(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 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can't remember his name what was it 328 all right let's sing that on the first Oh amen we welcome you to a Verdi Baptist Church this evening we're glad that you are with us let's go ahead and take our bulletins we'll look at some announcements real quickly if you do not have a bulletin just raise your hand and one of our ushers can get one for you if you need a bulletin just put your hand up and we will get one for you the verse this week Psalm 56 3 what time I am afraid I will trust in thee and that's a good verse there we like that if you open up your bulletin you'll see our service times Sunday morning service 10 30 a.m. we had a wonderful service this morning we're glad you're back out tonight for the evening service and of course we want to invite you to be with us on Wednesday night for the Wednesday evening Bible study we call the midweek service the most encouraging service of the week and we'd love you to join us of course on Wednesday night for that if you look at our soul winning times our main sewing times on Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. and then we have additional sewing times on Thursdays and Fridays those are postponed for now due to the work days but on Sundays at 2 p.m. we'd love for you to join us for all of those sowing times of course and if you are a soul winner we want to remind you to if you add any salvations make sure you add those on the communication card and turn those in in the offering plate so that we can update the bulletin also if you have a map if you finish the map you can discard it we'll count it as done but if you did not finish your map please clearly mark what was done was not done and put it in the bin in the foyer so we can get that recycled through and get that finished and of course if you're running late you can always call us or text us there at the number nine one six eight six eight nine zero eight zero let us know your plan on being there but you're running late that way we can make sure we have a partner in a map and everything you need if you are a first time guest if it's your first time here at Verity Baptist Church we're so glad you're with us we have a gift we'd like to give you as you walk out of the church building tonight if you go out our main foyer or if you go out our secondary foyer you'll see a little table set up and on that table you'll see these little gift bags please grab one on your way out as a gift from us to you for being our guest tonight there are several resources in this bag that we'd like you to have the one I like to highlight is this documentary that our church made it's called being Baptist very well made very interesting we think you'll like it and we want to give this year's a gift so please make sure you don't leave here tonight without grabbing one of those gift bags on your way out and if you are a guest we'd ask that you please take a moment to fill out the communication card which is inserted in your bulletin if you need a pen you can just raise your hand and one of our ushers will bring you by a Verity Baptist Church pen you're welcome to keep the pen as a gift from us as well we're not gonna do anything odd with your info we would just like to have a record of your attendance we actually would like to send you a little gift but we need your information to do that so please take a moment to fill the card out when we're done with the announcements are gonna sing a song when we're done singing we're gonna receive the offering and as the offering plate goes by you can drop this card in the offering plate or you can hand it to me after the service I'll be standing at the main door greeting people on the way out I hope you'll come by and say hello if you look at the announcements there and upcoming events excuse me if you look at the announcements we are have the family integrated church announcement and of course we are a family integrated church what that means is that children and infants are always welcomed in the service we do not separate children from their parents for any reason we do have mother-baby rooms and daddy rooms available for your convenience all the rooms have comfortable seating and monitor setups you can watch the service and listen to it so make sure you are using those rooms as needed and if you're not sure where those rooms are at you can look at the back of the bulletin and you'll see a layout of our church building it'll show you where the mother-baby rooms are where the daddy room is it'll show you where the restrooms are so please make sure you use that if you need to be baptized let us know we'd love to baptize you on your communication card on the back you can check off that you'd like information about baptism and we'll follow up with you in regards to that if you look at the announcements and upcoming events there's a lot of different things going on that we just need you to be aware of and I'm not gonna go through all of these details but I just want you to be aware of some of these things first of all married couples we have our married couple sweetheart banquet coming up so make sure you sign up for that it is on Friday February 9th at 6 30 p.m. you sign up on your communication card it's a nice catered event it's catered by a local Italian restaurant here and that's not too far from here so once you'll be a part of that make sure you sign up on your communication card it doesn't cost anything we don't charge for anything here at Verity Baptist Church but we do need to know that you are coming we'll have of course a meal together we'll have preaching from the Word of God and we'll play the not so newlywed game so we'll ask you a question about your spouse a few questions about your spouse see how well you know each other the couple that wins gets a hundred dollar gift card to the Cheesecake Factory so make sure you're aware of that teens there's a teen activity coming up it's a laser tag active activity the address is there but we need you to sign up because we need to know if you're coming so we can let the laser tag place know so teenagers make sure you get signed up and that is coming up on Friday February 16th so be aware of that homeschool group they've got PE class on Thursday February 8th and then they've got the Valentine's Day party on Wednesday February 14th make sure you see my wife for that and then the workdays for the workdays if you men can help us we're not we don't want you to go off of that schedule in the bulletin but we've got some specific things that we could use your help with and if you could help us with some of those things then we would appreciate it let me just read some of these so that you guys can be aware if you can help with any of these things of course the property over there a lot of great work is being done over there but there's still a lot that needs to be done so if you could help us with spray-painting the registers over there if you have experience with that that would be great or reinstalling those registers painting the baseboards in the auditorium shaving down the bolts in the in the auditorium using a grinder so that the carpet can be installed installing doors hanging doors putting up trim baseboards all those kind of things texturing all of that would be a great help so if you can help with any of that see brother Oliver after the service he'll be standing in the main foyer with a clipboard and he can talk to you about about that so we're trying to just get guys to sign up to do specific things and we'll work around your schedule we'll make sure that it's top guys available to be there for you and with you and whatever you need so we appreciate the help we've been doing these work things since October and it's it's been a long haul but I mean we're right towards the end of it and I think it's gonna be great and we appreciate everyone all of your help everything you've been doing if you have if you haven't had a chance to make sure you meet brother Nick and Miss Vanda Martin that are visiting this week from Tennessee they came all the way out here he came all the way out here to be part of our work days I mean is that crazy and praise the Lord for that he's an electrician and he worked he worked hard Thursday Friday Saturday he got a lot of work done and I mean you know obviously a lot of our men of our church have worked and put in ours but just to have someone come all the way from the other side of the country just to help us that's amazing so praise the Lord for that make sure you see them tonight thank them and greet them and we're happy to have them here of course and there's other things there