you to do as we read these verses is Just kind of remember the position that John the Baptist who is a boss by the way Remember the position the assignment that he was given it was to prepare the way for the Messiah And what you're gonna see here is his mission his purpose becomes challenge And I want you to notice how he responds so if you would look at verse number 23 John chapter 3 look at verse 23 it says this and John also was Baptizing in anon near Salim because there was much water there, and they came and were baptized You know these baby sprinkling idiots they they don't like to read this verse here like right we need to really go back to these original languages because That that can't mean what it says, but look at verse number 24 It says for John was not yet cast into prison verse 25 Then there arose a question between some of John's disciples and the Jews about Purifying and so here you have it now You're gonna see that these people want to try and persuade John the Baptist and try to convince him that he's Inadequate that he's not good enough for what he's doing look at verse 26 It says and they came unto John and said unto him rabbi He that was with thee beyond Jordan to whom thou bear his witness behold the same Baptized and all men come to him So what he's saying hey all your subscribers are going that way you better do something about it John What are you gonna do? You know somebody after a conference one time came up to me and said you know how does it? How does it feel knowing that you have to compete with these other preachers? I said I didn't come here to compete I came here to contribute that is a loss Mindset there right it is not wise to go to a conference It's not wise to do men's preaching night It's not wise to do these things of God and look at it as a competition that is not good. That is not okay But look how John responds here John answered and said a man can receive nothing Except it be given him from heaven that is the right attitude that is the right perspective look at verse 28 Ye yourselves bear me witness that I said I am not the Christ But that I am sent before him now jump down to verse number 30. He says this he must increase, but I must decrease You see what's going on here John the Baptist is perfectly Comfortable with the job that God has assigned him. He doesn't get filled with envy and like oh, yeah Maybe we should go ask Jesus. Hey, you know we we need to get some more of your people Hey, send us some more of your guys over here, so the people don't forget about us. No he understands This is why I was sent here. This is what my purpose This is what my mission is and he owns that just like a boss And so if you don't get anything else from this sermon I want you to get this a real boss doesn't have to talk about it because his life is built upon it You see John the Baptist he wasn't lacking any kind of works His life his legacy everything that he did you know it it showed leadership it Demonstrated it declared his love for the Lord He didn't have to run around and boast about the fact that he's a boss in fact when people came to try to make him Inadequate you know what he did. He said he must increase and I must decrease and That's being a boss, and that's what the world looks at and says you know what that's not a boss I don't want anything to do with that the world's fickle though, right? I mean anytime there's a champion of any kind of a sport You know a top dog as soon as they get beat you watch the world they turn their backs on them in a second Hey, thank God that our kingdom is not like that at all Because The works that we do they have eternal value And it takes a church full of people that decide I will be a leader I will be a boss to make that happen Okay, so remember this a real boss doesn't have to talk about it because his life is built upon it If you would turn to first Samuel chapter number 17 first Samuel chapter number 17 You Know I'm I'm sure that pastor Shelley gets this call or email once in a while I get it from time to time and it's somebody saying hey You know I've seen you online. I listen to you I would like to I'm thinking about moving out there, and it's like okay great And then they'll say something like this the problem is I need to know what kind of job positions that you have available Like we'll just we got the street. It's called overland and every single business has a we're hiring sign out in front of it I mean That's not what they're after Right no no no I want to know what kind of a job inside the church that you can give me Like well, what do you mean like you want me to put you on staff? I don't have a staff we have like 35 people and we're still pretty small, and you know everybody has a job though They go soul-winning and they get paid. You know you turn rewards including me And like well the problem is I just don't want to take a step back from where I'm at I'm like what church do you go to right now? Why do you want to leave the church like well? You know what that's the thing That's why I'm so Valuable is because see I can't go to church because none of them preach the right doctrines What You don't even go to church. You don't even go to church, and you want me to hire you You are absolutely crazy But That's somebody and those types of people are out there that just want to proclaim hey, I'm a boss right But in reality they're a total loss The thing they could call us, and you know what you need to hire me because I'm something special. What have you done? I've never even heard of you. You're crazy, but that's the world that we live in today first Samuel