(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 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on sunday morning on the lord's day for church Of course sunday evening service 6 p.m. And then we're glad you're with us for our midweek bible study If you look at our soul winning times our main so many times on saturday mornings at 10 a.m Of course soul winning is when we go out in the community We knock doors We invite people to church and we preach the gospel to anyone who's interested We have additional sewing times on thursdays and fridays and sundays at uh, 2 p.m And we'd love you to join us for any of those times We of course are a family integrated church. What that means is that children and infants are always welcomed in the church service We don't separate children from their parents for any reason. We do have mother baby rooms and daddy rooms available for your convenience if you Uh have a child that's been distracting during the service if you need some privacy We would encourage you to use those rooms as needed Uh baptisms if you need to be baptized, please let us know we'd love to baptize you If you look at the announcements and upcoming events, uh, we've got the journey with jesus series Of course, we're going through that we'll continue that today tonight and then our soul winning seminar Uh, we'd love you to sign up for the sewing seminar if you have not yet Already, I think we've got like 60 or 70 people signed up for the sewing seminar So praise the lord for that and that that's an all-day event 10 a.m to 4 p.m on a friday and we're going to be going through A systematic step-by-step plan on how to present the gospel teaching you how to present the gospel properly lunch will be provided so, please make sure you sign up so we know how many to Plan for and then of course the vbc choir is practicing for family and friend day Which is the church's 12-year anniversary and they'll be practicing this upcoming week at 5 p.m on sunday upcoming cleaning crew You can check for your name there because there's other things there for you to look at Please don't forget to turn your cell phones off replace them on silent during the service that they're not a distraction to anybody If you look at the back of the bulletin birthdays and anniversaries For the month of august we had on sunday brother joe and miss kathy maple's Anniversary on august 14th and brother vlady and miss antonya bakulczyk's, uh anniversary on august 14th praise report monday matters All those things are there for you To look at and just a couple of additional announcements if you would like, uh to bring a meal Uh for brother josh and miss rebecca lunsford. They just had their baby on uh, saturday If you'd like to sign up to bring a meal to them, you can see please see my wife after the service She has a sign-up sheet and she can get you situated uh with that and of course, i'm sure all of you know or most of you know, uh, our Our verde baptister's youtube channel got shut down yesterday, uh, which really stinks because uh, we had like 23,300 subscribers or something like that. Um, and You know, I think I mean, I don't know it's probably the 20th, uh youtube channel We've had to shut down but when they get that high and they get shut down. Those are obviously Uh pretty annoying and then we started a youtube channel today And I think you know, we sent out an email let you know about that and then that got shut down today and uh All of our youtube channels got shut down our our backup channels Even my wife and I had a separate channel called help for the home That just had family stuff on it didn't have any preaching at all. It had puppet shows for kids, you know And that got shut down as well Uh, so just you know, we'll we'll uh, we'll figure out what to do. We're planning we'll kind of figure out what to do uh in in regards to that brother graham was just telling us before the the service that he helps us with the Uh with our website and google was trying to blacklist our domain website It just seems like it's a very coordinated attack against our church Which means that we must be doing something right so praise lord for that Um, but just just pray for us obviously want to get the content out there There might come a time in this country where you'll actually have to go to church to hear biblical preaching, you know Who would imagine that and you might have to actually show up to church to be able to get the word of god So just be in prayer we are live streaming Right now on our website, which is new to us. We haven't been doing that before but we're live streaming directly to our website Verity baptist.com. We're also live streaming to our band but not bound Uh website band but not bound dot com. So just be aware of that If anybody asks you you can let them know and then of course, I would encourage you if you've not yet done So on your communication card to sign up for our band but not bound email list and also for our vbc text list Because that's how we will let you know Uh where to find us and all of those things We also live stream on our facebook just so you know Just so you guys know and you can let people know as they ask we live stream on our facebook page We live stream on sermon audio.com And we're live streaming on our website verity baptist.com. We live stream on band but not bound.com So those are all areas that you can go to find a live stream and we'll keep you updated in regards to any other news Uh with that, I think that's it for all the announcements. So let's go ahead and take our song books And go to page number 167 page number 167 and we'll sing all hail the power of jesus name As we prepare to receive the offering this evening 167 singing out on the first all hail the power of jesus Snake let angels prostrate all bring forth the royal Bring forth the royal 167 singing out on the second shows and seed of israel's grace he ransomed from the fall Hail him who saves you by his grace and crown him Hail him who saves you by his grace and crown him Every kindred every tribe on this terrestrial ball To him all majesty Under sacred We'll join the everlasting song And crown him Amen, all right, we'll have the guys come up and help us with the offering at this time And let's go ahead and bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Heavenly father lord We do thank you for allowing us to gather together tonight lord. We pray that you bless the offering We pray that you would meet with us as we take time to pray through our church's prayer list And of course spend time in the study of your word in jesus name. We pray. Amen So So So So Amen all right. Well, let's take our prayer sheets tonight If you did not get a prayer sheet on your way in just raise your hand and one of our ushers can get one for you And of course the way that you write in a request on For the prayer sheet is through your communication card on the back of the card This place we'd write down a request Please make sure to mark whether it's private or public if it's private only I will see it if it's uh Public we'll put on the prayer If you don't mark it We'll do our best to figure it out But we usually don't put those on and the requests are added in the order that they are received And they're removed after a couple of weeks. So if you'd like to have them on there a little longer You'll have to fill out another card and let's go and take these requests. So lord. I'll pray out loud And I would ask that you would follow along in your mind and your heart. Let's pray together. Heavenly father. Lord. We come to you Uh asking for these requests from our church family And lord, we begin brother max praying for safe travels to go visit his family this month And lord, we pray that you'd keep him safe help him to have a good time and bring him back safely as well Lord, and we also pray for others that have requests regarding their families ugo estrada praying for his family and for pastor doug and for the uh things that they're going to do and Miss edith has a uh request for baltasar grado praying for his daughters as well and miss patricia wong has a Request for her son carlos who's going through challenging times And asking that you would help him lord and brother salvo praying for his family And lord, we pray for all these individuals and these family members These requests for that you would help them and guide them through this time We also pray for these that have health requests brother evan has a request for brother Jeff who has kidney stones and miss brandy praying for her recovery from oral surgery and Brother joe maples praying for joe jr. Of course for his uh health lord and ugo estrada praying for the recovery of pastor doug's Son from a burn injury and miss cricket praying for her elbow flare up and now also her ankle and her foot That are having issues and miss kimmy we're praying for healing in the pain in her arms and Miss michelle scott lord. We're praying for her Grandmother's health and recovery. She fell and she needed surgery praying