(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . When the messenger cometh shut the door and hold him fast at the door is not this or I'm sorry It's not the sound of his master's feet behind him in verse 33 says and while he yet talked with them Behold the messenger came down unto him and he said behold this evil is of the Lord What should I wait for the Lord any longer? So Elisha calls it like hey this guy's coming this guy's coming here He's he's gonna you know He's a messenger from the king and try to take my head and the guys are like, we'll just hold the door okay, so they're holding the door because they're waiting for the king to come hear this conversation and They hold him and what does this guy immediately start doing? Behold this evil is of the Lord. What should I wait for the Lord any longer? So what is where did he get that from you got that from Jehoram? Because Jehoram thinks that this is all God's fault when it's partially his fault. It's the nation's fault. It's Ahab It's Jeroboam the son of Nebat. I mean, it's all these guys fault some King should have come along at some point and they could very well have been him and Said I'm not only are we getting the image of Baal out of here, but we're getting these stupid golden calves out of here and We're gonna have to make some kind of agreement to go down to Israel and to Jerusalem and then just come back We need to unite at least religiously and get back on track and serve in God That's what they should have done, but they did not do that Look at verse 1 of chapter 7 So this King obviously and and I'll give him credit at least hey look at least he's honest and he admits that he's mad at God, but look at the conversation here verse 1 chapter 7 then Elisha said hear ye the word of the Lord Thus saith the Lord tomorrow about this time Shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria So Elisha proceeds to give the King good news So again, God is giving him another chance this is look this is why the Bible says that our God, you know He is abundant in mercy. He is abundant in grace and he's not just like that with the Kings He's like that with you and I We mess up and God is a his mercies are abundant. Okay, as long as we just hey just acknowledging your heart Yep, I messed that up Lord. You're right back on track. It's that fast. Look at verse 2 Then work then then a Lord on who's on whose hand the king lean answered the man of God So this is the guy who came up to the door first is that messenger? Okay, behold look what he says here. He's mocking God here behold if the Lord would make windows in heaven might this thing be That's a mocking statement Okay, because in his shallow mind the only way the prophets word could come true is if God were to just dump down fire He can't think outside of the enemy. He can't think he had his faith. He has no faith He doesn't understand that God could do something to cause the Syrians to leave He has no faith. He cannot see that whatsoever So he mocks This is what the people of our nation do today You guys have been claiming Christ is gonna come back now for thousands of thousand years. Where is he at? Don't worry. There's coming a day where that question will be answered and you sir will be trying to hide yourself from his face Verse 3 I'm sorry. Look at the rest of verse 2 behold. So here's his mocking statement verse 2 behold If the Lord would make windows in heaven might this thing be and he said This is Elisha speaking here and he said behold thou shalt see it with thine eyes But shall not eat thereof So in other words Elisha's I because you want to mock God you're getting stomped out Okay, that's what you're gonna see at the end of the chapter here look at verse 3 now And there were four lepers men at the entry end of the gate and they said one to another Why sit we here until we die now remember the lepers were supposed to be kept outside of the camps They don't contaminate people but everything that I mean, there's the situation you're just so dire. Just just so bad They're like, you know what? Let's just do something at least attempt something before we die Verse 4 If we say we will enter into the city, then the famine is in the city And we shall die there and if we sit still here we die also Now therefore come and let us fall into the host of the Syrians if they save us alive We shall live and if they kill us we shall but die So they're like, hey, it can't get any worse than where we're at The worst that can happen is we die. We don't have leprosy anymore. We're not starving. So let's give it a shot Okay, where's five and they rose up in the twilight to go into the camp of the Syrians and when they were come to the Uttermost part of the camp of Syria behold. There was no man there whoo Interesting here what happened? Well, look at verse 6 The Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots and a noise of horses Even the noise of a great host and they said one to another low The king of Israel hath hired against us the kings of the Hittites and the kings of the Egyptians to come upon us So God sent strong delusion to the Syrians to get them to leave because he wants to again bless the king of Israel Right memory he's saying hey, I'm giving you warnings Leviticus chapter 26. I cannot say that word tonight Leviticus chapter 26 Right. God says I'm gonna do this this and this if you don't if you don't respond if you don't learn seven times worse Right now let's just keeps going on and on here So they're in this cycle of discipline here this cycle of chastisement and God is yet blessing them in the midst of that So these people like Bill Maher and Joe Rogan they want to mock God and say the God of the Bible is just a sadistic Homophobic just angry, you know preacher you don't know the Bible Okay, stop saying stuff like that because it's not true Verse 6 for the Lord hath made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots and a noise of horses Even the noise of a great host They said one to another low the king of Israel have hired against us the kings of the Hittites and the kings of the Egyptians To come upon us verse 7 Wherefore they arose and fled in the twilight and left their tents left their horses left their asses even The camp as it was and fled for their life And when the lepers came to the uttermost part of the camp they went in they went into one tent and did eat and drink carried then silver and gold and Raymond and went and hit it and Came again and entered into another tent and carried dance also and went and hit it. These guys hit the jackpot This is the lepers jackpot here. Okay, that's what you see going on. They're like, this is great Thank God we took a chance, you know, there's a principle here You know, sometimes when you think you can't go left right straight forward backwards You just got to pick something and just go for it