(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with a holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance and there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews devout men of every nation under heaven now when this was noised abroad the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language and they were all amazed and marveled saying one to another behold are not all these which speak Galileans and how here we every man in our own tongue wherein we were born Parthians and Medes and Edomites and the dwellers in Mesopotamia and in Judea and Cappadocia in Pontius and Asia Phrygia and Pamphylia in Egypt and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene and strangers of Rome Jews and proselytes Crete and Arabians we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God and they were all amazed and were in doubt saying one to another what meaneth this others mocking said these men are full of new wine but Peter standing up with the 11 lifted up his voice and said unto them you men of Judea and all you that dwell at Jerusalem be this known unto you and hearken to my words for these are not drunken as you suppose seeing in his butt the third hour of the day but this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel and it shall come to pass in the last days sayeth God I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams and on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my spirit and they shall prophesy and I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath blood and fire and vapor of smoke the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the that great and notable day of the Lord come and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved you men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs which God did by him in the midst of you as ye yourselves also know him being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God ye have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain whom God hath raised up having loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be holding of it for David speaketh concerning him I foresaw the Lord always before my face for he is on my right hand that I should not be moved therefore did my heart rejoice and my tongue was glad moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope because that will not leave my soul in hell neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption thou hast made known to me the ways of life thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance men and brethren let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David that he is both dead and buried and his sepulcher is with us unto this day therefore being a prophet and knowing that God hath sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne he seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soul was not left in hell neither his flesh did see corruption this Jesus hath God raised up where of we are all witnesses therefore being by the right hand of God exalted and having received of the father the promise of the holy ghost he hath shed forth this which ye now see and hear for David is not ascended into the heavens but he sayeth himself the Lord said unto my Lord sit thou on my right hand until I make thy foes thy footstool therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God hath made that same Jesus whom ye have crucified both Lord and Christ now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles men and brethren what shall we do then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost for the promise is unto you and to your children and to all that are afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call and with many other words did he testify and exhort saying save yourselves from this untoward generation then they that gladly received his word were baptized and the same day they were added unto them about three thousand souls and they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers and fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles and all that believed were together and had all things common and sold their possessions and goods and parted them to all men as every man had need and they continuing daily with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart praising God and having favor with all the people and the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved let's pray dear Lord thank you for this chapter I thank you for this time to come together this morning I pray she would bless our service this morning and that she would be with pastors he comes help us all to be edified this morning to learn something and induce them to pray amen all right this morning i want to teach a very fundamental doctrine on the holy ghost so uh obviously we are trinitarians here we believe in the holy trinity father the word and the holy ghost the bible says these three are one we believe that god is one god consisting in three persons father son and holy ghost very basic doctrine i'm not going to go too in depth on the trinity we're going to focus more on the holy ghost and the reason why i even just bring up the trinity is because we need to understand the holy ghost is god first and foremost and there's a lot of misrepresentations mischaracterizations a lot of false doctrine regarding the holy ghost just amongst broader christianity in general and one of the guiding principles that should help you is that the holy ghost is god there shouldn't be anything different or contradictory especially that would be uh coming from the holy ghost that would be different than would come from jesus christ or that would come from the father they all are in unison and in agreement and bear witness you know that these three are one now and i say that because people will tell you all kinds of crazy things about the holy ghost and the holy ghost led me to do this and do that and sometimes it's contradictory to what the word of god even says and i got news for you if you're thinking that the holy ghost is leading you to do things that that are contrary to scripture that's not the holy ghost but it's an easy thing for people to claim and it's it's it's it's something that people will can can talk to you it's kind of like how do you argue against that someone says well the holy ghost of this well how do you argue against that is you know what the bible says about the holy ghost i mean that's how you answer people like that because some people will say they have uh you know these experiences and everything else and it's hard to talk to someone if they genuinely feel like they have certain experiences right especially if you're trying to persuade people to get saved you're trying to persuade people believe the bible you know i had to deal with this a lot when i lived in arizona and and going out preaching the gospel and talking to mormons and i don't know if you know this but but just about every mormon that you talk to if you talk about their own personal testimony because what that what they what they try to do is what they'll say is well you just pray on it okay and they'll say i prayed about the book of mormon i prayed about this and i got this burning in my bosom that confirmed that this is true and it's uncanny and many people here you probably don't have very much experience because mormons aren't very big out here so you you don't you don't really get that well i dealt with it all the time and it's one of those things it's kind of like if you talk to jehovah's witness there's there's the same things they're going to bring up they have all those same the same focal points for their doctrine that they want to talk to you about what's the name of god right things like that they're gonna they're gonna bring that stuff up it's very similar the indoctrination of the mormon church of how you know and i'm talking about younger younger teens these people who go on their missions trips and then they become elders you know they got like a 17 year old elder