(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. All right, we're there in Galatians chapter number two. I'd like you to keep your place there in Galatians two if you would and go back with me to the book of Acts. Acts, if you go, if you keep your place there in Galatians we're gonna come back to Galatians and go back to the book of Acts. If you go backwards you're gonna go past 2nd Corinthians, 1st Corinthians, Romans into the book of Acts. So you have Galatians, 2nd Corinthians, 1st Corinthians, Romans into the book of Acts. Acts, I'd like you to find Acts chapter number 15 if you would and tonight I'm preaching a very different type of sermon. A sermon that I don't regularly preach, not something that I normally preach and if it's your first time here at Verity Baptist Church or maybe you're new to the church, you know, I really want to communicate this idea that the type of sermon I'm preaching tonight is extremely rare. In fact, our church has been around now for over 10 years and I can only think of a few times that I preached this type of sermon usually and when I say usually I would say the vast majority of time at Verity Baptist Church the sermons are meant to be for our church family and of course the sermon is meant for our church family but they're meant to be very practical, applicable, helpful sermons but from time to time you have to deal with some issues and that's what I'm doing tonight and like I said it's a very rare sermon and if you are visiting with us or you're not having been with us too many times I would encourage you to come back another week and give us another chance at another time but tonight I'm having to deal with a very specific issue and of course our church is an independent church. What that means is that we are autonomous. We are a self-governing church. We're not part of any sort of denomination or any sort of union of churches where we've got a headquarters somewhere somebody's telling us what to do or anything like that however with that said our church does fellowship with other churches of like faith and practice and that's a very scriptural thing as you read the New Testament you'll find that the churches in the New Testament would fellowship with each other they would work together they would take special offerings for each other and things like that and our church does fellowship with other churches of like faith and practice and the group that we fellowship with and again I want to be careful that you don't get the idea that we're part of a denomination or anything like that all we are is a group of churches churches that pastors that like each other and that feel like we believe similar things and our group is collectively known as the new IFB movement that's something that it's been called and sometimes people don't like those terms either and that's fine I understand that but it's just a group of churches that work together fellowship together we do missions together we do things like that soul winning events and things like that this week one of the pastors in the new IFB movement someone that I would consider a very close and personal friend pastor Aaron Thompson who is a man that I actually ordained our church over the last 10 years has started five different churches and the first church we started was Sure Foundation other other than our church of course we started our church here in Sacramento from the ground up but the first church we started after that was Sure Foundation Baptist Church in Vancouver Washington and I worked side by side with brother Aaron Thompson at the time and later ordained him and he's been pastoring and doing a great job up there and this week pastor Thompson preached a couple of sermons dealing with some issues dealing with some attacks dealing with some problems that he's been dealing with and he named two pastors that by name he called out their name different pastors that would that people would consider part of this fellowship of churches or whatever one of them was pastor Tommy McMurtry and the other one was pastor Grayson Fritz and he preached these sermons and he made a statement and he made his points and he did what he needed to do as you can imagine after these sermons were preaches there's just been a flurry of activity on social media and within all the different groups where these churches fellowship and comments and responses and statements have been taking place on social media throughout the new IFB and I decided tonight that I wanted to preach on this subject and try to help first of all help our church understand a few things because my wife and I've been getting a lot of questions from a lot of you and we understand that and there's no problem with that but people have questions you know and they want to know what's going on and and is this right is there anything wrong with this you know and I want to deal with that tonight I want to try to help you understand and I also want to just not only about this subject but about subjects like this because things like this are gonna happen from time to time I want to give you kind of a biblical mindset in regards to how to deal with these issues like I said it's extremely rare that I preach an entire sermon on something like this it's rare that I even bring it up in a sermon but from time to time I do do that and that's tonight is one of those times with that said let me say this even though I'm kind of dealing with a little bit of drama if you want to call it that I'm still going to turn to a lot of a lot of verses tonight and I'm going to teach you a lot of practical applicable things that you can learn for your personal life and even when I preach these types of you know non sermon sermons they still have more Bible in them than the average Bible college student learns in a semester so you're gonna be fine if you don't you say I don't know what's going on or anything about the drama you're getting enough preaching for your personal life do you don't worry about that but you know I do feel like it's appropriate for me to kind of weigh in on this issue for a couple of reasons first of all our church has been brought up in this issue my name has been brought up personally in this issue some of our church members have been brought up with this issue and then of course pastor Thompson is a close friend of mine and we ordained him and sent him into the ministry so I feel like it would be appropriate for me to talk about these things let me just go ahead and set the context for those of you I love pastor Thompson and I wholeheartedly agree with him and stand with him I I stand with pastor Thompson he's my friend and I think friends should be loyal and help each other out and I want to I want to try to help him I want to try to help you and anyone else who wants to listen to understand now let me just say this this will be my last kind of statement by way of introduction whenever something like this happens you know what we call drama it always seems like you always have these you know bleeding hearts you always have these overly soft ultra spiritual really you know just you know loving type of people or at least they want to act like they're loving type of people you always find this crowd that's lamenting the fact that pastors are fighting with each other or that fact that they're fighting publicly or the fact that you know pastor Thompson would name these guys by names you always have these this group that comes out and they're just like this is wrong this is not spiritual this is not correct and what I want to begin with tonight and explain to you and I've got three different points I want to make in kind of three different statements but if you're there in Acts chapter 15 I'd like to show you something Acts chapter 15 and I'm going to show this to you from different passages in the Bible Acts chapter 15 in verse 36 the Bible says this and some days after Paul now if you remember Paul and Barnabas were missionaries and they've already gone on their first missionary journey they came back from their first missionary journey and in between their first and second missionary journey they went to the Red Hot preaching conference there in Antioch and and excuse me in Jerusalem and they've had this council and they've been dealing with these issues and then they are coming back and he's getting ready now to go on his second missionary journey that's what we see here in verse 36 the Bible says this and some days after Paul said unto Barnabas these are two guys that have been working together and I would say this both of these guys are good guys both of these are our spiritual leaders both of these are evangelists they're working in in the in the ministry the Bible says and some days after Paul after Paul said unto Barnabas let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord and see how they do and Barnabas determined to take with them John whose surname was Mark if you remember John Mark was with them in the first missionary journey and he quit halfway he went back home and he quit on them now Paul and Barnabas are getting ready to go on their second missionary journey and Barnabas determined to take with them John whose surname was Mark notice verse 38 but thought not good to take him with them who departed from them from Pamphylia and went not with them to the word I want you to notice verse 39 and the contention was that was that word mean the fighting the conflict the argument notice and the contention was so sharp between them that they departed asunder one from the other and so Barnabas took Mark and sailed unto Cyprus and Paul chose Silas and departed being recommended by the brethren unto the grace of God and when and he went through Syria and Cilicia confirming the churches now let me explain something to you I don't believe that anything is in the Bible nothing in the Bible is incidental accidental or coincidental nothing in the Bible is just put in there because God was trying to fill some space and he just didn't know what to do and you know whenever I read this passage in Acts chapter 15 I always think this thought sometimes Christians fight in fact Christians have been bickering at each other and fighting with each other since the first century and sometimes you you know you get these pastors and they start the the contention was so sharp between them you would say they start fighting and argue each other and you get these ultra spiritual crowd saying this should not be done this is not what Christianity is like this is not what the Bible is like well I'm not sure what Bible you've been reading but when I read the Bible you know what I see sometimes Christians fight get over it I mean here you have Paul and Barnabas these are good guys and they're just mad at each other fighting with each other and the soft ultra spiritual crowd will say that no this isn't right this is not how it should be this is not how the Bible tells us to be but God highlights the fact and obviously you know if we can solve problems and solve issues without fighting that's something that should be done but you know that God put this in the Bible to show us something sometimes Christian leaders fight you're there you're there not to go back to the book of Galatians you say oh well that's just one you know example and and that was Paul and Barnabas and Barnabas not even that famous you know I mean he's an apostle the Bible tells us but Barnabas not even that well known you know this must have just been an isolated incident okay well let's go to Galatians chapter 2 look at verse 11 Galatians chapter 2 verse number 11 the Bible says this but when Peter was come to Antioch I now this is Paul speaking the Apostle Paul who's writing by the way under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost the book of Galatians but when Peter was come to Antioch knows what Paul says he says I would stood him to the face because he was to be blamed for before that certain came from James he this is Paul speaking about Peter he did eat with the Gentiles but when they were come he withdrew and separate himself fearing them which were of the circumcision and the other Jews dissembled likewise with him in so much that Barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation but when I this is Paul speaking saw that they walk not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel I this is Paul speaking said unto Peter notice these words before them all if thou being a Jew liveth after the manner of the Gentiles and not as do the Jews why compelest out the Gentiles to live as the Jews you know what this was you know what we're reading about in Galatians chapter 2 a public dispute between two spiritual leaders in fact between two giants of the faith I mean Peters pretty up there Peters a pretty famous well-known used man of God in the Bible so is Paul and you know I'm tired of this ultra spiritual crowd saying oh well you guys are fighting that's not spiritual well you know then Paul must have not been spiritual and I and I would remind you that the Apostle Paul was probably the greatest Christian who ever lived other than the Lord Jesus Christ the greatest man of God used in in the New Testament to bring the gospel to the Gentiles the man that God used the Bible says holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost used to pen most of the New Testament and where you have Paul and you know what he's doing he's fighting with Barnabas you know what he's doing he's fighting with Peter you said what can we take away from that here's what we can take away from it sometimes Christians fight get over it sometimes people get upset with each other sometimes people fight each other and you know oftentimes you have these people and that you here's what they'll say we shouldn't be fighting with each other you know we're we're we're becoming a mockery to the unsaved people aren't gonna get saved because these pastors are fighting with each other you know whenever somebody says that here's what I think myself you must not be a soul winner because you know our church does a lot of soul winning I've been so winning for like 20 years now week after week month after month year after year many of our church people are out there so many has anybody can anybody attest to the fact have you ever had this experience where you knocked on the door of an unsafe person hi we're coming from Verity Baptist Church wanted to give you and your family invitation to church you go to church anywhere oh great you know we'd love for you to come by and visit let me ask this question you don't forget that today are you on your way to heaven no you don't do you mind if I show you sure and you go through the whole gospel explain all the gospel presentation answer all their questions get to the end and you say hey would you like to call upon Christ for salvation have you ever had somebody say well I would but did you hear what Pastor Thompson said about Pastor McMurtry I mean I it just it makes the Christian light you know what nobody's paying attention to what pastors are saying about each other you know that no unsafe person is just paying attention and saying oh this gives a black eye to the cause of Christ you know the only people paying attention to that are the people that care the people that are involved the people in those churches this sermon is probably gonna get you know tons of views and you know what it is it's gonna be people within our group of churches who just want to hear you know what's going on so this idea says oh a pastors are fighting against each other and calling each other out by name you know this brings a shame to the cause of Christ unsafe people are not gonna get say you must not be a soul winner because you don't understand I'm saying people aren't paying attention to what you're posting on Facebook and and then there's the other argument he'll make they'll say oh well you know we should call out the false prophets but not the good guys but wait a minute wasn't Peter a good guy wait a minute wasn't Barnabas a good guy look here's all I'm telling you is that from the very beginning from the inception of the New Testament Church Christians have been bickering at each other fighting with each other calling each other out it's it's it's Christianity you know God called us to live in these community of believers and sometimes you're gonna have friction sometimes you're gonna have problems and all I would say to this ultra spiritual crowd is Christians have been fighting since the first century get over it and if you say well this isn't biblical you must not be reading the Bible because I'm watching these Christians fight all the time in the Bible somebody showed me a quote just this this morning somebody saying Christians are not monkeys monkeys monkeys fling poo at at each other don't be like monkeys I'm thinking myself like you know I pick a hypocritical that statement is you're flinging poo in your comment about flinging poo I mean you're you're making a comment about what someone's doing and you're saying they shouldn't be doing this while you're doing it you know what the Bible says to take the beam out of your own eye and it's easy to act ultra spiritual ultra you know I'm so holy and right with God you know what the fact that it's like when people say don't you know you you guys are so judgmental and it's like you're judging me for being judgmental you hypocrite Christians have been bickering since the beginning get over it Christians have been fighting and you know what I would say this sometimes and I'm not saying all the time and I'm not even saying most of the time but sometimes these public fights need to happen go to 3rd John 3rd John chapter 1 if you start at the end of the New Testament you have Revelation Jude and then 3rd John 3rd John chapter 1 because you'll say that people say this oh okay well Peter fought with Barnabas excuse me Paul fought with Barnabas Paul fought with Peter you know God just documents that but that doesn't need to happen that shouldn't happen and look I would say this most of the time it doesn't need to happen most of the time it doesn't have to happen but sometimes public fights need to happen 3rd John chapter 1 look at verse 9 here we have the Apostle John John the beloved John who laid his head on the breast of Jesus John who was loved above all by Jesus John who wrote the book of John who wrote the books of 1st 2nd and 3rd John who wrote the book of Revelation I mean this is a pretty godly man notice what Paul what John says he says I wrote unto the church but Diotrephes notice he named somebody by name but Diotrephes and by the way read 1st John read 2nd John read 3rd John you know that John never tells us Diotrephes is a false prophet you know John never tells us Diotrephes is a reprobate you know John doesn't he here's all he says he says I wrote unto the church but Diotrephes who's a member of that church who loved it to have the preeminence among them receiveth us not I mean John just called this church this guy out by name because he's doing stuff and messing with the church he didn't say it was a reprobate he didn't say it was a false prophet he just calls him out by name look at verse 10 wherefore if I come this is John John the beloved if I come notice what he says I will remember his deeds which he doeth prating the word prating means to talk foolishly and at length he says prating against us with malicious words here we have this guy Diotrephes we're never told he's a false prophet we're never told he's a bad guy but we're told he's a guy in the church and you know what he's doing against us John says he's prating against us with malicious words and not content therewith neither does he himself receive the brethren and forbid it them that would and cast it them out of the church notice that John calls this guy out what does he call the guy out for prating against us with malicious words and what is the motivation he says and not content therewith he says this guy is not content this guy is envious and as a result of his envy he's prating against us with malicious words and John called him out by name he said his name is Diotrephes he didn't tell us he's a false prophet he didn't tell us he's a reprobate he says he's just a leader in that church and I'm calling him out sometimes these things need to happen sometimes the Diotrephes need to be called out by name and by the way John called this out this guy out John publicly blasted Diotrephes again who were not told he's a false prophet we're not told he's a reprobate and he just blasted him somewhere worse than YouTube and Facebook combined he blasted him in the Holy Word of God I hear like oh you shouldn't you know you shouldn't call out a pastor on YouTube you shouldn't call out a pastor on Facebook John called him out in in the eternal word of God the Bible says forever oh Lord thy word is settled in heaven for all of eternity Diotrephes will have been called on the carpet by the Apostle John for prating against us with malicious words and not being content therewith so what can we take away from this here's what you can take away from it sometimes Christians fight sometimes pastors bicker at each other they've been doing it since the first century and you know what if I don't think I don't think you or I are better Christians than the Apostle Paul the Apostle Peter and the Apostle John in fact other than the Lord Jesus Christ I don't know that you could name three more godly men in the New Testament than Paul Peter and John and you know what see we see them engage in bickering and fighting calling each other out by name doing it publicly before them all Paul said so the first thing I want you to understand is that Christians look before you take this holier than that I can't believe Pastor Thompson well then you can't believe the Apostle Paul either and you can't believe the Apostle John either and you can't believe you you must not be reading the Bible because Christians have been bickering since the first century and look in the Bible if you read the New Testament you'll find these guys calling each other out you'll find them calling out false prophets by name this is this is what the Bible says is what this is what Christianity is like this is what New Testament Christianity is like go to 2nd Samuel in the Old Testament if you would 2nd Samuel chapter 15 in the Old Testament you have these one and two books all clustered together 1st 2nd Samuel 1st 2nd Kings 1st 2nd Chronicles find 2nd Samuel chapter 15 so first of all Christians have been bickering since the first century just know it get it get over it don't sit there and act like this has shaken my faith this has given me spiritual PTSD well Paul would have probably gave you spiritual PTSD Paul's not something you want to mess with this has been happening since the beginning but you know here's what happens whenever this happens this is what you find these people come out we shouldn't be flinging poo at each other what nobody should be that's like a lesson for like a three-year-old how many years of Bible college would have to go to learn that one we shouldn't be bickering with each other this is not Christian mature well I can't find a more mature Christian than the Apostle Paul Peter and John and they did it and if they did it and they thought it was needed sometimes and you know what sometimes we may need to do it too but let me just give you another thought the other thought is that you have this group of people that are they lack discernment and they'll look at what happened right because you'll go and listen to Pastor Thompson sermon don't listen to it now okay just do when you get home they'll go and listen to Pastor Thompson sermon and they'll give his read you know he gives all these reasons why he's calling them out on the carpet and he's confronting them to their face and he's you know naming them and saying all these things and then people will say well I don't I don't see it I don't agree with it I don't think you came to the wrong conclusion that's not what they meant that's not they weren't really attacking you but you know here's what you need to understand whenever people attack you the vast majority of time that people attack you in ministry it's always a subtle passive-aggressive attack you know it's very rare it happens from time to time but it's very rare that people just attack you up front to your face usually is these subtle passive aggressive attacks and people that lack discernment will say I don't see it but they don't see it because they lack discernment second Samuel chapter 15 let me give you an example of this in the Bible in second Samuel chapter 15 in verse 1 you have the story of Absalom remember when Absalom wanted to take over the kingdom of David the Bible says in verse 1 and it came to pass after this that Absalom prepared him chariots and horses and 50 men to run before him and Absalom rose up early and stood before the way of the gate and it was so that when any man that had a controversy came to the king for judgment now notice people are coming to the king for judgment then Absalom called unto him and said of what city art thou and he said thy servant is of one of the tribes of Israel and Absalom said unto him see thy matters are good and right now here's what's interesting the Bible tells us that when any man any man showed up Absalom would look at them and say thy matters are good and right you know if you're looking at a close friend or someone that you know personally and you say hey you're here to see the king I know you personally you're here for judgment there's a problem and you need the the the king to judge you I know you personally I've known you for 20 years I know that your matters are good and right you know that's a legitimate statement to make if you know someone if you know their situation but when people are coming to the king for judgment and every single man any man the Bible says every single man you're telling them thy matters are right thy matters are good and right you know what that is that is flattery that's hypocrisy how could every man be right I mean they're coming to the king so the king can say that's right that's wrong you're guilty you're not guilty but any man they showed up Absalom's just like thy matters are good and right he's he's just using flattery let me tell you something somebody who stands with everybody stands with nobody somebody said oh I just I'm friends with everybody you're friends with nobody you can't be loyal to everybody you know I just I'm you know I stand with every you when you look at everybody thy matters are good and right you know you go and start your your own church by splitting another church thy matters are good and right you're just going off the deep end on crazy doctrines thy matters are good and right you know you know what you are you're a weasel Absalom here he's just trying to flatter these people look at verse 3 again and Absalom said unto him see thy matters are good and right but there is notice a subtle attack there is no man deputed of the king to hear thee and notice notice what he says in verse 4 Absalom said moreover oh that I were made judge in the land that every man which has any suit or cause might cut him unto me and I would do him justice and it was so that when any man came night to him to do him obeisance he put forth his hand and took him and kissed him I mean he's really laying it on thick now look what was Absalom trying to do I mean if you read the Bible you know the story he's trying to kill David he's literally trying to kill David and steal his kingdom but you know that's not what he says to the people when the people show up he doesn't shake their hand kiss them and says I want to kill David I want to lead a rebellion against David and I'm gonna use you you idiot with who lacks discernment to help me that's not what he says to him you know what he says to him your matters are good and right but the key he's like he says no man is deputed of the key a very subtle attack the king kind of dropped the ball and all that I were made a judge in the land and I would do him justice look at verse 6 and on this manner did Absalom to all Israel that came to the king for judgment so Absalom notice the words stole the hearts of the men of Israel see here's what you need to understand when people attack what was Absalom doing he was attacking David subtly passively this is what we call being passive aggressive the word subtle means making use of clever or indirect methods to achieve something in a way that is difficult to analyze or describe people with discernment might have seen what Absalom was doing and they might have said statements like this I think Absalom is up to no good I think Absalom's trying to hurt the king I can't really put my finger on it but I just it looks like it just seems like because when things are subtle they're done in a way that is difficult to analyze or describe and by the way they're done in a way where you could easily back off if you're called on it if somebody would have walked up to Absalom and said are you trying to take over the kingdom here's that no take over the kingdom no I'm just trying to help the people you you misunderstood see the point of subtle passive-aggressive attacks is that they're meant to be subtle and if you lack discernment you won't see them look at verse 6 and on this manner did Absalom to all Israel that came to the king for judgment so Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel the worst title is described as making use of clever and indirect methods to achieve something in a way that is difficult to analyze or describe passive-aggressive means this of or denoting a type of behavior or personality characterized by indirect resistance to the demand of others and an avoidance of direct confrontation see oftentimes when people attack you they don't just do it directly to your face just call you out by name that's what we do we got integrity we've got character you know what they do they just do it subtly they just do it in a way that's difficult to be to be seen and look I will tell you this over the last ten years of ministry my wife and I have dealt with this a lot we dealt with this from the outside we've dealt with this from the inside we've had church members in this church that were just subtly attacking my wife and my kids strong attacks against our family but they were done in such a way that if we called them on it it'd be easy for me oh no no that's a misunderstanding and they were done in a way where other people wouldn't see it if they'd be blind to it just like Absalom and you know pastor Thompson called these pastors out because they've been subtly passively aggressively attacking him and his family and his ministry and then people who lack discernment they're like you're wrong you jump to the wrong conclusion they didn't say that they didn't do that well let me help you with a little understanding because I've been doing this for ten years now and when people are attacking you subtly when they're attacking you using you know being passive-aggressive towards you a lot of times at first you're just kind of like am I misreading that it looks like and it feels like but I don't know she's a well pastor how do you deal with it well I'll tell you how we deal with it and it's been extremely effective in our church what we've done is we my wife and I we just begin to document all of the issues because when somebody's attacking you subtly at first you might feel like I don't know am I reading that wrong but when you begin to document it because I have a bad memory so I have to write things down or else I don't remember them you begin to document them over and over and over again eventually you get enough of a pattern that it paints a real clear picture this guy's not a good guy this guy's not a good gal these people are trying to attack us so people get mad they're like pastor Thompson should have called out pastor Fritz pastor Thompson should have called out pastor McMurtry or you guys should have called out pastor Boyle or you guys should have called out you know Adam Fannin or whatever all these people you guys should have called out pastor major but you know let me just help you because when we move on these issues we're not just moving because we just we just read a post somewhere we got angry about it we've been looking at these things and documenting these things for a long time in fact let me help you guys some of the people out there who lack discernment and let me just give you my documentation of the last year and a half of the subtle attacks that have been happening in the new IP and you tell me how are we supposed to take this say well what have they done okay and look I'm gonna give you five clear points of what these guys have done against our church and against other our friends and I'm telling you right now any one of these guys if they have a backbone can stand up and call me out I'm gonna number them for you one two three four five they can stand up and say number two is a lie that never happened number four is a lie that never happened if they can say that with integrity then I'm telling them they should but they can't because what I'm telling you is the truth so what have they done how about severely attacking us concerning kovat how about the fact that they were attacking pastors who were doing live stream only services now if you ask them if you ask Absalom they wouldn't they would say well we're no we're not attacking you know them specifically we're just attacking all pastors in general you know and and they say anyone who's doing live stream only services during coronavirus they would say they're rolling over to the government they would call them cowards they would say they're FEMA pastors you know here's the thing here we are right February of 2020 and we're kind of like I don't know what this coronavirus thing is I it could have been the black plague for all I know we sat there and counted about nine different people in our church that were would have been considered high risk we didn't know if it was true we didn't know if it was a big deal we didn't know what it was gonna be like and we said hey we're just gonna temporarily do live stream only services you know just so we can kind of figure this thing out and then all of a sudden all these just vicious attacks and we're looking at them we're saying like friend are you talking about us like no no not you everyone else not you but just just attack you know yeah these guys are FEMA pastors these guys are this these guys are that and the funny thing is that at Verity Baptist Church and all the friends that I know anyone that went live stream only you know we still had people in the room with us every service and the funny thing is that we probably still had more people in the room with us when we were doing live stream only services than they had when they didn't shut down but you know they're attacking us for going live stream only while we their supposed pastor friends were temporarily doing live stream only services and we're like that's a little odd all right are you talking about us no no I was talking about another church in California okay you gotta just jot that down and think that's odd maybe they're having a bad day how about this lavishly promoting people who turn on us I mean these guys have gone out of their way they're falling all over themselves to promote and protect and befriend any guy who just turns on I'm not talking about one guy I'm talking about multiple people when they turn on us they just go they just like falling all over themselves to connect with them to have them come preach for them to go preach for them to do videos with them you say I don't know I think it's kind of a quick coincidence okay well how many do you have to do before it becomes a pattern Joe major makes a video saying I don't like Pastor Anderson I'm separating from Pastor Anderson I'm separating from the new IFB and they're just falling all over themselves to go preach for him to have him come preach for them to just be their friends and you kind of take note of that you're like that's a lot now first we had this coronavirus thing now we have this Joe major thing how about Patrick Boyle who held an entire conference against the new IFB's King James only position who held an entire conference against Pastor Anderson who had Adam Fannin come to his church and publicly pray and when Patrick Boyle turns on us they're just falling all over them so I mean they're scheduled to go do a revival conference for him soon sometime soon here how about Josh Gander who's a dipstick up in Canada not even worth mentioning his name it's just this idiot has just been at the severely attacking all of us and they they're just falling all over themselves to protect him to promote him how about Paul Wittenberger I mean Paul Wittenberger as far as I know hasn't attacked us but he definitely separated himself from us and that's fine people want to separate themselves from us that's not a problem but they just go out of their way to connect themselves with him to do live streams with them how about Matt Powell same thing as far as I know he hasn't attacked us but he's definitely separated himself from us and they're just falling all over themselves to connect with him to befriend him to have him do live streams together look how how much discernment do you have to have before you start making the connecting huh it seems like everybody that turns on us they just befriend them and become their close friend and want to do all these conferences together how much discernment you have to have before you start connecting the dots and thinking I don't think these people like us I think these people are subtly attacking us looks like everybody that turns on us they're just like that's my best friend and then you know you preach like this and this is the comment that comes back to you well don't they have the right to be friends with whoever they want now listen to me let me answer your stupid question yes but before you ask before you you say well then they can do whatever they want okay but if the answer is yes for them isn't the answer yes for us well don't they have the right to be friends with whoever they want okay yeah they do so don't we have the right to choose to not be friends with them based off the fact that they want to be friends with our enemies no no no you just have to keep being their friend they have the right they have the right but not you that's stupid yeah well there they don't have to be friends with anybody well you know what I don't have to be friends with them either they ain't gonna preach forever they want and not preach wherever they want well you know what I don't have to be their friend and like them and promote them either you say these subtle attacks attacking us regarding coronavirus lavishly promoting and turning you're just loving everyone who turns on us these people have no loyalty I'm only on point two I got five of these I'm trying to help some of you you don't have any discernment you just think you guys are just you know a little uptight you're always mad about everything let me teach you a lesson on discernment how about attacking the kids of the new IFB I mean going out of your way to make statements there's a situation not too long ago or some of the kids and the new IFB got in trouble you know what kids are gonna get in trouble teenagers gonna be stupid their minds are not fully developed you know that that's scientifically proven sometimes kids are gonna do stupid things and you know what all the parents all the authorities were told the kids got punished they repented or whatever you know that's that's their business kids are gonna do stupid things but you know after that happens these guys they've just been going out of their way to just any chance they have to just make these statements we're just trying to raise pure kids we're just trying to raise godly kids as if all of us aren't trying to raise pure kids and godly kids and they make these statements how how the new IFB kids are so bad in comparison to the old IFB I mean Grayson Fritz made made the statement about the old IFB I'm gonna quote him this is what he said he said the old IFB they raised better families in the new IFB I'll take an old IFB family any day of the week and put them against 99% of the new IFB clowns any day of the week he's saying 99% of our kids are just trash in comparison to the old IFB let me tell you something I grew up in the old IFB you know that a mom that homeschools and and is a homemaker is a rarity in the old IFB you know that the old IFB virtually every woman works a job wears pants goes to work but these are the kids you know they raise better kids look I grew up old IFB I grew I went to I cried from a Christian school with all these kids that were raised in church and the only my wife and I were talking about the only kids that I knew growing up that I can say right now are serving the Lord were all related to the pastor all the rest of them have gone to the devil but the old IFB kids are better than the new IFB kids well I don't know what kids you're looking at maybe all the kids in your church suck but you have to take a look at the kids from Verity Baptist Church I'm so proud and so impressed with some of the young people in our church we've got some of the great I'm not trying to give a big head I'll pick on him and make you know make sure they get humble later but we've got some great young people in this church we got these single kids they love the Lord they go soul-winning they listen to their pastor they want to get married the pastor says you gotta wait a year they say we don't want to but we'll do it we'll submit to you pastor we love you they go soul-winning they go to church they read their Bible we've got some young men we've got some young kids here they're they're they're they're working grown-up adult jobs they're choosing jobs they're choosing jobs based off the fact that they could still go to all three services go soul-winning and support a family those are the kids of the new IP wait but because you got this vendetta and you want to just try to you know try to make somebody feel bad or look bad because their kid made a mistake all of you you guys all suck it's ridiculous look any church you're gonna find good kids and bad kids obviously I'm not saying every kid in the new IP is great but you know what the old IP if you like it so much go go look at what they're producing they're show show me show me the 30 year old old IFP product show me the 35 year old the 30 year old the 25 year old pastor that came out of Golden State Baptist College West Coast Baptist College whatever Bible College you want house Anderson called show me the 35 year old that's just standing up ripping face leading a soul-winning movement in his community show it to me it doesn't exist you're not gonna find a product of the old IP a 35 year old that came out of the old IP that's just ripping face leading a hundred soul-winners down to community it doesn't exist but this guy wants to make himself feel better and you know what let me let me say it's about Jason about about Grayson Fritz and you know the Bible people need to be careful and really just kind of take the beam out of their own eye because you know Grayson Fritz and I and I and I hope you all understand I'm gonna bring this up and I want to bring this up in the right spirit this guy just had his oldest son joined the military now look I'm not saying that because his oldest son joined the military that that makes him a failure as a as a father I'm not saying that but I'll tell you this I wouldn't want my kids joining the military I joined the military I would and and and I know this about the military and by the way you kids listen up don't join the military they own you you don't get to go to church you don't get to go soul-winning they control your life for those years this guy's son goes enjoys the military and look being in the military is not the worst thing the world I'm not saying that makes him a failure but it's not the greatest thing in the world either and I just think it's funny that he's getting up there and just screaming and yelling about being a godly parrot and how you guys all suck when his oldest son just joined the military it's like you're not really succeeding either buddy I'll just take the beam out of your own eye you think you'd have a little grace when other kids messed up you think you'd be a little more loving and look I'm not saying he failed as a parent I'm not saying he needs to quit the ministry I'm not saying any of that but I'm saying this not having your kids join the most is not the greatest thing in the world it's not the desire I have for my children it's not the thing that that I would want our kid and by the way you know 99% of the new IP kids are terrible the old life be you know I can tell you story after story after story of kids from this church sitting in this auditorium right now I can tell you story after story after story and some of you moms and some of you dads can can nod your heads and say yes to the fact that you had kids that thought about going into the military and you talked them out of it and I talked them out of it and we went to them and said don't do it they're gonna own you and you know what those kids they submitted to their pastor they submitted to their mother they submitted to their father and they chose different jobs I mean I've got better parents in my church than you but you want to sit there and attack us attacking the kids of the new IP to make yourself feel better so I don't think you should bring that up take it up with Peter take it up with John I mean how are we supposed to look when a few kids mess up and then it becomes your mantra becomes your just your your thing you're constantly gonna bring up we're just trying to raise godly kids we're just trying to raise godly kids what are we supposed to think except for the fact that you're just trying to dig jabs at our friends number four I got five of these how about the fact that they attacked our church members for asking questions on salvation now look this is the truth you listen to those guys you listen to those guys and this is what they make it sound they make it sound and they're liars and if they had any integrity they would make a video tomorrow and say you know what number four pastor Jimenez was right he called me on the carpet and he was true and he told the truth and let me apologize publicly that's what they should do because if you listen to their sermons you know what they make it sound like they make it sound like our church members are just listening to their preaching and they're just listening for them to mention some random pastor friend of theirs and then our church members are just like let's Google that guy and find everything wrong with that guy and just and just attack him that's what they make it sound like and they're pretty full of themselves they they'll act like you know I'm just mentioning this guy down the street and then this guy in California he just starts googling the name and finds all these bad things about well here's the problem with that that's called a strawman argument that's a lie and you know it that's not what happened you said well what happened what happened is there's a heretic named Stacey Shiflett who was being interviewed and promoted to our church he was being interviewed and promoted to the new IP promoted to our church people he was trying to sell his book to our church people he was trying to be they were gonna invite him to events with our church people and let me tell you something that wasn't just some random guy you happen to mention in a sermon you're trying to bring his influence into our church people and at that point you know what our church people have been trained to try all the spirits try the spirits whether they be of God don't just start picking up books and reading them find out what those people believe and make sure they're actually saved yeah you want to make it sound like I just mentioned my friend and then they just started attacking him well that's a lie and you got to admit the fact that you're lying you're they're trying to promote Stacey Shiflett promote him to our church promote him to our movement get our people to buy his book and then some people actually bought the book read it and they were like this guy is repent of your sins heretic and they just start attacking our church people and you know and they start mocking and it was you know I'll just call them I'm calling everybody out by name they're calling out brother Luke I'm calling brother Luke out by name you don't like it Paul did it no because brother Luke makes this video you know and Grayson Fritz is up there and you know because he loves he loves the fact that he's from Tennessee I reckon and and he thinks he's making fun of it you know he sees Luke this blonde blue-eyed kid and he thinks he's making fun of this like surfer from California and he's making fun of Luke and he's saying he's if you listen to what he's talking saying about brother Luke he's saying like you're sitting there in your in your little car making a little video and you've never even been to our part of the country your partner even come to our state you never even been around here you know what's funny is that brother Luke is from Kentucky he grew up in a repent of your sins Church right in that area by the way that's why he cares so much about it but you're so arrogant and stupid you don't even take the time to figure out why does this kid care so much no I care so much because that doctrine has damned his own whole family to help he's from the south to reckon and you just think you're making fun of Californians you wanna make fun of Californians make fun of me I'm a Californian you say yeah California this California that I've been to the rest of the country it sucks there's a reason why it's so expensive to live here no offense to all my pastor friends that live other places we love you but you know what they've attacked our church members for doing you know here's the thing this is what we tell people they attack our church members are doing what we've taught them to do that's bad that's bad enough but you know what's worse they've attacked our church members for doing what the Bible tells them to do the Bible says try every spirit the Bible says try every spirit whether they be of God the Bible says you shouldn't just start picking up books and start listening to preaching and start letting people influence you without you testing them and judging them and making sure they're right and and because it embarrassed you and it embarrassed your little friend you know what you owe them an apology they're doing exactly what the Bible told them to do well they shouldn't be asking a pastor about salvation are you crazy they shouldn't be asking a pastor about salvation if there's any guy in the world you should ask about salvation is the pastor I talked to our church members how about preach angry and bitter sermons about our church members and our pastor friends I mean they're calling our church members I'm talking about people from Verity Baptist Church and other churches of like faith and practice they're calling them clowns bozos stooges you get all mad oh they pastor Thompson to call them out by name he called out pastor Anderson and pastor Shelley by name and called them stupid I mean what are we supposed to think and this is what people with that no discernment have because they'll say well he didn't say pastor Anderson is stupid okay here's what he said does pastor Anderson do stupid things yes you say that's not the same thing it's exactly the same thing he's calling them stupid you say well don't pastors get disagree look I've stood up here and preach sermons and I've taught things that I knew my pastor friends maybe we're a little different on and you know what somebody who's normal who actually loves their friends says you know we're preaching against false prophets we just rip on them and whatever but you know when somebody actually has a friend and loves their friend I mean you've heard me say I'll stand up here and I'll say now look this is an on this issue on this position I've got pastor friends that maybe they believe something a little different and that's fine they're independent Baptist in their church they can do whatever they want but here here's what we do here's what we believe that's how people who like each other talk you know that let me help some of you that don't have any discernment you know that we communicate on a larger level than just our words you you don't only to communicate using your words you communicate using your body language you communicate using your facial expressions you communicate using your tone of voice you communicate using all sorts of things and I dare you to go listen that sermon and tell me you're not listening to a very bitter and angry man and he tells you in the sermon what he's bitter about he's mad that people are listening in his church people are listening to Pastor Anderson and Pastor Jimenez and Pastor Mejia and all these other pastors in the new IFP you say well they shouldn't be listening to Pastor Anderson well let me let you in on a little secret they're only there because of Pastor Anderson there they they they preach these angry so and look those of you say you came to the wrong conclusion well what what other conclusion were we supposed to come to when they're attacking us about coronavirus when they're befriending everybody that turns against us when they're attacking the kids in the new life be when they're attacking our church members for doing what the Bible tells them to do when they preach angry bitter sermons about our church and the other people say but they think he didn't call you out by name well that's the point of subtle passive-aggressive attacks you say but why are they being subtle here's why they're being subtle yeah why won't they just come out against you here's why they won't come out against us because they're still feeding off us you know why they won't attack us it's not because they don't like they they they respect us they don't like us they attack us by name all of us by name but here's why they won't is because they still want the guy listening to Pastor Anderson they still want the guy listening to Pastor Mejia they still want the guy listening to Pastor Shelley they still want the guy listening to Pastor Jimenez that happens to live near them they still want that guy to show up to their church but they also once they get there they want to turn them against us so that they'll only love them and look some of you you know you're not in ministry and you don't understand this and I will tell you I understand where they're coming from sometimes especially early in the ministry for for me you know I can I I'm not saying it's right I'm just telling you I can understand what they're coming for sometimes you feel like you're living under somebody's shadow you know you have people show up to your church and all they talk about is another pastor and it can make you feel bad sometimes so I I understand where they're coming from but you know you can either decide to let things make you bitter or better and you know these guys have decided to make let to just get bitter about it and get angry about it and let's just attack Pastor Anderson let's attack Pastor Thompson let's attack Pastor Jimenez let's bring them down in hopes that our people will like us more you know I'll be honest with you I can understand where they're coming from I remember years ago thinking to myself man I've got all these people coming into our church and they just keep telling me about how great these other pastors are and how we should do what they're doing and we should do this and we should do that and look I can understand how that can be frustrating but you know what I decided a long time ago maybe I just need to get better instead of getting bitter why don't I get better you know what I thought to myself I thought maybe I should make an awesome documentary maybe I should try to get better at preaching maybe I should create better content so people will like to listen to me maybe since these people are here I can pray for them I can love them I can have them over to my house for dinner I can visit them in the hospital and eventually I'll earn their love and respect and they'll love me too they don't have to stop hating him and to start loving me sometimes people just need to decide hey instead of getting bitter why don't you get better you know I I thank God I've we've got church people here who say pastor you know honestly I'm so busy at work I'm so busy I don't have time to listen to any of the other preachers you know I come three three times a week here and that's that's all I that's that's all I need you know what I say praise the Lord maybe if your people feel so badly like they have to go home if your people feel like they have to go home on Sunday night and listen to somebody else maybe you're not feeding them I don't think you should say that you like discernment Paul would have said it and you know I'm telling you is if people were doing this to you be subtle passive-aggressive so don't sit there and tell me you came to the wrong conclusion no you came to the wrong conclusion you're not paying attention go to Philippians chapter 1 Philippians chapter 1 I'm gonna preach a little longer than I normally do because I'm gonna get this all out and then we're gonna get back to preaching about years then next week okay you say but these guys are saved you know here's the thing as far as I know they're saved you know we get accused of every time we don't like somebody we reprobate them first of all that's a yucky word to reprobate someone but you know you know what I understand that sometimes we we fight with people and they're saved as far as I know they're saved I don't know I mean sometimes people come out with all these weird things and we're like okay that guy's not saved but you say well they're saved and they're they're leading soul winning and they're getting people saved you know you know here's my thoughts on that if there's not guys out there that are saved and they hate me or they hate my friends or they're just fighting against us but they're getting people saved you know my position is the same position as the Apostle Paul I rejoice I rejoice that they're getting people saved I actually just preached about this last week in Philippians but I'm gonna show it to you again because it's all of a sudden become highly applicable this week Philippians 1 15 notice what the Apostle Paul said he said some now in verse 14 he was talking about the brethren in the Lord and in verse 15 he says some referring to the brethren the Lord he's talking about saved people he says some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife and some also of goodwill look do you think that there are guys out there who preach entire sermons again you know sermons about being an independent Baptist or whatever and their entire motivation for that sermon is that they're envious at Pastor Anderson and Pastor Jimenez and Pastor Thompson and Pastor Mihir Pastor Shelley and that's why they're preaching the sermon some indeed preach Christ of envy and strife you don't think that happens because I do you don't think there's guys out there who hold entire King James only conferences and their purpose is not to actually turn people towards the King James issue but their whole purpose was to just show how much they were more King James than the rest of us and they hold an entire conference even of envy and strife you don't think that happens because I do look even in our churches you don't think there's people who go soul winning and their entire motivation is just to do more soul winning than the pastor does to do more soul winning than the staff does to do more soul winning than the staff wives do what their 500 kids to do more soul winning than the pastor's wife does because I do some some people some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife not out of the right motivation look at verse 16 the one preach Christ of contention not sincerely supposing to add affliction to my bond you don't think that there are some guys out there who preach about being a godly parent not because they actually want people to be godly pants but just to add affliction to some parents who just had their kids do something stupid you don't think that happens because I do he says the one preach Christ of contention not sincerely supposing to add affliction to my bonds he says but the other of love knowing that I am set for the defense of the gospel he says what then says so what he says notwithstanding every way whether in pretense or in truth Christ is preached and I therein do rejoice yeah I will rejoice you know what I don't have to like their stupid conference and I don't have to like their stupid comments but if they're getting people say as far as them getting people say my position is I rejoice yeah and I will rejoice if someone is saved and they're attacking us but they're getting other people saved as far as them getting people say I rejoice in that you know what the funny thing is that if somebody called me the funny thing is there's somebody called me from that area and said hey is there a good church in this area I still recommend them if they're preaching the right gospel I'd say hey you know there's this church down there but you might not want to mention you like me you say what do you call that you call that maturity you know I can call them out for being liars and snakes and weasels but if they're preaching the right gospel you know whatever I rejoice and if they're false prophets we'll call them out on the carpet for that too but you say but why are they subtle because they want to continue to feed off of us they want to continue to gain our followers so you know what pastor Thompson did he said you know what I'm sick and tired of these guys just attacking me attacking me attacking me attacking my friends and they're just gaining from us so you just called him out so people would stop so people would know like hey this guy's not our friend how do you know are you do you need the list you need the five things those are just the five I gave you yeah what what what's the issue you know here's the issue sometimes Christians fight they've been fighting since the first century get over it you say what's the issue the issue is that subtle passive-aggressive attacks the point is for them to be subtle and