(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, well thank you very much everybody for being here tonight, and of course, just by way of introduction, I want to say thank you to Brother Peter James for putting this event on. It really has, you have Brother Peter James to thank for this, and I don't know how long it's been, but Peter's been coming out to the West Coast in years to visit us in Sacramento. And specifically coming to the right-of-wing conference, and I don't know, it's been maybe four, five, maybe six years that he's been coming out, and every year he's asking me if I could come out to the East Coast, and every year I just tell him no. And he was one of those, you know, he's a perfect picture of prayer, you know, he's persistent, and for that one day, the unjust judge finally said yes. So I said yeah, let's do it, you know, and he put this all together, so thank you brother Peter. I know that Brother Martin and his family were a big help, I'm sure there's lots of you that were a big help, and we appreciate all of you. I want to say thank you to Brother Correll, who's taking care of the sound here. It's not an easy task to take care of a sound. You can have a church that meets at the same location every week and have issues with your sound, so expecting someone to get it all done on a Friday night is a very good task, and he's done a great job, and I appreciate that. I have my family with me tonight, my entire family, my wife, all my kids are here, so I'm excited about that, and hopefully we can go by and meet them and say hello. Of course Pastor Thompson is serving tonight, and Pastor Thompson is just a dear, dear friend, and I'm always thankful to be with him and travel. I feel like I travel the most with Pastor Thompson than anyone else, we travel the country together and preach together and praise the Lord for that. Any of you, I want to say hi to and thank you to, and of course, I want to say thank you to Brother Luke, who's one of our men at Verity who flew out with us and came out to visit us. I appreciate him, and he went with us to New York City today, and he helped me through a couple of short of New York, so those of you coming out, it's good to see you on television of course. Just everyone think of me, it was a great crowd on a Friday night, and I appreciate all of you being here. It's my first time in the East Coast like this, my first time in New Jersey, first time in New York, and I really enjoy it, I really like it. Do you guys have Jews? We've got queers. I'm not sure which one is the worst. When we were in New York City today, my kids were like, look, there's a whole family of Jews, and I'm like, look at your eyes. Don't say any wicked things before I die. Anyway, it's an interesting thing. I do like the East Coast, it's a great, great place to be. Acts 17, if you would, I'd like to go down to verse number 4. Acts 17 and verse number 4. Acts 17 and verse 4, the Bible says there, Some of them believed and consorted with all in silence, and of the devout Greeks a great multitude, and of the chief women not a few. But the Jews, which believed not, moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the baser store, and gathered a company, set all the city on an uproar, and assaulted the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people. And I'd like you to notice there in Acts 17, we see this, what you might call the first century church movement, the first century local New Testament church movement is, we see it here in Acts 17, that they're making an impact. And we can spend the whole night looking at passages from the book of Acts of how the apostle Paul would go to a location, preach the word of God, get many people saved, and make an impact. And I'm not going to spend my time on that tonight, but I want you to notice here is just one example where the Bible tells us in verse 4 that some of them believed and consorted, the word of consort means to associate with or to fellowship with Paul and Silas. It says, and of the devout Greeks, it says a great multitude, and of the chief women not a few. So I want you to notice that Paul and this local New Testament movement, they're making quite an impact, and as a result, whenever you make an impact, you're going to also make enemies along the way. And that's why you see there in verse 5, but the Jews who believed not moved with envy, and it tells us that they set the city on an uproar. What I really want you to notice there is in verse number 6, when the Bible says, and when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the ruins of the city, crying, and I want you to notice this little phrase, because this is a great phrase in the word of God. It's a description of the ancient local New Testament church movement, when it says there, these that have turned the world upside down are come, here they're also. That's an amazing statement. I love that statement. I love what it represents. These that have turned the world upside down are come, here they're also. I think it's even more amazing when you consider that this is not a hashtag that the Apostle Paul was posting about himself, but instead, this was the enemies of the Apostle Paul. This was the enemies of the local New Testament church movement. It was the enemies of these great men of God who were making this statement, and in my opinion, they were paying a great compliment to the Apostle Paul in this local New Testament church movement, when they said, these that have turned the world upside down are come, here they're also. I think it's a great thing when the enemies, when your enemies characterize you in a certain way, and the way they characterize you, they mean it for evil, but you look at that and say, Hey, praise God, that's good. I like the description. And you know, very similarly, tonight, we are here at this East Coast New IFB conference, and being part of the New IFB, I'd like to preach tonight on the subject of the New IFB, but before I delve into that, I'd like to just allow our enemies to kind of describe us as well, because I found this, I thought this was interesting. You're there in Acts 17, if you would go through the book of Hebrews, if you can find your place in Hebrews, if you start at the book of Revelation and head backwards, you've got the book of Jude, the third, second and first, John, second and first, Peter, James, and then the book of Hebrews, chapter number 10 there, if you would. You turn there, and while you go there, let me read for you a little excerpt from the website of the Anti-Defamation League, the ADL, and this is, these are not our friends, these are our enemies, and these are people that would say that what we preach is hate speech and anti-Semitic and things like that. I want you to notice how they describe us, I think it's interesting because a lot of what's on their website I obviously don't agree with, and is incorrect, but some of the things they said I really like, here's what they said, here's how they describe the New IFB, just in case you're here tonight, and you maybe, you're not sure what's the New IFB, I don't know how you would be here tonight, and I don't know what the new IFB is, maybe you just walked in and thought I could offer a go and have a seat, but what is the New IFB? Here's what they said, New IFB churches present themselves as eponymous entities, and do not consider New IFB to be an official denomination or designation, but use the label to informally indicate their shared values, and distinguish themselves from traditional Old IFB churches. Now I like that, I think that's a pretty good way to describe us. Here's what they also said, they said social media has enabled the New IFB movement to reach hundreds of thousands, if not millions, thanks to, and keep in mind this is not us writing this, this is our enemy saying this about us, they said the New IFB movement has reached hundreds of thousands, if not millions, thanks to a text savvy strategy that includes daily video and audio content posted on numerous channels and platforms, New IFB pastors boast of their ability to outsmart technology companies' efforts to deplatform their hate speech by constantly reopening content to new channels. I'll take that. Here's what they also said, the New IFB's expansive digital footprint is coupled with a strong, I think they're fans, I'm wondering if the guy who wrote this is a listener, the New IFB's expansive digital footprint is coupled with a strong emphasis on on the ground solely efforts to attract people to the movement as well as the establishment of new churches around the world. I mean, I couldn't have said it better myself. I wish you'd give them a round of applause. The Anti-Defamation League, I think they're dying in it, so I'm not sure how that works, we're just memorizing it wrong, but there you go. I like that, what they have to say and how they describe this, and here's why I bring that up and here's why I'm using this as an introduction, because tonight I'm preaching a very specific sermon and I'll give you the title, I'm preaching a sermon entitled How to be in the New IFB when you don't have a New IFB church. How to be in the New IFB when you don't have a New IFB church. Now, that might sound odd to some to have to preach a sermon in regards to that subject, but I want you to understand that the New IFB is unique in the sense that God has allowed us to be able to use technology to be able to get the word of God out and get our message out and reach according to the hundreds of thousands if not millions