chapter number 17 so What I want to do now is I want to just kind of show you some things because obviously David turning those 600 men from wanting to stone him to wanting to follow him into battle That wasn't the first boss thing that he ever did okay. He obviously has a history He obviously has a formula and a pattern that he learned before he ever got faced with that situation And so what I want to do before I give you my first point is just kind of show you how he got that First Samuel 17 once you look at verse number 33 it says this and Saul said to David thou are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him for thou art but a youth and He a man of war from his youth so you know the story here the Philistines. They're oppressing Israel. They're all scared They don't know what to do even the king Saul's like well You know I don't know what we're gonna do here this guy's tough whatever and then so comes along David It's like hey, what's the problem? You know I'll go after him and Saul's like no This is a bigger problem than you can handle so David's not boasting here But he is gonna have to give his resume Which there's nothing wrong with doing look at verse 34 and says this and David said unto Saul thy servant kept his father's sheep and there came a lion in a bear and Took a lamb out of the flock and I went out after him and smote him and delivered it out of his mouth When he arose against me I caught him by his beard and smote him and slew him Thy servant slew both lion and the bear and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God And so what do we see David doing here? Well, he's telling Saul He's like hey you can trust me because these are the things that I've been faced with and these are the the times that God Has delivered me from adversity so he's got a history of Struggle right and that's the first point that I want to make this morning is that bosses are built out of struggle Bosses are built out of struggle Look, you can leave your place there for now I go to Proverbs chapter number 12 Proverbs chapter number 12 But bosses are built out of struggle and you say why is leadership lacking in today's world in general? And I'll tell you it's because of the disease of now everybody wants everything right now I want to be a better preacher right now without putting in the work I want to be a better whatever it is. I want to be a better mother like like we're right now It's like no you need to struggle You need to go through some struggles in life. You need to do some things that are hard You see this is something that is that I'm noticing is definitely lacking with the younger generations It's like they're being taught to just flee any kind of discomfort You look I'm not against the AC especially in this day You know, you need that AC and even where we come from, but I'm talking about other things, you know You need to struggle a little bit every single day that this is what I believe I think the more that you struggle the more you have to rely on God and the more you're going to learn His provision for your life the more you're gonna realize you know what I can trust him and then when you get faced with those People that want to stone you you're gonna have the leadership Ability to pull from right away to be able to turn that situation around So valuable for moms for dads when these munchkins are coming at you I mean everything is just your fault right and they want to tear you apart You know what? You got to have that leadership skill to be able to turn them around right because you do want to keep their hearts But you also want to administer discipline because that's what the Bible says is going to correct their behavior Right and you know, there's two types of people in the world There are people that are pleasure driven and there's people that are purpose driven and that's exactly what you see in first Samuel 30 You got 600 people. They just want everything to be okay, but they just want it to come to them Whereas Dave is like, you know what? It's not just gonna happen automatically. We need to do something about this So he takes upon himself. I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to encourage myself in the Lord and I'm gonna give my struggles I'm gonna give my problems to him and he's gonna help me out and that's exactly what he does Look, these stories are in here for a reason We will face struggle things will not get easier from this day forward. It's not going to happen We need to raise a generation of bosses is what we need Everybody in here can be a boss in Whatever facet of life that you find yourself in you have to learn to own it Look, whatever row you're sitting in here. You need to own that own that You know you look over and you know after the service somebody's grinding play-doh into the chairs You know what? You don't have to go and hey your kid, you know Just be leader go there clean that thing up and with a smile on your face learn to struggle You might think all these small things don't matter No, those small things do matter and they do add up over the years Because I guarantee you that David that that lion and the bear, you know The fact that he smoked them that wasn't the first thing that he ever did I'll bet if we were to talk to him in real life. He had other struggles, right? Definitely not a man afraid of struggle and that's exactly what we need to realize. So you're in Proverbs chapter number 12 Look at verse 24 It says this the hand of the diligent shall bear rule But the slothful shall be under tribute you want to know why people have the victim mentality It's because