(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you Hey man, did I miss any over here? Sorry, I can't see brother Devin with the piano. All right. All right, perfect. Awesome. Wow, it sounds like a great day. Is there any other salvation to report in case I missed this morning from other days outside of today? Is there anyone that? Yes, sir? You had one yesterday. Yeah, you know what he did, but I'll count it right now because I hadn't recorded it yet. That was from you and brother John. Perfect. All right. So we've got I've got that one record here. And yes, sir. On Thursday night when we came in, she got saved. Nice. Thursday night. Perfect. Excellent. Very good. All right. Keep up the good work. Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ down at the bottom of the page. We got the offering totals received through the month of April. Prayer requests. So we added Candy Patman. This is someone who Mrs. Masler met yesterday out soul winning and who was getting a biopsy done for potential breast cancer. Also, I forgot to mention this morning, pray for the Estrada family. They've been kept out of church just from some sickness going through their household. So pray for them. And then also, we're going to be adding in. Brother Mo, forgive me for if I say your last I've never I don't think I've ever asked how to pronounce your last name. Is it Momtahan? Momtahan? Momtahan? All right. That's what I've been I feel better because that's what I've been saying. Like like the entire time that you've been coming to our church and I've never asked specifically. So Miss Nancy, we're going to be praying for Miss Nancy. There's a couple of things going on coming up. OK. So Miss Nancy is going to be having a knee surgery on April 19th. Right. So we'll add that to the list. And then also some injections in her eye. And I forgot the name. It's a diab. It's from diabetes. But it but I forget the name of the injection. But that's that's the cause of the vision loss. The diabetic problem. So she's they're going to try to give her some injections first to try to help to heal that. And if that's not successful, then they're going to talk about surgery to get that fixed. So pray that this, you know, the remedies that doctors are trying to do will help or that just that God would would just heal regardless of anything else that's that's going on. So they know the power of healing in that family already. So we have confidence in our prayers. But obviously pray for for their family again here for Miss Nancy and those things that are coming up for her. I also had requests from Mrs. Johnson. She said everything's going well with her pregnancy and she appreciates all the prayers from the church and is very happy that the church is praying for her and her pregnancy and that everything up to this point has gone really well. So just an update there. And I know everybody is thankful to you. I know whenever we're on the list and other people, because, you know, this church really does pray for the people that we have on the list. So we don't just say it as a nice thing to make it sound good that we're praying for people. I know we pray for people and hopefully you do, too. I know there's people praying for sure. I have no idea who's praying, who's not. But bring these home with you. Right. This is our church family. We care about everyone on our list here. So please be praying for the people that are on this list. Brother Michael, do you have something to add? Our daughter's getting a hearing test. We're not sure if she has any hearing disabilities. My wife and I both have hearing issues. We want to make sure that she doesn't have that passed down to her. Okay. She's having a test on Monday. She's having a test tomorrow? Tomorrow. Very good. So Ricardo's child is having some testing done tomorrow on her hearing. And we'll find out tomorrow if there's any issues there, but just pray that everything goes well with that, as both parents have had some issues with hearing. So with hearing loss, so just hopefully everything will go well and that God will have her ears opened up to hear. And then when she gets older, that she'll have ears to hear. Right. Even if she can't hear audibly as well, being able to hear the word of God is the most important thing to be able to hear. So pray for that understanding for everybody. And then down, is there any other updates now? So I appreciate getting the updates. We got an update on Ms. Faye this morning. She's doing much, much, much better in general and is feeling better than she has a month. So we're really happy about that. I need to reach out to Brother Crane again and see what's going on. The last time I talked to him a couple of weeks ago and he things were progressing very well. I think he had some job offers or something, you know, but I don't know any more on that. And then, yeah, so just continue to pray for everyone on the list. We added Hold Fast Baptist Church down at the bottom there, Pastor Jared Brzezinski. They're in Fresno. They're a newer church, Plantus in general, but they've been around for a few years. I don't know exactly when they started, sent out of Verity Baptist Church, but good church there. Just pray that God will strengthen them and help them to continue their ministry. On the next page, we'll continue our announcements here. One little point with a little bit of housekeeping, time to time, just want to mention some things. One is when it comes to food in the auditorium especially, try to keep all food eating in this room over here that has a hard floor. It's easier to clean. I know sometimes this gets full when it's between services and people are eating lunch and stuff. That's fine to eat your food out there. Just do your best to clean up after yourself when you eat lunch. Even more importantly than that, because I think the adults are fine, we don't really have a problem with that, it's the kids. When you want to give your kids snacks, I'd really appreciate it if you can try to give them snacks in this area or just really keep an eye on what they're eating so they're not walking all over the place. I'm going to say something here and it's going to be like, oh, he's talking about my kid. Goldfish is the first thing that popped into my mind because a lot of kids like eating goldfish. I'm not thinking of any specific occasion. It could be pretzels, it could be anything that gets ground up and it's really hard then to clean up. So try not to let your kids walk around with snacks like that in the church building. It's just not really appropriate to have all that going on. We like to try to keep the place clean. So if you do, please do us a favor and try to clean up afterwards. If obviously spills happen, messes happen, get it. But just try not to be leaving too much of a mess for other people who are volunteering their time to clean up the building. Much appreciated. All right, and then the second thing is we've been having a string of activity of doors being locked with nobody inside. And it's mostly bathroom doors. I also don't think this is an adult doing this. If it is, please stop. It's not that big of a deal. It's just a little annoying. They have to keep on popping