of people with the word of God and as a result of our tech-savvy strategy and expansive digital footprint, there are now clusters of New IFB listeners who live all over this country and many of them in areas where there is no New IFB church or I could say at least not yet. And I'm bringing this up because of the fact that here preaching in New Jersey tonight at the East Coast New IFB conference, there is no New IFB church that I know of that's in New Jersey, in New York, Washington D.C., in that East Coast realm. There are some churches that are near here, of course, but this is an area that has really been untouched by the New IFB as far as church planting, but yet here we are tonight on a Friday night and there's well over a hundred people that showed up for a conference night and many of you are maybe here tonight and you are in the New IFB, you consider yourself part of the New IFB but you don't have a New IFB church necessarily to go to. I mean just tonight, I've met many of you and many are very kind. I met a man by the name of Franz, I hope I'm pronouncing that right, and he told me he got saved watching our documentary, Being Baptist, and I thank God for that. And he's been growing and learning and discipling through the word. But like I said, as a result, there are people maybe here tonight and you're one of them. You would say I'm part of the New IFB, I'm the New IFB listener, but I don't have a New IFB church. So I want to speak to you tonight on this subject and I hope it will be a sermon that will help people that aren't even here tonight, maybe as it gets posted on the internet and it helps people, how to be part of the New IFB when you do not have a New IFB church. I'd like to give you eight statements tonight. I'll try to go through them as quickly as I can. It might take a little bit, but I flew five and a half hours, so I figure I should take the time to preach the sermon while I'm here. I don't care how long Pastor Carl can preach for, I'm going to try to preach the sermon to you. I notice in the announcement or in the bulletin, there's a place for you to take notes. And of course, if you're able to take notes, I encourage you to maybe write these things out. Let me give you eight statements tonight and maybe you can write these out. I'll be part of the New IFB when you don't have a New IFB church. Number one, you say what do I do? Here's what you do. Find a good church to go to. Find a good church to go to. Are you there in Hebrews chapter 10? Like in verse 24. Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 24. The Bible says, and let us consider one another to provoke and to love and to good works. Notice verse 25, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the matter of some is. When the Bible says here, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, it's referring to the fact that we should not be forsaking the assembly of the church. In fact, the word church is used synonymously. It means assembly or congregation. A church is a congregation of believers. And here we're told not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together. Notice this phrase, as the matter of some is. The word matter means custom or habit. Some people, the Bible tells us, have a habit or a custom or a manner of forsaking the assembly. We're told not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the matter of some is, but exhorting one another and so much the more as we see the day approaching. Let me tell you something. The Bible says that as we get closer to the end, we understand that the world is waxing worse and worse, but as we get closer to the end, we need more church, not less. The Bible says so much the more in reference to what? In reference to not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as a matter of some things, but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaches. And I want you to notice the first little line there in verse 26. And I want you to get, this is in context in regards to a verse on church attendance. It says, for if we sin willfully, to skip out, to forsake the assembly, to skip church, the Bible tells us is a willful sin. It's not a sin of ignorance. It's a sin that we choose. It's a willful sin for if we sin. Look, and you say, well, I don't think that has, I just read verse 24, 25, 26. That's the context. The context is for if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there may have no more sacrifice for sin. The sinning willfully has to do with this idea of forsaking the assembly, of not consuming one another, to provoke and to love in good works, of not exhorting one another. And I'm here to tell you something. You say, I'm part of the UIFB, and praise God for it. You say, I was reached through the expansive digital footprint of the UIFB and the tech-savvy strategy of the UIFB pastors. Hey, praise the Lord for it, but I'm here to tell you, if you're part of the UIFB, you say, I don't have a UIFB church to go to. Okay, well, why don't you just find a good church to go to? And I'm going to tell you something. There is a good church in every major city in this country. Now, there may not be a UIFB church that we're working on, but there's a good church you can go to. And sometimes people get this idea and they say, well, you know, the only good churches are our churches, and the only great churches are the churches started by paperwork Baptist Church, or Mary Baptist Church, or Church Foundation Baptist Church. And look, I appreciate the compliment. And if you want to say that we're the best churches, hey, I don't disagree with that. And you want to say, praise God for it. But I'm here to tell you something. We're not the only churches. There are good churches out there. And you say, I don't have a UIFB church. Now look, if you can go to a UIFB church, if you live in a city where you can get to a UIFB church, get there. But if you don't live there, if there's not one you can go to, then you just find a good church to go to. And there are good churches in every major city. Don't fall for this trap that says, oh, there's no good churches. All the churches are bad, all the churches are reprobate, all the churches look. That's what the Mormons say. That's what Joseph Smith said. That's what cult leaders say. I think it's funny when people look at someone like me, or Pastor Thompson, or Pastor Shelley, or Pastor Anderson, or Pastor me and say, you guys are cult leaders. Well, it's funny that we're cult leaders, because we're the ones going around this country telling people, hey, if you can't find one of our churches, that's okay. Just find a good church. Just don't forsake the assembly. Get your rear end to church and get there. And look, here's the truth. And this is the, and I'm not trying to, I'm not trying to offend you. But if you get offended, then you don't know what the new mind feels all about. This idea that, oh, well, if I had the right church to go to, I would go to church, that's a lie. If you don't have the character to get yourself to a good church now, you're never going to have the character to get yourself to a good church. And there could be a New York church down the street from you. And if you don't have the character and integrity and the discipline and the love for God and the love for God's people to get yourself in church, it wouldn't make a difference. I mean, I, a couple of, this is maybe a couple of years ago, I was shocked. One Saturday morning, I was out soul winning like we normally do. And I was out with my soul winning partner and I knocked on the door and literally we were down the street from our church. I mean, I could, I could pick up a rock and throw. I'm not even joking. I could throw a rock at our church building and hit it. That's how close we were to Verde Baptist Church. I knock on the door, guy opens the door. I say, hi, we're coming from Verde Baptist Church. Just wanted to give you an invitation to church. And the guy stops me mid-sentence and he says, I know who you are, Pastor Jimenez. I listen to your preaching every week. He says, I listen to all of you. I read pastors. I love you guys. And I think to myself, like, you know, our church is like right there. Like literally, like literally you could walk there. But this guy never came to our church, never has come to our church. And what is he? He's a listener, but he's not a churchgoer. He said, what would you say to somebody that's part of the new IP? And that guy's probably going to listen to this sermon. And yeah, I'm talking to you, buddy. Get to church. Find a good church to go to. And look, I'm just here to tell you, don't fall for this idea that says there's no church in my area. Look, I think sometimes people have their status a little too high when it comes to churches. As far as the church you can attend. Let me just help you out and let me give you, I've taught this many times, but let me just remind you. There are some deal breakers when it comes to churches. And as far as I can tell, there are three deal breakers. There are really only three things that you've got to find in a church to be able to say, I can go to that church. And me and all my pastor friends, we all teach pretty much the same thing on these deal breakers. The only difference between them and me is that I alliterate them. So I'm going to give it to you alliterated. Hopefully I will help you remember them and maybe you can write this down. You say, what are the deal breakers? What do I have to find in a church? Here are the three things you need to find. Number