(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. All right well we're there in Matthew chapter number 17 and of course on Sunday nights we've been going through this series called the life of Peter and we've been highlighting all of the major stories in the life of Peter and looking at this apostle of course and and kind of going through his life this is now the seventh week in this series and we were actually in Matthew 17 last week looking at a different story of Peter and I want to I want you to notice another story regarding Peter in this same chapter you're there in Matthew 17 if you look down at verse number 24 the Bible says this and when they were come to Capernaum they that received tribute money came to Peter and said doth not your master pay tribute and here we have Peter being approached by someone and they ask a very specific question they ask him about Jesus his master and they say does your master pay tribute and what I want to begin tonight by saying there's several lessons in the story that I want to show you and highlight for you and the first one the first lesson we see is a lesson on paying taxes and I want to begin by answering this question should Christians pay taxes and this is actually a very controversial question among some Christians because there are a lot of debates that go back and forth there are a lot of Christians out there who believe that we as Christians should not pay taxes and they take stands against it and even well-known preachers have gone to prison for not paying their taxes and things like that and I want to show you what the Bible teaches about this subject of should Christians pay taxes and I want to show you from the story and from other stories and I want to answer kind of three questions in regards to this first point in regards to a lesson on paying taxes so if you're writing if you've got if you're taking notes you on the back of your course the way you can write things down of course maybe you can write these things down the first question is this did the Lord Jesus Christ himself pay taxes who did the Lord Jesus Christ as a Bible tell us does the Bible document the fact that Jesus paid taxes and the answer that question is yes the Bible clearly records Jesus paying taxes you're there in Matthew 17 look at verse 24 and when they were come to Capernaum they that received tribute now the word tribute is basically a tax in fact let me read for you the dictionary definition of the word tribute it is a stated sum or other valuable consideration paid by one sovereign or state to another an acknowledgement of subjugation or as the price of peace security protection or the like a rent tax or the like as that paid by a subject to a sovereign is any exacted or enforced payment or contribution so the word tribute means tax something that you're forced to pay to a government and here we have someone who is receiving tribute money they came to Peter and said doth not your master pay tribute they're asking does Jesus pay his taxes and notice the response from Peter verse 25 he said yes he answered for Jesus he said yes and when he was coming to the house Jesus prevented him the word prevented means that he came before him he came out to see him saying and I want you to notice what Jesus says to Peter he says what thinkest thou Simon he says of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute of their own children or of strangers let me go ahead and just explain a few things here because some people and those who like to teach that Christians should pay their taxes and and or excuse me those who like to teach that Christians should not pay their taxes and they attack those of us who teach what the Bible says and you know they'll call us servants of the government and we're just you know trying to get everybody to follow the government and this and that though though they'll look at this and they'll say well this isn't even about taxes this is a temple tax and this is something that was going to the temple and and this isn't even regarding taxes but here's the problem with that if you look at the context the context itself tells you that this has to do with a government tax because after Peter responds yes to the question does your master pay taxes Jesus says what thinkest thou Simon of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute now I want you to notice that those words custom and tribute are used interchangeably by Jesus he says of their own children or of strangers so the context tells us that this was a foreign tax being paid to the Roman government but let me just say this even if it wasn't even if it was some sort of a temple tax or local tax or whatever it doesn't make a difference taxes are taxes whether you're paying local tax state tax federal tax it's a tax and the Bible uses these terms Jesus used these terms interchangeably custom tribute the Bible uses these terms interchangeably in other places as well you have to turn there I'll just read for you from Ezra chapter 4 and verse 13 the Bible says be it known now unto the king that if this city be builded and the walls set up again then will they not pay toll tribute and custom and so thou shalt and damage the revenue of the king so notice I and I'm just reading that verse to you to show you that toll tribute and custom were all used interchangeably to talk about the same thing a tax so here we have Jesus confronting Peter after Peter answered for him right because the question was asked does your master pay a tribute and Peter says yes and then Jesus