but um they uh they they they have these experiences and they'll say yeah well i prayed about it and it's one of those things that they teach the church and they kind of plant that thought in their head in advance and then they get a feeling and then they think that that confirms well this must be true okay and a lot of the false doctrines and false beliefs about the holy ghost revolves around feelings and we need to be careful about that you know the bible says in jeremiah 17 9 the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it and if we're thinking about things that come from the heart you know the heart of man we need to keep that in check with the word of god and the reason i bring up the heart is because oftentimes that's where your feelings or emotions can stem from from the heart but we don't make decisions we don't base doctrine based off of a feeling it has to come from the wisdom and the truth from the word of god we are not led by emotions we should not be led by emotions in fact if you just step back and think about the times where you've made decisions off of emotions you'll probably find out that the majority of the times those were bad decisions when people make decisions just based off of fear or just a knee-jerk reaction to something because they're they're afraid or they're angry or they're upset you know just something just right off the bat well something happens and now you're responding it's probably a bad decision because you need to put some thought and you need to control your emotions and be temperate and have control over your body and over your emotions to make good choices and right choices and this all ties in to people who have a false concept of what the holy ghost does and how the holy ghost acts in our life because yes the holy ghost is there and provides a lot of benefit to the believer we'll get into some of that the holy ghost should be leading us and guiding us and and all those things but we need to understand where that stops and the the first case we're going to start with here is of course we read the book of acts chapter 2 here chapter number 2 it's all about the day of pentecost and i think one of the the the group the largest groups of so-called christians that have the the holy ghost wrong are the pentecostals and we see here at the day of pentecost look down at verse number one the bible says when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place this is talking about the disciples of jesus christ because this is after the resurrection of christ at the end of the book of john before we get in the book of acts you see he's telling them okay now wait in jerusalem wait for it to be endued from power upon on high and they're regular they're meeting they're meeting it's the day of pentecost has come jews from all over the world are coming to gather to this holy day to the pentecost and and are coming together from all over from all over the land and are coming into town for this special event and here they are the disciples they're in pentecost one accord one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty win and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance and the one of the false teachings we have here and i'm not going to teach the whole sermon on this one subject but i definitely have to cover it since we're talking about the holy ghost is this concept of being able to speak with other tongues speaking in tongues which you're never going to find the phrase speaking in tongues in in the king james bible but speaking with other tongues what we see happening in the book of acts is very specific what we see today in pentecostal churches is very different from what we see expressed in acts chapter two in acts chapter two if we let the bible teach us what's happening here after verse number four when says they began to speak with other tongues it says in verse five and there were dwelling at jerusalem jews devout men out of every nation under heaven so now it's making a point to say you know what and there's also people here from every nation and what is what's one of the things that makes people different different nations different languages all right people speak different languages when they come from different nations now when this was noise abroad verse six the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man like this every man heard them speak in his own language so when the disciples were speaking with other tongues the word tongue is just another word for language we may not use that in our modern english our modern vernacular as often but that is just synonymous with language someone says tongue it's a language there's nothing mysterious about it or anything like that it's just it's just talking about language and when god gave them this ability to speak it was for the purpose of other people being able to understand what they were saying and if we keep in mind the context jesus christ had just been crucified and risen from the dead now you've got this great event we've got people coming in from all over the place what a prime opportunity for people to hear the gospel to hear the truth to hear about the death burial resurrection of jesus christ and you've got people instead of having to go out and reach all of them they're all gathered together in one place for this special event now obviously it's not everyone in the whole world but you've got representation of people from all over the place gathered together you've got a whole bunch of people to speak all these different languages but you know what the disciples they weren't these well-educated scholars that would have all these different languages in their repertoire being able to speak to other people they were fishermen tax collector they're you know they had these jobs that you could go through the disciples and see what type of of work they did they're mostly these blue-collar type jobs regular average guys that jesus chose to work with him and of course they learned a lot spiritually but the languages they didn't know all these languages which is why god gave them the tools that they needed to be able to reach people and be able to speak to them in their own language even though the disciples themselves didn't know that language it's it's miraculous it's great it's awesome it's a great gift that god was able to give to them but it was for the purpose of preaching them the gospel and it it was a real language that people could really understand and not a bunch of gibberish and nonsense that if you know if people of the world were to listen to what these guys were saying someone could say yes that is arabic that is chinese that is you know pick whatever language was around at the time they'd be able to identify and say that's what they're speaking when you go into pentecostal church today can anyone tell me what language they're speaking when they roll around on the floor and foam at the mouth and start going oh no you can't because what they're going to say it's an and well it's an angelic language yeah it's real convenient to say it's an angelic language when no one understands well yeah it's just a language and no one then why are you speaking it that's not a gift of the holy ghost that's not what the holy ghost job was there to do was to make these people just speak a bunch of gibberish and babble and and so that no one can understand the bible says that god is not the author of confusion and it says that in first corinthians 14 which gives a lot of rules on how churches ought to be operating and if you have people that can speak other tongues how things ought to be done decently in an order in the church in fact keep your place here in acts chapter two flip over to first corinthians 14 we'll just look at that real quick while your turn in first corinthians 14 i'll keep reading in act chapter two the bible says and they were all amazed and marveled saying one to another behold are not all these which speak galileans all the people are speaking from galilee