one, you need to be right on salvation. I mean, you just got to find a church where they're preaching the gospel, where they're not preaching a word of salvation. They're not preaching a repent of your sins, salvation. They're not preaching you can lose your salvation. They got to be right on the gospel, right on salvation. Number two, they got to be right on scripture. Say, what is that? That's the King James Bible. You've got to be King James only. They got to be right on scripture. And then number three, they got to be soul winners. A church that goes soul winning, but at the very least will allow you to go soul winning. And I'm here to tell you something. If you can find a church that is right on salvation, right on scripture, right on soul winning, you can go there. And I could go there. If I was in the pastor of a church and I live somewhere where there is no new IP church, I could find a church that was right on salvation, that was right on scripture, that was right on soul winning and go there. And look, I'm not preaching to you theory. That's what I did. Before I was a pastor, my wife and I, at the time I was in the Air Force and we were stationed in a certain location. And what we did was we went to every old IP church in that town. So we found a church that we like that met this criteria. Right on salvation, right on scripture, right on soul winning. And I'm here to tell you, just find that. And here's what I'm trying to tell you. You can find that in every major town in this country, period, end of story. You can find a Baptist church that's right on salvation, right on scripture, right on soul winning. You can find it in every major town. You don't live in Germany. You don't live in the Congo. You live in the stinking United States of America. You can find a church like this. And let me just give you a couple of other considerations. Now those are the deal breakers. I mean, find that and go there. But you say, you know, well what if I've got, maybe you've got multiple options. And praise God, and most of you probably do. Here's some additional considerations. They're also alliterated, right? Songs and sermons. Consider their music, their songs, the style, the worldliness, and then the sermons. One thing that I did to prepare for this sermon is I texted all my pastor friends and I told them, hey, I've been preaching this sermon, what do you think? Do you have any thoughts? And a lot of them texted me back. Pastor Thompson never did. He was at camp that week and he was out with no reception. But I texted a bunch of the pastor friends and I wanted to get their opinion. And you know, this is one thing that Pastor Robinson, Pastor Jason Robinson, because he went to a non-UIV church for a long time. And he said, hey, consider the pastor's preaching and his ability. He said, if you can choose, if you are able to choose between maybe a few churches, look for the church that's going to feed you the best. Because obviously, going to a church where the preaching is boring can be very difficult. Now, should we still go to a church where the preaching is boring? Yes. But if you can go to a church where the pastor has the ability to teach, preach, you know, then his advice is that you take those into consideration. And I agree with that. I agree with that 100%. But let me just say this. Even if the pastor is boring, just go to church. And don't make the standard, you know, like, whoa, you know, they've got to preach like, don't make the standard like the new IFB preaching. They've got to preach like Pastor Anderson. Nobody preaches like Pastor Anderson. They got to preach like, you know, it's got to be like the Red Hot Preaching Conference, you know, every Sunday night or look, let me tell you something. Anytime a man of God opens up the Word of God, I don't care how monotone, I don't care how serious, like you say, well, they're not very tactful or they're not very funny or they're not very eloquent. When a man of God opens up the Word of God, you can learn from it. The Bible says all scripture is given by inspiration of God and it's proper for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good work. And you can find a church where the pastor is saved, where he loves the Lord, where he's doing right. Maybe he's not right on the preacher of rapture. Maybe he's not right on dispensationalism. Maybe he's not right on the Jews. Maybe he's not right on some of those things that we obviously are correct on and we understand that. But I'm here to tell you, notice how none of those things were in the list. The only thing you need to get to church is to find a church that is right on salvation, right on scripture, right on solomony. And if you've got a pick of a few, consider their psalms, consider their sermons. But I'm here to tell you, if you're in the new IP and you don't have a new IP church to go to, you need to find a good church to go to. And there is a good church in every major city in this country. And you say, okay, well, then what? Alright, well here's statement number two. I'm trying to give you some advice tonight. Number one, find a good church to go to. Number two, be a blessing at your church. Be a blessing, find a good church to go to and then be a blessing at your church. You say, how do I do that? Very simply, this is alliterated too. Sit down and shut up. Just go there and be a blessing. I'm not sure if you kept your place in the book of Acts. If you kept your place in Acts, go over to the book of Romans, Romans chapter 16. Acts, Romans, Romans chapter 16. Look at verse one. I want you to notice how the apostle Paul spoke about some fellow church members. In Romans 16 and verse one, he says, I commend unto you Phoebe our sister, which is a servant of the church, which is at Synchria. I want you to notice how this lady, Phoebe, was described by the apostle Paul. He said that she was a servant of the church. What does he mean by that? She was a blessing. She was a help. She showed up. She wasn't causing problems. She wasn't causing trouble. No, she was a servant of the church. Go to 1 Corinthians chapter 16. Then in Romans, let's flip over to 1 Corinthians chapter 16. 1 Corinthians chapter 16 and verse 15. 1 Corinthians 16, 15. The Bible says, I beseech you brethren, you know the house of Stephanus, that it is the first fruits of Iki, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints, that ye submit yourselves unto such, and to everyone that, notice what he says, helpeth with us and labor. Here he's talking about the house of Stephanus. He says they were addicted. They've addicted themselves to the ministry. And he says, hey, you ought to submit yourself unto people like this and anyone else who helpeth with us and laboring. You know what Paul was saying? Paul was saying this about these individuals, that they were a blessing at their church. And you know what? You should be, as a new IFB listener, you should be a blessing at your church. You should find a good church to go to and be a blessing. Don't sit there and pick the pastor apart. Here's what Pastor Shelley said. Pastor Shelley said, and look, it's funny to me how, you know, these people characterize us as these hateful cult leaders. We're just mean and angry. And sometimes even the old IFB will characterize us that way. But here's what Pastor Shelley said. And it's funny, it's interesting because, you know, I was writing Pastor Shelley's name down in my notes here. Don't tell him I said this, okay? And I wanted to make sure I spelled his name wrong. So I just Googled his name real quickly just to make sure I was spelling it right. You know, and first, everything that came up was just like, Texas pastor hates everyone, you know, wants everyone dead. And, you know, all these, these gay brains, all these terrible things, you know. And it's like, here's what this hateful preacher said. Pastor Shelley, he said, he told me to tell you, to tell them. He said, tell them, tell the new IFB listeners that don't have a new IFB church to go to. He said, tell them to have an attitude that your church is a blessing and only speaks positively about reason. I mean, praise the Lord for that. Here's what Pastor Mahio said. He said, be a representative of the new IFB in your church. Don't add to the stigma. Be your pastor's greatest church member. You know what new IFB listeners should be? They should be the greatest church members in that church. I believe, look, I believe that Christians should be the greatest workers at their job. Christians at their job. I'm not talking about the new IFB, I'm talking about all Christians. When they go to work, they should be the best worker, right? Because they're doing it as unto the Lord. They should show up on time. They should get there early. They should stay late. They should work hard. They should not steal from their boss. They should not take longer breaks than they're allowed to or take longer lunch breaks. They should be the greatest workers. And here's what I think. In my town, in Sacramento, where I pastor, I think the people, the businesses in that town should look at the members of Verity Baptist Church and say, those people are crazy. Those people are an occult. I don't agree with those people. I don't like those people. But I want to hire as many of them as possible. I mean, that should be their attitude. Every old IFB pastor's attitude towards the life they should be, it should be those people are crazy. I would never say what they say. I would never go so winning as long as they go so winning. I would never