for you to look at please don't forget to turn your cell phones off or place them on silent during the service that they're not a distraction to anybody you should have one of these vision offering handouts as well they're in your bullets and I'm not gonna go through it but we want you to be aware that our vision offerings coming up on Sunday March 3rd and we're raising money for a lot of different things so make sure you're aware of that be thinking about that praying about how the Lord might have you participate and then also you should have one of these Old Testament reading plans so if you've read the New Testament with us in the month of January then now we want you to read the Old Testament why don't you read the entire Bible cover to cover this year so you should have one of these charts make sure you start on February 1st reading the Word of God and being in the Word of God don't forget about that you look at the back of the bulletin birthdays and anniversaries for this week we have miss Olga Olgovich his birthday on January 29th and John Bakolcek has a birthday on February 1st brother Oliver and Miss Melody Gonzalez have an anniversary on February 1st praise report money matters all those things are there for you to look at and I think that's it for all of the announcements so we're gonna go ahead and sing the chorus of the week which is this wonderful Jesus medley and that's a lot of different songs that have been put together so if you know it let's sing it together if you don't know it let's learn it and just follow my lead saving me wonderful is my redeemer Oh Oh heaven is a wonderful place filled with glory and I want to see my but I Oh Oh amen good thing and we'll have the guys come up and help us with the offering at this time and let's go ahead and bow our heads and have a word of prayer Heavenly Father Lord we do love you we thank you for lying us together together tonight Lord we pray that you bless the offering the gift and the giver and the side of the time set aside for the preaching of your word in Jesus name we pray amen you you you please open most and numbers 24 numbers chapter 24 if you don't have a Bible please raise your hand and unless you can bring your Bible numbers chapter 24 we will read the entire chapter as our custom numbers 24 beginning verse number 1 and when Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel he went not as at other times to seek for enchantments but he set his face toward the wilderness and Balaam lifted up his eyes and he saw Israel abiding in his tents according to their tribes and the Spirit of God came upon him and he took up his parable and said Balaam the son of Beor had said and the man whose eyes are open had said he had said which heard the words of God which saw the vision of the Almighty falling into trance but having his eyes open how goodly are they tents Oh Jacob and they Tabernacles Oh Israel as the valleys are they spread forth as gardens by the riverside as the trees of line aloes which the Lord hath planted and a cedar trees beside the waters he shall pour the water out of his buckets and his seed shall be in many waters and his King shall be higher than a gag and his kingdom shall be exalted God brought him forth out of Egypt he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn he shall eat up the nation's his enemies and shall break their bones and pierce him through with his arrows he couched he laid down as a lion and as a great lion who shall stir him up blessed is he that blessed thee and cursed is he and the cursed thee and Balaam's anger was kindled against Balaam and he smote his hands together and Balaam said unto Balaam I call thee to curse mine enemies and behold now it's all together blessed him these three times therefore now flee thou to thy place I thought to promote thee unto great honor but lo the Lord hath kept thee back from honor and Balaam said unto Balak spake I not also to thy messengers which thou sent unto me saying if Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold I cannot go beyond the commandment of the Lord to do either good or bad of mine own mind but what the Lord saith that will I speak and now behold I go into my people come therefore and I will advertise thee what this people shall do to thy people in the latter days and he took up his parable and said Balaam the son of Beor had said and the man whose eyes are open had said he had said which heard the words of God and knew the knowledge of the Most High which saw the vision of the Almighty falling into trance but having his eyes open I shall see him but not now I shall behold him but not nigh there shall come a star out of Jacob and a scepter shall rise out of Israel and shall smite the corners of Moab and destroy all the children of Sheth and Edom shall be a possession seer also shall be a possession for his enemies and Israel shall do valiantly that if Jacob shall come he that shall shall have dominion and shall destroy him that remaineth of the city and when he looked on Amalek he took up his parable and said Amalek was the first of the nations but his latter end shall be that he perished forever and he looked on the Kenites and took up his parable and said strong is thy dwelling place and thou puttest thy nest in a rock nevertheless the Kenites shall be wasted until Asher shall carry thee away captive and he took up his parable and said alas who shall live when God doeth this and ship shall come from the coast of Shittim and shall afflict Asher and shall afflict Eber and he shall perish forever and Balaam rose up and went and returned to his place and Balaam also went his way let's pray Heavenly Father thank you for this evening God I thank you for your word and for our church for and that's here as he please give us all 10 hour to the message tonight nice to be there pastor please strengthen him and from her spirit we love you in Jesus name pray amen amen all right over there in the book of numbers numbers chapter number 24 and of course we've been going through a series through the book of numbers chapter by chapter through the book of numbers and we call it we've been calling it the wilderness wanderings we've been wandering with the children of Israel through the wilderness and we've been looking at these stories of the children of Israel through the wilderness and of course we've been studying the book of numbers together but in the book of numbers we've been in this section dealing with this man Balaam and this is actually now I believe the fourth sermon on Balaam and we've been looking at Balaam in the Bible if you remember Sunday last week on both Sunday morning and Sunday night we were in numbers 23 this morning we were in numbers 24 tonight we're numbers 25 and we've been looking at Balaam and Balaam is an interesting and sometimes confusing and even controversial character in the Bible and I don't I don't have time to go through and develop everything we've looked at about Balaam but I just don't want to remind you that the Bible is clear about the fact that Balaam is a false prophet and he is a reprobate and he is a bad guy yet the mystery that people often have with Balaam is that in this story of Balaam he speaks the Word of God and we saw this morning two of the four oracles he spoke the Word of God in chapter 23 and in chapter 24 we're gonna see again the oracles that he speaks regarding the people of God and I've actually entitled the sermon tonight the curious case of the Prophet Balaam and the reason that I entitled it the curious case of the Prophet Balaam I wanted to give the sermon title kind of a Sherlock Holmes feel because it really is a mystery that we're going to investigate tonight because people often are confused about Balaam and I've been telling I told you last week and I told you this morning that tonight I'm going to explain what I believe is going on in the story regarding God and his relationship with Balaam why it is that God speaks to Balaam why it is that God speaks through Balaam and we're gonna focus on that tonight and tonight is gonna be we're gonna look at a lot of passages and I often tell young preachers you know be careful about just having too much in one sermon and I'm gonna break my own rule and I'm gonna just tell you right up front I'm we're gonna have a lot to look at tonight and the only reason for that because there's only it's the only way to do it the only way to cover all of it is just to do it all so we're gonna do it I'm going to assume you know who Balaam is we've already spent several weeks talking about Balaam a lot of application and learning about Balaam and I'm we're just gonna talk about this specific issue regarding Balaam and why it is that God speaks to Balaam and God speaks through Balaam and I do have some application and that we'll get to at the end of the service I'm hoping we can get to it at the end of the sermon tonight if not then we'll have to wait for next week but just pray and we'll see how that goes but let's just dig into this thing regarding Balaam the curious case of the Prophet Balaam and like this morning I'm gonna give this to you under two different headings we might not even get to the second heading let me give you the first heading and if you're taking notes and I do encourage you to take notes on the back of your course the week there's a place for you to write down some things and I want to begin with this idea of explaining Balaam's confusing communication Balaam's confusing communication when it comes to the preaching of Balaam the oracles of Balaam the prophecy of Balaam let me just give you two words to kind of help us understand this one word is control and the other word is enlightenment control and enlightenment and I'll go ahead and just tell you upfront what I believe about this and then I'll spend the sermon proving it to you from the Bible and maybe you'll disagree with me and that's okay that's why you have the Holy Spirit and you have a Bible and you can study the Bible on your own of course but let me just tell you what I believe is going on here and what I believe is going on is that Balaam is not in control Balaam is not in control here now usually when we look at Balaam and I think what people often assume about Balaam is that he wants to do wrong he wants to be given over to covetousness and greed he wants to get paid to curse the people of God but because he's afraid that God is going to kill him then he just buttons up and says the right thing I don't believe that's the case and the reason for that I'm going to show it to you from the Bible but just to give you one example is that the things that Balaam prophesies are inspired by God they are given through the Holy Spirit of God so they're not just him minding his P's and Q's he's actually speaking through the Holy Ghost now let me just show this to you and and I wanted to say this for chapter 24 because I think the way that chapter 24 begins to me it's so interesting and I think if you look at it you might maybe may have not not noticed this in the past but I think it might make sense to you look at verse number one numbers 24 in verse 1 the Bible says this and when Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel now keep in mind Balaam already got offered the money to curse the children of Israel he already decided to disobey God he gets on his donkey and goes down the road the angel Lord already met him and we had that whole big adventure the donkey spoke and God talked to him and all those things and and he almost got killed as a result of that then he gets to Balaam we saw that this morning and he begins to prophesy he begins to try to curse the people of God and it doesn't work they decided to go somewhere else to do it from another location to look at the people from a different angle and it still doesn't work they've been doing this now several times they've been sacrificing animals they've been making these things and the Bible tells us here in numbers 24 in verse 1 that Balaam finally comes to the conclusion that God is not going to curse the children of Israel it says there in verse 1 and when Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel notice what the Bible says he went not as at other times to seek for enchantments now we talked about that this morning that he was actually using enchantments to try to manipulate God he was using magic and the occult to try to manipulate God but I want you to notice the emphasis in this verse and the emphasis is this that this time he went not this time he decided not to try this time the Bible says he went not as at other times to seek for enchantments but he set his face toward the wilderness what do we see here in numbers 24 in verse 1 and what we see is this that Balaam is actually quitting he's done he's already tried this he tried to curse the people of God and God took over and God made he tried to say curses and condemnation to the children of God and all that came out of his mouth was how shall I curse whom the Lord had not cursed how shall I defy whom the Lord had not divided then they tried it from a different angle they tried it from a different location and all that came out was God is not a man that he should lie God is not the son of man that he should repent he tried this already and it didn't work and here in verse 1 the Bible tells us that Balaam comes to this conclusion Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel Balaam saw that God was not gonna do anything other than bless Israel so what does he do he went not he's not gonna try this again he went not as at other times to seek for enchantments but set his face toward the wilderness but wait a minute you say well if he quit but the story is not done yet the story is not over why if he quit why do we still have oracles here in chapter 24 well notice what the Bible says happened look at verse 2 and Balaam lifted up his eyes remember that he set his face toward the wilderness he's moving towards the way he's going into the desert he's pretty much just like I'm done with this this isn't working I'm just going towards the wilderness going towards the desert and Balaam lifted up his eyes and he saw Israel as he's walking away because remember they're on these mountaintops they're on these high places where they can look down upon the children of Israel as he's walking away he catches a glimpse of the children of Israel look at verse 2 and Balaam lifted up his eyes and saw Israel abiding in his tents according to their tribes notice these words and the Spirit of God came upon him what is happening here what is happening is this Balaam is trying to quit he's trying to leave he's trying to just say this isn't gonna work God is not going to curse these people I'm gonna go home but as he's walking away he catches a glimpse of the children of Israel and in that moment the Bible says that the Spirit of God came upon him look at verse 3 and he took up his parable and said we know the parable is the Oracle it's the prophecy and the poetry that is given to him by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost and I want you to notice what's happening here is that Balaam says I quit this isn't working I'm going away and God says no I'm not done with you yet the Spirit of God look at it says came upon him he's walking away and God says no and I want you to notice that what I believe is happening here in this curious case of Balaam the prophet is that Balaam is actually not in control Balaam is trying to leave and God says no and by the way let's remember that God didn't start this fight Balaam did God didn't start this issue Balak did God wasn't the one trying to get them to manipulate him or get them to to make him do things God said look you started something now now we're gonna finish it you want to quit you know in the in the third round we're not done yet he set his face toward the wilderness and the Bible says the Spirit of God came upon him and he took up his parable and said and of course we have this parable this poetry that is spoken now we talked about it this morning the Hebrew poetry is not like our type of poetry where it rhymes or it has some sort of a meter the way that we know that it's poetic is because it's given in parallelism and it's given in couplets and we see this again notice what he says there in verse 3 and he took up his parable and said Balaam the son of Beor hath said this is Balaam speaking he was trying to leave the Spirit of God comes upon him turns him around and he says this Balaam the son of Beor had said and the man whose eyes are open had said and he had said which heard the words of God which saw the visions of the Almighty now why don't you notice what he says here notice what the Bible says falling into a trance but having his eyes open Balaam is telling us here what is happening to him he says I'm about to speak get the picture Balaam's like I quit I'm done I'm on my way he's going home he catches a glimpse of the people of God the Holy Spirit comes upon him he turns around and he begins to speak these words and in his prophecy he tells us what is happening he says Balaam the son of Beor had said he's prophesying about himself and the man whose eyes are open had said he's talking about himself he had said which heard the words of God which saw the visions of the Almighty and then Balaam under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost tells us falling into a trance but having his eyes open do you see that Balaam is saying look I'm in a trance I know you see my eyes open right now but I'm in a trance now what's interesting is that Balaam is not the only individual we see that gets into a trance in the Bible keep your place there numbers 24 if you would and go with me to the New Testament book of Acts chapter number 10 while you turn there let me just read to you the definition of the word trance the word trance and this is a secular definition but I think you'll find it interesting is defined as a half conscious state characterized by an absence of response to external stimuli typically it's induced by an exterior force and of course when we're talking about in the secular world they say it's in for induced by hypnosis or it could be induced by some sort of a medium or witchcraft but in this case it's induced by God God puts Balaam in a trance the Bible says now let's look at this in the Bible there's other individuals that were put into trances as well notice Acts chapter 10 in verse 9 Acts chapter 10 Matthew Mark Luke John Acts do me a favor when you get to the book of Acts put a ribbon or a bookmark or something there because we're gonna leave it leave it and we're gonna come back to it I'd like you to be able to get to it quickly Acts chapter 10 in verse 9 notice what the Bible says on the morrow as they went on their journey they drew nigh unto the city Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the six hours so notice we have Peter on the housetop he's there to pray about the sixth hour and he became very hungry and would have eaten but while they made ready notice what the Bible says he fell into a trance and when he's in this trance he has a vision look at it and saw heaven open and a certain vessel descending unto him as it had been a great sheet knit at her four corners and let down to the earth wherein were all manner of four-footed beasts of the earth and wild beasts and creeping things and files of the air and there came a voice to him rise Peter kill and eat once you notice that we see Peter fall into a trance and when he falls into a trance he sees the heavens open he has a vision a spiritual vision let's look at another example go to acts 22 look at verse 17 acts 22 in verse 17 here we have an example of the Apostle Paul notice what the Bible says about Paul now I realize Peter and Paul are good guys Balaam is a bad guy but what I want you to notice is this that in the Bible the Bible seems to indicate that from time to time he would put individuals in a trance where their eyes were open but they were seeing visions from God and Balaam is telling us this notice what Paul says actually to verse 17 and it came to pass that when I this was Paul speaking was coming again to Jerusalem even while I prayed in the temple notice what he says I was in a trance and notice the wording in the Bible is that this is something that happens to them Paul didn't say I put myself into a trance he says I was in a trance the Bible says that Peter fell into a trance the Bible says that Balaam falling into a trance is something that happens to them look at verse 18 and saw him this is Paul speaking he says I was in a trance verse 17 and when he was in a trance he said I saw him referring to Jesus saying unto me make haste and get thee quickly out of Jerusalem for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me and Jesus goes on to tell him but I want you to notice that when according to the Bible individuals are in trances or God puts them in a trance they see a vision from God and here Paul has the Lord Jesus Christ actually speaking to him go back to numbers 24 I'm explaining to you why I think Balaam's not in control the first reason that I think Balaam is not in control is because the Holy Spirit comes upon him he's ready to quit and God says no I'm not done with you turn and he turns them around and says you're gonna say this the second reason I think that Balaam's not in control is because he tells us hey my eyes are open but I'm falling into a trance I'm I'm in a trance right now and I'm seeing these visions from God notice his third Oracle it continues in verse number five numbers 24 verse 5 notice what he says how goodly are thy tents Oh Jacob and thy tabernacles Oh Israel notice the repetition the parallelism the couplets verse 6 as the valleys are they spread forth as the gardens by the riverside as the trees of line aloes which the Lord hath planted and as cedar trees beside the waters he shall pour water out of his buckets and his seed shall be in many waters and his King shall be higher than Agag and his kingdom shall be exalted God brought him forth out of Egypt he have as it were the strength of a unicorn he shall eat up the nation's his enemies and shall break their bones and pierce them through with his arrows he couch he lay down as a lion and as a great lion who shall stir him up blessed is he that blessed thee and cursed is he that cursed thee these are the words that are coming out of Balaam's mouth while according to him he's in a trance with his eyes open he tried to walk away but God said no the Holy Spirit came upon him and said you're gonna say these words why don't you notice the third reason why I believe that Balaam is not in control the first reason is because God says I'm not done with you and the Holy Spirit comes upon him the second reason is because he tells us he's fallen into a trance with his eyes open but the third reason I think this is the most compelling reason is because of what he says to Balaam notice verse number 10 of course Balaam just got done giving us the third Oracle the third blessing on the children of Israel and here's Balaam's response numbers 24 in verse 10 and Balaam's anger was kindled against Balaam that's understandable he's mad at Balaam and he's put his hands together and Balaam said unto Balaam I call thee to curse mine enemies and behold thou has altogether blessed them these three times therefore now flee thou to thy place I thought to promote thee unto great honor but lo the Lord hath kept thee back from honor and look that is the truth the Lord truly kept him back the Lord kept him back from honor look at verse 12 and Balaam said unto Balak spake I not also to thy messengers which thou sendest unto me saying if Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold I cannot go beyond the commandment of the Lord to do either good or bad now I want you don't miss this is what I want you to notice he says look I already told you I can only say what God tells me to say I cannot go beyond the commandments of the Lord to do either good or bad notice these words of mine own mind he said I'm not in control of this my mind wants to curse them my mind is trying to say their curse Balak's gonna beat them up Balak's gonna win he said I've already told you I cannot go beyond the commandment of the Lord to do either good or bad and then he lets us in on this little phrase of mine own mind this is why second Peter talks about the madness of the Prophet Balaam the insanity of the Prophet Balaam why because God has taken over this man and God is going to use him to proclaim his word and by the way Balaam is a bad guy but Balaam is not in control now my concern was when when we preach something like this or when we say something like this that people would get all concerned say well wait a minute are you trying to say that God you know can take over people and that God can control people and let me just be clear about something we are not Calvinists we do not believe that God forces his will and God forces his plan upon individuals we do not believe that that God does these things but here's what I want you to understand and this is and and this is the part that we're gonna run a lot of verses all right go to Genesis chapter 20 if you would first book in the Bible should be fairly defined let me just say this not only does Balaam tell us I I tried to quit and the Holy Spirit came upon me God wouldn't let me quit I'm falling into a trance and I'm not even in control of my own mind he said I cannot speak do I cannot do either good or bad of my own mind I'm not in control of my mind he's telling Balaam I'm not I'm trying to do I'm trying to girth I'm trying to get paid but God is just taking over and here's what I want to understand not only do I believe that God took over the control of Balaam I believe that in the Bible God sometimes takes control over people but please understand this when God takes control he does it without forcing anyone to believe anything which is by the way why Balaam died and went to hell God didn't force him to believe and when God forces people to do certain things he's not so we're not Calvinists here saying well God makes some people believe and God keeps some other people from believing God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to God wants everyone to believe and God doesn't interfere with that he has given us free will but here's what you need to understand God forcing somebody to do something is not the same thing as God forcing them to believe let me give you some examples of that Genesis chapter 20 look at verse 3 Genesis chapter 20 in verse 3 in Genesis 20 we have another man by the name of Abimelech who's also a heathen king and God also appears to him like he did Balaam look at it Genesis 20 verse 3 but God came to Abimelech in a dream by night and said to him behold thou art but a dead man for the woman which thou has taken for she is a man's wife and of course if you're familiar with the story Abraham comes into the land of Abimelech he lies about his wife he says that she's not his wife she's a sister and and as a result Abimelech takes her to marry her and God gets upset and he appears to Abimelech he said I'm gonna kill you he said thou art but a dead man for the woman which thou has taken for she is a man's wife and Abimelech had not come near her and he said Lord without slay also a righteous nation said he not unto me she is my sister and she even she herself said he is my brother in the integrity of my heart and the innocency of my hands have I done this Abimelech says I didn't know it was she was married he didn't tell me that was his wife he said she was my sister he said I'm innocent in this verse 6 and God said unto him in a dream yea I know that thou didst this in the integrity of thine heart look at these words for I also withheld thee from sinning against me therefore suffered I thee not to touch her the word suffer means allow he says therefore I did not allow you therefore suffered I thee not to touch her now therefore restore the man his wife for he is a prophet and he shall pray for thee and thou shalt live and if thou restore her not know that thou shalt surely die thou and all that are thine here we see an example where God says I kept you from having a physical relationship with this woman I stopped you from doing this but did he change his mind because notice Abimelech still has to make a choice is he gonna give her back or not God says I kept you from sinning but now that you know the truth he said you better decide and if you keep her I'm gonna kill you but I want you to notice that here we see that God says that he withheld Abimelech from sinning against God therefore suffered I thee not to touch her so we see that God can without forcing anyone to believe anything can from time to time force people to do certain things or to not do certain things let me give you another example go to John chapter 11 in the New Testament John chapter 11 did you keep your place in Acts after Acts or if you go backwards from Acts you have the book of John John chapter 11 I'm not going to show you this example but let me say this remember the devil's when God Jesus would cast out the devil's and the Bible says that he would suffer them not to speak his name he would say don't say my name said don't tell people about me so oftentimes we see that God can control individuals but again we're not Calvinists not that he's controlling them to get saved because notice Balaam didn't get saved Abimelech still have to make a choice about this situation but God said I did stop you I physically stopped look don't you believe that God can just force you to not do something John chapter 11 look at verse 49 let me give you another example now not only do you see that God without forcing anyone to believe anything can force people to not do certain things they normally would do we also see that God without forcing anyone to believe anything can force people to say things they normally would not say now we've already seen this with Balaam let me show it to you in another example John chapter 11 verse 49 and one of them named Caiaphas now Caiaphas is the high priest and look we're in the book of John this is a bad guy he's about to put the Lord Jesus Christ to death the Bible says and one of them named Caiaphas being a high priest the same year said unto them notice what he says they're debating about what to do with Jesus and here's what he says ye know nothing at all that's not Caiaphas speaking that's God speaking he looks at these fairies and he says you know nothing at all they probably looked at him like what's your problem he goes on verse 50 nor consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people and that the whole nation perish not that's a pretty good statement this man who's about to lead a group to crucify the Lord Jesus Christ he just got a get time and he says you know you know nothing at all you you don't even consider nor consider that it is speeding for us that one man should die for the people and that the whole nation perish not look at verse 51 and this spake he not of himself but what I've means the source meaning they didn't come this did not come from Caiaphas but being high priest that year notice what it says he prophesied that Jesus should die for the nation say what was Caiaphas he was a high priest was he a good guy well look at verse 52 and not for that nation here's the prophecy continues only but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad verse 53 then from that day forth they took counsel together to put him to death so notice God forces Caiaphas to prophesy about Jesus and to say something good but the Caiaphas changes mine well in verse 53 they're still trying to put Jesus to death so when God takes control over people and this doesn't happen a lot in the Bible but when it happens he doesn't change their mind and force them to believe or not force them to believe that is not the God of the Bible that's Calvinism but God can without making people believe or not believe when he wants make somebody say something that they normally wouldn't have said or do something they normally wouldn't have done and here we have Balaam remember the sermon is called the curious case of the Prophet Balaam it's quite is very curious it's very interesting who we have Balaam was trying to curse the people every time he stands up he gives them a blessing and then he says I'm trying I can't say this I whether it's good or bad he said I'm not in control of my mind it's the madness of the Prophet Balaam go back to numbers 24 if you wouldn't number 24 so the first word is control I believe that Balaam is not in control now what I'm about to tell you and look I like to preach the Bible and I like to just tell you thus saith the Lord and tell you what the Bible says and and I've already showed you a lot of Bible but I also like to be clear when I when I give my opinion that I just tell you this is my opinion and I'm gonna tell you something that I it's just my opinion and you can do what you want with it you don't have to listen to it it's just my opinion but let me just give you my opinion if you're interested numbers 22 here's what I think happened because remember we saw this a couple of weeks ago in in numbers 22 look at verse 18 remember Balaam sends a delegation to Balaam and he says to him I'm gonna pay you to curse the people look at verse 18 numbers 22 18 and Balaam answered and said unto the servant of Balaam if Balaam would give me his house full of silver and gold I cannot go beyond the word of the Lord my God to do less or more I don't believe Balaam is being sincere here we talked about it last week and I'm not going to get into all the details but if you remember we dissected the wording and we saw how there's this subtle negotiation going on we learned about false prophets and how they often say good things while believing the opposite I think when Balaam says these words he's he doesn't mean it he's just negotiate like well you know I can only say what the Lord tells me to say so if because remember in verse 17 here's what Balaam says to Balaam for I will promote thee unto very great honor and I will do whatsoever thou sayest he says name your price what do you want and then Balaam's response to that is if Balaam would give me his house full of silver and gold he's just throwing that out there he said I cannot go beyond the word of the Lord my God to do less or more you know what I think is happening here is God hears this and it upsets him and then the Bible says there look at verse 19 now therefore I pray you Terry ye also hear this night that I may know what the Lord will say unto me more verse 20 notice Balaam doesn't call God the Bible just says and God came unto Balaam I think God heard this and and God shows up to Balaam at night and said unto him if the men come to call thee rise up and go with them but yet the word which I shall say unto thee that shalt thou do I don't think that's a request from God you understand what I'm saying God's not telling Balaam like okay you can go but only if you say cuz that's how we interpret it only if you say what I want no I think Balaam well God is telling Balaam is oh you're gonna go you you you're you're a prophet of me you're gonna speak my words okay well I'm gonna make you eat those words I'm gonna make you regret those words you're gonna go there and pretend to be a prophet of mine and get paid for filthy lucre's sake I'm gonna make a fool out of you Balaam you're gonna go and you're gonna say only what I tell you to say you're gonna say only what I allow you to say and then Balaam's like I'm in a trance my eyes are open but I'm not in control the lights are on but nobody's home my mind's not doing this God has taken over and God is in control so the first word is control the second word is enlightenment now we study we're studying the book of Hebrews on Wednesday night and we just not too long ago went through Hebrews chapter 6 and looked at that thoroughly but I want to connect this to Hebrews chapter 6 because remember Hebrews chapter 6 is a very difficult passage as well it talks about reprobates and it talks about how they're enlightened I think it's interesting because I think Balaam is actually a perfect example that exemplifies Hebrews chapter 6 let's look at it together have your place there in numbers 24 go to Hebrews chapter 6 in the New Testament if you would you start at Revelation go backwards you have Jude 3rd 2nd 1st John 2nd 1st Peter James Hebrews Hebrews chapter number 6 numbers 24 have those both places be ready to go back and forth and let's start at numbers 24 look at verse 14 numbers 24 verse 14 and now behold I go unto my people Balak and Balaam just got in a little fight and now Balaam remember we started the chapter with Balaam trying to quit and now he's telling Balaam again I'm leaving I go unto my people but he tells Balaam come therefore and I will advertise thee what this people shall do to thy people in the latter days and he took up his parable here he goes again he can't even help himself he took up his parable and said notice what he says Balaam the son of Beor hath said he's prophesying he's preaching he's giving the Oracle and the man whose eyes are open has said now he keeps saying this phrase over and over the man whose eyes are open what is he referring to we'll go back to numbers 22 look at verse 31 remember when he is on the when he's on the way of Balaam with the donkey remember the donkey sees the angel of Lord and refuses to go forward but Balaam doesn't see it notice numbers 22 in verse number 31 numbers 22 verse 31 the Bible says this then the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam and he saw the angel Lord standing in the way and his sword drawn in his hand and he bowed down his head and fell flat on his face this is what Balaam is referring to when he refers to himself he's already done it earlier in the chapter he does it again in verse 15 go back to numbers 24 15 and he took up his parable and said numbers 24 15 Balaam the son of Beor hath said and the man whose eyes are open has said he's referring to himself he said I'm the man whose eyes were open notice what he says verse 16 he had said he's referring to himself he's speaking by inspiration of the Holy Ghost he has said notice what he says about himself which heard the words of God which knew the knowledge of the Most High which saw the visions of the Almighty because remember he was in a trance and he saw the visions that's what we saw Peter do that's what we saw Paul do falling into a trance but having his eyes open now let's compare that to Hebrews chapter 6 remember in Hebrews chapter 6 if you look at verse number 4 Hebrews chapter 6 in verse number 4 notice what the Bible says Hebrews chapter 6 and verse 4 the Bible says this for it is impossible for it is impossible now we saw we saw this when we were studying the book of Hebrews that next is given a series of phrases that are adjectives there are prepositional phrases and they're just giving us information about the subject you can read the the the sentence without these and the subject would make sense let's just real quickly skip all of the prepositional phrases and look at what the sentence is saying Hebrews chapter 6 verse 4 for it is impossible then begins all the descriptives for those who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift all those things but look at verse 6 if they shall fall away to renew them again unto repentance that's what is being said for it is impossible for it tells us the force and then it tells us if they fall away to renew them again to repentance it's saying there are some people who you cannot renew to repentance even if they've experienced these things what are those things we'll look at what they are this is very confusing to people but when you can look at Balaam it kind of makes sense look at verse 4 for it is impossible for those who were notice these words once enlightened now what does it mean to be enlightened enlightened means that you get something that the light bulb goes off that you understand well compare that to what Balaam says number 24 look at verse 16 he had said which heard the words of God notice these words and knew the knowledge of the Most High Balaam said I knew the knowledge of the Most High you know what that means it means he was enlightened go back to Hebrews chapter 6 look at verse 4 for it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and were notice these words made partakers of the Holy Ghost and people look at this thing well if they are made partakers of the Holy Ghost how can they not be renewed unto repentance but wait a minute let's go back to numbers 24 remember where we started verse 2 and Balaam lift up his eyes and he saw Israel abiding in his tent according to their tribes notice these words and the Spirit of God came upon him Balaam's a false prophet according to 2nd Peter chapter 2 and the book of Jude and the book of Revelation yet the Bible says the Spirit of God came upon him so what the Bible is telling us here is that the Spirit of God could come upon someone that's not even safe like I don't know for example Caiaphas look I'm just trying to explain to you you people always have these agendas when it comes to teaching the Bible and it's like well I got to make like I'm not trying to make the Bible fit my agenda or your agenda or your Baptist philosophy I just look at the Bible and say here's what the Bible says like it or lump it no matter what you think about it it's what it says it says that he was enlightened that he was made a partaker of the Holy Ghost go back to Hebrews chapter 6 look at verse 5 notice it and have tasted of the good Word of God and have tasted of the good Word of God does that apply to Balaam go back to numbers 24 look at verse 16 notice what Balaam says about himself he had said which heard the words of God he heard the words of God he tasted the good Word of God Hebrews 6 5 go back to Hebrews 6 5 let me show you another one Hebrews 6 5 and I've tasted the word of the good Word of God and notice these words the powers of the world to come the powers of the world to come can you say that about Balaam go back to numbers 24 look at verse 16 he had said which heard the Word of God which knew the knowledge of the Most High which saw the visions of the Almighty wouldn't you say that if you saw the visions of the Almighty then you have seen the powers of the world to come it's almost like the writer of Hebrews is thinking about Balaam he's saying look do you realize that it is impossible for those who were once enlightened I don't know like Balaam who knew the knowledge of the Most High and have tasted the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost I don't know like Balaam who the Spirit of God came upon him and have tasted the good Word of God I don't know like Balaam which heard the words of God and the powers of the world to come I don't know like Balaam which saw the visions of the Almighty it is impossible for someone like that verse 5 if they shall fall away to renew them again unto repentance seeing they crucified to themselves the Son of God afresh and put him to an open shame and you say well what is the Bible telling us here and again let's just remember this go back to numbers 24 what is the whole point of Balaam why does he get so much real estate in the Bible why does he get so much information there's so much about him and the way that the story goes in Balaam is that when you just read the story numbers 22 numbers 23 numbers 24 it's extremely confusing and look when the Bible is confusing it's not the problem is not the Bible it's you and me the reason that the Bible is being cryptic here's because God's trying to make a point he shows you the life of Balaam and if that's all we had we could debate back and forth and we could say I don't know maybe not maybe is he good is he bad sometimes he seems good sometimes he's bad sometimes he says good things somebody says really good things and and you look at it you're like I'm not sure but then when you compare everything else about Balaam everything else I said in the Bible then it's clear this is a bad guy so what is the point that God's trying to make here's the point that God's trying to make the false prophet on TV can say good things can be pretty convincing can say things that sound good but look you just look past that and when you look at someone like Balaam who's greedy who's covetous who's driving a Ferrari who's got a personal jet you just need to know it doesn't matter how good they sound even a donkey can be used of God to speak the words of God and I'm not talking about the donkey in the previous chapter I'm talking about the donkey in this chapter look just cuz some false prophet like Joel Osteen gets up and says good things every once in a while doesn't make him a man of God because God can even use people like cave and look here's the thing do false prophets sometimes say good things it's always interesting because we were like well you preach against this person but here's one good thing they did look this is what the Bible teaches about false prophets they're rich if you have a preacher who's a multi-millionaire mark it down he's a bad guy here's what the Bible says about false prophets they're accepted by the political class if you have a preacher who the presidents are inviting them into the Oval Office they're bad and if you say but they do good things they say good things so does Balaam he would have the Spirit of God upon him and he spoke the Word of God and he died and went to hell that's the point so you know what the Bible says try the spirits try the spirits whether they be of God white because many false prophets are gone into the world go back to numbers 24 look at verse 17 number 24 verse 17 we're continuing with Balaam's prophets remember everything Balaam said is good not because he wants to just because God has taken over knows what he says I shall see him but not now I shall behold him but not nigh that's really interesting he says I'm in a trance and I'm seeing visuals of God he says I shall see him but not now I shall behold him but not nigh and then he says this look at it one of the greatest messianic prophecies in the Bible given by a reprobate false prophet knows what he says there shall come a star out of Jacob and a scepter shall rise out of Israel a star a scepter is a reference to a king to a kingdom a star out of Jacob could it be that when the wise men showed up in Matthew chapter 2 and verse 2 at the birth of Christ when they showed up saying where is he that is born king of the Jews for we have seen his star in the East and are come to worship him could it be that they understood that because of Balaam's prophecy there shall come a star out of Jacob and a scepter shall rise out of Israel and shall smite the corners of Moab and destroy all the children of Sheth look at verse 18 and eat him shall be a possession the seer also shall be a possession of his enemies and Israel shall do valiantly out of Jacob shall come he that shall have dominion and shall destroy him that remaineth of the city and when he looked on Amalek now I want you to understand what's going on here the story is about to be done and God's is kind of like I'm just messing with you Balaam is now giving this four oracles four attempts to curse the people of God and every time he opens his mouth and the what he doesn't want comes out he wants to curse and God says bless he wants to change God's mind and God says you can't change my mind he tries to manipulate God and God says you will not manipulate me you will not me I'm not I haven't miscalculated I haven't made a mistake here I'm in charge you know you and I would do well in our lives if we just got to the place we realize God is in charge notice these words verse 19 out of Jacob shall come he that shall have dominion and shall destroy him that remaineth out of the city verse 20 and when he looked on Amalek he took up his parable and said now now now he's not even blessing Israel now he's just gonna start cursing other nations look what he says Amalek was the first of the nations but his latter end shall be be that he perishes forever perish forever look at verse 21 he looked on the Kenites because remember he's on a high mountain he's been looking at Israel blessing Israel now he's just like looking at the Amalekites and said I'm gonna curse them Amalek was the first of the nations but his latter end shall be he that perishes verse 21 and he looked on the Kenites and took up his parable and said strong is thy dwelling place and thou put is thy nest in a rock nevertheless the Kenites shall be wasted until Astros shall carry thee away he's just cursing other nations Balak paid him to curse the people of God he blesses the people of God and curses the enemies of God look at verse 23 and he took up his parable and said alas who shall live when God doeth this and the ships shall come from the coast of Shittim and shall afflict Asher and shall afflict Eber and he also shall perish forever Balaam rose up and went and returned to his place and Balak also went his way once you notice what happens here and what we see in the story is this Balaam's confusing communication I hope it makes sense to you now people look at the story like what's going on with Balaam what's going on with Balaam is that Balaam is not in control it's that God has taken over Balaam's mind and he's made him crazy let me tell you something reprobates are crazy they're insane and sometimes God even uses them to do as well and look this shouldn't be so hard for us to understand why remember Pharaoh when Moses kept coming to Pharaoh and and kept doing the the plagues upon Pharaoh Pharaoh kept changing his mind Pharaoh kept saying like okay Moses you can go and then the Bible says that God would harden Pharaoh's heart why because God wasn't done with Pharaoh Pharaoh was done with God but God was no fair listen to me you and I need to be careful about making sure we stay on the right side of God because you can say well I'm gonna do what I want I don't care what God says and pick a fight with God but when you pick a fight with God you better be careful because you might say I tap and God's like no this isn't over you did this and we're gonna carry this through we see Balaam's confusing communication but let me end with this just because I want to cover this just because I kind of want to be done with Balaam and move on to other things not only do we see Balaam's confusing communication we see Balaam's alarming associations look at it real quickly let's just finish this real quickly if it's okay with you let's just look at it because okay I just want to move on from Balaam next week and be on to other things Balaam leaves defeated Balaam leaves defeated Balaam could not get God to curse the people notice how the chapter ends verse 25 and Balaam rose up and went and returned to his place and Balak also went his way but there's an interesting lesson here and it's this when Balaam could not get God to curse the people Balaam could get the people to curse themselves notice numbers 25 we're gonna look at numbers 25 next week and we'll go through the whole chapter but let's just look at it real quickly just so you can look what happens next numbers 25 verse 1 in Israel abode and shit him and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab remember Balak is the king of Moab and they called the people into the sacrifices of their gods and the people did eat and bow down to their gods and Israel joined themselves unto Baal Peor and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel in numbers 22 numbers 23 numbers 24 Balaam and Balak have been trying to manipulate God to bring a curse upon the children of Israel God has his way with them God has fun with them and just makes fools out of them but yet in chapter 25 God is cursing the people and notice his judgment is upon them look at verse 9 and those that died in the plague were 20 and 4,000 so what happens what caused this does this have something to do with the curious case of the