and how here we every man in our own tongue wherein we were born they're all from galilee how is it that we could hear them speaking in our language and then it lists off parthians and meads and elamites and the dwellers of mesopotamia and in judia and cappadocia in pontus and asia phrygian panphilia in egypt and in the parts of libya about sireni and strangers of rome jews and proselytes cretes and arabians we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of god it lists off the people it we know what languages they were speaking through the power of the holy ghost that they were able to hear them in their own languages it's listed off there it's not a mystery they were able to hear the word of god in their language which by the way shows us that the word of god can be translated in any language you want to make sure you got the holy ghost at work in that though i don't think the holy ghost was mistranslating anything you didn't lose anything in translation when you went when you spoke to the uh people from crete or the arabians because the holy ghost was doing the translating i mean we're reading the bible in english we didn't lose anything from the greek or the hebrew we don't have to learn those languages in order to understand the bible we just got to make sure we've got a a holy ghost used version of the bible the the the bible that was translated under the inspiration of the holy ghost we have um first corinthians 14 you should be there by now let's look at verse number 27 the bible say if any man speak in an unknown tongue let it be by two or at the most by three and that by course and let one interpret now unknown doesn't mean a language that nobody in the world knows it means the people who are in attendance don't know that's right it's unknown it's unknown to those there it's unknown to those in church does anybody in here speak mandarin chinese anybody i don't either okay but if i did the rule would be if i have something to say if i have something to preach maybe we had a chinese pastor visiting or evangelist whatever come in if any man speak in an unknown tongue let it be by two at the most by three and that by course you go in order and let one interpret so if we had someone here to speak a language that none of us understood they could still preach but we would need to have someone to interpret what they're saying so that everybody could understand and be edified by what's going on this is how tongues work verse 28 says but if there be no interpreter let him keep silence in the church and let him speak to himself and to god hey he can still pray in his language to god that's no problem with that god's going to understand him but you know what he's going to keep quiet because no one else is going to know what he's saying and there's no purpose for that let the prophet speak two or three and let the other judge if anything be revealed to another that sitteth by let the first hold his peace you know what i'm saying it's not a circus if there are people that that that you know feel like man there's something that that i need to preach here something i want to say it's god's laying on my heart it's going to be done decently and in order okay you there could be other people have an opportunity to preach but he's saying you're not just going to start running the mouth and and wow now it's my turn look that's not the way it's supposed to work in church it says if anything be revealed to another that sitteth by let the first hold his peace for you may all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be comforted but that's not what happens in the pentecostal churches when they start playing the music and getting people all worked up and getting everyone amped up and and you know getting people to to start spouting off that gibberish which it really is like it's a heathen practice which originated from a mingling of christianity with these other occult type religions and and the um why is the word is you know like the the voodoo and stuff tribal religions just kind of mingled and mixed in with the christianity add jesus christ to that and that's when it becomes uh you know they they try to to polish it off and sell it as christianity but it's not it's really uh just satanic at the end of the day but the bible says here look at verse number 32 and the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets for god is not the author of confusion but of peace as in all churches of the saints spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets the prophets are in charge so even if the holy ghost is going to give you a word of knowledge or whatever right is going to prompt you is going to lead you the person the human being still is in charge and the spirits subject to the prophet themself jonah received a word from the lord did he not and he chose not to say anything he chose to flee he chose to go the other directions and i'm not going to do that now god dealt with him for that being disobedient and stubborn and rebellious and not doing what god wanted to do and persuaded him and convinced him that he really ought to deliver this message that god has given him but he was still in charge of whether charge of whether or not he was going to preach that message and the same thing works regardless of the language that's coming out of your mouth we are not god's puppets on a string that just well it's just automatic you are going to do this god works with us as his servants we are his servants we ought to yield our bodies a living sacrifice we ought to yield ourselves to him and and whatever god wants us to do we should be obedient and go forth and do that but we still have the final say so on that we have the free will to choose whether or not we will be compliant with the lord and his commands spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets now there is a difference there are people who are not in charge when they're overcome by a spirit and those are the false spirits those are the demonic spirits the satanic spirits that will come and possess people yes it's real it's real demon possession is real we see it in scripture read the book of mark very heavy in the book of mark you see people who are possessed with other spirits and and they don't have control and and it's that is not something that's of god they're brought into bondage and when we see in the bible when jesus casts out the devils they're freed from that bondage of having that devil inside of them but the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets let's uh flip if you would over to ephishians chapter one i read what i wanted to read next chapter two we saw that i don't want to spend any more time on just the the speaking with other tongues thing it's pretty basic and pretty straightforward but it is something cool that was a a ministry of the holy ghost if you will of something that that god a power that god was able to undo people it's a gift of the holy ghost that allowed people to preach the gospel you want to be careful you get your teaching from you know if you listen to preachers read books do things like that you you want to make sure i would say definitely make sure they're not a pentecostal yeah right that's right you're born again believer of god you have no business learning from pentecostals the reason i say this because they're not even saved right they're not saved you're in ephishians chapter one the reason why they're not saved by the way is because they believe that you could lose your salvation and anyone who thinks that you could lose your salvation is not saved if you think there's something that you can do and god will take away eternal life from you then you're not saved why well why do you say that well think about it this way here's why and i'm turning to scripture to show you why from the bible but think about it this way what is it that would make a person unsaved if you could lose your salvation what is it that you can do that's going to make that salvation go away which commandment