open the lock to get in. I have a feeling it's a child. And if it's you, little child, be sure we will find you out. And we'll string you up by your toenails. Just kidding, just kidding. No, little kids when they learn how to do locks, oftentimes they'll shut the door and that's happening. So just be on the look. It's a it's a bolo. OK, watch out for the kids that are that are locking the doors and shutting the doors. And if you find out who's doing it, please just inform them that they shouldn't be doing that in church. We make our lives a little bit easier. Thank you for that little bit of housekeeping. Continuing on April challenge, spending a minimum of one hour every day doing something spiritual, praying, reading the Bible, memorizing, soul winning, singing praises of the Lord, things of that nature. OK, it's not exclusive just to these things, but things that you would feel comfortable saying, yes, this is something where I'm giving my time to the Lord, spending my time doing something spiritual, making sure you're spending at least an hour every day of doing something to that effect, combination of these things for the entire month, every single day, not missing one day, every day, making sure you hit that mark and you will be able to complete that challenge for the month of April. Soul winning marathon results are listed there. It was an awesome day. There was a approximate we didn't get an exact count, but it was approximately 70 people. My wife counted a few times in the morning and there was like, I think somewhere between 63 and 65 or something to that effect. She counted. But then there was more people that met up with us out on the out on the field. So conservative is about 70 people that showed up for that event yesterday in the rain, in the cold. And we had 33 salvations in total from that group. So great results. Thank you to all that that put in the time and thank you for everyone who prayed for that as well. I know I was praying that that God would lead us and help us and guide us. And he definitely did. Seeing so many people calling the Lord is great. Bible memory passage this week. So there's a deadline tonight. If you if you're still working on the first 14 verses for Hebrews Chapter seven deadlines tonight, make sure you get that quoted. Excuse me to complete that challenge. And then we're starting this week, the last half of Hebrews Chapter seven, seven weeks, two verses a week. If you could quote it and get it memorized and quoted in that time frame, then you'll earn a prize for being able to do that. We've got the upcoming birthdays and anniversaries listed down there for the month of April, as well as the upcoming events. The camping trip May 1st through the 6th. I failed. I apologize. I failed getting that completed by this afternoon. It is the top of my list, though, of the things for church. So I am going to make sure that this gets done ASAP and I will get that information out to you as soon as possible as well. I'll try to send out e-mails to everyone who has signed up for things just to give everyone the information. Who's going where, what we're accommodating with. And then we'll move on from that. I'm trying to think of something else I want to mention. Camping trip. Drawing a blank. It'll come to me in a minute. July 5th, we got Pastor Anderson coming out to preach for us. It's a Wednesday night. Try to make it for that if you can. And let's see, there's nothing else on the back. What was it? Well, if I remember, by the time I get back up to preach, we'll cover the last thing that was on my mind. I wanted to say something about the camping trip, but. Oh, well, it's escaped me. So that's it for announcements. I'm going to ask brother Jesse to come on up. Please lead us in our next song. All right. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Because this is such a big event, the sun, moon, stars falling from heaven, this is an event that's referenced multiple times in Scripture. We see it referenced in Matthew 24. We also see it referenced in Revelation Chapter 6, which is what's drawing me to link these two together because it's such a big cosmological event that I think only happens one time of such an extreme event with all the same descriptors being used, sun, moon, stars falling from heaven, everything. Which is also why in my second sermon in the series, I went into the day of the Lord and the day of Christ. Because that's also a day of the Lord is when we see the same exact events happening on this grand scale. So that was also just add some more information about this time. Because the day of the Lord also talks about, and I proved this, that it's the day, it's God's wrath, right? It's when the fear comes on the earth because the lamb has come in anger to pour out his wrath on this earth, which also matches up with the seventh seal in Revelation talking about the wrath of God has come. Okay, so these events are gelling, they're matching up and it's easier to say, okay, I think this is right, this feels right. Sun, moon, stars darkened, it's referenced here, it's referenced here, and as we keep adding more pieces to the puzzle, it should just make sense and fit. So when we read about Matthew 24 then, after the sun, moon, stars being darkened, tribulation of those days, we had the son of man come in heaven and gathering together the elect, which we call this the rapture. Now, it's a little bit out of order here on my timeline, I put it right before that seventh seal, the wrath has come. But we also saw that in Revelation chapter 7, which is after chapter 6, talking about the sixth seal, which we didn't get, the seventh seal is listed right here, but it's not from Revelation chapter 6. Revelation chapter 6 actually doesn't cover the seventh seal. This doesn't come until chapter 8. So in chapter 7, we have an innumerable multitude showing up in heaven. Okay, John's witnessing, hey, there's this great mass number of people in heaven now, where did all these people come from? Right, we read through that whole chapter, that was one of the highlights here. Well, this matches up, if we're looking at the sun, moon, being darkened here, we compare this to Matthew 24, it matches up then with Matthew 24 also going chronologically and saying, hey, that's when the rapture happens, that's when the elect are gathered together. Now all of a sudden there's an innumerable multitude of people, that's that resurrection, boom. You've got this group of people, and there's also from all nations, kindreds, tongues, languages is also referenced in Revelation chapter 7. And then we see the 144,000 that are sealed. Okay, tonight we're going to have another reference to this. So it's going to help us to place, hopefully, these other portions that I've written down here. This is going to be one of the important time markers, time stamps to go off of when we're making sure that our stuff fits in the right order. Then we went through Revelation chapter 8, which the seventh seal's opened, we have to flip it over to this side because that begins the trumpets. Revelation chapter 8 and 9. If this was long enough, we would just keep, this whole board would be over here, just continuing on in the time