(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you're there in 1st Samuel chapter 6 I'd like you to flip over to 2nd Samuel chapter 6 if you would not mind 2nd Samuel chapter 6 and I'd like you to look down at verse number 1 in 1st Samuel 6 you actually read the first part of this story that kind of continues here in 2nd Samuel chapter 6 and I want to just by way of introduction just kind of give you a real quick Bible study regarding this specific story and then I'm gonna give you some some practical applications from the story but just to catch you up on the story here of what's happening here in 2nd Samuel chapter 6 if you look at verse 1 the Bible says again David gathered together all the chosen men of Israel 30,000 and David arose and went with all the people that were with him from Bali of Judah to bring up from thence the Ark of God and I want you to notice that this is what the story is about it is about the transportation of the Ark of God and what David is doing here is a good thing he wants to bring up the Ark of God whose name is called by the name of the Lord of hosts that dwells between the cherubims notice there verse 3 and they set the ark of God upon a new car and again I just want you to notice that the main emphasis of the story has to do with the transportation of the ark and if you're not familiar with the ark known in the Bible as the Ark of the Covenant this was a piece of furniture a very precious holy piece of furniture that in the temple or in the tabernacle represented the presence of God and the children of Israel we read about it there in 1st Samuel chapter 6 had actually lost the Ark of the Covenant as a result of a war with the Philistines and there was all sorts of different things that happened with the ark while with the Philistines but the Philistines have now sent the ark back and it's just kind of been waiting at this certain location and David the king of Israel gets it upon his heart that the ark needs to be brought back to its proper location look at verse 3 again and they set the ark of God upon a new cart and brought it out of the house of Abinadab that was in Gibeah and Uzzah and Ahio the son of Abinadab drave the new cart looked out at verse 6 and when they came to Nacon's threshing floor Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God and took hold of it notice the last part of verse 6 for the oxen shook it I want you to get this picture in your story we have the ark of God which is the most valuable piece of furniture for the nation of Israel it represents the presence of God it's what was held in the holy of holies in the tabernacle it's what led the children of Israel through the wilderness and through the promised land and this ark has been lost is now been returned they want to bring it back to its proper place they put it on a cart and they begin to head in that direction but as they're going down the road the Bible says in verse 6 that the oxen shook it because the oxen shook it and because it seemed like the ark of God the most precious most holy most important piece of furniture for the nation because it seemed like it might fall the Bible says there in verse 6 that this man Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God and took hold of it I want you to notice that Uzzah he puts his hand out to stabilize the ark to keep it from falling and you know I wrote in my notes his heart was in the right place but his hand was not and he put his hand out to take hold of the ark notice verse 7 and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah and God smote him there for his error and there he died by the ark of God this is a pretty serious offense God was so angry that Uzzah would reach out his hand to touch the ark that the Bible says that right then and there God smote him and God killed him God took his life for his error now if you're not familiar with the story or if you've not really heard the story in the past this might seem a little confusing to you you might wonder why it is that God would take the life of this man Uzzah when he was obviously trying to do a good thing he was trying to keep the ark from falling his heart was in the right place when he chose to reach out his hand and touch the ark this might seem odd to you if you're not familiar with the story but what I want you to understand that within the story there is a context that is already understood by God or God has this thought in this story that you should already know something from the Word of God now you here this morning may or may not know it so I'd like to share it with you like I said by way of introduction keep your place there in 2nd Samuel chapter 6 that's going to be our text for this morning but go back with me if you would to the book of Numbers chapter 4 keep your place in 2nd Samuel if you start at the beginning of the Bible you have the book of Genesis Exodus Leviticus and then the book of Numbers chapter 4 let me say this to the Verity Baptist Church family here this morning I realize that you've heard the sermon before you probably don't remember it so that's fine and even if you do remember you probably need to hear it twice anyway so we're just gonna go with it alright Numbers chapter 4 here's what's missing in the story if you read the story and you don't understand it or you kind of scratch your head and you think why did God get so mad why was God so upset why did God take the life of this man Uzzah what's missing in the story and what God kind of assumes is that by the time you're reading 2nd Samuel chapter 6 he assumes that you've already read Numbers chapter 4 because God wants every Christian to read the Bible cover to cover he wants every Christian to wake up every day and open up the Word of God and read it so God assumes that you already have read Numbers chapter 4 before you've gotten to 2nd Samuel chapter 6 and he assumes that you would why it is that he took the life of Uzzah but let me share it with you or show it to you here in Numbers chapter 4 now in Numbers chapter 4 we have the children of Israel we're actually studying through the book of Numbers on Sunday night at our church in Sacramento and if you if you're familiar with the book of Numbers especially the first 11 chapters you know that the 11 chapters at the beginning of the book of Numbers have to do with the children of Israel getting ready to journey through the wilderness they're getting ready to begin their their journey through the wilderness to the Promised Land of course the book of Numbers tells us that many things went wrong and they ended up wandering in the wilderness for 40 years as a result of their unbelief and sin but in chapter 4 we're still in that preparation stage where they're getting ready to go look at verse 15 Numbers chapter 4 verse 15 and when Aaron and his sons had made an end of covering the sanctuary and all the vessels of the sanctuary as the camp is to set forward after that the sons of Kohath the sons of Kohath are one of the three families that makes up the tribe of Levi and the Bible says here that the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it it was the job of the sons of Kohath of the tribe of Levi notice to bear it to bear what to bear the art it was their job to physically carry the ark they were to bear it notice what it says there verse 15 but they shall not touch any holy thing they say well why does God tell them hey you are to bear it he says I want you to cover it there verse 15 and when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the the sanctuary says I want you to cover it and then you're gonna bear it you're gonna pick it up and they would literally put poles on either side of the ark and they would pick it up and hold it on their