do you have to break if it's gonna if you're gonna lose your salvation from breaking one of the commandments of god then what you're saying is you're trusting in a certain level of obedience to the law of god to remain saved you're turning to god's word for your salvation say well jesus got me saved well in order to keep it if it's by the works of the law no then you're not trusting completely or solely in the finished work of jesus christ when he died on the cross and rose again from the dead that's the finished work okay we either trust in that 100 or if you start to mix in well but we also have to keep the love well now you're trusting in works you can't have grace and works who has grace is no longer grace but here's why in first john chapter five and stay stay in first corinthians 14 or not first corinthians 14 ephsians chapter one is where i have you turn first john chapter five the bible says he that believeth on the son of god in verse number 10 had to witness in himself he that believeth not god hath made him a liar because he believeth not the record that god gave of his son and this is a very basic thing if you're not believing the record that god gave of his son you're making god a liar if you're making god a liar in this respect you're not saved you have to believe the truth of god's word you have to believe the truth about jesus christ about the record that god gave of his son and it's a very simple record it's not complicated it's not like you have to know all these various doctrines all these ins and outs and everything else it's very very simple but there's three basic points in first john chapter five that are brought up here that you have to believe otherwise you're making god a liar and you're not saved verse number 11 says and this is the record so you could tell us what's the record that guy gave of his son this is the record that god hath given to us eternal life and this life is in the sun it's very simple but there's three aspects to that one it says he's given to us given means it's a gift given means it's not earned it's not of works it's something that's given he paid for it he's given it to you two it says it's eternal life it's not temporary life eternal by definition means forever titus one two in hopes of eternal life which god that cannot lie promised before the world began eternal lasts forever god gives you something says hey i'm gonna give you a gift it's not of works it's free you just have to accept it once i give it to you it's eternal it's eternal well i don't know i mean if i lose it then it's gonna be gone well then that's not eternal if i break the law then then he's gonna take it away from me then you it's not eternal you say well the gift itself is eternal but i'm just not in possession of it okay well how about john 5 24 well this is verily verily saying to the except except uh wrong wrong passage very very very like saying to you uh he that heareth my word here's my word and believe it on him that sent me hath everlasting life means you have it right then you have everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life shall not come into condemnation there is no caveat there there is no exception there you are saved the moment you're born again you don't become unborn you are born again you become a child of god you are saved for ever you have to believe it's eternal it says and then the third part is and this life is in his son through jesus christ alone there's no other way no other savior no other belief it's christ who did the work it's eternal and it's a gift very basic ephesians 1 13 the bible says in whom you also trusted after that you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also after that you believed ye were sealed with that holy spirit of promise the reason why Pentecostals aren't saved it's because they don't believe in eternal security but we know we have eternal security ironically because of the Holy Ghost they want to point to the Holy Ghost and I literally had someone I was out preaching the gospel one time in Arizona I was trying to explain someone how to be saved and and look I'm preaching hard against Pentecostals but you know what I'm preaching a bunch of Baptists why you're in a Baptist Church today I don't the preaching that you hear from the pulpit is not going to be the same is when I'm out trying to convert someone to Christ that is a Pentecostal you need to understand you know people need to understand the truth one way you know in a certain way you're gonna hear it preached from God's Word here but when you go forth trying to convert someone I'm not changing the truth but I'm also not going to be slamming on their current religion as hard as just trying to get them to see what the truth is you preach the gospel to people by showing them what's the right way you don't have to focus on everything that's wrong about them you show them the right way they'll understand that what they're believing is wrong but in any case let's look at what the Bible says right here in whom you also trusted after that you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation's in whom also after that you believe you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchase possession unto the praise of his glory we receive the Holy Spirit we receive the Holy Ghost when you get saved you have the Holy Ghost that comes and indwells you and the Bible says that that's the earnest and if you ever well at these days I don't even know if you need earnest money anymore you want to go buy a house you know purchase a home normally what you have to do is you put down earnest money and that earnest money is non-refundable you know put an offer down you say okay I'm gonna buy this house you put down money that says I'm serious about buying this house I want this house don't sell to anyone else because I'm basically in the process of buying it I want it but it's mine I'm actually I'm buying it from you so here's the money I'm putting down earnest and I'm gonna come back I'm gonna pay the rest later and if you back out or default then you lose that earnest money right I mean that's how it works we purchase a home that's what the earnest is well God has put his earnest of our inheritance on us through by sealing us with that Holy Spirit of promise you say but I'm already saved why do I need that why does there an earnest because your spirit is saved you have a new man internally but you still have the old flesh so our redemption on the one hand yes it's it's done it's taken care of in the sense that we're saved we put our trust in Christ but on the other hand we still have a redemption to look forward to in our bodies the resurrection that first resurrection we're going to be looking for when Christ comes back and we have a glorious new body then our redemption will be complete as we have body soul and spirit all redeemed to live with the Lord forever that is the redemption is being talked about here which is the earnest of our adherence until the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his glory so you get sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise do you think God's gonna back out and leave that Holy Spirit as the earnest what's gonna happen you can't back out on that because then if you end up going to hell the Holy Spirit's going to hell it doesn't make any sense if God's putting earnest on something saying no I'm buying this I purchased this possession look human beings may back out on things God doesn't God is faithful he puts the earnest of the Holy Spirit to show how serious he is it's the Holy Ghost and then it kind of reiterates this in chapter 4 verse number 30 Bible says and grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption you're sealed can't lose your salvation turn to 1st Corinthians chapter 2 we don't want to learn from anyone that's unsaved because they can't understand the scripture because they don't have the Holy Spirit of promise God indwells believers with the Holy Spirit but those who are