oftentimes they are slothful, you know, the church has an activity and they've got a volunteer sheet, right? Sign up for you know, any way you're willing to help and then you'll see people sometimes probably not here But I've you know other chairs I've been to I've seen this. Well, how come she always signs up for the easy thing? How come he always signs up for the easy thing? It's the wrong attitude You're not a boss. That's your attitude. You're a loss. You should never always be seeking the easy way out Seek to struggles exercise initiative. We need this today desperately. It's it's lacking everywhere It's lacking in the job force Seriously lacking in the job force you're gonna eat at a restaurant It's like pulling teeth to have somebody even just do the basics of their job Right. Hey bring me a booster seat. Oh man. Oh, I'm really trying here Some of you have jobs like I wish that was my job Bring me a booster seat But the principle is very simple here the hand of the diligent shall bear rule You need to be dill We need to be diligent in everything that we do You know what starts by going to church every week when those doors are open. You should be here Because you know what it's so much easier for the pastor and the leadership when he has a congregation full of bosses And you know what? That's what happens to these 600 men or a large portion of them Right when you get through second Samuel a lot of these people have been turned into mighty men The seal team six of the of the Old Testament if you will You say how do people get like that? They get like that by being diligent because the Bible promises that you will bear rule You will get entrusted with more responsibility. God is going to give you more stuff and you'll be able to handle it Bosses are born out of struggle. And if you're sitting here and you're like, you know what I know in my heart that I'm lacking Leadership, I'm lacking that department, you know, all of us can make room for improvements Start finding ways to struggle every single day I'm not talking about you know going to a monastery or some junk like that But just find something that maybe you're uncomfortable with doing, you know, if you're not soul winning regularly, you know just Grab that intestinal fortitude and say you know what? I'm gonna go every day You know, I've talked to you guys and I know you have no shortage of opportunities of going soloing There's always somebody in here that needs prayer There's always somebody that needs edification or needs help, you know pick somebody and go help them. You say well, I'm shy I'm not used to talking to people Hey, welcome to the club because so am I when people find out that I'm a preacher. They're like, there's no way There's no way. I would rather take an F on a test when I was in school than give a presentation Any day of the week, but now I'm up here Because look I learned a long time ago The best way to go is to be diligent. That's what God has called us to be. That's what he wants And you have no idea what God could place in your life The works that you could do for the kingdom just by Struggling because every struggle is only a season according to the Bible You will get through that you will overcome that with the help of the Lord and then when you're faced with that big problem And it's time to rally the troops. You can say hey five years ago. I was in this situation. Here's how God helped me Hey ten years ago. I was in this situation. Here's how God helped me Why wouldn't he help me against these fags that are outside my church trying to discourage me from attending Leadership today is just as important as it was back then. We still have the Philistines coming after us They just do it in different tactics. They have different ways of doing business You know, we need to get rid of that victim mentality and exchange it for the victor mentality Right. That's what we need But yet what you see today is that people when they run from initiative they run from leadership They run from struggle you watch those people. They will adopt the victim mentality. Oh, he owes me. She owes me. They owe me Everything's everyone else's fault, right? That's what they'll say. That's how they wind up being and it is so hard to manage and to lead a group of victims We don't need that here leave that garbage to the world and if you struggle with that, that's okay we can help you you can overcome that and the first step that you need to make is Finding ways to struggle add something small to your plate. I'm not saying sacrifice your family time But find something else to go above and beyond what you're currently doing now And that will get the ball rolling turn to a second Kings chapter number nine second Kings chapter number nine So Again point number one is that bosses are built out of struggle And because we live in a day and age where the disease of now this comfort culture is being pushed on us It's difficult to find people to own up to their mistakes to own up to the positions and the roles that they've been given by God right we need to change that we need to turn that around But what I want to do now is I want to move on and give you the second point here We're gonna take this from Jihoo Everybody loves you. I loved you. You know, I get it. He's got some issues, right? He's definitely rough around the edges He's uh, you got that problem with those calves big problem, but this guy Definitely a boss and I want to take something here and show you this second Kings chapter number nine and verse 30 So we're gonna read this story here where he's going to get rid of Jezebel And I