shoulders as they walked and bore it through the desert and he tells them specifically they shall not touch any holy thing notice there verse 15 lest they die these things are burdensome of the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation look at verse 18 same chapter numbers 4 verse 18 he says cut ye not off the tribe of the family of the Kohathites that's a biblical way of God telling Moses don't kill the Kohathites from among the Levites look at verse 19 but thus do unto them that they may live and not die when they approach unto the most holy things Aaron and his son shall go in and appoint them every one of his services and to his burdens verse 20 but they shall not go in to see when the holy things are covered notice the words again lest they die God gave instructions in the book of Numbers and he gave specific instructions as to how the furniture of the of the sanctuary was to be transported he said it was supposed to be carried it was supposed to be something that the Kohathites would bear it on their shoulders and they were to cover it they weren't even to look at it they were definitely not to touch it and God said make sure they don't touch it lest they die that they may live and not die see all the way in the book of Numbers God already gave the instructions as to how they were to transport the ark and that no one under any circumstance was supposed to touch it go to 1st Chronicles chapter 15 you're there in Numbers you can lose your place in Numbers continue to keep your place in 2nd Samuel if you would and then go to 1st Chronicles chapter 15 if you have your place in 2nd Samuel after 2nd Samuel you have 1st and 2nd Kings and then you have 1st Chronicles 2nd Samuel 1st and 2nd Kings and then Chronicles do me a favor keep your place in 1st Chronicles as well we're gonna go back and forth between 2nd Samuel chapter 6 and 1st Chronicles chapter 15 so make sure you can get there but I want you to notice in 1st Chronicles 15 we have what's known as a parallel passage it is a parallel account of the same story the same story we read up in 2nd Samuel chapter 6 we read up in 1st Chronicles 15 but in 1st Chronicles 15 we have it told in a different way and we're giving different details and we can compare these stories together and learn some things I want you to notice in 1st Chronicles 15 in verse 13 the Bible says this is what David said at the end of this story so David decides to transport the ark he decides to put it on a cart as they're traveling down the road with the ark the oxen stumble the ark looks like it's going to fall this is most valuable piece of furniture in the nation of Israel the most holy artifact that literally represents the presence of God a man by the name of Uzzah whose heart was in the right place but hand was in the wrong place chose to touch the ark to stabilize it to keep it from falling but hundreds of years later God had already told the children of Israel how it is that they were to transport the ark and specifically that no one was to touch it lest they die so when Uzzah touches the ark the Bible tells us that the anger of the Lord is kindled against Uzzah and he kills him right then and there at the end of the story we'll get to it David figures out what they did wrong and he does it right he gets the ark to where it's supposed to be but here's David's comments or commentary on this episode 1st Chronicles 15 13 he says for because and he's talking to the Levite who are supposed to transport the ark he says for because ye did it not at the first he said because we didn't have you the Levites transport the ark the Lord our God made a breach upon us for that we sought him and I want you to notice this little phrase and I just love this little phrase he says for we sought him not after the due order now I want you to notice that the emphasis of the story is this that it's not just enough to seek after God it's not just enough to try to do the right thing I think all of us could agree that David was trying to do a good thing Uzzah was trying to do a good thing all of them were seeking after God they're trying to bring the ark of God back to its proper location they were all doing a good thing but they did not seek God after the due order see the Bible teaches that it's not just enough to do the right thing but that we must do the right thing the right way I want to speak to you this morning on the subject of doing things the right way I'd like to give you seven statements from this story seven principles from this story to help you in your life when you are attempting to maybe do something and and and hopefully it's a good thing that you are not only doing it doing the right thing but that you are doing it the right way keep your place there in 1st Chronicles 15 go back to 2nd Samuel chapter 6 if you were if you would I'd like to give you seven statements this morning and like Pastor Pozarnsky announced there's a place on your course or in your bulletin on the back for you to be able to take some notes and I would encourage you to maybe jot these down and I want to say this that the reason I'm preaching the sermon or and or what inspired me to want to preach this sermon this weekend I thought I was coming to a wedding for brother Garrett and Miss Maddie and what inspired me is that you know this Friday brother Garrett Pozarnsky and Miss Maddie were married in holy matrimony they were united in holy matrimony and you know when I think of this young couple I think of here's a young couple who did a good thing but more than that they've done it in the right way you know and and of course we're all sinners and no one's perfect but but here you have an example of a young couple that I think every young person that's not married in this in this in this building should look at them as an example of someone who not only did a good thing but they did in a right way they did in a proper way they did in a in a way that their parents could be proud of that they're that their pastor could be proud of that a former pastor could be proud of and and and when I when I think of this weekend I think of these two young people just doing things doing the right things but not just doing the right thing doing it in the right way so I'd like to speak to you this morning on this subject doing things in the right way I'd like to give you seven statements notice there if you can go back to second chapter six I can notice verse one second chapter six in verse one let's dissect the story and learn some things from it together this morning second chapter six in verse one the Bible says this again David gathered together now we're going back to the beginning of the story all right so let's look at the things that were done and the failures that took place that brought us to this place with his man as a lost his life in verse one the Bible says again David gathered together I want you to notice this word all David gathered together all the chosen men of Israel now when the Bible says here that David gathered together all the chosen men of Israel this is not an exaggeration he really did gather together all the chosen men of Israel notice in the next phrase we're told how many of these men he gathered together the Bible says 30,000 I don't know if you can really comprehend what 30,000 people would look like in but that's a big number maybe if you've ever gone to I don't know the San Francisco Giants game the arena they have there in San Francisco I think that holds 15,000 so think of that arena full times two that's how many people David gathered so when the Bible says that David gathered together all the chosen men of Israel he 30,000 he gathered a lot of people he I'm sure he did gather all the chosen men of Israel look at verse