(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 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Let's open up a word of prayer Father god, thank you so much for this church lord Thank you for these people coming out here on a wednesday evening to serve you I pray they're singing and glorify you lord. I pray you bless the service and the preaching to come in jesus name. I pray. Amen All right, turn your uh song book speech number 145 Page number 145 we're gonna sing it is well with my soul Page 145 and let's go ahead and sing it out on the first when peace Like a river Attendeth my way When sorrows like sea billows roll Whatever My lot Thou has sought me to say To say it is well it is well with my soul ladies It is well With my soul It is well with my soul On the second though Ten should The trial should come Let this bless Assurance control That christ has regarded My helplessness And My soul My sin My sin not in part, but the whole Is And I bear it no more My soul And lord Control And the lord shall he said even so With my soul It is well it is well with my soul Great singing now today is actually a special service So it's actually a pastor's birthday tomorrow. So we're gonna go ahead and sing Uh, happy birthday, and we're gonna have a potluck after the service as well. So let's sing happy birthday Let's sing it out and let's all look directly at it Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear pastor Happy birthday to you Well, let me uh begin by saying thank you and um, that was awkward but No, thank you very much very kind of you I appreciated all of you being here tonight and uh, so yeah, I mean, thank you uh everybody for for You know, obviously thank you to my dear wife. I'm sure she's the one that Was behind all this and whatever staff guys were part of it. Whatever staff wives were part of it. Thank you Thank you to all of you for participating any excuse to have a potluck, right? And um, this is this is one event I don't plan just so you know, but I appreciate all of you being here Let's go ahead and take our bulletins tonight We'll look some announcements real quickly if that's all right If you need a bulletin just put your hand up and we'll get one for you If you need a bulletin just put your hand up and we'll get one for you the verse this week psalm 56 3 What time I am afraid I will trust indeed and that's a good verse there We like that if you open up your bulletin You'll see our service times. Of course sunday morning service 10 30 a.m. Sunday evening service 6 p.m. Wednesday evening Bible study at 7 p.m And we do invite you of course to be with us on a sunday morning on the lord's day for church We look at our soul winning times our main soul winning times on saturday mornings at 10 a.m Do invite you to be with us on saturday morning for our main soul winning rally And i've been teaching a series of lessons on how to be an effective soul winner We're going to continue that this saturday. We hope to see you there If you look at our other soul winning times, usually on thursday friday, we have a soul winning time That's postponed for now But sunday we do have a soul winning time and we encourage you to be a part of that We of course are a family integrated church What that means is that children and infants are always welcomed in the service We do not separate children for for any reason. We do have mother baby rooms and daddy rooms They live before your convenience to make sure you use those rooms as needed. They all have comfortable seating They have monitor setups. You can watch the service and listen to it And if you need to be baptized you can let us know on your communication card that you'd like To be baptized and we'll follow up with you in regards to that if you look at the announcements and upcoming events Uh, i'd like you to notice that we have the married couple sweetheart banquet coming up on friday february 9th at 6 30 p.m I meant to look at the sign-up sheet uh, but I I want to say we've got like 28 couples signed up Uh for the married couple sweetheart banquet, which is great. Uh, that's where that's good We're glad to have that but I I know there's that there's several of you that have not yet signed up So I just want to encourage you to sign up and you're going to want to be a part of it It's good to just get out and have a good time. Of course with your spouse and with other Uh christian couples and it's going to be a fun time We're going to have a dinner and then we're going to have a short sermon from the word of god 15 20 minutes Uh geared towards your marriage and then we'll play the not so newlywed game and it's it's a lot of fun It's it's a good time We'll have a hundred dollar gift card to the cheesecake factory for the winner But we need to know you're coming because we want to put in the order for the food So make sure you sign up right now. All right, especially you guys you don't do anything for valentine's day Anyway, just bring your wife to this and call it the valentine's day thing and you'll be good to go All right, and if you win if you win, you don't have to buy our gift you get the hundred dollar gift card So just come and it'll be a good time and then the teen activity all the teens And their parents are invited for an evening of laser tag and the kids they did this last year They had a great time with it and we're going to do it again Of course, we'll have a sermon from the word of god. We'll have dinner that night at the laser tag location We've uh rented a a room there. We'll have uh dinner there as well We'll be meeting at the location that's there in the bulletin So make sure uh you teenagers that you sign up for that so that we know that you're coming And then homeschool group. They've got pe class on thursday february 8th And then the valentine's day party on wednesday february 14th and if you'd like to attend you can sign up on your communication card and there's opportunities to be able to uh to be part of that and to help with Volunteer opportunities so ladies you can go buy the main foyer and see the clipboards there for that And then of course the work days, uh, we're not really running work days this week Uh, like like we've been in the past where we just have these dates set aside But we've had we've had people all week long over on the Over there at the property. It actually been a little while since i've been there myself It's been about a week and