(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) let's pray father god thank you for this opportunity to gather here today and to hear your words being preached please bless pastor please bless the message help us to keep distractions to a minimum and open our hearts and ears to your word in the name of jesus christ we pray amen amen all right well we're there in uh first corinthians chapter number 15 and we every every time we have church here we'll read an entire chapter of the bible together even when it's a lengthy chapter because that's why we came to church right to read and study the bible i know most churches will minimize the reading of scripture but we take the time to read it in its context that way you know you're not being fooled or misled and first corinthians 15 is a is a well-known chapter you know you will find that throughout the bible uh different chapters have different themes and different chapters are known for different things and first corinthian 15 is known as the resurrection chapter it's the the chapter is not the only chapter but it's the chapter that focuses on the subject of the resurrection you begin the chapter talking about the resurrection of the lord jesus christ and you finish the chapter with the idea that because christ was resurrected we will be resurrected as well now if you remember we last week we began a series entitled the afterlife and we are studying what the bible teaches about what happens after this life we're looking at heaven and hell and last week we began with an introductory sermon on the subject of preparing to die and how to be ready for the day of our death today we're going to talk about the glorified body next week we're going to talk about heaven all right so i want you to be here next week we'll be looking at what the bible teaches about heaven and what heaven will be like but today we're going to deal with our bodies because the bible teaches that if you are saved when you die you will one day be resurrected or you will be raptured up and your body will be transformed and you'll be given a new glorified body and this morning to be very honest with you is going to be a lot of bible and i know i say that every week and we look at a lot of bible around here and i'm going to try to help guide you through but even more than usual we're just going to it's going to be like a real bible study we're going to study this out i'll make some applications at the end that'll feel more like a sermon more like preachy on sunday morning but i want you to notice what the bible says you're there in first corinthians 15 look at verse number 35 first corinthians 15 and verse 35 notice what the bible says but some men will say how are the dead raised up and with what body do they come so notice the question is how are the dead raised up and with what body do they come that's where paul begins to talk about this idea of a new body a glorified body notice verse 36 thou fool that which thou sowest now the word so means to plant all right and he's about to give us a an illustration he's going to give us a picture here to help us understand the resurrection of the bodies and the body in which we come he gives us illustration of a seed he says it's like a seed that you plant notice he says that which thou sowest is not quickened the word quicken means to be made alive he says that which thou sowest is not quickened except it died he says you take that seed that seed has no life in it that seed is dead and it is planted and it is buried under the ground and eventually it springs forth as new life that's the illustration look at verse 37 and that which thou sowest and thou so is not that body that shall be but bear grain it may by chance of wheat or of some other grain here's what he's saying when you sow a seed you don't expect that what's going to spring forth is the same as the seed that you put in he said that seed is going to change you put a little tiny seed in the ground and you bury that thing and you water it and you and you let the sun shine upon it and he says it comes out as a plant it comes out as in as a tree it comes out in a different body in a different way look at verse 38 but god giveth it a body as it has pleased him and to every seed his own body all flesh is not the same flesh but there is one kind of flesh of men another flesh of beasts another of fishes another birds and i'm not preaching on this this morning but here's a great verse that shows us that at men and animals are not equal i know today we live in the society where people want to elevate animals to the place of men and you know we got all these liberals running around they get mad because they test you know a shampoo on a rabbit or something they don't care about the fact that three thousand babies are being aborted every day you know and we live in the society where you want to equate animals with humans but here the bible tells us hey it's a different it's a different flesh he said look at verse 39 all flesh is not the same flesh but they're sorry i know i told you it's gonna be bible study but i gotta get a little preaching but there is one kind of flesh of men another flesh of beasts another of fishes another of birds look at verse 40 there are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another there is one glory of the sun and another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars for one star different from another star in glory try to remember that phrase we're going to try to come back to that at the end of the of the sermon look at verse 42 so also so he's a he says in the same way he says so also in the resurrection of the dead it is sown in corruption see when you die you are planted you are buried and he said it's sown in corruption your body is sown the word corruption means to rot to spoil is that not what a body does it decays as it is buried under the ground he says it is sown in corruption it is raised in incorruption it is sown in dishonor the word dishonor means shame or disgrace it is raised in glory this is one of the reasons we call it the glorified body and there's other passages and references to that it is sown in weakness it is raised in power it is sown notice a natural body and it is raised a spiritual body i want you to remember that as well there's a natural body and there's a spiritual body there is a natural body and there is a spiritual body look at verse 45 and so it is written the first man adam was made a living soul the last adam that's the lord jesus christ was made a quickening spirit how be it uh that was not first which is spiritual but that which is natural and afterward that which is spiritual the first man is of the earth earthy the second man is of the lord from heaven and as is the earthy such are they also that are earthy and as is the heavenly such are they also that are heavenly so he's explaining to us that we're going to receive a new body it will be a changed body is that the one you have now is is corrupted he said you'll have an incorrupted