(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right. Well, if you could, open up your Bibles to 2 Kings, chapter number 8. 2 Kings, chapter number 8. Like I said during the announcements, we're going to cover chapter 8 and a little bit of chapter 9 this evening, and you'll see why here in just a moment. 2 Kings, chapter number 8. So our reader's not here. Obviously tonight, normally we have somebody read the entire chapter, but he was not able to make it tonight. So we're just going to get right into this here. So I'm going to start off with the title, tonight's title in honor of Super Bowl. I honestly hate Super Bowl. I think it's, anything to do with modern day sports is pretty much, you know, just a mouthpiece for the new world order and all that stuff. But I did title tonight's sermon, The Northern Kingdom's Super Bowl. The Northern Kingdom's Super Bowl. The reason why I titled it that is because we're literally at the time period with the Northern Kingdom of Israel where they are literally in the playoffs. It's literally the Super Bowl. What you're going to see between chapter 8 and the beginning of chapter 9 is you're going to see a promise fulfilled back all the way in 1 Kings, chapter number 19, where God told the prophet Elijah that there would come a man named Hazael from Syria and he would institute judgment on Israel and the people that escape his judgment Jehu would slay and the people that escape Jehu would Elisha slay. So those three right there are basically major players in the last, literally the last part of this nation's life because after them the ball is literally in their court. What Israel is supposed to do is take that rebuke, take that judgment from God and turn back to him. But if you're familiar with the story, you know that that is not going to happen. Unfortunately, they're going to continue to fight against God. Nobody beats God. They're going to lose and wind up being taken captive. So with that being said here, the Northern Kingdom's Super Bowl, let's take a look at verse number 1 of 2 Kings, chapter number 8. So again, right where we left off last week, where Elisha had prophesied that their famine would be over, that the armies from Syria would flee, God would cause that to happen. And so the people were able to eat, they were able to get fed and they were able to get full and obviously economically they were going to start to do better. And so verse 1 of chapter 8 starts off with this. It says, Then spake Elisha unto the woman whose son he had restored to life saying arise and go thou and thine household and sojourn wheresoever thou can sojourn for the Lord hath called for a famine and it shall also come upon the land. Seven years. Seven years. Now if you remember this woman here, the Shunammite woman, the Bible says that she was a great woman and great meaning, great in resource. Obviously I would also attribute great in faith because she loved God's word, she loved the prophet. And if you remember about her, she was married to her husband who the Bible says was older. He was old and she was not able to have a child. And then through Elisha's blessing, obviously with God's backing, she was able to have a son. A few years later after the son's born, you remember he tripped and fell. Eventually he went back to his mom and he died. Elisha came and stretched himself upon the child and the child came back to life. Now it's interesting when you go all the way back to 2 Kings chapter 4 and you read that story and then now you're here four chapters later and there's no mention of the father. So I kind of wonder as I'm reading through this if he had already passed on. Because look at verse 2. It says that the woman arose and did after the saying of the man of God and she went with her household and sojourned in the land of the Philistines seven years. Now, I've heard a few sermons obviously in my day in different churches through the books of the kings and I can remember very distinctly one preacher going through this passage and he would say, see the Israelites here they're having to flee and they're having to go out of the land but they always come back to the land. They always come back. Israel's always coming back in the land and they're always coming back and then they would start going off on their Zionist rant. But you're going to see why that's not the case as we progress through the rest of this book. But what's going on here is obviously you can see God's blessing on this Shunammite woman. Even to this day. That's why the Bible says that she was a great woman. Great in faith, great in resources, great in all this. Elisha warns her and says, hey, there's a famine coming in the land. You should leave. She goes down to the land of the Philistines and notice she doesn't want to stay there. She does not want to belong there. She does her time and then she is going to come back. Look at verse number four. It says, and the king talked with Gehazi, the servant of the man of God saying, tell me, I pray thee all the great things that Elisha hath done. Now this is Jehoram, also called Joram in the Bible, and we're going to get into another Joram here in a minute. But going back to Gehazi, remember Gehazi, Elisha's servant, who after Naaman the Syrian got healed of his leprosy and after Naaman got saved, remember Gehazi got a little bit of a greedy streak in him and went and pursued Naaman the Syrian and said, hey, you know, I