my wife and I actually went there Uh last night and did a tour and it looks amazing I mean the the work that's been done there and and the work that the guys are doing. Uh, we really appreciate it Uh, it's it's it's it looks like a totally different building Of course brother joel kind of heading that up and and getting that organized and we appreciate all of that So I just want to encourage you to stay with it There's still a lot that needs to be done and we've got some guys going to be over there tomorrow and I think on friday If you'd like to volunteer and help then of course you can do that You can see brother oliver and he's got a sign-up sheet and different tasks that need to be done Then of course nine chapters a day today is the last day to Finish nine chapters a day. So make sure you stay with it. You have till midnight tonight All right midnight tonight to finish so you need to stick with it. Stay at it Some of you have already finished. Um, I was excited to see this. I hope it's okay I didn't ask permission to say this but on the way up here I I got handed these two brother ray and miss denise anderson finished nine chapters a day They gave me their communication card and praise lord for that. Yeah. Praise lord. Absolutely And uh, so everybody else hand me yours as well. Okay. No, you don't have to hand it to me You can put it in the offering plate or whatever, but make sure you finish finish today Don't give up. Don't quit at it and you'll be glad you did you did Uh, and then there's the choir practice on sunday february 11th. That's for the adult choir for easter There's other things there for you to look at Please don't forget to turn your cell phones off or place them on silent during the service So they're not a distraction to anybody. You should have one of these vision offering uh inserts in your bulletin and make sure you are looking at that and Praying about that thinking about the upcoming vision offering we have a video coming out Regarding that tomorrow. So keep you an eye out for that as well If you look at the back of the bulletin birthdays and anniversaries Uh for the month for this week, uh, we had ogah ogavitch's birthday on january 29th And then uh, john bokulchik has a birthday february 1st, but oliver and miss melody Gonzalez have an anniversary on the first praise report money matters all of those things are there for you to look at Uh, since you guys planned a potluck for tonight, here's what we're going to do We're going to skip the prayer time for tonight, but I do want to make sure that everybody has a prayer sheet So if you if you don't I didn't I don't think I told the ushers But if you'd like if you don't have a prayer sheet just raise your hand and one of the ushers come by And get one for you. We want you to have a prayer sheet. Make sure you pray For your church family at home. I do want you to notice that there's a new category on upcoming events And just some things we want to keep before you in regards to prayer the vision offering the next generation youth rally and our easter Service so just be in prayer for those things, but I want you to have a prayer sheet Uh, if you did not get one and then we're going to skip the prayer time for tonight If that's okay, uh, but we want you to have a prayer sheet Uh for you to pray at home, and I think that's it for all of the announcements. So let's go ahead We're gonna take our song books and go to page number 169 page number 169 And we're gonna sing come thou found Come thou fount of every blessing to my heart to sing thy grace 169 on the first Come thou found of every blessing to my heart to sing thy Streams of mercy Never see Call for songs of loudest phrase Teach me some melodious Son Good 169 sing it out on the second here. I Come And I know My good pleasure safely i'll arrive at home Jesus sought me when a stranger Wandering from the fold of god Need to rescue from danger Interposed his precious blood Oh to grace Daily i'm constrained to me Let thy goodness Like a feather My my wandering are to Prone to wonder lord, I feel it prone to me God Amen good singing. We'll have the guys come up and help us with the offering at this time And let's go ahead and bow our heads tonight board of prayer Heavenly father lord, we Do love you and we thank you for allowing us to gather together tonight lord we pray that you bless the offering the gift and the giver we ask that you meet with us as we take some time to open up your word and study the bible together and of course as we Have food afterwards lord. I pray that you bless the time of fellowship as well in jesus name. We pray. Amen So So So So So So Please open up to hebrews chapter number eight Hebrews chapter eight if you do not have a bible, please raise your hand and i'm not sure you can bring your bible hebrews chapter number eight Just keep your hand up and she'll come by Hebrews eight we read the entire chapter as our custom Hebrews chapter number eight being verse number one Now the things which we have spoken this is the sum We have such an high priest who is set on the right hand of the throne of the majesty in the heavens A minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the lord pitched and not man For every high priest is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices Wherefore it is a necessity that this man have somewhat also to offer For if he were on earth, he should not be a priest Seeing that there are priests that offer gifts according to the law Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things? As moses was admonished of god when he was about to make the tabernacle for See saith he that they'll make all things according to the pattern showed to thee in the mount But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry By how much also is he the mediator of a better covenant? Which was established upon better promises? For if that first covenant had been faultless Mention no place have been sought for the second For finding fault with them he saith behold the days come and saith the lord When i'll make a new covenant with the house of israel and with the house of judah Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand To lead them out of the land of egypt Because they continued not in my covenant and I regarded them not saith the lord For this is a covenant that i'll make with the house of israel after those days saith the lord It