(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] Life's not all divine If you, Jesus, live with us Do not be sad By thy love comes saving By thy grace divine We are on the new side Save the new alive Jesus now has brought us God with all your children God with thine own work done For thine eye and hand I bless you daily Reach you come to me For thou hast made us Really thou hast made us Free By thy great redemption Thy grace divine We are on the new side Save the new alive Good on the last Fierce may be the conflict Strong may be our God God the King's already Not one who was born Now his stature reigns Thank you, Mr. King Joy to the King We are on the new side Good on the last Fierce may be the conflict Strong may be our God God the King's already Not one who was born Now his stature reigns Thank you, Mr. King He is able to remember me He is able to remember me You're my Son of Christ Come to him, you're my star He is able to remember me Tis the grandest scene In my heart forming Tis the grandest scene Normal to strength Tis the grandest scene Tell the world about He is able to remember me He is able to remember me He is able to remember me He is able to remember me You're my Son of Christ Come to him, you're my star He is able to remember me Tis the grandest scene In my heart forming Tis the grandest scene Normal to strength Tis the grandest scene In my heart forming Tis the grandest scene He is able to remember me He is able to remember me He is able to remember me You're my Son of Christ Come to him, you're my star He is able to remember me Amen. All right, well let's take our bulletins, we'll look at some announcements quickly this morning. If you do not have a bulletin just raise your hand and one of our ushers can get one for you. If you need a bulletin just put your hand up and we will get one for you. The verse this week, 1 Corinthians 16 13, watch ye stand fast in the faith, quit you like men and be strong. And that's a good verse there, we like that. If you open up your bulletin you'll see our service time Sunday morning, service 10 30 a.m. and we're glad you're with us of course on Sunday morning on the Lord's Day for church Sunday evening service at 6 p.m. and we do invite you to be with us on Sunday night for the Sunday evening service. And of course the evening service is different than the morning service, different songs that are sung, different sermon that's preached, just one more opportunity to be in God's house with God's people under the preaching of the Word of God. And then of course we just want to remind you that this week's a special week for us so there's no midweek service, there's no Wednesday evening service because we of course have our Red Hot preaching conference this week so we'll have our Thursday evening service at 6 p.m. and we'll also have a Friday morning service at 10 a.m. Friday evening service at 6 p.m. and then of course all day Sundays so just make sure you make plans for that. If you look at our soul winning times, our main soul winning times on Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. and then we have additional soul winning times on Thursdays Fridays and Sundays at 2 p.m. this week so if you'd like to go out soul winning sometime this week you can make plans to do that. And of course if you are a first-time guest, if it's your first time here at Verity Baptist Church we're glad you're with us. We have a gift we'd like to give you as you walk out of the church building this morning if you go out our main foyer or if you got our secondary foyer you'll see a little table set up and on that table you'll see these little gift bags. Please grab one on your way out as a gift from us to you for being our guest this morning. There are several resources in this bag that we'd like you to have. The one I like to highlight is this documentary that our church made, it's called Being Baptist. It's very well made, very interesting, we think you'll like it, want to give this to you as a gift so please make sure you don't leave here this morning without grabbing one of these gift bags on your way out. And if you are a guest we'd ask that you please take a moment to fill out the communication card which is inserted in your bulletin. If you need a pen just raise your hand and one of our ushers can bring you by a Verity Baptist Church pen. You're welcome to keep the pen as a gift from us as well and we're not going to do anything odd with your info we would just like to have a record of your attendance. We'd actually like to send you something but we need your information to do that so please take a moment to fill the card out. When we're done with the announcements we're gonna sing a song, when we're done singing we're gonna receive the offering and as the offering plate goes by you can drop this card in the offering plate. If you look at the announcements there of course we are a family integrated church what that means is that children and infants are always welcome in the church service, we do not separate children from their parents for any reason. We do have mother-baby rooms and daddy rooms available for your convenience. All of the rooms have comfortable seating, they have monitor set up so you can watch the service and listen to it. So if you have a child that's being distracting during the service or if you need some privacy we would encourage you to please use those rooms as needed. If you're not sure where they're at you can look at the back of the bulletin you'll see a layout of our church building, it'll show you where the mother-baby rooms are, where the daddy room is, it'll show you where the restrooms are. If you need to be baptized please let us know we'd love to baptize you and the baptistry is filled, the water is warm and we've got everything you need to be baptized and you can let us know on your communication card on the back of the card if you'd like to speak to someone about baptism just check that off we'll follow up with you and we'll talk to you about baptism. If you've already spoken to somebody you know you need to be baptized all you need to do is at the end of the service after the preaching while we're singing the last song you step out that door one of our staff guys will meet you there and we'll get you situated for baptism. If you look at the announcements and upcoming events of course this week is our Red Hot preaching conference and I just want to remind you that it begins on Thursday July 20th at 6 p.m. and then there will be no Wednesday evening service on July 19th. Also want to remind you that tonight we're going to be giving out the Red Hot Preaching Conference t-shirts to our church family so of course at the conference on Thursday night we'll have a bunch of shirts out in the foyer and it's first come first served for people coming for the conference but for our church family we make sure that you guys get our t-shirts the Sunday night before so if you'd like a Red Hot Preaching Conference t-shirt you need to be here tonight for the evening service and we will have that available for you. BBC choir they are practicing today at 5 p.m. their last practice is on a Sunday morning July 23rd at 930 a.m. of course they're singing for the Red Hot Preaching Conference and then family and friend day they're gonna start practicing on Sunday July 30th for our church's 13th anniversary for family and friend day so just make note of that discipleship class if you're in the class make sure you're there today at 5 p.m. ladies weight loss accountability group they usually meet every Wednesday and the first mother baby room closest to the foyer on Wednesdays at 615 but this week of course for the conference there is no meeting so make sure you make a note of that there's other things there for you to look at please don't forget to turn your cell phones off or place them on silent during the service that they're not a distraction to anybody if you look at the back of the bulletin birthdays and anniversaries for the month of July today is Charlotte Rosenberg's birthday on July 16th and also brother Renee Morales's birthday on July 16th and then later this week we have miss Midori Playford's birthday on July 17th brother Ray Anderson's birthday on July 20th miss Kimmy Gessler's birthday on July 21st brother Joseph Laquetta's birthday on July 21st as well and brother Anthony and miss Sarah Kofney on July 22nd praise report money matters all of those things are there for you to look at and I think that's it for all of the announcements so we're gonna go ahead and sing the chorus of the week which is the insert in your bulletin and we'll sing this as we prepare to receive the offering this morning we'll sing here am I Lord and let's go ahead and sing it out with some passion there on the first Oh here am I Oh on the second Oh Oh on the last Oh Oh Amen good singing what the guys come up and help us with the offering at this time and let's go ahead and bow our heads and have a word of prayer Emily father Lord we do love you we thank you for allowing us together together today Lord we pray that you bless the offering the gift and the