two and David arose and went notice with all the people so a lot of people it's not David and three guys is David and 30,000 men he went with all the people that were with him from Bailey of Judah and what did he go to do to bring up from thence the ark of God this is a good thing by the way this is what God wanted God wanted the ark to come back to the children of Israel and he wanted it back in the sanctuary he goes to do a good thing and he goes to do it with a lot of people all the chosen men of Israel 30,000 he went with all the people keep your place there second Samuel chapter 6 flip back to 1st Chronicles not chapter 15 but go to chapter 13 1st Chronicles chapter 13 and the story takes place over a period of chapters chapter 13 and 15 in 1st Chronicles notice 1st Chronicles chapter 13 and verse 1 notice the emphasis here 1st Chronicles 13 and verse 1 and David consulted with the captains of thousands and hundreds and with every leader once you notice David was not doing this on his own he didn't just decide one day hey I'm gonna do this I'm not gonna ask for counsel I'm not gonna ask anybody else no no no he consulted with captains of thousands and hundreds and with every leader and by the way let me say this the Bible says that in the multitude of counselors there's wisdom so it's a good thing to try to get advice from other people and counsel and try to get a second opinion all these things were a good thing look at verse 2 and David said unto all the congregation of Israel if it seemed good unto you he gathered 30,000 men he's looking at these men and he says hey what do you guys think about this if it seemed good unto you that it be of the Lord our God let us send abroad unto our brethren everywhere that are left in all the land of Israel and with them also to the priests and Levi which are in their cities and suburbs that we may gather themselves that they may gather themselves unto us notice the emphasis is a big group they're gathering themselves he's talking to 30,000 men and he says let's go find our brethren everywhere all the priests all the Levites that they may gather themselves unto us verse 3 and let us bring again the ark of God to us for we inquired not at it at the days of Saul and notice again the emphasis verse 4 all the congregation said that they would do so notice the emphasis verse 4 for the thing was right in the eyes of all the people I want you to notice that when David set out to do this David set out to go bring the ark put it on a cart bring it to its proper location and when a man by the name of Uzzah when he lost his life as a result of these actions it was not David on his own but David and everyone else agreed with him everyone else thought this is a good idea everyone else said the thing was right the Bible says the thing was right in the eyes of all the people but it was wrong in the eyes of God your statement number one if you'd like to write these down when it comes to doing things the right way here's statement number one it doesn't matter how many people agree with you make sure God agrees with you it doesn't matter how many people are telling you yeah I think that's a good idea it doesn't matter how many friends how many co-workers how many of your girlfriends are telling you yeah leave him go ahead and just get a divorce it doesn't matter how many people are telling you that something is a good idea because the way that we should make decisions is this not by how many people agree with you but does God agree with you and though it is wise to ask for counsel and it is wise to ask people and and and the way by the way let me say this you gotta ask right people don't ask your friends that are all been divorced three times whether or not you should work on your marriage okay why don't you ask somebody has been married aren't you ask somebody like Pastor Brzezinski and Miss Heidi who've been married for a long time they have a happy marriage they've raised some godly children hey ask him what you think so there's nothing wrong with asking for counsel make sure you're asking the right people and at the end of the day even if everyone else tells you it's right it doesn't matter how many people agree with you make sure that God agrees with you here's what the Bible says you have to turn to these passages in fact you go back to second Samuel if you would let me just read these verses for you Exodus 23 2 says this thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil judges 17 6 says in those days there was no king in Israel that is a reference to leadership there was no leadership you hear at whole fast Baptist Church you have a pastor you have a leader and when you bypass your God-given authority and your leader the Bible says there was no king in Israel but every man did that which was right in his own eyes Proverbs 16 25 says this there is a way which seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death and we need to get it down look I don't know what you are doing in life or where you are in life I know this that if you're not making a decision right now you will come to a point in your life where you have to make a decision and you may even be trying to do the right thing but you've got to decide in your mind in your heart that it does not matter how many people agree with you it doesn't matter how many of your Facebook friends are telling you yeah do that yeah go there yeah take that job that's gonna pull you away from church or marry that person that's not safe and not living for God or go ahead and get a divorce you deserve better or whatever advice it is it doesn't matter how many people are agreeing with what you want to do you've got to decide and you've got to make sure and you've got to seek whether God agrees with you what does God think of the matter because the truth is this most people are wrong most people are incorrect I remember as a young boy my dad giving my brother and I instructions and he would reference Matthew chapter 7 and verse 13 you don't have to turn there the Bible says enter ye in at the straight gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there at because straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it I remember my dad as a young as a young boy teaching us and telling us look if you're ever not sure what's right or what's wrong if you're never not sure what decision you should or shouldn't make if you're never if you're ever not sure what's the right thing to do just know this by and large what most people are doing is wrong so when most people are when a multitude is running to drink or smoke or fornicate or do this or do that look just realize by and large what most people are doing it's wrong because broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there at so here's statement number one for you it doesn't matter how many people agree with you make sure God agrees with you now it's wise to get counsel it's wise to get advice it's wise to try to ask godly people and serious people and people that are succeeding in life for some advice but before you even go there before you go and try to get because look here's the truth you can find someone to agree with you no matter what decision you're trying to make you can find that's why I'm against the Bible of the Month Club where people want to well I'll read the King James and I'll read the ESV and I'll read the NIV and a lot of times what people are doing is they're just trying to find a Bible version that agrees with them or skip it around from this church to that church let me ask this pastor and that pastor why because they're just trying to find the pastor's gonna agree with them look the truth is this whatever decision you want to make whatever choice you want to make you