says think about this Peter what thinkest thou Simon of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute here's what he's saying he's saying the kings of the earth who do they tax do they tax their own children he says of their own children or of strangers and what he's saying is this do they tax their own citizens or do they tax other citizens he's saying does the Roman Empire tax Roman citizens or are they taxing us because we're Jews living in this land that is occupied and it's just an interesting thought that at the time of Jesus Jesus would say that a foreign government wouldn't tax their own people they tax other people we live in a society where our government taxes its own its own people and notice the response from Peter verse 26 Peter saved unto him of strangers Jesus saved unto him and I want you to notice what Jesus thought about taxes because he doesn't think positively of them and he doesn't think very highly of them Jesus saved unto him then are the children free so here's what he's saying if you pay taxes you're not free he says if you pay taxes he said if we were free then we wouldn't be paying tribute we wouldn't be paying customs we wouldn't be forced to do this he said if we were Roman citizens if we were children of the Roman Empire then we would be free he says we're paid taxes so we're not free now if you end there you might have enough to say see Jesus was against taxes and here's the thing from this from these verses it sounds like Jesus was against taxes he thought that they were putting you in bondage he didn't think highly of them he doesn't sound like it's something that he wanted to pay but I want you to notice what Jesus says in verse 27 he says this not withstanding here's what that word means it means in spite of this or in spite of the fact he says look we are not free if we are forced to pay custom or tribute the kings of the earth they take custom and tribute of strangers of foreigners not of their own children he says this is not a good thing this is not a positive thing this is not something I'm happy to be paying but then he says notwithstanding lest we should offend them the word last means with the intention of preventing something undesirable to avoid a risk so that something bad won't happen he says lest we should offend them go thou to the sea and cast and hook and take up a fish and that first excuse me go down to the sea and cast and hook and take up the fish that first cometh up and when thou has opened his mouth thou shalt find a piece of money that take notice and give unto them for me and for thee so here's the question if the question is asked did Jesus did the Lord Jesus Christ himself pay taxes the answer that question is clearly yes he did now did he like it no did he speak highly of it no did he see it as a form of bondage and as a form of servitude yes but did he pay his taxes he clearly did he told Peter go catch a fish and he performs a miracle he says when you catch a fish you're going to find a gold coin in the mouth of that fish I want you to take it and I want you to go and give it for me and for thee so I want you to notice first of all when we ask this question should Christians pay taxes because as Christians are we not followers of Christ isn't that what we're supposed to be doing after salvation we're supposed to be his disciples we're supposed to be following his lead where so what he said follow me so did Jesus pay taxes and the answer is yes the Bible clearly records Jesus paying taxes here's question number two and I think you're there in Matthew 17 I'd like you to go to Matthew chapter 22 just flip a few pages over Matthew 22 I think we've cooled down enough I'm sorry we can hit that I'd appreciate it Matthew 22 so question number one did the Lord Jesus Christ himself pay taxes the answer is yes the Bible clearly records Jesus paying taxes you can't read Matthew 17 and not walk away seeing that here's question number two did the Lord Jesus Christ teach others to pay their taxes and the answer that question is yes the Bible clearly records Jesus teaching others to pay their taxes are you there in Matthew 22 look at verse 17 now in Matthew 22 in verse 17 we're jumping into a conversation where Jesus is being questioned and the purpose is to try to get him to incriminate himself or to say something stupid so that it might be used against him and here's the question they say tell us therefore what thinkest thou so here's the question is it lawful to give tribute see the word tribute Seamus custom Seamus toll it's referring to taxes is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar or not so they're asking him because they're trying to catch him in his words and they're saying is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar now in this context it's clear they're talking about taxes and they're talking about a foreign government they're talking about the Roman Empire is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar or not but Jesus perceived their wickedness and said why tempting me you hypocrites show me the tribute money and they brought unto him a penny and he saved unto them whose is this image so you got to get this picture in your mind you have Jesus holding up a Roman penny and he's holding it up and he asked this question whose is this image and superscription and of course the idea is that there is an inscription there is an image of Caesar on this coin they say unto him Caesars then sayeth he unto them render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesars and unto God the things that are gods and when they had heard these words they marveled and left him and went their way and again the question is did the Lord Jesus Christ teach others to pay their taxes and you can't walk away from this story without saying yes he did he said render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars and the ridiculousness of Christians or so-called Christians today saying oh no we got to stand up against the government maybe we shouldn't pay our taxes to them this is a big deal this is the fight of the century this is our Christian duty and they make this big to do about not paying your taxes but it doesn't seem like Jesus really cares and the truth of the matter is that just like Jesus took that Roman penny and asked whose superscription whose image is on this picture we can pull out a dollar bill or a five dollar bill or a twenty dollar bill or a hundred dollar bill or whatever coin you want and ask the same question and say then look then render unto Benjamin Franklin what is belongs to Benjamin Franklin and to George Washington what belongs to George Washington and to all of those people and to the government what belongs to the government because here's the point the point is this that we as Christians should not be consumed with thoughts of money money is not something that should consume us money is not something that we should fight about money is not something that Jesus even cared about and he looks at this and he says well it's got Caesars face on it go ahead and give it back to Caesar and notice he says render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesars he says give them if they want the money give them the money who cares and then he says and unto God the things that are God's because the truth is this that you were created in the image of God and I was created in the image of God and though that money has the image of a man you have the image of God and it is more important for you to serve God with your life then to spend it locked away somewhere because you want to fight over money so when we ask the question we asked the question should Christians pay taxes you got to ask the question did Jesus himself pay taxes and the answer is yes he instructed Peter to go fishing to catch a fish and there be a gold coin in the mouth of the fish and he told him go ahead and pay the taxes on my behalf and on your behalf then you've got to ask the question did the Lord Jesus Christ teach others to pay their taxes and the answer is yes he said render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesars and unto God the things that are God's let me answer another question for you go to go to Matthew chapter 2 you're there in Matthew just flip to the beginning the book Matthew chapter 2 here's the third question what if the taxes this is a question that people ask us right what if the taxes that you're paying to the government what if they go towards wicked things what if those taxes go to things like abortion you know aren't you against killing babies well look of course we're against killing babies of course we're against abortion of course we're against all those things you say well what if paying your taxes see when you pay your taxes is going to a government that kills babies that's wicked you're a government pawn that's wicked you're a government servant that's wicked you're trying to lead God's people to you know help a government that's doing wicked things like killing babies in the United States of America today the question is this and again look as a Baptist you got to come back to this the Bible is my boss the Bible is the authority Jesus is who we are following so here's the question did Jesus teach others to pay taxes to a government like a wicked government like the Roman Empire and the answer is yes so here's another question for you did the Roman Empire kill babies are there in Matthew 2 look at verse 16 it's part of the Christmas story isn't it Matthew chapter 2 verse 16 then Herod then Herod now Herod if you look up Herod he's referred to as Herod the Tatriarch me or Herod the king meaning he's the local authority sanctioned by the Roman Empire he is the person that was put in charge by the Roman Empire when you paid tribute unto Caesar you're paying Herod's salary here's what the Bible says then Herod when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men because remember the wise men they came to find Jesus Herod heard of it he told them tell me when you find him tell me where he is so I can come worship him but he was lying he wanted to know where Jesus was so he could put him to death the wise men were wise to him and decided to go back a different way when he realized that he was mocked of the wise men was exceeding Roth and sent forth notice and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem and in all the coast thereof from two years old and under according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men so here we have a government that is killing children not just in the womb not to make that any less murder but they're actually taking two-year-old babies and putting them to death and yet Jesus says render the Caesars the things that are Caesars you say why is that well go to 1st Timothy chapter 6 1st Timothy chapter 6 and the point is this and I've already said it but I'll make it again money is not something that we should care enough about to fight over money is not something that we should care enough about to go to prison over there are many hills that we