giver we ask that you meet with us as we of course open up your word and study the Bible together we pray that you'd speak to our hearts prepare our hearts for the preaching of your word in Jesus name we pray amen you you you you you you you Turn your Bibles to 2nd Timothy chapter 4 2nd Timothy chapter 4 if you do not have a Bible raise your hand and I shall bring you one 2nd Timothy chapter 4 we will read the entire chapter as our custom 2nd Timothy chapter 4 just keep your hands up and I shall bring you a Bible 2nd Timothy chapter 4 the Bible reads I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead it is appearing in his kingdom preach the work be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables but watch thou in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist make full proof of thy ministry for I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all them also that love his appearance do thy diligence to come shortly unto me for Demas hath forsaken me having loved this present world and is departed unto Thessalonica Cretans to Galatia Titus unto Dalmatia only Luke is with me take mark and bring him with thee for he is profitable to me for the ministry and Tiki as have I sent to Ephesus the cloak that I love to tro as with Karpus when thou comest bring with thee and the books but especially the parchments Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil the Lord reward him according to his works of whom be thou were also for he hath greatly withstood our words at my first answer no man stood with me but all men forsook me I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge notwithstanding the Lord stood with me and strengthened me that by me the preaching might be fully known and that all Gentiles might hear and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion and the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work and will preserve me unto this heavenly kingdom to whom be glory forever and ever amen salute Prisca and Aquila and the household of Anisiphas Arastus abode at Corinth but Trophimus have I left at my lead him sick do thy diligence to come before winter you probably let's greet at thee and pubens and Linus and Claudia and all the brethren the Lord Jesus Christ be with thy spirit grace be with you amen let us pray Father God Almighty thank you for this day thank you for this opportunity to come together please bless pastor and the message let it bring glory and honor to you in the name of Jesus Christ I pray amen amen all right we're there in 2nd Timothy chapter number 4 and I'd like you to look down at just the first couple of verses they're very well-known verses from the Word of God 2nd Timothy chapter 4 in verse 1 the Bible says I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom and I want you to notice verse number 2 it's very well-known verse preach the word the instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine and of course this verse here in 2nd Timothy is a verse that needs to do with I can get somebody to help me with a water I'd appreciate that it's a verse that has to do with the preaching of God's Word and of course the Apostle Paul here is speaking to Timothy and encouraging him as a young preacher to preach the Word and he says you need to be instant he says you need to be ready at a moment to notice notice in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine and we see here that preaching is partly negative and partly positive approve rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine thank you and we see this verse here regarding the preaching of the Word of God and the reason I'm bringing you here this morning is because of course we are just a few days away from our annual Red Hot preaching conference and just kind of by way of introduction I want to talk to you a little bit about about the conference and if you've ever been in my office which some of you many of you haven't and those of you that have been you're in there because you're in trouble for some things so you probably might not have noticed this but framed on my wall in my office is our church's mission statements and we've got about seven things that are outlined on that mission statement and one of those things is to protect the future of fundamentalism by actively planting churches and this was a mission state we have seven statements that brother Stuckey and I developed years and years ago when our church was young regarding what we wanted to accomplish and there's lots of things there about soul winning and about reaching people with the gospel and discipleship but one of one of the statements says protect the future of fundamentalism protect the future fundamentalism now originally we wrote on their protective future fundamentalism by actively planting churches and we've done that our church including this church that you're sitting in this morning we've started seven churches over the last 12 years and and we praise the Lord for that three other than our church three stateside three on the mission field and by God's grace all of them are doing well and all of them are succeeding but honestly that statement protect the future of fundamentalism is one of the reasons why we started the Red Hot Preaching Conference and one of the reasons we began this conference and for some of you obviously if you're part of our church you're probably aware of our conference some of you maybe not so much if you're newer but we have this conference we do every year called the Red Hot Preaching Conference and we will literally have people from all over the country and and and different parts of the world that will come to this conference and this this auditorium I mean this morning right now this auditorium is fairly full and we've got about 220 people here this morning but when you show up on Thursday night there's going to be probably you know if things have go the way they've gone I don't know 350 400 people are gonna get squeezed into this and the fellowship hall and overflows and chairs everywhere and all of that and the Lord has blessed this conference but we began this conference to protect fundamentalism to promote fundamentalism and sometimes people ask me you know what's the theme of the Red Hot Preaching Conference because people used to go into conferences and there's a theme maybe on end times or maybe on soul winning or things like that and I always tell people that the theme is Red Hot Preaching that's what the theme of the conference is and the theme is a conference promoting the biblical hard preaching of the Word of God and here at Verde Baptist Church we believe in biblical preaching we believe in hard preaching we believe in Red Hot Preaching and that's what the Apostle Paul is talking about there in verse 2 when he says preach the word the instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort he says our job is to preach the Word of God Paul said elsewhere that it is to preach the whole counsel of God and we are to preach it whether it's popular or not in season and out of season whether people like it or not our job is to preach God's Word and to be instant to be ready at a moment's notice to preach the Word of God I'd like you to keep your place there in 2nd Timothy we're gonna come back to 2nd Timothy later on and I'd like you to go with me if you would to the book of Hebrews Hebrews chapter 5 you're there in 2nd Timothy then you have Titus Philemon and then Hebrews Hebrews chapter number 5 and while you go there let me read for you from Isaiah Isaiah 58 in verse 1 you go to Hebrews keep your place in 2nd Timothy Isaiah 58 in verse 1 says this cry aloud here's another verse on preaching and this is the the prophet Isaiah writing about the act of preaching and he describes it this way he says cry aloud that phrase cry aloud means to to to yell to raise your voice cry aloud spare not the word spare not means to not hold anything back to say everything that God wants you to say lift up thy voice like a trumpet again speaking to the subject of being our preaching should be dynamic we should be dynamic in our preaching we should raise our voice and make ourselves known lift up thy voice like a trumpet and then it says this and show my people their transgression and the house of Jacob their sin one of the purposes of preaching is to show people what they're doing wrong to show people when they are transgressing to show people their sins and this is why Isaiah said cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgression and the house of Jacob their sin now what I'm preaching about this morning and this has all been introduction and I'm gonna get into the sermon here in a minute but I'm preaching a sermon entitled preparing for the Red Hot preaching conference preparing for the Red Hot preaching conference and the reason I'm preaching this is because our church is a very unique church and I've talked about this recently it's been on my mind but we are a church that is both building and battling and and I take that idea from the book of Nehemiah where Nehemiah was building a wall but he was also fighting those