(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) As I mentioned this morning, I'm gonna be continuing on the same subject matter of sin, right? This morning I preached on the wages of sin is death and this evening the title of my sermon tonight is the shame of sin Obviously, I already mentioned this you could continue preaching I could continue preaching on and on and on about sin it's it's mentioned a lot in the Bible and You know, I brought this up Earlier keep your place here in Psalm 39 turn if you would to Psalm 119 We're gonna come back to Psalm 38 One of the reasons I'm even bringing this up is That we have the proper view of sin, right the proper view of sin The Bible says in Proverbs 14 9 fools make a mock at sin, but among the righteous there is favored So first of all when it comes to sin just coming to sin in general The Bible says that fools make a mock at sin Fools will look at sin and treat it as if it's just kind of a joke. They don't treat it very serious they kind of you know, laugh it off or whatever and you know if you're a fool you'll do that and Honestly, we ought never and and I'm sure everybody's probably been guilty of this But you know, it's really this verse always comes to mind when I hear people Make mockery at sin and you know, even just in jest or you're saying, you know Oh how funny would be because oftentimes what people do with with making jokes and stuff is you say things that you would never do Right you say something just kind of off the wall and it's supposed to be real funny, right? And that's all well and good except we don't want to do things like that when it comes to sin So while I may be able to get a big laugh out of saying oh, yeah after service tonight I'm going out to the bar and I'm gonna go get me a so, you know It may make people laugh I may be able to say it in a way that everyone's gonna you know bust out laughing or whatever But you know what? That would be really foolish of me to just go and just kind of make a mock and And just make a mockery out of sin We ought to treat it a little bit more seriously and not just mock at sin as if oh whatever not big deal It is serious It really is Serious and and we ought not to just kind of throw it out there make a joke out of it This is how the sodomites were gained favor in the eyes of Bible believers in the eyes of Christians They introduced it and desensitized people to wickedness by making a mockery out of it That's how it started. That's how it started in my lifetime Because I'll tell you what people didn't always have this soft spot in their hearts for wicked perverts It wasn't there people would view Homosexuals and people that do perverted things like that because that is perversion It's not normal at all a perverted person lies with the same gender. And yeah, there's only two genders male and female a Perverted person is gonna do that not a normal person That's not the way that God created people and create a man and a woman to be together Not a man and a man not a woman a woman and the way that people even got to this point of not having Repulsion at the notion of a man with a man or a woman with a woman is through the use of mockery at their sin You go back and look at the mass media You look back at the TV shows and this it comes up. You always had the flamboyant flaming guy That was the homo that everybody laughed at right the flamboyant character. Oh, haha. Yeah, he's queer He's funny. He's whatever and no one really took him serious But he was just in there for comic relief I mean you go all the way back to mash You go back to threes company you go back to these old TV shows from the 70s and 80s Right where they started just throwing that comic relief in there Why because they couldn't have a complete pervert as a main Character in there and have that just go off as being normal because that wasn't normal in the culture because people wouldn't have accepted it People would have been like this is sick. This is twisted I'm not gonna put this filth in front of my eyes. So what they do they turned it into a joke They turned it into a mock Fools make a mock at sin We need to have a proper understanding of sin and what it is so that we could have the proper Hatred for it. Yes hatred. I got accused today. Oh, you're that hate preacher, right? Yes. Yes You know why because I hate sin because I don't have a soft spot for the sodomites like you do Because you've been brainwashed So I'm 119 look at verse 104 so I'm 119 by the way, you know people love it Oh, I just I just love reading the Psalms great. I love reading the Psalms to try reading Psalm 119. It's all about God's law and how wonderful God's law is The fool I was speaking to today and you know The only reason I even got is for anyone who's outsold in today and saw what happened and saw the the altercation with me and some other man outsold in today The only reason I even got involved with that. It's not he wasn't just some unbeliever. He claimed the name of Christ He had a testimony of salvation Okay, and he was saying it was through faith. He was saying a lot of the right things So when you have someone claiming to be a Christian claiming to you know Believe in the Bible and believe in Christ and then they're gonna come off and and just be Shameful and their acceptance and tolerance of sin, you know, I'm gonna I'm