should be willing to die on but the hill of not giving our money to the government is not one of them money is not worth fighting and what Jesus is teaching Jesus teaching I'm against the government I'm against what they're doing I'm against the wicked practices but I'm not gonna fight them over money if they want money just give it to them 1st Timothy 6 and verse 6 and the people who fight this battle literally I mean famous preachers like Kent Hovind go to prison and spend 10 years of their life in prison ruin their marriage ruin their relationship with their children you know do all of that for what for money I mean how ridiculous is that 1st Timothy 6 and verse 6 notice what the Bible says but godliness with contentment is great game for we brought nothing into this world and it is certain that we can carry nothing out and having food and raiment let us be there with content look the the biblical teaching in regards to money is that we should not love money we should not care about money and if all you have is food and raiment you should be there with content I'm so upset the government wants to take 25% of my income if they want to take 50% of your income if they want to take a hundred percent of your income you shouldn't care if you have food and raiment the Bible says let us be there with content but they that will be rich they that care enough about money to fight about it fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men and destruction and perdition why for the love of money is root of all evil which while some coveted after they have heard from the faith and pierce themselves through with many sorrows and the truth is this if you want to find evil just follow the money because the love of money the love of money is the root of all evil so should we fight about money look if the government's take your money let them have it God says I don't care about money I don't care about those things I don't care about the temporal I don't care about the physical I care about the eternal I care about the spiritual I care about the souls of men you say oh well we're gonna we're gonna fight the government and we're gonna stand up against them we're not gonna pay our taxes you know we will make a greater impact in this world if we just go out and fight a spiritual battle and get people saved help them grow and grace you say oh what about the aborted babies we do more by teaching people to get married and to have children and to love the Lord and not for it we do more to fight against the abortion Holocaust by preaching and engaging in spiritual warfare than we ever were would by getting locked up in prison for ten years because we didn't pay our taxes God doesn't care about money in fact he in heaven gold is used as the pavement he paves the streets with gold that's how much he cares about money so the quite when the question is asked did Jesus pay taxes the answer is yes when the question is asked did Jesus teach others to pay their taxes the answer is yes when the question is asked did Jesus teach others to pay taxes towards an evil government the answer is yes because we as Christians should not care about money and if they want to take it from you if they want to take it from you let them have it because if we can because remember what Jesus said in fact go back to Matthew 17 Matthew chapter 17 and you know I would just say this to the people who love money so much that they want to fight over it the people who love money so much that they're willing to go to prison over it I would say to them what Peter said to Simon the sorcerer thy money perish with thee it's worthless and this is what Jesus said Matthew 17 verse 27 notwithstanding Jesus said I don't like it I don't appreciate it I think it's stupid I think they're putting us in servitude I think they're putting us in bondage notwithstanding lest we should offend them here's what he's saying it's not worth going to prison over it's not worth missing out on a decade of your life kethoven over notwithstanding lest we should offend them go down to the sea and cast and hook and take up the fish that first cometh up and when thou hast opened his mouth thou shalt find a piece of money that take and give unto them for me and thee did Jesus pay taxes the answer is yes and we see this lesson here on taxes and this is a big deal because people ask this question should we pay taxes are we not fair taxes there's another lesson though I'd like you to notice and it's this not only do we see a lesson on paying taxes but we also see a lesson on making money because here's what's interesting is that Peter if you remember was a fisherman right remember Jesus found Peter out fishing and he had a fishing business in fact we saw that Peter kind of struggled with giving up his fishing business in fact we'll see later on in this series that when Peter gets backslidden he goes back to fishing he goes back to the old life Peter was a fisherman by trade and now they have this debt they got to pay these taxes they've got to pay this tribute so notice what does Jesus tell Peter he says go down to the sea and cast and hook and take up a fish now Peter would know exactly what that means he's a fisherman by trade the second lesson is this when it comes to making money and when you need money what do you do here's the answer you get to work they had a bill they have to pay their taxes what are we gonna do and here's what Jesus says to Peter he says go work go fishing you're a fisherman right go catch a fish and let me tell you something when