who were trying to stop him from building that wall they had a hammer in one hand and a weapon in the other they were building and battling and that's how I describe Verity Baptist Church Verity Baptist Church is a church that is both building and battling today oftentimes what you find with churches is you find churches a lot of times you find churches that are trying to do a lot of building and what I mean by that is they're trying to reach people and they're trying to get a crowd into the church and they're trying to get new people into the church and if that's being done appropriately and they're preaching the right gospel hey praise God for that but oftentimes what you find is that churches and pastors that emphasize the idea of building and reaching new converts they don't do a lot of battling and the reason for that is because in order to battle or to engage in the Lord's battles and to engage into spiritual warfare it might offend some of the newer Christians so what you often find is churches that are building that are actually I'm talking about I'm not talking about liberals and false prophets I'm talking about actual fundamental Baptist churches that are actually knocking doors, soul winning, reaching their community with the gospel they might be bringing converts to church and discipling them and growing them but oftentimes what you find is that those churches are not engaging in spiritual battle they're not fighting the battles of the Lord in our culture today and then you will also find on another extreme churches that are battling and these are the churches that are you know they'll preach hard they're not afraid to be on the news they're not afraid to be to get bad publicity and get bad media but oftentimes and not all the time and not definitely not within the new IFB but oftentimes even those churches they're not doing a lot of building there's not a lot of new converts there's not a lot of new new people coming in to that style of church Verity Baptist Church is very unique in the sense that we are and we always have been and I will always continue as long as I leave this church I will continue to focus on these two areas both building and battling. Now the reason I bring that up is to say this what I have found is that every year we have this Red Hot Preaching Conference but every year our church is growing every year we have new converts new Christians or maybe not new converts but maybe converts that have just never really been in a church like this and heard this type of preaching and really heard a biblical preaching because let's face it the average church today is not preaching very much of the Bible the average church today you're getting 55 minutes of music a 20-minute sermon and there's maybe one verse in that sermon a bunch of stories and a bunch of jokes and what happens is that sometimes people are newer to our church and they're just not ready for the Red Hot Preaching Conference so what I want to do this morning is preach a sermon and I honestly probably should have preached a sermon years and years and years and years ago is to preach a sermon to just help you prepare for the Red Hot Preaching Conference. I want to give you four thoughts regarding how to prepare for the Red Hot Preaching Conference and let me just say this even if you're here this morning you say I'm not coming to the Red Hot Preaching Conference and I don't care about the Red Hot Preaching Conference that's great no problem I don't need you to come to the Red Hot Preaching Conference I need you in Sunday morning church and I need you in Sunday night church and I need you soul winning and I and those things you know The Red Hot Preaching Conference is something we do extra and it's fun and all those things But even if you say I have no plans of coming to the Red Hot Preaching Conference, that's fine No problem But these things that I'm gonna teach you this morning are gonna be helpful anyway, and anytime the Word of God is open It's helpful So let me give you four thoughts regarding Preparing for the Red Hot Preaching Conference if you're there in Hebrews I'd like you to find Hebrews chapter 5 you kept your place in 2nd Timothy And I want we're gonna go back to 2nd Timothy in a moment I want you to go to Hebrews and let me just give you four statements regarding Preparing for the Red Hot Preaching Conference, and maybe you can write these down On the back of your course of the week there's a place for you to write down some notes your statement number one Realize that Red Hot is not for everyone Realize and some of you're gonna think like I don't I don't I don't know about that Please understand. I'm gonna show you this from the Bible Here's statement number one and I and I always encourage you to take notes and on the back your course of the week There's a place for you to take notes. Let me just begin with this realize that Red Hot Is not for everyone and let me say it this way realize that Red Hot Preaching And I'm not talking about the conference called the Red Hot Preaching Conference I'm talking about the act of Red Hot Preaching Realize that Red Hot is not for everyone and what I mean by that is that there are some people who are not ready to receive Red Hot Preaching You say I don't know prove that from the Bible Hebrews chapter 5 are you there look at verse 12 Hebrews chapter 5 and verse 12 says this for when for the time Ye ought to be teachers Ye have need that one teach you again, which be the first principles of the oracles of God Here we have the writer of Hebrews saying he's speaking to a group of people and saying You should be further along than you are He said in fact, it's about time that ye ought to be teachers But instead of you being teachers ye have need that one teach you again Which be the first principles of the oracles of God notice what he says last part of verse 12 He says and are become as such as have need of milk and not of strong meat Now I want you to understand something here here. There's an illustration being used regarding food But the idea is we're talking about spiritual food and what he's saying is this Babies cannot eat newborn babies do not have the teeth and the digestive development to be able to eat a steak To be able to eat a hamburger When someone is a baby they have to be given milk Now the goal is not for someone to drink milk for the rest of their life The goal is to give them enough milk and help them grow so that they get to the place where they can handle the meat well spiritually We're being told it's the same way Sometimes people they're just not ready for the meat of the Word of God Look at the last part of verse 12 and are become such as have need of milk He said he's the writer of Hebrews, which I believe is the Apostle Paul. That's up for debate He's looking at individuals. He's saying you're not ready for strong meat He said you ought to be teachers. You have need that one teach you again The first that which be the first principle to the oracles of God He said you have need of milk and are not and not of strong meat low verse 13 for everyone that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness notice it for he is a babe and Look again, and please understand something. There's two situations being spoken of you First of all, there's nothing wrong with being a baby if you're a baby right walking up to a Three month old and saying you are such a crybaby is not an insult They're like, yeah, I'm a baby, right? The problem is when you're a grown man in your 40s, and you're a big fat, baby That's the problem right when pastor Jimenez can't can't look at you and tell you hey stop doing this and you're just like yeah It's like why are you being such a baby? That's the problem right a baby being a baby is no problem a big fat adult acting like a baby big problem So if you you say I'm a brand new Christian, hey, no problem But please understand something that spiritual maturity does not come as a result of time The amount of time that you've been saved does not equate to the amount of Spirituality you have you say what equates to spiritual maturity how skilled you are with the Word of God Look at it verse 13 for everyone that uses milk. Why do they use milk? Why are they immature is? unskillful Unskillful in what in the word of righteousness For he is a babe See you may have been saved for many many years, but you've never read the Bible cover to cover You've never really heard biblical preaching you've been in shallow churches your entire life You never really got fed the meat of the Word of God. I'm not trying to offend you, but you're a babe Say well, what are we doing here very Baptist Church? We're putting you on a on a high-protein diet We're trying to get you caught up Look at verse 14, but strong meat belong it to them You could you could you look at that phrase strong meat and just think red-hot preaching But strong meat but red-hot preaching but biblical preaching good night This water is just gonna Annoy me the entire service Hard preaching biblical preaching belong it to them notice that are of full age Even those who by reason