want you to notice The first thing that she tries to do to throw him off track to prevent him from fulfilling his mission Verse 30 second Kings 9 verse 30. Look at this it says this and when Jihoo was come to Jezreel Jezebel heard of it and she Painted her face and teared her head and looked out a window and as Jihoo entered in at the gate She said had Zimri peace who slew his master. So what is she trying to do here? She's trying to attack him Emotionally and psychologically she's trying to say hey you need to feel sorry for me You wouldn't hurt you wouldn't hurt a king's daughter now, would you you wouldn't you wouldn't hurt a girl would you look at Jihoo's attitude? Verse 22 and He lifted up his face to the window and said who was on my side who and there looked out to him two or three eunuchs and he said throw her down so they threw her down and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall and On the horses and he trode her under foot Look at verse 34 and when he was come in he did eat and drink and said go see now this cursed woman and bury her for she is a king's daughter and So there's some things here that we could see about Jihoo. Number one. He's obviously a boss, right? He had distractions thrown at him right off the bat right when he gets into town. She's like Hey, you wouldn't hurt a pretty girl would you and he's not even phased by this, right? He's like hey who's on my side throw her down goes and makes a sandwich Goes and eats their food That's a boss That is a boss move. Okay, that is that is every time I read that I'm like wow that that just cracks me up But here's the thing The Bible also says that Jihoo, you know had this reputation that he driveth furiously everywhere He went he was just kind of like a bull in a china shop But you know what? He actually got to where he was going and did what he said he was gonna do At least we can attribute that to him Okay, and so here's the second point that I want to give you a boss needs to learn to manage his time because time Can produce anxiety and live with urgency the biggest reason why we? Feel anxiety is because we see that clock ticking don't we and you moms I know you know what I'm talking about You got these munchkins running around the husband's coming home You got you know, two kids crying one wanting to tell you a story, you know, your husband's gonna be hungry What in the world am I gonna do, you know, what happened to the homeschool day, you know Like like where am I even at in those types of things can give you anxiety guys face this a lot too, though You know cuz our boss. Hey, can you stay or extra? You know, can you can you work a little overtime? We know we really need you But yet you signed up to do this extra sewing and you know all these different things That go on can cause us to be filled with anxiety and all anxiety will do to you is Paralyze you You get faced with a problem. You're filled with anxiety. You'll become paralyzed by that problem That is exactly why David did what he did because he'd already been through the struggles He already realized you know what God's gonna help me. We have no time to waste. We need to inquire the Lord That's why when gee who comes into town and she tries to slow him down. She tries to take time from him She tries to buy time. What does he do? I don't want any of that He's like I don't have any time for your garbage and he goes and he does the job with urgency with urgency We need to start living like the fact that time is limited and it is valuable. It's like currency We need to be careful how we steward our time in the biggest cause I'm telling you of the reason why you are anxious Why you get depressed is because of time if you do not get time management down. You're not going to get anything, right? You're not going to get your Bible reading, right? You're not going to get your soul winning, right? You're not going to get your discipleship You're not gonna get your job your family and the list goes on you have got to learn how to manage your time It is very very very important if you would Turn to Psalm chapter number 90 Psalm chapter number 90 And so we could see a boss learns to manage his time because a lack of time will produce Anxiety this is what it does and we need to live with urgency You know, it's funny when we've got some schedule or we've got something going on and you know Watch people sometimes and like man the clocks ticking, you know It's it's almost time to start and there's this big thing that's supposed to be doing and they're just like, oh, I don't know that wall doesn't look as white as it did last week and just Plague with problems that aren't even a big deal And then like oh no, you know, hey, hey church is gonna start in a couple minutes. We got all the stuff It's just like calm down The reason why you're feeling like this is because you failed to manage your time you guys that are gonna be preaching You know what? I'm talking about, you know, it's almost time. You're almost up and you're wondering man. Is this even gonna make sense? You're running it through your head. Am I gonna forget something? Yeah, probably You know what if you properly take the time to prepare it's gonna minimize that anxiety for you It's gonna alleviate that completely, you know, same with soul and a lot of people get anxious I don't know. I don't speak well on this Look take some time to practice and prepare your gospel presentation So that when you get to the door and you find that person says yes, you're not like oh You know and your heart's beating, you know, and you're dropping the Bible all this stuff