do the things they do. But I want to get as many of them in my church as possible. And you know, honestly, I think the tide is turning a little bit with the old IFB because there have been some that have been troublemakers and I'll cover that in a minute. But I think a lot of old IFB pastors are starting to realize that, like, man, everyone in my church that serves, that goes so winning in tides, they're all new IFB listeners. And I think they're starting to realize, like, you know, it's like a don't ask, don't tell. But it's like a wink, wink. Yeah. You know, they see you walk in with your graphic tee. You know, eat, sleep, soul win or whatever. And they're like, yeah, come on in. And look, that's the way it should be. Because the new IFB listeners that don't have a new IFB church to go to should find a good church to go to, sit down, shut up, serve, soul winning. I don't know what other liberation I could give you. Just be a good member and be a blessing at that church. Get on board with whatever the pastor's doing. Get on board with whatever you can get on board with. Don't make a big deal about the things you can't get on board with. You know, carnal Christians will make a big deal out of small things. Mature Christians will make a little deal about some big things. And obviously, I'm not saying there's wickedness going on or things that don't allow you to be part of that church. Obviously, you have to have that integrity. But if there's some things the church is doing, you can't get on board with it. Don't pick the pastor apart. Don't criticize the ministry. Get on board where you can get on board. Help where you can help. And where you can't, just remain silent, remain quiet. Don't cause any problems. Go to Deuteronomy, if you would, Deuteronomy chapter 14. At the beginning of the Bible, you have Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy chapter 14. I remember years ago, my wife and I were going to an old IP church before we started our church. And on Super Bowl Sunday, the church would have this thing, because they were trying to keep people from not skipping church on Super Bowl Sunday, they would have this thing where they would record the Super Bowl and then they would watch it together after the Sunday night service. And in order to keep people, and they would tell people to wear their jersey of their favorite team. Well, obviously, my wife and I, you know, we didn't want anything to do with that. Because the Super Bowl is wicked. And watching, you know, and watching professional sports is stupid and it's a waste of time. And it's, you know, it's dumb and whatever. But, you know, it would have been really easy for me to just kind of get on a little soapbox and tell a pastor, like, this is wicked, this is wrong. You know, but we just said, hey, you know, we're going to get on board, we're going to get on board. Obviously, we're going to stick around and watch the Super Bowl after the service. But they were doing this thing where they were like, well, bring your favorite jersey of your favorite team. And they're going to have a little voting thing about, you know, who brought the best jersey or whatever. You know, my wife and I, we had this idea, it was my wife who did it. We had this idea, like, obviously we're not going to go buy some jersey for some football team and support them or whatever. But you know what my wife did? She created, she made these jerseys at home that said Team Jimenez. And each person had a number. I think I was number one and she was number two. And whatever kids we had at the time were three, four, five. They said Team Jimenez on the front and had our name on the back. And it was the truth. And you know what? We walked into that Sunday night service wearing jerseys that we were comfortable with where we could get on board. And it was a hit. Everybody loved it. Everybody thought it was nice and cute, whatever. And you know what? We went to church Sunday night. We didn't stay for the Super Bowl game. And here's what I'm telling you. We were a blessing at that church. We didn't try to pick the pastor apart and criticize him. We got on board where we could get on board, where we could not get on board. We didn't get on board and we didn't make a big deal about it. I'm here to tell you, find a good church to go to. There's a good church in every major city in this country. And be a blessing at your church. Now, let me just save you the conversation because some of you are going to walk up to me after the service and say, Well, the pastor Jimenez, I'm the exception. Because I live in Podong village town or whatever. And there's no new, no good church, no new IP, old IP. No church in my area. Okay, well point number three is for you, all right? Number one is find a good church to go to. Number two is be a blessing at your church. Number three is commute to a church. So there's no, there really is no good church in my area. Okay, then commute. Find a good church to go to. You say commute to a new IP? It's not close enough. I didn't say commute to a new IP. If you can commute to a new IP, commute to a new IP. But if you can't find a good church in the area, just commute to any church. A good church. An old IP church. Commute there. Go there. Do you know that God expected people to make the journey to go to church? To go to the house of God? Deuteronomy 14, let me give you an example. Deuteronomy 14. This is obviously in the Old Testament. The house of God was the tabernacle. At this time, the letter became the temple. But in Deuteronomy 14 and verse 24. Now in the New Testament, the Bible tells us that the church of the living God, that thou mayest know how to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar ground of truth. In the New Testament, the church is the house of God. In the Old Testament, it was the tabernacle or the temple. Here in Deuteronomy 14, 24, the Bible says, this is God speaking to the children of Israel. He says, and if the way be too long for thee. He's talking about them going to the house of God. He says, I realize that for some of you, it's a long journey. The way be too long for thee, so that thou are not able to carry it. What are you talking about? And I want you to understand this. The primary application here is about tithing. I'm not preaching about tithing tonight. I want you to actually just notice the secondary application. But the primary application, he's talking to people who are supposed to tithe. And at the time, this was an agricultural society. When they tithed, they literally would bring 10% of their flocks, or their herds, or their harvests. They got a hundred sheep. They would literally tithe. The first 10 of that hundred, they would bring it to the Lord. That's what he's talking about. He says, and if the way be too long for thee, so that thou are not able to carry it, or if the place be too far from thee, with the Lord thy God shall choose to set a name there, when thy Lord thy God has blessed thee, then thou shall turn it into money, and bring up the money into thine hand, and shall go into the place with the Lord thy God shall choose. So he's talking about, look, if you've got to bring, actually 10% of the crop that you brought in, the cattle that you own, the sheep that you have, and it's too far away, he's telling them, turn it into money, sell it for what it's worth, carry the money with you to the house of God. And then tithe off that. That's the primary application. Here's the application I want you to see. When God says to them, if the way be too long for thee, so that thou are not able to carry, or if the place be too far from thee, which the Lord thy God shall choose, he says, here's what he doesn't say. He doesn't say, just live stream. He says, look, do what you got to do. Turn it into money. If you got to turn it into money, he says, last part of verse 25, and shall go unto the place. Did God expect them to make the journey? God expected them to make the journey. He expected them to make the trip. He expected them to make the drive, to make the commute. And you know what? Today, people will act like you're crazy. We have people in our church, and I thank God for it. Our church is filled with people. Our church has all these weird dynamics. Our church is filled with people that are soul winners, that have literally just knocked on their door. And reach them. So they come to our church. And sometimes I preach sermons like these. And they're like, who's Pastor Shelley? And then our church is filled with new IP listeners that God reached through the new IP movement. We've got people that have moved to our church. We've got people that commute from all over the place. And I praise God for it. And you know, our commuters are awesome. And they're some of the best church members we have. And today, you know, people say like, oh, I drive an hour and a half to go to church. I drive an hour and 45 minutes to go to church. I drive an hour to go to church. And people act like you're just insane. You drive an hour and 30 minutes to go to church. Are you crazy? I mean, are you just living in Kool-Aid? Are you just in a cult? Are you insane? I mean, don't you know there's churches everywhere? And I don't know how it is here. I think the fact is pretty bad here. So I'm assuming the same way here as it is in Sacramento. But out of the state of California, which is about an hour and a half from San Francisco, California, about an hour and a half from the Bay Area. And you get off on I-80 in the town of Sacramento on Interstate 80 and start