(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 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It makes me glad and happy all the way Now glory grace and blessing mark the path I trod. I'm shouting hallelujah every day Drinking at the springs of living water Happy now am I my soul they satisfy drinking at the springs of living water Wonderful Won't you come today to Calvary There is blowing deep and wide Savior now invites you to the water free where thirsting spirits can be satisfied Drinking at the springs of living water Happy now am I my soul they satisfy Drinking at the springs of living water Wonderful Great singing let's open up with a word of prayer Father God, thank you so much for this church Lord. Thank you for these people coming out here in a Wednesday evening I pray that we're singing to glorify you Lord I pray that you'd bless the preaching and the service to come in your holy and precious name. I pray Amen. All right, please turn your song books to page number three nine two Page number three hundred and ninety two. We're gonna be singing a soul winner for Jesus 392 and let's sing it out on the first For me I want to aim the law center to leave his every way From bondage free So Winter So much for me Page 392 let's sing it out on the second. I want to be a soul winner and bring the law surprise I Want to live for Christ ever into his blessed will because he loves me. So Winner for Jesus We Winner for Jesus Let's sing it out on the last like you're actually happy to be a soul winner for Jesus. Amen All right on the last I want to be a soul winner till Jesus calls for me I want to hear him say servant you gathered many Sorry Oh Let me be Winner for Jesus So much for me Great singing Amen and we want to welcome you to the midweek service here ready Baptist Church We're glad you're with us. If you need a bulletin, we're out of bullets and so we don't have one for you but if You can share with somebody or if you want to grab your bulletin from a Sunday the verse this week first Timothy 2 7 We're into I'm more than a preacher and an apostle I speak the truth in Christ and why not a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and Verity and that's a good verse there Of course, if you open up your bulletin, you'll see our service time Sunday morning service 10 30 a.m. And we Had a wonderful service this last Sunday, of course then the evening service 6 p.m And we're glad you're here for the Wednesday evening Bible study If you look at our soul winning times our main sewing times on Saturday mornings at 10 a.m And then we have additional sewing times on Thursdays Fridays and Sundays at 2 p.m So we'd love you to join us for any of those soul winning times And of course, we are a family integrated church But that means is that children and infants are always welcome in the church service We don't separate children from their parents for any reason We do have mother baby rooms and daddy rooms available for your convenience So if you have a child that's been distracting during the service Or if you need some privacy would encourage you to use those rooms as needed and if you need to be baptized Please let us know in your communication card. We'd love to baptize you look at the announcements and upcoming events Of course this Sunday we had our family and friend day And it was a huge success we had 310 in church on Sunday morning for our 12 year anniversary So praise the Lord for that and I think we had close to 200 for Sunday night and all of those numbers were good I do want to encourage you. We we had I want to say we had 13 Guests that filled out communication cards We might have had more than that But there was 13 that filled out communication cards and many of those were your guests either you knocked on their door They're your friend. So I want to encourage you if you had a guest here on Sunday Don't drop the ball this week All right If they made it here on Sunday, make sure you follow up with them and invite them to come back to church This coming Sunday. All right, so if you had a guest that came from door knocking I know a lot of you had guests that came from door knocking My wife had like two guests that came from door knocking so she's really good at the whole follow-up thing And if you had if you had that make sure you follow up with your guests Or if you had a friend or a family member that you invited a neighbor don't drop the ball Make sure you follow up with them this week and invite them back to church the only way that the big day helps us is if we can Get those people to continue to come and hopefully they'll make a habit of it and all of that But praise the Lord for that We had a great day on Sunday and then on Tuesday We had the young men's workshop and that went well and the young men had a good Good time with that and then of course this Saturday is the baby shower for miss Esther Davidson And that is this Saturday September 24th at 3 p.m. And miss Esther's having a girl and she's registered on Amazon It is a potluck So if you can please bring a dish to share and if you'd like to attend you can sign up on your communication card Then we have a men's preaching and pizza night coming up on Friday, October 7th at 7 p.m And all the men are invited to the evening of preaching pizza and fellowship and we're not at this time opening up the The sign-up sheet so we're not having anybody sign up for the preaching night because we had like seven guys from the last time that didn't preach and they are prepared and ready to go so You can just come and and listen to them preach and we'll have pizza afterwards and it'll be a good time of fellowship Homeschool group they've got PE class tomorrow Thursday September 22nd at 10 a.m. So don't forget about that upcoming cleaning crew You can check for your name there. We appreciate your faithfulness. There's other things there for you to look at Please don't forget to turn your cell phones off or place them on silent during the service So they're not a distraction to anybody If you look at the back of the bulletin birthdays and anniversaries for the month of September this week We had brother We had Joel Jimenez's birthday my son's on September 18th and the max maples birthday on September 19th Brother Matt Taylor had a birthday on September 19th. Today is brother Jacob's Shibuya's birthday September 21st, and tomorrow's brother Nate Deacon's birthday, September 22nd. Also brother Graham and miss Michelle's Anniversary on September 22nd and brother rain. Miss Denise have an anniversary on September 23rd Praise report money matters. All those things are there for you to look at. I did want to announce if You did not get a Mug on Sunday for the family and friend day and and like I said, we had a lot of guests and maybe more guests than than we Anticipated for and praise the Lord for that, right? Oh, you have a little faith And I know that some of you gave away your mugs to make sure that guests got theirs and all of that So if you did not receive a mug Please see one of our staff guys or see brother Oliver and let him know we ordered more mugs this week They won't be here. Unfortunately for a couple of weeks, but they're on their way All right So if you did not get a mug They are on their way and we want to know if you did not get one so we can make sure you get one So, please see brother Oliver if you did not get a mug or if you gave your mug away or something like that We appreciate that and I think that's it for all the announcements So let's go ahead and take our song books and we'll go to page number 296 Page number 296 and we're gonna sing follow on as we prepare to receive the offering tonight 296 let's go ahead and sing it out on the first In the valley with my Savior I would go When the flowers are blooming and the sweet waters flow Everywhere he leads me I would follow follow on Walking in his footsteps to the ground Everywhere I would follow on follow follow I would follow Jesus Everywhere he leads me I would fall On 296 singing out on the second In the valley with my Savior I would go Where the storms are sweeping and the dark waters flow And to leave me I will never never fear Danger cannot fright me if my Lord is near I would follow Jesus Everywhere I would follow on follow follow I would follow Jesus Everywhere he leads me I would follow on Down in the valley or upon the mountain sea Close beside my Savior would my soul ever keep He will lead me safely in the path that he has trod Up to where they gather on the hills Everywhere he leads me I would follow On Amen good singing want the guys come up and help us with the offering at this time And let's go ahead and bow our heads and have a word of prayer family father Lord We do thank you for allowing us to gather together tonight We pray that you bless the offering and we pray Lord that you'd meet with us as we take time to pray and of course If we take time to say your word together in Jesus name we pray. Amen You You You You You Amen all right well Let's take our prayer sheets tonight if you did not get a prayer sheet on your way in just raise your hand and one Of our ushers can get one for you if need a prayer sheet Just put your hand up and we'll get one for you And then of course I'd like to remind you that the way you add a request to the prayer sheet is through your Communication card on the back of the card there's a place for you to write down your requests Make sure to mark whether it's private or public if it's private only I will see it excuse me if it's private only I will See it if it's public we'll put it on the first if you don't mark it. We'll do our best to figure it out We usually don't put those on there We do add the request in the order that they come in and they're removed after a couple of weeks There are a couple of requests that I'd like you to write in that were not Printed on the prayer sheet if you would not mind and one is for miss JC Barlow for every for recovery For miss Janice's mom Miss Pettis she is in the hospital, and then also if you could add to brother Salvador Coronado's Prayer request for everything to go well with his MRI scan tomorrow at 930 a.m.. We could add those requests We'd appreciate it, and let's go ahead and take these requests the Lord I'll pray out loud, and I'd ask that