the one you have now is with dishonor you'll have one that is with power you have a natural one you'll have a spiritual one i'll keep your place in first corinthians 15 we're going to come right back to it but go with me to second corinthians chapter number five second corinthians chapter number five let me say this as you turn there the bible does not give us a lot in regards to uh what happens in the afterlife i know we're preaching a whole series on the afterlife but in comparison to you know all of the verses and chapters and bible uh all the advice that god gives us to how to live on earth the bible talks a lot about being saved here on earth as far as your spiritual salvation talks a lot about marriage and raising children and your finances and just how to live the christian life as far as you know what comes in the afterlife we're not given a lot all right in fact paul said that we look through a glass darkly he says we're not able to see everything uh exactly the way it's all going to play out but we are able to see some things and you know there in second corinthians chapter five i want to show you something in verse one the bible says this second corinthians five look at verse one for we know that if our earthly house now i want you to notice he talks about your earthly house he says the place you dwell here on earth now he's not talking about your house where you live all right he's talking about your body the place where your soul your spirit uh dwell he says for we know that if our earthly house and i'll prove that to you in a minute that he's talking about our body of this tabernacle now what's a tabernacle a tabernacle is a tent i want you to understand he's talking about our bodies and he equates it to a tent he says for we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of god and in a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens skip down to verse number six just for sake of time verse number six notice what he says therefore we are always confident and and we're skipping verses for the sake of time but i would encourage you to read this in context it's all the same thing notice what he says therefore we are also confident knowing that whilst we are at home remember he talked about this earthly house he says while we are at home notice in the body you see that so he says your body is your earthly house we are absent from the lord for we walk by faith not by sight we were saying we are confident i say and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the lord here's what i want you to understand paul refers to our body here on earth our earthly house as a tabernacle he says you live in what's the equivalent of a of a tent here on earth now in john 14 you don't have to turn there jesus gave these famous words let not your heart be troubled do you believe in god believe also in me he says this in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i go to repair a place for you it may be and i'm not going to sit here and tell you this is for sure without a doubt and i'm not trying to burst your bubble either but it may be that the mansions that jesus was referring to in heaven is the same building that first corinthians five uh uh uh six i'm sorry five one where he says we have a building of god and house not made with hands it may be that the mansions is a reference to our glorified body i know some of you are like really you know i want to have like a tennis court i want to have you know i was finally look i i may be wrong all right and i'm not you know hopefully we get to heaven you get a nice big mansion hey praise the lord for it you can come and tell me hey you you were wrong but i'm telling you it may be i don't really see why we would need a big old mansion up in in heaven you know and have people go around and look at our houses and things like that it may be that god is referring to because here he says look what you have right now is the equivalent of a tent he says your body right now it's like a tabernacle it's like a tent it's like you're out camping somewhere he said but one day you're going to go from the tent to the mansion and it's an illustration as to the difference the body you have now you know you say what's the value of it it's like a tent he said but but the value you'll have then it's like a mansion it's a building made not with hands it's the building of of god eternal in the heaven so you take that as you like and if you're just like no absolutely not it has to be a mansion and i already got it all you know decorated and i don't know what the colors are gonna be oh look that's fine all right i'm not here to try to mess you up with that but uh that that may be a reference there go back to first corinthians 15 all right first corinthians 15 it's not a big deal to me we don't need to argue about it all right first corinthians 15 louis verse number 49 here's what we do know our glorified body will be similar to christ's glorified body and the bible doesn't tell us a lot about our glorified bodies but we do get a lot of insight into christ's glorified body and in first corinthians 15 49 the bible says this and as we have borne the image of the earthly he says in the same way that we are similar to uh adam the image of the earth he says he says and as we have borne the image of the earthly we shall also bear the image of the heavenly he says in the same way that our bodies are physically similar to that of adam and eve he said our bodies will physically be similar to that of the heavenly adam or of the last adam the lord jesus christ now this isn't the only place that shows that let me show it to you in other passages you're there in first corinthians 15 go to the book of philippians you got first and second corinthians galatians eph from whence also we look for the savior the lord jesus christ look at verse 21 who shall change our vile body notice that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body according to the working whereby he is able even to do all things unto himself so notice his body is referred to as a glorious body as we call it a glorified body we're raised in dishonor we are raised in glory but here we are told that he will change our vile bodies that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body so it'll be fashioned it'll be patterned after it'll be similar to his glorious body let me give you another verse to prove that point go to first john chapter number three now if you start at the end of the bible the book of revelation and you move backwards you're going to go past the book of jude it's one chapter and then you'll be in first second and third john find first john chapter number three first john chapter number three and look at verse number two first john chapter number three and verse number two first john chapter number three and verse number two notice what the bible says first john three two beloved now are we the sons of god that's talking about salvation and by the way you can know that you are a son of god you can know that