frame, so it's not long enough so we have to just flip it over. Revelation chapters 8 and 9 deal with first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth trumpet. Okay, and in this one I put the seventh trumpet down here because it matches up with, I think it's Revelation 10. Revelation 10, there's just kind of some information, there's an angel with a little book, and this is more informational than any other big key events happening, so I put down that there. And then in Revelation chapter 11, there's a lot of temple details, we saw details about the two witnesses, and there's an earthquake referenced here. Okay, and then also, no, Revelation 11 is where the seventh trumpet, where we see judgment, lightnings, thunderings, earthquakes, and hail at that seventh trumpet. Okay, now chapters 1 through 11, again, just a brief summary, everything we're doing right now, a brief summary, overview of everything I've covered to this point. When we started then in Revelation chapter 12, we have this reference that appears to be the birth of Christ. And the dragons waiting to swallow up the child, the child that's supposed to be born and to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, and, you know, Satan's waiting to devour that child, and he wasn't able to devour that child, and we know just from the story of Jesus Christ being born, right, Herod went to slay all the children, they were two years old and under, because he wanted Jesus to be dead. And that was not just of Herod, but that was of Satan to try to kill the Lord, to kill the Christ. So, went through that. That was a big indicator, though, seeing that event, to make us stop and think and go, wait a minute, we're no longer on this timeline, where we're going, and this happened, and this happened, and this happened, and this happened, and this happened. It was a big event. It's an obvious, in my opinion, an obvious event that we saw in Revelation chapter 12 to make us go, okay, wait, we need to reset. We need to switch our focus, okay, and not just continue on this same timeline, because it's bringing up this event that happens way, way, way, way before it. And Revelation essentially is a book that's split in half. There's 22 chapters. We went through the first, you know, the first 11 chapters, and then you start, if you start back over with a timeline starting at chapter 12 with Jesus' birth, real quickly, fast forward then to end times again, but it's giving us that break, that clear delineation that says, okay, let's start over again. Chapter 12 on through 22 then, we will see more information. Now, it quickly goes into the war that's in heaven, Satan being cast out, the devil's wrath because he has a short time, and then the dragon making war with Christians, with the saints, with those that hold the testimony of Jesus Christ. That happens in Revelation chapter 12, but there's no timeline, there's no other event given in that chapter to feed it into what we've already established specifically that you could match up and be like, absolutely, it happens here, okay, if we're just being honest, everything that we've gotten to this point. I put it on here where I think it belongs, okay, and I gave the reason for that when we went over Revelation chapter 12 last week, because this devil's wrath is what prompts the great tribulation against the saints that, like it's never been before, right? Satan has always been bringing tribulation against the saints, against believers. I mean, this is all throughout history. This is well documented. I mean, going all the way back to Job, right? Satan's going after believers, he's going after the righteous, he's going after people and trying to get them in trouble with God and just causing bad things to happen and, you know, just causing problems for the believers on this earth. He's the adversary, right? But now it's specifically in Revelation chapter 12, he's really angry and he knows he only has a short time. This is part of the reasoning why I believe this fits somewhere within our first four seals of the four horsemen, okay, because by the fifth seal we see martyrs, people being killed for the cause of Christ already. Okay? So, I put it in that section. Now, I still believe, though, that things are going to continue to progress. In Revelation 12 through 22, though, we're getting a lot more detailed information in a lot of these chapters and they don't all flow as easily as, like, Revelation 6 did, but it's still, you know, also with the trumpets in chapters 7 and 8 or 8 and 9, but it's still no reason to think it's not chronological, at least happening around the same time. So, let's go through now, we just read chapter 13 and we'll get into more details expounding on a lot more of the meaning in these chapters later on. Right now, I'm trying to put highlights up so we can just get a good understanding of where does everything fall together. Does this make sense, right? Revelation chapter 13. Let's look down our Bibles. And I saw, excuse me, I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion, and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority. And look, all of this stuff is very important for prophetic events. It's outside of the scope, though, of what we're doing to begin with. So, we're just going to skip over a lot of this, but just make the point and say, okay, there's a beast that has seven heads and ten horns, and I wrote that down already on the board. This is an important point of Revelation chapter 13 that this beast has brought up. This beast is mentioned. Verse three says, well, it also mentions that the dragon gave him his power. Of course, the dragon is the devil. He's given his demonic power and has great authority. Verse three says, And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed, and all the world wondered after the beast. So, again, digging deeper later on into what this all means. Just briefly, I think that the devil, since the devil is such a big copycat, he wants to be like the most high. He wants to be like God. We're going to see a little bit later. He's got his own little devilish trinity with the beast, the false prophet, and the antichrist. And then he also has, I think he's trying to replicate what Jesus Christ did about dying and then his resurrection in his way here of having a deadly wound, which is then healed, like this miracle of coming back to life. But, again, those are details we'll get into a little bit later. Just for the sake of timeline, there's a beast, seven heads, ten horns. There's a deadly wound that's healed. The whole world's in amazement of this beast. Verse four says, And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast, and who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth, speaking great things and blasphemies, and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. If you remember from previous times, forty and two months is coming up a lot. Whether it's twelve hundred and sixty days, forty-two months, time, times, and dividing of time, forty-two months, three and a half years, twelve hundred and sixty days, all the same amount of time. Now, we still don't, like, as we continue a little bit later, I'll start drawing