(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You Let's sing it out on the second Not Is You You guys are doing okay, just okay, I know we can do better especially at the last part We are on the Lord's side. So let's sing it out on the third I know Now We are on the Last You You You Amen we want to welcome you to Verity Baptist Church this morning We're glad you're with us and you should feel awake You got an extra hour of sleep and some of you didn't realize that but hopefully that helps you out a little bit And we are glad that you are here Let's go to begin the service with a word of prayer and let's bow our heads together heavenly father lord We do thank you for allowing us to gather together today lord We pray that you'd meet with us this morning as we take time to sing praises to Hear the preaching of the word lord We pray that you would help us to draw closer to you to learn from your word To leave here different than we came in jesus name we pray. Amen Turn to song 215 Two one five heaven came down 215 sing it out on the first Jesus Oh Born of the spirit with life Is My Is Amen, all right well let's take our bulletins this morning we'll look at some announcements if you did not receive a bulletin on your way in just raise your hand and one of our ushers can get one for you if you need a bulletin just put your hand up and we will get one for you the verse this week 1 Peter 3 18 for Christ also hath once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the spirit and that's a good verse there of course we like that if you open up your bulletin you'll see our service time Sunday morning service 10 30 a.m. and we are glad you are with us here on Sunday morning on the Lord's Day for church of course on the evening service 6 p.m. we'd love for you to join us tonight for the evening service the evening service different than the morning service different songs that are sung different sermon that's preached it's just one more opportunity in God's house with God's people under the preaching of the Word of God and then of course we have our Wednesday evening Bible study at 7 p.m. and we'd love you to join us on Wednesday nights for the most encouraging service of the week the midweek service on Wednesday nights and we'd love you to join us of course if you look at our soul winning times our main soul winning time is on Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. and then we have additional so many times on Thursdays Fridays and Sundays at 2 p.m. so if you'd like to go out solely this afternoon we'll have a time for you to be able to do that if you are a first-time guest if it's your first time here at Verity Baptist Church we're so glad you're with us we have a gift we'd like to give you as you walk out of the church building this morning if you go out our main foyer or if you go out our secondary foyer you'll see a little table set up and on that table you'll see these little gift bags please grab one on your way out as a gift from us to you for being our guest this morning there are several resources in this bag that we'd like you to have the one I like to highlight is this documentary that our church made it's called being Baptist it's very well made very interesting I tell people it's entertaining it's enjoyable and educational we think you'll like it I want to give this to you as a gift so please make sure you do not leave here this morning without grabbing one of these gift bags on your way out and if you are a guest we'd ask that you please take a moment to fill out the communication card which is inserted in your bulletin if you need a pen just raise your hand and one of our ushers can bring you by a Verity Baptist Church pet you're welcome to keep the pen as a small gift from us as well we're not gonna do anything odd with your info we would just like to have a record of your attendance we actually would like to send you a little gift but we need your information to do that so please take a moment to fill the card out when we're done with the announcements we're gonna sing a song when we're done singing we're gonna receive the offering and as the offering plate goes by you can drop this card in the offering plate or you can hand it to me after the service I'll be standing at the main door greeting people on the way out if you look at our announcements there we of course are a family integrated church what that means is that children and infants are always welcomed in the church service we do not separate children from their parents for any reason however we do have mother baby rooms and daddy rooms available for your convenience all the rooms have comfortable seating they have monitors set up so you can still watch the service and listen to it if you're not sure where the rooms are at you can look at the back of the bulletin and you'll see a layout of our church building it'll show you where the mother baby rooms are where the daddy room is it'll show you where the restrooms are so if you have a child that's being distracting during the service or if you need some privacy we would ask that you please take the children into the mother baby rooms and utilize those rooms as needed if you need to be baptized please let us know we'd love to baptize you the baptistry is filled the water is warm and we've got everything you need for you to be baptized baptistry robes and shirts and shorts and towels whatever you need we've got it so you can go about it a couple of ways if you'd like to speak to somebody about baptism on your communication card on the back you can check out that you'd like information about baptism and we'll follow up with you and talk with you in regards to that or if you've already spoken to somebody you know you need to be baptized at the end of the service while we're singing the last song after the preaching if you step out that door one of our staff guys will meet you there and we'll get you situated for baptism if you look at the announcements and upcoming events we've got a lot of announcements there but we want we'll go through these as quickly as I can of course we have our journey with Jesus series we're going to continue that this morning and this evening and then today is our striving together new members class this is a class we put on every several months or so and it's for all of our new members newer people at our church or people that are interested in learning about our church and it's right after the morning service so as soon as the morning service is done if you have signed up for the new members class you can just go out that door out into our secondary foyer and you'll see where our fellowship hall or big room is back there that's where we'll have a lunch for you today and we'll have a our new members class and of course this is just an opportunity for my wife and I to be able to get some time with the newer people in our church and be able to talk to you and get to know you a little bit better and teach you a class about our church and get you to help you to learn art about our church as well a couple of other announcements there we have our worker appreciation Sunday coming up on Sunday November 20th and that is the weekend that we appreciate all of our volunteers and workers so we want you to be aware of that also we have our pie social coming up this is something we do every year the Wednesday before Thanksgiving so Wednesday November 23rd at 7 p.m. we'll be having our pie social and we'll have that after the Wednesday evening service in our fellowship hall of course and we just want to encourage you to be here for that if you can we'd appreciate if you could bring a pie to share or you can you can bake it you can buy it whatever you'd like but if you could bring a pie to share that'd be great also we have the BBC Turkey Bowl coming up that's on Thanksgiving Day Thursday November 24th at 7 a.m. a bunch of the guys from the church get together and play football if you'd like to be a part of that it's at Northgate it'll be at Northgate Park the address is there for you there is a sign-up sheet in the foyer so please make sure you go by there and sign up and of course choir practices begin today at 5 p.m. here in the main auditorium at 5 p.m. an hour before the evening service the adult choir is practicing beginning practice and also the children's choir at 5 15 p.m. in the playroom and both choirs are practicing for Christmas homeschool group they've got a PE class this Thursday November 10th at 10 a.m. so please make note of that upcoming cleaning crew you can check for your name there we appreciate your faithfulness to that there's other things there for you to look at please don't forget to turn your