that she would be able to recover and get better soon Miss patricia praying for her friend. Sarah's mom who's having health issues miss christine ortiz praying for her health and healing And for her elbow and ankle Uh as well lord and miss docma praying for her pain and also for her son-in-law's Uh liver operation to remove him from remove the cancer And also we're praying for a little urezi who's in the hospital right now Uh, just praying that she would get better soon lord that she would Recover completely and lord we pray for all these individuals. We ask that you put your healing hand over them heal them lord If and when it's your will lord, we pray that you'd give wisdom to the doctors the nurses dealing with them And lord, we pray that you would help them all to recover We also pray for the safe and healthy pregnancies of the ladies in our church that are expecting Praying for miss esther davidson And miss entonino bokulczyk and miss katie rosenberger lord estimate you give him healthy pregnancies and no complications. No issues We also pray for these that have financial needs and physical needs for the darryl praying for relocation and affordable housing Near the church with va approval lord and pray that you'd open up the right doors for him Miss kimmy praying for her mom to get accepted into senior housing in Natomas and asking that you would open up that door and allow that to happen and Miss christine artis praying for her finances for the salvador praying for his work and his finances lord. We pray that you'd answer Please request according to your will lord. We also pray for these that are praying for their family members, uh salvations faltazar grados praying for his salvation and for his the salvation of his Daughters and the bokulczyk family praying for their family's salvation As well miss christine praying for her children's salvation and miss docma praying for her daughter and her family's salvation and lord We pray for all of these individuals. We ask that you please Help them to come to the place of salvation lord. We pray that you would Allow a soul winner to communicate the gospel clearly to them and help them. We also pray for Balthazar's recovery from alcoholism And praying for his walk with you lord help him to get right and to Walk with you for the salvador praying for his faith and his walk with you as well And lord, we have a praise report from miss ayania Uh praying for uh, just appraising you for answered prayer and since she started attending church She received a major promotion at her job and at the state of california department of corrections and lord We thank you for that and we of course always want to acknowledge that These blessings come from you and lord, we pray that you would uh, just continue to bless her there lord and lord We also pray uh for these that have unspoken requests Miss julia and miss emily gessler both having unspoken requests for their icons. Jackie o2 having unspoken request miss cricket And miss kimmy having unspoken requests miss Andrea mcqueen having an unspoken request and brother salvador and miss docma all having unspoken requests for you You know what their petitions are, you know what they're asking for we ask that you would please answer according to your will And lord, we pray for our church. We pray that you continue to bless our prison ministry And the outreach that's going on there the upcoming trip to the high desert prison that you would help that Service to go well and to be fruitful and lord. We pray that you would direct us with this whole Social media mess lord and just help us to figure out how to get Uh the preaching of the word of god out there That's all we want is to get the preaching of god's word out to people who need it and lord people that are looking for it and pray you'd give us wisdom with that and We pray for our church here in sacramento and of course our church is in manila and pampanga and be cool that you keep these locations safe and Moving forward for you lord. I pray that you'd meet with us tonight as we Take another portion of the gospel of luke and study out together in jesus name. We pray. Amen Can I do that Please open your eyes to luke 11 Luke chapter number 11 if you need about to put your hand up and i'm not sure i'm gonna bring your bible Luke chapter 11 if you need a bible just put your hand up unless you will come by Luke 11 we will read the entire chapter Luke chapter 11 beginning verse number one And it came to pass that as he was praying in a certain place when he ceased one of his disciples said unto him lord Teach us to pray as john also taught his disciples And he said unto them When you pray say our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done as in heaven So on earth give us day by day our daily bread and forgive us our sins We also forgive everyone that is indebted to us and lead us not to temptation but deliver us from evil And he said unto them which of you shall have a friend and shall go unto him at midnight And say unto him friend lend me three loaves For a friend of mine and his journey has come to me and I have nothing to set before him And he from within shall answer and say trouble me not the door is now shut and my children are with me in bed I cannot rise and give thee I say unto you though. He will not rise and give him because he's his friend Yet because of his his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needed And I say unto you ask and it shall be given you seek and he shall find it knock and shall be open unto you For everyone that asketh to receive it and he that seeketh find it and to him that knocketh it shall be opened If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish will eat for a fish give him a serpent or we shall ask an egg Will he offer him a scorpion? If he then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children How much more shall your heavenly father give the holy spirit to them and ask him And he was casting out the devil and it was dumb and it came to pass When the devil was gone out the dumb spake and the people wondered But some of them said he cast out devils through beelzebub the chief of the devils And others tempting him sought of him a sign from heaven But he knowing their thoughts and said unto them every kingdom divided against himself is brought to desolation And a house divided against his house falleth If seen also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? Because ye say that I cast out devils through beelzebub And if I by beelzebub cast out devils by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore shall they be your judges But if I with the finger of god cast out devils no doubt the kingdom of god has come upon you When a strong man armed keepeth his palace his goods are in peace But when a stronger than he shall come upon him and overcome him He taketh from him all his armor wherein he trusted and divided his spoils He that is not with me is against me and he that gathers not with me scatter it When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places seeking rest and finding none He saith i'll return unto my house once I came out And when he cometh he findeth it swept and garnished Then go with him and take it to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself And they enter in and dwell there and the last state of that man is worse than the first When it came to pass as he spake these things a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice and said unto Blessed is whom that bear thee and the paths which thou has sucked But he said yea rather blessed are they that hear the word of god and keep it When the people were gathered thick together, he began to say this is an evil generation They seek a sign there shall no sign be given it but the sign of jonas the prophet For as jonas was assigned unto the nidivites so shall also the son of man be to this generation The queen of the south shall come shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation and condemn them For she came from the utter utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of solomon and behold a greater than solomon is here The men of Nineveh shall rise up in the judgment with this generation and shall condemn it For they repented at the preaching of jonas and behold a greater than jonas is here No, man when he lighted a candle put it in a in a secret place neither under bushel But on candlestick that they which come in may see the light The light of the body is the eye therefore when thine eye is single thy whole body is full of light But when thine eye is evil thy body also is full of darkness Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness And thy whole body therefore be full of light having no part dark The whole shall be full of light as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light And as he spake a certain Pharisee besought him to dine with him and he went in and sat down to me When the Pharisee saw it he marveled but he had not first washed before dinner And the