individuals need money you know what they should do they should go to work go to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 I know you know these verses let's look at them together 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 if you kept if you're there in 1st Timothy if you go back you've got 2nd Thessalonians 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 in verse 10 the Bible says this and and and this goes against our culture today and it goes against what our society teaches but this is what the Bible says for even when we were with you this we commanded you that if any would not work neither should he eat the Bible teaches you say I need money you know what the Bible says go to work and if any would not work then neither should eat if somebody doesn't want to work then they should not eat go to the book of Proverbs Proverbs chapter 14 if you open your Bible just right in the center you're more than likely found the book of Psalms right after Psalms you have the book of Proverbs Proverbs 14 and you know of course we're not talking about someone who doesn't have the ability to work we're not talking about somebody who's disabled and they'd like to work but they're not able to we're talking about the fact that our country is filled with able men that are able to go and work and they're just unwilling to work and then they want the government to take our taxes and to feed them and and to give them food for doing nothing and you say well are you against it here's here's what I'm for I'm for the Bible and the Bible says if you don't work you shouldn't eat the Bible says that you should earn the right to eat and you should go out and work and you say well I need money then go to work are there in Proverbs 14 look at verse 23 Proverbs chapter 14 in verse 23 the Bible says this Proverbs chapter 14 in verse 23 notice what the Bible says it says in all labor in all labor there is profit God says the Bible says that there's profit in all labor and by the way we are not be these you know proud arrogant people who look down our noses at certain jobs you know obviously you should work the best job that you can get and you should try to get paid as much as you're possibly able to and I think you know you live in the United States of America if you you you know go start a business and go make money you know for if you're willing to work you can go out there and make money but you know what I have respect for someone who works at McDonald's for someone who works at Wendy's for someone who works at Burger King if they're out there and they're working and they're being faithful then you know praise God for them don't look down on somebody's hour they have you know this job in all labor there is profit here's what look look at what it says in all labor there is profit but but the talk of the lips tendeth only to punary see that word there if a punary it means extreme poverty here's what he says people who just talk and talk and talk and talk and talk about how one day they're gonna get this job about how one day they're gonna start this business about how one day they're gonna do this and they're gonna do that you know those people that type of lifestyle tendeth only to extreme poverty they're gonna be broke and they're gonna be poor why because if you want a profit you need to labor and all labor there is profit the Bible says but the talk of lips and the thorns of putering go to Proverbs chapter 10 Proverbs chapter 10 look at verse 4 Proverbs chapter 10 and verse 4 Proverbs 10 and verse 4 notice what the Bible says and especially young people you need to learn this and young men you need to learn this this is what the Bible says Proverbs chapter 10 and verse 4 he become it poor that dealeth with a slack hand you know it's talking about being lazy a slack hand you ever heard of a slacker that guy's a slacker what does it mean they're not putting their work in they're letting other people carry their their their burden he become with poor the Bible says he become with poor that dealeth with a slack hand notice the contrast but the hand of the diligent but the hand of the diligent maketh rich the word diligent means constant effort the person who's a hard worker who's just working hard and look the Bible says that if you work hard you're not gonna be poor if you work hard there's gonna be profit in that obviously we understand that life has its ups and life has its downs and you can look at the story of job and saw that there was a season in his life where things were not going well we understand that we get that sometimes God puts us through trials sometimes God puts us through heartaches but the point is this generally speaking if you work hard you're going to have profit and generally speaking if you're a slack if you're slothful if you're lazy you're gonna be poor that's what the Bible says go to Proverbs chapter 12 look at verse 24 Proverbs chapter 12 and verse 24 Proverbs 12 24 notice what it says the hand of the diligent again a hard worker constant in effort the hand of the diligent shall bear rule you want to get a promotion you want to be the supervisor you want to be the manager you want to be the boss say how do you do that by not being lazy the handle of diligent shall bear rule the handle diligence the one that's going to get promoted the one who's going to be the boss the one who's going to make the rules the handle diligent shall bear rule here's the contrast but the slothful shall be under tribute the slothful is going to be in a position where they're