unsaved do the Holy Spirit and it's so ironic that those that want to be teachers of the Holy Spirit don't have the Holy Spirit and should not be teaching about the Holy Spirit 1st Corinthians chapter 2 look at verse number 9 the Bible says but as it is written I have not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love him but God hath revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit searches all things yea the deep things of God now if you were going to our Bible study in the book of Isaiah we went over this exhaustively when it's talking about searching the all things and deep things of God it's talking about the truths doctrines you know the the deep truths of the Bible is what's being referenced here and God's spirit helps us to understand these things verse 11 for what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of man which is in him even so the things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God now we have rejected not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God excuse me I said rejected that was totally wrong verse 12 now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teaches but which the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual but the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned the Bible is a spiritual book the Word of God are spiritual words if you want to understand the things of the Spirit you've got to have the Spirit of God with you and though the natural man the unsaved man does not understand their foolishness unto him and so people come up with all kinds of foolish doctrines and foolish beliefs under the the title of Christianity because they don't even understand what they're reading and there's a lot of things they don't understand because they don't have the Spirit of God at all verse 15 but he that is spiritual judgeth all things yet he himself is judged of no man boy that's a verse we could read over and over again in today's Christian world but he that is spiritual judgeth all things but we're not supposed to judge read your Bible people the crazy oh judge not judge you don't even know where that comes from comes from Matthew 7 and the Bible says judge not that ye be not judge for with what judgment you judge you shall be judged okay don't be a hypocrite in your judgment but it doesn't mean you could never judge anything otherwise you got contradictions all over the place like verse 15 but he that is spiritual judgeth all things and you're gonna contradict yourself because everything that you hear you should be judging is that true is that false you just made a judgment people I can't even define what a woman is they came and make a judgment on that are gonna tell you that you can't judge you better believe I could judge because they're judging to everybody judges ridiculous you just got to make sure you judge righteously verse 16 for who hath known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him but we have the mind of Christ going back to you know we don't appeal to emotions or feelings we're talking about having the Holy Ghost the Holy Spirit that's gonna teach us and guide us and bring us into wisdom it doesn't do it through emotion through feeling it's because we have the mind of Christ because we have God in us you have Christ in you to help guide you now it doesn't mean that everything that you think is going to be perfect because we still have a fleshly bind and it doesn't mean that anyone's gonna always be right about things but if you are receptive to the teaching of the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost isn't gonna lead you astray we may wrestle against the Spirit in our flesh and still come to some wrong conclusions but at the end of the day the job of the Holy Spirit is to guide us and help teach us and instruct us because we have the mind of Christ Bible says in John 14 verse 26 turn if you would to there's a lot that I'm gonna I'm gonna go through a lot of this stuff really quickly I know we're getting late on time yeah turn to John 14 it's fine I told my sermon the Holy Ghost it's too broad of a subject to cover in one sermon but I kind of want to do is a real basic overview you know we could go in depth on the spiritual gifts that come through the Holy Ghost I'm not going to do that there are gifts that that God has given through the power of the Holy Ghost so the the miracles that you've seen read about in the scripture those are all a result of the power of the Holy Ghost but what I'm focusing on here and what we see a lot of scripture about is the leading and the teaching and guiding of the Holy Ghost which is why I really want to spend most of time focused on because people have just misconceptions and and maybe don't even understand this that well well how does the Holy Holy Ghost speak to me how do I learn how can I understand these things the Bible says in verse 26 there of John 14 the Bible says but the comforter which is the Holy Ghost which is another aspect of the Holy Ghost is to be there to comfort you to be there with you since Christ left this earth he still left the comforter with believers to help you which is which is awesome to have a comforter when everyone else can forsake you on this earth every man may leave you or turn their back on you Jesus Christ will never leave you nor forsake you you've got the Holy Ghost indwelling you which is your comforter that you can take solace in no matter what is going on so so praise the Lord thank God for giving us a comforter the whole nother aspect of the Holy Ghost that deserves its own sermon as well but the comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you we get a little bit of insight on the teaching of the Holy Ghost how is the Holy Ghost gonna teach you well Holy Ghost is gonna help bring things to your remembrance what things the things that I have said unto you the Word of God the Word of Christ so God's Word but you need to have heard it in order for the Holy Ghost to bring it to your remembrance they needed to hear obviously he's talking to his disciples they were with Christ they heard the words of Christ he say you know what that comfort is gonna come he's gonna remind you about the things that I said and this is one of the ways that the Holy Ghost works in teaching and guiding you you need to be hearing the Word of God you need to be absorbing the Word of God regularly being with Jesus Jesus is the word by the way the word made flesh being with Christ being with the word getting the word and then as you go about your life and you come across different situations the Holy Ghost can lead you and guide you by bringing to remembrance oh yeah God's Word says this oh yeah God's Word says this and to prompt you and to help you in your decision-making and that's the guidance and the leading that you're gonna get from the Holy Spirit from the Holy Ghost I mean it could be as simple and it's not mysterious or spooky oh people have all kinds of weird ideas and we're gonna get to the you know voices at the end of the sermon some people say like yeah you just gotta listen for that voice like what are you talking about I don't know about you I've never heard an audible voice telling me to do anything now I've made a lot of decisions based on faith I've made a lot of decisions based on what I see the Bible what's right according to the Word of God what I should be doing as a pastor of this church I made decisions I made a decision that yes I would yield myself to pastor a church to get ordained to go out and start a church in Arizona and then also looking into the Word of God seeing what's right God there's different things have changes doors have closed other doors have opened up to make the move to come out here you know it was another significant change huge impact in my life personally looking for the will of God what's right but I never once heard a voice saying move to Norcross Georgia plant a church in Norcross Georgia I'm not hearing those voices now look people did hear the Lord