lord said unto him now now do you Pharisees make clean the outside of the cup and the platter? But your inward part is full of ravening and wickedness Ye fools did not he that made that which is without make that which is within also But rather give alms of such things as you have and behold all things are clean unto you But won't you Pharisees for he tithe mint and ruin all manner of herbs and pass over judgment and the love of god Means ought you to have done and not to leave the other undone Woe unto you Pharisees for you love the uppermost seats in the synagogues and greetings in the markets Won't you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites? We are as graves which appear not and the men that walk over them are not aware of them Then answer one of the lawyers and said unto him master thus saying that approaches us also And he said won't you also you lawyers? For you laid men with burdens grievous to be born and yourselves touched not the burdens with one of your fingers Woe unto you for you build the sepulchres of the prophets and your fathers killed them Truly you bear witness that ye allow the deeds of your fathers for they indeed killed them and he built their sepulchres Therefore also said the witness of god. I will send them prophets and apostles and some of them shall slay and persecute That the blood of all the prophets which is shed from the foundation of the world may be required of this generation For the blood of abel into the blood of zecharias which perish between the altar and the temple Realize sand to you which shall be required of this generation Woe unto you lawyers for you have taken away the key of knowledge He entered not in yourselves and then that were entering in he hindered And as he said these things unto them the scribes and the Pharisees began to urge him vehemently And to provoke him to speak of many things Laying weight for him and seeking to catch something out of his mouth that they might accuse him. Let's pray heavenly father Thank you for this evening. God. I thank you for your word for our church And I ask that you please just meet with us tonight God as he please be the pastor to strengthen and fulfill your spirit. We love you in Jesus name pray. Amen Amen All right, we're there in luke chapter number 11 And of course we are making our way through the gospel of luke on this series called journey with jesus and uh in this passage before us tonight will Will be in the first 13 verses of luke chapter number 11 We have a passage that emphasizes Prayer which I think it's interesting because the last section of luke chapter 10 that we dealt with on sunday night Was a passage that emphasized Bible reading remember we learned about the importance of sitting at the feet of jesus And we learned about bible reading and then in the very first Section of the next chapter there's an emphasis on prayer which goes hand in hand because god wants all of us to have a What we often refer to as a daily devotional life and in your daily devotional life There should be a time of bible reading. That's when god speaks to you and a time of prayer when you speak to god So we see here in luke chapter 11 this emphasis on Uh on on prayer and we're going to look at that tonight and uh, i'll i'll say this not too long ago Uh, I did a whole series on on sunday mornings on the subject of prayer I did a series called the school of prayer and we spent several weeks studying prayer And uh, fortunately for me the vast majority of you have already forgotten all of that So I can just hit some of those things again and that'll be okay And even if you haven't forgot it it's good for you to hear it again and especially on the subject of prayer Because I would say that prayer is probably one of the things that christians do the least of And it's very important. So we want to learn about this idea of uh prayer and we'll start there in verse Number one the bible says and it came to pass as he this of course is referring to the lord. Jesus christ As he was praying in a certain place when he ceased One of his disciples said unto him lord teach us to pray as john also taught his disciples It's interesting to me that after the disciples had overheard the lord jesus christ pray That they made this request. They said lord teach us to pray And the prayer whatever prayer it was that jesus was praying at this time is not recorded in scripture But it must have been something very impressive For the disciples to request that jesus teach them to pray after he got done praying and it's worth to note That all throughout the gospels we never see the disciples ask jesus to teach them to preach We never see the disciples ask jesus to teach them to perform counseling to to plant churches to to to do ministry administration We we now ever see them making these requests, but they did make this one request lord teach us to pray And that should tell us about the importance of prayer and here in luke chapter 11. We see Jesus responding to that request. He's answering their request. They want to learn how to pray So he teaches them on the subject of prayer and if you're taking notes tonight And I of course always encourage you to take notes on the back of your course of the week There's a place for you to write down some things I want you to notice we see three different things tonight in regards to prayer The first one is we see a pattern for prayer or we see the pattern of prayer in verse one The disciples ask lord teach us to pray as john also taught his disciples and then in verse two The bible says and he said unto them when you pray say and of course and of course jesus begins This very famous portion of scripture known as the lord's prayer But it's not really the lord's prayer because it's not the lord. Jesus christ necessarily praying this now I don't have a problem with calling it the lord's prayer. I like calling it the lord's prayer But it's not really the lord's prayer. In fact, if you if you ever want to Hear the real lord's prayer you can head on to john chapter 17 Where the lord jesus christ is in the garden of gethsemane right before he dies and he prays up to the father and that prayer Is recorded for us And we see the lord jesus christ we get to hear in on his prayer this is not necessarily the lord's prayer as much as it is the Uh, the lord jesus christ teaching his disciples to pray and he's teaching his disciples how they ought to pray You might even call it the disciples prayer and it's a prayer that all of us Uh should know as disciples and followers of the lord Jesus christ and what jesus does here is he gives them a pattern for prayer now this prayer the Lord's prayer our father which are in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come this prayer has been turned into A a vain chant that is repeated Primarily by the roman catholic church and other people will do it as well Well, they'll just pray this prayer over and over and the bible teaches against that i'll talk about that later, uh in the sermon Let me just say this by way of introduction that this lord's prayer Is not a prayer that was meant to be chanted or prayed or uh, just just uh quoted over and over But it's meant to give us a pattern. It's supposed to give you an idea of how to Structure your prayers. So jesus gives us prayer and I want you to notice that there's there's uh, there's five categories that are Mentioned in this prayer and we can use this as a pattern to help us to pray if you say I don't know how to pray That's what the disciples were saying they were saying lord teach us to pray and jesus says, okay Well, here's how you should pray After this manner of pray is what matthew says so in verse two, he said unto them when you pray say Our father which are in heaven hallowed be thy name The first thing I want you to notice in regards to this prayer is that jesus teaches us to pray And to begin with this idea of god's position when we go to god in prayer We should begin with this understanding of acknowledging who god is beginning with god's position notice We don't begin he doesn't say okay pray like this dear jesus. I need a raise and I need uh, This and I need that and here's the thing. There's nothing wrong with asking for for uh specific things In fact, we're going to learn that uh in this passage right now But when we begin prayer, we should begin with this idea of who god is and god's position in our lives Notice what the bible says he says god Jesus teaches this and and this is so common to us that we often don't think much about it but in uh in in in the ancient world for jesus to to say look you can approach god and Speak to him this way when we when he pray say and he teaches them to approach god and to say our father See we see this position and you say what is this position that god holds it is a god who is intimate It is a god who is near to us. We were taught by the lord jesus christ to approach god Uh, you say well god is infinite and god is powerful and god is majestic and all that is true And we're not