you would follow along in your mind in your heart. Let's pray together Family father Lord we come to you tonight as a church family asking for these requests Lord And we begin with these requests for friends and family miss Andrea McQueen praying for her cousin and Daniel Pacheco and Lord you know what the request is for you know what she's asking for we pray that you'd answer according to your will Also, brother Ryan and miss Sandra gives praying for brother Ryan's boss Warren and his wife Laura Whose house is very close to the mosquito fire and asking Lord that you would give them safety and you would protect them of course miss Brandy Barrett praying for her brother Wyatt and Lord you know what she's praying for what she's asking for we pray Lord that you would please answer according to your will We also pray for miss Bianca Hallam who's praying for herself and for her kids and her family There's all grieving the loss of her mother last year I'm going to ask him that you'd give them grace and peace at this time what we pray for brother Salvador's family And we pray that you would just be with all these individuals help these individuals Lord and answer where? There are requests Lord that you would meet the needs there I also pray for these that have health requests and of course we're praying for miss JC who has a minor surgery tomorrow Asking that it would go well, and that there'd be no problems there also She's praying for recovery for miss Janice's mom miss Perez And she is in the hospital and praying that you would give her strength and recovery What we pray for miss Christine Ortiz's health we pray for the Salvador's health and specifically for Everything to go well with his MRI scan tomorrow at 9 30 a.m.. We pray for miss dock But for her pain you would relieve her pain and feel her of that pain Lord well So prefer son-in-law's recovery from kovat and from surgery we pray for a little your Etsy that she would continue to be healthy and strong But we pray for a speedy recovery from her surgery this week Lord And we are just thankful that her surgery went well. There was no problems what we asked for all these individuals We pray you to strengthen them to pray you to help them to pray Lord that you would Help them to recover and to heal we pray that you'd give wisdom to the doctors and nurses that are helping them Also pray for the ladies in our church that are expecting for miss Esther miss Antonina miss Katie asking that you give them all healthy pregnancies Lord with no Complications no issues Lord that you would help them to be strong that the baby's be strong And that they would all be born healthy, but we also pray for Michael who's praying for himself or for strength and wisdom to navigate a difficult situation and Lord we pray that you'd give him the wisdom to know what to do and the courage to do it we pray for miss Christine Ortiz praying for her faith the Salvador praying for his faith is walk with you Lord asking that you would help and guide In all of those directions what we pray for Those that are asking for salvation's miss Christine praying for her children and her grandchildren's salvation Miss dogma praying for her daughter and her family salvation Well, we pray that you would help these individuals to come to the place where they would be saved Well, we pray that a soul winner would clearly communicate the gospel to them that they might Be able to hear the gospel and that they would receive salvation We pray for miss Christine and brother Salvador for their finances for their work as well Lord that you would take care of them in regards to that then we pray for these that have unspoken requests miss and Andrea McQueen a brother David no test through miss Kimmy Gessler all having unspoken requests and brother Salvador and miss dogma Also having unspoken requests and you know what their petitions are, you know what they're asking for Lord We pray that you answer According to your will what we ask for our church family. We pray for the members of our prison ministry That are receiving transcribed sermons from us that you continue to grow that list of individuals and that you would bless those Sermons as they go out that they might help them and guide them. We also pray we thank you for the great day You gave us some family and friend a little pray for the guest That you would bless the follow-up And of course our church is actively following up with all the guests that filled out Cards, but I pray for our church family if they invited someone if they brought someone I pray that you to help them Lord to take the initiative and to continue to follow up with their guests and Work towards Discycling them and helping them grow and Lord help us to continue to reach people with the gospel and help us to see people Saved and baptized and growing in the Lord Lord we pray for our church of course here in Sacramento and for our church plant in Manila from Pong and be cold Lord that you keep all these locations safe and healthy and strong, but we ask that you meet with us tonight as we Again, take another portion of scripture and look at it study it apply to our lives What I pray you'd help us to learn Help us to draw close to you as a result of what we hear what I pray that you to give us Years to hear and I pray that you'd prepare us hearts even now to be able to receive the preaching from your word in Jesus Name we pray amen Please open us to Luke 13 Luke chapter number 13 Luke 13 if you need about put your hand up and I know she might bring you a Bible Luke chapter number 13 if you need about you keep your hand up or she will come by it Luke 13 we'll read verses 18 through 35 Luke 13 verses 18 through 35 Luke 13 in the universe number 18 Then said he unto what is the kingdom of God like and where in to shall I resemble it? It is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and cast into his garden And it grew and waxed a great tree and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it and again He said we're into shall I liken the kingdom of God it is like leaven which woman took and hid in three measures of meal Till the whole was leavened and he went through the cities and villages teaching and journeying toward Jerusalem Then said one unto him Lord are there few that be saved and he said unto them strive to enter in at the straight gate For many I say unto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able When once the master of the house has risen up And has shut the door and he begin to stand without and to knock at the door saying Lord Lord open unto us And he shall answer and say unto you. I know you not whence he are Then shall you begin to say we have eaten and drunk in thy presence and now is taught in our streets But he shall say I tell you I know you not whence he are to part for me all ye workers of iniquity We shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth When you shall see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God and you yourselves thrust out and they shall come from the east and from the west and from the north and from the south and Shall sit down in the kingdom of God and behold there are last we shall be first and there are first which shall be last The same day there came certain of the Pharisees saying unto him get thee out and depart hence for Herod will kill thee And he said unto them going until that Fox behold I cast out devils and I do cures today and Tomorrow and the third day I shall be perfected Nevertheless, I must walk today and tomorrow and the day following for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem. Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem Which kill us the prophets and stonest em that are sent unto thee how often would I have gathered thy children together as a hand Gather her brood under her wings and ye would not Behold your house is left unto you desolate and barely I say unto you You shall not see me until the cut until the time come when he shall say blessed is he that Cometh in the name of the Lord. Let's pray Heavenly Father. Thank you for this evening God, I thank you for your word and for our church for when that's here. God, please give us the ten hearts of the message God, I see please be the passage to strengthen him and fill him in spirit. We love you and in Jesus name pray. Amen Amen Alright, we're there in Luke chapter 13 and we of course are making our way through the gospel of Luke verse by verse chapter by chapter and We are going verse by verse chapter by chapter but we are dividing every chapter within the appropriate themes and Tonight we'll be finishing up Luke chapter 13 And I'd like you to notice that in verses 18 through 35 through the end of the chapter Which is what we'll be dealing with tonight There is a theme which is why we will cover all those verses in one sermon and The theme is that of the kingdom of God if you notice there in Luke chapter 13 and verse 18 The Bible says then said he the he there of course is referring to the Lord Jesus Christ He says unto what is and I'd like you to notice this little phrase the kingdom of God unto what is the kingdom of God like and where unto shall I resemble it in Luke 13 and verse 18 the Lord Jesus Christ begins a series of lessons and Teachings on the subject of the kingdom of God if you skip down to verse 20 You'll notice that it's brought up again Luke chapter 13 and verse 20 and again. He said where unto shall I like in? The kingdom of God if you skip down to verse number 28, you'll see it yet again Luke 13 28 There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth when ye shall see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all of the prophets in the kingdom of God and You yourselves thrust out notice also verse 29 And they shall come from the east and from the west and from the north and from the south and shall sit down in the kingdom of God So you'll notice that the theme that Jesus is teaching on in this subject in this passage is On the subject of the kingdom of God and I'm we're gonna walk through this passage and I'll give you an outline and we'll learn it tonight But before we begin that I'd like to Give you a definition or give you definitions for the term the kingdom of God We saw here in this passage that the theme of the kingdom of