will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts And i'll be to them a god and they shall be to me a people And they shall not teach every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying know the lord For all shall know me from the least to the greatest For i'll be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more And that he saith a new covenant he hath made the first old Now that which decayed and waxeth old is ready to vanish away. Let's pray heavenly father. Thank you for this evening God, I thank you for your word and for our church from this here I say please give us all 10 hearts in the message tonight. I say please for the pastor Please strengthen him and from your spirit. We love you in jesus name. Pray. Amen Amen Amen All right, we're there in hebrews chapter number eight and of course on wednesday nights. We've been going through A study in the book of hebrews a verse by verse study in the book of hebrews and tonight we find ourselves here in hebrews chapter number eight and The good thing about this chapter A couple of good things first of all, it's it's a short chapter. It's only 13 verses and it's also a summary chapter, which means that It summarizes The things that we've already been seeing up to this point Uh, you'll notice there in verse number one. The bible says this now of the things which we have spoken This is the the sum. This is what the writer of hebrews How the chapter begins he says of the things that which we have spoken this is the sum And the sum there is referring to summary, of course So summary is a brief statement of the main points and I say that that's good Uh for this reason this this helps us tonight since you've planned a potluck For tonight then hopefully we can move quickly Through the chapter because of the fact that it's short It's only 13 verses and it's really just summarizing things that we've already been talking about And I want you to notice that the the summary really I would say the the summary verse is in verse number six I want you to look at verse one just so you get the context hebrews chapter eight and verse number one The bible says now of the things Which we have spoken this is the sum We have such an high priest who has set on the right hand of the throne of the majesty on high the context of course and what we've been talking about through the book of hebrews is about The lord jesus christ as a high priest. He is a priest of the order of milkizidic I want you to notice verse six kind of summarizes the entire chapter verse six summarizes the things before verse six and it summarizes the things after verse six and there's really two points to The summary and you'll find them both in verse number six. Notice what he says, but now hath he obtained And the he there is referring to Our high priest we have remember and high priest who is set on the right hand of the throne of the majesty uh in heavens and here in verse six We're told but now have he the lord jesus christ our high priest obtained and here's the summary number one a more excellent ministry by whom Uh, excuse me by how much also he is and here's the next summary statement the mediator of a better covenant Which was established upon better promises and I want you to just notice just real quickly there That the summarizing statements that the writer of hebrews is giving us here And kind of bringing everything together that we've been talking about is this that jesus who is our high priest Uh is the high priest with a better ministry He is a high priest with a better ministry and he is the mediator of a better covenant He is a high priest with a better ministry and he is a mediator with a better covenant Those are the two Summary statements and I give them to you up front Just so you can have those and then we'll see that in this chapter quickly And if you're taking notes, and I always encourage you to take notes on the back of your course of the week There's a place for you to write some things down and you can jot this down if you'd like number one Jesus the high priest of a better ministry Jesus the high priest of a better ministry And I want you to notice that the writer of hebrews goes on to say that jesus the ministry of jesus as a high priest Was better than the ministry of any other earthly high priest now the reason for that and the the reason as to why his ministry Is better is because of the fact that he is Having a heavenly ministry or a heavenly model notice there again in verse one We see that he is a heavenly high priest look at verse one again Now of the things which we have spoken this is the son We have such an high priest who is set on the right hand of the throne of the majesty notice these words in the heavens In the heavens now the contrast That we are seeing here is that he is contrasted to the earthly high priest If you look at hebrews chapter 10 just real quickly look at verse 1 hebrews chapter 10 and verse 1 says this For the law having a shadow of good things to come and not of the very image of the thing Can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto Perfect. I want you to notice that there's a contrast between the heavenly high priest and the earthly high priest here We see that in hebrews 10 1 that the law was a shadow of good things to come We'll see that again here in a minute and not the very image of the thing Which can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually Make the comers thereunto perfect. I want you to notice that the earthly high priest the bible tells us was busy They were constantly working. They offered sacrifices year by year there in verse one I want you to see the word continually But the bible tells us about jesus who has a better ministry if you go back to hebrews 8 in verse 1 that he is Set last part of verse 1 on the right hand of the throne of the majesty In the heavens the idea is that jesus has sat down on the right hand Of god the father and the reason for that is because his ministry And his sacrifices are not offered year by year continually because he has a better ministry His ministry is over. He said on the cross it is finished the old testament. The old covenant is finished It's done and when he sat down at the right hand of the father He sat down because it was done keep your place there in hebrews 8 go to ephesians if you would ephesians chapter number one in The new testament of course towards the beginning of the new testament You