taken away from that. In fact, we'll see that uh here in a minute as well But jesus begins by teaching us that you and I have the wonderful privilege as the children of god to approach god as a father In an intimate, uh type of way keep your place there in luke chapter 11 If you would go with me to the book of romans romans chapter 8 you're there in luke Just flip over pass the book of john acts romans romans chapter number uh 8 and verse number 15 romans chapter 8 and verse 15 Romans 8 15 the bible says for ye have not received The spirit of bondage again to fear notice what the bible says romans 8 15 But ye have received the spirit of adoption when you and I got saved we put off the spirit of Bondage, which is what sin leads us into and we receive the spirit of adoption notice what paul says here He says whereby we cry abba father That term abba is defined the word abba is literally a transliteration Uh from uh, the greek it's not an english word It's just transliterated meaning that is taken directly from the greek language into uh, english and put here as abba but it's defined As uh as a a intimate as a close as a common Way of referring to a father it would be similar to in our english Uh using the term dad or uh, maybe for a little child using the term daddy and here paul teaches that you and I we get to come to The god of the universe and cry unto him abba father Cry to him as our father but even more intimately than that as our dad or as your daddy In order to be able to go to him So jesus begins with this idea go back to luke that we get to uh, we start with the position of god God's position in prayer and we begin with this idea of the god who is intimate. He is not a far off. He is not Distracted he's not Uninterested in what you and I uh have to uh are going through and look oftentimes we don't pray if we were honest Most people don't pray. I don't think anybody would say they pray Enough or I don't think any christian would feel like they pray Enough, but the truth is this that you and I uh would would Pray, if we saw some value in it, the truth is we're oh ye of a little faith We just don't really believe we might not ever say that but we don't really believe that there's any value And actually going to god in prayer, but jesus begins and says look god is your heavenly father He cares about you. He is the god who is intimate But unlike your earthly father he is not only intimate he is also infinite Notice verse two luke chapter 11 verse 2 and he said unto them when you pray say our father that's intimate Notice these words which are in heaven Hallowed the word hallowed means to separate to put apart to sanctify Hallowed be thy names. He this idea which is he's our father. Yes, that is intimate But when we say which are in heaven hallowed be thy name that is an understanding that he is infinite That he is the the god of heaven that he is our father which is in heaven His name is to be reverent hallowed be thy name now Keep your place there in luke if you would go to isaiah 37 if you would in the old testament Towards the end of the old testament you find all those major books of the bible those major prophets. They're all clustered together Isaiah jeremiah lamentations ezekiel, uh find isaiah 37 isaiah 37 And look at verse 15 and listen, we should always be very cautious of how we approach god We need to make sure we approach god reverently be careful About how you even when you're not praying just be careful about how you speak about god The bible I mean one of the ten commandments tells us to not take the name of the lord thy god in vain Meaning that we should not just use his name in a way that has no purpose Vain means for something to be empty or shallow that definitely means that you should not be using his name as a cuss word When you you know, uh, uh hurt yourself or uh stub your toe or something But even even even further than that, we should just be careful. We should always be careful about Approaching god in a reverent way to be honest with you and I you know I'll say this and I don't know that i'm 100 perfect on this but I don't even necessarily like to just use the term. Jesus christ And i'm not saying as a cuss word. I mean definitely you should never do that But i'm saying even in a reference you'll you'll notice that oftentimes i'll refer to Our savior as the lord. Jesus christ And there's just something about being reverent with your words something about being respectful with your words when we approach god We approach him as the intimate father and as the infinite god our father which are in heaven Hallowed be thy name and by the way, if you got an infinite view of god, it would drive you to pray more Isaiah 37 verse 15 notice how hezekiah in isaiah 37. We have a beautiful prayer by hezekiah You know notice what the bible says in verse 15 and hezekiah prayed unto the lord saying And I won't take the time to go through the whole thing, but hezekiah just got a letter From the aserean king and there's this beautiful picture where he brings the letter He takes the letter with all these threatenings and these threats of of of of the aserean king coming to destroy them And he goes to the house of lord and the bible tells us that he lays the letter before god And he begins to pray verse 15 and hezekiah prayed unto the lord saying notice how hezekiah begins his prayer By the way, this was a prayer that was answered Notice how he begins his prayer. He says oh lord of hosts the word hosts means of armies of military He's coming to god with a military problem king hezekiah And he acknowledges god as the lord of hosts notice He says oh lord of hosts god of israel that dwells between the cherubims notice He says god of israel a personal god an intimate god, but then he says that dwells between the cherubims That's hezekiah's way of saying which are in heaven He says thou art god Even thou alone Of all the kingdoms of the earth and again, he's praying to god about the aserean kingdom coming to threaten His nation hezekiah is king and he comes to god and he acknowledges that he's oh lord of hosts god of israel That dwells between the cherubims thou art the god even thou alone and all the kingdoms of the earth thou has made heaven and earth He's the creator god notice verse 20. We won't go through the whole thing But look at verse 20 and say 37 verse 20 now therefore. Oh lord our god save us. That's the request from his hand Notice he says for your glory I love this little phrase We have it as a theme for our church that all the kingdoms of the earth may know That thou art the lord even thou only So you see this prayer you see how hezekiah comes to god As an intimate god, but as an infinite god He's the lord of the host. He's the god of israel He's the our father which are in heaven. He's the one that dwells between the the cherubims Thou alone he says thou art the god even thou alone and all the kingdoms of the earth thou has made heaven and earth That all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the lord even thou only so we begin with this idea of god's position Go back to uh luke chapter 11 And you know in matthew And we're going to look at matthew later on tonight. But in matthew when we see the same passage of the lord's prayer It begins with this idea. Jesus tells us not to pray made in repetitious prayers He says because before you begin even begin to pray he says your father knows what things he have need of He says your father in heaven already knows the things that you have need of and then he says when you go to pray Pray like this our father which are in heaven and oftentimes people have asked me and i've wondered myself, you know Why does god expect us or want us to pray if he already knows what we need? What would be the purpose of prayer and there's many purposes But I would submit to you that one purpose of prayer is this that when you and I begin our Our time in prayer with this idea of god's position that he is intimate and he is infinite that he is the god Which is in heaven that he hears our prayers. Hey, one good reason for prayer is just to remind ourselves of who god is To remind ourselves you say i've got all these problems I've got all these issues and it seems like the whole world's falling apart Well when you come to god in prayer and you begin with this idea our father Which are in heaven? It reminds us of who god is Of how infinite and how intimate and the fact that you and I have access to that heavenly father So jesus begins with this Idea of god's position then I want you to notice secondly in this pattern of prayer Then we see god's purpose We see god's position in prayer and then we see god's purpose for prayer notice there again in verse two And he said unto them when you pray say our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name Then I want you to notice these two, uh phrases coming up. He says thy kingdom come Before before we get to asking about This and that Asking for this request and asking for that request before we get to any of that