you are saved he says beloved now are we the sons of god but then he says this and it does not yet appear what we shall be he said we have not yet seen what we shall be but we know that when he talking about jesus shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is you see that so it's very clear in scripture that when jesus christ comes back which that's the day of the rapture the resurrection when we are changed into our incorruptible bodies we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is our vile bodies shall be changed and fashioned like unto his glorious body as we have borne the image of the earthly we shall also bear the image of the heavenly so here's what we know the glorified body uh we know we will be given a glorified body and the glorified body uh may be the mansion that jesus was referring to if that's all right with you and our glorified body will be similar we know this that it will be similar to christ glorified body but let me give you just one more thing go with me to the book uh let's see where do i want you to go you know what go to the book of luke real quickly like i said we're going to look at a lot of passages this morning so i hope you're getting ready to read and study the bible go to luke chapter number 24 all right in the beginning of the new test we've got matthew mark luke luke chapter 24 let me give you one more thing on on that our bodies will be similar to christ glorified body now we get insight into christ glorified body because jesus on this earth walked in the equivalent of a tabernacle he walked in a earthly man's body but after he died and was resurrected he was resurrected in his glorified body he was resurrected in his changed body or his uh his heavenly body so we get some insight into his glorified body by studying what g how the body of jesus was different after the resurrection because remember he he was on this earth for some time after the resurrection we can see how his body was different after the resurrection than it was before his death but before we get into that i just want to show you how his body is still similar you're there in luke chapter number 24 look at verse number 36 luke chapter 24 and verse 36 this is jesus after he he is appearing to his disciples after his resurrection the bible says luke chapter 24 and verse 36 matthew mark luke luke 24 36 and as they thus spake jesus himself stood in the midst of them and say unto them peace be unto you but they were terrified and frightened and supposed that they had seen a spirit so they they think they're seeing like a ghost all right because they just saw jesus die three days ago right they they and now his body's missing and all of a sudden he appears in the midst of them and they're afraid and they're uh supposed that they had seen a spirit verse 38 and he said unto them why are you troubled and why do your thoughts arise in your hearts behold my hands and my feet that it is i myself handle me and see for a spirit hath no hath not flesh and bones as you see me at so i want you to understand something that the spirit body is still a body in the sense that jesus still had flat notice what he says uh look at the anniversary nine he says a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me have okay now i don't have time to get into this you're gonna have to say this on your own a spirit in the bible it has no body but in first corinthians 15 we're told about the natural body versus the spiritual body the bible seems to indicate that the spiritual body is still a body in the sense that there's flesh and there's bones he's telling them you're not seeing a ghost you're not seeing a vision he said it's really me look at verse 39 again behold my hands and my feet he's showing them the fact that his hands were pierced and his feet were pierced at his death he says that it is myself handle me and see for spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me have notice verse 40 and when he had thus spoken he showed them his hands and his feet and while they yet believed not for joy and wonder he said unto them have you any meat now the word meat in the bible is referring to food he said you guys got anything to eat and they gave him a piece of boiled fish and of honeycomb luver 43 and he took it and did eat before them so in his glorified body he still had flesh he still had bones and then notice he's still leading and that's good news for some of us you know because i'd hate to go to heaven and just not eat anymore you know i like to eat you know and it's nice to sit down every once in a while and have a nice meal or something and i'm glad to know that in heaven in our glorified bodies we'll still be eating because the lord jesus christ was still eating now you're there in luke turn back with me to the book of matthew so you're going to go past mark into matthew let me give you one more okay and i'm trying to to explain to you the things we do know and the things that we suspect okay here's what we know you will receive a glorified body here's what i kind of think i think that the mansion that jesus refers to is your glorified body i'm not going to tell you that's without a doubt that's that's gospel i think that is what he's referring to but you can study that out on your own but here's what we do know you will get a glorified body here's what we do know our glorified bodies will be similar to christ glorified body we know that the bible spells that out but here's something else that i kind of think may be true i think that our glorified bodies may also be similar to the bodies of angels now i didn't say that we become angels or that we are angels but our bodies may be similar to their angel to the bodies of angels matthew 22 look at verse 30 matthew 22 and verse number 30 notice what the bible says for in the resurrection that's talking about when we're resurrected when we're raptured matthew 22 verse 30 for in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage and in heaven you will not be married remember your vows were till death do us part once you die you're not married anymore for in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage my wife is happy about that you know she's like in heaven not only will we not be married we're not even gonna be friends she's like you know we need we need at least 10 000 years before we hang out okay you know but in the resurrection they neither married or given in marriage notice what it says but are as the angels of god in heaven now you may say well that's only referring to the marriage part and that may be true but here's what and i'm not going to run all verses i'll let you study this out on your own as you as you watch the descriptions of christ in his glorified body and you also watch and listen and study the descriptions of angels you will find that they are very similar they look alike so it may be that in heaven our glorified bodies will be similar to the bodies of angels say why is that important it's important because we get to see angels in the bible