out, hey, okay, he has forty-two months, but I want to get the order first and make sure we're right in general, and then we can start placing timelines of actual timeframe once the whole order of events is figured out. Order first, then start figuring out times, months, everything else, how much time is all of this going to fit into. We're dealing with that last, or second, you know, after just getting the order right. But it's important to just keep, you know, as we keep seeing this, obviously it's an important amount of time because it's referenced many, many times. Doesn't mean it's all the same thing during the same exact time, but it keeps on being referenced, which should at least make us think maybe some of these things are happening during the same forty-two months since it's referenced a lot. Doesn't have to be. Verse six, and he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations. So he begins war with the saints. Well, we see a lot of war in the first four seals, right? We also see martyrs in the fifth seal. He's making war with the saints just a little bit to just throw out there and say, you know, this could be a fit. This could make sense to happen during this time. It seems to be fitting a lot of the events that are happening here. Verse number eight, and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity. He that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints, and I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed. So now you have a separate entity, a separate beast, something else coming up and pointing to the first beast and saying, hey, worship him. This is who you need to worship, and we're going to see here in verse number 13. And he doeth great wonders so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth and the sight of men, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live. So he's telling them, hey, you need to set up this idol. You need to worship this idol. You need to worship this beast. He's speaking great blasphemies, and he's able to cause such miracles to happen that it's able to deceive the whole world. Which also sounds familiar to me in Matthew 24 when it's talking about false prophets, because this would be a false prophet pointing people to the devil, pointing people to the first beast and saying, worship that. That's a false prophet. And able to make miracles, Matthew 24 talks about the false prophet being able to deceive, if it were possible, the elect, that that's how convincing those miracles would be. And I'll give you the exact wording on that from Matthew 24. Verse 24 of Matthew 24 says, for there shall arise false Christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. It's going to be so convincing that if it were possible, even believers would be deceived by those lying signs and wonders, by those miracles that he's able to do. These miracles, being able to draw fire out of heaven, is pretty powerful, and it's going to convince the whole world to go after the beast, to worship the beast. And in just a minute we're going to see, this is when the mark of the beast is set up, where you have to worship his name or his image or get the mark of his name in your right hand or in your forehead. So, again, no smoking gun yet, but everything where I'm putting it in this timeline here, we're seeing this false prophet, we're seeing lying signs and wonders, very deceptive, very convincing. It also seems to match up with what we're seeing here, because remember we saw the hatred of the Christians too, and that persecution starting in Matthew 24 as well. And the reference is also in Revelation chapter 13, and we also see that in Revelation 6. And by the way, making an image of the beast will get in as much more detail, setting up the image in the temple, abomination of desolation, but we'll cover that much later, we'll go into detail about that. Just keep that in the back of your mind. Verse number 15, and he had power to give life unto the image of the beast. So this image that's created is at least going to be animated, able to move, able to talk, and if it doesn't actually have life, it's going to be able to look like the things alive. That the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. So it seems like it sounds pretty convincing, it sounds like this great miracle, again I think that fits with Matthew 24. Verse 16, and he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in the right hand or in their foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here's wisdom, let him that hath understanding, count the number of the beast, for his number of a man, and his number is six hundred three score and six. 666 is what everyone hears about, you know, the mark of the beast, 666, brought up here in Revelation chapter 13. But you're not allowed to buy or sell, you're not allowed to take part in the economy, why? Because there's this one world government being set up by the antichrist, by the devil, and you're not allowed to participate at all unless you worship him and receive his mark. And if you don't do those things, you're going to be killed. And of course, believers are not going to do those things, so they're going to be hunted down, persecuted, and killed for not taking the mark of the beast. So, these are the events through Revelation chapter 13. Like I said, I put them here because this is where I think they go, but we're going to get some more information, we're going to keep reading here into Revelation chapter 14. And I don't have any of this on the board yet. Revelation chapter 14 is down at the bottom, and it's blank. So I pre-filled the seven heads and ten horns, the deadly wound that's healed, he continues for 42 months, the beast is worshipped, he makes war with the saints. There's the false prophet Satan and the antichrist, false prophet dragon antichrist, and then the mark of the beast 666, all in Revelation chapter 13. These events are being described there. A lot of things being described, but who knows exactly how much time this is using. It doesn't seem like it's very much because it's just describing all this stuff together. Chapter number 14, and I looked, and lo, a lamb stood on the Mount Sion, and with him in 140 and 4,000 having his father's name written in their foreheads. And I heard a voice from heaven as the voice of many waters and as the voice of a great thunder, and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps, and they sung as it were a new song before the throne and before the four beasts and the elders, and no man could learn that song but the 140 and 4,000 which were redeemed from the earth. These are they which were not defiled with women for they are virgins. These are they which follow the lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the lamb. And in their mouth was found no guile, for they are without fault before the throne of God. And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people. Now, this reference of 144,000 virgins match this up with what we already saw in, was it Revelation chapter 7? Seems like a key event that's being talked about now again. It's the likelihood of this being a second group of 144,000 people I think is high. We already have