God is in this passage We saw these multiple mentions But I'd like you to notice that not only is the theme of the kingdom of God in this passage But before we jump into the passage and begin to dissect it and look at it I'd like you to notice that there's a definition or I want you to learn the definitions of the kingdom of God Throughout the Bible, so we're just gonna run a few verses real quickly because this term the kingdom of God is often a misunderstood term and oftentimes people will look at a verse that mentions the kingdom of God and they'll think that it's teaching something that it's not and I believe that the reason for that is because We try to have one definition for the term the kingdom of God But I want to show you tonight just by way of introduction that the the term the phrase the kingdom of God has different definitions That it's used in different contexts. And I think that'll be clear when we run some of these verses So keep your place there in Luke 13. That's our text for tonight But go with me if you would to the Gospel of John John chapter number three you're there in Luke Just just flip over to John chapter number three and I'd like you to notice and if you're taking notes You can write these things down the different definitions for the kingdom of God number one the kingdom of God at times and I Want to say it that way because at different times the term the kingdom of God is used in different ways now They're all very closely tied together I think you'll see that which is why the term is used but it's used in different context and it's used with different definitions I should say in different contexts and the first I'd like to show you that the kingdom of God at times refers to the literal kingdom of God in heaven, so there are times when you are reading through the Bible and you see this term the kingdom of God and it is specifically Referring to what you and I would refer to as heaven where God lives where the throne of God is It's literally referring to the kingdom of God in heaven just a couple of proof texts for that John 3 3 of course This is a famous conversation between the Lord Jesus Christ and Nicodemus and Jesus makes this statement in John chapter 3 and verse 3 Jesus answered and said unto him verily verily I say unto thee Except a man be born again Of course We know the phrase the term born again is a reference to salvation and he says except a man be born again He cannot see the kingdom of God. So here in John 3 3 we see that the kingdom of God is Defined as or is being used as the reference to heaven except a man be born again He cannot see the kingdom of God is a reference to heaven go back to Luke chapter 18 Let me give you another example of that Luke chapter 18 So sometimes in the Bible you see this phrase the kingdom of God and it is a reference to to heaven literally Heaven where God dwells where believers go when they when they die proof text Jesus says except a man be born again He cannot see the kingdom of God Luke 18 25 Jesus said this for it is easier for a camel to go through the eye through through a needle's eye Notice what he says then for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God again What is this referring to the kingdom of God is referring to heaven is a reference to salvation The idea is that it's it's it's hard for rich people to be saved rich people are less receptive That's why when you go to nice Neighborhoods like North Natomas you're gonna have less people talk to you You're gonna have more people slam the door in your face Then if you go to ghetto neighborhoods like South Natomas or Del Paso, that's why the Philippines and Mexico super hyper receptive Canada the UK not so much right because you say what is the reason for that? Here's why because these are nations that have wealth as opposed to nations that don't have wealth So it is easier for a camel to go through the eyes of a needle a needle's eye than for a rich man To enter into the kingdom of God and here we have an example where the kingdom of God is referring to heaven And the idea is that they will not go to heaven or many of them will not go to heaven Because of the fact that they are rich now you're there in Luke 18 Flip back to Luke chapter 10 Luke chapter 10 So we see that the kingdom of God at times refers to the literal kingdom of God in heaven And and and by the way, let me just say this and I'm not really preaching on this But the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven are terms that are used interchangeably Dispensationalist will try to make a big deal about you know, these two different kingdoms ones of heaven ones of God They're used interchangeably throughout the Bible a very quick study of that makes it very clear and I don't let anybody tell you otherwise Luke chapter 10 verse 9 Here's a second definition for the kingdom of God at times. We saw it refers to the literal kingdom of God in heaven But secondly the kingdom of God at times refers to the work of God on earth So at times the kingdom of God refers to the literal kingdom of God in heaven But at other times in your King James Bible the the phrase the kingdom of God Refers to the work of God on earth notice there in Luke chapter 10 in verse number 9 Luke chapter 10 in verse 9 the Bible says this is was Jesus speaking He said and heal the sick that are therein He just got done telling them to go into a city if people receive you if they feed you Accept that if they don't don't worry about it He says in verse 9 and heal the sick that are therein and say unto them the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you the word nigh means near and what he's what Jesus is saying is he's telling the disciples when you go out into the cities and you preach the gospel and you heal the sick and you cast out devils and And and and people reject you or even if they receive you he says but especially he says if they reject you make sure you Let them know that the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you so he's referring to the fact that they were preaching the gospel casting out devils healing the sick as the kingdom of God and he's using that phrase the kingdom of God as the Work of God on the earth. Let me give you another example go to Luke chapter number 11 Luke chapter number 11 now you say why would why would God use these terms interchangeably in one context to refer to the kingdom of God and heaven literally the kingdom of God in heaven and Another context to refer to the work of God on earth as the kingdom of God and the reason for it is because these terms Are so closely tied together It is the work of God on earth that allows people to enter into the kingdom of God in heaven It is when you and I go out and we preach the gospel and we get people saved and we do God's work on earth That that allows people to then be born again and see the kingdom of God So when he says look the kingdom of God has come nigh unto you He's saying the work of God the message of God the things of God have came nigh have came near unto you and you have not Received them notice Luke 11 in verse number 20. This is again Jesus. He says but if I Jesus speaking with the finger of God cast out Devils what is he referring to? He's referring to the work of the ministry He says no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you So he refers to the work he's doing on earth the work of God. He refers to that as the kingdom of God Coming near or coming upon them Now I'd like you to go to Luke chapter 9 Luke chapter 9 Let me give you another example because you might be thinking I don't know that might just be referring to salvation that might be referring to the physical You know the actual heaven that salvation or heaven came near unto them or nigh unto them, but Luke 962 I think it's just clear that the kingdom of God is also used as a term in regards to the work of God Because in Luke 962 the Bible says this and Jesus said unto him. This is Jesus speaking No, man having put his hand to the plow. What is that referring to? That is a reference to work He says taking your hand and grabbing a tool a plow to get to work He says no man having put his hand to the plow and looking back What is that a reference to? Reference to someone getting ready to get started in a work, but they're having second thoughts. They're looking back They're not fully committed to what they're doing He says no man having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit The word fit means that they're fitting or suitable for the kingdom of God now people like to use this verse to Prove that you've got to work your way to heaven and they'll say well look if you put your hand to the plow And then you look back. You're not fit for the kingdom of God. You're not going to go to heaven when you die That's not what this verse is teaching This verse is saying that if you put your hand to the plow and you look back you're not fit for the work of God You're not fit for the ministry of God. You're not fit for the work of God which is Doing and of course expanding the kingdom of God upon the earth. So I want you to understand that sometimes the phrase the kingdom of God is used throughout the Bible as a reference literally to the kingdom of God in heaven other times the phrase is used as a Synonym for the work of God on earth. And of course, we know that the work of God on earth produces people Entering into the kingdom of God in heaven And of course we see that here when Jesus says no man having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit It's suitable for the kingdom of God in reference to the work of God the ministry of God Let me give you another example go to Luke chapter 17 Luke chapter 17 so we saw number one that the kingdom of God at times refers to the literal kingdom of God in heaven and Secondly we saw that the kingdom of God at times refers to the work of God on earth but I like it to just notice thirdly and this is all just by way of introduction before we get into the passage and the reason I need to do this is because You need to understand what this term the kingdom of God means so that you can understand what Jesus is teaching in Luke 13 verses 18 through 35 the third definition for the kingdom of God is the kingdom of God at times refers to salvation