cell phones off or place them on silent during the service that they're not a distraction to anybody if you look at the back of the bulletin birthdays and anniversaries for for the month of November this week we have Jocelyn Zuniga's birthday on November 8th and also Suzette Zuniga's birthday on November 12th the two sisters have a birth birthdays there on the same week praise report money matters all those things are there for you to look at and I think that's it for all of the announcement so we're gonna go ahead and sing the chorus of the week which is the insert in your bulletin and we'll go ahead and sing this as we prepare to receive the offering this morning I'd rather have Jesus then the silver or gold sing it out on the first to be good sing it out on the second Oh the ushers come up and help us with the offering at this time and let's go ahead and bow our heads and have a word of prayer Heavenly Father Lord we do thank you for allowing us to gather together today Lord we pray that you would bless the offering the gift and the giver Lord we pray that you would meet with us this morning as we take time to open up your word and study the Bible together well we thank you for allowing us to gather together and we ask that you would help us to learn from your word to draw closer to you in Jesus name we pray amen you you you you turn your Bibles to Luke chapter 18 Luke chapter 18 if you do not have a Bible raise your hand and an usher will bring you one Luke chapter 18 this morning we'll read verses 18 through 30 just keep your hands up and an usher will bring you a Bible Luke chapter 18 verse 18 the Bible reads and a certain ruler asked him saying good master what shall I do to inherit eternal life and Jesus said unto him why call us thou me good none is good save one that is God thou knowest the commandments do not commit adultery do not kill do not steal do not bear false witness honor thy father and thy mother and he said all these have I kept for my youth up now when Jesus heard these things he said unto him yet like I saw one thing sell all that thou hast and distribute unto the poor and thou shall have treasure in heaven and come follow me and when he heard this he was very sorrowful for he was very rich and when Jesus saw that he was very sorrowful he said how hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God for it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's-eye than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God and they that heard it said who then can be saved and he said the things which are impossible with men are possible with God then Peter said lo we have left all and followed thee and he said unto them verily I say unto you there is no man that hath left house or parents or brethren or wife or children for the kingdom of God's sake who shall not receive many for more in this present time and in the world to come life everlasting let's pray father god almighty thank you for this day thank you for this opportunity to come together please bless pastor bless the message let it bring glory and honor to you in the name of Jesus Christ I pray amen amen all right we're there in Luke chapter number 18 and of course we are going through a series here at our church called journey with Jesus and it really is a verse by verse study through the Gospel of Luke and we have been studying the life of the Lord Jesus Christ in this gospel which is a comprehensive account of the life of Jesus and this morning we find ourselves here in Luke chapter number 18 and in verse number 18 and of course we come to this conversation between the Lord Jesus Christ and a certain individual who is often referred to as the rich young ruler and Jesus here has a conversation with this rich young ruler and we're going to dissect this conversation this morning there's several things that we can learn regarding sinners and salvation and soul winning from this passage of Scripture and I'd like you to notice there in Luke chapter 18 and verse number 18 the Bible says this and a certain ruler asked him so of course we have this young man this ruler we'll see you later on in the passage that he's rich he comes to the Lord Jesus Christ saying good master what shall I do to inherit eternal life here we have this rich young ruler coming to Jesus and he asked a very specific question he asked a question regarding salvation when he uses the term there eternal life that would be the the same in their culture as us asking the question you know what do I need to do to go to heaven he says what shall I do to inherit eternal life and Jesus begins to deal with this young man now if you're taking notes this morning and I always encourage you to take notes on the back of your course of the week there's a place for you to write down some notes maybe you can write these statements I'd like to give you three points this morning regarding this rich young ruler and I like for us to begin by looking at the assumptions of the rich young ruler the assumptions of the rich young ruler I want you to notice that this rich young ruler comes to Jesus with a couple of assumptions he is asking this question but the question is within the context of some assumptions that he's made that are incorrect assumptions that Jesus is going to do his best to correct the first assumption is this he assumes that sinful men can be good he assumes that normal sinful men and women can be good he says there in verse 18 he says good master what shall I do to inherit eternal life and you need to understand something about this story and the story can be sometimes confusing to people because of the way that Jesus deals with this person and I want you to understand that Jesus loves this young man we're told in a different account that he looked at him with compassion he cares about him but this young man is coming to Jesus with a little bit of a hostile attitude now I don't believe that he's necessarily being hostile outwardly but because of his beliefs and his assumptions he has some ideas that make him already hostile to the message of the gospel and Jesus of course being God in the flesh knowing the hearts of all men and knowing the thoughts of all men is dealing with this individual regarding that hostility he comes to Jesus again notice there verse 18 and a certain ruler asked him saying good master what shall I do to inherit eternal life and Jesus begins to deal with this young man in verse 19 and Jesus said unto him notice what Jesus says he says why callest thou me good Jesus asked this question because the the the rich young ruler refers to Jesus as a good master and he says why callest thou me good and then Jesus explains what he means by that he says none is good save one that phrase save one means except for one he says none is good except for one that is God so this rich young ruler says you know good master he says good master to the Lord Jesus Christ and Jesus says well why are you calling me good and Jesus is highlighting the fact that this person doesn't is not coming to Jesus with the belief that Jesus is God he believes that Jesus is just a good master and this is today people who deny the deity of Jesus Christ other religions that will say that Jesus is not God but they'll say well he was a good teacher he was a good prophet this is what the attitude that this young man is coming to Jesus with he says good master and Jesus says well look if you're gonna call me good you need to realize someone something only one person is good and that is God so if you're calling me good then you're calling me God and if you don't believe I'm God then why callest thou me good none is good save one that is God now I want you to notice that this is something that is taught throughout the Bible there are many references we could go to let me just give you one real quickly keep your finger there in Luke 18 that's our text for this morning but go maybe would to the book of Romans Romans chapter number three you're probably familiar with this passage but I'd like you to see it Romans chapter number three you're there in Luke you'll go past the book of John past the book of Acts into the book of Romans Luke John Acts Romans Romans chapter number three and verse number 10 Romans chapter number three in verse 10 this is fundamental and especially in a church like ours with a lot of soul winners to something we cover a lot on a weekly basis as we go out so but it's good for us to be reminded about these things Romans 3 10 says this as it is written there is none righteous no not one the word righteous there if you notice the first part of the word righteous it's the word right and according to in the Bible here when