other events that are that are making this all very reasonable to happen within this time frame. And now in Revelation chapter 14 we see 144,000 sealed. I think this is a pretty good indicator that it happens right here. Which we know happens after these six seals from what we've already uncovered, what we've already seen in scripture. This is a pretty good indicator of something that happens that seems pretty unique. Just like sun, moon, stars being darkened is a very good indicator, it's a good time stamp of saying, hey, here's a unique event that takes place that we can use to use relative time of saying, okay, things that are happening before this and things that are happening after this. It's a milestone, it's a mile marker, okay, that happened. Well, all these events in Revelation chapter 13 happened before the 144,000 are sealed. I think that adds a lot more validity to putting these events from chapter 12 and 13 into this time frame that matches with Revelation chapter 6. And what hopefully you'll see and what the Bible is going to show us is that we're going to continue on and you'll see it continue to match up and not go backwards and not, oh, all of a sudden now we're seeing these other things. It'll continue along and we'll see the events that also continued along after chapter 7 and 8. But let's keep reading, let's see where this goes, let's see where the Bible takes us. So they're sealed, they also have this task of preaching the everlasting gospel to them that dwell on the earth. This also makes sense with the timing of the rapture being in this time frame. And this is all kind of muddled right here, so I apologize for that. There's a lot of things that are really, really close together here, but not exactly in a column. Okay, I'll have to work on that, maybe we'll focus in on this and do a zoom and kind of put these in a better order a little bit later. But 144,000 being sealed to preach the everlasting gospel makes sense after God pulls out all of the saints, all the saved people on the earth, you know, who are the ones that need to preach the gospel to people. So you're going to have no one left to preach the gospel once there's people who are taken out of this earth. But God sends 144,000 to be able to do that job for those who did not take the mark of the beast. Because there are people who will be left on this earth that don't take the mark of the beast. They don't go after the antichrist, but they weren't saved. So they're not part of that first resurrection, but they're still alive on the earth. And even after all the wrath of God, the whole planet is not wiped out. Now all of those who took the mark of the beast, yeah, they're going to hell. Everyone that takes the mark of the beast, we're going to see that actually in this chapter right here in chapter 14, they're going to drink of the wine of the wrath of God. But it's evident that there's still some people left to be around for the millennial reign of Christ, because who else is the devil going to come out and deceive after those thousand years? He's not going to deceive the elect. He's not going to deceive the saved. He has to have people to deceive left, which are the unsaved people that still through that whole thousand years never get saved. Some of them. I mean, there's got to be people getting saved and there's got to be some people who don't, just like today. And if you ask yourself, well, how is it that someone can be literally on this earth with Jesus Christ ruling and railing from Jerusalem and not get saved? Well, how could people be on this earth while Jesus Christ was literally walking on the earth and healing people right in front of them and not get saved? It's no different. People just will reject. But of course, not everybody. I'm sure there's going to be people who are accepting. And I'm just going to bring this up because I had two people talk to me about this after the sermon this morning. And I feel bad because I should have mentioned this, that great white throne judgment. Also, the people who weren't part of the first resurrection, that's why the Book of Life was opened, because they're not going to be judged according to their works. Okay? But they're checked against that and say, okay, yeah, you're not judged according to your works. You're in the Lamb's Book of Life, so you're good. Right? They weren't part of the first resurrection, but they're not going to just be cast into the lake of fire just because they weren't part of the first resurrection. Okay? Anyways, let's continue on here. Chapter 14. So, verse number 7. Saying with a loud voice, Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come, and worship Him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters. And there followed another angel saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she hath made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. So, this is another significant event. We're going to dig into Babylon separately, but that happens, it's a big event that happens in Revelation chapter 14. And I'm just going to list it below the 144,000 that are sealed because it happens after that. Babylon is fallen. Big event. Verse 9. And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation. And he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever, and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. When someone chooses to take the mark of the beast, they've lost their opportunity to get saved. They become reprobate in that moment. Because the Bible says here that everyone that takes the mark of the beast is going to be tormented with fire and brimstone. So tell John MacArthur, no. You're not going to be able to rub that mark off your hand or whatever. It's in your hand or in your forehead. This is what the Bible says. This is what the Bible teaches. That you have no rest day or night. So everyone who takes that mark, they've sealed their fate. And this isn't something that should be too hard to swallow because the Bible mentions two other occurrences, two other things that can happen where people can have their fate sealed before they physically die on this earth. One of them is blaspheming the Holy Ghost. The Bible says if you blaspheme the Holy Ghost, you never have forgiveness. Not in this life and neither in the world to come. You have sealed your fate when you blaspheme the Holy Ghost like the Jews did, the Pharisees that said that, oh yeah, Jesus, all these miracles that he's doing in front of our eyes. That's the power of the devil. Blaspheme the Holy Ghost. They don't have forgiveness. They've sealed their fate. The other one is, at the end of Revelation, we're going to see that, you know, you mess with the word of God. You add to or remove from the words of the prophecy of this book. God's going to add these plagues that are unto you. He's going to remove your name out of the book of life. Those are all things that people can do prior to their physical death that's going to prevent them from ever being able to get saved, ever being able to receive eternal life. They're damned. And this is no different. Taking the mark of the beast also puts you in that category. This isn't some new thing or some strange thing. It's a fact. But this is what the Bible is saying. It's talking about here that these people will be obviously punished. Verse 12, here is the patience of the saints. Here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, write, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth. Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them. And I looked and behold a white cloud. And upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of Man, having on his head a golden crown and in his hand a sharp sickle. And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, thrust in thy sickle and reap. For the time has come for thee to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe. And he that sat on the cloud, thrust in his sickle on the earth, in the earth was reaped. And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle. And another angel came out from the altar which had power over fire and cried with a loud voice to him that had the sharp sickle saying, thrust in thy sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for her grapes are fully ripe. Now before I continue here, this first reaping, the angels, they're reaping the saved. This is again a picture of the rapture. This is what happens here. It lines up with the 144,000 being sealed. It matches up with the innumerable multitude showing up in heaven. It matches up with Matthew 24 with the angels gathering together their light at the coming of the Son of Man in the clouds. It fits. It fits. It fits the narrative. It fits the story. We don't have to do a bunch of mental gymnastics to get this to work. The one piece that shifts the timeline is Revelation chapter 12. You're just resetting it back a little bit to get more information about the same events that are happening similar to the four gospels, but in this case we don't have four gospels. We've got the revelation of Jesus Christ given to John, the Apostle John. So he starts the story, goes all the way through to a stopping point, and then starts the story again. But it's also a little bit different too. You've got to notice there's just an overlap, but as we continue through the book of Revelation we get even more farther into the future. Where Revelation chapter 11 didn't finish all the way to the new heaven and new earth. It stopped short of that. So in the second telling of events, it starts actually a little bit later. It condenses a lot that we write about in more detail and continues farther into the future. It covers the same material but a lot faster is what I'm trying to say here. And some more detail to it. Like these seals, we don't get a whole lot of information about Satan and the Antichrist and everything else being any part of that. But knowing these course of events, now we can see, oh yeah, this all fits together. So the second reaping though, we're going to keep reading, the Bible says in verse number 19, And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God. And the winepress was trodden without the city and blood came out of the winepress even unto the horse bridles by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. The great winepress of the wrath of God, the wrath of God now is brought up after the 144,000, after the reaping, the first reaping, then it's wrath. Seventh seal, wrath has come. Seventh seal, the seven trumpets are distributed. Look at chapter 15 verse 1. And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvelous, seven angels having the seven last plagues. For in them is filled up the wrath of God. We just covered the wrath of God last week. It started at the seventh seal, the wrath has come. If you remember that from Revelation chapter 8, we have to flip this over. We have Matthew 24, Revelation 6, 7, 8 here. And then we started over in 12, 13, 14. 8 continues on the other side of this thing. Chapters 8 and 9 are the seven trumpets. Well, if my theory is right, if we're matching things up right, maybe the events we're going to see here will start to line up with the seven trumpets. Because that's the next thing that would happen if we're looking at the same time reference. We should start to see something like this unless it's going to jump way far or give us more information one way or the other. Well, let's start reading chapter 15. Verse number 2. And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire. And then that had gotten the victory over the beast and over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name stand on the sea of glass having the harps of God. And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are thy works. Lord God Almighty, just and true are thy ways, thou king of saints. Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? For thou only art holy, for all nations shall come and worship before thee, for thy judgments are made manifest. And after that I looked, and behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened. And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues clothed and pure in white linen and having their breasts girded with golden girdles. And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God who liveth forever and ever. And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power. And no man was able to enter into the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled. And notice there too, in verse two, them that had gotten the victory over the beast are in heaven. They're right before God. They're on that sea. So this isn't as necessarily as powerful of a picture of an innumerable company of people, but definitely those who were alive during that time, those martyrs are there in heaven now also being referenced at this time. Okay, and now the seven vials are referenced. Excuse me, it's getting kind of, got to love this time of year, right? We're bundled up, it's freezing and raining yesterday, and we come in today, I had to turn the heat on and get things nice, and now I'm sweating by the afternoon. So welcome to Georgia. All right. So we just finished Chapter 15. I'll make, I'll update the board later, but there was nothing extremely significant on the timeline of events. This is kind of an interim chapter. Not saying the content is important, it's just for putting things up on the board, we just see the seven vials being passed out essentially. Chapter 16. And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, go your ways and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth, and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast and upon them which worshipped his image. So now we're going to see Revelation 16. I'll start writing it down here. Well, the reference is down here, but I want everyone to be able to see it, so I'm going to put first vial up here. I'm just going to put a sore. Noisome and grievous sore upon men which had the mark of the beast. Now, you can say, well, the first trumpet is hail, fire, mingled with blood, and a third of trees are burned. I don't see the relation to the sore. Fair enough. It's fair. Let's keep reading. And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea, and it became as the blood of a dead man, and every living soul died in the sea. That's interesting. Second vial is poured out on the