can find enough people to agree with you but you need to realize that it does not matter how many people agree with you you must make sure and we must always make sure that God agrees with you and by the way let me say this if God agrees with you it doesn't matter how many people disagree with you if God before us who can be against us so statement number one it doesn't matter how many people agree with you make sure God agrees with you here's statement number two like you notice that there in second Samba chapter six second Samba chapter six in verse two the Bible says this and David arose and went with all the people that were with him from Bailey of Judah to bring up from thence the ark of God whose name is called by the name of the Lord of hosts that dwelleth between the cherubims and they set the ark of God upon a new card they set the ark of God upon a new card and when I read that I have to ask this question and you need to ask this question where did they get this idea from where did this idea of using a cart to transport the ark where did it come from because again if you've read the book of Leviticus if you've read the book of Numbers if you've read the book of Deuteronomy if you know anything about the history of the children of Israel you which David should know which these thirty thousand men should know they should know that historically throughout history the ark has been born upon the shoulders of the Levites this is something they should be aware of they should know that the ark has always been carried by four Levites carried upon their shoulders but here the Bible says that they set the ark of God upon a new cart you gotta ask the question where do you get the idea for the new cart notice and brought it out of the house of Abinadab that was in Gibeah and Azah and Aharoh the sons of Abinadab drove the new cart we'll go back to first Samuel chapter six is the passage we read before the service first time is chapter six and let me show you where they got the idea for the new cart first time in chapter six in verse one first time in chapter six in verse one the Bible says and the ark of the Lord was in the country of the Philistines now if you're not familiar with the Bible let me just say this the Philistines bad guys enemies of the Lord heathen not godly people not God's people and the ark of the Lord was in the country of the Philistines seven months and the Philistines called for the priests and the divider saying what shall we do to the ark of the Lord tell us wherewith we shall send it to his place and I don't have time to go through all the details but when the Philistines when the Philistines stole the ark of God they they conquered the children of Israel in battle and they stole the ark of God they took it to humiliate the children of Israel because they knew that the ark was special to them and they took it as as as a treasure as bounty from the war when they took the ark of God what they did was they placed it in front of the image or the statute of their God Dagon next day they woke up and Dagon the statue of Dagon had fallen over and was fallen over almost in a sense worshipping the ark they thought hmm that's odd wonder how that happened maybe we left the window open a draft was to came in our God fell down let us help get our God up you know if you have to help your God get up you need a different God so they pick him up set him in front of the ark go about the day go to bed wake up the next day the Dagon again is fallen prostrate in front of the ark but this time his hands are cut off and his head is cut off and they said wait a minute and then I don't want to go into all the details but the Bible says that God curses them and gives them all emerons that's the biblical term I won't give you the modern term but I'm sure you could figure it out he gives them emerons and they'd say we got to get rid of this thing we don't want this thing around us anymore look at verse 7 notice what the Philistines did first time in chapter 6 verse 7 now therefore this is the Philistine speaking they're saying we got to get rid of the ark they said what shall we do to the ark of the Lord tell us whether we shall send it to his place verse 7 they said now therefore make a new cart you know what David got the idea to put the ark on a cart he got it from the Philistines the Philistines said let us therefore make a new cart and take too much kind on which there has come no yoke and tie the kind to the cart and bring their calves home from them they got got please understand this God's people the children of Israel the Old Testament saints David and the Levites and the priests they decided they're gonna do a good thing they decided they're gonna bring the ark of God back to the promised land and back to its proper place and back to its proper location but they got an idea from the Philistines they got an idea from the world as to how to do it they said the Philistines transported it on an ark so how about we make an ark your statement number two for you you're taking notes this morning statement number two I said number one it doesn't matter how many people agree with you make sure that God agrees with you here's statement number two we shouldn't be looking for new methods from the world we should stick to the old methods from God we shouldn't be looking for new ideas from the world today we are here celebrating the two-year anniversary of this church hold fast Baptist Church and let me tell you why it is that a church like this is so unique and a church like this is so important and a church like this is so needed and let me tell you something if I lived in Fresno or if I live within driving distance of this church this is the church that I would go to you say why just because you're friends with Pastor Brzezinski or just because you guys started this church well no I would say this the reason that we even started this church is because today most churches are trying to do what anyone would consider is a good thing but they're doing it in a very wrong way they're doing it in a very worldly way today the average liberal fun center type of church where you walk in and it feels like a casino and the service starts and it feels like a rock concert and the preaching starts and it's one verse and three stories and it's five minutes when you got an hour and a half rock concert you know what they're trying to do a quote unquote good thing but they're using the new current of the world they're trying to be as worldly as possible they're trying to look like the world feel like the world they're trying to transport the word of God upon the Philistines we don't need a new cart of the new card of the modern Bible version that's why a church like hold fast Baptist Church that stands on the King James Bible and says this is the word of God it is inspired it is in there and it is the word of God hey it's been good for 400 years we don't need a new car let me a new card of the modern Bible versions let me say we don't need a new card of the contemporary Christian music we don't need a rock concert we're supposed to be impressed today that these mega churches we're supposed to be impressed that they have thousands of people that show up to their church service and I'm supposed to be impressed like like I'm supposed to be impressed with TD Jakes or Joe Lowstein or something and I think to myself well that's funny because rock bands have thousands of people show up for them every week there's nothing spiritual about it there's nothing impressive about the fact that you got a rock band to play music and people show up you know it's impressive when you stand up and you preach the word of God and you sing the old hymns and you keep the lights on and you have a