heading west at about 5 in the morning, you're going to find a bunch of cars of people that get up, not Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night. Oh, no. Monday morning, Monday afternoon, Tuesday morning, Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday morning, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday morning, Thursday afternoon, Friday morning, Friday afternoon. They get up at 5 in the morning, they get in their cars, and they drive an hour and a half into the Bay Area. You know what they're called? Computers. And nobody thinks anything weird about it. They're like, oh, yeah. This guy's talking like, well, you know there's jobs here. You can drive all the way out there for a job. You know there's jobs here. Well, no, not like that job. Well, you know what? People say, you drive all the way to church, you know the church is here. Not like that church. You should see the benefits I get at that church. You should see the rewards I earn in heaven at that church. Why do you drive to the Bay Area? The pay's better, the benefits are better, it's a better job, it's worth the drive. Well, you know what? The pay that you'll get in heaven for being part of a good church instead of sitting on your rear end and life-breaking sermons is better, it's worth the drive. And they'll do it for the almighty dollar, but they won't do it for the almighty God and the church of that God and the house of that God. He said, what should I do if I'm in the new IAB and I don't have a new IAB church? Hey, find a good church to go to. There's one in every major city. And then when you get there, be a blessing. Sit down and shut off and get involved. Say, that doesn't work for me. Okay, commute to church. Find a good new IAB or old IAB church and go there. That doesn't work for me either. Okay, Goldilocks, let me give you statement number four. If finding a good church to go to doesn't work, being a blessing at a good church doesn't work, commute to a church, a good church doesn't work. Here's statement number four. Move to a new IAB church. Because I don't really believe you that there's no good church in the area. Maybe there's just not any church you like. And look, if you don't like the churches in the area, that's your prerogative. I get that. I'm not against that. You say, well, what do I do? Move. Move. You say move? Move to church? Move to church? Go to Genesis chapter 12. Genesis chapter 12. If you don't like any of the churches in the area, move. See, moving is radical. Really? Because in the Bible there's a man who the Bible calls, I mean, we refer to him as the father of faith. Not only do we refer to him as the father of faith because he had great faith, we refer to him as the father of faith because you could say, and obviously he's not God and he's not Jesus, but as a human figure, you could say that he's the man that God chose to start our faith. A man by the name of Abraham. The father of faith. Faithful Abraham. I mean, this man is known for his faith. If there was one thing you would characterize Abraham for, his faith. There are many acts of faith. You know what's interesting? His very first act of faith. The first act of faith that Abraham had was the fact that he moved. Genesis 12, verse 1. Now the Lord has said unto Abraham, father of faith, here's the first thing, God told Abraham, get thee out of thy country at the geographical location and from thy kindred, that's what we would call extended family, and from thy father's house, that's what we would call immediate family, unto a land that I will show thee. What did Abraham do? So Abraham departed. As the Lord had spoken unto him, and law went with him, and Abraham was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Herod, and Abraham took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the soul that they had gotten in Herod, and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan, and into the land of Canaan they came. I want you to notice that God told Abraham, hey listen Abraham, you're going to have to move, and the Bible says Abraham departed. And again, people act like you move for a church and you're just a weirdo freak of nature, I can't believe you would move, but don't move for a job. Well I got this promotion, but I got to move away. They're making me a supervisor, but I got to move to a different location. People don't move for a job, and you know what, when people move for a job, you know what their unsafe family says? Well you do what you got to do. But you move for work. You move for work and it's no big deal. But when you move for a church, then it's like you're in a cult, you're weird. Listen to me, it is more important where you go to church than where you work. And church and God should come before our work. You know the Bible says, but seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. The Bible says that in all things he shall have the preeminence. You say, well you know, you're asking us to move and that's a big act of faith. Most of the new active churches are on the west coast, we'd have to move all the way from the east coast to the west coast, that's a big act of faith. You know what, it is a big act of faith. And let me just be clear about something, I'm not here tonight telling you how to move. I'm telling you, you do need to find a good church to go to. But when you tell me, I don't have a church to go to, then my answer is, well then commute. And if you say, look, here's step one, find a good church to go to. I don't have a good church to go to. Find a good church to go to. There's not one in my area. Okay, step two, commute to a good church in a major city. I can't commute, I can't afford it, I can't this, I can't that. Okay, here's step three, move to a good church. I can't move. Okay, well then, rewind and go back to step one, find a good church to go to in your area. I can't find a good church to go to. Commute to a church. I can't find a church to commute to and find. Then move. One of them's got a word. Give the host of God a priority. He said, oh, that's a big act of faith. Moving to the West Coast is a big act of faith. Look, I'm not telling you to move to the West Coast. I'm telling you to find a good church. I'm telling you to drive to a good church. But you say, well, I don't want to do it. Then move. And you know, you say, here's the beautiful thing, for those of you who live on the East Coast, here's the beautiful thing for you. You do end up moving to the West Coast, it shouldn't be that big of a shock, a culture shock for you, because the East Coast is just as liberal and just as wicked. We saw a bunch of fads here, too. So it shouldn't be that big of a culture shock for you. And in fact, I think the traffic's better on the West Coast than here. And I'm not saying that in a negative way, because here's the honest truth. The honest truth is I'm a terrible driver on the West Coast. I'm a very bad driver. I'll be honest with you. I don't know why. I like to think it's because I'm a visionary and my mind's always just thinking about like greater things we can do for God. But I'm just constantly cutting people off, you know, whatever. On the West Coast, I'm a terrible driver. On the East Coast, I'm awesome. I mean, on the East Coast, I was the one yelling at me on the honking. I'm like, yeah, I'm driving here. You know, like, people are coming. I mean, at one point, I was stopped in the middle of two roads, two streets, right in the middle. I just stopped. Look at this. I'm stopped. I'm blocking two streets. Nobody cares. They're just going around me. This is awesome. So, you know, I'm not saying that in a negative way. You know, I feel like I found my, my, my, my, the exact place where your drive is is called. I'm just telling you, look, you can move. You can find the church. You can be a blessing. And that's what you need to do. This is number one, find a good church to go to. Number two, be a blessing in your church. Number three, commute to a church. Number four, move to a new IP church. Here's statement number five. Go to Ecclesiastes, if you would. Ecclesiastes chapter four. You open up your Bible just right in the center. You're more than likely to follow the book of Psalms. Write up your Psalms. You have Proverbs, then the book of Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes chapter number four. Here's statement number five. Network with other new IP listeners. If you end up not moving, and you end up, you know, just finding a good church in your area, commuting to a good church, I think that's great. I think you should do that. So what else can I do? Here's what you can do. Network with other new IP listeners. So what do you mean by network? Here's what, here's the definition of networking. Networking is a supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest. Well, you should network with other new IP listeners. Here's what Pastor Berzins said to me when I was talking to him about this. He said when he was moving to Atlanta, Georgia to start, when he was looking, considering moving to start a church, one of the places he was looking at was Atlanta, Georgia, and he says one of the reasons he chose Atlanta, Georgia, this was not the only reason, but it was definitely a factor in his decision-making, was the fact that there was a man there in Atlanta who is a faithful man at his church now, who literally had an Excel spreadsheet with 30 contacts, you know, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, of new IP listeners in the Atlanta area, because they had