wouldn't mind taking some of the stuff off of your hands. And of course Naaman blesses him with those things and God judged him and put a curse upon him and his children that would be born after him and gave him leprosy. But here in verse four, it's interesting here. There's a famine. The famine is now over and the king of Israel is wanting just like to reminisce. He's wanting to talk about the great things that Elisha had done. Now obviously this king didn't go, you know, as hard after God as a lot of the other ones, but he's definitely way better than King Ahab was. So again, verse four, and the king talked with Gehazi, the servant of the man of God saying, tell me I pray thee all the great things that Elisha hath done. So another thing that I see there, and I was talking with Kaden about this earlier, is that they're not following the law here because Gehazi has leprosy. Okay. Now it's not, you know, they're not obviously talking on a phone or anything like that. And so you kind of wonder, like, why isn't he without the can? And the reason why I brought that up to him is because, you know, there's these commentators and scholars that say, well, you know, this portion of scripture could be misplaced. And what you could be reading here actually could belong all the way back in maybe chapter five, chapter six time frame, but that doesn't make any sense as you read it, does it? This is clearly after the famine. And I mean, you just, if you just read the next verse and the verse after that, it clearly is in context here. So these guys are just reminiscing. The king, he just wants to know, you know, they're sitting around and don't have anything else to do. And he's asking, you know, tell me all the great things that Elisha has done. Verse five, and it came to pass as he was telling the king how he had restored a dead body to life, that behold the woman whose son he had restored to life cried to the king for her house and for her land. And Gehazi said, my Lord, O king, this is the woman. And this is her son whom Elisha restored to life. Some people look at things like that in the believer's life and say, hey, that's just a coincidence. It's not what I see here. I see God's perfect timing. Anything to do with this Shunammite woman, all you see is God providing, God protecting her. Obviously she is one of the 7,000 or maybe even more at this point in their history who did not bow the knee to Baal, who did not kiss the image of Baal, did not go in that route. And so I would say that's definitely not a coincidence. That is definitely something there that God worked out perfectly and she's going to get restored all. And she's going to get everything back. Look at verse 6. When the king asked the woman, she told him, so the king appointed unto her a certain officer saying, restore all that was hers and all the fruits of the land were of the field since the day that she left the land even until now. So a great story there, you know, where she gets everything back. What is that a picture of? Well, that's a picture of us. A lot of times we go through famines, we go through hard times, we go through difficult situations and where it seems impossible to recover from, but it's always God who brings us back. It's always God who provides and always God who takes care of the saved. There's no other way around this. This Shunammite woman here is a saved person, a believer in God and what is God doing? He's taking care of his own. Now he's trying to reach the other people in the nation through judgment, through the prophets and things of that nature, but by and large, they are rejecting him, which is why they're in this situation to begin with. And now in verse number 7, this chapter is literally going to take a turn into the main topic that we're going to be dealing with for the next several weeks, which is judgment here. So look at verse number 7, it says, and Elisha came to Damascus and Ben-Hadad, the king of Syria, where he was sick, and it was told him saying, the man of God is come hither. So it seems like now Ben-Hadad, he's kind of got it in his mind. He's kind of got the picture straight. I'm not going out on a limb here and saying he's saved or anything like that, but I mean, this is the same guy who sent Naaman the Syrian to get healed in Israel. This is the same guy who later on would be like, why is the king of Israel always escaping my attacks? I've got a traitor on my hands. And his own guys are like, no, it's the prophet. And what happens? He gets mopped, he gets defeated, he gets beaten, he gets taught a lesson by God, and here he is now in a terrible state, he's in bad health, and he does a good thing here. What does he do? He inquires of the man of God. Now remember Ahab's son who took over the throne after he died, is that what he did? No, remember he inquired after Beelzebub, right? And that upset God. But here in this chapter we're reading of a heathen king who's actually inquiring of the Lord and he wants to know if he's going to be healed. Verse 8, and the king said unto Hazael, take a present in thine hand and go meet the man of God and inquire of the Lord by him saying, shall I recover of this disease? Great question asked. Notice he does not go to his falls of God. I think that's definitely a great sign. I would say this guy has definitely at the end of his life finally got the picture straight. Whether or not he ever called on the name of the Lord we'll