audibly especially in the Old Testament a lot but you know what they were lacking in the Old Testament the indwelling of the Holy Ghost that came when Jesus Christ breathed on his disciples had received ye the Holy Ghost after his resurrection the Old Testament believers did not have an indwelling now the Holy Ghost worked with them they had the power of the Holy Ghost upon them they were able to perform Elijah Elisha that you're able to perform miracles and things like that because the Holy Ghost was working with them and I'm but that was not living inside of them they had a temple of God we're now in the New Testament our bodies is the temple we don't go and make any pilgrimages to a physical building or structure anywhere the Holy Ghost God lives inside of us and our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost but the way that the Holy Ghost teaches us and and and helps us is going to be by bringing to remembrance the things that we've already heard and leads us in guides us in that fashion one of the other things that the Holy Ghost helps with and I'm just going to plow through a bunch of verses here and let me know if anything pops out at you as I read through all these references acts 1 8 so this is after the resurrection of Jesus Christ right and their disciples are waiting we saw Acts chapter 2 we read that whole chapter acts 1 8 says but you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria in the most part of the earth mark 12 36 for David himself said by the Holy Ghost the Lord said to my Lord sit down on the right hand so make the enemies my footstool mark 13 11 but when they shall lead you and deliver you up take no thought beforehand what you shall speak neither do you premeditate but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour that speak ye for it is not ye that speak but the Holy Ghost Luke 1 41 and it came to pass that when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary the baby bleeped in her womb Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost and she spake out with a loud voice and said blessed art thou among women and bless is the fruit of thy womb Luke 225 the story of the man that comes into the temple after Jesus Christ is born and he came by the Spirit into the temple and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him after the custom of the law then he took him he am up in his arms and blessed God and said Lord now let us thy servant depart in peace according to thy word acts 4 8 then Peter filled with the Holy Ghost said unto them ye rulers of the people and elders of Israel acts 4 31 and when they had prayed the place was shaken where they were assembled together and they were all filled the Holy Ghost and they spake the Word of God with boldness act 755 but he being full of the Holy Ghost looked up steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing on the right hand of God this is Stephen being martyred and said behold I see the heavens open and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God acts 13 verse 8 but elements the sorcerer for so his name by interpretation withstood them seeking to turn away deputy from the faith then saw who also is called Paul filled with the Holy Ghost set his eyes on him and said Oh full of all subtlety and all mischief now child of the devil thou enemy of all righteousness wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord second Peter chapter one knowing this first that no prophecy of the scriptures of any private interpretation for the prophecy came not an old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost one of the primary functions of the Holy Ghost is to help you speak the Word of God going all the way back to Acts 2 where we started what was there was a function well the Holy Ghost helped interpret but what the Holy Ghost wanted to do go out and preach the gospel preach the Word of God being filled with the Holy Ghost being filled with the Holy Spirit that is going to help you to go and preach God's Word and every time we see people here being filled with the Holy Ghost what are they doing they're speaking what are they doing they're saying it says and they said in it and you could read these in context I blew through all these what else is going on those passages the vast majority of time there's no extra special miracle going on they're not healing people that doing anything else but what are they doing they're speaking they're preaching that's the primary function these other gifts that were given through the Holy Ghost yes they exist yes they're real I would say yes they're important but they're secondary they're secondary and the purpose of those was just to confirm what's being said what's being spoken because that's what matters we're not gonna focus on whether or not you can speak with another language and that's I started telling the story and I know I got way way off when I was out in Arizona preaching the gospel I come across a Pentecostal guide I'm trying to get him saved I'm trying to teach him you know show him how to be saved he says well have you ever spoken with tongues and I'm just going like who cares that was his level and that was his gauge of like how spiritual and how holy a person is I'm talking about your soul being saved man and all you care about is speaking with tongues that's not what it's all about that's not a gauge of your righteousness even the Apostle Paul saying you know what I he's like hey it's me in tongues is great and I'm paraphrasing obviously but I'd rather have be able to speak and pray with the understanding right if people can't understand then there's no point he's gonna keep silent and I'm totally butchering that first Corinthians 14 because it chapter 13 talks about what's really important having charity chapter 13 verse 1 says though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity I'm becoming sounding brass or tinkling cymbal that doesn't even matter so I could speak with tongues of men and of angels all day long and it doesn't matter if I don't have charity it doesn't matter if I don't have a love in my heart to go out and care about people and preach in the gospel doesn't mean anything all these other gifts about you know the gift of prophecy all these other things it means nothing if you don't have charity verse 14 or chapter 14 says follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts but rather that you may prophesy saying yeah great but he's a follow up the charity hey you could desire spiritual gifts that's fine there's nothing wrong with that's a good thing have spiritual gifts but rather that you may prophesy because that's more important speaking with another tongue is great we know it's more important prophesying preaching for he that speaketh an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto God for no man understandeth him howbeit in the Spirit he speaketh mysteries but he that prophesyeth speaketh unto men to edification and exhortation and comfort he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edify at himself but he that prophesy edify at the church this is where I was trying to quote here verse five I would that you all spake with tongues but rather that you prophesied it'd be great if you all spake with tongues but you know I'd rather have that you prophesied for greater is he that prophesy it then he that speaketh with tongues and this is what the Pentecostal don't understand and the guy that I would bring up my story didn't understand he's so focused on why do you speak with tongues look I'm prophesying to you right now about Christ about eternal life about putting your faith in Jesus Christ completely and once you're saved man you are saved forever it's eternal it's eternal life believe the record that God gave of his son that's way more important than you're speaking with other tongues I would they all spake with tongues but rather you prophesied for greater see that prophesied than he that speaketh with tongues except he interprets that the church may