have the book of ephesians matthew mark luke john ax romans first and second corinthians collations and then ephesians ephesians chapter number one Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 20. I'd like you to notice this verse the bible says which he wrought in christ When he raised him from the dead And set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places, so we see that jesus is a High priest with a better ministry because of the fact that he is a heavenly high priest. He is set in Heavenly places i'm not going to keep your place right there in ephesians We're going to come right back to it and go back to hebrews chapter 8 and look at verse number two Not only do we see in this chapter that jesus Is a heavenly high priest but I want you to notice that We also and he also has a heavenly tabernacle look at verse two hebrews chapter 8 and verse 2 The bible says this a minister of the sanctuary the word sanctuary is used throughout the bible Interchangeably, we're going to see it in this verse with the with the word tabernacle It's the tabernacle that moses made where they would do the sacrifices where they would meet with god hebrews 8 verse 2 a minister of the sanctuary Notice what he says and of the true tabernacle Which the lord pitched and not man so the bible tells us here that jesus is not only a high priest Who's in heaven? But he has a sanctuary which is the true tabernacle And what makes the sanctuary of jesus different than the sanctuary of moses is that the sanctuary of moses was pitched by man But the one of jesus was pitched by the lord the lord pitched Meaning that the lord set it up the lord put it up the lord built it and not a man So what are we talking about? We're talking about the fact that in heaven There is a tabernacle in heaven that was given there and that was seen there Uh that that that is in heaven and was used as a pattern for the one on earth So we have jesus as a heavenly high priest we have the heavenly tabernacle and then of course once you notice there in verse three We have a heavenly sacrifice hebrews chapter 8 and verse 3 the bible says for every high priest is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices Whereof it is of necessity that this man have someone also to offer so every high priest Why are they a priest because they offer sacrifices? Well, of course jesus himself also Has to offer something as a high priest But his sacrifice is a better sacrifice and it's a heavenly sacrifice. If you kept your place in eephesians go back to eephesians 5 And look at verse number two eephesians chapter 5 in verse number two. Notice what the bible says eephesians 5 2 and walk in love As christ also have loved us And have given himself for us An offering and a sacrifice to god for a sweet smelling saver notice the bible says here that jesus Hath given himself for us. He not only was the one who offered the sacrifice He was the sacrifice. He's the lamb of god Who was slain? For our sins, so he hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice of god So in verses one two and three we see the heavenly model We see why it is that jesus has is a high priest with a better ministry. Why because he's a heavenly high priest He has a heavenly tabernacle. He has a heavenly sacrifice now Contrast that to the earthly shadow go back to hebrews 8 if you would look at verse 4 Hebrews chapter 8 and verse 4 the bible says this For if he were on earth notice that the view changes we go from talking about Jesus being set in the heavens As opposed to someone who is on earth verse 4 for if we were on earth He should not be a priest Seeing that there are priests that offer gifts according to the law I want you to understand what the writer of hebrews is saying here when he says seeing that there are priests That offer gifts according to the law and at the writing at the time of the writing of the book of hebrews There was an operational temple with a functional priesthood There was a temple still in jerusalem that the the temple had not yet been destroyed and there was a temple that was functioning With priests that were working in it sacrifices that were being done This is what the writer of hebrews is saying He says look if he were on earth He should not be a priest seeing that there are priests that offer gifts according to the law So he's he because he just got done explaining. Hey, there's a heavenly sanctuary with a heavenly high priest and A heavenly sacrifice he says but I understand that here on earth. There is uh, there are priests as well He says if he were on earth He should not be a priest because he says seeing that there are priests. He said I understand there are priests Uh today and this is the writer of hebrews writing in the first century. There's a temple that is still Functionable there is a priesthood that is still working But he brings us up to say I want you to understand where this came from look at verse five Who serve the current priest at that time? unto the example and shadow of heavenly things As moses was admonished of god when he was about to make the tabernacle for see Uh sayeth he that thou make all things according to the pattern showed to thee in the mountain I want you to notice that the writer of hebrews here is bringing up something that's actually brought up over and over again in the old testament and it is this that the earthly System the priesthood system the tabernacle the sacrifices all of that Was patterned after something that came before it right the order of melchizedek came before the order of Uh of the levites and the sanctuary was actually already in heaven You're there in hebrews 8 keep your place there go with me to exodus chapter 26 exodus chapter 26 The second book in the bible should be fairly easy to find Exodus chapter 26 and we'll try to do this as quickly as we can exodus 26 in verse 30 I want you to notice what the bible says here exodus 26 in verse 30 and thou shalt rear up the tabernacle And there's lots of verses we can look at on this subject But i'll just show you this one and thou shalt rear up the tabernacle according to the fashion thereof which was showed thee In the mount the bible here is telling us that when moses went up To the mount And he spent 40 days with god And he came down of course with the ten commandments and with this plan He came down with this idea that they were to build a tabernacle We're actually going