being told what to do where they're being forced to pay the taxes where they're being forced to do things that they don't want to do and look this is a great lesson especially for young men I hope every young man in this room right now would just get it in their head be a hard worker be a hard worker be a hard worker you know what's interesting is that today the world is raising such lazy brats out there today that it really doesn't take much for you to stand out in the workplace I mean just showing up on time is like a hue if you can find someone to actually shows up on time you're like whoa I've got a rock star I've got a superstar I got the greatest employee white because he actually shows up when work starts because he actually works because he actually just works up to his break and takes a break works up to his lunch and takes his lunch works up to the end of the day look it doesn't take much to impress the world out there be a hard worker the hand of diligence shall bear rule and you know it's interesting no it's interesting is when you study the Bible when you study the Bible you'll find that God's people you'll find that God's people always had a testimony of being the greatest workers ask Joseph everywhere he went he was promoted Potiphar's house he was promoted he went to prison and he was promoted the palace he was promoted ask Daniel as Chad rack ask me Shaq ask a button to go ask ask ask them serving in Babylon serving under Nebuchadnezzar ask Esther ask Mordecai if you study the Bible you'll find God's people they worked hard and you know at work you need to have a testimony of being the best worker you need to have a testimony of being a hard worker your boss and your employer and your you know the the person your HR representative and the person you know what they should think about you they should think that you are crazy they should think that you're a maniac they should think that you're in a cult they should think that you go to that church that believes all those weird things and your pastor was on the news and you got that red hot preaching conference and you guys are weird and I saw you in the LA times they should think that you're weird but you know what they should also think they should think if you got any crazy brethren out there that need a job bring him this way because you work hard you know you know I'm saying they here's what they should think they should think I don't want you to be in my family but I'll hire your family but I'll hire you know here's what they you know it shouldn't be this thing where it's like oh no don't hire that guy he's a Christian don't hire anybody from his church they're all lazy that should not be the testimony of Christian of Christian workers especially Christian men the hand of diligence shall bear rule but the slothful shall be under tribute go to Proverbs chapter 12 look at verse 27 Proverbs chapter 12 and verse 27 Proverbs 12 27 the slothful the slothful man roasted not that which he took in hunting the slate the lazy man they don't they don't even take the time to cook what they took in hunting but the substance of a diligent man is precious so what is this we're talking about here's what it's talking about it's talking about the fact that you actually that you actually appreciate something that you work for when you're lazy and everything's just given to you you don't appreciate it when you're lazy and you're and you don't have to pay the bills you know you want your dad went out hunting for all this food you're too lazy to even cook it you let it go to waste that's what he's saying the slothful man wrote not that which he took in hunting but the substance of a diligent man is precious why do you think dads run around houses turning lights off closing windows closing doors you know I'm always telling my kids like why is there why is this light on you guys aren't even in this room it's like why do you not care you know why they don't care because they don't pay the bill you know why I care because I pay the bill the substance you know the substance of a diligent man is precious it's like close that door close that window I don't want to air condition the entire neighborhood I don't even like my neighbors you know you know because why because when you have to pay for something when you have to pay for something it becomes precious to you you know lazy people they just waste things they just they don't care about things it's no big deal they'll just throw it away go to Proverbs 13 Proverbs 13 verse 4 so there's a lesson the first lesson is this pay your taxes pay your taxes and then the second lesson is on making money and it's this when individuals need money they should go to work when you need money go to work Proverbs 13 verse 4 the soul of the sluggard desireth and hath nothing I mean is that true for lazy people they want I want this and I want that you go ask those homeless people out there they'll tell you all the things they want they'll give you their little Christmas list but they hope Santa will bring him without having to work for it the sluggard desireth please please listen I hope you young people get this the sluggard desireth and hath nothing but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat the diligent person they'll be able to accumulate they'll be able to have the things they want they'll be able to have the things they desire why because look nothing ever came by wishing it came by working Proverbs 22 Proverbs 22 look at verse 29 Proverbs 22 verse 29 and here's what I believe I