know one day, but one thing's for sure, he's definitely asking him now. He's definitely seeking counsel of the Lord. So verse number 9 says, so Hazael went to meet him and took a present with him, even of every good thing of Damascus, forty camels burdened, and came and stood before him and said, thy son Benhadad, king of Syria, hath sent me to thee saying, shall I recover of this disease? Now verse 10 says, and Elisha said unto him, go say unto him, thou mayest certainly recover, howbeit the Lord hath shown me that he will surely die. And so this is kind of interesting here how this reads. So Elisha sees that yes, he will recover of this disease. He would get healthy, but something is going to prevent him from living and it's not the sickness. Okay it is not what is described here as a disease. Verse 11, and he settled his countenance and steadfastly until he was ashamed and the man of God wept. So get the picture here. Okay you have Hazael on Benhadad's behalf asking Elisha the prophet this question, hey Benhadad would like to know if he's going to recover of this disease. And Elisha sees two things going on here. He sees the possibility of recovery, that he would recover of that disease. That disease is not going to kill him. However something else is and as he's seeing this and as he's communicating this, he stands there and he looks at Hazael. Okay and his countenance basically changes and he begins to cry. He begins to weep because he's starting to see something else that God is showing him. And look at verse number 12. And Hazael said, why weepeth my lord? And he answered, because I know the evil that thou will do unto the children of Israel. Their strongholds will thou set on fire and their young men will thou slay with the sword and will dash their children, and here it is, and rip up their women with child. You see that phrase there? Women with child. You notice it doesn't say women with embryo. No when a woman is pregnant, hey what does the bible say about that? How does the bible describe that situation? Woman with child. But people today you know one of the the big fights of our time right now. One of the things that really offends people and you all know this is the subject of abortion. You have people today gnashing and weeping and just going completely irate because the government overturned Roe versus Wade. It was funny yesterday we were knocking on doors and we got into this section of a neighborhood where every other house had a sodomite flag and there was this one house in particular that had a bumper sticker and it said, oh what did it say? I don't remember what it said. Something about we support. Yeah Roe v Wade. It was kind of a play on words but it was basically that they've supported Roe v Wade versus you know all the way back in the 70s when that all went down. And I remember thinking like man that's going to be an interesting house here. This is going to be definitely a problem. You know and it's funny when you talk about this because it's not like we're saying you know there are people out there who've had abortions that wind up getting saved later on. You know I've met people like this but it's interesting when you see people that have like turned their heart so dark to where they just believe it's a great thing that it's their right. You know my body, my choice. Whereas the bible doesn't say that. The bible says woman with child meaning that child is life in and of itself. What about its choice? You know nobody ever wants to think about that. But once people get to this dark place where they've turned their heart and they just want that right to be able to kill a child. You know you can see it in their face when you talk to them when you knock on the door and you you know if that subject comes up or you know you just see that sign on the back of their car. You see the sign in the yard. More often than not it seems like when that person opens the door you could just see this absolute hatred for Christians and for God and for everything. So just something that comes to mind anytime I see that phrase in the bible. And what does this do here? This makes Elisha the prophet. Elisha the tough guy. Okay Elisha was a very strong durable tough man and he is weeping because he is seeing this. Is that the attitude that we have today in this country from the Christian community? And I would say by and large no. By and large with the Christian churches today so-called faux Christian churches obviously what they're doing if doing anything at all most of them won't even touch the subject they don't want to say anything even so-called baptist churches don't want to even say anything about this. But what they're doing is trying to find ways around this and say well you know make excuses and say well you know is yeah I'm neither. I heard one preacher say that who who's around here said you know I'm not pro-life I'm not pro-choice I'm like right in the middle I'm on that third side of the coin. It's like there is no third side of the coin. You're either on the side of the Lord or on the side of Hazael the side of the devil. Verse 13 and Hazael said but what is thy servant a dog that he should do this great thing? And Elisha answered the Lord hath showed me that thou shall be king over Syria. So it's interesting here that Hazael he can't even fathom his own self doing these things but yet the man of God is telling him no you're going to be king and