gonna let him have it I'm gonna openly rebuke him He calls it hate but you know what if that guy is a brother that's love he needs to be rebuked When I was talking with him I said, well, do you believe that the law of the Lord is perfect? Because that's what the Bible says He said oh, yeah, the law of the Lord is perfect And I said, well, what about Leviticus 20 13, oh That's Old Testament that's the law of the Lord Didn't you just say you said you believe the law of the Lord's perfect It's Because people one aren't reading their Bibles this isn't just about reading the Bible, but look You better know if you want to know what you believe. Why don't you read the Bible to get what you believe? And turn off the the hella vision So I'm one time 119 look at verse number 104 the Bible says through thy precepts I get understanding God's laws God's precepts God's Word. That's who you get your understanding from. You don't need it from CNN You don't need it from Fox News. You don't need it from any of these other outlets Why don't you get your understanding from God's precepts? Therefore see when you do that when you get there you're understanding through the precepts of the Lord Therefore I hate every false way. Oh You hate preacher Yes, I hate every false way Because I believe the Bible because I get my understanding from God's precepts Why do you love it so much? Why do you love perversion? There's something wrong with you if you love perversion There's something wrong with you if you love every false way Why don't you try getting a proper view of sin and hate it? Despise it you have nothing to do with it. Get it out. Look. I know that we're not perfect I know that we're all sinners. Yeah, here's where he tries it. Well, what about gluttony? Don't you have anybody that's overweight? And you're like God didn't put the death penalty on being overweight There's that's not perversion Okay, they're not that even close to being the same thing But I'll tell you what. I do hate every false way. I do hate every sin. I Hate the sin of gluttony. I hate the sin of adultery. I hate the sin of fornication I hate the sin of stealing. I hate the sin of murder. I hate the sin of sodomy I hate these sins Okay, and you ought to too and we need to have the right viewpoint that we don't downplay it We don't mock it. We hate it. I hate every false way. I hate the false prophets. I hate the heretics I hate it Romans 12 9 says let love be without dissimulation Dissimulation means it's fake right? You're faking it. You're kind of simulating love, right? Don't let your love be fake and before that which is evil. So how do you not make your love fake? You hate what's evil? Abhor that which is evil cleave to that which is good This is Bible Psalm 97 verse 10 the Bible says ye that love the Lord hate evil Hate it hate evil hate the sin hate the wickedness He preserveth the souls of his saints He delivered them out of the hand of the wicked Psalm 101 verse 3 the Bible reads I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes. I hate the work of them that turn aside It shall not cleave to me The problem is if you're not hating the wickedness if you're not hating the sin If you're not hating every false way, it's a lot easier for it to cling to you Because you're gonna be surrounded by it It's out there it's out in the world it's being pushed through the airwaves You are coming into contact with it all the times if you're not hating the wickedness and hating the evil It's a lot more likely to stick to you But if you have the mindset that says I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes Then how can it cleave to you? How is it going to stick to you? But No people like putting the perverts in Hollywood in front of their eyes They like getting your entertainment that way they like mocking at their sin or just not caring even about their sin and just say well, I'm just gonna have this wicked person entertain me and Then they end up they grow to love that person so much Even though they're extremely wicked and wicked as hell that They don't want to take away the the fleshly carnal desire of their entertainment So now they can't say anything About what's wicked? As the Bible says that we ought to have and hate that sin and then their ways are gonna cleave to them and then They're gonna find. Oh, it's not that bad. Why because a person makes you laugh Even though they're a pervert Proverbs 8 verse 13 the fear of the Lord is to hate evil Hate evil pride and arrogance see in the evil way in the forward mouth. Do I hate? Yes Yes, I'm preaching hate this evening. You heard it, right? Because oh, yeah, I'm preaching the Bible If you didn't get the references Proverbs 14 9 Psalm 119 104 Romans 12 9 Yeah, that's New Testament by the way Romans 12 9 Psalm 97 10 Psalm 101 3 Proverbs 8 13 We're just getting started. This isn't a sermon about hate. This is just how we ought to view sin We started in Psalm 38 go back there if you would Psalm 38 I Mentioned how sin oftentimes just comes with its own judgment just wrapped up in the sin And we're gonna see some of that judgment here with the psalmist here, which I believe is David psalm of David psalm 38 and What we're gonna find here in the judgment of sin we're find out sin stinks I'm not just saying that figuratively sin literally stinks When people get involved in