Manage your time and these things will become easier for you Psalm chapter 90 look at verse number 12 It says this so teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts Unto wisdom and so we can see that we need to own the right attitude regarding our time Whatever it is, I mean this this is so important here again If you do not get time management down your boss hoods gonna turn into lawsuit. That's just the way it goes That is the way of the world. And so just to kind of give you another little bit of application here Whatever it is right now that is taking up your time that is impeding on your time, whatever it is Okay You need to understand one thing and that is that thing is not going to give itself back to you Whatever is consuming your time your hobby and you know it and that's why you're lacking in all these other areas your family time You're you know, you're your church time your preparation time your Bible study and you know in your heart that it's that hobby That hobby will not say hey, you know what? You should put me down for a little while so that you can get your life in order You need to own the fact that you know, that thing is taking up your time and you need to repo it You need to become the repo man and reclaim repossess your time You need to do a self-audit and say you know what? I don't really need this thing in my life right now I can do without because the things of God are Far far more valuable and realize hey The stuff that you're doing for the kingdom and that has eternal value That has eternal value live like that live with that urgency Because you don't know if you're even going to be able to go to church next week. Nobody in here knows what tomorrow holds So we might as well live like it's our last day every day Do the soul winning read your Bible live with that urgency look we need this today More than ever The world's ramping up their games. They're ramping up their tactics. They're mustering their army Right now as we speak And we need all of us who are on board with the Word of God and God's doctrines to say, you know What I'm gonna own this I'm not gonna let them faze me. I'm not gonna let these stupid things of the world Impede my time. I'm gonna give it up so that I can serve God with a whole heart because that's exactly what he wants Turn to John chapter number six John chapter number six. So again point number one is this bosses are built out of struggle We need to struggle we need to realize that the comfort culture of today is bad. It does not profit Point number two a boss learns to manage his time because Bucking the system on time produces anxiety Right and we need to live with urgency and you need to urgently find those things that are taking your time Because they will not give them back to you. It's not going to happen You have to be the leader you have to own that you have to realize this thing is taking up my time I got to get rid of it. So we're gonna move on to my third and final point here And so of course you can't preach a boss sermon without mentioning the ultimate boss Which is Jesus Christ One who was nailed to the cross and three days later Rose from the dead who was seen in Revelation chapter 19 on a white horse with a vesture dipped in blood That is the ultimate boss The one who realized that we are at a total loss We can't save ourselves And said, you know what? I've got you. I will pay the price in full And he paid it all And he is happy to give that gift to whosoever will receive it. That is the ultimate boss here and so we're gonna pick this story up here at John chapter 6 where Jesus is getting ready to feed the 5,000 and so what has been going on when you compare this to Matthew chapter 14 You see that Jesus had been teaching he had been healing the sick And so this multitude is gonna follow him and I want you to notice the attitude of Philip and the disciples here because he's gonna Test them. So let's pick it up here in verse number three Says this and Jesus went up into a mountain and there he sat with his disciples in the Passover a feast of the Jews was nigh verse 5 It would Jesus then lifted up his eyes and saw a great company come unto him. He saith unto Philip whence shall we buy bread that these may eat now look at verse 6 and This he said to prove him for he himself knew what he would do Of course because he's the ultimate boss Right, but he's trying to test these guys here. He's trying to show us something here He's trying to give us an attitude that we need to live by in our lives So let's keep reading Look at what Philip says verse 7 and Philip answered him 200 penny worth of bread is not sufficient for them that every one of them may take a little one of his Disciples Andrew Simon Peter's brothers saith unto him there is a lad here which hath five barley loaves and two small fishes But what are they among so many verse 10 and Jesus said make the men sit down Now there was much grass in the place of the men set down in number about 5,000 and so in verse 7, you know Philip's answer that should anger all of us And look we all have a past with this, but that should anger all of us Look what he does. Well 200 penny worth of bread is not sufficient for them, you know for everybody to take a little So instantly he's faced with a problem He becomes paralyzed by that problem and he's like just tell him to go away and buy food at the market Just get him out of here. Send him to McDonald's Send him to Church's chicken You know get him out of here because we can't do anything Look I don't know about you guys, but in my life I have learned to hate that attitude when you go