Prophet Balaam go to numbers 31 just real quickly look look at what the Bible tells us about these things look you got to put down the television and just read the Bible it's interesting numbers 31 verse 15 in numbers 31 we're fast-forwarding in the story numbers 31 in verse 15 the Bible says this and Moses said unto them have ye saved all the women alive the children of Israel have now at the direction of God gone in and had war against the Moabites and the Midianites are doing these things and they saved the women alive and Moses is upset about this and he explains why in verse 16 behold these looking at those women cause the children of Israel through the counsel of Balaam to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord you know what's interesting go to Revelation chapter 2 we'll finish this up Revelation 2 Balaam couldn't get Balaam could not curse the people of God he was defeated in trying to get God to curse people but he succeeded in getting the people to curse themselves he said Balak I still want to get paid so let me tell you what we'll do we'll get all these women to go fornicate with the nation of Israel and they'll invite them to their sacrifices they'll invite them to worship Baal in their high places and when they do that then God will curse them because they sin against God this is what is referred to in Revelation chapter 2 and verse 14 look at what it says Revelation 2 14 Revelation chapter 2 verse 14 this is Jesus speaking to the seven churches in Asia he brings up Balaam and Balak as an example he says but I have a few things against thee because thou has there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam notice notice what the doctrine of Balaam is who taught Balak to cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel to eat things sacrifice and idols and to commit fornication and again God is teaching us about a false prophet what what what what are the characteristics we've learned from Balaam regarding false prophets here are the characteristics they're covetous no preacher should be a multi-millionaire period now I look I believe preachers should get paid well I the Bible says that they're worthy of double honor I think if they work hard they should be they shouldn't be in poverty I think they should get paid well but if you're a multi-millionaire you are a false prophet period end of story that's what the Bible says it says that they have made the people they make merchandise of the people of God if you are accepted by the presidents and the kings of this world you're a false prophet that's what the Bible says it says they hated Jesus and they'll hate you but you know what another characteristic of a false prophet is this I'll just read this for you because I'm out of time actually you're there in Revelation just flip over to Jude it's just right there you can you can get there Jude there's only one chapter look at verse 4 here's another characteristic of a false prophet for there are certain men crept in unawares who were before of old ordained to this condemnation their reprobates ungodly men look at it turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness what does that mean lascivious means lewd or lustful you know what false prophets do they turn the grace of God into lasciviousness the grace of God teaches us that God saves all of us based not off our merit not off our works not off us earning it but he gives us the free gift of salvation praise God for that you know what a false prophet does he says well because salvation is free because of God's grace you can go ahead and live however you want that's not true they'll say because of God's grace you can go ahead and fornicate you can go ahead and get drunk you can go ahead and and live in sin and God's gonna be okay with that listen to me that's how you get the judgment of God upon your life I didn't say lose your salvation you don't lose your salvation but that's how you get God to chastise you that's what Balaam did to the children Israel he said I can't get God to curse him let me see if I can get them to fornicate let me see if I can get them to worship idols and then as a result of that the judgment of God what is the doctrine of Balaam the doctrine of Balaam is this he taught Balak to cast a stumbling block before the children Israel what's a stumbling block something someone put something in front of you you're running look the race that is set before us and they put a stumbling block in front of you try and trip you up that's what a false prophet does they sound good they sound great they sound godly but they don't help you draw closer to God they don't help you get the sin out of your life they don't help you get victory in your life they don't help you get be purged and be cleansed and filled with the spirit they just want your money so they tell you yeah live however you want just make sure you put money in the offering plate that's what a false prophet does and here's here's the lesson for us and here's the application I'll finish up it's this we don't have to worry about the world out there and Balaam's out there trying to curse us and trying to trip us up because the truth is this the only person that can trip you up is you when when the devil can't get God to curse you he can get you to curse yourself you can get me to curse myself God has been protecting his people for chapter after chapter but then they messed up you and I need to realize that the only way that you and I look with with Christ we can do anything if God before us who can be against us but we can allow the devil to stumble us to put a temptation before us we can allow the devil and we can succumb to that and we see the judgment of God so unfortunately at the end of the day Balaam wins Balaam wins not because he could get God to curse the people he couldn't get God to curse the people and God just made a fool out of them but in the end he got the people to curse themselves and that's where you and I need to be careful God is always on our side and God will always protect us but when we step out of the limits and the boundaries that God has given for our protection then all bets are off that's why our heads and I will to prayer Heavenly Father Lord we love you and we thank you for your word we thank you for these chapters I know that there's a lot of wording and things to dissect and cross-references and it can be confusing it's the curious case of Balaam the Prophet but Lord no matter how we interpret it let us to at least agree and take heed on the application and the application is this when the enemy can't get God to curse us he can get us to curse ourselves help us to be aware of that help us to not be ignorant of Satan's devices help us to live within the boundaries that God has given us for our own safety and help us to not be deceived by these ministers of light who are actually false prophets Lord I pray you help us to learn these lessons apply them to our lives help us take heed to these things in Jesus name we pray amen we're not brother RJ come up and lead us in a final song just want to remind you of a couple of things first of all men if you can help us if you can help us with the work days if there's anything on that list that you could be available to help us with please see brother Oliver after the service he'll be standing in the foyer with a clipboard all right I've directed him to make eye contact with every man that walks through there so either go out the back door like a wimp and I'm just kidding or just go up there and say hey I'd like to help and I'm just kidding well we're trying we're trying to manipulate you and no go out there if you can help with something we'd appreciate your help and of course we want to try to do it around your schedule let us know when you're available we'll make sure someone's available to be there and get you going but we appreciate all the work that everybody is doing in regards to that if you don't mind looking around and just kind of cleaning up your area if your kids made a mess may put the hymn book back or those things it helps the cleaners in the morning I want you to know that my wife and I are praying for you we love you and we're here for you if there's anything you ever need please know that we are here for you my brother RJ come up and lead us in a final song amen let's grab our song books and turn to page number 396 little time summer 396 hang it out on the first Oh Oh Oh Oh before we dismiss if anyone here has questions about salvation baptism or church membership pastor will be at the door you would love to talk to you or direct you to someone who's trained to do that as well brother Josh would you dismisses with the word prayer you you