sin, there's a stench associated with that. Have you ever walked into a bar? Especially after a night of just being open or whatever Or how about a bar bathroom Stinks or how about people's houses that were alcoholics Look I've been there. They're not clean and nice and swept and mop that they stink It's filth. It's vile. It's disgusting because sin stinks sin brings you into the mire like a like an animal Look at Psalm 38 verse number one the Bobberries Oh Lord rebuke me not in thy wrath neither chasing me in thy hot displeasure for thine Arrows stick fast in me and thy hand presseth me sore. There is no soundness in my flesh because of thine anger Neither is there any rest in my bones because of my sin So now he's talking about, you know rest in his bones physically his body is aching He's having pains because of his sin. He knows what it's from My sin brought this on me verse number four for mine iniquities are gone over mine head as in heavy burden They are too heavy for me This is where sin brings you you think you want to dip your toe in and just get a little feel just get a little Bit of excitement just get a little taste of that sin before you know it. It's gonna become this great burden it's gonna bring you into bondage and you're gonna wish you never opened up the door to that sin to begin with and Then you're gonna end up here like David says verse number five my wounds stink and are corrupt because of my foolishness I Am troubled I am bowed down greatly I go mourning all the day long for my loins are filled with a Loathsome disease and there is no soundness in my flesh, you know, it goes it goes along with sin disease and pestilence God brings pestilence upon a wicked people upon a sinful people also if you just Practice sin you practice sinful acts you practice fornication you practice adultery. Guess what comes along with that disease? Terrible disease a Diseases that stink diseases that eat the flesh diseases that are going to cause you to have no soundness in your bones You think it's all fun for that one day or that one night of pleasure And then you got a disease stuck with you for the rest of your life The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 10, I've covered this verse a lot recently Great verse Ecclesiastes 10 verse number 1 dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking saver It means a stinking smell Of course, right a dead a dead insect dead creature gets in gets in something that's supposed to smell nice It's gonna turn it foul right stings ever so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honor Maintaining your testimony maintaining your reputation your honor is important and it doesn't take much We read this morning, you know a little sinner does can do a lot of destruction a lot of damage Well a little sin For someone who's worked real hard at Building up a good strong solid testimony living a clean life going to church doing what's right being faithful doing all those things it just takes a little sin to bring you way down into the gutter and Destroy your testimony and and make it really hard for people to want to hear you anymore Because you're gonna sound like a big stinking hypocrite You Amos 4 10 you have to turn turn if you would to You know what stay in Psalms go to Psalm one night go back to Psalm 119 Amos 4 10 about says I have sent among you the pestilence after the manner of Egypt your young man if I slain with the Sword and have taken away your horses. This is all God's judgment by the way in Amos for here So I'm reading God's judgment upon his people. He's saying I you know, here's what I did I said pestilence after after the manner of Egypt your young men if I slain with the sword I've taken away your horses and I've made the stink of your camps to come up unto your nostrils Yet have you not returned unto me said the Lord so as a result of their sin God's bringing pestilence people are dying and the very stink You know, I think it's mentioning the stink of their camps coming up I know it's because they're so wallowing in sin that he's just bringing this physical stench And they're like like is this gonna wake you up you're living in filth Spiritually you're living in filth. So God brings this stink to just just help them see that So you can be you have good hygiene and wash every day and and be real clean on the outside but you know what many people are spiritually just filthy and Disgusting and they're like pig-pen from peanuts with a big cloud of dirt and dust surrounding them everywhere they go spiritually speaking because the sin stinks And there's a shame that comes along with sin There ought to be a shame see when you when you hate sin when you love God's Word when you love the law the Lord You ought to be ashamed when you fall You ought to be ashamed when you break God's commandments there ought to be a shame associated with that And you know what there is a shame associate with that I guarantee you God's ashamed when you're breaking his rules and when you're not do you know living and being a good a good child of God That you ought to be when you're claiming the name of Christ And then you're just going off and just and just getting involved in all manner of wickedness and sin I guarantee you God's ashamed of that But I'll tell you what's a shame when we're driving up to Chicago Why to