to talk about that on sunday morning On the lord's day, but when when he came down the bible tells us that god actually showed him the tabernacle in heaven That he saw a vision of the tabernacle in heaven and he was told to rear up the tabernacle According to the fashion thereof which was showed thee in the mount So he was given a vision and he patterned The tabernacle here on earth based off that tabernacle go go back to hebrews chapter 8 Now you might ask yourself or you might think, you know, well, that's interesting. But what's the importance of that? The importance of understanding that the tabernacle the sacrifices the priesthood It was all patterned after That which moses gave us that what we see in The books of exodus and leviticus and numbers in deuteronomy all that was patterned after something that was showed to uh to Moses in heaven It's important for us to understand that all these things were given as a Pattern or a shadow of something that already existed in heaven Oftentimes as I was growing up in in a christian home and in church, I would often Ask myself what was even the point of the old testament and I didn't say that in with a bad attitude or any sort of way Other than just curiosity, you know, I would often think to myself why why even have the sacrifices? Why even have the tabernacle? Why even have the priesthood system? Why have an old covenant that had to be replaced with a new covenant? Why why didn't we just start or why didn't god just begin the whole thing with the lord? Jesus christ? and and and and and all of that but the answer to the question is this and and the way i've heard it explain which I think maybe it would help you to understand it or maybe it'll just help me to understand it Is that the old testament and the new testament when we're talking about the old covenant and the new covenant? And we're talking about the covenants Although you can definitely put the historical time frames of what we call the old testament and the new testament into that as well You have to think of it as a play uh with two different acts two different parts and Both acts stand on their own but yet are connected if you were to Watch a play and you sat through act one, but you did not Go through act two Then the play would be unfinished you would get to the end of act one But you would not be able to say that the story concluded that you understood how it all ended because there was another Act that you missed if you were to get uh miss act one if you were late To the theater and you only sat in for act two then there might be some things that you are missing Some background and storylines that you do not understand because In a play that has one and two acts these though. They stand separately are connected to each other You need them both you need the second act to conclude the first act and you need the first act to Understand the nuances of the storyline in the second act. This is what the old and new covenant is like if we would have started With the lord jesus christ if there was no mosaic law no nation of israel no None of that then it would have been extremely confusing for us if we would have just began With the lord jesus christ being born on earth and then all of a sudden there's a man named john And he says behold the lamb of god Which taketh away the sins of the world and there would have been no context for us to understand. What does that mean? There would have been no context for us to understand. What what does atonement mean? What does the fact that uh We need a sacrifice and that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin See all of these things were needed in heaven because here's what we know in heaven for all of eternity whether we understand it or not There's a mercy seat in heaven. There's a a high priest in heaven Of the order of milkins today There was a blood atonement that had to be done for the salvation Of our souls and all of that had to be done that way in heaven But in order for us to understand the heavenly because look jesus The bible says that he came in the fullness of the books the bible says that all the prophets gave witness To the lord jesus christ. Jesus is the point of the entire bible old and new testament But if we would have just began with jesus And we would have skipped act one Then there would have been no understanding As to why do we need a high priest? Why do we need a sacrifice? Why does it have to be shedding of blood? Why does it have to be a sprinkling of on the mercy? See, why do all all these things need to be explained or need to be done? None of that would have made sense but act one Was god portraying And was god Exemplifying for us look here's physically what needs to be done in heaven There's a tabernacle. There's a priest there's holiness. There's sin. There's atonement There's a sacrifice these things need to be done act one lays the context for act two act one says Hey, this is all foreshadows and examples of that which is to come and then when it comes it all makes sense That's why he gave us an old testament. That's why he gave us a levitical priesthood That's why he gave us these things. So it's important for us to understand when he says look These are all foreshadows of the heavenly The earthly high priest helps us to understand the heavenly high priest The earthly tabernacle helps us to understand the heavenly tabernacle The earthly sacrifice helps us to understand the eternal sacrifice of the lord. Jesus christ So we see number one that jesus Was a high priest with a better ministry and then i'd like to notice secondly This evening that jesus Is the mediator of a better covenant notice that there in hebrews chapter 8 and verse 6 hebrews 8 and verse number 6 the bible says this but now Have hath he obtained a more excellent ministry? We talked about that by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant Which was established? Upon better promises. Why don't you notice the bible says here that jesus is the mediator? Of a better covenant established upon better promises if you flip back to hebrews chapter 7 in verse number 22 hebrews 7 22 The bible says this by so much was jesus made a shorty of a better testament all throughout the bible And specifically the book of hebrews we're told that the new covenant is a better covenant. The new testament is a better testament established upon better problem better promises now What the writer