and we get to see some characteristics that we'll look at this morning so here's what we know we will get a glorified body here's what we're not sure about or at least i'm not sure about but i lean towards the fact that our bodies will be our dwelling place like they are here on earth and that's the mansions that jesus referred to here's what we do know the glorified body will be similar to christ's body here's what may be true or i tend to lean towards is that our bodies will be similar to the bodies of angels all right uh so let's let's let me just give you and we're going to jump into some characteristics of the glorified body here in a second but let me just give you uh some famous descriptions of glorified bodies throughout the bible you're there in matthew 22 flip back to matthew chapter 17 matthew chapter 17 and look at verse number one we are given some insight into some glorified bodies in the bible i want to just look at them quickly so you can kind of get an idea of what we're talking about matthew 17 and verse 1 is the famous passage about the mount of transfiguration all right let's look at it together matthew 17 verse 1 and after six days jesus taketh peter james and john his brother and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart and was transfigured the word transfigured means transform is the same idea that he was changed before them so here's what jesus understand at the mount of transfiguration for that short amount of time that they were up there jesus transformed his body from the earthly tabernacle that he dwelt in here on earth to his glorified body he basically transfigured or changed himself to show them how he would be in glory notice what it says and was transfigured before them notice how he changes his face did shine as the sun and his raman was white as the light and of course we see that moses and elijah show up there as well for that mount of transfiguration but i want you to notice when his body was transformed his face did shine as the sun and and his raman was as the light now keep your place there in matthew we're going to be spending some time in matthew mark luke and john but go to the book of revelation revelation chapter one let me show you another description of jesus and his glorified body after his ascension after jesus returned back uh to heaven and like i said it's kind of bible study this morning and i apologize i'll preach a little bit at the end but i want you to see these things after jesus ascended up to heaven he appeared several times one was to paul we won't take the time to look at that in the book of acts one was to john when he was basically uh asking him or commissioning him to write the book of revelation revelation chapter one in verse 12 john gives us a description of who he saw revelation chapter one look at verse 12 and i turned to see the voice to speak with me revelation should be fairly easy to find last book in the new testament and i revelation 112 and i turned to see the voice to speak with me because he hears a voice and he turns around to look at it and being turned i saw seven golden candlesticks and in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the son of man the son of man is a title that was given to the lord jesus christ okay here's another thing i want you to understand i do believe that our glorified bodies will look similar to our bodies here uh today you know we'll be able to see you and recognize you for who you are now they will be changed all right uh and i don't know the extent of that i know that in heaven there is no disease i know that in heaven there is no sickness if you have a cancer here on earth your glorified body won't have cancer i don't i don't think it'll necessarily have scars or blemishes or think the book of job uh seems to indicate that and we're not going to run those verses uh this morning we just don't have time but uh you know jesus kept the marks on his hands and on his feet i think god did that on purpose to be able to show us you know this is christ he died but our glorified bodies are going to be changed but i think we will be able to recognize each other i i do believe that obviously they won't be corrupted so anything any problems that your body has whether it's sickness whether it's disease you know whatever it may be will not be there but it will still be you it will still look like you know i'm kind of hoping my glorified body is maybe a little taller you know what i mean uh but but who knows you know but you'll be able to look at me and identify hey that's pastor he meant it so you'll be able to look at you and identify yourself because notice look verse 13 and in the midst of something candlesticks one leg unto the son of man he said i saw someone that looked just like jesus here's why because it was jesus clove with a garment down to the front and great about the paps with a golden girdle his head and his hair were white like wool notice that his head and his hairs were like white like wool some of you're like i'm already getting to my glorified body i already got white hair you know his head and his hair were white like wool as white as snow notice this and his eyes were as a flame of fire could you imagine that that's like hollywood you know and by the way you know quit watching all the stupid movies and just read the bible it's better here the bible tells us about jesus and could you imagine looking into the eyes of jesus and it's just like fire it's just light his eyes were as a flame of fire notice verse 15 and his feet like undefined brass as if they burned in a furnace and his voice as the sound of many waters i want you to remember that because we're going to see another description that's similar to that look at verse 16 and he had in his right hand seven stars and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword and his countenance talking about his face was as the sun shineth in his strength isn't that similar to what we saw in the modern transfiguration right i want you to notice that there's a theme about these glorified bodies they all shine okay and we're going to talk about that at the end of sermon look at verse 17 and when i saw him i fell at his feet as dead that's what i would do if if this guy shows up you know and he laid his right hand upon me saying unto me fear not i am the first and the last i am he that liveth and was dead and behold i'm alive forevermore amen and have the keys of hell and of death now go to the book of daniel daniel chapter number 10 in the old testament towards the end of the old testament you got those major books of the prophets isaiah lamentation ezekiel those big books isaiah i'm sorry isaiah jeremiah lamentations ezekiel and then you got the book of daniel all right isaiah jeremiah lamentations ezekiel and then you got the book of daniel daniel chapter number 10 someone shows up to daniel and looks very similar to the lord jesus christ uh description in revelation chapter one notice what the bible says daniel chapter 10 look at verse 5 