stop? When we're just about to Indianapolis or no just passed and just getting through Indianapolis and I know enough about Indianapolis knows a lot of places that are not places. You really want to stop okay, it's kind of like By Gary to going north right before you get in Chicago and new parts of Chicago as well obviously of course But sometimes you just got to stop right We get off the freeway Pull off in a gas station right off the freeway. I go in to try to use the restroom. It's one of those places They've got a key So I go okay. Well. I got to get a key. It's inside the building Clerk behind this huge plexiglass just the whole thing is just just plexiglass with a little tiny Thing to put money or whatever through I asked for the key, and there's like. Oh, I'm sorry we don't do the bathroom After eight or whatever time it was she said and You know that really it bothered me Not you know whatever. I go to the bathroom somewhere else not a big deal, but It was one of those places as soon as you pulled in you're like you know Keeping your head your head on a swivel you got to watch your surroundings. You got you know. It's not a safe place Why because when you have a community when you have a group of people? That are just sinking and sin You can see the sin it becomes more dangerous Why is it become more dangerous because the love of people begins to fade the more sin you get involved in the more? Self-centered people become they don't care about other people and then they start behaving like animals And they start behaving in way that is just completely unacceptable That does not have humility does not have Care for other people and it gets to the point where we have local gas stations that have to make rules For adults not able to use the stinkin restroom Because people can't handle it because they've devolved so far in their sin That you can't even open up a door to use a restroom Because it's too late, so we have to deal with with people as if they're kids or animals This is where sin leads look I'm sure you've all experienced it and seen the same type of thing you go walking around in the slums in the ghettos And you've got the broken booze bottles all on the side of the road and the syringes and the garbage and everything's deteriorated Why is that it's because of sin? It's because you have people living there that can't get out of their sin. That's why There's a difference between just being poor and being in sin see if you're righteous But poor the Bible says you're never gonna be begging bread God's gonna take care of you. God's gonna make sure that you're fed and clothed He doesn't promise you to have a mansion here on earth. You're gonna have a mansion in heaven It's not about how much money you have here But I'll tell you what what do you live righteously whether you have a lot of money or a little bit of money You don't have to live in filth There's people who are in sin that live in filth I've been to poor people's homes They have clean homes They work hard and they do everything that they can To get by and there's nothing wrong with that and they can hold their head up high because they're doing what's right And they don't have to live in just filth But I've seen a lot of filth going out even just knocking on doors and going soul-winding How many times you walk in past the garbage cans there is full of booze Just all full of liquor bottles And then you see the living conditions are in it's not a coincidence Proverbs 13 verse number 5 the Bible reads a Righteous man hateth lying, but a wicked man is loathsome and cometh to shame When you're wicked when you become you know a wicked sinner You come to shame the Bible says Jeremiah 3 24 you're in Psalm 119 just stay there Jeremiah 3 24 the Bible reads for shame at devoured the labor of our fathers from our youth Their flocks and their herds their sons and their daughters we lie down in our shame and our confusion Covereth us for we have sinned against the Lord our God we and our fathers from our youth even unto this day and Have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God as we lie down in our shame Because we have sinned against the Lord our God God will bring you to be ashamed and For some people it takes getting deeper and deeper and lower and lower But the the longer you stay in sin the more ashamed you're gonna be Psalm 119 look at verse number 5 Oh that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes. What a great verse yes I wish my ways would just be directed God all the time to keep your statutes to keep your laws to not sin then Then shall I not be ashamed when I have respect on all thy commandments That guy I thought I said if he's if he's saved he ought to be ashamed of himself Because he doesn't have respect unto all of God's commandments He's not seeking his ways to be directed to keep the statutes of the Lord And you know what It's easy to throw it off at other people that was an easy example But where is your heart where is your mind when it comes to sin Are you looking at the laws of the Lord at God's statutes to direct your ways? Is that where you're getting your guidance from? When you have respect unto all of God's commandments, then you won't be ashamed Turn if you would to 2nd Samuel chapter 12 2nd Samuel chapter 12 Bible says in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 