He says thy kingdom come thy will be done as in heaven. So on earth see oftentimes we uh believe and we maybe we don't believe this but we we do believe this we just don't acknowledge it, but we we approach prayer as though prayer is somehow Our time where we can try to wrestle god down and try to align god to our will and try to get god to Do what we want him to do to try to get god on our agenda to get god to do our will But jesus says no first remember god's position our father which are in heaven and then remember our purpose in prayer And the purpose in prayer is this thy kingdom come thy will be done as in heaven. So on earth And I would just submit this to you What if prayer had more to do with you? Lining up your will to gods than god lining up his will to you Thy kingdom come what does that mean? That means i'm not building my own kingdom I'm, not building my own ministry here. I'm not building my own business in my own life I'm i'm i'm interested in building the kingdom of god thy will be done. I'm not pushing my own agenda I'm pushing god's agenda That's the purpose of prayer The purpose of prayer is not to try to get god to do what we want No is for us to be conformed to the will of our father Thy kingdom come thy will be done then notice. Certainly we see god's provision This is usually where you and I begin prayer But this is the third step in the pattern of prayer given by jesus We saw god's position we saw god's purpose And then notice god's provision verse three Give us day by day our daily bread Give us day by day our daily bread We have this Idea that you and I look there's nothing wrong with going to god And asking him to provide for our physical needs Here we have this idea of of god Providing for our needs and that we are to go to him and ask for him to meet our needs Keep your place in luke if you would go with me to the book of james james chapter one If you start at the book of revelation go backwards You have revelation jude third second and first john second first peter then the book of james Revelation jude third second first john second first peter then james Do me a favor when you get there when you get to james put a ribbon or a bookmark there Because we're going to leave there and we're going to come back to it later on. So i'd like you to get there quickly But while you go there, let me just read to you from the book of proverbs because It's interesting to me that when you notice this Luke 11 3 give us day by day our daily bread It's quoted in matthew as give us this day our daily bread. I just want you to notice that we are not taught and and this is not something that you and I necessarily even understand as americans because we I mean If you if you're born in the united states of america or if you're brought to united states of america You have won the lottery when it comes to to mankind But I want you to notice that we are not commanded by the lord. Jesus christ to pray give us this day our weekly bread Or give us this day our monthly bread Or give me a storehouse full of bread god, so I never have to worry about it again No, we are commanded and we are asked to pray every day that god would meet our physical needs every day Give us this day our daily bread is what matthew says and there's this limiting factor in regards to What god and look the christian life is not a life That is supposed to be about just gathering as much bread as possible You say what's the christian life about serving god? What's the goal god? Well, how does bread play in I just need enough bread today I just need enough bread today to feed myself and feed my family so we can serve god today You say what about tomorrow tomorrow? We'll pray for the daily bread. We'll pray for the daily bread that we need We'll just pray that god provides what we need to serve him Proverbs 30 and verse 8 you have to turn i'll just read this for you. Here's what the the the prayer for provision from proverbs says It says remove far from me vanity and lies. Give me neither poverty nor riches. This is the christian prayer I would never pray that Well, you should get right with god Give me neither poverty nor riches Feed me with food convenient. The word convenient means suitable appropriate convenient for me You say well We shouldn't be praying for for look the bible says to that don't pray for poverty and don't pray for riches They say well, there's something wrong with being rich. Nothing wrong with being rich, but there is something wrong with wanting to be rich Now if you get up every day and from a genuine heart say god Give me neither poverty nor riches and then you go out and work every day as god commanded you and god's blessing And he gives you a hundred fold and he blesses you immensely. Hey, then praise god for that But if you wake up every day with this idea, I need I need I need a factory full of bread You're not right with god Give me neither poverty nor riches feed me with food convenient suitable appropriate for me. You say why here's why lest I be full and deny thee You know the danger of success what i've learned over the last 12 years of ministry that is that the danger of success Is that when people get full they get full of themselves? When they show up to church and they're broke and they're struggling and things aren't going well in life and they're humble But then they get that job or then they start that business and then they start making some money and all of a sudden They don't need god anymore You'd be better off being broke right with god Lest I be full and deny thee and say who is the lord or lest I be poor and steal and take the name of my god in vain There's this limiting factor We should limit what we want We should want just what god wants us to have we should want look you say what do you want? The lord is my shepherd. I shall not want Amen You should get to the point in your christian life where what you want is god That the goal is god in your life There's this acknowledgement of where the blessings from god come look at james 1 and verse 17 james 1 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above And cometh down from the father of light with whom is no bearableness neither shadow of turning Everything you have came from god Every good gift and look and god can take it away like that We see god's provision and i'd be careful about testing god with that An emergency room Is Where your loved one or your little child is Being rolled in is not where you want to be getting right with god We should be praying every day for god's provision Then I want you to notice Fourthly We see god's pardon Verse 14 keep your place there in james go to luke chapter 11 verse 4 We saw god's position in prayer. We saw god's purpose for prayer. We saw god's provision through prayer We see god's pardon in prayer notice luke chapter 11 and verse 4. Jesus says and forgive us our sins. We like that, don't we? And forgive us our sins. Here's the caveat for we also forgive everyone that is indebted to us Well, wait a minute. No, I don't forgive that These these two things are connected Now, let me just be clear about something. This is not referring to the forgiveness of sins in relations to salvation Obviously if you confess the lord jesus christ, you know, and you believe on lord jesus christ, you're saved But this is in reference to forgiveness of sins in our daily living That we should not be the type of person who is holding grudges and being bitter towards people Obviously if people are sinning against us then that those are things that need to be dealt with but once they genuinely Get right with god. They repent and they seek forgiveness. We should be a forgiving people and and god says hey look As you forgive others, I will forgive you and forgive us our sins for we also Forgive everyone that is indebted to us go to matthew If you would matthew chapter 6 if you go backwards From luke you have mark and then matthew matthew chapter 6 in matthew 6. We have the same The same lord's prayer from matthew notice how matthew words it matthew chapter 6 and verse 14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses your heavenly father will also forgive you But if ye forgive not men their trespasses Neither will your father forgive your trespasses You say what is this? What is this forgiveness principle about here's what it is Again, it's not about salvation It's about our daily living and the idea is this that god will be as merciful and gracious with us As we are merciful and gracious with others God look don't you need god to be patient with you? Well, god will be as patient with you as you are with others And the flip side of that is that what god will come down as harshly and as strongly with us as we do with others God will be as impatient with us As we are with others If you'd like keep your finger there in matthew 6 I know you have your place in james and we're going to come back to matthew as well But go back to luke chapter 11 to our text We see god's position in prayer god's purpose for prayer god's