of hebrews goes on to explain and remember he's writing to first century jewish believers explaining to them the purpose of the old the purpose of the new how we Translate from the old into the new and how these correlate and he begins by explaining that jesus is the mediator Not only is he a prime priest of a better ministry than the ministry of the old testament But he is the mediator of a better covenant than the covenant of the old testament and he begins by explaining this the problem with the old covenant required a new Notice there verse number seven hebrews 8 and verse 7 for if that first covenant Had been faultless He said if that first covenant didn't have problems Then should no place have been sought for the second Is that the fact that we needed a second act? Tells us that nothing was completed in the first act The fact that we needed a second covenant Tells us that there was something wrong with the old covenant if that first covenant had been faultless Then should no place have been sought for the second Now, let me just say this look at verse 8 Because I want to be clear about this the problem with the old covenant The problem with the fault in the old covenant was not in the covenant Notice verse 8 for finding fault with them He saith behold the days come saith the lord when I will make a new covenant with the house of israel and with the house of judah I want you to understand something in hebrews chapter 8 And verse 8 starting from the word behold In fact, if you don't mind writing in your bible, or if you're in the habit of marking in your bible I would encourage you right at the word behold to put quotation marks Because from hebrews chapter 8 and verse 8 right at that word behold for finding fault with them. He saith behold Begins a quotation from the book of jeremiah And it's actually a pretty lengthy look of quotation It goes from the word behold in verse number eight all the way down to the end of verse number 12 All of that is a quote from uh the old uh from the book of Jeremiah and i'm not going to take the time To to go through it because just for sake of time and there's food afterwards and all that We're going to go through all the verses here in hebrews chapter 8 But just for your notes It's quoting jeremiah 31 verses 31 through 34 hebrews chapter 8 in the middle of verse 8 Down to hebrews chapter 8 and verse 12 is a new testament quote from the old testament passage of jeremiah 31 31 through jeremiah 31 34 like I said, I won't have you turn there just for sake of time But I want you to be aware that that is a a quote but go back to verse 8 We're going to walk through we won't look at it in jeremiah. You can do that on your own if you'd like But we'll look at it here in hebrews. Notice what he says in hebrews 8 and verse 8 for finding fault with them He saith behold the days come saith the lord when I will make a new covenant With the house of israel and with the house of judah not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers That's a reference to the old covenant or the old testament In the days when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of egypt Of course, we know that moses brought the children of israel out of egypt and on mount sinai God made a covenant with the children of israel and that's what he's referring to. Look at the last part of verse 9 though because They continued not in my covenant And I regarded them not saith the lord Why don't you notice that the problem with the old covenant was not the covenant it was the people The problem was not the system. The problem was the people who were not keeping the system That's why he says there at the beginning of verse 8 for finding fault with them and at the end of verse 9 Because they continued not in my covenant and I regarded them not saith the lord So we see that there was a problem with the old covenant the problem with the old covenant Required a new covenant if there was no fault found with the old covenant Then there would have been no need for a new covenant as a logical Argument being made here by the writer of hebrews and then he says but please understand that the problem With the old covenant was not with the covenant, but it was with the people Finding fault with them because they continued not in my covenant. Here's what you need to understand It's funny. My wife and I were just talking about this this afternoon about something else And i'll maybe preach a sermon about it at some point but it's interesting to me that God's plan works God's system works The way that god is designed for us to live our lives it all works and when we see it fall apart, it does not fall apart because God was flawed in his planning or thinking or in in the way that he's instructed us It falls apart because of us Because we mess it up So there was no problem with the old covenant the problems with the people for finding fault with them Because they continued not in my covenant. Let me just say this if things aren't working in your life. It's not god's fault. It's our fault sinful man's fault So we see That there was a problem with the old covenant And then he talks about the benefit of the new covenant and we're still in this Quote from jeremiah, so just keep it in mind that he's quoting the prophet jeremiah But notice what he says here in verse number 10 hebrews chapter 8 in verse 10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of israel after those days saith the lord I will put my laws into their mind And write them in their hearts And I will be to them a god and they shall be to me a people this is brought up Throughout the book of hebrews look at it. It's brought up in chapter 10. Look at hebrews chapter 10 and verse 16 hebrews 10 to 16 This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days saith the lord I will put my laws into their hearts and in their minds will I write them? So notice that the bible says here one of the benefits Of the new covenant Is that he says that he will put my laws into their mind and write them in their heart That's a benefit of the new covenant And then he says this I will be to them a god and they shall be to me a people So what is the benefit what is this referring to and what it is referring to? It is referring to the indwelling of the holy ghost the indwelling of the holy spirit The fact that in the new testament we have the indwelling of the holy spirit of god So god says I