11 and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them Another New Testament passage telling us how we ought to live and how we ought to behave as New Testament Christians You know what have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness What's that going to include all manner of sin and wickedness and lewdness and and vileness? But rather reprove them. What does it mean to approve tell them the wrong? Wow, that sounds real judgmental of you Yeah, it's called the Bible. It's called the New Testament. It's called Ephesians chapter number 5 verse number 11 Why don't you read it sometime? But rather reprove them for it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret There are sins there are things that wicked people do in secret and darkness that the Bible says it's a shame Even to talk about it even to bring it up It's a shame But then on the other hand you've got people going well, we're just gonna love it all It's a shame to even talk about it you're supposed to hate it Because of the shame that comes along with sin It often will drive people to keep their sin secret. Well in this in this makes sense This is you know natural for a person not to want their sin Look, I don't want everyone to just know every sin that I've ever committed. I'm sure you feel the same way Right. No one wants all this it why because it'd be a shame We're a list off all the sins you've ever done. It's a shame you it's shameful no one wants that but We also Need to be careful with you know that we're not holding on to our sins And I'm not saying you have to come up and just just be like a Catholic You know go into the confessional booth and and and tell everyone your sins. It's not what I'm saying at all here So don't miss the point The point is just about having and retaining secret sins Right, I'm not saying you have to publicize everything you've ever done But how about we have the attitude of just hating all sins so that we don't even allow ourselves to keep some secret sins Within us second Samuel 12 12 verse 7. We see David being confronted with his secret sin It was what a day of David wanted to have his he just had this lust for Bathsheba And he's wanted to have her couldn't have her. He was already married. She was already married He saw her he coveted her. He wanted her. He wanted to have his secret sin. He took her to himself He laid with her he committed adultery and then he ends up murdering her husband All trying to keep secret out of his sin But look at how he's confronted here And this is extremely important the lessons we see here as a result of David's sin And this goes hand in hand again with this morning I couldn't put everything together into one sermon, but the amount of destruction that comes from sin Let's let's read this starting in verse number seven the Bible reads and Nathan said to David thou art the man Thus saith the Lord God of Israel I anointed thee king over Israel and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul and I gave thee thy master's house and thy Master's wives into thy bosom and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah and if that had been too little I would moreover have given unto thee such-and-such things so he's saying Look, I blessed you. I Gave you all this stuff and if that wasn't enough I would have given you even more Verse 9 wherefore hast thou despised the commandment of the Lord Then you despise God's commandment You know, I don't care what the commandment is. We ought not to be despising it in this case It's adultery and it's wicked and David gets judged for you know, we ought to hate adultery It's not acceptable. It's not tolerable People don't like it when you preach on one particular subject or one particular topic It's just because they for whatever reason they've got a soft spot in their heart for some wickedness and sin You know what? I don't want to have any soft spots for anything And I don't care what the wickedness is and if it's something as wicked as adultery That is deserving of the death penalty and it's still Deserving of the death penalty whether or not we have laws against it like that is a different subject but according to God hasn't changed his mind on How bad is adultery and God hasn't changed his mind on how bad is homosexuality? And God hasn't changed his mind how bad is kidnapping and God hasn't changes go down the list Go through all the statutes go through all the Commandments God hasn't changed his mind about it Wherefore is thou despise the commandment of the Lord to do evil in his sight Thou has killed your eye the Hittite with the sword and has taken his wife To be thy wife and has slain him with the sword of the children of Ammon Now therefore so as a result of this God's gonna judge him and God's gonna punish him and amen Now Therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house Because thou has despised me and has taken the wife of your eye the Hittite to be thy wife Thus saith the Lord Behold I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house and I will take away and I will take thy wives before thine eyes and Give them unto thy neighbor and he shall lie with thy wives in the sight of this son For thou didst it secretly But I will do this thing before all Israel and before the son David had this secret sin. He wanted to keep it a secret Made