the Bible uses the word righteous it is in reference to someone who always does right or someone who is without wrong and here the Bible tells us there is none righteous no not one there is no one who's without wrong there is no one who always does right you and I would use the word perfect and here the Bible says that no one is perfect there's none righteous no not one but it's not just that it's not just that no one is righteous or no one is perfect notice verse 11 there is none that understand it there is none that seeketh after God they are all gone out of the way they are all together become unprofitable I want you to notice this little phrase the last part of verse 12 it says there is none that doeth good no not one according to the Bible there is none that doeth good no one is good one major attack that people have you can make your way back to the Gospel of Luke if you would Luke chapter 18 oftentimes when people want to attack the Bible and attack the Word of God they'll they'll they'll ask a question like this they'll say why do bad things happen to good people and that's the type of question that Jesus is dealing with with the rich young ruler because it's a question rooted in an assumption as an attack of the Word of God but the problem is the assumption is wrong the question is wrong because the assumption is wrong people ask the question why do good things happen to why do bad things happen to good people and before we can ask the question why do bad things happen to good people we have to ask the question is there a such thing as good people because the Bible says that there is none righteous the Bible says that there is none that understand it there is none that seeketh out of God there is none that doeth good no not one so before we start attacking God on the basis of why do bad things happen to good people why don't we realize that there is no such thing as good people and when we realize that that there is none that doeth good and that we are all sinners then we might ask the appropriate question which is not why do bad things happen to good people but what we should be asking is why do good things happen to any of us why do good things happen to bad people is the appropriate question because there is none that doeth good no not one this is the idea that Jesus is dealing with and oftentimes people will go to the story of the rich young ruler and they'll say this is Jesus denying his deity I would submit to you this morning that Jesus is not denying his deity if anything Jesus is confirming his deity and he is saying hey rich young ruler you're right I am good but realize something if I am good then I am God and the question that I would ask those who deny the deity of Christ the question that I would ask to the Jehovah's Witnesses to the Muslim to the Hindu to those who would testify that Jesus was a historical figure that he really was a person that he was a teacher and a prophet that he really did live and they'll say he was a good man he's a good teacher he's a good prophet the question that I would I would ask him is this is Jesus good and the the answer that everyone would give to that the question is is this yes Jesus is good and consider the fact that we might not say that in fact if we were honest with ourselves no one would say that about any other historical figure pick a historical figure it doesn't matter religious political ask the question is Alexander the great good some people are gonna say well I mean he was great in the sense that he did this and he said that but I know I don't think he was good was Abraham Lincoln good and you might think he was a good president but people would say well he had this in his life and that is why what about George Washington what about this figure what about that figure it doesn't matter who you ask when you ask the question is someone good inevitably the answer has to boil down to well in whatever sense you're talking about maybe in their career or with their ruling or with their job they weren't good but nobody's good but when you ask the question is Jesus good the answer is inevitably yes and that is a testimony to his deity because if Jesus is good which is true and that tells us Jesus is God and Jesus is dealing with this young man who says good master and Jesus says well here's what I know about you you don't believe that I'm God but you believe that I'm good so he asked the question why call us thou me good none is good save one that is God see this young man assumes something he begins with an inappropriate assumption it is this that sinful man can be good see this young man believes that Jesus is a normal man not deity not the Son of God that he is a human being that is good because this young man also believes that he is good and Jesus begins by explaining hey there's one good and it's God there's another assumption this young man makes and it's found here in verse 18 look at Luke chapter 18 in verse 18 and a certain ruler asked him saying good master notice a question what shall I do to inherit eternal life the first assumption we see from the rich young ruler is that he assumes that sinful man can be good he is we're going to see assumes that he himself is good and he believes that Jesus is a sinful man that it is that is good and Jesus begins to break down those assumptions by saying first of all there's none good except God you're right I am good but that's because I am God then we see the second assumption and the second assumption of this rich young ruler is this he not only assumes that sinful man can be good he also assumes that salvation can be earned notice the question there what shall I do to inherit eternal life I'd like you to keep your finger right there in Luke 18 and go with me if you would to the Gospel of Matthew Matthew chapter 19 if you flip back past the book of Mark into the book of Matthew Matthew chapter 19 of course we know that in the Gospels we often find what are called parallel passages where we get the same story in different in the different gospel accounts and we get different details in those gospel accounts and what we're supposed to do is compare spiritual things with spiritual and compare those parallel passages to get the full story because each one of these passages is emphasizing something a little different Luke gives us part of this conversation between the Lord Jesus Christ and the rich young ruler but to get the entire conversation or the full conversation we need to compare the passage to the parallel passage in Matthew 19 now I'd like you to keep your finger there in Matthew 19 because we're gonna flip back and forth as we walk through this conversation between the Lord Jesus Christ and the rich young ruler because I want you to understand the conversation and what it is that's being said Luke 18 Luke documents that the question that was asked was what shall I do to inherit eternal life that is correct Luke is not incorrect about that but Matthew gives us a little more detail when he tells us the exactly what it is that this young man asked Matthew 19 look at verse 16 we have the same story notice the question and behold one came and said unto him good master the rich young ruler comes to Jesus and he asked the question notice what he says he says what now in Luke 18 18 we read this what shall I do to inherit eternal life in Matthew 19 16 Matthew documents this he says what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life and I highlight that for you to help you understand that this young man had an assumption that salvation could be earned he was not asking what must I do to be saved he wasn't saying what do I need to believe in order to be saved what is the right way of doctrine for salvation he was saying what good thing what good work what do I need to do to ensure that I am on my way to heaven that I may inherit eternal life and again I want you to understand the problem with the question is that it is rooted in an in an assumption that is an inappropriate assumption because he's asking what good thing must I do should I do to inherit eternal life and he's beginning with an assumption that salvation can be earned and that is an incorrect assumption you don't have to turn there you stay there in Matthew 19 let me just read this for you we could I could read lots of verses on this I'm not going to spend the time doing that let me just give you one verse if you want to jot this down for your notes Titus 3 5 says this not by words of righteousness which we have done referring to salvation not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost if you and I are saved if you and I get saved it is by God's mercy it is by God's