will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts Let's just run a couple of cross references real quickly go to second corinthians chapter six If you would second corinthians chapter six if you go backwards from ephesians you kept your place in ephesians to go backwards You'll go pascalatians into second corinthians chapter six second corinthians chapter six And let me just show you this because in hebrews 8 10 the last part of verse 10 He says I will be to them a god and they shall be to me a people Second corinthians chapter six look at verse 15 and what conquered hath christ with belial? Or what part had he that believeth with an infidel and of course he's been talking about that since a few verses But we won't look at that for sake of time verse 16 and what agreement at the temple of god with idols Notice what he says for here the temple of the living god As god has said I will dwell in them and walk in them. I will be their god and they shall be my people So hebrews 8 10 says I will be to them a god and they shall be to me a people hebrews 8 10 is quoting jeremiah 31 second corinthians 6 16 I will be their god and they shall be my people is quoting jeremiah 31 Second corinthians 6 16 tells us that the context of that is ye are the temple of the living god You and I are the temple in the new testament. I think we talked about this last week in the old testament They had a temple in the new testament. You are a temple In the old testament the old covenant was a corporate system It was god's system given to an entire nation where the nation had a temple the nation had a priesthood But the new testament is not a corporate covenant, but a personal covenant. You are the temple and you are the priest And you have the holy spirit of god indwelling you Which is what he's referring to when he says one of the benefits of the new because remember What are we talking about? Jesus is the mediator of a better covenant What makes it better? What makes it better is that in the new covenant? He has written he has put his laws into our minds and he has written them in our hearts How has he done that through the holy spirit of god that indwells us? through the indwelling of the holy spirit Look at hebrews 8 and verse 11 He says this And they shall not teach every man his neighbor Now this is not saying that you shouldn't have somebody teach you or you don't you don't need to have a pastor This is not a statement against anybody teaching you the word of god But what he's saying here is they shall not teach every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying know the lord For all shall know me from the least to the greatest this is within the context of Having the holy spirit of god indwell the temple of the believer. What is he saying? Here's what he's saying the benefits of the new covenant are that you have the indwelling of the holy ghost And the benefit of the new covenant is that the holy ghost that indwells you will teach you the word of god In the old covenant They had the priest had to teach the people to not have access to god The only access they had to god was through the levitical priesthood But here we're told that in the new covenant They shall not teach every man his neighbor or have need to teach every man his neighbor And every man his brother saying know the lord for all shall know me from the least to the greatest Let's look at a verse first john chapter two just real quickly you go backwards from revelation You have jude then third john second john first john first john chapter two Look at verse number 27 first john chapter two verse 27 Notice what the bible says here first john 227, but the anointing The word anointing here or anoint means is referring to the holy spirit I don't have time to develop that you can study that on your own but all throughout the bible The holy spirit is equated to oil and oil is what you use for anointing you would Anoint someone with oil the oil would be poured upon them the bible talks about the holy spirit coming upon individuals This is what's being spoken of here first. John 227, but the anointing which he have received of him notice This abideth in you in dwelling of the holy spirit And ye need not that any man teach you But as the same anointing teacheth you of all things and is truth and is no lie And even as it hath taught you ye shall abide in him the bible says that because you and I as new testament believers We have the holy spirit of god ye need not that any man teach you now again This is not saying don't let anybody teach you It's not a statement against someone teaching you but what it's saying is that you don't need someone to teach you Access to god is not limited to a spiritual leadership or spiritual priesthood Access to god is given to every individual through the holy spirit of god And the truth is this that god has given us the book of ephicheus says that god has given you pastors And teachers for the perfecting of the saint for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of christ Obviously god gave you a pastor to teach you the word of god and to help you go further faster But the truth is this there's nothing that I preach behind this pulpit that you could not learn On your own with the holy spirit of god and a king james bible You have access to the same knowledge of wealth and look all throughout history Religions have tried to keep people's knowledge at bay have tried to make it so that people could not understand That's why they had services in latin when nobody spoke latin Because they wanted to keep the knowledge. What do we do here? We tell you hey read nine chapters a day read the word of god Now the truth is this that we all may be and obviously we all are in different stages Of christian maturity and understanding I understand that we're all in different levels And i'm going to understand things from the word of god that maybe you Don't see just because of the fact that i've been doing it longer. I've been reading it longer I've been studying it longer. We understand that we're all at different levels of maturity and understanding But the truth is this that we all have access to the same Biblical knowledge because we all have the same holy spirit and we all have the same word of god And that is a benefit of the new covenant It's not saying you shouldn't have somebody teach you but the truth is this Ye have need that no man teach you ye need not that