believe in whatever area you happen to work in you should strive to be the best in that area and and and if you're a stay-at-home mom then you should strive to be the best stay-at-home mom that you can be and look being a stay-at-home mom is all work I'd much rather do what I do then and stay home with those kids I'd much rather fight you than six you know six kids and a baby and cooking or whatever you know but whatever area if you're gonna be a homeschool mom you gotta strive to be the best homeschool mom you could be don't be the homeschool mom that's doing you know school in your pajamas don't be the homeschool mom that's just being lazy whatever whatever you were you work at McDonald's be the best McDonald's employee you what whatever you whatever job you have whatever you work just strive to be the best at your job you know I'm a pastor and I'm trying to learn more of the Bible I'm trying to learn more I'm trying to get better at preaching I'm trying to get better at leading I'm trying you say why because this is this is my job it's what God has called me to do I'm just trying to do it the best I can and it's work you know it's worth to write sermons I know you people come here and they think oh it's no big deal you try to write a sermon tell me how easy it is you know that's why I like having the men's preaching nights I like the guys to come and preach it's funny to watch them all sweat like 10-minute sermons they're like oh they're all stressed out for like six months a 10-minute sermon I'm like imagine doing that times 30 every week you know three you know hour-long sermons every week and I use what I'm saying I'm not belittling what you're doing I'm saying whatever you do whatever you do be the best at it here's what the Bible says what's whoever the hand finds a do do it with all I might whatever you do wherever God has you try to be the best try to be the best worker try to learn and grow in that area Proverbs 22 like verse 29 Proverbs 22 verse 29 notice what the Bible says see is thou a man diligent in his business don't miss it see is thou a man diligent in his business is thou a man who's constantly putting forth effort in his business he shall stand before Kings he shall not stand before mean men he'll go up the ladder he'll get the promotions he'll get the raises he'll get acknowledged they'll see him they'll take notice of him he'll stand before King I mean isn't this true Proverbs 22 29 see is thou a man diligent in his business he shall stand before Kings isn't that true of Joseph is that true of Daniel in that true of Mordecai isn't that true of every godly Christian young person that we see in the Bible that went out in the workforce and just worked hard had integrity did what they were supposed to do so we see this lesson on making money and the lesson on making money is this that when individuals need money when individuals need money go to work I got this bill well Peter you need to go fish you're a fisherman right not a fish go fish and you'll be able to pay your bill let me give you the third lesson that we find in this chapter go back to Matthew 17 if you would Matthew 17 so we have a lesson on paying taxes we have a lesson on making money and the lesson on making money is this what individuals need money they should go to work but there's a third lesson I'd like to point out to you here in regards to making money and it is in regards to churches when churches need money what should they do because you know it's interesting you're there in Matthew 17 look at verse 27 Matthew 17 in verse 27 the Bible says this notwithstanding this is Jesus speaking lest we should offend them go down to the sea and cast and hook and take up the fish that first cometh up and when thou has opened his mouth thou shalt find a piece of money that take and give it unto them for me and for thee and here's what's interesting about that here you have Jesus telling Peter go fish and there'll be money in the fish go to Matthew chapter 4 Matthew chapter 4 look at verse 18 what's interesting is that when Jesus called Peter and James and John into ministry he used this terminology of fishing Matthew 4 look verse 18 and Jesus walking by the Sea of Galilee saw two brethren Simon called Peter and Andrew's brother casting a net into the sea for they were fishers and he saith unto them notice what he says follow me and I will make you fishers of men and straightway they straightway excuse me left their nets and followed him and I don't know all of your stories and everything all of your experiences but I know for myself and I know for many of you because I've talked to many of you we all have a lot of the same similar stories and the story is this that when you go to church and unfortunately churches have this reputation that when you go to church they talk a lot about money is that true I mean I remember going to churches were like tithing was a point in every sermon every sermon had a point about money there's every sermon was gonna have two things money give money and salvation you know and sometimes that's all they even talked about and and then to make it worse there was always a mini sermon before the offering I mean did you ever go to church like that we're like they would have come the ushers come up to receive the offering and then the pastor take like five minutes so I give a little mini sermon on you know tithing or giving money and here's the thing I'm all for tithing I'm all for offerings the Bible teaches it we believe in it but have you ever noticed this a very Baptist