sea. The sea is turned to blood, and here I go up here doing a bad job of trying to write neat, and everything in the sea dies, right? Now, the second trumpet, we saw that fire mountain, which sounds kind of like a volcano. The fiery mountain goes into the sea, and a third of the creatures in the ships are destroyed, and it talks about the seas being turned into blood. Now, it mentioned at the second trumpet a third of the creatures being destroyed. It's mentioned at the second vial everything in the sea dies, but it mentions the bloody seas in both of them. Now, here's what I believe about this. I do believe that the trumpets and the vials are different things, that they both happen, that the trumpet happens and the vials happen, but I believe they happen at the same time. So we're getting a little bit more information. This is true about the second trumpet, and this is true about the second vial, but they're affecting essentially the same things, and we'll see it from here on out. It's pretty much identical, but we're going to look and see and put them all next to each other as we go. This is the hardest one. I mean, you can say, yeah, they're getting sores maybe from the hail and the blood fire pouring down on them from heaven might cause some sores, grievous sores, right? That's not too hard to swallow that people are getting sores from that, but it's not the same. It's not saying exactly the same thing, so just in all fairness, right? I don't want to force anything on our timeline, but if it all seems to be matching up naturally, then it's worth accepting. Verse number four, and the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of water, and they became blood. Rivers, fountains of waters become blood at the third vial. Rivers and fountains blood. Well, let's see, third trumpet, wormwood, a third of the rivers and the fountains became bitter. It's mentioning rivers and fountains, just like the second one mentioned seas specifically, not other bodies of water, not other bodies of water here. Rivers and fountains, rivers and fountains, seas and seas, blood, blood. Okay, not identical exactly, but I think we're starting to see a pattern here. Let's see what the fourth vial has to say. And I heard the angel of waters, verse five, say thou art righteous, O Lord, which art and was and shall be, because thou has judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and now has given them blood to drink, for they are worthy. This is showing, this is a little, a little hard preaching, saying, look, they deserve this. They deserve to drink the blood for all the blood that they shed. It's the wrath of God being poured out on those who were going after and assaulting and persecuting the saints and martyring them and putting them to death. Yeah, they deserve to drink blood now. Verse seven, I heard another out of the altar say, even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments. Verse eight, and the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues, and they repented not to give him glory. So the vial was poured out on the sun and men are scorched with heat from that. Well, that's also the time when the sun is smitten. Something hits the sun. Okay, we don't know exactly, but it tells us that it's smitten at the fourth trumpet and the third part goes dark. But if it's some type of an impact, some type of cosmic event, you know, the heat that comes from the sun, when there's solar flares even, right, just these explosions on the sun, it causes an impact to the earth to a small degree. But something so big to cause a third part to go dark, it seems very reasonable to think that this event happening side by side would also cause then a scorching on the earth of like this massive sun, you know, explosion from an impact or whatever, from it being smitten and then headed towards earth to have this great amount of heat and pain and disaster coming to the earth. I mean, it just, it fits. Let's see if we continue to see a correlation here between the two. Verse 10. And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast, and his kingdom was full of darkness, and they gnawed their tongues for pain. So we've got darkness here, which also kind of makes sense with the previous one. And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds. Now, there's darkness here, and it mentions that they gnawed their tongues for pain, and then they blasphemed God because of their pains and their sores. Now, the source of their pains and sores could just be from what was referenced before, but it could also be from the locusts from hell, if you remember the fifth trumpet. Okay, the locusts from hell are pretty bad. It was also called the first woe. This is the locusts that have the hair like women, long hair. It looks like they've got a crown on their head, their breastplates are like iron, and they sound like these chariots, and there's a whole bunch of them that come up out of hell. And it's not hard to imagine that those alone flying through the air might cause some darkness. Okay, I don't know, but they were specifically told to inflict pain on the people of the earth, on those that had the mark of the beast. And to sting them with their stings, they had like a scorpion sting, and then they had the snake tail. And their whole mission and job wasn't to eat all the green stuff, it was to just attack the men and make them want to die, where they would seek death and it would escape them. If you remember what we read in Revelation chapter, I think it was in chapter 9, about that fifth trumpet, well, that also seems to match up with them blaspheming the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and still not repenting of their deeds. No matter what, they're so hard-hearted and bull-headed and stiff-necked, this is some of the worst stuff ever. This is God's wrath, and they still are not willing to say, I did wrong. I'm a sinner. I shouldn't have been doing these things. So, I'll just reiterate though, these aren't exact the same, but they're too similar to just cast aside as if it's just all a coincidence, especially given everything else we've seen. We saw 144,000 was kind of a big event. Also, the Son of Man and the Reaping is another very significant event, okay, and we just continue to move forward. And it just so happens to match up seven vials, seven trumpets. Verse 12, and the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates. That's interesting. The sixth trumpet was loosing the fourth angels from the river Euphrates. How many times does river Euphrates mention end times prophecy? I think it's two. The sixth vial and the sixth trumpet. Ah, it's just a coincidence. Let's keep reading. And the water thereof was dried up that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. So, we'll say here, waters are dried. Now, not a lot's given about the way of the kings of the east. It might fit with the 200 million horses that are coming to kill the earth, though. Might give them a place to ride. I don't know. But that was the other major event of the sixth trumpet. Let's keep reading here because there's something else that happened. Verse 13, and I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of