receive edification the whole point it's about what you're saying not how you're saying it that matters I could preach a sermon well I don't even know if I could I would say I could preach a sermon in Spanish right that's the only other language that I really know but I don't know it that great some of you know I could preach the gospel in Spanish but if people don't understand Spanish which I know some people here do it's not going to do anyone any good right there's gonna be a few people here that would be edified maybe by some of the things I had to say in Spanish those that understood it no one else would would be edified by it and what would be the point of that often times people like to exalt themselves and their own knowledge of all those and this is what happens with the turn to the Greek crowd and turn to the Hebrew crowd well look I mean you don't really know what this says because let me tell you what it really means and another look the English Bible is good enough for those that speak English the Holy Ghost already did its work through the translation we don't need to have this extra context and usually it's from people who don't know the language themselves anyways they read commentaries and dictionaries and other things and try to tell you that there's this other meaning and they can't have any conversation with you in Greek or in Hebrew watch out for those guys too because you know you're gonna find from people who are fluent those languages oh yeah it says the same thing means the same thing do you tell me about the agape love that I gotta have well you just have a flail love you're probably not even pronouncing that right I'm probably not pronouncing that right I did a whole I did a whole sermon I know that got me a flail because it's so dumb and I mean that if you're trying to apply it now look I said I don't speak Greek or Hebrew I don't I do speak another language I understand how languages work I actually write in programming languages too which are very similar to human human languages there is grammar there is function functionality to every language there's rules understanding that and and what's behind the scenes you can't always apply the same rules in one language to another they don't work the same way you have to learn the rules of each language right and what people will do that don't understand another language will try to just force their English rules on what they're reading in another language you can't do that I mean you have different orders of words I mean in you know in Spanish the big thing is in this this drives the liberals nuts these days you know masculine feminine words which we don't really have in English there's there's all kinds of different rules there's verb going in different order right the the whole the sentence structure is different where am I going with this going back to the Greek going back to these agape and filet-o right so they try to they try to put their their understanding on it well if you use that same language logically tries and they always turn to was it John when when Peter is is when Jesus is speaking to Peter he's saying you know love us all me more than these Peter you know he says Lord you know that I love thee feed my sheep right and he says three times because Peter denied him three times so he's questioning his love for him three times right but then when you look at the Greek it's saying oh well here he used this this and then it says he got upset after he used agape or whatever right like however they say it I forget which one means which according to them because they're interchangeably used in Scripture even though there's two different words they're synonyms if you apply the same logic that these preachers are trying to apply on that trying to give you this extra hidden meaning and you actually look through all the references it becomes ridiculous and I mean it's ridiculous because then you'll start to notice hey in this gospel and in this gospel Jesus saying the same thing it's the same thing in English but then he's using a different word one here and one there well how could that be if this one means something different than this the the the Pharisees you know agape their their chief room that feasts and stuff and this is supposed to be that that that like look it's crazy and I did a whole sermon at the whole point is you don't need to go back to these other languages to understand what the English language says because if you read that passage it lets you understand why Peter was so upset it says because he said unto him the third time love is thou me more than these so if you just spend your time more time reading the English book Bible you could understand what it's why he's upset instead of trying to conjure up a different reason why he's upset by going to the Greek no he's upset because he said unto him the third time if he was saying something different unto him then it wouldn't be the third time it would be only be the first time it has to line up it has to mean so as it makes sense don't just repeat things you hear from other people that want to make themselves sound smart they're not smart you don't need to meddle with the Word of God and go back and you know look you want to understand Greek great then learn Greek you're gonna find out at the end of that road that you're not gonna understand more than what the English Bible says anyways that's a whole nother let's get into 1st Kings chapter 19 flip over there it's the last place we'll we'll look at this morning and I rattle off a whole bunch of verses the whole point of that was to show you that God when people are filled with the Holy Spirit they speak the Word of God God wants you speaking the Word of God that's one of the primary minute missions of the Holy Ghost is to help you with the Word of God not just understanding but to speak the Word of God when people are filled with the Holy Ghost filled the Holy Spirit of God you're gonna be speaking the Word of God with all boldness just as second Peter 1 21 says for the prophecy came out in old time of by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost turn to 1st Kings 19 because this is the reference for I don't know how many times I've heard people talk about this the still small voice you gotta listen to that still small voice you gotta listen brother you want you want the Holy Spirit talk to you listen for that still small voice I've heard it over and over and over again but you know I've never heard a voice still never heard a voice in my head telling me to do anything and hopefully you see that as a good thing you might start the question my sanity if I was telling you I'm hearing a bunch of voices now I do want to be clear about this because I am I'm joking about that because I think it's mock-worthy but at the same time there is an unction there is a guiding of the Holy Spirit of bringing those verses to your mind of bringing the Word of God to your mind and helping you in a way supernaturally being with you and here's the best way that I could describe this is you know I know there's been times where I felt that I've been led to do certain things especially and particularly when giving the gospel to someone you're going about and we had that soul winning challenge in June where the challenge was to attempt to give the gospel at least one person every single day but even outside of that challenge there's been plenty of times you're going about you're doing things you see someone standing there and you just have that thought you know I should go over there and give that person the gospel I think that's a way that the Holy Ghost leads you it's not another voice saying go preach the gospel to that person like an audible voice but it's a thought that's brought to your remembrance of the importance of the gospel of preaching you know that I do believe the Holy Ghost works in our way to do those things right now if some people say the Holy Ghost speaks to me and they're referring to having events like that that's fine you know I'm not gonna take part but I just we want to be very careful that we're not talking about these extra words and things being brought up like like oh well God told me to do this and people get very solid on saying things like that I literally I went to I went to a funeral real sad you know a younger man took his own life and the pastor of that church was talking to his son and said you know God told me last night to tell you that you know it's like and then when he starts saying it was not in the Bible at all if God's gonna tell you to say something he's gonna I mean he's he's already said it it's got you don't want to use God's name in vain or in saying that like a scribe something that God said when God didn't say we read the book of Jeremiah and how God feels about these prophets that say oh thus saith the Lord when the Lord hath not said people do it all the time and one of the ways people do that is by using this mysticism over the Holy Ghost and trying to convince people into thinking oh well if the Holy I mean God must be telling you said like how could you prove that God's not telling you something well I heard it no you didn't well you know I mean that's that's where you end up with with people are saying well God told me to do this other than just going well you know what that's not in the Bible and we have God's Word here so if God told you to do that show me where God tells us to do that in here because if you can't find it here then I'm not believing you at all you're telling me here in voices then I'm really gonna be suspect suspect or the suss I gotta get with it I gotta get with the lingo man I'm getting way too old I have no idea what's going on with the way people talk these days but let's look at the context of that still small voice right first Kings 19 this is where it comes from verse number 9 is Elijah man of God and he came thither unto a cave and lodge there and behold the word of the Lord came to him and he said unto him what doest thou hear Elijah and he said I have been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts for the children of Israel forsaken that covenant thrown down thine altars and slain thy prophets with the sword and I even I only am left and they seek my life to take it away and he said go forth and stand upon the mount before the Lord and behold the Lord passed by and a great and strong wind rent the mountains and break in pieces the rocks before the Lord but the Lord was not in the wind and after the wind and earthquake but the Lord was not in the earthquake and after the earthquake of fire but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire a still small voice and it was so when Elijah heard it that he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entering of the cave and behold there came a voice unto him and said what doest thou hear Elijah and notice a voice asks the same exact question that he was already asked of a few verses earlier why are you here it's the same message it's the same thing and how did that voice come it was preceded with some pretty significant events a wind rent the mountains rent means it's breaking like the mountains are starting to crumble because of the wind and break in pieces the rocks before the Lord and then an earthquake and then after the earthquake a fire the entrance of the Lord is magnificent and then he hears that voice I'm curious how many people who claim to hear that still small voice oh yeah all this other stuff happened first and then I hear I heard the still small voice too the rocks are breaking and crashing there's fire and earthquakes no no he literally heard a voice ask him a question what are you doing here Elijah and that's the still small voice he heard it the voice of God that's not something that was internal in his head it's a voice he heard the same exact thing people in the Old Testament heard the Word of God and you know just like Moses one of the reasons why he was special is because you know God said you know with some with some people you know some prophets I'm gonna give them visions and dreams and you know kind of give them these understandings not as direct but Moses he's like it's like we're face to face and he's speaking and communing with Moses Moses audibly heard the Lord and men of God in the past all the Lord we don't have that same interaction with God anymore because we have the Holy Ghost indwelling us we don't need that God has already given his word to the prophets to deliver unto the people which we have and God has preserved that word for us thousands of years later we still have the Word of God today and you know what God has completed his word because at the very end of the Bible and Revelation it's it gives us a stern warning to anyone who wants to add to or remove from the words of the prophecy of this book don't add to lest I'll be found a liar right don't remove from those are things that you don't do so God is very serious about about his word and we ought to be serious about the integrity of God's Word too and not just claiming well God told me to this God told me to do that if God told you do something find it here let's talk about my move out here it wasn't an audible voice telling me to move here but all it was is based off of well I see the Great Commission I see that there's a need I see that there's places where people need to hear the gospel and you know what I could have picked a place anywhere and would have been in the will of God if I'm preaching the Word of God and doing the things that the Bible says I'm supposed to be doing the location itself not nearly as important now I do think God still guided me here and opened up doors and made a path of least resistance for me to be able to get here particularly but there was no voice there is no audible voice coming through that's not the way the Holy Spirit works don't listen to people who don't understand salvation and don't believe in eternal life because they are not gonna be able to teach you scripture it's the same reason why we don't go to the Jews to learn the Bible either people who reject Christ yeah I don't need them to help me understand the Word of God it's a book that's spiritually discerned spotlights that word of prayer dear Heavenly Father Lord we thank you so much for giving us the gift of the Holy Ghost for the indwelling and I pray that you would please help us to be sensitive and open to the leading of the Holy of the Holy Ghost and the teaching dear Lord pray to please help us to have verses brought to remembrance in our daily lives especially when we go out and go preach the gospel dear Lord help us to be able to reference passages that would help those that we go to speak to help them understand the verses that will cut through to their heart and to their soul dear Lord and be able to help them to understand and Lord just in general in our own lives for decisions that we need to make and in various situations that might come up help us to remember put to bring the remembrance your word so that could help guide us into making wise choices that we wouldn't end up being foolish Lord we love you it's in Jesus name we pray amen all right we're gonna sing one last song before we're dismissed brother Peter you please lead us song number 347 tell me now so 347 on the first tell me now Jesus come and fail me now Come, O come, and fill me now, fill me now, fill me now. Jesus, come and fill me now, fill me with thy hallowed presence. Come, O come, and fill me now, I am weakness, full of weakness. At thy sacred feet I bow, blessed, divine, eternal Spirit. Fill with power and fill me now, fill me now, fill me now. Jesus, come and fill me now, fill me with thy hallowed presence. Come, O come, and fill me now. On the last, cleanse and comfort, bless and save me. Bathe, obey my heart and crown, thou art comforting and saving. Thou art sleeping, fill me now, fill me now, fill me now. Jesus, come and fill me now, fill me with thy hallowed presence. Come, O come, and fill me now.