grace and it is not by works of righteousness which we have done see he begins by saying well what works do I have to do what good thing do I have to do to go to heaven to inherit eternal life and he's beginning with a question rooted in an inappropriate assumption what are his assumptions his assumptions are that simple men can be good and his assumptions are that salvation can be earned and he's wrong keep your place right there in Matthew 19 we're gonna actually keep you stay right there in Matthew 19 notice verse 17 Matthew 19 17 and he this is Jesus said unto him the rich young ruler why callest thou me good we've seen this in Luke there is none good but one that is God I want you to notice what the account in Matthew tells us Jesus said he said but but and keep in mind that the rich young ruler is coming at Jesus I don't believe he was being disrespectful we've seen other badges of the Pharisees are just being disrespectful to the Lord Jesus Christ I don't believe that the rich young ruler was being disrespectful but I do believe that his assumptions brought him in a little bit of a hostile way to the Lord Jesus Christ these assumptions that Jesus was a mere man he was good but a man and that he himself was a good man the the idea that sinful men can be good and that salvation can be earned and he asked a very specific question what good things shall I do that I may have eternal life and Jesus corrects him we see that there in Matthew 19 17 why callest thou me good there is none good but one that is God and then Jesus says but to answer your question but if thou wilt enter into life keep the commandments he says if you want to know what good thing you've got to do to go to heaven what good words you've got to do to go to heaven well here's the answer to the question it's a wrong question but here's the answer to the question keep the commandments you say why would Jesus tell them to keep the commandments because technically it's true look if someone could keep all the commandments perfectly then they could go to heaven without Jesus you say what's the problem the problem is this no one can keep the commandments as it is written there is none righteous no not one for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God for the wages of sin is dead the if the question is what do I have to do what good things do I have to do to go to heaven the answer is keep the commandment but the question you should be asking is how can someone go to heaven when they're a sinner that's a different question that requires a different answer Jesus says you want to know the answer to your question he says but if that will enter into life keep the commandments now at this point at this point a logical and humble individual should have said oh well I can't do that see not only do we see the assumption of the rich young ruler but we're about to see the arrogance of the rich young ruler because when he asked the question what good thing shall I do that I may inherit eternal life and Jesus says yeah here's the answer to your question no big deal if you honor what you got to do keep all the commandments and at that point he should have asked a different question which is well I can't do that so what can I do instead of that but I want you to notice the arrogance of the young man verse 18 he the rich young ruler say it unto him after Jesus just got done telling him you got to keep all the commandments to go to heaven he asked again the wrong question which Jesus keep the commandments he says which it's like are you paying attention here here's how to keep some of the commandments he said keep the commandments they were which ones which Commandments do I have to keep go back to Luke chapter 18 Luke chapter 18 I want you to flip back and forth between Matthew 19 and Luke 18 because I want you to understand the entire conversation that's happening here if thou will enter into life keep the commandments Jesus says he say unto him which which Jesus responds to that question verse 20 thou knowest the commandments do not commit adultery do not kill do not steal do not bear false witness honor thy father and thy mother I want to I want you to understand something and I want you to see something in the Bible there is what is known as the Ten Commandments those are the big ten they cover pretty much everything those are not the only commandments but those are the Ten Commandments that God gave us in the Old Testament to just kind of reference in general the commandments of God I want you to notice that Jesus did not quote for him all Ten Commandments he only quoted a few of the commandments in verse 20 he says thou knowest the commandments he says do not commit adultery that's commandment number seven of the Ten Commandments do not kill that's commandment number six of the Ten Commandments do not steal that's commandment number eight of the Ten Commandments do not bear false witness that's commandment number nine of the Ten Commandments honor thy father and thy mother that's commandment number five of the Ten Commandments I want you to notice that Jesus quotes for him five out of the Ten Commandments now again I just want to deal with this idea why did Jesus bring up the commandments to the rich and ruler Jesus because people will often they'll say I don't understand why doesn't Jesus just tell them no you don't have to do anything it's believe on the Lord Jesus Christ it's faith alone why is Jesus talking about the commandments and please understand something Jesus did not start with believe for the same reason that you and I when we go soul winning do not start with believe because if you're honest with yourself where do you and I start our soul winning presentation we start as it is written there's none righteous no not one we start with for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God we start with for the wages of sin is death you say why do we start there here's why we start there because you cannot tell somebody how to get saved until somebody is ready to acknowledge that they need to be saved they first have to understand hey I'm a sinner in need of salvation before you can show them the Savior and for that reason it's the same reason that Jesus says that knows the commandments do not commit adultery do not kill do not steal do not bear false witness honor thy father thy mother why does Jesus begin here for the same reason every good soul winner begins here is because somebody has to acknowledge the fact that they are a sinner on their way to hell before they can call upon a Savior they have to realize that they are in need of salvation don't turn it here let me just read this for you Galatians 3 24 says this wherefore the law which is what Jesus is quoting to this young man wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ see where false religion goes wrong is that God gives us gave us the law what was the purpose of the law the purpose of the law was twofold when it comes to society it was to allow us to be able to live together in harmony which is why he told us don't kill don't commit adultery don't steal don't do these things when it comes to salvation the purpose of the law was to show us that we are in need of a Savior because what should happen is you and I look at the laws of God and we measure ourselves up to the laws of God and we come to the conclusion that the wages of sin is death for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God but I can't keep the commandments of God that I have not kept the commandments of God and in that sense the law is our schoolmaster or our teacher to bring us unto Christ the purpose of the law is for us to look at the law the law to look at us and just say you're not good enough you need Jesus the problem with false religion is that we've taken the law and we've said well I can try to keep it as well as I can and hopefully it'll get me into heaven maybe I'll just try to keep it as best as I can I know I'm not perfect but I'll just try to keep the law of God and that'll get me into heaven hey you'll die and go to hell so Jesus uses the commandments to show this young man that no one is good enough but here's the problem with the rich young ruler here's the arrogance of the rich young ruler is that this guy look at it Luke 18 21 and he the rich young ruler said Jesus said keep the commandments he said which ones Jesus says well how about these don't commit adultery don't kill don't steal honor your father your mother he said you can't keep those commandments and the response from the rich young ruler verse 21 and he said all these have I kept from my youth up he said I've kept all those commandments this guy literally