your sin major wickedness adultery and murder and he wanted to brush under law. You're right. We're trying to sweep it away But here's what God says God says, you know what you wanted to do this secret sin, but here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna bring your shame out just openly You're gonna get judged. Here's what's gonna happen to your wives and it's gonna be out in front of everybody for the whole world to see And that's the way that God deals with things And on top of that he had this judgment now of coming from within his own family and I think what we see here is You know Another impact of sin in the lives of those around you I guarantee you David's sin wasn't only adultery and murder, but those were the big notable ones He had to have other sins. I mean we know we had multiple wives and the Bible says the Kings not supposed to multiply wives unto himself but at the same time Obviously, we know he was still a man after God's own heart because David was someone who actually did end up caring about the Word of the Lord and repented and was trying to get right with God and That's critical, but you know, we're not going down that route that's that's a sermon for another day on the repentance We're just railing on sin this evening and How and making saying exceeding sinful so that we don't even come close to wanting to touch sin with a 10-foot pole Verse 13 and David said unto Nathan I have sinned against the Lord and Nathan said unto David the Lord also hath put away thy Sin thou shalt not die. So God Spares him the death penalty But he's not spared from all judgment. He just spares him Just just being killed right then and there but verse 14 also is extremely important This is another fallout of sin How be it because by this deed Thou has given great Occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die God said you are supposed to be upholding the Word of the Lord. You are supposed to be a king of righteousness you are supposed to have a great testimony as a judge as a ruler as a king in Israel and Obeying the Lord the the commandments of the Lord and because you've done this this gives the enemies This gives the enemies of the Lord all kinds of occasion They have all kinds of ammo against you now, and you know what it's real See normally the enemies are just gonna throw anything at people and it's not gonna work It's not gonna stick right because they make up lies to try to rail against people They try to make big mountains out of molehills out of things that aren't that big or whatever But then when they finally get some like oh man, this is real. That's when you have a big problem That's why we have to stay away from sin because one sinner can do a lot of damage a Lot of destruction comes from one sinner, I mean look at David Now he has to work at repairing His testimony repairing everything that he's done and trying to rebuild and do again Because of the wicked sin that he's done because he's allowed the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme And God said because you did that you're also gonna be judged for that and his child ended up dying So you're not keeping that child And that was a judgment from God Another example we say well, what did the child do the child didn't do anything? But it was David sin being judged that impacted that child Don't blame God Blame David David's the one that sinned No, it's not the child's fault. It's David's fault, but you see how his sin now impacts other people And that's a very serious way He thought Who's really being affected, right? This is a secret thing no one has to know about it or us we need to need to know about it Just me. I'm just gonna do this that you know Boy how did that change? Wasn't thinking about any of those things when you commit the sin We need to remember these stories these precepts what the Bible saying We need to keep it in our minds day in day out and the only way you're gonna do that is if you're Putting them in to your mind every day People might think you're radical weird for reading the Bible every day. You need to read the Bible I'm not just talking about a couple verses a day or the psalm of the day or whatever Proverb of the day I'm talking about really reading your Bible Because man our minds can get filled with all kinds of other things This is going to keep you from getting from having horrible things happen in your life Don't cling to those secret sins turn if you would Ecclesiastes chapter 12 Jesus Said this in Luke 8 verse number 16 No, man when he had light lighted a candle cover with it with a vessel or put it that under a bed But said it on a candlestick that they which enter in may see the light for nothing is secret That shall not be made manifest neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad You Ought not as a Christian have a secret life It'll come to light God is a god of light we're supposed to be children of light, right We're supposed to be able to shine forth that light and have no fear of the light and be able to just come To the light because you know what the light's gonna gonna shine it's gonna reprove. It's gonna rebuke It's gonna expose but we ought to be able to say great If you're living righteously then it's not a problem But when you've got the dirty dark secret sins that you don't want to have exposed that's when