this is what you're going to do. Verse 14 so he departed from Elisha and came to his master who said unto him what said Elisha to thee and he answered he told me that thou shouldest surely recover. I could almost envision even though we don't know what he looks like but just envision the look on Benhadad's face who has this disease hearing those gracious words probably thinking wow this is awesome this is great I'm getting another chance at life but here comes a very dark turn in this man's life. Verse 15 and it came to pass on the morrow that he took and this is this is Hazael that he took a thick cloth and dipped it in water and spread it on his face so that he died and Hazael reigned in his stead. So not long after Elisha wept because of the vision of Hazael and what he would do to the people of Israel did he do exactly what he said and he murdered his own master he murdered his own boss. Now just to kind of show you this here I mentioned it at the beginning of the service but go back if you would real quickly to first kings chapter number 19. First kings chapter number 19 and let's see here first kings 19 and look at look at verse number 15. So this is when Elisha is on the run he's feeling down he's feeling like he's the only one that's doing right like he's the only one worshiping God. Now look at verse 15 it says and the Lord said unto him go return on thy way to the wilderness of Damascus and when thou comest anoint Hazael to be king over Syria. Verse 16 and Jehu the son of Nimshi shall thou anoint to be king over Israel and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel Merholah shalt thou anoint to be prophet in thy room. So this prophecy here that was given to Elijah is what we are starting to see unfold in first kings chapter number eight. Verse 17 says and it shall come to pass that him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay. Verse 18 yet have I left me seven thousand in Israel all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal and every mouth which hath not kissed him. So that is what you are starting to see being fulfilled now in the days of Israel. Okay now go over to Amos. Amos chapter number one real quick and let's take a look at something here. Now we covered Amos a few weeks ago on Wednesday. On Wednesdays we're going through a series called Minor Prophets Major Problems and we've already gone over the book of Amos but I want to show you here that out of this judgment between Hazael king of Syria Jehu who is going to be the king of the northern kingdom of Israel and Elisha the prophet I believe Jehu saved. I believe obviously Elisha saved. So you have two saved individuals executing judgment on God's nation but you have one who's definitely not saved and he actually is going to pay the price for his actions. The reason why I'm bringing this up is to just show you that God has removed their hedge of protection. God's not commanding Hazael to do this he's just going to let him do what is in his heart which is wickedness and to prove that look at verse number three Amos chapter one look at verse number three. So remember this is Amos giving this prophet. Remember he starts off the book here he starts off his ministry basically calling out all kinds of nations and verse three says thus saith the Lord for three transgressions of Damascus and for four I will not turn away the punishment thereof because they have threshed Gilead with the threshing instruments of iron but I will send a fire into the house of Hazael which shall devour the palaces of Ben-Hadad. In verse five I will break also the bar of Damascus and cut off the inhabitant from the plain of Avon and him that holdeth the scepter from the house of Eden and the people of Syria shall go into captivity unto cure saith the Lord. Okay so go back to second Kings chapter eight. So just wanted to show you that just to give you some perspective here Hazael is not saved God is not making him do this it's just simply God is going to allow him and allow him to be stirred up and his people to be stirred up to go after Israel because why? Because they violate the word of God they have not thrown out the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat they are going to pay for all of that and what that eventually led to which was full-on Baal worship in the northern kingdom of Israel. So verse 16 says this and in the fifth year of Joram the son of Ahab king of Israel Jehoshaphat being then king of Judah Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah began to reign. So for the next few verses you're going to get a glimpse because up until now we've been pretty much just focused on the northern kingdom now you're going to get a glimpse of the effects of the northern kingdom of Israel and what that had on the southern kingdom. Remember Jehoshaphat's problem? Jehoshaphat definitely loved the Lord but believe he was saved remember when it was him and Ahab and Ahab said hey you know can you come up to Ramoth Gilead don't you know it's ours and help me fight and Jehoshaphat's like hey your people or as my people we're basically the same let's get together and let's do this. Okay that was a bad move on Jehoshaphat's part why? Because Ahab wasn't following the Lord Ahab wanted to follow his own program Ahab was led and basically powered by his wife Jezebel and you're going to see the effects that that has on the southern kingdom and again we always say this it's