then i lifted up my knives and looked and behold a certain man clothed and litten whose loins were girded with fine gold of ufaz notice verse six his body also was like beryl and his face as the appearing of lightning what's lightning it's light shines he said his face was like the appearance of lightning and his eyes as lamps of fire you see that see these aren't contact uh contacts right you know he's not putting something in there it looks funny he got eyes as lamps of fire and his arms and his feet like in color to polished brass and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude all right in revelation we're told that his voice was as the sound of many waters we're told that his uh feet were like brass so it's a very similar so i want you to understand this glorified body is is is an interesting thing to look at i mean it looks like a human being but it's shining it's got the eyes are like light its faces is shining it's got all these uh different descriptions now go with me to the book of john matthew mark luke john we've gotten into all that so let's let's look at quickly some of the characteristics of glorified body now again we're going to look at some things that jesus did and some things that angels did and we're assuming well we know that our bodies will be like christ so what we're we're trying to look at you know the things that christ's body was able to do as a glorified body maybe things that you and i will be able to do with our glorified body and they're kind of interesting things to look through john chapter number 20 look at verse number 19 in the new test we got matthew mark luke john now let me warn you all right this is what we're going to get a little into the supernatural you might call it sci-fi it's just the bible all right but it's interesting things all right john chapter number 20 look at verse number 19 john chapter 20 and verse number 19 notice what the bible says then the same day at evening being the first day of the week this is after the resurrection of christ okay because jesus did not do any of these things before his resurrection once he resurrected he's in his glorified body that uh then the same day at evening being the first day of the week when the doors were shut now look everything is in the bible for a reason nothing is in the bible just by accident or just by coincidence it's all in there for a reason god tells us things and god makes sure to tell us in this passage two different times when jesus fears that the doors were shot all right these guys have been following jesus for and jesus just got put to death they are afraid they think the jews are coming after them next they think they're going to be put to death they are hiding the doors are shut they're locked they're in hiding notice what the bible says verse 19 the same day at evening being the first day of the week when the door when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the jews notice came jesus and stood in the midst and say unto them peace be unto you now skip down to verse 26 all right in verse 26 we have another time that jesus appears to them look at verse 26 and after eight days this is another appearance again his disciples were within and thomas with them because thomas skipped out on a sunday night church last week so he got he didn't get to see jesus you know but now thomas is there then came jesus notice the door is being shut he makes sure to tell us the doors are shut the doors are closed and stood in the midst and said peace be unto you something that we can get from this passage is that it appears that the glorified body has a metaphysical type of ability where god where jesus is basically just walking through walls walking through doors the doors are shut but he just walks right in and it emphasizes it in two different passages two different meetings the doors were shot but he just came in and stood in the midst the doors being shot and stood in the midst and said peace be unto you so i don't know you say how does that work i don't know i can't explain it to you i can just tell you what the bible says but here's what i can tell you jesus was just walking through walls walking through doors you try to lock him out and he's like i'm coming right through you know hey guys how you doing you know so what there may be that our glorified bodies have the ability to walk through material like walls doors things of that nature you're there in john go to luke go backwards in your bible to luke the book the book right before it luke chapter 24 let me give you something else that's a little different something that you and i aren't able to do luke chapter 24 now in luke 24 you've got two disciples walking down the road to emmaus and jesus basically walks with them and they don't know the bible says their eyes were holding and they were not did not recognize them and he's basically talking to them and he's explained to them that the messiah that christ was supposed to die that these things were supposed to happen and in verse 30 the bible says this and it came to pass luke 24 in verse 30 as he sat at meat with them he took bread and blessed it and break and gave to them so they're going to have a meal right because we already saw jesus eating uh fish look at verse 31 and their eyes were opened and they knew him that's this is jesus after his resurrection notice what the bible says and he vanished out of their sight you see that so this is not something jesus did while on earth you know in fact the bible tells us jesus when he was preaching one day and and they tried to throw him off a cliff he he he just kind of blinded the people's eyes and he walked through them to get away from the jews that were trying to kill him but here in his glorified body when they see him he just vanished he just disappears so we see jesus in his glorified body he has the ability to walk through walls we see jesus in his glorified body he has the ability to appear and disappear uh you're there in luke 24 look down at verse number 51 luke 24 in verse 51 notice what the bible says luke 24 in verse 51 luke 24 in verse 51 notice what it says and it came to pass and it came to pass while he that's jesus blessed them isn't a resurrected body he was parted from them notice what it says and carried up into heaven it seems the bible seems to indicate that jesus had the ability to fly after his resurrection i know you guys are thinking yourself pastry man is this is ridiculous what is this x-men you know what is this superman but here's what you need to understand you know it's it would make sense that the world would take things like this and mock them and make fun of them or make it for children because that's what the satan does if anybody knows the abilities that jesus has in his glorified bodies or the abilities that you and i may have in our glorified bodies it would be sated so it would make sense that he would just make a mockery out of it and make it cartoons and make it movies and make it this and make it that that's what i'm telling