you have a problem Ecclesiastes 12 verse number 13 the Bible reads let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter fear God and keep his commandments For this is the whole duty of man. Oh Oh That's Old Testament. We don't need that. It's not the whole duty of man anymore Nonsense For God shall bring every work into judgment with every secret thing whether it be good Whether it be evil God's the judge you can try to keep secret sins from people and you could probably do it for a long time With people but God sees everything God knows God knows your thoughts God knows your heart You're an ecclesia flip over Ecclesiastes chapter 5 you're in Ecclesiastes 12 flip backwards I just have one example of this from first. I'm gonna read for you from first Samuel 13. This is just a story of Saul Because what drives people further into sin sin is shameful We don't need to have secret sins, you know because of the shame people want to hide sin, but then hold on to it Don't create Justifications for your sin because it's gonna make you hold on to it longer than you should When you're getting to the point, we're trying to justify yourself you're wrong When it comes to sin and you know, you know this you know it already When you already start to figure out ways as to why what you're doing is right Stop right there and just say and just admit and humble yourself and say I'm wrong. I Can't justify this Don't be like Saul King Saul in the Bible Because he got very stiff necked and would not just did not want to accept see that's a huge difference between King Saul and David And why David was better than Saul? David actually did in my opinion more worse sins than Saul did But David was able to recognize his sin repent and get right and just and try to keep moving forward Whereas Saul did not acknowledge his sin Saul did they both did some bad things some really bad things but Saul just would not Accept what he had done and get right with God as a result. He had to always save face He had to always do things or say things and just try to justify himself first Samuel 13 is an example of that I'll read this for you verse 11 the Bible reads and Samuel said what is thou done and Saul said because I saw that the people were scattered from me and that thou camest not within the days appointed and that the Philistines gathered themselves together in Micmash Therefore said I the Philistines will come down now upon me to Gilgal and I have not made supplication unto the Lord I forced myself therefore and offered a burnt offering so he's bringing up all these circumstances Well, you weren't here and these people are leaving from me and the enemy's gonna come and I just I mean I just had to do it. I just forced myself I forced myself What other choice did I have And Samuel said this all that was done foolishly Thou has not kept the commandment of the Lord thy God which he commanded thee and you broke God's commandment You are what a foolish thing to do It doesn't matter what else is going on around you can't justify your sin with all the surrounding conditions God said not to do it. So don't do it. It's simple It's simple When you start coming up with all these roads, you know how to do this and how to do that because of you Don't understand my situation Don't don't take that attitude with God look at look at Ecclesiastes 5 verse number 6 suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin Neither say thou before the angel that it was an error and right before this the context is You know keeping your vows unto the Lord and things like that Don't say something That's gonna cause your flesh to sin and then don't say before the angel. Oh, that was a mistake Oh, I didn't mean to say that wherefore should God be angry at thy voice and destroy the work of thine hands God doesn't want to hear your excuses That's the summary. God doesn't want to hear your excuses. Don't say oops. I didn't mean to say that oops No, once you once it's already come out of your mouth. It's too late No, oh that was a mistake. Oh, I didn't mean to say that. Oh, I didn't mean to make that vowel. Oh I did Because when you start doing that you're basically God's gonna be even more angry So like you make a vow you're not gonna keep it and then you go. Oh wait. No, I made a mistake You understand I didn't mean that's gonna make God even more angry. It's bad enough You're not gonna keep the vowel but now you're adding on top of that. Wherefore should God be angry at thy voice. I Don't want God angry at my voice. I Don't want to be trying to talk to God and God just being angry because I'm trying to talk to him And Destroy the work of thine hands Last place I'll be turn Galatians chapter 6 We need to understand that when it comes to our sin Sin brings shame. We ought to abhor sin. We ought to hate sin. We all have nothing to do with it We ought not to be bringing Justifications for our sin and try and make excuses for our sin. Just acknowledge it Repent and get past it. Okay move forward don't dwell on it and don't keep your own secret sins Locked up real tight get rid of them Because sin brings destruction sin brings death sin stinks We need to understand that God is not mocked Galatians 6 verse 7 be not deceived don't trick yourself Don't be fooled God is not mocked For whatsoever a man soweth that shall ye also reap for