what the bible teaches you hang out with people that are unsaved and what happens are you going to correct them or are they going to corrupt you? Well evil communications what do they do? They corrupt good manners okay and that's what you're going to see you're looking for 17. So thirty and two years old was he when he began to reign and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem and what's interesting here is now the the king after Jehoshaphat and the southern kingdom of Judah he's got the same name as the king of the northern kingdom of Israel. Why is that? Well because of that ecumenical that let's come together let's just put our differences aside bond that they had developed because of Jehoshaphat's actions. So verse 18 says and he walked in the way of the kings of Israel and as did the house of Ahab for the daughter of Ahab was his wife. So this Jehoram, Jehoram of Judah we'll call him he married Athaliah and she would later obviously go on and I know a lot of you guys know the story she would later go on to try and kill all the men of David's seed to try to prevent a king in Israel from the Davidic line which didn't work out and we'll get there I don't want to spoil it now but we'll definitely cover that in the future but that woman who would eventually do that okay she is now the southern king of Judah Jehoram okay Jehoram of Judah she is his wife and so you can see the influence right away look at the rest of the verse there and says and he did evil in the sight of the Lord verse 19 yet the Lord would not destroy Judah for David's sake as he promised him to give him always a light and to his children and so let's take a look at what happens to this individual here look at verse 20 in his days Edom revolted from under the hand of Judah and made a king over themselves so up until this point they had that under wraps they had that under control but what that ecumenical movement did to the southern kingdom is it took away their strength it took away their ability and their blessings from God to keep these people at bay verse 21 says so Jehoram went over to Zare and all the chariots with him and he rose by night and smote the Edomites which compassed him about and the captains of the chariots and the people fled into their tents verse 22 yet Edom revolted from under the hand of Judah unto this day then Libnah revolted at the same time so now everything is getting out of control the southern kingdom of Judah is literally starting to slip they're starting to lose it verse 23 and the rest of the acts of Jehoram and all that he did are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah verse 24 and Jehoram slept with his fathers and was buried with his fathers in the city of David and Ahaziah his son reigned in his stead now why the bible inserts this quick glimpse of what's going on in the southern kingdom of Judah why God I believe inserted that into this chapter here is because of the coming judgment see Jehu who we're going to get introduced to tonight is going to take care of a lot of people and he's going to take care of the southern kingdoms a wicked king as well as the northern kingdom and so God wants us to follow the story here and just understand that understand the effects that had or I'm sorry that happened on the southern kingdom of Judah all because their king decided that it was a good idea to be buddy buddies with the northern kingdom who was not following the bible not following the word of God that always leads to disaster verse 25 and in the 12th year of Jehoram the son of Ahab king of Israel did Ahaziah the son of Jehoram king of Judah begin to reign two and 20 years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign and he reigned one year in Jerusalem and his mother's name was Athaliah the daughter of Omri king of Israel okay so his mother's name is Athaliah so that means his what his grandmother would be Jezebel and his grandfather would be Ahab so he's related here to the Omri dynasty and God does not want this connection to remain this is bad and you can actually when you really study this out you see the devil's plan in here the devil through this process through this ecumenical process you know what the devil is doing he's trying to prevent the coming king the coming messiah from sitting on the throne now i don't believe at this time that he understood completely what that was otherwise he wouldn't have brought Jesus out to the wilderness to tempt him i mean that's foolish i mean think about if you know that's the son of God you know why would you do that that that's insane but he's not fully aware so he does eventually go through that but the prophecies in the old testament and the way that they were written the angelic realm understand that something big at some point is going to happen so the demons are working over time right now to prevent that from happening and it's funny what they do what do they do they use ecumenical they use the tool of ecumenicalism which is basically when you take fundamentalists and you say hey you know we're fundamentalists but you know we need to put aside our differences so that we can make peace with these other people and just go along to get along because we're all the same and we're better off together you know what a lot of times we're not better off together you're not better off together by forsaking the foundations just to make a friend just to placate somebody just because