up and you tell somebody hey, we're gonna we're gonna do this I've got this vision here. I've got this problem. There's a bunch of people in the small town They've never heard the gospel. Oh we can't go there because we all live too far away Boy that should get everybody in here upset when you hear something like that You know you present a big mission to somebody and just like oh first thing out of the mouth every single time Oh, we can't we can't we can't I hate that. I hate that so much and I've spent Sermon after sermon after sermon driving that attitude out of our church, which thank God we drove 20 people along with it I've heard there's been a lot more here So you guys know exactly what I'm talking about here that added look if you've got that attitude, and you know it look Please change it I'm gonna show you how to do that because what that does is it leavens the whole line gets people upset It's not profitable We have the ultimate boss on our side and the first thing out of our mouths is we can't do that That's the wrong attitude to have and you know what a church full of people with that loss attitude Is what destroys churches? That's what destroys Christians right there that attitude. This is why Jesus is telling us. Hey, just make them sit down I've got I've got an issue I already know what I'm gonna do which by the way is another boss principle right the more you struggle the more you manage your Time the more things you go through and that the Lord helps you to overcome again when you're faced with these problems You're gonna already know what you should do. You're not gonna be like okay. I've got three people who just passed out I don't know sure what's going on. Let me just go outside and think about it for a minute No, you kind of know I better pick up the phone and call Okay, so here's the third point that I want to make becoming a boss means becoming a problem solver Becoming a boss means becoming a problem solver. There's always problem-makers They're always gonna be around Sometimes I'm one of them Yeah, just ask my wife. She'll tell you sometimes he's the problem maker, but you know what? We need to learn to become problem solvers as well And by the way, this can help you tremendously you turn to judges chapter 4 You can leave your place there in John 6 but turn to judges chapter number 4 Becoming a boss means becoming a problem solver and to show you what this looks like. I want to use judges chapter 4 and talk about jail a Female who was a boss now. It's a sad situation here because if you're familiar with Barak and Deborah and you know that men at this time they were weak They weren't being bosses the women were bosses and the men were losses. The role was flipped, right? so we're gonna read judges chapter 4 here and Kind of learn some practical application, but look at verse number 20 judges chapter 4 verse 20 So as the cycle goes, you know Israel's under oppression God has sent them, you know some some help some judges are gonna deliver them from the enemies Look at verse 20. It says this So this is Sisera here says and again He said unto her stand on the door of the tent and it shall be When any man doth come and inquire of thee and say is there any man here that thou shalt say no, right? So the story is barracks, you know, he's trying to chase this or a down. He's got all these chariots of irons Yeah, like 900 chariots of iron Israel's been afraid of him for a long time And so finally God is delivering Israel out of this oppression and this captain here this guy Sisera a problem is all of a sudden at this woman's door. He's like, hey, here's what you're gonna do Is I bet if I were to ask for a show of hands There's no man in here. They would allow another man to come to your house and start telling your wife what to do Right. Hey stand at the door here and tell the cops to go away I'd be like you need to call the hearse because you can Die Look at verse 21 then jail Heber's wife took a nail of the tent and took And took an hammer in her hand and went softly unto him and smote him I'm sorry It smote the nail into his temples and fastened it to the ground for he was fast asleep and worried. So he died Behold his Barack Pursued Sisera jail came out to meet him and said unto him come and I will show thee the man whom thou seekest And when he came into her tent behold Sisera lay dead and the nail was in his temples And so Sisera in this story here represents a problem and this problem comes to Hebrews house And we don't know what he's up to. He's taking a nap or maybe he's playing Call of Duty I don't really know but he's not being the protector that God has called him to be He's definitely not leading his house well, but I find it interesting here the jail she doesn't skip a beat She's like, okay, I'm facing this problem the guy asked. Hey, give me a little water cuz I'm thirsty It's like now you're gonna drink this milk here and she covers him up gets them all nice and comfortable Right cuz mom's are good at putting people down for a nap. So I'll put you down for a nap here and You know what? She does she nails her problem down. She gets right to the point That's what she does and you know what you moms out there You need to read this story like that because sometime your little sister a problem comes in and tells you Hey, you're gonna do this. I'm here to dictate how the day is going All right And you need to learn to nail those little problems down one by one and it can be a struggle Because sometimes these little chubby cheekers are so cute. It's like man. I really don't want to tell him no You know my youngest