and The things of God in general and you can understand how if sometimes it means heaven Sometimes it means the work of God then you can understand how it could also mean and be a reference to just salvation and The things of God in general notice there Luke 17 verse 21 Luke 17 21 Neither shall they say lo here or lo there notice this for behold the kingdom of God is within you So people often they get confused and they're like, well, wait a minute Jesus said except the man be born again He cannot see the kingdom of God Referring to a location of a place but now here he says that the kingdom of God is within you How can that be? Well, here's the thing. You are part of the kingdom of God if you're a saved person and The kingdom of God in is often just is a reference to heaven is a reference to salvation or save people It's a reference to save people doing the work of God on earth which produces Which produces people of course going to heaven So when the Bible says the kingdom of God is within you you have to realize that that phrase could be used just in general as a reference to salvation or the things of God as the work or the ministry of God or as The literal place where believers will go when they die Let me give you one last example go to Matthew chapter 6 Matthew chapter 6 if you go backwards You have Luke Mark and Matthew Matthew chapter 6, and I'm giving you some examples To prove that the kingdom of God at times refers to salvation and the things of God in general Of course when he says the kingdom of God is within you that shows us that it's just Often the kingdom of God is just referring to God's people the things of God in general Here's another example of that Matthew 6 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you So when the Bible says seek ye first the kingdom of God, what is that referring to? Is it saying, you know try to get your way up to to the literal heaven? Get some rocket ship and try to get up there when the Bible says but seek ye first the kingdom of God What he's saying is seek ye first the things of God The things that God would have for you the things of salvation But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you Go back to Luke chapter 13 if you would hopefully that helps you understand that this phrase the kingdom of God is sometimes referring to the literal heaven location where people who believers who die are gonna go and then at other times it is a reference to the work of God being done upon this earth by God's people and then at other times it's just a reference to God's people to Salvation or to things in general having to do with salvation But seek ye first the kingdom of God seek ye first the things of God seek ye first the things that pertain to God and his Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. So hopefully that Makes sense. Hopefully you understand the phrase the term the kingdom of God and that'll help you understand What Jesus is talking about in this teaching now in this teaching on the kingdom of God Jesus gives us four different lessons regarding the kingdom of God in Verses 18 through 21 in Luke chapter 13 We find the first lesson and if you're taking notes And I always encourage you to take notes on the back your course of the week There's a place for you to write down some things The first lesson we see is on the problem With the kingdom of God the problem with the kingdom of God you say the problem That sounds negative. Well, Jesus is kind of negative in this passage Regarding the kingdom of God notice Luke 13 and verse 18 notice what the Bible says Jesus says this then said he again Jesus speaking and to what is the kingdom of God like he says what can I compare the kingdom of God to and Where unto shall I resemble it the word resemble means to be like or similar or be in comparison I've now remember there are different definitions to the term the kingdom of God and Jesus himself will use those different definitions throughout this passage and you say what is he referring to when he refers to the kingdom of God here in Luke 13 18 and Just to help you out I think it'll become clear when you see the passage But he is referring to the kingdom of God as the work of God the work of God on earth He says unto what is the kingdom of God like and where unto shall I resemble it notice verse 19? He says it is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and cast into his garden and it grew and wax the word grass wax means to grow or to become a great tree and The vowels of the air lodged in the branches of it. So here Jesus is not referring to heaven He's not he is referring to the work of God the ministry of God the things of God And he says look the work of God he uses this little parable He said it's like a grain of mustard seed We won't take the time to run verses that won't run a lot of different verses tonight but in other passages we're told that the grain of mustard seed is the smallest of the seeds and He says the kingdom of God the work of God is like a grain of mustard seed He says and it grew and waxed a great tree and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of It's Luke 13 18 and 19 Now I gave as a heading to this portion of Scripture the problem with the kingdom of God and Like I already stated that that sounds like a negative thing And I want to show you that I do believe that there's a negative thing now. Let me just say this Most preachers and most Bible studies or that are done in Luke 13 will look at Luke 13 18 19 20 and 21 and they will interpret it in a positive way and they'll say look that here Jesus teaching that the kingdom of God is like a grain of a mustard seed and It's kind of wax and it's gonna grow big and they'll say you know the the gospel and the and the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ began in the first century with Jesus and then with 12 and then from 12 it went to 70 and from 70 to 120 and from 120 to 3000 and from 3000 the book of Acts of 5000 and and here we are today With millions of believers and the kingdom of God has has grown and the work of God has grown and I don't disagree with any of that But I would just highlight for you that I believe Jesus is making that statement, but he's not making that statement necessarily in a positive way He's not saying wow look at all the TV preachers out there and look at all the radio Preachers out there and look at all the commentaries that have been written and all the Bibles that have been translated throughout all of history It isn't a great thing that the kingdom of God started like this little mustard seed now It's grown big now usually that's how people will interpret and apply this passage But I'd like to show you that in my opinion There is a hint of something negative here when Jesus says look at it again Luke 13 19 And it is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and cast into his garden And it grew and waxed a great tree great tree Don't miss last part verse 19 and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it He says look. It's such a great tree That it has branches that will allow for the lodging of the fowls of the air You say what is that? What are the fowls of the air referring to well? You know it's a parable, so we want to be careful to not just decide what something means The best way to try to figure out is To let the Bible the best way to teach the Bible is to teach the Bible The best way to interpret the Bible is to let the Bible interpret itself What's interesting is that the fowls of the air in other parables? We are told what they represent in a parable Let's look at it quickly flip back to Luke chapter 8 Luke chapter 8 you remember Luke 8 we saw the parable of the sower the famous parable the sower the four different grounds and all Of that we're not going to take time to go through all that, but I want to just highlight for you one thing In that parable Luke 8 and verse 5 the Bible says a sower went out to sow his seed and as he sowed some fell by the wayside Notice and it was trodden down the wayside would be like the sidewalk Some of the seed did not fall in the field it fell on the sidewalk or on the on the pathway Where people walk and it was trodden down it was walked on notice what the Bible says and the fowls of the air devoured it so here in Luke 8 we're told that the fowls of the air devoured it and the the the parable of the of the sower is one of the parables that we would refer to as a key parable and We would call it a key parable or a parable that has keys in it because of the fact that sometimes Jesus in the Bible would give us a parable and he would not tell us what these things mean he would just say you know Give the parable and go on with it There are certain parables where Jesus gives a parable and then he goes through and tells you what each of the characters Represents and what it all means and those are keys that allow us to understand other parables So here in the parable of the sower which is a key parable because of the fact that Jesus goes through and tells us we Don't have to guess what this might mean or that might mean he tells us what the fowls of the air represent What do they represent look down at at Luke chapter 8 and verse 12 in Luke 8 12 you find the greatest commentary The Bible itself when the Bible comments upon itself not other human beings Commenting upon it which give you a bunch of heresy Luke 8 12 the Bible says those by the wayside Are they that hear then cometh the devil? Wait, I thought you said the fowls came well the fowls picture the devil And then cometh the devil and take away the word out of their hearts lest they should believe and be saved So notice that in Luke 8 the fowls of the air the birds are a representation of the devil or the Devil's you say well, that's just one parable Interpreting it that way. I don't know is that really consistent Okay, well, let's look at another example go to Revelation chapter 18 Revelation chapter 18 last book in the New Testament should be fairly easy to find Revelation chapter 18 Revelation 18 and verse 2 Revelation 18 2 the Bible says and he cried mightily with a strong voice saying Babylon the great is fallen is fallen and has become the habitation of Don't miss it. Look at it devils become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful Don't miss it bird Notice that we can take from these two passages that in the Bible birds or fowls represent the devil Here we're told Babylon the greatest fall is fallen has become a habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit And a cage of every unclean and hateful bird So revelation 18 tells us the birds they represent the devil Luke 8 tells us the fowls represent the devil and his devils and his demons and then we go back to Luke 13 go back there if you would and Jesus says unto what is the kingdom of God like and where unto shall I resemble it is like a grain of Mustard seed which a man took and cast into his garden and it grew and waxed great and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it You say what is it that Jesus is teaching here in my opinion? Jesus is teaching us about the problem with the kingdom and the work of the kingdom Upon the earth and the problem with the kingdom is not the kingdom The problem with the kingdom is that the kingdom has grown so big and the kingdom has grown so large that there are now Fowls of the air there are there are devils lodged and and and planted and and and and living and Nesting within the branches of the so-called work of God, but those those are devils within the work of God You say what you're talking about? I'm talking about guys like Kenneth Copeland. I Mean devils Lodging within the kingdom work of God. I'm talking about the Pope. I'm talking about Billy Graham I'm talking about all sorts of false preachers and false teachers Who call who say we're part of the kingdom work? We're part of the kingdom of God, but they're just files of the air lodged within Hey, praise God that Christianity has grown and that it's a religion that is known throughout the world But as a result Jesus says there are some strange files There are some strange birds nested within the tree of the kingdom of God He highlights the problem with the kingdom of God you say I don't know about that I don't know if he's being that negative. Well, let me give you another example. Well, let me say it this way I won't give you another example. Let's look at the next example. Jesus gives Luke 13 verse 20. We're still on the same point Because you'll notice that Luke 18 and 19 is a parable about the kingdom of God and Luke chapter 13 verses 20 and 21 are Also a parable about the kingdom of God and they're the same parable They're teaching the same thing Luke chapter 13 verses 18 and 19 are teaching the same thing as Luke chapter 13 20 and 21 two different parables two different illustrations about the same thing. What did we see in Luke 18 21? we saw the kingdom of God represented as a mustard seed that grew large and As a result a bunch of files of the air a bunch of devils have lodged within the branches of the kingdom of God And look, I'm just here to tell you turn on your so-called Christian radio turn on your so-called Christian television turn on your average Christian preacher And you're gonna find that there's a bunch of fouls of the air a bunch of Demon possessed devils that have lodged within the kingdom of God and are calling themselves Christians So I'm not convinced. Here's another example Luke 13 20 and again He said where unto shall I like him the word like it means to represent as similar or like In comparison up he says where unto shall I liken the kingdom of God? He says let me give you another example weren't too shy like in the kingdom of God verse 21. It is like Levin Well, that's strange It is like Levin Levin throughout the entire Bible is a picture for sin Throughout the whole Bible the word Levin pictures sin The Levin is a picture of sin keep your finger right there Luke 13 Let's go to 1st Corinthians chapter 5 1st Corinthians chapter 5 Luke John Acts Romans 1st Corinthians I'll show you 1st Corinthians, but we could go to lots of passages During the time of Passover the children of Israel were supposed to go through their house and take it all the Levin out of their house They were supposed to remove the Levin 1st Corinthians 5 6 your glorying is not good is what Paul is saying to the church at Corinth they were glorying they were Boasting they were bragging about something They thought was okay and Paul comes in and says your glorying is not good Know ye not that a little leaven leaven it the whole lump He said well, what do we do verse 7 purge out? Therefore the old leaven the word purge means to get rid of to throw to get to cast out by the way This is Paul's introduction to a passage on church discipline Say why do you kick people out of church because the little leaven leaven at the whole lump Because you purge out therefore the old leaven that ye may be a new lump as ye are Unleavened for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us verse 8 therefore Let us keep the feast not with the old leaven neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth notice Levin is Equated to malice and wickedness and being unleavened is equated to sincerity and truth so throughout the Bible 11 is a picture of sin and Then Jesus has go back to Luke 13 and Jesus would know that the people he's speaking to the Jews of his day Would understand that leaven is a picture of sin They were supposed to remove 11 they were supposed to have unleavened bread to picture the the sacrifice of the coming Messiah and Jesus says Whereunto shall I like in the kingdom of God He says in verse 21 it is like 11 Which a woman took and hid three measures of meal till the whole was leavened See the whole thing about 11 you said what is 11? It's yeast is that it grows it expands That's why a little leaven leaven at the whole lump here He says the kingdom of God Jesus says in some ways is like 11 Or it's going to be like 11 to which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till the whole was leavened And look you better believe You don't think that there are so-called Christians living today Who Say well, yeah, I mean I'm living in an open fornication, but I mean what's wrong with that I'll tell you what's wrong with that. It's a sin that God says you should get thrown out of church for But you know the churches all across the city where people are just living in open fornication Living an open drunkenness living an open drug use living an open adultery Living in all sorts of open sin, and they're well. I mean it's not a big girl. What's the big deal? Hey, that's exactly what Jesus was referring to he says the kingdom of God is like 11 bunch of saved If we give him the benefit of the doubt Individuals that think it's okay to just live in sin and let it grow in My opinion this is not a positive statement that Jesus is making He says the kingdom of God. He says it's gonna grow. That's a good thing But it's gonna grow and sin will spread through it It's gonna grow and the fowls of the air will land in it And I'll just give you one just historical example if you need one I think it applies to a lot of different things, but here's just one solid example of How the growth of the kingdom of God the growth of the work of God was not a positive thing You say what's the example in? 312 AD a man by the name Constantine the Great the Emperor of Rome converted quote-unquote to Christianity His conversion was motivated by a vision he experienced at the Battle of the Melvian Bridge in Rome according to Constantine's biographer Eusebius Constantine and his forces saw a cross of light in the sky along the Greek words were written in this sign conquer That night according to Constantine He had a dream in which Christ reinforced the message the Emperor marked the Christian symbol of the cross on his soldiers shields and won the battle he took that as a sign of God's favor and later Constantine would convert to Christianity he would force the Roman Empire to establish Christianity as the religion of Rome and establish what would become known as the Roman Catholic Church and Of course the the the church of Rome was a huge expansion for Christianity I mean thanks to Constantine now Christians were no longer being persecuted Thanks to Constantine now won't no longer. You know this was great Christianity's given resources were given strength It grew by leaps and bounds, but when it grew a bunch of fowls got into the tree a Bunch of devils and Catholic priests a bunch of pedophiles got into the tree So Jesus says we talked about the problem with the kingdom of God The problem with the kingdom of God is that not all growth is good growth The problem with the kingdom of God he says I will liken the kingdom of God Unto the grain of a mustard seed which a man took and cast into his garden He grew and waxed a great tree, but here's the problem the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it The thing about the kingdom of God is that yes, it will grow but in some ways It'll grow in a sinful way He said is it is like leaven which a woman took and hit in three measures of meal so the whole Was leavened and that is exactly how you can describe a bunch of mega churches in this city the whole has been leavened So we see the problem of the kingdom of God Now I'd like you notice secondly tonight We see the path of the kingdom of God Jesus deals with this in verses 22 through 24 if you can make your way back to Luke chapter 13 Verses 22 to 24 these words should be familiar to you he the Bible says and he again referring to Jesus Went through the cities and villages teaching and journeying toward Jerusalem Then said one unto him Lord. Here's the question are there few that be saved? So the question is are there just a few people that are going to be saved and he said unto them Strive I want you to notice that word strive there the word strive is defined in a couple of different ways one way it is it is defined to fight or To struggle with someone in a combat type of way the other way that is defined is to labor Or to work fervently Jesus says strive to enter in at the straight gate For many I say unto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able to now this should immediately Remind you of the very famous passage in Matthew chapter 7. Let's look at it together If you would Matthew chapter 7 you're there in Luke just go back past the book of Mark into Matthew Matthew chapter 7 verses 13 and 14 Where Jesus