done so many marathons and preaching nights and things like that, so this guy had taken a, they had set up so many times and they were networking, but they got organized and they got the information. So, look, you better believe when there's a preacher, a pastor, trying to consider, huh, where can I start a church, and somebody's like, well, here's a list of 30 people that would go to your church on day one. That's very attractive. So, you know, something you could do, by the way, one of the reasons we're here tonight, you know, we're not here to start a church, we're not there yet, we don't have the resources, the ability to do that, but this is something that helps pave the way in getting some churches started on the East Coast. Ecclesiastes 4, look at verse 9. Look, you were created for community. Notice what Ecclesiastes 4, verse 9 says, two are better than one. Two are better than one. Why? Here's why. Look at what he says. He says because, he's about to give us four different reasons why two are better than one. He says two are better than one because, number one, because of the service. Notice he says they have a good reward for their labor. You know, we can accomplish more together than we can apart. That's a proven fact. I'm saying, if you take two soul winners that go soul winning by themselves, and then you take those two same soul winners, and they go soul winning together, or you take four soul winners that go soul winning by themselves, individually by themselves, and then take those four soul winners, and they go together, they partner together, or you take eight that go by themselves, and you take eight that go together, the group will always outdo more than the individual sum of their hearts. It's called synergy. So two are better than one. Why? Because they have a good reward for their labor. Because of the service, they're better than one. But that's not the only reason. They're better because of their service. Look at verse 10. They're better because of their support. For if they fall, Pastor Thompson just preached a great sermon about that. The devil wants to sift you as wheat. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow. But woe unto him that is alone when he fallen. That's what he was talking about. The predator wants to separate you from the group. Woe unto him that is alone when he fallen. For he hath not another to help him up. Why are two better than one? Because of their service. Why are two better than one? Because of their support. Number three, look at verse 11. Why are two better than one? Because of their stimulation. Again, if two lie together, they have heat. But how can one be warm alone? Here's the idea. My brother-in-law gave me this idea out of this verse. He said, you know, Christianity, he told me, a pastor told him this, that Christianity is like coals of fire. You take coals, and they're hot, and you put them together, they retain their heat. But you begin to separate them, and they begin to cool down. Alone, they cool down, but together, they retain their heat. This is what the Bible says. Again, if two lie together, then they have heat. But how can one be warm alone? This is not about physically, but the same is true spiritually. When you are around other people that read the word of God, other people that love the Lord Jesus Christ, other people that homeschool their children, other people that go soloing, other people that live a separated life, it helps you. But if you try to live the Christian life by yourself, you won't last very long. Because you were created for community. So two are better than one because of their service, two are better than one because of their support, two are better than one because of their stimulation. Notice the last one here in verse 12, two are better than one because of their security. And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand them. That's why we go on soloing two by two. There's strength in numbers. There's security. Here's what I love. He just got done telling us two are better than one because he gives us these four different reasons, and then he ends this little talk at the end of verse 12 by saying a threefold cord is not quickly broken. He says two are better than one because of their service, because of their support, because of their stimulation, because of their security. But then he ends by saying you know what's better than two? Three. And you know what's better than three? Four. And you know what's better than four? A hundred. See, you say what should I do as a new IP listener that doesn't have a new IP church? You should network with other new IP listeners. And by the way, that will make you more attractive as a potential church plant as men are trained and ready to go into the ministry. We were created for community. This is why events like these are great. They're powerful. And look, Pastor Thompson and I are new IP pastors on the West Coast. And the West Coast right now has a greater presence in regards to the new IP. Obviously, we have a church in Sacramento, California. We have a church in Vancouver, Washington. There's a church in Spokane, Washington. There's a church in Anaheim, California. There's a church in Fresno, California. There's a church in Boise, Idaho. We'll even throw them in. And we don't have as much of that on the East Coast. But look, I'm going to tell you something. We want that. Unlike Tupac and Biggie, we actually love you guys. We don't have beef with you. We love you guys, which is why we're here. We want to see the East Coast dotted with new IP churches up and down the East Coast. But look, you say, how does it happen? It doesn't happen with us. It happens with you. It begins with you. I'm going to tell you something. If the East Coast is going to be won over, it's going to have to be won over by someone from the East Coast. Because this place is weird. And you're just not going to pick somebody out of Texas or Oklahoma and throw them into New Jersey. It's going to take a New Jersey guy. That's why people ask me, what are you going to throw a church in the Bay Area when a Bay Area guy steps up? Because I just need someone from Oakland, California, San Jose, California, San Jose is going to go to hell. And, you know, just step up in those areas. So network with UIFB listeners. Make yourself attractive. Some of you young men that want to go into the ministry, you need to make the move to get trained somewhere so you can come back to your hometowns and your home cities and start churches on this coast. So what do I do? Network with other UIFB listeners. Here's number six. Go back to Acts, chapter 14. I'm not sure if you kept your place in Acts. I'm not going to keep your place in Acts. Acts, chapter 14. Here's number six. This one came up while I was talking to Pastor Anderson. He didn't tell me to say this. He was just telling me a story. And I said, man, that's a great story. Can I use that for my secret? He's like, yeah, sure. So here's number six. Don't become sycophantic. Don't become a sycophant. You say, what is sycophantic or being a sycophant? Here's the definition. Behavior in which someone is overly flattering or affectionate to people in power or authority in a way that is not sincere, usually in order to get some advantage from them. Here's what's interesting. And look, we appreciate and come to hear many of you and many kind words and encouraging words. You've been telling me about the sermons you've listened to and the cities that have helped you. And I praise God for that. And I appreciate that. And honestly, that is an encouragement to us. We go through a lot of crap. So sometimes just hearing somebody say like, hey, what you're doing is helping is extremely encouraging to us. So look, I'm not. Look, be a fan. We want you to be a fan of the new IFP. But here's what we don't want you to be. We don't want you to be a sycophant. Be a fan, not a sycophant. You say, what do you mean? Here's what I mean. Sometimes it seems like the people who love you the most are the ones who are just the fastest to stab you in the back. And look, there's no new thing under the sun. Are you there in Acts 14? I want you to know there's a story real quickly. Acts 14, verse 11. The Bible says, and when the people saw what Paul had done. Now, I don't have time to develop it, but the boss of Paul just healed a man. He just healed a man. The Bible says, when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voice saying in the speech of the Lykonia, notice what they said. The gods, lowercase g, the gods are come down to us in the likeness of men, verse 12, and they called Barnabas Jupiter and Paul Mercurius because he was the chief speaker. He said, what happened? Here's what happened. Paul healed a man. And the heathen said, these two must be gods. And they call them Roman gods, Jupiter and Mercury. And they began to try to worship them. Now, I'm not going to take the time to read it all, but in the following verses, the apostle Paul is restraining them and saying, don't worship us. We are men of like passion. He said, we are men like you. We're not gods. He begins to preach the gospel to them. Here's what's really interesting though. In verse 19, literally, when you get done in verse 18 with Paul telling them, like, don't worship us. We're not gods. The next verse, verse 19 says, and there came hither certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded the people. And having stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, supposing he had been dead. How being as their