you you you say well if i if i don't if i if i start being a fundamental baptist you know i can't watch spider-man anymore i can't watch x-men anymore i can't watch a new superman movie hey read the bible you got jesus flying up in this in the air you say well he was ascended up that was a uh that was just a one-time event his ascension you know it's a well known thing but here's the thing the bible tells us that he ascended several times because if you remember and i won't take the time to show it to you but if you remember you can study this out on your own when he appeared to mary magdalene he said to her don't touch me because i've not yet ascended up to my father but then later he shows up to the disciples and he's like handle me he's like handle my hands and my feet see that it's really me he said put your hand to your side so now he's saying go ahead and touch me he tells her don't touch me i haven't ascended yet he tells them go ahead and touch me what happened between that he ascended up to the father you know yeah we we believe that he did his priestly uh job of taking the the blood of the sacrifice and sprinkling it uh seven times in the holy place there just like the the priesthood did in the mosaic law and then he came back down he spent several several weeks with them here on this earth and then the bible tells us he ascended up again not only are we told of jesus ascending and there's multiple passages we could look at we won't i'll just show you those but the bible also tells us that angels fly matthew 28 look at verse 1 you're there in luke head back to matthew 28 you're going to go past mark and and and uh and into the book of matthew matthew 28 look at verse 1 matthew 28 verse 1 in the end of the sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week came mary magdalene and the other mary to see the sepulcher and behold there was a great earthquake and the angel of the lord notice descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it so he's coming down from heaven he's flying through the air keep your place there in matthew 28 we're going to come right back to it go to revelation chapter 14 revelation should be fairly easy to find last book of the of the new testament revelation chapter 14 look at verse 6 revelation chapter 14 and verse 6 notice what the bible says revelation 14 6 revelation 14 says this and i saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth and to every nation and kindred and tongue and people here we're told that the angel is flying in the midst of heaven we obviously know that we come back at the battle of armageddon jesus comes back on a white horse and we are on horses and we are descending from heaven you say flying people are crazy how about flying horses i mean this is just the things the bible tells us it's supernatural but it seems to indicate that these glorified bodies have the ability to just walk through walls have the ability to just vanish out of you know out of someone's sight or appear have the ability to fly to ascend up to heaven and to come back down and to descend from the from the heaven go back to matthew 28 look at verse number two matthew 28 verse number two let me show you one more odd thing and then we'll get into something well a couple more odd things and then we'll get into something a little more normal matthew 28 look at verse two the bible seems to indicate that these bodies have supernatural strength and what i mean by supernatural strength is that you know it exceeds the strength of a normal human being you know even a strong you know like like me i'm a pretty strong person right but but it exceeds that's a joke okay you can laugh good night okay but you know you but but this these bodies can can have supernatural strength in the sense that they can do things that normal humans aren't able to do in their mortal bodies matthew 28 look at verse 2 and behold there was a great earthquake for the angel of the lord descended from heaven we saw that now notice what he said and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat upon it so this angel shows up and then he rolls back the stone himself now here's what's interesting about that go to mark chapter number 16 i know we're looking a lot of verses but i i gave you a warning mark 16 look at verse 4 some people were like i didn't come to church for this i always think that's funny we were like i didn't come to church for this for what to study the bible you know when people complain about you guys look at way too many verses i'm like good night you are not going to make it here mark chapter 16 look at verse 4 mark chapter 16 you got matthew mark mark 16 look at verse 4 mark 16 verse 4 and if you're not able to keep up we record these sermons you can review it at home if you'd like mark 16 verse 4 and when they looked they saw that the stone was rolled away and they're worried these ladies are worried how are we going to roll the stone away for it was very great some other times a big stone heavy stone and this angel just rolls it on his own he said well maybe the ladies were weak well maybe they were but go to psalm 103 psalm 103 let me give you one more verse on this and then we'll move on to something else psalm 103 look at verse 20 you open up your bible just right in the center you're more than likely following the book of psalms psalm 103 look at verse 20 psalm 103 verse 20 notice what the bible says psalm 103 and verse 20 psalm 103 verse 20 bless the lord ye his angels notice what the bible says that excel in strength the bible tells us that angels excel or are above what we would consider normal strength they excel in strength that do his commandments hearken unto the voice of his word so here we're told the angels are described as being those that excel in strength go back to matthew chapter 13 look at verse 43 matthew chapter 13 verse 43 so here's what we know we got a glorified body the bible tells us that here's what we think the glorified bodies are probably the reference to the mansions that jesus said we're going to receive that building made without hands that building uh that that is eternal as opposed to the tabernacle we're in now we know the tabernacle is a reference to our body and that building in heaven may be a reference to the mansion um here's what we know our glorified bodies will be similar to christ glorified body here's what we can think or maybe assume is that they'll probably be similar to the bodies of angels because they seem to be fairly similar in description we uh we we we know that jesus and his glorified body was able to walk through walls were able to appear and disappear was able to fly we saw the angels flying we saw the angels having supernatural strength go to matthew 13 look at verse number 43 let me give you the last characteristics of these bodies these kind of supernatural characteristics matthew 13 and verse 43 notice what the bible says then shall the righteous now the righteous is a reference to saved people or believers then shall the righteous