Church that we talked very little about money around here I mean have you ever know maybe you haven't noticed it have you noticed that you notice that like I preach sermon after sermon after sermon where money is not even mentioned now obviously I do a whole five-week series on finances and for the sermons are just helping you have more money for yourself you know and and the funny thing is when I preach on finances I like announce it like weeks in advance I'm like warning you three weeks from now I'm preaching on tithing two weeks from now I'm preaching on tithing one week from now I'm preaching on tithing don't invite your mom I'm preaching on tithing you know just for weeks I'm telling you like hey I'm preaching on tithing I'm preaching on tithing no yeah you know I warn you you know when the spring vision offering comes weeks in advance vision offering is this Sunday now on this Sunday we're preaching on vision offering don't come if you're get offended about money we're warning you we never mention it throughout the year we never bring it up the only time we even bring it up is if we're preaching through a book of the Bible that brings it up then we talk about it but we don't talk about it that much you say why you know we want to emphasize what the Bible emphasizes and the ballot doesn't emphasize money Jesus says I don't care about money if Caesar wants it give it to him you say well pastor he that is how do you how do we pay the bills and look our church is not rich but I'll tell you this the Lord has always taken care of our needs and there's been times when we've had more money than and times when we've had less money or whatever the Lord has always taken care of us and here's what I've learned here's what I've learned that if you concern yourself with what God concerns himself then God will take care of you God will provide if you're following his guide God will provide for your needs if you're doing what he's asked you to do and here's what I've learned God wants us to be interested in reaching people with the gospel you say I don't I don't come to church you know I come to church I don't hear a lot about money you know what you do hear a lot about soul winning you know what you do hear a lot about growing spiritually discipling people reaching people with the gospel getting people saved you know what you do hear a lot about you know follow me and I will make you fishers of men you say oh what about the money you know here's what we found when you reach people with the gospel when you go out and you catch fishers of men they'll have gold coins in their mouths you understand what I just said I hope that's appropriate I don't know that's when you reach people the gospel you know what happens those people finance the ministry those people come to church they grow they learn they get disciple they give they give so you can reach other people they give so you can start with the churches they give so you can help other people you know what I want to tell these churches that are just constantly struggling financially and always begging for money and always trying to get people to get money you know what I want to tell them is why don't you consider yourself and reaching people why instead of trying to squeeze out every dollar you can out of the six people you've got sitting there why don't you go out salt winning and reach somebody because when you work God blesses you and when you reach people they give and they're gracious and they're generous and they finance the work they take care of it you say well well you need the church needs money you know if we get to the point point where this church needs money then we just we need to just bump up the soul name reach more people and you know what God will take care of it God will help us and God will meet the needs he said follow me and I will make you fish as men so look when individuals need money what do you do get to work when churches need money what do you do get to work reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ because here Jesus is telling Peter he says hey go fish go fishing you'll be fine you know I sometimes I look at these church and that my heart breaks for them because I feel like they're struggling and they're discouraged and they're this and they're that and I feel like they've got their view in the wrong place and they're just focused on money and they think money's gonna solve all their problems and when I tell them is why don't you focus on reaching people and God will take care of the rest and that's not a prosperity message I'm not saying you're gonna be rich that's not saying any of that but it's saying this that when you get involved in the work of God God will take care of it and I've just learned you know and we we we reach people and we go out and reach people in the ghettos and people that can't do anything for us and people that can't help us in any way and God just seems to bless us with those people who can meet the needs financially so get to work churches are struggling get to work individuals are struggling get to work the lesson is don't consume yourself with money but if you need money get to work that's why I heard the number one prayer how many father thank you Lord for the Bible thank you for these stories that you've given us these illustrations and Lord I hope that young people in this auditorium would just learn this lesson that if they want to be blessed financially they need to just get to work and and Lord if there's any pastors out there listening to this sermon