provision through prayer god's part in in prayer I want you to notice fifthly tonight. We're looking at this pattern of prayer. This is how you and I should pray We see god's protection through prayer Now in luke chapter 11 and verse 4, I want you to notice this little phrase the bible says and forgive us our sins As we also forgive everyone that is indebted to us I want you to notice this little phrase when we were going through the School of prayer I made a big deal about this and i'm going to do it again This little phrase says and lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil Here we see a prayer of protection It is our job to pray for god's provision for god's parting and for god's protection And we see this little phrase and lead us not into temptation Now i've i've had many people through the years Ask me about this phrase and I myself have wondered about this phrase because when you read this little phrase It sounds like the request we're making is is jesus don't lead us into temptation lead us not into temptation And almost like we're asking god to stop leading us into temptation as though as though if that's something that god was doing when he says lead us not into temptation now if That causes confusion because the bible teaches the exact opposite of that go to james go back to james chapter one if you would Look at verse 13 When we pray lead us not into temptation It's not a request that we're making to god asking god to no longer lead us into temptation as though he was leading us into temptation Because the bible clearly teaches that god does not lead us into temptation James 1 13 let no man say when he is tempted I am tempted of god For god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempted he any man And the reference is that he neither tempted he any man with evil god cannot be tempted with evil Neither tempted he any man with evil So when we say lead us not into temptation we're not asking god Could you possibly stop leading me into temptation because you've been leading me into a lot of temptation lately. It's not really helping me That's not the request that's being made because god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempted He any man with evil let no man say when he is tempted i'm tempted of god and here's the truth The truth is this you're there in james 1 13. Look at verse 14, but every man is tempted When he is drawn you see that word drawn the word drawn means pulled When he is drawn away notice of his own lust and entice The truth is this not only does god not lead you in temptation The truth is this when you and I are led into temptation. We're leading ourselves into temptation Because every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and entice So not only does the bible not teach that god leads us into temptation, but it teaches That we lead ourselves into temptation And here's what I need you to understand when you find yourself at odds with temptation being tempted By sin realize this you led yourself there No one led you there, but you Every man, but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and entice So you say well what about this little phrase then Lead us not into temptation. Keep your place right there in hebrews. Go back to luke And there's nothing wrong with the king james bible, by the way It's perfect and it's inerrant and it's inspired But there might be something wrong with the way you and I understand it And it might help us to just kind of break that statement into two parts because The the statement lead us not into temptation Is broken into two things see we think of the whole thing as a request lead us not into temptation The whole statement is not a request lead us not into temptation Part of the statement is a request part of the statement is a recognition See the way that you and I maybe should read it not that there's anything wrong with the bible But just for our own understanding is this Not to pray lead us not into temptation But to pray lead us Lead us That's the request The request is lead us. Why would you request lead us? Here's why because when I lead myself I lead myself into temptation Every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and in tight So the request is lead us the recognition is when you lead us god, it'll be not into temptation Because the person that's been leading me thus far keeps leading me into temptation So it's not this request lead us not into temptation It's a request lead us because I keep leading myself into temptation. And if you would lead me lord, I know that it would be not Into temptation So it's a request and a recognition Lead us that's the request lead us not into temptation We're asking jesus to lead us So that we will stop being led into temptation because when we lead ourselves, we're drawn away of our own lust and enticed Go to hebrews if you kept your place in james You have the book of hebrews right next to it hebrews chapter 2 hebrews chapter 2 Lead us not into temptation hebrews chapter 2 look at verse 18 Jesus is the person the perfect person to pray to during times of temptation Lead us not into temptation because i've been leading myself into temptation I'm asking you to lead me in a different direction lead us And I know when you lead us it'll be not into temptation and then here's the the continuation of that prayer, but deliver us from evil Hebrews 2 18 for in that he referring to jesus himself had suffered being tempted He is able to sucker the word sucker means To aid or help or to provide relief He is able to sucker them that are tempted Because he himself had suffered being tempted. He's able to help you when you are tempted Go to chapter 4 and verse 15 hebrews 4 and verse 15 For we have not an high priest. That's the lord. Jesus christ He's the high priest And and because he's the high priest we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities But was an all-points tempted like as we are here's the difference between him and you and I yet without sin He was tempted look We don't have a high priest that cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities He understands the feelings of our infirmities because he was an all-points tempted like as we are Yet without sin and for that reason verse 16 let us therefore come boldly Unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need We ought to pray lead us Not into temptation i've been leading myself into temptation I need you to lead me because I know when you lead me it'll be not into temptation But deliver us from evil now. Let's just be let's just be real honest. Here's the here's the real reason you and I don't pray And here's the reason that many Will never pray this prayer Genuinely, they might repeat it as a vain chant Because it's hard to genuinely pray this prayer Lead us not into temptation when you're actively planning To go fulfill the temptation I mean you can't pray lord. Help me not to drink alcohol today when you're planning on after work. I'm gonna go get a beer Do you understand? So this this prayer neat you say this is why god wants you to pray this pray pray every day Pray pray every day Not pray this prayer, but pray this pattern of prayer every day. We're praying Acknowledging god's position and and praying for god's purpose and praying for his provision and for his pardon and for his protection Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil This is the pattern for prayer Go back to luke chapter 11. We spent a lot of time there and that's okay. I wanted to emphasize that I want you to notice number one in this because remember the the disciples asked lord teach us to pray So the first thing we saw was the pattern of prayer. We saw the pattern god's position Intimate and infinite his purpose thy kingdom come thy will be done his provision His provision give us this day our daily bread. It all comes from god and there should be a limiting factor there daily bread his pardon As we forgive others, he will forgive us not for salvation But in our daily day lives how he how we treat others He will treat us how merciful we are how gracious how patient how loving that's how he'll be to us god's protection lead us Because the person that's been leading me has been leading me astray lead us please not into temptation Then I want you to notice secondly tonight. Jesus teaches on the persistence of prayer We saw the pattern of prayer then he teaches on the persistence of prayer This isn't he gives this idea of persistence with this little parable that we find in luke chapter 11 verses 5 6 7 and 8 Let's look at it real quickly notice verse 5 and he said unto them. This is him continuing his lesson on prayer Which of you shall have a friend? And shall go unto him at midnight and say unto him friend lend me three loaves for the word for means because Because a friend of mine in his journey has come to me and have nothing to set before him Here we what the the takeaway from this first part of the parable is that jesus is emphasizing our inability He says look