man of God behind the pulpit preaching the word of God and anyone shows up and says that's impressive we don't need the new card of modern Bible versions we don't need the new card of contemporary Christian music hey let me say this we don't need the new card of modern lifestyle evangelism is that what do we need we need what we did yesterday for for several hours we need soul winners to go out in the community and open their mouth boldly and make known the mystery of God we need knocking on doors preaching the gospel confronting people the gospel Lord Jesus Christ hey we don't need some new modern fad we don't we don't need to be dropping fliers we're not the United States Postal Service we're supposed to be spirit filled soul winners I'm just telling you that today there are often those who are looking for the new methods from the world they're looking for a new cart they're trying to do a good thing but they're doing it a long way nice admit to you this morning that we should stick to the old methods from the Word of God we don't need drama teams we need preaching and by the way you say it does not just apply to church hey forget about the new modern marriage stop reading all these books on marriage and what the world tells you about marriage don't get any advice from the world regarding marriage they don't even understand the basic principles that a man marries a woman if they don't if they can't even get that right get rid of the cart stop taking their advice you know the Bible says the Bible says that the husband should be the head of the home and he should be spiritual and he should love his wife and the Bible says that husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it and the Bible doesn't teach that men should be abusive or abusing their their role as as leader because they should love their wife like Christ loved the church that's a sacrificial love but you know the Bible also says that wives are to submit to their husbands I'm just telling you for years and years and years and years and years in this country when people understood what the Bible taught about marriage we had people that that would be married and stay married look it doesn't even matter if you're a Christian or not my wife her grandparents were were Catholics and when she tried to get him saved and and and we tried to get him saved they they never got saved as far as we we know but they but they were good people and you know they're married I don't even know honey how long were your grandparents married for 57 years that's unheard of today today people just you know they they they they come in and out of marriages like they come in and out of Ubers I mean it's it's look forget about the new card of marriage forget about the new card of child rearing this whole or the psychology and you got to put him on time just do what the Bible says and I mean you do what the Bible says you discipline your children like the Bible says you invest in your children like the Bible says you bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord like the Bible says and you can have a weekend like two godly families had this last Friday where you can see a young man and a young lady walk down the aisle and do it right forget about the new cart of the world we don't need the new cart we should be looking for a we should not be looking for new methods from the world we should just stick to what the Bible says in the old paths of the Bible go back to second Samuel chapter 6 second Samuel chapter 6 look at verse 4 let me give you the third statement first Samuel chapter 6 in verse 4 and they brought it out of the house of Abinadab which was that Gibeah this is where the ark landed when the Philistines brought it accompanying the ark of God and Ohio went before the ark look at verse 5 and David and all the house of Israel I want you to notice this they put the ark on a cart they're doing a good thing but they're doing it in the wrong way they start to go down the road with the ark of God in the cart of the Philistines doing exactly what God told them not to do but I want you to notice they're very happy look at verse 5 and David and all the house of Israel played before the Lord on all manner of instruments made of fur wood even on harps and on salt trees and on timbrels and on coordinates and on cymbals I want you to notice and by the way let me just say this sometimes people will get a little upset like well should you be preaching against these megachurts I mean they're worshipping God they've got their music and they're just they're just worshipping the Lord worshipping the Lord on Sunday morning when they were getting drunk on Saturday night worshipping the Lord on Sunday morning when they were fornicating on Saturday night we tell you something the Bible says that we should raise up hands unto the Lord holy hands not hands that were just holding on to drugs the night before and here these people are worshipping I mean they're playing before the Lord on all manner of instruments made of fur wood and even on harps and on salt trees and on timbrels and on coordinates and cymbals they are happy here's statement number three for you I said number one it doesn't matter how many people agree with you make sure God agrees with you I said number two we're looking for new methods from the world we should stick to the old methods from God here's statement number three don't assume that God is pleased simply because you are don't assume that God is happy that God is happy with you and happy with what you are doing simply because of whatever you happen to be doing is making you happy don't assume that God is pleased simply because you are because you know sin can make you happy I mean Hebrews 11 you have to turn there verse 25 says about Moses choosing writers of self-reflection with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season you're not sin can make you happy and living in sin can make you very pleased and here's what people often say they say well God well doesn't God want me to be happy doesn't God want me to be happy and and and when someone says it to me I asked the question I want to ask them the question what God are you talking about what Bible are you reading what Bible are you reading where the Bible says God wants you to be happy no matter what you just do whatever destroy your life destroy your marriage destroy your children destroy your testimony just be happy where's that verse in the Bible because my Bible says happy is the man that trusted in the Lord my Bible talks about the fact that you're happy in your best when you're trusting God well this must be right I'm so happy I'm so pleased please understand something don't assume that God is pleased simply because you are there is pleasure and sin for a season don't assume that just because whatever you're doing makes you happy and makes you please and you're playing before the Lord and worshiping before Lord somehow that makes God happy because you could be doing the wrong thing going down the wrong way but very happy about it yeah I'm gonna leave my wife but I'm just so happy with this secretary I met at work don't assume that that God is pleased just because you are it feels so right that doesn't matter it feels so good that doesn't matter it's funny to me how people often want to spiritualize their bad decisions in September my wife and I will be celebrating 13 years in ministry we've been doing this for a long time it's always interesting to me how all sorts it's always interesting to me how a young man will start dating a young lady and all of a sudden they get they get super spiritual it's like the Lord is leading me in this direction some young lady starts dating some young guy and it's like the Lord is