he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap Corruption, but he that soweth to the spirit shall the spirit reap life everlasting You want to sin you want to you want to? Work against and and and fight against the Word of the Lord and and get off into your little sinful pleasures and the lusts of your flesh you're sowing to the flesh and you're gonna reap and You're not just you know when you sow you sow something small when you reap something a lot bigger comes out God uses that example for a reason you sow seed in the ground you sow grass seed you sow Plant seeds fruit seeds whatever those little seeds that come out of an apple those things are tiny How big is an apple tree? Because that's what comes out of the seed that little tiny seed that someone sowed Brings a huge result so go ahead keep dipping your feet into that that pool of sin Keep messing around with it keep sowing those little seeds a little sin here a little sin here a little sin here Don't be surprised when it comes back on you because God's not mocked Because God has his law there for a reason Don't think that just because you're saved That means that God's not gonna punish you and God's not gonna judge you when it comes to your sin He won't send you to hell But he will punish you and when whatever you sow is gonna come back on you Be sure about that because God is not mocked I'll read this for you. It's the last place numbers 32 Verse number 20 and Moses said unto them if you will do this thing if you will go armed before the Lord to war and Will go all of you armed over Jordan before the Lord until he hath driven out His enemies from before him and the land be subdued before the Lord then afterward He shall return and be guiltless before the Lord and before Israel and this land shall be your possession for the Lord So Moses is this is basically when the children Israel saying, you know Benjamin saying hey, look we like this land right here We don't need to cross over into Jordan we don't we don't need to go over there into the Promised Land We like this land right here. I mean, you're very defeated these armies which we these kings Can we just have our possession here? So Moses says, okay Okay, you can have this land, but here's what you need to do first You can't just get settled in here and let the rest of your brethren go off and fight in the war They're not gonna go off and have to fight and leave them to fight on their own You need to go with them. You need to help because it's all of you together Conquering and then you could come back and then it's great. But then he warns them He says this in verse 23 But if you will not do so, so if you're not gonna do this if you're not gonna do what's right If you're not gonna follow the commandment of the Lord Behold you have sinned against the Lord and be sure your sin will find you out Your sin will find you out we're gonna close on that statement your sins gonna find you out That's a promise from God look God's not mocked You can make a mock at sin that's a foolish thing to do but you can't mock God with your sin It's gonna come back, you know, we ought to we ought to have a proper fear of the Lord and understand who God is and And Love him for who he is love him for giving us instruction loving us for keep loving him for keeping us From going down the wrong path That's gonna just bring destruction and misery and stink anyways into our life because that's what sin is It's never gonna be good for you But also realize that God is not mocked and your sin will find you out and whatsoever a man So what that shall he also reap? We Ought to be scared out of our minds to go off and get into sin Not because you're worried about Passover's and seeing you not because you're worried about brother Peter seeing you or anyone else seeing you in church Because God sees you Because I want God's judgment coming upon me and Because I don't want to start getting a soft spot for any sin because it's my pets in or your pets in look It's all wicked And I don't want any of it cleaving to me This is the attitude that we need to have we need to guard against sin Parents guard against sin in your families in your homes Don't let it get a foothold in your house because it's not just gonna cause damage to the one person It's in it's gonna it's gonna affect everybody in the household everybody Thank God for his word. Thank God for the light We should be coming to the light and let the light uncover whatever your sins are to you Repent and move on from them. It's about rides. I've a word of prayer your heavenly Father Lord We thank you so much for giving us such great instruction God I pray that you would please just help us all to be able to Inwardly look at ourselves look at our lives identify the sinful areas of our lives Lord we all we all have them help us to be able to get past them help us to know what they are and not to make excuses for them and And I pray that you would please keep These words the words of the stories the words of the verses that we that we looked at tonight fresh in our minds That that will help us Along the way so that we don't just get in our flesh again this week And the upcoming days that we don't just just forget about all these things and become forgetful hearers But Lord help us to be doers of the law not hearers only. It's in Jesus name. We pray. Amen