thinks that his keeping of the law makes him good enough to go to heaven you say God you say is this guy arrogant this guy is arrogant but let me help you with something this is the average religious person this is the average unsafe religious person and by the way one of the reasons that we go verse by verse through passages through books of the Bible is so that we don't lose the context and I want you to understand this story this conversation between Jesus and the rich and ruler is put here in this portion of Scripture happened at this time to be in the context of something that we've already been studying in the Gospel of Luke we looked at it last week remember the parable of the Pharisee and the publican it's in the same chapter look up at Luke 18 9 Luke 18 9 and he Jesus spake this parable the parable of Pharisee the publican why Jesus speak this parable unto certain which notice trusted in themselves trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despise others Jesus has already given a teaching to the crowd to the parables he's already talked to them about the fact that you should not trust in yourself that you are righteous that you're good enough and you should not be filled with pride and despise others and then comes this rich young ruler who not only has the assumption that he is good enough also has the arrogance to believe that he has kept all the laws of God I mean part of me thinks that Jesus gave the parable of the Pharisee and the rich and ruler because the rich the Pharisee and the publican because the rich young ruler was already in the crowd Jesus was already teaching these people hey don't trust in yourselves he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despise others and this is who this young man is go with me if you would to the Old Testament book of Exodus Exodus chapter 20 should be fairly easy to find as a second book in the entire Bible Genesis then Exodus Exodus chapter 20 this rich young ruler this young man thinks that his keeping of the commandments makes him good enough for heaven Jesus uses the commandments to show him that no one is good enough and he thinks that his keeping of the commandments makes him good enough he's full of pride because it's not of works years ago I remember my old pastor when I was a kid growing up pastor Nichols told a story about going out soul winning and witnessing to this little old lady he asked her do you know for sure if you died today are you on your way to heaven and he said that she was very nice but she had a very arrogant attitude and she said well of course I know I'm on my way to heaven she asked him well mind if I asked you what is it that you're trusting him to get you to heaven what gives you that confidence she said well I've taught Sunday school for 30 years and I've been married and faithful to my husband for 50 years and I've done this and I've done that she went through this I've been baptized she went through this whole litany of all the great things that she's done and all the things he looked at her and he said you know the Bible says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast this little old lady looked at him and said I've been boasting haven't I and the truth of the matter is this that those who believe that they're going to go to heaven because they've repented of their sins those who believe that they're going to go to heaven because they've been catechized because they've entered the confessional booth because they've been baptized or whatever list they're following from whatever religion they're following all they're doing is boasting salvation is a gift that God pays for lest any man should boast there's no place for arrogance in salvation there's no place for pride in salvation because salvation is me coming to Jesus saying I can't do this now real quickly before we get into the third point I want to take a quick break from the sermon and help you understand how the Ten Commandments are broken into two parts because Jesus uses this knowledge with this young man and I want you to be aware of this to be able to understand the rest of this story we saw number one the assumption of the rich young ruler and we saw secondly the arrogance of the rich young ruler the assumption was that sinful men could be good and that salvation could be earned the arrogance of the rich young ruler is that when Jesus uses the commandments to show him that no one is good enough he thinks that his keeping of the commandments makes him good enough now let's take a break there from from from the story before I give you the third point and quickly let me explain to you the way that the commandments in the Bible are broken up and specifically the Ten Commandments when Moses was given the Ten Commandments he was given the Ten Commandments on two tablets physically two different tablets because of that we reference to the commandments being divided into two different tablets tablet the first tablet or the second tablet the first part of the second part you'll notice that there is a theme with the dividing of the commandments you're there in Exodus chapter 20 and in Exodus chapter 20 is where Jesus where God gives us the Ten Commandments not the only place but this is the main place where people go to to see it in Exodus 20 in verse 3 I want you to notice we see the first commandment thou shalt have no other gods before me in Exodus 20 in verse 4 we see the second commandment thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images in Exodus chapter 20 verse 5 we see the second part of the second commandment which is thou shalt not bow down thyself to them the verse 4 and verse 5 connect together to give us the second commandment thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images and thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them verse 7 we have the third commandment thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain verse 8 we have the fourth commandment remember the Sabbath day and in verse 12 we have the fifth commandment honor thy father and thy mother that the days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee why don't you notice that on the first table the commandments all have to do with our relationship with God the first commandment is thou shalt have no other gods before me that has to do with my relationship and God to have no other gods the second commandment is to not make any graven images and to not bow down unto them that has to do between my relationship and God the third commandment is to not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain that has to do within between my relationship and God the fourth commandment is remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy that has to do with the Old Testament keeping of the Sabbath which had to do with their relationship with God by the way I'm not preaching about the Sabbath let me just make this point it's interesting to me that in the New Testament you have several instances where Jesus quotes or rattles off the commandments never all ten of them but he does rattle off commandments at different part different points like we saw with the rich young ruler and it's very interesting to me that in the entire New Testament Jesus never quotes remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy the reason for that is because that commandment is part of the ceremonial law that is done away as part of the Old Testament has been done away within the New Testament but that Old Testament command has to do with our relationship or the Old Testament Saints relationship with God then you have the fifth commandment which is a transitional commandment that has to do with God but also with what the second tablet is about which is our relationship with man this the the fifth commandment is honor thy father and thy mother that has to do with our relationship with man but that also has to do with our relation with God because God is our Heavenly Father so you have the two tablets one has to do with our relationship with God the other the second tablet has to do with our relationship with man look at it again verse 12 the fifth amendment honor thy father and thy mother that is the commandment that God has given all children to honor their parents verse 13 gives us the sixth commandment thou shall not kill verse 14 gives us the seventh commandment thou shall not commit adultery verse 15 gives us the eighth commandment thou shall not seal verse 16 gives us the ninth commandment thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor verse 17 gives us the tenth commandment thou shall not covet thy neighbor's house and thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife or his manservant or his maidservant or his axe nor his ass nor anything that is thy neighbor's these commandments all have to do with our relationship with man how we get along with other people honor your parents don't kill don't commit adultery don't steal don't bear false witness don't covet that has to do with our relationship with human beings now go to Matthew Matthew 22 first book in the New Testament should be fairly easy to find Matthew in the Old Testament God gave a lot of commandments but he summed them all up in the 10 the big 10 and he divided the big 10 into two tablets the first tablet had the commandments that had to do with our relationship with God the second tablet had the commandments that had to do with our relationship with man in the New Testament God takes the already condensed 10 Commandments and he condenses them even further into two commandments because he really wants us to remember this he wants us to be able to understand this so in Matthew 22 are you there look at verse 36 we have somebody else coming to Jesus asking the question Matthew 22 36 master which is the great commandment in the law they say we know that God gave us the big 10 but out of the big 10 what's the big one what's the great commandment in the law Jesus said unto him he says look if you got to condense the commandments I can condense them into two commandments you want to know what the greatest commandment is he says thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul with all thy mind this is the first and the great commandment because here's the thing if you love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind you're not going to take the name of the Lord thy God in vain you're not going to worship other idols you're not going to have other gods before him you're not going to allow idolatry or other things to come between you and God so Jesus says hey you he said the first tablet can be condensed into this commandment this statement thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul and with all thy mind this is the first and the great commandment and then Jesus says verse 39 and the second is like unto it he said here's the second greatest commandment thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself you say why did Jesus say that because the second statement thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself encompasses the entire second tablet because if you love your neighbor as yourself you're not going to commit adultery you're not going to steal you're not going to kill you're not going to covet you're not going to bear false witness so Jesus says hey let me take the big ten and condense them even further into the big two thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself Matthew 22 verse 40 don't miss it notice what Jesus says on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets he says if you could do these two things love the Lord thy God with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself you don't have to worry about the rest you'll do all the rest if you do those two now you're there in Matthew 22 flip back to Matthew 19 let's get back into our story remember Jesus told this young man keep the commandments Matthew 19 18 he says unto him which which one of the commandments do I need to keep Jesus said notice the commandments that are quoted here commandment number six thou shalt do no murder commandment number seven thou shalt not commit adultery commandment number eight thou shalt not steal commandment number nine thou shalt not bear false witness commandment number 19 verse 19 commandment number five honor thy father and thy mother and here in the Matthew passage Jesus also we're told added this and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself I want you to notice that Jesus is focusing on the commandments of the second tablet the commandments that have to do with our relationship with other men and to that the young man answers verse 20 the young man saith unto him all these have I kept from my youth up and then he asked the worst question he's already asked a series of bad questions but because of this question he's about to get the the knockout punch and he says I've done all of that and then he says what lack I yet what am I lacking so I want you to notice that in this story we see the assumption of the rich young ruler we see the arrogance of the rich young ruler but I want you to notice thirdly this morning that we see the assessment of the rich young ruler Jesus is about to put this young man to the test and he does it because he asks the young man asked a question what lack I yet and you and I think to myself when I read that man you're asking for it you're asking Jesus well I'm perfect I'm good I can go to heaven based on my own merit I can go to heaven because I'm such a good person you told me to keep the commandments I asked you which one you quoted all the commandments from the second tablet I've done all of that from my youth what am I missing what am I lacking why am I deficient what do I what what is left Luke 18 verse 22 look at it Luke 18 22 now when Jesus heard these things he said unto him yeah like his vow one thing he said I've done all that what am I like and he said I'm glad you asked there's one thing you're lacking you say what is it notice what Jesus says he says so all that thou has and distribute unto the poor Jesus I want you to sell everything you have I want you to give it all away so all that thou has and distribute unto the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come and follow me Jesus is showing this young man his sin by putting his finger right on it because see this young man had a problem you say what was his problem his problem was not that he wasn't kind to others he was very kind to others I'm sure of it his problem was not that he was committing adultery that he was stealing that he was lying that he was being mean to people no when it comes to treat thy neighbor as thyself he had a pact he was good but he had one major problem what was his problem his problem was that he loved something more than God Luke 18 23 and when he the rich young ruler heard this what did he hear so all that thou has and distribute unto the poor when he heard that notice he was very sorrowful for he was very rich see the first part or the first tablet is this thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul with all thy mind this guy literally thought that he was good enough to go to heaven but there is something that he was lacking and what he was lacking was the fact that he loved his own riches more than he loved God though he had kept all the commandments from the second table dealing with our relationship with man he had failed to think of the commandments in the first table dealing with his relation with God because when he says okay well what if God asks you to sell everything you have and give it to the poor are you willing to do that and he went away sorrowful for he was very rich the other Gospels tell us that he went away sorrowful because he had great possessions see when we look at the assessment of the young man we realize that he's not as good as he thinks he is because though he was very good to his neighbors he had idols in his heart he had things he loved more than God and for him they were riches now let me quickly give you some ending thoughts and we've got a little a few more verses that we got to get through to get through this passage let me give you some ending thoughts regarding salvation as a result of this conversation Jesus explains that it's hard for rich people to get saved Luke 1824 and when Jesus saw that he was very sorry that he was very sorrowful he said this is what Jesus comments on this situation he says how hardly the word hardly means barely or or scantily not a lot of he says how hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God and Jesus says unfortunately people with money often are not going to get saved he doesn't say that he doesn't say that not anybody who's rich get saved but he says how hardly how scarcely how scantly how barely is it that rich people enter into the kingdom of God you say why rich people tend to not be receptive to the gospel because rich people tend to rely on themselves they don't need anything they've got everything they need they've got all the money they need they've got all the houses they need the vehicles they need so when a soul winner comes up and says hey you're lacking something you need Jesus in their minds and I don't know if they say it out loud but subconsciously there's this idea I don't need anything I'm fine and Jesus says how hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God we were 25 for it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God and people often try to use this passage and say that this eye of the needle is a reference to some small gate in the wall of the city of Jerusalem where a camel could not go through it was like a just kind of off to the side it was a gate that they used after hours or on the weekends when the main gates were closed and the only way that a camel could go through there is to remove all of the luggage and packages off the camel and to get it on its knees to crawl through this gate and people like to use this passage and preach all sorts of things like that the problem with that is that there is no evidence that such a gate ever existed and you say well then what is it that Jesus is saying here Jesus using hyperbole he says it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle or a needle's eye then for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God Jesus would use a lot of hyperbole like for example when he said when he told people to remove the beam out of their eye they didn't literally have a two-by-four in their eye or when he talks about the Pharisees swallowing a camel and straining at a gnat they weren't literally swallowing a camel Jesus using hyperbole here and saying look it's not very easy to get a rich person saved now the the proof that Jesus using hyperbole is the fact that in verse 26 the disciples responds and they that heard it said who then can be saved and he said the things these things which are impossible with man are possible with God so obviously he's not talking about a literal gate that camels could actually get through when he just tells you hey I know that what I just said getting a camel through a needle's eye I know that is impossible but here's what you need to understand the things which are impossible with man are possible with God and the idea is this that yes it is hard to get rich people say you don't know it come out sowing with us go for a few weeks we go out to the poor neighborhoods you get people they'll talk to you you give them the gospel they get say you go to the nice neighborhoods people slam the door on your face why because humility is needed for salvation and I'm not saying that rich people won't get saved some of you here this morning are very rich and praise God for it but how hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God and the true idea is this not just that it's hard for rich people to get saved but it's a miracle that anyone gets saved the things which are impossible with man are possible with God it's impossible for you a sinner no matter how good you are you say I grew up in church I've been in church my whole life I've lived a pretty good life I don't smoke I don't chew and I don't go with the girls that do but let me tell you something no matter how good you are you're not good enough and it's a miracle that any one of us will get to heaven by the grace of Jesus Christ by the miracle of salvation the things which are impossible with man are possible with God but then I want you to know just real quickly and I got to finish this up not only do we see some ending thoughts regarding salvation but we see some ending thoughts regarding discipleship because I want you to understand when Jesus told him to sell all that you have and distribute unto the poor Jesus was not telling him that that is how somebody gets saved because that is not how somebody gets saved this guy told Jesus hey I'm already on my way to heaven so Jesus responds to him is okay well if that's true then let's move you on from salvation to discipleship sell all that thou has and distribute unto the poor notice what he says Luke 18 22 and thou shall have treasure in heaven Jesus is going along with this guy assuming he's on his way to heaven and he says and come and follow me see the command to sell all that thou has and distribute unto the poor is not a command of salvation but a command of discipleship being saved and being a disciple are two different things you get saved by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ you get saved by realizing I'm a sinner I deserve to go to hell and I'm putting my faith in Jesus Christ you become a disciple by denying yourself taking up your cross and following Christ the command to sell all that you have is Jesus playing along with this young man say okay I mean I can't get you lost you think you're saved you think you're on your way to heaven okay well here's step two sell everything you have distributed to the poor and come and follow me come be my disciple do you realize that this guy got an invitation from the Lord Jesus Christ to be the 13th disciple the 13th apostle but he went away sorrowful because he had great possessions see here's what you need to understand the call to sell all that we have and to give it to the poor is not for salvation but for discipleship Jesus was trying to highlight for this young guy you're not even saved and you're not you you've got things you love more than God please understand something it would be wrong for you to walk away from this passage believing that God expects everyone to sell all that they have and to follow him because that is not true all the disciples had to leave forsake all the disciples they left their nets and their fathers and they straightway followed him they forsook all and followed him but not everybody was asked by Jesus to sell all and to follow him Jesus does not expect every disciple to sell all and to follow him but let me be clear about something Jesus does expect every disciple to be willing to sell all and to follow him Jesus does expect you to be willing to do that and and let me just say this Jesus does expect some disciples to do that because here's what you need to understand the reason that Jesus tells them sell all that you have and follow and distribute it to the poor and follow me is because that was that ritual rulers hang up that was his hang up that was his besetting sin he loved his money so Jesus says well sell it all give it to the poor and follow me other people may have other hangups for some people if Jesus told them sell everything you have and follow me that would be no problem you understand that if Jesus told me if Jesus came to me today Jesus came to me and my wife and said I want you to sell everything you have take all all your wealth on this world sell it all and come follow me I would tell Jesus okay give me 15 minutes that's all it's gonna take I mean if Jesus said to me sell everything you have forsake all worldly riches and follow me I would say done what's next because I don't have any riches it's easy to forsake all and follow Jesus when you got nothing the the thing with the rich young ruler is that he not only had a lot but he loved it all that was his hangup the thing is not that Jesus was telling him to sell that and to distribute that he's telling all of us that but what Jesus is telling us is you have to be willing to give up not to get safe but to be a disciple of Jesus Christ you have to come and follow him you have to be willing to give up that one thing you love more than God for some people it's riches for other people it's drugs for other people it's sexual sins for other people it can be different things for different people the question I have for you this morning is this what is it that you're not willing to give up what what is the one thing that if Jesus said get rid of that get rid of it come follow me you would walk away sorrowful and say I'm not willing to give it up what is it see the assessment of the young man is not only are you not saved you're not ready to be a disciple because you love money more than God and I'm not trying to hurt your feelings this morning but I do want to be clear the reason some of you are not disciples and you'll never be disciples is because you have idols in your heart you've got things that you just say I'm not willing to give up so how do I how do I fix that here's how you fix it Jesus says if you love money sell it if you have a relationship that is an inappropriate relationship get rid of it you say for salvation no no salvation you don't earn salvation believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved but if you want to be a follower of Jesus Christ you don't be a disciple of Jesus Christ you want to come and follow him you better not be unwilling you better be ready to take up your cross died itself I die daily then I myself and follow Jesus so here's the question for you what are you unwilling to give up what's the thing what's your thing what's the besetting sin that G if Jesus said give that up you would have to walk away sorrowful because you love that more than you love God and in that context let me just finish the next three verses will be done in that context Peter asked the question Luke 18 28 then Peter said lo we have left all and followed thee Peter's like me he didn't have much he's like well wait a minute that guy wasn't willing to leave off but I left it all we have left all and followed thee Jesus here's a lesson on discipleship Peter says hey what about those of us as opposed to the rich young ruler who was not willing to leave it all not willing to sell it off and by the way let me just say this let me just be clear about this if Jesus asked me to give up everything I have it'd be done it'd be done I'd make one phone call and it'd be done I don't have much I mean my wife and I would have to take one 10-minute trip to the goodwill and it's like okay Jesus what's next for some of you for some of you you have a lot you've got cars and RVs and motorcycles and 401ks and all sorts of things and there are some of you that have a lot and I believe that if Jesus came to you and said sell it all and give it to the poor you do it and praise God for it God's not asking you to get rid of what you have but he does want you to be willing to give it up there are some of you that love God and I know that God has blessed you financially but your heart's not there your heart is with God God's blessed you because he can trust you but let me say this there are some of you here today who if Jesus said okay sell it all trust me you'll have trouble with that you should identify that this morning and ask God to help you ask God to remove that thing nothing between my Lord and this my sin myself and the Savior to remove that thing that comes before God that you love more than God that you're more loyal to God Peter asked a question we have left all and follow thee what about us in Jesus responds verse 29 he said unto them this is for those that have forsaken all and follow Jesus he says verily I say unto you there is no man that has left house or parents or brethren or wife or children for the kingdom of God's sake who shall not receive manifold more in this present time and in the world to come life everlasting so what does that mean he says you're gonna be recompense in this life and you're gonna be recompense in the life to come he's not saying you're gonna get life everlasting he says you're gonna be recompense in your life everlasting now let me just quickly just key in on one word to help you understand because sometimes when you read these verses people get this idea they're like okay so I give God all my money he's gonna give me a lot of money back if I give him every you know he's gonna give me no notice what he says who shall not receive here's the key word manifold that word manifold the word manifold means many and in various ways here's what he here's what he says no one has left house or parents or brethren or wife or children some of you have had to make decisions made decisions because your parents or your siblings or your friends are reprobates or just hostile to the things of God and you've had to choose to to to give that up to follow Jesus some people have left houses and riches and gone to the mission field to serve God some people we all of us who have served God to some extent had given something up for the cause of Christ and Jesus says hey you've not given up house or parents or brother and a wife or children there's nothing you've given up for the kingdom of God say who shall not receive manifold more in this present time he said God is going to give you a rewards in this world but he says please understand this they're manifold there are many and in various ways so he's not saying you give up money and I'll give you money he says no no you give up anything and I will bless you in many different ways for some people it may be money but you know there are some things that are more important than money there's some things I'd rather have than money I mean if God came down and said I'll give you a million dollars right now or your children can grow up and serve the Lord keep your money I mean I mean there are some things that are a bit a better but I'd rather have a good marriage than have money I'd rather have a good relationship my children that have money I'm not mad at you if you have money I'm just telling you I want you to understand something that the blessings of God are not just monetary sometimes they are and praise God for it but they're so manifold more who shall not receive manifold more in this present time and in the world to come so we see the rich and ruler we see his assumptions simple man can be good and salvation can be earned he was wrong we see his arrogance Jesus brings up the commandments to show him that no one is good enough and he looks at the commandments and says I am good enough and we see his assessment and Jesus puts his finger right on his sin and says yeah I know you've kept the first the second table but you haven't done a good job at keeping the good the first table because I know you love money more than God so here's your assessment since you're asking what do I like yet here's your test so all that you have distribute to the poor and follow me Jesus puts his finger on his sin and he fails a test he walks away sorrowful because he was very rich and the rich young ruler learns what everyone will learn that no one is good enough to go to heaven everyone will learn that someday you either learn that in this life and you get saved or you learn that in the second life before you get thrown into hell that's why our heads in that water prayer come Lee father thank you Lord for the story I know there's a lot there and it can be complicated thank you for allowing us to learn it and I pray Lord if there's anybody here who's trusting in their righteousness there's anybody here who's trusting in their righteousness to go to heaven I pray you would not let them leave without changing their mind humbling themselves realizing that they are a sinner on their way to hell and they need Jesus and to call upon him for salvation and Lord for those of us that are safe I pray you'd help us to deal with that thing we're not willing to let go for some it's riches for some it's other stuff help us to sing that song in integrity I'd rather have Jesus than riches or gold I'd rather have Jesus than anything this world can afford I pray you'd help us to be disciples who would say I want Jesus I don't need anything else I want Jesus in the matchless name of Christ we pray amen we're gonna have brother Matt come up and lead us in a final song just want to give you a couple of reminders first of all don't forget that if you are part of our striving together new members class the class is going to be taking place in the fellowship hall after the service you don't have to go there immediately you can take some time in fellowship around 12 15 12 30 if you want to make your way into the fellowship hall we'll pray and have food and then we'll have the class together and then don't forget to if you want to be part of the turkey bowl there's a sign-up sheet in the foyer make sure that you sign up for that and then don't forget if you're part of the choir at 5 p.m. is your first choir practice here in the auditorium for the adult 515 in the playroom for the kids if there's anything that we can do for you please let us know and I want to encourage you to invite somebody next week bring somebody with you invite a friend a co-worker bring somebody to church with you this morning we saw the story of the rich and ruler a rich man who's not willing to give up his riches and and and his pride to go to heaven next Sunday morning we're gonna look at the exact opposite we're gonna look at a rich man who gives it all up and follows Jesus by the name of Zacchaeus and these are all these stories are all in context for a reason so I encourage you to be with us next week as we look at that and of course tonight we have church at 6 p.m. we'll continue going through the Gospel of Luke if there's anything we can do for you please let us know why brother Matt come up and lead us in a final song we're gonna change up this last song go to song 304 three zero four nothing between three hundred and four let's sing it out on the first nothing between life my son I am Oh amen before we leave here if anybody has questions about salvation church membership or baptism past will be at the door he'll have to talk to you or direct you to someone who's talked to train to talk about that I'm gonna ask brother Adam would you close the prayer for us amen you