directing me and I'm like you know I'm shocked how often God speaks through 20 something year old young girls I'm shocked how often the will of God is revealed through some 20 something year old guy you know silly me I thought the word of God was revealed through the word of God silly me I thought the will of God was revealed through the preaching of God's word through the counsel of the man of God through the preaching of the word of God silly me God actually just reveals his will through whoever you happen to be interested people often think if it feels good it must be right no there's pleasure and sin for a season don't assume that God is pleased simply because you are oftentimes and this is why I'm so thankful for a couple like brother Garrett and Miss Maddie to marry right and do it right and to because so often look as a pastor so many times I'm the one saying don't do it don't marry him don't marry her this is a big mistake like you don't know you're stupid you don't know what love is you're an idiot I don't want to be single there's worse things than being single like being married to him I mean usually I'm just like you don't want to do it no just wait give it a year and people like it feels so good don't assume that God is pleased simply because you are the funny thing is that three months later I'm the one saying don't divorce them don't divorce them you made your choice I can help you don't assume that God is pleased simply because you are David played before the Lord they were happy they're like this is great we're bringing the ark of God worshiping God and God's up in heaven like this don't assume that you're hot yet your happiness means God's happy don't assume that your pleasure means that God's please the Bible says that we must worship God in spirit and in truth number four go back to second chapter six second chapter six and sometimes people say to me like I don't get it you were trying to get us not to get married and now only three months have passed but now we're married and we're trying to get divorced and you're trying to keep us again and I don't understand and of course you don't understand because you make your decisions based on how you feel I made my decision based on what the Bible says don't assume that God is pleased simply because you are second Sam in chapter six look at verse six and when they came to napalm thrashing floor as I put forth this hand look I believe his heart was in the right place but his hand was in the wrong place as I put for this hand to the ark of God and took hold of it for the auction shook it and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Azza and God smote him there for his error he was wrong they were wrong the whole thing was wrong as I should not put forth his hand to try to stabilize the ark the ark should have not shaken because of the oxen the ark should not have been on a cart verse seven and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Azza and God smote him there for his error and there he died by the ark of God I said number one it doesn't make doesn't matter how many people agree with you make sure God agrees with you number two we shouldn't be looking for new methods from the world we should be we should stick to the old methods from God number three don't assume that God is pleased simply because you are here's statement number four make sure that you not only do the right things but that you do them the right way see here's the truth it's good thank you appreciate it it's good brother Trevor lost his voice yesterday made me preach the gospel the entire day so now I'm losing my voice I'm joking brother Trevor brother he brings me water out of guilt make sure that you not only do the right things but you do them the right way you know you can do the right thing the wrong way and please understand something especially young people listen to me it's good to date but you can definitely date in the wrong way it's good to get married getting married is a good thing the Bible says here that find it the wife find it the good thing it's a good thing to get married but there's a right way to get married and there's a wrong way to get married having children is a good thing but there's a right way to have children is a wrong way to have children you understand what I just said children are a blessing but when you're having children before you got married that's a wrong way of having children look if you're here this morning and that's you and you've done that I'm not picking on you we love you and God forgive sin and we want to help you raise those kids in the nurture and admonition of the Lord but we're also trying to keep some people from making some bad decisions and people want to act after they had a child out of wet life like look this is a blessing from God and that child is a blessing but what you did was not a blessing it was not a blessing to that child and you can be forgiven and God forgive you you can move on and and you get around a good church like this church and get yourself around a man of God like this pastor and his wife and let them help you but let me tell you something you can do a good thing in a very wrong way they were bringing the ark that was good how they were bringing the ark very bad make sure that you not only do the right things but that you do them the right way look at 2nd Samuel chapter 6 look at verse 8 once you notice this verse after God takes the life of Uzzah you see there in verse 7 the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah and God smote him there for his error and there he died before the ark of God that's a way to stop a party that's a way to be a party pooper verse 8 and David was displeased I want you to notice the way that this is worded might be a little confusing to you it might open it up for interpretation but I want you to understand what I believe the heart of David was the Bible says and David was displeased because the Lord had made a breach upon Uzzah and called the name of the place Perez Uzzah to this day and David was afraid of the Lord that day and said how shall the ark of the Lord come to me I want you to notice David was displeased because the Lord had made a breach upon Uzzah but I do not believe based off the rest of the story that when the Bible says that David was displeased that he was like mad at God or upset with God he was displeased that they did not do it the way that God wanted he was displeased because the Lord had to make a breach upon Uzzah and the Bible says and here's the key verse 9 and David I want you to notice from verse from the beginning of this chapter all the way up until verse 6 because Uzzah dies in verse 7 in verse 1 through 6 David is gathering his friends asking them what they think they're saying this is a great idea they're bringing an ark hey I saw the Philistine they had this nice ark maybe we should use that they put an ark together they put the cart together they put the ark on the cart they start going on the road they start their worship service they're praising the Lord they're really pleased with themselves and then God kills Uzzah in verse 7 God kills Uzzah in verse 8 David is displeased and in verse 9 there's a major shift in the heart of David there's a shift between verses 6 and verse 9 in the heart of David I want you to notice it verse 9 and David was afraid of the Lord that day David was afraid of Lord that day and said how so the ark of the Lord come to me you say well I understand why David was afraid of Lord yeah I get that too I understand why David was afraid of the Lord that day but you know what would have been better better than David being afraid of the Lord that day you know what would have been better for David to have been afraid of