said enter ye in at the straight gate? For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there at Because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it Jesus famously taught on the subject of or the contrast between the straight gate and the broad way By the way, the word straight being used here is s-t-r-a-i-t not s-t-r-a-i-g-h-t It is not meaning straight in the sense of something Extending in one direction or moving without a curve or a bend the word straight s-t-r-a-i-t Is a reference to something being narrow limited amount of space is What's being referred to here? You may have heard of the state the Strait of Gibraltar and and again, it's referring to just a limited narrow Passageway and here Jesus says enter ye in at the straight gate For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and what Jesus is simply teaching is this that The most people are not saved and they're on the broad way but the broad way leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there at because straight is the gate or Narrow is the gate He says the word narrow and narrow is a way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it So look what Jesus is clearly teaching in this passage and it's interesting because if you go back to Luke chapter 13 The guy asks a question are there few that be saved and Jesus actually does not answer that question in Luke 13 You say why did he not answer that question in Luke 13 I don't know if I had to assume I would say it's because Jesus did not like the guy as asking the question None of these guys have been very friendly to him. They've all been hostile towards him It's what we've seen in these last several chapters of Luke 13 But the answer to the question is is this when the question if the question is are there few that be saved the answer is Yes in comparison to how many are lost Few are saved because Straight is the gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in There at but because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leads us to life and few there be that find it And look you just need to understand this in in life Because one of the one of the things I've noticed that when when people come to church like Verity Baptist Church and They're already saved and they're already Christians and many of you have came already saved re Christians and God bless you for it I'm not mad at you. I'm just Stating this as a fact One thing that we've had to kind of teach you is that look most So-called Christians are not saved because a lot of naive Christians especially they've they've Gone to a church where a lot of there has not been a lot of just thorough Bible preaching They just have this assumption that like Everyone out there is safe. Every preacher on TV is good. Every preacher on the radio is good Everybody is good. Everybody is safe. That's not what the Bible teaches in fact when you consider How the Holy Spirit put these passages together? Jesus just got done telling us that the kingdom of God is big But then he says but those that are saved are few the how can that be because the kingdom of God is big because of John MacArthur a foul in the in the air's a foul in the tree the kingdom of God is big because of Joe Lowstein a foul in the tree the kingdom of God is big because of TD Jakes a foul in the tree But that doesn't mean that the people in those churches are saved because those people are preaching a false gospel So in Luke 13 18 21, he just got done telling us. Hey, yes the work of God The kingdom of God is big. It's full 11. It's full of Devils is full of fouls of the air But he says in verses 22 to 24, don't be confused the path To the literal kingdom of God is straight It's narrow He tells them enter ye in at the straight gate Find the straight gate Because straight is the gate and narrows the way which leads them to life and feel there be that find it But he says why it is the gate broad is the way that lead it to destruction and many there be which go in there He talks about the path to the kingdom But I want to just deal with something real quickly here in Luke 13 because there's something that the fouls of the air That the false prophets within the structure of the Christian word Will try to use this passage to teach their false teaching Because here Jesus says Well, the question is asked verse 23 are there few that be saved and Jesus answers verse 24 strive to enter in at the straight gate for many I say unto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able and people will literally say see this word strive the word strive means to labor and To work hard and here's the thing that is one of the definitions of the word strive Like when Paul said striving together He's saying that we as a church should be striving together should be laboring together The idea is of rollers rowing together in unison on a ship Heading in the same direction. He says striving together for the faith of the gospel False prophets will say here Jesus says strive to enter in at the straight gate. So as they see you got to work It's not just faith. You got to work. Yeah, you got to work your way to heaven. You got to do good things It's work. It's labor. Well, listen to me that goes against other clear passages of Scripture Where the Bible clearly says that it's not of works Lest any man should boast So it's interesting to me that you have this word strive and it could have two definitions It's used in two different ways in a King James Bible. One way is strive like fight another way it's strive like work and The fouls within the framework of I keep doing that I don't know why that keeps happening. The fouls within the framework of Christianity Will say the word strive there is work But that goes against other clear teaching of Scripture Where you have a decision, you know, how do I define this word based off the definitions? Why don't you look at other passages of scripture and let those interpret? Obviously strive can't be referring to laboring fervently when the Bible says that it's not of works of righteousness Which we have done So, okay. Well, how about fight could the word fight work? Well, I don't know does that does the word fight go with this verse? When when Jude tells us to earnestly contend for the faith When there's literally another verse in the Bible that tells us to fight to contend to strive for the faith referring to the gospel the common salvation Jude says Here I believe Jesus telling us. Hey, you need to fight and struggle Not work fervently But you got to strive to enter into the straight gate you say why would Jesus tell us to strive? To enter into the straight gate. Here's why and look I want you to understand all this is in con I wish some of you would fall in love with the Bible I wish you'd go home and read it and study it and I think you if you actually just turned off the stinking Facebook and YouTube and whatever you're watching on your stinking television and actually read and study the Bible You might be amazed at the nuggets of truth you find in it You say why is it that Jesus is telling us to fight to get into the kingdom of God to get to the path? He's not telling you to work on the path He's saying you may have to fight to find the path you say why because the kingdom of God is so big and it's so Full of love it and it's so full of Devils See, here's the truth Not all of you have the privilege of having the testimony that I have I have the testimony and by God's grace the lines are falling unto me in goodly places and I have the wonderful privilege of having the heritage of Christianity and to be able to say that I was born into a Christian family an actual Christian family that actually was saved. I Was not born a Christian I was not born saved But I was born into a family where the gospel was clearly taught to me from a young age and I was able to be Saved that's not all of your guys's testimony. My wife's testimony is that she was born into a Catholic family Where she was taught? Catholicism and work salvation and you know for her to be saved. She really had to fight to find the truth If you're born as a Jehovah's Witness if you're born as an atheist if you're born as a Muslim if you're born as a Hindu if you're born as a Catholic if you're born as a Oneness Pentecostal tongue-speaking Pentecostal if you were born into a repent of your sins family some of you had to fight not to get safe But to hear the truth because the kingdom of God is so big and there's so many devils So many fouls of the air He says strive to enter in not that once you're in you got to work for it But some of you have to fight to find the truth You have to fight to learn the truth of the gospel because there's so much Mess out there so much other noise out there. Jesus says strive to enter in at the straight gate For many I say unto you will seek to enter in lots of religious people are gonna Try to center in and shall not be able because they did not strive to enter in at the straight gate they were fooled by the fouls in the tree and They got on the Broadway So we saw number one the problem with the kingdom We saw number two the path of the kingdom now like you notice thirdly tonight the proximity to the kingdom Notice what Jesus has in Luke 13 and verse 25 When once the master of the house is risen up Jesus speaking about the kingdom And I've shut the door and Ye begin to stand without Jesus look, you know, there's coming a time when the master of the house is gonna rise up in reference to the Lord Jesus Christ And he's gonna shut the door It is not salvation does not have Just this open timeless opportunity There comes a point when the door gets shut And it's a reference in my opinion to the ark when the ark was built and Anyone that was gonna get in to the ark had the opportunity, but once that door was shot the opportunity was gone You say when is the door shut? Well in all of our lives in every human beings life the door will be shut the Bible says and as it is appointed unto Men wants to die, but after this the judgment If you die without Christ that door is gonna get shot But one day there's coming the judgment When you cannot Jesus taught us Make sure on your way to the judgment you get things ready because you don't want to try to fix things in court You don't want to try to