the great day of God almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. So, here we have Armageddon as mentioned before the seventh vial. I apologize for this because I know I'm writing this up here. It's really Revelation chapter 16, but I just wanted you to be able to see this whole judgment, lightning, thunderings, earthquakes. Hail is the seventh trumpet, but it's not from Revelation chapter 8 and 9. It's later on. Armageddon, and the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air. So, now we're at the seventh, seventh vial. I'll just put it down here. And there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne saying, it is done. It is done. And there were what? Voices and what? Thunderings and what? Lightnings. Oh, and earthquakes. Imagine that. I think that's cool. This seems to fit. There's so much that just matches. This isn't forced. We didn't have to jump all over the place. We had one reset in Revelation chapter 12. The rest flowed forward. We don't have to jump around. It's chronological. Revelation means it's revealed. There's many dark sayings and dark things in Scripture and especially the Old Testament and the prophecies were hard to be understood. This is called the Revelation. It's to be revealed so that we can understand because God doesn't want us ignorant of these things. Jesus Christ, when his disciples asked him what's going to happen in times, he says, be not deceived. I don't want you to be ignorant of these things. The Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians also mentioned, hey, be not deceived. Don't think that the day of Christ is at hand because there's other things that have to happen first. Don't let no man deceive you by any means. For that day shall not come except the coming of falling away first and that man of sin be revealed. The son of perdition, which also matches up in this timeline. And I went over that when we went over Matthew 24 and Revelation chapter 6. But as we go to these various passages, if we keep seeing the same pattern, it must be right. Let's finish off this chapter and we'll close it out. Verse number 18. And there were voices and thunders and lightnings, and there was a great earthquake such as was not since men were upon the earth. So mighty an earthquake and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts. And the cities of the nations fell in great Babylon came in remembrance before God to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. And every island fled away and the mountains were not found and there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven. Every stone about the weight of Italians and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail for the plague thereof was exceeding great. We'll continue chapter 17 and 18. Talk about Babylon specifically. We've got this timeline that brings us through Revelation chapter 11 as well, essentially. Which, by the way, Revelation chapter 11 mentioned there's these temple details, there's two witnesses brought up, and then there's an earthquake. We're closing out chapter 16 with this great earthquake as well. We'll get some more information in chapter 17 and 18 about Babylon and the great whore and just kind of more details about Babylon, characteristics, things like that. Revelation chapter 19, we'll see the marriage supper of the lamb, Jesus on the white horse with the saints. Revelation chapter 20, we'll see the millennial reign, the great white throne judgment, the battle of Gog and Magog. And then in Revelation chapter 21, we'll get into new heaven and new earth and close out the book of Revelation. But this is a pretty significant chunk of this book to get this timeline. And it fits. That's the best part about it. I feel like, now I'm not perfect, but hopefully this looked, this is pretty clear. And this is what the Bible is telling us. Obviously, I helped along by putting some things in a place in advance, specifically in Revelation 12 and 13. But I don't think it's out of order, and it still made sense and still followed chronologically with the rest of the timeline. All right, more work ahead for me to get this now all cleaned up to continue moving forward with the rest of the chapters. But this is just a focus primarily Revelation chapter 13. We're going to continue. We'll add some other details. We'll go into other parts. But let's start and use our primary focus on what was revealed. And then we'll use what was revealed to help us understand some of the dark cryptic sayings that even Daniel didn't know what was going on. We'll go to the Book of Daniel. We'll go to 1 Thessalonians. We'll go to Joel. We already did a lot from Joel. Zephaniah, Zechariah. We'll see these other prophetic scriptures that bring up some end times events. Isaiah will bring up some other things that will hopefully, if we're right, just continue to show support for what we've established here. Let's apologize for a word of prayer. Dear Lord, we love you. Thank you so much for giving us this revelation of scripture. Lord, I'm definitely not claiming to just know everything about all the things that are going to happen in the future, dear Lord. And I pray that you would please just help us all to gain more wisdom and knowledge and understanding of the future events. We want to be prepared. We know you want us to be prepared. You know you want us not to be offended. We know you want us not to stumble and be deceived. God, please open up our understanding. Show the error wherever we have the error in our understanding and our doctrine, whether it be in end times or in any matter for that matter, dear Lord. Help us to see our errors. Teach us from your word. Help us to know the truth. Lord, use the Holy Spirit to teach us and to guide us in all truth and wisdom and knowledge and understanding, dear God. We love you. We want to know what's right. We want to serve you to the best of our ability, dear Lord, so that we can ultimately just lead the most number of people to Christ and to bring glory and honor unto your name. We love you. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen. All right, we're going to sing one last song before we're dismissed. Brother Jesse, will you please lead us? All right. It is well with my soul. That's 145. We will be singing all four verses. 145 is well with my soul. When peace like a river attended my land, When sorrows like sea billows roll, I'll enter my life now that's something to say. It is well, it is well with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. No Satan should love him, no trial should come. Let this blessed assurance control, And might that regard in my helplessness gain, And that shed his own blood for my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. I sing of the bliss of his glorious star. I sing I impart life for all. His tail to the cross, and I carry no more. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, oh my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. And Lord, face the day when my faith shall be tried. The clouds behold back as the storm. The drought shall resound, and the void shall descend. It is well, it is well with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul.