(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. All right we're there in Luke chapter number six and of course we are going through a series on Sunday nights and Sunday mornings sometimes we've been switching it up on we're on a journey with Jesus through the gospel according to Luke verse by verse chapter by chapter and of course the gospel of Luke is one of the most specific Gospels giving us a lot of details about the life of Christ and we're really just learning about the life of Christ and if you're with us last week as we were in the Gospel of Luke you remember that we learned about how to treat your enemies and Jesus is teaching here in Luke in a sermon that is called or referred to as the Sermon on the Plain. Now you are probably familiar with a very famous sermon that the Lord Jesus Christ preached from the book of Matthew called the Sermon on the Mount and the Sermon on the Plain is the same sermon as the Sermon on the Mount but it's also a different sermon than the Sermon on the Mount and you might ask well how does that work well it's a different sermon because of the fact that it was preached at a different place different location at a different time but it's the same sermon because it's the same outline or the same material that Jesus is going through you'll find a lot of things that are very similar between the Sermon on the Mount and the Sermon on the Plain but yet you'll also find a lot of things that are very different between the two because just like any preacher if I were to preach a sermon here using a certain outline and and this is not you know sometimes people they the reason that I make a big deal about this because people like to point at Luke chapter 6 and then Matthew 5 6 & 7 and say that there are contradictions in the Bible because well here it says it was preached on the on the Mount and here it says it was preached on the Plain and here he said this and in this one he said something different well often times what preachers will do and what Jesus is doing is they'll teach the same material or the same content in in a different place for example I'm gonna be preaching at a family conference in in the month of May in Atlanta Georgia however I'm already working on that sermon and getting it ready but before I preach that sermon there I will preach it to our church family here and I'll preach that same sermon here on a Sunday night or something like that and then I'll take that same sermon outline and I will preach it there and it'll be very similar but it'll be different because every time you preach the same sermon outline unless if you you know unless if you just memorize every word that you're gonna say which is not my style of preaching I have an outline and I speak from the heart really then then the sermons are all going to be different but you'll see similarities of course and that's what we see here with Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount and the Sermon on the Plain so hopefully that makes sense and what we what we what we see here in this passage because we've been working through it we saw the blessings and the woes that Jesus gave us as an introduction and then we saw how to treat your enemies last week in this passage here on the Sermon on the Plain what we see is Jesus speaking specifically on the subject of measurement or how to measure certain things and specifically and I hope it'll make sense as we get into the passage here he's teaching us about how to measure three different areas or three different ideas in regards to the Bible one is how we measure judgment and really the word measure means to judge and he's teaching us how to judge judgment or how to measure judgment then he speaks to us on how to measure giving and he also speaks to us on how to measure or how to judge false prophets and it's interesting because if you study this solely from the Sermon on the Mount which is probably the more famous of the sermons you wouldn't get this correlation but when you compare the Sermon on the Mount to the Sermon on the Plain you'll see this correlation that is being made here about measurement I find it extremely interesting I hope you do as well and I think I think you will if you love the Word of God of course but I'll just share this with you as we get started here but I want to show you that there's three different things that we're told to measure here and if you're taking notes this morning and I'd encourage you to take notes on the back of your course the week there's a place for you to write down some things the first thing I want you to notice is the measurement of judgment the measurement of judgment now in Luke chapter 6 and verse 37 you find this phrase or this verse he says judge not and he shall not be judged he says judge not and he shall not be judged then he says condemn not and he shall not be condemned he says forgive and he shall be forgiven now I want you to notice the correlation between the Sermon on the Mount and the Sermon on the Plain now keep your place there in Luke 6 37 that's our text for this morning but go back to Matthew chapter 7 if you would and look at verse number one if you go backwards you have Luke Mark and then Matthew and I want you to compare remember it's the same sermon but it's not the same sermon the more famous passage is Matthew chapter 7 and in Matthew chapter 7 and verse 1 you may find one of the most I mean not may you will find one of the most famous verses in the Bible and this verse has probably overtaken John 3 16 as the most quoted verse in the Bible and though we of course love the Word of God and any Bible verse that is quoted and and reference is always a good thing Matthew chapter 7 and verse 1 has become a very famous verse in the Bible unfortunately because of a bad philosophy or with bad intentions you say what do you mean notice Matthew chapter 7 and verse 1 the Bible says judge not that ye be not judged now that's a great verse and praise God for it Jesus said it it's in your King James Bible and praise the Lord but that verse Matthew 7 and verse 1 judge not that ye be not judge has become one of the most famous verses in the Bible one of the most quoted verses of the Bible but not for a positive reason or not for a an authentic reason it's become a very quoted scripture because people will use it to try to teach that you're not supposed to judge anyone ever for any reason so you have these liberals today that will stand up behind pulpits and they'll say well the Bible says judge not that you be not judge judge not that you be not judge and they'll say so the Bible teaches that you're never supposed to judge anything anyone for any reason ever now here's what you need to understand when Jesus said judge not that you be not judge that was within a context of an entire teaching that he is giving and when you look at the entire teaching you'll find that Jesus is not teaching that we should never judge he's not saying don't ever judge anyone for any reason ever when he says judge not that ye be not judge I want you to notice the context look at verse 2 he says for the word for means because he's saying judge not that you be not judge and then he says here's why or here's when that applies he says for with what judgment ye judge ye shall be judged and with what and here's our phrase that we're going to look at this morning notice what he says with what measure ye meet it shall be measured to you again he says whatever measurement you decide to meet with to judge with to discern with that's the same measurement that's going to be used upon you and within that context he says judge not that you be not judge first of all let me just deal with this issue and I realize it's not a popular stance from the Word of God today but I do want to be clear the Bible does not teach if I go to John if you would you're there in Matthew you're gonna go past Mark past Luke into the Gospel of John John chapter 7 Jesus and the Bible are not teaching that we should never judge in fact you can tell by the amount of Amen's that does not a very popular concept however the Bible actually teaches the exact opposite of the teaching on judgment the Bible teaches in fact the Bible commands that we should judge John chapter 7 look at verse 24 notice what the Bible says judge not according to the appearance notice this phrase but judge righteous judgment now Jesus here again speaking says look you should judge righteous judgment now the same Jesus that said judge not that you be not judge in Matthew chapter 7 said in John chapter 7 but judge righteous judgment so when Jesus tells us judge not that you be not judge here's the takeaway is that the judgment that he's referring to there is not righteous judgment it's unrighteous judgment I'll explain that to you but let me just make sure that we cover all our bases here the Bible teaches in judgment the Bible teaches that we should that there are times that things need to be judged you're there in John go with me to the book of 1st Corinthians 1st Corinthians chapter 6 you're John you've got Acts Romans 1st Corinthians John Acts Romans 1st Corinthians 1st Corinthians chapter 6 let me give you some examples where we're actually commanded to judge and look today if you listen to the average just liberal lame Christian they're going to teach this idea judge not that you be not judge you're never supposed to judge him you're not supposed to standing judgment of anyone ever for any reason you should never look at somebody and here's what they mean by that you should never look at something and call it sin you should never look at somebody's lifestyle and say no no that's wrong that's not what God wants God doesn't want that God is not for that God is not accepting they'll say well you're judging now and Jesus said judge not that you be not judge let me tell you something all throughout the Bible Christians are taught to judge in fact you may have never noticed this but there's an entire book in your Bible called the book of judges where that should tell you what God thinks about judges and judging and judgment 1st Corinthians chapter 6 in verse 1 notice what the Apostle Paul tells the Church of Corinth here he says dare any of you having a matter against another go to law before the unjust here he's talking about two believers two brothers in Christ two creatures Christians and they're going to law or they're going to be judged before the unjust notice he says and not before the Saints here's what Paul teaches in 1st Corinthians that Christians should judge in fact he says matters between Christians should be judged between Christians and that a brother should never take a brother in Christ should never take a brother in Christ to law do you know that as a Christian you shouldn't be going to wicked judges to try to get judgment the Bible says that you should be able to deal with those things within the context of a church now obviously we live in a sinful world and not every Christian is attending a good church where they're submitting themselves under the authority of a godly pastor and and and not every church has a godly pastor that can judge and and I understand all those questions but what Paul is teaching is that in in a in a world where Christians are actually following the Bible and unfortunately that's a very tall order in today's nation to actually find Christians who actually do what the Bible says it's a rare thing but he says in a world where Christians are actually following the Bible two Christians should be able to submit themselves under the authority of a local church and under a bishop and the Christians of that church should be able to judge between matters of those Christians notice what he says there in verse 2 he said do you not know that the Saints now what's a saint a saint is an is a saved person all right it's all throughout Bible I don't have time to preach against the Catholic Church okay all throughout the Bible you're gonna call me judgmental all throughout the Bible Saints are believers okay so the Bible says do you not know that the Saints notice shall judge the world this is in reference to the millennial reign of Christ that one day first of all we're gonna be judged at the judgment of Christ Jesus is gonna judge what we have done in our bodies whether it was good or bad and then based off that judgment he's going to give us rewards he's going to allow us to rule and reign with Christ during the millennial reign will be given positions of authority and as a result of ruling with him we're going to judge the world that's what he's referring to he says do you not know that the Saints judge the world he says and if the world shall be judged by you are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters he says know you not that we shall judge angels again it's the millennial reign of Christ we're gonna judge angels we're gonna be in charge of angels and and and human beings that are alive during the millennial reign and again I don't have time to go into all those details but we're gonna judge angels he says how much more things that pertain to this life notice verse 4 if then you have judgment of things pertaining to this life notice he says he's telling the church of Corinth set them to judge well Paul Jesus said judge not that you be not judge well pauses well you're taking that out of context because Jesus said to judge righteous judgment and Paul is saying set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church here's what he's saying you would be better off by finding the newest convert just the brand a brand new Christian somebody that just got saved they're having grown in the Lord they just the least esteem the truth he said you'd be better off getting judged by that guy then to go to some you know wicked corrupt judge sitting on the Supreme Court today that's what he's saying and if you don't believe Paul look at the people sitting on the Supreme Court today a bunch of wicked pedophiles he says if then you have judgment of things pertaining to this life set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church he says I speak to your shame is it so that there is not a wise man among you no not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren now Paul is actually judging them right now because they're going to law with their brother he says there's no one in the church there's not a wise man that can help you out with this but he's telling them look you are supposed to judge so the Bible does not teach and Jesus was not teaching against judgment he was teaching against unrighteous judgment that's gonna become clear here in a minute when we look at the passage but let me just give you another example you're there in 1st Corinthians 6 flip back to 1st Corinthians chapter 5 1st Corinthians chapter 5 not only should judgment be done within believers in the local church but the Bible teaches that there are times that we must judge believers for sin in the church 1st Corinthians 5 look at verse 11 but now I have written unto you knows what Paul says but now I have written unto you not to keep company now what does that mean not to keep company not to keep company means to not associate with to not spend time with to not hang out with to not fellowship with to not have friendship with he said you said that sounds really judgmental well maybe you should read the Bible and maybe you should start with the book of Judges but now I've