disciples stood round about him, he rose up and came into the city. And the next day, he departed with Barnabas and Derby. Here's what I want you to get. In verses 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, you've got these people who literally want to worship Paul and Barnabas as lowercase g gods. And in verse 19 and 18, you've got the same people in the next verse stoning them to death, stoning Paul to death. He said, what were these people? They weren't fans. They were sycophants. They lobbed Paul one minute and wanted to destroy him the next. You know, Pastor Anderson, the reason I added this, he was telling me the story of a guy who sent him in the mail a $10 gift card in the mail. He sent him a $10 gift card as a little gift. And then this guy began to email every day. Not Pastor Anderson's personal email, but the church email, which he obviously checked the church email. He's got staff that takes care of that. So this guy started emailing the church email every day, like three days in a row, which obviously, look, these guys are busy. And responding to emails is a priority. But when somebody's emailing you, like, hey, I sent you a $10 gift card. Did you get it? That's not the number one priority in a ministry, to just make sure you respond to that guy ASAP. So this guy sends three emails saying, did you get the $10 gift card? Did you get the $10 gift card? Did you get the $10 one? And then the fourth email is just like, F you, Pastor Anderson. And it's just like, listen, guy, look, all of us as pastors, we are all thankful for any gifts and things that we get. And we appreciate all of it. And we give out $10 gift cards to people at our church. So I'm not, but let me just be clear about something. $10 is not that much. It's not like you got, you didn't buy the guy a car. You sent him a $10 gift card, and because his staff didn't respond in three days, it's like, F you. You know, there's something wrong with you. There's something wrong with people like that. When you're a sycophant, there's some bolts that are loose up there. I'm all for you being a fan. I want you to be fans. And you know what? I'd rather my sons be fans of men of God, preachers in the new IFP to stand up and preach the word of God than be a fan of some basketball player, or some football player, or some baseball player. So be a fan. Just don't be a sycophant. Understand the difference. And you know, I want to bring this up because something recently happened that a lot of people have been asking me about. And I just want to try to answer this. And people want to know what I think about this. Because Manley Perry, who was a pastor that used to identify himself in the new IFP, and he turned on us, and specifically on Pastor Anderson, he's invited a man to preach at his church by the name of Pastor Nichols. And you may or may not know this, but Pastor Anderson and I, we grew up in the same church, Regency Baptist Church in Sacramento, California. Pastor Nichols was no longer the pastor there. He was retired, but he was the pastor there. And you know, Pastor Anderson and I met when we were very young before either one of us was pastors, before I was married. I was 16 years old when we met. We've been friends for a long time. And we were part of Pastor Nichols' ministry. And look, let me just say this. I'm bringing this up not to say anything about Pastor Nichols because to be honest with you, I love Pastor Nichols and I appreciate everything that Pastor Nichols has done for us. I would not be who I am if it was not for Pastor Nichols. When I was 17 years old, I got my wife saved. And you know what? My wife, the first church she went to was Regency Baptist Church. That's where she was baptized. That's the pastor that married us. That's where we learned a lot of the great truths that we believe today. So I appreciate everything Pastor Nichols has done. You know, I don't know that Pastor Nichols knows anything about Manly Perry unless he knows who Manly Perry is. But you know, Manly Perry is invited because Pastor Nichols is now retired. So he's like preaching in different places. And Pastor Nichols has been invited by Manly Perry to preach at his church. But here's the thing. Manly Perry doesn't have any connection to Pastor Nichols at all. They don't know each other. They have no, they have one connection. The connection that Pastor Nichols has with Pastor Anderson and myself. And look, I'm going to tell you, the only reason Manly Perry is having Pastor Nichols preached for him is because he's a sycophant. He's acting like some sort of scorned ex-girlfriend who's all bitter and still has some sort of relevance, you know. So he's inviting Pastor Nichols or something. Look, if you want to know, what do you think about that? Here's what I think about it. It's weird. Manly Perry's weird. And anyone who still goes to his church at this point is not normal. And look, and you say, what does that have to do with being a sycophant? This is the same guy that when he was with us, he makes a video called, Why I'm an Andersonite. You know, it's like if they're just over the top, just over the top flattery, we love you, and then it's just like stabbing you in the back. Look, you ought to be loyal to people. Don't be the sycophant where you're just like, you know, be a fan. Thank God for you. We love you, and we appreciate your love in return. But don't go crazy with it and then turn on us. You know, you should be, hey, look, you know what, I don't, obviously I don't see eye to eye with Pastor Nichols on everything. I mean, we're a new IFB, he's old IFB. I think that's obvious. But I can respect what he's done for me. And I love him for it, and I appreciate it. And you know, people that have been reached through the new IFB, sometimes they turn on us when they should have happened. And maybe they have to go our ways. Maybe they don't want to be thankful to us anymore. But if we got you saved, if we discipled you, if you're the reason, we're the reason you're a church, you think you'd have some appreciation for us. And that makes sense to anyone who's not crazy. So don't be a sick of that. Number seven, go to Acts chapter 20. Acts chapter 20, we're almost done. All right, and when I say it, I mean it. I'm not. I'm just kidding. I'm probably going to preach like no 35 minutes. It's just what we do. Number one, find a good church to go to. Number two, be a blessing at your church. Number two, commute to a church. Number three, commute to a church. Number four, move to a new IFB church. Number five, network with other IFB listeners. Number six, don't become a sick of that. Number seven, here's another point. If you're a new IFB listener that doesn't go to a new IFB church, you're going to a good church in your area, you're being a blessing, you're getting involved, but you still like to listen to the preaching of the new IFB, pray God for that. Let me give you some advice. Listen to all of the sermons. Listen to all of the sermons of all the pastors. That's not what I mean. But here's the thing. You should not be one of these listeners who's just cherry picking the sermons that they want to listen to. Acts 20, verse 27, notice what the Bible says. Acts 20, verse 27. For I have not shown to declare unto you all the counsel of God. You know, one thing that I've noticed that it can be very dangerous with new IFB listeners that don't go to church is that they end up cherry picking all the sermons that they like, that they're interested in. So they end up listening to every sermon about the end times, every sermon about the Son of Mites, every sermon about the Jews, and they're like experts on those subjects, but then they don't know anything else. You know that we preach a lot more stuff than just that? I mean, I've literally asked, there was a guy that visited the church, I talked to him one of ours, so when I talked to him after the service, but the report that I got was this guy, he's like, I listen to Pastor Anderson, and obviously this is not Pastor Anderson's fault, because Pastor Anderson preached to the whole council. But this guy's like, I listen to Pastor Anderson, the soul trainer came to say, they didn't believe in eternal security. And this was their argument they made to our soul winner. I believe everything Pastor Anderson believes, and he's never preached in eternal security. And we're like, you don't listen to Pastor Anderson, you idiot. And then you talk to the guy, and it's like, well, what sermons have you listened to? And it's like, it's the sodomites, the Jews. Look, and look, praise God for it, but why don't you just listen to all the sermons? So you can get a balanced diet, or better yet, go to church Sunday morning. You know the great thing about going to church Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night? You don't get to scroll and pick the sermon. You don't get to pause the sermon. You don't get to ex the sermon. You don't get to, you know, mute the sermon. You just listen, and a man of God preaches what you need, and sometimes what you need is not what you think you need. So look, listen to all the sermons. Go to church, listen to all the sermons, go to all the church services, and if you've ever been listening online, praise God, but listen to all the sermons. Find Bible studies to listen to, you know, find other sermons to listen to, and get involved in that way. Number eight, go to Proverbs 27. If you go to Proverbs 27, if you open your Bible just right in the center, right after Psalms you have Proverbs, Proverbs 27. Here's