man And you know, that's what these guys did and they hit the jackpot here You're taking advantage and I'm not saying to go play Powerball or lottery. Okay, that's just wasting your money Especially if you're a believer, you're probably not gonna win God's gonna chase you. Okay, my parents played the lottery their whole lives You know and I remember when I turned 18 They're like we're gonna buy you a lottery ticket and then you could play I was like no This is literally what I told them I was like if I don't play I've watched you guys for the last 18 years Like three times a week buy these lottery tickets you never win I said so if I don't play the lottery ever in my life at the end of my life It'll be like I won the lottery. So Yay me verse 9 He said one to another we do not well this day is a day of good tidings and We hold our peace if we tarry till the morning light some mischief will come upon us now Therefore come that we may go and tell the king's household. So like, you know what this is great No, we're kind of rich and full now, but let's let's spread the wealth We don't want something bad to happen. Let's go and and let everyone else know let's go tell the king Verse 10 so they came and called unto the porter of the city and they told them saying We came to the camp of the Syrians behold There was no man there neither voice of man, but horses tied and asses tied and the tents as they were So these guys are like it's safe it's good to go come down and get something to eat guys, it's good Now, what do you think the king of Israel's attitude is about to be here? Look at verse 11 He called the porters and they told it to the king's house within verse 12 and the king arose in the night and said unto His servants I will now show you What the Syrians have done to us they know that we be hungry Therefore they are gone out of the camp to hide themselves in the field saying when they come out of the city We shall catch them alive and get into the city. I Got that statement on the wall back there. Okay from Herod when we studied Herod a guilty conscience leads to paranoid nonsense Jehoram's guilty because he knows he blamed the Lord For all of this in his heart and he knows he's wrong. So when the blessing is presented to him It's like ooh, no, I can't be that they're gonna come get us. They're gonna they're gonna come smite They know what we're hungry. We're gonna go there and they're gonna ambush us and take us all out Verse 13 and one of his servants answered and said let some take I pray thee five of the horses that remain Which are left in the city behold there as all the multitude of Israel that are left in it Behold I say they are even as all the multitude of the Israelites that are consumed and let us send and see Verse 14 they took therefore two chariot horses and the king sent after the host of the Syrian saying go and see So he's like, okay. Let's test this theory out. Let's see if you guys are right verse 15 and then went after him unto Jordan and lo all the way was full of garments and Vessels which the Syrians had cast away in their haste and the messengers returned and told the king verse 16 And the people went out and spoiled the tents of the Syrians so a measure of fine flour was sold for a shekel And two measures of barley for a shekel according to the word of the Lord Okay, so that prophecy that Elisha had spoken fulfilled to a tee Now look at verse 17 This is where I get the stomped out portion of the the sermon title here verse 17 And the king appointed the Lord on whose hand he leaned to have the charge of the gate now What do you think that thought came from in the king's mind? Came from the Lord because the Lord is going to judge this mocker And there's a principle behind this title Mockers get stomped out the Bible says that the enemies of our Lord will be made the footstool of Jesus Christ That's what it says Okay Literally the enemies that you and I see and have to deal with today these Reprobates these haters of God there's coming a day where they will literally be the footstool They will get stomped out by God and his armies Verse 17 and the king appointed the Lord on whose hand he leaned to have the charge of the gate and the people trode upon him in the gate and he died as the man of God had said Who spake when the king came down to him? So just like Elisha said hey, you're gonna see this prophecy be fulfilled But you ain't taking part in it verse 18 and it came to pass as the man of God had spoken to the king saying two measures of barley for a shekel and a Measure of fine flour for a shekel shall be tomorrow about this time in the gate of Samaria verse 19 and the Lord and the Lord answered the man of God and said now behold if the Lord should make windows in heaven might such a thing be and He said behold thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shall not eat there verse 20 And so it fell out unto him for the people trode upon him in the gate and he died No one ever gets away with mocking God. It doesn't happen You say why are you bringing that up? Because it's frustrating It's frustrating for you and I to see these haters of God in the media every day to work with them to be around them And to keep a level head and God has provided these stories to give us comfort and to know that there's coming a day Where these mockers are gonna get stomped out. They're gonna get dealt with he will deal with them because that's how he Deals with these types of people the Bible says that God is not mocked whatsoever a man So if that shall he also reap Galatians chapter 6 we talked about that this morning So let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Thank you so much Lord again for these great stories in the Bible I just pray that you'd help us to Communicate these things to others Lord bring us back safely again this week in Jesus name. I pray amen All right, everyone I'll ask you to turn to one final song song number 415 Victory through grace On the first Right if the king Into the midst See them with courage See that in their brilliant Shouting the name of their leader Here that makes all take me say Not to the strong is the Swift is the race Yeah to the true Faith Victory is promised Grace on the second Are the armies While of this glory He's our Lord Redeemer They are the stars Right in his kingdom To the swift And Victory is promised Jesus Thrones and their sectors all shall perish crowns of their splendor shall The edge of the armies Faithful and true to Finding my mansion's eternal Rest when their warfare is past Swift is the race Yet to the true and Faithful victory is promised All right, let's bow our heads for a word of prayer dear Lord Thank you for this time. We had to hear your word be preached So you please help us to remember these things and that everyone would have a safe travel home Jesus. Let me pray. Amen You You You You