fix things when you're at the judgment of God verse 25 when one when once the master of the house is risen up and has shut and has shut to the door and he begins to stand without and Knock at the door saying that's what they said This should remind you of Matthew Lord Lord Lord Lord open unto us, and he shall answer and say unto you. I know you not when she are He says I don't know from where you're coming from. I don't know. I don't know when she are then shall you begin to say Now let me just quickly before I get to the next verse Let me just show you the reference that Lord Lord should remind you of Matthew 7 I'm not sure if you kept your place in Matthew I don't think I asked you to keep your place in Matthew, but go to Matthew 7 if you would Matthew 7 22 We got to move quickly Matthew 7 22 You're there in Luke just go past mark into Matthew Matthew 7 22 Jesus said many will say to me in that day. What day the day of judgment the great white throne Many shall say unto me in that day does this sound familiar Lord Lord Have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name have done many wonderful works And look these people are not saved How do you know that? Here's how I know it because somebody who's saved is not going to say to Jesus on the day of judgment What about all my works a? Same person is not going to say that The pastor man is what what have you died, and you got to heaven and Jesus said why should I let you into heaven? I'm not gonna say cuz of all of my works of course I Mean I preach through the entire book of Luke No, I'm gonna say uh gives you promise to give me salvation members a free gift You you I accepted it by faith not of works of right. That's what I'm gonna say And you know say Peter is gonna say I just kidding come on in I'm not gonna say Lord Lord Did we all prophesy in thy name the name cast out devils in the name do many wonderful work that's what an unsaved person would say and Then will I profess unto them this is what Jesus is gonna say to these religious Unsaved people led by the fowls into the Lord's tree of the kingdom of God. I Never knew you Depart from me you that work iniquity by the way. This is not teaching you can lose your salvation He didn't say I used to know you and you lost your salvation said I never knew you were never saved Go back to Luke 13 Notice what he says verse 25 When once the master of the house has risen up and has shut and has shut to the door and he begins to stand without And knock at the door saying Lord Lord open unto us and he shall answer and say unto you I I know you not whence you are then shall ye begin to say this is Jesus speaking to the Pharisees and saying let me Tell you what You're going to say on the day of the great white throne on the day of judgment then shall ye begin to say we have eaten and drunk in thy presence Haven't the Pharisees have Jesus over for many dinners We're gonna see on Sunday morning. They have him over for another dinner Try to catch him in his words We have eaten and drunk in thy presence and that was taught in our streets But he shall say I tell you I know you not whence ye are depart from me all ye workers of iniquity Go to Galatians if you would Galatians chapter 4 You're there in Luke you have John Acts Romans first second Corinthians Galatians Galatians chapter 4 you say what is the teaching here? Why is why do you give this point the title the proximity of the kingdom? here's why because these people get to the great white throne and in Luke 13 their Reason why they should go to heaven The literal kingdom of God is being spoken of They're the reason they will begin to say we have eaten and drunk in thy presence Jesus and now has taught in our streets They're gonna say Jesus. We were close to you We were close to your ministry We had lunch with you. We had dinner with you. We heard you preach and teach in our street and what Jesus is teaching is that? Proximity to the kingdom work does not get you in to the kingdom of God You're Not going to stand at the great white throne and say but my husband will say proximity doesn't get you in But my wife will say proximity don't get you in But my grandfather was a Baptist preacher that means nothing We have eaten and drunk in thy presence and that was taught in our street, but he shall say I tell you I know you not I know you not once ye are Depart from me all ye workers of iniquity Galatians chapter 4 you there look verse 9 Galatians 4 9, but now After that ye have known God I like how the Holy Spirit of God allows Paul to say something and then kind of changes it because he you say why does He do that was this a mistake in the Bible. This is not a mistake in the Bible Emphasis is being drawn to the statement He says but now after they have that you have known God and that's true obviously if you're saved you have known God But it's the same idea that we talked about on Sunday morning. You didn't find God God found you While ye were yet sinners Christ died for us while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Jesus wasn't lost. I was lost. I Didn't find Jesus. Jesus found me He came to seek and to save that which was lost and that's what Paul is saying He says but now after the that ye have known God He says look you you did find Jesus after he found you and you didn't know God But Paul says or rather He said let me let me rephrase. Let me let me Restate that he said after that you have known God he says or rather he says let me put that in a better phrase are known of God How turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements one to ye desire again to be in bondage You say why does Paul say that here's why he says that because salvation is not that you know God salvation is that you are known of God It's not that I know God is that God knows who I am. Otherwise, he will say depart from me. I never knew you And I'm here to tell some of you young people That were born into Verity Baptist Church and God bless you and I love you and I'm for you But let me just try to help you understand something that you do not get salvation By getting religion because you were born into a Christian home or born into a Baptist Church Hey, you better make sure that you get saved Because you're not gonna be able to say we have eaten and drunken thy presence Jesus We're taught about Jesus my whole life. I've been in church my whole life. That's not what salvation is. I Think sometimes we get this idea that these kids are born here and they grow up here and surely they must be safe and nobody's Ever actually asked them the question. Hey, if you died today, would you go to heaven? What are you trusting him to get you to heaven what gives you that confidence you better believe that there are people that grow up And they turn 18 and they turn 19 and they turn 20 and they go off to some college somewhere and they have somebody Lying to them anything. I don't even know if I believe anymore. You say what was wrong with those people. They never got saved They got religion. They got religious. They got the Bible They got Christianity quote unquote, but proximity to the truth will not get you there You cannot say we have eaten and drunken thy presence and now has taught in our streets He's going to respond. I know you not whence ye are depart from me all you workers of iniquity Go back to Luke chapter 13 We see the problem with the kingdom verses 18 to 21 We see the path of the kingdom verses 22 to 24 We see the proximity to the kingdom in verses 25 and 27 and lastly tonight We see the people of the kingdom Verses 28 and 30 Notice what he says there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth He's Jesus here in the context of speaking to the Pharisees and the Jews of the time He says there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth When ye shall see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. These are their heroes Abraham and Isaac and Jacob These are the people that I mean they flaunt the fact that they are related to and they are they their Genealogies go back to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and Jesus says let me tell you something There's going to be weeping and gnashing of teeth when ye shall see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God the kingdom of heaven in heaven Notice what he says and you yourselves thrust out The word thrust out that phrase means to push forcibly to shove to throw out Jesus says let me tell you something you Pharisees You're gonna be weeping and gnashing they're gonna be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see a Isaac and Jacob and all and Abraham and all the prophets in the kingdom of God and you yourselves thrust out verse 29 and they shall come he says the people that are gonna be there with with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob he says they shall come from the east and from the west and from the north and from the south And shall sit down in the kingdom of God He says the kingdom of God is going to be a diverse kingdom That's what I love about Verity Baptist Church you look across this crowd, and you just see red and yellow black and white And they shall come from the east and from the west and from the north and from the south and shall sit down in the Kingdom of God and behold There are last there are last which shall be first and there are first which shall be last If you can make your way back to Matthew Matthew 8 Of course Jesus said this and I say unto you that many shall come from the east and the west and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth and Jesus said unto the centurion go thy way and as thou has believed so be it done unto thee and his servant was healed in the selfsame hour Jesus in Matthew 8 looked at a Centurion a Roman Gentile and he tells him you are saved and within that context He said many shall come from the east and the west and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven But the children of the kingdom the the the nation of Israel the unbelieving Jews shall be cast out you say why? Here's why sadly many Jews will watch Gentiles from the east and the west and the north and the south sit with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob sit with their heroes in the kingdom of heaven while they get thrust and cast into hell Why because they had more faith in Abraham Isaac and Jacob and Moses and the rest of them They had more faith than those guys and they had in the Lord Jesus Christ So who are the people of the kingdom They're not the physical descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob They are the spiritual descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ You say well, what about Abraham Abraham believed on Lord Jesus Christ Jesus said Abraham rejoiced to see my day So we see that the people of the kingdom are not religious people Are not people who do a lot of good works Cast out devils on TV Sell handkerchiefs They are the people that believe in the Lord Jesus Christ Now let's quickly just finish this passage so we can begin a new chapter next time we're together on Sunday Jesus finishes this teaching on the kingdom then we see this a few verses here on Jesus with Jerusalem In Verses 31 and 33 we see Jesus speak about the subject of a prophet in Jerusalem Why don't you notice that there's a threat we'll do this quickly verse 31 the same day there came certain of the Pharisees saying unto him the Pharisees saying to Jesus get thee out and depart hands for Herod will kill thee You know always be careful when your enemies are warning you about another enemy You know it sounds like a setup And the Pharisees they come to Jesus you need to get out you need to depart for Herod will kill thee And this reminds me and I won't take you the time to go there But it reminds me of the story in Nehemiah where the enemies of Nehemiah come and tell them hey They're gonna kill you you better go into the inner part the chamber in the in in in the sanctuary and And Nehemiah realized that this was a setup You're gonna have me do that so then you could point at me and say look what he's doing So we see this threat the threat is you need to leave now Get thee out and depart hands for Herod will kill thee. You know why the Pharisees are doing this I don't know. Maybe they just wanted to get rid of them Or maybe they were hoping he would go down to Jerusalem because in Herod if you remember at the crucifixion of Christ Herod is a different jurisdiction than where Jerusalem is and in Jerusalem where Pilate was they had more influence And they were able to actually kill Jesus there. Maybe that's what they're attempting to do. I don't know but I want you to notice a response from Jesus and He said unto them go and tell that Fox I don't know what that means, but I think it's funny Behold I I mean it's obviously an insult Behold I cast out devils and I do cures today and tomorrow and the third day. I shall be perfected Nevertheless I must I must walk Today and tomorrow and the day following for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem now Let me just make some statements quickly some people put way too much of an emphasis on the time frame here Jesus says Tell that Fox behold I cast out devils and I do cures today and tomorrow and the third day I shall be perfected and people will take that and say man, you know Jesus something happened on that third day Maybe that's when he was perfected or did this, you know, Jesus is just using hyperbole He's just he's just saying look I got plans There's time to get out. He's like well Well, I've got plans for today tomorrow in the third day and I'm not gonna be done till it till I'm done till it's perfected You say well, how do you know those three days are not literal because the verse 33 he says something different He says nevertheless time. I must walk today and tomorrow and the day following Say well wait, I thought you said on the third day. You'd be perfected you'd be done now here You're saying they that third day you do you to continue doing what you know, Jesus is saying He you say what what is his response the response the threat is this you need to leave now The response from Jesus is simply this I will be conducting in my business as usual I'm not going to let you scare me or threaten me They said get thee out and depart Jesus says I'll get out when I'm good and ready. I Do cures today and tomorrow and the third day I shall be perfected then he says I must walk today and tomorrow and the day following for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem and Jesus is saying look I will be conducting my business as usual I will be doing what I was already planning on doing and I will do it until I am good and ready To be done. And by the way, this is how we should respond to threats. I Remember back in 2016 when we had the big protest at the old building and people kept telling me you got to cancel the service You can't have church that are gonna kill you, you know What were they saying get thee how Herod will kill you? That what was our response? We're gonna have church on Sunday morning and Sunday night Wednesday night And we're just gonna continue on conducting our business to Jesus as otherwise I I think that's what Jesus is kind of alluding to today and tomorrow on the third day We we're not gonna be scared We're not gonna let them scare us away threaten us away We're just they the approach is that we will be here till the church shuts down. Well, we're still here And we will be here until our work is done until it shall be perfected So We see that Jesus teaches on the prophet in Jerusalem and then just quickly tonight. He teaches on a lament for Jerusalem Because Jesus kind of makes this Sarcastic statement at the end of verse 33 He says for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem and I think it's kind of sarcastic Jesus is saying look Herod's not gonna kill me. He says look Jerusalem is such a wicked city if I'm gonna die I'm gonna die in Jerusalem That's where you've killed the prophets and that's where I'm gonna go So then with that in mind we see a lament for Jerusalem verse 34 Jesus says Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem Which kill us the prophets and stonest them that are sent unto thee? How often would I have gathered thy children together as a hen that gather her brood under her wings and you would not We see this picture of compassion that Jesus paints this picture of a hen Gathering her chicks and Jesus says I would have gathered thy children together as a hen What was the problem? The problem was that ye would not and then there's a prediction of destruction verse 35 behold your house is left unto you desolate and Barely I say unto you you shall not see me until the time come when ye shall say blessed is he that cometh in The name of the Lord when Jesus here talks about their house being desolate. He's referring to Jerusalem That's the context and I believe that he is making a prediction here about the destruction of Jerusalem and I believe that it is a twofold prediction here one is of a Coming destruction that is right around the corner. Jesus talked about this I won't have you turn there But you can jot this down if you'd like Matthew 24 1 and Jesus went out and departed From the temple and his disciples came to him for to show him the buildings of the temple and Jesus said unto them See not all these things barely I say unto you there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown Down you say what was that a prediction to I believe that was a prediction that was fulfilled in 70 AD when the Roman general Titus who would later become the emperor of Rome burns down Jerusalem and destroys the temple as predicted by the Lord Jesus Christ The desolation of Jerusalem But there's another coming desolation That'll happen in the end times when Jerusalem will be compassed about and the city will become desolate and the abomination of desolation shall be Erected and Jesus says in verse 35 behold your house is left unto you desolate and barely I say unto you Shall not see me until the time come when ye shall say this is a reference to the coming of the Lord The second coming blessed to see that cometh in the name of the Lord Because the truth is is the work of God the kingdom of God the salvation of God the true Kingdom of God is wrapped up in the King the Lord Jesus Christ Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer heavenly father Lord we love you. We thank you for this passage of Scripture I know there's a lot of verses and a lot of things to go over tonight. I Pray Lord you'd help us to understand these things and to apply them to our lives Lord help us to not be so naive to think that everybody that calls themselves a Christian is That everybody that says they're a preacher That they are Help us to realize that we want growth. We do want growth. We want to reach people but sometimes growth is not exactly good and The kingdom of God has in some ways grown so large that It's full 11 and thousand the air And for people to actually get saved they got a fight And we've got to fight to get them there earnestly contend for the faith Lord help us to realize these things Help us to be involved in the work of God in Jesus name we pray amen We have for the Moses come up and lead us in a final song Just want to remind you that we do have soul winning tomorrow at 2 Friday at 2 Saturday morning at 10 And then of course ladies we want to remind you that you have a baby shower for miss Esther Davidson this Saturday So please don't forget about that and for the homeschool group. You've got PE tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. There's anything we do for you. Please let us know wherever the Moses come up and lead us in the final song Please turn your song books to page number 138 Singing that haven of rest I 138 Let's sing it out on the first my soul in sad exile was out on life see so burden with sin and distress Oh Saying make me your choice and I enter I've angered my soul The white Oh Sweet or the Yielded myself to his Embrace and Our My betters My soul My Anchored my soul I'll sell the white Oh The tempest may sweep or the wasps for me Jesus I'm The song of my soul since the Lord As been So Jesus My soul The YT The tempest may sweep or the wasps Jesus I'm safe Let's sing it out on the last To the Safe by his power Come make her your soul And say my beloved I've anchored my soul in the I'll sail the YT The tempest may sweep or the wasps for me Great singing. Can I please have brother Keith closes an order prayer? As Amen You