someone says oh i'm christian i was raised in this denomination or raising this look if you don't have the gospel right if you're all about the wrong bible we want nothing to do with you because what that leads to is absolute destruction every single time show me in the bible where it was good where ecumenical doctrine the ecumenical philosophy where it ever worked out you can't show me that you can't show anyone that because it is wicked as hell we are supposed to stand solid upon the foundations that god has given us and unfortunately that is eroding in the southern kingdom and it was never a thing in the northern kingdom so let's move on from that verse 27 and he walked in the way of the house of ahab and did evil in the sight of the lord as did the house of ahab for he was the son-in-law of the house of ahab verse 28 and he went with joram the son of ahab to war to the uh to i'm sorry yeah to the war against hazael king of syria in ramoth gilead and the syrians wounded joram and again you see this ramoth gilead all the time you know that israel gains control lose control gain control lose control it's serious property then it's israel's property serious property then it's israel's property look at verse 29 and king joram went back to the uh to be healed in jesrael of the wounds which the syrians had given him at ramah when he fought against hazael king of syria and aaziah the son of jehoram king of judah went down to see joram the son of ahab in jesrael because he was sick now it's interesting here because if you remember where did ahab get shot through at ramoth gilead okay what let's see here jesrael think about that remember what happened in jesrael who was the man who was killed for his vineyard in jesrael remember naboth okay so you see that all that language in this chapter the reason why you're reading about this here well there's several reasons and one is oftentimes our children will follow in our footsteps but two god is reminding us of what had happened and that he doesn't forget anything his judgment is going to be fulfilled naboth will get justified by god because ahab uh well you know i will attribute it to ahab but obviously jesabel in her wicked plan by using the the devil's children to you know set him up and get him killed so that ahab can take his vineyard all that's going to wind up coming back on ahab's entire household and that's what you're going to see here very shortly look at verse number one of chapter nine so the bible says in elijah the prophet called one of the children of the prophets and said unto him grid up thy loins and take this box of oil in thine hand and go to ramoth gilead so what you're about to see now is the last and final player that we're about to be introduced here in this coming super bowl for the northern kingdom look at verse two when thou comest thither look out there jehu the son of jehoshaphat the son of nimshi and go in and make him arise up from among his brethren and carry him to an inner chamber then take the box of oil and pour it on his head and say thus saith the lord i have anointed the king over israel then open the door and flee and tarry not kind of some interesting instructions but what else is interesting here is if you study all the kings of israel okay not the southern kingdom but just the northern kingdom what you're going to find is jehu is the only one with an actual anointing an actual anointing service if you will he's the only one to where god is like you're the guy for the job now we're going to learn the g who definitely has issues like we all do okay but i really like jehu every time i read about him i get excited i i just think he he's a great just a great person to read about he's hilarious his guys love him you're going to see that here in a moment and it's one of my favorite times in the bible because he's literally you get to read and watch somebody who's super zealous for the lord actually just take action and literally just kick butt and take names that's what he does okay so after this prophet here he gets these instructions from elisha he carries them out step by step exactly as given to him look at verse four and we're getting close to being done but verse four says so the young man even the young man the prophet went to ramoth gilead and when he came behold the captain of the host were sitting and he said oh i have an errand unto thee oh captain and g who said unto which or into which of all of us and he said to thee oh captain so you can see g who is about to get the ultimate promotion he's about to get this promotion from captain of the military to king of the land verse six and he arose and went into the house and he poured this is the prophet here and he poured the oil on his head and said unto him thus saith the lord god of israel i have anointed the king over the people of the lord even over israel verse seven and thou shalt smite the house of ahab thy master that i may avenge the blood of my servants the prophets and the blood of this of all the servants of the lord at the hand of jezebel so ahab already got his justice he's already been killed by disobeying the lord that's already been taken care of but now you're going to see the beginning now you're going to see jezebel begin to get judgment upon her house definitely do look at verse eight for the whole house of ahab shall perish and i will cut off from ahab him that pisseth against the wall and him that is