notice shine forth as the sun do you see that now we've seen many references throughout the bible that these glorified bodies shine their countenance shown like the sun their face was like lightning we've seen a lot of references to these bodies shining here we're told then talking about the future coming kingdom then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father who adheres to here let him here the bible tells us that the righteous shall shine the righteous will uh shine forth as the sun now go with me to the book of daniel i i meant to tell you and i apologize if i didn't i meant to tell you to keep your place in daniel but if you if you didn't keep your place there uh at daniel chapter 12 you got isaiah jeremiah lamentations ezekiel daniel chapter number 12 and look at verse number three daniel chapter number 12 and verse number three daniel chapter number 12 and verse 3 notice what the bible says and they that be wise and they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament do you see that god says if you're wise you will shine as the brightness of the firmament let's talk about your glorified bodies future and they that notice turn many to righteousness as the stars meaning they'll shine as the stars forever and ever the bible tells us here that if you're wise you will shine as the brightness of the firmament and then he explains that what does it mean to be wise he says they that turn many to righteousness what does it mean to turn people to righteousness it means to get them safe they were unrighteous they were unbelievers they were on their way to hell but if you go to them you reach out to them and you turn them around and you get them saved and they go from unrighteous to righteous from dead in their trespasses and sins to a new creature in christ god says if you do that they that turn many to righteousness you will shine as the stars forever and ever now notice that that that uh jives with the teaching of proverbs keep your uh go to proverbs chapter number 11 if you remember psalms was right in the center of the bible right after the book of psalms you got the book of proverbs proverbs chapter number 11 here's what i want you to understand the bible seems to indicate well the bible doesn't seem to indicate the bible tells us that we will all shine in our glorified body but the bible seems to indicate that the amount of your shine how bright you will be has something to do with how you know how many you turn to righteousness or how wise you are but in proverbs 11 30 the bible says this you got psalms proverbs proverbs 11 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that winneth souls what does it mean to win souls what does it mean to go soul when it means you turn many to righteousness he that win his souls is what wise you see that do daniel 12 3 says the wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament because he that win his souls is wise and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever the bible seems to indicate go back to first corinthians chapter number 15 first corinthians chapter number 15 we're almost done i just want to show you a couple of things first corinthians chapter number 15 look at verse number 41 first corinthians chapter 15 and verse 41 see not everyone in heaven is going to shine equally in fact jesus will outshine them all he will be he will shine as the sun right now stars shine but compared to the sun you know the sun outshines them but the bible indicates that not everyone in heaven is going to have the same shine some will shine more than others first corinthians 15 look at verse number 41 first corinthians 15 verse 41 there is one glory of the sun another glory of the moon another glory of the stars for one star different from another star in glory the glory is referring to that shine he says some stars have more glory have more shine than other stars so well how can i make sure that i shine that i have a lot of shine in my glory of my body he says get people say turn people to righteousness be wise one souls he said it has to do how many people you get saved has to do with your shine you say okay well why do i care about that why would i care about shining you're there in first corinthians 15 head back to first corinthians chapter number six first corinthians chapter number six first corinthians chapter number six here's what we know glorified bodies will shine in heaven here's what we know your shine is dependent upon how many people you get saved how wise you are how faithful you are to soul winning and preaching the gospel and getting people say that's what we know okay you say well what does that have to do with anything here's what i think let me just tell you what i think i'm not telling you this is not doctrine this is just my opinion first corinthians chapter six look at verse one dare any of you having a matter against another go to law before the unjust and not before the saints do you not know that the saints shall judge the world see after our we're given our glorified bodies we're not just going to be sitting up in heaven on a cloud playing a harp you know relaxing all right we're going to be working we're going to be judging notice what he says look verse one dare any of you having a matter against another go to law before the unjust and not before the saints do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world and if the world shall be judged by you it's talking about the millennial reign are ye unworthy to judge as well as matters know ye not that we shall judge angels how much more things that pertain to this life here's what he's saying you're going to judge the nations during the millennial reign you're going to judge the world in the middle you're going to judge angels they're going to be put under your authority here's what i think i think just like in the military you have a ranking system where you've got one rank and that means you've got so much authority but someone has more rank than you has more authority and they they i think in heaven our ranks are going to be uh uh established by your shine and guess who outranks everyone jesus christ but you know what based on how much you do on this earth to further the gospel to further the great commission i think you will shine more the wiser you are the more souls you want and i think in heaven that's how we will be ranked and that's how we will know who has more authority and who who who gets to judge more and do more and rule and reign with christ based on how you shine listen to me i'm not trying to hurt your feelings or anything but some of you are going to show up to heaven you're going to be a nightlight look i don't want you to heaven and be nightlight christian okay i want to shine you know i don't want to be glow in the dark where like the only time you can see me is when no other christians around because all of their lights outshine mine you know i want to be rewarded in heaven i want to be able to rule and reign with christ and god said it's