of use again, how do you become mature? You say I want to mature spiritually by reason of use So you want to mature spiritually read the Bible you want mature spiritually show up to Bible preaching services? It's I tell people. Hey people come to church on same one They're like, oh, I learned so much on Sunday morning or imagine how much more you'd learn if you showed up Sunday night Imagine how much more you'd learn if showed up Wednesday night Imagine how much more you'd learn if you actually open the Bible and read it on Monday morning and Tuesday morning But strong meat belong it to them that are a full age Even those who by reason of use have their senses exercise to discern both good and evil Here's the point that I'm trying to make not everyone is ready for strong meat Now some people aren't ready for strong meat because they're a spiritual baby. They literally just got saved. That's okay Let's give them milk and give them time to grow other people are not ready for strong meat Though they might have been saved for a long time. They're just spiritually malnourished They just haven't done a lot of Bible reading themselves. They haven't really been in a church that teaches the Bible They haven't really been Using and been exposed to a lot of biblical preaching. So they're just not ready for the preaching of Of the strong meat. So here's the point that I want to make realize that red-hot preaching is not for everyone You said well, what do we do with that? Well go to first Peter you're there in Hebrews go to first Peter You're gonna go after James first beer by the way, this is one of the reasons why very Baptist Church I do my best to direct people to what passage of Scripture to go to why because we are a church that is both building and badly We often have people in our church that they don't know where the books of the Bible are because they're New York Christians Hey and praise God for that But I want them to get there why because I know if I can get their Eyeballs on the Word of God and they can make them skillful in the Word of God they can grow First Peter 2 to Notice what the Bible says as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the Word of God that ye may grow thereby So notice you can grow but you said what should we do with Christians that are not fully mature? Hey, we love them We're here for them when we give them the milk they need So that they because what's the goal that they look at last part verse 2 that ye may grow thereby That's our goal Our goal is grow. We're not just talking about physical growth Like we don't want a bigger attendance our grow our goal is to grow this congregation not physically Necessarily just numerically I was talking about growing you spiritually Well, you are a more mature Christian next year than you are this year Where you are growing in your Christian life, but grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ It's what the Bible says. So our goal is to feed people milk that you may grow there by now Here's the point that I want to make you and I need to realize that not Everyone is ready for red-hot preaching. Not everyone is ready for the Digesting of strong meat realize that red-hot preaching is not for everyone Let me just apply that in a couple of ways if you're here this morning and you say pastor I just got say two weeks ago. I don't even know what you're talking about Hey, let me tell you something you have my permission to not show up to the red-hot preaching conference That's okay I'm not trying to stick a t-bone steak down the throat of a three-month-old You say what should I do show up to church on Sunday morning? Show up to church on Sunday night Show up to church on Wednesday night. Let us put you on a diet of milk for a year And how about you come next year? Now I realize that that is counterproductive to what some people think but that's actually Using discernment and let me just say this for our church family Because I always think this is funny and and and you know, if you've done this I'm not against you I'm not mad at you I don't even know I know people have done this because people have done this through the years But I'm not necessarily thinking of any one individual right now, but this is what I always think is funny I always think it's funny when someone walks up to me or my wife and they'll they'll make a statement like this and this happens Pretty much every year. They'll say, you know, my grandmother who's not saved and I'm like, yeah, you know, she thinks we're in a cold Yeah, yeah, you know, I've been praying for her to get saved. She thinks we're in a cold She doesn't really understand the Bible and I finally talked her into coming to church. I'm like, oh praise Lord yeah, I'm bringing her on the Friday night of the red-hot preaching conference and They're excited and I'm like Oh Why Why unless your grandmother is a secret listener of the new IP and Then and then here's what happens, you know pastor Shelley gets up and preaches some radical sermon pastor Anderson gets up and preaches some radical sermon pastor me here gets up and preaches some radical sermon grandma leaves offended and they're like Oh, I don't know what happened. I'm thinking so really you really don't know what happened You did I mean I don't think I'm that smart, but I think you know, are you really you can't process this? Bringing your neighbor you've been praying for the last two years to get saved two things here a little odd to the red-hot preaching Conference may not be a good idea And then they walk out of fan and you're like, I don't know what happened. I was like, I know what happened. You're an idiot That's what I'd be You say well who's that what you want when my grandmother or my aunt who I've been praying for years to come and she thinks I'm in a cold and she finally agreed to come. When do you think I should bring her? I don't know Easter. I Don't know Sunday morning service, I don't know how about not the mecca of fundamentalism Where we literally bring the hardest preachers in the country To preach about everything the Bible teaches controversial and you're like, that's the sermon. I'm bringing my boss to Finally talk my boss into coming to church. I'm bringing him on when Pastor Anderson's preaches like really Number one Realize that red-hot preaching is not for everyone And here's the point that I'm making it should be for everyone, but we need to get them there We need to get them to the place where they're have been exposed in a biblical preacher. They're like, yeah. Amen. Praise the Lord But not everyone's there and if you're here this morning, you're not there I'm not even taking a dig at you I'm not I love you and I'm trying to help you and I'm giving you permission to say look if you're like, hey, I Identify myself Right. They don't have the big thing nowadays. I Identify myself if you identify yourself as a new Christian Then maybe red house not for you. I Look and I'm all for it's tough identify. Tell us what do you are you new Christian? Are you younger in the Lord? I identify myself as tall Muscular right? They can't tell me I'm not I Identify myself as as tall dark and handsome That's how I identify myself and you better not tell me I'm not or you're a hate person Number one realize That red hot preaching is not for everyone Not everyone is ready for strong meat we want to get everyone ready for strong meat We want to get them to the place that they may grow their vibe But not everybody's ready for that and we that are mature Christians should be mindful enough to realize and look just in general not Even about their head up You gotta be you gotta consider because it's always funny to me people always want to bring guests to like all the fun activities Harvest party 4th of July picnic, you know, just all the fun stuff. It's like look Let me let you know a little secret, you know who you should bring you be bringing your guests to charge Sunday morning Church bring him here You know all those other activities we do Those are meant to for our church family to fellowship because one of our mission statements if you go in my office is to facilitate fellowship To help develop friendships. We do those activities for two reasons one is for our church family Two is for connect to connect newer people in church to get to know other people in the church We don't do those activities to bring a bunch of unsaved people to play softball That's not our goal. That's not our point Our goal is to reach people with the gospel and disciple them Once they're saying bring them to the fun activity So number one realize that red hot is not for everyone Number two go to Malachi if you would keep your place in 2nd Timothy Malachi chapter 2 and again if you're a newer Christian or a baby Christ, I'm not I'm not I'm not preaching against you I love you and I'm telling you hey Maybe you're newer at this. We want to help you grow Join our discipleship class Come to church for a year. Let us teach you and then and then you you'll be ready to hear some of those things But those of you that are mature be smart I Just got my first convert saved I'm bringing him to the red-hot bridge it's like no Bad idea and here's the thing it might work for some people some people might come and I was like that was great I don't hear me like what was that? And look our church obviously red-hot is always in July usually Easter is our big push where we gain a lot of Newer converts start coming to church around Easter time and whatever and what I've seen over the years is that some of the converts? That have been coming since Easter April May June. They're like, oh the right opportunity. They come to the right opportunity cars Then they're just like offended And look and you say oh it's because you haven't preached every am I supposed to preach everything from April to July every year Just right after Easter. Let me just preach every controversial thing in the Bible Look people need time to grow So let them go Realize that red-hot is not for everyone number two You Recognize that the Bible is controversial We're talking about red-hot preaching conference how to prepare Here's a way for you to prepare. You got to recognize that the Bible is controversial Are you there in Malachi chapter 2? It's the last book in the Old Testament. It should be fairly easy to find Malachi chapter 2 This is one thing that people do not understand because most people have been exposed to liberalism liberal Christianity And let me let you in on a little secret all those liberal preachers The Joel Osteen's and the you know, all the rock concert churches All the churches where the past where it's like a rock concert where there's like lasers and you've got a 40 year old guy Dressed like a 13 year old kid You know the the skinny jeans and the t-shirt Those People are not preaching the whole Council of God in fact, they are purposely avoiding most of the Bible So, please understand something number one. Yeah, we ought to realize that red-hot preaching is not for everyone But number two you need to recognize every single Christian needs to recognize that the Bible is a controversial book So, what do you mean? Well, let me give you some examples. It uses harsh language The Bible uses our language Look, we can spend all day on this. I'm not gonna spend all day on this I'll just give you one example Malachi chapter 2 verse 1 Malachi chapter 2 look at it. This is in the Word of God Malachi 2 verse 1 and now oh ye priests This commandment is for you notice how applicable this is. This is Malachi the prophet Preaching to the priests and he says this commandment is for you He's like this is applicable verse 2 and by the way, he's preaching to priests. So these are supposed to be mature Christians, right mature Individuals and now all you priest this commandment is for you If you will not hear and if you will not lay it to heart to give glory unto my name Say it the Lord of hosts. I will even send a curse upon you and will curse your blessings Yeah, I have cursed them already because you do not lay it to heart Look at verse 3 behold. Look at it. Look at verse 3 behold. This is in the Word of God behold I will corrupt your seed and spread dung upon your faces Did you just see what I did you just look at what I read From the holy precious Word of God This was the message from the preacher. He said hey guys. God has a message for you. Oh great. What is it? I will corrupt your seed and spread dung upon your faces Do you understand what he just said? Say I'm gonna take the dung that you know out of the toilet. I'm gonna spread it all over your face. This is God Now look, you're not gonna you're not gonna find this on a card With a Thomas Kincaid painting You're not gonna you're not gonna find a Thomas Kincaid painting that says happy birthday You know, happy anniversary God bless you. I will corrupt your seed and spread dung upon your faces Because people don't like these types of verses let me tell you something these types of verses are in the Bible This is the Word of God and look as a Christian you and I need to decide I love the Bible all of it I like every part of it. I like Psalm 23 I like the verse of the chapter of 1st Corinthians 13 on charity I like all the beautiful passages that everyone wants to put on their walls and I like all the controversial stuff, too It's all good John's good, but so is Leviticus Behold, I will corrupt your seed and spread dung upon your faces. Praise God Even the dung of your solemn feast and one shall take you away. He says I'm so sick and tired Literally if you want to get the application I want a Sunday morning sermon where you just read a verse and give me the application. Here's the application He says I'm so sick and tired of your solemn feast He says I'm so sick and tired of your religious gatherings that mean nothing He says I want to go into the bathroom and take the dung out of there Here's what he's saying. This is what God thinks about Joel Osteen He wants to walk into that arena of his and take the dung out of the bathroom of the people going to that service because he's So sick and tired of it. He wants to pull it up and spread it all over his face That's literally the application You said I don't know maybe you should read it Maybe you should become skillful in the word And look, I'm just I'm just saying to you and look this is one we could go to a lot I went to this one because this is my personal favorite. I Would put this on a card When you quit our church, I'm gonna send you a card god bless you I Will corrupt your seed and spread dung upon your faces the Word of God Here's all I'm trying to explain to you the Bible uses harsh language Well, I don't think I pastor I don't think you should say those words I Don't think you should say a word dung What's a biblical word? I? Thought it was okay. I don't think you should use the word pastor. It's literally in the Bible. I Don't think you should always use the word piss. It's literally a Bible word. I Don't think you should we use the word damn. It's a biblical word I don't think you should use the word hell. It's a biblical word You know what? The Bible says the words of the Lord are pure words Everything in the Bible is pure everything the Bible is good. And if you don't like it, then maybe you're the problem not God So what we need to recognize that the Bible is a Controversial book and we need to realize that the Bible itself uses harsh language hard preaching red hot preaching Go to Jude if you would Jude a lot second to last book right before the book of Revelation. You have Jude one chapter Jude one chapter And look, please understand something If you come to a church like ours and you hear something and you think like I don't know about that That's got a contour. I'm not sure I've ever heard that before, you know Number one you should realize the Bible uses harsh language But Let me say this as well. Hey, you know You should come talk to me If you have a question, I don't know why people are like so afraid to like talk to me and I don't get it Honestly, I'm not being sarcastic. I don't understand it. I mean I'm talking about I'm five foot four and There's these grown men and they're like and their wives have to come it's like oh my husband's I didn't want to tell you this but I'm like, why is your husband such a baby? Maybe that's why they're afraid to talk to me. I don't know Look if you hear something that you don't like Or that you think like, oh, I don't know about that. Look, we're all growing Not everybody knows everything in the Bible You should just come to me And ask me, you know, literally I'm gonna give I'm gonna use an illustration and I have I have received permission To use this illustration. So I'm you know, this is something I'm not saying this out of out of hand But last year at the Red Heart Preaching Conference somebody had a question about because I was preaching and I used the word queer and Somebody had a question about that, you know this individual they did the right thing. They did the mature thing You know what? They did they came to me They said hey pastor. I had a question about your sermon Do you mind and even invited us invited me out to lunch and we had lunch together and they said hey, you know, I'm I was curious about you know, you use this word and let me just say this. I respect that I Respect someone who says hey, I have a question. You're the pastor. Let me ask you Why did you use this work? You know, I've never I don't know. Is that something that's that's appropriate Is that allowed? You know, what is that something I've never heard a pastor say that or whatever and look to me That's a very honorable thing to do. You know, what's wrong is for you to just go around and just Talk behind my back You know be mature and and have enough of just integrity to say hey, I have a question Let me ask the pastor about it Hey, you know this individual came to me and said hey what you know you use this word I just want to talk to you about it and I explained to them Jude if you're there in Jude one I explained why I used the word Jude one seven The Bible says this even as Sodom and Gomorrah and of course Sodom was a reference to homosexuality which queer Today the word queer is like a slang word that people think if you use it it's like a derogatory word towards homosexuals But Jude 1 7 says even a Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner Giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal life and the word queer literally means strange or odd that's what the word means and the reason people have called homosexuals queers through the years is because they're strange and They're odd, but that's not even the real the real reason is because look at Jude 1 7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh the word queer the synonym for the word queer is the word strange and Here the Bible says, you know what homosexuals do they go after queer flesh? They go after strange flesh. They go after flesh. That is not natural Because it's not it's strange for a man to be attracted to another man. That's not normal. That's strange. That's what the Bible says It's strange flesh It's strange for a woman to be attracted to another woman. That's not normal. It's strange Romans 1 that calls it unnatural read Romans 1 Over and over talking about homosexuality says it's unnatural. It's unnatural. It's unnatural Jude said it's strange And look you may be here this morning saying I can't believe this I'm offended. Hey, I'm reading the Bible to you But the word queer simply means strange and that's literally what the Bible calls a strange flesh But you know, I have respect for this individual who came to me and said yeah I have a question about this because that's the right thing to do the right thing to do is you have a question ask and Obviously they did it in the right spirit. You should do it in the right spirit The Bible says rebuke not an elder but in treat him as a father, you know, and and this person, you know They're like, hey, let's have lunch. That's that's always a good start with me You know, let's have lunch and then we have this conversation I explained my point like oh that's a good point I never knew that that's great. That's awesome. You know, praise the Lord and and we moved on So just realize that the Bible uses harsh language and therefore sometimes preachers that are preaching the Bible are gonna use harsh language Because I don't know how Joel Osteen would preach that Let me tell you friend God wants to take the dung and spread it all over your face By my book, I I don't I don't know how you say that Liberally, I don't know how you say that Like a liberal So sometimes the Bible is harsh and when you preach the harsh sections of the Bible which we're supposed to Paul said I have not shunned to declare unto you the whole counsel of God That's the reason why I married about the church We have a goal to preach through every verse of the Bible and we're like 40% there Why and look we're gonna preach through all of it, even the parts of that people don't like you said but that's not politically correct That's why Paul said be innocent in season out of season Whether it's popular or not So the Bible sometimes has harsh things it sometimes says politically incorrect things Look you say what do I do when the Bible says something that is different? Then what society tells me is politically correct Well, this is where you and this is where Christians have to make a decision You either have to decide the Bible is wrong. The holy precious word of God is wrong and Oprah Winfrey and Joe Biden are right Or you decide Society must be wrong Because the Bible is clear And the Bible is God's Word and I'm gonna side with the Word of God no matter what society says Because let me tell you something. There's lots of parts in the Bible that are that are Controversial they're not politically correct. I mean a homosexual at least just one of them transgender is one of them The Bible forbids a man putting on the clothing of a woman The Bible forbids a woman putting on the clothing of a man. It's literally and the Bible God forbids it But your public school is brainwashing you to think no transgender is normal Well, you got to decide it's society, right or is scripture, right? That's where the rubber meets the road for many Christians So It uses harsh language assess things that are politically incorrect and Let me just say this as well. It calls out false preachers by name Go to Romans Romans chapter 16 Matthew Mark Luke John Acts Romans Romans chapter see it Let me tell you something if you come to the Red Hot Preacher Conference, you're probably gonna hear some false preachers called out by name You might you might be here this way back I don't they used to be making fun of Joel Osteen Joel you know, you shouldn't be naming people by name Well, hold on a second. Look, I'm not mad at you. I'm trying to help you I'm trying to help you grow their body When somebody says to me, I don't think cuz people often say I don't think preachers should call out other preachers by name I don't think that's very Christian. I think myself translation, you know, it's like it's like Charlie Brown When when when the adult are speaking it's like womp womp womp womp, you know I don't think that you should copy womp womp womp. And what I what I hear is I've never read the Bible. I Don't know what the Bible says. I Like to act spiritual, but I actually don't care enough to actually read the Word of God Because let me explain something to you all throughout the New Testament Paul and John and men of God are calling out false preachers by name You said prove it. Okay, let's look at it Romans. Well first, let's look at just a principle Romans 16 17 There's what Paul said Romans 16 17 now I beseech you brethren mark them Mark that how do you mark someone you identify them? What's the best way to identify someone isn't it by their name? I Mean I could get up here and say there's this preacher and in Houston, Texas And you know, he's tall and he drives a Ferrari and And he and he has a mullet Or I could just say like, you know, Joe Lowstein Now I beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned Why should we mark them and avoid them? You know why we should mark them You know why we preach against false preachers by name so that you will not get sucked into their false doctrine Our goal is to mark them and avoid them. That's what it says Now I beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine Which you have learned and avoid them Okay, so you say well the average just has to mark them avoid them Show me a verse where people are being called out by name. All right, glad you asked 1st Timothy 1 Let's look at it If you kept your place in 2nd Timothy right before 2nd Timothy you got 1st Timothy 1st Timothy chapter 1 look at verse 20 1st Timothy chapter 1 verse 20 This is the Apostle Paul writing to Timothy and this is the Holy Word of God This is the Word of God notice what it says 1st Timothy 1 20 Paul says of whom is high Menas and Alexander That that's let me let you in a little secret. That's two names Well, there are two individuals. He's calling them out by name Of whom is high Menas and Alexander? Say well, how do you know he's calling them out whom I have delivered unto Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme Paul says here's what he's saying. He says I'm praying for high Menas and Alexander. Oh really Paul? No, no, I'm praying that they would be delivered unto Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme The Bible's harsh Go to 2nd Timothy 2nd Timothy chapter 1 you're there in 1st Timothy High Menas and Alexander you say well, maybe those were just kind of some, you know, very extreme case 2nd Timothy chapter 1 look at verse 15 2nd Timothy 1 15 think that this thou knowest 2nd Timothy 1 15 This thou knowest that all they which are in Asia be turned away from me of whom are Phygelus and harmogenies Is he saying that these people are good people he says He says that all they which are in Asia be turned away from me Here's what he's saying. These guys quit on me and Then he's like, let me be clear who I'm talking about of whom is Phygelus and harmogenies Calls him out by name. Look, I don't know about you, but I would hate to have been called out by a name and the Holy Scriptures I Mean I've had people say really mean things about me because of my preaching, you know, like on Facebook and Instagram But like to have to have your name called out and this impose right to do this and the war I mean for all of Eternity these guys are called out Go to 2nd Timothy chapter 2 looking for 17 2nd Timothy 2 17 and their word will eat as doth a canker Notice what he says of whom is hymenaeus and Philetus This is the second calling out for hymenaeus He must have really pissed off the Apostle Paul and Their word will eat as doth a canker of whom is hymenaeus and Philetus Look, do you understand that these were real people living at this time? Real preachers who were influencing people and Paul's writing and just saying like hymenaeus and Alexander Phygelus and harmogenies hymenaeus and Philetus Go to 2nd Timothy chapter 4 look at verse 10 2nd Timothy 4 10 look what he says 2nd Timothy 4 10 2nd Timothy 4 10 for Demas hath forsaken me Look Paul is just calling people out by name This guy forsook Paul and he's like calling him out Demas has forsaken me and Is this positive look having loved this present world? I'm just here to tell you something. I don't think people should be called out by name. Well, take it up with Paul Take it off with the Holy Spirit of God Because I'll throw out the New Testament people are being called out by name Go to 2nd Timothy chapter 4 look you're there in chapter 4 look at verse 14 look at verse 14 Alexander the coppersmith Didn't mean much evil the Lord reward him according to his works This is the Word of God You say well, maybe it's just Paul Paul, you know, he's just on a power trip Okay, go to 3rd John chapter 1 remember John remember the beloved John John the beloved John the beloved known for love he wrote all the he's the one that wrote for God so loved the world He's the one that said, you know that a man lays down his life for his friend and and that's true love 3rd John one night that same John said this I wrote him to the church, but diatrophes Just calling them out but diatrophes who loveth to have preeminence. He's still preaching about love. Just the wrong love here But diatrophes who loveth to have preeminence among them receiveth us not So Look, here's the point that I'm making all throughout the New Testament people are being called out by name And again, look, maybe you're not ready for red-hot preaching. That's okay. We're not mad at you. In fact, honestly, I love you I'm praying for you. I Want you to grow thereby, but don't get mad at me for calling out preachers by name when the Apostle Paul's calling out preachers by name So just realize if you come to the red-hot preaching conference, you're gonna hear names like Joel Osteen TD Jakes rip Warren John Hagee Who's that other crazy guy in Texas the demon guy? Kenneth Copeland, yeah, that guy's weird Tom white Billy Graham, okay Look, I'm just telling you you're gonna hear is it you're gonna hear preachers call out by name and you just need to realize That's not not biblical. In fact, that is very biblical Because You're supposed to mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them So recognize that the Bible is controversial number three Go to Psalms You're like, oh finally Psalms This will be good The only book I've ever read Psalms even you haven't even read Psalms Because you know lots of Psalms are praying that God would knock out the teeth of his of the enemies of the Lord That they would melt like a snail literally the book of Psalms So you don't tell me you know, and look we all love Psalm 23 praise God for it But that's not the only chapter in the Bible Number one realize that red-hot preaching is not for everyone number two recognize that the Bible is controversial Look you got to recognize the Bible is controversial and you need to just make a decision I I've made the decision a long time ago. I will side with the Bible period I Will side with the Bible there's nothing you can't you can't show me something in the Bible anything. What about that? I'm gonna praise God for it You got to just side with the Word of God number three resolve to not be easily offended You Gotta resolve to not be easily offended Psalm 119 165 look what it says Psalm 119 165 great Peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them You know why I can tell you hey if you have a question about my preaching come talk to me And I can tell you I will not be offended if you ask me now I will I will be pissed off if you come at me with the wrong attitude Because I will says rebuke not an elder but and treat him as a father But if you invite me to lunch Please don't invite me to lunch You know I'm not asking for you But I'm saying if you come to me, and you have the right spirit and the right attitude You're like hey pastor. You know you mentioned this. I just had a question about it Hey, I'm never gonna be offended at that you say how can you say that because you know what the Bible says great? Peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them And I realize that if you're offended about something. I said you're not offended at me You're offended at what the Bible says and there's one. There's two. There's two possible answers either Maybe you don't understand what I said or why I said it and I can show it to you from the Bible or maybe I'm wrong and Maybe you know I it's just like hey, you're right. I shouldn't have said that I'm sorry Because you know we preachers are human beings, too And I'm not gonna stand up here and act like I'm the Lord Jesus Christ, and I can't make mistakes So just so look we should just in life. We should be people that are just not easily offended and You've heard me say this in the past, and I'm just gonna say to say it continue to say it But spiritual people in fact you go to 1st Corinthians if you want 1st Corinthians chapter 3 If you kept your place in Romans right after Romans you got 1st Corinthians You've heard me say this before, but let me say it again spiritual people take something that is big and they make it small You know what the Bible calls it calls it turning the other cheek You know what the Bible calls it it calls it is steaming others better than yourself You know what the Bible calls it the Bible calls it suffering yourself to be defrauded that's what spiritual people do so spiritual people they take something that's big and They turn the other cheek. They suffer themselves to be defrauded. They esteem others better themselves. You know what they do they make it very small Some big thing that someone did against them like it's it's fine. I forgive you No problem, let's move on you know what carnal people do carnal people take something that's very small and they make it very big Carnal people fight about you parked in my parking spot You sat in my chair You know they take something that's ridiculous And they make it big 1st Corinthians 3 are you there look at verse 1 1st Corinthians 3 and I brethren this is how I sometimes feel and I brethren could not speak unto you as unto spiritual. This is Paul writing the Corinthians, but as unto carnal even as unto babes in Christ Sometimes I feel like there's like I wish I could talk to you like you're a mature Christian, but unfortunately you're not And I brethren could not speak unto you as unto spiritual But as unto carnal even as unto babes in Christ I've fed you with milk and not with meat for hitherto you were not able to bear it neither yet. Now. Are ye able? You ought to resolve to not be easily offended You ought to resolve to be someone who's spiritual You ought to resolve to be the type of person who suffers himself to be defrauded You ought to resolve to be the type of person that is teams others better than yourself You ought to resolve to be mature enough to say I've never heard that before. I'm not sure I think about that Let me ask You ought to resolve to not be the person who's easily offended And look just in life just in general people that are just always offended their feelings are always hurt. There's always something just stop Just stop being a baby. If you're not a baby stop being a baby if you're three months old be easily offended You know babies are easily offended. Have you noticed that? They're hungry they cry about it they need a diaper change they cry about it They want to be held they cry about it. They're bored. They just cry But when grown 40 year old men are crying like stop be the baby Grow up read the Bible be mature stop being such a wimp For the Romans you're there in first Corinthians Romans And that's just what I say to the wise Romans chapter 4. I'm kidding first Corinthians Romans Romans chapter 4. I'm trying to prepare you for the red hot preaching conference You know what I've found about Christians is that they like red-hot preaching when it's about the sodomites They like red-hot preaching when it's about the abortion clinic They like red-hot preaching when it's not about them But all of a sudden, you know that I you know that I'm fine with that type of preach on a promise But you know, my favorite type of preaching is when I step on your toes When I walk down your aisle and then all of a sudden I thought you like red-hot preaching. This is what I'm preaching to Romans chapter 4 Here's number four. We got to finish this up. Number one realize that red-hot preaching is not for everyone Number two recognize that the Bible is controversial number three resolve to not be easily offended number four remember to ask Remember to ask you should always ask this question. This is the question This is a go-to question every Bible believing Christian should ask this question. Remember to ask what does the Bible say? What does the Bible say are you there in Romans 4-3? I love this Just look at this little phrase just first part of Romans 4-3 for what sayeth the scripture. I love that For what sayeth the scripture go to Galatians chapter 4 Galatians chapter. You're there in Romans 1 second Corinthians Galatians Galatians chapter 4 Look at verse 30 Galatians 4 30 Romans 1 second Corinthians Galatians Galatians chapter 4 verse 30 Paul says this nevertheless Notice it don't miss it what sayeth the scripture Let me tell you something, you know, this is when I grew up This is what I was told when the Bible is the boss. You're a Baptist We are biblicists we are Bible believing preachers We are Bible believing Christians and I realize that everybody says they're a Bible believing Christian, but when we say it we actually mean it Because we like even the part about the dung in your faces We like it all I like Judges 19. I like Genesis 19. I like Leviticus 19 Leviticus 20 We like all of it Romans 1 But look if you ever find yourself offended you ought to ask this question, well, what does the Bible say? Because you might hear some red-hot preaching and you're like I've never heard that before but okay, but ask yourself what does the Bible say Are they saying what the Bible says? Cuz cuz you could leave here this morning say can you believe that I'm never going back He talked about dung on people's faces. But wait a minute if you ask the question. Well, what does the Bible say? Well, the Bible says put dung on people's faces Then it's like what the problem You know what the Bible says The Bible says if a man also lie with mankind as he lies with a woman both of them have committed abominations They shall surely be put to death Now that's the Levitical law. Obviously, we don't uphold that today in our society, but you know what God thinks about homosexuality He put the death penalty on If God had a nation that he ran which he did called Old Testament Israel, you know what he thought about Homosexuality he put the death penalty Both of them have committed abomination. They shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them So we get up and say hey God's against homosexuality In fact God put them to death in the Old Testament and people are like But why don't you ask this question, what does the Bible say Well, the Bible says that God put the death okay Then what's the problem? Well, I didn't like you said it Why did I didn't like how you said it? I'm just a big fat baby Look, why don't you ask the question? What does the Bible say? Because look it when I when I hear hard preaching and I'm like, whoa, that's hard preaching You know what? I think to myself. Well, what does the Bible say? Does the Bible say that? Does the Word of God say that? Because if the Bible says it I love the Bible For what saith the scripture Nevertheless what saith the scripture go to Jeremiah chapter 23, we'll finish up Jeremiah 23 Moral story stop being a big fat, baby This is how to prepare for the red hot preaching conference number one realize that the red hot preaching but not preaching it's not for everyone So look bringing your little Catholic grandma who you want to get saved Hey, praise God for your you're trying to get your grandma saved But the red hot preaching come is not probably not the place And the fact that even has explained that to people is amazing to me Because I don't think I'm that smart But I feel like I will I feel like I woke up one day and just you know My IQ went up or everyone knows as IQs went down because I see people doing something like why are you doing that? That makes no sense Number two recognize that the Bible is controversial It uses harsh language at times it calls out preachers by name What do we do with that? I I decided I love the Bible Number three you got to resolve not to be easily offended Yeah, I decide you know what I'm gonna be spiritual I don't want to be the type of person that I can't be spoken to as unto spiritual But I have to be spoken to as unto carnal even as unto babes And then number four remember to ask the question what does the Bible say Because look if the Bible says it if the Bible says it then you should stand with it Well, I don't like how they said it. That's not Stop being such a baby For what safe the scripture is the question we had asked Jeremiah 23 will be done right here Jeremiah 23 verse 28 the prophets that have the dream let him tell a dream and he that hath my word Let him speak my word faithfully Why have a red-hot preaching conference because the prophet that hath a dream let him tell a dream and he that hath my word Let him speak my word faithfully You know what if a preacher is gonna call himself a preacher he had to speak the Word of God faithfully and that's all of it Preach the word be instant in season out of season the whole Council of God You say why why does God want us to preach the whole Word of God because here's what you need to understand the Word of God is powerful I Can get up here like the liberal preacher 20-minute sermonette one verse a bunch of jokes bunch of stories But you know what? There's no power in my jokes There's no power in in in in my stories But you know where their path the power lies in the Word of God Look at verse 29 is not my word like as a fire Sayeth the Lord and like a hammer that breaketh the rock and pieces God says look preacher start preaching the Bible because that's where the power is Biblical preaching is powerful Let me say this Biblical preaching changes lives Jeremiah 23 21 I have not sent these prophets Yet they ran I Have not spoken to them yet they prophesied look at verse 22 but if they had stood in my counsel and Had caused my people to hear my words then they should have Turned them from their evil way and from the evil of their doing it You know biblical preaching is powerful and biblical preaching changes lives Why we need it And why do you get up and preach this way pastor? Don't you think I mean you're about to buy this 400 seat auditorium You think you're gonna fill 400 seats preaching this way Maybe you should get rid of the pulpit put a little stool there wear a turtleneck and start giving us talks Well, here's the thing though If I'm trying to save marriages If I'm trying to help people Get victory over habitual sins If I'm trying to help these kids be raised in the godly Christian homes Then this is the kind of preaching we need Because the power is in the Word of God and it is the Word of God that changes lives Someone said this the world may reform But the Word of God transforms That's what we need Red-hot preaching it's fireheads and I want a prayer Heavenly Father Lord we love you We thank you for your word. We thank you for this church And Lord I do pray that people would receive the message and it and in the spirit in which it was given Lord, honestly We need to prepare for red-hot preaching And Sometimes that means we have to be wise enough to discern that some people may not be ready for it And that's okay We feed them with milk that they may grow thereby because we want to get them to the place where They will be able to receive strong meat But Lord I pray you'd help us to put these principles into action Help us to realize that the bible is a controversial book and we should love it all of it Help us to remember to ask the question. What does the bible say? Or help us to not be to determine to not be the person that's easily offended Help us to learn the bible and to grow their life And that's the name of Christ. We pray. Amen We're gonna have brother Matt come up and lead us in a final song. Just want to remind you Of course just a couple things. First of all, don't forget that this Week is our red-hot preaching conference begins on Thursday at 6 p.m And the main thing I want you to remember is that there will be no Wednesday evening service. No midweek service Because we'll have Thursday night church, Friday morning church, Friday night church And of course Sunday morning, Sunday night for the conference. Soul wedding on Saturday. Lots of events going on So make sure you're aware of that. No Wednesday evening service. Please don't forget about that and then also I want to remind that tonight We're giving out the red-hot preaching conference t-shirts for our church family So if you if you think oh i'll just get on Thursday unless you're here early You probably won't they go fast and we have people show up early. I mean we got people in the auditorium right now They're already here for the red-hot preaching government. So, um, so We we like to make sure our church family gets them Um the Sunday night before so if you want a red-hot preaching conference t-shirt Make sure you're here tonight for that and then of course the Wednesday evening Service is not gonna be this week on Wednesday. It'll be on Thursday If there's anything we can do for you, please let us know there's choir practice tonight at 5 p.m Discipleship tonight at 5 p.m. And we'll have Matt come up and lead us in a final song Turn to song number 15 Song number one five Lead me to calvary song number 15 on the first Morning Me Is On the last Time Amen good singing before we leave here if anybody has questions about salvation church membership or baptism pastor will be at the door He'd love he'd love to talk to you or direct you to someone who's trained to talk to you about that I'm going to ask brother graham. Would you close a prayer for us? The other guys, uh, thank you for the sermon Please prepare us all Amen So