this guy in this parable. He had a need that he could not meet He had a situation a friend of his had showed up at midnight and he didn't have the means to be able to Feed him so he goes to a friend and asks a friend Lend me three loaves for a friend of mine in his journey has come to me and I have nothing to set before him So jesus acknowledges or highlights the fact that what often drives us to prayer and what should drive us to prayer is our inability We should realize that we are unable to do what we need to do without god And that inability should drive us to importunity Look at verse seven And he from within shall answer and say trouble me not For the door is now shut and my children are with me in bed. I cannot rise and give thee I say unto you though. He will not rise and give him because he is his friend yet because of his importunity Is that word importunity? That word means persistence Especially to the point of annoyance If you have children, you know what that means So Here's what jesus teaching our inability should lead us should lead our importunity our persistence Now, let me just say something about this parable and there's another parable in luke 18, uh that that that's similar And let me say this about the peril. I don't believe that this is a parable of comparison I Don't and what I mean by that is I don't believe that god is comparing himself to this selfish friend Who will not rise to give his friend? It's not a parable of comparison. It is a parable instead of contrast What jesus is saying? Is that if someone would be willing to persistently? Uh bother their friend who is unwilling to help So If you would just be willing to persistently Ask your physical parents children for something over and over when they're telling you No, I don't want to do it. I don't want to buy you that if you would Persistently ask a friend for something persistently ask a boss for something who doesn't want to do it He says then how much more should we persist in our prayers to our heavenly father who wants to meet our needs? And the fact that he wants to meet our needs will become very obvious here in a minute Jesus saying that if someone would be willing to be persistent with his friend who's unwilling how much more should we be persistent with god? Who is willing? And you'll notice in the next few verses that that becomes very clear So we see the persistence of prayer our inability should drive our importunity We should bring our problems to god. You don't have to turn there. You just stay there in luke 11 Philippians 4 6 i'll just read this for you be careful for nothing But in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto god someone said oftentimes our prayer oftentimes prayer becomes a last resort Instead of our first resource And we should bring all of our Problems to god so we saw number one the pattern of prayer We saw number two the persistence of prayer our inability should drive our importunity And then thirdly tonight we see the promise of prayer notice there there in verse 9 And I say unto you ask Ask And it shall be given you seek And ye shall find knock And it shall be opened unto you For everyone that asketh receiveth any that seeketh find it into him that knocketh It shall be opened i've brought this up to you before I want you to notice you see that little acronym I like to call it the prayer acrostic. He says ask seek Knock if you notice the first uh letter of each word spells the word ask Because prayer is asking i'm not sure if you kept your place in james still but go back to james chapter 4 if you would james chapter 4 By the way, let me say this the bible teaches whenever I read this I always think this He says ask and it shall be given you And prayer is lit the word prayer literally means to ask That's why the word ask is emphasized in the in regards to prayer But I want you to notice jesus emphasizes that ask and it shall be given you seek and he shall find Knock and it shall be opened unto you. The idea is this that we need to put some feet to our prayers Look you say you say what do you mean here's what I mean if you're unemployed and you're praying for a job It doesn't mean you stay at you know, you sleep until 10 a.m. Every day Roll out of bed at 10 a.m. And have a bowl of lucky charms Get on your knees and pray lord, please give me a job, you know submit one email And then you know for the next two weeks people ask you how's your job? Well, I I submitted something i'm praying about it No, you know, we need to pray that god answers our prayer, but then you know, you need to go seek And you need to go knock And you need to fill some applications And you know when it comes to prayer look we ought to work as though it all Depends on us and we ought to pray as though it all depends on god because both of those are true It all depends on god every good gift coming from but but god's not going to bless laziness Ask and it shall be given you seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you For everyone that asketh receive it then he that seeketh find it to him that knock this shall be open Here's the the the the promise of prayer is this that if you ask and you move in that direction god will meet you there James 4 2 he lost the word lust means desire You lost and have not you kill and desire to have and cannot obtain you fight in war yet you have not here's why You have not you know why you don't have any answer prayers there. I don't have any answer pray I don't pray because I don't god doesn't answer my prayers. Well, you have not because you ask not And when you do ask james says you ask a miss that you may consume it upon your lust Obviously we have to pray according to the will of god You can't just pray that god just gives you things that are stupid and ridiculous First john five you're there from james go to first john first second peter first john I understand why god won't give me a million dollars because it'll because you'll be full and you'll deny god. That's why You say then how do I get the million dollars Let me explain this to you because I don't think people really understand this this this how how god works When you want the million dollars god won't give you the million dollars God will only give the million now you can lie and cheat and steal to get the million dollars and it'll be cursed money But if you want god to give it to you because god gives I mean look at the bible many rich people were blessed by god but god only gives To those who genuinely don't care now, you can't say god. I don't care when you secret. I mean god knows your heart I'm gonna try to fake god out. I don't care It doesn't work that way Here's the funny thing about it when you genuinely stop caring God may give it to you, but by then you won't care And in fact when you genuinely stop caring you might just become a pastor and go into the ministry And start doing something that doesn't matter financially God will never give it to you while you want it. He won't give it to you now the devil will He'll offer you the whole world if you'll just bow down to him But in that process you'll ruin your marriage destroy your family destroy your testimony First john 5 14 And this is the confidence that we have in him That if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us That's you know what the problem here's the promise The promise is that the god of the universe will hear your prayers if you ask And if we know that he hear us whatsoever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him Go back to luke chapter 11 While you turn there, let me just read for you from james 33. Here's what excuse me from jeremiah 33 Here's what the prophet jeremiah said. He said call him to me. This is speaking on behalf of god He said call unto me and I will answer thee And show the great and mighty things which thou knows not So you see the children's request ask seek knock And then I want you to notice we see the father's willingness verse 11 luke 11 11 and if a son shall I spread Of any of you that is that is a father Will he give him a stone Or if you ask a fish Will he for a fish give him a serpent, you know, this was father's Your your jokester buddy might do this but a father if his child genuinely is asking For for bread for fish He's not gonna go find some sandwich or something and then put a rock in there Watch this If a son shall has bread, you know, your little roommate will do that but not a father And if essential has bread of any of you that is a father will he give him a stone Or if he asks a fish will he for a fish give him a serpent Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? Notice I love this verse verse 13 If ye then being evil That little phrase being evil there is referring to our sin nature If you being a sinner if you being corrupt if you being if you existing within a sin nature That is sinful you in a corrupt state and a sin nature would not give a stone to your child Who's hungry or a scorpion to your child who's asking for an egg or a serpent to your child is