any man teach you If you found yourself stranded on an island somewhere with a king james bible You could study the word of god and and learn it and understand it and have everything you need Just with your bible and the holy spirit Ye need not that any man teach you but that the same anointing teacheth you of all things oftentimes when it Gets around your birthday or whatever People will ask questions like what would you like? What would you like for your birthday? And it's nice and it's kind and I understand why people ask it and it's a it's a nice gesture Every year though. I I think to myself and and and please understand i'm not trying to be up here ultra spiritual or whatever I you know, I feel like I have everything I need I I don't there there's really not And I know some of you don't live this way But I can honestly tell you there's nothing in my heart that I think if I only had this I would be happy, you know, i've got I've got everything I need And and and and I praise the lord for it and what I often think to myself when people and look I understand people are kind And gifts and all that that's that's very nice But oftentimes when people ask me the question, I don't say this when people ask me a question. What would you like? What would you like? I think to myself What I want can't be purchased with money It it can't be picked up at a store You know, what I want is for my wife to be happy What I want is for my children to live for god But i'll say as a pastor what I want Is for you to know the lord It's for you to have a genuine walk with god It's for you to have happy marriages For you to live with god and walk with god what what I want Is for you to know the lord And the truth is this Because you and I are privileged to live in the new testament We all can't We have access to the holy spirit of god and we have access to the word of god So what are you doing with it? You can't buy the holy spirit And the word of god is everywhere You need not that any man teach you You Because you have the holy spirit of god indwelling you So use it Go back to hebrews chapter 8 Look at verse number 12 He's talking about the benefits of the new covenant notice what he says For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness And their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more praise the lord for that Salvation And he ends by saying this in verse 13 in that he saith a new covenant He hath made the first old He says the fact that he brought a new covenant it automatically made the first covenant the old covenant He says in that he saith a new covenant. He hath made the first old Now that which decayeth and waxeth the word wax means to grow old notice these words Is ready to vanish away Now remember at the right at the time of the writing of the book of hebrews There was still an operational temple There was still a functional priesthood It will be gone in a matter of decades We know history tells us that 70 a.d The roman empire comes in destroys the temple and gets rid of the priesthood and it's never came back since But the writer of hebrews is saying look the new covenant Makes the old covenant Go away He says it's ready to vanish away That's what the writer of hebrews said in the first century. I'm here to tell you in the 21st century. It's done vanished away It's gone The old covenant is gone. Why because jesus is the high priest of a better ministry And he is the mediator of a better covenant What's interesting to me? Is that christians today so-called christians today? You have people who say they claim the name of christ But yet they won't let that old covenant go You know the seventh day of venice the masonic jews the hebrew roots movement The black hebrew israelites the seventh day baptists They need to understand that look they need to get a hold of this verse In that he saith a new covenant he hath made the first old Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away They want to emphasize the old covenant, but here's the truth. The old covenant was just the first act It's not the end of the story It was just the first part of the story To help us understand the second act the climax the conclusion Because it's always been about the lord. Jesus christ. Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer heavenly father Thank you lord for your word Thank you for the bible And lord, I pray you'd help us to just understand these things and understand these truths lord. I pray that you would Continue to help our church and bless our church Lord I pray you'd help us to take access Of the benefits Of the new testament We can know god We can walk with him and talk with him We can be like enoch who walked with god like noah who walked with god Help us to take advantage of it lord Help us to not waste the opportunity we have in the matchless name of christ we pray Amen All right. Well, we're gonna have brother moses come up and lead us in a final song I just again want to say thank you to all of you who? Participated with the potluck and the different things. It's very kind of you my wife and I love you very much We're praying for you. If there's anything that we can do for you. Just know we're always here for you My brother moses come up and lead us in a final song My brother moses come up and lead us in a final song Turn your song books to page number 149 Page number 149 we're gonna sing trusting jesus Page 149 trusting jesus and let's go ahead and sing it out on the verse Trusting every day Trusting through a stormy way Even when my faith is small Trusting jesus that is all Trusting as the moments fly Trusting as the days go by Trusting him whatever befall Trusting jesus that is all 49 let's sing it out on the second Trusting as the moments fly Trusting as the days go by Trusting him whatever befall Trusting jesus that is all Singing if my way is clear Praying if the path be true If in danger for him call Trusting jesus that is all Trusting as the moments fly Trusting as the days go by Trusting him whatever befall Trusting jesus that is all Trusting jesus that is all Trusting him while life shall last Trusting him till earth be past Till within the jesper wall Trusting jesus that is all Trusting jesus that is all The moments fly Trusting as the days go by Trusting him whatever befall Trusting jesus that is all Keep us safe, and in Jesus' name I pray, amen. 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