number eight, and you guys are doing this, all right? So this is a guilt-free point for you. Go to new IFB events. Go to new IFB events. Here's what Pastor Mahita said. Pastor Mahita said, attend the Red Hop Reaching Conference. And I echo that. You're like, oh, it's too far. Hey, we came here. But look, you don't have to go to the Red Hop Reaching Conference, but there's other conferences, the Five Reading Baptist Fellowship, the new IFB East Coast Conference. You know, go to soul-winning marathons, go to soul-winning events. You know, do these things. Proverbs 27, verse 17, iron, sharpen it, iron. Iron, sharpen it, iron. So, amen, sharpen it. The confidence of the spring. You need people to fellowship with. Look, you can't just live out there by yourself in the world, like Pastor Thomas was preaching about, warming yourself in the fire of the world. He said, but I don't have any good friends. Well, make friends. Show up for the soul-winning marathon tomorrow. Get partnered with somebody. Make friends, make connections. I was talking to Pastor Jones about this sermon, and here's what he, here's the little anecdote he told me. He told me, and Pastor Thomas, you can correct me if I'm wrong, because I don't remember a lot of the details, especially back then, 2016, 15, 16. Those were big years for us. But Pastor Jones said, before he was a pastor, he lived in Washington, and he was driving down on a semi-regular basis. Obviously, you can't commute to Sacramento from Washington. They had a church he was going to in his area. But once a month, once every other month, him and his family were driving down to Sacramento for a weekend just to be worth a pass. This was before the Red Hawk regional conference, just to be able to be around other believers. Well, the interesting thing is that Pastor Thompson, before he was a pastor, living in another part of Washington, was doing the same thing, driving down every once in a while. And at some point, I told Pastor Jones, like, hey, you know there's another guy that lives in Washington that comes with him, too. He's like, really? And he's like, what's his name? Well, I woke him up on Facebook, and I gave him his name, and I said, you can't miss him, he's real tall. And they got connected, and they became friends, and then they started sewing together, and other people in Washington. And look, as a result of that, a church was started in Vancouver, Washington. A pastor was trained and rose up to leave that church. A church was started in Boise, Idaho. A pastor was trained and raised up. Why? Because UICB listeners were going to events, were networking, were spending time together. So what? Spend time with other UICB listeners. Go to songs, and let me just finish this up. When it comes to, what do you say to a UICB listener who doesn't have a UICB church? You tell them to find a good church to go to. There's a good church in every major city. Be a blessing at your church, sit down and stop. You commute to church, to a UICB or old IAB church. You move to a UICB church, if you don't like the churches in your area, you network with other UICB listeners. You don't become sycophantic. You listen to all the sermons, get a balanced diet, and you go to UICB events. Now let me just conclude by giving you the characteristics of the UICB. Because something we talk a lot about in the UICB is the doctrines that separate us. We're not pre-trained, we're not dispensational, we're not Zionist, we're family integrated. There's certain things that we believe that separate us and praise God for that. We emphasize it a lot. But there's also a character or a spirit of the UICB that should characterize us. That is something that we want you to have. So I do want to leave you with this. If you're a UICB, here's how you know if you're a UICB. Not necessarily just by your doctrine, but by your character and your way of life. You say, what are the characteristics of the UICB? Number one, serious Bible knowledge. You don't have to turn that off. You don't have to turn there. I'll just read this for you. The Bible says, study to show thyself, approved unto God, a workman that he is not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. You know what we believe in the UICB? That you read your Bible every day, that you memorize the Bible, that you listen to the Bible, that you study the Bible, that you know the Bible. One thing we believe in the UICB is having deep Bible knowledge, studying the word of God. You say, I'm part of the UICB. Then you better be reading your Bible every day. You better be in the word of God every day. Serious Bible knowledge, that characterizes the UICB. But you know what also characterizes the UICB? Zealous soul winning. You don't have to turn there. I'll just read this for you. First Corinthians 9, 16, for though I preach the gospel, I have nothing the glory of, for necessity is laid upon me. Yea, woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel. You ought to be a soul winner. You ought to show up to the soul winning marathon tomorrow. And you ought to be consistent in soul winning. Be a zealous soul winner. And that's something I characterize as the UICB. So I mean, I don't know of any movement of Christianity that has soul winning marathons like the ones we have. At the Red Owl Preaching Conference every year, last year, opening night of the Red Owl Preaching Conference, I think we had like 564 people in church or something for that opening night. But on Saturday for soul winning, we had 329 soul winners. Pastor Robinson was telling me a story about a friend he has who started going to an old IAP church and he showed up to a soul winning time. There was a few guys there. And they asked him, you know, they asked him, like, do you have any soul winning experience? And he said, well, I've gone to some soul winning marathons. And they're like, marathons, huh? Are you an UICB listener? You know, it's like this code word. And I told this story at my church, and then some of my church members told me, like, yeah, when I went to another church, that's how I found out other people were UICB at the church, you know, because they were talking about going to a soul winning marathon. So that's a little code word for you. If you're thinking, like, I think they might be a listener. Just throw that word out. We didn't go to a soul winning marathon. They're like, huh? They're like, no, you're not. They're like, yeah, Detroit. You know, I was like, yeah. Be a zealous soul winner. Here's another UICB characteristic, hard preaching. Isaiah 58, one, cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgressions, and the house of Jacob their sins. Look, the UICB is characterized by hard preaching. We're going to preach the word of God. We're not ashamed of it. And today, you know, a lot of times, people were characterized by our stance on the LGBTQ and the transvestite and the queers and whatever. But look, that's not really extreme for us because we just believe everything the Bible says. It's just that's the issue right now that people want to fight about. And look, I'm going to tell you something. Show me the movement of Christianity in America or anywhere in the world today that's standing up against the queers. Show them to me. Where are the preachers? We're literally, I mean, on that subject, we're the last man standing. And we've got to just cry aloud. Spare not. As you said, they attack us. They sue us. They protest us. They bomb our buildings. They try to get us evicted. Who cares? We're going to preach the word of God. The apostle man said, have you changed your stance on the sodomites? Look, what I believe about the sodomites, I agree with Pastor Shelley. I agree with Pastor Thompson. I agree with Pastor Mejia. I agree with Pastor Anderson. I believe the Bible says that they should be made unaligned. It's quoted right on social media. They should, due process. Heart preaching. Here's a characteristic of New York City. Be faithful to church. If you're there in Psalms, go to Psalm 122. We're done. Psalm 122, verse 1. Psalm 122, verse 1. Psalm 122, verse 1. I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord. Let me tell you something. I've enjoyed my time here. I've enjoyed the short amount of time that we've had speaking here and I've been encouraged tonight just getting to know some of you. Let me just be clear about something. You do not have to go to a new I.P. church to be in the new I.P. But you do need to go to church. I just listen online. You're not in the new I.P. Because the new I.P. believes in going to church. Why would I have a new I.P. church to go to? Well, here's the thing. You don't have to go to a new I.P. church to be in the new I.P. but you do need to go to church. You do need to believe that kingdom's Bible you care about and then read it. And you need to go out and bleach people at the diaspora. That's what the new I.P. is about. That's what I heard tonight. Let me follow. Lord, we thank you. We thank you for this group of people here tonight. You know, I don't know what the exact number is. I think about 130 people. On the east coast where there's no real new I.P. church in this New Jersey, New York area, yet these people will show up for service like this. Many of them will come back for soul-winning tomorrow. And Lord, we thank you for them. But for those who find themselves in a situation where their new I.P. that they don't have a new I.P. church, I pray you help them to learn the lesson we talked about tonight. In the maxillism of Christ, we pray. Amen.