the Lord the day before you understand what I just said see David once Uzzah dies once they have this corpse lying by the side of the road once they understood wait a minute we're pleased but God's not pleased we're happy but God's not happy we're celebrating but God's not celebrating now we have this dead body now we have this dead man someone's gonna have to go to his wife and tell him that he's dead somebody has to go to his mother and tell him that he's dead somebody to go to father and tell him that somebody else is sitting on his children and tell them daddy's not coming home well you have to stop this thing and pick this body up and bury it and bury it and put the body there someone's got to say some words that God really kind of messed up our party here and now David was afraid of the Lord but he could have avoided all that if he would have just feared the Lord the day before he said what do you mean here's statement number five for you it would be better it's a little wordy but I want you to listen to what I'm going to say to you it would be better to make decisions based off fearing the Lord than to suffer the consequences that cause you to fear the Lord you understand what I just said it would be better it would be better before you get in the back of that car before you return that phone call before you drink that smoke that inject that before you watch that before you grow there hey it would be better before you make the decision you're going to make it would be better to make that decision based off the fear of the Lord and and the fact that I want to honor God with my life it'd be better to make the decision before you make it based off the fear of the Lord than to suffer the consequences that cause you to fear the Lord because once you've had the accident with the DUI once you're in the hospital paralyzed or your buddy's dead once your marriage is destroyed once your children hate you once you've wasted years and decades of your life once you've wrapped reap the consequences of the decisions you made I promise you you're going to fear the Lord then and you know what if that's what God has to do if he has to deliver you into Satan that the flesh might be destroyed but the Spirit might be saved and so be it if God has to call humble you and God has to bring you down to bring you to the place where you fear God and you fear the Lord then so be it but you know better than that would be to make the decisions before you make the decision based off fearing the Lord then to suffer consequences that will cause you to fear the Lord because once others that David fear the Lord but if David would have feared the Lord before as I would still be alive as I would have gone home to his wife to his children to his mother to his father as I was an unintended consequence of the decisions that David made please understand this you do not live on an island your decisions affect other people and it would be better to make decisions based off the fearing of the Lord than to suffer the consequences that cause you to fear the Lord let me give you the sixth statement second Samuel chapter 6 look at verse 10 so David would not remove the ark of the Lord unto him and to the city of David yeah I'm sure but carried it aside into the house of Obed-edom to get tight and the ark of the Lord continued in the house of Obed-edom to get tight three months and the Lord blessed Obed-edom and all his household by the way let me say this I'm not preaching on this but let me just say it the blessings of God are connected to the presence of God you want to experience the blessings of God get close to God you don't experience the blessings of God get close to God get as close to God as possible make God the priority look at verse 12 and it was told King David saying the Lord hath blessed the house of Obed-edom and all that pertain unto him because the ark of God so David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-edom into the house of David with God David get the story as it dies David said we need to stop let's take the ark and put it over here for now but then David hears that that house of being blessed because the ark of God is there he says okay look we got to bring the ark back we want the blessing of God the ark of God needs to be brought to its proper place in verse 13 we have attempt number two we have round two David's going to try it again notice what happens in verse 13 and it was so that when they notice the difference bear the ark of the Lord now they're doing it right now they said get rid of the ark we need to do it the way God said to do it we need the Levites we need the poles we need them to carry the ark on their shoulders look at verse 13 and it was so that when they bear the ark of the Lord they that bear the ark of Lord notice had gone six paces David's real nervous here he says okay you Levites here's what we're gonna do you're gonna bear the ark of the Lord just like the Bible says but you're gonna take six steps one two three four five six and then when you take six steps we're gonna stop notice that verse 13 and it was so that when they bear they that bear the ark of the Lord had gone six paces he sacrificed oxen and fatlings they took six steps he sacrificed oxen and fatlings they took six steps he took sacrifice oxen and fatlings hey let me say this when you start doing things the right way you know you're not in a rush oftentimes the biggest mistakes that people make in their lives are mistakes that they made in a hurry they made in a hurry let me tell you something I often tell young people look if he's the will of God for your life today he'll be the will of God for your life a year from now slow this thing down look oftentimes you will make bad decisions in a rush but here we find David that he realized something's wrong this is not what God wants go to first chronicles 15 first chronicles 15 and especially young people because you you young people are the ones that have not made mistakes or that have your life in front of you you can go ahead and rush I want to marry her I want to marry him it's like you're 16 but yeah but in this day we could be emancipations shut up aren't you wait why don't you wait till your mom and dad say yeah her why don't you wait till your mom and dad say yeah him why don't you wait till your pastor says yeah that one marry that one wait till then don't be in a rush don't don't don't go make these major decisions I'm gonna move here I'm gonna marry that person I'm gonna go there and this is just in a hurry in a rush well I gotta do it now you don't have to do anything now we're Christians this life is but a vapor it appears for a little time in the best way and then you're gonna live all of eternity in heaven let me tell you something you've got time but here David realized he'd done something wrong look at 1st Chronicles 15 verse 2 1st Chronicles 15 verse 2 then David said and by the way let me just say this this is why that the marriage on Friday night was so beautiful because you not just because you have two beautiful young people walking on the aisle getting married but you have two sets of parents on the other side saying yes we approve yes thank the Lord answered to prayer this is the right one notice 1st Chronicles 15 verse 2 then David said notice how David changes then David said none ought to carry the ark of God but the Levites no cart none none ought to carry the ark of God but the Levites for them have the Lord chosen to carry the ark of God and to minister unto him forever I said number one it doesn't matter how many people agree with you make sure God agrees with you I said number two we shouldn't be looking for new methods from the world we should seek to the old methods from God I said