daughter Kinley, you know, she's just full of life both my daughters are but I can remember when she was younger and she did something that she deserved a spanking for and I was Getting ready to give it and she said something super funny and I just started busting up laughing I've got the spatula and I'm just dead laughing and I looked at my wife and I was like, I can't even I Just wouldn't put it away. I was I'm gonna take the loss on this one because you know But that was the wrong thing for me to do, you know, she actually got me and you know, thank God You know, I got stronger in the faith and I learned to correct that little kid Because she definitely needs it so if you would turn to Proverbs chapter number 20 I should have told you to keep your place there, but turn to Proverbs chapter number 20 And so I want you to see there another thing that jail does and it's the application again We need to learn to focus on the solution more so than the problem You see people who become paralyzed by their problems. It's all they can see is a problem the problem problem I can't I can't I can't I need help and They just can't do anything But when we adopt this mindset, you know what we're gonna look on the solution or look for a solution more So than focusing on the problem that's gonna free up that anxiety get that ball rolling and it's gonna help us to become Problem solvers. Okay Proverbs chapter 20 look down at verse number 18 the Bible says this every purpose is established by counsel and with good advice Make war so when possible when you have that opportunity You need to seek counsel and what better way to seek counsel than to regularly attend church Look you guys who live here or even anywhere near here. This is where it's at. I Mean, I want to move here sometimes, you know, I'm like man. This is great. You know, I like it I got we got out of the airport and it's just like tons of stuff and people I was like wow Don't get wrong. I like Boise. It's great. But you have a great thing going on here You guys are doing great works The more bosses that we have inside of this room the more those satellite churches will grow the more Everything will work smoothly the more everything will be efficient right the more problem solvers we have the less problem makers we have because Problem makers do not like to attach themselves or even be around problem solvers people I'm talking about people who are just they just love it. They just love being problem makers I just everything is against me Everything is because I'm just it's my lot in life, you know that mentality that victim mentality We have got to get rid of that All that does is paralyze an organization, you know the place that I work for like they're so liberal You know that any it's like if you just you know say anything to them like, you know, I'm not doing now I'm not coming to work today. They're like, okay Okay, no problem you just don't want any problem anytime a customer calls and hey, you know This guy just scratched my refrigerator And I've got a picture that I took with a time stamp before I even started working on it with that same scratch Like oh, we're just gonna pay for it anyways You know, just just just tell him you did it it's okay. No, I'm not gonna do that. I didn't do it. I Guess I gave it away who did it right as me, but you know, these are things that I see all the time You know these organizations the another reason why they're just tumbling down is because they don't have people inside of them that can solve problems They've got most of the people in there making problems But you know what? Those are the type of people that we need to go out and get saved and we need to get them out of that attitude We need to pull them away from that and educate them. Hey That's not the way to be We don't want to be a loss. We want to be a boss not the way that the world says it LeBron James, he's not a boss Joe Biden Give me a break Kamala Harris, no Those aren't bosses. Those are total total losses And so I'm gonna wrap this thing up and again I want to leave you this statement a real boss doesn't have to talk about it because a real boss's life is built upon it That's what needs to be said about this church. Look and you guys have that reputation People that either love you or hate you they know one thing that you guys mean business the pastor Shelley your pastor He means business. He's got an excellent group of people in here That are gonna decide to be bosses and not be losses. And you know what? I always take the attitude Let's try to help these people that are struggling with these things first, right? Let's not just instantly ridicule Let's try to disciple and let's struggle with them a little bit. Let's work with them. Let's be long-suffering Let's have some patience and see if they're even Possibly trainable to be teachable. Okay, and then from that point on We'll move forward because here's what I know. I know that for your pastor and I know for the staff and I know for just everybody who comes to church a Church can do far more and run far more Efficiently when it's filled with bosses instead of losses. So let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer Thank you so much Lord for the teachings in your word just want to pray Lord that we would all be comfortable like John the Baptist was Lord with a Position that you've given us whatever it is in life husband father Lord grandfather Childteen and then we would own that Lord and seek to improve ourselves daily And improve our leadership and go out and fulfill the commission that you've given us in Jesus name. I pray amen