asking for a fish He says if ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more so your heavenly father Give the holy spirit to them that ask him You say why is it a reference here to the holy spirit And I could we could spend a whole night on that go to go to matthew if you would matthew chapter six But he When you got saved you got the filling of the spirit, you got the seal of the spirit But the bible says that we are to be filled with the spirit and you say well, I don't know what to pray Pray for the filling of the spirit You say why here's why because the filling of the spirit will lead you in all truth the filling of the spirit The bible says walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh The holy spirit will guide you in truth. The holy spirit will give you wisdom Look, the filling of the spirit is literally the answer to all your prayers Because the holy spirit will guide you and direct you in regards to what to do Matthew chapter six look at verse seven in matthew six. We see a parallel passage to look. We're almost done We're going to look at this and we'll be and be done Here's the thing about the lord's prayer. We spend a lot of time on the lord's prayer We saw god's position in prayer intimate and infinite. We saw god's purpose in prayer thy kingdom come thy will be done We saw god's provision for prayer prayer. Give us this day our daily bread We saw god's pardon in prayer forgive us our sins as we forgive our debtors. We got our god's protection in prayer lead us Not into temptation The thing about the lord's prayer is that we're not supposed to pray the lord's prayer It's funny because this is the prayer This is one of the prayers that almost every people pray when they pray a prayer chat prayer This is the prayer they pray but jesus in the context right before he gave us the lord's prayer He said verse seven matthew six verse seven, but when you pray use not vain the word vain means empty Repetitions as the heathen do for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking Be not ye therefore like unto them for your father knows what things you have need of before you ask him So he says look Don't pray the lord's prayer But you say then why does he give us the lord's prayer here's why verse nine After this manner you see what manner there The manner the word matter means this is how you should pray. This is what prayer should look like after this manner therefore pray you And here's where I want to encourage you Because look I I get it you preach on prayer and you know everybody if you're not a psychopath Everybody feels conviction Right because none of us are praying as we should But maybe you're here this evening and you're like I don't pray at all. I don't even know how to pray I feel like the disciples lord teach us to pray I don't pray at all because here unfortunately and sadly the the the honest truth and i'm not trying to pick on you I'm trying to i'm trying to help you Most christians never pray ever So I want to encourage you To begin a time of prayer You say I don't even know where I would start Let me just help you and i'm not saying you can do this for the rest of your life I'm, just saying here's a good place. You could start I want to encourage you to pray Through I didn't say to pray the lord's prayer But to pray through the lord's prayer Every day To pray through the lord's prayer. You say what does that mean? That means go through the lord's prayer as a an outline You're taking notes tonight, right? Pray through the lord's and just pray through those categories I didn't say to pray that prayer Vainly repetitiously, but you after this matter therefore pray Pray through the lord's prayer. It will literally take five minutes I don't know how to pray. Well, here's how you pray You open up your bible matthew 6 and I I would go to matthew 6 because that's the the passage we're most familiar with Our father which are in heaven hallowed be thy name and then pray God, thank you for being my heavenly father I know you love me and I know you care about me I know that you're not only intimate, but you are also infinite and you are the god of heaven and i'm asking you for these requests Then you look down and read thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven and you Say lord, please help me. I've got some requests. Please help me to align my will to your will That in my life your kingdom would come and your will would be done Then lord, let me pray for provision. Give us this day our daily bread and take some time to pray for your provisions Lord, you know i've got this bill coming up and i've got this situation I've got that situation and pray for your provision and then And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors take some time to confess sin before god and ask god to help you With that person that's irritating you or that person that you're not being patient with and ask god to forgive you of your uh sins And keep a short list with god and then for protection lord lead us Please today help me to be light of you not into temptation because i'm leading myself into temptation God lead us and deliver us from evil For thine is the kingdom and power and glory forever. Amen And if you say I don't know how to pray I would encourage you Take the next seven days Five minutes And pray through the lord. I didn't say to pray the lord's prayer. We're not catholic Not vain repetitions But use the lord's prayer as an outline because when the disciples asked jesus lord teaches to pray He said here's how you should pray. Here's what your prayers should look like acknowledge god's position Acknowledge god's purpose in your life align yourself to him Pray for provision pray for pardon Pray for protection Maybe you can try to pray through the lord's prayer aspire here tonight board of prayer. Heavenly father Lord we really do. Thank you that you are the almighty god And we thank you that we have the privilege to come to you And an intimate way to cry unto you abba father Lord I pray you'd help us Lord I pray that there'd be a Church full of people that tomorrow morning would pray lead us not into temptation And genuinely believe that Well, I guess I can't do what I was planning on doing later on because i'm asking god to lead us Not into temptation Lord give us to stay our daily bread Forgive us our sins as we forgive our those who sin against us Lord I pray that you would help us to learn to pray to be a praying people it's it's such An unused skill in christianity lord. I pray you'd help us to learn to pray and if somebody doesn't know where to start I'm going to start praying through the lord's prayer not praying lord's prayer, but bring praying through it using those That structure to lead them through a time of prayer. We love you lord. In jesus name we pray. Amen Well god bless you if there's anything we can do for you, please let us know Don't forget that if you need to sign up for the soul winning seminar you can do that and don't forget if you have not If you are not getting text messages from us if you're not on our band but not bound email list Uh, please sign up for those things because you know, we don't know where we're going to be tomorrow Uh, so we'll be able to text you and let you know what's going on in regards to that and for and if you know People you have friends who watch our live streams or whatever and they're kind of wondering like what happens to verity Uh, you know help us out with that. Let them know where we're at They can go to our church website bamba not bound.com our facebook page They can go to our instagram. We don't live stream on our instagram, but they can just you know Might as well sign up for that too. And um, you know, uh, All of that sermon audio. We're on there too. And uh, and and and and have people let just get the word out Sign up for our bamba not bound email list That's the best way to keep in touch and know where we're going with regards to that If there's anything we do for you, please let us know. Well, we'll actually have moses this time come up and uh, Lead off the final song Please turn your song books to page number 301 Page number 301, we're gonna finish off with sweet hour of prayer Page 301 and let's sing it out on the first sweet hour of prayer From a world of care and bids me at my father's throne Take all my wants and wishes known in seasons of distress and grief my soul has often found And I return sweet hour of prayer page 301 on the second sweet hour of prayer sweet hour prayer Thy wings shall my petition bear to him whose truth in faithfulness Engage the waiting soul to bless And since he bids me seek his face Believe his word and trust his grace i'll cast on him my Every care and wait for thee sweet hour of prayer On the last sweet hour of prayer sweet hour of prayer May I thy consolation share till from out I view my home and take my pride And shall while Through the air farewell farewell sweet hour of prayer Great singing. Can I please have brother rj close to sing the word of prayer? Amen