connected it's connected to how faithful you are to turning people to righteousness say i i want to be rewarded in heaven you say i want to do great things for god in heaven you say i want to be i want jesus to know that i loved him and i gave my life to serve him then make sure you shine and make sure you shine because in heaven you can go around and say oh i'm jesus i love you so much thank you so much but look if you're if you're mr nightlight you're gonna be like who's talking i can't see you you can tell me you love me all you want but your shine sure doesn't show it your your your brightness see it'll be very apparent it'll be very apparent who gave their life to reach people with the gospel of jesus christ first corinthians 15 go back to it we're almost done we're going to look to more passages what we've done first corinthians 15 first corinthians 15 look at verse 51 first corinthians 15 verse 51 behold behold i show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump let's talk about the rapture for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory oh death where is thy string oh grave where is thy victory the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to god which giveth us the victory through the lord jesus christ now here's what's interesting all right first corinthians 15 58 is one of the most famous verses in the book of verse corinthians and i've always wondered what does first corinthians 15 58 have to do with the rest of the book of first corinthians 15 because first corinthians 15 is all about the resurrection and then you get to verse 58 and you're like this is a great verse but it doesn't seem to fit until you realize that your glorified body and the glory that you will have in your glorified body is dependent on what you do to further the work of god on this earth because paul says this he says we're going to be changed we're going to be transformed this corruptible will put on incorruption this mortal will put on immortality he said we're going to be given these glorified bodies then he begins then he ends the chapter in verse 58 by saying this therefore he says therefore he says for this reason for what reason paul because you're going to be given a glorified body because you're going to be given a body that walks through walls that flies through the air that vanishes and reappears because you will be given a body that shines and it'll and you'll be judging angels and judging nations and ruling and reigning with christ he says because of that therefore my beloved brethren be you steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the lord he says you think about quitting soul winning don't quit don't quit he said you're thinking about quitting on the ministry and quitting on god you're saying it's just too much work and i i could do better things and i he said don't don't quit don't quit because your glorified body well it'll depend how glorious that glorified body is depending on the things you do on this earth he says therefore he says therefore be steadfast unmovable so don't quit don't slide back don't do less always abounding in the work lord see some of you you used to go soul winning you used to show up to church on sunday night you used to show up to church on wednesday night you used to read your bible every day you used to pray every day you used to witness you used to do all these things and paul's saying hey don't quit that your glorified body is dependent on it how glorious that body is the rewards of the future are dependent on what you do in this earth let's look at one more passage what we've done roman chapter 8 look at verse 18 you're there in first gradients just go back one one book roman chapter 8 look at verse 5 18 see some of you gotten beat up and listen to me so have i i've been beat up and sometimes you get beat up on this in this world and it it uh it makes you want to quit makes you want to be done makes you want to throw in the towel notice what paul says romans 8 18 for i reckon romans chapter 8 verse 18 this last verse we'll look at we're done romans 8 18 for i reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory so word glory there which shall be revealed in us now i just want you to understand this notice what he doesn't say he doesn't say that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that will be revealed to us do you understand what i just said he he doesn't say that one day you're going to get to heaven and it's going to be so glorious next week we're going to talk about heaven and it will be glorious he said he doesn't say one day you're going to get to heaven and it's going to be so glorious that it's going to make the sufferings of this present world to to not even be compared he doesn't say you're you're going god's going to reveal to you glorious things he doesn't say that he says this they are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed here's the key word in us referring to your body here's what he's saying you suffer you suffer for god on this earth and it'll be worth it when you get that other body you'll be glad you did your body now says i'm tired i don't want to go soul winning i'm shy i'm this i'm that i work he says look look make your body do it be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord and it'll be worth it and what's revealed in you what he gives you see the mansion does have to do with your reward i i i when i get my my mansion in heaven which i think is the body i want my body to be you know maybe it'll be like a two story you know i want it to be nice and and and something that god says i prepared this for you isn't it worth it everything you went through isn't it worth it i don't want to get to heaven and say man i went from a tent to a duplex you know i went from a tent to a studio i went from a tent to you know uh just a one-bedroom house he says your glorified body your glorified body the glory depends on what you do depends on what you do see you focus on the things of this world you focus on this flash you focus on this thing do you think he said then you won't it won't be great you'll be glad you're in heaven you'll be glad you're in heaven but we're gonna you know we're gonna have to put sunglasses on you or something because you're gonna be like everyone shines so much he says therefore be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord let's bow here tonight with a prayer heavenly father thank you lord for allowing us to be able to study these concepts in scripture and lord i understand that not everything is spelled out perfectly and we don't understand exactly how everything's going to play out but lord i pray i do pray that you would help us to at least realize that you do want to reward us for the work we do on this earth help us not to be lazy help us not to give in to the things of this world help us to live with eternity in mind we love you in your precious name i pray amen all right well god bless you thank you for being here this morning i do want to let you know next