written unto you not to keep company notice if any man that is called a brother now does this apply to unsaved people no this is for a man that is called a brother of course is referring to a brother in Christ someone who has a testimony of salvation someone who says I am a believer I am a Christian I am a brother he says do not company if a man that is called a brother be a fornicator now what does that mean fornication fornication is going to bed together when you're not married it's the physical act of between a man and a woman when they're not married and God says hey as a Christian and as a church you're supposed to stand in judgment of that you're supposed to judge that now I realize today the average church doesn't do that but let me tell you something you're not sitting in the average church this is very Baptist Church we actually believe the Word of God around here and we judge fornication we're against it and we'll throw people out for living in fornication so you'll throw them out well the Bible says to not keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator that's not it notice or covetous or an idolatry or a railer or a drunkard or an extortioner notice with such and one know not to eat now look we are all sinners I'm a sinner you're a sinner every single person here is a sinner but the Bible says there are certain sins and he lists them for us he says these are unacceptable within the context of a church you cannot just have people fornicating running around fornicating openly fornicating and be okay with it you say why here's why because a little 11 11 at the whole long and we care too much about the young people here and the young boys and the young girls and we want them to grow up to realize that they were made in the image of God that they should have some respect for their bodies and have some respect for themselves and then they don't have to go around sleeping around with people that's the judgment he says but now I've written unto you not to keep company of a man that is called a brother be a fornicator or a covetous or covetous or an idolatry or a railer or drunkard and a torturer with such and one know not to eat knows verse 12 for what have I to do to judge them also that are without I notice what Paul says Paul says I'm not standing in judgment of unsaved people he's like I'm not I'm not judging unsaved people for being fornicators or being drunkards that's what unsaved people do he says do not ye judge them that are within he said but you should judge those that are within within the family within the church look I'm user why are you showing us this to show you that the Bible teaches that there is a such thing as judgment and righteous judgment notice verse 13 but then that are without God judges therefore put away remove throw out from among yourselves that wicked person and you say oh you guys would kick out a fornicator they're just never allowed to come to church whether a lot to come to church once they get right with God once they quit fornicating or get married now Jesus is not teaching that we should never judge you say okay well then what is Jesus teaching go back to Luke chapter 6 look at verse 37 again because remember Jesus said judge righteous judgment so he says I want you to have righteous judgment but then in Matthew 7 or in Luke 6 he says judge not they be not judge so when he's saying don't judge he's talking about a certain type of judgment you say what is that here's what it is it's hypocritical judgment Jesus is teaching that we should not judge hypocritically now notice again Luke 6 and verse 37 he says judge not and you shall not be judged and by the way it's not necessarily a command as it is more of a warning or some advice here's what he's saying if you've got something in your life that you don't want to be judged for then don't judge other people judge not and you shall not be judged if you've got something in your life that you don't want to be condemned for then don't condemn other people he says condemn not and you shall not be condemned and to prove to you that this is dealing with hypocrisy he says forgive and you shall be forgiven and all throughout the Bible this concept of forgiving because we've been forgiven is always connected to hypocrisy because here's the idea he says if you've been forgiven by the Lord Jesus Christ of your sins then you should be able to turn around and forgive others and when you don't that's hypocrisy to say I've accepted forgiveness but I refuse to give forgiveness that's called being a hypocrite and Jesus connects that thought to judge not and you should not be judged condemn not and you shall not be condemned here's what he's saying don't judge if you don't want to be judged or there's something that you don't want to be judged about or there's something you don't want to be condemned about don't judge and don't condemn and you'll be fine now go back to Matthew chapter 7 Matthew chapter 7 you go past again mark and and and into the book of Matthew let me give you an example of this and I'm not going to use any names because I don't feel like it's needed but there was a certain pastor not so long ago and this pastor you know it was kind of announced within a certain fellowship of pastors that his son was joining the military now here's the thing and and that this might seem odd to you but let me just explain something to you joining the military is not like the worst thing in the world it's not like you're a murderer or serial killer or whatever but let me explain something to you if you're a pastor that's not really your goal in life that your sons will just sign away their lives and become the slave of the state that by the way is wicked as hell and to be controlled by it's not really the goal of a Christian to have their son join the military now if you're in the military I'm not against you if your son's a little I'm not I'm not judging you for that I'm just explaining to you as a pastor that's not necessarily you know what I aspire I just aspire for my kids to grow up and just sign away their life and look just just for transparency I was in the military I went I was in the Air Force so I'm telling you as a veteran who was in the Air Force I'm looking at my sons and saying don't join the military don't don't do it it's a mistake don't do it you don't want to do it it's not you could do you you can do something better so as a pastor that's our context when it was kind of announced that this pastor's son had joined the military you know what every other pastor and pastor's wife that heard about that did nothing nobody said anything nobody said man you really failed no in fact people sent cards and and and text messages and email saying hey I heard your son's going military I want you to know we're gonna be praying for him when we praying for his safety we're gonna be praying that that that he gets out of there and and and and and nothing happens to him and you know people weren't kind everything it was fine what's interesting is that a few weeks later the same pastor came out and preached a sermon against all of our children I'm talking about all the other pastors in the same fellowship of believers he came out preaching a sermon about how all our kids were just like the worst kids just borderline reprobate psychopath just talking about like how kids and other Christian movements are so much better than I'm just attacking and just lambasting all of our children so you know what happened people said well wait a minute like your kid joined the military like you're not necessarily the most successful dad out there to be judging all of our you know I'm looking at our church and think myself we've got all sorts of 18 to 19 year olds that didn't join don't join the military go start businesses get married our sole winners are serving the Lord I mean kids that aren't even pastors kids and we're all thinking ourselves like your kid joined the military like you're not doesn't really make you the the standard of life this is you're the greatest dad the successful dad ever and you're sitting here and judging us you know what happened people said that to him him and his wife just were like I can't believe that anybody would bring up the fact that my kids are in the mood that's so hurtful you know here's the lesson judge not and you shall not be judged if you don't want people to condemn you or attack yourself wait a minute what you're doing with your kid and what you resolve your kids not that great hey no one was gonna bring that up so you started judging others so you started condemning others so you started talking crap about other people's parenting that are actually doing better than you are then people call you out not because your kid joined the military nobody cares that you could join the military but you know what they're calling out your hypocrisy so Jesus gives this warning he says judge not and you shall not be judged look here's here's all I'm saying if your marriage is failing don't go around criticizing other people's marriage I'm not mad at you if your marriage is failing we love you we're praying for you we want to help you but if your marriage isn't going great maybe you shouldn't be gossiping about other people's marriages if your kids are wayward I'm not mad at you my heart breaks with you I want to pray with you I want to help you we want to help you bring that prodigal son back but if your kid is wayward don't go around complaining about all the other teenagers in church that are actually here you don't think this happens I mean you get grown adults their kids are drug addict just you know living for the world just in jail in prison and they're like these teenagers are a bunch of punts it's like man you should be thankful that these teenagers are here you should be thankful that these kids are here see the teaching of Jesus is not that you should never judge it's the teaching that if you've got an area in your life that isn't exactly buttoned up here's all I'm saying look as a pastor you know here's the thing my kids are not grown they're still in my home one of my kids may grow up and join the military I hope not I pray not I'll do everything my power not to do that maybe one of my kids grows up to join the military you say what are you gonna do if one of your kids grows up with a military pastor well I'll tell you what I'm not gonna do I'm not gonna stand up the next week and start talking about how everybody else's kids are terrible because when you're not Nixon necessarily succeeding in a certain area here's what I'm saying if you've been divorced three times maybe don't go around giving marriage advice you say why because somebody might bring up the fact that well why should we be listening to you you've not really been successful and then you're gonna eat your food I can't believe you would say that but Jesus said judge not and you shall not be judged condemn not you should not be condemned here's all I'm saying and please understand you may not like this but whatever you judge the Bible says that there are certain standards of life that when we do not meet those standards we are not any position to judge others and by the way this is why God gives qualifications for pastors because pastors aren't supposed to judge so he says you need you better make sure that you are living a life that is blameless you better make sure that your kids are under control that they are not unruly you need to make sure that your wife is godly and faithful to church and a sole winner and not slandering he's saying he's not saying don't ever judge he's saying look if you've got an area life that maybe is not where it should be you probably shouldn't judge and if you don't want people pointing out your hypocrisy then judge not and you shall not be judged condemn not and you shall not be condemned now let me show this to you from from Matthew because it's very clear Matthew chapter 7 Matthew chapter 7 and in verse 2 he says he says for with what judgment you judge he's saying this is why I'm telling you judge not and you should be not judged right because here's the for here's the why it says because here's here's why hey pastor so-and-so you know why you don't want to preach a sermon about how everybody's kids are terrible here's why because with what judgment ye judge others ye shall be judged and with what measure ye meet whatever you decide to measure others look at these other kids look how bad they're doing well people are gonna take that same measurement say what about you for with what judgment you judge you shall be judged and with what measure ye meet it shall be measured to you again so he says if you've got if you're lacking then you may want to judge not that you be not judge go back to Luke chapter 6 now notice again look it's very clear that this is what he's referring to Luke chapter 6 and verse 41 notice what he says in the context when Jesus says judge not that ye be not judged or judge not and ye shall not be judged condemn and ye shall not be condemned forgive and ye shall be forgiven Luke 6 41 and why beholdest thou the mow what's a mow a mow is a small particle or speck of dust he says why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye you know you've got your brother and he's got a mote a particle a speck of dust in his eye and you're like look at that that's a problem you got to fix that he says why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye now notice again Jesus is not speaking against judgment he's speaking against hypocritical judgment he's speaking about you going around with a two-by-four in your eye you're like the worst parent ever but you got to correct everybody else's parenting because of the speck in their eye because of the mote in their eye notice verse 2 42 excuse me either how canest thou say to thy brother brother let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye notice the words thou hypocrite he says it's a hypocritical to tell someone let me pull out the mote out of your eye when you've got this huge beam in your own eye now notice he was a Jesus against Jesus against judgment at all cost no no look at the last part verse 42 cast out first the beam that is in thine own eye and then thou shalt see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye see there's nothing wrong with helping your brother try to pull out the mote out of his eye just make sure you cast out the beam out of your own eye first because when you don't you're a hypocrite so I want you to notice this lesson on the measurement of judgment the measurement of judgment is not the measurement of judgment is not that you should never judge anyone for any reason ever no no the measurement of judgment is this that sometimes especially in Christian maturity people are given positions of authority and within that authority they need to measure and they need to judge so you better make sure that with what measures you meet it shall be measured to you again and that you're not being a hypocrite and by the way there's not this does not just apply for pastors as applies for every area of leadership and authority listen dad when you sit there and tell your teenage sons don't drink don't smoke don't chew and they watch you smoke and drink you know what they're thinking you're a hypocrite with what measure you need it shall be measured to you again proper judgment first takes the beam out of your own eye so then you can see clearly to help other people it's not against judgment it's against you being a hypocrite when you're judged when you're when when you're judging and look it's insane to me it's insane to me how practical this teaching is you think well of course that makes sense but you know what's really interesting to me is that this is what I've learned my wife and I have learned this over the last 11 years of ministry that literally people who have had certain sins in their own lives after they have times got time goes by and they get past that they will be the most harsh and critical to other people going through the same sin and it's like you you're mad at them because they don't go sewing but you didn't show up throwing last week either you're not mad at them because they're fornicating but when you shut up you were fornicating too you're all mad at them because because because of divorce but you've been divorced you know here's the idea there are times to judge make sure you're not a hypocrite make sure your heart's right he's not against judgment he's against Pharisaical hypocritical judgment cast out first the beam that is in thine own eye and then thou shalt see clearly to pull out the mo that is in that brother's eye so we see Jesus teaching about the measurement of judgment you don't like that one let me give you another one go to Luke chapter 6 I doubt you'll like this one either Luke chapter 6 look at verse 38 number one we saw the measurement of judgment but I want you to notice secondly we see the measurement of giving notice what he says in verse 38 give I don't think you should preach on giving well it's in the Bible it's in the passage we're going verse by verse chapter by chapter with so why we're talking about it give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down and shaken together and running over shall men give into your bosom and notice notice remember we saw in Matthew 7 judge not that you be not judge why for with what measure ye meet it shall be measured to you again right that's what he said about judgment notice what he says here about giving give and it shall be given unto you good measure press down shake it together and running over shall men give in your bosom notice for with the same measure that ye meet with all it shall be measured to you again he uses almost the exact same wording about the measurement of judgment to the measurement of giving he says there's a measurement in giving you say what is it here's what it is God will use the same measurement that you use to give to him and to the work of God he will use that measurement to give back to you he says look give here's a promise from God give and it shall be given unto you you say how can that be here's why because there's a universal law that God has established in our world called reaping and sowing and you reap what you sow and that's neither moral or immoral it's both you reap you sow good things you'll reap good things you sow bad things you'll reap bad things he says give and it shall be given unto you good measure press down shake it together and running over shall men give into your bosom notice for with the same measure that ye meet with all it shall be measured to you again so here's what the Bible and again no notice there that it's the same wording as Matthew 7 2 with the what measure ye meet it shall be measured to you again about judgment now it's about giving here's what he's saying because people often know they'll say things like I want God's blessing I need God's blessing on my life I want God to bless me I want God to help me and look it it's not just financially but financially something part of it I need God's blessing financially I need God's blessing on my health I need God's blessing on on my marriage and with my children and in my career and in all things I'm doing and and and and I need God to bless me big I mean I want a big blessing and God looks down and says well actually you are in charge of the measurement that I use to bless you because when you he would say decide to bless my church my work my people my ministry and you've got you know whenever I read this I envisioned a table I've envisioned a couple of ways you've got a table with with with rulers and yardsticks but different sizes and you've got a little ruler and it goes bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and you get to decide which one you're gonna pick when it comes to giving when it comes to being generous you can decide which one am I gonna pick to be a blessing to God to be a blessing to God's house to God's people to God's work to God's misery I get to decide which measurement I'm going to use to measure out how much I'm gonna give to God and then God says when you put that measurement down he says I picked that same measurement up because with what measurement ye meet it shall be measured to you again so you say how do I control God's blessing control your giving I mean look and I'm not a prosperity preacher I'm just preaching what the Bible says given it shall be given unto you good measure press down shaken together running over shall men give in your bosom for with what measure with the notice with the same measure that ye meet with all that word with all means with that measure it shall be measured to you again God will use the same measurement that you use to give to to give to God he will use that measurement to give back to you now here's the difference the difference is this that God will limit himself to the measurement when you decide that you you know you're unwilling to sacrifice more than 10% or 5% or whatever that number is God says okay well the percentage you want to be faithful to me that's the same percentage I'm gonna bless you with now obviously when we're talking about tithing that's already God's already if you're not doing 10% you've already lost your curse with a curse that's why you're in so much debt and your car keep breaking down and all those issues God will limit himself to the measurement that you chose but here's the difference when God gives back to you using the same measurement it'll be overflowing again when I think of this III think of two different ways one is with a series of rulers and measurements one is with a series of cups you've heard me say this before the same way that in your kitchen you have different measuring cups that are different sizes and you use those measuring cups to be able to scoop in and get a certain amount of flour or certain amount of sugar or certain amount of whatever it is you need God says when it comes to giving you've got a container with all your resources everything that God has blessed you with by the way everything you container God gave to you he says and then you've got a table in front of you got all these different measuring cups different sizes and you get to decide which one you're gonna grab and scoop out of to give and to invest into the house of God and God says here's what I'm gonna do as soon as you're done scooping out as soon as you set that down I'm gonna set the I'm gonna pick that same measurement up with the same measure with all that you meet look it's not my fault that you picked out the half a teaspoon you're like well here's what I'm gonna give to God and God's like okay well here's what I'm gonna give to you here's what he's saying be generous and God will be generous with you he says now the difference is that when I pick up the same measuring cup it'll be good measure he said I'm gonna pick it up he said I'm gonna press it down I'm gonna get all those air bubbles out I'm gonna shake it make sure it's I get everything in there as much as possible he said it will be good measure pressed down shaking together he says and running over he says I'm gonna limit myself to the same measuring cup but I will make sure that it's overflowing when I give it back go back to to go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 I'm not sure if you get the place of 1st Corinthians I meant to ask you to keep your place there but you're there in Luke you have Luke John Acts Romans 1st Corinthians 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 and do me a favor put a ribbon or a bookmark there because we're gonna leave it we're gonna come back to it while you go there let me reach you out of a very famous Psalm Psalm 23 verse 5 thou prepares the table before me in the presence of my enemies thou anointens my head with oil my cup runneth over see God will limit himself to your measurement but when God gives back it'll be overflowing but it will be only overflowing the amount that you give back because God will use the same measurement that you used to give to him God will use that same membership meant to give back to you and again that's not just financially it's all the blessings of God health and happiness prosperity all of that second with these 9 verse 6 but this I say he was so as sparingly shall reap also sparingly what's the word sparingly mean it means cheap to be a cheapskate he that soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully because God says for with the same measure that ye meet with all it shall be measured to you again go back to Luke chapter 6 while you go there let me read to you this little excerpt from a man named RJ RG latorno RG latorno was a Christian industrialist who dedicated his life to being a businessman for God he was hugely successful designing and developing his own line of earth moving equipment latorno was the maker of nearly 300 inventions and hundreds of patents in his lifetime as he succeeded financially he increased his giving to the point where he was giving 90% of his income to the Lord's work here's what he said I shovel out the money and God shovels it back in but God has a bigger shovel and I'm not telling you you need to be giving 90% I'm not I'm not telling you you that's you give what you want I mean God does command 10% I'm just telling you this that God says you're in charge of the measurement that he measures back to you with he says whatever measurement you meet with it shall be measured to you again so we learned this lesson on judgment he says judge not that you be not judge why because with what measure you meet it shall be measured to you again with what judgment you judge you're going to be judged then he gives us this lesson on giving he says he says give and it shall be given unto you again he says and with what measure you meet with all it shall be measured to you again so we see the measure of judgment we see the measure of giving let me give you one last one this morning go back to Luke chapter 6 here's number 3 we see the measurement of false prophets he begins to speak to us about false prophets and how to measure or judge a false prophet he says here's how you judge a preacher I say why would you need to judge a preacher why here's why notice what he says in Luke 6 39 and he's fake a parable unto them can the blind lead the blind he says can the blind leave the blind so they not both fall into the ditch here's what he's saying he says you need to judge whether the leader that is guiding you the leader that you're following whether they're seeing correctly whether they're blind or not you say why because if the blind leaves the blind they both they both end up in the ditch now we saw on Wednesday night that this teaching on false prophets from from the from the Apostle Paul and we're gonna look at it again this morning a little differently but we're gonna we're gonna look at some of these characteristics of how to judge a false prophet but let me just run some verses just real quickly go to first John if you would first John chapter 4 if you start at the end of your Bible the book of Revelation and you go backwards you've got the book of Jude which is one chapter then you have third second and first John and third and second John are one chapter also so you got two chapters there and then first John it's just a few chapters first John chapter 4 it's right there close to the book of Revelation first John chapter 4 verse 1 first of all let me just explain this why judge a preacher here's why because not every preachers from God first John 4 1 beloved believe not every spirit but try try the word try means to test test the spirits whether they are of God you say why do I need to test the spirit whether they are of God here's why because many false prophets are gone out into the world so don't just turn the TV on and start watching some preacher on TV and think well everything they say it's got to be good no no no believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they be of God why do I need to do that here's why because many false prophets are gone out into the world you've got to test the spirits because not every preacher that says they are a man of God is a man of God because false prophets are out there they're in the world and they're trying to lead you astray and if the blind leave the blind they both fall into a ditch and these false prophets are headed for a ditch they're headed for they're headed for the pit the bottomless pit and they're leading a whole lot of people with them so how do you judge a preacher how to judge a false prophet go back to Luke chapter 6 we'll look at real quickly Jesus gives us three thoughts in regards to how to judge how to judge or how to measure a false prophet now look I'm a preacher here this morning telling you here's the measurement that Jesus gives us for measuring a prophet and I realize that the measurement that I'm giving you I will be measured back with and I'm okay with that because I've done my best none of us are perfect obviously nobody here is sinless but I've done my best to not have a beam in my eye when it comes to these issues and and and I'm not a false prophet so so how do you judge a preacher a prophet well number one preachers should be judged by their popularity preachers should be judged by their popularity they say pastor you're just saying that because you know you know you can win that one okay I'm saying that because that's what Jesus said Luke chapter 6 verse 40 notice what he says the disciple is not above his master now when the Bible says not above what that means is that the disciple because what the disciple a disciple is a pupil it's someone who's learning the master if you remember the the term schoolmaster like a principal or an educator a teacher that the the student is not above the teachers what he's saying the disciple is not above the master here's what he's saying the pupil the student the disciple is not more is not greater is not better than the master but everyone that is perfect now what is the word perfect means it means complete or whole everyone that's complete or whole or mature shall be noticed as his master the word as means look a pupil is never going to be better than their master but when they're mature in their whole they should be as their master they should be on level with their master so you say what does this have to do with popularity well preachers should be judged by their popularity because Jesus has already covered this in the sermon on the plane let me just remind you of it go back to verse 26 Luke 6 26 remember what he said we saw this a couple of weeks ago Luke 6 26 one woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you notice for so did their fathers to the false prophets here's what the Bible is teaching in fact go to John John 15 you have Matthew Mark Luke John John 15 as a preacher I'm a disciple or a pupil or a student of the master the Lord Jesus Christ I should not be more loved than Jesus I so I should be able to look at the ministry of Christ and see how popular Jesus was and and I should not be more popular than Jesus more accepted than Jesus more respected than Jesus more admired than Jesus I'm talking about when Jesus on this earth in his ministry you say well how famous was Jesus how popular was Jesus how loved with Jesus well you tell me here's how his ministry ended they killed him here's how his ministry ended they crucified him if you study his ministry the whole time he had people attacking him lying about him being envious of him trying to destroy him trying to destroy his ministry so here's all I'm asking is why is Joel Osteen so loved by this world when Jesus wasn't loved like Joel Osteen's loved Jesus wasn't loved like Billy Graham's loved Jesus wasn't loved like many of these famous preachers are look is the is is the student greater than the teacher is the disciple greater than the master see Jesus says woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you for so did their fathers to the false prophets John 15 19 Jesus explains this phenomenon he says if he were of the world the world would love his own if he were of the world the world would love his own but because you are not of the world but I've chosen you out of the world therefore the world hated you see sometimes people they come to church like this and they're like I really like that church maybe not this sermon but you know other sermons and like I really like that church people really friendly it was really good but then I googled the pastor's name and I mean do you know what people are saying about you don't Google my name at least not now do you know what people are saying you know everything is funny people come with me pastor minutes you know if you were saying about you yeah why do they say so many mean things about you here's why because if you were up the world the world would love his own but because you are not of the world but I've chosen you out of the world therefore the world hated you Jesus said Jesus said the world hates me and the world should hate you if you're a follower of me and if they love you you're a false prophet that's what Jesus said so you say I don't know if a preacher's if a preacher is is a is a good preacher or not well you take out the measuring rod you take out the measuring stick you take out the measuring cup you take out the the measurement tool of their popularity and that'll tell you a lot about whether a false prophet so when Rick Warren gets asked to do the prayer at the inauguration of the president that's a bad sign that's not a good sign that's a bad sign when the world loves you accepts you admires you you're probably a false prophet so how do you measure a false prophet preachers should be measured by their popularity there's a second way that you can measure a false prophet Jesus tells us go back to Luke chapter 6 look at verse 43 Luke chapter 6 verse 43 we measure a false prophet by their popularity we also number two preachers should be judged by what they produce preachers should be judged by what they produce notice Luke chapter 6 and verse 43 notice what Jesus says and by the way this is all the same context of what he's teaching he says for a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit notice what he says verse 44 for every tree is known by his own fruit Jesus says look here's how you can know if a preacher is good or not look at what they produce because a good tree brings forth good fruit a corrupt tree brings forth corrupt tree of fruit every tree is known by his own fruit for of thorns men do not gather figs says you don't go to a thorn bush to get figs you go to a fig tree to get figs you know what you know what a thorn bush produces thorns for of thorns men do not gather figs nor of bramble bush gather they grapes you don't go to a bramble bush to get grapes every tree is known by his own fruit now this is also quoted from the Sermon on the Mount Matthew chapter 7 and it's also a very well-known passage where Jesus says wherefore by their fruits you shall know them now here's the interesting thing people try to take this verse and apply it to salvation well if you're saved then you're gonna have some fruits by their fruits you shall know them the problem is that the context of that phrase is here's how you judge a prophet by their fruit you shall know them this is not the measuring stick for salvation you say what's the measuring stick for salvation believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved faith is a substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen so I need evidence of your salvation well faith is the evidence this is about how to judge a preacher you say how do I know a pastor man is a good preacher check my fruit check what we've produced here now look obviously in any ministry any church that is open to the public and people come in from the street you're gonna have people from time to time they show up and they're not saved and or they don't believe exactly like we believe and we understand that look even Jesus had a Judas but here's the thing when your whole churches Judas is that's a problem and look you can go around and get to know the people at Verity Baptist Church I mean the people that call this church their home that say I'm their pastor that say my wife is their pastor's wife that that have been here for for for a while that got baptized here that got saved here go around and ask them about their salvation testimony you know what the vast majority of them are gonna say the vast majority gonna say salvation by faith not of works you can't lose it you don't earn it you don't have to repent of your sins you say that's the fruit that we produce you want to know the tree check the fruit and look we actually do this we don't do this is not the reason we go out soul winning but this is a byproduct of us going soul winning we go out soul winning knock doors and ask people all around this community all around the city you know for sure that today are you on your way to heaven and you know you start realizing when people tell you I go to so-and-so Church you're like this person's right not safe because I've met a hundred people from that church and none of them were safe and I met the pastor from that church and he wasn't safe so Jesus says look here's how you can judge a prophet here's how you can judge a preacher you judge them by their popularity if they're more popular than Jesus that's a problem if they're more loved than Jesus that's a problem you judge them by what they produce where for by their fruits you shall know them and here's what's interesting to me that Matthew chapter 7 verse 20 says wherefore by their fruits you shall know them which is about judging a false prophet and that's in the same context as when Jesus said in Matthew 7 1 judge not that ye be not judged so false prophets like to teach judge not that ye be not judge means you never judge anyone for any reason ever and but then Jesus in the same breath is telling you well judge a false prophet by their fruits so which one is it do we judge no one or do we judge false prophets well it's judge that you may not judge is about hypocritical judgment and we've already talked about that go go go to Luke chapter 6 verse 45 maybe the last one will finish up say how do I measure how do I measure a preacher you measure them by their popularity you measure them by what they produce number three you measure them by what they preach you measure them by what they actually say what actually comes out of their mouth Luke 6 45 notice what he says a good man cuz memory said a good tree bringeth forth not corrupt fruit neither do they corrupt tree bring forth good fruit now he's telling us what the trees are they're men they're preachers a good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh so you say how do you measure a preacher you should measure them by what comes out of their mouth by what they actually say by what they actually preach now again please you know you say these things and then people take it to these extremes obviously we're every preacher is a human being and we're all going to make mistakes we're all gonna slip up and say the wrong thing from time to time I think I think it's ridiculous that people people you know my job is to stand up in front of this church and three times a week for about an hour three times a week is to stand up and preach the Word of God to you and and and expound the Word of God explain it apply it and help you grow in grace and thank God for that and then people you know and then you do that three times a week 52 weeks a year for 11 plus years now and they don't expect that every once in a while you're gonna say something you shouldn't have said or you know do something you shouldn't do or whatever no obviously we're all human beings look sometimes you you say no one you meant Jonah okay that's that's not worth quitting the church over okay it's it's sometimes you just say the wrong thing you're I always think it's funny where people you know some people are like they never say anything about the sermon but whenever you say something like pastor Joe at the 52 minute second mark you said I'm like 52 second mark you're sitting in the service how do you know that and they're just like taking notes on like every wrong thing you say why don't you take notes on what the Bible says so obviously we're all gonna make mistakes but look if you've just been preaching false doctrine just time after time just sermon after sermon it's just false doctrine but you know past false doctrine and more false doctrine it's it starts telling you out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh and by the way you shouldn't accidentally you know here's another false prophet this Stephen Furyk guy I think that's what his name is all over YouTube he accidentally called himself God you don't accidentally call yourself God that's ridiculous worship me I'm God oh I misspoke no that's not that's not a misspeak out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaker I just think it's funny that preachers you know you'll you'll point out that like hey you preach the false doctrine in these sermons here you can't judge me for what I say well actually I can't judge you for what you say you're a preacher it's what you do for a living you get up and preach the Word of God obviously sometimes we slip up obviously sometimes we say it must make mistakes we say the wrong thing and you shouldn't just take one instance and just burn somebody for it but when they're putting it in writing when they're you know putting it writing books about it when they're preaching it over and over again and then they try to tell you like oh no that's not what I believe no that's a false prophet they're lying to you let me let you know a little secret okay when you own a restaurant your food is up for judgment people get to decide I like it I don't like it you understand that well when you're a preacher your preachings up for judgment too now now I'll tell you right now a good preacher because rewind to point number one a good preacher doesn't care whether you like the preaching if he's preaching the Word of God I don't like your preaching because you because I'm a fornicator you're preaching against fornicating well then that's that's between you and God that's your problem because I'm here to please the Lord but I also understand that my preaching can be judged and should be judged so look when I get up you say pastor as long as you preach things and then it makes it on the news does that bother you and don't bother me everything I say is public I'm preaching it from the housetops I'm not hiding anything I'm not ashamed of anything I believe I'm not hiding anything I believe I love the Word of God I love everything the Bible says even the controversial stuff in fact especially the controversial stuff I love it but see these preachers you know what many false preachers do they'll purposely never preach the controversial stuff so you should judge preachers off of what they say you should also judge them off of what they don't say but Jesus here Jesus go to Acts chapter 17 we'll finish up we got to be done accept 17 Matthew Mark Luke John acts acts 17 acts 17 look we're sent and look I'm telling you I pastor he men is a very Baptist Church is telling you don't just believe everything I say as gospel now I don't think you should have a bad attitude I don't think you should come to church and just be angry all time like just waiting to see he said the wrong thing what time was that so I can comment acts 17 verse 10 and the brethren immediately acts 17 10 and the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea for coming hither went into the synagogue of the Jews I love this verse these were more noble than those in Thessalonica now notice they didn't have a bad attitude when Paul preached they did not have a bad attitude in that they received the word with all readiness of mind they were ready to receive the word they wanted to get the preaching they were ready to receive the word but they didn't just blindly believe it they received the word with all readiness of not mine and and and search the scriptures daily whether those things were so see you said pastor I want to judge your preaching here's what I hope you'll do I get up and I preach something controversial right I bring up fornication and you're like I can't believe he would say I've never heard I mean I've been going to liberal church down the street for so many years and not pastor now I can well here's what I hope you'll do I hope you'll go home and open up your King James Bible and read every day to try to disprove me I hope you'll search the scriptures daily to see whether those things were so you say why do you have that confidence here's why I have that confidence because I believe that if you read the Bible every day you would come to the same conclusion Wow God is against fornicating hey honey we probably need to get married I didn't know it but I mean I've been reading the Bible so you know what a good preacher does he preaches the Word of God to you and then he tells you don't just believe me and by the way don't just write me up oh that's just pastor man no no that's the word of God you go home and you search the scriptures daily and see whether those things are so and then you do it because it's what the Bible says you don't do it because it's what pastor he meant it says and you don't write it off because it's just what pastor you medicine no no if it's the what the Bible says then you do it cuz it's what God said and that's what a good preacher tries to get his church family to do that's why our heads and I'm going to prayer how many father thank you Lord for your word thing for the Bible thank you for this portion of scripture Lord I realize that even this portion of scripture is not that popular to teach people what God says about judgment and false prophets and all those things but help us to learn it Lord you've given us these measurement tools to be able to measure our giving to measure our judgment to measure our false prophets or and help us to learn those things help us to to have them in our hearts in Jesus name we pray amen