if you don't have the discernment to see it then maybe you just keep your mouth shut let me give you a third statement we'll finish up go to judges chapter 9 judges chapter 9 here's a statement for these guys these pastors but honestly this is a statement for every pastor this is a statement for every young man whoever wants to be a pastor this is really a statement for every man sitting in this auditorium especially young men now before I give you the statement let me give you the story judges chapter 9 I really like the story because it really highlights what I want to say judges 9 verse 28 Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy Joshua judges judges 928 and Gail the son of Ebed said who is Abimelech now here we have two leaders and by the way they're both bad guys in the story that doesn't matter it brings a point across and he says and Gail the son of Ebed said who is Abimelech and who is Shechem that we should serve him is not he the son of Jerubel and Zebel his officer served the men of Hamor the father of Shechem for why should we serve him now notice notice what Gail says in verse 29 and would to God this people were under my hand doesn't that sound like Absalom then would I remove Abimelech so here you have Abimelech the leader and you got this Gail guy and by the way if you read the context they're all getting drunk at a party and he starts running his mouth who is Abimelech who is Shechem that we should serve why should I serve him what to God of this people were under my hand then would I remove Abimelech and he that's Gail said to Abimelech now he's speaking to Abimelech but Abimelech is not there he says increase thine army and come out now notice verse 30 and when Zebel the ruler of the city heard the words of Gail so like the mayor of the city was there at this gathering and he heard he heard Gail running his mouth I mean Gail is just challenging Abimelech Abimelech is not even in the city Abimelech somewhere else completely and he's just running his mouth and he's saying Abimelech increase thine army and come out you fight me you coward that's what Gail is saying but Abimelech is not there verse 30 and when Zebel the ruler of the city heard the words of Gail the son of Ebed his anger was kindled and he sent messengers unto Abimelech privately saying behold Gail the son of Ebed and his brethren be come to Shechem and behold they fortify the city against thee and just for sake of time let me just skip some of this but go down to verse 34 and Abimelech rose up and all the people that were with him by night then they laid weight against Shechem in four companies so Gail's running his mouth he's just drunk and he's just saying come out and fight me Abimelech is not even in the city but Zebel the ruler of the city he heard this and he got mad so he sends a messenger to Abimelech and he says hey this is what this guy's saying about you so Abimelech rose up and all the people that were with him by night and they laid weight against Shechem in four companies Gail gets up the next day and he sees the army look at verse 37 and Gail speak again and said see there come people down by the middle of the land and another company come along by the plains of Meoneam he he sees these armies coming down and he's like have you seen the people they're coming look at verse 38 then said Zebel unto him I love this phrase so every young man should underline this phrase in their Bible then said Zebel unto him where is now thy mouth he said you were you were running your mouth tough guy where is now thy mouth where with thou said is who is Abimelech that we should serve him is not this the people that thou has despised go out I pray now and fight with them and Gail went out before the men of Shechem and fought with Abimelech and Abimelech chased him and he fled him before him and many were overthrown and wounded even unto the entering of the gate you say that's an interesting story what was the lesson there for every man every young man every pastor every future pastor here's the lesson for you when you take jabs at people they might hit back so if you can't take it don't don't dish it out you know it's easy to be the bully and be angry and and just you know bullying people and taking jabs and preaching and calling people bozo cuz it's a young guy in California calling bozos and stooges and they're stupid and they're clowns and they all suck at parenting but you know what here's what you don't understand pastor Thompson's a grown man he tries to have to serve he tries to love you and be patient with you but eventually men get fed up and you know what if you take jabs with someone they might hit you back and by the way figuratively you know but even you young guys physically so you know what if you can't take it don't dish it out maybe you ought to give a second thought and think there's off should I be saying this to this person maybe they'll call me out on the carpet and I'll be ashamed and embarrassed look it's just a lesson and look even as pastors even when we call out the bad guys I mean we call out the bad guys and you know what they do they make all these videos about me and my family lying about me you say well pastor you know doesn't that bother you here's the thing if it's a fight if I if I'm gonna stand for the truth I have to realize sometimes you're gonna get hit sometimes they're gonna lie about you sometimes they're gonna they're gonna you know in a fight you're gonna get hit sometimes so when you take jabs at people realize sometime they might get upset and just call you out on the carpet call you out publicly you take jabs at people jabs of people jazz make fun of their kids make fun of them for live stream only make fun of this make for all these subtle things eventually they might turn around and just smack you back and the difference about men of integrity that they'll just call you out by name look every young man should know that sometimes you take jabs at people and they might hit you back so if you can't take it don't dish it out if you don't like it you call those out my name start paddling back on all your comments why don't you stand by them I'd have more respect for you if you just made a video said I think past you man is a coward for going live stream only and I would be like well at least the guy has a backbone I still don't agree with him I still don't like it I still think but you know why won't they do that because they want our influence they want the new IP to till still feed them they want to be able to be these bottom feeders and just feed people off of us and everyone that turns against us they're just gonna befriend them they're gonna have their little revival conference of all the new IP misfits all the rejects that we rejected you say pastors does it upset you it doesn't upset me you think I want to go to their stinking conference watch their promo videos it's so lame they're like we're gonna have revival we're gonna have revival get out of here good riddance get rid of you and stick with the red hot pre-g conference every day of the week you know what you can only push men for so long and eventually they're just gonna get to the point where they it's time to call this guy out and if you don't like it then don't dish it out if you don't if you can't take it then don't don't try to act like some tough guy because when you hit people sometimes they might hit you back that's why our heads an apple to prayer how many father thank you look for your word thing for the Bible no thank you for the fact that you just give us all this all this human relationship in the Bible you show us that spiritual leaders fight sometimes pastors fight sometimes it's public and you know what sometimes it needs to be public and Lord help us to be people of discernment help us to at the very least be people who give the men of God a benefit of the of the doubt and they at least wondered to themselves maybe pastor Thompson has a reason why he's done what he's done and Lord in the areas where these other people that don't like us where they're saved and they're getting people saved you know what in those areas I rejoice and the rest of it I don't need to be their friends they don't need to be our friends and Lord help us and help help our church people at the very least to take away from the sermon to learn a lesson on loyalty you should stand with your friends you should back up your friends and that you shouldn't be this person who's just trying to be friends with everybody because people that are friends with everybody are friends with no one they're only friends with themselves Lord help us to learn that understand that help us to be mature Christians and Lord help us to be mature enough to realize that sometimes Christians fight sometimes pastors fight and that's okay it's been going on to the first century or thank you for documenting these things for us showing these things to us in the Bible in the matchless name of Christ we pray amen