number three don't assume that God is pleased simply because you are number four make sure that you're not only doing the right things but that you're doing them the right way number five it would be better to make decisions based on fearing the Lord than to suffer the consequences that cause you to fear the Lord here's number six when we find out that we are wrong we should change when you start going down the road of life and you realize wait a minute I was wrong don't double down don't say well this is how I did it so I just gotta stick no no when David found out well we're doing something wrong here he said let's pause this thing let's figure out what we did wrong then he comes back and he says get rid of that cart not to carry the ark of God but the Levites for them have the Lord chosen to carry the ark of God the Levites begin to bear the ark on their shoulder and that you know what David did David found out that he was wrong and what did he do he changed and in your life and in my life when you find out you say I don't I don't know why you guys make a big deal about the King James Bible okay maybe you don't know about it but as soon as somebody in this building opens it up to you opens up the NIV and shows you the verses that are missing shows you the verses that are corrupted shows you that the Bible you have was a wrong Bible you know what you should do instead of saying well this is the Bible my grandma gave me when you find out that you're wrong you should change when you find out that you're wrong about anything biblically when you find out you come to a church like this the man of God stands up and thunders forth the Word of God and preaches the Word of God and you find out wow I didn't know that I didn't know the Bible said that I didn't know I shouldn't be carrying the ark on a car on a car I didn't know that that was a bad idea from the Philistines I didn't know that I also was gonna die I didn't know these things but now I do so now I'm gonna change when you find out that you were wrong you should change you should repent you should make it right you should do the right thing let me give you the last statement and we'll finish up looking first Chronicles 15 verse 12 and said unto them this is David speaking this is at the end of the story he says he are the chief of the fathers of the Levites sanctify yourselves with you and your brethren that you may bring up the ark of the Lord God of Israel unto the place that I have prepared for it for because ye did it not at the first the Lord our God made a breach upon us for that we sought him not after the due order it's not just enough to do the right thing you need to do it the right way so the priests and the Levites sanctify themselves to bring up the ark of the Lord God of Israel and the children of the Levites bear the ark of God upon their shoulders with the stage they're on and when I read this I've got to stop and ask the question David where did you get this idea from where did you get the idea that we should get rid of the cart and we should find the Levites and we should put plows through the rings on the bottom of the ark and they should carry it upon their shoulders and it is the Levites who are supposed to carry it and no one should touch it David where did you get this idea from? Look at verse 15 and the children of Israel the children of the Levites excuse me bear the ark of God upon their shoulders with the stage they're on you gotta ask the question David where did you get this idea from and the Bible says as Moses commanded don't miss it according to the word of the Lord when I also died David said we're doing something wrong here let's put this thing on pause and I don't know how it happened but at some point somebody walked up to David and said let me show you something out of Numbers chapter 4 let me show you what the Bible says here Moses actually commanded and they said well we've got to do it according to the word of the Lord I said number one it doesn't matter how many people agree with you make sure God agrees with you number two we shouldn't be looking for new methods from the world we should stick to the old methods from God number three don't assume that God is placed simply because you are number four make sure that you not only do the right things but that you do them the right way number five it should it would be better to make decisions based off the fearing of the Lord than to suffer the consequences that caused you to fear the Lord number six when we find out that we are wrong we should change and here's point number seven we're done your statement number seven you will always be right when you can answer the question what does the Bible say if you're ever not sure should I marry him should I not should I divorce him should I not should I move here should I not should I go there should I not you know you always be asking yourself this question well what does the Bible say does the Bible speak to this issue are there principles in the Bible that I could follow because please understand something if the story of Isaac teaches us anything it teaches us this but just because you are ignorant to what the Bible says does not mean that God will not hold you accountable for what the Bible says so that's not fair really that's not fair it's not fair that God took 1,500 years 30 different writers to inspire his word to give his word on three different continents over 1,500 years he gave us the Word of God and he allowed you to be born in a country where you can literally find a Bible anywhere you can go to doldry and pay a dollar for the King James Bible and you have a Bible sitting in your house probably multiple Bibles sitting in your house and it's God's fault that you don't read it when he already told you how to have a good marriage he already told you the way of salvation he already told you how to raise your children he already told you how to deal with your finances this book tells you everything about life everything you need to know it's there it's not God's fault you didn't read it David it's not God's fault you didn't ask for the advice of the preacher David it's not God's fault it's your fault let me tell you something you will always be right when you can answer this question what does the Bible say what does the Bible say go back to second Samuel chapter 6 verse 14 we'll look at two verses I want you to notice how the story ends second Samuel chapter 6 and verse 14 the Bible says and David danced before the Lord now they're doing it right and I want to show this to you because I want you to see there's nothing wrong with rejoicing nothing wrong with rejoicing he danced before the Lord by the way this isn't what you do at the nightclub okay somebody's gonna ask the question right this was a righteous dance honestly to be very honest with you I believe that this dancing of David before the Lord was very much like when you see children dancing before the Lord you have a little child a toddler child you know children will just start springing into dance when they start dancing and jumping around and just you know I think they're dancing before the Lord David danced before the Lord with all his might and David was girded with a linen ephod so David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of God with shouting and with the sound of a trumpet let me say this there's nothing wrong with rejoicing but you can only truly rejoice before the Lord are you listening to me you can only truly rejoice before the Lord when you have done not only the right thing but you've done it the right way it's not enough to do the right thing we need to make sure we do it the right way and then and then we can rejoice just bow our heads and have a word of prayer