shut up and left in israel so what is god saying that god's saying hey you wanted to play games here you guys wanted to war with me you guys wanted to play this game and guess what i'm going to send some players your way and let's see how well you do what do you think the odds are who are you betting on okay you never want to bet against god verse 9 and i will make the house of ahab like the house of jeroboam the son of neban and like the house of biasha the son of ehygen and the dogs shall eat jezebel in the portion of jezreel and there shall be none to bury her and he opened the door and fled did you imagine seeing this you know g who's sitting around with those guys you know doing whatever eating top ramen or you know probably eating mres i'm just just kidding not doing that but they're just sitting around and up comes this prophet he's like i have an errand unto thee and he was like to who you know like which one of us and he's like to thee oh captain let's go over here takes him inside just gives him this big blast of truth dumps a box of oil on him and just says that basically you're going to just mop everyone you're going to kill you're going to avenge all these people for god and he just runs out i'd imagine g who just dripping in oil right just dripping oil like how am i going to explain this he's got some explaining to do when he comes out of this inner chamber right look at this here in verse number 11 then g who came forth to the servants of his lord and said unto him it's all well so they're like hey dude everything okay here like what's you just taking an oil bath like what's going on with you man you know he's like i said he's got some explaining to do he's not gonna be able to just go run and find a shower somewhere real quick no he's he's gonna have to say something so they say in verse 11 is all well wherefore came this mad fellow to thee look at the reputation that these people had back then okay they call him a mad fella he's crazy you're basically you know what's this pre what is this crazy preacher doing here like what do you have to say to thee and look at g who's response here okay at verse 11 and he said unto them ye know the man and it is communication so he's hoping that that'll buy him some time he's got a little bit of humility here like saul had at the beginning of his uh kingship if you will remember when samuel said hey you're gonna be king and he hid himself among the stuff he's like not me you know g who's not quite like that but he's not trying to brag about it and he doesn't want to go out and directly say yes i've just been anointed to king tell everyone you can he just comes out you know just oiled up like what just happened he's trying to process this this whole thing himself and he's just like you know the guy that has communication right now look at his guys here look at how they respond to him in verse 12 and they said it is false tell us now right so look at look at the relationship here you know they're like you're lying tell us the truth right they've got that bond with him okay and i believe that's one of the reasons why god chose him he was a leader a great leader he got along with his people yes he was in charge but you can tell by the way they're talking with him they've got a good connection they've got a good friendship they've got a good mentor mentee type relationship is what you're going to see especially you're going to see that later on in his life as he takes command and goes forth and begins to conquer but they're not buying it like yeah we know this guy's crazy in his communication but he told you something that means something because it's not every day that a prophet runs up and dumps a box of oil on you so verse 12 and they said it is false tell us now and he said thus and thus spake you to me saying thus saith the lord i have anointed the king over israel verse 13 then they hasted and took every man his garment and put it under him on the top of the stairs and blew with trumpets saying g who is king now there's another time in the bible where you see something like this happen okay anybody know where that where that appears during the time of christ okay what's referred to as palm sunday and we're going to get into this a little bit next week but the reason why i'm just bringing that up very quickly is because jihu is a type there's a lot of type of christ in the bible in here you see him as a type of christ he is going to literally come and execute judgment he's going to temporarily rule and reign with a rod of iron like this nation has yet to ever see and it's from god it is from the lord and so i just wanted to leave you there with that thought we're going to kind of come back and just briefly summarize the first part here the first 13 verses of chapter 9 next week and then we're going to sail on and look at how the playoffs go with israel versus the three hazel jihu and elishan if you're familiar with the bible you know that god obviously always wins they are not going to fare very well and so with that being said let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer thank you so much lord for these great truths in the bible thank you for preserving these for us lord that we may learn from the mistakes and the things done well in the kings and to apply these lessons to our lives please bless the fellowship after the service and bring us back safely again on wednesday in jesus name i pray amen